Programs & Examples On #Const char

how to convert from int to char*?

I think you can use a sprintf :

int number = 33;
char* numberstring[(((sizeof number) * CHAR_BIT) + 2)/3 + 2];
sprintf(numberstring, "%d", number);

How to convert const char* to char* in C?

A const to a pointer indicates a "read-only" memory location. Whereas the ones without const are a read-write memory areas. So, you "cannot" convert a const(read-only location) to a normal(read-write) location.

The alternate is to copy the data to a different read-write location and pass this pointer to the required function. You may use strdup() to perform this action.

Dropping a connected user from an Oracle 10g database schema

my proposal is this simple anonymous block:

   lc_username   VARCHAR2 (32) := 'user-name-to-kill-here';
   FOR ln_cur IN (SELECT sid, serial# FROM v$session WHERE username = lc_username)
      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ('ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION ''' || ln_cur.sid || ',' || ln_cur.serial# || ''' IMMEDIATE');

Select Tag Helper in ASP.NET Core MVC

You can use below code for multiple select:

<select asp-for="EmployeeId"  multiple="multiple" asp-items="@ViewBag.Employees">
    <option>Please select</option>

You can also use:

<select id="EmployeeId" name="EmployeeId"  multiple="multiple" asp-items="@ViewBag.Employees">
    <option>Please select</option>

Hibernate - A collection with cascade=”all-delete-orphan” was no longer referenced by the owning entity instance

I was getting A collection with cascade=”all-delete-orphan” was no longer referenced by the owning entity instance when I was setting parent.setChildren(new ArrayList<>()). When I changed to parent.getChildren().clear(), it solved the problem.

Check for more details: HibernateException - A collection with cascade="all-delete-orphan" was no longer referenced by the owning entity instance.

How does one get started with procedural generation?

Procedural Content Generation wiki:

if what you want isn't on there, then add it ;)

.bashrc: Permission denied

If you can't access the file and your os is any linux distro or mac os x then either of these commands should work:

sudo nano .bashrc

chmod 777 .bashrc 

it is worthless

How could I put a border on my grid control in WPF?

This is my solution, wish useful for you:

public class Sheet : Grid
    public static readonly DependencyProperty BorderBrushProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(BorderBrush), typeof(Brush), typeof(Sheet), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(Brushes.Transparent, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure | FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender, OnBorderBrushChanged));

    public static readonly DependencyProperty BorderThicknessProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(BorderThickness), typeof(double), typeof(Sheet), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(1D, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure | FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender, OnBorderThicknessChanged, CoerceBorderThickness));
    public static readonly DependencyProperty CellSpacingProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(nameof(CellSpacing), typeof(double), typeof(Sheet), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0D, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure | FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender, OnCellSpacingChanged, CoerceCellSpacing));

    public Brush BorderBrush
        get => this.GetValue(BorderBrushProperty) as Brush;
        set => this.SetValue(BorderBrushProperty, value);

    public double BorderThickness
        get => (double)this.GetValue(BorderThicknessProperty);
        set => this.SetValue(BorderThicknessProperty, value);

    public double CellSpacing
        get => (double)this.GetValue(CellSpacingProperty);
        set => this.SetValue(CellSpacingProperty, value);

    protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeSize)
        Size size = base.ArrangeOverride(arrangeSize);
        double border = this.BorderThickness;
        double doubleBorder = border * 2D;
        double spacing = this.CellSpacing;
        double halfSpacing = spacing * 0.5D;
        if (border > 0D || spacing > 0D)
            foreach (UIElement child in this.InternalChildren)
                this.GetChildBounds(child, out double left, out double top, out double width, out double height);

                left += halfSpacing + border;
                top += halfSpacing + border;
                height -= spacing + doubleBorder;
                width -= spacing + doubleBorder;

                if (width < 0D)
                    width = 0D;

                if (height < 0D)
                    height = 0D;

                left -= left % 0.5D;
                top -= top % 0.5D;
                width -= width % 0.5D;
                height -= height % 0.5D;

                child.Arrange(new Rect(left, top, width, height));

            if (border > 0D && this.BorderBrush != null)

        return size;
    protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext dc)

        if (this.BorderThickness > 0D && this.BorderBrush != null)
            if (this.CellSpacing == 0D)

    private void DrawSeperatedBorder(DrawingContext dc)
        double spacing = this.CellSpacing;
        double halfSpacing = spacing * 0.5D;

        #region draw border
        Pen pen = new Pen(this.BorderBrush, this.BorderThickness);
        UIElementCollection children = this.InternalChildren;
        foreach (UIElement child in children)
            this.GetChildBounds(child, out double left, out double top, out double width, out double height);
            left += halfSpacing;
            top += halfSpacing;
            width -= spacing;
            height -= spacing;

            dc.DrawRectangle(null, pen, new Rect(left, top, width, height));

    private void DrawCollapsedBorder(DrawingContext dc)
        RowDefinitionCollection rows = this.RowDefinitions;
        ColumnDefinitionCollection columns = this.ColumnDefinitions;
        int rowCount = rows.Count;
        int columnCount = columns.Count;
        const byte BORDER_LEFT = 0x08;
        const byte BORDER_TOP = 0x04;
        const byte BORDER_RIGHT = 0x02;
        const byte BORDER_BOTTOM = 0x01;
        byte[,] borderState = new byte[rowCount, columnCount];
        int column = columnCount - 1;
        int columnSpan;
        int row = rowCount - 1;
        int rowSpan;
        #region generate main border data
        for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
            borderState[i, 0] = BORDER_LEFT;
            borderState[i, column] = BORDER_RIGHT;

        for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
            borderState[0, i] |= BORDER_TOP;
            borderState[row, i] |= BORDER_BOTTOM;

        #region generate child border data
        UIElementCollection children = this.InternalChildren;
        foreach (UIElement child in children)
            this.GetChildLayout(child, out row, out rowSpan, out column, out columnSpan);
            for (int i = 0; i < rowSpan; i++)
                borderState[row + i, column] |= BORDER_LEFT;
                borderState[row + i, column + columnSpan - 1] |= BORDER_RIGHT;
            for (int i = 0; i < columnSpan; i++)
                borderState[row, column + i] |= BORDER_TOP;
                borderState[row + rowSpan - 1, column + i] |= BORDER_BOTTOM;

        #region draw border
        Pen pen = new Pen(this.BorderBrush, this.BorderThickness);
        double left;
        double top;
        double width, height;

        for (int r = 0; r < rowCount; r++)
            RowDefinition v = rows[r];
            top = v.Offset;
            height = v.ActualHeight;
            for (int c = 0; c < columnCount; c++)
                byte state = borderState[r, c];

                ColumnDefinition h = columns[c];
                left = h.Offset;
                width = h.ActualWidth;
                if ((state & BORDER_LEFT) == BORDER_LEFT)
                    dc.DrawLine(pen, new Point(left, top), new Point(left, top + height));
                if ((state & BORDER_TOP) == BORDER_TOP)
                    dc.DrawLine(pen, new Point(left, top), new Point(left + width, top));
                if ((state & BORDER_RIGHT) == BORDER_RIGHT && (c + 1 >= columnCount || (borderState[r, c + 1] & BORDER_LEFT) == 0))
                    dc.DrawLine(pen, new Point(left + width, top), new Point(left + width, top + height));
                if ((state & BORDER_BOTTOM) == BORDER_BOTTOM && (r + 1 >= rowCount || (borderState[r + 1, c] & BORDER_TOP) == 0))
                    dc.DrawLine(pen, new Point(left, top + height), new Point(left + width, top + height));


    private void GetChildBounds(UIElement child, out double left, out double top, out double width, out double height)
        ColumnDefinitionCollection columns = this.ColumnDefinitions;
        RowDefinitionCollection rows = this.RowDefinitions;
        int rowCount = rows.Count;

        int row = (int)child.GetValue(Grid.RowProperty);
        if (row >= rowCount)
            row = rowCount - 1;

        int rowSpan = (int)child.GetValue(Grid.RowSpanProperty);
        if (row + rowSpan > rowCount)
            rowSpan = rowCount - row;
        int columnCount = columns.Count;

        int column = (int)child.GetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty);
        if (column >= columnCount)
            column = columnCount - 1;

        int columnSpan = (int)child.GetValue(Grid.ColumnSpanProperty);
        if (column + columnSpan > columnCount)
            columnSpan = columnCount - column;

        left = columns[column].Offset;
        top = rows[row].Offset;
        ColumnDefinition right = columns[column + columnSpan - 1];
        width = right.Offset + right.ActualWidth - left;
        RowDefinition bottom = rows[row + rowSpan - 1];
        height = bottom.Offset + bottom.ActualHeight - top;
        if (width < 0D)
            width = 0D;

        if (height < 0D)
            height = 0D;

    private void GetChildLayout(UIElement child, out int row, out int rowSpan, out int column, out int columnSpan)
        int rowCount = this.RowDefinitions.Count;

        row = (int)child.GetValue(Grid.RowProperty);
        if (row >= rowCount)
            row = rowCount - 1;

        rowSpan = (int)child.GetValue(Grid.RowSpanProperty);
        if (row + rowSpan > rowCount)
            rowSpan = rowCount - row;
        int columnCount = this.ColumnDefinitions.Count;

        column = (int)child.GetValue(Grid.ColumnProperty);
        if (column >= columnCount)
            column = columnCount - 1;

        columnSpan = (int)child.GetValue(Grid.ColumnSpanProperty);
        if (column + columnSpan > columnCount)
            columnSpan = columnCount - column;

    private static void OnBorderBrushChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
        if (d is UIElement element)

    private static void OnBorderThicknessChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
        if (d is UIElement element)

    private static void OnCellSpacingChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
        if (d is UIElement element)

    private static object CoerceBorderThickness(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
        if (baseValue is double value)
            return value < 0D || double.IsNaN(value) || double.IsInfinity(value) ? 0D : value;

        return 0D;
    private static object CoerceCellSpacing(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
        if (baseValue is double value)
            return value < 0D || double.IsNaN(value) || double.IsInfinity(value) ? 0D : value;

        return 0D;

a demo: demo of a table with collapsed border

Extracting Nupkg files using command line

NuPKG files are just zip files, so anything that can process a zip file should be able to process a nupkg file, i.e, 7zip.

how to use php DateTime() function in Laravel 5

DateTime is not a function, but the class.

When you just reference a class like new DateTime() PHP searches for the class in your current namespace. However the DateTime class obviously doesn't exists in your controllers namespace but rather in root namespace.

You can either reference it in the root namespace by prepending a backslash:

$now = new \DateTime();

Or add an import statement at the top:

use DateTime;

$now = new DateTime();

How to configure heroku application DNS to Godaddy Domain?

The trick is to

  1. create a CNAME for to
  2. create a 301 redirection from to

What should be in my .gitignore for an Android Studio project?

My advise would be also to not ignore the .idea folder.

I've imported a Git-based Eclipse project to Android Studio and that went fine. Later, I wanted to import this project with Git (like the first time) to another machine with Android Studio, but that didn't worked. Android Studio did load all the files but wasn't able to "see" the project as a project. I only could open Git-files.

While importing the project for the first time (from Eclipse to Android Studio) my old .gitignore was overwritten and the new one looked like this:

  • .idea/.name
  • .idea/compiler.xml
  • .idea/copyright/profiles_settings.xml
  • .idea/encodings.xml
  • .idea/libraries/libs.xml
  • .idea/misc.xml
  • .idea/modules.xml
  • .idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml
  • .idea/vcs.xml
  • .idea/workspace.xml

So, I tried to use an empty gitignore and now it worked. The other Android Studio could load the files and the Project. I guess some files are not important (profiles_settings.xml) for Git and importing but I am just happy it worked.

How to read all files in a folder from Java?

 * Function to read all mp3 files from sdcard and store the details in an
 * ArrayList

public ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> getPlayList() 
        ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> songsList=new ArrayList<>();
        File home = new File(MEDIA_PATH);

        if (home.listFiles(new FileExtensionFilter()).length > 0) {
            for (File file : home.listFiles(new FileExtensionFilter())) {
                HashMap<String, String> song = new HashMap<String, String>();
                                (file.getName().length() - 4)));
                song.put("songPath", file.getPath());

                // Adding each song to SongList
        // return songs list array
        return songsList;

     * Class to filter files which have a .mp3 extension
     * */
    class FileExtensionFilter implements FilenameFilter 
        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
            return (name.endsWith(".mp3") || name.endsWith(".MP3"));

You can filter any textfiles or any other extension ..just replace it with .MP3

How to add a bot to a Telegram Group?

You have to use @BotFather, send it command: /setjoingroups There will be dialog like this:

YOU: /setjoingroups

BotFather: Choose a bot to change group membership settings.

YOU: @YourBot

BotFather: 'Enable' - bot can be added to groups. 'Disable' - block group invitations, the bot can't be added to groups. Current status is: DISABLED

YOU: Enable

BotFather: Success! The new status is: ENABLED.

After this you will see button "Add to Group" in your bot's profile.

Set View Width Programmatically

hsThumbList.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(100, 400));

HTML input file selection event not firing upon selecting the same file

handleChange({target}) {
    const files = target.files
    target.value = ''

How to compare 2 dataTables

Well if you are using a DataTable at all then rather than comparing two 'DataTables' could you just compare the DataTable that is going to have changes with the original data when it was loaded AKA DataTable.GetChanges Method (DataRowState)

Changing the action of a form with JavaScript/jQuery

I agree with Paolo that we need to see more code. I tested this overly simplified example and it worked. This means that it is able to change the form action on the fly.

