Programs & Examples On #Boost phoenix

Boost.Phoenix is a C++ library to enable function programming in C++.

How to add calendar events in Android?

Use this API in your code.. It will help u to insert event, event with reminder and event with meeting can be enabled... This api works for platform 2.1 and above Those who uses less then 2.1 instead of content:// use content://calendar/events

 public static long pushAppointmentsToCalender(Activity curActivity, String title, String addInfo, String place, int status, long startDate, boolean needReminder, boolean needMailService) {
    /***************** Event: note(without alert) *******************/

    String eventUriString = "content://";
    ContentValues eventValues = new ContentValues();

    eventValues.put("calendar_id", 1); // id, We need to choose from
                                        // our mobile for primary
                                        // its 1
    eventValues.put("title", title);
    eventValues.put("description", addInfo);
    eventValues.put("eventLocation", place);

    long endDate = startDate + 1000 * 60 * 60; // For next 1hr

    eventValues.put("dtstart", startDate);
    eventValues.put("dtend", endDate);

    // values.put("allDay", 1); //If it is bithday alarm or such
    // kind (which should remind me for whole day) 0 for false, 1
    // for true
    eventValues.put("eventStatus", status); // This information is
    // sufficient for most
    // entries tentative (0),
    // confirmed (1) or canceled
    // (2):
    eventValues.put("eventTimezone", "UTC/GMT +2:00");
   /*Comment below visibility and transparency  column to avoid java.lang.IllegalArgumentException column visibility is invalid error */

    /*eventValues.put("visibility", 3); // visibility to default (0),
                                        // confidential (1), private
                                        // (2), or public (3):
    eventValues.put("transparency", 0); // You can control whether
                                        // an event consumes time
                                        // opaque (0) or transparent
                                        // (1).
    eventValues.put("hasAlarm", 1); // 0 for false, 1 for true

    Uri eventUri = curActivity.getApplicationContext().getContentResolver().insert(Uri.parse(eventUriString), eventValues);
    long eventID = Long.parseLong(eventUri.getLastPathSegment());

    if (needReminder) {
        /***************** Event: Reminder(with alert) Adding reminder to event *******************/

        String reminderUriString = "content://";

        ContentValues reminderValues = new ContentValues();

        reminderValues.put("event_id", eventID);
        reminderValues.put("minutes", 5); // Default value of the
                                            // system. Minutes is a
                                            // integer
        reminderValues.put("method", 1); // Alert Methods: Default(0),
                                            // Alert(1), Email(2),
                                            // SMS(3)

        Uri reminderUri = curActivity.getApplicationContext().getContentResolver().insert(Uri.parse(reminderUriString), reminderValues);

    /***************** Event: Meeting(without alert) Adding Attendies to the meeting *******************/

    if (needMailService) {
        String attendeuesesUriString = "content://";

         * To add multiple attendees need to insert ContentValues multiple
         * times
        ContentValues attendeesValues = new ContentValues();

        attendeesValues.put("event_id", eventID);
        attendeesValues.put("attendeeName", "xxxxx"); // Attendees name
        attendeesValues.put("attendeeEmail", "[email protected]");// Attendee
                                                                            // E
                                                                            // mail
                                                                            // id
        attendeesValues.put("attendeeRelationship", 0); // Relationship_Attendee(1),
                                                        // Relationship_None(0),
                                                        // Organizer(2),
                                                        // Performer(3),
                                                        // Speaker(4)
        attendeesValues.put("attendeeType", 0); // None(0), Optional(1),
                                                // Required(2), Resource(3)
        attendeesValues.put("attendeeStatus", 0); // NOne(0), Accepted(1),
                                                    // Decline(2),
                                                    // Invited(3),
                                                    // Tentative(4)

        Uri attendeuesesUri = curActivity.getApplicationContext().getContentResolver().insert(Uri.parse(attendeuesesUriString), attendeesValues);

    return eventID;


Why does python use 'else' after for and while loops?

The else keyword can be confusing here, and as many people have pointed out, something like nobreak, notbreak is more appropriate.

In order to understand for ... else ... logically, compare it with try...except...else, not if...else..., most of python programmers are familiar with the following code:

    print("Error happened.") # The try block threw an exception
    print("Everything is find.") # The try block does things just find.

Similarly, think of break as a special kind of Exception:

for x in iterable:
except break:
    pass # Implied by Python's loop semantics
    print('no break encountered')  # No break statement was encountered

The difference is python implies except break and you can not write it out, so it becomes:

for x in iterable:
    print('no break encountered')  # No break statement was encountered

Yes, I know this comparison can be difficult and tiresome, but it does clarify the confusion.

JavaScript Chart Library

Probably not what the OP is looking for, but since this question has become a list of JS charting library options: jQuery Sparklines is really cool.

Can I clear cell contents without changing styling?

you can use ClearContents. ex,


Getting XML Node text value with Java DOM

I'd print out the result of an2.getNodeName() as well for debugging purposes. My guess is that your tree crawling code isn't crawling to the nodes that you think it is. That suspicion is enhanced by the lack of checking for node names in your code.

Other than that, the javadoc for Node defines "getNodeValue()" to return null for Nodes of type Element. Therefore, you really should be using getTextContent(). I'm not sure why that wouldn't give you the text that you want.

Perhaps iterate the children of your tag node and see what types are there?

Tried this code and it works for me:

String xml = "<add job=\"351\">\n" +
             "    <tag>foobar</tag>\n" +
             "    <tag>foobar2</tag>\n" +
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes());
Document doc = db.parse(bis);
Node n = doc.getFirstChild();
NodeList nl = n.getChildNodes();
Node an,an2;

for (int i=0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) {
    an = nl.item(i);
    if(an.getNodeType()==Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
        NodeList nl2 = an.getChildNodes();

        for(int i2=0; i2<nl2.getLength(); i2++) {
            an2 = nl2.item(i2);
            // DEBUG PRINTS
            System.out.println(an2.getNodeName() + ": type (" + an2.getNodeType() + "):");
            if(an2.hasChildNodes()) System.out.println(an2.getFirstChild().getTextContent());
            if(an2.hasChildNodes()) System.out.println(an2.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());

Output was:

#text: type (3): foobar foobar
#text: type (3): foobar2 foobar2

Convert a video to MP4 (H.264/AAC) with ffmpeg

You can also try adding the Motumedia PPA to your apt sources and update your ffmpeg packages.

How do I do an insert with DATETIME now inside of SQL server mgmt studioÜ

Just use GETDATE() or GETUTCDATE() (if you want to get the "universal" UTC time, instead of your local server's time-zone related time).

INSERT INTO [Business]
           (0, 'Joe', 'Thomas', 
           GETDATE(),  <LastUpdatedBy, nvarchar(50),>)

Difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction

Abstraction: Is usually done to provide polymorphic access to a set of classes. An abstract class cannot be instantiated thus another class will have to derive from it to create a more concrete representation.

A common usage example of an abstract class can be an implementation of a template method design pattern where an abstract injection point is introduces so that the concrete class can implement it in its own "concrete" way.


