Programs & Examples On #Chunks

A chunk is a fragment of information which is used in many multimedia formats

What is the most "pythonic" way to iterate over a list in chunks?

In your second method, I would advance to the next group of 4 by doing this:

ints = ints[4:]

However, I haven't done any performance measurement so I don't know which one might be more efficient.

Having said that, I would usually choose the first method. It's not pretty, but that's often a consequence of interfacing with the outside world.

Splitting a list into N parts of approximately equal length

This will do the split by a single expression:

>>> myList = range(18)
>>> parts = 5
>>> [myList[(i*len(myList))//parts:((i+1)*len(myList))//parts] for i in range(parts)]
[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13], [14, 15, 16, 17]]

The list in this example has the size 18 and is divided into 5 parts. The size of the parts differs in no more than one element.

How do you split a list into evenly sized chunks?

No magic, but simple and correct:

def chunks(iterable, n):
    """Yield successive n-sized chunks from iterable."""
    values = []
    for i, item in enumerate(iterable, 1):
        if i % n == 0:
            yield values
            values = []
    if values:
        yield values

How do I read a large csv file with pandas?

For large data l recommend you use the library "dask"

# Dataframes implement the Pandas API
import dask.dataframe as dd
df = dd.read_csv('s3://.../2018-*-*.csv')

You can read more from the documentation here.

Another great alternative would be to use modin because all the functionality is identical to pandas yet it leverages on distributed dataframe libraries such as dask.

Force "git push" to overwrite remote files

Works for me:

git push --set-upstream origin master -f

How to represent a DateTime in Excel

Excel can display a Date type in a similar manner to a DateTime. Right click on the affected cell, select Format Cells, then under Category select Date and under Type select the type that looks something like this:

3/14/01 1:30 PM

That should do what you requested. I tested sorting on some sample data with this format and it seemed to work fine.

How can I expand and collapse a <div> using javascript?

If you used the data-role collapsible e.g.

    <div id="selector" data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="true">

then it will close the the expanded div


Detect changes in the DOM

MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver;

var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer) {
    // fired when a mutation occurs
    console.log(mutations, observer);
    // ...

// define what element should be observed by the observer
// and what types of mutations trigger the callback
observer.observe(document, {
  subtree: true,
  attributes: true

Complete explanations:

How to make audio autoplay on chrome

temp fix

$(document).on('click', "#buttonStarter", function(evt)
var context = new AudioContext();

Or use a custom player to trigger play

Note : Autoplay will be renabled in 31 December

Strange Jackson exception being thrown when serializing Hibernate object

I tried @JsonDetect and

@JsonIgnoreProperties(value = { "handler", "hibernateLazyInitializer" })

Neither of them worked for me. Using a third-party module seemed like a lot of work to me. So I just tried making a get call on any property of the lazy object before passing to jackson for serlization. The working code snippet looked something like this :

@RequestMapping(value = "/authenticate", produces = "application/json; charset=utf-8")
    public Account authenticate(Principal principal) {
        UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken usernamePasswordAuthenticationToken = (UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken) principal;
        LoggedInUserDetails loggedInUserDetails = (LoggedInUserDetails) usernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.getPrincipal();
        User user = userRepository.findOne(loggedInUserDetails.getUserId());
        Account account = user.getAccount();
        account.getFullName();      //Since, account is lazy giving it directly to jackson for serlization didn't worked & hence, this quick-fix.
        return account;

What's the difference between "Request Payload" vs "Form Data" as seen in Chrome dev tools Network tab

The Request Payload - or to be more precise: payload body of a HTTP Request - is the data normally send by a POST or PUT Request. It's the part after the headers and the CRLF of a HTTP Request.

A request with Content-Type: application/json may look like this:

POST /some-path HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

{ "foo" : "bar", "name" : "John" }

If you submit this per AJAX the browser simply shows you what it is submitting as payload body. That’s all it can do because it has no idea where the data is coming from.

If you submit a HTML-Form with method="POST" and Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded or Content-Type: multipart/form-data your request may look like this:

POST /some-path HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


In this case the form-data is the request payload. Here the Browser knows more: it knows that bar is the value of the input-field foo of the submitted form. And that’s what it is showing to you.

So, they differ in the Content-Type but not in the way data is submitted. In both cases the data is in the message-body. And Chrome distinguishes how the data is presented to you in the Developer Tools.

Is there a way to link someone to a YouTube Video in HD 1080p quality?

Yes there is:

Options are:

Code for 1440: vq=hd1440
Code for 1080: vq=hd1080
Code for 720: vq=hd720
Code for 480p: vq=large
Code for 360p: vq=medium
Code for 240p: vq=small

As of 10 of April 2018, this code still works.
Some users reported "not working", if it doesn't work for you, please read below:

From what I've learned, the problem is related with network speed and or screen size.
When YT player starts, it collects the network speed, screen and player sizes, among other information, if the connection is slow or the screen/player size smaller than the quality requested(vq=), a lower quality video is displayed despite the option selected on vq=.

Also make sure you read the comments below.

Android: How to programmatically access the device serial number shown in the AVD manager (API Version 8)

From Android P, defining the READ_PHONE_STATE permission in AndroidManifest only, will not work. We have to actually request for the permission. Below code works for me:

@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.P)
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
        ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE}, 101);

@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
protected void onResume() {
    if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults) {
    switch (requestCode) {
        case 101:
            if (grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
        } else {
            //not granted
            super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);

Add this permissions in AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name = "android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name = "android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />

Hope this helps.

Thank You, MJ

Android App Not Install. An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed

If you don't want to bother with the keystore file, then just remove the package altogether for all users.

Connect your device with Mac/PC and run adb uninstall <package>

Worked for me.


How can I convert a string to a number in Perl?

You don't need to convert it at all:

% perl -e 'print "5.45" + 0.1;'

How do I execute a stored procedure in a SQL Agent job?

As Marc says, you run it exactly like you would from the command line. See Creating SQL Server Agent Jobs on MSDN.

How to remove a virtualenv created by "pipenv run"

I know that question is a bit old but

In root of project where Pipfile is located you could run

pipenv --venv

which returns


and then remove this env by typing

rm -rf /Users/your_user_name/.local/share/virtualenvs/model-N-S4uBGU

Split string on the first white space occurrence

Another simple way:

str = 'text1 text2 text3';
strFirstWord = str.split(' ')[0];
strOtherWords = str.replace(strFirstWord + ' ', '');


strFirstWord = 'text1';
strOtherWords = 'text2 text3';

docker: Error response from daemon: Get Service Unavailable. IN DOCKER , MAC


If your company is behind MS Proxy Server that using the proprietary NTLM protocol.

You need to install **Cntlm** Authentication Proxy

After this SET the proxy in 
/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf) with the following format:


Environment=“HTTP_PROXY=http://<<IP OF CNTLM Proxy Server>>:3182”

In addition you can set in the .DockerFile
export http_proxy=http://<<IP OF CNTLM Proxy Server>>:3182
export https_proxy=http://<IP OF CNTLM Proxy Server>>:3182
export no_proxy=localhost,,10.0.2.*

Followed by:
systemctl daemon-reload

systemctl restart docker

This Worked for me

PDF files do not open in Internet Explorer with Adobe Reader 10.0 - users get an empty gray screen. How can I fix this for my users?

In my case the solution was quite simple. I added this header and the browsers opened the file in every test. header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="filename.pdf"');

How to convert a file to utf-8 in Python?

This worked for me in a small test:

sourceEncoding = "iso-8859-1"
targetEncoding = "utf-8"
source = open("source")
target = open("target", "w")

target.write(unicode(, sourceEncoding).encode(targetEncoding))

Unable to install Maven on Windows: "JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory"

My situation was a bit different.

  • JAVA_HOME was set properly to point to 1.7
  • Other Maven projects were working/building fine with 1.7 features.
  • PATH was set properly.
  • Everything was up-to-date.

Still my simple new Maven project was not working. What I noticed was the difference in the logs when I ran mvn clean install. For my older Maven projects, it showed

[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) @ oldProject---

But for my new project it showed:

[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.0.2:compile (default-compile) @ newProject ---

So, I looked at the POM.xml and noticed this thing in the old project's POM:


Basically, this plugin tells which compiler version to use for compilation. Just added it to the new project's POM.xml and things worked.

Hope it is useful to someone.

Programmatically scroll a UIScrollView

Another way is

scrollView.contentOffset = CGPointMake(x,y);

Executing Javascript code "on the spot" in Chrome?

You can use bookmarklets if you want run bigger scripts in more convenient way and run them automatically by one click.

What is the difference between Dim, Global, Public, and Private as Modular Field Access Modifiers?

Dim and Private work the same, though the common convention is to use Private at the module level, and Dim at the Sub/Function level. Public and Global are nearly identical in their function, however Global can only be used in standard modules, whereas Public can be used in all contexts (modules, classes, controls, forms etc.) Global comes from older versions of VB and was likely kept for backwards compatibility, but has been wholly superseded by Public.

AngularJS ng-if with multiple conditions

HTML code

<div ng-app>
<div ng-controller='ctrl'>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[0])'>{{call.state[0]}}</div>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[1])'>{{call.state[1]}}</div>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[2])'>{{call.state[2]}}</div>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[3])'>{{call.state[3]}}</div>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[4])'>{{call.state[4]}}</div>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[5])'>{{call.state[5]}}</div>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[6])'>{{call.state[6]}}</div>
    <div ng-class='whatClassIsIt(call.state[7])'>{{call.state[7]}}</div>

JavaScript Code

function ctrl($scope){
${state:['second','first','nothing','Never', 'Gonna', 'Give', 'You', 'Up']}

$scope.whatClassIsIt= function(someValue){
            return "ClassA"
     else if(someValue=="second")
         return "ClassB";
         return "ClassC";

How to store NULL values in datetime fields in MySQL?

It depends on how you declare your table. NULL would not be allowed in:

create table MyTable (col1 datetime NOT NULL);

But it would be allowed in:

create table MyTable (col1 datetime NULL);

The second is the default, so someone must've actively decided that the column should not be nullable.

cd into directory without having permission

Unless you have sudo permissions to change it or its in your own usergroup/account you will not be able to get into it.

Check out man chmod in the terminal for more information about changing permissions of a directory.

Non-Static method cannot be referenced from a static context with methods and variables

You need to make both your method - printMenu() and getUserChoice() static, as you are directly invoking them from your static main method, without creating an instance of the class, those methods are defined in. And you cannot invoke a non-static method without any reference to an instance of the class they are defined in.

Alternatively you can change the method invocation part to:

BookStoreApp2 bookStoreApp = new BookStoreApp2();

How to use PrintWriter and File classes in Java?

Pass the File object to the constructor PrintWriter(File file):

PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(file);

Setting Spring Profile variable

For Tomcat 8:

Linux :

Create and update it with following:



Create setenv.bat and update it with following:


Recommended way to insert elements into map

  1. insert is not a recommended way - it is one of the ways to insert into map. The difference with operator[] is that the insert can tell whether the element is inserted into the map. Also, if your class has no default constructor, you are forced to use insert.
  2. operator[] needs the default constructor because the map checks if the element exists. If it doesn't then it creates one using default constructor and returns a reference (or const reference to it).

Because map containers do not allow for duplicate key values, the insertion operation checks for each element inserted whether another element exists already in the container with the same key value, if so, the element is not inserted and its mapped value is not changed in any way.

How to create a sticky footer that plays well with Bootstrap 3

What worked for me was adding the position relative to the html tag.

html {
body {
footer {

Read/Parse text file line by line in VBA

You Can use this code to read line by line in text file and You could also check about the first character is "*" then you can leave that..

Public Sub Test()

    Dim ReadData as String

    Open "C:\satheesh\myfile\file.txt" For Input As #1

    Do Until EOF(1) 
       Line Input #1, ReadData 'Adding Line to read the whole line, not only first 128 positions
    If Not Left(ReadData, 1) = "*" then
       '' you can write the variable ReadData into the database or file
    End If 


    Close #1

End Sub

White space at top of page

Old question, but I just ran into this. Sometimes your files are UTF-8 with a BOM at the start, and your template engine doesn't like that. So when you include your template, you get another (invisible) BOM inserted into your page...

<body>{INVISIBLE BOM HERE}...</body>

This causes a gap at the start of your page, where the browser renders the BOM, but it looks invisible to you (and in the inspector, just shows up as whitespace/quotes.

Save your template files as UTF-8 without BOM, or change your template engine to correctly handle UTF8/BOM documents.

SQL Query to concatenate column values from multiple rows in Oracle

The LISTAGG analytic function was introduced in Oracle 11g Release 2, making it very easy to aggregate strings. If you are using 11g Release 2 you should use this function for string aggregation. Please refer below url for more information about string concatenation.

String Concatenation

Change Timezone in Lumen or Laravel 5

You just have to edit de app.php file in config directory Just find next lines

| Application Timezone
| Here you may specify the default timezone for your application, which
| will be used by the PHP date and date-time functions. We have gone
| ahead and set this to a sensible default for you out of the box.

'timezone' => 'UTC',

And.. chage it for:

'timezone' => 'Europe/Paris',

Uncaught Typeerror: cannot read property 'innerHTML' of null

Looks like the script executes before the DOM loads. Try loading the script asynchronously.

 <script src="yourcode.js" async></script>

How to get array keys in Javascript?

