Programs & Examples On #Dbimport

How to import a csv file using python with headers intact, where first column is a non-numerical

Python's csv module handles data row-wise, which is the usual way of looking at such data. You seem to want a column-wise approach. Here's one way of doing it.

Assuming your file is named myclone.csv and contains


this code should give you an idea or two:

>>> import csv
>>> f = open('myclone.csv', 'rb')
>>> reader = csv.reader(f)
>>> headers = next(reader, None)
>>> headers
['workers', 'constant', 'age']
>>> column = {}
>>> for h in headers:
...    column[h] = []
>>> column
{'workers': [], 'constant': [], 'age': []}
>>> for row in reader:
...   for h, v in zip(headers, row):
...     column[h].append(v)
>>> column
{'workers': ['w0', 'w1', 'w2', 'w3'], 'constant': ['7.334', '5.235', '3.2225', '0'], 'age': ['-1.406', '-4.936', '-1.478', '0']}
>>> column['workers']
['w0', 'w1', 'w2', 'w3']
>>> column['constant']
['7.334', '5.235', '3.2225', '0']
>>> column['age']
['-1.406', '-4.936', '-1.478', '0']

To get your numeric values into floats, add this

converters = [str.strip] + [float] * (len(headers) - 1)

up front, and do this

for h, v, conv in zip(headers, row, converters):

for each row instead of the similar two lines above.

How to solve "Fatal error: Class 'MySQLi' not found"?

You can check if the mysqli libraries are present by executing this code:

if (!function_exists('mysqli_init') && !extension_loaded('mysqli')) {
    echo 'We don\'t have mysqli!!!';
} else {
    echo 'Phew we have it!';

Get name of current script in Python

 def basename():

Regex to remove letters, symbols except numbers

If you want to keep only numbers then use /[^0-9]+/ instead of /[^a-zA-Z]+/

Visual Studio replace tab with 4 spaces?

First set in the following path Tools->Options->Text Editor->All Languages->Tabs if still didn't work modify as mentioned below Go to Edit->Advanced->Set Indentation ->Spaces

What is the difference between parseInt(string) and Number(string) in JavaScript?

parseInt(string) will convert a string containing non-numeric characters to a number, as long as the string begins with numeric characters

'10px' => 10

Number(string) will return NaN if the string contains any non-numeric characters

'10px' => NaN

Pandas sort by group aggregate and column

Here's a more concise approach...

df['a_bsum'] = df.groupby('A')['B'].transform(sum)
df.sort(['a_bsum','C'], ascending=[True, False]).drop('a_bsum', axis=1)

The first line adds a column to the data frame with the groupwise sum. The second line performs the sort and then removes the extra column.


    A       B           C
5   baz     -2.301539   True
2   baz     -0.528172   False
1   bar     -0.611756   True
4   bar      0.865408   False
3   foo     -1.072969   True
0   foo      1.624345   False

NOTE: sort is deprecated, use sort_values instead

Use of #pragma in C

Putting #pragma once at the top of your header file will ensure that it is only included once. Note that #pragma once is not standard C99, but supported by most modern compilers.

An alternative is to use include guards (e.g. #ifndef MY_FILE #define MY_FILE ... #endif /* MY_FILE */)

Removing a list of characters in string

If you're using python2 and your inputs are strings (not unicodes), the absolutely best method is str.translate:

>>> chars_to_remove = ['.', '!', '?']
>>> subj = 'A.B!C?'
>>> subj.translate(None, ''.join(chars_to_remove))

Otherwise, there are following options to consider:

A. Iterate the subject char by char, omit unwanted characters and join the resulting list:

>>> sc = set(chars_to_remove)
>>> ''.join([c for c in subj if c not in sc])

(Note that the generator version ''.join(c for c ...) will be less efficient).

B. Create a regular expression on the fly and re.sub with an empty string:

>>> import re
>>> rx = '[' + re.escape(''.join(chars_to_remove)) + ']'
>>> re.sub(rx, '', subj)

(re.escape ensures that characters like ^ or ] won't break the regular expression).

C. Use the mapping variant of translate:

>>> chars_to_remove = [u'd', u'G', u'?']
>>> subj = u'A?BdCG'
>>> dd = {ord(c):None for c in chars_to_remove}
>>> subj.translate(dd)

Full testing code and timings:


import re

def remove_chars_iter(subj, chars):
    sc = set(chars)
    return ''.join([c for c in subj if c not in sc])

def remove_chars_re(subj, chars):
    return re.sub('[' + re.escape(''.join(chars)) + ']', '', subj)

def remove_chars_re_unicode(subj, chars):
    return re.sub(u'(?u)[' + re.escape(''.join(chars)) + ']', '', subj)

def remove_chars_translate_bytes(subj, chars):
    return subj.translate(None, ''.join(chars))

def remove_chars_translate_unicode(subj, chars):
    d = {ord(c):None for c in chars}
    return subj.translate(d)

import timeit, sys

def profile(f):
    assert f(subj, chars_to_remove) == test
    t = timeit.timeit(lambda: f(subj, chars_to_remove), number=1000)
    print ('{0:.3f} {1}'.format(t, f.__name__))

print (sys.version)
PYTHON2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2

print ('\n"plain" string:\n')

chars_to_remove = ['.', '!', '?']
subj = 'A.B!C?' * 1000
test = 'ABC' * 1000



print ('\nunicode string:\n')

    chars_to_remove = [u'd', u'G', u'?']
    subj = u'A?BdCG'
    chars_to_remove = ['d', 'G', '?']
    subj = 'A?BdCG'

subj = subj * 1000
test = 'ABC' * 1000





2.7.5 (default, Mar  9 2014, 22:15:05) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (clang-500.0.68)]

"plain" string:

0.637 remove_chars_iter
0.649 remove_chars_re
0.010 remove_chars_translate_bytes

unicode string:

0.866 remove_chars_iter
0.680 remove_chars_re_unicode
1.373 remove_chars_translate_unicode


3.4.2 (v3.4.2:ab2c023a9432, Oct  5 2014, 20:42:22) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)]

"plain" string:

0.512 remove_chars_iter
0.574 remove_chars_re
0.765 remove_chars_translate_unicode

unicode string:

0.817 remove_chars_iter
0.686 remove_chars_re
0.876 remove_chars_translate_unicode

(As a side note, the figure for remove_chars_translate_bytes might give us a clue why the industry was reluctant to adopt Unicode for such a long time).

pip connection failure: cannot fetch index base URL

This worked for me on Ubuntu 12.04.

pip install --index-url= -U scikit-learn

How do I create a timeline chart which shows multiple events? Eg. Metallica Band members timeline on wiki

A Stacked bar chart should suffice:

Setup data as follows

Name    Start       End         Duration (End - Start)
Fred    1/01/1981   1/06/1985    1612   
Bill    1/07/1985   1/11/2000    5602  
Joe     1/01/1980   1/12/2001    8005  
Jim     1/03/1999   1/01/2000    306  
  1. Plot Start and Duration as a stacked bar chart
  2. Set the X-Axis minimum to the desired start date
  3. Set the Fill Colour of thestart range to no fill
  4. Set the Fill of individual bars to suit

(example prepared in Excel 2010)

enter image description here

How many bits or bytes are there in a character?

It depends what is the character and what encoding it is in:

  • An ASCII character in 8-bit ASCII encoding is 8 bits (1 byte), though it can fit in 7 bits.

  • An ISO-8895-1 character in ISO-8859-1 encoding is 8 bits (1 byte).

  • A Unicode character in UTF-8 encoding is between 8 bits (1 byte) and 32 bits (4 bytes).

  • A Unicode character in UTF-16 encoding is between 16 (2 bytes) and 32 bits (4 bytes), though most of the common characters take 16 bits. This is the encoding used by Windows internally.

  • A Unicode character in UTF-32 encoding is always 32 bits (4 bytes).

  • An ASCII character in UTF-8 is 8 bits (1 byte), and in UTF-16 - 16 bits.

  • The additional (non-ASCII) characters in ISO-8895-1 (0xA0-0xFF) would take 16 bits in UTF-8 and UTF-16.

That would mean that there are between 0.03125 and 0.125 characters in a bit.

Populating a data frame in R in a loop

Thanks Notable1, works for me with the tidytextr Create a dataframe with the name of files in one column and content in other.

    diretorio <- "D:/base"
    arquivos <- list.files(diretorio, pattern = "*.PDF")
    quantidade <- length(arquivos)

df = NULL
for (k in 1:quantidade) {

      nome = arquivos[k]
      dados = read_pdf(arquivos[k],ocr = T)
      df = rbind(df, data.frame(nome,dados))
Encoding(df$text) <- "UTF-8"

"[notice] child pid XXXX exit signal Segmentation fault (11)" in apache error.log

A segementation fault is an internal error in php (or, less likely, apache). Oftentimes, the segmentation fault is caused by one of the newer and lesser-tested php modules such as imagemagick or subversion.

Try disabling all non-essential modules (in php.ini), and then re-enabling them one-by-one until the error occurs. You may also want to update php and apache.

If that doesn't help, you should report a php bug.

How to increment variable under DOS?

I realize you've found another answer - but the fact is that your original code was nearly correct but for a syntax error.

Your code contained the line


and the syntax that would work is simply...


See for all the details on the SET command. I just thought I'd add this clarification for anyone else who doesn't have the option of using FreeDOS.

Dictionary returning a default value if the key does not exist

I know this is an old post and I do favor extension methods, but here's a simple class I use from time to time to handle dictionaries when I need default values.

I wish this were just part of the base Dictionary class.

public class DictionaryWithDefault<TKey, TValue> : Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
  TValue _default;
  public TValue DefaultValue {
    get { return _default; }
    set { _default = value; }
  public DictionaryWithDefault() : base() { }
  public DictionaryWithDefault(TValue defaultValue) : base() {
    _default = defaultValue;
  public new TValue this[TKey key]
    get { 
      TValue t;
      return base.TryGetValue(key, out t) ? t : _default;
    set { base[key] = value; }

Beware, however. By subclassing and using new (since override is not available on the native Dictionary type), if a DictionaryWithDefault object is upcast to a plain Dictionary, calling the indexer will use the base Dictionary implementation (throwing an exception if missing) rather than the subclass's implementation.

ASP.NET postback with JavaScript

Have you tried passing the Update panel's client id to the __doPostBack function? My team has done this to refresh an update panel and as far as I know it worked.

__doPostBack(UpdatePanelClientID, '**Some String**');

Invoking modal window in AngularJS Bootstrap UI using JavaScript

Quick and Dirty Way!

It's not a good way, but for me it seems the most simplest.

Add an anchor tag which contains the modal data-target and data-toggle, have an id associated with it. (Can be added mostly anywhere in the html view)

<a href="" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal" id="myModalShower"></a>


Inside the angular controller, from where you want to trigger the modal just use


This will mimic a click to the button based on the angular code and the modal will appear.

What does "Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK]" mean in Android Studio?

Change file AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="19"/>

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="14"/>

Run CRON job everyday at specific time

From cron manual

Lists are allowed. A list is a set of numbers (or ranges) separated by commas. Examples: "1,2,5,9", "0-4,8-12".

So in this case it would be:

30 10,14 * * *

nvm keeps "forgetting" node in new terminal session

Doing nvm install 10.14, for example, will nvm use that version for the current shell session but it will not always set it as the default for future sessions as you would expect. The node version you get in a new shell session is determined by nvm alias default. Confusingly, nvm install will only set the default alias if it is not already set. To get the expected behaviour, do this:

nvm alias default ''; nvm install 10.14

This will ensure that that version is downloaded, use it for the current session and set it as the default for future sessions.

How to parseInt in Angular.js

Option 1 (via controller):

angular.controller('numCtrl', function($scope, $window) {
   $scope.num = parseInt(num , 10);

Option 2 (via custom filter):

app.filter('num', function() {
    return function(input) {
       return parseInt(input, 10);

{{(num1 | num) + (num2 | num)}}

Option 3 (via expression):

Declare this first in your controller:

$scope.parseInt = parseInt;



Option 4 (from raina77ow)

{{(num1-0) + (num2-0)}}

What is the best free memory leak detector for a C/C++ program and its plug-in DLLs?

I personally use Visual Leak Detector, though it can cause large delays when large blocks are leaked (it displays the contents of the entire leaked block).

Excel 2010 VBA - Close file No Save without prompt

If you're not wanting to save changes set savechanges to false

    Sub CloseBook2()
        ActiveWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
    End Sub

for more examples, and i believe in the past I've just used

    ActiveWorkbook.Close False

How to see data from .RData file?

Look at the help page for load. What load returns is the names of the objects created, so you can look at the contents of isfar to see what objects were created. The fact that nothing else is showing up with ls() would indicate that maybe there was nothing stored in your file.

Also note that load will overwrite anything in your global environment that has the same name as something in the file being loaded when used with default behavior. If you mainly want to examine what is in the file, and possibly use something from that file along with other objects in your global environment then it may be better to use the attach function or create a new environment (new.env) and load the file into that environment using the envir argument to load.

How can I format a nullable DateTime with ToString()?

