[javascript] How to add many functions in ONE ng-click?

I've be looking for how to execute this but I can't find anything related so far, :( I could nest both functions yes but I'm just wondering if this is possible? I'd like to do this literally:

<td><button class="btn" ng-click="edit($index) open()">Open me!</button></td>

My JS code at the moment:

$scope.open = function () {
  $scope.shouldBeOpen = true;

$scope.edit = function(index){

  var content_1, content_2;
      content_1 = $scope.people[index].name;
      content_2 = $scope.people[index].age;


I'd like to call two functions with just one click, how can I do this in angularJS? I thought it'd be straight forward like in CSS when you add multiple classes...but it's not :(

This question is related to javascript angularjs

The answer is

Try this:

  • Make a collection of functions
  • Make a function that loops through and executes all the functions in the collection.
  • Add the function to the html
array = [
    function() {},
    function() {},
    function() {}

function loop() {
    array.forEach(item) {

ng - click = "loop()"

You can call multiple functions with ';'

ng-click="edit($index); open()"

The standard way to add Multiple functions

<button (click)="removeAt(element.bookId); openDeleteDialog()"> Click Here</button>


<button (click)="removeAt(element.bookId)" (click)="openDeleteDialog()"> Click Here</button>

A lot of people use (click) option so I will share this too.

<button (click)="function1()" (click)="function2()">Button</button>

ng-click "$watch(edit($index), open())"

Follow the below


anyFunction() {
   // call another function here