<script type="text/javascript">
function submitForm(){
    var form_url = $("#openid_form").attr("action");
    alert("Before - action=" + form_url);   
    //changing the action to
    alert("After - action = "+$("#openid_form").attr("action"));
    //submit the form

<form id="openid_form" action="test.html">
    First Name:<input type="text" name="fname" /><br/>
    Last Name: <input type="text" name="lname" /><br/>
    <input type="button" onclick="submitForm()" value="Submit Form" />

EDIT: I tested the updated code you posted and found a syntax error in the declaration of providers_large. There's an extra comma. Firefox ignores the issue, but IE8 throws an error.

var providers_large = {
    google: {
        name: 'Google',
        url: ''
    facebook: {
        name: 'Facebook',
        form_url: ''
    },  //<-- Here's the problem. Remove that comma


Using request.setAttribute in a JSP page

If you want your requests to persists try this:

example: on your JSP or servlet page

request.getSession().setAttribute("SUBFAMILY", subFam);

and on any receiving page use the below lines to retrieve your session and data:

SubFamily subFam = (SubFamily)request.getSession().getAttribute("SUBFAMILY");

How do I float a div to the center?

You can do it inline like this

<div style="margin:0px auto"></div>

or you can do it via class

<div class="x"><div>

in your css file or between <style></style> add this .x{margin:0px auto}

or you can simply use the center tag


or if you using absolute position, you can do

   width: 140px;
   position: absolute;
   top: 0px;
   left: 50%;
   margin-left: -70px; /*half the size of width*/

How to set up subdomains on IIS 7

Wildcard method: Add the following entry into your DNS server and change the domain and IP address accordingly.

* IN A

document.getElementByID is not a function

I've modified your script to work with jQuery, if you wish to do so.

    //To add a task when the user hits the return key
          if(evt.keyCode == 13)
             add_task($(this), evt);
    //To add a task when the user clicks on the submit button

function add_task(textBox, evt){
  var taskText = textBox.val();
  $("<li />").text(taskText).appendTo("#tasks");

What does the Excel range.Rows property really do?

There is another way, take this as example

Dim sr As String    
sr = "6:10"

All you need to do is to convert your variables iStartRow, iEndRow to a string.

Running code in main thread from another thread

NOTE: This answer has gotten so much attention, that I need to update it. Since the original answer was posted, the comment from @dzeikei has gotten almost as much attention as the original answer. So here are 2 possible solutions:

1. If your background thread has a reference to a Context object:

Make sure that your background worker threads have access to a Context object (can be the Application context or the Service context). Then just do this in the background worker thread:

// Get a handler that can be used to post to the main thread
Handler mainHandler = new Handler(context.getMainLooper());

Runnable myRunnable = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {....} // This is your code

2. If your background thread does not have (or need) a Context object

(suggested by @dzeikei):

// Get a handler that can be used to post to the main thread
Handler mainHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());

Runnable myRunnable = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {....} // This is your code

How can I combine flexbox and vertical scroll in a full-height app?

Thanks to that gave me the answer.

The solution is setting a height to the vertical scrollable element. For example:

#container article {
    flex: 1 1 auto;
    overflow-y: auto;
    height: 0px;

The element will have height because flexbox recalculates it unless you want a min-height so you can use height: 100px; that it is exactly the same as: min-height: 100px;

#container article {
    flex: 1 1 auto;
    overflow-y: auto;
    height: 100px; /* == min-height: 100px*/

So the best solution if you want a min-height in the vertical scroll:

#container article {
    flex: 1 1 auto;
    overflow-y: auto;
    min-height: 100px;

If you just want full vertical scroll in case there is no enough space to see the article:

#container article {
    flex: 1 1 auto;
    overflow-y: auto;
    min-height: 0px;

The final code:

Setting ANDROID_HOME enviromental variable on Mac OS X

Setup ANDROID_HOME , JAVA_HOME enviromental variable on Mac OS X

Add In .bash_profile file

export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)

export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/$USER/Library/Android/sdk

export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

For Test


How to parse a JSON file in swift?

The entire viewcontroller which show data in collecction view using two methods of json parsig

@IBOutlet weak var imagecollectionview: UICollectionView!
lazy var data = NSMutableData()
var dictdata : NSMutableDictionary = NSMutableDictionary()
override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    return dictdata.count
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {

    let cell  = collectionView.dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier("CustomcellCollectionViewCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! CustomcellCollectionViewCell = dictdata.valueForKey("Data")?.valueForKey("location") as? String
    let url = NSURL(string: (dictdata.valueForKey("Data")?.valueForKey("avatar_url") as? String)! )

    LazyImage.showForImageView(cell.image, url:"URL
    return cell
func collectionView(collectionView: UICollectionView,
                    layout collectionViewLayout: UICollectionViewLayout,
                           sizeForItemAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGSize {
    let kWhateverHeightYouWant = 100
    return CGSizeMake(self.view.bounds.size.width/2, CGFloat(kWhateverHeightYouWant))

func startNewConnection()

   let url: URL = URL(string: "YOUR URL" as String)!
    let session = URLSession.shared

    let request = NSMutableURLRequest(url: url as URL)
    request.httpMethod = "GET" //set the get or post according to your request

    //        request.cachePolicy = NSURLRequest.CachePolicy.ReloadIgnoringCacheData
    request.cachePolicy = NSURLRequest.CachePolicy.reloadIgnoringCacheData

    let task = session.dataTask(with: request as URLRequest) {
        ( data, response, error) in

        guard let _:NSData = data as NSData?, let _:URLResponse = response, error == nil else {

       let jsonString = NSString(data: data!, encoding:String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) as! String


func startConnection(){
    let urlPath: String = "your URL"
    let url: NSURL = NSURL(string: urlPath)!
    var request: NSURLRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: url)
    var connection: NSURLConnection = NSURLConnection(request: request, delegate: self, startImmediately: false)!

func connection(connection: NSURLConnection!, didReceiveData data: NSData!){

func buttonAction(sender: UIButton!){

func connectionDidFinishLoading(connection: NSURLConnection!) {
    do {
        let JSON = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(, options:NSJSONReadingOptions(rawValue: 0))
        guard let JSONDictionary :NSDictionary = JSON as? NSDictionary else {
            print("Not a Dictionary")
            // put in function
        print("JSONDictionary! \(JSONDictionary)")
        dictdata.setObject(JSONDictionary, forKey: "Data")

    catch let JSONError as NSError {
    }    }

Kill all processes for a given user

On Debian LINUX, I use: ps -o pid= -u username | xargs sudo kill -9.

With -o pid= the ps header is supressed, and the output is only the pid list. As far as I know, Debian shell is POSIX compliant.

Use find command but exclude files in two directories

You can try below:

find ./ ! \( -path ./tmp -prune \) ! \( -path ./scripts -prune \) -type f -name '*_peaks.bed'

Unable to connect PostgreSQL to remote database using pgAdmin

In linux terminal try this:

  • sudo service postgresql start : to start the server
  • sudo service postgresql stop : to stop thee server
  • sudo service postgresql status : to check server status

How to force delete a file?

You have to close that application first. There is no way to delete it, if it's used by some application.

UnLock IT is a neat utility that helps you to take control of any file or folder when it is locked by some application or system. For every locked resource, you get a list of locking processes and can unlock it by terminating those processes. EMCO Unlock IT offers Windows Explorer integration that allows unlocking files and folders by one click in the context menu.

There's also Unlocker (not recommended, see Warning below), which is a free tool which helps locate any file locking handles running, and give you the option to turn it off. Then you can go ahead and do anything you want with those files.

Warning: The installer includes a lot of undesirable stuff. You're almost certainly better off with UnLock IT.

ImportError: No module named 'Tkinter'

You just need to install it and import them your project like that :

this code import to command line :

sudo apt-get install python3-tk 

after import tkinter your project :

from tkinter import *

How can I display my windows user name in excel spread sheet using macros?

Range("A1").value = Environ("Username")

This is better than Application.Username, which doesn't always supply the Windows username. Thanks to Kyle for pointing this out.

  • Application Username is the name of the User set in Excel > Tools > Options
  • Environ("Username") is the name you registered for Windows; see Control Panel >System

Exposing a port on a live Docker container

Based on Robm's answer I have created a Docker image and a Bash script called portcat.

Using portcat, you can easily map multiple ports to an existing Docker container. An example using the (optional) Bash script:

curl -sL | sudo bash
portcat my-awesome-container 3456 4444:8080

And there you go! Portcat is mapping:

  • port 3456 to my-awesome-container:3456
  • port 4444 to my-awesome-container:8080

Please note that the Bash script is optional, the following commands:

ipAddress=$(docker inspect my-awesome-container | grep IPAddress | grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\(\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\)\{3\}' | head -n 1)
docker run -p 3456:3456 -p 4444:4444 --name=alpine-portcat -it pmelegend/portcat:latest $ipAddress 3456 4444:8080

I hope portcat will come in handy for you guys. Cheers!

Arraylist swap elements

for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
        if (i < list.size() - 1) {
            if (list.get(i) > list.get(i + 1)) {
                int j = list.get(i);
                list.add(i, list.get(i));
                list.remove(i + 1);
                i = -1;

Integrating the ZXing library directly into my Android application

Step by step to setup zxing 3.2.1 in eclipse

  1. Download from ""
  2. Unzip, Use eclipse to import "android" project in zxing-master
  3. Download core-3.2.1.jar from ""
  4. Create "libs" folder in "android" project and paste cor-3.2.1.jar into the libs folder
  5. Click on project: choose "properties" -> "Java Compiler" to change level to 1.7. Then click on "Android" change "Project build target" to android 4.4.2+, because using 1.7 requires compiling with Android 4.4
  6. If "" don't exist in "zxing-master/android/app/src/main/java/com/google/zxing/client/android/camera/". You can copy it from "zxing-master/android-core/src/main/java/com/google/zxing/client/android/camera/" and paste to your project.
  7. Clean and build project. If your project show error about "switch - case", you should change them to "if - else".
  8. Completed. Clean and build project.
  9. Reference link: Using ZXing to create an android barcode scanning app

Why does this code using random strings print "hello world"?

Most random number generators are, in fact, "pseudo random." They are Linear Congruential Generators, or LCGs (

LCGs are quite predictable given a fixed seed. Basically, use a seed that gives you your first letter, then write an app that continues to generate the next int (char) until you hit the next letter in your target string and write down how many times you had to invoke the LCG. Continue until you've generated each and every letter.

jquery how to use multiple ajax calls one after the end of the other

You are somewhat close, but you should put your function inside the document.ready event handler instead of the other-way-around.

Another way to do this is by placing your AJAX call in a generic function and call that function from an AJAX callback to loop through a set of requests in order:

$(function () {

    //setup an array of AJAX options,
    //each object will specify information for a single AJAX request
    var ajaxes  = [
                url      : '<url>',
                data     : {...},
                callback : function (data) { /*do work on data*/ }
                url      : '<url2>',
                data     : {...},
                callback : function (data) { /*maybe something different (maybe not)*/ }
        current = 0;

    //declare your function to run AJAX requests
    function do_ajax() {

        //check to make sure there are more requests to make
        if (current < ajaxes.length) {

            //make the AJAX request with the given info from the array of objects
                url      : ajaxes[current].url,
                data     : ajaxes[current].data,
                success  : function (serverResponse) {

                    //once a successful response has been received,
                    //no HTTP error or timeout reached,
                    //run the callback for this request

                complete : function () {

                    //increment the `current` counter
                    //and recursively call our do_ajax() function again.

                    //note that the "success" callback will fire
                    //before the "complete" callback


    //run the AJAX function for the first time once `document.ready` fires


In this example, the recursive call to run the next AJAX request is being set as the complete callback so that it runs regardless of the status of the current response. Meaning that if the request times out or returns an HTTP error (or invalid response), the next request will still run. If you require subsequent requests to only run when a request is successful, then using the success callback to make your recursive call would likely be best.

Updated 2018-08-21 in regards to good points in comments.

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock

I've seen this happen at my shop when my devs have a stack manager like MAMP installed that comes preconfigured with MySQL installed in a non standard place.

at your terminal run

mysql_config --socket

that will give you your path to the sock file. take that path and use it in your DATABASES HOST paramater.

What you need to do is point your

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'NAME': 'test',
        'USER': 'test',
        'PASSWORD': 'test',
        'HOST': '/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock',
        'PORT': '',


also run which mysql_config if you somehow have multiple instances of mysql server installed on the machine you may be connecting to the wrong one.

Getting unique items from a list

Use a HashSet<T>. For example:

var items = "A B A D A C".Split(' ');
var unique_items = new HashSet<string>(items);
foreach (string s in unique_items)



Set line height in Html <p> to make the html looks like a office word when <p> has different font sizes

Actually, you can achieve this pretty easy. Simply specify the line height as a number:

<p style="line-height:1.5">
    <span style="font-size:12pt">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</span><br />
    <span style="font-size:24pt">The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</span>

The difference between number and percentage in the context of the line-height CSS property is that the number value is inherited by the descendant elements, but the percentage value is first computed for the current element using its font size and then this computed value is inherited by the descendant elements.

For more information about the line-height property, which indeed is far more complex than it looks like at first glance, I recommend you take a look at this online presentation.

How to set null to a GUID property

You can use typeof(Guid), "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" for DefaultValue of the property.

How to normalize an array in NumPy to a unit vector?