IFormattable also includes a format provider that can be used, it allows both format of IFormatProvider to be null in dotnet 4.0 this would be

/// <summary>
/// Extentionclass for a nullable structs
/// </summary>
public static class NullableStructExtensions {

    /// <summary>
    /// Formats a nullable struct
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="source"></param>
    /// <param name="format">The format string 
    /// If <c>null</c> use the default format defined for the type of the IFormattable implementation.</param>
    /// <param name="provider">The format provider 
    /// If <c>null</c> the default provider is used</param>
    /// <param name="defaultValue">The string to show when the source is <c>null</c>. 
    /// If <c>null</c> an empty string is returned</param>
    /// <returns>The formatted string or the default value if the source is <c>null</c></returns>
    public static string ToString<T>(this T? source, string format = null, 
                                     IFormatProvider provider = null, 
                                     string defaultValue = null) 
                                     where T : struct, IFormattable {
        return source.HasValue
                   ? source.Value.ToString(format, provider)
                   : (String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultValue) ? String.Empty : defaultValue);

using together with named parameters you can do:

dt2.ToString(defaultValue: "n/a");

In older versions of dotnet you get a lot of overloads

/// <summary>
/// Extentionclass for a nullable structs
/// </summary>
public static class NullableStructExtensions {

    /// <summary>
    /// Formats a nullable struct
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="source"></param>
    /// <param name="format">The format string 
    /// If <c>null</c> use the default format defined for the type of the IFormattable implementation.</param>
    /// <param name="provider">The format provider 
    /// If <c>null</c> the default provider is used</param>
    /// <param name="defaultValue">The string to show when the source is <c>null</c>. 
    /// If <c>null</c> an empty string is returned</param>
    /// <returns>The formatted string or the default value if the source is <c>null</c></returns>
    public static string ToString<T>(this T? source, string format, 
                                     IFormatProvider provider, string defaultValue) 
                                     where T : struct, IFormattable {
        return source.HasValue
                   ? source.Value.ToString(format, provider)
                   : (String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultValue) ? String.Empty : defaultValue);

    /// <summary>
    /// Formats a nullable struct
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="source"></param>
    /// <param name="format">The format string 
    /// If <c>null</c> use the default format defined for the type of the IFormattable implementation.</param>
    /// <param name="defaultValue">The string to show when the source is null. If <c>null</c> an empty string is returned</param>
    /// <returns>The formatted string or the default value if the source is <c>null</c></returns>
    public static string ToString<T>(this T? source, string format, string defaultValue) 
                                     where T : struct, IFormattable {
        return ToString(source, format, null, defaultValue);

    /// <summary>
    /// Formats a nullable struct
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="source"></param>
    /// <param name="format">The format string 
    /// If <c>null</c> use the default format defined for the type of the IFormattable implementation.</param>
    /// <param name="provider">The format provider (if <c>null</c> the default provider is used)</param>
    /// <returns>The formatted string or an empty string if the source is <c>null</c></returns>
    public static string ToString<T>(this T? source, string format, IFormatProvider provider)
                                     where T : struct, IFormattable {
        return ToString(source, format, provider, null);

    /// <summary>
    /// Formats a nullable struct or returns an empty string
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="source"></param>
    /// <param name="format">The format string 
    /// If <c>null</c> use the default format defined for the type of the IFormattable implementation.</param>
    /// <returns>The formatted string or an empty string if the source is null</returns>
    public static string ToString<T>(this T? source, string format)
                                     where T : struct, IFormattable {
        return ToString(source, format, null, null);

    /// <summary>
    /// Formats a nullable struct
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="source"></param>
    /// <param name="provider">The format provider (if <c>null</c> the default provider is used)</param>
    /// <param name="defaultValue">The string to show when the source is <c>null</c>. If <c>null</c> an empty string is returned</param>
    /// <returns>The formatted string or the default value if the source is <c>null</c></returns>
    public static string ToString<T>(this T? source, IFormatProvider provider, string defaultValue)
                                     where T : struct, IFormattable {
        return ToString(source, null, provider, defaultValue);

    /// <summary>
    /// Formats a nullable struct or returns an empty string
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="source"></param>
    /// <param name="provider">The format provider (if <c>null</c> the default provider is used)</param>
    /// <returns>The formatted string or an empty string if the source is <c>null</c></returns>
    public static string ToString<T>(this T? source, IFormatProvider provider)
                                     where T : struct, IFormattable {
        return ToString(source, null, provider, null);

    /// <summary>
    /// Formats a nullable struct or returns an empty string
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="source"></param>
    /// <returns>The formatted string or an empty string if the source is <c>null</c></returns>
    public static string ToString<T>(this T? source) 
                                     where T : struct, IFormattable {
        return ToString(source, null, null, null);

How to convert the system date format to dd/mm/yy in SQL Server 2008 R2?

The query below will result in dd/mm/yy format.

select  LEFT(convert(varchar(10), @date, 103),6) + Right(Year(@date)+ 1,2)

How can compare-and-swap be used for a wait-free mutual exclusion for any shared data structure?

The linked list holds operations on the shared data structure.

For example, if I have a stack, it will be manipulated with pushes and pops. The linked list would be a set of pushes and pops on the pseudo-shared stack. Each thread sharing that stack will actually have a local copy, and to get to the current shared state, it'll walk the linked list of operations, and apply each operation in order to its local copy of the stack. When it reaches the end of the linked list, its local copy holds the current state (though, of course, it's subject to becoming stale at any time).

In the traditional model, you'd have some sort of locks around each push and pop. Each thread would wait to obtain a lock, then do a push or pop, then release the lock.

In this model, each thread has a local snapshot of the stack, which it keeps synchronized with other threads' view of the stack by applying the operations in the linked list. When it wants to manipulate the stack, it doesn't try to manipulate it directly at all. Instead, it simply adds its push or pop operation to the linked list, so all the other threads can/will see that operation and they can all stay in sync. Then, of course, it applies the operations in the linked list, and when (for example) there's a pop it checks which thread asked for the pop. It uses the popped item if and only if it's the thread that requested this particular pop.

Can I append an array to 'formdata' in javascript?

Writing as

var formData = new FormData;
var array = ['1', '2'];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    formData.append('array_php_side[]', array[i]);

you can receive just as normal array post/get by php.

In Rails, how do you render JSON using a view?

Try adding a view users/show.json.erb This should be rendered when you make a request for the JSON format, and you get the added benefit of it being rendered by erb too, so your file could look something like this

    "first_name": "<%= @user.first_name.to_json %>",
    "last_name": "<%= @user.last_name.to_json %>"

How to sort a List<Object> alphabetically using Object name field

I found another way to do the type.

if(listAxu.size() > 0){
    Collections.sort(listAxu, Comparator.comparing(IdentityNamed::getDescricao));

SQL Server tables: what is the difference between @, # and ##?


Creates a table that is only visible on and during that CONNECTION the same user who creates another connection will not be able to see table #t from the other connection.


Creates a temporary table visible to other connections. But the table is dropped when the creating connection is ended.

Launch Bootstrap Modal on page load

Just wrap the modal you want to call on page load inside a jQuery load event on the head section of your document and it should popup, like so:


<script type="text/javascript">
    $(window).on('load', function() {


<div class="modal hide fade" id="myModal">
    <div class="modal-header">
        <a class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</a>
        <h3>Modal header</h3>
    <div class="modal-body">
        <p>One fine body…</p>
    <div class="modal-footer">
        <a href="#" class="btn">Close</a>
        <a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">Save changes</a>

You can still call the modal within your page with by calling it with a link like so:

<a class="btn" data-toggle="modal" href="#myModal">Launch Modal</a>

How do I manage conflicts with git submodules?

If you want to use the upstream version:

rm -rf <submodule dir>
git submodule init
git submodule update

How to Avoid Response.End() "Thread was being aborted" Exception during the Excel file download

I researched online and saw that the Response.End() always throws an exception.

Replace this: HttpContext.Current.Response.End();

With this:

HttpContext.Current.Response.Flush(); // Sends all currently buffered output to the client.
HttpContext.Current.Response.SuppressContent = true;  // Gets or sets a value indicating whether to send HTTP content to the client.
HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance.CompleteRequest(); // Causes ASP.NET to bypass all events and filtering in the HTTP pipeline chain of execution and directly execute the EndRequest event.

In SQL Server, what does "SET ANSI_NULLS ON" mean?

I guess the main thing here is:

Never user:

  • @anything = NULL
  • @anything <> NULL
  • @anything != null

Always use:

  • @anything IS NULL
  • @anything IS NOT NULL

Select multiple columns by labels in pandas

Name- or Label-Based (using regular expression syntax)

df.filter(regex='[A-CEG-I]')   # does NOT depend on the column order

Note that any regular expression is allowed here, so this approach can be very general. E.g. if you wanted all columns starting with a capital or lowercase "A" you could use: df.filter(regex='^[Aa]')

Location-Based (depends on column order)

df[ list(df.loc[:,'A':'C']) + ['E'] + list(df.loc[:,'G':'I']) ]

Note that unlike the label-based method, this only works if your columns are alphabetically sorted. This is not necessarily a problem, however. For example, if your columns go ['A','C','B'], then you could replace 'A':'C' above with 'A':'B'.

The Long Way

And for completeness, you always have the option shown by @Magdalena of simply listing each column individually, although it could be much more verbose as the number of columns increases:

df[['A','B','C','E','G','H','I']]   # does NOT depend on the column order

Results for any of the above methods

          A         B         C         E         G         H         I
0 -0.814688 -1.060864 -0.008088  2.697203 -0.763874  1.793213 -0.019520
1  0.549824  0.269340  0.405570 -0.406695 -0.536304 -1.231051  0.058018
2  0.879230 -0.666814  1.305835  0.167621 -1.100355  0.391133  0.317467

How to return a table from a Stored Procedure?

Where is your problem??

For the stored procedure, just create:

   SELECT *  -- I would *strongly* recommend specifying the columns EXPLICITLY
   FROM dbo.Emp
   WHERE ID = @EmpID

That's all there is.

From your ASP.NET application, just create a SqlConnection and a SqlCommand (don't forget to set the CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure)

DataTable tblEmployees = new DataTable();

using(SqlConnection _con = new SqlConnection("your-connection-string-here"))
using(SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("ReadEmployees", _con))
    _cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

    _cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@EmpID", SqlDbType.Int));
    _cmd.Parameters["@EmpID"].Value = 42;

    SqlDataAdapter _dap = new SqlDataAdapter(_cmd);


YourGridView.DataSource = tblEmployees;

and then fill e.g. a DataTable with that data and bind it to e.g. a GridView.

Change Select List Option background colour on hover

I realise this is an older question, but I recently came across this need and came up with the following solution using jQuery and CSS:

jQuery('select[name*="lstDestinations"] option').hover(
        function() {
        }, function() {

and the css:

.highlight {

Perhaps this helps someone else.

Using SVG as background image

Try placing it on your body

body {
    height: 100%;
    background-image: url(../img/bg.svg);
    background-size:100% 100%;
    -o-background-size: 100% 100%;
    -webkit-background-size: 100% 100%;

Chrome sendrequest error: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

For my case I was getting that error when I was using async function on my server-side to fetch documents using mongoose. It turned out that the reason was I forgot to put await before calling find({}) method. Adding that part fixed my issue.

React prevent event bubbling in nested components on click

React uses event delegation with a single event listener on document for events that bubble, like 'click' in this example, which means stopping propagation is not possible; the real event has already propagated by the time you interact with it in React. stopPropagation on React's synthetic event is possible because React handles propagation of synthetic events internally.

stopPropagation: function(e){

HTML email with Javascript

Agree completely with Bryan and others.

Instead, consider using multiple sections in your email that you can jump to using links and anchors (the 'a' tag). I think that you can emulate the behavior you want by including multiple copies of the text further down in your email. This is a bet messy though, so you could just have sets of anchors that link to each other and allow you to move back in forth between the 'summary' section and the 'expanded' one.


<a href="#section1">Jump to section!</a>
<p>A bunch of content</p>
<h2 id="section1">An anchor!</h2>

Clicking on the first link will move focus to the sub-section.

HTTP test server accepting GET/POST requests

Webhook Tester is a great tool: (GitHub)

enter image description here

Important for me, it showed the IP of the requester, which is helpful when you need to whitelist an IP address but aren't sure what it is.

How to copy a row from one SQL Server table to another

SELECT * FROM SourceTable
WHERE ... 

works in SQL Server

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithJarMergingForDebug'

All the above not working for me.. Because I am using Facebook Ad dependency..

Incase If anybody using this dependency compile ''

Try this code instead of above

compile (''){
exclude group: ''

.NET code to send ZPL to Zebra printers

This way you will be able to send ZPL to a printer no matter how it is connected (LPT, USB, Network Share...)

Create the RawPrinterHelper class (from the Microsoft article on How to send raw data to a printer by using Visual C# .NET):

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Printing;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class RawPrinterHelper
    // Structure and API declarions:
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
    public class DOCINFOA
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string pDocName;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string pOutputFile;
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string pDataType;
    [DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint="OpenPrinterA", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi, ExactSpelling=true, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern bool OpenPrinter([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string szPrinter, out IntPtr hPrinter, IntPtr pd);

    [DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint="ClosePrinter", SetLastError=true, ExactSpelling=true, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern bool ClosePrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);

    [DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint="StartDocPrinterA", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi, ExactSpelling=true, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern bool StartDocPrinter( IntPtr hPrinter, Int32 level,  [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] DOCINFOA di);

    [DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint="EndDocPrinter", SetLastError=true, ExactSpelling=true, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern bool EndDocPrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);

    [DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint="StartPagePrinter", SetLastError=true, ExactSpelling=true, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern bool StartPagePrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);

    [DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint="EndPagePrinter", SetLastError=true, ExactSpelling=true, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern bool EndPagePrinter(IntPtr hPrinter);

    [DllImport("winspool.Drv", EntryPoint="WritePrinter", SetLastError=true, ExactSpelling=true, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.StdCall)]
    public static extern bool WritePrinter(IntPtr hPrinter, IntPtr pBytes, Int32 dwCount, out Int32 dwWritten );

    // SendBytesToPrinter()
    // When the function is given a printer name and an unmanaged array
    // of bytes, the function sends those bytes to the print queue.
    // Returns true on success, false on failure.
    public static bool SendBytesToPrinter( string szPrinterName, IntPtr pBytes, Int32 dwCount)
        Int32    dwError = 0, dwWritten = 0;
        IntPtr    hPrinter = new IntPtr(0);
        DOCINFOA    di = new DOCINFOA();
        bool    bSuccess = false; // Assume failure unless you specifically succeed.

        di.pDocName = "My C#.NET RAW Document";
        di.pDataType = "RAW";

