[go] Multiple values in single-value context

Due to error handling in Go, I often end up with multiple values functions. So far, the way I have managed this has been very messy and I am looking for best practices to write cleaner code.

Let's say I have the following function:

type Item struct {
   Value int
   Name string

func Get(value int) (Item, error) {
  // some code

  return item, nil

How can I assign a new variable to item.Value elegantly. Before introducing the error handling, my function just returned item and I could simply do this:

val := Get(1).Value

Now I do this:

item, _ := Get(1)
val := item.Value

Isn't there a way to access directly the first returned variable?

The answer is

How about this way?

package main

import (

type Item struct {
    Value int
    Name string

var items []Item = []Item{{Value:0, Name:"zero"}, 
                        {Value:1, Name:"one"}, 
                        {Value:2, Name:"two"}}

func main() {
    var err error
    v := Get(3, &err).Value
    if err != nil {


func Get(value int, err *error) Item {
    if value > (len(items) - 1) {
        *err = errors.New("error")
        return Item{}
    } else {
        return items[value]

No, you cannot directly access the first value.

I suppose a hack for this would be to return an array of values instead of "item" and "err", and then just do item, _ := Get(1)[0] but I would not recommend this.

No, but that is a good thing since you should always handle your errors.

There are techniques that you can employ to defer error handling, see Errors are values by Rob Pike.

ew := &errWriter{w: fd}
// and so on
if ew.err != nil {
    return ew.err

In this example from the blog post he illustrates how you could create an errWriter type that defers error handling till you are done calling write.

Here's a generic helper function with assumption checking:

func assumeNoError(value interface{}, err error) interface{} {
    if err != nil {
        panic("error encountered when none assumed:" + err.Error())
    return value

Since this returns as an interface{}, you'll generally need to cast it back to your function's return type.

For example, the OP's example called Get(1), which returns (Item, error).

item := assumeNoError(Get(1)).(Item)

The trick that makes this possible: Multi-values returned from one function call can be passed in as multi-variable arguments to another function.

As a special case, if the return values of a function or method g are equal in number and individually assignable to the parameters of another function or method f, then the call f(g(parameters_of_g)) will invoke f after binding the return values of g to the parameters of f in order.

This answer borrows heavily from existing answers, but none had provided a simple, generic solution of this form.

Yes, there is.

Surprising, huh? You can get a specific value from a multiple return using a simple mute function:

package main

import "fmt"
import "strings"

func µ(a ...interface{}) []interface{} {
    return a

type A struct {
    B string
    C func()(string)

func main() {
    a := A {

    fmt.Printf ("%s says %s\n", a.B, a.C())

func E() (bool, string) {
    return false, "F"

func G() (func()(string), bool) {
    return func() string { return "Hello" }, true


Notice how you select the value number just like you would from a slice/array and then the type to get the actual value.

You can read more about the science behind that from this article. Credits to the author.

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Multiple values in single-value context