Say your array looked like arr = [ { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, { a: 4, b: 5, c: 6 }, { a: 7, b: 8, c: 9 } ] (or possibly other keys) you could do => {
    return Object.keys(o)
}).reduce((prev, curr) => {
    return prev.concat(curr)
}).filter((col, i, array) => {
    return array.indexOf(col) === i

["a", "b", "c"]

Crop image to specified size and picture location

You would need to do something like this. I am typing this off the top of my head, so this may not be 100% correct.

CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, 640, 360, 8, 4 * width, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst); CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace);  CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0,-160,640,360), cgImgFromAVCaptureSession);  CGImageRef image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context); UIImage* myCroppedImg = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:image]; CGContextRelease(context);       

How to use MySQL dump from a remote machine

No one mentions anything about the --single-transaction option. People should use it by default for InnoDB tables to ensure data consistency. In this case:

mysqldump --single-transaction -h [] -u [username] -p [password] [yourdatabase] > [dump_file.sql]

This makes sure the dump is run in a single transaction that's isolated from the others, preventing backup of a partial transaction.

For instance, consider you have a game server where people can purchase gears with their account credits. There are essentially 2 operations against the database:

  1. Deduct the amount from their credits
  2. Add the gear to their arsenal

Now if the dump happens in between these operations, the next time you restore the backup would result in the user losing the purchased item, because the second operation isn't dumped in the SQL dump file.

While it's just an option, there are basically not much of a reason why you don't use this option with mysqldump.

How to make a stable two column layout in HTML/CSS

I could care less about IE6, as long as it works in IE8, Firefox 4, and Safari 5

This makes me happy.

Try this: Live Demo

display: table is surprisingly good. Once you don't care about IE7, you're free to use it. It doesn't really have any of the usual downsides of <table>.


#container {
    background: #ccc;
    display: table
#left, #right {
    display: table-cell
#left {
    width: 150px;
    background: #f0f;
    border: 5px dotted blue;
#right {
    background: #aaa;
    border: 3px solid #000

Why do we need the "finally" clause in Python?

I was trying to run a code where i wanted to read excel sheets. Issue was, if there is a file which has no sheet named say : SheetSum I am not able to move it to error location!! Code i wrote was:

def read_file(data_file):
    # data_file = '\rr\ex.xlsx'
    sheets = {}
        print("Reading file: "+data_file)
        sheets['df_1'] = pd.read_excel(open(data_file,'rb'), 'SheetSum')
    except Exception as excpt:
        print("Exception occurred", exc_info=True)
    return sheets

shutil.move( file, dirpath +'\\processed_files')

Giving Error :

[WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

I had to add full try except with finally block and tell finally i need to close the file in any case like:

def read_file(data_file):
    # data_file = '\rr\ex.xlsx'
    sheets = {}
        print("Reading file: "+data_file)
        sheets_file = open(data_file,'rb')
        sheets['df_1'] = pd.read_excel(sheets_file, 'SheetSum')
    except Exception as excpt:
        print("Exception occurred", exc_info=True)
    return sheets

shutil.move( file, dirpath +'\\processed_files')

Otherwise, file still remains open is the background.

If finally is present, it specifies a cleanup handler. The try clause is executed, including any except and else clauses. If an exception occurs in any of the clauses and is not handled, the exception is temporarily saved. The finally clause is executed. If there is a saved exception it is re-raised at the end of the finally clause. If the finally clause raises another exception, the saved exception is set as the context of the new exception.

..More Here

How can I get query string values in JavaScript?

Doing this reliably is more involved than one may think at first.

  1., which is used in other answers, is brittle and should be avoided - for example, it returns empty if someone screws up and puts a #fragment identifier before the ?query string.
  2. There are a number of ways URLs get automatically escaped in the browser, which makes decodeURIComponent pretty much mandatory, in my opinion.
  3. Many query strings are generated from user input, which means assumptions about the URL content are very bad. Including very basic things like that each key is unique or even has a value.

To solve this, here is a configurable API with a healthy dose of defensive programming. Note that it can be made half the size if you are willing to hardcode some of the variables, or if the input can never include hasOwnProperty, etc.

Version 1: Returns a data object with names and values for each parameter. It effectively de-duplicates them and always respects the first one found from left-to-right.

function getQueryData(url, paramKey, pairKey, missingValue, decode) {

    var query, queryStart, fragStart, pairKeyStart, i, len, name, value, result;

    if (!url || typeof url !== 'string') {
        url = location.href; // more robust than, which is flaky
    if (!paramKey || typeof paramKey !== 'string') {
        paramKey = '&';
    if (!pairKey || typeof pairKey !== 'string') {
        pairKey = '=';
    // when you do not explicitly tell the API...
    if (arguments.length < 5) {
        // it will unescape parameter keys and values by default...
        decode = true;

    queryStart = url.indexOf('?');
    if (queryStart >= 0) {
        // grab everything after the very first ? question mark...
        query = url.substring(queryStart + 1);
    } else {
        // assume the input is already parameter data...
        query = url;
    // remove fragment identifiers...
    fragStart = query.indexOf('#');
    if (fragStart >= 0) {
        // remove everything after the first # hash mark...
        query = query.substring(0, fragStart);
    // make sure at this point we have enough material to do something useful...
    if (query.indexOf(paramKey) >= 0 || query.indexOf(pairKey) >= 0) {
        // we no longer need the whole query, so get the parameters...
        query = query.split(paramKey);
        result = {};
        // loop through the parameters...
        for (i = 0, len = query.length; i < len; i = i + 1) {
            pairKeyStart = query[i].indexOf(pairKey);
            if (pairKeyStart >= 0) {
                name = query[i].substring(0, pairKeyStart);
            } else {
                name = query[i];
            // only continue for non-empty names that we have not seen before...
            if (name && !, name)) {
                if (decode) {
                    // unescape characters with special meaning like ? and #
                    name = decodeURIComponent(name);
                if (pairKeyStart >= 0) {
                    value = query[i].substring(pairKeyStart + 1);
                    if (value) {
                        if (decode) {
                            value = decodeURIComponent(value);
                    } else {
                        value = missingValue;
                } else {
                    value = missingValue;
                result[name] = value;
        return result;

Version 2: Returns a data map object with two identical length arrays, one for names and one for values, with an index for each parameter. This one supports duplicate names and intentionally does not de-duplicate them, because that is probably why you would want to use this format.

function getQueryData(url, paramKey, pairKey, missingValue, decode) {

    var query, queryStart, fragStart, pairKeyStart, i, len, name, value, result;

    if (!url || typeof url !== 'string') {
          url = location.href; // more robust than, which is flaky
        if (!paramKey || typeof paramKey !== 'string') {
            paramKey = '&';
        if (!pairKey || typeof pairKey !== 'string') {
            pairKey = '=';
        // when you do not explicitly tell the API...
        if (arguments.length < 5) {
            // it will unescape parameter keys and values by default...
            decode = true;

        queryStart = url.indexOf('?');
        if (queryStart >= 0) {
            // grab everything after the very first ? question mark...
            query = url.substring(queryStart + 1);
        } else {
            // assume the input is already parameter data...
            query = url;
        // remove fragment identifiers...
        fragStart = query.indexOf('#');
        if (fragStart >= 0) {
            // remove everything after the first # hash mark...
            query = query.substring(0, fragStart);
        // make sure at this point we have enough material to do something useful...
        if (query.indexOf(paramKey) >= 0 || query.indexOf(pairKey) >= 0) {
            // we no longer need the whole query, so get the parameters...
            query = query.split(paramKey);
            result = {
                names: [],
                values: []
            // loop through the parameters...
            for (i = 0, len = query.length; i < len; i = i + 1) {
                pairKeyStart = query[i].indexOf(pairKey);
                if (pairKeyStart >= 0) {
                    name = query[i].substring(0, pairKeyStart);
                } else {
                    name = query[i];
                // only continue for non-empty names...
                if (name) {
                    if (decode) {
                        // unescape characters with special meaning like ? and #
                        name = decodeURIComponent(name);
                    if (pairKeyStart >= 0) {
                        value = query[i].substring(pairKeyStart + 1);
                        if (value) {
                            if (decode) {
                                value = decodeURIComponent(value);
                        } else {
                            value = missingValue;
                    } else {
                        value = missingValue;
           return result;

SQL: sum 3 columns when one column has a null value?

I would try this:

select sum (case when TotalHousM is null then 0 else TotalHousM end)
       + (case when TotalHousT is null then 0 else TotalHousT end)
       + (case when TotalHousW is null then 0 else TotalHousW end)
       + (case when TotalHousTH is null then 0 else TotalHousTH end)
       + (case when TotalHousF is null then 0 else TotalHousF end)
       as Total
From LeaveRequest

use of entityManager.createNativeQuery(query,foo.class)

That doesn't work because the second parameter should be a mapped entity and of course Integer is not a persistent class (since it doesn't have the @Entity annotation on it).

for you you should do the following:

Query q = em.createNativeQuery("select id from users where username = :username");
q.setParameter("username", "lt");
List<BigDecimal> values = q.getResultList();

or if you want to use HQL you can do something like this:

Query q = em.createQuery("select new Integer(id) from users where username = :username");
q.setParameter("username", "lt");
List<Integer> values = q.getResultList();


Split Strings into words with multiple word boundary delimiters

So many answers, yet I can't find any solution that does efficiently what the title of the questions literally asks for (splitting on multiple possible separators—instead, many answers split on anything that is not a word, which is different). So here is an answer to the question in the title, that relies on Python's standard and efficient re module:

>>> import re  # Will be splitting on: , <space> - ! ? :
>>> filter(None, re.split("[, \-!?:]+", "Hey, you - what are you doing here!?"))
['Hey', 'you', 'what', 'are', 'you', 'doing', 'here']


  • the […] matches one of the separators listed inside,
  • the \- in the regular expression is here to prevent the special interpretation of - as a character range indicator (as in A-Z),
  • the + skips one or more delimiters (it could be omitted thanks to the filter(), but this would unnecessarily produce empty strings between matched single-character separators), and
  • filter(None, …) removes the empty strings possibly created by leading and trailing separators (since empty strings have a false boolean value).

This re.split() precisely "splits with multiple separators", as asked for in the question title.

This solution is furthermore immune to the problems with non-ASCII characters in words found in some other solutions (see the first comment to ghostdog74's answer).

The re module is much more efficient (in speed and concision) than doing Python loops and tests "by hand"!

BeanFactory vs ApplicationContext

In summary:

The ApplicationContext includes all functionality of the BeanFactory. It is generally recommended to use the former.

There are some limited situations such as in a Mobile application, where memory consumption might be critical.

In that scenarios, It can be justifiable to use the more lightweight BeanFactory. However, in the most enterprise applications, the ApplicationContext is what you will want to use.

For more, see my blog post:

Difference between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext in Spring – The java spring blog from the basics

How do I stop a web page from scrolling to the top when a link is clicked that triggers JavaScript?

If you can simply change the href value, you should use:

<a href="javascript:void(0);">Link Title</a>

Another neat solution I just came up with is to use jQuery to stop the click action from occurring and causing the page to scroll, but only for href="#" links.

<script type="text/javascript">
    /* Stop page jumping when links are pressed */
    $('a[href="#"]').live("click", function(e) {
         return false; // prevent default click action from happening!
         e.preventDefault(); // same thing as above

Razor View Engine : An expression tree may not contain a dynamic operation

It seems to me that you have an untyped view. By default, Razor views in MVC3 RC are typed as dynamic. However, lambdas do not support dynamic members. You have to strongly type your model. At the top of your view file add

@model SampleModel

Correct format specifier for double in printf

"%f" is the (or at least one) correct format for a double. There is no format for a float, because if you attempt to pass a float to printf, it'll be promoted to double before printf receives it1. "%lf" is also acceptable under the current standard -- the l is specified as having no effect if followed by the f conversion specifier (among others).

Note that this is one place that printf format strings differ substantially from scanf (and fscanf, etc.) format strings. For output, you're passing a value, which will be promoted from float to double when passed as a variadic parameter. For input you're passing a pointer, which is not promoted, so you have to tell scanf whether you want to read a float or a double, so for scanf, %f means you want to read a float and %lf means you want to read a double (and, for what it's worth, for a long double, you use %Lf for either printf or scanf).

1. C99, § "If the expression that denotes the called function has a type that does not include a prototype, the integer promotions are performed on each argument, and arguments that have type float are promoted to double. These are called the default argument promotions." In C++ the wording is somewhat different (e.g., it doesn't use the word "prototype") but the effect is the same: all the variadic parameters undergo default promotions before they're received by the function.

What is monkey patching?

Monkey patching can only be done in dynamic languages, of which python is a good example. Changing a method at runtime instead of updating the object definition is one example;similarly, adding attributes (whether methods or variables) at runtime is considered monkey patching. These are often done when working with modules you don't have the source for, such that the object definitions can't be easily changed.

This is considered bad because it means that an object's definition does not completely or accurately describe how it actually behaves.

How to sum the values of one column of a dataframe in spark/scala

Simply apply aggregation function, Sum on your column


Follow the Documentation

Check out this link also

ggplot2 plot without axes, legends, etc

Does this do what you want?

 p <- ggplot(myData, aes(foo, bar)) + geom_whateverGeomYouWant(more = options) +
 p + scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) + 
 scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
 opts(legend.position = "none")

Seconds CountDown Timer

int segundo = 0;
DateTime dt = new DateTime();

private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e){
    label1.Text = dt.AddSeconds(segundo).ToString("HH:mm:ss");

How can I give eclipse more memory than 512M?

