[sql] How to select bottom most rows?

The currently accepted answer by "Justin Ethier" is not a correct answer as pointed out by "Protector one".

As far as I can see, as of now, no other answer or comment provides the equivalent of BOTTOM(x) the question author asked for.

First, let's consider a scenario where this functionality would be needed:

SELECT * FROM Split('apple,orange,banana,apple,lime',',')

This returns a table of one column and five records:

  • apple
  • orange
  • banana
  • apple
  • lime

As you can see: we don't have an ID column; we can't order by the returned column; and we can't select the bottom two records using standard SQL like we can do for the top two records.

Here is my attempt to provide a solution:

SELECT * INTO #mytemptable FROM Split('apple,orange,banana,apple,lime',',')
SELECT TOP 2 * FROM #mytemptable ORDER BY tempID DESC
DROP TABLE #mytemptable

And here is a more complete solution:

SELECT * INTO #mytemptable FROM Split('apple,orange,banana,apple,lime',',')
DELETE FROM #mytemptable WHERE tempID <= ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #mytemptable) - 2)
SELECT * FROM #mytemptable
DROP TABLE #mytemptable

I am by no means claiming that this is a good idea to use in all circumstances, but it provides the desired results.

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