Programs & Examples On #Fopen

fopen opens a file resource, in order to read, write or append content to it.

Difference between r+ and w+ in fopen()

This diagram will be faster to read next time. Maybe someone else will find that helpful too. This is clearly explained the difference between. enter image description here

fopen deprecated warning

This is just Microsoft being cheeky. "Deprecated" implies a language feature that may not be provided in future versions of the standard language / standard libraries, as decreed by the standards committee. It does not, or should not mean, "we, unilaterally, don't think you should use it", no matter how well-founded that advice is.

PHP fopen() Error: failed to open stream: Permission denied

[function.fopen]: failed to open stream

If you have access to your php.ini file, try enabling Fopen. Find the respective line and set it to be "on": & if in wp e.g localhost/wordpress/function.fopen in the php.ini :

allow_url_fopen = off
should bee this 
allow_url_fopen = On

And add this line below it:
allow_url_include = off
should bee this 
allow_url_include = on

Unable to open a file with fopen()

Try using an absolute path for the filename. And if you are using Windows, use getlasterror() to see the actual error message.

Getting an error "fopen': This function or variable may be unsafe." when compling

This is not an error, it is a warning from your Microsoft compiler.

Select your project and click "Properties" in the context menu.

In the dialog, chose Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor

In the field PreprocessorDefinitions add ;_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS to turn those warnings off.

PHP php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known

What had caused this error on my side was the following line

include_once dirname(__FILE__) . './Config.php';

I managed to realize it was the culprit when i added the lines:

//error_reporting(E_ALL | E_DEPRECATED | E_STRICT);
//ini_set('display_errors', 1);

to all my php files.

To solve the path issue i canged the offending line to:

include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/Config.php';

Create a file if one doesn't exist - C

If fptr is NULL, then you don't have an open file. Therefore, you can't freopen it, you should just fopen it.

FILE *fptr;
fptr = fopen("scores.dat", "rb+");
if(fptr == NULL) //if file does not exist, create it
    fptr = fopen("scores.dat", "wb");

note: Since the behavior of your program varies depending on whether the file is opened in read or write modes, you most probably also need to keep a variable indicating which is the case.

A complete example

int main()
    FILE *fptr;
    char there_was_error = 0;
    char opened_in_read  = 1;
    fptr = fopen("scores.dat", "rb+");
    if(fptr == NULL) //if file does not exist, create it
        opened_in_read = 0;
        fptr = fopen("scores.dat", "wb");
        if (fptr == NULL)
            there_was_error = 1;
    if (there_was_error)
        printf("Disc full or no permission\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if (opened_in_read)
        printf("The file is opened in read mode."
               " Let's read some cached data\n");
        printf("The file is opened in write mode."
               " Let's do some processing and cache the results\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Writing a new line to file in PHP (line feed)

You can also use file_put_contents():

file_put_contents('ids.txt', implode("\n", $gemList) . "\n", FILE_APPEND);

C fopen vs open

open() is a low-level os call. fdopen() converts an os-level file descriptor to the higher-level FILE-abstraction of the C language. fopen() calls open() in the background and gives you a FILE-pointer directly.

There are several advantages to using FILE-objects rather raw file descriptors, which includes greater ease of usage but also other technical advantages such as built-in buffering. Especially the buffering generally results in a sizeable performance advantage.

PHP - Failed to open stream : No such file or directory

The following PHP settings in php.ini if set to non-existent directory can also raise

PHP Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line 0


Generate SQL Create Scripts for existing tables with Query

Use the SSMS, easiest way You can configure options for it as well (eg collation, syntax, drop...create)

Otherwise, SSMS Tools Pack, or DbFriend on CodePlex can help you generate scripts

TypeError: 'dict_keys' object does not support indexing

Convert an iterable to a list may have a cost. Instead, to get the the first item, you can use:


Or, if you want to iterate over all items, you can use:

items = iter(keys)
while True:
        item = next(items)
    except StopIteration as e:
        pass # finish

Row numbers in query result using Microsoft Access

I might be late. Simply add a new field ID in the table with type AutoNumber. This will generate unique IDs and can utilize in Access too

Calling virtual functions inside constructors

During the object's constructor call the virtual function pointer table is not completely built. Doing this will usually not give you the behavior you expect. Calling a virtual function in this situation may work but is not guaranteed and should be avoided to be portable and follow the C++ standard.

How to define object in array in Mongoose schema correctly with 2d geo index

You can declare trk by the following ways : - either

trk : [{
    lat : String,
    lng : String


trk : { type : Array , "default" : [] }

In the second case during insertion make the object and push it into the array like

db.update({'Searching criteria goes here'},
 $push : {
    trk :  {
             "lat": 50.3293714,
             "lng": 6.9389939
           } //inserted data is the object to be inserted 

or you can set the Array of object by

db.update ({'seraching criteria goes here ' },
 $set : {
          trk : [ {
                     "lat": 50.3293714,
                     "lng": 6.9389939
                     "lat": 50.3293284,
                     "lng": 6.9389634
               ]//'inserted Array containing the list of object'

How to update RecyclerView Adapter Data?

Another option is to use diffutil . It will compare the original list against the new list and use the new list as the update if there is a change.

Basically, we can use DiffUtil to compare the old data vs new data and let it call notifyItemRangeRemoved, and notifyItemRangeChanged and notifyItemRangeInserted on your behalf.

A quick example of using diffUtil instead of notifyDataSetChanged:

DiffResult diffResult = DiffUtil
                .calculateDiff(new MyDiffUtilCB(getItems(), items));

//any clear up on memory here and then

//and then, if necessary

I do the calculateDiff work off the main thread in case it's a big list.

How do I programmatically get the GUID of an application in .NET 2.0

Try the following code. The value you are looking for is stored on a GuidAttribute instance attached to the Assembly

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

static void Main(string[] args)
    var assembly = typeof(Program).Assembly;
    var attribute = (GuidAttribute)assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(GuidAttribute),true)[0];
    var id = attribute.Value;

How To Launch Git Bash from DOS Command Line?

The answer by Endoro has aged and I'm unable to comment;

# if you want to launch from a batch file or the command line:

start "" "%ProgramFiles%\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login

What's the difference between Unicode and UTF-8?

As Rasmus states in his article "The difference between UTF-8 and Unicode?":

If asked the question, "What is the difference between UTF-8 and Unicode?", would you confidently reply with a short and precise answer? In these days of internationalization all developers should be able to do that. I suspect many of us do not understand these concepts as well as we should. If you feel you belong to this group, you should read this ultra short introduction to character sets and encodings.

Actually, comparing UTF-8 and Unicode is like comparing apples and oranges:

UTF-8 is an encoding - Unicode is a character set

A character set is a list of characters with unique numbers (these numbers are sometimes referred to as "code points"). For example, in the Unicode character set, the number for A is 41.

An encoding on the other hand, is an algorithm that translates a list of numbers to binary so it can be stored on disk. For example UTF-8 would translate the number sequence 1, 2, 3, 4 like this:

00000001 00000010 00000011 00000100 

Our data is now translated into binary and can now be saved to disk.

All together now

Say an application reads the following from the disk:

1101000 1100101 1101100 1101100 1101111 

The app knows this data represent a Unicode string encoded with UTF-8 and must show this as text to the user. First step, is to convert the binary data to numbers. The app uses the UTF-8 algorithm to decode the data. In this case, the decoder returns this:

104 101 108 108 111 

Since the app knows this is a Unicode string, it can assume each number represents a character. We use the Unicode character set to translate each number to a corresponding character. The resulting string is "hello".


So when somebody asks you "What is the difference between UTF-8 and Unicode?", you can now confidently answer short and precise:

UTF-8 (Unicode Transformation Format) and Unicode cannot be compared. UTF-8 is an encoding used to translate numbers into binary data. Unicode is a character set used to translate characters into numbers.

How do I set the background color of Excel cells using VBA?

You can use either:

ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 28


ActiveCell.Interior.Color = RGB(255,0,0)

Create table using Javascript

Slightly shorter code using insertRow and insertCell:

function tableCreate(){_x000D_
    var body = document.body,_x000D_
        tbl  = document.createElement('table');_x000D_  = '100px';_x000D_ = '1px solid black';_x000D_
    for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++){_x000D_
        var tr = tbl.insertRow();_x000D_
        for(var j = 0; j < 2; j++){_x000D_
            if(i == 2 && j == 1){_x000D_
            } else {_x000D_
                var td = tr.insertCell();_x000D_
       = '1px solid black';_x000D_
                if(i == 1 && j == 1){_x000D_
                    td.setAttribute('rowSpan', '2');_x000D_

Also, this doesn't use some "bad practices", such as setting a border attribute instead of using CSS, and it accesses the body through document.body instead of document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];

How a thread should close itself in Java?

Thread is a class, not an instance; currentThread() is a static method that returns the Thread instance corresponding to the calling thread.

Use (2). interrupt() is a bit brutal for normal use.

Bootstrap NavBar with left, center or right aligned items

This is a dated question but I found an alternate solution to share right from the bootstrap github page. The documentation has not been updated and there are other questions on SO asking for the same solution albeit on slightly different questions. This solution is not specific to your case but as you can see the solution is the <div class="container"> right after <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top"> but can also be replaced with <div class="container-fluid" as needed.

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <title>Navbar right padding broken </title>
  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />

  <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top">
    <div class="container">
      <div class="navbar-header">
        <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-ex1-collapse">
          <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
          <span class="icon-bar"></span>
          <span class="icon-bar"></span>
          <span class="icon-bar"></span>
        <a href="#/" class="navbar-brand">Hello</a>
      <div class="collapse navbar-collapse navbar-ex1-collapse">

        <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
            <div class="btn-group navbar-btn" role="group" aria-label="...">
              <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalLogin">Se connecter</button>
              <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#modalSignin">Créer un compte</button>


The solution was found on a fiddle on this page:

and is listed as a won't fix in V3.

Jquery Ajax beforeSend and success,error & complete

It's actually much easier with jQuery's promise API:

            type: "GET",
            url: requestURL,
        ).then((success) =>
        ).failure((failureResponse) =>

Alternatively, you can pass in of bind functions to each result callback; the order of parameters is: (success, failure). So long as you specify a function with at least 1 parameter, you get access to the response. So, for example, if you wanted to check the response text, you could simply do:

            type: "GET",
            url: @get("url") + "logout",
            beforeSend: (xhr) -> xhr.setRequestHeader("token", currentToken)
        ).failure((response) -> console.log "Request was unauthorized" if response.status is 401

Save base64 string as PDF at client side with JavaScript

I know this question is old, but also wanted to accomplish this and came across it while looking. For internet explorer I used code from here to save a Blob. To create a blob from the base64 string there were many results on this site, so its not my code I just can't remember the specific source:

function b64toBlob(b64Data, contentType) {
    contentType = contentType || '';
    var sliceSize = 512;
    b64Data = b64Data.replace(/^[^,]+,/, '');
    b64Data = b64Data.replace(/\s/g, '');
    var byteCharacters = window.atob(b64Data);
    var byteArrays = [];

    for (var offset = 0; offset < byteCharacters.length; offset += sliceSize) {
        var slice = byteCharacters.slice(offset, offset + sliceSize);

        var byteNumbers = new Array(slice.length);
        for (var i = 0; i < slice.length; i++) {
            byteNumbers[i] = slice.charCodeAt(i);

        var byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers);


    var blob = new Blob(byteArrays, {type: contentType});
    return blob;

Using the linked filesaver:

if (window.saveAs) { window.saveAs(blob, name); }
    else { navigator.saveBlob(blob, name); }

How to convert date format to milliseconds?

beginupd.getTime() will give you time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT till the time you have specified in Date object

Get time in milliseconds using C#

long milliseconds = DateTime.Now.Ticks / TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond;

This is actually how the various Unix conversion methods are implemented in the DateTimeOffset class (.NET Framework 4.6+, .NET Standard 1.3+):

long milliseconds = DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds();

How to access Spring MVC model object in javascript file?