Encapsulation: It is the process of hiding the implementation complexity of a specific class from the client that is going to use it, keep in mind that the "client" may be a program or event the person who wrote the class.


Git branching: master vs. origin/master vs. remotes/origin/master

I would try to make @ErichBSchulz's answer simpler for beginners:

  • origin/master is the state of master branch on remote repository
  • master is the state of master branch on local repository

MySQL server has gone away - in exactly 60 seconds

The php option mysql.connect_timeout is the reason for this. It's not only used for connect timeout, but as well as waiting for the first answer from the server. You can increase it like this:

ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout', 300);
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 300); 

How can I create a copy of an object in Python?

I believe the following should work with many well-behaved classed in Python:

def copy(obj):
    return type(obj)(obj)

(Of course, I am not talking here about "deep copies," which is a different story, and which may be not a very clear concept -- how deep is deep enough?)

According to my tests with Python 3, for immutable objects, like tuples or strings, it returns the same object (because there is no need to make a shallow copy of an immutable object), but for lists or dictionaries it creates an independent shallow copy.

Of course this method only works for classes whose constructors behave accordingly. Possible use cases: making a shallow copy of a standard Python container class.

How can I create Min stl priority_queue?

We can do this using several ways.

Using template comparator parameter

    int main() 
      priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int> > pq;


      return 0;

Using used defined compartor class

     struct comp
        bool operator () (int lhs, int rhs)
           return lhs > rhs;

    int main()
       priority_queue<int, vector<int>, comp> pq;



       return 0;

How can I call the 'base implementation' of an overridden virtual method?

You can't, and you shouldn't. That's what polymorphism is for, so that each object has its own way of doing some "base" things.

Unzip files programmatically in .net

String ZipPath = @"c:\my\";
String extractPath = @"d:\\myunzips";
ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(ZipPath, extractPath);

To use the ZipFile class, you must add a reference to the System.IO.Compression.FileSystem assembly in your project

Python - Convert a bytes array into JSON format

Python 3.5 + Use io module

import json
import io

my_bytes_value = b'[{\'Date\': \'2016-05-21T21:35:40Z\', \'CreationDate\': \'2012-05-05\', \'LogoType\': \'png\', \'Ref\': 164611595, \'Classe\': [\'Email addresses\', \'Passwords\'],\'Link\':\'\'}]'

fix_bytes_value = my_bytes_value.replace(b"'", b'"')

my_json = json.load(io.BytesIO(fix_bytes_value))  

Can I disable a CSS :hover effect via JavaScript?

Actually an other way to solve this could be, overwriting the CSS with insertRule.

It gives the ability to inject CSS rules to an existing/new stylesheet. In my concrete example it would look like this:

//creates a new `style` element in the document
var sheet = (function(){
  var style = document.createElement("style");
  // WebKit hack :(
  // Add the <style> element to the page
  return style.sheet;

//add the actual rules to it
 "ul#mainFilter a:hover { color: #0000EE }" , 0

Demo with my 4 years old original example:

opening html from google drive

  1. Create a new folder in Drive and share it as "Public on the web."
  2. Upload your HTML, JS & CSS files to this folder.
  3. Open the HTML file & you will see "Preview" button in the toolbar.
  4. Share the URL that looks like from the preview window and anyone can view your web page.

Check for null variable in Windows batch

The right thing would be to use a "if defined" statement, which is used to test for the existence of a variable. For example:

IF DEFINED somevariable echo Value exists

In this particular case, the negative form should be used:

IF NOT DEFINED somevariable echo Value missing

PS: the variable name should be used without "%" caracters.

How to create an empty array in Swift?

Compatible with: Xcode 6.0.1+

You can create an empty array by specifying the Element type of your array in the declaration.

For example:

// Shortened forms are preferred
var emptyDoubles: [Double] = []

// The full type name is also allowed
var emptyFloats: Array<Float> = Array()

Example from the apple developer page (Array):

Hope this helps anyone stumbling onto this page.

Check if an array contains duplicate values

function hasNoDuplicates(arr) { return arr.every(num => arr.indexOf(num) === arr.lastIndexOf(num)); }

hasNoDuplicates accepts an array and returns true if there are no duplicate values. If there are any duplicates, the function returns false.

How can I make SQL case sensitive string comparison on MySQL?

To make use of an index before using the BINARY, you could do something like this if you have large tables.

   (SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `column` = 'value') as firstresult
   BINARY `column` = 'value'

The subquery would result in a really small case-insensitive subset of which you then select the only case-sensitive match.

Linux shell script for database backup

I have prepared a Shell Script to create a Backup of MYSQL database. You can use it so that we have backup of our database(s).

    export PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
    TODAY=`date +"%d%b%Y_%I:%M:%S%p"`

    ################## Update below values  ########################
    DATABASE_NAME=( Project_O2 o2)
    BACKUP_RETAIN_DAYS=30   ## Number of days to keep local backup copy; Enable script code in end of th script

    { mkdir -p ${DB_BACKUP_PATH}/${TODAY}
        echo "
                                ${TODAY}" >> ${DB_BACKUP_PATH}/Backup-Report.txt
    } || {
        echo "Can not make Directry"
        echo "Possibly Path is wrong"
    { if ! mysql -u ${MYSQL_USER} -p${MYSQL_PASSWORD} -e 'exit'; then
        echo 'Failed! You may have Incorrect PASSWORD/USER ' >> ${DB_BACKUP_PATH}/Backup-Report.txt
        exit 1

        for DB in "${DATABASE_NAME[@]}"; do
            if ! mysql -u ${MYSQL_USER} -p${MYSQL_PASSWORD} -e "use "${DB}; then
                echo "Failed! Database ${DB} Not Found on ${TODAY}" >> ${DB_BACKUP_PATH}/Backup-Report.txt

                # echo "Backup started for database - ${DB}"            
                # mysqldump -h localhost -P 3306 -u auriga -pauriga@123 Project_O2      # use gzip..

                mysqldump -h ${MYSQL_HOST} -P ${MYSQL_PORT} -u ${MYSQL_USER} -p${MYSQL_PASSWORD} \
                          --databases ${DB} | gzip > ${DB_BACKUP_PATH}/${TODAY}/${DB}-${TODAY}.sql.gz

                if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                    touch ${DB_BACKUP_PATH}/Backup-Report.txt
                    echo "successfully backed-up of ${DB} on ${TODAY}" >> ${DB_BACKUP_PATH}/Backup-Report.txt
                    # echo "Database backup successfully completed"

                    touch ${DB_BACKUP_PATH}/Backup-Report.txt
                    echo "Failed to backup of ${DB} on ${TODAY}" >> ${DB_BACKUP_PATH}/Backup-Report.txt
                    # echo "Error found during backup"
                    exit 1
    } || {
        echo "Failed during backup"
        echo "Failed to backup on ${TODAY}" >> ${DB_BACKUP_PATH}/Backup-Report.txt
        # ./ 2> ${DB_BACKUP_PATH}/Backup-Report.txt

    ##### Remove backups older than {BACKUP_RETAIN_DAYS} days  #####

    # DBDELDATE=`date +"%d%b%Y" --date="${BACKUP_RETAIN_DAYS} days ago"`

    # if [ ! -z ${DB_BACKUP_PATH} ]; then
    #       cd ${DB_BACKUP_PATH}
    #       if [ ! -z ${DBDELDATE} ] && [ -d ${DBDELDATE} ]; then
    #             rm -rf ${DBDELDATE}
    #       fi
    # fi

    ### End of script ####

In the script we just need to give our Username, Password, Name of Database(or Databases if more than one) also Port number if Different.