I've had a lot of problems trying to get Eclipse to accept as much memory as I'd like it to be able to use (between 2 and 4 gigs for example).

Open eclipse.ini in the Eclipse installation directory. You should be able to change the memory sizes after -vmargs up to 1024 without a problem up to some maximum value that's dependent on your system. Here's that section on my Linux box:


And here's that section on my Windows box:


But, I've failed at setting it higher than 1024 megs. If anybody knows how to make that work, I'd love to know.

EDIT: 32bit version of juno seems to not accept more than Xmx1024m where the 64 bit version accept 2048.

EDIT: Nick's post contains some great links that explain two different things:

  • The problem is largely dependent on your system and the amount of contiguous free memory available, and
  • By using javaw.exe (on Windows), you may be able to get a larger allocated block of memory.

I have 8 gigs of Ram and can't set -Xmx to more than 1024 megs of ram, even when a minimal amount of programs are loaded and both windows/linux report between 4 and 5 gigs of free ram.

How to Set AllowOverride all

As other users explained here about the usage of allowoveride directive, which is used to give permission to .htaccess usage. one thing I want to point out that never use allowoverride all if other users have access to write .htaccess instead use allowoveride as to permit certain modules.

Such as AllowOverride AuthConfig mod_rewrite Instead of

AllowOverride All

Because module like mod_mime can render your server side files as plain text.

Failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt

In my case it was just caused because there was not enough space on the disk for cvtres.exe to write the files it had to.

The error was preceded by this line

CVTRES : fatal error CVT1106: cannot write to file

Can media queries resize based on a div element instead of the screen?

This is currently not possible with CSS alone as @BoltClock wrote in the accepted answer, but you can work around that by using JavaScript.

I created a container query (aka element query) prolyfill to solve this kind of issue. It works a bit different than other scripts, so you don’t have to edit the HTML code of your elements. All you have to do is include the script and use it in your CSS like so:

.element:container(width > 99px) {
    /* If its container is at least 100px wide */

Does Visual Studio have code coverage for unit tests?

For anyone that is looking for an easy solution in Visual Studio Community 2019, Fine Code Coverage is simple but it works well.

It cannot give accurate numbers on the precise coverage, but it will tell which lines are being covered with green/red gutters.

Alternative to iFrames with HTML5

This also does seem to work, although W3C specifies it is not intended "for an external (typically non-HTML) application or interactive content"

<embed src="" width=200 height=200 />

More info:

Handling NULL values in Hive

What is the datatype for column1 in your Hive table? Please note that if your column is STRING it won't be having a NULL value even though your external file does not have any data for that column.

Autoreload of modules in IPython

You can use:

  import ipy_autoreload
  %autoreload 2 
  %aimport your_mod

python paramiko ssh

The code of @ThePracticalOne is great for showing the usage except for one thing: Somtimes the output would be incomplete.(session.recv_ready() turns true after the if session.recv_ready(): while session.recv_stderr_ready() and session.exit_status_ready() turned true before entering next loop)

so my thinking is to retrieving the data when it is ready to exit the session.

while True:
if session.exit_status_ready():
while True:
    while True:
        print "try to recv stdout..."
        ret = session.recv(nbytes)
        if len(ret) == 0:

    while True:
        print "try to recv stderr..."
        ret = session.recv_stderr(nbytes)
        if len(ret) == 0:

What is the simplest method of inter-process communication between 2 C# processes?

There's also COM.

There are technicalities, but I'd say the advantage is that you'll be able to call methods that you can define.

MSDN offers C# COM interop tutorials. Please search because these links do change.

To get started rightaway go here...

How to use double or single brackets, parentheses, curly braces

Truncate the contents of a variable

$ var="abcde"; echo ${var%d*}

Make substitutions similar to sed

$ var="abcde"; echo ${var/de/12}

Use a default value

$ default="hello"; unset var; echo ${var:-$default}

How to resolve : Can not find the tag library descriptor for ""

Try to add like this:

<%@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>

instead of having

<%@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>

How to resolve ambiguous column names when retrieving results?

When using PDO for a database interacttion, one can use the PDO::FETCH_NAMED fetch mode that could help to resolve the issue:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM news JOIN users ON news.user =";
$data = $pdo->query($sql)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NAMED);
foreach ($data as $row) {
    echo $row['column-name'][0]; // from the news table
    echo $row['column-name'][1]; // from the users table
    echo $row['other-column']; // any unique column name

JavaScript string with new line - but not using \n

I think they using \n anyway even couse it not visible, or maybe they using \r. So just replace \n or \r with <br/>

Why does corrcoef return a matrix?

It allows you to compute correlation coefficients of >2 data sets, e.g.

>>> from numpy import *
>>> a = array([1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9])
>>> b = array([2,4,6,8,10,12,13,15])
>>> c = array([-1,-2,-2,-3,-4,-6,-7,-8])
>>> corrcoef([a,b,c])
array([[ 1.        ,  0.99535001, -0.9805214 ],
       [ 0.99535001,  1.        , -0.97172394],
       [-0.9805214 , -0.97172394,  1.        ]])

Here we can get the correlation coefficient of a,b (0.995), a,c (-0.981) and b,c (-0.972) at once. The two-data-set case is just a special case of N-data-set class. And probably it's better to keep the same return type. Since the "one value" can be obtained simply with

>>> corrcoef(a,b)[1,0]

there's no big reason to create the special case.

file_get_contents("php://input") or $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, which one is better to get the body of JSON request?

For JSON data, it's much easier to POST it as "application/json" content-type. If you use GET, you have to URL-encode the JSON in a parameter and it's kind of messy. Also, there is no size limit when you do POST. GET's size if very limited (4K at most).

No module named _sqlite3

Putting answer for anyone who lands on this page searching for a solution for Windows OS:

You have to install pysqlite3 or db-sqlite3 if not already installed. you can use following to install.

  • pip install pysqlite3
  • pip install db-sqlite3

For me the issue was with DLL file of sqlite3.


  1. I took DLL file from sqlite site. This might vary based on your version of python installation.

  2. I pasted it in the DLL directory of the env. for me it was "C:\Anaconda\Lib\DLLs", but check for yours. Before and After placing DLL file

Time complexity of nested for-loop

First we'll consider loops where the number of iterations of the inner loop is independent of the value of the outer loop's index. For example:

 for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
     for (j = 0; j < M; j++) {
         sequence of statements

The outer loop executes N times. Every time the outer loop executes, the inner loop executes M times. As a result, the statements in the inner loop execute a total of N * M times. Thus, the total complexity for the two loops is O(N2).

PHP shell_exec() vs exec()

A couple of distinctions that weren't touched on here:

  • With exec(), you can pass an optional param variable which will receive an array of output lines. In some cases this might save time, especially if the output of the commands is already tabular.


exec('ls', $out);
// Look an array

$out = shell_exec('ls');
// Look -- a string with newlines in it

Conversely, if the output of the command is xml or json, then having each line as part of an array is not what you want, as you'll need to post-process the input into some other form, so in that case use shell_exec.

It's also worth pointing out that shell_exec is an alias for the backtic operator, for those used to *nix.

$out = `ls`;

exec also supports an additional parameter that will provide the return code from the executed command:

exec('ls', $out, $status);
if (0 === $status) {
} else {
    echo "Command failed with status: $status";

As noted in the shell_exec manual page, when you actually require a return code from the command being executed, you have no choice but to use exec.

How to install pkg config in windows?

Another place where you can get more updated binaries can be found at Fedora Build System site. Direct link to mingw-pkg-config package is:

How to set the locale inside a Debian/Ubuntu Docker container?

You guys don't need those complex things to set locales on Ubuntu/Debian. You don't even need /etc/local.gen file.

Simply locale-gen will do everything and the author only missed locales package.

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y locales && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
 && locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8"
    LANGUAGE=en_US:en \

I found this the simplest and the most effective. I confirm it works on Ubuntu 16.04.

Android Studio - Failed to apply plugin [id '']

Delete gradle cache files. It can be in path like C:\Users\username\.gradle\caches for Windows users. For UNIX based operating systems it will be ~/.gradle/caches.

Django Reverse with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found

This problems gave me great headache when i tried to use reverse for generating activation link and send it via email of course. So i think from it will be same. The correct way to do this is following:

from django.test import Client
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

#app name - name of the app where the url is defined
client= Client()
response = client.get(reverse('app_name:edit_project', project_id=4)) 

The best way to calculate the height in a binary search tree? (balancing an AVL-tree)

This BFS-like solution is pretty straightforward. Simply jumps levels one-by-one.

def getHeight(self,root, method='links'):
    c_node = root
    cur_lvl_nodes = [root]
    nxt_lvl_nodes = []
    height = {'links': -1, 'nodes': 0}[method]

    while(cur_lvl_nodes or nxt_lvl_nodes):
        for c_node in cur_lvl_nodes:
            for n_node in filter(lambda x: x is not None, [c_node.left, c_node.right]):

        cur_lvl_nodes = nxt_lvl_nodes
        nxt_lvl_nodes = []
        height += 1

    return height

How do I remove  from the beginning of a file?

  1. Copy the text of your filename.css file.
  2. Close your css file.
  3. Rename it filename2.css to avoid a filename clash.
  4. In MS Notepad or Wordpad, create a new file.
  5. Paste the text into it.
  6. Save it as filename.css, selecting UTF-8 from the encoding options.
  7. Upload filename.css.

Which is preferred: Nullable<T>.HasValue or Nullable<T> != null?

In VB.Net. Do NOT use "IsNot Nothing" when you can use ".HasValue". I just solved an "Operation could destabilize the runtime" Medium trust error by replacing "IsNot Nothing" with ".HasValue" In one spot. I don't really understand why, but something is happening differently in the compiler. I would assume that "!= null" in C# may have the same issue.

How do I get into a non-password protected Java keystore or change the password?

which means that cacerts keystore isn't password protected

That's a false assumption. If you read more carefully, you'll find that the listing was provided without verifying the integrity of the keystore because you didn't provide the password. The listing doesn't require a password, but your keystore definitely has a password, as indicated by:

In order to verify its integrity, you must provide your keystore password.

Java's default cacerts password is "changeit", unless you're on a Mac, where it's "changeme" up to a certain point. Apparently as of Mountain Lion (based on comments and another answer here), the password for Mac is now also "changeit", probably because Oracle is now handling distribution for the Mac JVM as well.

Typescript input onchange

When using Child Component We check type like this.

Parent Component:

export default () => {

  const onChangeHandler = ((e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>): void => {

  return (
      <Input onChange={onChangeHandler} />

Child Component:

type Props = {
  onChange: (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void

export Input:React.FC<Props> ({onChange}) => (
  <input type="tex" onChange={onChange} />

link button property to open in new tab?

This is not perfect, but it works.

<asp:LinkButton id="lbnkVidTtile1" runat="Server" 
    CssClass="bodytext" Text='<%# Eval("newvideotitle") %>'
    OnClientClick="return PostToNewWindow();"  />

<script type="text/javascript">
function PostToNewWindow()
    originalTarget = document.forms[0].target;
    return true;

Build .so file from .c file using gcc command line

To generate a shared library you need first to compile your C code with the -fPIC (position independent code) flag.

gcc -c -fPIC hello.c -o hello.o

This will generate an object file (.o), now you take it and create the .so file:

gcc hello.o -shared -o

EDIT: Suggestions from the comments:

You can use

gcc -shared -o -fPIC hello.c

to do it in one step. – Jonathan Leffler

I also suggest to add -Wall to get all warnings, and -g to get debugging information, to your gcc commands. – Basile Starynkevitch

Convert factor to integer

Quoting directly from the help page for factor:

To transform a factor f to its original numeric values, as.numeric(levels(f))[f] is recommended and slightly more efficient than as.numeric(as.character(f)).

Transpose/Unzip Function (inverse of zip)?

While numpy arrays and pandas may be preferrable, this function imitates the behavior of zip(*args) when called as unzip(args).

Allows for generators, like the result from zip in Python 3, to be passed as args as it iterates through values.

def unzip(items, cls=list, ocls=tuple):
    """Zip function in reverse.

    :param items: Zipped-like iterable.
    :type  items: iterable

    :param cls: Container factory. Callable that returns iterable containers,
        with a callable append attribute, to store the unzipped items. Defaults
        to ``list``.
    :type  cls: callable, optional

    :param ocls: Outer container factory. Callable that returns iterable
        containers. with a callable append attribute, to store the inner
        containers (see ``cls``). Defaults to ``tuple``.
    :type  ocls: callable, optional

    :returns: Unzipped items in instances returned from ``cls``, in an instance
        returned from ``ocls``.
    # iter() will return the same iterator passed to it whenever possible.
    items = iter(items)

        i = next(items)
    except StopIteration:
        return ocls()

    unzipped = ocls(cls([v]) for v in i)

    for i in items:
        for c, v in zip(unzipped, i):

    return unzipped

To use list cointainers, simply run unzip(zipped), as

unzip(zip(["a","b","c"],[1,2,3])) == (["a","b","c"],[1,2,3])

To use deques, or other any container sporting append, pass a factory function.

from collections import deque

unzip([("a",1),("b",2)], deque, list) == [deque(["a","b"]),deque([1,2])]

(Decorate cls and/or main_cls to micro manage container initialization, as briefly shown in the final assert statement above.)

