[c#] How do I sort an observable collection?

Alright, since I was having issues getting ObservableSortedList to work with XAML, I went ahead and created SortingObservableCollection. It inherits from ObservableCollection, so it works with XAML and I've unit tested it to 98% code coverage. I've used it in my own apps, but I won't promise that it is bug free. Feel free to contribute. Here is sample code usage:

var collection = new SortingObservableCollection<MyViewModel, int>(Comparer<int>.Default, model => model.IntPropertyToSortOn);

collection.Add(new MyViewModel(3));
collection.Add(new MyViewModel(1));
collection.Add(new MyViewModel(2));
// At this point, the order is 1, 2, 3
collection[0].IntPropertyToSortOn = 4; // As long as IntPropertyToSortOn uses INotifyPropertyChanged, this will cause the collection to resort correctly

It's a PCL, so it should work with Windows Store, Windows Phone, and .NET 4.5.1.

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