To Run the script use Command as:

sudo ./

I also Suggest that if You want to see the Result in a file Like: Failure Occurs or Successful in backing-up, then Use the Command as Below:

sudo ./ 2>> Backup-Report.log

Thank You.

Best data type to store money values in MySQL

Multiplies 10000 and stores as BIGINT, like "Currency" in Visual Basic and Office. See

Scikit-learn: How to obtain True Positive, True Negative, False Positive and False Negative

You can obtain all of the parameters from the confusion matrix. The structure of the confusion matrix(which is 2X2 matrix) is as follows (assuming the first index is related to the positive label, and the rows are related to the true labels):



TP = cm[0][0]
FN = cm[0][1]
FP = cm[1][0]
TN = cm[1][1]

More details at - <customErrors mode="Off"/> error when trying to access working webpage

Sometime in the future Comment out the following code in web.config

      <compiler language="c#;cs;csharp" extension=".cs" type="Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.CSharpCodeProvider, Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" warningLevel="4" compilerOptions="/langversion:6 /nowarn:1659;1699;1701" />
      <compiler language="vb;vbs;visualbasic;vbscript" extension=".vb" type="Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.VBCodeProvider, Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" warningLevel="4" compilerOptions="/langversion:14 /nowarn:41008 /define:_MYTYPE=\&quot;Web\&quot; /optionInfer+" />

update the to the following code.

    <authentication mode="None" />
    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.6.1" />
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.6.1" />
    <customErrors mode="Off"/>
    <trust level="Full"/>

npm global path prefix

Spent a while on this issue, and the PATH switch wasn't helping. My problem was the Homebrew/node/npm bug found here -

If you've already installed node using Homebrew, try ****Note per comments that this might not be safe. It worked for me but could have unintended consequences. It also appears that latest version of Homebrew properly installs npm. So likely I would try brew update, brew doctor, brew upgrade node etc before trying****:

npm update -gf

Or, if you want to install node with Homebrew and have npm work, use:

brew install node --without-npm
curl -L | sh

Load a Bootstrap popover content with AJAX. Is this possible?

If the content in the popover isn't likely to change, it would make sense to retrieve it only once. Also, some of the solutions here have the issue that if you move over multiple "previews" fast, you get multiple open popups. This solution addresses both those things.

$('body').on('mouseover', '.preview', function() 
    var e = $(this);
    if ('title') == undefined)
        // set the title, so we don't get here again.'title', e.text());

        // set a loader image, so the user knows we're doing something'content', '<img src="/images/ajax-loader.gif" />');
        e.popover({ html : true, trigger : 'hover'}).popover('show');

        // retrieve the real content for this popover, from location set in data-href
        $.get('href'), function(response)
            // set the ajax-content as content for the popover
  'content', response.html);

            // replace the popover
            e.popover('destroy').popover({ html : true, trigger : 'hover'});

            // check that we're still hovering over the preview, and if so show the popover
            if (':hover'))

Missing Push Notification Entitlement

There are some really good suggestions on here.

Referring to the last screenshot that Mina provided, after initially archiving my app, the provisioning profile mentioned during uploading contained a wildcard (XC.*). This is wrong.

It took some considerable effort in order to resolve this. I had to perform a combination of the suggestions that Simon Woodside & Mina Fawzy provided.

If you have any existing certificates and provisioning profiles related to your project, now would be a good time to remove them all locally, and revoke them all remotely. Give yourself a fresh start.

Mina Fawzy's detailed suggestion is excellent. Performing Mina's suggestion, if performed correctly, should take care of you online.

Enter Simon's suggestion. Two things I needed to check inside my project. Using XCode, go here:


Review the Code Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile properties. Make sure you set those two properties to that of your project name. Don't allow XCode to automatically select for you, and don't use some generic code signing identity (e.g. Iphone Developer).

Make sure you can actually install the app onto your devices before deciding to archive.

How do I group Windows Form radio buttons?

Look at placing your radio buttons in a GroupBox.

Eliminating NAs from a ggplot

Just an update to the answer of @rafa.pereira. Since ggplot2 is part of tidyverse, it makes sense to use the convenient tidyverse functions to get rid of NAs.

airquality %>% 
        drop_na(Ozone) %>%
        ggplot(aes(x = Ozone))+

Note that you can also use drop_na() without columns specification; then all the rows with NAs in any column will be removed.

How to execute .sql script file using JDBC

Another option, this DOESN'T support comments, very useful with AmaterasERD DDL export for Apache Derby:

public void executeSqlScript(Connection conn, File inputFile) {

    // Delimiter
    String delimiter = ";";

    // Create scanner
    Scanner scanner;
    try {
        scanner = new Scanner(inputFile).useDelimiter(delimiter);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {

    // Loop through the SQL file statements 
    Statement currentStatement = null;
    while(scanner.hasNext()) {

        // Get statement 
        String rawStatement = + delimiter;
        try {
            // Execute statement
            currentStatement = conn.createStatement();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } finally {
            // Release resources
            if (currentStatement != null) {
                try {
                } catch (SQLException e) {
            currentStatement = null;

Calculating how many days are between two dates in DB2?

Wouldn't it just be:


That should return the number of days between the two dates, if I understand how date arithmetic works in DB2 correctly.

If CHDLM isn't a date you'll have to convert it to one. According to IBM the DATE() function would not be sufficient for the yyyymmdd format, but it would work if you can format like this: yyyy-mm-dd.

How to use PDO to fetch results array in PHP?

There are three ways to fetch multiple rows returned by PDO statement.

The simplest one is just to iterate over PDOStatement itself:

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM auction WHERE name LIKE ?")
// iterating over a statement
foreach($stmt as $row) {
    echo $row['name'];

another one is to fetch rows using fetch() method inside a familiar while statement:

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM auction WHERE name LIKE ?")
// using while
while($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
    echo $row['name'];

but for the modern web application we should have our datbase iteractions separated from output and thus the most convenient method would be to fetch all rows at once using fetchAll() method:

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM auction WHERE name LIKE ?")
// fetching rows into array
$data = $stmt->fetchAll();

or, if you need to preprocess some data first, use the while loop and collect the data into array manually

$result = [];
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM auction WHERE name LIKE ?")
// using while
while($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
    $result[] = [
        'newname' => $row['oldname'],
        // etc

and then output them in a template:

<?php foreach($data as $row): ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

Note that PDO supports many sophisticated fetch modes, allowing fetchAll() to return data in many different formats.