Copying and pasting data using VBA code

Use the PasteSpecial method:

Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

BUT your big problem is that you're changing your ActiveSheet to "Data" and not changing it back. You don't need to do the Activate and Select, as per my code (this assumes your button is on the sheet you want to copy to).

Jackson and generic type reference

'JavaType' works !! I was trying to unmarshall (deserialize) a List in json String to ArrayList java Objects and was struggling to find a solution since days.
Below is the code that finally gave me solution. Code:

JsonMarshallerUnmarshaller<T> {
    T targetClass;

    public ArrayList<T> unmarshal(String jsonString) {
        ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

        AnnotationIntrospector introspector = new JacksonAnnotationIntrospector();

        JavaType type = mapper.getTypeFactory().

        try {
            Class c1 = this.targetclass.getClass();
            Class c2 = this.targetclass1.getClass();
            ArrayList<T> temp = (ArrayList<T>) 
                mapper.readValue(jsonString,  type);
            return temp ;
        } catch (JsonParseException e) {
        } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return null ;

What is a good game engine that uses Lua?

There's our IDE / engine called Codea.

The runtime is iOS only, but it's open source. The development environment is iPad only at the moment.

How to select a single child element using jQuery?

Not jQuery, as the question asks for, but natively (i.e., no libraries required) I think the better tool for the job is querySelector to get a single instance of a selector:

let el = document.querySelector('img');

For all matching instances, use document.querySelectorAll(), or for those within another element you can chain as follows:

// Get some wrapper, with class="parentClassName"
let parentEl = document.querySelector('.parentClassName');
// Get all img tags within the parent element by parentEl variable
let childrenEls = parentEl.querySelectorAll('img');

Note the above is equivalent to:

let childrenEls = document.querySelector('.parentClassName').querySelectorAll('img');

Getting cursor position in Python

This could be a possible code for your problem :

# Note you  need to install PyAutoGUI for it to work

import pyautogui
w = pyautogui.position()
x_mouse = w.x
y_mouse = w.y
print(x_mouse, y_mouse)

Error: "an object reference is required for the non-static field, method or property..."

Simply add static in the declaration of these two methods and the compile time error will disappear!

By default in C# methods are instance methods, and they receive the implicit "self" argument. By making them static, no such argument is needed (nor available), and the method must then of course refrain from accessing any instance (non-static) objects or methods of the class.

More info on static methods
Provided the class and the method's access modifiers (public vs. private) are ok, a static method can then be called from anywhere without having to previously instantiate a instance of the class. In other words static methods are used with the following syntax:

rather than

A classical example of static methods are found in the System.Math class, whereby we can call a bunch of these methods like


without ever instantiating a "Math" class (in fact I don't even know if such an instance is possible)

C# Clear Session

The other big difference is Abandon does not remove items immediately, but when it does then cleanup it does a loop over session items to check for STA COM objects it needs to handle specially. And this can be a problem.

Under high load it's possible for two (or more) requests to make it to the server for the same session (that is two requests with the same session cookie). Their execution will be serialized, but since Abandon doesn't clear out the items synchronously but rather sets a flag it's possible for both requests to run, and both requests to schedule a work item to clear out session "later". Both these work items can then run at the same time, and both are checking the session objects, and both are clearing out the array of objects, and what happens when you have two things iterating over a list and changing it?? Boom! And since this happens in a queueuserworkitem callback and is NOT done in a try/catch (thanks MS), it will bring down your entire app domain. Been there.

Regex for 1 or 2 digits, optional non-alphanumeric, 2 known alphas


Add any other allowable non-alphanumeric characters to the middle brackets to allow them to be parsed as well.

C/C++ switch case with string

There is no good solution to your problem, so here is an okey solution ;-)

It keeps your efficiency when assertions are disabled and when assertions are enabled it will raise an assertion error when the hash value is wrong.

I suspect that the D programming language could compute the hash value during compile time, thus removing the need to explicitly write down the hash value.

template <std::size_t h>
struct prehash
    const your_string_type str;

    static const std::size_t hash_value = h;

    pre_hash(const your_string_type& s) : str(s)
        assert(_myhash(s) == hash_value);

/* ... */

std::size_t h = _myhash(mystring);

static prehash<66452> first_label = "label1";

switch (h) {
case first_label.hash_value:
    // ...

By the way, consider removing the initial underscore from the declaration of _ myhash() (sorry but stackoverflow forces me to insert a space between _ and myhash). A C++ implementation is free to implement macros with names starting with underscore and an uppercase letter (Item 36 of "Exceptional C++ Style" by Herb Sutter), so if you get into the habit of giving things names that start underscore, then a beautiful day could come when you give a symbol a name that starts with underscore and an uppercase letter, where the implementation has defined a macro with the same name.

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to fetch and Cors error

In my case, the problem was the protocol. I was trying to call a script url with http instead of https.

Python - Get path of root project structure

At the time of writing, none of the other solutions are very self-contained. They depend either on an environment variable or the position of the module in the package structure. The top answer with the ‘Django’ solution falls victim to the latter by requiring a relative import. It also has the disadvantage of having to modify a module at the top level.

This should be the correct approach for finding the directory path of the top-level package:

import sys
import os

root_name, _, _ = __name__.partition('.')
root_module = sys.modules[root_name]
root_dir = os.path.dirname(root_module.__file__)

config_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'configuration.conf')

It works by taking the first component in the dotted string contained in __name__ and using it as a key in sys.modules which returns the module object of the top-level package. Its __file__ attribute contains the path we want after trimming off / using os.path.dirname().

This solution is self-contained. It works anywhere in any module of the package, including in the top-level file.

How to convert a String to Bytearray

The easiest way in 2018 should be TextEncoder but the returned element is not byte array, it is Uint8Array. (And not all browsers support it)

let utf8Encode = new TextEncoder();
> Uint8Array [ 101, 101, 101 ]

Handling the null value from a resultset in JAVA

output = rs.getString("column");// if data is null `output` would be null, so there is no chance of NPE unless `rs` is `null`

if(output == null){// if you fetched null value then initialize output with blank string
  output= "";

ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence

In my case , I got this Error in Tensorflow , Reason was i was trying to feed a array with different length or sequences :

example :

import tensorflow as tf

input_x = tf.placeholder(tf.int32,[None,None])

word_embedding = tf.get_variable('embeddin',shape=[len(vocab_),110],dtype=tf.float32,initializer=tf.random_uniform_initializer(-0.01,0.01))


with tf.Session() as tt:


And if my array is :

example_array = [[1,2,3],[1,2]]

Then i will get error :

ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.

but if i do padding then :

example_array = [[1,2,3],[1,2,0]]

Now it's working.

GET URL parameter in PHP

$Query_String  = explode("&", explode("?", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])[1] );

Array ( [ 0] => )

Changing PowerShell's default output encoding to UTF-8

Note: The following applies to Windows PowerShell.
See the next section for the cross-platform PowerShell Core (v6+) edition.

  • On PSv5.1 or higher, where > and >> are effectively aliases of Out-File, you can set the default encoding for > / >> / Out-File via the $PSDefaultParameterValues preference variable:

    • $PSDefaultParameterValues['Out-File:Encoding'] = 'utf8'
  • On PSv5.0 or below, you cannot change the encoding for > / >>, but, on PSv3 or higher, the above technique does work for explicit calls to Out-File.
    (The $PSDefaultParameterValues preference variable was introduced in PSv3.0).

  • On PSv3.0 or higher, if you want to set the default encoding for all cmdlets that support
    an -Encoding parameter
    (which in PSv5.1+ includes > and >>), use:

    • $PSDefaultParameterValues['*:Encoding'] = 'utf8'

If you place this command in your $PROFILE, cmdlets such as Out-File and Set-Content will use UTF-8 encoding by default, but note that this makes it a session-global setting that will affect all commands / scripts that do not explicitly specify an encoding via their -Encoding parameter.

Similarly, be sure to include such commands in your scripts or modules that you want to behave the same way, so that they indeed behave the same even when run by another user or a different machine; however, to avoid a session-global change, use the following form to create a local copy of $PSDefaultParameterValues:

  • $PSDefaultParameterValues = @{ '*:Encoding' = 'utf8' }

Caveat: PowerShell, as of v5.1, invariably creates UTF-8 files _with a (pseudo) BOM_, which is customary only in the Windows world - Unix-based utilities do not recognize this BOM (see bottom); see this post for workarounds that create BOM-less UTF-8 files.

For a summary of the wildly inconsistent default character encoding behavior across many of the Windows PowerShell standard cmdlets, see the bottom section.

The automatic $OutputEncoding variable is unrelated, and only applies to how PowerShell communicates with external programs (what encoding PowerShell uses when sending strings to them) - it has nothing to do with the encoding that the output redirection operators and PowerShell cmdlets use to save to files.

Optional reading: The cross-platform perspective: PowerShell Core:

PowerShell is now cross-platform, via its PowerShell Core edition, whose encoding - sensibly - defaults to BOM-less UTF-8, in line with Unix-like platforms.

  • This means that source-code files without a BOM are assumed to be UTF-8, and using > / Out-File / Set-Content defaults to BOM-less UTF-8; explicit use of the utf8 -Encoding argument too creates BOM-less UTF-8, but you can opt to create files with the pseudo-BOM with the utf8bom value.

  • If you create PowerShell scripts with an editor on a Unix-like platform and nowadays even on Windows with cross-platform editors such as Visual Studio Code and Sublime Text, the resulting *.ps1 file will typically not have a UTF-8 pseudo-BOM:

    • This works fine on PowerShell Core.
    • It may break on Windows PowerShell, if the file contains non-ASCII characters; if you do need to use non-ASCII characters in your scripts, save them as UTF-8 with BOM.
      Without the BOM, Windows PowerShell (mis)interprets your script as being encoded in the legacy "ANSI" codepage (determined by the system locale for pre-Unicode applications; e.g., Windows-1252 on US-English systems).
  • Conversely, files that do have the UTF-8 pseudo-BOM can be problematic on Unix-like platforms, as they cause Unix utilities such as cat, sed, and awk - and even some editors such as gedit - to pass the pseudo-BOM through, i.e., to treat it as data.

    • This may not always be a problem, but definitely can be, such as when you try to read a file into a string in bash with, say, text=$(cat file) or text=$(<file) - the resulting variable will contain the pseudo-BOM as the first 3 bytes.

Inconsistent default encoding behavior in Windows PowerShell:

Regrettably, the default character encoding used in Windows PowerShell is wildly inconsistent; the cross-platform PowerShell Core edition, as discussed in the previous section, has commendably put and end to this.


  • The following doesn't aspire to cover all standard cmdlets.

  • Googling cmdlet names to find their help topics now shows you the PowerShell Core version of the topics by default; use the version drop-down list above the list of topics on the left to switch to a Windows PowerShell version.

  • As of this writing, the documentation frequently incorrectly claims that ASCII is the default encoding in Windows PowerShell - see this GitHub docs issue.

Cmdlets that write:

Out-File and > / >> create "Unicode" - UTF-16LE - files by default - in which every ASCII-range character (too) is represented by 2 bytes - which notably differs from Set-Content / Add-Content (see next point); New-ModuleManifest and Export-CliXml also create UTF-16LE files.

Set-Content (and Add-Content if the file doesn't yet exist / is empty) uses ANSI encoding (the encoding specified by the active system locale's ANSI legacy code page, which PowerShell calls Default).

Export-Csv indeed creates ASCII files, as documented, but see the notes re -Append below.

Export-PSSession creates UTF-8 files with BOM by default.

New-Item -Type File -Value currently creates BOM-less(!) UTF-8.

The Send-MailMessage help topic also claims that ASCII encoding is the default - I have not personally verified that claim.

Start-Transcript invariably creates UTF-8 files with BOM, but see the notes re -Append below.

Re commands that append to an existing file:

>> / Out-File -Append make no attempt to match the encoding of a file's existing content. That is, they blindly apply their default encoding, unless instructed otherwise with -Encoding, which is not an option with >> (except indirectly in PSv5.1+, via $PSDefaultParameterValues, as shown above). In short: you must know the encoding of an existing file's content and append using that same encoding.

Add-Content is the laudable exception: in the absence of an explicit -Encoding argument, it detects the existing encoding and automatically applies it to the new content.Thanks, js2010. Note that in Windows PowerShell this means that it is ANSI encoding that is applied if the existing content has no BOM, whereas it is UTF-8 in PowerShell Core.

This inconsistency between Out-File -Append / >> and Add-Content, which also affects PowerShell Core, is discussed in this GitHub issue.

Export-Csv -Append partially matches the existing encoding: it blindly appends UTF-8 if the existing file's encoding is any of ASCII/UTF-8/ANSI, but correctly matches UTF-16LE and UTF-16BE.
To put it differently: in the absence of a BOM, Export-Csv -Append assumes UTF-8 is, whereas Add-Content assumes ANSI.

Start-Transcript -Append partially matches the existing encoding: It correctly matches encodings with BOM, but defaults to potentially lossy ASCII encoding in the absence of one.

Cmdlets that read (that is, the encoding used in the absence of a BOM):

Get-Content and Import-PowerShellDataFile default to ANSI (Default), which is consistent with Set-Content.
ANSI is also what the PowerShell engine itself defaults to when it reads source code from files.

By contrast, Import-Csv, Import-CliXml and Select-String assume UTF-8 in the absence of a BOM.

WebSockets and Apache proxy : how to configure mod_proxy_wstunnel?


