Programs & Examples On #Cluster computing

A computer cluster is a set of connected systems that work together so that in many respects they can be viewed as a single system.

What is the difference between Cloud, Grid and Cluster?

Cloud is a marketing term, with the bare minimum feature relating to fast automated provisioning of new servers. HA, utility billing, etc are all features people can lump on top to define it to their own liking.

Grid [Computing] is an extension of clusters where multiple loosely coupled systems are used to solve a single problem. They tend to be multi-tenant, sharing some likeness to Clouds, but tend to rely heavily upon custom frameworks that manage the interop between grid nodes.

Cluster hosting is a specialization of clusters where a load balancer is used to direct incoming traffic to one of many worker nodes. It predates grid computing and doesn't rely on a homogenous abstraction of the underlying nodes as much as Grid computing. A web farm tends to have very specialized machines dedicated to each component type and is far more optimized for that specific task.

For pure hosting, Grid computing is the wrong tool. If you have no idea what your traffic shape is, then a Cloud would be useful. For predictable usage that changes at a reasonable pace, then a traditional cluster is fine and the most efficient.

How to fix symbol lookup error: undefined symbol errors in a cluster environment

After two dozens of comments to understand the situation, it was found that the was actually a symlink (with several levels of indirection) to a file that was not shared between the queued processes and the interactive processes. This means even though the symlink itself lies on a shared filesystem, the contents of the file do not and as a result the process was seeing different versions of the library.

For future reference: other than checking LD_LIBRARY_PATH, it's always a good idea to check a library with nm -D to see if the symbols actually exist. In this case it was found that they do exist in interactive mode but not when run in the queue. A quick md5sum revealed that the files were actually different.

Database cluster and load balancing

Database Clustering is actually a mode of synchronous replication between two or possibly more nodes with an added functionality of fault tolerance added to your system, and that too in a shared nothing architecture. By shared nothing it means that the individual nodes actually don't share any physical resources like disk or memory.

As far as keeping the data synchronized is concerned, there is a management server to which all the data nodes are connected along with the SQL node to achieve this(talking specifically about MySQL).

Now about the differences: load balancing is just one result that could be achieved through clustering, the others include high availability, scalability and fault tolerance.

Missing MVC template in Visual Studio 2015

For me, I saw none of the MVC templates (except the bottom two), after installing Update 3 which installed all the Core stuff.

missing mvc


I downloaded most recent core preview...


It prompted me for "repair" and after it was done, bringing up VS indicated it was "Installing Templates" and they appeared!


Update 3 is a game changer in that the "preferred" way of doing things is to use dotnetcore. For example a console application now uses the new file stucture, other projects such as a Test Project still use the same folder structure as before. But MVC has changed. I'm not even sure what other "Web Developer Tools" work with dotnetcore right now.

How to do one-liner if else statement?

I often use the following:

c := b
if a > b {
    c = a

basically the same as @Not_a_Golfer's but using type inference.

In-memory size of a Python structure

These answers all collect shallow size information. I suspect that visitors to this question will end up here looking to answer the question, "How big is this complex object in memory?"

There's a great answer here:

The punchline:

import sys

def get_size(obj, seen=None):
    """Recursively finds size of objects"""
    size = sys.getsizeof(obj)
    if seen is None:
        seen = set()
    obj_id = id(obj)
    if obj_id in seen:
        return 0
    # Important mark as seen *before* entering recursion to gracefully handle
    # self-referential objects
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        size += sum([get_size(v, seen) for v in obj.values()])
        size += sum([get_size(k, seen) for k in obj.keys()])
    elif hasattr(obj, '__dict__'):
        size += get_size(obj.__dict__, seen)
    elif hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and not isinstance(obj, (str, bytes, bytearray)):
        size += sum([get_size(i, seen) for i in obj])
    return size

Used like so:

In [1]: get_size(1)
Out[1]: 24

In [2]: get_size([1])
Out[2]: 104

In [3]: get_size([[1]])
Out[3]: 184

If you want to know Python's memory model more deeply, there's a great article here that has a similar "total size" snippet of code as part of a longer explanation:

How can I explicitly free memory in Python?

If you don't care about vertex reuse, you could have two output files--one for vertices and one for triangles. Then append the triangle file to the vertex file when you are done.

iOS Simulator to test website on Mac

If you are on Mac OS X just use Simulator. I don't know if it is available by default but it looks like it is a part of the Xcode suite.

Anyway it is free and really useful, it allows you to simulate many popular Apple devices:

enter image description here

How do I pass data between Activities in Android application?

I recently released Vapor API, a jQuery flavored Android framework that makes all sorts of tasks like this simpler. As mentioned, SharedPreferences is one way you could do this.

VaporSharedPreferences is implemented as Singleton so that is one option, and in Vapor API it has a heavily overloaded .put(...) method so you don't have to explicitly worry about the datatype you are committing - providing it is supported. It is also fluent, so you can chain calls:

$.prefs(...).put("val1", 123).put("val2", "Hello World!").put("something", 3.34);

It also optionally autosaves changes, and unifies the reading and writing process under-the-hood so you don't need to explicitly retrieve an Editor like you do in standard Android.

Alternatively you could use an Intent. In Vapor API you can also use the chainable overloaded .put(...) method on a VaporIntent:

$.Intent().put("data", "myData").put("more", 568)...

And pass it as an extra, as mentioned in the other answers. You can retrieve extras from your Activity, and furthermore if you are using VaporActivity this is done for you automatically so you can use:


To retrieve them at the other end in the Activity you switch to.

Hope that is of interest to some :)

Editing specific line in text file in Python

Suppose I have a file named file_name as following:

this is python
it is file handling
this is editing of line

We have to replace line 2 with "modification is done":

for line in f:
   if line.startswith("rai"):
#so now we have the position of the line which to be modified
a[p]="modification is done"
f.truncate() #ersing all data from the file
#so now we have an empty file and we will write the modified content now in the file
for i in a:
#now the modification is done in the file

Cast received object to a List<object> or IEnumerable<object>

This Code worked for me

List<Object> collection = new List<Object>((IEnumerable<Object>)myObject);

Is there a developers api for

Good news everybody! Craigslist has actually released a bulk posting api now!


How do you join on the same table, twice, in mysql?

Given the following tables..

Domain Table
dom_id | dom_url

Review Table
rev_id | rev_dom_from | rev_dom_for

Try this sql... (It's pretty much the same thing that Stephen Wrighton wrote above) The trick is that you are basically selecting from the domain table twice in the same query and joining the results.

Select d1.dom_url, d2.dom_id from
review r, domain d1, domain d2
where d1.dom_id = r.rev_dom_from
and d2.dom_id = r.rev_dom_for

If you are still stuck, please be more specific with exactly it is that you don't understand.

How to get all properties values of a JavaScript Object (without knowing the keys)?

Here's a reusable function for getting the values into an array. It takes prototypes into account too.

Object.values = function (obj) {
    var vals = [];
    for( var key in obj ) {
        if ( obj.hasOwnProperty(key) ) {
    return vals;

Android runOnUiThread explanation

This should work for you

 public class MyActivity extends Activity {

    protected ProgressDialog mProgressDialog;
    /** Called when the activity is first created. */
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    private void populateTable() {
        mProgressDialog =, "Please wait","Long operation starts...", true);
        new Thread() {
            public void run() {

                try {

                    // code runs in a thread
                    runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                } catch (final Exception ex) {
                    Log.i("---","Exception in thread");


    /** fake operation for testing purpose */
    protected void doLongOperation() {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {



You could do this using an IF statement:

    (   SELECT  1
        FROM    tblSoftwareTitles 
        WHERE   Softwarename = @SoftwareName 
        AND     SoftwareSystemType = @Softwaretype
        INSERT tblSoftwareTitles (SoftwareName, SoftwareSystemType) 
        VALUES (@SoftwareName, @SoftwareType) 

You could do it without IF using SELECT

INSERT  tblSoftwareTitles (SoftwareName, SoftwareSystemType) 
SELECT  @SoftwareName,@SoftwareType
        (   SELECT  1
            FROM    tblSoftwareTitles 
            WHERE   Softwarename = @SoftwareName 
            AND     SoftwareSystemType = @Softwaretype

Both methods are susceptible to a race condition, so while I would still use one of the above to insert, but you can safeguard duplicate inserts with a unique constraint:

CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX UQ_tblSoftwareTitles_Softwarename_SoftwareSystemType
    ON tblSoftwareTitles (SoftwareName, SoftwareSystemType);

Example on SQL-Fiddle


In SQL Server 2008 or later you can use MERGE with HOLDLOCK to remove the chance of a race condition (which is still not a substitute for a unique constraint).

MERGE tblSoftwareTitles WITH (HOLDLOCK) AS t
USING (VALUES (@SoftwareName, @SoftwareType)) AS s (SoftwareName, SoftwareSystemType) 
    ON s.Softwarename = t.SoftwareName 
    AND s.SoftwareSystemType = t.SoftwareSystemType
    INSERT (SoftwareName, SoftwareSystemType) 
    VALUES (s.SoftwareName, s.SoftwareSystemType);

Example of Merge on SQL Fiddle

How to hide UINavigationBar 1px bottom line

-(void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
    [super viewWillAppear:animated];

    UIImage *emptyImage = [UIImage new];
    self.navigationController.navigationBar.shadowImage = emptyImage;
    [self.navigationController.navigationBar setBackgroundImage:emptyImage forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];

Detecting the character encoding of an HTTP POST request

Try setting the charset on your Content-Type:

httpCon.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; charset=UTF-8; boundary=" + boundary );

Format Instant to String

Or if you still want to use formatter created from pattern you can just use LocalDateTime instead of Instant:

LocalDateTime datetime =;
DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(datetime)

Git: Recover deleted (remote) branch

  1. find out commit id

    git reflog

  2. recover local branch you deleted by mistake

    git branch need-recover-branch-name commitId

  3. push need-recover-branch-name again if you deleted remote branch too before

    git push origin need-recover-branch-name

Date to milliseconds and back to date in Swift

@Travis solution is right, but it loses milliseconds when a Date is generated. I have added a line to include the milliseconds into the date:

If you don't need this precision, use the Travis solution because it will be faster.

extension Date {

    func toMillis() -> Int64! {
        return Int64(self.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)

    init(millis: Int64) {
        self = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: TimeInterval(millis / 1000))
        self.addTimeInterval(TimeInterval(Double(millis % 1000) / 1000 ))


How to access single elements in a table in R

Maybe not so perfect as above ones, but I guess this is what you were looking for.

data[1:1,3:3]    #works with positive integers
data[1:1, -3:-3] #does not work, gives the entire 1st row without the 3rd element
data[i:i,j:j]    #given that i and j are positive integers

Here indexing will work from 1, i.e,

data[1:1,1:1]    #means the top-leftmost element

Marker in leaflet, click event

The accepted answer is correct. However, I needed a little bit more clarity, so in case someone else does too:

Leaflet allows events to fire on virtually anything you do on its map, in this case a marker.

So you could create a marker as suggested by the question above:

L.marker([10.496093,-66.881935]).addTo(map).on('mouseover', onClick);

Then create the onClick function:

function onClick(e) {

Now anytime you mouseover that marker it will fire an alert of the current lat/long.

However, you could use 'click', 'dblclick', etc. instead of 'mouseover' and instead of alerting lat/long you can use the body of onClick to do anything else you want:

L.marker([10.496093,-66.881935]).addTo(map).on('click', function(e) {

Here is the documentation:

How do I change selected value of select2 dropdown with JqGrid?

For V4 Select2 if you want to change both the value of the select2 and the text representation of the drop down.

var intValueOfFruit = 1;
var selectOption = new Option("Fruit", intValueOfFruit, true, true);

This will set not only the value behind the scenes but also the text display for the select2.

Pulled from

Setting values on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

This warning comes because your dataframe x is a copy of a slice. This is not easy to know why, but it has something to do with how you have come to the current state of it.

You can either create a proper dataframe out of x by doing

x = x.copy()

This will remove the warning, but it is not the proper way

You should be using the DataFrame.loc method, as the warning suggests, like this:

x.loc[:,'Mass32s'] = pandas.rolling_mean(x.Mass32, 5).shift(-2)

split string only on first instance - java

Yes you can, just pass the integer param to the split method

String stSplit = "apple=fruit table price=5"

stSplit.split("=", 2);

Here is a java doc reference : String#split(java.lang.String, int)

How do I localize the jQuery UI Datepicker?

    closeText: "??",
    prevText: "&#x3C;??",
    nextText: "??&#x3E;",
    currentText: "??",
    monthNames: [ "??","??","??","??","??","??",
    "??","??","??","??","???","???" ],
    monthNamesShort: [ "??","??","??","??","??","??",
    "??","??","??","??","???","???" ],
    dayNames: [ "???","???","???","???","???","???","???" ],
    dayNamesShort: [ "??","??","??","??","??","??","??" ],
    dayNamesMin: [ "?","?","?","?","?","?","?" ],
    weekHeader: "?",
    dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd",
    firstDay: 1,
    isRTL: false,
    showMonthAfterYear: true,
    yearSuffix: "?"

the i18n code could be copied from

Using LIKE operator with stored procedure parameters


village_name LIKE + @VILLAGE_NAME + '%';

Replace missing values with column mean

lapply can be used instead of a for loop.

d1[] <- lapply(d1, function(x) ifelse(, mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), x))

This doesn't really have any advantages over the for loop, though maybe it's easier if you have non-numeric columns as well, in which case

d1[sapply(d1, is.numeric)] <- lapply(d1[sapply(d1, is.numeric)], function(x) ifelse(, mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), x))

is almost as easy.