Why does sudo change the PATH?

# cat .bash_profile | grep PATH
export PATH

# cat /etc/sudoers | grep Defaults
Defaults    requiretty
Defaults    env_reset
Defaults    env_keep = "SOME_PARAM1 SOME_PARAM2 ... PATH"

How to check if div element is empty

You can use .is().

if( $('#leftmenu').is(':empty') ) {

Or you could just test the length property to see if one was found:

if( $('#leftmenu:empty').length ) {

You can use $.trim() to remove whitespace (if that's what you want) and check for the length of the content.

if( !$.trim( $('#leftmenu').html() ).length ) {

running php script (php function) in linux bash

First of all check to see if your PHP installation supports CLI. Type: php -v. You can execute PHP from the command line in 2 ways:

  1. php yourfile.php
  2. php -r 'print("Hello world");'

Why does background-color have no effect on this DIV?

Since the outer div only contains floated divs, it renders with 0 height. Either give it a height or set its overflow to hidden.

Spring boot - Not a managed type

Below worked for me..

import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.get;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultHandlers.print;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.status;

import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.domain.EntityScan;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner;
import org.springframework.test.context.web.WebAppConfiguration;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.setup.MockMvcBuilders;
import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext;

import com.something.configuration.SomethingConfig;

@SpringBootTest(classes = { SomethingConfig.class, SecurityConfig.class }) //All your configuration classes
@WebAppConfiguration // for MVC configuration
@EnableJpaRepositories("com.something.persistence.dataaccess")  //JPA repositories
@EntityScan("com.something.domain.entity.*")  //JPA entities
@ComponentScan("com.something.persistence.fixture") //any component classes you have
public class SomethingApplicationTest {

    private WebApplicationContext ctx;
    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    public void setUp() {
        this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(ctx).build();

    public void loginTest() throws Exception {


Clear all fields in a form upon going back with browser back button

Another way without JavaScript is to use <form autocomplete="off"> to prevent the browser from re-filling the form with the last values.

See also this question

Tested this only with a single <input type="text"> inside the form, but works fine in current Chrome and Firefox, unfortunately not in IE10.

How to store Node.js deployment settings/configuration files?

I just recently released a small module to load any type of configuration files. It's pretty straight-forward, you can check it at

Compiling simple Hello World program on OS X via command line

Also, you can use an IDE like CLion (JetBrains) or a text editor like Atom, with the gpp-compiler plugin, works like a charm (F5 to compile & execute).

How to use timer in C?

Yes, you need a loop. If you already have a main loop (most GUI event-driven stuff does) you can probably stick your timer into that. Use:

#include <time.h> 
time_t my_t, fire_t;

Then (for times over 1 second), initialize your timer by reading the current time:

my_t = time(NULL);

Add the number of seconds your timer should wait and store it in fire_t. A time_t is essentially a uint32_t, you may need to cast it.

Inside your loop do another

my_t = time(NULL);

if (my_t > fire_t) then consider the timer fired and do the stuff you want there. That will probably include resetting it by doing another fire_t = time(NULL) + seconds_to_wait for next time.

A time_t is a somewhat antiquated unix method of storing time as the number of seconds since midnight 1/1/1970 but it has many advantages. For times less than 1 second you need to use gettimeofday() (microseconds) or clock_gettime() (nanoseconds) and deal with a struct timeval or struct timespec which is a time_t and the microseconds or nanoseconds since that 1 second mark. Making a timer works the same way except when you add your time to wait you need to remember to manually do the carry (into the time_t) if the resulting microseconds or nanoseconds value goes over 1 second. Yes, it's messy. See man 2 time, man gettimeofday, man clock_gettime.

sleep(), usleep(), nanosleep() have a hidden benefit. You see it as pausing your program, but what they really do is release the CPU for that amount of time. Repeatedly polling by reading the time and comparing to the done time (are we there yet?) will burn a lot of CPU cycles which may slow down other programs running on the same machine (and use more electricity/battery). It's better to sleep() most of the time then start checking the time.

If you're trying to sleep and do work at the same time you need threads.

Shell script to delete directories older than n days

This will do it recursively for you:

find /path/to/base/dir/* -type d -ctime +10 -exec rm -rf {} \;


  • find: the unix command for finding files / directories / links etc.
  • /path/to/base/dir: the directory to start your search in.
  • -type d: only find directories
  • -ctime +10: only consider the ones with modification time older than 10 days
  • -exec ... \;: for each such result found, do the following command in ...
  • rm -rf {}: recursively force remove the directory; the {} part is where the find result gets substituted into from the previous part.

Alternatively, use:

find /path/to/base/dir/* -type d -ctime +10 | xargs rm -rf

Which is a bit more efficient, because it amounts to:

rm -rf dir1 dir2 dir3 ...

as opposed to:

rm -rf dir1; rm -rf dir2; rm -rf dir3; ...

as in the -exec method.

With modern versions of find, you can replace the ; with + and it will do the equivalent of the xargs call for you, passing as many files as will fit on each exec system call:

find . -type d -ctime +10 -exec rm -rf {} +

Unix tail equivalent command in Windows Powershell

For completeness I'll mention that Powershell 3.0 now has a -Tail flag on Get-Content

Get-Content ./log.log -Tail 10

gets the last 10 lines of the file

Get-Content ./log.log -Wait -Tail 10

gets the last 10 lines of the file and waits for more

Also, for those *nix users, note that most systems alias cat to Get-Content, so this usually works

cat ./log.log -Tail 10

Jackson - best way writes a java list to a json array

This is overly complicated, Jackson handles lists via its writer methods just as well as it handles regular objects. This should work just fine for you, assuming I have not misunderstood your question:

public void writeListToJsonArray() throws IOException {  
    final List<Event> list = new ArrayList<Event>(2);
    list.add(new Event("a1","a2"));
    list.add(new Event("b1","b2"));

    final ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    mapper.writeValue(out, list);

    final byte[] data = out.toByteArray();
    System.out.println(new String(data));

Use Font Awesome Icons in CSS

No need to embed content into the CSS. You can put the badge content inside the fa element, then adjust the badge css.

<i class="fa fa-envelope fa-5x" style="position:relative;color:grey;">
  <span style="
        background-color: navy;
        border-radius: 50%;
        font-size: .25em;
        text-align: center;
        line-height: 2em;
        top: -.5em;
        right: -.5em;
        width: 2em;
        height: 2em;
        border:solid 4px #fff;
        box-shadow:0px 0px 1px #000;
        color: #fff;

How can I Convert HTML to Text in C#?

The easiest would probably be tag stripping combined with replacement of some tags with text layout elements like dashes for list elements (li) and line breaks for br's and p's. It shouldn't be too hard to extend this to tables.

Wi-Fi Direct and iOS Support

The official list of current iOS Wi-Fi Management APIs

There is no Wi-Fi Direct type of connection available. The primary issue being that Apple does not allow programmatic setting of the Wi-Fi network SSID and password. However, this improves substantially in iOS 11 where you can at least prompt the user to switch to another WiFi network.