        // Open the printer.
        if( OpenPrinter( szPrinterName.Normalize(), out hPrinter, IntPtr.Zero ) )
            // Start a document.
            if( StartDocPrinter(hPrinter, 1, di) )
                // Start a page.
                if( StartPagePrinter(hPrinter) )
                    // Write your bytes.
                    bSuccess = WritePrinter(hPrinter, pBytes, dwCount, out dwWritten);
        // If you did not succeed, GetLastError may give more information
        // about why not.
        if( bSuccess == false )
                dwError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
        return bSuccess;

    public static bool SendFileToPrinter( string szPrinterName, string szFileName )
        // Open the file.
        FileStream fs = new FileStream(szFileName, FileMode.Open);
        // Create a BinaryReader on the file.
        BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
        // Dim an array of bytes big enough to hold the file's contents.
        Byte []bytes = new Byte[fs.Length];
        bool bSuccess = false;
        // Your unmanaged pointer.
        IntPtr pUnmanagedBytes = new IntPtr(0);
        int nLength;

        nLength = Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length);
        // Read the contents of the file into the array.
        bytes = br.ReadBytes( nLength );
        // Allocate some unmanaged memory for those bytes.
        pUnmanagedBytes = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(nLength);
        // Copy the managed byte array into the unmanaged array.
        Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, pUnmanagedBytes, nLength);
        // Send the unmanaged bytes to the printer.
        bSuccess = SendBytesToPrinter(szPrinterName, pUnmanagedBytes, nLength);
        // Free the unmanaged memory that you allocated earlier.
        return bSuccess;
    public static bool SendStringToPrinter( string szPrinterName, string szString )
        IntPtr pBytes;
        Int32 dwCount;
        // How many characters are in the string?
        dwCount = szString.Length;
        // Assume that the printer is expecting ANSI text, and then convert
        // the string to ANSI text.
        pBytes = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemAnsi(szString);
        // Send the converted ANSI string to the printer.
        SendBytesToPrinter(szPrinterName, pBytes, dwCount);
        return true;

Call the print method:

private void BtnPrint_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    string s = "^XA^LH30,30\n^FO20,10^ADN,90,50^AD^FDHello World^FS\n^XZ";

    PrintDialog pd  = new PrintDialog();
    pd.PrinterSettings = new PrinterSettings();
    if(DialogResult.OK == pd.ShowDialog(this))
        RawPrinterHelper.SendStringToPrinter(pd.PrinterSettings.PrinterName, s);

There are 2 gotchas I've come across that happen when you're sending txt files with ZPL codes to the printer:

  1. The file has to end with a new line character
  2. Encoding has to be set to Encoding.Default when reading ANSI txt files with special characters

    public static bool SendTextFileToPrinter(string szFileName, string printerName)
        var sb = new StringBuilder();
        using (var sr = new StreamReader(szFileName, Encoding.Default))
            while (!sr.EndOfStream)
        return RawPrinterHelper.SendStringToPrinter(printerName, sb.ToString());

Check if space is in a string

== takes precedence over in, so you're actually testing word == True.

>>> w = 'ab c'
>>> ' ' in w == True
1: False
>>> (' ' in w) == True
2: True

But you don't need == True at all. if requires [something that evalutes to True or False] and ' ' in word will evalute to true or false. So, if ' ' in word: ... is just fine:

>>> ' ' in w
3: True

HTML forms - input type submit problem with action=URL when URL contains index.aspx

This appears to be my "preferred" solution:

<form action="" method="post">  <div>
<input type="submit" value="Gymnastics"></div>

Sorry for the presentation format - I'm still trying to learn how to use this forum....

I do have a follow-up question. In looking at my MySQL database of URL's it appears that ~30% of the URL's will need to use this post/div wrapper approach. This leaves ~70% that cannot accept the "post" attribute. For example:

<form action="" method="post">
    <input type="submit" value="Google"/>

does not work. Do you have a recommendation for how to best handle this get/post condition test. Off the top of my head I'm guessing that using PHP to evaluate the existence of the "?" character in the URL may be my best approach, although I'm not sure how to structure the HTML form to accomplish this.

Thank YOU!

How to clone ArrayList and also clone its contents?

I think the current green answer is bad , why you might ask?

  • It can require to add a lot of code
  • It requires you to list all Lists to be copied and do this

The way serialization is also bad imo, you might have to add Serializable all over the place.

So what is the solution:

Java Deep-Cloning library The cloning library is a small, open source (apache licence) java library which deep-clones objects. The objects don't have to implement the Cloneable interface. Effectivelly, this library can clone ANY java objects. It can be used i.e. in cache implementations if you don't want the cached object to be modified or whenever you want to create a deep copy of objects.

Cloner cloner=new Cloner();
XX clone = cloner.deepClone(someObjectOfTypeXX);

Check it out at

how to check for datatype in node js- specifically for integer

If you want to know if "1" ou 1 can be casted to a number, you can use this code :

if (isNaN(i*1)) {
     console.log('i is not a number'); 

SQL Server Installation - What is the Installation Media Folder?

For the SQL Server 2017 (Developer Edition) installation, I did the following:

  1. Open SQL Server Installation Center
  2. Click on Installation
  3. Click on New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation
  4. Browse to C:\SQLServer2017Media\Developer_ENU and click OK

SQL Case Expression Syntax?

Here you can find a complete guide for MySQL case statements in SQL.

     WHEN some_condition THEN return_some_value
     ELSE return_some_other_value

How to drop a database with Mongoose?

Mongoose will create a database if one does not already exist on connection, so once you make the connection, you can just query it to see if there is anything in it.

You can drop any database you are connected to:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
/* Connect to the DB */
    /* Drop the DB */

Flexbox: how to get divs to fill up 100% of the container width without wrapping?

To prevent the flex items from shrinking, set the flex shrink factor to 0:

The flex shrink factor determines how much the flex item will shrink relative to the rest of the flex items in the flex container when negative free space is distributed. When omitted, it is set to 1.

.boxcontainer .box {
  flex-shrink: 0;

* {_x000D_
  box-sizing: border-box;_x000D_
.wrapper {_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
  background-color: #EEEEEE;_x000D_
  border: 2px solid #DDDDDD;_x000D_
  padding: 1rem;_x000D_
.boxcontainer {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  border: 2px solid #BDC3C7;_x000D_
  transition: all 0.4s ease;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
.boxcontainer .box {_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  padding: 1rem;_x000D_
  flex-shrink: 0;_x000D_
.boxcontainer .box:first-child {_x000D_
  background-color: #F47983;_x000D_
.boxcontainer .box:nth-child(2) {_x000D_
  background-color: #FABCC1;_x000D_
#slidetrigger:checked ~ .wrapper .boxcontainer {_x000D_
  left: -100%;_x000D_
#overflowtrigger:checked ~ .wrapper {_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" id="overflowtrigger" />_x000D_
<label for="overflowtrigger">Hide overflow</label><br />_x000D_
<input type="checkbox" id="slidetrigger" />_x000D_
<label for="slidetrigger">Slide!</label>_x000D_
<div class="wrapper">_x000D_
  <div class="boxcontainer">_x000D_
    <div class="box">_x000D_
      First bunch of content._x000D_
    <div class="box">_x000D_
      Second load  of content._x000D_

How do I make Java register a string input with spaces?

Instead of

Scanner in = new Scanner(;
String question;
question =;

Type in

Scanner in = new Scanner(;
String question;
question = in.nextLine();

This should be able to take spaces as input.

Versioning SQL Server database

It is a good approach to save database scripts into version control with change scripts so that you can upgrade any one database you have. Also you might want to save schemas for different versions so that you can create a full database without having to apply all the change scripts. Handling the scripts should be automated so that you don't have to do manual work.

I think its important to have a separate database for every developer and not use a shared database. That way the developers can create test cases and development phases independently from other developers.

The automating tool should have means for handling database metadata, which tells what databases are in what state of development and which tables contain version controllable data and so on.

How to clean node_modules folder of packages that are not in package.json?

You could remove your node_modules/ folder and then reinstall the dependencies from package.json.

rm -rf node_modules/
npm install

This would erase all installed packages in the current folder and only install the dependencies from package.json. If the dependencies have been previously installed npm will try to use the cached version, avoiding downloading the dependency a second time.

"Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent"

"Headers already sent" means that your PHP script already sent the HTTP headers, and as such it can't make modifications to them now.

Check that you don't send ANY content before calling session_start. Better yet, just make session_start the first thing you do in your PHP file (so put it at the absolute beginning, before all HTML etc).

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference PHP 5.4

You should remove the & (ampersand) symbol, so that line 4 will look like this:

$conn = ADONewConnection($config['db_type']);

This is because ADONewConnection already returns an object by reference. As per documentation, assigning the result of a reference to object by reference results in an E_DEPRECATED message as of PHP 5.3.0

Onchange open URL via select - jQuery

<select name="xx" class="xxx" onchange="_name(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,this.options[this.selectedIndex].getAttribute('rel'))">
  <option value="x" rel="xy">aa</option>
  <option value="xxx" rel="xyy">bb</option>

//for javascript
function _name(value,rel) {

Image, saved to sdcard, doesn't appear in Android's Gallery app

there is an app in the emulator that says - ' Dev Tools'

click on that and select ' Media Scanning'.. all the images ll get scanned

Problems installing the devtools package

As per damienfrancois's suggestion, I installed libcurl4-gnutls-dev and the problem was solved.

EDIT (@dardisco)

In your shell:

apt-get -y build-dep libcurl4-gnutls-dev
apt-get -y install libcurl4-gnutls-dev

Difference between SelectedItem, SelectedValue and SelectedValuePath

inspired by this question I have written a blog along with the code snippet here. Below are some of the excerpts from the blog

SelectedItem – Selected Item helps to bind the actual value from the DataSource which will be displayed. This is of type object and we can bind any type derived from object type with this property. Since we will be using the MVVM binding for our combo boxes in that case this is the property which we can use to notify VM that item has been selected.

SelectedValue and SelectedValuePath – These are the two most confusing and misinterpreted properties for combobox. But these properties come to rescue when we want to bind our combobox with the value from already created object. Please check my last scenario in the following list to get a brief idea about the properties.

How do I do an OR filter in a Django query?

You want to make filter dynamic then you have to use Lambda like

from django.db.models import Q

brands = ['ABC','DEF' , 'GHI']

queryset = Product.objects.filter(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, [Q(brand=item) for item in brands]))

reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, [Q(brand=item) for item in brands]) is equivalent to

Q(brand=brands[0]) | Q(brand=brands[1]) | Q(brand=brands[2]) | .....

How to debug JavaScript / jQuery event bindings with Firebug or similar tools?

Use $._data(htmlElement, "events") in jquery 1.7+;


$._data(document, "events") or $._data($('.class_name').get(0), "events")

"This operation requires IIS integrated pipeline mode."

Press F4 in your Project for the property window. Then change the pipeline mode

enter image description here

How get value from URL

You can access those values with the global $_GET variable

print $_GET['id']; // prints "7"

You should check all "incoming" user data - so here, that "id" is an INT. Don't use it directly in your SQL (vulnerable to SQL injections).

Write to rails console

As other have said, you want to use either puts or p. Why? Is that magic?

Actually not. A rails console is, under the hood, an IRB, so all you can do in IRB you will be able to do in a rails console. Since for printing in an IRB we use puts, we use the same command for printing in a rails console.

You can actually take a look at the console code in the rails source code. See the require of irb? :)

How to tell CRAN to install package dependencies automatically?

Another possibility is to select the Install Dependencies checkbox In the R package installer, on the bottom right:

enter image description here

How can I change my Cygwin home folder after installation?

Starting with Cygwin 1.7.34, the recommended way to do this is to add a custom db_home setting to /etc/nsswitch.conf. A common wish when doing this is to make your Cygwin home directory equal to your Windows user profile directory. This setting will do that:

db_home: windows

Or, equivalently:

db_home: /%H

You need to use the latter form if you want some variation on this scheme, such as to segregate your Cygwin home files into a subdirectory of your Windows user profile directory:

db_home: /%H/cygwin

There are several other alternative schemes for the windows option plus several other % tokens you can use instead of %H or in addition to it. See the nsswitch.conf syntax description in the Cygwin User Guide for details.

If you installed Cygwin prior to 1.7.34 or have run its mkpasswd utility so that you have an /etc/passwd file, you can change your Cygwin home directory by editing your user's entry in that file. Your home directory is the second-to-last element on your user's line in /etc/passwd

Whichever way you do it, this causes the HOME environment variable to be set during shell startup.²

See this FAQ item for more on the topic.


  1. Consider moving /etc/passwd and /etc/group out of the way in order to use the new SAM/AD-based mechanism instead.

  2. While it is possible to simply set %HOME% via the Control Panel, it is officially discouraged. Not only does it unceremoniously override the above mechanisms, it doesn't always work, such as when running shell scripts via cron.

Get current NSDate in timestamp format

Here's what I use:

NSString * timestamp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f",[[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000];

(times 1000 for milliseconds, otherwise, take that out)

If You're using it all the time, it might be nice to declare a macro

#define TimeStamp [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f",[[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000]

Then Call it like this:

NSString * timestamp = TimeStamp;

Or as a method:

- (NSString *) timeStamp {
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f",[[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000];

As TimeInterval

- (NSTimeInterval) timeStamp {
    return [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000;


The 1000 is to convert the timestamp to milliseconds. You can remove this if you prefer your timeInterval in seconds.


If you'd like a global variable in Swift, you could use this:

var Timestamp: String {
    return "\(NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)"

Then, you can call it

println("Timestamp: \(Timestamp)")

Again, the *1000 is for miliseconds, if you'd prefer, you can remove that. If you want to keep it as an NSTimeInterval

var Timestamp: NSTimeInterval {
    return NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000

Declare these outside of the context of any class and they'll be accessible anywhere.

Vue Js - Loop via v-for X times (in a range)

The same goes for v-for in range:

<li v-for="n in 20 " :key="n">{{n}}</li>

Oracle comparing timestamp with date

You can truncate the date part:

select * from table1 where trunc(field1) = to_date('2012-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD')

The trouble with this approach is that any index on field1 wouldn't be used due to the function call.