  1. Have Apache 2.4 installed (doesn't work with 2.2), a2enmod proxy and a2enmod proxy_wstunnel.load

  2. Do this in the Apache config
    just add two line in your file where 8080 is your tomcat running port

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    ProxyPass "/ws2/" "ws://localhost:8080/" 
    ProxyPass "/wss2/" "wss://localhost:8080/"
    </VirtualHost *:80>

Why Would I Ever Need to Use C# Nested Classes

Nested classes are very useful for implementing internal details that should not be exposed. If you use Reflector to check classes like Dictionary<Tkey,TValue> or Hashtable you'll find some examples.

scp with port number specified

Unlike ssh, scp uses the uppercase P switch to set the port instead of the lowercase p:

scp -P 80 ... # Use port 80 to bypass the firewall, instead of the scp default

The lowercase p switch is used with scp for the preservation of times and modes.

Here is an excerpt from scp's man page with all of the details concerning the two switches, as well as an explanation of why uppercase P was chosen for scp:

-P port   Specifies the port to connect to on the remote host. Note that this option is written with a capital 'P', because -p is already reserved for preserving the times and modes of the file in rcp(1).

-p           Preserves modification times, access times, and modes from the original file.

Update and aside to address one of the (heavily upvoted) comments:

With regard to Abdull's comment about scp option order, what he suggests:

scp -P80 -r some_directory -P 80 ...

..., intersperses options and parameters. getopt(1) clearly defines that parameters must come after options and not be interspersed with them:

The parameters getopt is called with can be divided into two parts: options which modify the way getopt will do the parsing (the options and the optstring in the SYNOPSIS), and the parameters which are to be parsed (parameters in the SYNOPSIS). The second part will start at the first non-option parameter that is not an option argument, or after the first occurrence of '--'. If no '-o' or '--options' option is found in the first part, the first parameter of the second part is used as the short options string.

Since the -r command line option takes no further arguments, some_directory is "the first non-option parameter that is not an option argument." Therefore, as clearly spelled out in the getopt(1) man page, all succeeding command line arguments that follow it (i.e., -P 80 ...) are assumed to be non-options (and non-option arguments).

So, in effect, this is how getopt(1) sees the example presented with the end of the options and the beginning of the parameters demarcated by succeeding text bing in gray:

scp -P80 -r some_directory -P 80 ...

This has nothing to do with scp behavior and everything to do with how POSIX standard applications parse command line options using the getopt(3) set of C functions.

For more details with regard to command line ordering and processing, please read the getopt(1) manpage using:

man 1 getopt

PHP to write Tab Characters inside a file?

The tab character is \t. Notice the use of " instead of '.

$chunk = "abc\tdef\tghi";

PHP Strings - Double quoted

If the string is enclosed in double-quotes ("), PHP will interpret more escape sequences for special characters:


\t horizontal tab (HT or 0x09 (9) in ASCII)

Also, let me recommend the fputcsv() function which is for the purpose of writing CSV files.

How to create a md5 hash of a string in C?

All of the existing answers use the deprecated MD5Init(), MD5Update(), and MD5Final().

Instead, use EVP_DigestInit_ex(), EVP_DigestUpdate(), and EVP_DigestFinal_ex(), e.g.

// example.c
// gcc example.c -lssl -lcrypto -o example

#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void bytes2md5(const char *data, int len, char *md5buf) {
  // Based on
  EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
  const EVP_MD *md = EVP_md5();
  unsigned char md_value[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
  unsigned int md_len, i;
  EVP_DigestInit_ex(mdctx, md, NULL);
  EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, data, len);
  EVP_DigestFinal_ex(mdctx, md_value, &md_len);
  for (i = 0; i < md_len; i++) {
    snprintf(&(md5buf[i * 2]), 16 * 2, "%02x", md_value[i]);

int main(void) {
  const char *hello = "hello";
  char md5[33]; // 32 characters + null terminator
  bytes2md5(hello, strlen(hello), md5);
  printf("%s\n", md5);

Update Tkinter Label from variable

This is the easiest one , Just define a Function and then a Tkinter Label & Button . Pressing the Button changes the text in the label. The difference that you would when defining the Label is that use the text variable instead of text. Code is tested and working.

    from tkinter import *
    master = Tk()
    def change_text():
        my_var.set("Second click")
    my_var = StringVar()
    my_var.set("First click")
    label = Label(mas,textvariable=my_var,fg="red")
    button = Button(mas,text="Submit",command = change_text)

Gradle version 2.2 is required. Current version is 2.10

Here's what I did to fix this:

1) Create a new project

2) open the file and copy the distributionUrl to your project e.g.:


3) open the build.gradle (Project) and copy the gradle dependency to your project e.g.:

classpath ''

4) File --> Invalidate Caches / Restart (I think a re-sync may have sufficed, but didn't try it)

5) Delete that project you made (optional)

Look, this is a silly way to do things, but Android Studio is free so who am I to complain...

Warning: Attempt to present * on * whose view is not in the window hierarchy - swift

All implementation for topViewController here are not fully supporting cases when you have UINavigationController or UITabBarController, for those two you need a bit different handling:

For UITabBarController and UINavigationController you need a different implementation.

Here is code I'm using to get topMostViewController:

protocol TopUIViewController {
    func topUIViewController() -> UIViewController?

extension UIWindow : TopUIViewController {
    func topUIViewController() -> UIViewController? {
        if let rootViewController = self.rootViewController {
            return self.recursiveTopUIViewController(from: rootViewController)

        return nil

    private func recursiveTopUIViewController(from: UIViewController?) -> UIViewController? {
        if let topVC = from?.topUIViewController() { return recursiveTopUIViewController(from: topVC) ?? from }
        return from

extension UIViewController : TopUIViewController {
    @objc open func topUIViewController() -> UIViewController? {
        return self.presentedViewController

extension UINavigationController {
    override open func topUIViewController() -> UIViewController? {
        return self.visibleViewController

extension UITabBarController {
    override open func topUIViewController() -> UIViewController? {
        return self.selectedViewController ?? presentedViewController

What is a clearfix?

The clearfix allows a container to wrap its floated children. Without a clearfix or equivalent styling, a container does not wrap around its floated children and collapses, just as if its floated children were positioned absolutely.

There are several versions of the clearfix, with Nicolas Gallagher and Thierry Koblentz as key authors.

If you want support for older browsers, it's best to use this clearfix :

.clearfix:before, .clearfix:after {
    content: "";
    display: table;

.clearfix:after {
    clear: both;

.clearfix {
    *zoom: 1;

In SCSS, you could use the following technique :

%clearfix {
    &:before, &:after {
        content:" ";

    &:after {

    & {

#clearfixedelement {
    @extend %clearfix;

If you don't care about supporting older browsers, there's a shorter version :

.clearfix:after {

Using "super" in C++

This is a method I use which uses macros instead of a typedef. I know that this is not the C++ way of doing things but it can be convenient when chaining iterators together through inheritance when only the base class furthest down the hierarchy is acting upon an inherited offset.

For example:

// some header.h

#define CLASS some_iterator
#define SUPER_CLASS some_const_iterator
#define SUPER static_cast<SUPER_CLASS&>(*this)

template<typename T>
   typedef CLASS<T> class_type;

   class_type& operator++();

template<typename T>
typename CLASS<T>::class_type CLASS<T>::operator++(
   class_type copy = *this;

   // Macro

   // vs

   // Typedef
   // super::operator++();

   return copy;

#undef CLASS
#undef SUPER

The generic setup I use makes it very easy to read and copy/paste between the inheritance tree which have duplicate code but must be overridden because the return type has to match the current class.

One could use a lower-case super to replicate the behavior seen in Java but my coding style is to use all upper-case letters for macros.

Count the number occurrences of a character in a string

As other answers said, using the string method count() is probably the simplest, but if you're doing this frequently, check out collections.Counter:

from collections import Counter
my_str = "Mary had a little lamb"
counter = Counter(my_str)
print counter['a']

How to return Json object from MVC controller to view

You could use AJAX to call this controller action. For example if you are using jQuery you might use the $.ajax() method:

<script type="text/javascript">
        url: '@Url.Action("NameOfYourAction")',
        type: 'GET',
        cache: false,
        success: function(result) {
            // you could use the result.values dictionary here

Does file_get_contents() have a timeout setting?

As @diyism mentioned, "default_socket_timeout, stream_set_timeout, and stream_context_create timeout are all the timeout of every line read/write, not the whole connection timeout." And the top answer by @stewe has failed me.

As an alternative to using file_get_contents, you can always use curl with a timeout.

So here's a working code that works for calling links.


curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);

echo $result;

Regular expression for floating point numbers

[+/-] [0-9]*.[0-9]+

Try this solution.

How can I get enum possible values in a MySQL database?

here is for mysqli

function get_enum_values($mysqli, $table, $field )
    $type = $mysqli->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$table} WHERE Field = '{$field}'")->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC)['Type'];
    preg_match("/^enum\(\'(.*)\'\)$/", $type, $matches);
    $enum = explode("','", $matches[1]);
    return $enum;
$deltypevals = get_enum_values($mysqli, 'orders', 'deltype');
var_dump ($deltypevals);

How can I use Timer (formerly NSTimer) in Swift?

NSTimer has been renamed to Timer in Swift 4.2. this syntax will work in 4.2:

let timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 1.0, target: self, selector: #selector(UIMenuController.update), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)

Replacing objects in array

Since you're using Lodash you could use and _.find to make sure major browsers are supported.

In the end I would go with something like:

function mergeById(arr) {_x000D_
  return {_x000D_
    with: function(arr2) {_x000D_
      return, item => {_x000D_
        return _.find(arr2, obj => === || item_x000D_
var result = mergeById([{id:'124',name:'qqq'}, _x000D_
           {id:'589',name:'www'}, _x000D_
    .with([{id:'124',name:'ttt'}, {id:'45',name:'yyy'}])_x000D_
<script src=""></script>

How to rebase local branch onto remote master

1.Update Master first...

git checkout [master branch]
git pull [master branch]

2.Now rebase source-branch with master branch

git checkout [source branch]
git rebase [master branch]
git pull [source branch] (remote/source branch)
git push [source branch]

IF source branch does not yet exist on remote then do:

git push -u origin [source branch]

"et voila..."

jQuery change method on input type="file"

As of jQuery 1.7, the .live() method is deprecated. Use .on() to attach event handlers. Users of older versions of jQuery should use .delegate() in preference to .live(). Refer:

$('#imageFile').on("change", function(){ uploadFile(); });

In bash, how to store a return value in a variable?

Use the special bash variable "$?" like so:


'AND' vs '&&' as operator

Let me explain the difference between “and” - “&&” - "&".

"&&" and "and" both are logical AND operations and they do the same thing, but the operator precedence is different.

The precedence (priority) of an operator specifies how "tightly" it binds two expressions together. For example, in the expression 1 + 5 * 3, the answer is 16 and not 18 because the multiplication ("*") operator has a higher precedence than the addition ("+") operator.

Mixing them together in single operation, could give you unexpected results in some cases I recommend always using &&, but that's your choice.

On the other hand "&" is a bitwise AND operation. It's used for the evaluation and manipulation of specific bits within the integer value.

Example if you do (14 & 7) the result would be 6.

7   = 0111
14  = 1110
    = 0110 == 6

Angular 2 optional route parameter

It's recommended to use a query parameter when the information is optional.

Route Parameters or Query Parameters?

There is no hard-and-fast rule. In general,

prefer a route parameter when

  • the value is required.
  • the value is necessary to distinguish one route path from another.

prefer a query parameter when

  • the value is optional.
  • the value is complex and/or multi-variate.


You just need to take out the parameter from the route path.

    path: '/user/',
    component: User,
    as: 'User'

How to randomly pick an element from an array

Since you have java 8, another solution is to use Stream API.

new Random().ints(1, 500).limit(500).forEach(p -> System.out.println(list[p]));

Where 1 is the lowest int generated (inclusive) and 500 is the highest (exclusive). limit means that your stream will have a length of 500.

 int[] list = new int[] {1,2,3,4,5,6};
 new Random().ints(0, list.length).limit(10).forEach(p -> System.out.println(list[p])); 

Random is from java.util package.

Checking if a field contains a string

As Mongo shell support regex, that's completely possible.

db.users.findOne({"username" : /.*son.*/});

If we want the query to be case-insensitive, we can use "i" option, like shown below:

db.users.findOne({"username" : /.*son.*/i});



You can solve it be running on Google API emulator.

To run on Google API emulator, open your Android SDK & AVD Manager > Available packages > Google Repos > select those Google API levels that you need to test on.

After installing them, add them as virtual device and run.

Oracle TNS names not showing when adding new connection to SQL Developer

You can always find out the location of the tnsnames.ora file being used by running TNSPING to check connectivity (9i or later):

C:\>tnsping dev

TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 08-JAN-2009 12:48:38

Copyright (c) 1997, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Used parameter files:

Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
OK (30 msec)


Sometimes, the problem is with the entry you made in tnsnames.ora, not that the system can't find it. That said, I agree that having a tns_admin environment variable set is a Good Thing, since it avoids the inevitable issues that arise with determining exactly which tnsnames file is being used in systems with multiple oracle homes.

Why is there no SortedList in Java?

For any newcomers, as of April 2015, Android now has a SortedList class in the support library, designed specifically to work with RecyclerView. Here's the blog post about it.