QA1942 - iOS Wi-Fi Management APIs

Entitlement option

This technology is useful if you want to provide a list of Wi-Fi networks that a user might want to connect to in a manager type app. It requires that you apply for this entitlement with Apple and the email address is in the documentation.

MFi Program options

These technologies allow the accessory connect to the same network as the iPhone and are not for setting up a peer-to-peer connection.

  • Wireless Accessory Configuration (WAC)
  • HomeKit

Peer-to-peer between Apple devices

These APIs come close to what you want, but they're Apple-to-Apple only.

WiTap Example Code

iOS 11 NEHotspotConfiguration

Brought up at WWDC 2017 Advances in Networking, Part 1 is NEHotspotConfiguration which allows the app to specify and prompt to connect to a specific network.

How to keep :active css style after clicking an element

Combine JS & CSS :

  /* 1st state */

  /* hover state */

  /* click state */
  /* after click state */


How can I rotate an HTML <div> 90 degrees?

We can add the following to a particular tag in CSS:

-webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(90deg);
-o-transform: rotate(90deg);
-ms-transform: rotate(90deg);
transform: rotate(90deg);

In case of half rotation change 90 to 45.

"element.dispatchEvent is not a function" js error caught in firebug of FF3.0

are you using jquery and prototype on the same page by any chance?

If so, use jquery noConflict mode, otherwise you are overwriting prototypes $ function.

noConflict mode is activated by doing the following:

<script src="jquery.js"></script>

Note: by doing this, the dollar sign variable no longer represents the jQuery object. To keep from rewriting all your jQuery code, you can use this little trick to create a dollar sign scope for jQuery:

jQuery(function ($) {
    // The dollar sign will equal jQuery in this scope

// Out here, the dollar sign still equals Prototype

Java: Static Class?

According to the great book "Effective Java":

Item 4: Enforce noninstantiability with a private constructor

- Attempting to enforce noninstantiability by making a class abstract does not work.

- A default constructor is generated only if a class contains no explicit constructors, so a class can be made noninstantiable by including a private constructor:

// Noninstantiable utility class
public class UtilityClass
    // Suppress default constructor for noninstantiability
    private UtilityClass() {
        throw new AssertionError();

Because the explicit constructor is private, it is inaccessible outside of the class. The AssertionError isn’t strictly required, but it provides insurance in case the constructor is accidentally invoked from within the class. It guarantees that the class will never be instantiated under any circumstances. This idiom is mildly counterintuitive, as the constructor is provided expressly so that it cannot be invoked. It is therefore wise to include a comment, as shown above.

As a side effect, this idiom also prevents the class from being subclassed. All constructors must invoke a superclass constructor, explicitly or implicitly, and a subclass would have no accessible superclass constructor to invoke.

C++ calling base class constructors

In c++, compiler always ensure that functions in object hierarchy are called successfully. These functions are constructors and destructors and object hierarchy means inheritance tree.

According to this rule we can guess compiler will call constructors and destructors for each object in inheritance hierarchy even if we don't implement it. To perform this operation compiler will synthesize the undefined constructors and destructors for us and we name them as a default constructors and destructors.Then, compiler will call default constructor of base class and then calls constructor of derived class.

In your case you don't call base class constructor but compiler does that for you by calling default constructor of base class because if compiler didn't do it your derived class which is Rectangle in your example will not be complete and it might cause disaster because maybe you will use some member function of base class in your derived class. So for the sake of safety compiler always need all constructor calls.

nodejs send html file to client

After years, I want to add another approach by using a view engine in Express.js

var fs = require('fs');

app.get('/test', function(req, res, next) {
    var html = fs.readFileSync('./html/test.html', 'utf8')
    res.render('test', { html: html })
    // or res.send(html)

Then, do that in your views/test if you choose res.render method at the above code (I'm writing in EJS format):

<%- locals.html %>

That's all.

In this way, you don't need to break your View Engine arrangements.

How to see what privileges are granted to schema of another user

Use example with from the post of Szilágyi Donát.

I use two querys, one to know what roles I have, excluding connect grant:

SELECT * FROM USER_ROLE_PRIVS WHERE GRANTED_ROLE != 'CONNECT'; -- Roles of the actual Oracle Schema

Know I like to find what privileges/roles my schema/user have; examples of my roles ROLE_VIEW_PAYMENTS & ROLE_OPS_CUSTOMERS. But to find the tables/objecst of an specific role I used:


The owner schema for this example could be PRD_CUSTOMERS_OWNER (or the role/schema inself).


Uncaught TypeError : cannot read property 'replace' of undefined In Grid

Please try with the below code snippet.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
        function onDataBound(e) {
            var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");

        $(document).ready(function () {
                dataSource: {
                    type: "odata",
                    transport: {
                        read: ""
                    schema: {
                        model: {
                            fields: {
                                OrderID: { type: "number" },
                                Freight: { type: "number" },
                                ShipName: { type: "string" },
                                OrderDate: { type: "date" },
                                ShipCity: { type: "string" }
                    pageSize: 20,
                    serverPaging: true,
                    serverFiltering: true,
                    serverSorting: true
                height: 430,
                filterable: true,
                dataBound: onDataBound,
                sortable: true,
                pageable: true,
                columns: [{
                    field: "OrderID",
                    filterable: false
                                field: "OrderDate",
                                title: "Order Date",
                                width: 120,
                                format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}"
                            }, {
                                field: "ShipName",
                                title: "Ship Name",
                                width: 260
                            }, {
                                field: "ShipCity",
                                title: "Ship City",
                                width: 150
    <div id="grid">

I have implemented same thing with different way.

The requested resource does not support HTTP method 'GET'

Please use the attributes from the System.Web.Http namespace on your WebAPI actions:

    [System.Web.Http.AcceptVerbs("GET", "POST")]
    public string Auth(string username, string password)

The reason why it doesn't work is because you were using the attributes that are from the MVC namespace System.Web.Mvc. The classes in the System.Web.Http namespace are for WebAPI.

CSS3 transition events

Just for fun, don't do this!

$.fn.transitiondone = function () {
  return this.each(function () {
    var $this = $(this);
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, (parseFloat($this.css('transitionDelay')) + parseFloat($this.css('transitionDuration'))) * 1000);

$('div').on('mousedown', function (e) {

$('div').on('transitiondone', function () {

Select values from XML field in SQL Server 2008

This may answer your question:

select cast(xmlField as xml) xmlField into tmp from (
select '<person><firstName>Jon</firstName><lastName>Johnson</lastName></person>' xmlField
union select '<person><firstName>Kathy</firstName><lastName>Carter</lastName></person>'
union select '<person><firstName>Bob</firstName><lastName>Burns</lastName></person>'
) tb

    xmlField.value('(person/firstName)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as FirstName
    ,xmlField.value('(person/lastName)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') as LastName
FROM tmp

drop table tmp

Scrollable Menu with Bootstrap - Menu expanding its container when it should not

Do everything in the inline of UL tag

<ul class="dropdown-menu scrollable-menu" role="menu" style="height: auto;max-height: 200px; overflow-x: hidden;">
                <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Something else here</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Action</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">Another action</a></li>

Single-threaded apartment - cannot instantiate ActiveX control

The problem you're running into is that most background thread / worker APIs will create the thread in a Multithreaded Apartment state. The error message indicates that the control requires the thread be a Single Threaded Apartment.