Alternatively (and more index friendly)

select * from table1 
 where field1 >= to_timestamp('2012-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD') 
   and field1 < to_timestamp('2012-01-02', 'YYYY-MM-DD')

How to add many functions in ONE ng-click?

ng-click "$watch(edit($index), open())"

Regex allow a string to only contain numbers 0 - 9 and limit length to 45

For this case word boundary (\b) can also be used instead of start anchor (^) and end anchor ($):


\b is a position between \w and \W (non-word char), or at the beginning or end of a string.

Best way to remove duplicate entries from a data table

Do dtEmp on your current working DataTable:

DataTable distinctTable = dtEmp.DefaultView.ToTable( /*distinct*/ true);

It's nice.

HTML entity for the middle dot

It's called a middle dot: ·

HTML entities:

  • &middot;
  • &#183;
  • &#xb7;


  • \00B7

set up device for development (???????????? no permissions)

sudo usermod -aG plugdev $LOGNAME

This command worked for me

CSS3 transitions inside jQuery .css()

Your code can get messy fast when dealing with CSS3 transitions. I would recommend using a plugin such as jQuery Transit that handles the complexity of CSS3 animations/transitions.

Moreover, the plugin uses webkit-transform rather than webkit-transition, which allows for mobile devices to use hardware acceleration in order to give your web apps that native look and feel when the animations occur.

JS Fiddle Live Demo


$("#startTransition").on("click", function()

    if( $(".boxOne").is(":visible")) 
        $(".boxOne").transition({ x: '-100%', opacity: 0.1 }, function () { $(".boxOne").hide(); });
        $(".boxTwo").css({ x: '100%' });
        $(".boxTwo").show().transition({ x: '0%', opacity: 1.0 });

    $(".boxTwo").transition({ x: '-100%', opacity: 0.1 }, function () { $(".boxTwo").hide(); });
    $(".boxOne").css({ x: '100%' });
    $(".boxOne").show().transition({ x: '0%', opacity: 1.0 });


Most of the hard work of getting cross-browser compatibility is done for you as well and it works like a charm on mobile devices.

How to use a servlet filter in Java to change an incoming servlet request url?

You could use the ready to use Url Rewrite Filter with a rule like this one:


Check the Examples for more... examples.

Xcode 6 Bug: Unknown class in Interface Builder file

Swift 3 solution.

All these did NOT work.

  1. Clicking on Module on right pane did NOT work.
  2. Adding @obj did NOT work.
  3. Restarting did NOT work.
  4. Moving to desktop as xcode breaks for longer path is NOT working. ...

This worked finally.

Just create new directory and create a new project inside that. Add the files except Main.sotryboard.

Now copy the view controllers from previous project and paste it into new Main.storyboard.

Voila ! This works.

paint() and repaint() in Java

It's not necessary to call repaint unless you need to render something specific onto a component. "Something specific" meaning anything that isn't provided internally by the windowing toolkit you're using.

How to convert datatype:object to float64 in python?

I had this problem in a DataFrame (df) created from an Excel-sheet with several internal header rows.

After cleaning out the internal header rows from df, the columns' values were of "non-null object" type (

This code converted all numerical values of multiple columns to int64 and float64 in one go:

for i in range(0, len(df.columns)):
    df.iloc[:,i] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:,i], errors='ignore')
    # errors='ignore' lets strings remain as 'non-null objects'

HTML anchor tag with Javascript onclick event

Use following code to show menu instead go to href addres

function show_more_menu(e) {_x000D_
  if( !confirm(`Go to ${} ?`) ) e.preventDefault();_x000D_
<a href='more.php' onclick="show_more_menu(event)"> More >>> </a>

Name node is in safe mode. Not able to leave

safe mode on means (HDFS is in READ only mode)
safe mode off means (HDFS is in Writeable and readable mode)

In Hadoop 2.6.0, we can check the status of name node with help of the below commands:

TO CHECK THE name node status

$ hdfs dfsadmin -safemode get


$ hdfs dfsadmin -safemode enter


~$ hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave

multiple where condition codeigniter

Yes, multiple calls to where() is a perfectly valid way to achieve this.


The real difference between "int" and "unsigned int"

The printf function interprets the value that you pass it according to the format specifier in a matching position. If you tell printf that you pass an int, but pass unsigned instead, printf would re-interpret one as the other, and print the results that you see.

Open a Web Page in a Windows Batch FIle

When you use the start command to a website it will use the default browser by default but if you want to use a specific browser then use start iexplorer.exe

Also you cannot have http:// in the url.

CSS / HTML Navigation and Logo on same line

You need to apply the logo class to the image...then float the ul

Codepen Demo


<img class="logo" src="">


.navigation-bar ul {
  padding: 0px;
  margin: 0px;
  text-align: center;
  float: left;
  background: white;

Understanding events and event handlers in C#

C# knows two terms, delegate and event. Let's start with the first one.


A delegate is a reference to a method. Just like you can create a reference to an instance:

MyClass instance = myFactory.GetInstance();

You can use a delegate to create an reference to a method:

Action myMethod = myFactory.GetInstance;

Now that you have this reference to a method, you can call the method via the reference:

MyClass instance = myMethod();

But why would you? You can also just call myFactory.GetInstance() directly. In this case you can. However, there are many cases to think about where you don't want the rest of the application to have knowledge of myFactory or to call myFactory.GetInstance() directly.

An obvious one is if you want to be able to replace myFactory.GetInstance() into myOfflineFakeFactory.GetInstance() from one central place (aka factory method pattern).

Factory method pattern

So, if you have a TheOtherClass class and it needs to use the myFactory.GetInstance(), this is how the code will look like without delegates (you'll need to let TheOtherClass know about the type of your myFactory):

TheOtherClass toc;

class TheOtherClass
   public void SetFactory(MyFactory factory)
      // set here


If you'd use delegates, you don't have to expose the type of my factory:

TheOtherClass toc;
Action factoryMethod = myFactory.GetInstance;

class TheOtherClass
   public void SetFactoryMethod(Action factoryMethod)
      // set here


Thus, you can give a delegate to some other class to use, without exposing your type to them. The only thing you're exposing is the signature of your method (how many parameters you have and such).

"Signature of my method", where did I hear that before? O yes, interfaces!!! interfaces describe the signature of a whole class. Think of delegates as describing the signature of only one method!

Another large difference between an interface and a delegate is that when you're writing your class, you don't have to say to C# "this method implements that type of delegate". With interfaces, you do need to say "this class implements that type of an interface".

Further, a delegate reference can (with some restrictions, see below) reference multiple methods (called MulticastDelegate). This means that when you call the delegate, multiple explicitly-attached methods will be executed. An object reference can always only reference to one object.

The restrictions for a MulticastDelegate are that the (method/delegate) signature should not have any return value (void) and the keywords out and ref is not used in the signature. Obviously, you can't call two methods that return a number and expect them to return the same number. Once the signature complies, the delegate is automatically a MulticastDelegate.


Events are just properties (like the get;set; properties to instance fields) which expose subscription to the delegate from other objects. These properties, however, don't support get;set;. Instead, they support add; remove;

So you can have:

    Action myField;

    public event Action MyProperty
        add { myField += value; }
        remove { myField -= value; }

Usage in UI (WinForms,WPF,UWP So on)

So, now we know that a delegate is a reference to a method and that we can have an event to let the world know that they can give us their methods to be referenced from our delegate, and we are a UI button, then: we can ask anyone who is interested in whether I was clicked, to register their method with us (via the event we exposed). We can use all those methods that were given to us and reference them by our delegate. And then, we'll wait and wait.... until a user comes and clicks on that button, then we'll have enough reason to invoke the delegate. And because the delegate references all those methods given to us, all those methods will be invoked. We don't know what those methods do, nor we know which class implements those methods. All we do care about is that someone was interested in us being clicked, and gave us a reference to a method that complied with our desired signature.


Languages like Java don't have delegates. They use interfaces instead. The way they do that is to ask anyone who is interested in 'us being clicked', to implement a certain interface (with a certain method we can call), then give us the whole instance that implements the interface. We keep a list of all objects implementing this interface and can call their 'certain method we can call' whenever we get clicked.

Extension methods must be defined in a non-generic static class

Try changing it to static class and back. That might resolve visual studio complaining when it's a false positive.

Changing image size in Markdown

If changing the initial markdown is not an option for you, this hack might work:

newHtml = oldHtml.replace(/<img/g, '<img height="100"');

I used this to be able to resize images before sending them in an email (as Outlook ignores any image css styling)

SASS - use variables across multiple files

Create an index.scss and there you can import all file structure you have. I will paste you my index from an enterprise project, maybe it will help other how to structure files in css:

@import 'base/_reset';

@import 'helpers/_variables';
@import 'helpers/_mixins';
@import 'helpers/_functions';
@import 'helpers/_helpers';
@import 'helpers/_placeholders';

@import 'base/_typography';

@import 'pages/_versions';
@import 'pages/_recording';
@import 'pages/_lists';
@import 'pages/_global';

@import 'forms/_buttons';
@import 'forms/_inputs';
@import 'forms/_validators';
@import 'forms/_fieldsets';

@import 'sections/_header';
@import 'sections/_navigation';
@import 'sections/_sidebar-a';
@import 'sections/_sidebar-b';
@import 'sections/_footer';

@import 'vendors/_ui-grid';

@import 'components/_modals';
@import 'components/_tooltip';
@import 'components/_tables';
@import 'components/_datepickers';

And you can watch them with gulp/grunt/webpack etc, like:


// SASS Task

var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');
//var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var uglifycss = require('gulp-uglifycss');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');

gulp.task('styles', function(){
    return gulp
            .pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
                "maxLineLen": 80,
                "uglyComments": true

gulp.task('watch', function () {'sass/**/*.scss', ['styles']);

gulp.task('default', ['watch']);

How to know whether refresh button or browser back button is clicked in Firefox

var keyCode = evt.keyCode;
if (keyCode==8)
alert('you pressed backspace');

alert('you pressed f5 to reload page')

Python pip install module is not found. How to link python to pip location?

As a quick workaround, and assuming that you are on a bash-like terminal (Linux/OSX), you can try to export the PYTHONPATH environment variable:

export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages"

For Python 2.7

getElementsByClassName not working

If you want to do it by ClassName you could do:

<script type="text/javascript">
function hideTd(className){
    var elements;

    if (document.getElementsByClassName)
        elements = document.getElementsByClassName(className);
        var elArray = [];
        var tmp = document.getElementsByTagName(elements);  
        var regex = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className+ "(\\s|$)");
        for ( var i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++ ) {

            if ( regex.test(tmp[i].className) ) {

        elements = elArray;

    for(var i = 0, i < elements.length; i++) {
       if( elements[i].textContent == ''){
          elements[i].style.display = 'none';


How to define two angular apps / modules in one page?

Manual bootstrapping both the modules will work. Look at this

  <!-- IN HTML -->
  <div id="dvFirst">
    <div ng-controller="FirstController">
      <p>1: {{ desc }}</p>

  <div id="dvSecond">
    <div ng-controller="SecondController ">
      <p>2: {{ desc }}</p>

// IN SCRIPT       
var dvFirst = document.getElementById('dvFirst');
var dvSecond = document.getElementById('dvSecond');

angular.element(document).ready(function() {
   angular.bootstrap(dvFirst, ['firstApp']);
   angular.bootstrap(dvSecond, ['secondApp']);

Here is the link to the Plunker

NOTE: In html, there is no ng-app. id has been used instead.

Set focus to field in dynamically loaded DIV



is not working then is there another element on your page with the id of header?

Use firebug to run $("#header") and see what it returns.

missing private key in the distribution certificate on keychain

I'm the creator of the key, but the key was attached to an expired Certificate.

To solve it I went to -> Xcode/Preferences/Accounts/"Account you use to archive"/Manage Certificates..

Then click on the dropdown menu with the "+" sign on the bottom left corner, and choose the type of certificate you need updated (mine was Apple Distribution).

This updated my new certificate with its key attached.

Android: Quit application when press back button

try this

Intent a = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);

Simple way to count character occurrences in a string

Functional style (Java 8, just for fun):

str.chars().filter(num -> num == '$').count()

how to change directory using Windows command line

The "cd" command changes the directory, but not what drive you are working with. So when you go "cd d:\temp", you are changing the D drive's directory to temp, but staying in the C drive.

Execute these two commands:

cd temp

That will get you the results you want.

Excel formula to display ONLY month and year?

There are a number of ways to go about this. One way would be to enter the date 8/1/2013 manually in the first cell (say A1 for example's sake) and then in B1 type the following formula (and then drag it across):


Since you only want to see month and year, you can format accordingly using the different custom date formats available.

The format you're looking for is YY-Mmm.

How to use QTimer


    #ifndef MYTIMER_H
    #define MYTIMER_H

    #include <QTimer>

    class MyTimer : public QObject
        QTimer *timer;

    public slots:
        void MyTimerSlot();

    #endif // MYTIME


#include "mytimer.h"
#include <QDebug>

    // create a timer
    timer = new QTimer(this);

    // setup signal and slot
    connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()),
          this, SLOT(MyTimerSlot()));

    // msec

void MyTimer::MyTimerSlot()
    qDebug() << "Timer...";


#include <QCoreApplication>
#include "mytimer.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    // Create MyTimer instance
    // QTimer object will be created in the MyTimer constructor
    MyTimer timer;

    return a.exec();

If we run the code:



How can I delete a query string parameter in JavaScript?