Another solution could be using in JSP: <input type="hidden" id="jsonBom" value='${jsonBom}'/>

and getting the value in Javascript with jQuery:

var jsonBom = $('#jsonBom').val();

How can I make a ComboBox non-editable in .NET?

To add a Visual Studio GUI reference, you can find the DropDownStyle options under the Properties of the selected ComboBox:

enter image description here

Which will automatically add the line mentioned in the first answer to the Form.Designer.cs InitializeComponent(), like so:

this.comboBoxBatch.DropDownStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;

Unit Tests not discovered in Visual Studio 2017

In my case, it was a project I had upgraded the test project from an earlier .NET version. in the app.config I had assemblybindings to previous versions of the dependant assemblies.

After fixing the assembnlybindings in the app.config, my tests got discovered.

How to empty (clear) the logcat buffer in Android

I give my solution for Mac:

  1. With your device connected to the USB port, open a terminal and go to the adb folder.
  2. Write: ./adb devices
  3. The terminal will show something like this: List of devices attached 36ac5997 device
  4. Take note of the serial number (36ac5997)
  5. Write: ./adb -s 36ac5997 to connect to the device
  6. Write: ./adb logcat

If at any time you want to clear the log, type ./adb logcat -c

Multiprocessing: How to use on a function defined in a class?

I know this was asked over 6 years ago now, but just wanted to add my solution, as some of the suggestions above seem horribly complicated, but my solution was actually very simple.

All I had to do was wrap the call to a helper function. Passing the class object along with args for the method as a tuple, which looked a bit like this.

def run_in_parallel(args):
    return args[0].method(args[1])

myclass = MyClass()
method_args = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
args_map = [ (myclass, arg) for arg in method_args ]
pool = Pool(), args_map)

How do I find numeric columns in Pandas?

You can use the undocumented function _get_numeric_data() to filter only numeric columns:



In [32]: data
   A  B
0  1  s
1  2  s
2  3  s
3  4  s

In [33]: data._get_numeric_data()
0  1
1  2
2  3
3  4

Note that this is a "private method" (i.e., an implementation detail) and is subject to change or total removal in the future. Use with caution.

Scanner only reads first word instead of line

Replace next() with nextLine():

String productDescription = input.nextLine();

How to secure the ASP.NET_SessionId cookie?

Found that setting the secure property in Session_Start is sufficient, as recommended in MSDN blog "Securing Session ID: ASP/ASP.NET" with some augmentation.

    protected void Session_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        SessionStateSection sessionState = 
        string sidCookieName = sessionState.CookieName;

        if (Request.Cookies[sidCookieName] != null)
            HttpCookie sidCookie = Response.Cookies[sidCookieName];
            sidCookie.Value = Session.SessionID;
            sidCookie.HttpOnly = true;
            sidCookie.Secure = true;
            sidCookie.Path = "/";

How to use the read command in Bash?

I really only use read with "while" and a do loop:

echo "This is NOT a test." | while read -r a b c theRest; do  
echo "$a" "$b" "$theRest"; done  

This is a test.
For what it's worth, I have seen the recommendation to always use -r with the read command in bash.

How to match "any character" in regular expression?

Try the regex .{3,}. This will match all characters except a new line.

phonegap open link in browser

As suggested in a similar question, use JavaScript to call with the target argument set to _system, as per the InAppBrowser documentation:

<a href="#" onclick="'', '_system'); return false;"></a>

This should work, though a better and more flexible solution would be to intercept all links' click events, and call with arguments read from the link's attributes.

Remember you must install the InAppBrowser plugin for this to work:

cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser

What is the difference between GitHub and gist?

You can access Gist by visiting the following url Alternatively you can access it from within your Github account (after logging in) as shown in the picture below:

how to access gist from within the github console


Github: A hosting service that houses a web-based git repository. It includes all the fucntionality of git with additional features added in.


Gist: Is an additional feature added to github to allow the sharing of code snippets, notes, to do lists and more. You can save your Gists as secret or public. Secret Gists are hidden from search engines but visible to anyone you share the url with.

For example. If you wanted to write a private to-do list. You could write one using Github Markdown as follows:

how to write a private to do list

NB: It is important to preserve the whitespace as shown above between the dash and brackets. It is also important that you save the file with the extension .md because we want the markdown to format properly. Remember to save this Gist as secret if you do not want others to see it.


The end result looks like the image below. The checkboxes are clickable because we saved this Gist with the extension .md

What the to do list looks like if you have formatted it properly

NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.util.ArrayList.size()' on a null object reference


 mAdapter = new RecordingsListAdapter(this, recordings);


 mAdapter = new RecordingsListAdapter(getActivity(), recordings);

and also make sure that recordings!=null at mAdapter = new RecordingsListAdapter(this, recordings);

Inserting into Oracle and retrieving the generated sequence ID

Doing it as a stored procedure does have lot of advantages. You can get the sequence that is inserted into the table using syntax insert into table_name values returning.


some_seq_val  number;
lv_seq        number;
some_seq_val := your_seq.nextval;
insert into your_tab (col1, col2, col3) 
values (some_seq_val, val2, val3) returning some_seq_val into lv_seq;

dbms_output.put_line('The inserted sequence is: '||to_char(lv_seq));

Or just return some_seq_val. In case you are not making use of SEQUENCE, and arriving the sequence on some calculation, you can make use of returning into effectively.

jQuery find events handlers registered with an object

For jQuery 1.8+, this will no longer work because the internal data is placed in a different object.

The latest unofficial (but works in previous versions as well, at least in 1.7.2) way of doing it now is - $._data(element, "events")

The underscore ("_") is what makes the difference here. Internally, it is calling $.data(element, name, null, true), the last (fourth) parameter is an internal one ("pvt").

How to remove title bar from the android activity?

You just add following lines of code in style.xml file

<style name="AppTheme.NoTitleBar" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
<item name="windowActionBar">false</item>
<item name="windowNoTitle">true</item>
<item name="android:windowFullscreen">true</item>

change apptheme in AndroidManifest.xml file


What is the "-->" operator in C/C++?

This is exactly the same as

while (x--)
   printf("%d ", x);

for non-negative numbers

How can I change the date format in Java?

This is just Christopher Parker's answer adapted to use the new1 classes from Java 8:

final DateTimeFormatter OLD_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy");
final DateTimeFormatter NEW_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy/MM/dd");

String oldString = "26/07/2017";
LocalDate date = LocalDate.parse(oldString, OLD_FORMATTER);
String newString = date.format(NEW_FORMATTER);

1 well, not that new anymore, Java 9 should be released soon.

AngularJS + JQuery : How to get dynamic content working in angularjs

Addition to @jwize's answer

Because angular.element(document).injector() was giving error injector is not defined So, I have created function that you can run after AJAX call or when DOM is changed using jQuery.

  function compileAngularElement( elSelector) {

        var elSelector = (typeof elSelector == 'string') ? elSelector : null ;  
            // The new element to be added
        if (elSelector != null ) {
            var $div = $( elSelector );

                // The parent of the new element
                var $target = $("[ng-app]");

              angular.element($target).injector().invoke(['$compile', function ($compile) {
                        var $scope = angular.element($target).scope();
                        // Finally, refresh the watch expressions in the new element


use it by passing just new element's selector. like this

compileAngularElement( '.user' ) ; 

How to change text color of cmd with windows batch script every 1 second

This should fit the bill. Sounds like a super-annoying thing to have going on, but there you have it:

@echo off
set NUM=0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
for %%x in (%NUM%) do ( 
    for %%y in (%NUM%) do (
        color %%x%%y
        timeout 1 >nul

AVD Manager - Cannot Create Android Virtual Device

I had the same problem but now I got it: Check which API you are selecting and for that API version is CPU/ABI available or not. If it's available then your work is done. Select the device according to the windows supporting it.

Read a variable in bash with a default value

read -e -p "Enter Your Name:" -i "Ricardo" NAME

echo $NAME

How to use range-based for() loop with std::map?

From this paper:

for( type-speci?er-seq simple-declarator : expression ) statement

is syntactically equivalent to

    typedef decltype(expression) C;
    auto&& rng(expression);
    for (auto begin(std::For<C>::begin(rng)), end(std::For<C>::end(rng)); begin != end; ++ begin) {
        type-speci?er-seq simple-declarator(*begin);

So you can clearly see that what is abc in your case will be std::pair<key_type, value_type >. So for printing you can do access each element by abc.first and abc.second

How do I read the file content from the Internal storage - Android App

For others looking for an answer to why a file is not readable especially on a sdcard, write the file like this first.. Notice the MODE_WORLD_READABLE

try {
            FileOutputStream fos = Main.this.openFileOutput("exported_data.csv", MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
            File file = Main.this.getFileStreamPath("exported_data.csv");
            return file.getAbsolutePath();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

best way to preserve numpy arrays on disk

The lookup time is slow because when you use mmap to does not load content of array to memory when you invoke load method. Data is lazy loaded when particular data is needed. And this happens in lookup in your case. But second lookup won`t be so slow.

This is nice feature of mmap when you have a big array you do not have to load whole data into memory.

To solve your can use joblib you can dump any object you want using joblib.dump even two or more numpy arrays, see the example

firstArray = np.arange(100)
secondArray = np.arange(50)
# I will put two arrays in dictionary and save to one file
my_dict = {'first' : firstArray, 'second' : secondArray}
joblib.dump(my_dict, 'file_name.dat')

How do you get the length of a string?

A somewhat important distinction is if the element is an input or not. If an input you can use:


otherwise if the element is a different html element like a paragraph or list item div etc, you must use


Where can I find the Tomcat 7 installation folder on Linux AMI in Elastic Beanstalk?

Not sure if this would be helpful. I am using a similar Amazon Linux AMI, which has tomcat7 living under /usr/share/tomcat7.

If tomcat is already running on your machine you can try:

ps -ef | grep tomcat


ps -ef | grep java

to check where it's running from.