You can work around this by creating a thread yourself and specifying the STA apartment state on the thread.

var t = new Thread(MyThreadStartMethod);

How do you add PostgreSQL Driver as a dependency in Maven?

Updating for latest release:



Hope it helps!

ImportError: No module named dateutil.parser

You can find the dateutil package at Extract it to somewhere and run the command:

python install

It worked for me!

How should I escape strings in JSON?

StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript / StringEscapeUtils.escapeEcmaScript should do the trick too.

DataTables warning: Requested unknown parameter '0' from the data source for row '0'

This is a very common case in DataTables when it's not able to find the request field define in DataTable configuration.
For Example:

                "aoColumns": [{
                    mData: 'mobile', sWidth: "149px;"
               }, {
                    mData: 'name', sWidth: "121px;"
               }, {
                    mData: 'productName', sWidth: "116px;"

Here, If DataTable doesn't receive above mentioned properties. It'll generate this warning:

DataTables warning: Requested unknown parameter '0' from the data source for row '0'

To overcome this you just need to simply set a default value in "aoColumns"

For Example:

  "aoColumns": [{
                mData: 'mobile',sDefaultContent :  '',sWidth: "149px;"
           }, {
                mData: 'name',sDefaultContent :  '', sWidth: "121px;"
           }, {
                mData: 'productName',sDefaultContent :  '', sWidth: "116px;"

sDefaultContent will supress the warning.
Note: This property could be changed based on version of dataTables you are using.

Regular expression to extract text between square brackets

Just in case, you might have had unbalanced brackets, you can likely design some expression with recursion similar to,


which of course, it would relate to the language or RegEx engine that you might be using.

RegEx Demo 1

Other than that,


RegEx Demo 2



RegEx Demo 3

are good options to explore.

If you wish to simplify/modify/explore the expression, it's been explained on the top right panel of If you'd like, you can also watch in this link, how it would match against some sample inputs.

RegEx Circuit visualizes regular expressions:

enter image description here


const regex = /\[([^\]\[\r\n]*)\]/gm;_x000D_
const str = `This is a [sample] string with [some] special words. [another one]_x000D_
This is a [sample string with [some special words. [another one_x000D_
This is a [sample[sample]] string with [[some][some]] special words. [[another one]]`;_x000D_
let m;_x000D_
while ((m = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {_x000D_
    // This is necessary to avoid infinite loops with zero-width matches_x000D_
    if (m.index === regex.lastIndex) {_x000D_
    // The result can be accessed through the `m`-variable._x000D_
    m.forEach((match, groupIndex) => {_x000D_
        console.log(`Found match, group ${groupIndex}: ${match}`);_x000D_


Regular expression to match balanced parentheses

What is the purpose of using WHERE 1=1 in SQL statements?

Using 1=1 is actually not a very good idea as this can cause full table scans by itself.

See this--> T-SQL 1=1 Performance Hit

What does upstream mean in nginx?

It's used for proxying requests to other servers.

An example from is:

http {
  upstream myproject {
    server weight=3;

  server {
    listen 80;
    location / {
      proxy_pass http://myproject;

This means all requests for / go to the any of the servers listed under upstream XXX, with a preference for port 8000.

compareTo with primitives -> Integer / int

For pre 1.7 i would say an equivalent to, y) is:


Recursively list all files in a directory including files in symlink directories

find /dir -type f -follow -print

-type f means it will display real files (not symlinks)

-follow means it will follow your directory symlinks

-print will cause it to display the filenames.

If you want a ls type display, you can do the following

find /dir -type f -follow -print|xargs ls -l

Adding an img element to a div with javascript

It should be:


And place your div before your javascript, because if you don't, the javascript executes before the div exists. Or wait for it to load. So your code looks like this:


<script type="text/javascript">
var elem = document.createElement("img");
elem.setAttribute("src", "");
elem.setAttribute("height", "768");
elem.setAttribute("width", "1024");
elem.setAttribute("alt", "Flower");
<div id="placehere">



To prove my point, see this with the onload and this without the onload. Fire up the console and you'll find an error stating that the div doesn't exist or cannot find appendChild method of null.

What's the difference between window.location= and window.location.replace()?


use location.href or better use window.location.href;

However if you read this you will gain undeniable proof.

The truth is it's fine to use but why do things that are questionable. You should take the higher road and just do it the way that it probably should be done.

location = "#/mypath/otherside"
var sections = location.split('/')

This code is perfectly correct syntax-wise, logic wise, type-wise you know the only thing wrong with it?

it has location instead of location.href

what about this

var mystring = location = "#/some/spa/route"

what is the value of mystring? does anyone really know without doing some test. No one knows what exactly will happen here. Hell I just wrote this and I don't even know what it does. location is an object but I am assigning a string will it pass the string or pass the location object. Lets say there is some answer to how this should be implemented. Can you guarantee all browsers will do the same thing?

This i can pretty much guess all browsers will handle the same.

var mystring = location.href = "#/some/spa/route"

What about if you place this into typescript will it break because the type compiler will say this is suppose to be an object?

This conversation is so much deeper than just the location object however. What this conversion is about what kind of programmer you want to be?

If you take this short-cut, yea it might be okay today, ye it might be okay tomorrow, hell it might be okay forever, but you sir are now a bad programmer. It won't be okay for you and it will fail you.

There will be more objects. There will be new syntax.

You might define a getter that takes only a string but returns an object and the worst part is you will think you are doing something correct, you might think you are brilliant for this clever method because people here have shamefully led you astray.

var = {first:"John":last:"Doe"}
console.log( // "John Doe"

With getters and setters this code would actually work, but just because it can be done doesn't mean it's 'WISE' to do so.

Most people who are programming love to program and love to get better. Over the last few years I have gotten quite good and learn a lot. The most important thing I know now especially when you write Libraries is consistency and predictability.

Do the things that you can consistently do.

+"2" <-- this right here parses the string to a number. should you use it? or should you use parseInt("2")?

what about var num =+"2"?

From what you have learn, from the minds of stackoverflow i am not too hopefully.

If you start following these 2 words consistent and predictable. You will know the right answer to a ton of questions on stackoverflow.

Let me show you how this pays off. Normally I place ; on every line of javascript i write. I know it's more expressive. I know it's more clear. I have followed my rules. One day i decided not to. Why? Because so many people are telling me that it is not needed anymore and JavaScript can do without it. So what i decided to do this. Now because I have become sure of my self as a programmer (as you should enjoy the fruit of mastering a language) i wrote something very simple and i didn't check it. I erased one comma and I didn't think I needed to re-test for such a simple thing as removing one comma.