Convert Mongoose docs to json

model.find({Branch:branch},function (err, docs){
  if (err) res.send(err)


Find stored procedure by name

You can use:

select * 
   name like '%name_of_proc%'

if you need the code you can look in the syscomments table

select text 
    syscomments c
    inner join sys.procedures p on p.object_id = c.object_id
where like '%name_of_proc%'

Edit Update:

you can can also use the ansi standard version

    ROUTINE_NAME LIKE '%name_of_proc%'

Convert array of indices to 1-hot encoded numpy array

You can also use eye function of numpy:

numpy.eye(number of classes)[vector containing the labels]

How can I get the username of the logged-in user in Django?

You can use the request object to find the logged in user

def my_view(request):
    username = None
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        username = request.user.username

According to

In version Django 2.0 the syntax has changed to


Dark color scheme for Eclipse

For Linux users, assuming you run a compositing window manager (Compiz), you can just turn the window negative. I use Eclipse like this all the time, the normal (whitie) looks is blowing my eyes off.

PHP Echo text Color

If it echoing out to a browser, you should use CSS. This would require also having the comment wrapped in an HTML tag. Something like:

echo '<p style="color: red; text-align: center">
      Request has been sent. Please wait for my reply!

What's the difference between deadlock and livelock?

Maybe these two examples illustrate you the difference between a deadlock and a livelock:

Java-Example for a deadlock:

import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

public class DeadlockSample {

    private static final Lock lock1 = new ReentrantLock(true);
    private static final Lock lock2 = new ReentrantLock(true);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Thread threadA = new Thread(DeadlockSample::doA,"Thread A");
        Thread threadB = new Thread(DeadlockSample::doB,"Thread B");

    public static void doA() {
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : waits for lock 1");
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : holds lock 1");

        try {
            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : waits for lock 2");
            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : holds lock 2");

            try {
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : critical section of doA()");
            } finally {
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : does not hold lock 2 any longer");
        } finally {
            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : does not hold lock 1 any longer");

    public static void doB() {
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : waits for lock 2");
        System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : holds lock 2");

        try {
            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : waits for lock 1");
            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : holds lock 1");

            try {
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : critical section of doB()");
            } finally {
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : does not hold lock 1 any longer");
        } finally {
            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : does not hold lock 2 any longer");

Sample output:

Thread A : waits for lock 1
Thread B : waits for lock 2
Thread A : holds lock 1
Thread B : holds lock 2
Thread B : waits for lock 1
Thread A : waits for lock 2

Java-Example for a livelock:

import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

public class LivelockSample {

    private static final Lock lock1 = new ReentrantLock(true);
    private static final Lock lock2 = new ReentrantLock(true);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Thread threadA = new Thread(LivelockSample::doA, "Thread A");
        Thread threadB = new Thread(LivelockSample::doB, "Thread B");

    public static void doA() {
        try {
            while (!lock1.tryLock()) {
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : waits for lock 1");
            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : holds lock 1");

            try {
                while (!lock2.tryLock()) {
                    System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : waits for lock 2");
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : holds lock 2");

                try {
                    System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : critical section of doA()");
                } finally {
                    System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : does not hold lock 2 any longer");
            } finally {
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : does not hold lock 1 any longer");
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // can be ignored here for this sample

    public static void doB() {
        try {
            while (!lock2.tryLock()) {
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : waits for lock 2");
            System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : holds lock 2");

            try {
                while (!lock1.tryLock()) {
                    System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : waits for lock 1");
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : holds lock 1");

                try {
                    System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : critical section of doB()");
                } finally {
                    System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : does not hold lock 1 any longer");
            } finally {
                System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " : does not hold lock 2 any longer");
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // can be ignored here for this sample

Sample output:

Thread B : holds lock 2
Thread A : holds lock 1
Thread A : waits for lock 2
Thread B : waits for lock 1
Thread B : waits for lock 1
Thread A : waits for lock 2
Thread A : waits for lock 2
Thread B : waits for lock 1
Thread B : waits for lock 1
Thread A : waits for lock 2
Thread A : waits for lock 2
Thread B : waits for lock 1

Both examples force the threads to aquire the locks in different orders. While the deadlock waits for the other lock, the livelock does not really wait - it desperately tries to acquire the lock without the chance of getting it. Every try consumes CPU cycles.

How to make in CSS an overlay over an image?

You could use a pseudo element for this, and have your image on a hover:

.image {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  height: 300px;_x000D_
  width: 300px;_x000D_
  background: url(;_x000D_
.image:before {_x000D_
  content: "";_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  left: 0;_x000D_
  height: 100%;_x000D_
  width: 100%;_x000D_
  transition: all 0.8s;_x000D_
  opacity: 0;_x000D_
  background: url(;_x000D_
  background-size: 100% 100%;_x000D_
.image:hover:before {_x000D_
  opacity: 0.8;_x000D_
<div class="image"></div>

How can I import a database with MySQL from terminal?

in the terminal type

mysql -uroot -p1234; use databasename; source /path/filename.sql

Eclipse can't find / load main class

Another tip: I initialized static fields in a wrong order - surprisingly it didn't bring up a Problem (NullPointerException?), instead Eclipse complained with exactly the message OP posted. Correcting the static initialization order made the class run-able. Example:

private static ScriptEngineManager factory = null;
private static ScriptEngine engine = null;
static {
    engine = factory.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
    // factory is supposed to initialize FIRST
    factory = new ScriptEngineManager();

List of macOS text editors and code editors

  • BBEdit makes all other editors look like Notepad.

It handles gigantic files with ease; most text editors (TextMate especially) slow down to a dead crawl or just crash when presented with a large file.

The regexp and multiple-file Find dialogs beat anything else for usability.

The clippings system works like magic, and has selection, indentation, placeholder, and insertion point tags, it's not just dumb text.

BBEdit is heavily AppleScriptable. Everything can be scripted.

In 9.0, BBEdit has code completion, projects, and a ton of other improvements.

I primarily use it for HTML, CSS, JS, and Python, where it's extremely strong. Some more obscure languages are not as well-supported in it, but for most purposes it's fantastic.

The only devs I know who like TextMate are Ruby fans. I really do not get the appeal, it's marginally better than TextWrangler (BBEdit's free little brother), but if you're spending money, you may as well buy the better tool for a few dollars more.

  • jEdit does have the virtue of being cross-platform. It's not nearly as good as BBEdit, but it's a competent programmer's editor. If you're ever faced with a Windows or Linux system, it's handy to have one tool you know that works.

  • Vim is fine if you have to work over ssh and the remote system or your computer can't do X11. I used to love Vim for the ease of editing large files and doing repeated commands. But these days, it's a no-vote for me, with the annoyance of the non-standard search & replace (using (foo) groups instead of (foo), etc.), painfully bad multi-document handling, lack of a project/disk browser view, lack of AppleScript, and bizarre mouse handling in the GVim version.

How to remove specific elements in a numpy array

Not being a numpy person, I took a shot with:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import itertools
>>> a = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])
>>> index=[2,3,6]
>>> a = np.array(list(itertools.compress(a, [i not in index for i in range(len(a))])))
>>> a
array([1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9])

According to my tests, this outperforms numpy.delete(). I don't know why that would be the case, maybe due to the small size of the initial array?

python -m timeit -s "import numpy as np" -s "import itertools" -s "a = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])" -s "index=[2,3,6]" "a = np.array(list(itertools.compress(a, [i not in index for i in range(len(a))])))"
100000 loops, best of 3: 12.9 usec per loop

python -m timeit -s "import numpy as np" -s "a = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])" -s "index=[2,3,6]" "np.delete(a, index)"
10000 loops, best of 3: 108 usec per loop

That's a pretty significant difference (in the opposite direction to what I was expecting), anyone have any idea why this would be the case?

Even more weirdly, passing numpy.delete() a list performs worse than looping through the list and giving it single indices.

python -m timeit -s "import numpy as np" -s "a = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9])" -s "index=[2,3,6]" "for i in index:" "    np.delete(a, i)"
10000 loops, best of 3: 33.8 usec per loop

Edit: It does appear to be to do with the size of the array. With large arrays, numpy.delete() is significantly faster.

python -m timeit -s "import numpy as np" -s "import itertools" -s "a = np.array(list(range(10000)))" -s "index=[i for i in range(10000) if i % 2 == 0]" "a = np.array(list(itertools.compress(a, [i not in index for i in range(len(a))])))"
10 loops, best of 3: 200 msec per loop

python -m timeit -s "import numpy as np" -s "a = np.array(list(range(10000)))" -s "index=[i for i in range(10000) if i % 2 == 0]" "np.delete(a, index)"
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.68 msec per loop

Obviously, this is all pretty irrelevant, as you should always go for clarity and avoid reinventing the wheel, but I found it a little interesting, so I thought I'd leave it here.

Method with a bool return

A simpler way to explain this,

public bool CheckInputs(int a, int b){
public bool condition = true;

if (a > b || a == b)
   condition = false;
   condition = true;

return condition;

Binding to static property

If you are using local resources you can refer to them as below:

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Source={x:Static prop:Resources.PerUnitOfMeasure}}" TextWrapping="Wrap" TextAlignment="Center"/>

TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable

The python error says that wordInput is not an iterable -> it is of NoneType.

If you print wordInput before the offending line, you will see that wordInput is None.

Since wordInput is None, that means that the argument passed to the function is also None. In this case word. You assign the result of pickEasy to word.

The problem is that your pickEasy function does not return anything. In Python, a method that didn't return anything returns a NoneType.

I think you wanted to return a word, so this will suffice:

def pickEasy():
    word = random.choice(easyWords)
    word = str(word)
    for i in range(1, len(word) + 1):
    return word

exception in thread 'main' java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

I had this proplem I used maven. I just click maven projects ant then name

project-> plugins -> clean -> and button run.

enter image description here

Regular expression - starting and ending with a letter, accepting only letters, numbers and _

seeing how the rules are fairly complicated, I'd suggest the following:


match the whole string and capture intermediate characters. Then either with the string functions or the following regex:


check if the captured part has two underscores in a row. For example in Python it would look like this:

>>> import re
>>> def valid(s):
    match = re.match(r'^[a-z](\w*)[a-z0-9]$', s, re.I)
    if match is not None:
        return'__') == 0
    return False

List comprehension vs map

So since Python 3, map() is an iterator, you need to keep in mind what do you need: an iterator or list object.

As @AlexMartelli already mentioned, map() is faster than list comprehension only if you don't use lambda function.

I will present you some time comparisons.

Python 3.5.2 and CPython
I've used Jupiter notebook and especially %timeit built-in magic command
Measurements: s == 1000 ms == 1000 * 1000 µs = 1000 * 1000 * 1000 ns


x_list = [(i, i+1, i+2, i*2, i-9) for i in range(1000)]
i_list = list(range(1000))

Built-in function:

%timeit map(sum, x_list)  # creating iterator object
# Output: The slowest run took 9.91 times longer than the fastest. 
# This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
# 1000000 loops, best of 3: 277 ns per loop

%timeit list(map(sum, x_list))  # creating list with map
# Output: 1000 loops, best of 3: 214 µs per loop

%timeit [sum(x) for x in x_list]  # creating list with list comprehension
# Output: 1000 loops, best of 3: 290 µs per loop

lambda function:

%timeit map(lambda i: i+1, i_list)
# Output: The slowest run took 8.64 times longer than the fastest. 
# This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
# 1000000 loops, best of 3: 325 ns per loop

%timeit list(map(lambda i: i+1, i_list))
# Output: 1000 loops, best of 3: 183 µs per loop

%timeit [i+1 for i in i_list]
# Output: 10000 loops, best of 3: 84.2 µs per loop

There is also such thing as generator expression, see PEP-0289. So i thought it would be useful to add it to comparison

%timeit (sum(i) for i in x_list)
# Output: The slowest run took 6.66 times longer than the fastest. 
# This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
# 1000000 loops, best of 3: 495 ns per loop

%timeit list((sum(x) for x in x_list))
# Output: 1000 loops, best of 3: 319 µs per loop

%timeit (i+1 for i in i_list)
# Output: The slowest run took 6.83 times longer than the fastest. 
# This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
# 1000000 loops, best of 3: 506 ns per loop

%timeit list((i+1 for i in i_list))
# Output: 10000 loops, best of 3: 125 µs per loop

You need list object:

Use list comprehension if it's custom function, use list(map()) if there is builtin function

You don't need list object, you just need iterable one:

Always use map()!

window.location (JS) vs header() (PHP) for redirection

A better way to set the location in JS is via:

window.location.href = '';

Whether to use PHP or JS to manage the redirection depends on what your code is doing and how. But if you're in a position to use PHP; that is, if you're going to be using PHP to send some JS code back to the browser that simply tells the browser to go somewhere else, then logic suggests that you should cut out the middle man and tell the browser directly via PHP.

error: ‘NULL’ was not declared in this scope

NULL can also be found in:

#include <string.h>

String.h will pull in the NULL from somewhere else.

What does "res.render" do, and what does the html file look like?

Renders a view and sends the rendered HTML string to the client.



res.render('index', function(err, html) {
  if(err) {...}


angular2: Error: TypeError: Cannot read property '...' of undefined

That's because abc is undefined at the moment of the template rendering. You can use safe navigation operator (?) to "protect" template until HTTP call is completed:


You can read more about safe navigation operator here.


