[javascript] What is DOM Event delegation?

It's basically how association is made to the element. .click applies to the current DOM, while .on (using delegation) will continue to be valid for new elements added to the DOM after event association.

Which is better to use, I'd say it depends on the case.


<ul id="todo">
   <li>Do 1</li>
   <li>Do 2</li>
   <li>Do 3</li>
   <li>Do 4</li>

.Click Event:

$("li").click(function () {
   $(this).remove ();

Event .on:

$("#todo").on("click", "li", function () {

Note that I've separated the selector in the .on. I'll explain why.

Let us suppose that after this association, let us do the following:

$("#todo").append("<li>Do 5</li>");

That is where you will notice the difference.

If the event was associated via .click, task 5 will not obey the click event, and so it will not be removed.

If it was associated via .on, with the selector separate, it will obey.

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