Anyone interested in a regex solution I have put together this function to add/remove/update a querystring parameter. Not supplying a value will remove the parameter, supplying one will add/update the paramter. If no URL is supplied, it will be grabbed from window.location. This solution also takes the url's anchor into consideration.

function UpdateQueryString(key, value, url) {
    if (!url) url = window.location.href;
    var re = new RegExp("([?&])" + key + "=.*?(&|#|$)(.*)", "gi"),

    if (re.test(url)) {
        if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null)
            return url.replace(re, '$1' + key + "=" + value + '$2$3');
        else {
            hash = url.split('#');
            url = hash[0].replace(re, '$1$3').replace(/(&|\?)$/, '');
            if (typeof hash[1] !== 'undefined' && hash[1] !== null) 
                url += '#' + hash[1];
            return url;
    else {
        if (typeof value !== 'undefined' && value !== null) {
            var separator = url.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '&' : '?';
            hash = url.split('#');
            url = hash[0] + separator + key + '=' + value;
            if (typeof hash[1] !== 'undefined' && hash[1] !== null) 
                url += '#' + hash[1];
            return url;
            return url;


There was a bug when removing the first parameter in the querystring, I have reworked the regex and test to include a fix.


@schellmax update to fix situation where hashtag symbol is lost when removing a querystring variable directly before a hashtag

No matching client found for package name (Google Analytics) - multiple productFlavors & buildTypes

This error occurs when you have a Google Services Json file downloaded in your project whose Package name doesn't match with your Project's package name.

Recently renamed the project's package name?

It does update all the classes but not the Gradle File. So check if your package name is correct in your Gradle, and also maybe Manifest too.

'mvn' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

Add maven directory /bin to System variables under the name Path.

To check this, you can echo %PATH%

Convert string to Date in java

it went OK when i used Locale.US parametre in SimpleDateFormat

String dateString = "15 May 2013 17:38:34 +0300";

SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z", Locale.US);
DateFormat targetFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm", Locale.getDefault());
String formattedDate = null;
Date convertedDate = new Date();
try {
     convertedDate = dateFormat.parse(dateString);
formattedDate = targetFormat.format(convertedDate);
} catch (ParseException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

Does IMDB provide an API?

ok i found this one IMDB scraper

for C#:

PHP here:

alternatively a implementation for c#:

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using HtmlAgilityPack; //

public class IMDBHelper

    public static imdbitem GetInfoByTitle(string Title)
        string url = "" + Title;
        HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url);
        req.Method = "GET";
        req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 9.0; WIndows NT 9.0; en-US))";
        string source;
        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()))
            source = reader.ReadToEnd();
        HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
        XDocument xdoc = XDocument.Parse(doc.DocumentNode.InnerHtml, LoadOptions.None);
        imdbitem i = new imdbitem();
        i.rating = xdoc.Descendants("rating").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
        i.rating_count = xdoc.Descendants("rating_count").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
        i.year = xdoc.Descendants("year").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
        i.rated = xdoc.Descendants("rated").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
        i.title = xdoc.Descendants("title").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
        i.imdb_url = xdoc.Descendants("imdb_url").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
        i.plot_simple = xdoc.Descendants("plot_simple").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
        i.type = xdoc.Descendants("type").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
        i.poster = xdoc.Descendants("poster").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
        i.imdb_id = xdoc.Descendants("imdb_id").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
        i.also_known_as = xdoc.Descendants("also_known_as").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
        i.language = xdoc.Descendants("language").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault(); = xdoc.Descendants("country").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
        i.release_date = xdoc.Descendants("release_date").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
        i.filming_locations = xdoc.Descendants("filming_locations").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
        i.runtime = xdoc.Descendants("runtime").Select(x => x.Value).FirstOrDefault();
        i.directors = xdoc.Descendants("directors").Descendants("item").Select(x => x.Value).ToList();
        i.writers = xdoc.Descendants("writers").Descendants("item").Select(x => x.Value).ToList();
        i.actors = xdoc.Descendants("actors").Descendants("item").Select(x => x.Value).ToList();
        i.genres = xdoc.Descendants("genres").Descendants("item").Select(x => x.Value).ToList();
        return i;

    public class imdbitem
        public string rating { get; set; }
        public string rating_count { get; set; }
        public string year { get; set; }
        public string rated { get; set; }
        public string title { get; set; }
        public string imdb_url { get; set; }
        public string plot_simple { get; set; }
        public string type { get; set; }
        public string poster { get; set; }
        public string imdb_id { get; set; }
        public string also_known_as { get; set; }
        public string language { get; set; }
        public string country { get; set; }
        public string release_date { get; set; }
        public string filming_locations { get; set; }
        public string runtime { get; set; }
        public List<string> directors { get; set; }
        public List<string> writers { get; set; }
        public List<string> actors { get; set; }
        public List<string> genres { get; set; }


Where does PHP's error log reside in XAMPP?

\xampp\apache\logs\error.log, where xampp is your installation folder. If you haven't changed the error_log setting in PHP (check with phpinfo()), it will be logged to the Apache log.

Parsing JSON Array within JSON Object

mainJSON.getJSONArray("source") returns a JSONArray, hence you can remove the new JSONArray.

The JSONArray contructor with an object parameter expects it to be a Collection or Array (not JSONArray)

Try this:

JSONArray jsonMainArr = mainJSON.getJSONArray("source"); 

Returning value that was passed into a method

The generic Returns<T> method can handle this situation nicely.

_mock.Setup(x => x.DoSomething(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns<string>(x => x);

Or if the method requires multiple inputs, specify them like so:

_mock.Setup(x => x.DoSomething(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<int>())).Returns((string x, int y) => x);

How do I replace all the spaces with %20 in C#?

As commented on the approved story, the HttpServerUtility.UrlEncode method replaces spaces with + instead of %20. Use one of these two methods instead: Uri.EscapeUriString() or Uri.EscapeDataString()

Sample code:

HttpUtility.UrlEncode(" me this file.jpg")
//Output: ""

Uri.EscapeUriString(" me this file.jpg");
//Output: ""
Uri.EscapeDataString(" me this file.jpg");
//Output: ""

//When your url has a query string:
Uri.EscapeUriString(" me this file.jpg");
//Output: ""
Uri.EscapeDataString(" me this file.jpg");    
//Output: ""

Order by descending date - month, day and year


Try this:


Worked perfectly on a JET DB.

What is causing ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table?

In postgresql all foreign keys must reference a unique key in the parent table, so in your bar table you must have a unique (name) index.

See also and specifically:

Finally, we should mention that a foreign key must reference columns that either are a primary key or form a unique constraint.

Emphasis mine.

Loading another html page from javascript

Is it possible (work only online and load only your page or file): Try my code:

function load_page(){
qr=new XMLHttpRequest();'get','YOUR_file_or_page.htm');

qr.onreadystatechange instead qr.onload also use.

org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'customerService' is defined

You will have to annotate your service with @Service since you have said I am using annotations for mapping

Python: finding an element in a list

I found this by adapting some tutos. Thanks to google, and to all of you ;)

def findall(L, test):
    indices = []
            # next value in list passing the test
            nextvalue = filter(test, L[i:])[0]

            # add index of this value in the index list,
            # by searching the value in L[i:] 
            indices.append(L.index(nextvalue, i))

            # iterate i, that is the next index from where to search
        #when there is no further "good value", filter returns [],
        # hence there is an out of range exeption
        except IndexError:
            return indices

A very simple use:

a = [0,0,2,1]
ind = findall(a, lambda x:x>0))

[2, 3]

P.S. scuse my english

How to sort by dates excel?

  1. Select the whole column
  2. Right click -> Format cells... -> Number -> Category: Date -> OK
  3. Data -> Text to Columns -> select Delimited -> Next -> in your case selection of Delimiters doesn't matter -> Next -> select Date: DMY -> Finish

Now you should be able to sort by this column either Oldest to Newest or Newest to Oldest

How can I get the IP address from NIC in Python?

Alternatively, if you want to get the IP address of whichever interface is used to connect to the network without having to know its name, you can use this:

import socket
def get_ip_address():
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    s.connect(("", 80))
    return s.getsockname()[0]

I know it's a little different than your question, but others may arrive here and find this one more useful. You do not have to have a route to to use this. All it is doing is opening a socket, but not sending any data.

Proper use of errors

Someone posted this link to the MDN in a comment, and I think it was very helpful. It describes things like ErrorTypes very thoroughly.

EvalError --- Creates an instance representing an error that occurs regarding the global function eval().

InternalError --- Creates an instance representing an error that occurs when an internal error in the JavaScript engine is thrown. E.g. "too much recursion".

RangeError --- Creates an instance representing an error that occurs when a numeric variable or parameter is outside of its valid range.

ReferenceError --- Creates an instance representing an error that occurs when de-referencing an invalid reference.

SyntaxError --- Creates an instance representing a syntax error that occurs while parsing code in eval().

TypeError --- Creates an instance representing an error that occurs when a variable or parameter is not of a valid type.

URIError --- Creates an instance representing an error that occurs when encodeURI() or decodeURI() are passed invalid parameters.

How to match hyphens with Regular Expression?

The hyphen is usually a normal character in regular expressions. Only if it’s in a character class and between two other characters does it take a special meaning.


  • [-] matches a hyphen.
  • [abc-] matches a, b, c or a hyphen.
  • [-abc] matches a, b, c or a hyphen.
  • [ab-d] matches a, b, c or d (only here the hyphen denotes a character range).

Get the generated SQL statement from a SqlCommand object?

This is what I use to output parameter lists for a stored procedure into the debug console:

string query = (from SqlParameter p in sqlCmd.Parameters where p != null where p.Value != null select string.Format("Param: {0} = {1},  ", p.ParameterName, p.Value.ToString())).Aggregate(sqlCmd.CommandText, (current, parameter) => current + parameter);

This will generate a console outputt simlar to this:

Customer.prGetCustomerDetails: @Offset = 1,  Param: @Fetch = 10,  Param: @CategoryLevel1ID = 3,  Param: @VehicleLineID = 9,  Param: @SalesCode1 = bce,  

I place this code directly below any procedure I wish to debug and is similar to a sql profiler session but in C#.

What's the meaning of System.out.println in Java?

System.out.println("...") in Java code is translated into JVM. Looking into the JVM gave me better understanding what is going on behind the hood.

From the book Programming form the Java Virtual Machine. This code is copied from

This is the JVM source code.

.class public HelloWorld
.super java/lang/Object

.method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
.limit stack 2
.limit locals 1
  getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream;
  ldc "Hello, world"
  invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/println

.end method
.end class

As "The JVM doesn't permit byte-level access to memory" the out object in type Ljava/io/PrintSteram; is stored in a stack with getstatic JVM command. Then the argument is pushed on the stack before called a method println of the java/io/PrintStream class from an instance named out. The method's parameter is (Ljava/lang/String;) and output type is void (V).

How to write a cron that will run a script every day at midnight?

Quick guide to setup a cron job

Create a new text file, example: mycronjobs.txt

For each daily job (00:00, 03:45), save the schedule lines in mycronjobs.txt

00 00 * * * ruby path/to/your/script.rb
45 03 * * * path/to/your/

Send the jobs to cron (everytime you run this, cron deletes what has been stored and updates with the new information in mycronjobs.txt)

crontab mycronjobs.txt

Extra Useful Information

See current cron jobs

crontab -l

Remove all cron jobs

crontab -r

Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table

What you are referring to is metadata, data about data. I had this same issue for the project I am currently working on and had to spend some time trying to figure it out. It's too much information to post here, but below are two links you may find useful. They do reference the Symfony framework, but are based on the Doctrine ORM.

Good luck, and nice Metallica references!

Where to put Gradle configuration (i.e. credentials) that should not be committed?




authentication(userName: mavenUser, password: mavenPassword)

GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM problem when working with terminal and MacFusion

My Problem was that I was not in the correct git directory that I just cloned.

What does the C++ standard state the size of int, long type to be?

If you are interested in a pure C++ solution, I made use of templates and only C++ standard code to define types at compile time based on their bit size. This make the solution portable across compilers.

The idea behind is very simple: Create a list containing types char, int, short, long, long long (signed and unsigned versions) and the scan the list and by the use of numeric_limits template select the type with given size.

Including this header you got 8 type stdtype::int8, stdtype::int16, stdtype::int32, stdtype::int64, stdtype::uint8, stdtype::uint16, stdtype::uint32, stdtype::uint64.

If some type cannot be represented it will be evaluated to stdtype::null_type also declared in that header.

Tested with DevC++ (so a gcc version around 3.5)

#include <limits>

namespace stdtype
    using namespace std;

     * PLEASE NOTE that C++ std define sizeof of an empty class to be 1.
    class null_type{};

     *  Template for creating lists of types
     *  T is type to hold
     *  S is the next type_list<T,S> type
     *  Example:
     *   Creating a list with type int and char: 
     *      typedef type_list<int, type_list<char> > test;
     *      test::value         //int
     *      test::next::value   //char
    template <typename T, typename S> struct type_list
        typedef T value;
        typedef S next;         


     * Declaration of template struct for selecting a type from the list
    template <typename list, int b, int ctl> struct select_type;

     * Find a type with specified "b" bit in list "list"
    template <typename list, int b> struct find_type
            //Handy name for the type at the head of the list
            typedef typename list::value cur_type;

            //Number of bits of the type at the head
            //CHANGE THIS (compile time) exp TO USE ANOTHER TYPE LEN COMPUTING
            enum {cur_type_bits = numeric_limits<cur_type>::digits};

            //Select the type at the head if b == cur_type_bits else
            //select_type call find_type with list::next
            typedef  typename select_type<list, b, cur_type_bits>::type type;

     * This is the specialization for empty list, return the null_type
     * OVVERRIDE this struct to ADD CUSTOM BEHAVIOR for the TYPE NOT FOUND case
     * (ie search for type with 17 bits on common archs)
    template <int b> struct find_type<null_type, b>
        typedef null_type type;


     * Primary template for selecting the type at the head of the list if
     * it matches the requested bits (b == ctl)
     * If b == ctl the partial specified templated is evaluated so here we have
     * b != ctl. We call find_type on the next element of the list
    template <typename list, int b, int ctl> struct select_type
            typedef  typename find_type<typename list::next, b>::type type; 

     * This partial specified templated is used to select top type of a list
     * it is called by find_type with the list of value (consumed at each call)
     * the bits requested (b) and the current type (top type) length in bits
     * We specialice the b == ctl case
    template <typename list, int b> struct select_type<list, b, b>
            typedef typename list::value type;

     * These are the types list, to avoid possible ambiguity (some weird archs)
     * we kept signed and unsigned separated

    #define UNSIGNED_TYPES type_list<unsigned char,         \
        type_list<unsigned short,                           \
        type_list<unsigned int,                             \
        type_list<unsigned long,                            \
        type_list<unsigned long long, null_type> > > > >

    #define SIGNED_TYPES type_list<signed char,         \
        type_list<signed short,                         \
        type_list<signed int,                           \
        type_list<signed long,                          \
        type_list<signed long long, null_type> > > > >

     * These are acutally typedef used in programs.
     * Nomenclature is [u]intN where u if present means unsigned, N is the 
     * number of bits in the integer
     * find_type is used simply by giving first a type_list then the number of 
     * bits to search for.
     * NB. Each type in the type list must had specified the template 
     * numeric_limits as it is used to compute the type len in (binary) digit.
    typedef find_type<UNSIGNED_TYPES, 8>::type  uint8;
    typedef find_type<UNSIGNED_TYPES, 16>::type uint16;
    typedef find_type<UNSIGNED_TYPES, 32>::type uint32;
    typedef find_type<UNSIGNED_TYPES, 64>::type uint64;

    typedef find_type<SIGNED_TYPES, 7>::type    int8;
    typedef find_type<SIGNED_TYPES, 15>::type   int16;
    typedef find_type<SIGNED_TYPES, 31>::type   int32;
    typedef find_type<SIGNED_TYPES, 63>::type   int64;


How to properly create an SVN tag from trunk?


svn copy \ -m "Release 1.0"


cd /path/to/project
svn copy ^/trunk ^/tags/1.0 -m "Release 1.0"

How to get the row number from a datatable?