If you have multidimensional data and want each axis normalized to its max or its sum:

def normalize(_d, to_sum=True, copy=True):
    # d is a (n x dimension) np array
    d = _d if not copy else np.copy(_d)
    d -= np.min(d, axis=0)
    d /= (np.sum(d, axis=0) if to_sum else np.ptp(d, axis=0))
    return d

Uses numpys peak to peak function.

a = np.random.random((5, 3))

b = normalize(a, copy=False)
b.sum(axis=0) # array([1., 1., 1.]), the rows sum to 1

c = normalize(a, to_sum=False, copy=False)
c.max(axis=0) # array([1., 1., 1.]), the max of each row is 1

how to get login option for phpmyadmin in xampp

Step 1:

Locate phpMyAdmin installation path.

Step 2:

Open phpMyAdmin/ in your favourite text editor. Copy to if it's missing.

Step 3:

Search for $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config';

Replace it with $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';

"Javac" doesn't work correctly on Windows 10

Maybe a bit late, but i had same problem.

Click on "Move up" button for Java path and move it at top.

It fixed problem for me

Adding a module (Specifically pymorph) to Spyder (Python IDE)

This is assuming a Conda Environment. At a high level, what worked for me was simply configuring my Conda path in Spyder. Here is how I did it:

First, determine the path your env exists at

  1. Create your environment

  2. In the Anaconda navigator, click to "environments" and then hit the play button on the environment you want to open.

  3. Click "Open with Python," you should get an interactive Python shell

  4. Type "import numpy" (choose any package)

  5. Type "numpy" and take a look at the path that looks like this:

C:\\Users\My Name\\.conda\\envs\\pytorch-three\\lib\\site-packages\\numpy\\

The important part is the path all the way down to site-packages

For Spyder to be able to read your packages, do the following within Spyder.

  1. Open Spyder from anywhere

  2. Click "tools" and "preferences"

  3. In your Python Interpreter click "Use the following Python interpreter"

  4. From the path above, navigate to your environment and select the Python executable. For me it was here: C:\\Users\My Name\\.conda\\envs\\pytorch-three\\python.exe

  5. Finally, add the C:\\Users\\My Name\\.conda\\envs\\pytorch-three\\libs\\site-libs folder to the path (which will exist in your environment). This is easily done through the little Python icon with the tooltip of "add to path"

I personally didn't need to restart my IDE, but you may need to.

How to use cURL in Java?

Using standard java libs, I suggest looking at the HttpUrlConnection class

It can handle most of what curl can do with setting up the connection. What you do with the stream is up to you.

Uncaught Error: Unexpected module 'FormsModule' declared by the module 'AppModule'. Please add a @Pipe/@Directive/@Component annotation

Remove the FormsModule from Declaration:[] and Add the FormsModule in imports:[]

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]

Changing the sign of a number in PHP?

How about something trivial like:

  • inverting:

    $num = -$num;
  • converting only positive into negative:

    if ($num > 0) $num = -$num;
  • converting only negative into positive:

    if ($num < 0) $num = -$num;

align an image and some text on the same line without using div width?


<p>Click on <img src="/storage/help/button2.1.png" width="auto" 
height="28"align="middle"/> button will show a page as bellow</p>

It works for me

Relative Paths in Javascript in an external file

A proper solution is using a css class instead of writing src in js file. For example instead of using:

$(this).css("background", "url('../Images/filters_collapse.jpg')");



and in a css file that is loaded in the page write:

.xxx {

Parse XML document in C#

Try this:

XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

Or alternatively if you have the XML in a string use the LoadXml method.

Once you have it loaded, you can use SelectNodes and SelectSingleNode to query specific values, for example:

XmlNode node = doc.SelectSingleNode("//Company/Email/text()");
// node.Value contains "[email protected]"

Finally, note that your XML is invalid as it doesn't contain a single root node. It must be something like this:

        <Email>[email protected]</Email>

Datatype for storing ip address in SQL Server

I like the functions of SandRock. But I found an error in the code of dbo.fn_ConvertIpAddressToBinary. The incoming parameter of @ipAddress VARCHAR(39) is too small when you concat the @delim to it.

SET @ipAddress = @ipAddress + @delim

You can increase it to 40. Or better yet use a new variable that is bigger and use that internally. That way you don't lose the last pair on large numbers.

SELECT dbo.fn_ConvertIpAddressToBinary('ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff')

How do I convert a dictionary to a JSON String in C#?

This answer mentions Json.NET but stops short of telling you how you can use Json.NET to serialize a dictionary:

return JsonConvert.SerializeObject( myDictionary );

As opposed to JavaScriptSerializer, myDictionary does not have to be a dictionary of type <string, string> for JsonConvert to work.

Insert some string into given string at given index in Python

For the sake of future 'newbies' tackling this problem, I think a quick answer would be fitting to this thread.

Like bgporter said: Python strings are immutable, and so, in order to modify a string you have to make use of the pieces you already have.

In the following example I insert 'Fu' in to 'Kong Panda', to create 'Kong Fu Panda'

>>> line = 'Kong Panda'
>>> index = line.find('Panda')
>>> output_line = line[:index] + 'Fu ' + line[index:]
>>> output_line
'Kong Fu Panda'

In the example above, I used the index value to 'slice' the string in to 2 substrings: 1 containing the substring before the insertion index, and the other containing the rest. Then I simply add the desired string between the two and voilà, we have inserted a string inside another.

Python's slice notation has a great answer explaining the subject of string slicing.

what is the use of Eval() in

IrishChieftain didn't really address the question, so here's my take:

eval() is supposed to be used for data that is not known at run time. Whether that be user input (dangerous) or other sources.

How to get only filenames within a directory using c#?

You could use the DirectoryInfo and FileInfo classes.

//GetFiles on DirectoryInfo returns a FileInfo object.
var pdfFiles = new DirectoryInfo("C:\\Documents").GetFiles("*.pdf");

//FileInfo has a Name property that only contains the filename part.
var firstPdfFilename = pdfFiles[0].Name;

REST API Login Pattern

A big part of the REST philosophy is to exploit as many standard features of the HTTP protocol as possible when designing your API. Applying that philosophy to authentication, client and server would utilize standard HTTP authentication features in the API.

Login screens are great for human user use cases: visit a login screen, provide user/password, set a cookie, client provides that cookie in all future requests. Humans using web browsers can't be expected to provide a user id and password with each individual HTTP request.

But for a REST API, a login screen and session cookies are not strictly necessary, since each request can include credentials without impacting a human user; and if the client does not cooperate at any time, a 401 "unauthorized" response can be given. RFC 2617 describes authentication support in HTTP.

TLS (HTTPS) would also be an option, and would allow authentication of the client to the server (and vice versa) in every request by verifying the public key of the other party. Additionally this secures the channel for a bonus. Of course, a keypair exchange prior to communication is necessary to do this. (Note, this is specifically about identifying/authenticating the user with TLS. Securing the channel by using TLS / Diffie-Hellman is always a good idea, even if you don't identify the user by its public key.)

An example: suppose that an OAuth token is your complete login credentials. Once the client has the OAuth token, it could be provided as the user id in standard HTTP authentication with each request. The server could verify the token on first use and cache the result of the check with a time-to-live that gets renewed with each request. Any request requiring authentication returns 401 if not provided.

Python locale error: unsupported locale setting

first, make sure you have the language pack installed by doing :

sudo apt-get install language-pack-en-base

sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

How can I make a div stick to the top of the screen once it's been scrolled to?

Here is an extended version to Josh Lee's answer. If you want the div to be on sidebar to the right, and float within a range (i.e., you need to specify top and bottom anchor positions). It also fixes a bug when you view this on mobile devices (you need to check left scroll position otherwise the div will move off screen).

function moveScroller() {
    var move = function() {
        var st = $(window).scrollTop();
        var sl = $(window).scrollLeft();
        var ot = $("#scroller-anchor-top").offset().top;
        var ol = $("#scroller-anchor-top").offset().left;
        var bt = $("#scroller-anchor-bottom").offset().top;
        var s = $("#scroller");
        if(st > ot) {
            if (st < bt - 280) //280px is the approx. height for the sticky div
                    position: "fixed",
                    top: "0px",
                    left: ol-sl
                    position: "fixed",
                    top: bt-st-280,
                    left: ol-sl
        } else {
                position: "relative",
                top: "",
                left: ""


How to read attribute value from XmlNode in C#?

To expand Konamiman's solution (including all relevant null checks), this is what I've been doing:

if (node.Attributes != null)
   var nameAttribute = node.Attributes["Name"];
   if (nameAttribute != null) 
      return nameAttribute.Value;

   throw new InvalidOperationException("Node 'Name' not found.");

What is the yield keyword used for in C#?

The yield keyword allows you to create an IEnumerable<T> in the form on an iterator block. This iterator block supports deferred executing and if you are not familiar with the concept it may appear almost magical. However, at the end of the day it is just code that executes without any weird tricks.

An iterator block can be described as syntactic sugar where the compiler generates a state machine that keeps track of how far the enumeration of the enumerable has progressed. To enumerate an enumerable, you often use a foreach loop. However, a foreach loop is also syntactic sugar. So you are two abstractions removed from the real code which is why it initially might be hard to understand how it all works together.

Assume that you have a very simple iterator block:

IEnumerable<int> IteratorBlock()
    yield return 1;
    Console.WriteLine("After 1");
    yield return 2;
    Console.WriteLine("After 2");
    yield return 42;

Real iterator blocks often have conditions and loops but when you check the conditions and unroll the loops they still end up as yield statements interleaved with other code.

To enumerate the iterator block a foreach loop is used:

foreach (var i in IteratorBlock())

Here is the output (no surprises here):

After 1
After 2

As stated above foreach is syntactic sugar:

IEnumerator<int> enumerator = null;
    enumerator = IteratorBlock().GetEnumerator();
    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
        var i = enumerator.Current;

In an attempt to untangle this I have crated a sequence diagram with the abstractions removed:

C# iterator block sequence diagram

The state machine generated by the compiler also implements the enumerator but to make the diagram more clear I have shown them as separate instances. (When the state machine is enumerated from another thread you do actually get separate instances but that detail is not important here.)

Every time you call your iterator block a new instance of the state machine is created. However, none of your code in the iterator block is executed until enumerator.MoveNext() executes for the first time. This is how deferred executing works. Here is a (rather silly) example:

var evenNumbers = IteratorBlock().Where(i => i%2 == 0);

At this point the iterator has not executed. The Where clause creates a new IEnumerable<T> that wraps the IEnumerable<T> returned by IteratorBlock but this enumerable has yet to be enumerated. This happens when you execute a foreach loop:

foreach (var evenNumber in evenNumbers)

If you enumerate the enumerable twice then a new instance of the state machine is created each time and your iterator block will execute the same code twice.

Notice that LINQ methods like ToList(), ToArray(), First(), Count() etc. will use a foreach loop to enumerate the enumerable. For instance ToList() will enumerate all elements of the enumerable and store them in a list. You can now access the list to get all elements of the enumerable without the iterator block executing again. There is a trade-off between using CPU to produce the elements of the enumerable multiple times and memory to store the elements of the enumeration to access them multiple times when using methods like ToList().

How to break out from foreach loop in javascript

Use a for loop instead of .forEach()

var myObj = [{"a": "1","b": null},{"a": "2","b": 5}]
var result = false

for(var call of myObj) {
    var a = call['a'], b = call['b']
    if(a == null || b == null) {
        result = false

How to generate UML diagrams (especially sequence diagrams) from Java code?

I suggest PlantUML. this tools is very usefull and easy to use. PlantUML have a plugin for Netbeans that you can create UML diagram from your java code.

you can install PlantUML plugin in the netbeans by this method:

Netbeans Menu -> Tools -> Plugin

Now select Available Plugins and then find PlantUML and install it.

For more information go to website:

How can I prevent a window from being resized with tkinter?

Below code will fix root = tk.Tk() to its size before it was called:

root.resizable(False, False)

How do I make the return type of a method generic?

You need to make it a generic method, like this:

public static T ConfigSetting<T>(string settingName)
    return /* code to convert the setting to T... */

But the caller will have to specify the type they expect. You could then potentially use Convert.ChangeType, assuming that all the relevant types are supported:

public static T ConfigSetting<T>(string settingName)
    object value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[settingName];
    return (T) Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(T));

I'm not entirely convinced that all this is a good idea, mind you...

How to detect input type=file "change" for the same file?

Use onClick event to clear value of target input, each time user clicks on field. This ensures that the onChange event will be triggered for the same file as well. Worked for me :)

onInputClick = (event) => { = ''

<input type="file" onChange={onFileChanged} onClick={onInputClick} />

Using TypeScript

onInputClick = ( event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLInputElement, MouseEvent>) => {
    const element = as HTMLInputElement
    element.value = ''

Global Angular CLI version greater than local version

This works for me: it will update local version to latest

npm uninstall --save-dev angular-cli
npm install --save-dev @angular/cli@latest
npm install

to verify version

  ng --version

Validating input using java.util.Scanner

For checking Strings for letters you can use regular expressions for example:


For checking numbers and stopping the program crashing, I have a quite simple class you can find below where you can define the range of values you want. Here

    public int readInt(String prompt, int min, int max)
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

    int number = 0;

    //Run once and loop until the input is within the specified range.
        //Print users message.
        System.out.printf("\n%s > ", prompt);

        //Prevent string input crashing the program.
        while (!scan.hasNextInt()) 
            System.out.printf("Input doesn't match specifications. Try again.");
            System.out.printf("\n%s > ", prompt);

        //Set the number.
        number = scan.nextInt();

        //If the number is outside range print an error message.
        if (number < min || number > max)
            System.out.printf("Input doesn't match specifications. Try again.");

    } while (number < min || number > max);

    return number;

compare two list and return not matching items using linq

If u wanna Select items of List from 2nd list:

MainList.Where(p => 2ndlist.Contains(p.columns from MainList )).ToList();

Android Webview gives net::ERR_CACHE_MISS message

Android WebView fix ERR_CACHE_MISS error solution

you just need add one line code <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> in your app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file as below screenshots shows.

enter image description here

  1. before

enter image description here

  1. after

enter image description here

Alternative to mysql_real_escape_string without connecting to DB

Well, according to the mysql_real_escape_string function reference page: "mysql_real_escape_string() calls MySQL's library function mysql_real_escape_string, which escapes the following characters: \x00, \n, \r, \, ', " and \x1a."

