Programs & Examples On #Fibonacci

The Fibonacci sequence is the sequence defined by F(0) = 0, F(1) = 1, F(n + 2) = F(n) + F(n + 1). The first few terms are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8.

How to write the Fibonacci Sequence?

OK.. after being tired of referring all lengthy answers, now find the below sort & sweet, pretty straight forward way for implementing Fibonacci in python. You can enhance it it the way you want by getting an argument or getting user input…or change the limits from 10000. As you need……

def fibonacci():
    start = 0 
    i = 1 
    lt = []
    while start < 10000:
        start += i
        i = sum(lt[-2:])
    print "The Fibonaccii series: ", lt

This approach also performs good. Find the run analytics below

In [10]: %timeit fibonacci
10000000 loops, best of 3: 26.3 ns per loop

Java recursive Fibonacci sequence

                                /    \
                            F(n-1)   F(n-2)
                            /   \     /      \
                        F(n-2) F(n-3) F(n-3)  F(n-4)
                       /    \
                     F(n-3) F(n-4)

Important point to note is this algorithm is exponential because it does not store the result of previous calculated numbers. eg F(n-3) is called 3 times.

For more details refer algorithm by dasgupta chapter 0.2

Generating Fibonacci Sequence

You're not assigning a value to z, so what do you expect y=z; to do? Likewise you're never actually reading from the array. It looks like you're trying a combination of two different approaches here... try getting rid of the array entirely, and just use:

// Initialization of x and y as before

for (i = 2; i <= 10; i++)
    alert(x + y);
    z = x + y;
    x = y;
    y = z;

EDIT: The OP changed the code after I'd added this answer. Originally the last line of the loop was y = z; - and that makes sense if you've initialized z as per my code.

If the array is required later, then obviously that needs to be populated still - but otherwise, the code I've given should be fine.

Recursive Fibonacci

I think it's the best solution of fibonacci using recursion.

typedef unsigned long long ull;
typedef long long ll;
ull FIBO[100005];
using namespace std;
ull fibo(ull n)
        return n;
        return FIBO[n];
    FIBO[n] = (fibo(n-1)+fibo(n-2));
    return FIBO[n];
int main()
    for(long long  i =34;i<=60;i++)
        cout<<fibo(i)<<" " ;
    return 0;

Computational complexity of Fibonacci Sequence

You model the time function to calculate Fib(n) as sum of time to calculate Fib(n-1) plus the time to calculate Fib(n-2) plus the time to add them together (O(1)). This is assuming that repeated evaluations of the same Fib(n) take the same time - i.e. no memoization is use.

T(n<=1) = O(1)

T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) + O(1)

You solve this recurrence relation (using generating functions, for instance) and you'll end up with the answer.

Alternatively, you can draw the recursion tree, which will have depth n and intuitively figure out that this function is asymptotically O(2n). You can then prove your conjecture by induction.

Base: n = 1 is obvious

Assume T(n-1) = O(2n-1), therefore

T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) + O(1) which is equal to

T(n) = O(2n-1) + O(2n-2) + O(1) = O(2n)

However, as noted in a comment, this is not the tight bound. An interesting fact about this function is that the T(n) is asymptotically the same as the value of Fib(n) since both are defined as

f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2).

The leaves of the recursion tree will always return 1. The value of Fib(n) is sum of all values returned by the leaves in the recursion tree which is equal to the count of leaves. Since each leaf will take O(1) to compute, T(n) is equal to Fib(n) x O(1). Consequently, the tight bound for this function is the Fibonacci sequence itself (~?(1.6n)). You can find out this tight bound by using generating functions as I'd mentioned above.

background: fixed no repeat not working on mobile

I found maybe best solution for parallax effect which work on all devices.

Main thing is to set all sections with z-index greater than parallax section.

And parallax image element to set fixed with max width and height

body, html { margin: 0px; }_x000D_
section {_x000D_
  position: relative; /* Important */_x000D_
  z-index: 1; /* Important */_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
_x000D_ { background-color: blue; }_x000D_ { background-color: red; }_x000D_
section.parallax {_x000D_
  z-index: 0; /* Important */_x000D_
section.parallax .image {_x000D_
  position: fixed; /* Important */_x000D_
  top: 0; /* Important */_x000D_
  left: 0; /* Important */_x000D_
  width: 100%; /* Important */_x000D_
  height: 100%; /* Important */_x000D_
  background-image: url(;_x000D_
  background-repeat: no-repeat;_x000D_
  background-position: center;_x000D_
  -webkit-background-size: cover;_x000D_
  -moz-background-size: cover;_x000D_
  -o-background-size: cover;_x000D_
  background-size: cover;_x000D_
<section class="blue"></section>_x000D_
<section class="parallax">_x000D_
  <div class="image"></div>_x000D_
<section class="red"></section>

Insert content into iFrame

If you want all the CSS thats on your webpage in your IFrame, try this:

var headClone, iFrameHead;

// Create a clone of the web-page head
headClone = $('head').clone();

// Find the head of the the iFrame we are looking for
iFrameHead = $('#iframe').contents().find('head');

// Replace 'iFrameHead with your Web page 'head'

// You should now have all the Web page CSS in the Iframe

Good Luck.

Is right click a Javascript event?

Yes - it is!

function doSomething(e) {
    var rightclick;
    if (!e) var e = window.event;
    if (e.which) rightclick = (e.which == 3);
    else if (e.button) rightclick = (e.button == 2);
    alert('Rightclick: ' + rightclick); // true or false

What is the fastest way to create a checksum for large files in C#

As Anton Gogolev noted, FileStream reads 4096 bytes at a time by default, But you can specify any other value using the FileStream constructor:

new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite, 16 * 1024 * 1024)

Note that Brad Abrams from Microsoft wrote in 2004:

there is zero benefit from wrapping a BufferedStream around a FileStream. We copied BufferedStream’s buffering logic into FileStream about 4 years ago to encourage better default performance


Implement Validation for WPF TextBoxes

When I needed to do this, I followed Microsoft's example using Binding.ValidationRules and it worked first time.

See their article, How to: Implement Binding Validation:

'nuget' is not recognized but other nuget commands working

Nuget.exe is placed at .nuget folder of your project. It can't be executed directly in Package Manager Console, but is executed by Powershell commands because these commands build custom path for themselves.

My steps to solve are:


NuGet can be easily installed in your project using the following command:

Install-Package NuGet.CommandLine

How do I make a div full screen?

This is the simplest one.

#divid {
   position: fixed;
   top: 0;
   right: 0;
   bottom: 0;
   left: 0;

PHP php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known

It is more flexible to use curl instead of fopen and file_get_content for opening a webpage.

Convert integer value to matching Java Enum

I know this question is a few years old, but as Java 8 has, in the meantime, brought us Optional, I thought I'd offer up a solution using it (and Stream and Collectors):

public enum PcapLinkType {
  /*snip, 200 more enums, not always consecutive.*/

  private final int value;
  private PcapLinkType(int value) { this.value = value; }

  private static final Map<Integer, PcapLinkType> map;
  static {
    map =
        .collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> e.value, e -> e));

  public static Optional<PcapLinkType> fromInt(int value) {
    return Optional.ofNullable(map.get(value));

Optional is like null: it represents a case when there is no (valid) value. But it is a more type-safe alternative to null or a default value such as DLT_UNKNOWN because you could forget to check for the null or DLT_UNKNOWN cases. They are both valid PcapLinkType values! In contrast, you cannot assign an Optional<PcapLinkType> value to a variable of type PcapLinkType. Optional makes you check for a valid value first.

Of course, if you want to retain DLT_UNKNOWN for backward compatibility or whatever other reason, you can still use Optional even in that case, using orElse() to specify it as the default value:

public enum PcapLinkType {
  /*snip, 200 more enums, not always consecutive.*/

  private final int value;
  private PcapLinkType(int value) { this.value = value; }

  private static final Map<Integer, PcapLinkType> map;
  static {
    map =
        .collect(Collectors.toMap(e -> e.value, e -> e));

  public static PcapLinkType fromInt(int value) {
    return Optional.ofNullable(map.get(value)).orElse(DLT_UNKNOWN);

How to display binary data as image - extjs 4

Need to convert it in base64.

JS have btoa() function for it.

For example:

var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + btoa('your-binary-data');

But i think what your binary data in pastebin is invalid - the jpeg data must be ended on 'ffd9'.


Need to write simple hex to base64 converter:

function hexToBase64(str) {
    return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, str.replace(/\r|\n/g, "").replace(/([\da-fA-F]{2}) ?/g, "0x$1 ").replace(/ +$/, "").split(" ")));

And use it:

img.src = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + hexToBase64('your-binary-data');

See working example with your hex data on jsfiddle

What is the best way to get the first letter from a string in Java, returned as a string of length 1?

Long story short, it probably doesn't matter. Use whichever you think looks nicest.

Longer answer, using Oracle's Java 7 JDK specifically, since this isn't defined at the JLS:

String.valueOf or Character.toString work the same way, so use whichever you feel looks nicer. In fact, Character.toString simply calls String.valueOf (source).

So the question is, should you use one of those or String.substring. Here again it doesn't matter much. String.substring uses the original string's char[] and so allocates one object fewer than String.valueOf. This also prevents the original string from being GC'ed until the one-character string is available for GC (which can be a memory leak), but in your example, they'll both be available for GC after each iteration, so that doesn't matter. The allocation you save also doesn't matter -- a char[1] is cheap to allocate, and short-lived objects (as the one-char string will be) are cheap to GC, too.

If you have a large enough data set that the three are even measurable, substring will probably give a slight edge. Like, really slight. But that "if... measurable" contains the real key to this answer: why don't you just try all three and measure which one is fastest?

Send Message in C#

Building on Mark Byers's answer.

The 3rd project could be a WCF project, hosted as a Windows Service. If all programs listened to that service, one application could call the service. The service passes the message on to all listening clients and they can perform an action if suitable.

Good WCF videos here -

Produce a random number in a range using C#

Something like:

var rnd = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
int ticks = rnd.Next(0, 3000);

Origin <origin> is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

Add this to your NodeJS Server below imports:

app.use(function(req, res, next) {
  res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
  res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept");

Django {% with %} tags within {% if %} {% else %} tags?

if you want to stay DRY, use an include.

{% if foo %}
  {% with a as b %}
    {% include "snipet.html" %}
  {% endwith %} 
{% else %}
  {% with bar as b %}
    {% include "snipet.html" %}
  {% endwith %} 
{% endif %}

or, even better would be to write a method on the model that encapsulates the core logic:

def Patient(models.Model):
    def get_legally_responsible_party(self):
       if self.age > 18:
          return self
          return self.parent

Then in the template:

{% with patient.get_legally_responsible_party as p %}
  Do html stuff
{% endwith %} 

Then in the future, if the logic for who is legally responsible changes you have a single place to change the logic -- far more DRY than having to change if statements in a dozen templates.

Insert Unicode character into JavaScript

Although @ruakh gave a good answer, I will add some alternatives for completeness:

You could in fact use even var Omega = '&#937;' in JavaScript, but only if your JavaScript code is:

  • inside an event attribute, as in onclick="var Omega = '&#937'; alert(Omega)" or
  • in a script element inside an XHTML (or XHTML + XML) document served with an XML content type.

In these cases, the code will be first (before getting passed to the JavaScript interpreter) be parsed by an HTML parser so that character references like &#937; are recognized. The restrictions make this an impractical approach in most cases.

You can also enter the O character as such, as in var Omega = 'O', but then the character encoding must allow that, the encoding must be properly declared, and you need software that let you enter such characters. This is a clean solution and quite feasible if you use UTF-8 encoding for everything and are prepared to deal with the issues created by it. Source code will be readable, and reading it, you immediately see the character itself, instead of code notations. On the other hand, it may cause surprises if other people start working with your code.

Using the \u notation, as in var Omega = '\u03A9', works independently of character encoding, and it is in practice almost universal. It can however be as such used only up to U+FFFF, i.e. up to \uffff, but most characters that most people ever heard of fall into that area. (If you need “higher” characters, you need to use either surrogate pairs or one of the two approaches above.)

You can also construct a character using the String.fromCharCode() method, passing as a parameter the Unicode number, in decimal as in var Omega = String.fromCharCode(937) or in hexadecimal as in var Omega = String.fromCharCode(0x3A9). This works up to U+FFFF. This approach can be used even when you have the Unicode number in a variable.

List of all index & index columns in SQL Server DB

--Short and sweet:

SELECT OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(T.[object_id],DB_ID()) AS [Schema],  
  T.[name] AS [table_name], I.[name] AS [index_name], AC.[name] AS [column_name],  
  I.[type_desc], I.[is_unique], I.[data_space_id], I.[ignore_dup_key], I.[is_primary_key], 
  I.[is_unique_constraint], I.[fill_factor],    I.[is_padded], I.[is_disabled], I.[is_hypothetical], 
  I.[allow_row_locks], I.[allow_page_locks], IC.[is_descending_key], IC.[is_included_column] 
FROM sys.[tables] AS T  
  INNER JOIN sys.[indexes] I ON T.[object_id] = I.[object_id]  
  INNER JOIN sys.[index_columns] IC ON I.[object_id] = IC.[object_id] 
  INNER JOIN sys.[all_columns] AC ON T.[object_id] = AC.[object_id] AND IC.[column_id] = AC.[column_id] 
WHERE T.[is_ms_shipped] = 0 AND I.[type_desc] <> 'HEAP' 
ORDER BY T.[name], I.[index_id], IC.[key_ordinal]   

how to make label visible/invisible?

you could try

if (isValid) {
    document.getElementById("endTimeLabel").style.display = "none";
}else {
    document.getElementById("endTimeLabel").style.display = "block";

alone those lines

Retrieve filename from file descriptor in C

In Windows, with GetFileInformationByHandleEx, passing FileNameInfo, you can retrieve the file name.