ArrayList check = new ArrayList();            

for (int i = 0; i < oDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
    int iValue = Convert.ToInt32(oDS.Tables[0].Rows[i][3].ToString());


Passing string parameter in JavaScript function

The question has been answered, but for your future coding reference you might like to consider this.

In your HTML, add the name as an attribute to the button and remove the onclick reference.

<button id="button" data-name="Mathew" type="button">click</button>

In your JavaScript, grab the button using its ID, assign the function to the button's click event, and use the function to display the button's data-name attribute.

var button = document.getElementById('button');

button.onclick = myfunction;

function myfunction() {
  var name = this.getAttribute('data-name');


What's the difference between a mock & stub?

Stub helps us to run test. How? It gives values which helps to run test. These values are itself not real and we created these values just to run the test. For example we create a HashMap to give us values which are similar to values in database table. So instead of directly interacting with database we interact with Hashmap.

Mock is an fake object which runs the test. where we put assert.

how to return a char array from a function in C

Lazy notes in comments.

#include <stdio.h>
// for malloc
#include <stdlib.h>

// you need the prototype
char *substring(int i,int j,char *ch);

int main(void /* std compliance */)
  int i=0,j=2;
  char s[]="String";
  char *test;
  // s points to the first char, S
  // *s "is" the first char, S
  test=substring(i,j,s); // so s only is ok
  // if test == NULL, failed, give up
  free(test); // you should free it
  return 0;

char *substring(int i,int j,char *ch)
  int k=0;
  // avoid calc same things several time
  int n = j-i+1; 
  char *ch1;
  // you can omit casting - and sizeof(char) := 1
  // if (!ch1) error...; return NULL;

  // any kind of check missing:
  // are i, j ok? 
  // is n > 0... ch[i] is "inside" the string?...

  return ch1;

How do I use NSTimer?

Firstly I'd like to draw your attention to the Cocoa/CF documentation (which is always a great first port of call). The Apple docs have a section at the top of each reference article called "Companion Guides", which lists guides for the topic being documented (if any exist). For example, with NSTimer, the documentation lists two companion guides:

For your situation, the Timer Programming Topics article is likely to be the most useful, whilst threading topics are related but not the most directly related to the class being documented. If you take a look at the Timer Programming Topics article, it's divided into two parts:

  • Timers
  • Using Timers

For articles that take this format, there is often an overview of the class and what it's used for, and then some sample code on how to use it, in this case in the "Using Timers" section. There are sections on "Creating and Scheduling a Timer", "Stopping a Timer" and "Memory Management". From the article, creating a scheduled, non-repeating timer can be done something like this:

[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:2.0

This will create a timer that is fired after 2.0 seconds and calls targetMethod: on self with one argument, which is a pointer to the NSTimer instance.

If you then want to look in more detail at the method you can refer back to the docs for more information, but there is explanation around the code too.

If you want to stop a timer that is one which repeats, (or stop a non-repeating timer before it fires) then you need to keep a pointer to the NSTimer instance that was created; often this will need to be an instance variable so that you can refer to it in another method. You can then call invalidate on the NSTimer instance:

[myTimer invalidate];
myTimer = nil;

It's also good practice to nil out the instance variable (for example if your method that invalidates the timer is called more than once and the instance variable hasn't been set to nil and the NSTimer instance has been deallocated, it will throw an exception).

Note also the point on Memory Management at the bottom of the article:

Because the run loop maintains the timer, from the perspective of memory management there's typically no need to keep a reference to a timer after you’ve scheduled it. Since the timer is passed as an argument when you specify its method as a selector, you can invalidate a repeating timer when appropriate within that method. In many situations, however, you also want the option of invalidating the timer—perhaps even before it starts. In this case, you do need to keep a reference to the timer, so that you can send it an invalidate message whenever appropriate. If you create an unscheduled timer (see “Unscheduled Timers”), then you must maintain a strong reference to the timer (in a reference-counted environment, you retain it) so that it is not deallocated before you use it.

Selecting rows where remainder (modulo) is 1 after division by 2?

Note: Disregard this answer, as I must have misunderstood the question.

select *
  from Table
  where len(ColName) mod 2 = 1

The exact syntax depends on what flavor of SQL you're using.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined

TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined when calling a Django service using AngularJS.

If you are calling a Python service, the code will look like below:

  var promise = $http({
    method: 'POST',
      url: bbConfig.BWS+'updateTalentSupplier/',
      withCredentials: false,
    return promise; //Promise is returned 

We are using MongoDB as the database(I know it doesn't matter. But if someone is searching with MongoDB + Python (Django) + AngularJS the result should come.

CSS: How to position two elements on top of each other, without specifying a height?

Of course, the problem is all about getting your height back. But how can you do that if you don't know the height ahead of time? Well, if you know what aspect ratio you want to give the container (and keep it responsive), you can get your height back by adding padding to another child of the container, expressed as a percentage.

You can even add a dummy div to the container and set something like padding-top: 56.25% to give the dummy element a height that is a proportion of the container's width. This will push out the container and give it an aspect ratio, in this case 16:9 (56.25%).

Padding and margin use the percentage of the width, that's really the trick here.

Making a Windows shortcut start relative to where the folder is?

I'm not sure if I'm right, or I'm missing something, but as for now (2016-07-11, running Win7 Enterprise SP1) a LNK file adapts itself on moving or even changing the drive letter after it is run at a new place! I created a new shortcut on my USB drive and tried moving the shortcut and its target in a way that the relative position stayed unchanged, then I changed the drive letter. The shortcut worked in both cases and the target field was adapted after I double-clicked it.

It looks like Microsoft has addressed this issue in one of the past updates.

Please somebody confirm this.

Insert json file into mongodb

Below command worked for me

mongoimport --db test --collection docs --file example2.json

when i removed the extra newline character before Email attribute in each of the documents.


{"FirstName": "Bruce", "LastName": "Wayne", "Email": "[email protected]"}
{"FirstName": "Lucius", "LastName": "Fox", "Email": "[email protected]"}
{"FirstName": "Dick", "LastName": "Grayson", "Email": "[email protected]"}

Javascript to sort contents of select element

Yes DOK has the right answer ... either pre-sort the results before you write the HTML (assuming it's dynamic and you are responsible for the output), or you write javascript.

The Javascript Sort method will be your friend here. Simply pull the values out of the select list, then sort it, and put them back :-)

Java ArrayList - how can I tell if two lists are equal, order not mattering?

My solution for this. It is not so cool, but works well.

public static boolean isEqualCollection(List<?> a, List<?> b) {

    if (a == null || b == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("The list a and b must be not null.");

    if (a.size() != b.size()) {
        return false;

    List<?> bCopy = new ArrayList<Object>(b);

    for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {

        for (int j = 0; j < bCopy.size(); j++) {
            if (a.get(i).equals(bCopy.get(j))) {

    return bCopy.isEmpty();

laravel 5.4 upload image

A good logic for your application could be something like:

 public function uploadGalery(Request $request){
      $this->validate($request, [
        'file' => 'required|image|mimes:jpeg,png,jpg,bmp,gif,svg|max:2048',
      if ($request->hasFile('file')) {
        $image = $request->file('file');
        $name = time().'.'.$image->getClientOriginalExtension();
        $destinationPath = public_path('/storage/galeryImages/');
        $image->move($destinationPath, $name);
        return back()->with('success','Image Upload successfully');


Re-ordering factor levels in data frame

Assuming your dataframe is mydf:

mydf$task <- factor(mydf$task, levels = c("up", "down", "left", "right", "front", "back"))

How do I specify row heights in CSS Grid layout?

One of the Related posts gave me the (simple) answer.

Apparently the auto value on the grid-template-rows property does exactly what I was looking for.

.grid {
    grid-template-columns: 1fr 1.5fr 1fr;
    grid-template-rows: auto auto 1fr 1fr 1fr auto auto;
    height: calc(100vh - 10px);

Getting Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is null error in powershell

  1. PM>Uninstall-Package EntityFramework -Force
  2. PM>Iinstall-Package EntityFramework -Pre -Version 6.0.0

I solve this problem with this code in NugetPackageConsole.and it works.The problem was in the version. i thikn it will help others.

How to customize message box

MessageBox::Show uses function from user32.dll, and its style is dependent on Windows, so you cannot change it like that, you have to create your own form

How do you know if Tomcat Server is installed on your PC

The port 8005 is used as service port. You can send a shutdown command (a configurable password) to that port. It will not "speak" HTTP, so you cannot use your browser to connect.

The default port for delivering web-content is 8080.

But there may be other applications listen to that port. So your tomcat may not start, if the port is not available.

You asked "How do you know, if tomcat server is installed on your PC?". The answer to that question is: You can't

You can't determine, if it is installed, because it may be only extracted from a ZIP archive or packaged within another application (Like JBoss AS (I think)).

Should I make HTML Anchors with 'name' or 'id'?

I have to say if you are going to be linking to that area in the page... such as page.html#foo and Foo Title isn't a link you should be using:

<h1 id="foo">Foo Title</h1>

If you instead put an <a> reference around it your headline will be influenced by an <a> specific CSS within your site. It's just extra markup, and you shouldn't need it. I'd highly recommend placing an id on the headline, not only is it better formed, but it will allow you to either address that object in Javascript or CSS.

Using boolean values in C

From best to worse:

Option 1 (C99 and newer)

#include <stdbool.h>

Option 2

typedef enum { false, true } bool;

Option 3

typedef int bool;
enum { false, true };

Option 4

typedef int bool;
#define true 1
#define false 0


  • Option 1 will work only if you use C99 (or newer) and it's the "standard way" to do it. Choose this if possible.
  • Options 2, 3 and 4 will have in practice the same identical behavior. #2 and #3 don't use #defines though, which in my opinion is better.

If you are undecided, go with #1!

How to get the current location latitude and longitude in android

try this, hope it will help you to get the current location, every time the location changes.

public class MyClass implements LocationListener {
    double currentLatitude, currentLongitude;

    public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
        currentLatitude = location.getLatitude();
        currentLongitude = location.getLongitude();

how to prevent adding duplicate keys to a javascript array

Generally speaking, this is better accomplished with an object instead since JavaScript doesn't really have associative arrays:

var foo = { bar: 0 };

Then use in to check for a key:

if ( !( 'bar' in foo ) ) {
    foo['bar'] = 42;

As was rightly pointed out in the comments below, this method is useful only when your keys will be strings, or items that can be represented as strings (such as numbers).

How can I make git accept a self signed certificate?

Git Self-Signed Certificate Configuration


NEVER disable all SSL verification!

This creates a bad security culture. Don't be that person.

The config keys you are after are:

These are for configuring host certificates you trust

These are for configuring YOUR certificate to respond to SSL challenges.

Selectively apply the above settings to specific hosts.

Global .gitconfig for Self-Signed Certificate Authorities

For my own and my colleagues' sake here is how we managed to get self signed certificates to work without disabling sslVerify. Edit your .gitconfig to using git config --global -e add these:

# Specify the scheme and host as a 'context' that only these settings apply
# Must use Git v1.8.5+ for these contexts to work
[credential ""]
  username =

  # Uncomment the credential helper that applies to your platform
  # Windows
  # helper = manager

  # OSX
  # helper = osxkeychain

  # Linux (in-memory credential helper)
  # helper = cache

  # Linux (permanent storage credential helper)

# Specify the scheme and host as a 'context' that only these settings apply 
# Must use Git v1.8.5+ for these contexts to work
[http ""]
  # Self Signed Server Certificate #

  # MUST be PEM format
  # Some situations require both the CAPath AND CAInfo 
  sslCAInfo = /path/to/selfCA/self-signed-certificate.crt
  sslCAPath = /path/to/selfCA/
  sslVerify = true

  # Private Key and Certificate information #

  # Must be PEM format and include BEGIN CERTIFICATE / END CERTIFICATE, 
  # not just the BEGIN PRIVATE KEY / END PRIVATE KEY for Git to recognise it.
  sslCert = /path/to/privatekey/myprivatecert.pem

  # Even if your PEM file is password protected, set this to false.
  # Setting this to true always asks for a password even if you don't have one.
  # When you do have a password, even with this set to false it will prompt anyhow. 
  sslCertPasswordProtected = 0


Specify config when git clone-ing

If you need to apply it on a per repo basis, the documentation tells you to just run git config --local in your repo directory. Well that's not useful when you haven't got the repo cloned locally yet now is it?

