[python] How to detect if numpy is installed

I'm writing Python code. I want to check if numpy and wxpython are installed on machine. How to do that??

This question is related to python numpy

The answer is

The traditional method for checking for packages in Python is "it's better to beg forgiveness than ask permission", or rather, "it's better to catch an exception than test a condition."

    import numpy
    HAS_NUMPY = True
except ImportError:
    HAS_NUMPY = False

If you use eclipse, you simply type "import numpy" and eclipse will "complain" if doesn't find.

I think you also may use this

>> import numpy
>> print numpy.__version__

Update: for python3 use print(numpy.__version__)

In the numpy README.txt file, it says

After installation, tests can be run with:

python -c 'import numpy; numpy.test()'

This should be a sufficient test for proper installation.

Option 1:

Use following command in python ide.:

import numpy

Option 2:

Go to Python -> site-packages folder. There you should be able to find numpy and the numpy distribution info folder.

If any of the above is true then you installed numpy successfully.