Angular - Use pipes in services and components

If you want to use your custom pipe in your components, you can add

  providedIn: 'root'

annotation to your custom pipe. Then, you can use it as a service

How to use HttpWebRequest (.NET) asynchronously?

Considering the answer:

HttpWebRequest webRequest;

void StartWebRequest()
    webRequest.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(FinishWebRequest), null);

void FinishWebRequest(IAsyncResult result)

You could send the request pointer or any other object like this:

void StartWebRequest()
    HttpWebRequest webRequest = ...;
    webRequest.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(FinishWebRequest), webRequest);

void FinishWebRequest(IAsyncResult result)
    HttpWebResponse response = (result.AsyncState as HttpWebRequest).EndGetResponse(result) as HttpWebResponse;


How do I remove/delete a folder that is not empty?

from python 3.4 you may use :

import pathlib

def delete_folder(pth) :
    for sub in pth.iterdir() :
        if sub.is_dir() :
        else :
    pth.rmdir() # if you just want to delete the dir content but not the dir itself, remove this line

where pth is a pathlib.Path instance. Nice, but may not be the fastest.

How to install mod_ssl for Apache httpd?

I used:

sudo yum install mod24_ssl

and it worked in my Amazon Linux AMI.

Can I give the col-md-1.5 in bootstrap?

Bootstrap 4 uses flex-box and you can create your own column definitions

This is close to a 1.5, tweak to your own needs.

.col-1-5 {
    flex: 0 0 12.3%;
    max-width: 12.3%;
    position: relative;
    width: 100%;
    padding-right: 15px;
    padding-left: 15px;

Show empty string when date field is 1/1/1900

Use this inside of query, no need to create extra variables.

CASE WHEN CreatedDate = '19000101' THEN '' WHEN CreatedDate =
'18000101' THEN ''  ELSE CONVERT(CHAR(10), CreatedDate, 120) + ' ' +
CONVERT(CHAR(8), CreatedDate, 108) END as 'Created Date'

Works like a charm.

Can I restore a single table from a full mysql mysqldump file?

Most modern text editors should be able to handle a text file that size, if your system is up to it.

Anyway, I had to do that once very quickly and i didnt have time to find any tools. I set up a new MySQL instance, imported the whole backup and then spit out just the table I wanted.

Then I imported that table into the main database.

It was tedious but rather easy. Good luck.

Merge unequal dataframes and replace missing rows with 0

I used the answer given by Chase (answered May 11 '11 at 14:21), but I added a bit of code to apply that solution to my particular problem.

I had a frame of rates (user, download) and a frame of totals (user, download) to be merged by user, and I wanted to include every rate, even if there were no corresponding total. However, there could be no missing totals, in which case the selection of rows for replacement of NA by zero would fail.

The first line of code does the merge. The next two lines change the column names in the merged frame. The if statement replaces NA by zero, but only if there are rows with NA.

# merge rates and totals, replacing absent totals by zero
graphdata <- merge(rates, totals, by=c("user"),all.x=T)
colnames(graphdata)[colnames(graphdata)=="download.x"] = "download.rate"
colnames(graphdata)[colnames(graphdata)=="download.y"] = ""
if(any($ {
    graphdata[$,]$ <- 0

How to run Spring Boot web application in Eclipse itself?

Choose the project in eclipse - > Select run as -> Choose Java application. This displays a popup forcing you to select something, try searching your class having the main method in the search box. Once you find it, select it and hit ok. This will launch the spring boot application.

I do not have the spring tool suite installed in eclipse yet and still, it works. I hope this helps.

Python match a string with regex

You do not need regular expressions to check if a substring exists in a string.

line = 'This,is,a,sample,string'
result = bool('sample' in line) # returns True

If you want to know if a string contains a pattern then you should use

line = 'This,is,a,sample,string'
result ='sample', line) # finds 'sample'

This is best used with pattern matching, for example:

line = 'my name is bob'
result ='my name is (\S+)', line) # finds 'bob'

LINQ to read XML

Here are a couple of complete working examples that build on the @bendewey & @dommer examples. I needed to tweak each one a bit to get it to work, but in case another LINQ noob is looking for working examples, here you go:

//bendewey's example using data.xml from OP
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Linq;

class loadXMLToLINQ1
    static void Main( )
        //Load xml
        XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(@"c:\\data.xml"); //you'll have to edit your path

        //Run query
        var lv1s = from lv1 in xdoc.Descendants("level1")
           select new 
               Header = lv1.Attribute("name").Value,
               Children = lv1.Descendants("level2")

        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); //had to add this to make the result work
        //Loop through results
        foreach (var lv1 in lv1s)
            result.AppendLine("  " + lv1.Header);
            foreach(var lv2 in lv1.Children)
            result.AppendLine("    " + lv2.Attribute("name").Value);
        Console.WriteLine(result.ToString()); //added this so you could see the output on the console

And next:

//Dommer's example, using data.xml from OP
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Linq;

class loadXMLToLINQ
static void Main( )
        XElement rootElement = XElement.Load(@"c:\\data.xml"); //you'll have to edit your path
        Console.WriteLine(GetOutline(0, rootElement));  

static private string GetOutline(int indentLevel, XElement element)
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        if (element.Attribute("name") != null)
            result = result.AppendLine(new string(' ', indentLevel * 2) + element.Attribute("name").Value);
        foreach (XElement childElement in element.Elements())
            result.Append(GetOutline(indentLevel + 1, childElement));
        return result.ToString();

These both compile & work in VS2010 using csc.exe version 4.0.30319.1 and give the exact same output. Hopefully these help someone else who's looking for working examples of code.

EDIT: added @eglasius' example as well since it became useful to me:

//@eglasius example, still using data.xml from OP
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.Linq;

class loadXMLToLINQ2
    static void Main( )
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); //needed for result below
        XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Load(@"c:\\deg\\data.xml"); //you'll have to edit your path
        var lv1s = xdoc.Root.Descendants("level1"); 
        var lvs = lv1s.SelectMany(l=>
             new string[]{ l.Attribute("name").Value }
                 .Select(l2=>"   " + l2.Attribute("name").Value)
        foreach (var lv in lvs)
        Console.WriteLine(result);//added this so you could see the result

How to SUM two fields within an SQL query

If you want to add two columns together, all you have to do is add them. Then you will get the sum of those two columns for each row returned by the query.

What your code is doing is adding the two columns together and then getting a sum of the sums. That will work, but it might not be what you are attempting to accomplish.

How to quietly remove a directory with content in PowerShell

This worked for me:

Remove-Item C:\folder_name -Force -Recurse

Accessing the logged-in user in a template

You can access user data directly in the twig template without requesting anything in the controller. The user is accessible like that : app.user.

Now, you can access every property of the user. For example, you can access the username like that : app.user.username.

Warning, if the user is not logged, the app.user is null.

If you want to check if the user is logged, you can use the is_granted twig function. For example, if you want to check if the user has ROLE_ADMIN, you just have to do is_granted("ROLE_ADMIN").

So, in every of your pages you can do :

{% if is_granted("ROLE") %}
    Hi {{ app.user.username }}
{% endif %}

"code ." Not working in Command Line for Visual Studio Code on OSX/Mac

If you want to add it permanently:

Add this to your ~/.bash_profile, or to ~/.zshrc if you are running MacOS Catalina or later.

export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/Visual Studio"


How to get SLF4J "Hello World" working with log4j?

Following is an example. You can see the details and download the full codes here.

  • Add following dependency to your pom if you are using maven, otherwise, just download the jar files and put on your classpath

  • Configure

    log4j.rootLogger=TRACE, stdout
    log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5p [%c] - %m%n
  • Java example

    public class Slf4jExample {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Slf4jExample.class);
            final String message = "Hello logging!";

Is there a way to avoid null check before the for-each loop iteration starts?

In Java 8 there is another solution available by using java.util.Optional and the ifPresent-method.

Optional.ofNullable(list1).ifPresent(l -> l.forEach(item -> {/* do stuff */}));

So, not a solution for the exact problem but it is a oneliner and possibly more elegant.

How to count no of lines in text file and store the value into a variable using batch script?

You could use the FOR /F loop, to assign the output to a variable.

I use the cmd-variable, so it's not neccessary to escape the pipe or other characters in the cmd-string, as the delayed expansion passes the string "unchanged" to the FOR-Loop.

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "cmd=findstr /R /N "^^" file.txt | find /C ":""

for /f %%a in ('!cmd!') do set number=%%a
echo %number%

C# An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

That is a boiler-plate error message, it comes out of Windows. The underlying error code is WSAECONNABORTED. Which really doesn't mean more than "connection was aborted". You have to be a bit careful about the "your host machine" part of the phrase. In the vast majority of Windows application programs, it is indeed the host that the desktop app is connected to that aborted the connection. Usually a server somewhere else.

The roles are reversed however when you implement your own server. Now you need to read the error message as "aborted by the application at the other end of the wire". Which is of course not uncommon when you implement a server, client programs that use your server are not unlikely to abort a connection for whatever reason. It can mean that a fire-wall or a proxy terminated the connection but that's not very likely since they typically would not allow the connection to be established in the first place.

You don't really know why a connection was aborted unless you have insight what is going on at the other end of the wire. That's of course hard to come by. If your server is reachable through the Internet then don't discount the possibility that you are being probed by a port scanner. Or your customers, looking for a game cheat.

Copy-item Files in Folders and subfolders in the same directory structure of source server using PowerShell

one time i found this script, this copy folder and files and keep the same structure of the source in the destination, you can make some tries with this.

# Find the source files

# Set the target file
Get-ChildItem $sourceDir -Include *.* -Recurse |  foreach {

    # Remove the original  root folder
    $split = $_.Fullname  -split '\\'
    $DestFile =  $split[1..($split.Length - 1)] -join '\' 

    # Build the new  destination file path
    $DestFile = $targetDir+$DestFile

    # Move-Item won't  create the folder structure so we have to 
    # create a blank file  and then overwrite it
    $null = New-Item -Path  $DestFile -Type File -Force
    Move-Item -Path  $_.FullName -Destination $DestFile -Force

How to close a JavaFX application on window close?

This seemed to work for me:

EventHandler<ActionEvent> quitHandler = quitEvent -> {


    // Set the handler on the Start/Resume button

get basic SQL Server table structure information

Write the table name in the query editor select the name and press Alt+F1 and it will bring all the information of the table.

Change Spinner dropdown icon

Try applying following style to your spinner using


//Spinner Style:

<style name="SpinnerTheme" parent="android:Widget.Spinner">
    <item name="android:background">@drawable/bg_spinner</item>

//bg_spinner.xml Replace the arrow_down_gray with your arrow

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">



                    <gradient android:angle="90" android:endColor="#ffffff" android:startColor="#ffffff" android:type="linear" />

                    <stroke android:width="0.33dp" android:color="#0fb1fa" />

                    <corners android:radius="0dp" />

                    <padding android:bottom="3dp" android:left="3dp" android:right="3dp" android:top="3dp" />

            <item android:right="5dp">

                <bitmap android:gravity="center_vertical|right" android:src="@drawable/arrow_down_gray" />





ImportError: cannot import name NUMPY_MKL

I recently got the same error when trying to load scipy in jupyter (python3.x, win10), although just having upgraded to numpy-1.13.3+mkl through pip. The solution was to simply upgrade the scipy package (from v0.19 to v1.0.0).

Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page including the primary key in an unpivot

I was receiving the same error. You need to go increase the column length while importing the data for particular column. Choose a data source >> Advanced >> increase the column from default 50 to 200 or more.

It worked for me!

Check status of one port on remote host

Press Windows + R type cmd and Enter

In command prompt type

telnet "machine name/ip" "port number"

If port is not open, this message will display:

"Connecting To "machine name"...Could not open connection to the host, on port "port number":

Otherwise you will be take in to opened port (empty screen will display)

How to add colored border on cardview?

As the accepted answer requires you to add a Frame Layout, here how you can do it with material design.

Add this if you haven't already

implementation ''

Now change to Cardview to MaterialCardView



Now you need to change the activity theme to Theme.Material. If you are using Theme.Appcompact I will suggest you to move to Theme.Material for future projects for having better material design in you app.

    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight">

In Maven how to exclude resources from the generated jar?

By convention, the directory src/main/resources contains the resources that will be used by the application. So Maven will include them in the final JAR.

Thus in your application, you will access them using the getResourceAsStream() method, as the resources are loaded in the classpath.

If you need to have them outside your application, do not store them in src/main/resources as they will be bundled by Maven. Of course, you can exclude them (using the link given by chkal) but it is better to create another directory (for example src/main/external-resources) in order to keep the conventions regarding the src/main/resources directory.

