I was looking into this issue a bit for my own purposes; I had a slice of structs (including some pointers) and I wanted to make sure I got it right; ended up on this thread, and wanted to share my results.
To practice, I did a little go playground: https://play.golang.org/p/9i4gPx3lnY
which evals to this:
package main
import "fmt"
type Blah struct {
babyKitten int
kittenSays *string
func main() {
meow := "meow"
Blahs := []Blah{}
fmt.Printf("Blahs: %v\n", Blahs)
Blahs = append(Blahs, Blah{1, &meow})
fmt.Printf("Blahs: %v\n", Blahs)
Blahs = append(Blahs, Blah{2, &meow})
fmt.Printf("Blahs: %v\n", Blahs)
//fmt.Printf("kittenSays: %v\n", *Blahs[0].kittenSays)
Blahs = nil
meow2 := "nyan"
fmt.Printf("Blahs: %v\n", Blahs)
Blahs = append(Blahs, Blah{1, &meow2})
fmt.Printf("Blahs: %v\n", Blahs)
fmt.Printf("kittenSays: %v\n", *Blahs[0].kittenSays)
Running that code as-is will show the same memory address for both "meow" and "meow2" variables as being the same:
Blahs: []
Blahs: [{1 0x1030e0c0}]
Blahs: [{1 0x1030e0c0} {2 0x1030e0c0}]
Blahs: []
Blahs: [{1 0x1030e0f0}]
kittenSays: nyan
which I think confirms that the struct is garbage collected. Oddly enough, uncommenting the commented print line, will yield different memory addresses for the meows:
Blahs: []
Blahs: [{1 0x1030e0c0}]
Blahs: [{1 0x1030e0c0} {2 0x1030e0c0}]
kittenSays: meow
Blahs: []
Blahs: [{1 0x1030e0f8}]
kittenSays: nyan
I think this may be due to the print being deferred in some way (?), but interesting illustration of some memory mgmt behavior, and one more vote for:
[]MyStruct = nil