How to diff a commit with its parent?

If you know how far back, you can try something like:

# Current branch vs. parent
git diff HEAD^ HEAD

# Current branch, diff between commits 2 and 3 times back
git diff HEAD~3 HEAD~2

Prior commits work something like this:

# Parent of HEAD
git show HEAD^1

# Grandparent
git show HEAD^2

There are a lot of ways you can specify commits:

# Great grandparent
git show HEAD~3

See this page for details.

Why is document.write considered a "bad practice"?

I think the biggest problem is that any elements written via document.write are added to the end of the page's elements. That's rarely the desired effect with modern page layouts and AJAX. (you have to keep in mind that the elements in the DOM are temporal, and when the script runs may affect its behavior).

It's much better to set a placeholder element on the page, and then manipulate it's innerHTML.

Get the _id of inserted document in Mongo database in NodeJS

A shorter way than using second parameter for the callback of collection.insert would be using objectToInsert._id that returns the _id (inside of the callback function, supposing it was a successful operation).

The Mongo driver for NodeJS appends the _id field to the original object reference, so it's easy to get the inserted id using the original object:

collection.insert(objectToInsert, function(err){
   if (err) return;
   // Object inserted successfully.
   var objectId = objectToInsert._id; // this will return the id of object inserted

How to reduce the space between <p> tags?

Reduce space between paragraphs. If you are using blogger, you'd go to template, 'customize' then find 'add css' and paste this: p {margin:.7em 0 .7em 0} /*Reduces space between

from full line to approx. 1/2 line */ If you are just tagging your webpage, that's still what you would use, just put it into your css file(s).

I was an sgml template designer in the late 70s/early 80s and all this tagging is just a dtd within sgml (even if they are now trying to say that html5/css3 is 'not', YES IT STILL IS.) :)

You can find all this basic info at w3schools too you know. Really if you are learning how to do layout using tagging or even javascript, etc. you should start with w3schools. Some people say it is 'not always' right, but folks, I've been in IT since 1960 (age 12) and w3schools is best for beginners. Are some things wrong there? Ah, I dunno, I haven't found any mistake, although sometimes if you are a beginner you might need to read two viewpoints to truly grasp the sense of something. But do remember that you are NOT programming when you code a webpage, you are simply doing layout work. (Yell all you want folks, that's the truth of it.)

Error: Cannot find module 'gulp-sass'

I had same error on Ubuntu 18.04

Delete your node_modules folder and run

sudo npm install --unsafe-perm=true

Can I set subject/content of email using mailto:?

here is the trick

<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Your+tip+on+mailto+links&body=Thanks+for+this+tip">tell a friend</a>

Django Admin - change header 'Django administration' text

Update: If you are using Django 1.7+, see the answer below.

Original answer from 2011: You need to create your own admin base_site.html template to do this. The easiest way is to create the file:


This should be a copy of the original base_site.html, except putting in your custom title:

{% block branding %}
<h1 id="site-name">{% trans 'my cool admin console' %}</h1>
{% endblock %}

For this to work, you need to have the correct settings for your project, namely in

  • Make sure /projectdir/templates/ is added into TEMPLATE_DIRS.
  • Make sure django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader is added into TEMPLATE_LOADERS.

See docs for more information on

Disable F5 and browser refresh using JavaScript

$(window).bind('beforeunload', function(e) { 
    return "Unloading this page may lose data. What do you want to do..."

How to create a Date in SQL Server given the Day, Month and Year as Integers

In SQL Server 2012+, you can use datefromparts():

select datefromparts(@year, @month, @day)

In earlier versions, you can cast a string. Here is one method:

select cast(cast(@year*10000 + @month*100 + @day as varchar(255)) as date)

Display Image On Text Link Hover CSS Only

It is not possible to do this with just CSS alone, you will need to use Javascript.

<img src="default_image.jpg" id="image" width="100" height="100" alt="" />

<a href="page.html" onmouseover="document.images['image'].src='mouseover.jpg';" onmouseout="document.images['image'].src='default_image.jpg';"/>Text</a>

How to install OpenSSL for Python

SSL development libraries have to be installed


$ yum install openssl-devel libffi-devel


$ apt-get install libssl-dev libffi-dev

OS X (with Homebrew installed):

$ brew install openssl

Git pull after forced update

To receive the new commits

git fetch


You can reset the commit for a local branch using git reset.

To change the commit of a local branch:

git reset origin/master --hard

Be careful though, as the documentation puts it:

Resets the index and working tree. Any changes to tracked files in the working tree since <commit> are discarded.

If you want to actually keep whatever changes you've got locally - do a --soft reset instead. Which will update the commit history for the branch, but not change any files in the working directory (and you can then commit them).


You can replay your local commits on top of any other commit/branch using git rebase:

git rebase -i origin/master

This will invoke rebase in interactive mode where you can choose how to apply each individual commit that isn't in the history you are rebasing on top of.

If the commits you removed (with git push -f) have already been pulled into the local history, they will be listed as commits that will be reapplied - they would need to be deleted as part of the rebase or they will simply be re-included into the history for the branch - and reappear in the remote history on the next push.

Use the help git command --help for more details and examples on any of the above (or other) commands.

Inline functions in C#?

Cody has it right, but I want to provide an example of what an inline function is.

Let's say you have this code:

private void OutputItem(string x)

    //maybe encapsulate additional logic to decide 
    // whether to also write the message to Trace or a log file

public IList<string> BuildListAndOutput(IEnumerable<string> x)
{  // let's pretend IEnumerable<T>.ToList() doesn't exist for the moment
    IList<string> result = new List<string>();

    foreach(string y in x)
    return result;

The compilerJust-In-Time optimizer could choose to alter the code to avoid repeatedly placing a call to OutputItem() on the stack, so that it would be as if you had written the code like this instead:

public IList<string> BuildListAndOutput(IEnumerable<string> x)
    IList<string> result = new List<string>();

    foreach(string y in x)

        // full OutputItem() implementation is placed here

    return result;

In this case, we would say the OutputItem() function was inlined. Note that it might do this even if the OutputItem() is called from other places as well.

Edited to show a scenario more-likely to be inlined.

Get the closest number out of an array

Another variant here we have circular range connecting head to toe and accepts only min value to given input. This had helped me get char code values for one of the encryption algorithm.

function closestNumberInCircularRange(codes, charCode) {
  return codes.reduce((p_code, c_code)=>{
    if(((Math.abs(p_code-charCode) > Math.abs(c_code-charCode)) || p_code > charCode) && c_code < charCode){
      return c_code;
    }else if(p_code < charCode){
      return p_code;
    }else if(p_code > charCode && c_code > charCode){
      return Math.max.apply(Math, [p_code, c_code]);
    return p_code;

Changing every value in a hash in Ruby

If you want the actual strings themselves to mutate in place (possibly and desirably affecting other references to the same string objects):

# Two ways to achieve the same result (any Ruby version)
my_hash.each{ |_,str| str.gsub! /^|$/, '%' }
my_hash.each{ |_,str| str.replace "%#{str}%" }

If you want the hash to change in place, but you don't want to affect the strings (you want it to get new strings):

# Two ways to achieve the same result (any Ruby version)
my_hash.each{ |key,str| my_hash[key] = "%#{str}%" }
my_hash.inject(my_hash){ |h,(k,str)| h[k]="%#{str}%"; h }

If you want a new hash:

# Ruby 1.8.6+
new_hash = Hash[*{|k,str| [k,"%#{str}%"] }.flatten]

# Ruby 1.8.7+
new_hash = Hash[{|k,str| [k,"%#{str}%"] } ]

Crystal Reports 13 And Asp.Net 3.5

I had faced the same issue because of some dll files were missing from References of VS13. I went to the location and installed the newest pack. It resolved the issue.

Java SSLHandshakeException "no cipher suites in common"

It looks like you are trying to connect using TLSv1.2, which isn't widely implemented on servers. Does your destination support tls1.2?

HTML Upload MAX_FILE_SIZE does not appear to work explanation about MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden field.

The MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden field (measured in bytes) must precede the file input field, and its value is the maximum filesize accepted by PHP. This form element should always be used as it saves users the trouble of waiting for a big file being transferred only to find that it was too large and the transfer failed. Keep in mind: fooling this setting on the browser side is quite easy, so never rely on files with a greater size being blocked by this feature. It is merely a convenience feature for users on the client side of the application. The PHP settings (on the server side) for maximum-size, however, cannot be fooled.


The Problem is related to MySql Driver


Add the MySQL jdbc driver jar file in to your classpath.

Also i have this error on JDK. I build the ClassPath Properly then I put the "mysql-connector-java-5.1.25-bin" in dir "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\ext" in this dir i have my JDK. then compile and Run again then it's working fine.

How to remove from a map while iterating it?

Assuming C++11, here is a one-liner loop body, if this is consistent with your programming style:

using Map = std::map<K,V>;
Map map;

// Erase members that satisfy needs_removing(itr)
for (Map::const_iterator itr = map.cbegin() ; itr != map.cend() ; )
  itr = needs_removing(itr) ? map.erase(itr) : std::next(itr);

A couple of other minor style changes:

  • Show declared type (Map::const_iterator) when possible/convenient, over using auto.
  • Use using for template types, to make ancillary types (Map::const_iterator) easier to read/maintain.

Best way to add Gradle support to IntelliJ Project

I'm using Version 12 of IntelliJ.

I solved a similar problem by creating an entirely new project and "Checking out from Version Control" Merging the two projects later was fairly easy.

R command for setting working directory to source file location in Rstudio

If you work on Linux you can try this:

setwd(system("pwd", intern = T) )

It works for me.

How to loop through a checkboxlist and to find what's checked and not checked?

check it useing loop for each index in comboxlist.Items[i]

bool CheckedOrUnchecked= comboxlist.CheckedItems.Contains(comboxlist.Items[0]);

I think it solve your purpose

How to fix: "UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte"

Here is my solution, just add the encoding. with open(file, encoding='utf8') as f

And because reading glove file will take a long time, I recommend to the glove file to a numpy file. When netx time you read the embedding weights, it will save your time.

import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

def load_glove(file):
    """Loads GloVe vectors in numpy array.
        file (str): a path to a glove file.
        dict: a dict of numpy arrays.
    embeddings_index = {}
    with open(file, encoding='utf8') as f:
        for i, line in tqdm(enumerate(f)):
            values = line.split()
            word = ''.join(values[:-300])
            coefs = np.asarray(values[-300:], dtype='float32')
            embeddings_index[word] = coefs

    return embeddings_index

# EMBEDDING_PATH = '../embedding_weights/glove.840B.300d.txt'
EMBEDDING_PATH = 'glove.840B.300d.txt'
embeddings = load_glove(EMBEDDING_PATH)'glove_embeddings.npy', embeddings) 

Gist link:

Gradle - Could not find or load main class

If you're using Spring Boot, this might be the issue:

Basically, the output directories changed in Gradle 4.0, so if you have them hardcoded the execution will fail.

The solution is to replace:

bootRun {
   dependsOn pathingJar
   doFirst {
      classpath = files("$buildDir/classes/main", "$buildDir/resources/main", pathingJar.archivePath)


bootRun {
   dependsOn pathingJar
   doFirst {
      classpath = files(sourceSets.main.output.files, pathingJar.archivePath)

Iterating over Numpy matrix rows to apply a function each?

Use numpy.apply_along_axis(). Assuming your matrix is 2D, you can use like:

import numpy as np
mymatrix = np.matrix([[11,12,13],
def myfunction( x ):
    return sum(x)

print np.apply_along_axis( myfunction, axis=1, arr=mymatrix )
#[36 66 96]

What are unit tests, integration tests, smoke tests, and regression tests?

Everyone will have slightly different definitions, and there are often grey areas. However:

  • Unit test: does this one little bit (as isolated as possible) work?
  • Integration test: do these two (or more) components work together?
  • Smoke test: does this whole system (as close to being a production system as possible) hang together reasonably well? (i.e. are we reasonably confident it won't create a black hole?)
  • Regression test: have we inadvertently re-introduced any bugs we'd previously fixed?

How to tell if browser/tab is active

All of the examples here (with the exception of rockacola's) require that the user physically click on the window to define focus. This isn't ideal, so .hover() is the better choice:

$(window).hover(function(event) {
    if (event.fromElement) {
    } else {

This'll tell you when the user has their mouse on the screen, though it still won't tell you if it's in the foreground with the user's mouse elsewhere.

Uncaught Error: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18 when I try to set a cookie

You're most likely using this on a local file over the file:// URI scheme, which cannot have cookies set. Put it on a local server so you can use http://localhost.

Notification bar icon turns white in Android 5 Lollipop

Post android Lollipop release android has changed the guidelines for displaying notification icons in the Notification bar. The official documentation says "Update or remove assets that involve color. The system ignores all non-alpha channels in action icons and in the main notification icon. You should assume that these icons will be alpha-only. The system draws notification icons in white and action icons in dark gray.” Now what that means in lay man terms is "Convert all parts of the image that you don’t want to show to transparent pixels. All colors and non transparent pixels are displayed in white"

You can see how to do this in detail with screenshots here

Hope that helps

What static analysis tools are available for C#?

Axivion Bauhaus Suite is a static analysis tool that works with C# (as well as C, C++ and Java).