PHP Curl UTF-8 Charset

function page_title($val){
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$val);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING , "gzip");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
    $return = curl_exec($ch); 
    $encot = false;
    $charset = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE);

    $html = str_get_html('"'.$return.'"');

    if(strpos($charset,'charset=') !== false) {
        $c = str_replace("text/html; charset=","",$charset);
        $encot = true;
    else {
        $chrst = $lookat->content;
        preg_match('/charset=(.+)/', $chrst, $found);
        $p = trim($found[1]);
        if(!empty($p) && $p != "")
            $c = $p;
            $encot = true;
    $title = $html->find('title')[0]->innertext;
    if($encot == true && $c != 'utf-8' && $c != 'UTF-8') $title = mb_convert_encoding($title,'UTF-8',$c);

    return $title;

Set content of HTML <span> with Javascript

To do it without using a JavaScript library such as jQuery, you'd do it like this:

var span = document.getElementById("myspan"),
    text = document.createTextNode(''+intValue);
span.innerHTML = ''; // clear existing

If you do want to use jQuery, it's just this:


Eclipse JPA Project Change Event Handler (waiting)

I had the same problem and I ended up finding out that this seems to be a known bug in DALI (Eclipse Java Persistence Tools) since at least eclipse 3.8 which could cause the save action in the java editor to be extremly slow.

Since this hasn't been fully resolved in Kepler (20130614-0229) yet and because I don't need JPT/DALI in my eclipse I ended up manually removing the org.eclipse.jpt features and plugins.

What I did was:

1.) exit eclipse

2.) go to my eclipse install directory

cd eclipse

and execute these steps:


mkdir disabled
mkdir disabled/features disabled/plugins

mv plugins/org.eclipse.jpt.* disabled/plugins
mv features/org.eclipse.jpt.* disabled/features


mkdir disabled
mkdir disabled\features 
mkdir disabled\plugins

move plugins\org.eclipse.jpt.* disabled\plugins
for /D /R %D in (features\org.eclipse.jpt.*) do move %D disabled\features

3.) Restart eclipse.

After startup and on first use eclipse may warn you that you need to reconfigure your content-assist. Do this in your preferences dialog.


After uninstalling DALI/JPT my eclipse feels good again. No more blocked UI and waiting for seconds when saving a file.

ggplot with 2 y axes on each side and different scales

Here are my two cents on how to do the transformations for secondary axis. First, you want to couple the the ranges of the primary and secondary data. This is usually messy in terms of polluting your global environment with variables you don't want.

To make this easier, we'll make a function factory that produces two functions, wherein scales::rescale() does all the heavy lifting. Because these are closures, they are aware of the environment in which they were created, so they 'have a memory' of the to and from parameters generated before creation.

  • One functions does the forward transformation: transforms the secondary data to the primary scale.
  • The second function does the reverse transformation: transforms data in primary units to secondary units.

# Function factory for secondary axis transforms
train_sec <- function(primary, secondary) {
  from <- range(secondary)
  to   <- range(primary)
  # Forward transform for the data
  forward <- function(x) {
    rescale(x, from = from, to = to)
  # Reverse transform for the secondary axis
  reverse <- function(x) {
    rescale(x, from = to, to = from)
  list(fwd = forward, rev = reverse)

This seems all rather complicated, but making the function factory makes all the rest easier. Now, before we make a plot, we'll produce the relevant functions by showing the factory the primary and secondary data. We'll use the economics dataset which has very different ranges for the unemploy and psavert columns.

sec <- with(economics, train_sec(unemploy, psavert))

Then we use y = sec$fwd(psavert) to rescale the secondary data to primary axis, and specify ~ sec$rev(.) as the transformation argument to the secondary axis. This gives us a plot where the primary and secondary ranges occupy the same space on the plot.

ggplot(economics, aes(date)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = unemploy), colour = "blue") +
  geom_line(aes(y = sec$fwd(psavert)), colour = "red") +
  scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~sec$rev(.), name = "psavert"))

The factory is slightly more flexible than that, because if you simply want to rescale the maximum, you can pass in data that has the lower limit at 0.

# Rescaling the maximum
sec <- with(economics, train_sec(c(0, max(unemploy)),
                                 c(0, max(psavert))))

ggplot(economics, aes(date)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = unemploy), colour = "blue") +
  geom_line(aes(y = sec$fwd(psavert)), colour = "red") +
  scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~sec$rev(.), name = "psavert"))

Created on 2021-02-05 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

I admit the difference in this example is not that very obvious, but if you look closely you can see that the maxima are the same and the red line goes lower than the blue one.

How can I get all the request headers in Django?

This is another way to do it, very similar to Manoj Govindan's answer above:

import re
regex_http_          = re.compile(r'^HTTP_.+$')
regex_content_type   = re.compile(r'^CONTENT_TYPE$')
regex_content_length = re.compile(r'^CONTENT_LENGTH$')

request_headers = {}
for header in request.META:
    if regex_http_.match(header) or regex_content_type.match(header) or regex_content_length.match(header):
        request_headers[header] = request.META[header]

That will also grab the CONTENT_TYPE and CONTENT_LENGTH request headers, along with the HTTP_ ones. request_headers['some_key] == request.META['some_key'].

Modify accordingly if you need to include/omit certain headers. Django lists a bunch, but not all, of them here:

Django's algorithm for request headers:

  1. Replace hyphen - with underscore _
  2. Convert to UPPERCASE.
  3. Prepend HTTP_ to all headers in original request, except for CONTENT_TYPE and CONTENT_LENGTH.

The values of each header should be unmodified.

Inversion of Control vs Dependency Injection

I think the idea can be demonstrated clearly without getting into Object Oriented weeds, which seem to muddle the idea.

// dependency injection
function doSomething(dependency) {
    // do something with your dependency

// in contrast to creating your dependencies yourself
function doSomething() {
    dependency = getDependencySomehow()

// inversion of control
application = makeApp(authenticate, handleRequest, sendResponse)

// in contrast to direct control or a "library" style
application = makeApp()
request = application.getRequest()

if (application.authenticate(request.creds)) {
    response = application.handleRequest(request)

If you tilt your head and squint your eyes, you'll see that DI is a particular implementation of IoC with specific concerns. Instead of injecting models and behaviors into an application framework or higher-order operation, you are injecting variables into a function or object.

how to create virtual host on XAMPP

Simple, You can see the below template and use it accordingly. Its very common to create a virtual host and very simple. Surely below template will work.

<VirtualHost *:8081>
DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/testsite"
ServerName testsite.loc
ServerAlias www.testsite.loc
<Directory "c:/xampp/htdocs/testsite">
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Also for more reference about virtual host please visit this site.


How to remove the default arrow icon from a dropdown list (select element)?

Try This:


<div class="customselect">


.customselect {
    width: 70px;
    overflow: hidden;

.customselect select {
   width: 100px;
   -moz-appearance: none;
   -webkit-appearance: none;
   appearance: none;

using "if" and "else" Stored Procedures MySQL

The problem is you either haven't closed your if or you need an elseif:

create procedure checando(
    in nombrecillo varchar(30),
    in contrilla varchar(30), 
    out resultado int)

    if exists (select * from compas where nombre = nombrecillo and contrasenia = contrilla) then
        set resultado = 0;
    elseif exists (select * from compas where nombre = nombrecillo) then
        set resultado = -1;
        set resultado = -2;
    end if;

Converting unix time into date-time via excel

  • To convert the epoch(Unix-Time) to regular time like for the below timestamp

    Ex: 1517577336206

  • First convert the value with the following function like below

    =LEFT(A1,10) & "." & RIGHT(A1,3)

  • The output will be like below

    Ex: 1517577336.206

  • Now Add the formula like below


  • Now format the cell like below or required format(Custom format)

    m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss.000

Now example time comes like

2/2/2018 13:15:36.206

The three zeros are for milliseconds

How to horizontally center a floating element of a variable width?

for 50% element

width: 50%;
display: block;
float: right;
margin-right: 25%;

Detect WebBrowser complete page loading

I think the DocumentCompleted event will get fired for all child documents that are loaded as well (like JS and CSS, for example). You could look at the WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs in DocumentCompleted and check the Url property and compare that to the Url of the main page.

How to prevent column break within an element?

The accepted answer is now two years old and things appear to have changed.

This article explains the use of the column-break-inside property. I can't say how or why this differs from break-inside, because only the latter appears to be documented in the W3 spec. However, the Chrome and Firefox support the following:

li {

regex to match a single character that is anything but a space

  • \s matches any white-space character
  • \S matches any non-white-space character
  • You can match a space character with just the space character;
  • [^ ] matches anything but a space character.

Pick whichever is most appropriate.

How to render an array of objects in React?

Try this:

class First extends React.Component {
  constructor (props){


  render() {
     const data =[{"name":"test1"},{"name":"test2"}];
    const listItems = => <li key={}>{}</li>;
    return (

How can I make a "color map" plot in matlab?

I also suggest using contourf(Z). For my problem, I wanted to visualize a 3D histogram in 2D, but the contours were too smooth to represent a top view of histogram bars.

So in my case, I prefer to use jucestain's answer. The default shading faceted of pcolor() is more suitable. However, pcolor() does not use the last row and column of the plotted matrix. For this, I used the padarray() function:

pcolor(padarray(Z,[1 1],0,'post'))

Sorry if that is not really related to the original post

How can I read command line parameters from an R script?

Try library(getopt) ... if you want things to be nicer. For example:

spec <- matrix(c(
        'in'     , 'i', 1, "character", "file from fastq-stats -x (required)",
        'gc'     , 'g', 1, "character", "input gc content file (optional)",
        'out'    , 'o', 1, "character", "output filename (optional)",
        'help'   , 'h', 0, "logical",   "this help"

opt = getopt(spec);

if (!is.null(opt$help) || is.null(opt$in)) {
    cat(paste(getopt(spec, usage=T),"\n"));

Count specific character occurrences in a string

    ' Trying to find the amount of "." in the text
    ' if txtName looks like "hi...hi" then intdots will = 3
    Dim test As String = txtName.Text
    Dim intdots As Integer = 0
    For i = 1 To test.Length
        Dim inta As Integer = 0 + 1
        Dim stra As String = test.Substring(inta)
        If stra = "." Then
            intdots = intdots + 1
        End If
    txttest.text = intdots

How to access full source of old commit in BitBucket?

I understand you want to download an older version via the BitBucket web interface without using a Mercurial/Git client.

Check this related question. On the comments, someone says that there is no way to do that. Fortunately, that's not entirely true.

By navigating on BitBucket project pages, I found no link to download an arbitrary version. There are links to download specific tags, in the format:

But by tweaking a bit the url above, changing the tag name by the commit hash, like:

You can actually download a specific version.

As mentioned by Rakka Rage in a comment, replacing .tar.gz by .zip works too.

php, mysql - Too many connections to database error

This can happen due to too many connection same time or many chat at same time. Also it can happen due too many session.

The best way to sort out this issue is restart MySQL.

service mysqld restart


service mysql restart


 /etc/init.d/mysqld restart

Default value of 'boolean' and 'Boolean' in Java

There is no default for Boolean. Boolean must be constructed with a boolean or a String. If the object is unintialized, it would point to null.

The default value of primitive boolean is false.

How do I retrieve an HTML element's actual width and height?

also you can use this code:

var divID = document.getElementById("divid");

var h =;

Change header background color of modal of twitter bootstrap

So, I tried these other ways, but there was a VERY slight irritant and that was if you keep the modal-content border radius, in FF and Chrome, there is a slight bit of white trim showing along the borders, even if you use 5px on the modal-header border radius. (standard modal-content border radius is 6px, so 5px on the modal-header border top radius covers some white).