With that in mind, then the function given in the second link you posted should do exactly what you need:

function mres($value)
    $search = array("\\",  "\x00", "\n",  "\r",  "'",  '"', "\x1a");
    $replace = array("\\\\","\\0","\\n", "\\r", "\'", '\"', "\\Z");

    return str_replace($search, $replace, $value);

Adding 1 hour to time variable

try this it is worked for me.

$time = date('H:i', strtotime($time.'+1 hour'));
echo $time;

Show hide div using codebehind

<div id="OK1"  runat="server" style ="display:none" >
    <asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList2" runat="server"></asp:DropDownList>
</div> code

  Protected Sub DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles DropDownList1.SelectedIndexChanged
    If DropDownList1.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
        OK1.Style.Add("display", "none")
        OK1.Style.Add("display", "block")
    End If
End Sub

How do I add a library path in cmake?

might fail working with link_directories, then add each static library like following:

target_link_libraries(foo /path_to_static_library/libbar.a)

Comparing arrays in JUnit assertions, concise built-in way?

I know the question is for JUnit4, but if you happen to be stuck at JUnit3, you could create a short utility function like that:

private void assertArrayEquals(Object[] esperado, Object[] real) {
    assertEquals(Arrays.asList(esperado), Arrays.asList(real));     

In JUnit3, this is better than directly comparing the arrays, since it will detail exactly which elements are different.

Jenkins Slave port number for firewall

We had a similar situation, but in our case Infosec agreed to allow any to 1, so we didnt had to fix the slave port, rather fixing the master to high level JNLP port 49187 worked ("Configure Global Security" -> "TCP port for JNLP slave agents").

49187 - Fixed jnlp port
8080 - jenkins http port

Other ports needed to launch slave as a windows service



Update row values where certain condition is met in pandas

I think you can use loc if you need update two columns to same value:

df1.loc[df1['stream'] == 2, ['feat','another_feat']] = 'aaaa'
print df1
   stream        feat another_feat
a       1  some_value   some_value
b       2        aaaa         aaaa
c       2        aaaa         aaaa
d       3  some_value   some_value

If you need update separate, one option is use:

df1.loc[df1['stream'] == 2, 'feat'] = 10
print df1
   stream        feat another_feat
a       1  some_value   some_value
b       2          10   some_value
c       2          10   some_value
d       3  some_value   some_value

Another common option is use numpy.where:

df1['feat'] = np.where(df1['stream'] == 2, 10,20)
print df1
   stream  feat another_feat
a       1    20   some_value
b       2    10   some_value
c       2    10   some_value
d       3    20   some_value

EDIT: If you need divide all columns without stream where condition is True, use:

print df1
   stream  feat  another_feat
a       1     4             5
b       2     4             5
c       2     2             9
d       3     1             7

#filter columns all without stream
cols = [col for col in df1.columns if col != 'stream']
print cols
['feat', 'another_feat']

df1.loc[df1['stream'] == 2, cols ] = df1 / 2
print df1
   stream  feat  another_feat
a       1   4.0           5.0
b       2   2.0           2.5
c       2   1.0           4.5
d       3   1.0           7.0

If working with multiple conditions is possible use multiple numpy.where or

df0 = pd.DataFrame({'Col':[5,0,-6]})

df0['New Col1'] = np.where((df0['Col'] > 0), 'Increasing', 
                          np.where((df0['Col'] < 0), 'Decreasing', 'No Change'))

df0['New Col2'] =[df0['Col'] > 0, df0['Col'] < 0],
                            ['Increasing',  'Decreasing'], 
                            default='No Change')

print (df0)
   Col    New Col1    New Col2
0    5  Increasing  Increasing
1    0   No Change   No Change
2   -6  Decreasing  Decreasing

How get sound input from microphone in python, and process it on the fly?

I know it's an old question, but if someone is looking here again... see .

It has a nice example "Input to Ouput Pass-Through" here .

... and a lot of other examples as well ...

moving committed (but not pushed) changes to a new branch after pull

If you have a low # of commits and you don't care if these are combined into one mega-commit, this works well and isn't as scary as doing git rebase:

unstage the files (replace 1 with # of commits)

git reset --soft HEAD~1

create a new branch

git checkout -b NewBranchName

add the changes

git add -A

make a commit

git commit -m "Whatever"

sudo echo "something" >> /etc/privilegedFile doesn't work

This worked for me: original command

echo "export CATALINA_HOME="/opt/tomcat9"" >> /etc/environment

Working command

echo "export CATALINA_HOME="/opt/tomcat9"" |sudo tee /etc/environment

How do you change video src using jQuery?

Try $("#divVideo video")[0].load(); after you changed the src attribute.

TNS Protocol adapter error while starting Oracle SQL*Plus

The major issue might be the oracle database itself may not have started. So, you need to manually go via

run command -> services.msc

check for OracleXEService surely, it may be disabled

right click go to properties-> set it to Automatic and press Ok. Then just right click again and start.

This will start your database making you to connect to it

Finally, In sqlplus command line,

connect as sysdba

enter username as admin

then press enter, you'll be connected

How to check version of python modules?

The Better way to do that is:

For the details of specific Package

pip show <package_name>

It details out the Package_name, Version, Author, Location etc.

$ pip show numpy
Name: numpy
Version: 1.13.3
Summary: NumPy: array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects.
Author: NumPy Developers
Author-email: [email protected]
License: BSD
Location: c:\users\prowinjvm\appdata\local\programs\python\python36\lib\site-packages

For more Details: >>> pip help

pip should be updated to do this.

pip install --upgrade pip

On Windows recommend command is:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

How to use a Bootstrap 3 glyphicon in an html select

If you are using the glyphicon as the first character of the string, you can use the html char (see and then apply the font to the first character of the element:

        font-family: Glyphicons Halflings;

URL encoding the space character: + or %20?

From Wikipedia (emphasis and link added):

When data that has been entered into HTML forms is submitted, the form field names and values are encoded and sent to the server in an HTTP request message using method GET or POST, or, historically, via email. The encoding used by default is based on a very early version of the general URI percent-encoding rules, with a number of modifications such as newline normalization and replacing spaces with "+" instead of "%20". The MIME type of data encoded this way is application/x-www-form-urlencoded, and it is currently defined (still in a very outdated manner) in the HTML and XForms specifications.

So, the real percent encoding uses %20 while form data in URLs is in a modified form that uses +. So you're most likely to only see + in URLs in the query string after an ?.


According to documentation: to verify host or peer certificate you need to specify alternate certificates with the CURLOPT_CAINFO option or a certificate directory can be specified with the CURLOPT_CAPATH option.


  • 1 to check the existence of a common name in the SSL peer certificate.
  • 2 to check the existence of a common name and also verify that it matches the hostname provided.

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

Mocking HttpClient in unit tests

I think the issue is that you've got it just a little upside down.

public class AuroraClient : IAuroraClient
    private readonly HttpClient _client;

    public AuroraClient() : this(new HttpClientHandler())

    public AuroraClient(HttpMessageHandler messageHandler)
        _client = new HttpClient(messageHandler);

If you look at the class above, I think this is what you want. Microsoft recommends keeping the client alive for optimal performance, so this type of structure allows you to do that. Also the HttpMessageHandler is an abstract class and therefore mockable. Your test method would then look like this:

public void TestMethod1()
    // Arrange
    var mockMessageHandler = new Mock<HttpMessageHandler>();
    // Set up your mock behavior here
    var auroraClient = new AuroraClient(mockMessageHandler.Object);
    // Act
    // Assert

This allows you to test your logic while mocking the HttpClient's behavior.

Sorry guys, after writing this and trying it myself, I realized that you can't mock the protected methods on the HttpMessageHandler. I subsequently added the following code to allow for injection of a proper mock.

public interface IMockHttpMessageHandler
    Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken);

public class MockHttpMessageHandler : HttpMessageHandler
    private readonly IMockHttpMessageHandler _realMockHandler;

    public MockHttpMessageHandler(IMockHttpMessageHandler realMockHandler)
        _realMockHandler = realMockHandler;

    protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        return await _realMockHandler.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);

The tests written with this then look something like the following:

public async Task GetProductsReturnsDeserializedXmlXopData()
    // Arrange
    var mockMessageHandler = new Mock<IMockHttpMessageHandler>();
    // Set up Mock behavior here.
    var client = new AuroraClient(new MockHttpMessageHandler(mockMessageHandler.Object));
    // Act
    // Assert

Is <div style="width: ;height: ;background: "> CSS?

1)Yes it is, when there is style then it is styling your code(css).2) is belong to html it is like a container that keep your css.

Kubernetes pod gets recreated when deleted

If you have a job that continues running, you need to search the job and delete it:

kubectl get job --all-namespaces | grep <name>


kubectl delete job <job-name>

Convert string to variable name in JavaScript

You can access the window object as an associative array and set it that way

window["onlyVideo"] = "TEST";

Convert digits into words with JavaScript

Though, this question has been answered - still I want to share something I recently developed in java script (based on the logic of an old C#. Net implementation I found in Internet) for converting Indian currency values to Words. It can handle up to 40 digits. You can have a look.

Usage: InrToWordConverter.Initialize();. var inWords = InrToWordConverter.ConvertToWord(amount);


htPunctuation = {};
listStaticSuffix = {};
listStaticPrefix = {};
listHelpNotation = {};

var InrToWordConverter = function () {


InrToWordConverter.Initialize = function () {

InrToWordConverter.ConvertToWord = function (value) {
    value = value.toString();

    if (value) {
        var tokens = value.split(".");
        var rsPart = "";
        var psPart = "";
        if (tokens.length === 2) {
            rsPart = String.trim(tokens[0]) || "0";
            psPart = String.trim(tokens[1]) || "0";
        else if (tokens.length === 1) {
            rsPart = String.trim(tokens[0]) || "0";
            psPart = "0";
        else {
            rsPart = "0";
            psPart = "0";

        htPunctuation = {};
        var rsInWords = InrToWordConverter.ConvertToWordInternal(rsPart) || "Zero";
        var psInWords = InrToWordConverter.ConvertToWordInternal(psPart) || "Zero";

        var result = "Rupees " + rsInWords + "and " + psInWords + " Paise.";
        return result;

InrToWordConverter.ConvertToWordInternal = function (value) {
    var convertedString = "";
    if (!(value.toString().length > 40))
        if (InrToWordConverter.IsNumeric(value.toString()))
                var strValue = InrToWordConverter.Reverse(value);
                switch (strValue.length)
                    case 1:
                        if (parseInt(strValue.toString()) > 0) {
                            convertedString = InrToWordConverter.GetWordConversion(value);
                        else {
                            convertedString = "Zero ";
                    case 2:
                        convertedString = InrToWordConverter.GetWordConversion(value);
                        convertedString = InrToWordConverter.ReturnHashtableValue();
            catch (exception) {
                convertedString = "Unexpected Error Occured <br/>";
        else {
            convertedString = "Please Enter Numbers Only, Decimal Values Are not supported";
    else {
        convertedString = "Please Enter Value in Less Then or Equal to 40 Digit";
    return convertedString;

InrToWordConverter.IsNumeric = function (valueInNumeric) {
    var isFine = true;
    valueInNumeric = valueInNumeric || "";
    var len = valueInNumeric.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        var ch = valueInNumeric[i];
        if (!(ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')) {
            isFine = false;
    return isFine;

InrToWordConverter.ReturnHashtableValue = function () {
    var strFinalString = "";
    var keysArr = [];
    for (var key in htPunctuation) {
    for (var i = keysArr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        var hKey = keysArr[i];
        if (InrToWordConverter.GetWordConversion((htPunctuation[hKey]).toString()) !== "") {
            strFinalString = strFinalString + InrToWordConverter.GetWordConversion((htPunctuation[hKey]).toString()) + InrToWordConverter.StaticPrefixFind((hKey).toString());
    return strFinalString;

InrToWordConverter.ReverseHashTable = function () {
    var htTemp = {};
    for (var key in htPunctuation) {
        var item = htPunctuation[key];
        htTemp[key] = InrToWordConverter.Reverse(item.toString());
    htPunctuation = {};
    htPunctuation = htTemp;

InrToWordConverter.InsertToPunctuationTable = function (strValue) {
    htPunctuation[1] = strValue.substr(0, 3).toString();
    var j = 2;
    for (var i = 3; i < strValue.length; i = i + 2) {
        if (strValue.substr(i).length > 0) {
            if (strValue.substr(i).length >= 2) {
                htPunctuation[j] = strValue.substr(i, 2).toString();
            else {
                htPunctuation[j] = strValue.substr(i, 1).toString();
        else {


InrToWordConverter.Reverse = function (strValue) {
    var reversed = "";
    for (var i in strValue) {
        var ch = strValue[i];
        reversed = ch + reversed;
    return reversed;

