Breaking news: I've added another answer that uses an Observable rather than an EventEmitter. I recommend that answer over this one. And actually, using an EventEmitter in a service is bad practice.
Original answer: (don't do this)
Put the EventEmitter into a service, which allows the ObservingComponent to directly subscribe (and unsubscribe) to the event:
import {EventEmitter} from 'angular2/core';
export class NavService {
navchange: EventEmitter<number> = new EventEmitter();
constructor() {}
emit(number) {
subscribe(component, callback) {
// set 'this' to component when callback is called
return this.navchange.subscribe(data => call.callback(component, data));
selector: 'obs-comp',
template: 'obs component, index: {{index}}'
export class ObservingComponent {
item: number;
subscription: any;
constructor(private navService:NavService) {
this.subscription = this.navService.subscribe(this, this.selectedNavItem);
selectedNavItem(item: number) {
console.log('item index changed!', item);
this.item = item;
ngOnDestroy() {
selector: 'my-nav',
<div class="nav-item" (click)="selectedNavItem(1)">item 1 (click me)</div>
export class Navigation {
constructor(private navService:NavService) {}
selectedNavItem(item: number) {
console.log('selected nav item ' + item);
If you try the Plunker, there are a few things I don't like about this approach:
so that the proper this
is set when the callback is calledUpdate: An alternative that solves the 2nd bullet is to have the ObservingComponent directly subscribe to the navchange
EventEmitter property:
constructor(private navService:NavService) {
this.subscription = this.navService.navchange.subscribe(data =>
If we subscribe directly, then we wouldn't need the subscribe()
method on the NavService.
To make the NavService slightly more encapsulated, you could add a getNavChangeEmitter()
method and use that:
getNavChangeEmitter() { return this.navchange; } // in NavService
constructor(private navService:NavService) { // in ObservingComponent
this.subscription = this.navService.getNavChangeEmitter().subscribe(data =>