It provides the following capabilities:

  • Software Architecture Visualization (inlcuding dependencies)
  • Enforcement of architectural rules e.g. layering, subsystems, calling rules
  • Clone Detection - highlighting copy and pasted (and modified code)
  • Dead Code Detection
  • Cycle Detection
  • Software Metrics
  • Code Style Checks

These features can be run on a one-off basis or as part of a Continuous Integration process. Issues can be highlighted on a per project basis or per developer basis when the system is integrated with a source code control system.

What is the id( ) function used for?

As of in python 3 id is assigned to a value not a variable. This means that if you create two functions as below, all the three id's are the same.

>>> def xyz():
...     q=123
...     print(id(q))
>>> def iop():
...     w=123
...     print(id(w))
>>> xyz()
>>> iop()
>>> id(123)

How do you count the elements of an array in java

If you wish to have an Array in which you will not be allocating all of the elements, you will have to do your own bookkeeping to ensure how many elements you have placed in it via some other variable. If you'd like to avoid doing this while also getting an "Array" that can grow capacities after its initial instantiation, you can create an ArrayList

ArrayList<Integer> theArray = new ArrayList<Integer>();
theArray.add(5); // places at index 0
theArray.size(); // returns length of 1
int answer = theArray.get(0); // index 0 = 5

Don't forget to import it at the top of the file:

import java.util.ArrayList;

GetElementByID - Multiple IDs

Use jQuery or similar to get access to the collection of elements in only one sentence. Of course, you need to put something like this in your html's "head" section:

<script type='text/javascript' src='url/to/my/jquery.1.xx.yy.js' ...>

So here is the magic:

.- First of all let's supose that you have some divs with IDs as you wrote, i.e.,

 ...some html...
 <div id='MyCircle1'>some_inner_html_tags</div>
 ...more html...
 <div id='MyCircle2'>more_html_tags_here</div>
 <div id='MyCircleN'>more_and_more_tags_again</div>

.- With this 'spell' jQuery will return a collection of objects representing all div elements with IDs containing the entire string "myCircle" anywhere:


This is all! Note that you get rid of details like the numeric suffix, that you can manipulate all the divs in a single sentence, animate them... Voilá!


Prove this in your browser's script console (press F12) right now!

Adding line break in C# Code behind page

If I am understanding this correctly, you should be able to break the string into substrings to accomplish this.


string s = "this is a really long string" +
"and this is the rest of it";

How can I get a list of all functions stored in the database of a particular schema in PostgreSQL?

Run below SQL query to create a view which will show all functions:

    SELECT routine_name FROM information_schema.routines 
        WHERE routine_type='FUNCTION' AND specific_schema='public';

Android simple alert dialog

You would simply need to do this in your onClick:

AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(MainActivity.this).create();
alertDialog.setMessage("Alert message to be shown");
alertDialog.setButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEUTRAL, "OK",
    new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

I don't know from where you saw that you need DialogFragment for simply showing an alert.

Hope this helps.

How to get 2 digit year w/ Javascript?

The specific answer to this question is found in this one line below:

//pull the last two digits of the year_x000D_
//logs to console_x000D_
//creates a new date object (has the current date and time by default)_x000D_
//gets the full year from the date object (currently 2017)_x000D_
//converts the variable to a string_x000D_
//gets the substring backwards by 2 characters (last two characters)    _x000D_
console.log(new Date().getFullYear().toString().substr(-2));

Formatting Full Date Time Example (MMddyy): jsFiddle


//A function for formatting a date to MMddyy_x000D_
function formatDate(d)_x000D_
    //get the month_x000D_
    var month = d.getMonth();_x000D_
    //get the day_x000D_
    //convert day to string_x000D_
    var day = d.getDate().toString();_x000D_
    //get the year_x000D_
    var year = d.getFullYear();_x000D_
    //pull the last two digits of the year_x000D_
    year = year.toString().substr(-2);_x000D_
    //increment month by 1 since it is 0 indexed_x000D_
    //converts month to a string_x000D_
    month = (month + 1).toString();_x000D_
    //if month is 1-9 pad right with a 0 for two digits_x000D_
    if (month.length === 1)_x000D_
        month = "0" + month;_x000D_
    //if day is between 1-9 pad right with a 0 for two digits_x000D_
    if (day.length === 1)_x000D_
        day = "0" + day;_x000D_
    //return the string "MMddyy"_x000D_
    return month + day + year;_x000D_
var d = new Date();_x000D_

Creating a byte array from a stream

You can simply use ToArray() method of MemoryStream class, for ex-

MemoryStream ms = (MemoryStream)dataInStream;
byte[] imageBytes = ms.ToArray();

bash script use cut command at variable and store result at another variable

The awk solution is what I would use, but if you want to understand your problems with bash, here is a revised version of your script.

#!/bin/bash -vx

##config file with ip addresses like

while read line ; do
  ##this line is not correct, should strip :port and store to ip var
  ip=$( echo "$line" |cut -d\: -f1 )
  ping $ip
done < ${file}

You could write your top line as

for line in $(cat $file) ; do ...

(but not recommended).

You needed command substitution $( ... ) to get the value assigned to $ip

reading lines from a file is usually considered more efficient with the while read line ... done < ${file} pattern.

I hope this helps.

Single quotes vs. double quotes in C or C++

Single quotes are characters (char), double quotes are null-terminated strings (char *).

char c = 'x';
char *s = "Hello World";

Bootstrap modal z-index

I had this problem too. Problem is comming from html, created by bootstrap js:

<div class="modal-backdrop fade in"></div>

This line is created directly before end of <body> element. This cause "z-index stacked element problem." I believe that bootstrap .js do creation of this element wrong. If you have in mvc layout page, this script will cause still the same problem. Beter js idea cut be to get target modal id and inject this line to html before...

this.$backdrop = $(document.createElement('div'))
    .addClass('modal-backdrop ' + animate)

SO SOLUTION IS repair bootstrap.js - part of modal:


Android: adb: Permission Denied

You might need to activate adb root from the developer settings menu. If you run adb root from the cmd line you can get:

root access is disabled by system setting - enable in settings -> development options

Once you activate the root option (ADB only or Apps and ADB) adb will restart and you will be able to use root from the cmd line.

How to setup virtual environment for Python in VS Code?

Have you activated your environment? Also you could try this: vscode select venv

ValueError when checking if variable is None or numpy.array

You can see if object has shape or not

def check_array(x):
        return True
        return False

Share application "link" in Android

finally, this code is worked for me to open the email client from android device. try this snippet.

Intent testIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
                    Uri data = Uri.parse("mailto:?subject=" + "Feedback" + "&body=" + "Write Feedback here....." + "&to=" + "[email protected]");

SHA-256 or MD5 for file integrity

  1. Yes, on most CPUs, SHA-256 is two to three times slower than MD5, though not primarily because of its longer hash. See other answers here and the answers to this Stack Overflow questions.
  2. Here's a backup scenario where MD5 would not be appropriate:
    • Your backup program hashes each file being backed up. It then stores each file's data by its hash, so if you're backing up the same file twice you only end up with one copy of it.
    • An attacker can cause the system to backup files they control.
    • The attacker knows the MD5 hash of a file they want to remove from the backup.
    • The attacker can then use the known weaknesses of MD5 to craft a new file that has the same hash as the file to remove. When that file is backed up, it will replace the file to remove, and that file's backed up data will be lost.
    • This backup system could be strengthened a bit (and made more efficient) by not replacing files whose hash it has previously encountered, but then an attacker could prevent a target file with a known hash from being backed up by preemptively backing up a specially constructed bogus file with the same hash.
    • Obviously most systems, backup and otherwise, do not satisfy the conditions necessary for this attack to be practical, but I just wanted to give an example of a situation where SHA-256 would be preferable to MD5. Whether this would be the case for the system you're creating depends on more than just the characteristics of MD5 and SHA-256.
  3. Yes, cryptographic hashes like the ones generated by MD5 and SHA-256 are a type of checksum.

Happy hashing!

enabling cross-origin resource sharing on IIS7

Elaborating from DavidG answer which is really near of what is required for a basic solution:

  • First, configure the OPTIONSVerbHandler to execute before .Net handlers.

    1. In IIS console, select "Handler Mappings" (either on server level or site level; beware that on site level it will redefine all the handlers for your site and ignore any change done on server level after that; and of course on server level, this could break other sites if they need their own handling of options verb).
    2. In Action pane, select "View ordered list..." Seek OPTIONSVerbHandler, and move it up (lots of clicks...).

    You can also do this in web.config by redefining all handlers under <system.webServer><handlers> (<clear> then <add ...> them back, this is what does the IIS console for you) (By the way, there is no need to ask for "read" permission on this handler.)

  • Second, configure custom http headers for your cors needs, such as:

          <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*"/>
          <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Content-Type"/>
          <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="POST,GET,OPTIONS"/>

    You can also do this in IIS console.

This is a basic solution since it will send cors headers even on request which does not requires it. But with WCF, it looks like being the simpliest one.

With MVC or webapi, we could instead handle OPTIONS verb and cors headers by code (either "manually" or with built-in support available in latest version of webapi).

How to write and save html file in python?

shorter version of Nurul Akter Towhid's answer (the fp.close is automated):

with open("my.html","w") as fp:

How do I convert an NSString value to NSData?

In case of Swift Developer coming here,

to convert from NSString / String to NSData

var _nsdata = _nsstring.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)

how to add button click event in android studio

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener

Whenever you use (this) on click events, your main activity has to implement ocClickListener. Android Studio does it for you, press alt+enter on the 'this' word.

Java FileReader encoding issue

For Java 7+ doc you can use this:

BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

Here are all Charsets doc

For example if your file is in CP1252, use this method


Here is other canonical names for Java encodings both for IO and NIO doc

If you do not know with exactly encoding you have got in a file, you may use some third-party libs like this tool from Google this which works fairly neat.

pandas: filter rows of DataFrame with operator chaining

If you set your columns to search as indexes, then you can use DataFrame.xs() to take a cross section. This is not as versatile as the query answers, but it might be useful in some situations.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame(
    np.random.randint(3, size=(10, 5)),

# Out[55]: 
#    A  B  C  D  E
# 0  0  2  2  2  2
# 1  1  1  2  0  2
# 2  0  2  0  0  2
# 3  0  2  2  0  1
# 4  0  1  1  2  0
# 5  0  0  0  1  2
# 6  1  0  1  1  1
# 7  0  0  2  0  2
# 8  2  2  2  2  2
# 9  1  2  0  2  1

df.set_index(['A', 'D']).xs([0, 2]).reset_index()
# Out[57]: 
#    A  D  B  C  E
# 0  0  2  2  2  2
# 1  0  2  1  1  0

Sending data back to the Main Activity in Android

Use sharedPreferences and save your data and access it from anywhere in the application

save date like this

SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE);
    SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();
    editor.putString(key, value);

And recieve data like this

SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE);
    String savedPref = sharedPreferences.getString(key, "");

How to get complete month name from DateTime

If you receive "MMMM" as a response, probably you are getting the month and then converting it to a string of defined format.


will output "MMMM"


will output the month name

POST data in JSON format

Not sure if you want jQuery.

var form;

form.onsubmit = function (e) {
  // stop the regular form submission

  // collect the form data while iterating over the inputs
  var data = {};
  for (var i = 0, ii = form.length; i < ii; ++i) {
    var input = form[i];
    if ( {
      data[] = input.value;

  // construct an HTTP request
  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, form.action, true);
  xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');

  // send the collected data as JSON

  xhr.onloadend = function () {
    // done

Trim whitespace from a String

I think that substr() throws an exception if str only contains the whitespace.

I would modify it to the following code:

string trim(string& str)
    size_t first = str.find_first_not_of(' ');
    if (first == std::string::npos)
        return "";
    size_t last = str.find_last_not_of(' ');
    return str.substr(first, (last-first+1));

Android video streaming example

I had the same problem but finally I found the way.

Here is the walk through:

1- Install VLC on your computer (SERVER) and go to Media->Streaming (Ctrl+S)

2- Select a file to stream or if you want to stream your webcam or... click on "Capture Device" tab and do the configuration and finally click on "Stream" button.

3- Here you should do the streaming server configuration, just go to "Option" tab and paste the following command:


NOTE: Replace YOURCOMPUTER_SERVER_IP_ADDR with your computer IP address or any server which is running VLC...

NOTE: You can see, the video codec is MP4V which is supported by android.

4- go to eclipse and create a new project for media playbak. create a VideoView object and in the OnCreate() function write some code like this:

mVideoView = (VideoView) findViewById(;

mVideoView.setMediaController(new MediaController(this));

5- run the apk on the device (not simulator, i did not check it) and wait for the playback to be started. please consider the buffering process will take about 10 seconds...

Question: Anybody know how to reduce buffering time and play video almost live ?

How do I make Visual Studio pause after executing a console application in debug mode?

I would use a "wait"-command for a specific time (milliseconds) of your own choice. The application executes until the line you want to inspect and then continues after the time expired.

Include the <time.h> header:

clock_t wait;

wait = clock();
while (clock() <= (wait + 5000)) // Wait for 5 seconds and then continue
wait = 0;

Encoding Error in Panda read_csv

Try calling read_csv with encoding='latin1', encoding='iso-8859-1' or encoding='cp1252' (these are some of the various encodings found on Windows).

How to print Unicode character in Python?

Replace '+' with '000'. For example, 'U+1F600' will become 'U0001F600' and prepend the Unicode code with "\" and print. Example:

>>> print("Learning : ", "\U0001F40D")
Learning :  

Check this maybe it will help python unicode emoji

How to create a DateTime equal to 15 minutes ago?

from datetime import timedelta - datetime.timedelta(0, 900)

Actually 900 is in seconds. Which is equal to 15 minutes. `15*60 = 900`

How to compare two dates to find time difference in SQL Server 2005, date manipulation

Take a look at DATEDIFF, this should be what you're looking for. It takes the two dates you're comparing, and the date unit you want the difference in (days, months, seconds...)