InrToWordConverter.GetWordConversion = function (inputNumber) {
    var toReturnWord = "";
    if (inputNumber.length <= 3 && inputNumber.length > 0) {
        if (inputNumber.length === 3) {
            if (parseInt(inputNumber.substr(0, 1)) > 0) {
                toReturnWord = toReturnWord + InrToWordConverter.StaticSuffixFind(inputNumber.substr(0, 1)) + "Hundred ";

            var tempString = InrToWordConverter.StaticSuffixFind(inputNumber.substr(1, 2));

            if (tempString === "")
                toReturnWord = toReturnWord + InrToWordConverter.StaticSuffixFind(inputNumber.substr(1, 1) + "0");
                toReturnWord = toReturnWord + InrToWordConverter.StaticSuffixFind(inputNumber.substr(2, 1));
            toReturnWord = toReturnWord + tempString;
        if (inputNumber.length === 2)
            var tempString = InrToWordConverter.StaticSuffixFind(inputNumber.substr(0, 2));
            if (tempString === "")
                toReturnWord = toReturnWord + InrToWordConverter.StaticSuffixFind(inputNumber.substr(0, 1) + "0");
                toReturnWord = toReturnWord + InrToWordConverter.StaticSuffixFind(inputNumber.substr(1, 1));
            toReturnWord = toReturnWord + tempString;
        if (inputNumber.length === 1)
            toReturnWord = toReturnWord + InrToWordConverter.StaticSuffixFind(inputNumber.substr(0, 1));

    return toReturnWord;

InrToWordConverter.StaticSuffixFind = function (numberKey) {
    var valueFromNumber = "";
    for (var key in listStaticSuffix) {
        if (String.trim(key.toString()) === String.trim(numberKey)) {
            valueFromNumber = listStaticSuffix[key].toString();
    return valueFromNumber;

InrToWordConverter.StaticPrefixFind = function (numberKey) {
    var valueFromNumber = "";
    for (var key in listStaticPrefix) {
        if (String.trim(key) === String.trim(numberKey)) {
            valueFromNumber = listStaticPrefix[key].toString();
    return valueFromNumber;

InrToWordConverter.StaticHelpNotationFind = function (numberKey) {
    var helpText = "";
    for (var key in listHelpNotation) {
        if (String.trim(key.toString()) === String.trim(numberKey)) {
            helpText = listHelpNotation[key].toString();
    return helpText;

InrToWordConverter.LoadStaticPrefix = function () {
    listStaticPrefix[2] = "Thousand ";
    listStaticPrefix[3] = "Lac ";
    listStaticPrefix[4] = "Crore ";
    listStaticPrefix[5] = "Arab ";
    listStaticPrefix[6] = "Kharab ";
    listStaticPrefix[7] = "Neel ";
    listStaticPrefix[8] = "Padma ";
    listStaticPrefix[9] = "Shankh ";
    listStaticPrefix[10] = "Maha-shankh ";
    listStaticPrefix[11] = "Ank ";
    listStaticPrefix[12] = "Jald ";
    listStaticPrefix[13] = "Madh ";
    listStaticPrefix[14] = "Paraardha ";
    listStaticPrefix[15] = "Ant ";
    listStaticPrefix[16] = "Maha-ant ";
    listStaticPrefix[17] = "Shisht ";
    listStaticPrefix[18] = "Singhar ";
    listStaticPrefix[19] = "Maha-singhar ";
    listStaticPrefix[20] = "Adant-singhar ";

InrToWordConverter.LoadStaticSuffix = function () {
    listStaticSuffix[1] = "One ";
    listStaticSuffix[2] = "Two ";
    listStaticSuffix[3] = "Three ";
    listStaticSuffix[4] = "Four ";
    listStaticSuffix[5] = "Five ";
    listStaticSuffix[6] = "Six ";
    listStaticSuffix[7] = "Seven ";
    listStaticSuffix[8] = "Eight ";
    listStaticSuffix[9] = "Nine ";
    listStaticSuffix[10] = "Ten ";
    listStaticSuffix[11] = "Eleven ";
    listStaticSuffix[12] = "Twelve ";
    listStaticSuffix[13] = "Thirteen ";
    listStaticSuffix[14] = "Fourteen ";
    listStaticSuffix[15] = "Fifteen ";
    listStaticSuffix[16] = "Sixteen ";
    listStaticSuffix[17] = "Seventeen ";
    listStaticSuffix[18] = "Eighteen ";
    listStaticSuffix[19] = "Nineteen ";
    listStaticSuffix[20] = "Twenty ";
    listStaticSuffix[30] = "Thirty ";
    listStaticSuffix[40] = "Fourty ";
    listStaticSuffix[50] = "Fifty ";
    listStaticSuffix[60] = "Sixty ";
    listStaticSuffix[70] = "Seventy ";
    listStaticSuffix[80] = "Eighty ";
    listStaticSuffix[90] = "Ninty ";

InrToWordConverter.LoadHelpofNotation = function () {
    listHelpNotation[2] = "=1,000 (3 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[3] = "=1,00,000 (5 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[4] = "=1,00,00,000 (7 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[5] = "=1,00,00,00,000 (9 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[6] = "=1,00,00,00,00,000 (11 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[7] = "=1,00,00,00,00,00,000 (13 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[8] = "=1,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 (15 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[9] = "=1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 (17 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[10] = "=1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 (19 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[11] = "=1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 (21 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[12] = "=1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 (23 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[13] = "=1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 (25 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[14] = "=1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 (27 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[15] = "=1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 (29 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[16] = "=1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 (31 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[17] = "=1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 (33 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[18] = "=1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 (35 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[19] = "=1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 (37 Trailing Zeros)";
    listHelpNotation[20] = "=1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 (39 Trailing Zeros)";
    if (!String.trim) {
    String.trim = function (str) {
        var result = "";
        var firstNonWhiteSpaceFound = false;
        var startIndex = -1;
        var endIndex = -1;
        if (str) {
            for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
                if (firstNonWhiteSpaceFound === false) {
                    if (str[i] === ' ' || str[i] === '\t') {
                    else {
                        firstNonWhiteSpaceFound = true;
                        startIndex = i;
                        endIndex = i;
                else {
                    if (str[i] === ' ' || str[i] === '\t') {
                    else {
                        endIndex = i;
            if (startIndex !== -1 && endIndex !== -1) {
                result = str.slice(startIndex, endIndex + 1);
        return result;

Wait until ActiveWorkbook.RefreshAll finishes - VBA

You must turn off "background refresh" for all queries. If background refresh is on, Excel works ahead while the refresh occurs and you have problems.

Data > Connections > Properties > (uncheck) enable background refresh

Saving the PuTTY session logging

This is a bit confusing, but follow these steps to save the session.

  1. Category -> Session -> enter public IP in Host and 22 in port.
  2. Connection -> SSH -> Auth -> select the .ppk file
  3. Category -> Session -> enter a name in Saved Session -> Click Save

To open the session, double click on particular saved session.

How does MySQL process ORDER BY and LIMIT in a query?

LIMIT is usually applied as the last operation, so the result will first be sorted and then limited to 20. In fact, sorting will stop as soon as first 20 sorted results are found.

Check if a row exists, otherwise insert

INSERT INTO [DatabaseName1].dbo.[TableName1] SELECT * FROM [DatabaseName2].dbo.[TableName2]
 WHERE [YourPK] not in (select [YourPK] from [DatabaseName1].dbo.[TableName1])

How to display .svg image using swift

Try this code

var path: String = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("nameOfFile", ofType: "svg")!

        var url: NSURL = NSURL.fileURLWithPath(path)  //Creating a URL which points towards our path

       //Creating a page request which will load our URL (Which points to our path)
        var request: NSURLRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: url)
       webView.loadRequest(request)  //Telling our webView to load our above request

How to properly upgrade node using nvm

? TWO Simple Solutions:

To install the latest version of node and reinstall the old version packages just run the following command.

nvm install node --reinstall-packages-from=node

To install the latest lts (long term support) version of node and reinstall the old version packages just run the following command.

nvm install --lts /* --reinstall-packages-from=node

Here's a GIF to support this answer.


How to deal with SQL column names that look like SQL keywords?

While you are doing it - alias it as something else (or better yet, use a view or an SP and deprecate the old direct access method).

SELECT [from] AS TransferFrom -- Or something else more suitable
FROM TableName

OrderBy pipe issue

Updated OrderByPipe: fixed not sorting strings.

create a OrderByPipe class:

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from "@angular/core";
@Pipe( {
name: 'orderBy'
} )
export class OrderByPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform( array: Array<any>, orderField: string, orderType: boolean ): Array<string> {
    array.sort( ( a: any, b: any ) => {
        let ae = a[ orderField ];
        let be = b[ orderField ];
        if ( ae == undefined && be == undefined ) return 0;
        if ( ae == undefined && be != undefined ) return orderType ? 1 : -1;
        if ( ae != undefined && be == undefined ) return orderType ? -1 : 1;
        if ( ae == be ) return 0;
        return orderType ? (ae.toString().toLowerCase() > be.toString().toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1) : (be.toString().toLowerCase() > ae.toString().toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1);
    } );
    return array;

in your controller:

pipes: [OrderByPipe]

or in your

 declarations: [OrderByPipe]

in your html:

<tr *ngFor="let obj of objects | orderBy : ObjFieldName: OrderByType">

ObjFieldName: object field name you want to sort;

OrderByType: boolean; true: descending order; false: ascending;

How to add a set path only for that batch file executing?

Just like any other environment variable, with SET:

SET PATH=%PATH%;c:\whatever\else

If you want to have a little safety check built in first, check to see if the new path exists first:

IF EXIST c:\whatever\else SET PATH=%PATH%;c:\whatever\else

If you want that to be local to that batch file, use setlocal:

set PATH=...

@REM Rest of your script

Read the docs carefully for setlocal/endlocal , and have a look at the other references on that site - Functions is pretty interesting too and the syntax is tricky.

The Syntax page should get you started with the basics.

Insert variable into Header Location PHP

There's nothing here explaining the use of multiple variables, so I'll chuck it in just incase someone needs it in the future.

You need to concatenate multiple variables:


Android fastboot waiting for devices

The shortest answer is first run the fastboot command (in my ubuntu case i.e. ./fastboot-linux oem unlock) (here i'm using ubuntu 12.04 and rooting nexus4) then power on your device in fastboot mode (in nexus 4 by pressing vol-down-key and power button)

Jquery find nearest matching element

var otherInput = $(this).closest('.row').find('.inputQty');

That goes up to a row level, then back down to .inputQty.

iPhone UITextField - Change placeholder text color

For Xamarin.iOS developers, I found it from this document

textField.AttributedPlaceholder = new NSAttributedString ("Hello, world",new UIStringAttributes () { ForegroundColor =  UIColor.Red });

Get integer value of the current year in Java

This simplest (using Calendar, sorry) is:

 int year = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR);

There is also the new Date and Time API JSR, as well as Joda Time

What's the difference between HEAD^ and HEAD~ in Git?

If you're wondering whether to type HEAD^ or HEAD~ in your command, just use either:

They're both names for the same commit - the first parent of the current commit.

Likewise with master~ and master^ - both names for the first parent of master.

In the same way as 2 + 2 and 2 x 2 are both 4 - they're different ways of getting there, but the answer is the same.

This answers the question: What's the difference between HEAD^ and HEAD~ in Git?

If you just did a merge (so your current commit has more than one parent), or you're still interested in how the caret and tilde work, see the other answers (which I won't duplicate here) for an in-depth explanation, as well as how to use them repeatedly (e.g.HEAD~~~), or with numbers (e.g.HEAD^2). Otherwise, I hope this answer saves you some time.

Initialise numpy array of unknown length

Build a Python list and convert that to a Numpy array. That takes amortized O(1) time per append + O(n) for the conversion to array, for a total of O(n).

    a = []
    for x in y:
    a = np.array(a)

How do you overcome the HTML form nesting limitation?

One way I would do this without javascript would be to add a set of radio buttons that define the action to be taken:

  • Update
  • Delete
  • Whatever

Then the action script would take different actions depending on the value of the radio button set.

Another way would be to put two forms on the page as you suggested, just not nested. The layout may be difficult to control though:

<form name="editform" action="the_action_url"  method="post">
   <input type="hidden" name="task" value="update" />
   <input type="text" name="foo" />
   <input type="submit" name="save" value="Save" />

<form name="delform" action="the_action_url"  method="post">
   <input type="hidden" name="task" value="delete" />
   <input type="hidden" name="post_id" value="5" />
   <input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete" />

Using the hidden "task" field in the handling script to branch appropriately.

Can you overload controller methods in ASP.NET MVC?

Sorry for the delay. I was with the same problem and I found a link with good answers, could that will help new guys

All credits for BinaryIntellect web site and the authors

Basically, there are four situations: using differents verbs, using routing, overload marking with [NoAction] attribute and change the action attribute name with [ActionName]

So, depends that's your requiriments and your situation.

Howsoever, follow the link:


How to make inactive content inside a div?

  pointer-events: none;
  opacity: 0.7;

The above code makes the contents of the div disabled. You can make div disabled by adding disabled attribute.

<div disabled>
  /* Contents */

Eclipse error, "The selection cannot be launched, and there are no recent launches"

Eclipse can't work out what you want to run and since you've not run anything before, it can't try re-running that either.

Instead of clicking the green 'run' button, click the dropdown next to it and chose Run Configurations. On the Android tab, make sure it's set to your project. In the Target tab, set the tick box and options as appropriate to target your device. Then click Run. Keep an eye on your Console tab in Eclipse - that'll let you know what's going on. Once you've got your run configuration set, you can just hit the green 'run' button next time.

Sometimes getting everything to talk to your device can be problematic to begin with. Consider using an AVD (i.e. an emulator) as alternative, at least to begin with if you have problems. You can easily create one from the menu Window -> Android Virtual Device Manager within Eclipse.

To view the progress of your project being installed and started on your device, check the console. It's a panel within Eclipse with the tabs Problems/Javadoc/Declaration/Console/LogCat etc. It may be minimised - check the tray in the bottom right. Or just use Window/Show View/Console from the menu to make it come to the front. There are two consoles, Android and DDMS - there is a dropdown by its icon where you can switch.