In the latter case, you will have to deliver the resources independently as your JAR file (this can be achieved by using the Assembly plugin). If you need to access them in your Eclipse environment, go to the Properties of your project, then in Java Build Path in Sources tab, add the folder (for example src/main/external-resources). Eclipse will then add this directory in the classpath.

Cannot create Maven Project in eclipse

For me the solution was a bit simpler, I just had to clean the repository : .m2/repository/org/apache/maven/archetypes

Java/Groovy - simple date reformatting

Your DateFormat pattern does not match you input date String. You could use

new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy")

No String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value ('')


My code work well just as the answer above. The reason is that the json from jackson is different with the json sent from controller.

String test1= mapper.writeValueAsString(result1);

And the json is like(which can be deserialized normally):


but the json send from the another service just like:


You can notice the difference when dealing with the param without initiation. Be careful

How do I make a Mac Terminal pop-up/alert? Applescript?

Adding subtitle, title and a sound to the notification:

With AppleScript:

display notification "Notification text" with title "Notification Title" subtitle "Notification sub-title" sound name "Submarine"

With terminal/bash and osascript:

osascript -e 'display notification "Notification text" with title "Notification Title" subtitle "Notification sub-title" sound name "Submarine"'

An alert can be displayed instead of a notification

Does not take the sub-heading nor the sound tough.

With AppleScript:

display alert "Alert title" message "Your message text line here."

With terminal/bash and osascript:

osascript -e 'display alert "Alert title" message "Your message text line here."'

Add a line in bash for playing the sound after the alert line:

afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Hero.aiff

Add same line in AppleScript, letting shell script do the work:

do shell script ("afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Hero.aiff")

List of macOS built in sounds to choose from here.

Paraphrased from a handy article on terminal and applescript notifications.

How to uninstall an older PHP version from centOS7

yum -y remove php* to remove all php packages then you can install the 5.6 ones.

How to handle login pop up window using Selenium WebDriver?

I was getting windows security alert whenever my application was opening. to resolve this issue i used following procedure

UserAndPassword UP = new UserAndPassword("userName","Password");

this resolved my issue of logging into application. I hope this might help who are all looking for authenticating windows security alert.

Where do I find the current C or C++ standard documents?

PDF versions of the standard

As of 1st September 2014, the best locations by price for C and C++ standards documents in PDF are:

You cannot usually get old revisions of a standard (any standard) directly from the standards bodies shortly after a new edition of the standard is released. Thus, standards for C89, C90, C99, C++98, C++03 will be hard to find for purchase from a standards body. If you need an old revision of a standard, check Techstreet as one possible source. For example, it can still provide the Canadian version CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 9899:1990 standard in PDF, for a fee.

Non-PDF electronic versions of the standard

Print versions of the standard

Print copies of the standards are available from national standards bodies and ISO but are very expensive.

If you want a hardcopy of the C90 standard for much less money than above, you may be able to find a cheap used copy of Herb Schildt's book The Annotated ANSI Standard at Amazon, which contains the actual text of the standard (useful) and commentary on the standard (less useful - it contains several dangerous and misleading errors).

The C99 and C++03 standards are available in book form from Wiley and the BSI (British Standards Institute):

Standards committee draft versions (free)

The working drafts for future standards are often available from the committee websites:

If you want to get drafts from the current or earlier C/C++ standards, there are some available for free on the internet:

For C:

(Almost the same as ANSI X3.159-198 (C89) except for the frontmatter and section numbering. Note that the conversion between ANSI and ISO/IEC Standard is seen inside this document, the document refers to its name as "ANSI/ISO: 9899/99" although this isn't the right name of the later made standard of it, the right name is "ISO/IEC 9899:1990")

For C++:

Note that these documents are not the same as the standard, though the versions just prior to the meetings that decide on a standard are usually very close to what is in the final standard. The FCD (Final Committee Draft) versions are password protected; you need to be on the standards committee to get them.

Even though the draft versions might be very close to the final ratified versions of the standards, some of this post's editors would strongly advise you to get a copy of the actual documents — especially if you're planning on quoting them as references. Of course, starving students should go ahead and use the drafts if strapped for cash.

It appears that, if you are willing and able to wait a few months after ratification of a standard, to search for "INCITS/ISO/IEC" instead of "ISO/IEC" when looking for a standard is the key. By doing so, one of this post's editors was able to find the C11 and C++11 standards at reasonable prices. For example, if you search for "INCITS/ISO/IEC 9899:2011" instead of "ISO/IEC 9899:2011" on you will find the reasonably priced PDF version.

The site provides short-URL links to the C++ current working draft and draft standards, and committee papers:

The current draft of the standard is maintained as LaTeX sources on Github. These sources can be converted to HTML using cxxdraft-htmlgen. The following sites maintain HTML pages so generated:

Tim Song also maintains generated HTML and PDF versions of the Networking TS and Ranges TS.

cor shows only NA or 1 for correlations - Why?

In my case I was using more than two variables, and this worked for me better:

cor(x = as.matrix(tbl), method = "pearson", use = "pairwise.complete.obs")


If use has the value "pairwise.complete.obs" then the correlation or covariance between each pair of variables is computed using all complete pairs of observations on those variables. This can result in covariance or correlation matrices which are not positive semi-definite, as well as NA entries if there are no complete pairs for that pair of variables.

format a Date column in a Data Frame

try this package, works wonders, and was made for date/time...

Portfolio$Date2 <- mdy(Portfolio.all$Date2)

How can I escape a single quote?

Represent it as a text entity (ASCII 39):

<input type='text' id='abc' value='hel&#39;lo'>

Convert Array to Object

I'd probably write it this way (since very rarely I'll not be having the underscorejs library at hand):

var _ = require('underscore');

var a = [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ];
var obj = _.extend({}, a);
// prints { '0': 'a', '1': 'b', '2': 'c' }

Reading DataSet

DataSet resembles database. DataTable resembles database table, and DataRow resembles a record in a table. If you want to add filtering or sorting options, you then do so with a DataView object, and convert it back to a separate DataTable object.

If you're using database to store your data, then you first load a database table to a DataSet object in memory. You can load multiple database tables to one DataSet, and select specific table to read from the DataSet through DataTable object. Subsequently, you read a specific row of data from your DataTable through DataRow. Following codes demonstrate the steps:

SqlCeDataAdapter da = new SqlCeDataAdapter();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
DataTable dt = new DataTable();

da.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(@"SELECT * FROM FooTable", connString);
da.Fill(ds, "FooTable");
dt = ds.Tables["FooTable"];

foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)

To read a specific cell in a row:

int rowNum // row number
string columnName = "DepartureTime";  // database table column name

How do I delete everything below row X in VBA/Excel?

This function will clear the sheet data starting from specified row and column :

Sub ClearWKSData(wksCur As Worksheet, iFirstRow As Integer, iFirstCol As Integer)

Dim iUsedCols As Integer
Dim iUsedRows As Integer

iUsedRows = wksCur.UsedRange.Row + wksCur.UsedRange.Rows.Count - 1
iUsedCols = wksCur.UsedRange.Column + wksCur.UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1

If iUsedRows > iFirstRow And iUsedCols > iFirstCol Then
    wksCur.Range(wksCur.Cells(iFirstRow, iFirstCol), wksCur.Cells(iUsedRows, iUsedCols)).Clear
End If

End Sub

MySQL search and replace some text in a field

And if you want to search and replace based on the value of another field you could do a CONCAT:

update table_name set `field_name` = replace(`field_name`,'YOUR_OLD_STRING',CONCAT('NEW_STRING',`OTHER_FIELD_VALUE`,'AFTER_IF_NEEDED'));

Just to have this one here so that others will find it at once.

SQL query for a carriage return in a string and ultimately removing carriage return

You can create a function:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.[Check_existance_of_carriage_return_line_feed]
      @String VARCHAR(MAX)

N2 (n) AS (SELECT 1 FROM N1 AS X, N1 AS Y),
N3 (n) AS (SELECT 1 FROM N2 AS X, N2 AS Y),

FROM N4 Nums
WHERE Nums.n<=LEN(@String) AND ASCII(SUBSTRING(@String,Nums.n,1)) 
IN (13,10)    


Then you can simple run a query like this:

SELECT column_name, dbo.[Check_existance_of_carriage_return_line_feed] (column_name)
AS [Boolean]
FROM [table_name]

Adding ASP.NET MVC5 Identity Authentication to an existing project

This is what I did to integrate Identity with an existing database.

  1. Create a sample MVC project with MVC template. This has all the code needed for Identity implementation - Startup.Auth.cs, IdentityConfig.cs, Account Controller code, Manage Controller, Models and related views.

  2. Install the necessary nuget packages for Identity and OWIN. You will get an idea by seeing the references in the sample Project and the answer by @Sam

  3. Copy all these code to your existing project. Please note don't forget to add the "DefaultConnection" connection string for Identity to map to your database. Please check the ApplicationDBContext class in IdentityModel.cs where you will find the reference to "DefaultConnection" connection string.

  4. This is the SQL script I ran on my existing database to create necessary tables:

    USE ["YourDatabse"]
    /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[AspNetRoles]    Script Date: 16-Aug-15 6:52:25 PM ******/
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AspNetRoles](
    [Id] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
    [Name] [nvarchar](256) NOT NULL,
      [Id] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[AspNetUserClaims]    Script Date: 16-Aug-15 6:52:25 PM ******/
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserClaims](
       [Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
       [UserId] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
       [ClaimType] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
       [ClaimValue] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
       [Id] ASC
    /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[AspNetUserLogins]    Script Date: 16-Aug-15 6:52:25 PM ******/
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserLogins](
        [LoginProvider] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
        [ProviderKey] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
        [UserId] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
        [LoginProvider] ASC,
        [ProviderKey] ASC,
        [UserId] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[AspNetUserRoles]    Script Date: 16-Aug-15 6:52:25 PM ******/
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserRoles](
       [UserId] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
       [RoleId] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
        [UserId] ASC,
        [RoleId] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    /****** Object:  Table [dbo].[AspNetUsers]    Script Date: 16-Aug-15 6:52:25 PM ******/
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUsers](
        [Id] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,
        [Email] [nvarchar](256) NULL,
        [EmailConfirmed] [bit] NOT NULL,
        [PasswordHash] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
        [SecurityStamp] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
        [PhoneNumber] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
        [PhoneNumberConfirmed] [bit] NOT NULL,
        [TwoFactorEnabled] [bit] NOT NULL,
        [LockoutEndDateUtc] [datetime] NULL,
        [LockoutEnabled] [bit] NOT NULL,
        [AccessFailedCount] [int] NOT NULL,
        [UserName] [nvarchar](256) NOT NULL,
        [Id] ASC
     ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserClaims]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserClaims_dbo.AspNetUsers_UserId] FOREIGN KEY([UserId])
     REFERENCES [dbo].[AspNetUsers] ([Id])
     ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserClaims] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserClaims_dbo.AspNetUsers_UserId]
     ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserLogins]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserLogins_dbo.AspNetUsers_UserId] FOREIGN KEY([UserId])
     REFERENCES [dbo].[AspNetUsers] ([Id])
     ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserLogins] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserLogins_dbo.AspNetUsers_UserId]
     ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserRoles]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserRoles_dbo.AspNetRoles_RoleId] FOREIGN KEY([RoleId])
     REFERENCES [dbo].[AspNetRoles] ([Id])
     ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserRoles] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserRoles_dbo.AspNetRoles_RoleId]
     ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserRoles]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserRoles_dbo.AspNetUsers_UserId] FOREIGN KEY([UserId])
     REFERENCES [dbo].[AspNetUsers] ([Id])
     ALTER TABLE [dbo].[AspNetUserRoles] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_dbo.AspNetUserRoles_dbo.AspNetUsers_UserId]
  5. Check and solve any remaining errors and you are done. Identity will handle the rest :)

Read line with Scanner

 * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
 * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package javaapplication1;

import java.util.Scanner;

 * @author zsagga
class openFile {
        private Scanner x ; 
        int count = 0 ; 
        String path = "C:\\Users\\zsagga\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\JavaApplication1\\src\\javaapplication1\\Readthis.txt"; 

    public void openFile() {
//                System.out.println("I'm Here");
        try {
            x = new Scanner(new File(path)); 

        catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Could not find a file");

    public void readFile() {

        while (x.hasNextLine()){
            count ++ ;

    public void closeFile() {

 * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
 * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package javaapplication1;

 * @author zsagga
public class JavaApplication1 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO code application logic here
        openFile r =  new openFile(); 


MVC Razor @foreach

When people say don't put logic in views, they're usually referring to business logic, not rendering logic. In my humble opinion, I think using @foreach in views is perfectly fine.

Is this very likely to create a memory leak in Tomcat?

Sometimes this has to do with configuration changes. When we upgraded from Tomncat 6.0.14 to 6.0.26, we had seen something similar. here is the solution

Simplest two-way encryption using PHP

Encrypting using openssl_encrypt() The openssl_encrypt function provides a secured and easy way to encrypt your data.

In the script below, we use the AES128 encryption method, but you may consider other kind of encryption method depending on what you want to encrypt.