Get UTC time in seconds

One might consider adding this line to ~/.bash_profile (or similar) in order to can quickly get the current UTC both as current time and as seconds since the epoch.

alias utc='date -u && date -u +%s'

How to clear the canvas for redrawing

in webkit you need to set the width to a different value, then you can set it back to the initial value

Case insensitive string as HashMap key

This is an adapter for HashMaps which I implemented for a recent project. Works in a way similart to what @SandyR does, but encapsulates conversion logic so you don't manually convert strings to a wrapper object.

I used Java 8 features but with a few changes, you can adapt it to previous versions. I tested it for most common scenarios, except new Java 8 stream functions.

Basically it wraps a HashMap, directs all functions to it while converting strings to/from a wrapper object. But I had to also adapt KeySet and EntrySet because they forward some functions to the map itself. So I return two new Sets for keys and entries which actually wrap the original keySet() and entrySet().

One note: Java 8 has changed the implementation of putAll method which I could not find an easy way to override. So current implementation may have degraded performance especially if you use putAll() for a large data set.

Please let me know if you find a bug or have suggestions to improve the code.

package webbit.collections;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.*;

public class CaseInsensitiveMapAdapter<T> implements Map<String,T>
    private Map<CaseInsensitiveMapKey,T> map;
    private KeySet keySet;
    private EntrySet entrySet;

    public CaseInsensitiveMapAdapter()

    public CaseInsensitiveMapAdapter(Map<String, T> map)
    { = getMapImplementation();

    public int size()
        return getMap().size();

    public boolean isEmpty()
        return getMap().isEmpty();

    public boolean containsKey(Object key)
        return getMap().containsKey(lookupKey(key));

    public boolean containsValue(Object value)
        return getMap().containsValue(value);

    public T get(Object key)
        return getMap().get(lookupKey(key));

    public T put(String key, T value)
        return getMap().put(lookupKey(key), value);

    public T remove(Object key)
        return getMap().remove(lookupKey(key));

     * I completely ignore Java 8 implementation and put one by one.This will be slower.
    public void putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends T> m)
        for (String key : m.keySet()) {

    public void clear()

    public Set<String> keySet()
        if (keySet == null)
            keySet = new KeySet(getMap().keySet());
        return keySet;

    public Collection<T> values()
        return getMap().values();

    public Set<Entry<String, T>> entrySet()
        if (entrySet == null)
            entrySet = new EntrySet(getMap().entrySet());
        return entrySet;

    public boolean equals(Object o)
        return getMap().equals(o);

    public int hashCode()
        return getMap().hashCode();

    public T getOrDefault(Object key, T defaultValue)
        return getMap().getOrDefault(lookupKey(key), defaultValue);

    public void forEach(final BiConsumer<? super String, ? super T> action)
        getMap().forEach(new BiConsumer<CaseInsensitiveMapKey, T>()
            public void accept(CaseInsensitiveMapKey lookupKey, T t)

    public void replaceAll(final BiFunction<? super String, ? super T, ? extends T> function)
        getMap().replaceAll(new BiFunction<CaseInsensitiveMapKey, T, T>()
            public T apply(CaseInsensitiveMapKey lookupKey, T t)
                return function.apply(lookupKey.key,t);

    public T putIfAbsent(String key, T value)
        return getMap().putIfAbsent(lookupKey(key), value);

    public boolean remove(Object key, Object value)
        return getMap().remove(lookupKey(key), value);

    public boolean replace(String key, T oldValue, T newValue)
        return getMap().replace(lookupKey(key), oldValue, newValue);

    public T replace(String key, T value)
        return getMap().replace(lookupKey(key), value);

    public T computeIfAbsent(String key, final Function<? super String, ? extends T> mappingFunction)
        return getMap().computeIfAbsent(lookupKey(key), new Function<CaseInsensitiveMapKey, T>()
            public T apply(CaseInsensitiveMapKey lookupKey)
                return mappingFunction.apply(lookupKey.key);

    public T computeIfPresent(String key, final BiFunction<? super String, ? super T, ? extends T> remappingFunction)
        return getMap().computeIfPresent(lookupKey(key), new BiFunction<CaseInsensitiveMapKey, T, T>()
            public T apply(CaseInsensitiveMapKey lookupKey, T t)
                return remappingFunction.apply(lookupKey.key, t);

    public T compute(String key, final BiFunction<? super String, ? super T, ? extends T> remappingFunction)
        return getMap().compute(lookupKey(key), new BiFunction<CaseInsensitiveMapKey, T, T>()
            public T apply(CaseInsensitiveMapKey lookupKey, T t)
                return remappingFunction.apply(lookupKey.key,t);

    public T merge(String key, T value, BiFunction<? super T, ? super T, ? extends T> remappingFunction)
        return getMap().merge(lookupKey(key), value, remappingFunction);

    protected  Map<CaseInsensitiveMapKey,T> getMapImplementation() {
        return new HashMap<>();

    private Map<CaseInsensitiveMapKey,T> getMap() {
        if (map == null)
            map = getMapImplementation();
        return map;

    private CaseInsensitiveMapKey lookupKey(Object key)
        return new CaseInsensitiveMapKey((String)key);

    public class CaseInsensitiveMapKey {
        private String key;
        private String lookupKey;

        public CaseInsensitiveMapKey(String key)
            this.key = key;
            this.lookupKey = key.toUpperCase();

        public boolean equals(Object o)
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

            CaseInsensitiveMapKey that = (CaseInsensitiveMapKey) o;

            return lookupKey.equals(that.lookupKey);


        public int hashCode()
            return lookupKey.hashCode();

    private class KeySet implements Set<String> {

        private Set<CaseInsensitiveMapKey> wrapped;

        public KeySet(Set<CaseInsensitiveMapKey> wrapped)
            this.wrapped = wrapped;

        private List<String> keyList() {
            return stream().collect(Collectors.toList());

        private Collection<CaseInsensitiveMapKey> mapCollection(Collection<?> c) {
            return -> lookupKey(it)).collect(Collectors.toList());

        public int size()
            return wrapped.size();

        public boolean isEmpty()
            return wrapped.isEmpty();

        public boolean contains(Object o)
            return wrapped.contains(lookupKey(o));

        public Iterator<String> iterator()
            return keyList().iterator();

        public Object[] toArray()
            return keyList().toArray();

        public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a)
            return keyList().toArray(a);

        public boolean add(String s)
            return wrapped.add(lookupKey(s));

        public boolean remove(Object o)
            return wrapped.remove(lookupKey(o));

        public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c)
            return keyList().containsAll(c);

        public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends String> c)
            return wrapped.addAll(mapCollection(c));

        public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c)
            return wrapped.retainAll(mapCollection(c));

        public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c)
            return wrapped.removeAll(mapCollection(c));

        public void clear()

        public boolean equals(Object o)
            return wrapped.equals(lookupKey(o));

        public int hashCode()
            return wrapped.hashCode();

        public Spliterator<String> spliterator()
            return keyList().spliterator();

        public boolean removeIf(Predicate<? super String> filter)
            return wrapped.removeIf(new Predicate<CaseInsensitiveMapKey>()
                public boolean test(CaseInsensitiveMapKey lookupKey)
                    return filter.test(lookupKey.key);

        public Stream<String> stream()
            return -> it.key);

        public Stream<String> parallelStream()
            return -> it.key).parallel();

        public void forEach(Consumer<? super String> action)
            wrapped.forEach(new Consumer<CaseInsensitiveMapKey>()
                public void accept(CaseInsensitiveMapKey lookupKey)

    private class EntrySet implements Set<Map.Entry<String,T>> {

        private Set<Entry<CaseInsensitiveMapKey,T>> wrapped;

        public EntrySet(Set<Entry<CaseInsensitiveMapKey,T>> wrapped)
            this.wrapped = wrapped;

        private List<Map.Entry<String,T>> keyList() {
            return stream().collect(Collectors.toList());

        private Collection<Entry<CaseInsensitiveMapKey,T>> mapCollection(Collection<?> c) {
            return -> new CaseInsensitiveEntryAdapter((Entry<String,T>)it)).collect(Collectors.toList());

        public int size()
            return wrapped.size();

        public boolean isEmpty()
            return wrapped.isEmpty();

        public boolean contains(Object o)
            return wrapped.contains(lookupKey(o));

        public Iterator<Map.Entry<String,T>> iterator()
            return keyList().iterator();

        public Object[] toArray()
            return keyList().toArray();

        public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a)
            return keyList().toArray(a);

        public boolean add(Entry<String,T> s)
            return wrapped.add(null );

        public boolean remove(Object o)
            return wrapped.remove(lookupKey(o));

        public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c)
            return keyList().containsAll(c);

        public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends Entry<String,T>> c)
            return wrapped.addAll(mapCollection(c));

        public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c)
            return wrapped.retainAll(mapCollection(c));

        public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c)
            return wrapped.removeAll(mapCollection(c));

        public void clear()

        public boolean equals(Object o)
            return wrapped.equals(lookupKey(o));

        public int hashCode()
            return wrapped.hashCode();

        public Spliterator<Entry<String,T>> spliterator()
            return keyList().spliterator();

        public boolean removeIf(Predicate<? super Entry<String, T>> filter)
            return wrapped.removeIf(new Predicate<Entry<CaseInsensitiveMapKey, T>>()
                public boolean test(Entry<CaseInsensitiveMapKey, T> entry)
                    return filter.test(new FromCaseInsensitiveEntryAdapter(entry));

        public Stream<Entry<String,T>> stream()
            return -> new Entry<String, T>()
                public String getKey()
                    return it.getKey().key;

                public T getValue()
                    return it.getValue();

                public T setValue(T value)
                    return it.setValue(value);

        public Stream<Map.Entry<String,T>> parallelStream()
            return, true);

        public void forEach(Consumer<? super Entry<String, T>> action)
            wrapped.forEach(new Consumer<Entry<CaseInsensitiveMapKey, T>>()
                public void accept(Entry<CaseInsensitiveMapKey, T> entry)
                    action.accept(new FromCaseInsensitiveEntryAdapter(entry));

    private class EntryAdapter implements Map.Entry<String,T> {
        private Entry<String,T> wrapped;

        public EntryAdapter(Entry<String, T> wrapped)
            this.wrapped = wrapped;

        public String getKey()
            return wrapped.getKey();

        public T getValue()
            return wrapped.getValue();

        public T setValue(T value)
            return wrapped.setValue(value);

        public boolean equals(Object o)
            return wrapped.equals(o);

        public int hashCode()
            return wrapped.hashCode();


    private class CaseInsensitiveEntryAdapter implements Map.Entry<CaseInsensitiveMapKey,T> {

        private Entry<String,T> wrapped;

        public CaseInsensitiveEntryAdapter(Entry<String, T> wrapped)
            this.wrapped = wrapped;

        public CaseInsensitiveMapKey getKey()
            return lookupKey(wrapped.getKey());

        public T getValue()
            return wrapped.getValue();

        public T setValue(T value)
            return wrapped.setValue(value);

    private class FromCaseInsensitiveEntryAdapter implements Map.Entry<String,T> {

        private Entry<CaseInsensitiveMapKey,T> wrapped;

        public FromCaseInsensitiveEntryAdapter(Entry<CaseInsensitiveMapKey, T> wrapped)
            this.wrapped = wrapped;

        public String getKey()
            return wrapped.getKey().key;

        public T getValue()
            return wrapped.getValue();

        public T setValue(T value)
            return wrapped.setValue(value);


Setting dynamic scope variables in AngularJs - scope.<some_string>

Please keep in mind: this is just a JavaScript thing and has nothing to do with Angular JS. So don't be confused about the magical '$' sign ;)

The main problem is that this is an hierarchical structure.

console.log($;  // <-- Nope! This is undefined.
=> a.b.c

This is undefined because "$" is not existing but the term above want to solve "meaning".

A solution should be

var the_string = 'lifeMeaning';
$scope[the_string] = 42;

or with a little more efford.

var the_string_level_one = 'life';
var the_string_level_two = the_string_level_one + '.meaning';
$scope[the_string_level_two ] = 42;
console.log($scope['the_string_level_two ']);

Since you can access a structural objecte with

var a = {};
a.b = "ab";
console.log(a.b === a['b']);

There are several good tutorials about this which guide you well through the fun with JavaScript.

There is something about the


Go and search the web for 'angular $apply' and you will find information about the $apply function. And you should use is wisely more this way (if you are not alreay with a $apply phase).

$scope.$apply(function (){

Unix command to find lines common in two files

To complement the Perl one-liner, here's its awk equivalent:

awk 'NR==FNR{arr[$0];next} $0 in arr' file1 file2

This will read all lines from file1 into the array arr[], and then check for each line in file2 if it already exists within the array (i.e. file1). The lines that are found will be printed in the order in which they appear in file2. Note that the comparison in arr uses the entire line from file2 as index to the array, so it will only report exact matches on entire lines.

Random state (Pseudo-random number) in Scikit learn

If you don't mention the random_state in the code, then whenever you execute your code a new random value is generated and the train and test datasets would have different values each time.

However, if you use a particular value for random_state(random_state = 1 or any other value) everytime the result will be same,i.e, same values in train and test datasets. Refer below code:

import pandas as pd 
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
test_series = pd.Series(range(100))
size30split = train_test_split(test_series,random_state = 1,test_size = .3)
size25split = train_test_split(test_series,random_state = 1,test_size = .25)
common = [element for element in size25split[0] if element in size30split[0]]

Doesn't matter how many times you run the code, the output will be 70.