Node.js client for a server

Yes you can use any client as long as it is supported by No matter whether its node, java, android or swift. All you have to do is install the client package of

DbEntityValidationException - How can I easily tell what caused the error?

To quickly find a meaningful error message by inspecting the error during debugging:

  • Add a quick watch for:

  • Drill down into EntityValidationErrors like this:

    (collection item e.g. [0]) > ValidationErrors > (collection item e.g. [0]) > ErrorMessage

Determine if JavaScript value is an "integer"?

Try this:

if(Math.floor(id) == id && $.isNumeric(id)) 
  alert('yes its an int!');

$.isNumeric(id) checks whether it's numeric or not
Math.floor(id) == id will then determine if it's really in integer value and not a float. If it's a float parsing it to int will give a different result than the original value. If it's int both will be the same.

How to find children of nodes using BeautifulSoup

Perhaps you want to do

soup.find("li", { "class" : "test" }).find('a')

Add another class to a div

Use Element.classList


The .add method will only add the class if it doesn't already exist on the element. So no need to worry about duplicate class names.

How do I check if a column is empty or null in MySQL?

While checking null or Empty value for a column in my project, I noticed that there are some support concern in various Databases.

Every Database doesn't support TRIM method.

Below is the matrix just to understand the supported methods by different databases.

The TRIM function in SQL is used to remove specified prefix or suffix from a string. The most common pattern being removed is white spaces. This function is called differently in different databases:

  • Oracle: RTRIM(), LTRIM()
  • SQL Server: RTRIM(), LTRIM()

How to Check Empty/Null :-

Below are two different ways according to different Databases-

The syntax for these trim functions are:

  1. Use of Trim to check-

    SELECT FirstName FROM UserDetails WHERE TRIM(LastName) IS NULL

  2. Use of LTRIM & RTRIM to check-

    SELECT FirstName FROM UserDetails WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(LastName)) IS NULL

Above both ways provide same result just use based on your DataBase support. It Just returns the FirstName from UserDetails table if it has an empty LastName

Hoping this will help you :)

How to send data with angularjs $http.delete() request?

You can do an http DELETE via a URL like /users/1/roles/2. That would be the most RESTful way to do it.

Otherwise I guess you can just pass the user id as part of the query params? Something like

$http.delete('/roles/' + roleid, {params: {userId: userID}}).then...

How to use a global array in C#?

Your class shoud look something like this:

class Something {     int[] array; //global array, replace type of course     void function1() {        array = new int[10]; //let say you declare it here that will be 10 integers in size     }     void function2() {        array[0] = 12; //assing value at index 0 to 12.     } } 

That way you array will be accessible in both functions. However, you must be careful with global stuff, as you can quickly overwrite something.

How to get started with Windows 7 gadgets

Combining and organizing all the current answers into one answer, then adding my own research:

Brief summary of Microsoft gadget development:

What are they written in? Windows Vista/Seven gadgets are developed in a mix of XML, HTML, CSS, and some IE scripting language. It is also possible to use C# with the latest release of Script#.

How are they packaged/deployed? The actual gadgets are stored in *.gadget files, which are simply the text source files listed above compressed into a single zip file.

Useful references for gadget development:

where do I start? Good introductory references to Windows Vista/Seven gadget development:

If you are willing to use offline resources, this book appears to be an excellent resource:

What do I need to know? Some other useful references; not necessarily instructional

Update: Well, this has proven to be a popular answer~ Sharing my own recent experience with Windows 7 gadget development:

Perhaps the easiest way to get started with Windows 7 gadget development is to modify a gadget that has already been developed. I recently did this myself because I wanted a larger clock gadget. Unable to find any, I tinkered with a copy of the standard Windows clock gadget until it was twice as large. I recommend starting with the clock gadget because it is fairly small and well-written. Here is the process I used:

  1. Locate the gadget you wish to modify. They are located in several different places. Search for folders named *.gadget. Example: C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\Clock.Gadget\
  2. Make a copy of this folder (installed gadgets are not wrapped in zip files.)
  3. Rename some key parts:
    1. The folder name
    2. The name inside the gadget.xml file. It looks like:<name>Clock</name> This is the name that will be displayed in the "Gadgets Gallery" window.
  4. Zip up the entire *.gadget directory.
  5. Change the file extension from "zip" to "gadget" (Probably just need to remove the ".zip" extension.)
  6. Install your new copy of the gadget by double clicking the new *.gadget file. You can now add your gadget like any other gadget (right click desktop->Gadgets)
  7. Locate where this gadget is installed (probably to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\)
  8. Modify the files in this directory. The gadget is very similar to a web page: HTML, CSS, JS, and image files. The gadget.xml file specifies which file is opened as the "index" page for the gadget.
  9. After you save the changes, view the results by installing a new instance of the gadget. You can also debug the JavaScript (The rest of that article is pretty informative, too).

Media Queries - In between two widths

just wanted to leave my .scss example here, I think its kinda best practice, especially I think if you do customization its nice to set the width only once! It is not clever to apply it everywhere, you will increase the human factor exponentially.

Im looking forward for your feedback!

// Set your parameters
$widthSmall: 768px;
$widthMedium: 992px;

// Prepare your "function"
@mixin in-between {
     @media (min-width:$widthSmall) and (max-width:$widthMedium) {

// Apply your "function"
main {
   @include in-between {
      //Do something between two media queries
      padding-bottom: 20px;

How do I get the "id" after INSERT into MySQL database with Python?

Python DBAPI spec also define 'lastrowid' attribute for cursor object, so...

id = cursor.lastrowid

...should work too, and it's per-connection based obviously.

android set button background programmatically

Old thread, but learned something new, hope this might help someone.

If you want to change the background color but retain other styles, then below might help.

button.getBackground().setColorFilter(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.colorAccent), PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY);

Java and unlimited decimal places?

I believe that you are looking for the java.lang.BigDecimal class.

How to get method parameter names?

Here is something I think will work for what you want, using a decorator.

class LogWrappedFunction(object):
    def __init__(self, function):
        self.function = function

    def logAndCall(self, *arguments, **namedArguments):
        print "Calling %s with arguments %s and named arguments %s" %\
                      (self.function.func_name, arguments, namedArguments)
        self.function.__call__(*arguments, **namedArguments)

def logwrap(function):
    return LogWrappedFunction(function).logAndCall

def doSomething(spam, eggs, foo, bar):
    print "Doing something totally awesome with %s and %s." % (spam, eggs)

doSomething("beans","rice", foo="wiggity", bar="wack")

Run it, it will yield the following output:

Calling doSomething with arguments ('beans', 'rice') and named arguments {'foo':
 'wiggity', 'bar': 'wack'}
Doing something totally awesome with beans and rice.

month name to month number and vice versa in python

You can use below as an alternative.

  1. Month to month number:

from time import strptime


  1. Month number to month:

import calendar

calendar.month_abbr[2] or calendar.month[2]

Create a directory if it does not exist and then create the files in that directory as well

Java 8+ version:


The Files.createDirectories() creates a new directory and parent directories that do not exist. This method does not throw an exception if the directory already exists.

Is there a common Java utility to break a list into batches?

Check out Lists.partition(java.util.List, int) from Google Guava:

Returns consecutive sublists of a list, each of the same size (the final list may be smaller). For example, partitioning a list containing [a, b, c, d, e] with a partition size of 3 yields [[a, b, c], [d, e]] -- an outer list containing two inner lists of three and two elements, all in the original order.

Is it possible to create static classes in PHP (like in C#)?

In addition to Greg's answer, I would recommend to set the constructor private so that it is impossible to instantiate the class.

So in my humble opinion this is a more complete example based on Greg's one:


class Hello
     * Construct won't be called inside this class and is uncallable from
     * the outside. This prevents instantiating this class.
     * This is by purpose, because we want a static class.
    private function __construct() {}
    private static $greeting = 'Hello';
    private static $initialized = false;

    private static function initialize()
        if (self::$initialized)

        self::$greeting .= ' There!';
        self::$initialized = true;

    public static function greet()
        echo self::$greeting;

Hello::greet(); // Hello There!


How can I catch an error caused by mail()?

PHPMailer handles errors nicely, also a good script to use for sending mail via SMTP...

if(!$mail->Send()) {
  echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;
} else {
  echo "Message sent!";

Easy way to export multiple data.frame to multiple Excel worksheets

I do this all the time, all I do is

    ExcelFileName = xl.filename,
    AdjWidth = T,
    AutoFilter = T,
    FreezeRow = 1,
    FreezeCol = 2,
    BoldHeaderRow = T,
    verbose = F,
    na = '0'

and all those data frames come from here

all.dataframes <- vector()
for (obj.iter in all.objects) { <- obj.iter
  obj.iter <- get(obj.iter)
  if (class(obj.iter) == 'data.frame') {
      all.dataframes <- c(all.dataframes,

obviously sapply routine would be better here

Change the row color in DataGridView based on the quantity of a cell value

This might be helpful

  1. Use the "RowPostPaint" event
  2. The name of the column is NOT the "Header" of the column. You have to go to the properties for the DataGridView => then select the column => then look for the "Name" property

I converted this from C# ('From:

    Private Sub dgv_EmployeeTraining_RowPostPaint(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRowPostPaintEventArgs) 
    Handles dgv_EmployeeTraining.RowPostPaint

    If e.RowIndex < Me.dgv_EmployeeTraining.RowCount - 1 Then
        Dim dgvRow As DataGridViewRow = Me.dgv_EmployeeTraining.Rows(e.RowIndex)

    '<== This is the header Name
        'If CInt(dgvRow.Cells("EmployeeStatus_Training_e26").Value) <> 2 Then  

    '<== But this is the name assigned to it in the properties of the control
        If CInt(dgvRow.Cells("DataGridViewTextBoxColumn15").Value.ToString) <> 2 Then   

            dgvRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(236, 236, 255)

            dgvRow.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightPink

        End If

    End If

End Sub

iPhone App Icons - Exact Radius?

You don't need to apply corner radius to your app icon, you can just apply square icons. The device is automatically applying corner radius.

How to make Google Fonts work in IE?

After my investigation, I came up to this solution:

//writing the below line into the top of my style.css file
@import url(',300,400,600,700,800&subset=hebrew');

MUST OBSERVE: We must need to write the font-weight correctly of this font. For example: font-weight:900; will not work as we have not included 900 like 200,300,400,600,700,800 into the URL address while importing from Google with the above link. We can add or include 900 to the above URL, but that will work only if the above Google Font has this option while embedding.

Laravel Unknown Column 'updated_at'

In the model, write the below code;

public $timestamps = false;

This would work.

Explanation : By default laravel will expect created_at & updated_at column in your table. By making it to false it will override the default setting.

Removing double quotes from a string in Java

You can just go for String replace method.-

line1 = line1.replace("\"", "");

Hiding a password in a python script (insecure obfuscation only)

If running on Windows, you could consider using win32crypt library. It allows storage and retrieval of protected data (keys, passwords) by the user that is running the script, thus passwords are never stored in clear text or obfuscated format in your code. I am not sure if there is an equivalent implementation for other platforms, so with the strict use of win32crypt your code is not portable.

I believe the module can be obtained here:

How to to send mail using gmail in Laravel?

Using a G Suite account

If you are using a G Suite account, anything you try will fail. At least at the time, this answer is being typed. You must use account, anything else like will not work.

After you use the address. You just need to update .env as most of the people already mentioned.


Don't forget to create an App password, if you don't see the option probably your 2-factor authentication is not enabled. And there is no need to allow less secure apps if you follow this approach.

GitHub relative link in Markdown file

I am not sure if I see this option here. You can just create a /folder in your repository and use it directly:

[a relative link](/folder/

No blob or tree or repository name is needed, and it works like a charm.

MySQL - UPDATE query with LIMIT

UPDATE `smartmeter_usage`.`users_reporting` SET panel_id = 3 LIMIT 1001, 1000

This query is not correct (or at least i don't know a possible way to use limit in UPDATE queries), you should put a where condition on you primary key (this assumes you have an auto_increment column as your primary key, if not provide more details):

UPDATE `smartmeter_usage`.`users_reporting` SET panel_id = 3 WHERE primary_key BETWEEN 1001 AND 2000

For the second query you must use IS

UPDATE `smartmeter_usage`.`users_reporting` SET panel_id = 3 WHERE panel_id is null

EDIT - if your primary_key is a column named MAX+1 you query should be (with backticks as stated correctly in the comment):

UPDATE `smartmeter_usage`.`users_reporting` SET panel_id = 3 WHERE `MAX+1` BETWEEN 1001 AND 2000

To update the rows with MAX+1 from 1001 TO 2000 (including 1001 and 2000)

Can we make unsigned byte in Java

Complete guide for working with unsigned bytes in Java:

Unsigned byte in Java

(Source for this answer.)

The Java Language does not provide anything like the unsigned keyword. A byte according to the language spec represents a value between -128 - 127. For instance, if a byte is cast to an int Java will interpret the first bit as the sign and use sign extension.

That being said, nothing prevents you from viewing a byte simply as 8 bits and interpret those bits as a value between 0 and 255. Just keep in mind that there's nothing you can do to force your interpretation upon someone else's method. If a method accepts a byte, then that method accepts a value between -128 and 127 unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Here are a couple of useful conversions / manipulations for your convenience:

Conversions to / from int

// From int to unsigned byte
int i = 200;                    // some value between 0 and 255
byte b = (byte) i;              // 8 bits representing that value

// From unsigned byte to int
byte b = 123;                   // 8 bits representing a value between 0 and 255
int i = b & 0xFF;               // an int representing the same value

(Or, if you're on Java 8+, use Byte.toUnsignedInt.)