$message_to_encrypt = "Yoroshikune";
$secret_key = "my-secret-key";
$method = "aes128";
$iv_length = openssl_cipher_iv_length($method);
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($iv_length);

$encrypted_message = openssl_encrypt($message_to_encrypt, $method, $secret_key, 0, $iv);

echo $encrypted_message;

Here is an explanation of the variables used :

message_to_encrypt : the data you want to encrypt secret_key : it is your ‘password’ for encryption. Be sure not to choose something too easy and be careful not to share your secret key with other people method : the method of encryption. Here we chose AES128. iv_length and iv : prepare the encryption using bytes encrypted_message : the variable including your encrypted message

Decrypting using openssl_decrypt() Now you encrypted your data, you may need to decrypt it in order to re-use the message you first included into a variable. In order to do so, we will use the function openssl_decrypt().

$message_to_encrypt = "Yoroshikune";
$secret_key = "my-secret-key";
$method = "aes128";
$iv_length = openssl_cipher_iv_length($method);
$iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($iv_lenght);
$encrypted_message = openssl_encrypt($message_to_encrypt, $method, $secret_key, 0, $iv);

$decrypted_message = openssl_decrypt($encrypted_message, $method, $secret_key, 0, $iv);

echo $decrypted_message;

The decrypt method proposed by openssl_decrypt() is close to openssl_encrypt().

The only difference is that instead of adding $message_to_encrypt, you will need to add your already encrypted message as the first argument of openssl_decrypt().

That is all you have to do.

Playing mp3 song on python

I have tried most of the listed options here and found the following:

for windows 10: similar to @Shuge Lee answer;

from playsound import playsound

you need to run:

$ pip install playsound

for Mac: simply just try the following, which runs the os command,

import os
os.system("afplay file.mp3") 

Call async/await functions in parallel

I vote for:

await Promise.all([someCall(), anotherCall()]);

Be aware of the moment you call functions, it may cause unexpected result:

// Supposing anotherCall() will trigger a request to create a new User

if (callFirst) {
  await someCall();
} else {
  await Promise.all([someCall(), anotherCall()]); // --> create new User here

But following always triggers request to create new User

// Supposing anotherCall() will trigger a request to create a new User

const someResult = someCall();
const anotherResult = anotherCall(); // ->> This always creates new User

if (callFirst) {
  await someCall();
} else {
  const finalResult = [await someResult, await anotherResult]

how to auto select an input field and the text in it on page load

    var input = document.getElementById('myTextInput');_x000D_
    input.setSelectionRange( 6,  19 );
    <input id="myTextInput" value="Hello default value world!" />

select particular text on textfield

Also you can use like

input.selectionStart = 6;
input.selectionEnd = 19;

How to center HTML5 Videos?

I had a similar problem in revamping a web site in Dreamweaver. The site structure is based on a complex set of tables, and this video was in one of the main layout cells. I created a nested table just for the video and then added an align=center attribute to the new table:

<table align=center><tr><td>
    <video width=420 height=236 controls="controls" autoplay="autoplay">
        <source src="video/video.ogv" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'/>
        <source src="video/video.webm" type='video/webm' >
        <source src="video/video.mp4" type='video/mp4'>
        <p class="sidebar">If video is not visible, your browser does not support HTML5 video</p>

Implement an input with a mask

You can also try my implementation, which doesn't have delay after each key press when typing the contents, and has full support for backspace and delete.

You can try it online:

      <input type="text" id="phone" placeholder="123-5678-1234" title="123-5678-1234" input-mask="___-____-____">
      <input type="button" onClick="showValue_phone()" value="Show Value" />
      <input type="text" id="console_phone" />
        function InputMask(element) {
          var self = this;

          self.element = element;

          self.mask = element.attributes["input-mask"].nodeValue;

          self.inputBuffer = "";

          self.cursorPosition = 0;

          self.bufferCursorPosition = 0;

          self.dataLength = getDataLength();

          function getDataLength() {
            var ret = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < self.mask.length; i++) {
              if (self.mask.charAt(i) == "_") {

            return ret;

          self.keyEventHandler = function (obj) {


          self.updateBufferPosition = function () {
            var selectionStart = self.element.selectionStart;
            self.bufferCursorPosition = self.displayPosToBufferPos(selectionStart);
            console.log("self.bufferCursorPosition==" + self.bufferCursorPosition);

          self.onClick = function () {

          self.updateBuffer = function (obj) {
            if (obj.keyCode == 8) {
              self.inputBuffer = self.inputBuffer.substring(0, self.bufferCursorPosition - 1) + self.inputBuffer.substring(self.bufferCursorPosition);
            else if (obj.keyCode == 46) {
              self.inputBuffer = self.inputBuffer.substring(0, self.bufferCursorPosition) + self.inputBuffer.substring(self.bufferCursorPosition + 1);
            else if (obj.keyCode >= 37 && obj.keyCode <= 40) {
              //do nothing on cursor keys.
            else {
              var selectionStart = self.element.selectionStart;
              var bufferCursorPosition = self.displayPosToBufferPos(selectionStart);
              self.inputBuffer = self.inputBuffer.substring(0, bufferCursorPosition) + String.fromCharCode(obj.which) + self.inputBuffer.substring(bufferCursorPosition);
              if (self.inputBuffer.length > self.dataLength) {
                self.inputBuffer = self.inputBuffer.substring(0, self.dataLength);

          self.manageCursor = function (obj) {
            if (obj.keyCode == 8) {
            else if (obj.keyCode == 46) {
              //do nothing on delete key.
            else if (obj.keyCode >= 37 && obj.keyCode <= 40) {
              if (obj.keyCode == 37) {
              else if (obj.keyCode == 39) {
            else {
              var bufferCursorPosition = self.displayPosToBufferPos(self.element.selectionStart);
              self.bufferCursorPosition = bufferCursorPosition + 1;

          self.setCursorByBuffer = function (bufferCursorPosition) {
            var displayCursorPos = self.bufferPosToDisplayPos(bufferCursorPosition);
            self.element.setSelectionRange(displayCursorPos, displayCursorPos);

          self.moveCursor = function () {

          self.render = function () {
            var bufferCopy = self.inputBuffer;
            var ret = {
              muskifiedValue: ""

            var lastChar = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < self.mask.length; i++) {
              if (self.mask.charAt(i) == "_" &&
                bufferCopy) {
                ret.muskifiedValue += bufferCopy.charAt(0);
                bufferCopy = bufferCopy.substr(1);
                lastChar = i;
              else {
                ret.muskifiedValue += self.mask.charAt(i);

            self.element.value = ret.muskifiedValue;


          self.preceedingMaskCharCount = function (displayCursorPos) {
            var lastCharIndex = 0;
            var ret = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < self.element.value.length; i++) {
              if (self.element.value.charAt(i) == "_"
                || i > displayCursorPos - 1) {
                lastCharIndex = i;

            if (self.mask.charAt(lastCharIndex - 1) != "_") {
              var i = lastCharIndex - 1;
              while (self.mask.charAt(i) != "_") {
                if (i < 0) break;

            return ret;

          self.leadingMaskCharCount = function (displayIndex) {
            var ret = 0;

            for (var i = displayIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
              if (i >= self.mask.length) {
              if (self.mask.charAt(i) != "_") {

            return ret;

          self.bufferPosToDisplayPos = function (bufferIndex) {
            var offset = 0;
            var indexInBuffer = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < self.mask.length; i++) {
              if (indexInBuffer > bufferIndex) {

              if (self.mask.charAt(i) != "_") {

            var ret = bufferIndex + offset;

            return ret;

          self.displayPosToBufferPos = function (displayIndex) {
            var offset = 0;
            var indexInBuffer = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < self.mask.length && i <= displayIndex; i++) {
              if (indexInBuffer >= self.inputBuffer.length) {

              if (self.mask.charAt(i) != "_") {


            return displayIndex - offset;

          self.getValue = function () {
            return this.inputBuffer;
          self.element.onkeypress = self.keyEventHandler;
          self.element.onclick = self.onClick;

        function InputMaskManager() {
          var self = this;

          self.instances = {};

          self.add = function (id) {
            var elem = document.getElementById(id);
            var maskInstance = new InputMask(elem);
            self.instances[id] = maskInstance;

          self.getValue = function (id) {
            return self.instances[id].getValue();

          document.onkeydown = function (obj) {
            if (["input-mask"]) {
              if (obj.keyCode == 8 ||
                obj.keyCode == 46 ||
                (obj.keyCode >= 37 && obj.keyCode <= 40)) {

                if (obj.keyCode == 8 || obj.keyCode == 46) {

                //needs to broadcast to all instances here:
                var keys = Object.keys(self.instances);
                for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
                  if (self.instances[keys[i]] == {

        //Initialize an instance of InputMaskManager and
        //add masker instances by passing in the DOM ids
        //of each HTML counterpart.
        var maskMgr = new InputMaskManager();

        function showValue_phone() {
          document.getElementById("console_phone").value = maskMgr.getValue("phone");


Range with step of type float

In order to be able to use decimal numbers in a range expression a cool way for doing it is the following: [x * 0.1 for x in range(0, 10)]

Array.push() if does not exist?

Easy code, if 'indexOf' returns '-1' it means that element is not inside the array then the condition '=== -1' retrieve true/false.

The '&&' operator means 'and', so if the first condition is true we push it to the array.

array.indexOf(newItem) === -1 && array.push(newItem);

How to play .wav files with java

Another way of doing it with AudioInputStream:


import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import javax.sound.sampled.Clip;
import javax.sound.sampled.Line;
import javax.sound.sampled.LineEvent;
import javax.sound.sampled.LineListener;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;

public class CoreJavaSound extends Object implements LineListener {
    File soundFile;

    JDialog playingDialog;

    Clip clip;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        CoreJavaSound s = new CoreJavaSound();

    public CoreJavaSound() throws Exception {
        JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
        soundFile = chooser.getSelectedFile();

        System.out.println("Playing " + soundFile.getName());

        Line.Info linfo = new Line.Info(Clip.class);
        Line line = AudioSystem.getLine(linfo);
        clip = (Clip) line;
        AudioInputStream ais = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(soundFile);;

    public void update(LineEvent le) {
        LineEvent.Type type = le.getType();
        if (type == LineEvent.Type.OPEN) {
        } else if (type == LineEvent.Type.CLOSE) {
        } else if (type == LineEvent.Type.START) {
        } else if (type == LineEvent.Type.STOP) {

How can I parse JSON with C#?

var result = controller.ActioName(objParams);
IDictionary<string, object> data = (IDictionary<string, object>)new System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary(result.Data);
Assert.AreEqual("Table already exists.", data["Message"]);

How to generate entire DDL of an Oracle schema (scriptable)?

The get_ddl procedure for a PACKAGE will return both spec AND body, so it will be better to change the query on the all_objects so the package bodies are not returned on the select.

So far I changed the query to this:

SELECT DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL(REPLACE(object_type, ' ', '_'), object_name, owner)
and object_type not like '%PARTITION'
and object_type not like '%BODY'
order by object_type, object_name;

Although other changes might be needed depending on the object types you are getting...

What is DOM Event delegation?

A delegate in C# is similar to a function pointer in C or C++. Using a delegate allows the programmer to encapsulate a reference to a method inside a delegate object. The delegate object can then be passed to code which can call the referenced method, without having to know at compile time which method will be invoked.

See this link -->

CSS3 selector to find the 2nd div of the same class

My original answer regarding :nth-of-type is simply wrong. Thanks to Paul for pointing this out.

The word "type" there refers only to the "element type" (like div). It turns out that the selectors and div:nth-of-type(2).bar mean the same thing. Both select elements that [a] are the second div of their parent, and [b] have class bar.

So the only pure CSS solution left that I'm aware of, if you want to select all elements of a certain selector except the first, is the general sibling selector:

.bar ~ .bar

My original (wrong) answer follows:

With the arrival of CSS3, there is another option. It may not have been available when the question was first asked:


This selects the second element that satisfies the .bar selector.

If you want the second and last of a specific kind of element (or all of them except the first), the general sibling selector would also work fine:

.bar ~ .bar

It's shorter. But of course, we don't like to duplicate code, right? :-)

Tool to convert java to c# code

For your reference:

Note: I had no experience on them.

What is the parameter "next" used for in Express?

It passes control to the next matching route. In the example you give, for instance, you might look up the user in the database if an id was given, and assign it to req.user.

Below, you could have a route like:

app.get('/users', function(req, res) {
  // check for and maybe do something with req.user

Since /users/123 will match the route in your example first, that will first check and find user 123; then /users can do something with the result of that.

Route middleware is a more flexible and powerful tool, though, in my opinion, since it doesn't rely on a particular URI scheme or route ordering. I'd be inclined to model the example shown like this, assuming a Users model with an async findOne():

function loadUser(req, res, next) {
  if (req.params.userId) {
    Users.findOne({ id: req.params.userId }, function(err, user) {
      if (err) {
        next(new Error("Couldn't find user: " + err));

      req.user = user;
  } else {

// ...

app.get('/user/:userId', loadUser, function(req, res) {
  // do something with req.user

app.get('/users/:userId?', loadUser, function(req, res) {
  // if req.user was set, it's because userId was specified (and we found the user).