My solution:

    background-color: #FFFFFF;

    border-radius: 6px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 6px;
    -moz-border-radius: 6px;
    background-color: transparent;

    border-bottom-left-radius: 6px;
    border-bottom-right-radius: 6px;
    -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 6px;
    -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 6px;
    -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 6px;
    -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 6px;

    border-top-left-radius: 6px;
    border-top-right-radius: 6px;
    -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 6px;
    -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 6px;
    -moz-border-radius-topleft: 6px;
    -moz-border-radius-topright: 6px;

!! CAVEAT !!

You must then set the background colors of the modal-header, modal-content, and modal-footer. This is not bad trade-off, because it allows you to do this:

<div class="modal-header bg-primary">

<div class="modal-body bgColorWhite">

<div class="modal-footer bg-info">


Or even better:

<div class="modal-header alert-primary">

How to check if a table contains an element in Lua?

I can't think of another way to compare values, but if you use the element of the set as the key, you can set the value to anything other than nil. Then you get fast lookups without having to search the entire table.

How to run a class from Jar which is not the Main-Class in its Manifest file

Apart from calling java -jar myjar.jar com.mycompany.Myclass, you can also make the main class in your Manifest a Dispatcher class.


public class Dispatcher{

    private static final Map<String, Class<?>> ENTRY_POINTS =
        new HashMap<String, Class<?>>();
        ENTRY_POINTS.put("foo", Foo.class);
        ENTRY_POINTS.put("bar", Bar.class);
        ENTRY_POINTS.put("baz", Baz.class);

    public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception{

        if(args.length < 1){
            // throw exception, not enough args
        final Class<?> entryPoint = ENTRY_POINTS.get(args[0]);
            // throw exception, entry point doesn't exist
        final String[] argsCopy =
            args.length > 1
                ? Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length)
                : new String[0];
        entryPoint.getMethod("main", String[].class).invoke(null,
            (Object) argsCopy);


Improve SQL Server query performance on large tables

I know it's been quite a time since the beginning... There is a lot of wisdom in all these answers. Good indexing is the first thing when trying to improve a query. Well, almost the first. The most-first (so to speak) is making changes to code so that it's efficient. So, after all's been said and done, if one has a query with no WHERE, or when the WHERE-condition is not selective enough, there is only one way to get the data: TABLE SCAN (INDEX SCAN). If one needs all the columns from a table, then TABLE SCAN will be used - no question about it. This might be a heap scan or clustered index scan, depending on the type of data organization. The only last way to speed things up (if at all possible), is to make sure that as many cores are used as possible to do the scan: OPTION (MAXDOP 0). I'm ignoring the subject of storage, of course, but one should make sure that one has unlimited RAM, which goes without saying :)

find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ;

Piping to xargs is a dirty way of doing that which can be done inside of find.

find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;

You can be even more controlling with other options, such as:

find . -type d -user harry -exec chown daisy {} \;

You can do some very cool things with find and you can do some very dangerous things too. Have a look at "man find", it's long but is worth a quick read. And, as always remember:

  • If you are root it will succeed.
  • If you are in root (/) you are going to have a bad day.
  • Using /path/to/directory can make things a lot safer as you are clearly defining where you want find to run.

C++ callback using class member

Here's a concise version that works with class method callbacks and with regular function callbacks. In this example, to show how parameters are handled, the callback function takes two parameters: bool and int.

class Caller {
  template<class T> void addCallback(T* const object, void(T::* const mf)(bool,int))
    using namespace std::placeholders; 
    callbacks_.emplace_back(std::bind(mf, object, _1, _2));
  void addCallback(void(* const fun)(bool,int)) 
  void callCallbacks(bool firstval, int secondval) 
    for (const auto& cb : callbacks_)
      cb(firstval, secondval);
  std::vector<std::function<void(bool,int)>> callbacks_;

class Callee {
  void MyFunction(bool,int);

//then, somewhere in Callee, to add the callback, given a pointer to Caller `ptr`

ptr->addCallback(this, &Callee::MyFunction);

//or to add a call back to a regular function

This restricts the C++11-specific code to the addCallback method and private data in class Caller. To me, at least, this minimizes the chance of making mistakes when implementing it.

How to get root view controller?

Swift 3

let rootViewController = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController

Jquery check if element is visible in viewport

var visible = $(".media").visible();

How can I listen for a click-and-hold in jQuery?

var timeoutId = 0;

$('#myElement').on('mousedown', function() {
    timeoutId = setTimeout(myFunction, 1000);
}).on('mouseup mouseleave', function() {

Edit: correction per AndyE...thanks!

Edit 2: using bind now for two events with same handler per gnarf

ECONNREFUSED error when connecting to mongodb from node.js

you can go to mongoDB compass client and follow these steps: 1.Click Fill in connection fields individually: enter image description here

2.In hostname type : enter image description here

3. Click CONNECT.

PHP - Get key name of array value


will return the key value for the current array element

Transpose a range in VBA

Strictly in reference to prefacing "transpose", by the book, either one will work; i.e., application.transpose() OR worksheetfunction.transpose(), and by experience, if you really like typing, application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose() will work also-

How does one get started with procedural generation?

Procedural generation is used heavily in the demoscene to create complex graphics in a small executable. Will Wright even said that he was inspired by the demoscene while making Spore. That may be your best place to start.

Differences between ConstraintLayout and RelativeLayout

Following are the differences/advantages:

  1. Constraint Layout has dual power of both Relative Layout as well as Linear layout: Set relative positions of views ( like Relative layout ) and also set weights for dynamic UI (which was only possible in Linear Layout).

  2. A very powerful use is grouping of elements by forming a chain. This way we can form a group of views which as a whole can be placed in a desired way without adding another layer of hierarchy just to form another group of views.

  3. In addition to weights, we can apply horizontal and vertical bias which is nothing but the percentage of displacement from the centre. ( bias of 0.5 means centrally aligned. Any value less or more means corresponding movement in the respective direction ) .

  4. Another very important feature is that it respects and provides the functionality to handle the GONE views so that layouts do not break if some view is set to GONE through java code. More can be found here:

  5. Provides power of automatic constraint applying by the use of Blue print and Visual Editor tool which makes it easy to design a page.

All these features lead to flattening of the view hierarchy which improves performance and also helps in making responsive and dynamic UI which can more easily adapt to different screen size and density.

Here is the best place to learn quickly:

Show which git tag you are on?

git describe is a porcelain command, which you should avoid:

Instead, I used:

git name-rev --tags --name-only $(git rev-parse HEAD)

android - save image into gallery

 String filePath="/storage/emulated/0/DCIM"+app_name;
    File dir=new File(filePath);

This code is in onCreate method.This code is for creating a directory of app_name. Now,this directory can be accessed using default file manager app in android. Use this string filePath wherever required to set your destination folder. I am sure this method works on Android 7 too because I tested on it.Hence,it can work on other versions of android too.

OR, AND Operator

Use '&&' for AND and use '||' for OR, for example:

bool A;
bool B;

bool resultOfAnd = A && B; // Returns the result of an AND
bool resultOfOr = A || B; // Returns the result of an OR

How do I convert a byte array to Base64 in Java?

Additionally, for our Android friends (API Level 8):

import android.util.Base64


Base64.encodeToString(bytes, Base64.DEFAULT);

How can I find all matches to a regular expression in Python?

Use re.findall or re.finditer instead.

re.findall(pattern, string) returns a list of matching strings.

re.finditer(pattern, string) returns an iterator over MatchObject objects.


re.findall( r'all (.*?) are', 'all cats are smarter than dogs, all dogs are dumber than cats')
# Output: ['cats', 'dogs']

[ for x in re.finditer( r'all (.*?) are', 'all cats are smarter than dogs, all dogs are dumber than cats')]
# Output: ['all cats are', 'all dogs are']

How to get input field value using PHP

If its a get request use, $_GET['subject'] or if its a post request use, $_POST['subject']

What is the best way to seed a database in Rails?

Add it in database migrations, that way everyone gets it as they update. Handle all of your logic in the ruby/rails code, so you never have to mess with explicit ID settings.

How do I install Eclipse Marketplace in Eclipse Classic?

The steps below are for Eclipse Indigo Classic Version.

  1. Help->Install New Software...
  2. Point to Eclipse Indigo Site, If not available add the site "Indigo -"
  3. Work with the above site
  4. Look at "General Purpose Tools"->Marketplace Client
  5. After installing, restart Eclipse and you can find Marketplace in "Help->Eclipse Marketplace..."

Cross-browser window resize event - JavaScript / jQuery

jQuery provides $(window).resize() function by default:

<script type="text/javascript">
// function for resize of div/span elements
var $window = $( window ),
    $rightPanelData = $( '.rightPanelData' )
    $leftPanelData = $( '.leftPanelData' );

//jQuery window resize call/event
$window.resize(function resizeScreen() {
    // console.log('window is resizing');

    // here I am resizing my div class height
    $rightPanelData.css( 'height', $window.height() - 166 );
    $leftPanelData.css ( 'height', $window.height() - 236 );

Optimal way to concatenate/aggregate strings

For those of us who found this and are not using Azure SQL Database:

STRING_AGG() in PostgreSQL, SQL Server 2017 and Azure SQL


(Thanks to @Brianjorden and @milanio for Azure update)

Example Code:

select Id
, STRING_AGG(Name, ', ') Names 
from Demo
group by Id

SQL Fiddle:!18/89251/1

Extension methods must be defined in a non-generic static class

Add keyword static to class declaration:

// this is a non-generic static class
public static class LinqHelper

Angular: Cannot Get /

Check if in index.html base is set

  <base href="/">

Check if the file exists using VBA

just get rid of those speech marks

Sub test()

Dim thesentence As String

thesentence = InputBox("Type the filename with full extension", "Raw Data File")

Range("A1").Value = thesentence

If Dir(thesentence) <> "" Then
    MsgBox "File exists."
    MsgBox "File doesn't exist."
End If

End Sub

This is the one I like:

Option Explicit

Enum IsFileOpenStatus
    ExistsAndClosedOrReadOnly = 0
    ExistsAndOpenSoBlocked = 1
    NotExists = 2
End Enum

Function IsFileReadOnlyOpen(FileName As String) As IsFileOpenStatus

With New FileSystemObject
    If Not .FileExists(FileName) Then
        IsFileReadOnlyOpen = 2  '  NotExists = 2
        Exit Function 'Or not - I don't know if you want to create the file or exit in that case.
    End If
End With

Dim iFilenum As Long
Dim iErr As Long
On Error Resume Next
    iFilenum = FreeFile()
    Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #iFilenum
    Close iFilenum
    iErr = Err
On Error GoTo 0

Select Case iErr
    Case 0: IsFileReadOnlyOpen = 0 'ExistsAndClosedOrReadOnly = 0
    Case 70: IsFileReadOnlyOpen = 1 'ExistsAndOpenSoBlocked = 1
    Case Else: IsFileReadOnlyOpen = 1 'Error iErr
End Select

End Function    'IsFileReadOnlyOpen

Split string with PowerShell and do something with each token

"Once upon a time there were three little pigs".Split(" ") | ForEach {
    "$_ is a token"

The key is $_, which stands for the current variable in the pipeline.

About the code you found online:

% is an alias for ForEach-Object. Anything enclosed inside the brackets is run once for each object it receives. In this case, it's only running once, because you're sending it a single string.

$_.Split(" ") is taking the current variable and splitting it on spaces. The current variable will be whatever is currently being looped over by ForEach.