Parsing / formatting

Best way is to use the above conversions:

// Parse an unsigned byte
byte b = (byte) Integer.parseInt("200");

// Print an unsigned byte
System.out.println("Value of my unsigned byte: " + (b & 0xFF));


The 2-complement representation "just works" for addition, subtraction and multiplication:

// two unsigned bytes
byte b1 = (byte) 200;
byte b2 = (byte) 15;

byte sum  = (byte) (b1 + b2);  // 215
byte diff = (byte) (b1 - b2);  // 185
byte prod = (byte) (b2 * b2);  // 225

Division requires manual conversion of operands:

byte ratio = (byte) ((b1 & 0xFF) / (b2 & 0xFF));

jQuery - Increase the value of a counter when a button is clicked

Several of the suggestions above use global variables. This is not a good solution for the problem. The count is specific to one element, and you can use jQuery's data function to bind an item of data to an element:

$('#counter').data('count', 0);
        var $this = $(this),
            count = $'count') + 1;

        $'count', count);
        return count;

Note also that this uses the callback syntax of html to make the code more fluent and fast.

When should we implement Serializable interface?

  1. From What's this "serialization" thing all about?:

    It lets you take an object or group of objects, put them on a disk or send them through a wire or wireless transport mechanism, then later, perhaps on another computer, reverse the process: resurrect the original object(s). The basic mechanisms are to flatten object(s) into a one-dimensional stream of bits, and to turn that stream of bits back into the original object(s).

    Like the Transporter on Star Trek, it's all about taking something complicated and turning it into a flat sequence of 1s and 0s, then taking that sequence of 1s and 0s (possibly at another place, possibly at another time) and reconstructing the original complicated "something."

    So, implement the Serializable interface when you need to store a copy of the object, send them to another process which runs on the same system or over the network.

  2. Because you want to store or send an object.

  3. It makes storing and sending objects easy. It has nothing to do with security.

ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called

Based on previous answers. I resolved my issue by removing global variable at package level to procedure, since there was no impact in my case.

Original script was


V_ERROR_NAME varchar2(200) := '';

     ------ rules for validation... END APP_ERROR_X47_VALIDATION ;

/* Some more code


Rewritten the same without global variable V_ERROR_NAME and moved to procedure under package level as

Modified Code



**V_ERROR_NAME varchar2(200) := '';** 

     ------ rules for validation... END APP_ERROR_X47_VALIDATION ;

/* Some more code


Convert string to a variable name

assign is what you are looking for.

assign("x", 5)

[1] 5

but buyer beware.

See R FAQ 7.21

Best way to do Version Control for MS Excel

I've just setup a spreadsheet that uses Bazaar, with manual checkin/out via TortiseBZR. Given that the topic helped me with the save portion, I wanted to post my solution here.

The solution for me was to create a spreadsheet that exports all modules on save, and removes and re-imports the modules on open. Yes, this could be potentially dangerous for converting existing spreadsheets.

This allows me to edit the macros in the modules via Emacs (yes, emacs) or natively in Excel, and commit my BZR repository after major changes. Because all the modules are text files, the standard diff-style commands in BZR work for my sources except the Excel file itself.

I've setup a directory for my BZR repository, X:\Data\MySheet. In the repo are MySheet.xls and one .vba file for each of my modules (ie: Module1Macros). In my spreadsheet I've added one module that is exempt from the export/import cycle called "VersionControl". Each module to be exported and re-imported must end in "Macros".

Contents of the "VersionControl" module:

Sub SaveCodeModules()

'This code Exports all VBA modules
Dim i%, sName$

With ThisWorkbook.VBProject
    For i% = 1 To .VBComponents.Count
        If .VBComponents(i%).CodeModule.CountOfLines > 0 Then
            sName$ = .VBComponents(i%).CodeModule.Name
            .VBComponents(i%).Export "X:\Tools\MyExcelMacros\" & sName$ & ".vba"
        End If
    Next i
End With

End Sub

Sub ImportCodeModules()

With ThisWorkbook.VBProject
    For i% = 1 To .VBComponents.Count

        ModuleName = .VBComponents(i%).CodeModule.Name

        If ModuleName <> "VersionControl" Then
            If Right(ModuleName, 6) = "Macros" Then
                .VBComponents.Remove .VBComponents(ModuleName)
                .VBComponents.Import "X:\Data\MySheet\" & ModuleName & ".vba"
           End If
        End If
    Next i
End With

End Sub

Next, we have to setup event hooks for open / save to run these macros. In the code viewer, right click on "ThisWorkbook" and select "View Code". You may have to pull down the select box at the top of the code window to change from "(General)" view to "Workbook" view.

Contents of "Workbook" view:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()


End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)


End Sub

I'll be settling into this workflow over the next few weeks, and I'll post if I have any problems.

Thanks for sharing the VBComponent code!

Running powershell script within python script, how to make python print the powershell output while it is running

  1. Make sure you can run powershell scripts (it is disabled by default). Likely you have already done this.

    Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  2. Run this python script on your powershell script

    # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
    import subprocess, sys
    p = subprocess.Popen(["powershell.exe", 

This code is based on python3.4 (or any 3.x series interpreter), though it should work on python2.x series as well.

Hello World

Git Push error: refusing to update checked out branch

I solved this problem by first verifying the that remote did not have anything checked out (it really was not supposed to), and then made it bare with:

$ git config --bool core.bare true

After that git push worked fine.

How do I get a HttpServletRequest in my spring beans?

Better way is to autowire with a constructor:

private final HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest;

public ClassConstructor(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest){
      this.httpServletRequest = httpServletRequest;

The iOS Simulator deployment targets is set to 7.0, but the range of supported deployment target version for this platform is 8.0 to 12.1

I solved this problem, I changed build system to Legacy Build System from New Build System

In Xcode v10+, select File > Project Settings

In previous Xcode, select File > Workspace Settings

enter image description here

Change Build System to Legacy Build System from New Build System --> Click Done.

enter image description here

File loading by getClass().getResource()

The best way to access files from resource folder inside a jar is it to use the InputStream via getResourceAsStream. If you still need a the resource as a file instance you can copy the resource as a stream into a temporary file (the temp file will be deleted when the JVM exits):

public static File getResourceAsFile(String resourcePath) {
    try {
        InputStream in = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resourcePath);
        if (in == null) {
            return null;

        File tempFile = File.createTempFile(String.valueOf(in.hashCode()), ".tmp");

        try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(tempFile)) {
            //copy stream
            byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
            int bytesRead;
            while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
                out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
        return tempFile;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;

phpmyadmin "Not Found" after install on Apache, Ubuntu

You will need to configure your apache2.conf to make phpMyAdmin works.

sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Then add the following line to the end of the file.

Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf

Then restart apache

sudo service apache2 restart

Why doesn't Java allow overriding of static methods?

Here is a simple explanation. A static method is associated with a class while an instance method is associated with a particular object. Overrides allow calling the different implementation of the overridden methods associated with the particular object. So it is counter-intuitive to override static method which is not even associated with objects but the class itself in the first place. So static methods cannot be overridden based on what object is calling it, it will always be associated with the class where it was created.

Why does Firebug say toFixed() is not a function?

In a function, use as

render: function (args) {
    if (args.value != 0)
        return (parseFloat(args.value).toFixed(2));


/lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory

looks to me yum install glibc.i686 should have worked. Unless Peter was not root. He has the 64 bit glib installed, he is installing a 32 bit package that requires the 32 bit glib which is glib.i686 for intel processors.

Trim characters in Java

You could use removeStart and removeEnd from Apache Commons Lang StringUtils

Android Camera : data intent returns null

When we will capture the image from Camera in android then Uri or data.getdata() comes null. we have two solutions to resolve this issue.

  1. We can got the Uri path from the Bitmap Image
  2. We can got the Uri path from cursor.

I will implement all methods here, Please carefully watch and read these:-

First i will tell how to get Uri from Bitmap Image: Complete code is :

First we will capture image through Intent that will same for both methods so this code i will write one time only here :

// Capture Image
captureImg.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
    @Override public void onClick(View view){
        Intent intent=new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);


Now we will Implement OnActivityResult :-(This will be same for both above 2 methods):-

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

    if (requestCode == reqcode && resultCode == RESULT_OK)

        Bitmap photo = (Bitmap) data.getExtras().get("data");

        Uri tempUri = getImageUri(getApplicationContext(), photo);

        //Show Uri path based on Image
        Toast.makeText(LiveImage.this, "Here " + tempUri, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

        //Show Uri path based on Cursor Content Resolver
        Toast.makeText(this, "Real path for URI : " + getRealPathFromURI(tempUri), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        Toast.makeText(this, "Failed To Capture Image", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Now we will create all above method to create Uri from Image and Cursor methods via classes:

Now URI path from Bitmap Image

private Uri getImageUri(Context applicationContext, Bitmap photo)
    ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    photo.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, bytes);
    String path = MediaStore.Images.Media.insertImage(LiveImage.this.getContentResolver(), photo, "Title", null);
    return Uri.parse(path);

\ Uri from Real path of saved image

public String getRealPathFromURI(Uri uri)
    Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(uri, null, null, null, null);
    int idx = cursor.getColumnIndex(MediaStore.Images.ImageColumns.DATA);
    return cursor.getString(idx);

Failed to resolve:

If you already use or any repository. You can add google repository like this:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
        maven { url "" }

Permanently adding a file path to sys.path in Python

This way worked for me:

adding the path that you like:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/you/want/to/add

checking: you can run 'export' cmd and check the output or you can check it using this cmd:

python -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"

Java output formatting for Strings

System.out.println(String.format("%-20s= %s" , "label", "content" ));
  • Where %s is a placeholder for you string.
  • The '-' makes the result left-justified.
  • 20 is the width of the first string

The output looks like this:

label               = content

As a reference I recommend Javadoc on formatter syntax

What is C# analog of C++ std::pair?

On order to get the above to work (I needed a pair as the key of a dictionary). I had to add:

    public override Boolean Equals(Object o)
        Pair<T, U> that = o as Pair<T, U>;
        if (that == null)
            return false;
            return this.First.Equals(that.First) && this.Second.Equals(that.Second);

and once I did that I also added

    public override Int32 GetHashCode()
        return First.GetHashCode() ^ Second.GetHashCode();

to suppress a compiler warning.

The system cannot find the file specified. in Visual Studio

Another take on this that hasn't been mentioned here is that, when in debug, the project may build, but it won't run, giving the error message displayed in the question.

If this is the case, another option to look at is the output file versus the target file. These should match.

A quick way to check the output file is to go to the project's property pages, then go to Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General (In VS 2013 - exact path may vary depending on IDE version).

There is an "Output File" setting. If it is not $(OutDir)$(TargetName)$(TargetExt), then you may run into issues.

This is also discussed in more detail here.

YouTube Autoplay not working

This code allows you to autoplay iframe video

<iframe src=""  width="560" height="315"  frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Here Is working fiddle

Curly braces in string in PHP

This is the complex (curly) syntax for string interpolation. From the manual:

Complex (curly) syntax

This isn't called complex because the syntax is complex, but because it allows for the use of complex expressions.

Any scalar variable, array element or object property with a string representation can be included via this syntax. Simply write the expression the same way as it would appear outside the string, and then wrap it in { and }. Since { can not be escaped, this syntax will only be recognised when the $ immediately follows the {. Use {\$ to get a literal {$. Some examples to make it clear:

// Show all errors

$great = 'fantastic';

// Won't work, outputs: This is { fantastic}
echo "This is { $great}";

// Works, outputs: This is fantastic
echo "This is {$great}";
echo "This is ${great}";

// Works
echo "This square is {$square->width}00 centimeters broad."; 

// Works, quoted keys only work using the curly brace syntax
echo "This works: {$arr['key']}";

// Works
echo "This works: {$arr[4][3]}";

// This is wrong for the same reason as $foo[bar] is wrong  outside a string.
// In other words, it will still work, but only because PHP first looks for a
// constant named foo; an error of level E_NOTICE (undefined constant) will be
// thrown.
echo "This is wrong: {$arr[foo][3]}"; 

// Works. When using multi-dimensional arrays, always use braces around arrays
// when inside of strings
echo "This works: {$arr['foo'][3]}";

// Works.
echo "This works: " . $arr['foo'][3];

echo "This works too: {$obj->values[3]->name}";

echo "This is the value of the var named $name: {${$name}}";

echo "This is the value of the var named by the return value of getName(): {${getName()}}";

echo "This is the value of the var named by the return value of \$object->getName(): {${$object->getName()}}";

// Won't work, outputs: This is the return value of getName(): {getName()}
echo "This is the return value of getName(): {getName()}";

Often, this syntax is unnecessary. For example, this:

$a = 'abcd';
$out = "$a $a"; // "abcd abcd";

behaves exactly the same as this:

$out = "{$a} {$a}"; // same

So the curly braces are unnecessary. But this:

$out = "$aefgh";

will, depending on your error level, either not work or produce an error because there's no variable named $aefgh, so you need to do:

$out = "${a}efgh"; // or
$out = "{$a}efgh";

jQuery get the location of an element relative to window

This sounds more like you want a tooltip for the link selected. There are many jQuery tooltips, try out jQuery qTip. It has a lot of options and is easy to change the styles.

Otherwise if you want to do this yourself you can use the jQuery .position(). More info about .position() is on

$("#element").position(); will return the current position of an element relative to the offset parent.

There is also the jQuery .offset(); which will return the position relative to the document.