// Pretend there's a "loadItem()" which operates similarly, but with itemId.
app.get('/item/:itemId/addTo/:userId', loadItem, loadUser, function(req, res) {

Being able to control flow like this is pretty handy. You might want to have certain pages only be available to users with an admin flag:

 * Only allows the page to be accessed if the user is an admin.
 * Requires use of `loadUser` middleware.
function requireAdmin(req, res, next) {
  if (!req.user || !req.user.admin) {
    next(new Error("Permission denied."));


app.get('/top/secret', loadUser, requireAdmin, function(req, res) {

Hope this gave you some inspiration!

How can I install Apache Ant on Mac OS X?

MacPorts will install ant for you in MacOSX 10.9. Just use

$ sudo port install apache-ant

and it will install.

How to update value of a key in dictionary in c#?

Try this simple function to add an dictionary item if it does not exist or update when it exists:

    public void AddOrUpdateDictionaryEntry(string key, int value)
        if (dict.ContainsKey(key))
            dict[key] = value;
            dict.Add(key, value);

This is the same as dict[key] = value.

Why doesn't JavaScript have a last method?

Yeah, or just:

var arr = [1, 2, 5];

if you want the value, and not a new list.

Creating a div element inside a div element in javascript

Yes, you either need to do this onload or in a <script> tag after the closing </body> tag, when the lc element is already found in the document's DOM tree.

How to change an Android app's name?

            android:label="@string/title_activity_splash" >
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />


To change android app's name , go to activity which is launcher activity and change its label like I have done above in my code.

How can I add a class to a DOM element in JavaScript?

There is also the DOM way of doing this in JavaScript:

// Create a div and set class
var new_row = document.createElement("div");
new_row.setAttribute("class", "aClassName");
// Add some text
new_row.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Some text"));
// Add it to the document body

Turning off eslint rule for a specific line

You can use the following

/*eslint-disable */

//suppress all warnings between comments

/*eslint-enable */

Which is slightly buried the "configuring rules" section of the docs;

To disable a warning for an entire file, you can include a comment at the top of the file e.g.

/*eslint eqeqeq:0*/


ESlint has now been updated with a better way disable a single line, see @goofballLogic's excellent answer.

print highest value in dict with key

You could use use max and min with dict.get:

maximum = max(mydict, key=mydict.get)  # Just use 'min' instead of 'max' for minimum.
print(maximum, mydict[maximum])
# D 87

How do I create a ListView with rounded corners in Android?

This was incredibly handy to me. I would like to suggest another workaround to perfectly highlight the rounded corners if you are using your own CustomAdapter.

Defining XML Files

First of all, go inside your drawable folder and create 4 different shapes:

  • shape_top


  • shape_normal


  • shape_bottom


  • shape_rounded


Now, create a different row layout for each shape, i.e. for shape_top :

  • You can also do this programatically changing the background.

        android:textSize="22dp" />
        android:scaleType="fitEnd" />

And define a selector for each shaped-list, i.e. for shape_top:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">
    <!-- Selected Item -->

    <item android:state_selected="true"
        android:drawable="@drawable/shape_top" />
    <item android:state_activated="true"
        android:drawable="@drawable/shape_top" />

    <!-- Default Item -->
    <item android:state_selected="false"
        android:drawable="@android:color/transparent" />

Change your CustomAdapter

Finally, define the layout options inside your CustomAdapter:

 convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.list_layout_top, null);
 convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.list_layout_normal, null);

convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.list_layout_bottom, null);

convertView = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.list_layout_unique, null);

And that's done!

Launch an app from within another (iPhone)

I also tried this a while ago (Launch iPhone Application with Identifier), but there definitely is no DOCUMENTED way to do this. :)

How do I force my .NET application to run as administrator?

Adding a requestedExecutionLevel element to your manifest is only half the battle; you have to remember that UAC can be turned off. If it is, you have to perform the check the old school way and put up an error dialog if the user is not administrator
(call IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator) on your thread's CurrentPrincipal).

Word wrapping in phpstorm

WebStorm 10.0.4

For wrapping text/code line by deafault, but for all types of file: File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> section "Soft Wraps" -> checkbox "Use soft wraps in editor"


Can you split/explode a field in a MySQL query?

Search in a column containing comma-separated values

MySQL has a dedicated function FIND_IN_SET() that returns field index if the value is found in a string containing comma-separated values.

For example, the following statement returns one-based index of value C in string A,B,C,D.

SELECT FIND_IN_SET('C', 'A,B,C,D') AS result;
| result |
|      3 |

If the given value is not found, FIND_IN_SET() function returns 0.

SELECT FIND_IN_SET('Z', 'A,B,C,D') AS result;
| result |
|      0 |

Rotate a div using javascript

Can be pretty easily done assuming you're using jQuery and css3:


<div id="clicker">Click Here</div>
<div id="rotating"></div>


#clicker { 
    width: 100px; 
    height: 100px; 
    background-color: Green; 

#rotating { 
    width: 100px; 
    height: 100px; 
    background-color: Red; 
    margin-top: 50px; 
    -webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;
    -moz-transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;
    -o-transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;
    transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;

.rotated { 


$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#clicker').click(function() {

Is there a concise way to iterate over a stream with indices in Java 8?

As jean-baptiste-yunès said, if your stream is based on a java List then using an AtomicInteger and its incrementAndGet method is a very good solution to the problem and the returned integer does correspond to the index in the original List as long as you do not use a parallel stream.

How can I get the number of days between 2 dates in Oracle 11g?

This will work i have tested myself.
It gives difference between sysdate and date fetched from column admitdate

  "TOTAL" NUMBER(*,0), 
"DUES" NUMBER(*,0), 

select TO_NUMBER(trunc(sysdate) - to_date(to_char(admitdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy-mm-dd')) from admin.duestesting where total=300

How to initialize List<String> object in Java?

You will need to use ArrayList<String> or such.

List<String> is an interface.

Use this:

import java.util.ArrayList;


List<String> supplierNames = new ArrayList<String>();

How To Auto-Format / Indent XML/HTML in Notepad++

It's been the third time that I install Windows and npp and after some time I realize the tidy function no longer work. So I google for a solution, come to this thread, then with the help of few more so threads I finally fix it. I'll put a summary of all my actions once and for all.

  1. Install TextFX plugin: Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager. Select TextFX Characters and install. After a restart of npp, the menu 'TextFX' should be visible. (credits: @remipod).

  2. Install libtidy.dll by pasting the Config folder from an old npp package: Follow instructions in this answer.

  3. After having a Config folder in your latest npp installation destination (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\plugins), npp needs write access to that folder. Right click Config folder -> Properties -> Security tab -> select Users, click Edit -> check Full control to allow read/write access. Note that you need administrator privileges to do that.

  4. Restart npp and verify TextFX -> TextFX HTML Tidy -> Tidy: Reindent XML works.

How to get index of an item in java.util.Set

A small static custom method in a Util class would help:

 public static int getIndex(Set<? extends Object> set, Object value) {
   int result = 0;
   for (Object entry:set) {
     if (entry.equals(value)) return result;
   return -1;

If you need/want one class that is a Set and offers a getIndex() method, I strongly suggest to implement a new Set and use the decorator pattern:

 public class IndexAwareSet<T> implements Set {
   private Set<T> set;
   public IndexAwareSet(Set<T> set) {
     this.set = set;

   // ... implement all methods from Set and delegate to the internal Set

   public int getIndex(T entry) {
     int result = 0;
     for (T entry:set) {
       if (entry.equals(value)) return result;
     return -1;

How do I display a MySQL error in PHP for a long query that depends on the user input?

Use this:

mysqli_query($this->db_link, $query) or die(mysqli_error($this->db_link)); 
# mysqli_query($link,$query) returns 0 if there's an error.
# mysqli_error($link) returns a string with the last error message

You can also use this to print the error code.

echo mysqli_errno($this->db_link);

Take a look here and here

SQL to find the number of distinct values in a column

select count(*) from 
SELECT distinct column1,column2,column3,column4 FROM abcd
) T

This will give count of distinct group of columns.

Cannot open database "test" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'xyz\ASPNET'

The best solution for the login problem is to create a login user in sqlServer. Here are the steps to create a SQL Server login that uses Windows Authentication (SQL Server Management Studio):

  1. In SQL Server Management Studio, open Object Explorer and expand the folder of the server instance in which to create the new login.
  2. Right-click the Security folder, point to New, and then click Login.
  3. On the General page, enter the name of a Windows user in the Login name box.
  4. Select Windows Authentication.
  5. Click OK.

For example, if the user name is xyz\ASPNET, then enter this name into Login name Box.

Also you need to change the User mapping to allow access to the Database which you want to access.

sorting a vector of structs

Yes: you can sort using a custom comparison function:

std::sort(info.begin(), info.end(), my_custom_comparison);

my_custom_comparison needs to be a function or a class with an operator() overload (a functor) that takes two data objects and returns a bool indicating whether the first is ordered prior to the second (i.e., first < second). Alternatively, you can overload operator< for your class type data; operator< is the default ordering used by std::sort.

Either way, the comparison function must yield a strict weak ordering of the elements.

IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('r') or filename: 'c:\\Python27\test.txt'

\t is a tab character. Use a raw string instead:


or double the slashes:


or use forward slashes instead:


Java ArrayList clear() function

After data.clear() it will definitely start again from the zero index.

how to add <script>alert('test');</script> inside a text box?

JQuery version:


From ND to 1D arrays

Although this isn't using the np array format, (to lazy to modify my code) this should do what you want... If, you truly want a column vector you will want to transpose the vector result. It all depends on how you are planning to use this.

def getVector(data_array,col):
    vector = []
    imax = len(data_array)
    for i in range(imax):
    return ( vector )
a = ([1,2,3], [4,5,6])
b = getVector(a,1)


So if you need to transpose, you can do something like this:

def transposeArray(data_array):
    # need to test if this is a 1D array 
    # can't do a len(data_array[0]) if it's 1D
    two_d = True
    if isinstance(data_array[0], list):
        dimx = len(data_array[0])
        dimx = 1
        two_d = False
    dimy = len(data_array)
    # init output transposed array
    data_array_t = [[0 for row in range(dimx)] for col in range(dimy)]
    # fill output transposed array
    for i in range(dimx):
        for j in range(dimy):
            if two_d:
                data_array_t[j][i] = data_array[i][j]
                data_array_t[j][i] = data_array[j]
    return data_array_t

default web page width - 1024px or 980px?

If it isn't I could see things heading that way.

I'm working on redoing the website for the company I work for and the designer they hired used a 960px width layout. There is also a 960px grid system that seems to be getting quite popular (

I've been out of web stuff for a few years but from what I've read catching up on things it seems 960/980 is about right. For mobile ~320px sticks in my mind, by which 960 is divisible. 960 is also evenly divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Convert a 1D array to a 2D array in numpy

some_array.shape = (1,)+some_array.shape

or get a new one

another_array = numpy.reshape(some_array, (1,)+some_array.shape)

This will make dimensions +1, equals to adding a bracket on the outermost

jQuery datepicker to prevent past date

I used the min attribute: min="' + (new Date()).toISOString().substring(0,10) + '"

Here's my code and it worked.

<input type="date" min="' + (new Date()).toISOString().substring(0,10) + '" id="' + invdateId + '" value="' + d.Invoice.Invoice_Date__c + '"/>

enter image description here

bootstrap.min.js:6 Uncaught Error: Bootstrap dropdown require Popper.js



instead of


Get record counts for all tables in MySQL database

The code below generation the select query for all tales. Just delete last "UNION ALL" select all result and paste a new query window to run.

concat('select ''', table_name ,''' as TableName, COUNT(*) as RowCount from ' , table_name , ' UNION ALL ')  as TR FROM
information_schema.tables where 
table_schema = 'Database Name'

Javascript set img src

Your src property is an object because you are setting the src element to be the entire image you created in JavaScript.


document["pic1"].src = searchPic.src;

Setting network adapter metric priority in Windows 7

I had the same problem on Windows 7 64-bit Pro. I adjusted network adapters binding using Control panel but nothing changed. Also metrics where showing that Win should use Ethernet adapter as primary, but it didn't.

Then a tried to uninstall Ethernet adapter driver and then install it again (without restart) and then I checked metrics for sure.

After this, Windows started prioritize Ethernet adapter.

git pull error :error: remote ref is at but expected

Same case here, but nothing about comments posted it's right in my case, I have only one branch (master) and only use Unix file system, this error occur randomly when I run git fetch --progress --prune origin and branch is ahead or 'origin/master'. Nobody can commit, only 1 user can do push.

NOTE: I have a submodule in acme repository, and acme have new submodule changes (new commits), I need first do a submodule update with git submodule update.

[2014-07-29 13:58:37] Payload POST received from Bitbucket
[2014-07-29 13:58:37] Exec: cd /var/www/html/acme
[2014-07-29 13:58:37] Updating Git code for all branches
[2014-07-29 13:58:37] Exec: /usr/bin/git checkout --force master
[2014-07-29 13:58:37] Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.
[2014-07-29 13:58:37]   (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
[2014-07-29 13:58:37] Command returned some errors:
[2014-07-29 13:58:37] Already on 'master'
[2014-07-29 13:58:37] Exec: /usr/bin/git fetch --progress --prune origin
[2014-07-29 13:58:39] Command returned some errors:
[2014-07-29 13:58:39] error: Ref refs/remotes/origin/master is at 8213a9906828322a3428f921381bd87f42ec7e2f but expected c8f9c00551dcd0b9386cd9123607843179981c91
[2014-07-29 13:58:39] From
[2014-07-29 13:58:39]  ! c8f9c00..8213a99  master     -> origin/master  (unable to update local ref)
[2014-07-29 13:58:39] Unable to fetch Git data

To solve this problem (in my case) simply run first git push if your branch is ahead of origin.