Floating point vs integer calculations on modern hardware

Unless you're writing code that will be called millions of times per second (such as, e.g., drawing a line to the screen in a graphics application), integer vs. floating-point arithmetic is rarely the bottleneck.

The usual first step to the efficiency questions is to profile your code to see where the run-time is really spent. The linux command for this is gprof.


Though I suppose you can always implement the line drawing algorithm using integers and floating-point numbers, call it a large number of times and see if it makes a difference:'s_algorithm

CSS3 transition on click using pure CSS

As jeremyjjbrow said, :active pseudo won't persist. But there's a hack for doing it on pure css. You can wrap it on a <a> tag, and apply the :active on it, like this:

<a class="test">
    <img class="crossRotate" src="images/cross.png" alt="Cross Menu button" />

And the css:

.test:active .crossRotate {
    transform: rotate(45deg);
    -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);
    -ms-transform: rotate(45deg);

Try it out... It works (at least on Chrome)!

Finding modified date of a file/folder

To get the modified date on a single file try:

$lastModifiedDate = (Get-Item "C:\foo.tmp").LastWriteTime

To compare with another:

$dateA= $lastModifiedDate 
$dateB= (Get-Item "C:\other.tmp").LastWriteTime

if ($dateA -ge $dateB) {
  Write-Host("C:\foo.tmp was modified at the same time or after C:\other.tmp")
} else {
  Write-Host("C:\foo.tmp was modified before C:\other.tmp")

What is a faster alternative to Python's http.server (or SimpleHTTPServer)?

Try webfs, it's tiny and doesn't depend on having a platform like node.js or python installed.

How can I check whether a variable is defined in Node.js?

For me, an expression like

if (typeof query !== 'undefined' && query !== null){
   // do stuff

is more complicated than I want for how often I want to use it. That is, testing if a variable is defined/null is something I do frequently. I want such a test to be simple. To resolve this, I first tried to define the above code as a function, but node just gives me a syntax error, telling me the parameter to the function call is undefined. Not useful! So, searching about and working on this bit, I found a solution. Not for everyone perhaps. My solution involves using Sweet.js to define a macro. Here's how I did it:

Here's the macro (filename: macro.sjs):

// I had to install sweet using:
// npm install --save-dev
// See:
// Followed instructions from

// Initially I just had "($x)" in the macro below. But this failed to match with 
// expressions such as "self.x. Adding the :expr qualifier cures things. See

macro isDefined {
  rule {
  } => {
    (( typeof ($x) === 'undefined' || ($x) === null) ? false : true)

// Seems the macros have to be exported

export isDefined;

Here's an example of usage of the macro (in example.sjs):

function Foobar() {
    var self = this;

    self.x = 10;

    console.log(isDefined(y)); // false
    console.log(isDefined(self.x)); // true

module.exports = Foobar;

And here's the main node file:

var sweet = require('sweet.js');

// load all exported macros in `macros.sjs`

// example.sjs uses macros that have been defined and exported in `macros.sjs`
var Foobar = require('./example.sjs');

var x = new Foobar();

A downside of this, aside from having to install Sweet, setup the macro, and load Sweet in your code, is that it can complicate error reporting in Node. It adds a second layer of parsing. Haven't worked with this much yet, so shall see how it goes first hand. I like Sweet though and I miss macros so will try to stick with it!

Check if a JavaScript string is a URL

this working with me

function isURL(str) {
  var regex = /(http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%!\-\/]))?/;
  var pattern = new RegExp(regex); 
return pattern.test(str);

Is there a PowerShell "string does not contain" cmdlet or syntax?

If $arrayofStringsNotInterestedIn is an [array] you should use -notcontains:

Get-Content $FileName | foreach-object { `
   if ($arrayofStringsNotInterestedIn -notcontains $_) { $) }

or better (IMO)

Get-Content $FileName | where { $arrayofStringsNotInterestedIn -notcontains $_}

jQuery Clone table row

Try this variation:

$(".tr_clone_add").live('click', CloneRow);

function CloneRow()

Start HTML5 video at a particular position when loading?

Using a #t=10,20 fragment worked for me.

Fixing a systemd service 203/EXEC failure (no such file or directory)

I think I found the answer:

In the .service file, I needed to add /bin/bash before the path to the script.

For example, for backup.service:

ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/user/.scripts/

As opposed to:


I'm not sure why. Perhaps fish. On the other hand, I have another script running for my email, and the service file seems to run fine without /bin/bash. It does use instead, though.

Most of the tutorials I came across don't prepend /bin/bash, but I then saw this SO answer which had it, and figured it was worth a try.

The service file executes the script, and the timer is listed in systemctl --user list-timers, so hopefully this will work.

Update: I can confirm that everything is working now.

How to undo a SQL Server UPDATE query?

A non-committed transaction can be reverted by issuing the command ROLLBACK

But if you are running in auto-commit mode there is nothing you can do....

Add disabled attribute to input element using Javascript

Since the question was asking how to do this with JS I'm providing a vanilla JS implementation.

var element = document.querySelector(".your-element-class-goes-here");
// it's a good idea to check whether the element exists
if (element != null && element != undefined) {
  element.disabled = "disabled";

Check if a string is a valid date using DateTime.TryParse

Try using


It throws an exception if the input string is not in proper format, so in the catch section you can return false;

Last element in .each() set

A shorter answer from here, adapted to this question:

var arr = $('.requiredText');
arr.each(function(index, item) {
   var is_last_item = (index == (arr.length - 1));

Just for completeness.

Why I get 411 Length required error?

When you're using HttpWebRequest and POST method, you have to set a content (or a body if you prefer) via the RequestStream. But, according to your code, using authRequest.Method = "GET" should be enough.

In case you're wondering about POST format, here's what you have to do :

ASCIIEncoding encoder = new ASCIIEncoding();
byte[] data = encoder.GetBytes(serializedObject); // a json object, or xml, whatever...

HttpWebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest;
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/json";
request.ContentLength = data.Length;
request.Expect = "application/json";

request.GetRequestStream().Write(data, 0, data.Length);

HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;

Is there a way to return a list of all the image file names from a folder using only Javascript?

No. JavaScript is a client-side technology and cannot do anything on the server. You could however use AJAX to call a server-side script (e.g. PHP) which could return the information you need.

If you want to use AJAX, the easiest way will be to utilise jQuery:

$.post("someScript.php", function(data) {
   console.log(data); //"data" contains whatever someScript.php returned

Best way to check if column returns a null value (from database to .net application)

Just use DataRow.IsNull. It has overrides accepting a column index, a column name, or a DataColumn object as parameters.

Example using the column index:

if (table.rows[0].IsNull(0))
    //Whatever I want to do

And although the function is called IsNull it really compares with DbNull (which is exactly what you need).

What if I want to check for DbNull but I don't have a DataRow? Use Convert.IsDBNull.

How to dock "Tool Options" to "Toolbox"?

In the detached 'Tool Options' window, click on the red 'X' in the upper right corner to get rid of the window. Then on the main Gimp screen, click on 'Windows,' then 'Dockable Dialogs.' The first entry on its list will be 'Tool Options,' so click on that. Then, Tool Options will appear as a tab in the window on the right side of the screen, along with layers and undo history. Click and drag that tab over to the toolbox window on hte left and drop it inside. The tool options will again be docked in the toolbox.

Psql list all tables

Connect to the database, then list the tables:

\c liferay

That's how I do it anyway.

You can combine those two commands onto a single line, if you prefer:

\c liferay \dt

Scanf/Printf double variable C

For variable argument functions like printf and scanf, the arguments are promoted, for example, any smaller integer types are promoted to int, float is promoted to double.

scanf takes parameters of pointers, so the promotion rule takes no effect. It must use %f for float* and %lf for double*.

printf will never see a float argument, float is always promoted to double. The format specifier is %f. But C99 also says %lf is the same as %f in printf:

C99 § The fprintf function

l (ell) Specifies that a following d, i, o, u, x, or X conversion specifier applies to a long int or unsigned long int argument; that a following n conversion specifier applies to a pointer to a long int argument; that a following c conversion specifier applies to a wint_t argument; that a following s conversion specifier applies to a pointer to a wchar_t argument; or has no effect on a following a, A, e, E, f, F, g, or G conversion specifier.

Splitting on first occurrence

You can also use str.partition:

>>> text = "123mango abcd mango kiwi peach"

>>> text.partition("mango")
('123', 'mango', ' abcd mango kiwi peach')

>>> text.partition("mango")[-1]
' abcd mango kiwi peach'

>>> text.partition("mango")[-1].lstrip()  # if whitespace strip-ing is needed
'abcd mango kiwi peach'

The advantage of using str.partition is that it's always gonna return a tuple in the form:

(<pre>, <separator>, <post>)

So this makes unpacking the output really flexible as there's always going to be 3 elements in the resulting tuple.


You can use CAST function:

SELECT CAST(your_column_name AS varchar(10)) FROM your_table_name

How to delete specific rows and columns from a matrix in a smarter way?

> S = matrix(c(1,2,3,4,5,2,1,2,3,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,3,2,1,2,5,4,3,2,1),ncol = 5,byrow = TRUE);S
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,]    1    2    3    4    5
[2,]    2    1    2    3    4
[3,]    3    2    1    2    3
[4,]    4    3    2    1    2
[5,]    5    4    3    2    1
> S<-S[,-2]
> S
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]    1    3    4    5
[2,]    2    2    3    4
[3,]    3    1    2    3
[4,]    4    2    1    2
[5,]    5    3    2    1

Just use the command S <- S[,-2] to remove the second column. Similarly to delete a row, for example, to delete the second row use S <- S[-2,].

Moment js date time comparison

You should be able to compare them directly.

var date = moment("2013-03-24")
var now = moment();

if (now > date) {
   // date is past
} else {
   // date is future

$(document).ready(function() {_x000D_
  $('.compare').click(function(e) {_x000D_
    var date = $('#date').val();_x000D_
    var now = moment();_x000D_
    var then = moment(date);_x000D_
    if (now > then) {_x000D_
      $('.result').text('Date is past');_x000D_
    } else {_x000D_
      $('.result').text('Date is future');_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<input type="text" name="date" id="date" value="2014-12-18"  placeholder="yyyy-mm-dd">_x000D_
<button class="compare">Compare date to current date</button>_x000D_
<div class="result"></div>

Unable to generate an explicit migration in entity framework

This error means there are pending migrations need to be commited before you can execute another explicit migration. You can choose to

  1. Execute those pending migrations using Update-Database command
  2. Delete those pending migrations. Safest way is open Migrations folder, right click on [201203170856167_left] > Exclude from project

After this one you can start "Add-Migration ..." again

Hope it helps

Table-level backup

BMC Recovery Manager (formerly known as SQLBacktrack) allows point-in-time recovery of individual objects in a database (aka tables). It is not cheap but does a fantastic job:,2832,19052_19429_70025639_147752,00.html,2832,19052_19429_67883151_147636,00.html

How do I set environment variables from Java?

If you work with SpringBoot you can add specifying the environmental variable in the following property:

Prevent double curly brace notation from displaying momentarily before angular.js compiles/interpolates document

Just add the cloaking CSS to the head of the page or to one of your CSS files:

[ng\:cloak], [ng-cloak], [data-ng-cloak], [x-ng-cloak], .ng-cloak, .x-ng-cloak, .ng-hide {
    display: none !important;

Then you can use the ngCloak directive according to normal Angular practice, and it will work even before Angular itself is loaded.