Safe navigation operator can't be used in arrays, you will have to take advantage of NgIf directive to overcome this problem:

<div *ngIf="arr && arr.length > 0">

Read more about NgIf directive here.

working with negative numbers in python

Try this on your TA:

# Simulate multiplying two N-bit two's-complement numbers
# into a 2N-bit accumulator
# Use shift-add so that it's O(base_2_log(N)) not O(N)

for numa, numb in ((3, 5), (-3, 5), (3, -5), (-3, -5), (-127, -127)):
    print numa, numb,
    accum = 0
    negate = False
    if numa < 0:
        negate = True
        numa = -numa
    while numa:
        if numa & 1:
            accum += numb
        numa >>= 1
        numb <<= 1
    if negate:
        accum = -accum
    print accum


3 5 15
-3 5 -15
3 -5 -15
-3 -5 15
-127 -127 16129

Proper way to assert type of variable in Python

You might want to try this example for version 2.6 of Python.

def my_print(text, begin, end):
    "Print text in UPPER between 'begin' and 'end' in lower."
    for obj in (text, begin, end):
        assert isinstance(obj, str), 'Argument of wrong type!'
    print begin.lower() + text.upper() + end.lower()

However, have you considered letting the function fail naturally instead?

Disabled form fields not submitting data

add CSS or class to the input element which works in select and text tags like

style="pointer-events: none;background-color:#E9ECEF"

JavaScript: client-side vs. server-side validation

You can do Server side validation and send back a JSON object with the validation results for each field, keeping client Javascript to a minimum (just displaying results) and still having a user friendly experience without having to repeat yourself on both client and server.

How to drop columns using Rails migration

first try to create a migration file running the command:

rails g migration RemoveAgeFromUsers age:string

and then on the root directory of the project run the migration running the command:

rails db:migrate

Where is the Docker daemon log?

For Mac with Docker Toolbox, ssh into the VM first with docker-machine ssh %VM-NAME% and then check /var/log/docker.log

Javascript can't find element by id?

Script is called before element exists.

You should try one of the following:

  1. wrap code into a function and use a body onload event to call it.
  2. put script at the end of document
  3. use defer attribute into script tag declaration

How do I use Ruby for shell scripting?

There's a lot of good advice here, so I wanted to add a tiny bit more.

  1. Backticks (or back-ticks) let you do some scripting stuff a lot easier. Consider

    puts `find . | grep -i lib`
  2. If you run into problems with getting the output of backticks, the stuff is going to standard err instead of standard out. Use this advice

    out = `git status 2>&1`
  3. Backticks do string interpolation:

    blah = 'lib'
    `touch #{blah}`
  4. You can pipe inside Ruby, too. It's a link to my blog, but it links back here so it's okay :) There are probably more advanced things out there on this topic.

  5. As other people noted, if you want to get serious there is Rush: not just as a shell replacement (which is a bit too zany for me) but also as a library for your use in shell scripts and programs.

On Mac, Use Applescript inside Ruby for more power. Here's my shell_here script:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
`env | pbcopy` 
cmd =  %Q@tell app "Terminal" to do script "$(paste_env)"@
puts cmd

`osascript -e "${cmd}"`

HttpServletRequest to complete URL

You can use filter .

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest arg0, ServletResponse arg1, FilterChain arg2) throws IOException, ServletException {
            HttpServletRequest test1=    (HttpServletRequest) arg0;

         test1.getRequestURL()); it gives  http://localhost:8081/applicationName/menu/index.action
         test1.getRequestURI()); it gives applicationName/menu/index.action
         String pathname = test1.getServletPath()); it gives //menu/index.action

            arg2.doFilter(arg0, arg1); // call to urs servlet or frameowrk managed controller method

            // in resposne 
           HttpServletResponse httpResp = (HttpServletResponse) arg1;
           RequestDispatcher rd = arg0.getRequestDispatcher("another.jsp");     
           rd.forward(arg0, arg1);


donot forget to put <dispatcher>FORWARD</dispatcher> in filter mapping in web.xml

Wait for Angular 2 to load/resolve model before rendering view/template

EDIT: The angular team has released the @Resolve decorator. It still needs some clarification, in how it works, but until then I'll take someone else's related answer here, and provide links to other sources:

EDIT: This answer works for Angular 2 BETA only. Router is not released for Angular 2 RC as of this edit. Instead, when using Angular 2 RC, replace references to router with router-deprecated to continue using the beta router.

The Angular2-future way to implement this will be via the @Resolve decorator. Until then, the closest facsimile is CanActivate Component decorator, per Brandon Roberts. see

Although beta 0 doesn't support providing resolved values to the Component, it's planned, and there is also a workaround described here: Using Resolve In Angular2 Routes

A beta 1 example can be found here: . It uses a very similar workaround, but slightly more accurately uses the RouteData object rather than RouteParams.

@CanActivate((to) => {
    return new Promise((resolve) => { = { name: 'John' }

Also, note that there is also an example workaround for accessing nested/parent route "resolved" values as well, and other features you expect if you've used 1.x UI-Router.

Note you'll also need to manually inject any services you need to accomplish this, since the Angular Injector hierarchy is not currently available in the CanActivate decorator. Simply importing an Injector will create a new injector instance, without access to the providers from bootstrap(), so you'll probably want to store an application-wide copy of the bootstrapped injector. Brandon's second Plunk link on this page is a good starting point:

Format y axis as percent

Based on the answer of @erwanp, you can use the formatted string literals of Python 3,

x = '2'
percentage = f'{x}%' # 2%

inside the FuncFormatter() and combined with a lambda expression.

All wrapped:

ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda y, _: f'{y}%'))

What is Ruby's double-colon `::`?

This simple example illustrates it:

MR_COUNT = 0        # constant defined on main Object class
module Foo
  MR_COUNT = 0
  ::MR_COUNT = 1    # set global count to 1
  MR_COUNT = 2      # set local count to 2

puts MR_COUNT       # this is the global constant: 1
puts Foo::MR_COUNT  # this is the local constant: 2

Taken from

Python code to remove HTML tags from a string

Using a regex

Using a regex, you can clean everything inside <> :

import re

def cleanhtml(raw_html):
  cleanr = re.compile('<.*?>')
  cleantext = re.sub(cleanr, '', raw_html)
  return cleantext

Some HTML texts can also contain entities that are not enclosed in brackets, such as '&nsbm'. If that is the case, then you might want to write the regex as

cleanr = re.compile('<.*?>|&([a-z0-9]+|#[0-9]{1,6}|#x[0-9a-f]{1,6});')

This link contains more details on this.

Using BeautifulSoup

You could also use BeautifulSoup additional package to find out all the raw text.

You will need to explicitly set a parser when calling BeautifulSoup I recommend "lxml" as mentioned in alternative answers (much more robust than the default one (html.parser) (i.e. available without additional install).

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
cleantext = BeautifulSoup(raw_html, "lxml").text

But it doesn't prevent you from using external libraries, so I recommend the first solution.

EDIT: To use lxml you need to pip install lxml.

How to make a form close when pressing the escape key?

If you have a cancel button on your form, you can set the Form.CancelButton property to that button and then pressing escape will effectively 'click the button'.

If you don't have such a button, check out the Form.KeyPreview property.

Select from one table where not in another

To expand on Johan's answer, if the part_num column in the sub-select can contain null values then the query will break.

To correct this, add a null check...

SELECT FROM r2r.partmaster pm
      (SELECT pd.part_num FROM wpsapi4.product_details pd 
                  where pd.part_num is not null)
  • Sorry but I couldn't add a comment as I don't have the rep!

Unmarshaling nested JSON objects

I was working on something like this. But is working only with structures generated from proto.

in your proto

message Msg {
  Firstname string = 1 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "name.firstname"];
  PseudoFirstname string = 2 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "lastname"];
  EmbedMsg = 3  [(gogoproto.nullable) = false, (gogoproto.embed) = true];
  Lastname string = 4 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "name.lastname"];
  Inside string  = 5 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "name.inside.a.b.c"];

message EmbedMsg{
   Opt1 string = 1 [(gogoproto.jsontag) = "opt1"];

Then your output will be

"lastname": "Three",
"name": {
    "firstname": "One",
    "inside": {
        "a": {
            "b": {
                "c": "goo"
    "lastname": "Two"
"opt1": "var"

How to dock "Tool Options" to "Toolbox"?

In the detached window (Tool Options), the name of the view (Paintbrush) is a grab-bar.

Put your cursor over the grab-bar, click and drag it to the dock area in the main window in order to reattach it to the main window.

Mean per group in a data.frame

You can also use package plyr, which is somehow more versatile:


ddply(d, .(Name), summarize,  Rate1=mean(Rate1), Rate2=mean(Rate2))

  Name    Rate1    Rate2
1 Aira 16.33333 47.00000
2  Ben 31.33333 50.33333
3  Cat 44.66667 54.00000

How do you set CMAKE_C_COMPILER and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER for building Assimp for iOS?


  1. Sometimes the project is created before installing g++. So install g++ first and then recreate your project. This worked for me.
  2. Paste the following line in CMakeCache.txt: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILEPATH=/usr/bin/c++

Note the path to g++ depends on OS. I have used my fedora path obtained using which g++

MS Access - execute a saved query by name in VBA

You can do it the following way:

DoCmd.OpenQuery "yourQueryName", acViewNormal, acEdit



Pressed <button> selector

Should we include a little JS? Because CSS was not basically created for this job. CSS was just a style sheet to add styles to the HTML, but its pseudo classes can do something that the basic CSS can't do. For example button:active active is pseudo.

Reference: You can learn more about pseudo here!

Your code:

The code that you're having the basic but helpfull. And yes :active will only occur once the click event is triggered.

button {
font-size: 18px;
border: 2px solid gray;
border-radius: 100px;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;

button:active {
font-size: 18px;
border: 2px solid red;
border-radius: 100px;
width: 100px;
height: 100px;

This is what CSS would do, what rlemon suggested is good, but that would as he suggested would require a tag.

How to use CSS:

You can use :focus too. :focus would work once the click is made and would stay untill you click somewhere else, this was the CSS, you were trying to use CSS, so use :focus to make the buttons change.

What JS would do:

The JavaScript's jQuery library is going to help us for this code. Here is the example:

$('button').click(function () {
  $(this).css('border', '1px solid red');

This will make sure that the button stays red even if the click gets out. To change the focus type (to change the color of red to other) you can use this:

$('button').click(function () {
  $(this).css('border', '1px solid red');
  // find any other button with a specific id, and change it back to white like
  $('button#red').css('border', '1px solid white');

This way, you will create a navigation menu. Which will automatically change the color of the tabs as you click on them. :)

Hope you get the answer. Good luck! Cheers.

The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)"

I had the exact same error message, and tried the suggested solutions in this thread but without success.

what solved the problem for me is opening the .xlsx file and saving it as .xls (excel 2003) file.

maybe the file was corrupted or in a different format, and saving it again fixed it.

SQL Server 2005 How Create a Unique Constraint?

            <namingconventionconstraint> UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

Converting list to *args when calling function

You can use the * operator before an iterable to expand it within the function call. For example:

timeseries_list = [timeseries1 timeseries2 ...]
r = scikits.timeseries.lib.reportlib.Report(*timeseries_list)

(notice the * before timeseries_list)

From the python documentation:

If the syntax *expression appears in the function call, expression must evaluate to an iterable. Elements from this iterable are treated as if they were additional positional arguments; if there are positional arguments x1, ..., xN, and expression evaluates to a sequence y1, ..., yM, this is equivalent to a call with M+N positional arguments x1, ..., xN, y1, ..., yM.

This is also covered in the python tutorial, in a section titled Unpacking argument lists, where it also shows how to do a similar thing with dictionaries for keyword arguments with the ** operator.

What is the bit size of long on 64-bit Windows?

The easiest way to get to know it for your compiler/platform:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  std::cout << sizeof(long)*8 << std::endl;

Themultiplication by 8 is to get bits from bytes.

When you need a particular size, it is often easiest to use one of the predefined types of a library. If that is undesirable, you can do what often happens with autoconf software and have the configuration system determine the right type for the needed size.

How to set the JSTL variable value in javascript?

This variable can be set using value="${val1}" inside c:set if you have used jquery in your system.

Where is Maven Installed on Ubuntu

Ubuntu 11.10 doesn't have maven3 in repo.

Follow below step to install maven3 on ubuntu 11.10

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:natecarlson/maven3
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install maven3

Open terminal: mvn3 -v

if you want mvn as a binary then execute below script:

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/mvn3 /usr/bin/mvn

I hope this will help you.

Thanks, Rajam

What is the 'dynamic' type in C# 4.0 used for?

It makes it easier for static typed languages (CLR) to interoperate with dynamic ones (python, ruby ...) running on the DLR (dynamic language runtime), see MSDN:

For example, you might use the following code to increment a counter in XML in C#.

Scriptobj.SetProperty("Count", ((int)GetProperty("Count")) + 1);

By using the DLR, you could use the following code instead for the same operation.

scriptobj.Count += 1;

MSDN lists these advantages:

  • Simplifies Porting Dynamic Languages to the .NET Framework
  • Enables Dynamic Features in Statically Typed Languages
  • Provides Future Benefits of the DLR and .NET Framework
  • Enables Sharing of Libraries and Objects
  • Provides Fast Dynamic Dispatch and Invocation

See MSDN for more details.

Draw on HTML5 Canvas using a mouse

Googled this ("html5 canvas paint program"). Looks like what you need.