How can I update window.location.hash without jumping the document?

When using laravel framework, I had some issues with using a route->back() function since it erased my hash. In order to keep my hash, I created a simple function:

$(function() {   
    if (localStorage.getItem("hash")    ){
     location.hash = localStorage.getItem("hash");

and I set it in my other JS function like this:

localStorage.setItem("hash", myvalue);

You can name your local storage values any way you like; mine named hash.

Therefore, if the hash is set on PAGE1 and then you navigate to PAGE2; the hash will be recreated on PAGE1 when you click Back on PAGE2.

Interpreting segfault messages

Let's go to the source -- 2.6.32, for example. The message is printed by show_signal_msg() function in arch/x86/mm/fault.c if the show_unhandled_signals sysctl is set.

"error" is not an errno nor a signal number, it's a "page fault error code" -- see definition of enum x86_pf_error_code.

"[7fa44d2f8000+f6f000]" is starting address and size of virtual memory area where offending object was mapped at the time of crash. Value of "ip" should fit in this region. With this info in hand, it should be easy to find offending code in gdb.

How to test which port MySQL is running on and whether it can be connected to?

Using Mysql client:


T-SQL How to select only Second row from a table?

I'm guessing you're using SQL 2005 or greater. The 2nd line selects the top 2 rows and by using ORDER BY ROW_COUNT DESC, the 2nd row is arranged as being first, then it is selected using TOP 1

from (
  FROM Table

How to generate a random alpha-numeric string

You can use the UUID class with its getLeastSignificantBits() message to get 64 bit of random data, and then convert it to a radix 36 number (i.e. a string consisting of 0-9,A-Z):

Long.toString(Math.abs( UUID.randomUUID().getLeastSignificantBits(), 36));

This yields a string up to 13 characters long. We use Math.abs() to make sure there isn't a minus sign sneaking in.

e.printStackTrace equivalent in python

e.printStackTrace equivalent in python

In Java, this does the following (docs):

public void printStackTrace()

Prints this throwable and its backtrace to the standard error stream...

This is used like this:

// code that may raise an error
catch (IOException e)
// exception handling

In Java, the Standard Error stream is unbuffered so that output arrives immediately.

The same semantics in Python 2 are:

import traceback
import sys
try: # code that may raise an error
except IOError as e: # exception handling
    # in Python 2, stderr is also unbuffered
    print >> sys.stderr, traceback.format_exc()
    # in Python 2, you can also from __future__ import print_function
    print(traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr)
    # or as the top answer here demonstrates, use:
    # which also uses stderr.

Python 3

In Python 3, we can get the traceback directly from the exception object (which likely behaves better for threaded code). Also, stderr is line-buffered, but the print function gets a flush argument, so this would be immediately printed to stderr:

    print(traceback.format_exception(None, # <- type(e) by docs, but ignored 
                                     e, e.__traceback__),
          file=sys.stderr, flush=True)


In Python 3, therefore, traceback.print_exc(), although it uses sys.stderr by default, would buffer the output, and you may possibly lose it. So to get as equivalent semantics as possible, in Python 3, use print with flush=True.

Merge / convert multiple PDF files into one PDF

You can see use the free and open source pdftools (disclaimer: I am the author of it).

It is basically a Python interface to the Latex pdfpages package.

To merge pdf files one by one, you can run:

pdftools --input-file file1.pdf --input-file file2.pdf --output output.pdf

To merge together all the pdf files in a directory, you can run:

pdftools --input-dir ./dir_with_pdfs --output output.pdf

How to create a file in Ruby and default to read mode ('r') as a safety mechanism, to avoid possibly overwriting a file. We have to explicitly tell Ruby to use write mode ('w' is the most common way) if we're going to output to the file.

If the text to be output is a string, rather than write:'foo.txt', 'w') { |fo| fo.puts "bar" }

or worse:

fo ='foo.txt', 'w')
fo.puts "bar"

Use the more succinct write:

File.write('foo.txt', 'bar')

write has modes allowed so we can use 'w', 'a', 'r+' if necessary.

open with a block is useful if you have to compute the output in an iterative loop and want to leave the file open as you do so. write is useful if you are going to output the content in one blast then close the file.

See the documentation for more information.

How to get the clicked link's href with jquery?

this in your callback function refers to the clicked element.

   $(".addressClick").click(function () {
        var addressValue = $(this).attr("href");
        alert(addressValue );

Android List View Drag and Drop sort

I recently stumbled upon this great Gist that gives a working implementation of a drag sort ListView, with no external dependencies needed.

Basically it consists on creating your custom Adapter extending ArrayAdapter as an inner class to the activity containing your ListView. On this adapter one then sets an onTouchListener to your List Items that will signal the start of the drag.

In that Gist they set the listener to a specific part of the layout of the List Item (the "handle" of the item), so one does not accidentally move it by pressing any part of it. Personally, I preferred to go with an onLongClickListener instead, but that is up to you to decide. Here an excerpt of that part:

public class MyArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<String> {

    private ArrayList<String> mStrings = new ArrayList<String>();
    private LayoutInflater mInflater;
    private int mLayout;

    //constructor, clear, remove, add, insert...

    public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        ViewHolder holder;

        View view = convertView;
        //inflate, etc...

        final String string = mStrings.get(position);

        // Here the listener is set specifically to the handle of the layout
        holder.handle.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
            public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) {
                if (motionEvent.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
                    return true;
                return false;

        // change color on dragging item and other things...         

        return view;

This also involves adding an onTouchListener to the ListView, which checks if an item is being dragged, handles the swapping and invalidation, and stops the drag state. An excerpt of that part:

mListView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
     public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event) {
        if (!mSortable) { return false; }
        switch (event.getAction()) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: {
                // get positions
                int position = mListView.pointToPosition((int) event.getX(), 
                    (int) event.getY());
                if (position < 0) {
                // check if it's time to swap
                if (position != mPosition) {
                    mPosition = position;
                    mAdapter.insert(mDragString, mPosition);
                return true;
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_OUTSIDE: {
                //stop drag state
                return true;
        return false;

Finally, here is how the stopDrag and startDrag methods look like, which handle the enabling and disabling of the drag process:

public void startDrag(String string) {
    mPosition = -1;
    mSortable = true;
    mDragString = string;

public void stopDrag() {
    mPosition = -1;
    mSortable = false;
    mDragString = null;

Why is the time complexity of both DFS and BFS O( V + E )

Your sum

v1 + (incident edges) + v2 + (incident edges) + .... + vn + (incident edges)

can be rewritten as

(v1 + v2 + ... + vn) + [(incident_edges v1) + (incident_edges v2) + ... + (incident_edges vn)]

and the first group is O(N) while the other is O(E).

How do you change video src using jQuery?

     $(document).ready(function () {     
    setTimeout(function () {
                    $(".imgthumbnew").click(function () {
                        $("#divVideo video").attr({
                            "src": $(this).data("item"),
                            "autoplay": "autoplay",        
                }, 2000); 

here ".imgthumbnew" is the class of images which are thumbs of videos, an extra attribute is given to them which have video url. u can change according to your convenient.
i would suggest you to give an ID to ur Video tag it would be easy to handle.

Working with INTERVAL and CURDATE in MySQL

I usually use


Which is almost same as Pekka's but this way you can control your INTERVAL to be negative or positive...

jQuery find and replace string

var string ='my string'
var new_string = string.replace('string','new string');

What does "\r" do in the following script?

Actually, this has nothing to do with the usual Windows / Unix \r\n vs \n issue. The TELNET procotol itself defines \r\n as the end-of-line sequence, independently of the operating system. See RFC854.

PHP Echo text Color

How about writing out some HTML tags and some CSS if you're outputting this to the browser?

echo '<span style="color:#AFA;text-align:center;">Request has been sent. Please wait for my reply!</span>';

Won't work from console though, only through browser.

Declare a const array

I believe you can only make it readonly.

What are .iml files in Android Studio?

They are project files, that hold the module information and meta data.

Just add *.iml to .gitignore.

In Android Studio: Press CTRL + F9 to rebuild your project. The missing *.iml files will be generated.


setting the tcp_reuse is more useful than changing time_wait, as long as you have the parameter (kernels 3.2 and above, unfortunately that disqualifies all versions of RHEL and XenServer).

Dropping the value, particularly for VPN connected users, can result in constant recreation of proxy tunnels on the outbound connection. With the default Netscaler (XenServer) config, which is lower than the default Linux config, Chrome will sometimes have to recreate the proxy tunnel up to a dozen times to retrieve one web page. Applications that don't retry, such as Maven and Eclipse P2, simply fail.

The original motive for the parameter (avoid duplication) was made redundant by a TCP RFC that specifies timestamp inclusion on all TCP requests.

Java 8 lambda Void argument

Add a static method inside your functional interface

package example;

interface Action<T, U> {
       U execute(T t);
       static  Action<Void,Void> invoke(Runnable runnable){
           return (v) -> {
                return null;

public class Lambda {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Action<Void, Void> a = Action.invoke(() -> System.out.println("Do nothing!"));
        Void t = null;



Do nothing!

How to set a border for an HTML div tag

In bootstrap 4, you can use border utilities like so.

<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
  .border-5 {_x000D_
    border-width: 5px !important;_x000D_
<textarea class="border border-dark border-5">some content</textarea>

how to make a specific text on TextView BOLD

You can use this code to set part of your text to bold. For whatever is in between the bold html tags, it will make it bold.

String myText = "make this <b>bold</b> and <b>this</b> too";
textView.setText(makeSpannable(myText, "<b>(.+?)</b>", "<b>", "</b>"));

public SpannableStringBuilder makeSpannable(String text, String regex, String startTag, String endTag) {

            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            SpannableStringBuilder spannable = new SpannableStringBuilder();

            Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
            while (matcher.find()) {
                String group =;
                String spanText = group.substring(startTag.length(), group.length() - endTag.length());
                matcher.appendReplacement(sb, spanText);

                int start = spannable.length() - spanText.length();

                spannable.setSpan(new, start, spannable.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
            return spannable;

How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests?

There is also OkHttp, which is an HTTP client that’s efficient by default:

  • HTTP/2 support allows all requests to the same host to share a socket.
  • Connection pooling reduces request latency (if HTTP/2 isn’t available).
  • Transparent GZIP shrinks download sizes.
  • Response caching avoids the network completely for repeat requests.

First create an instance of OkHttpClient:

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

Then, prepare your GET request:

Request request = new Request.Builder()

finally, use OkHttpClient to send prepared Request:

Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();

For more details, you can consult the OkHttp's documentation

Using sed and grep/egrep to search and replace

Honestly, much as I love sed for appropriate tasks, this is definitely a task for perl -- it's truly more powerful for this kind of one-liners, especially to "write it back to where it comes from" (perl's -i switch does it for you, and optionally also lets you keep the old version around e.g. with a .bak appended, just use -i.bak instead).

perl -i.bak -pe 's/\.jpg|\.png|\.gif/.jpg/

rather than intricate work in sed (if even possible there) or awk...

jQuery - Check if DOM element already exists

In this case, you may want to check if element exists in current DOM

if you want to check if element exist in DOM tree (is attached to DOM), you can use:

var data = $('#data_1'); 
if(jQuery.contains(document.documentElement, data[0])){
    // #data_1 element attached to DOM
} else {
    // is not attached to DOM

How do I check if string contains substring?

If you are capable of using libraries, you may find that Lo-Dash JS library is quite useful. In this case, go ahead and check _.contains() (replaced by _.includes() as of v4).

(Note Lo-Dash convention is naming the library object _. Don't forget to check installation in the same page to set it up for your project.)

_.contains("foo", "oo");     // ? true
_.contains("foo", "bar");    // ? false
// Equivalent with:
_("foo").contains("oo");     // ? true
_("foo").contains("bar");    // ? false

In your case, go ahead and use:

_.contains(str, "Yes");
// or:

..whichever one you like better.

SSRS chart does not show all labels on Horizontal axis

Go to Horizontal axis properties,choose 'Category' in AXIS type,choose "Disabled" in SIDE Margin option

Installing python module within code

for installing multiple packages, i am using a file with following code:

import sys
import subprocess
import pkg_resources

required = {'numpy','pandas','<etc>'} 
installed = {pkg.key for pkg in pkg_resources.working_set}
missing = required - installed

if missing:
    # implement pip as a subprocess:
    subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install',*missing])

How does Git handle symbolic links?

You can find out what Git does with a file by seeing what it does when you add it to the index. The index is like a pre-commit. With the index committed, you can use git checkout to bring everything that was in the index back into the working directory. So, what does Git do when you add a symbolic link to the index?