This is exactly what Angular does: the code at the end of angular.js adds the above CSS rules to the head of the page.

Multiple file extensions in OpenFileDialog

Based on First answer here is the complete image selection options:

Filter = @"|All Image Files|*.BMP;*.bmp;*.JPG;*.JPEG*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.PNG;*.png;*.GIF;*.gif;*.tif;*.tiff;*.ico;*.ICO

How to set the value for Radio Buttons When edit?

<td><input type="radio" name="gender" value="Male" id="male" <? if($gender=='Male')
{?> checked="" <? }?>/>Male
<input type="radio" name="gender" value="Female" id="female" <? if($gender=='Female') {?> checked="" <?}?>/>Female<br/> </td>

Java, How to implement a Shift Cipher (Caesar Cipher)

Below code handles upper and lower cases as well and leaves other character as it is.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class CaesarCipher
    public static void main(String[] args)
    Scanner in = new Scanner(;
    int length = Integer.parseInt(in.nextLine());
    String str = in.nextLine();
    int k = Integer.parseInt(in.nextLine());

    k = k % 26;

    System.out.println(encrypt(str, length, k));


    private static String encrypt(String str, int length, int shift)
    StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    char c;
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
        c = str.charAt(i);
        // if c is letter ONLY then shift them, else directly add it
        if (Character.isLetter(c))
        c = (char) (str.charAt(i) + shift);
        // System.out.println(c);

        // checking case or range check is important, just if (c > 'z'
        // || c > 'Z')
        // will not work
        if ((Character.isLowerCase(str.charAt(i)) && c > 'z')
            || (Character.isUpperCase(str.charAt(i)) && c > 'Z'))

            c = (char) (str.charAt(i) - (26 - shift));
    return strBuilder.toString();

What is web.xml file and what are all things can I do with it?

I am trying to figure out exactly how this works too. This site might be helpful to you. It has all of the possible tags for web.xml along with examples and descriptions of each tag.

React - How to pass HTML tags in props?

Have appended the html in componentDidMount using jQuery append. This should solve the problem.

 var MyComponent = React.createClass({
    render: function() {

        return (

    componentDidMount() {

How to view file history in Git?

you could also use tig for a nice, ncurses-based git repository browser. To view history of a file:

tig path/to/file

C# Timer or Thread.Sleep

Not quite answering the question, but rather than having

if (error condition that would break you out of this) {
    break;  // leaves looping structure

You should probably have

while(condition && !error_condition)

Also, I'd go with a Timer.

Turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug> configuration behavior) on the server

As the error information said first please try to increase the timeout value in the both the client side and service side as following:

    <binding name="basicHttpBinding_ACRMS" maxBufferSize="2147483647"
      receiveTimeout="00:20:00" closeTimeout="00:20:00"
      <readerQuotas maxDepth="32" maxStringContentLength="2097152"
        maxArrayLength="2097152" maxBytesPerRead="4006" maxNameTableCharCount="16384" />

Then please do not forget to apply this binding configuration to the endpoint by doing the following:

<endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" 
      contract="MonitorRAM.IService1" />

If the above can not help, it will be better if you can try to upload your main project here, then I want to have a test in my side.

ActionBarCompat: java.lang.IllegalStateException: You need to use a Theme.AppCompat

para resolver o meu problema, eu apenas adicionei na minha MainActivity ("Theme = To solve my problem, I just added it in my MainActivity ("Theme =" @ style / MyTheme "") where MyTheme is the name of my theme

[Activity(Label = "Name Label", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@drawable/icon", LaunchMode = LaunchMode.SingleTop, Theme = "@style/MyTheme")]

Android: Getting "Manifest merger failed" error after updating to a new version of gradle

The error for me was:

Manifest merger failed : Attribute value=(26.0.2) from [] AndroidManifest.xml:25:13-35
    is also present at [] AndroidManifest.xml:28:13-35 value=(26.1.0).
    Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:value"' to <meta-data> element at AndroidManifest.xml:23:9-25:38 to override.

The solution for me was in my project Gradle file I needed to bump my version.

I was using version 3.1.1:

classpath '

And the error resolved after I bumped it to version 3.2.1:

classpath '

I had just upgraded all my libraries to the latest including v27.1.1 of all the support libraries and v15.0.0 of all the Firebase libraries when I saw the error.

How to navigate a few folders up?


string upTwoDir = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(System.AppContext.BaseDirectory, @"..\..\"));

How can Perl's print add a newline by default?

Perl 6 has the say function that automatically appends \n.

You can also use say in Perl 5.10 or 5.12 if you add

use feature qw(say);

to the beginning of your program. Or you can use Modern::Perl to get this and other features.

See perldoc feature for more details.

Map enum in JPA with fixed values?

For versions earlier than JPA 2.1, JPA provides only two ways to deal with enums, by their name or by their ordinal. And the standard JPA doesn't support custom types. So:

  • If you want to do custom type conversions, you'll have to use a provider extension (with Hibernate UserType, EclipseLink Converter, etc). (the second solution). ~or~
  • You'll have to use the @PrePersist and @PostLoad trick (the first solution). ~or~
  • Annotate getter and setter taking and returning the int value ~or~
  • Use an integer attribute at the entity level and perform a translation in getters and setters.

I'll illustrate the latest option (this is a basic implementation, tweak it as required):

@Table(name = "AUTHORITY_")
public class Authority implements Serializable {

    public enum Right {
        READ(100), WRITE(200), EDITOR (300);

        private int value;

        Right(int value) { this.value = value; }    

        public int getValue() { return value; }

        public static Right parse(int id) {
            Right right = null; // Default
            for (Right item : Right.values()) {
                if (item.getValue()==id) {
                    right = item;
            return right;


    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    @Column(name = "AUTHORITY_ID")
    private Long id;

    @Column(name = "RIGHT_ID")
    private int rightId;

    public Right getRight () {
        return Right.parse(this.rightId);

    public void setRight(Right right) {
        this.rightId = right.getValue();


finding first day of the month in python

My solution to find the first and last day of the current month:

def find_current_month_last_day(today: datetime) -> datetime:
    if today.month == 2:
        return today.replace(day=28)

    if today.month in [4, 6, 9, 11]:
        return today.replace(day=30)

    return today.replace(day=31)

def current_month_first_and_last_days() -> tuple:
    today =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
    first_date = today.replace(day=1)
    last_date = find_current_month_last_day(today)
    return first_date, last_date

How do I combine two lists into a dictionary in Python?

dict(zip([1,2,3,4], [a,b,c,d]))

If the lists are big you should use itertools.izip.

If you have more keys than values, and you want to fill in values for the extra keys, you can use itertools.izip_longest.

Here, a, b, c, and d are variables -- it will work fine (so long as they are defined), but you probably meant ['a','b','c','d'] if you want them as strings.

zip takes the first item from each iterable and makes a tuple, then the second item from each, etc. etc.

dict can take an iterable of iterables, where each inner iterable has two items -- it then uses the first as the key and the second as the value for each item.

CSS: Center block, but align contents to the left

Reposting the working answer from the other question: How to horizontally center a floating element of a variable width?

Assuming the element which is floated and will be centered is a div with an id="content" ...

<div id="wrap">
   <div id="content">
   This will be centered

And apply the following CSS

#wrap {
    float: left;
    position: relative;
    left: 50%;

#content {
    float: left;
    position: relative;
    left: -50%;

Here is a good reference regarding that

How to call a MySQL stored procedure from within PHP code?

I now found solution by using mysqli instead of mysql.


// enable error reporting
//connect to database
$connection = mysqli_connect("hostname", "user", "password", "db", "port");

//run the store proc
$result = mysqli_query($connection, "CALL StoreProcName");

//loop the result set
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){     
  echo $row[0] . " - " . + $row[1]; 

I found that many people seem to have a problem with using mysql_connect, mysql_query and mysql_fetch_array.

How to get the command line args passed to a running process on unix/linux systems?

On Solaris

     ps -eo pid,comm

similar can be used on unix like systems.

Sql Server : How to use an aggregate function like MAX in a WHERE clause

The correct way to use max in the having clause is by performing a self join first:

select t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
from table1 t1
join table1 t1_max
  on =
group by t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
having = max(

The following is how you would join with a subquery:

select t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
from table1 t1
where = (select max(
                 from table1 t1_max
                 where =

Be sure to create a single dataset before using an aggregate when dealing with a multi-table join:

select,, t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
into #dataset
from table1 t1
join table2 t2
  on =
join table2 t3
  on =

select a, b, c
from #dataset d
join #dataset d_max
  on =
having = max(
group by a, b, c

Sub query version:

select,, t1.a, t1.b, t1.c
into #dataset
from table1 t1
join table2 t2
  on =
join table2 t3
  on =

select a, b, c
from #dataset d
where = (select max(
                from #dataset d_max
                where =

iOS: UIButton resize according to text length


The important thing here is when will you call the .sizeToFit() , it should be after setting the text to display so it can read the size needed, if you later update text, then call it again.

var button = UIButton()
button.setTitle("Length of this text determines size", forState: UIControlState.Normal)

switch case statement error: case expressions must be constant expression

In a regular Android project, constants in the resource R class are declared like this:

public static final int main=0x7f030004;

However, as of ADT 14, in a library project, they will be declared like this:

public static int main=0x7f030004;

In other words, the constants are not final in a library project. Therefore your code would no longer compile.

The solution for this is simple: Convert the switch statement into an if-else statement.

public void onClick(View src)
    int id = src.getId();
    if (id =={
    } else if (id =={
        Log.d(TAG, "onClick: stopping srvice");
        Playbutton.setVisibility(0); //visible
        Stopbutton.setVisibility(4); //invisible
        stopService(new Intent(RakistaRadio.this,myservice.class));
        Title.setText(" ");
        Artist.setText(" ");
    } else if (id =={

You can quickly convert a switch statement to an if-else statement using the following:

In Eclipse
Move your cursor to the switch keyword and press Ctrl + 1 then select

Convert 'switch' to 'if-else'.

In Android Studio
Move your cursor to the switch keyword and press Alt + Enter then select

Replace 'switch' with 'if'.

Sort Array of object by object field in Angular 6

You can simply use Arrays.sort()

array.sort((a,b) => a.title.rendered.localeCompare(b.title.rendered));

Working Example :

var array = [{"id":3645,"date":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","date_gmt":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","modified_gmt":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","slug":"vpwin","status":"publish","type":"matrix","link":"","title":{"rendered":"VPWIN"},"content":{"rendered":"","protected":false},"featured_media":0,"parent":0,"template":"","better_featured_image":null,"acf":{"domain":"SMB","ds_rating":"3","dt_rating":""},},{"id":3645,"date":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","date_gmt":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","modified_gmt":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","slug":"vpwin","status":"publish","type":"matrix","link":"","title":{"rendered":"adfPWIN"},"content":{"rendered":"","protected":false},"featured_media":0,"parent":0,"template":"","better_featured_image":null,"acf":{"domain":"SMB","ds_rating":"3","dt_rating":""}},{"id":3645,"date":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","date_gmt":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","guid":{"rendered":""},"modified":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","modified_gmt":"2018-07-05T13:13:37","slug":"vpwin","status":"publish","type":"matrix","link":"","title":{"rendered":"bbfPWIN"},"content":{"rendered":"","protected":false},"featured_media":0,"parent":0,"template":"","better_featured_image":null,"acf":{"domain":"SMB","ds_rating":"3","dt_rating":""}}];_x000D_
array.sort((a,b) => a.title.rendered.localeCompare(b.title.rendered));_x000D_

How do I get the directory of the PowerShell script I execute?

