[c#] Super-simple example of C# observer/observable with delegates

Something like this:

// interface implementation publisher
public delegate void eiSubjectEventHandler(eiSubject subject);

public interface eiSubject
    event eiSubjectEventHandler OnUpdate;

    void GenereteEventUpdate();


// class implementation publisher
class ecSubject : eiSubject
    private event eiSubjectEventHandler _OnUpdate = null;
    public event eiSubjectEventHandler OnUpdate
            lock (this)
                _OnUpdate -= value;
                _OnUpdate += value;
        remove { lock (this) { _OnUpdate -= value; } }

    public void GenereteEventUpdate()
        eiSubjectEventHandler handler = _OnUpdate;

        if (handler != null)


// interface implementation subscriber
public interface eiObserver
    void DoOnUpdate(eiSubject subject);


// class implementation subscriber
class ecObserver : eiObserver
    public virtual void DoOnUpdate(eiSubject subject)

. observer pattern C# with event . link to the repository

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