To find out, first, make a symbolic link:

$ ln -s /path/referenced/by/symlink symlink

Git doesn't know about this file yet. git ls-files lets you inspect your index (-s prints stat-like output):

$ git ls-files -s ./symlink

Now, add the contents of the symbolic link to the Git object store by adding it to the index. When you add a file to the index, Git stores its contents in the Git object store.

$ git add ./symlink

So, what was added?

$ git ls-files -s ./symlink
120000 1596f9db1b9610f238b78dd168ae33faa2dec15c 0       symlink

The hash is a reference to the packed object that was created in the Git object store. You can examine this object if you look in .git/objects/15/96f9db1b9610f238b78dd168ae33faa2dec15c in the root of your repository. This is the file that Git stores in the repository, that you can later check out. If you examine this file, you'll see it is very small. It does not store the contents of the linked file. To confirm this, print the contents of the packed repository object with git cat-file:

$ git cat-file -p 1596f9db1b9610f238b78dd168ae33faa2dec15c

(Note 120000 is the mode listed in ls-files output. It would be something like 100644 for a regular file.)

But what does Git do with this object when you check it out from the repository and into your filesystem? It depends on the core.symlinks config. From man git-config:


If false, symbolic links are checked out as small plain files that contain the link text.

So, with a symbolic link in the repository, upon checkout you either get a text file with a reference to a full filesystem path, or a proper symbolic link, depending on the value of the core.symlinks config.

Either way, the data referenced by the symlink is not stored in the repository.

Numbering rows within groups in a data frame

Using the rowid() function in data.table:

> set.seed(100)  
> df <- data.frame(cat = c(rep("aaa", 5), rep("bbb", 5), rep("ccc", 5)), val = runif(15))
> df <- df[order(df$cat, df$val), ]  
> df$num <- data.table::rowid(df$cat)
> df
   cat        val num
4  aaa 0.05638315   1
2  aaa 0.25767250   2
1  aaa 0.30776611   3
5  aaa 0.46854928   4
3  aaa 0.55232243   5
10 bbb 0.17026205   1
8  bbb 0.37032054   2
6  bbb 0.48377074   3
9  bbb 0.54655860   4
7  bbb 0.81240262   5
13 ccc 0.28035384   1
14 ccc 0.39848790   2
11 ccc 0.62499648   3
15 ccc 0.76255108   4
12 ccc 0.88216552   5

How to display 3 buttons on the same line in css

Here is the Answer


    text-align: center;
    display: inline-block;


<div id="outer">
  <div class="inner"><button type="submit" class="msgBtn" onClick="return false;" >Save</button></div>
  <div class="inner"><button type="submit" class="msgBtn2" onClick="return false;">Publish</button></div>
  <div class="inner"><button class="msgBtnBack">Back</button></div>


Using gradle to find dependency tree

In Android Studio (at least since v2.3.3) you can run the command directly from the UI:

Click on the Gradle tab and then double click on :yourmodule -> Tasks -> android -> androidDependencies

The tree will be displayed in the Gradle Console tab

An image is worth a thousand words

Merge (Concat) Multiple JSONObjects in Java

Merging typed data structure trees is not trivial, you need to define the precedence, handle incompatible types, define how they will be casted and merged...

So in my opinion, you won't avoid

... pulling them all apart and individually adding in by puts`.

If your question is: Has someone done it for me yet? Then I think you can have a look at this YAML merging library/tool I revived. (YAML is a superset of JSON), and the principles are applicable to both.
(However, this particular code returns YAML objects, not JSON. Feel free to extend the project and send a PR.)

What does "The following object is masked from 'package:xxx'" mean?

I have the same problem. I avoid it with remove.packages("Package making this confusion") and it works. In my case, I don't need the second package, so that is not a very good idea.

gitignore all files of extension in directory

I believe the simplest solution would be to use find. I do not like to have multiple .gitignore hanging around in sub-directories and I prefer to manage a unique, top-level .gitignore. To do so you could simply append the found files to your .gitignore. Supposing that /public/static/ is your project/git home I would use something like:

find . -type f -name *.js | cut -c 3- >> .gitignore

I found that cutting out the ./ at the beginning is often necessary for git to understand which files to avoid. Therefore the cut -c 3-.

Set bootstrap modal body height by percentage

Instead of using a %, the units vh set it to a percent of the viewport (browser window) size.

I was able to set a modal with an image and text beneath to be responsive to the browser window size using vh.

If you just want the content to scroll, you could leave out the part that limits the size of the modal body.

/*When the modal fills the screen it has an even 2.5% on top and bottom*/
/*Centers the modal*/
.modal-dialog {
  margin: 2.5vh auto;

/*Sets the maximum height of the entire modal to 95% of the screen height*/
.modal-content {
  max-height: 95vh;
  overflow: scroll;

/*Sets the maximum height of the modal body to 90% of the screen height*/
.modal-body {
  max-height: 90vh;
/*Sets the maximum height of the modal image to 69% of the screen height*/
.modal-body img {
  max-height: 69vh;

PostgreSQL: How to make "case-insensitive" query

You can use ILIKE. i.e.

SELECT id FROM groups where name ILIKE 'administrator'

Run a Python script from another Python script, passing in arguments

Ideally, the Python script you want to run will be set up with code like this near the end:

def main(arg1, arg2, etc):
    # do whatever the script does

if __name__ == "__main__":
    main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])

In other words, if the module is called from the command line, it parses the command line options and then calls another function, main(), to do the actual work. (The actual arguments will vary, and the parsing may be more involved.)

If you want to call such a script from another Python script, however, you can simply import it and call modulename.main() directly, rather than going through the operating system.

os.system will work, but it is the roundabout (read "slow") way to do it, as you are starting a whole new Python interpreter process each time for no raisin.

How to compare two tables column by column in oracle

Try to use 3rd party tool, such as SQL Data Examiner which compares Oracle databases and shows you differences.

TypeError: 'float' object is not subscriptable


This says: go to the 1st item of my collection PriceList. That thing is a collection; get its 2nd item. That thing is a collection; get its 3rd...

Instead, you want slicing:

PriceList[:7] = [PizzaChange]*7

How do I find which transaction is causing a "Waiting for table metadata lock" state?

I had a similar issue with Datagrip and none of these solutions worked.

Once I restarted the Datagrip Client it was no longer an issue and I could drop tables again.

How can I get the name of an object in Python?

As others have mentioned, this is a really tricky question. Solutions to this are not "one size fits all", not even remotely. The difficulty (or ease) is really going to depend on your situation.

I have come to this problem on several occasions, but most recently while creating a debugging function. I wanted the function to take some unknown objects as arguments and print their declared names and contents. Getting the contents is easy of course, but the declared name is another story.

What follows is some of what I have come up with.

Return function name

Determining the name of a function is really easy as it has the __name__ attribute containing the function's declared name.

name_of_function = lambda x : x.__name__

def name_of_function(arg):
        return arg.__name__
    except AttributeError:

Just as an example, if you create the function def test_function(): pass, then copy_function = test_function, then name_of_function(copy_function), it will return test_function.

Return first matching object name

  1. Check whether the object has a __name__ attribute and return it if so (declared functions only). Note that you may remove this test as the name will still be in globals().

  2. Compare the value of arg with the values of items in globals() and return the name of the first match. Note that I am filtering out names starting with '_'.

The result will consist of the name of the first matching object otherwise None.

def name_of_object(arg):
    # check __name__ attribute (functions)
        return arg.__name__
    except AttributeError:

    for name, value in globals().items():
        if value is arg and not name.startswith('_'):
            return name

Return all matching object names

  • Compare the value of arg with the values of items in globals() and store names in a list. Note that I am filtering out names starting with '_'.

The result will consist of a list (for multiple matches), a string (for a single match), otherwise None. Of course you should adjust this behavior as needed.

def names_of_object(arg):
    results = [n for n, v in globals().items() if v is arg and not n.startswith('_')]
    return results[0] if len(results) is 1 else results if results else None

.map() a Javascript ES6 Map?

I prefer to extend the map

export class UtilMap extends Map {  
  constructor(...args) { super(args); }  
  public map(supplier) {
      const mapped = new UtilMap();
      this.forEach(((value, key) => mapped.set(key, supplier(value, key)) ));
      return mapped;

How to start a background process in Python?

You probably want to start investigating the os module for forking different threads (by opening an interactive session and issuing help(os)). The relevant functions are fork and any of the exec ones. To give you an idea on how to start, put something like this in a function that performs the fork (the function needs to take a list or tuple 'args' as an argument that contains the program's name and its parameters; you may also want to define stdin, out and err for the new thread):

    pid = os.fork()
except OSError, e:
    ## some debug output
if pid == 0:
    ## eventually use os.putenv(..) to set environment variables
    ## os.execv strips of args[0] for the arguments
    os.execv(args[0], args)

Delete duplicate elements from an array

As elements are yet ordered, you don't have to build a map, there's a fast solution :

var newarr = [arr[0]];
for (var i=1; i<arr.length; i++) {
   if (arr[i]!=arr[i-1]) newarr.push(arr[i]);

If your array weren't sorted, you would use a map :

var newarr = (function(arr){
  var m = {}, newarr = []
  for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
    var v = arr[i];
    if (!m[v]) {
  return newarr;

Note that this is, by far, much faster than the accepted answer.

How do I update zsh to the latest version?

As far as I'm aware, you've got three options to install zsh on Mac OS X:

  • Pre-built binary. The only one I know of is the one that ships with OS X; this is probably what you're running now.
  • Use a package system (Ports, Homebrew).
  • Install from source. Last time I did this it wasn't too difficult (./configure, make, make install).

Structure padding and packing

Structure packing suppresses structure padding, padding used when alignment matters most, packing used when space matters most.

Some compilers provide #pragma to suppress padding or to make it packed to n number of bytes. Some provide keywords to do this. Generally pragma which is used for modifying structure padding will be in the below format (depends on compiler):

#pragma pack(n)

For example ARM provides the __packed keyword to suppress structure padding. Go through your compiler manual to learn more about this.

So a packed structure is a structure without padding.

Generally packed structures will be used

  • to save space

  • to format a data structure to transmit over network using some protocol (this is not a good practice of course because you need to
    deal with endianness)

Use virtualenv with Python with Visual Studio Code in Ubuntu

I was able to use the workspace setting that other people on this page have been asking for.

In Preferences, ?+P, search for python.pythonPath in the search bar.

You should see something like:

// Path to Python, you can use a custom version of Python by modifying this setting to include the full path.
"python.pythonPath": "python"

Then click on the WORKSPACE SETTINGS tab on the right side of the window. This will make it so the setting is only applicable to the workspace you're in.

Afterwards, click on the pencil icon next to "python.pythonPath". This should copy the setting over the workspace settings.

Change the value to something like:

"python.pythonPath": "${workspaceFolder}/venv"

How to use *ngIf else?

<div *ngIf="this.model.SerialNumber != '';then ConnectedContent else DisconnectedContent" class="data-font">    </div>

<ng-template #ConnectedContent class="data-font">Connected</ng-template>
<ng-template #DisconnectedContent class="data-font">Disconnected</ng-template>

Using setattr() in python

To add to the other answers, a common use case I have found for setattr() is when using configs. It is common to parse configs from a file (.ini file or whatever) into a dictionary. So you end up with something like:

configs = {'memory': 2.5, 'colour': 'red', 'charge': 0, ... }

If you want to then assign these configs to a class to be stored and passed around, you could do simple assignment:

MyClass.memory = configs['memory']
MyClass.colour = configs['colour']
MyClass.charge = configs['charge']

However, it is much easier and less verbose to loop over the configs, and setattr() like so:

for name, val in configs.items():
    setattr(MyClass, name, val)

As long as your dictionary keys have the proper names, this works very well and is nice and tidy.

*Note, the dict keys need to be strings as they will be the class object names.

I have filtered my Excel data and now I want to number the rows. How do I do that?

Try this function:

=SUBTOTAL(3, B$2:B2)

You can find more details in this blog entry.

Add day(s) to a Date object

date.setTime( date.getTime() + days * 86400000 );

A function to convert null to string

When you get a NULL value from a database, the value returned is DBNull.Value on which case, you can simply call .ToString() and it will return ""



Gets you "" if the value returned is DBNull.Value

If the scenario is not always a database, then I'd go for an Extension method:

public static class Extensions

    public static string EmptyIfNull(this object value)
        if (value == null)
            return "";
        return value.ToString();


string someVar = null; 

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function on loading jquery-min.js

You might have to re-check the order in which you are merging the files, it should be something like:

  1. jquery.min.js
  2. jquery-ui.js
  3. any third party plugins you loading
  4. your custom JS

Laravel 5 show ErrorException file_put_contents failed to open stream: No such file or directory

If nothing work try the following in the production environment


composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-dev


php artisan cache:clear


php artisan config:clear


php artisan view:clear


php artisan config:cache


php artisan route:cache

Works for me

length and length() in Java

In Java, an Array stores its length separately from the structure that actually holds the data. When you create an Array, you specify its length, and that becomes a defining attribute of the Array. No matter what you do to an Array of length N (change values, null things out, etc.), it will always be an Array of length N.

A String's length is incidental; it is not an attribute of the String, but a byproduct. Though Java Strings are in fact immutable, if it were possible to change their contents, you could change their length. Knocking off the last character (if it were possible) would lower the length.