PowerShell 3 has the $PSScriptRoot automatic variable:

Contains the directory from which a script is being run.

In Windows PowerShell 2.0, this variable is valid only in script modules (.psm1). Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, it is valid in all scripts.

Don't be fooled by the poor wording. PSScriptRoot is the directory of the current file.

In PowerShell 2, you can calculate the value of $PSScriptRoot yourself:

# PowerShell v2
$PSScriptRoot = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition

@JsonProperty annotation on field as well as getter/setter

In addition to existing good answers, note that Jackson 1.9 improved handling by adding "property unification", meaning that ALL annotations from difference parts of a logical property are combined, using (hopefully) intuitive precedence.

In Jackson 1.8 and prior, only field and getter annotations were used when determining what and how to serialize (writing JSON); and only and setter annotations for deserialization (reading JSON). This sometimes required addition of "extra" annotations, like annotating both getter and setter.

With Jackson 1.9 and above these extra annotations are NOT needed. It is still possible to add those; and if different names are used, one can create "split" properties (serializing using one name, deserializing using other): this is occasionally useful for sort of renaming.

How to find top three highest salary in emp table in oracle?

Limit The Query To Display Only The Top 3 Highest Paid Employees. : Query « Oracle PL / SQL

create table employee(
         emp_no                 integer         primary key
        ,lastname               varchar2(20)    not null
        ,salary                 number(3)

insert into employee(emp_no,lastname,salary)

insert into employee(emp_no,lastname,salary)

insert into employee(emp_no,lastname,salary)

insert into employee(emp_no,lastname,salary)

select lastname,  salary
from (SELECT lastname, salary FROM employee ORDER BY salary DESC)
where rownum <= 3 ;


LASTNAME                 SALARY

-------------------- ----------
Janey                         5

Joey                          4

Jacky                         3

drop table employee;

In-place edits with sed on OS X

You can use -i'' (--in-place) for sed as already suggested. See: The -i in-place argument, however note that -i option is non-standard FreeBSD extensions and may not be available on other operating systems. Secondly sed is a Stream EDitor, not a file editor.

Alternative way is to use built-in substitution in Vim Ex mode, like:

$ ex +%s/foo/bar/g -scwq file.txt

and for multiple-files:

$ ex +'bufdo!%s/foo/bar/g' -scxa *.*

To edit all files recursively you can use **/*.* if shell supports that (enable by shopt -s globstar).

Another way is to use gawk and its new "inplace" extension such as:

$ gawk -i inplace '{ gsub(/foo/, "bar") }; { print }' file1

Custom exception type


With the new class and extend keywords it’s now much easier:

class CustomError extends Error {
  constructor(message) {

Loading an image to a <img> from <input file>

As iEamin said in his answer, HTML 5 does now support this. The link he gave, , is excellent. Here is a minimal sample based on the samples at that site, but see that site for more thorough examples.

Add an onchange event listener to your HTML:

<input type="file" onchange="onFileSelected(event)">

Make an image tag with an id (I'm specifying height=200 to make sure the image isn't too huge onscreen):

<img id="myimage" height="200">

Here is the JavaScript of the onchange event listener. It takes the File object that was passed as[0], constructs a FileReader to read its contents, and sets up a new event listener to assign the resulting data: URL to the img tag:

function onFileSelected(event) {
  var selectedFile =[0];
  var reader = new FileReader();

  var imgtag = document.getElementById("myimage");
  imgtag.title =;

  reader.onload = function(event) {
    imgtag.src =;


How to var_dump variables in twig templates?

If you are using Twig as a standalone component here's some example of how to enable debugging as it's unlikely the dump(variable) function will work straight out of the box


This was found on the link provided by icode4food

$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, array(
    'debug' => true,
    // ...
$twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_Debug());


$app->register(new \Silex\Provider\TwigServiceProvider(), array(
    'debug' => true,
    'twig.path' => __DIR__.'/views'

How to redirect docker container logs to a single file?

How about this option:

docker logs containername >& logs/myFile.log

It will not redirect logs which was asked for in the question, but copy them once to a specific file.

How can I check if some text exist or not in the page using Selenium?

You could retrieve the body text of the whole page like this:

bodyText = self.driver.find_element_by_tag_name('body').text

then use an assert to check it like this:

self.assertTrue("the text you want to check for" in bodyText)

Of course, you can be specific and retrieve a specific DOM element's text and then check that instead of retrieving the whole page.

How to check date of last change in stored procedure or function in SQL server

FROM sys.objects
WHERE type IN ('FN', 'IF', 'TF') 
AND name = 'dgdsgds'

How to get a property value based on the name

Expanding on Adam Rackis's answer - we can make the extension method generic simply like this:

public static TResult GetPropertyValue<TResult>(this object t, string propertyName)
    object val = t.GetType().GetProperties().Single(pi => pi.Name == propertyName).GetValue(t, null);
    return (TResult)val;

You can throw some error handling around that too if you like.

Required maven dependencies for Apache POI to work

ooxml for dealing the .xlsx files and the ooxml refers to the xml, hence we will be needed to refer the below three dependedncies in the pom.xml for the


Updating a date in Oracle SQL table

Just to add to Alex Poole's answer, here is how you do the date and time:

    TO_DATE('31/DEC/2017 12:59:59', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')

convert date string to mysql datetime field

FROM table_name
WHERE CONCAT( SUBSTRING(json_date, 11, 4 ) ,  '-', SUBSTRING( json_date, 7, 2 ) ,  '-', SUBSTRING( json_date, 3, 2 ) ) >= NOW();

json_date ["05/11/2011"]

How can I save a screenshot directly to a file in Windows?

This will do it in Delphi. Note the use of the BitBlt function, which is a Windows API call, not something specific to Delphi.

Edit: Added example usage

function TForm1.GetScreenShot(OnlyActiveWindow: boolean) : TBitmap;
  w,h : integer;
  DC : HDC;
  hWin : Cardinal;
  r : TRect;
  //take a screenshot and return it as a TBitmap.
  //if they specify "OnlyActiveWindow", then restrict the screenshot to the
  //currently focused window (same as alt-prtscrn)
  //Otherwise, get a normal screenshot (same as prtscrn)
  Result := TBitmap.Create;
  if OnlyActiveWindow then begin
    hWin := GetForegroundWindow;
    dc := GetWindowDC(hWin);
    w := r.Right - r.Left;
    h := r.Bottom - r.Top;
  end  //if active window only
  else begin
    hWin := GetDesktopWindow;
    dc := GetDC(hWin);
    w := GetDeviceCaps(DC,HORZRES);
    h := GetDeviceCaps(DC,VERTRES);
  end;  //else entire desktop

    Result.Width := w;
    Result.Height := h;
    ReleaseDC(hWin, DC) ;
  end;  //try-finally

procedure TForm1.btnSaveScreenshotClick(Sender: TObject);
  bmp : TBitmap;
  savdlg : TSaveDialog;
  //take a screenshot, prompt for where to save it
  savdlg := TSaveDialog.Create(Self);
  bmp := GetScreenshot(False);
    if savdlg.Execute then begin
  end;  //try-finally

Git keeps prompting me for a password

Use the following command to increase the timeout period so that you could retype password for a while

git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout 3600'

I used it for Bitbucket and GitHub it works for both. The only thing you need to do is 3600 is in seconds. Increase it to whatever extent you want. I changed it to 259200 which is about 30 days. This way I re-enter my password for every 30 days or so.

Get data type of field in select statement in ORACLE

Also, if you have Toad for Oracle, you can highlight the statement and press CTRL + F9 and you'll get a nice view of column and their datatypes.

Counting no of rows returned by a select query

select COUNT(*)
from Monitor as m
    inner join Monitor_Request as mr on mr.Company_ID=m.Company_id
    group by m.Company_id
    having COUNT(m.Monitor_id)>=5

Add zero-padding to a string


Is "delete this" allowed in C++?

The C++ FAQ Lite has a entry specifically for this

I think this quote sums it up nicely

As long as you're careful, it's OK for an object to commit suicide (delete this).

time delayed redirect?

Include this code somewhere when you slide to your 'section' called blog.

$("#myLink").click(function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
        window.navigate("the url of the page you want to navigate back to");
    }, 2000);

Where myLink is the id of your href.

Circle-Rectangle collision detection (intersection)

Actually, this is much more simple. You need only two things.

First, you need to find four orthogonal distances from the circle centre to each line of the rectangle. Then your circle will not intersect the rectangle if any three of them are larger than the circle radius.

Second, you need to find the distance between the circle centre and the rectangle centre, then you circle will not be inside of the rectangle if the distance is larger than a half of the rectangle diagonal length.

Good luck!

Invert "if" statement to reduce nesting

I think it depends on what you prefer, as mentioned, theres no general agreement afaik. To reduce annoyment, you may reduce this kind of warning to "Hint"

Convert pandas DataFrame into list of lists

There is a built in method which would be the fastest method also, calling tolist on the .values np array:


[[0.0, 3.61, 380.0, 3.0],
 [1.0, 3.67, 660.0, 3.0],
 [1.0, 3.19, 640.0, 4.0],
 [0.0, 2.93, 520.0, 4.0]]

javascript /jQuery - For Loop

.each() should work for you. or or you could use .map.

var newArray = $(array).map(function(i) {
    return $('#event' + i, response).html();

Edit: I removed the adding of the prepended 0 since it is suggested to not use that.

If you must have it use

var newArray = $(array).map(function(i) {
    var number = '' + i;
    if (number.length == 1) {
        number = '0' + number;
    return $('#event' + number, response).html();

How do I find the index of a character within a string in C?

void myFunc(char* str, char c)
    char* ptr;
    int index;

    ptr = strchr(str, c);
    if (ptr == NULL)
        printf("Character not found\n");

    index = ptr - str;

    printf("The index is %d\n", index);
    ASSERT(str[index] == c);  // Verify that the character at index is the one we want.

This code is currently untested, but it demonstrates the proper concept.

When to create variables (memory management)

It's really a matter of opinion. In your example, System.out.println(5) would be slightly more efficient, as you only refer to the number once and never change it. As was said in a comment, int is a primitive type and not a reference - thus it doesn't take up much space. However, you might want to set actual reference variables to null only if they are used in a very complicated method. All local reference variables are garbage collected when the method they are declared in returns.

Gridview get Checkbox.Checked value

    foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView1.Rows)
        CheckBox chkbox = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("CheckBox1");
        if (chkbox.Checked == true)
            // Your Code

How to hide navigation bar permanently in android activity?

The other answers mostly use the flags for setSystemUiVisibility() method in View. However, this API is deprecated since Android 11. Check my article about modifying the system UI visibility for more information. The article also explains how to handle the cutouts properly or how to listen to the visibility changes.