Try to remove the random_state and run the code.

import pandas as pd 
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
test_series = pd.Series(range(100))
size30split = train_test_split(test_series,test_size = .3)
size25split = train_test_split(test_series,test_size = .25)
common = [element for element in size25split[0] if element in size30split[0]]

Now here output will be different each time you execute the code.

Purge Kafka Topic

Following command can be used to delete all the existing messages in kafka topic:

kafka-delete-records --bootstrap-server <kafka_server:port> --offset-json-file delete.json

The structure of the delete.json file should be following:

{ "partitions": [ { "topic": "foo", "partition": 1, "offset": -1 } ], "version": 1 }

where offset :-1 will delete all the records (This command has been tested with kafka 2.0.1

Copy/Paste from Excel to a web page

Digging this up, in case anyone comes across it in the future. I used the above code as intended, but then ran into an issue displaying the table after it had been submitted to a database. It's much easier once you've stored the data to use PHP to replace the new lines and tabs in your query. You may perform the replace upon submission, $_POST[request] would be the name of your textarea:

$postrequest = trim($_POST[request]);
$dirty = array("\n", "\t");
$clean = array('</tr><tr><td>', '</td><td>');
$request = str_replace($dirty, $clean, $postrequest);

Now just insert $request into your database, and it will be stored as an HTML table.

Could not find main class HelloWorld

Tell it where to look for you class: it's in ".", which is the current directory:

java -classpath . HelloWorld

No need to set JAVA_HOME or CLASSPATH in this case

EL access a map value by Integer key

Based on the above post i tried this and this worked fine I wanted to use the value of Map B as keys for Map A:

<c:if test="${not empty activityCodeMap and not empty activityDescMap}">
<c:forEach var="valueMap" items="${auditMap}">
<td class="activity_white"><c:out value="${activityCodeMap[valueMap.value.activityCode]}"/></td>
<td class="activity_white"><c:out value="${activityDescMap[valueMap.value.activityDescCode]}"/></td>
<td class="activity_white">${valueMap.value.dateTime}</td>

How do I find out what keystore my JVM is using?

Keystore Location

Each keytool command has a -keystore option for specifying the name and location of the persistent keystore file for the keystore managed by keytool. The keystore is by default stored in a file named .keystore in the user's home directory, as determined by the "user.home" system property. Given user name uName, the "user.home" property value defaults to

C:\Users\uName on Windows 7 systems
C:\Winnt\Profiles\uName on multi-user Windows NT systems
C:\Windows\Profiles\uName on multi-user Windows 95 systems
C:\Windows on single-user Windows 95 systems

Thus, if the user name is "cathy", "user.home" defaults to

C:\Users\cathy on Windows 7 systems
C:\Winnt\Profiles\cathy on multi-user Windows NT systems
C:\Windows\Profiles\cathy on multi-user Windows 95 systems

Is it possible to set async:false to $.getJSON call

If you just need to await to avoid nesting code:

let json;
await new Promise(done => $.getJSON('https://***', async function (data) {
    json = data;

Latex - Change margins of only a few pages

Use the "geometry" package and write \newgeometry{left=3cm,bottom=0.1cm} where you want to change your margins. When you want to reset your margins, you write \restoregeometry.

Checking if an input field is required using jQuery

A little bit of a more complete answer, inspired by the accepted answer:

$( '#form_id' ).submit( function( event ) {

        //validate fields
        var fail = false;
        var fail_log = '';
        var name;
        $( '#form_id' ).find( 'select, textarea, input' ).each(function(){
            if( ! $( this ).prop( 'required' )){

            } else {
                if ( ! $( this ).val() ) {
                    fail = true;
                    name = $( this ).attr( 'name' );
                    fail_log += name + " is required \n";


        //submit if fail never got set to true
        if ( ! fail ) {
            //process form here.
        } else {
            alert( fail_log );


In this case we loop all types of inputs and if they are required, we check if they have a value, and if not, a notice that they are required is added to the alert that will run.

Note that this, example assumes the form will be proceed inside the positive conditional via AJAX or similar. If you are submitting via traditional methods, move the second line, event.preventDefault(); to inside the negative conditional.

Why do people say that Ruby is slow?

Here's what the creator of Rails, David Heinemeier Hansson has to say:

Rails [Ruby] is for the vast majority of web applications Fast Enough. We got sites doing millions of dynamic page views per day. If you end up being with the Yahoo or Amazon front page, it's unlikely that an off-the-shelve framework in ANY language will do you much good. You'll probably have to roll your own. But sure, I'd like free CPU cycles too. I just happen to care much more about free developer cycles and am willing to trade the former for the latter.

i.e. throwing more hardware or machines at the problem is cheaper than hiring more developers and using a faster, but harder to maintain language. After all, few people write web applications in C.

Ruby 1.9 is a vast improvement over 1.8. The biggest problems with Ruby 1.8 are its interpreted nature (no bytecode, no compilation) and that method calls, one of the most common operations in Ruby, are particularly slow.

It doesn't help that pretty much everything is a method lookup in Ruby - adding two numbers, indexing an array. Where other languages expose hacks (Python's __add__ method, Perl's Ruby does pure OO in all cases, and this can hurt performance if the compiler/interpreter is not clever enough.

If I were writing a popular web application in Ruby, my focus would be on caching. Caching a page reduces the processing time for that page to zero, whatever language you are using. For web applications, database overhead and other I/O begins to matter a lot more than the speed of the language, so I would focus on optimising that.

OS X Terminal Colors

Check what $TERM gives: mine is xterm-color and ls -alG then does colorised output.

How to set a selected option of a dropdown list control using angular JS

If you assign value 0 to item.selectedVariant it should be selected automatically. Check out sample on which selects red color by default by simply assigning $scope.color='red'.

Clone() vs Copy constructor- which is recommended in java

Have in mind that clone() doesn't work out of the box. You will have to implement Cloneable and override the clone() method making in public.

There are a few alternatives, which are preferable (since the clone() method has lots of design issues, as stated in other answers), and the copy-constructor would require manual work:

MySQL date formats - difficulty Inserting a date

An add-on to the previous answers since I came across this concern:

If you really want to insert something like 24-May-2005 to your DATE column, you could do something like this:

INSERT INTO someTable(Empid,Date_Joined)
    ('S710',STR_TO_DATE('24-May-2005', '%d-%M-%Y'));

In the above query please note that if it's May(ie: the month in letters) the format should be %M.

NOTE: I tried this with the latest MySQL version 8.0 and it works!

Selecting last element in JavaScript array

var last = array.slice(-1)[0];

I find slice at -1 useful for getting the last element (especially of an array of unknown length) and the performance is much better than calculating the length less 1.

Mozilla Docs on Slice

Performance of the various methods for selecting last array element

How to restart tomcat 6 in ubuntu

if you are using extracted tomcat then, and are two script located in TOMCAT/bin/ to start and shutdown tomcat, You could use that

if tomcat is installed then

/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 start
/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 stop
/etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restart

How to $http Synchronous call with AngularJS

I recently ran into a situation where I wanted to make to $http calls triggered by a page reload. The solution I went with:

  1. Encapsulate the two calls into functions
  2. Pass the second $http call as a callback into the second function
  3. Call the second function in apon .success

Find an object in SQL Server (cross-database)

You can achieve this by using the following query:

EXEC sp_msforeachdb 
        SELECT  1 
        FROM    [?].sys.objects 
        WHERE   name LIKE ''OBJECT_TO_SEARCH''
        ''?''       AS DB, 
        name        AS Name, 
        type_desc   AS Type 
    FROM [?].sys.objects 

Just replace OBJECT_TO_SEARCH with the actual object name you are interested in (or part of it, surrounded with %).

More details here:

How to check a string for a special character?

You will need to define "special characters", but it's likely that for some string s you mean:

import re
if re.match(r'^\w+$', s):
    # s is good-to-go

How can I change the date format in Java?

SimpleDateFormat format1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd");

How to "git show" a merge commit with combined diff output even when every changed file agrees with one of the parents?

No, there is no way to do this with git show. But it would certainly be nice sometimes, and it would probably be relatively easy to implement in the git source code (after all, you just have to tell it to not trim out what it thinks is extraneous output), so the patch to do so would probably be accepted by the git maintainers.

Be careful what you wish for, though; merging a branch with a one-line change that was forked three months ago will still have a huge diff versus the mainline, and so such a full diff would be almost completely unhelpful. That's why git doesn't show it.

How to update attributes without validation

Yo can use:

a.update_column :state, a.state


Updates a single attribute of an object, without calling save.

Make Axios send cookies in its requests automatically

What worked for me:

Client Side:

import axios from 'axios';

const url = '';

export default {
  login(credentials) {
    return axios
      .post(`${url}/users/login/`, credentials, {
        withCredentials: true,
        credentials: 'include',
      .then((response) =>;

Server Side:

const express = require('express');
const cors = require('cors');

const app = express();
const port = process.env.PORT || 5000;

    origin: [`http://localhost:${port}`, `https://localhost:${port}`],
    credentials: 'true',

Boolean operators && and ||

The shorter ones are vectorized, meaning they can return a vector, like this:

((-2:2) >= 0) & ((-2:2) <= 0)

The longer form evaluates left to right examining only the first element of each vector, so the above gives

((-2:2) >= 0) && ((-2:2) <= 0)
# [1] FALSE

As the help page says, this makes the longer form "appropriate for programming control-flow and [is] typically preferred in if clauses."

So you want to use the long forms only when you are certain the vectors are length one.

You should be absolutely certain your vectors are only length 1, such as in cases where they are functions that return only length 1 booleans. You want to use the short forms if the vectors are length possibly >1. So if you're not absolutely sure, you should either check first, or use the short form and then use all and any to reduce it to length one for use in control flow statements, like if.

The functions all and any are often used on the result of a vectorized comparison to see if all or any of the comparisons are true, respectively. The results from these functions are sure to be length 1 so they are appropriate for use in if clauses, while the results from the vectorized comparison are not. (Though those results would be appropriate for use in ifelse.

One final difference: the && and || only evaluate as many terms as they need to (which seems to be what is meant by short-circuiting). For example, here's a comparison using an undefined value a; if it didn't short-circuit, as & and | don't, it would give an error.

# Error: object 'a' not found
TRUE || a
# [1] TRUE
FALSE && a
# [1] FALSE
TRUE | a
# Error: object 'a' not found
# Error: object 'a' not found

Finally, see section 8.2.17 in The R Inferno, titled "and and andand".

Is there a way to compile node.js source files?

Now this may include more than you need (and may not even work for command line applications in a non-graphical environment, I don't know), but there is nw.js. It's Blink (i.e. Chromium/Webkit) + io.js (i.e. Node.js).

You can use node-webkit-builder to build native executable binaries for Linux, OS X and Windows.

If you want a GUI, that's a huge plus. You can build one with web technologies. If you don't, specify "node-main" in the package.json (and probably "window": {"show": false} although maybe it works to just have a node-main and not a main)

I haven't tried to use it in exactly this way, just throwing it out there as a possibility. I can say it's certainly not an ideal solution for non-graphical Node.js applications.

What is a .pid file and what does it contain?

Pidfile contains pid of a process. It is a convention allowing long running processes to be more self-aware. Server process can inspect it to stop itself, or have heuristic that its other instance is already running. Pidfiles can also be used to conventiently kill risk manually, e.g. pkill -F <>

How to use null in switch

switch(i) will throw a NullPointerException if i is null, because it will try to unbox the Integer into an int. So case null, which happens to be illegal, would never have been reached anyway.

You need to check that i is not null before the switch statement.

Jquery each - Stop loop and return object

Rather than setting a flag, it could be more elegant to use JavaScript's Array.prototype.find to find the matching item in the array. The loop will end as soon as a truthy value is returned from the callback, and the array value during that iteration will be the .find call's return value:

function findXX(word) {
    return someArray.find((item, i) => {
        $('body').append('-> '+i+'<br />');
        return item === word;

const someArray = new Array();
someArray[0] = 't5';
someArray[1] = 'z12';
someArray[2] = 'b88';
someArray[3] = 's55';
someArray[4] = 'e51';
someArray[5] = 'o322';
someArray[6] = 'i22';
someArray[7] = 'k954';

var test = findXX('o322');
console.log('found word:', test);

function findXX(word) {
  return someArray.find((item, i) => {
    $('body').append('-> ' + i + '<br />');
    return item === word;
<script src=""></script>

Mockito : how to verify method was called on an object created within a method?

I think Mockito @InjectMocks is the way to go.

Depending on your intention you can use:

  1. Constructor injection
  2. Property setter injection
  3. Field injection

More info in docs

Below is an example with field injection:


public class Foo
    private Bar bar = new Bar();

    public void foo() 

public class Bar
    public void someMethod()


public class FooTest
    Bar bar;

    Foo foo;

    public void FooTest()
        doNothing().when( bar ).someMethod();;
        verify(bar, times(1)).someMethod();

How to import existing Git repository into another?

See Basic example in this article and consider such mapping on repositories:

  • A <-> YYY,
  • B <-> XXX

After all activity described in this chapter (after merging), remove branch B-master:

$ git branch -d B-master

Then, push changes.

It works for me.