Return JSON with error status code MVC

The neatest solution I've found is to create your own JsonResult that extends the original implementation and allows you to specify a HttpStatusCode:

public class JsonHttpStatusResult : JsonResult
    private readonly HttpStatusCode _httpStatus;

    public JsonHttpStatusResult(object data, HttpStatusCode httpStatus)
        Data = data;
        _httpStatus = httpStatus;

    public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
        context.RequestContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = (int)_httpStatus;

You can then use this in your controller action like so:

    var errorModel = new { error = "There was an error" };
    return new JsonHttpStatusResult(errorModel, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);

How to test if JSON object is empty in Java

if (jsonObj != null && jsonObj.length > 0)

To check if a nested JSON object is empty within a JSONObject:

if (!jsonObject.isNull("key") && jsonObject.getJSONObject("key").length() > 0)


If you want to know which is more effective, you should try looking at the estimated query plans, or the actual query plans after execution. It'll tell you the costs of the queries (I find CPU and IO cost to be interesting). I wouldn't be surprised much if there's little to no difference, but you never know. I've seen certain queries use multiple cores on our database server, while a rewritten version of that same query would only use one core (needless to say, the query that used all 4 cores was a good 3 times faster). Never really quite put my finger on why that is, but if you're working with large result sets, such differences can occur without your knowing about it.

Convert a bitmap into a byte array

Try the following:

MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap();
bitmap.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);

byte[] byteArray = stream.GetBuffer();

Make sure you are using:

System.Drawing & using System.Drawing.Imaging;

Getting "file not found" in Bridging Header when importing Objective-C frameworks into Swift project

I had an issue and fixed it after spending 2 hours to find. My environment as below:

cocoapod 0.39.0

swift 2.x

XCode 7.3.1


  1. project path: project_name/project_name/your_bridging_header.h
  2. In Swift section at Build Setting, Objective-C Bridging Header should be: project_name/your_bridging_header.h
  3. In your_bridging_header.h, change all declarations from .h to #import
  4. In class which is being used your_3rd_party. Declare import your_3rd_party

Set a request header in JavaScript

For people looking this up now:

It seems that now setting the User-Agent header is allowed since Firefox 43. See for the current list of forbidden headers.

Print all day-dates between two dates

Essentially the same as Gringo Suave's answer, but with a generator:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

def datetime_range(start=None, end=None):
    span = end - start
    for i in xrange(span.days + 1):
        yield start + timedelta(days=i)

Then you can use it as follows:

In: list(datetime_range(start=datetime(2014, 1, 1), end=datetime(2014, 1, 5)))
[datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 1, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 2, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 3, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 4, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 5, 0, 0)]

Or like this:

In []: for date in datetime_range(start=datetime(2014, 1, 1), end=datetime(2014, 1, 5)):
   ...:     print date
2014-01-01 00:00:00
2014-01-02 00:00:00
2014-01-03 00:00:00
2014-01-04 00:00:00
2014-01-05 00:00:00

How to get bitmap from a url in android?

Okay so you are trying to get a bitmap from a file? Title says URL. Anyways, when you are getting files from external storage in Android you should never use a direct path. Instead call getExternalStorageDirectory() like so:

File bitmapFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + PATH_TO_IMAGE);
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(bitmapFile);

getExternalStorageDirectory() gives you the path to the SD card. Also you need to declare the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission in the Manifest.

Comparing strings, c++

Regarding the question,

can someone explain why the compare() function exists if a comparison can be made using simple operands?

Relative to < and ==, the compare function is conceptually simpler and in practice it can be more efficient since it avoids two comparisons per item for ordinary ordering of items.

As an example of simplicity, for small integer values you can write a compare function like this:

auto compare( int a, int b ) -> int { return a - b; }

which is highly efficient.

Now for a structure

struct Foo
    int a;
    int b;
    int c;

auto compare( Foo const& x, Foo const& y )
    -> int
    if( int const r = compare( x.a, y.a ) ) { return r; }
    if( int const r = compare( x.b, y.b ) ) { return r; }
    return compare( x.c, y.c );

Trying to express this lexicographic compare directly in terms of < you wind up with horrendous complexity and inefficiency, relatively speaking.

With C++11, for the simplicity alone ordinary less-than comparison based lexicographic compare can be very simply implemented in terms of tuple comparison.

How to select top n rows from a datatable/dataview in ASP.NET

I just used Midhat's answer but appended CopyToDataTable() on the end.

The code below is an extension to the answer that I used to quickly enable some paging.

int pageNum = 1;
int pageSize = 25;

DataTable dtPage = dt.Rows.Cast<System.Data.DataRow>().Skip((pageNum - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).CopyToDataTable();

How to tell if browser/tab is active

Using jQuery:

$(function() {
    window.isActive = true;
    $(window).focus(function() { this.isActive = true; });
    $(window).blur(function() { this.isActive = false; });

function showIsActive()
    window.setTimeout("showIsActive()", 2000);

function doWork()
    if (window.isActive) { /* do CPU-intensive stuff */}

Concatenation of strings in Lua

As other answers have said, the string concatenation operator in Lua is two dots.

Your simple example would be written like this:

filename = "checkbook"
filename = filename .. ".tmp"

However, there is a caveat to be aware of. Since strings in Lua are immutable, each concatenation creates a new string object and copies the data from the source strings to it. That makes successive concatenations to a single string have very poor performance.

The Lua idiom for this case is something like this:

function listvalues(s)
    local t = { }
    for k,v in ipairs(s) do
        t[#t+1] = tostring(v)
    return table.concat(t,"\n")

By collecting the strings to be concatenated in an array t, the standard library routine table.concat can be used to concatenate them all up (along with a separator string between each pair) without unnecessary string copying.

Update: I just noticed that I originally wrote the code snippet above using pairs() instead of ipairs().

As originally written, the function listvalues() would indeed produce every value from the table passed in, but not in a stable or predictable order. On the other hand, it would include values who's keys were not positive integers in the span of 1 to #s. That is what pairs() does: it produces every single (key,value) pair stored in the table.

In most cases where you would be using something like listvaluas() you would be interested in preserving their order. So a call written as listvalues{13, 42, 17, 4} would produce a string containing those value in that order. However, pairs() won't do that, it will itemize them in some order that depends on the underlying implementation of the table data structure. It is known that the order not only depends on the keys, but also on the order in which the keys were inserted and other keys removed.

Of course ipairs() isn't a perfect answer either. It only enumerates those values of the table that form a "sequence". That is, those values who's keys form an unbroken block spanning from 1 to some upper bound, which is (usually) also the value returned by the # operator. (In many cases, the function ipairs() itself is better replaced by a simpler for loop that just counts from 1 to #s. This is the recommended practice in Lua 5.2 and in LuaJIT where the simpler for loop can be more efficiently implemented than the ipairs() iterator.)

If pairs() really is the right approach, then it is usually the case that you want to print both the key and the value. This reduces the concerns about order by making the data self-describing. Of course, since any Lua type (except nil and the floating point NaN) can be used as a key (and NaN can also be stored as a value) finding a string representation is left as an exercise for the student. And don't forget about trees and more complex structures of tables.

In SQL Server, what does "SET ANSI_NULLS ON" mean?

When SET ANSI_NULLS is ON, a SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name = NULL returns zero rows even if there are null values in column_name. A SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name <> NULL returns zero rows even if there are nonnull values in column_name.

For e.g

DECLARE @TempVariable VARCHAR(10)
SET @TempVariable = NULL



MVC4 StyleBundle not resolving images

Maybe I am biased, but I quite like my solution as it doesn't do any transforming, regex's etc and it's has the least amount of code :)

This works for a site hosted as a Virtual Directory in a IIS Web Site and as a root website on IIS

So I created an Implentation of IItemTransform encapsulated the CssRewriteUrlTransform and used VirtualPathUtility to fix the path and call the existing code:

/// <summary>
/// Is a wrapper class over CssRewriteUrlTransform to fix url's in css files for sites on IIS within Virutal Directories
/// and sites at the Root level
/// </summary>
public class CssUrlTransformWrapper : IItemTransform
    private readonly CssRewriteUrlTransform _cssRewriteUrlTransform;

    public CssUrlTransformWrapper()
        _cssRewriteUrlTransform = new CssRewriteUrlTransform();

    public string Process(string includedVirtualPath, string input)
        return _cssRewriteUrlTransform.Process("~" + VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(includedVirtualPath), input);

public static void Start()
      BundleTable.Bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/bundles/fontawesome")
                         .Include("~/content/font-awesome.css", new CssUrlTransformWrapper()));

Seems to work fine for me?

Hide Show content-list with only CSS, no javascript used

Just wanted to illustrate, in the context of nested lists, the usefulness of the hidden checkbox <input> approach @jeffmcneill recommends — a context where each shown/hidden element should hold its state independently of focus and the show/hide state of other elements on the page.

Giving values with a common set of beginning characters to the id attributes of all the checkboxes used for the shown/hidden elements on the page lets you use an economical [id^=""] selector scheme for the stylesheet rules that toggle your clickable element’s appearance and the related shown/hidden element’s display state back and forth. Here, my ids are ‘expanded-1,’ ‘expanded-2,’ ‘expanded-3.’

Note that I’ve also used @Diepen’s :after selector idea in order to keep the <label> element free of content in the html.

Note also that the <input> <label> <div class="collapsible"> sequence matters, and the corresponding CSS with + selector instead of ~.

jsfiddle here

.collapse-below {_x000D_
    display: inline;_x000D_
p.collapse-below::after {_x000D_
    content: '\000A0\000A0';_x000D_
p.collapse-below ~ label {_x000D_
    display: inline;_x000D_
p.collapse-below ~ label:hover {_x000D_
    color: #ccc;_x000D_
ul.collapsible {_x000D_
    display: none;_x000D_
input[id^="expanded"]:checked + label::after {_x000D_
    content: '\025BE';_x000D_
input[id^="expanded"]:not(:checked) + label::after {_x000D_
    content: '\025B8';_x000D_
input[id^="expanded"]:checked + label + ul.collapsible {_x000D_
    display: block;_x000D_
input[id^="expanded"]:not(:checked) + label + ul.collapsible {_x000D_
    display: none;_x000D_
  <li>single item a</li>_x000D_
  <li>single item b</li>_x000D_
    <p class="collapse-below" title="this expands">multiple item a</p>_x000D_
    <input type="checkbox" id="expanded-1" class="collapse-below" name="toggle">_x000D_
    <label for="expanded-1" title="click to expand"></label>_x000D_
    <ul class="collapsible">_x000D_
      <li>sub item a.1</li>_x000D_
      <li>sub item a.2</li>_x000D_
  <li>single item c</li>_x000D_
    <p class="collapse-below" title="this expands">multiple item b</p>_x000D_
    <input type="checkbox" id="expanded-2" class="collapse-below" name="toggle">_x000D_
    <label for="expanded-2" title="click to expand"></label>_x000D_
    <ul class="collapsible">_x000D_
      <li>sub item b.1</li>_x000D_
      <li>sub item b.2</li>_x000D_
  <li>single item d</li>_x000D_
  <li>single item e</li>_x000D_
    <p class="collapse-below" title="this expands">multiple item c</p>_x000D_
    <input type="checkbox" id="expanded-3" class="collapse-below" name="toggle">_x000D_
    <label for="expanded-3" title="click to expand"></label>_x000D_
    <ul class="collapsible">_x000D_
      <li>sub item c.1</li>_x000D_
      <li>sub item c.2</li>_x000D_

Adding minutes to date time in PHP

one line mysql datetime format

$mysql_date_time = (new DateTime())->modify('+15 minutes')->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");

Formula px to dp, dp to px android

Note: The widely used solution above is based on displayMetrics.density. However, the docs explain that this value is a rounded value, used with the screen 'buckets'. Eg. on my Nexus 10 it returns 2, where the real value would be 298dpi (real) / 160dpi (default) = 1.8625.

Depending on your requirements, you might need the exact transformation, which can be achieved like this:

[Edit] This is not meant to be mixed with Android's internal dp unit, as this is of course still based on the screen buckets. Use this where you want a unit that should render the same real size on different devices.

Convert dp to pixel:

public int dpToPx(int dp) {
    DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
    return Math.round(dp * (displayMetrics.xdpi / DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT));     

Convert pixel to dp:

public int pxToDp(int px) {
    DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
    return Math.round(px / (displayMetrics.xdpi / DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT));

Note that there are xdpi and ydpi properties, you might want to distinguish, but I can't imagine a sane display where these values differ greatly.

Check if table exists

If using jruby, here is a code snippet to return an array of all tables in a db.

require "rubygems"
require "jdbc/mysql"
require "java"

def get_database_tables(connection, db_name)
  md = connection.get_meta_data
  rs = md.get_tables(db_name, nil, '%',["TABLE"])

  tables = []
  count = 0
    tables << rs.get_string(3)
  end #while
  return tables

Is quitting an application frowned upon?

There is a (relatively) simple design which will allow you to get around the "exit" conundrum. Make your app have a "base" state (activity) which is just a blank screen. On the first onCreate of the activity, you can launch another activity that your app's main functionality is in. The "exit" can then be accomplished by finish()ing this second activity and going back to the base of just a blank screen. The OS can keep this blank screen in memory for as long as it wants...

In essence, because you cannot exit out to OS, you simply transform into a self-created nothingness.

Start service in Android

startService(new Intent(this, MyService.class));

Just writing this line was not sufficient for me. Service still did not work. Everything had worked only after registering service at manifest

    android:label="@string/app_name" >


        android:label="My Service" >