I understand this is a fine distinction, and I may get voted down for it, but it's true. If I make an Array of length 4, that length of four is a defining characteristic of the Array, and is true regardless of what is held within. If I make a String that contains "dogs", that String is length 4 because it happens to contain four characters.

I see this as justification for doing one with an attribute and the other with a method. In truth, it may just be an unintentional inconsistency, but it's always made sense to me, and this is always how I've thought about it.

Replace an element into a specific position of a vector

vec1[i] = vec2[i]

will set the value of vec1[i] to the value of vec2[i]. Nothing is inserted. Your second approach is almost correct. Instead of +i+1 you need just +i

v1.insert(v1.begin()+i, v2[i])

How to get height of entire document with JavaScript?

To get the width in a cross browser/device way use:

function getActualWidth() {
    var actualWidth = window.innerWidth ||
                      document.documentElement.clientWidth ||
                      document.body.clientWidth ||

    return actualWidth;

How to access Spring MVC model object in javascript file?

You can't access java objects from JavaScript because there are no objects on client side. It only receives plain HTML page (hidden fields can help but it's not very good approach).

I suggest you to use ajax and @ResponseBody.

"UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure." when plotting figure with pyplot on Pycharm

Try import tkinter because pycharm already installed tkinter for you, I looked Install tkinter for Python

You can maybe try:

import tkinter
import matplotlib

as a tkinter-installing way

I've tried your way, it seems no error to run at my computer, it successfully shows the figure. maybe because pycharm have tkinter as a system package, so u don't need to install it. But if u can't find tkinter inside, you can go to Tkdocs to see the way of installing tkinter, as it mentions, tkinter is a core package for python.

Construct a manual legend for a complicated plot

In case you were struggling to change linetypes, the following answer should be helpful. (This is an addition to the solution by Andy W.)

We will try to extend the learned pattern:

cols <- c("LINE1"="#f04546","LINE2"="#3591d1","BAR"="#62c76b")
line_types <- c("LINE1"=1,"LINE2"=3)
ggplot(data=data,aes(x=a)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", aes(y=h,fill = "BAR"))+ #green
  geom_line(aes(y=b,group=1, colour="LINE1", linetype="LINE1"),size=0.5) +   #red
  geom_point(aes(y=b, colour="LINE1", fill="LINE1"),size=2) +           #red
  geom_line(aes(y=c,group=1,colour="LINE2", linetype="LINE2"),size=0.5) +   #blue 
  geom_point(aes(y=c,colour="LINE2", fill="LINE2"),size=2) +           #blue
  scale_colour_manual(name="Error Bars",values=cols, 
                  guide = guide_legend(override.aes=aes(fill=NA))) + 
  scale_fill_manual(name="Bar",values=cols, guide="none") +
  ylab("Symptom severity") + xlab("PHQ-9 symptoms") +
  ylim(0,1.6) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 15, vjust=-.2)) +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 15, vjust=0.3))

However, what we get is the following result: manual without name

The problem is that the linetype is not merged in the main legend. Note that we did not give any name to the method scale_linetype_manual. The trick which works here is to give it the same name as what you used for naming scale_colour_manual. More specifically, if we change the corresponding line to the following we get the desired result:

scale_linetype_manual(name="Error Bars",values=line_types)

manual with the same name

Now, it is easy to change the size of the line with the same idea.

Note that the geom_bar has not colour property anymore. (I did not try to fix this issue.) Also, adding geom_errorbar with colour attribute spoils the result. It would be great if somebody can come up with a better solution which resolves these two issues as well.

Getting all selected checkboxes in an array

In Javascript it would be like this (Demo Link):

// get selected checkboxes
function getSelectedChbox(frm) {
  var selchbox = [];// array that will store the value of selected checkboxes
  // gets all the input tags in frm, and their number
  var inpfields = frm.getElementsByTagName('input');
  var nr_inpfields = inpfields.length;
  // traverse the inpfields elements, and adds the value of selected (checked) checkbox in selchbox
  for(var i=0; i<nr_inpfields; i++) {
    if(inpfields[i].type == 'checkbox' && inpfields[i].checked == true) selchbox.push(inpfields[i].value);
  return selchbox;

Contains case insensitive

To do a better search use the following code,

var myFav   = "javascript";
var theList = "VB.NET, C#, PHP, Python, JavaScript, and Ruby";

// Check for matches with the plain vanilla indexOf() method:
alert( theList.indexOf( myFav ) );

// Now check for matches in lower-cased strings:
alert( theList.toLowerCase().indexOf( myFav.toLowerCase() ) );

In the first alert(), JavaScript returned "-1" - in other words, indexOf() did not find a match: this is simply because "JavaScript" is in lowercase in the first string, and properly capitalized in the second. To perform case-insensitive searches with indexOf(), you can make both strings either uppercase or lowercase. This means that, as in the second alert(), JavaScript will only check for the occurrence of the string you are looking for, capitalization ignored.


CSS/Javascript to force html table row on a single line

As cletus said, you should use white-space: nowrap to avoid the line wrapping, and overflow:hidden to hide the overflow. However, in order for a text to be considered overflow, you should set the td/th width, so in case the text requires more than the specified width, it will be considered an overflow, and will be hidden.

Also, if you give a sample web page, responders can provide an updated page with the fix you like.

How to get the full path of running process?


using System.Diagnostics;

ProcessModuleCollection modules = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Modules;
string processpathfilename;
string processmodulename;
if (modules.Count > 0) {
    processpathfilename = modules[0].FileName;
    processmodulename= modules[0].ModuleName;
} else {
    throw new ExecutionEngineException("Something critical occurred with the running process.");

How to find index of STRING array in Java from a given value?

Type in:


Ternary operator (?:) in Bash

(ping -c1 localhost&>/dev/null) && { echo "true"; } || {  echo "false"; }

Android Service Stops When App Is Closed

Why not use an IntentService?

IntentService opens a new Thread apart from the main Thread and works there, that way closing the app wont effect it

Be advised that IntentService runs the onHandleIntent() and when its done the service closes, see if it fits your needs.

Update row values where certain condition is met in pandas

I think you can use loc if you need update two columns to same value:

df1.loc[df1['stream'] == 2, ['feat','another_feat']] = 'aaaa'
print df1
   stream        feat another_feat
a       1  some_value   some_value
b       2        aaaa         aaaa
c       2        aaaa         aaaa
d       3  some_value   some_value

If you need update separate, one option is use:

df1.loc[df1['stream'] == 2, 'feat'] = 10
print df1
   stream        feat another_feat
a       1  some_value   some_value
b       2          10   some_value
c       2          10   some_value
d       3  some_value   some_value

Another common option is use numpy.where:

df1['feat'] = np.where(df1['stream'] == 2, 10,20)
print df1
   stream  feat another_feat
a       1    20   some_value
b       2    10   some_value
c       2    10   some_value
d       3    20   some_value

EDIT: If you need divide all columns without stream where condition is True, use:

print df1
   stream  feat  another_feat
a       1     4             5
b       2     4             5
c       2     2             9
d       3     1             7

#filter columns all without stream
cols = [col for col in df1.columns if col != 'stream']
print cols
['feat', 'another_feat']

df1.loc[df1['stream'] == 2, cols ] = df1 / 2
print df1
   stream  feat  another_feat
a       1   4.0           5.0
b       2   2.0           2.5
c       2   1.0           4.5
d       3   1.0           7.0

If working with multiple conditions is possible use multiple numpy.where or

df0 = pd.DataFrame({'Col':[5,0,-6]})

df0['New Col1'] = np.where((df0['Col'] > 0), 'Increasing', 
                          np.where((df0['Col'] < 0), 'Decreasing', 'No Change'))

df0['New Col2'] =[df0['Col'] > 0, df0['Col'] < 0],
                            ['Increasing',  'Decreasing'], 
                            default='No Change')

print (df0)
   Col    New Col1    New Col2
0    5  Increasing  Increasing
1    0   No Change   No Change
2   -6  Decreasing  Decreasing

Javascript sleep/delay/wait function

You could use the following code, it does a recursive call into the function in order to properly wait for the desired time.

function exportar(page,miliseconds,totalpages)
    if (page <= totalpages)
        nextpage = page + 1;
        console.log('fnExcelReport('+ page +'); nextpage = '+ nextpage + '; miliseconds = '+ miliseconds + '; totalpages = '+ totalpages );

One or more types required to compile a dynamic expression cannot be found. Are you missing references to Microsoft.CSharp.dll and System.Core.dll?

On your solution explorer window, right click to References, select Add Reference, go to .NET tab, find and add Microsoft.CSharp.

Alternatively add the Microsoft.CSharp NuGet package.

Install-Package Microsoft.CSharp

Keep SSH session alive

I wanted a one-time solution:

ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 [email protected]

Stored it in an alias:

alias sshprod='ssh -v -o ServerAliveInterval=60 [email protected]'

Now can connect like this:

me@MyMachine:~$ sshprod

How to import CSV file data into a PostgreSQL table?

I created a small tool that imports csv file into PostgreSQL super easy, just a command and it will create and populate the tables, unfortunately, at the moment all fields automatically created uses the type TEXT

csv2pg users.csv -d ";" -H -U postgres -B mydatabase

The tool can be found on

Full Screen DialogFragment in Android

The following way will work even if you are working on a relative layout. Follow the following steps:

  1. Go to theme editor ( Available under Tools-> Android -> Theme Editor)
  2. Select show all themes. Select the one with AppCompat.Dialog
  3. Choose the option android window background if you want it to be of any specific colored background or a transparent one.
  4. Select the color and hit OK.Select a name of the new theme.
  5. Go to styles.xml and then under the theme just added, add these two attributes:

    <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
    <item name="android:windowIsFloating">false</item>

My theme setting for the dialog is as under:

<style name="DialogTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Dialog" >
    <item name="android:layout_width">match_parent</item>
    <item name="android:layout_height">match_parent</item>
    <item name="android:windowBackground">@android:color/transparent</item>
    <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>
    <item name="android:windowIsFloating">false</item>

Make sure that the theme has a parent as Theme.AppCompat.Dialog Another way would be just make a new style in styles.xml and change it as per the code above.

  1. Go to your Dialog Fragment class and in the onCreate() method, set the style of your Dialog as:

    @Override public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setStyle(DialogFragment.STYLE_NORMAL,; }

How do I get the path to the current script with Node.js?

If you want something more like $0 in a shell script, try this:

var path = require('path');

var command = getCurrentScriptPath();

console.log(`Usage: ${command} <foo> <bar>`);

function getCurrentScriptPath () {
    // Relative path from current working directory to the location of this script
    var pathToScript = path.relative(process.cwd(), __filename);

    // Check if current working dir is the same as the script
    if (process.cwd() === __dirname) {
        // E.g. "./foobar.js"
        return '.' + path.sep + pathToScript;
    } else {
        // E.g. "foo/bar/baz.js"
        return pathToScript;

How to type ":" ("colon") in regexp?

Colon does not have special meaning in a character class and does not need to be escaped. According to the PHP regex docs, the only characters that need to be escaped in a character class are the following:

All non-alphanumeric characters other than \, -, ^ (at the start) and the terminating ] are non-special in character classes, but it does no harm if they are escaped.

For more info about Java regular expressions, see the docs.

Start redis-server with config file

Okay, redis is pretty user friendly but there are some gotchas.

Here are just some easy commands for working with redis on Ubuntu:


sudo apt-get install redis-server

start with conf:

sudo redis-server <path to conf>
sudo redis-server config/redis.conf

stop with conf:

redis-ctl shutdown

(not sure how this shuts down the pid specified in the conf. Redis must save the path to the pid somewhere on boot)


tail -f /var/log/redis/redis-server.log

Also, various example confs floating around online and on this site were beyond useless. The best, sure fire way to get a compatible conf is to copy-paste the one your installation is already using. You should be able to find it here:


Then paste it at <path to conf>, tweak as needed and you're good to go.

ReferenceError: Invalid left-hand side in assignment

You have to use == to compare (or even ===, if you want to compare types). A single = is for assignment.

if (one == 'rock' && two == 'rock') {
    console.log('Tie! Try again!');

How to tackle daylight savings using TimeZone in Java

Instead of entering "EST" for the timezone you can enter "EST5EDT" as such. As you noted, just "EDT" does not work. This will account for the daylight savings time issue. The code line looks like this:

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("EST5EDT"));

How to access the first property of a Javascript object?

var obj = { first: 'someVal' };
obj[Object.keys(obj)[0]]; //returns 'someVal'

Using this you can access also other properties by indexes. Be aware tho! Object.keys return order is not guaranteed as per ECMAScript however unofficially it is by all major browsers implementations, please read for details on this.

How can I access localhost from another computer in the same network?

You need to find what your local network's IP of that computer is. Then other people can access to your site by that IP.

You can find your local network's IP by go to Command Prompt or press Windows + R then type in ipconfig. It will give out some information and your local IP should look like 192.168.1.x.

Replacing NULL and empty string within Select statement

Sounds like you want a view instead of altering actual table data.

Coalesce(NullIf(rtrim(Address.Country),''),'United States')

This will force your column to be null if it is actually an empty string (or blank string) and then the coalesce will have a null to work with.