Entity Framework - Code First - Can't Store List<String>

Slightly tweaking @Mathieu Viales's answer, here's a .NET Standard compatible snippet using the new System.Text.Json serializer thus eliminating the dependency on Newtonsoft.Json.

using System.Text.Json;

builder.Entity<YourEntity>().Property(p => p.Strings)
        v => JsonSerializer.Serialize(v, default),
        v => JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<string>>(v, default));

Note that while the second argument in both Serialize() and Deserialize() is typically optional, you'll get an error:

An expression tree may not contain a call or invocation that uses optional arguments

Explicitly setting that to the default (null) for each clears that up.

"E: Unable to locate package python-pip" on Ubuntu 18.04

You might have python 3 pip installed already. Instead of pip install you can use pip3 install.

Get data from php array - AJAX - jQuery

you cannot access array (php array) from js try

$array = array(1,2,3,4,5,6);
echo implode('~',$array);

and js

$(document).ready( function() {
$('#prev').click(function() {
  type: 'POST',
  url: 'ajax.php',
  data: 'id=testdata',
  cache: false,
  success: function(data) {

Pandas How to filter a Series

A fast way of doing this is to reconstruct using numpy to slice the underlying arrays. See timings below.

mask = s.values != 1
pd.Series(s.values[mask], s.index[mask])

383    3.000000
737    9.000000
833    8.166667
dtype: float64

naive timing

enter image description here

Str_replace for multiple items

For example, if you want to replace search1 with replace1 and search2 with replace2 then following code will work:

print str_replace(
    array("replace1", "replace2"),
    "search1 search2"

// Output: replace1 replace2

Correct use for angular-translate in controllers

Actually, you should use the translate directive for such stuff instead.

<h1 translate="{{pageTitle}}"></h1>

The directive takes care of asynchronous execution and is also clever enough to unwatch translation ids on the scope if the translation has no dynamic values.

However, if there's no way around and you really have to use $translate service in the controller, you should wrap the call in a $translateChangeSuccess event using $rootScope in combination with $translate.instant() like this:

.controller('foo', function ($rootScope, $scope, $translate) {
  $rootScope.$on('$translateChangeSuccess', function () {
    $scope.pageTitle = $translate.instant('PAGE.TITLE');

So why $rootScope and not $scope? The reason for that is, that in angular-translate's events are $emited on $rootScope rather than $broadcasted on $scope because we don't need to broadcast through the entire scope hierarchy.

Why $translate.instant() and not just async $translate()? When $translateChangeSuccess event is fired, it is sure that the needed translation data is there and no asynchronous execution is happening (for example asynchronous loader execution), therefore we can just use $translate.instant() which is synchronous and just assumes that translations are available.

Since version 2.8.0 there is also $translate.onReady(), which returns a promise that is resolved as soon as translations are ready. See the changelog.

Find substring in the string in TWIG

Just searched for the docs, and found this:

Containment Operator: The in operator performs containment test. It returns true if the left operand is contained in the right:

{# returns true #}

{{ 1 in [1, 2, 3] }}

{{ 'cd' in 'abcde' }}

Scroll RecyclerView to show selected item on top

You just need to call recyclerview.scrollToPosition(position). That's fine!

If you want to call it in adapter, just let your adapter has the instance of recyclerview or the activity or fragment which contains recyclerview,than implements the method getRecyclerview() in them.

I hope it can help you.

Apache redirect to another port

If you don't have to use a proxy to JBoss and can be "exposed" to the world, then I would do this.

<VirtualHost *:80>
  Redirect 301 /

How to check if a specific key is present in a hash or not?

It is very late but preferably symbols should be used as key:

my_hash = {}
my_hash[:my_key] = 'value'

 => false 
 => true 

my_hash2 = {}
my_hash2['my_key'] = 'value'

 => true 
 => false 

But when creating hash if you pass string as key then it will search for the string in keys.

But when creating hash you pass symbol as key then has_key? will search the keys by using symbol.

If you are using Rails, you can use Hash#with_indifferent_access to avoid this; both hash[:my_key] and hash["my_key"] will point to the same record

Error "The input device is not a TTY"

My Jenkins pipeline step shown below failed with the same error.

       steps {
            echo 'Building ...' 
            sh 'sh ./Tools/'

In my "" script file "docker run" command output this error when it was executed by Jenkins job. However it was working OK when the script ran in the shell terminal.The error happened because of -t option passed to docker run command that as I know tries to allocate terminal and fails if there is no terminal to allocate.

In my case I have changed the script to pass -t option only if a terminal could be detected. Here is the code after changes :


# Only allocate tty if we detect one
if [ -t 0 ] && [ -t 1 ]; then

docker run $DOCKER_RUN_OPTIONS --name my-container-name  my-image-tag

Where can I download Eclipse Android bundle?

The Android Developer pages still state how you can download and use the ADT plugin for Eclipse:

  1. Start Eclipse, then select Help > Install New Software.
  2. Click Add, in the top-right corner.
  3. In the Add Repository dialog that appears, enter "ADT Plugin" for the Name and the following URL for the Location:
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Available Software dialog, select the checkbox next to Developer Tools and click Next.
  6. In the next window, you'll see a list of the tools to be downloaded. Click Next.
  7. Read and accept the license agreements, then click Finish. If you get a security warning saying that the authenticity or validity of the software can't be established, click OK
  8. When the installation completes, restart Eclipse.

Links for the Eclipse ADT Bundle (found using's WayBackMachine) I don't know how future-proof these links are. They all worked on February 27th, 2017.

Update (2015-06-29): Google will end development and official support for ADT in Eclipse at the end of this year and recommends switching to Android Studio.

When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks in MySQL

The string literals in MySQL and PHP are the same.

A string is a sequence of bytes or characters, enclosed within either single quote (“'”) or double quote (“"”) characters.

So if your string contains single quotes, then you could use double quotes to quote the string, or if it contains double quotes, then you could use single quotes to quote the string. But if your string contains both single quotes and double quotes, you need to escape the one that used to quote the string.

Mostly, we use single quotes for an SQL string value, so we need to use double quotes for a PHP string.

$query = "INSERT INTO table (id, col1, col2) VALUES (NULL, 'val1', 'val2')";

And you could use a variable in PHP's double-quoted string:

$query = "INSERT INTO table (id, col1, col2) VALUES (NULL, '$val1', '$val2')";

But if $val1 or $val2 contains single quotes, that will make your SQL be wrong. So you need to escape it before it is used in sql; that is what mysql_real_escape_string is for. (Although a prepared statement is better.)

Stopping Excel Macro executution when pressing Esc won't work

Just Keep pressing ESC key. It will stop the VBA. This methods works when you get infinite MsgBox s

How to save a data.frame in R?

There are several ways. One way is to use save() to save the exact object. e.g. for data frame foo:


Then load it with:


You could also use write.table() or something like that to save the table in plain text, or dput() to obtain R code to reproduce the table.

How to turn off Wifi via ADB?

I can just do:

settings put global wifi_on 0
settings put global wifi_scan_always_enabled 0

Sometimes, if done during boot (i.e. to fix bootloop such as this), it doesn't apply well and you can proceed also enabling airplane mode first:

settings put global airplane_mode_on 1
settings put global wifi_on 0
settings put global wifi_scan_always_enabled 0

Other option is to force this with:

while true; do settings put global wifi_on 0; done

Tested in Android 7 on LG G5 (SE) with (unrooted) stock mod.

Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string - laravel

You might need to change your object to an array first. I dont know what export does, but I assume its expecting an array.

You can either use


Or if its a simple object, you can just typecast it.

$arr = (array) $Object;

Get everything after and before certain character in SQL Server

I just did this in one of my reports and it was very simple.

Try this:


Note: This worked for me because the value I was trying to get was a constant not sure it what you are trying to get is a constant as well.

How to install JDBC driver in Eclipse web project without facing java.lang.ClassNotFoundexception

Put mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar to the C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\lib doing this program with execute

HTML/CSS Making a textbox with text that is grayed out, and disappears when I click to enter info, how?

Here's a one-liner slim way for layering text on top of an input in jQuery using ES6 syntax.

$('.input-group > input').focus(e => $(e.currentTarget).parent().find('.placeholder').hide()).blur(e => { if (!$(e.currentTarget).val()) $(e.currentTarget).parent().find('.placeholder').show(); });
* {
  font-family: sans-serif;

.input-group {
  position: relative;

.input-group > input {
  width: 150px;
  padding: 10px 0px 10px 25px;

.input-group > .placeholder {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 25px;
  transform: translateY(-50%);
  color: #929292;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="input-group">
  <span class="placeholder">Username</span>

Java Calendar, getting current month value, clarification needed

Months in Java Calendar are 0-indexed. Calendar.JANUARY isn't a field so you shouldn't be passing it in to the get method.

How to get process ID of background process?

You might also be able to use pstree:

pstree -p user

This typically gives a text representation of all the processes for the "user" and the -p option gives the process-id. It does not depend, as far as I understand, on having the processes be owned by the current shell. It also shows forks.

why should I make a copy of a data frame in pandas

Because if you don't make a copy then the indices can still be manipulated elsewhere even if you assign the dataFrame to a different name.

For example:

df2 = df

func1 can modify df by modifying df2, so to avoid that:

df2 = df.copy()

git clone through ssh

git clone git@server:Example/proyect.git

Apply vs transform on a group object

tmp = df.groupby(['A'])['c'].transform('mean')

is like

tmp1 = df.groupby(['A']).agg({'c':'mean'})
tmp = df['A'].map(tmp1['c'])


tmp1 = df.groupby(['A'])['c'].mean()
tmp = df['A'].map(tmp1)

How to make JQuery-AJAX request synchronous

I added dataType as json and made the response as json:


echo json_encode(array('success'=>$res)); //send the response as json **use this instead of echo $res in your php file**


  var ajaxSubmit = function(formE1) {

        var password = $.trim($('#employee_password').val());    
            type: "POST",
            async: "false",
            url: "checkpass.php",
            data: "password="+password,
            dataType:'json',  //added this so the response is in json
            success: function(result) {
                var arr=result.success;
                if(arr == "Successful")
                {    return true;
                {    return false;

  return false

Javascript pass values using POST

Even though this question was long time ago, thanks all for the inputs that helping me out a similar problem. I also made a bit modification based on the others' answers here and making multiple inputs/valuables into a Single Object (json); and hope this helps someone.


//example: params={id:'123',name:'foo'}; = "data";
mapInput.value = JSON.stringify(params); 



echo $data->id;
echo $data->name;

Is there a way to return a list of all the image file names from a folder using only Javascript?

Although you can run FTP commands using WebSockets, the simpler solution is listing your files using opendir in server side (PHP), and "spitting" it into the HTML source-code, so it will be available to client side.

The following code will do just that,

Optionally -

  • use <a> tag to present a link.
  • query for more information using server side (PHP),

    for example a file size,

PHP filesize TIP:   also you can easily overcome the 2GB limit of PHP's filesize using: AJAX + HEAD request + .htaccess rule to allow Content-Length access from client-side.

  /* taken from: */

  $path = 'resources';
  $files = [];
  $handle = @opendir('./' . $path . '/');

  while ($file = @readdir($handle)) 
    ("." !== $file && ".." !== $file) && array_push($files, $file);
  sort($files); //uksort($files, "strnatcasecmp");

  $files = json_encode($files);

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US" dir="ltr">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <div data-container></div>
    /* you will see (for example): 'var files = ["1.bat","1.exe","1.txt"];' if your folder containes those 1.bat 1.exe 1.txt files, it will be sorted too! :) */

    var files = <?php echo $files; ?>;

    files ={
      return '<a data-ext="##EXT##" download="##FILE##" href="">##FILE##</a>'
        .replace(/##FILE##/g,       file)
        .replace(/##EXT##/g,        file.split('.').slice(-1) )

    document.querySelector('[data-container]').innerHTML = files;


DOM result will look like that:

<html lang="en-US" dir="ltr"><head>
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <div data-container="">
    <a data-ext="bat" download="1.bat" href="">1.bat</a>
    <a data-ext="exe" download="1.exe" href="">1.exe</a>
    <a data-ext="txt" download="1.txt" href="">1.txt</a>
    var files = ["1.bat","1.exe","1.txt"];

    files ={
      return '<a data-ext="##EXT##" download="##FILE##" href="">##FILE##</a>'
        .replace(/##FILE##/g,       file)
        .replace(/##EXT##/g,        file.split('.').slice(-1) )

    document.querySelector('[data-container').innerHTML = files;


How to keep :active css style after clicking an element

Combine JS & CSS :

  /* 1st state */

  /* hover state */

  /* click state */
  /* after click state */


Disable webkit's spin buttons on input type="number"?

I discovered that there is a second portion of the answer to this.

The first portion helped me, but I still had a space to the right of my type=number input. I had zeroed out the margin on the input, but apparently I had to zero out the margin on the spinner as well.

This fixed it:

input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
    -webkit-appearance: none;
    margin: 0;

How to schedule a stored procedure in MySQL

In order to create a cronjob, follow these steps:

  1. run this command : SET GLOBAL event_scheduler = ON;

  2. If ERROR 1229 (HY000): Variable 'event_scheduler' is a GLOBAL variable and should be set with SET GLOBAL: mportant

It is possible to set the Event Scheduler to DISABLED only at server startup. If event_scheduler is ON or OFF, you cannot set it to DISABLED at runtime. Also, if the Event Scheduler is set to DISABLED at startup, you cannot change the value of event_scheduler at runtime.

To disable the event scheduler, use one of the following two methods:

  1. As a command-line option when starting the server:

  2. In the server configuration file (my.cnf, or my.ini on Windows systems): include the line where it will be read by the server (for example, in a [mysqld] section):


    Read MySQL documentation for more information.