I wrote something similar to this in es6 and babel

var a = "hello world"
(async function(){
  //do work

This code fail and took forever to figure out. For some reason what it saw was

var a = "hello world"(async function(){})()

hidden deep within the source code it was telling me "hello world" is not a function.

For more fun node doesn't show the source maps of transpiled code.

Wasted so much stupid time. I was presenting to someone as well about how ES6 is brilliant and then I had to start debugging and demonstrate how headache free and better ES6 is. Not convincing is it.

I hope this answered your question. This being an old question it's more for the future generation, people who are still learning.

Question when people say it doesn't matter either way works. Chances are a wiser more experienced person will tell you other wise.

what if someone overwrite the location object. They will do a shim for older browsers. It will get some new feature that needs to be shimmed and your 3 year old code will fail.

My last note to ponder upon.

Writing clean, clear purposeful code does something for your code that can't be answer with right or wrong. What it does is it make your code an enabler.

You can use more things plugins, Libraries with out fear of interruption between the codes.

for the record. use


Add padding to HTML text input field


<div class="FieldElement"><input /></div>
<div class="searchIcon"><input type="submit" /></div>

For Other Browsers:

.FieldElement input {
width: 413px;
border:1px solid #ccc;
padding: 0 2.5em 0 0.5em;

 background: url(searchicon-image-path) no-repeat;
 width: 17px;
 height: 17px;
 text-indent: -999em;
 display: inline-block;
 left: 432px;
 top: 9px;

For IE:

.FieldElement input {
width: 380px;

.FieldElement {
 border:1px solid #ccc;
 width: 455px;     

 background: url(searchicon-image-path) no-repeat;
 width: 17px;
 height: 17px;
 text-indent: -999em;
 display: inline-block;
 left: 432px;
 top: 9px;

Unable to merge dex

Just add this line in app/build.gradle

defaultConfig {
       multiDexEnabled true 

What is the recommended project structure for spring boot rest projects?

I have an example which I have been using for couple years. Please take a look as a reference.

How do I use PHP namespaces with autoload?

had the same issue and just found this :

When you create a subfolder structure matching the namespaces of the containing classes, you will never even have to define an autoloader.

    spl_autoload_extensions(".php"); // comma-separated list

It worked like a charm

More info here :

EDIT: this causes problem on Linux because of backslash... See here for working solution by immeëmosol

Namespace Autoload works under windows, but not on Linux

How to verify an XPath expression in Chrome Developers tool or Firefox's Firebug?

You can open the DevTools in Chrome with CTRL+I on Windows (or CMD+I Mac), and Firefox with F12, then select the Console tab), and check the XPath by typing $x("your_xpath_here").
This will return an array of matched values. If it is empty, you know there is no match on the page.

Firefox v66 (April 2019):

Firefox v66 console xpath

Chrome v69 (April 2019):

Chrome v69 console xpath

Can I use break to exit multiple nested 'for' loops?

Another approach to breaking out of a nested loop is to factor out both loops into a separate function, and return from that function when you want to exit.

Of course, this brings up the other argument of whether you should ever explicitly return from a function anywhere other than at the end.

Regex: matching up to the first occurrence of a character

You need


The [^;] is a character class, it matches everything but a semicolon.

To cite the perlre manpage:

You can specify a character class, by enclosing a list of characters in [] , which will match any character from the list. If the first character after the "[" is "^", the class matches any character not in the list.

This should work in most regex dialects.

How can I pass arguments to anonymous functions in JavaScript?

Your specific case can simply be corrected to be working:

<script type="text/javascript">
  var myButton = document.getElementById("myButton");
  var myMessage = "it's working";
  myButton.onclick = function() { alert(myMessage); };

This example will work because the anonymous function created and assigned as a handler to element will have access to variables defined in the context where it was created.

For the record, a handler (that you assign through setting onxxx property) expects single argument to take that is event object being passed by the DOM, and you cannot force passing other argument in there

How to change a TextView's style at runtime

i found textView.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); to be the simplest method.

View tabular file such as CSV from command line

I wrote a script, viewtab , in Groovy for just this purpose. You invoke it like:

viewtab filename.csv

It is basically a super-lightweight spreadsheet that can be invoked from the command line, handles CSV and tab separated files, can read VERY large files that Excel and Numbers choke on, and is very fast. It's not command-line in the sense of being text-only, but it is platform independent and will probably fit the bill for many people looking for a solution to the problem of quickly inspecting many or large CSV files while working in a command line environment.

The script and how to install it are described here:

Write to .txt file?

FILE *fp;
char* str = "string";
int x = 10;

fp=fopen("test.txt", "w");
if(fp == NULL)
fprintf(fp, "This is a string which is written to a file\n");
fprintf(fp, "The string has %d words and keyword %s\n", x, str);

Last executed queries for a specific database

This works for me to find queries on any database in the instance. I'm sysadmin on the instance (check your privileges):

SELECT deqs.last_execution_time AS [Time], dest.text AS [Query], dest.*
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS deqs
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(deqs.sql_handle) AS dest
WHERE dest.dbid = DB_ID('msdb')
ORDER BY deqs.last_execution_time DESC

This is the same answer that Aaron Bertrand provided but it wasn't placed in an answer.

jQuery: using a variable as a selector

You're thinking too complicated. It's actually just $('#'+openaddress).

Limit characters displayed in span

You can do this with jQuery :

  $('.claimedRight').each(function (f) {_x000D_
      var newstr = $(this).text().substring(0,20);_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
    <script         src=""></script>_x000D_
    <span class="claimedRight" maxlength="20">Hello this is the first test string. _x000D_
    <span class="claimedRight" maxlength="20">Hello this is the second test string. _x000D_

Circle-Rectangle collision detection (intersection)

Works, just figured this out a week ago, and just now got to testing it.

double theta = Math.atan2(cir.getX()-sqr.getX()*1.0,
                          cir.getY()-sqr.getY()*1.0); //radians of the angle
double dBox; //distance from box to edge of box in direction of the circle

if((theta >  Math.PI/4 && theta <  3*Math.PI / 4) ||
   (theta < -Math.PI/4 && theta > -3*Math.PI / 4)) {
    dBox = sqr.getS() / (2*Math.sin(theta));
} else {
    dBox = sqr.getS() / (2*Math.cos(theta));
boolean touching = (Math.abs(dBox) >=
                    Math.sqrt(Math.pow(sqr.getX()-cir.getX(), 2) +
                              Math.pow(sqr.getY()-cir.getY(), 2)));

PHP: date function to get month of the current date

$unixtime = strtotime($test);
echo date('m', $unixtime); //month
echo date('d', $unixtime); 
echo date('y', $unixtime );

Regular Expression: Any character that is NOT a letter or number

Have you tried str = str.replace(/\W|_/g,''); it will return a string without any character and you can specify if any especial character after the pipe bar | to catch them as well.

var str = "1324567890abc§$)% John Doe #$@'.replace(/\W|_/g, ''); it will return str = 1324567890abcJohnDoe

or look for digits and letters and replace them for empty string (""):

var str = "1324567890abc§$)% John Doe #$@".replace(/\w|_/g, ''); it will return str = '§$)% #$@';

How to check if the given string is palindrome?


if s == s[::-1]: return True


if (s.Equals(s.Reverse())) { return true; }


if (s == strrev(s)) return true;


if (s == reverse(s)) { return true; }


string:equal(S, lists:reverse(S)).