How to use Select2 with JSON via Ajax request?

for select2 v4.0.0 slightly different

    tags: true,
    multiple: true,
    tokenSeparators: [',', ' '],
    minimumInputLength: 2,
    minimumResultsForSearch: 10,
    ajax: {
        url: URL,
        dataType: "json",
        type: "GET",
        data: function (params) {

            var queryParameters = {
                term: params.term
            return queryParameters;
        processResults: function (data) {
            return {
                results: $.map(data, function (item) {
                    return {
                        text: item.tag_value,
                        id: item.tag_id

Do you know the Maven profile for

You can put this configuration in your settings.xml file:


How to set editable true/false EditText in Android programmatically?


What's the difference between SoftReference and WeakReference in Java?

To give an in-action memory usage aspect, I did an experiment with Strong, Soft, Weak & Phantom references under heavy load with heavy objects by retaining them till end of program. Then monitored heap usage & GC behavior. These metrics may vary case by case basis but surely gives high level understanding. Below are findings.

Heap & GC Behavior under heavy load

  • Strong/Hard Reference - As program continued, JVM couldn't collect retained strong referenced object. Eventually ended up in "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"
  • Soft Reference - As program continued, heap usage kept growing, but OLD gen GC happened hen it was nearing max heap. GC started bit later in time after starting program.
  • Weak Reference - As program started, objects started finalizing & getting collected almost immediately. Mostly objects got collected in young generation garbage collection.
  • Phantom Reference - Similar to weak reference, phantom referenced objects also started getting finalized & garbage collected immediately. There were no old generation GC & all objects were getting collected in young generation garbage collection itself.

You can get more in depth graphs, stats, observations for this experiment here.

Detecting which UIButton was pressed in a UITableView

func buttonAction(sender:UIButton!)
        var position: CGPoint = sender.convertPoint(CGPointZero, toView: self.tablevw)
        let indexPath = self.tablevw.indexPathForRowAtPoint(position)
        let cell: TableViewCell = tablevw.cellForRowAtIndexPath(indexPath!) as TableViewCell
        println("Button tapped")

Remove the legend on a matplotlib figure

If you are not using fig and ax plot objects you can do it like so:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# do plot specifics

How to upload and parse a CSV file in php

Hi I feel str_getcsv — Parse a CSV string into an array is the best option for you.

  1. You need to upload the file to sever

  2. parse the file using str_getcsv.

  3. run through the array and align as per u need in your website.

How can I execute PHP code from the command line?

Using PHP from the command line

Use " instead of ' on Windows when using the CLI version with -r:

php -r "echo 1;"

-- correct

php -r 'echo 1;'

-- incorrect

  PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected ''echo' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE), expecting end of file in Command line code on line 1

Don't forget the semicolon to close the line.

How do I get the SelectedItem or SelectedIndex of ListView in

Here's the answer that I found for my question:


And I am getting selected item value by:


Access localhost from the internet

You are accesing localhost, meaning you have a web server running on your machine. To access it from Internet, you need to assign a public IP address to your machine. Then you can access http://<public_ip>:<port>/. Port number is normally 80.

Pure JavaScript equivalent of jQuery's $.ready() - how to call a function when the page/DOM is ready for it


function ready(fn){var d=document;(d.readyState=='loading')?d.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',fn):fn();}

Use like

    //some code

For self invoking code

(function(fn){var d=document;(d.readyState=='loading')?d.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',fn):fn();})(function(){

    //Some Code here
    //DOM is avaliable
    //var h1s = document.querySelector("h1");


Support: IE9+

Calculating Waiting Time and Turnaround Time in (non-preemptive) FCFS queue

wt = tt - cpu tm.
Tt = cpu tm + wt.

Where wt is a waiting time and tt is turnaround time. Cpu time is also called burst time.

How do I enable TODO/FIXME/XXX task tags in Eclipse?

For me, such tags are enabled by default. You can configure which task tags should be used in the workspace options: Java > Compiler > Task tags

alt text

Check if they are enabled in this location, and that should be enough to have them appear in the Task list (or the Markers view).

Extra note: reinstalling Eclipse won't change anything most of the time if you work on the same workspace. Most settings used by Eclipse are stored in the .metadata folder, in your workspace folder.

jQuery change event on dropdown

Or you can use this javascript

$(function () {
    $("#projectKey").change(function () {
        alert($('#projectKey option:selected').text());

Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address


April 9, 2019

Webhooks IP changes

The IP addresses we use to send webhooks from are broadening to encompass a larger range.

We are adding IP’s within to the current pool from

Learn more about GitHub’s IP addresses

Is there a way to create xxhdpi, xhdpi, hdpi, mdpi and ldpi drawables from a large scale image?

The easiest way is to use Resource Manager

enter image description here

Then you can select each density

enter image description here

And after importing you can see the 6 different versions of this image

enter image description here

How to open my files in data_folder with pandas using relative path?

Pandas will start looking from where your current python file is located. Therefore you can move from your current directory to where your data is located with '..' For example:


Will go 3 levels up and then into a data_folder (assuming it's there) Or


assuming your data_folder is in the same directory as your .py file.

placeholder for select tag

Try this


<select class="form-control"name="country">
<option class="servce_pro_disabled">Select Country</option>
<option class="servce_pro_disabled" value="Aruba" id="cl_country_option">Aruba</option>


.form-control option:first-child {
    display: none;

How to get the previous URL in JavaScript?


in many cases will get you the URL of the last page the user visited, if they got to the current page by clicking a link (versus typing directly into the address bar, or I believe in some cases, by submitting a form?). Specified by DOM Level 2. More here.

window.history allows navigation, but not access to URLs in the session for security and privacy reasons. If more detailed URL history was available, then every site you visit could see all the other sites you'd been to.

If you're dealing with state moving around your own site, then it's possibly less fragile and certainly more useful to use one of the normal session management techniques: cookie data, URL params, or server side session info.

Convert 24 Hour time to 12 Hour plus AM/PM indication Oracle SQL

For the 24-hour time, you need to use HH24 instead of HH.

For the 12-hour time, the AM/PM indicator is written as A.M. (if you want periods in the result) or AM (if you don't). For example:

SELECT invoice_date,
       TO_CHAR(invoice_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') "Date 24Hr",
       TO_CHAR(invoice_date, 'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') "Date 12Hr"
  FROM invoices

For more information on the format models you can use with TO_CHAR on a date, see

How to check if matching text is found in a string in Lua?

There are 2 options to find matching text; string.match or string.find.

Both of these perform a regex search on the string to find matches.


string.find(subject string, pattern string, optional start position, optional plain flag)

Returns the startIndex & endIndex of the substring found.

The plain flag allows for the pattern to be ignored and intead be interpreted as a literal. Rather than (tiger) being interpreted as a regex capture group matching for tiger, it instead looks for (tiger) within a string.

Going the other way, if you want to regex match but still want literal special characters (such as .()[]+- etc.), you can escape them with a percentage; %(tiger%).

You will likely use this in combination with string.sub


str = "This is some text containing the word tiger."
if string.find(str, "tiger") then
  print ("The word tiger was found.")
  print ("The word tiger was not found.")


string.match(s, pattern, optional index)

Returns the capture groups found.


str = "This is some text containing the word tiger."
if string.match(str, "tiger") then
  print ("The word tiger was found.")
  print ("The word tiger was not found.")

HTML code for an apostrophe

Firstly, it would appear that &apos; should be avoided - The curse of &apos;

Secondly, if there is ever any chance that you're going to generate markup to be returned via AJAX calls, you should avoid the entity names (As not all of the HTML entities are valid in XML) and use the &#XXXX; syntax instead.

Failure to do so may result in the markup being considered as invalid XML.

The entity that is most likely to be affected by this is &nbsp;, which should be replaced by &#160;

MySQL ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'bill'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

On Windows, here's how to resolve:

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

  1. Uninstall mysql from the control panel
  2. Delete the MySql folder from C:\Program Files,C:\Program Files (x86) and C:\ProgramData
  3. Install mysql

How to access the correct `this` inside a callback?

Another approach, which is the standard way since DOM2 to bind this within the event listener, that let you always remove the listener (among other benefits), is the handleEvent(evt)method from the EventListener interface:

var obj = {
  handleEvent(e) {
    // always true
    console.log(this === obj);

document.body.addEventListener('click', obj);

Detailed information about using handleEvent can be found here:

Size of Matrix OpenCV

If you are using the Python wrappers, then (assuming your matrix name is mat):

  • mat.shape gives you an array of the type- [height, width, channels]

  • mat.size gives you the size of the array

Sample Code:

import cv2
mat = cv2.imread('sample.png')
height, width, channel = mat.shape[:3]
size = mat.size

ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for 'root' With All Privileges

The reason i could not delete some of the users via 'drop' statement was that there is a bug in Mysql with hostname containing upper case letters. The solution was running following query:

DELETE FROM mysql.user where host='Some_Host_With_UpperCase_Letters';

I am still trying to figure the other issue where the root user with all permissions are unable to grant privileges to new user for particular database

How to set image width to be 100% and height to be auto in react native?

Solution April 2020:

So the above answers are cute but they all have (imo) a big flaw: they are calculating the height of the image, based on the width of the user's device.

To have a truly responsive (i.e. width: 100%, height: auto) implementation, what you really want to be doing, is calculating the height of the image, based on the width of the parent container.

Luckily for us, React Native provides us with a way to get the parent container width, thanks to the onLayout View method.

So all we need to do is create a View with width: "100%", then use onLayout to get the width of that view (i.e. the container width), then use that container width to calculate the height of our image appropriately.


Just show me the code...

The below solution could be improved upon further, by using RN's Image.getSize, to grab the image dimensions within the ResponsiveImage component itself.


// ResponsiveImage.ts

import React, { useMemo, useState } from "react";
import { Image, StyleSheet, View } from "react-native";

const ResponsiveImage = props => {
  const [containerWidth, setContainerWidth] = useState(0);
  const _onViewLayoutChange = event => {
    const { width } = event.nativeEvent.layout;

  const imageStyles = useMemo(() => {
    const ratio = containerWidth / props.srcWidth;
    return {
      width: containerWidth,
      height: props.srcHeight * ratio
  }, [containerWidth]);

  return (
    <View style={styles.container} onLayout={_onViewLayoutChange}>
      <Image source={props.src} style={imageStyles} />

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: { width: "100%" }

export default ResponsiveImage;

// Example usage...

import ResponsiveImage from "../components/ResponsiveImage";


  srcWidth={910} // replace with your image width
  srcHeight={628} // replace with your image height



// ResponsiveImage.ts

import React, { useMemo, useState } from "react";
import {
} from "react-native";

interface ResponsiveImageProps {
  src: ImageSourcePropType;
  srcWidth: number;
  srcHeight: number;

const ResponsiveImage: React.FC<ResponsiveImageProps> = props => {
  const [containerWidth, setContainerWidth] = useState<number>(0);
  const _onViewLayoutChange = (event: LayoutChangeEvent) => {
    const { width } = event.nativeEvent.layout;

  const imageStyles = useMemo(() => {
    const ratio = containerWidth / props.srcWidth;
    return {
      width: containerWidth,
      height: props.srcHeight * ratio
  }, [containerWidth]);

  return (
    <View style={styles.container} onLayout={_onViewLayoutChange}>
      <Image source={props.src} style={imageStyles} />

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: { width: "100%" }

export default ResponsiveImage;

// Example usage...

import ResponsiveImage from "../components/ResponsiveImage";


  srcWidth={910} // replace with your image width
  srcHeight={628} // replace with your image height

How to POST JSON request using Apache HttpClient?

Apache HttpClient doesn't know anything about JSON, so you'll need to construct your JSON separately. To do so, I recommend checking out the simple JSON-java library from (If "JSON-java" doesn't suit you, has a big list of libraries available in different languages.)

Once you've generated your JSON, you can use something like the code below to POST it

StringRequestEntity requestEntity = new StringRequestEntity(

PostMethod postMethod = new PostMethod("");

int statusCode = httpClient.executeMethod(postMethod);


Note - The above answer, as asked for in the question, applies to Apache HttpClient 3.1. However, to help anyone looking for an implementation against the latest Apache client:

StringEntity requestEntity = new StringEntity(

HttpPost postMethod = new HttpPost("");

HttpResponse rawResponse = httpclient.execute(postMethod);

PHP: how can I get file creation date?

I know this topic is super old, but, in case if someone's looking for an answer, as me, I'm posting my solution.

This solution works IF you don't mind having some extra data at the beginning of your file.

Basically, the idea is to, if file is not existing, to create it and append current date at the first line. Next, you can read the first line with fgets(fopen($file, 'r')), turn it into a DateTime object or anything (you can obviously use it raw, unless you saved it in a weird format) and voila - you have your creation date! For example my script to refresh my log file every 30 days looks like this:

if (file_exists($logfile)) {
            $now = new DateTime();
            $date_created = fgets(fopen($logfile, 'r'));
            if ($date_created == '') {
                file_put_contents($logfile, date('Y-m-d H:i:s').PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
            $date_created = new DateTime($date_created);
            $expiry = $date_created->modify('+ 30 days');
            if ($now >= $expiry) {

MySQL Select Multiple VALUES

Try or:

WHERE id = 3 or id = 4

Or the equivalent in:

WHERE id in (3,4)

Select2 open dropdown on focus

Somehow select2Focus didn't work here with empty selection, couldn't figured out the issue, therefore I added manual control when after focus event auto open get's triggered.

Here is coffeescript:

  .on 'select2-blur', ->
    $(this).data('select2-auto-open', 'true')
  .on 'select2-focus', ->
    $(this).data('select2').open() if $(this).data('select2-auto-open') != 'false'
  .on 'select2-selecting', ->
    $(this).data('select2-auto-open', 'false')