     ON SCHEDULE EVERY 10 SECOND/minute/hour

Check if a string contains another string

You can also use the special word like:

Public Sub Search()
  If "My Big String with, in the middle" Like "*,*" Then
    Debug.Print ("Found ','")
  End If
End Sub

how does multiplication differ for NumPy Matrix vs Array classes?

Function matmul (since numpy 1.10.1) works fine for both types and return result as a numpy matrix class:

import numpy as np

A = np.mat('1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9; 10 11 12')
B = np.array(np.mat('1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1'))
print (A, type(A))
print (B, type(B))

C = np.matmul(A, B)
print (C, type(C))


(matrix([[ 1,  2,  3],
        [ 4,  5,  6],
        [ 7,  8,  9],
        [10, 11, 12]]), <class 'numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix'>)
(array([[1, 1, 1, 1],
       [1, 1, 1, 1],
       [1, 1, 1, 1]]), <type 'numpy.ndarray'>)
(matrix([[ 6,  6,  6,  6],
        [15, 15, 15, 15],
        [24, 24, 24, 24],
        [33, 33, 33, 33]]), <class 'numpy.matrixlib.defmatrix.matrix'>)

Since python 3.5 as mentioned early you also can use a new matrix multiplication operator @ like

C = A @ B

and get the same result as above.

What's wrong with overridable method calls in constructors?

In the specific case of Wicket: This is the very reason why I asked the Wicket devs to add support for an explicit two phase component initialization process in the framework's lifecycle of constructing a component i.e.

  1. Construction - via constructor
  2. Initialization - via onInitilize (after construction when virtual methods work!)

There was quite an active debate about whether it was necessary or not (it fully is necessary IMHO) as this link demonstrates

The good news is that the excellent devs at Wicket did end up introducing two phase initialization (to make the most aweseome Java UI framework even more awesome!) so with Wicket you can do all your post construction initialization in the onInitialize method that is called by the framework automatically if you override it - at this point in the lifecycle of your component its constructor has completed its work so virtual methods work as expected.

Get Android shared preferences value in activity/normal class

If you have a SharedPreferenceActivity by which you have saved your values

SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
String imgSett = prefs.getString(keyChannel, "");

if the value is saved in a SharedPreference in an Activity then this is the correct way to saving it.

SharedPreferences shared = getSharedPreferences(PREF_NAME, MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = shared.edit();
editor.putString(keyChannel, email);
editor.commit();// commit is important here.

and this is how you can retrieve the values.

SharedPreferences shared = getSharedPreferences(PREF_NAME, MODE_PRIVATE);
String channel = (shared.getString(keyChannel, ""));

Also be aware that you can do so in a non-Activity class too but the only condition is that you need to pass the context of the Activity. use this context in to get the SharedPreferences.

mContext.getSharedPreferences(PREF_NAME, MODE_PRIVATE);

How do I show a running clock in Excel?

See the below code (taken from this post)

Put this code in a Module in VBA (Developer Tab -> Visual Basic)

Dim TimerActive As Boolean
Sub StartTimer()
End Sub
Private Sub Start_Timer()
    TimerActive = True
    Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "Timer"
End Sub
Private Sub Stop_Timer()
    TimerActive = False
End Sub
Private Sub Timer()
    If TimerActive Then
        ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = Time
        Application.OnTime Now() + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "Timer"
    End If
End Sub

You can invoke the "StartTimer" function when the workbook opens and have it repeat every minute by adding the below code to your workbooks Visual Basic "This.Workbook" class in the Visual Basic editor.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub

Now, every time 1 minute passes the Timer procedure will be invoked, and set cell A1 equal to the current time.

Is it possible to have SSL certificate for IP address, not domain name?

The C/A Browser forum sets what is and is not valid in a certificate, and what CA's should reject.

According to their Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly-Trusted Certificates document, CAs must, since 2015, not issue certificats where the common name, or common alternate names fields contains a reserved IP or internal name, where reserved IP addresses are IPs that IANA has listed as reserved - which includes all NAT IPs - and internal names are any names that don't resolve on the public DNS.

Public IP addresses CAN be used (and the baseline requirements doc specifies what kinds of checks a CA must perform to ensure the applicant owns the IP).

How to use a global array in C#?

Your class shoud look something like this:

class Something {     int[] array; //global array, replace type of course     void function1() {        array = new int[10]; //let say you declare it here that will be 10 integers in size     }     void function2() {        array[0] = 12; //assing value at index 0 to 12.     } } 

That way you array will be accessible in both functions. However, you must be careful with global stuff, as you can quickly overwrite something.

setTimeout in for-loop does not print consecutive values

You have to arrange for a distinct copy of "i" to be present for each of the timeout functions.

function doSetTimeout(i) {
  setTimeout(function() { alert(i); }, 100);

for (var i = 1; i <= 2; ++i)

If you don't do something like this (and there are other variations on this same idea), then each of the timer handler functions will share the same variable "i". When the loop is finished, what's the value of "i"? It's 3! By using an intermediating function, a copy of the value of the variable is made. Since the timeout handler is created in the context of that copy, it has its own private "i" to use.

edit — there have been a couple of comments over time in which some confusion was evident over the fact that setting up a few timeouts causes the handlers to all fire at the same time. It's important to understand that the process of setting up the timer — the calls to setTimeout() — take almost no time at all. That is, telling the system, "Please call this function after 1000 milliseconds" will return almost immediately, as the process of installing the timeout request in the timer queue is very fast.

Thus, if a succession of timeout requests is made, as is the case in the code in the OP and in my answer, and the time delay value is the same for each one, then once that amount of time has elapsed all the timer handlers will be called one after another in rapid succession.

If what you need is for the handlers to be called at intervals, you can either use setInterval(), which is called exactly like setTimeout() but which will fire more than once after repeated delays of the requested amount, or instead you can establish the timeouts and multiply the time value by your iteration counter. That is, to modify my example code:

function doScaledTimeout(i) {
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, i * 5000);

(With a 100 millisecond timeout, the effect won't be very obvious, so I bumped the number up to 5000.) The value of i is multiplied by the base delay value, so calling that 5 times in a loop will result in delays of 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds, and 25 seconds.


Here in 2018, there is a simpler alternative. With the new ability to declare variables in scopes more narrow than functions, the original code would work if so modified:

for (let i = 1; i <= 2; i++) {
    setTimeout(function() { alert(i) }, 100);

The let declaration, unlike var, will itself cause there to be a distinct i for each iteration of the loop.

How do I do a multi-line string in node.js?

In addition to accepted answer:

`this is a 
single string`

which evaluates to: 'this is a\nsingle string'.

If you want to use string interpolation but without a new line, just add backslash as in normal string:

`this is a \
single string`

=> 'this is a single string'.

Bear in mind manual whitespace is necessary though:

`this is a\
single string`

=> 'this is asingle string'

How does C#'s random number generator work?

I was just wondering how the random number generator in C# works.

That's implementation-specific, but the wikipedia entry for pseudo-random number generators should give you some ideas.

I was also curious how I could make a program that generates random WHOLE INTEGER numbers from 1-100.

You can use Random.Next(int, int):

Random rng = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    Console.WriteLine(rng.Next(1, 101));

Note that the upper bound is exclusive - which is why I've used 101 here.

You should also be aware of some of the "gotchas" associated with Random - in particular, you should not create a new instance every time you want to generate a random number, as otherwise if you generate lots of random numbers in a short space of time, you'll see a lot of repeats. See my article on this topic for more details.

MySQL high CPU usage

First I'd say you probably want to turn off persistent connections as they almost always do more harm than good.

Secondly I'd say you want to double check your MySQL users, just to make sure it's not possible for anyone to be connecting from a remote server. This is also a major security thing to check.

Thirdly I'd say you want to turn on the MySQL Slow Query Log to keep an eye on any queries that are taking a long time, and use that to make sure you don't have any queries locking up key tables for too long.

Some other things you can check would be to run the following query while the CPU load is high:


This will show you any queries that are currently running or in the queue to run, what the query is and what it's doing (this command will truncate the query if it's too long, you can use SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST to see the full query text).

You'll also want to keep an eye on things like your buffer sizes, table cache, query cache and innodb_buffer_pool_size (if you're using innodb tables) as all of these memory allocations can have an affect on query performance which can cause MySQL to eat up CPU.

You'll also probably want to give the following a read over as they contain some good information.

It's also a very good idea to use a profiler. Something you can turn on when you want that will show you what queries your application is running, if there's duplicate queries, how long they're taking, etc, etc. An example of something like this is one I've been working on called PHP Profiler but there are many out there. If you're using a piece of software like Drupal, Joomla or Wordpress you'll want to ask around within the community as there's probably modules available for them that allow you to get this information without needing to manually integrate anything.

The builds tools for v120 (Platform Toolset = 'v120') cannot be found

If you use make generators like cmake, JUCE, etc. try to set a correct VS version target (2013, 2015, 2017) and regenerate the solution again.

Access files stored on Amazon S3 through web browser

Filestash is the perfect tool for that:

  1. login to your bucket from

enter image description here

  1. create a shared link:

enter image description here

  1. Share it with the world

Also Filestash is open source. (Disclaimer: I am the author)

What is the difference between a static and a non-static initialization code block

"final" guarantees that a variable must be initialized before end of object initializer code. Likewise "static final" guarantees that a variable will be initialized by the end of class initialization code. Omitting the "static" from your initialization code turns it into object initialization code; thus your variable no longer satisfies its guarantees.

Launch iOS simulator from Xcode and getting a black screen, followed by Xcode hanging and unable to stop tasks

enter image description here

This was my reason for having this issue.

For some reason, the "Is Initial View Controller" (for my main View Controller) was unchecked which was causing the black screen on load up.

Hope this helps someone out there!

Span inside anchor or anchor inside span or doesn't matter?

SPAN is a GENERIC inline container. It does not matter whether an a is inside span or span is inside a as both are inline elements. Feel free to do whatever seems logically correct to you.

Tooltip with HTML content without JavaScript

I have made a little example using css

.hover {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  top: 50px;_x000D_
  left: 50px;_x000D_
.tooltip {_x000D_
  /* hide and position tooltip */_x000D_
  top: -10px;_x000D_
  background-color: black;_x000D_
  color: white;_x000D_
  border-radius: 5px;_x000D_
  opacity: 0;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  -webkit-transition: opacity 0.5s;_x000D_
  -moz-transition: opacity 0.5s;_x000D_
  -ms-transition: opacity 0.5s;_x000D_
  -o-transition: opacity 0.5s;_x000D_
  transition: opacity 0.5s;_x000D_
.hover:hover .tooltip {_x000D_
  /* display tooltip on hover */_x000D_
  opacity: 1;_x000D_
<div class="hover">hover_x000D_
  <div class="tooltip">asdadasd_x000D_


Get all mysql selected rows into an array

while($result=mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
    // here you want to fetch all 
    // records from table like this. 
    // then you should get the array 
    // from all rows into one array 

Convert a list of characters into a string

This may be the fastest way:

>> from array import array
>> a = ['a','b','c','d']
>> array('B', map(ord,a)).tostring()

How to extract .war files in java? ZIP vs JAR

If you look at the JarFile API you'll see that it's a subclass of the ZipFile class.

The jar-specific classes mostly just add jar-specific functionality, like direct support for manifest file attributes and so on.

It's OOP "in action"; since jar files are zip files, the jar classes can use zip functionality and provide additional utility.

How to select bottom most rows?

It would seem that any of the answers which implement an ORDER BY clause in the solution is missing the point, or does not actually understand what TOP returns to you.

TOP returns an unordered query result set which limits the record set to the first N records returned. (From an Oracle perspective, it is akin to adding a where ROWNUM < (N+1).

Any solution which uses an order, may return rows which also are returned by the TOP clause (since that data set was unordered in the first place), depending on what criteria was used in the order by

The usefulness of TOP is that once the dataset reaches a certain size N, it stops fetching rows. You can get a feel for what the data looks like without having to fetch all of it.

To implement BOTTOM accurately, it would need to fetch the entire dataset unordered and then restrict the dataset to the final N records. That will not be particularly effective if you are dealing with huge tables. Nor will it necessarily give you what you think you are asking for. The end of the data set may not necessarily be "the last rows inserted" (and probably won't be for most DML intensive applications).

Similarly, the solutions which implement an ORDER BY are, unfortunately, potentially disastrous when dealing with large data sets. If I have, say, 10 Billion records and want the last 10, it is quite foolish to order 10 Billion records and select the last 10.

The problem here, is that BOTTOM does not have the meaning that we think of when comparing it to TOP.

When records are inserted, deleted, inserted, deleted over and over and over again, some gaps will appear in the storage and later, rows will be slotted in, if possible. But what we often see, when we select TOP, appears to be sorted data, because it may have been inserted early on in the table's existence. If the table does not experience many deletions, it may appear to be ordered. (e.g. creation dates may be as far back in time as the table creation itself). But the reality is, if this is a delete-heavy table, the TOP N rows may not look like that at all.

So -- the bottom line here(pun intended) is that someone who is asking for the BOTTOM N records doesn't actually know what they're asking for. Or, at least, what they're asking for and what BOTTOM actually means are not the same thing.

So -- the solution may meet the actual business need of the requestor...but does not meet the criteria for being the BOTTOM.

Converting char* to float or double

Code posted by you is correct and should have worked. But check exactly what you have in the char*. If the correct value is to big to be represented, functions will return a positive or negative HUGE_VAL. Check what you have in the char* against maximum values that float and double can represent on your computer.

Check this page for strtod reference and this page for atof reference.