Here are code snippets for showing / hiding system bars with the new API as well as the deprecated one for backward compatibility:

 * Hides the system bars and makes the Activity "fullscreen". If this should be the default
 * state it should be called from [Activity.onWindowFocusChanged] if hasFocus is true.
 * It is also recommended to take care of cutout areas. The default behavior is that the app shows
 * in the cutout area in portrait mode if not in fullscreen mode. This can cause "jumping" if the
 * user swipes a system bar to show it. It is recommended to set [WindowManager.LayoutParams.LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_NEVER],
 * call [showBelowCutout] from [Activity.onCreate]
 * (see [Android Developers article about cutouts](
 * @see showSystemUI
 * @see addSystemUIVisibilityListener
fun Activity.hideSystemUI() {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.R) {
        window.insetsController?.let {
            // Default behavior is that if navigation bar is hidden, the system will "steal" touches
            // and show it again upon user's touch. We just want the user to be able to show the
            // navigation bar by swipe, touches are handled by custom code -> change system bar behavior.
            // Alternative to deprecated SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE.
            it.systemBarsBehavior = WindowInsetsController.BEHAVIOR_SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
            // make navigation bar translucent (alternative to deprecated
            // WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TRANSLUCENT_NAVIGATION)
            // - do this already in hideSystemUI() so that the bar
            // is translucent if user swipes it up
            window.navigationBarColor = getColor(R.color.internal_black_semitransparent_light)
            // Finally, hide the system bars, alternative to View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION
            // and SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN.
    } else {
        // Enables regular immersive mode.
        // For "lean back" mode, remove SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE.
        // Or for "sticky immersive," replace it with SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_IMMERSIVE_STICKY
        window.decorView.systemUiVisibility = (
                // Do not let system steal touches for showing the navigation bar
                        // Hide the nav bar and status bar
                        or View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION
                        or View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_FULLSCREEN
                        // Keep the app content behind the bars even if user swipes them up
                        or View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_HIDE_NAVIGATION
                        or View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN)
        // make navbar translucent - do this already in hideSystemUI() so that the bar
        // is translucent if user swipes it up

 * Shows the system bars and returns back from fullscreen.
 * @see hideSystemUI
 * @see addSystemUIVisibilityListener
fun Activity.showSystemUI() {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.R) {
        // show app content in fullscreen, i. e. behind the bars when they are shown (alternative to
        // finally, show the system bars
    } else {
        // Shows the system bars by removing all the flags
        // except for the ones that make the content appear under the system bars.
        window.decorView.systemUiVisibility = (
                        or View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN)

Ant error when trying to build file, can't find tools.jar?

I was also getting the same problem, but i uninstalled all updates of java and now it is working very fine....

Change SQLite database mode to read-write

In Linux command shell, I did:

chmod 777 <db_folder>

Where contains the database file.

It works. Now I can access my database and make insert queries.

Passing environment-dependent variables in webpack

There are two basic ways to achieve this.


new webpack.DefinePlugin({
    'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development')

Note that this will just replace the matches "as is". That's why the string is in the format it is. You could have a more complex structure, such as an object there but you get the idea.


new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin(['NODE_ENV'])

EnvironmentPlugin uses DefinePlugin internally and maps the environment values to code through it. Terser syntax.


Alternatively you could consume configuration through an aliased module. From consumer side it would look like this:

var config = require('config');

Configuration itself could look like this:

resolve: {
    alias: {
        config: path.join(__dirname, 'config', process.env.NODE_ENV)

Let's say process.env.NODE_ENV is development. It would map into ./config/development.js then. The module it maps to can export configuration like this:

module.exports = {
    testing: 'something',

String formatting in Python 3

Here are the docs about the "new" format syntax. An example would be:

"({:d} goals, ${:d})".format(self.goals, self.penalties)

If both goals and penalties are integers (i.e. their default format is ok), it could be shortened to:

"({} goals, ${})".format(self.goals, self.penalties)

And since the parameters are fields of self, there's also a way of doing it using a single argument twice (as @Burhan Khalid noted in the comments):

"({0.goals} goals, ${0.penalties})".format(self)


  • {} means just the next positional argument, with default format;
  • {0} means the argument with index 0, with default format;
  • {:d} is the next positional argument, with decimal integer format;
  • {0:d} is the argument with index 0, with decimal integer format.

There are many others things you can do when selecting an argument (using named arguments instead of positional ones, accessing fields, etc) and many format options as well (padding the number, using thousands separators, showing sign or not, etc). Some other examples:

"({goals} goals, ${penalties})".format(goals=2, penalties=4)
"({goals} goals, ${penalties})".format(**self.__dict__)

"first goal: {0.goal_list[0]}".format(self)
"second goal: {.goal_list[1]}".format(self)

"conversion rate: {:.2f}".format(self.goals / self.shots) # '0.20'
"conversion rate: {:.2%}".format(self.goals / self.shots) # '20.45%'
"conversion rate: {:.0%}".format(self.goals / self.shots) # '20%'

"self: {!s}".format(self) # 'Player: Bob'
"self: {!r}".format(self) # '<__main__.Player instance at 0x00BF7260>'

"games: {:>3}".format(  # 'games: 123'
"games: {:>3}".format(  # 'games:   4'
"games: {:0>3}".format( # 'games: 004'

Note: As others pointed out, the new format does not supersede the former, both are available both in Python 3 and the newer versions of Python 2 as well. Some may say it's a matter of preference, but IMHO the newer is much more expressive than the older, and should be used whenever writing new code (unless it's targeting older environments, of course).

getting the X/Y coordinates of a mouse click on an image with jQuery

The below code works always even if any image makes the window scroll.

$(function() {
    $("#demo-box").click(function(e) {

      var offset = $(this).offset();
      var relativeX = (e.pageX - offset.left);
      var relativeY = (e.pageY -;

      alert("X: " + relativeX + "  Y: " + relativeY);



Efficiently test if a port is open on Linux?

nc -l 8000

Where 8000 is the port number. If the port is free, it will start a server that you can close easily. If it isn't it will throw an error:

nc: Address already in use

Git diff --name-only and copy that list

zip $(git diff --name-only commit commit)

Sum all the elements java arraylist

Not very hard, just use m.get(i) to get the value from the list.

public double incassoMargherita()
    double sum = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < m.size(); i++)
        sum += m.get(i);
    return sum;

How to mark-up phone numbers?

RFC3966 defines the IETF standard URI for telephone numbers, that is the 'tel:' URI. That's the standard. There's no similar standard that specifies 'callto:', that's a particular convention for Skype on platforms where is allows registering a URI handler to support it.

javascript remove "disabled" attribute from html input

Set the element's disabled property to false:

document.getElementById('my-input-id').disabled = false;

If you're using jQuery, the equivalent would be:

$('#my-input-id').prop('disabled', false);

For several input fields, you may access them by class instead:

var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName('my-input-class');
for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
    inputs[i].disabled = false;

Where document could be replaced with a form, for instance, to find only the elements inside that form. You could also use getElementsByTagName('input') to get all input elements. In your for iteration, you'd then have to check that inputs[i].type == 'text'.

Class file has wrong version 52.0, should be 50.0

i faced the same problem "Class file has wrong version 52.0, should be 50.0" when running java through ant... all i did was add fork="true" wherever i used the javac task and it worked...

Is it possible to use pip to install a package from a private GitHub repository?

If you want to install dependencies from a requirements file within a CI server or alike, you can do this:

git config --global credential.helper 'cache'
echo "protocol=https
" | git credential approve
pip install -r requirements.txt

In my case, I used GIT_USER=gitlab-ci-token and GIT_PASS=${CI_JOB_TOKEN}.

This method has a clear advantage. You have a single requirements file which contains all of your dependencies.

Difference between a Seq and a List in Scala

In Java terms, Scala's Seq would be Java's List, and Scala's List would be Java's LinkedList.

Note that Seq is a trait, which is equivalent to Java's interface, but with the equivalent of up-and-coming defender methods. Scala's List is an abstract class that is extended by Nil and ::, which are the concrete implementations of List.

So, where Java's List is an interface, Scala's List is an implementation.

Beyond that, Scala's List is immutable, which is not the case of LinkedList. In fact, Java has no equivalent to immutable collections (the read only thing only guarantees the new object cannot be changed, but you still can change the old one, and, therefore, the "read only" one).

Scala's List is highly optimized by compiler and libraries, and it's a fundamental data type in functional programming. However, it has limitations and it's inadequate for parallel programming. These days, Vector is a better choice than List, but habit is hard to break.

Seq is a good generalization for sequences, so if you program to interfaces, you should use that. Note that there are actually three of them: collection.Seq, collection.mutable.Seq and collection.immutable.Seq, and it is the latter one that is the "default" imported into scope.

There's also GenSeq and ParSeq. The latter methods run in parallel where possible, while the former is parent to both Seq and ParSeq, being a suitable generalization for when parallelism of a code doesn't matter. They are both relatively newly introduced, so people doesn't use them much yet.

HTML/Javascript change div content


python's re: return True if string contains regex pattern

import re
word = 'fubar'
regexp = re.compile(r'ba[rzd]')
  print 'matched'

Error "Metadata file '...\Release\project.dll' could not be found in Visual Studio"

For me Visual Studio had created a projectname.v11 of type "Visual Studio Solution User Options". I deleted this file and restarted and everything was fine.

Nested ng-repeat

Create a dummy tag that is not going to rendered on the page but it will work as holder for ng-repeat:

<dummyTag ng-repeat="featureItem in item.features">{{featureItem.feature}}</br> </dummyTag>

Java String new line

What about %n using a formatter like String.format()?:

String s = String.format("I%nam%na%nboy");

As this answer says, its available from java 1.5 and is another way to System.getProperty("line.separator") or System.lineSeparator() and, like this two, is OS independent.

python: sys is not defined

Move import sys outside of the try-except block:

import sys
    # ...
except ImportError:
    # ...

If any of the imports before the import sys line fails, the rest of the block is not executed, and sys is never imported. Instead, execution jumps to the exception handling block, where you then try to access a non-existing name.

sys is a built-in module anyway, it is always present as it holds the data structures to track imports; if importing sys fails, you have bigger problems on your hand (as that would indicate that all module importing is broken).

Get Last Part of URL PHP

$id = strrchr($url,"/");
$id = substr($id,1,strlen($id));

Here is the description of the strrchr function:

Hope that's useful!

click or change event on radio using jquery



instead of


or you can use a shorthand form


How do you get the current text contents of a QComboBox?

You can convert the QString type to python string by just using the str function. Assuming you are not using any Unicode characters you can get a python string as below:

text = str(combobox1.currentText())

If you are using any unicode characters, you can do:

text = unicode(combobox1.currentText())

Configuring Log4j Loggers Programmatically

In the case that you have defined an appender in log4j properties and would like to update it programmatically, set the name in the log4j properties and get it by name.

Here's an example entry:


To update it, do the following:

((ConsoleAppender) Logger.getRootLogger().getAppender("console")).setThreshold(Level.DEBUG);

How to compare binary files to check if they are the same?

The standard unix diff will show if the files are the same or not:

[me@host ~]$ diff 1.bin 2.bin
Binary files 1.bin and 2.bin differ

If there is no output from the command, it means that the files have no differences.