You can do the global -> local hokey-pokey by setting your global config as above and then copy those settings to your local repo config once it clones...

OR what you can do is specify config commands at git clone that get applied to the target repo once it is cloned.

# Declare variables to make clone command less verbose     
SELF_SIGN_CONFIG="-c http.sslCAPath=$OUR_CA_PATH -c http.sslCAInfo=$OUR_CA_FILE -c http.sslVerify=1 -c http.sslCert=$MY_PEM_FILE -c http.sslCertPasswordProtected=0"

# With this environment variable defined it makes subsequent clones easier if you need to pull down multiple repos.
git clone $SELF_SIGN_CONFIG myproject/

One Liner

EDIT: See VonC's answer that points out a caveat about absolute and relative paths for specific git versions from 2.14.x/2.15 to this one liner

git clone -c http.sslCAPath="/path/to/selfCA" -c http.sslCAInfo="/path/to/selfCA/self-signed-certificate.crt" -c http.sslVerify=1 -c http.sslCert="/path/to/privatekey/myprivatecert.pem" -c http.sslCertPasswordProtected=0 myproject/

CentOS unable to load client key

If you are trying this on CentOS and your .pem file is giving you

unable to load client key: "-8178 (SEC_ERROR_BAD_KEY)"

Then you will want this StackOverflow answer about how curl uses NSS instead of Open SSL.

And you'll like want to rebuild curl from source:

git clone curl/
cd curl/
# Need these for ./buildconf
yum install autoconf automake libtool m4 nroff perl -y
#Need these for ./configure
yum install openssl-devel openldap-devel libssh2-devel -y

su # Switch to super user to install into /usr/bin/curl
./configure --with-openssl --with-ldap --with-libssh2 --prefix=/usr/
make install

restart computer since libcurl is still in memory as a shared library

Python, pip and conda

Related: How to add a custom CA Root certificate to the CA Store used by pip in Windows?

PHP Curl And Cookies

Here you can find some useful info about cURL & cookies .

You can also use this well done method like a function:

function CURL($url, $data = null, $method = 'GET', $cookie = null, $options = null, $retries = 3)
    $result = false;

    if ((extension_loaded('curl') === true) && (is_resource($curl = curl_init()) === true))
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, true);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

        if (preg_match('~^(?:DELETE|GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|POST|PUT)$~i', $method) > 0)
            if (preg_match('~^(?:HEAD|OPTIONS)$~i', $method) > 0)
                curl_setopt_array($curl, array(CURLOPT_HEADER => true, CURLOPT_NOBODY => true));

            else if (preg_match('~^(?:POST|PUT)$~i', $method) > 0)
                if (is_array($data) === true)
                    foreach (preg_grep('~^@~', $data) as $key => $value)
                        $data[$key] = sprintf('@%s', rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', realpath(ltrim($value, '@'))), '/') . (is_dir(ltrim($value, '@')) ? '/' : ''));

                    if (count($data) != count($data, COUNT_RECURSIVE))
                        $data = http_build_query($data, '', '&');

                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, strtoupper($method));

            if (isset($cookie) === true)
                curl_setopt_array($curl, array_fill_keys(array(CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE), strval($cookie)));

            if ((intval(ini_get('safe_mode')) == 0) && (ini_set('open_basedir', null) !== false))
                curl_setopt_array($curl, array(CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 5, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true));

            if (is_array($options) === true)
                curl_setopt_array($curl, $options);

            for ($i = 1; $i <= $retries; ++$i)
                $result = curl_exec($curl);

                if (($i == $retries) || ($result !== false))

                usleep(pow(2, $i - 2) * 1000000);


    return $result;

And pass this as $cookie parameter:

$cookie_jar = tempnam('/tmp','cookie');

Determine path of the executing script

#!/usr/bin/env Rscript

# sad workaround but works :(
programDir <- dirname(sys.frame(1)$ofile)

How to develop Android app completely using python?

Android, Python !

When I saw these two keywords together in your question, Kivy is the one which came to my mind first.

Kivy logo

Before coming to native Android development in Java using Android Studio, I had tried Kivy. It just awesome. Here are a few advantage I could find out.

Simple to use

With a python basics, you won't have trouble learning it.

Good community

It's well documented and has a great, active community.

Cross platform.

You can develop thing for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux and even Raspberry Pi with this single framework. Open source.

It is a free software

At least few of it's (Cross platform) competitors want you to pay a fee if you want a commercial license.

Accelerated graphics support

Kivy's graphics engine build over OpenGL ES 2 makes it suitable for softwares which require fast graphics rendering such as games.

Now coming into the next part of question, you can't use Android Studio IDE for Kivy. Here is a detailed guide for setting up the development environment.

How To Check If A Key in **kwargs Exists?

if kwarg.__len__() != 0:

How do I style (css) radio buttons and labels?

For any CSS3-enabled browser you can use an adjacent sibling selector for styling your labels

input:checked + label {
    color: white;

MDN's browser compatibility table says essentially all of the current, popular browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari), on both desktop and mobile, are compatible.

Why is there still a row limit in Microsoft Excel?

Probably because of optimizations. Excel 2007 can have a maximum of 16 384 columns and 1 048 576 rows. Strange numbers?

14 bits = 16 384, 20 bits = 1 048 576

14 + 20 = 34 bits = more than one 32 bit register can hold.

But they also need to store the format of the cell (text, number etc) and formatting (colors, borders etc). Assuming they use two 32-bit words (64 bit) they use 34 bits for the cell number and have 30 bits for other things.

Why is that important? In memory they don't need to allocate all the memory needed for the whole spreadsheet but only the memory necessary for your data, and every data is tagged with in what cell it is supposed to be in.

Update 2016:

Found a link to Microsoft's specification for Excel 2013 & 2016

  • Open workbooks: Limited by available memory and system resources
  • Worksheet size: 1,048,576 rows (20 bits) by 16,384 columns (14 bits)
  • Column width: 255 characters (8 bits)
  • Row height: 409 points
  • Page breaks: 1,026 horizontal and vertical (unexpected number, probably wrong, 10 bits is 1024)
  • Total number of characters that a cell can contain: 32,767 characters (signed 16 bits)
  • Characters in a header or footer: 255 (8 bits)
  • Sheets in a workbook: Limited by available memory (default is 1 sheet)
  • Colors in a workbook: 16 million colors (32 bit with full access to 24 bit color spectrum)
  • Named views in a workbook: Limited by available memory
  • Unique cell formats/cell styles: 64,000 (16 bits = 65536)
  • Fill styles: 256 (8 bits)
  • Line weight and styles: 256 (8 bits)
  • Unique font types: 1,024 (10 bits) global fonts available for use; 512 per workbook
  • Number formats in a workbook: Between 200 and 250, depending on the language version of Excel that you have installed
  • Names in a workbook: Limited by available memory
  • Windows in a workbook: Limited by available memory
  • Hyperlinks in a worksheet: 66,530 hyperlinks (unexpected number, probably wrong. 16 bits = 65536)
  • Panes in a window: 4
  • Linked sheets: Limited by available memory
  • Scenarios: Limited by available memory; a summary report shows only the first 251 scenarios
  • Changing cells in a scenario: 32
  • Adjustable cells in Solver: 200
  • Custom functions: Limited by available memory
  • Zoom range: 10 percent to 400 percent
  • Reports: Limited by available memory
  • Sort references: 64 in a single sort; unlimited when using sequential sorts
  • Undo levels: 100
  • Fields in a data form: 32
  • Workbook parameters: 255 parameters per workbook
  • Items displayed in filter drop-down lists: 10,000

How to create a custom string representation for a class object?

Implement __str__() or __repr__() in the class's metaclass.

class MC(type):
  def __repr__(self):
    return 'Wahaha!'

class C(object):
  __metaclass__ = MC

print C

Use __str__ if you mean a readable stringification, use __repr__ for unambiguous representations.

Finding the 'type' of an input element

Check the type property. Would that suffice?

Understanding the map function

map doesn't relate to a Cartesian product at all, although I imagine someone well versed in functional programming could come up with some impossible to understand way of generating a one using map.

map in Python 3 is equivalent to this:

def map(func, iterable):
    for i in iterable:
        yield func(i)

and the only difference in Python 2 is that it will build up a full list of results to return all at once instead of yielding.

Although Python convention usually prefers list comprehensions (or generator expressions) to achieve the same result as a call to map, particularly if you're using a lambda expression as the first argument:

[func(i) for i in iterable]

As an example of what you asked for in the comments on the question - "turn a string into an array", by 'array' you probably want either a tuple or a list (both of them behave a little like arrays from other languages) -

 >>> a = "hello, world"
 >>> list(a)
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd']
>>> tuple(a)
('h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ',', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd')

A use of map here would be if you start with a list of strings instead of a single string - map can listify all of them individually:

>>> a = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
>>> list(map(list, a))
[['f', 'o', 'o'], ['b', 'a', 'r'], ['b', 'a', 'z']]

Note that map(list, a) is equivalent in Python 2, but in Python 3 you need the list call if you want to do anything other than feed it into a for loop (or a processing function such as sum that only needs an iterable, and not a sequence). But also note again that a list comprehension is usually preferred:

>>> [list(b) for b in a]
[['f', 'o', 'o'], ['b', 'a', 'r'], ['b', 'a', 'z']]

Can a java lambda have more than 1 parameter?

Another alternative, not sure if this applies to your particular problem but to some it may be applicable is to use UnaryOperator in java.util.function library. where it returns same type you specify, so you put all your variables in one class and is it as a parameter:

public class FunctionsLibraryUse {

    public static void main(String[] args){
        UnaryOperator<People> personsBirthday = (p) ->{
            System.out.println("it's " + p.getName() + " birthday!");
            p.setAge(p.getAge() + 1);
            return p;
        People mel = new People();
        mel = personsBirthday.apply(mel);
        System.out.println("he is now : " + mel.getAge());

class People{
    private String name;
    private int age;
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) { = name;
    public int getAge() {
        return age;
    public void setAge(int age) {
        this.age = age;

So the class you have, in this case Person, can have numerous instance variables and won't have to change the parameter of your lambda expression.

For those interested, I've written notes on how to use java.util.function library:

Checking if an input field is required using jQuery

A little bit of a more complete answer, inspired by the accepted answer:

$( '#form_id' ).submit( function( event ) {

        //validate fields
        var fail = false;
        var fail_log = '';
        var name;
        $( '#form_id' ).find( 'select, textarea, input' ).each(function(){
            if( ! $( this ).prop( 'required' )){

            } else {
                if ( ! $( this ).val() ) {
                    fail = true;
                    name = $( this ).attr( 'name' );
                    fail_log += name + " is required \n";


        //submit if fail never got set to true
        if ( ! fail ) {
            //process form here.
        } else {
            alert( fail_log );


In this case we loop all types of inputs and if they are required, we check if they have a value, and if not, a notice that they are required is added to the alert that will run.

Note that this, example assumes the form will be proceed inside the positive conditional via AJAX or similar. If you are submitting via traditional methods, move the second line, event.preventDefault(); to inside the negative conditional.

Memcache Vs. Memcached

They are not identical. Memcache is older but it has some limitations. I was using just fine in my application until I realized you can't store literal FALSE in cache. Value FALSE returned from the cache is the same as FALSE returned when a value is not found in the cache. There is no way to check which is which. Memcached has additional method (among others) Memcached::getResultCode that will tell you whether key was found.

Because of this limitation I switched to storing empty arrays instead of FALSE in cache. I am still using Memcache, but I just wanted to put this info out there for people who are deciding.

Splitting dataframe into multiple dataframes


[v for k, v in df.groupby('name')]

"Cannot start compilation: the output path is not specified for module..."

You just have to go to your Module settings > Project and specify a "Project compiler output" and make your modules inherit from project. (For that go to Modules > Paths > Inherit project.

This did the trick for me.

Check whether a cell contains a substring

Check out the FIND() function in Excel.


FIND( substring, string, [start_position])

Returns #VALUE! if it doesn't find the substring.

How can I change column types in Spark SQL's DataFrame?

So many answers and not much thorough explanations

The following syntax works Using Databricks Notebook with Spark 2.4

from pyspark.sql.functions import *
df = df.withColumn("COL_NAME", to_date(BLDFm["LOAD_DATE"], "MM-dd-yyyy"))

Note that you have to specify the entry format you have (in my case "MM-dd-yyyy") and the import is mandatory as the to_date is a spark sql function

Also Tried this syntax but got nulls instead of a proper cast :

df = df.withColumn("COL_NAME", df["COL_NAME"].cast("Date"))

(Note I had to use brackets and quotes for it to be syntaxically correct though)

PS : I have to admit this is like a syntax jungle, there are many possible ways entry points, and the official API references lack proper examples.

How do I create HTML table using jQuery dynamically?

I understand you want to create stuff dynamically. That does not mean you have to actually construct DOM elements to do it. You can just make use of html to achieve what you want .

Look at the code below :


<table border="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" id='providersFormElementsTable'></table>

JS :


function createFormElement(labelText, id) {

$("#providersFormElementsTable").html("<tr><td>Nickname</td><td><input type='text' id='"+id+"' name='nickname'></td><lable id='"+labelText+"'></lable></td></tr>");
$('#providersFormElementsTable').append('<br />');

This one does what you want dynamically, it just needs the id and labelText to make it work, which actually must be the only dynamic variables as only they will be changing. Your DOM structure will always remain the same .


Moreover, when you use the process you mentioned in your post you get only [object Object]. That is because when you call createProviderFormFields , it is a function call and hence it's returning an object for you. You will not be seeing the text box as it needs to be added . For that you need to strip individual content form the object, then construct the html from it.

It's much easier to construct just the html and change the id s of the label and input according to your needs.