I have tried the example you provided in both Windows and Linux and it worked fine.

Observable.of is not a function

Although it sounds absolutely strange, with me it mattered to capitalize the 'O' in the import path of import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable. The error message with observable_1.Observable.of is not a function stays present if I import the Observable from rxjs/observable. Strange but I hope it helps others.

did you specify the right host or port? error on Kubernetes

The issue is that your kubeconfig is not right. To auto-generate it run:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials "CLUSTER NAME"

This worked for me.

How to send post request to the below post method using postman rest client

I had same issue . I passed my data as key->value in "Body" section by choosing "form-data" option and it worked fine.

System.Security.SecurityException when writing to Event Log

My app gets installed on client web servers. Rather than fiddling with Network Service permissions and the registry, I opted to check SourceExists and run CreateEventSource in my installer.

I also added a try/catch around log.source = "xx" in the app to set it to a known source if my event source wasn't created (This would only come up if I hot swapped a .dll instead of re-installing).

TypeError: You provided an invalid object where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable

A hint for anyone experiencing this. This can happen when a switchMap doesn't receive an observable return value (like null). Simply add a default case, so it always returns an observable.

        switchMap((dateRange) => {
          if (dateRange === 'Last 24 hours') {
            return $observable1;
          if (dateRange === 'Last 7 Days') {
            return $observable2;
          if (dateRange === 'Last 30 Days') {
            return $observable3;
          // This line will work for default cases
          return $observableElse;

Saving an Object (Data persistence)

You can use anycache to do the job for you. It considers all the details:

  • It uses dill as backend, which extends the python pickle module to handle lambda and all the nice python features.
  • It stores different objects to different files and reloads them properly.
  • Limits cache size
  • Allows cache clearing
  • Allows sharing of objects between multiple runs
  • Allows respect of input files which influence the result

Assuming you have a function myfunc which creates the instance:

from anycache import anycache

class Company(object):
    def __init__(self, name, value): = name
        self.value = value

def myfunc(name, value)
    return Company(name, value)

Anycache calls myfunc at the first time and pickles the result to a file in cachedir using an unique identifier (depending on the function name and its arguments) as filename. On any consecutive run, the pickled object is loaded. If the cachedir is preserved between python runs, the pickled object is taken from the previous python run.

For any further details see the documentation

How do I use arrays in C++?


For no particular reason, arrays cannot be assigned to one another. Use std::copy instead:

#include <algorithm>

// ...

int a[8] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19};
int b[8];
std::copy(a + 0, a + 8, b);

This is more flexible than what true array assignment could provide because it is possible to copy slices of larger arrays into smaller arrays. std::copy is usually specialized for primitive types to give maximum performance. It is unlikely that std::memcpy performs better. If in doubt, measure.

Although you cannot assign arrays directly, you can assign structs and classes which contain array members. That is because array members are copied memberwise by the assignment operator which is provided as a default by the compiler. If you define the assignment operator manually for your own struct or class types, you must fall back to manual copying for the array members.

Parameter passing

Arrays cannot be passed by value. You can either pass them by pointer or by reference.

Pass by pointer

Since arrays themselves cannot be passed by value, usually a pointer to their first element is passed by value instead. This is often called "pass by pointer". Since the size of the array is not retrievable via that pointer, you have to pass a second parameter indicating the size of the array (the classic C solution) or a second pointer pointing after the last element of the array (the C++ iterator solution):

#include <numeric>
#include <cstddef>

int sum(const int* p, std::size_t n)
    return std::accumulate(p, p + n, 0);

int sum(const int* p, const int* q)
    return std::accumulate(p, q, 0);

As a syntactic alternative, you can also declare parameters as T p[], and it means the exact same thing as T* p in the context of parameter lists only:

int sum(const int p[], std::size_t n)
    return std::accumulate(p, p + n, 0);

You can think of the compiler as rewriting T p[] to T *p in the context of parameter lists only. This special rule is partly responsible for the whole confusion about arrays and pointers. In every other context, declaring something as an array or as a pointer makes a huge difference.

Unfortunately, you can also provide a size in an array parameter which is silently ignored by the compiler. That is, the following three signatures are exactly equivalent, as indicated by the compiler errors:

int sum(const int* p, std::size_t n)

// error: redefinition of 'int sum(const int*, size_t)'
int sum(const int p[], std::size_t n)

// error: redefinition of 'int sum(const int*, size_t)'
int sum(const int p[8], std::size_t n)   // the 8 has no meaning here

Pass by reference

Arrays can also be passed by reference:

int sum(const int (&a)[8])
    return std::accumulate(a + 0, a + 8, 0);

In this case, the array size is significant. Since writing a function that only accepts arrays of exactly 8 elements is of little use, programmers usually write such functions as templates:

template <std::size_t n>
int sum(const int (&a)[n])
    return std::accumulate(a + 0, a + n, 0);

Note that you can only call such a function template with an actual array of integers, not with a pointer to an integer. The size of the array is automatically inferred, and for every size n, a different function is instantiated from the template. You can also write quite useful function templates that abstract from both the element type and from the size.

Print a string as hex bytes?

for something that offers more performance than ''.format(), you can use this:

>>> ':'.join( '%02x'%(v if type(v) is int else ord(v)) for v in 'Hello World !!' )
>>> ':'.join( '%02x'%(v if type(v) is int else ord(v)) for v in b'Hello World !!' )

sorry this couldn't look nicer
would be nice if one could simply do '%02x'%v, but that only takes int...
but you'll be stuck with byte-strings b'' without the logic to select ord(v).

Bootstrap 3 and Youtube in Modal

I found this problem (or the problem I found and described at related to CSS3 transformation (translation) on the .modal.fade .modal-dialog class.

In bootstrap.css you will find the lines shown below:

.modal.fade .modal-dialog {
  -webkit-transform: translate(0, -25%);
      -ms-transform: translate(0, -25%);
          transform: translate(0, -25%);
  -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.3s ease-out;
     -moz-transition: -moz-transform 0.3s ease-out;
       -o-transition: -o-transform 0.3s ease-out;
          transition: transform 0.3s ease-out;
} .modal-dialog {
  -webkit-transform: translate(0, 0);
      -ms-transform: translate(0, 0);
          transform: translate(0, 0);

Replacing these lines with the following will show the movie correctly (in my case):

.modal.fade .modal-dialog {
  -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.3s ease-out;
     -moz-transition: -moz-transform 0.3s ease-out;
       -o-transition: -o-transform 0.3s ease-out;
          transition: transform 0.3s ease-out;
} .modal-dialog {


Android, canvas: How do I clear (delete contents of) a canvas (= bitmaps), living in a surfaceView?

Your first requirement, how to clear or redraw whole canvas - Answer - use canvas.drawColor(color.Black) method for clearing the screen with a color of black or whatever you specify .

Your second requirement, how to update part of the screen - Answer - for example if you want to keep all other things unchanged on the screen but in a small area of screen to show an integer(say counter) which increases after every five seconds. then use canvas.drawrect method to draw that small area by specifying left top right bottom and paint. then compute your counter value(using postdalayed for 5 seconds etc., llike Handler.postDelayed(Runnable_Object, 5000);) , convert it to text string, compute the x and y coordinate in this small rect and use text view to display the changing counter value.

Add items to comboBox in WPF

Use this

string[] str = new string[] {"Foo", "Bar"};

myComboBox.ItemsSource = str;
myComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;


foreach (string s in str)

myComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;      

Making the main scrollbar always visible

html {height: 101%;}

I use this cross browsers solution (note: I always use DOCTYPE declaration in 1st line, I don't know if it works in quirksmode, never tested it).

This will always show an ACTIVE vertical scroll bar in every page, vertical scrollbar will be scrollable only of few pixels.

When page contents is shorter than browser's visible area (view port) you will still see the vertical scrollbar active, and it will be scrollable only of few pixels.

In case you are obsessed with CSS validation (I'm obesessed only with HTML validation) by using this solution your CSS code would also validate for W3C because you are not using non standard CSS attributes like -moz-scrollbars-vertical

REST response code for invalid data

400 is the best choice in both cases. If you want to further clarify the error you can either change the Reason Phrase or include a body to explain the error.

412 - Precondition failed is used for conditional requests when using last-modified date and ETags.

403 - Forbidden is used when the server wishes to prevent access to a resource.

The only other choice that is possible is 422 - Unprocessable entity.

How do I terminate a thread in C++11?

This question actually have more deep nature and good understanding of the multithreading concepts in general will provide you insight about this topic. In fact there is no any language or any operating system which provide you facilities for asynchronous abruptly thread termination without warning to not use them. And all these execution environments strongly advise developer or even require build multithreading applications on the base of cooperative or synchronous thread termination. The reason for this common decisions and advices is that all they are built on the base of the same general multithreading model.

Let's compare multiprocessing and multithreading concepts to better understand advantages and limitations of the second one.

Multiprocessing assumes splitting of the entire execution environment into set of completely isolated processes controlled by the operating system. Process incorporates and isolates execution environment state including local memory of the process and data inside it and all system resources like files, sockets, synchronization objects. Isolation is a critically important characteristic of the process, because it limits the faults propagation by the process borders. In other words, no one process can affects the consistency of any another process in the system. The same is true for the process behaviour but in the less restricted and more blur way. In such environment any process can be killed in any "arbitrary" moment, because firstly each process is isolated, secondly, operating system have full knowledges about all resources used by process and can release all of them without leaking, and finally process will be killed by OS not really in arbitrary moment, but in the number of well defined points where the state of the process is well known.

In contrast, multithreading assumes running multiple threads in the same process. But all this threads are share the same isolation box and there is no any operating system control of the internal state of the process. As a result any thread is able to change global process state as well as corrupt it. At the same moment the points in which the state of the thread is well known to be safe to kill a thread completely depends on the application logic and are not known neither for operating system nor for programming language runtime. As a result thread termination at the arbitrary moment means killing it at arbitrary point of its execution path and can easily lead to the process-wide data corruption, memory and handles leakage, threads leakage and spinlocks and other intra-process synchronization primitives leaved in the closed state preventing other threads in doing progress.

Due to this the common approach is to force developers to implement synchronous or cooperative thread termination, where the one thread can request other thread termination and other thread in well-defined point can check this request and start the shutdown procedure from the well-defined state with releasing of all global system-wide resources and local process-wide resources in the safe and consistent way.

How to jQuery clone() and change id?

This is the simplest solution working for me.

$('#your_modal_id').clone().prop("id", "new_modal_id").appendTo("target_container");

What are the differences between Deferred, Promise and Future in JavaScript?

What really made it all click for me was this presentation by Domenic Denicola.

In a github gist, he gave the description I like most, it's very concise:

The point of promises is to give us back functional composition and error bubbling in the async world.

In other word, promises are a way that lets us write asynchronous code that is almost as easy to write as if it was synchronous.

Consider this example, with promises:

getTweetsFor("domenic") // promise-returning async function
    .then(function (tweets) {
        var shortUrls = parseTweetsForUrls(tweets);
        var mostRecentShortUrl = shortUrls[0];
        return expandUrlUsingTwitterApi(mostRecentShortUrl); // promise-returning async function
    .then(doHttpRequest) // promise-returning async function
        function (responseBody) {
            console.log("Most recent link text:", responseBody);
        function (error) {
            console.error("Error with the twitterverse:", error);

It works as if you were writing this synchronous code:

try {
    var tweets = getTweetsFor("domenic"); // blocking
    var shortUrls = parseTweetsForUrls(tweets);
    var mostRecentShortUrl = shortUrls[0];
    var responseBody = doHttpRequest(expandUrlUsingTwitterApi(mostRecentShortUrl)); // blocking x 2
    console.log("Most recent link text:", responseBody);
} catch (error) {
    console.error("Error with the twitterverse: ", error);

(If this still sounds complicated, watch that presentation!)

Regarding Deferred, it's a way to .resolve() or .reject() promises. In the Promises/B spec, it is called .defer(). In jQuery, it's $.Deferred().

Please note that, as far as I know, the Promise implementation in jQuery is broken (see that gist), at least as of jQuery 1.8.2.
It supposedly implements Promises/A thenables, but you don't get the correct error handling you should, in the sense that the whole "async try/catch" functionality won't work. Which is a pity, because having a "try/catch" with async code is utterly cool.

If you are going to use Promises (you should try them out with your own code!), use Kris Kowal's Q. The jQuery version is just some callback aggregator for writing cleaner jQuery code, but misses the point.

Regarding Future, I have no idea, I haven't seen that in any API.

Edit: Domenic Denicola's youtube talk on Promises from @Farm's comment below.

A quote from Michael Jackson (yes, Michael Jackson) from the video:

I want you to burn this phrase in your mind: A promise is an asynchronous value.

This is an excellent description: a promise is like a variable from the future - a first-class reference to something that, at some point, will exist (or happen).

Avoid dropdown menu close on click inside

$(function() {
    $('.mega-dropdown').on('', function(e) {
        var $target = $(;
        return !($target.hasClass("keep-open") || $target.parents(".keep-open").size() > 0);

    $('.mega-dropdown > ul.dropdown-menu').on('mouseenter', function() {
    }).on('mouseleave', function() {

Send multiple checkbox data to PHP via jQuery ajax()

var myCheckboxes = new Array();
$("input:checked").each(function() {

You are pushing checkboxes to wrong array data['myCheckboxes[]'] instead of myCheckboxes.push

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-includes\class-http.php on line 1610

If you are simply testing a local dev version of WordPress as I was an hitting timeouts when WordPress tries to update itself you can always disable updates for your local version like so:

Don't do this for a production site!