[swift] What does "Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value" mean?

Since the above answers clearly explains how to play safely with Optionals. I will try explain what Optionals are really in swift.

Another way to declare an optional variable is

var i : Optional<Int>

And Optional type is nothing but an enumeration with two cases, i.e

 enum Optional<Wrapped> : ExpressibleByNilLiteral {
    case none 
    case some(Wrapped)

So to assign a nil to our variable 'i'. We can do var i = Optional<Int>.none or to assign a value, we will pass some value var i = Optional<Int>.some(28)

According to swift, 'nil' is the absence of value. And to create an instance initialized with nil We have to conform to a protocol called ExpressibleByNilLiteral and great if you guessed it, only Optionals conform to ExpressibleByNilLiteral and conforming to other types is discouraged.

ExpressibleByNilLiteral has a single method called init(nilLiteral:) which initializes an instace with nil. You usually wont call this method and according to swift documentation it is discouraged to call this initializer directly as the compiler calls it whenever you initialize an Optional type with nil literal.

Even myself has to wrap (no pun intended) my head around Optionals :D Happy Swfting All.

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