C# DLL config file

Since the assembly resides in a temporary cache, you should combine the path to get the dll's config:

var appConfig = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(
    Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ManifestModule.Name));

Spring .properties file: get element as an Array

Here is an example of how you can do it in Spring 4.0+ content:


Java Code:

private Environment env;


String[] springRocks = env.getProperty("some.key", String[].class);

How to read file with async/await properly?

This is TypeScript version of @Joel's answer. It is usable after Node 11.0:

import { promises as fs } from 'fs';

async function loadMonoCounter() {
    const data = await fs.readFile('monolitic.txt', 'binary');
    return Buffer.from(data);

Regex using javascript to return just numbers

Everything that other solutions have, but with a little validation

// value = '675-805-714'
const validateNumberInput = (value) => { 
    let numberPattern = /\d+/g 
    let numbers = value.match(numberPattern)

    if (numbers === null) {
        return 0

    return parseInt(numbers.join([]))
// 675805714

White spaces are required between publicId and systemId

I just found my self with this Exception, I was trying to consume a JAX-WS, with a custom URL like this:

String WSDL_URL= <get value from properties file>;
Customer service = new Customer(new URL(WSDL_URL));
ExecutePtt port = service.getExecutePt();
return port.createMantainCustomers(part);

and Java threw:

XML reader error: ParseError at [row,col]:[1,63]
Message: White spaces are required between publicId and systemId.

Turns out that the URL string used to construct the service was missing the "?wsdl" at the end. For instance:



Simplest way to download and unzip files in Node.js cross-platform?

yauzl is a robust library for unzipping. Design principles:

  • Follow the spec. Don't scan for local file headers. Read the central directory for file metadata.
  • Don't block the JavaScript thread. Use and provide async APIs.
  • Keep memory usage under control. Don't attempt to buffer entire files in RAM at once.
  • Never crash (if used properly). Don't let malformed zip files bring down client applications who are trying to catch errors.
  • Catch unsafe filenames entries. A zip file entry throws an error if its file name starts with "/" or /[A-Za-z]:// or if it contains ".." path segments or "\" (per the spec).

Currently has 97% test coverage.

Javascript Append Child AFTER Element

You can use:

if (parentGuest.nextSibling) {
  parentGuest.parentNode.insertBefore(childGuest, parentGuest.nextSibling);
else {

But as Pavel pointed out, the referenceElement can be null/undefined, and if so, insertBefore behaves just like appendChild. So the following is equivalent to the above:

parentGuest.parentNode.insertBefore(childGuest, parentGuest.nextSibling);

UML class diagram enum

If your UML modeling tool has support for specifying an Enumeration, you should use that. It will likely be easier to do and it will give your model stronger semantics. Visually the result will be very similar to a Class with an <<enumeration>> Stereotype, but in the UML metamodel, an Enumeration is actually a separate (meta)type.

|   <<enumeration>>   |
|    DayOfTheWeek     |
| Sunday              |
| Monday              |
| Tuesday             |
| ...                 |

Once it is defined, you can use it as the type of an Attribute just like you would a Datatype or the name one of your own Classes.

|        Event        |
| day : DayOfTheWeek  |
| ...                 |

If you're using ArgoEclipse or ArgoUML, there's a pulldown menu on the toolbar which selects among Datatype, Enumeration, Signal, etc that will allow you to create your own Enumerations. The compartment that normally contains Attributes can then be populated with EnumerationLiterals for the values of your enumeration.

Here's a picture of a slightly different example in ArgoUML: enter image description here

Searching a string in eclipse workspace

Ctrl+ H, Select "File Search", indicate the "file name pattern", for example *.xml or *.java. And then select the scope "Workspace"

Parser Error when deploy ASP.NET application

I am too late but let me explain how I solved this problem.

This problem is basically because of improper folders/solution structure.

this issue may occur because 1. If you have copied project from other location and trying to run the project.

so to resolve this go to original location and crosscheck the folders and files again.

this works for me.

What is the equivalent of the C# 'var' keyword in Java?

I have cooked up a plugin for IntelliJ that – in a way – gives you var in Java. It's a hack, so the usual disclaimers apply, but if you use IntelliJ for your Java development and want to try it out, it's at

ListBox vs. ListView - how to choose for data binding

A ListView is a specialized ListBox (that is, it inherits from ListBox). It allows you to specify different views rather than a straight list. You can either roll your own view, or use GridView (think explorer-like "details view"). It's basically the multi-column listbox, the cousin of windows form's listview.

If you don't need the additional capabilities of ListView, you can certainly use ListBox if you're simply showing a list of items (Even if the template is complex).

iText - add content to existing PDF file

This is the most complicated scenario I can imagine: I have a PDF file created with Ilustrator and modified with Acrobat to have AcroFields (AcroForm) that I'm going to fill with data with this Java code, the result of that PDF file with the data in the fields is modified adding a Document.

Actually in this case I'm dynamically generating a background that is added to a PDF that is also dynamically generated with a Document with an unknown amount of data or pages.

I'm using JBoss and this code is inside a JSP file (should work in any JSP webserver).

Note: if you are using IExplorer you must submit a HTTP form with POST method to be able to download the file. If not you are going to see the PDF code in the screen. This does not happen in Chrome or Firefox.

<%@ page import="*, com.lowagie.text.*, com.lowagie.text.pdf.*" %><%

response.setHeader("Content-disposition","attachment;filename=listaPrecios.pdf" );  

// -------- FIRST THE PDF WITH THE INFO ----------
String str = "";
// lots of words
for(int i = 0; i < 800; i++) str += "Hello" + i + " ";
// the document
Document doc = new Document( PageSize.A4, 25, 25, 200, 70 );
ByteArrayOutputStream streamDoc = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PdfWriter.getInstance( doc, streamDoc );
// lets start filling with info;
doc.add(new Paragraph(str));
// the beauty of this is the PDF will have all the pages it needs
PdfReader frente = new PdfReader(streamDoc.toByteArray());
PdfStamper stamperDoc = new PdfStamper( frente, response.getOutputStream());

// -------- THE BACKGROUND PDF FILE -------
// in JBoss the file has to be in webinf/classes to be readed this way
PdfReader fondo = new PdfReader("listaPrecios.pdf");
ByteArrayOutputStream streamFondo = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PdfStamper stamperFondo = new PdfStamper( fondo, streamFondo);
// the acroform
AcroFields form = stamperFondo.getAcroFields();
// the fields 
form.setField("descripcion","Esto describe para que sirve la lista ");
// our background is ready
PdfReader fondoEstampado = new PdfReader( streamFondo.toByteArray() );

PdfImportedPage pagina = stamperDoc.getImportedPage(fondoEstampado,1);
int n = frente.getNumberOfPages();
PdfContentByte background;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    background = stamperDoc.getUnderContent(i);
    background.addTemplate(pagina, 0, 0);
// after this everithing will be written in response.getOutputStream()

There is another solution much simpler, and solves your problem. It depends the amount of text you want to add.

// read the file
PdfReader fondo = new PdfReader("listaPrecios.pdf");
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper( fondo, response.getOutputStream());
PdfContentByte content = stamper.getOverContent(1);
// add text
ColumnText ct = new ColumnText( content );
// this are the coordinates where you want to add text
// if the text does not fit inside it will be cropped
ct.setText(new Phrase(str, titulo1));

Best way in to force https for an entire site?

If you are unable to set this up in IIS for whatever reason, I'd make an HTTP module that does the redirect for you:

using System;
using System.Web;

namespace HttpsOnly
    /// <summary>
    /// Redirects the Request to HTTPS if it comes in on an insecure channel.
    /// </summary>
    public class HttpsOnlyModule : IHttpModule
        public void Init(HttpApplication app)
            // Note we cannot trust IsSecureConnection when 
            // in a webfarm, because usually only the load balancer 
            // will come in on a secure port the request will be then 
            // internally redirected to local machine on a specified port.

            // Move this to a config file, if your behind a farm, 
            // set this to the local port used internally.
            int specialPort = 443;

            if (!app.Context.Request.IsSecureConnection 
               || app.Context.Request.Url.Port != specialPort)
                  + app.Context.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"] 
                  + app.Context.Request.RawUrl);    

        public void Dispose()
            // Needed for IHttpModule

Then just compile it to a DLL, add it as a reference to your project and place this in web.config:

      <add name="HttpsOnlyModule" type="HttpsOnly.HttpsOnlyModule, HttpsOnly" />

List Directories and get the name of the Directory

Listing the entries in the current directory (for directories in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):) and then interpreting those entries as subdirectories of an entirely different directory (dir = os.path.join('/home/user/workspace', directories)) is one thing that looks fishy.

How to use range-based for() loop with std::map?

In C++17 this is called structured bindings, which allows for the following:

std::map< foo, bar > testing = { /*...blah...*/ };
for ( const auto& [ k, v ] : testing )
  std::cout << k << "=" << v << "\n";

Python 3.1.1 string to hex

In Python 3.5+, encode the string to bytes and use the hex() method, returning a string.

s = "hello".encode("utf-8").hex()
# '68656c6c6f'

Optionally convert the string back to bytes:

b = bytes(s, "utf-8")
# b'68656c6c6f'

Oracle SQL - REGEXP_LIKE contains characters other than a-z or A-Z

The ^ negates a character class:

SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(column_1, '[^A-Za-z]')

How to import an Excel file into SQL Server?

There are many articles about writing code to import an excel file, but this is a manual/shortcut version:

If you don't need to import your Excel file programmatically using code you can do it very quickly using the menu in SQL Management Studio.

The quickest way to get your Excel file into SQL is by using the import wizard:

  1. Open SSMS (Sql Server Management Studio) and connect to the database where you want to import your file into.
  2. Import Data: in SSMS in Object Explorer under 'Databases' right-click the destination database, select Tasks, Import Data. An import wizard will pop up (you can usually just click 'Next' on the first screen).

enter image description here

  1. The next window is 'Choose a Data Source', select Excel:

    • In the 'Data Source' dropdown list select Microsoft Excel (this option should appear automatically if you have excel installed).

    • Click the 'Browse' button to select the path to the Excel file you want to import.

    • Select the version of the excel file (97-2003 is usually fine for files with a .XLS extension, or use 2007 for newer files with a .XLSX extension)
    • Tick the 'First Row has headers' checkbox if your excel file contains headers.
    • Click next.

enter image description here

  1. On the 'Choose a Destination' screen, select destination database:
    • Select the 'Server name', Authentication (typically your sql username & password) and select a Database as destination. Click Next.

enter image description here

  1. On the 'Specify Table Copy or Query' window:

    • For simplicity just select 'Copy data from one or more tables or views', click Next.
  2. 'Select Source Tables:' choose the worksheet(s) from your Excel file and specify a destination table for each worksheet. If you don't have a table yet the wizard will very kindly create a new table that matches all the columns from your spreadsheet. Click Next.

enter image description here

  1. Click Finish.

e.printStackTrace equivalent in python

There is also logging.exception.

import logging


except Exception as ex:
    logging.exception("Something awful happened!")
    # will print this message followed by traceback


ERROR 2007-09-18 23:30:19,913 error 1294 Something awful happened!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 22, in f
  File "", line 14, in g
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

(From via How to print the full traceback without halting the program?)

Dynamically converting java object of Object class to a given class when class name is known

You don't have to convert the object to a MyClass object because it already is. Wnat you really want to do is to cast it, but since the class name is not known at compile time, you can't do that, since you can't declare a variable of that class. My guess is that you want/need something like "duck typing", i.e. you don't know the class name but you know the method name at compile time. Interfaces, as proposed by Gregory, are your best bet to do that.

How do I view executed queries within SQL Server Management Studio?

More clear query, targeting Studio sql queries is :

SELECT text  FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions es
  INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_connections ec
      ON es.session_id = ec.session_id
  CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(ec.most_recent_sql_handle) 
  where program_name like '%Query'

Counter in foreach loop in C#

This is only true if you're iterating through an array; what if you were iterating through a different kind of collection that has no notion of accessing by index? In the array case, the easiest way to retain the index is to simply use a vanilla for loop.

How to increment a JavaScript variable using a button press event


<script type="text/javascript">
var counter = 0;


<button onclick="counter++">Increment</button>

Mutex lock threads

Below, code snippet, will help you in understanding the mutex-lock-unlock concept. Attempt dry-run on the code. (further by varying the wait-time and process-time, you can build you understanding).

Code for your reference:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>

void in_progress_feedback(int);

int global = 0;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
void *compute(void *arg) {

    pthread_t ptid = pthread_self();
    printf("ptid : %08x \n", (int)ptid);    

    int i;
    int lock_ret = 1;   

        lock_ret = pthread_mutex_trylock(&mutex);
            printf("lock failed(%08x :: %d)..attempt again after 2secs..\n", (int)ptid,  lock_ret);
            sleep(2);  //wait time here..
        }else{  //ret =0 is successful lock
            printf("lock success(%08x :: %d)..\n", (int)ptid, lock_ret);

    } while(lock_ret);

        for (i = 0; i < 10*10 ; i++) 

    //do some stuff here
    in_progress_feedback(10);  //processing-time here..

    lock_ret = pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
    printf("unlocked(%08x :: %d)..!\n", (int)ptid, lock_ret);

     return NULL;

void in_progress_feedback(int prog_delay){

    int i=0;
    printf(". ");


int main(void)
    pthread_t tid0,tid1;
    pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL);
    pthread_create(&tid0, NULL, compute, NULL);
    pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, compute, NULL);
    pthread_join(tid0, NULL);
    pthread_join(tid1, NULL);
    printf("global = %d\n", global);
          return 0;

Convert NSArray to NSString in Objective-C

NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"One",@"Two",@"Three", nil];
NSString *stringFromArray = [array componentsJoinedByString:@" "];

The first line initializes an array with objects. The second line joins all elements of that array by adding the string inside the "" and returns a string.

Apply .gitignore on an existing repository already tracking large number of files

This answer solved my problem:

First of all, commit all pending changes.

Then run this command:

git rm -r --cached .

This removes everything from the index, then just run:

git add .

Commit it:

git commit -m ".gitignore is now working"