How do I do a multi-line string in node.js?

Vanilla Javascipt does not support multi-line strings. Language pre-processors are turning out to be feasable these days.

CoffeeScript, the most popular of these has this feature, but it's not minimal, it's a new language. Google's traceur compiler adds new features to the language as a superset, but I don't think multi-line strings are one of the added features.

I'm looking to make a minimal superset of javascript that supports multiline strings and a couple other features. I started this little language a while back before writing the initial compiler for coffeescript. I plan to finish it this summer.

If pre-compilers aren't an option, there is also the script tag hack where you store your multi-line data in a script tag in the html, but give it a custom type so that it doesn't get evaled. Then later using javascript, you can extract the contents of the script tag.

Also, if you put a \ at the end of any line in source code, it will cause the the newline to be ignored as if it wasn't there. If you want the newline, then you have to end the line with "\n\".

Visual Studio setup problem - 'A problem has been encountered while loading the setup components. Canceling setup.'

I think this sort of question is entirely appropriate to the forum, especially if an easy solution can be found, as would save others hours of pain.

Unfortunately I dont have the solution, but would suggest (if you haven't already)

  1. Run FileMon to see if the installer is looking for specific files which are no longer there - this may give some clues.

  2. Painful, but try uninstalling other apps based upon the VS shell (eg 2005) first.

converting multiple columns from character to numeric format in r

I used this code to convert all columns to numeric except the first one:

    # check structure, row and column number with: glimpse(df)
    # convert to numeric e.g. from 2nd column to 10th column
    df <- df %>% 
     mutate_at(c(2:10), as.numeric)

How to find column names for all tables in all databases in SQL Server

Why not use


You can make it DB specific with


Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'xlim' values

I had the same problem. I solve it when I convert string to factor. In your case, check the class of variable and check if they are numeric and 'train and test' should be factor.

How do I check if file exists in Makefile so I can delete it?

The problem is when you split your command over multiple lines. So, you can either use the \ at the end of lines for continuation as above or you can get everything on one line with the && operator in bash.

Then you can use a test command to test if the file does exist, e.g.:

test -f myApp && echo File does exist

-f file True if file exists and is a regular file.

-s file True if file exists and has a size greater than zero.

or does not:

test -f myApp || echo File does not exist
test ! -f myApp && echo File does not exist

The test is equivalent to [ command.

[ -f myApp ] && rm myApp   # remove myApp if it exists

and it would work as in your original example.

See: help [ or help test for further syntax.

webpack command not working

You can run npx webpack. The npx command, which ships with Node 8.2/npm 5.2.0 or higher, runs the webpack binary (./node_modules/.bin/webpack) of the webpack package. Source of info:

Only local connections are allowed Chrome and Selenium webdriver

For me, updating the chromedriver and selenium version removed this message.

However, this is not an actual error and just an informational message. If your program is still passing with exit code 0 at the end even when this message is printed, it means the execution went fine.

Find and replace entire mysql database

Another option (depending on the use case) would be to use DataMystic's TextPipe and DataPipe products. I've used them in the past, and they've worked great in the complex replacement scenarios, and without having to export data out of the database for find-and-replace.

Run certain code every n seconds

import threading

def printit():
  threading.Timer(5.0, printit).start()
  print "Hello, World!"


# continue with the rest of your code

What's the best way to validate an XML file against an XSD file?

Since this is a popular question, I will point out that java can also validate against "referred to" xsd's, for instance if the .xml file itself specifies XSD's in the header, using xsi:schemaLocation or xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation (or xsi for particular namespaces) ex:

<document xmlns:xsi=""

or schemaLocation (always a list of namespace to xsd mappings)

<document xmlns:xsi=""

The other answers work here as well, because the .xsd files "map" to the namespaces declared in the .xml file, because they declare a namespace, and if matches up with the namespace in the .xml file, you're good. But sometimes it's convenient to be able to have a custom resolver...

From the javadocs: "If you create a schema without specifying a URL, file, or source, then the Java language creates one that looks in the document being validated to find the schema it should use. For example:"

SchemaFactory factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance("");
Schema schema = factory.newSchema();

and this works for multiple namespaces, etc. The problem with this approach is that the xmlsns:xsi is probably a network location, so it'll by default go out and hit the network with each and every validation, not always optimal.

Here's an example that validates an XML file against any XSD's it references (even if it has to pull them from the network):

  public static void verifyValidatesInternalXsd(String filename) throws Exception {
    InputStream xmlStream = new new FileInputStream(filename);
    DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
    builder.setErrorHandler(new RaiseOnErrorHandler());
    builder.parse(new InputSource(xmlStream));

  public static class RaiseOnErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
    public void warning(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    public void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    public void fatalError(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

You can avoid pulling referenced XSD's from the network, even though the xml files reference url's, by specifying the xsd manually (see some other answers here) or by using an "XML catalog" style resolver. Spring apparently also can intercept the URL requests to serve local files for validations. Or you can set your own via setResourceResolver, ex:

Source xmlFile = new StreamSource(xmlFileLocation);
SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory
Schema schema = schemaFactory.newSchema();
Validator validator = schema.newValidator();
validator.setResourceResolver(new LSResourceResolver() {
  public LSInput resolveResource(String type, String namespaceURI,
                                 String publicId, String systemId, String baseURI) {
    InputSource is = new InputSource(
                          // or lookup by URI, etc...
    return new Input(is); // for class Input see 

See also here for another tutorial.

I believe the default is to use DOM parsing, you can do something similar with SAX parser that is validating as well saxReader.setEntityResolver(your_resolver_here);

How to make sure docker's time syncs with that of the host?

It appears there can by time drift if you're using Docker Machine, as this response suggests: , due to VirtualBox.

Quick and easy fix is to just restart your VM:

docker-machine restart default

SQL Server® 2016, 2017 and 2019 Express full download

Download the developer edition. There you can choose Express as license when installing.

enter image description here

How to remove a column from an existing table?



For Example:

alter table Employee drop column address;

Scroll to bottom of div?

smooth scroll with Javascript:

document.getElementById('messages').scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'end' });

Explain why constructor inject is better than other options

To make it simple, let us say that we can use constructor based dependency injection for mandatory dependencies and setter based injection for optional dependencies. It is a rule of thumb!!

Let's say for example.

If you want to instantiate a class you always do it with its constructor. So if you are using constructor based injection, the only way to instantiate the class is through that constructor. If you pass the dependency through constructor it becomes evident that it is a mandatory dependency.

On the other hand, if you have a setter method in a POJO class, you may or may not set value for your class variable using that setter method. It is completely based on your need. i.e. it is optional. So if you pass the dependency through setter method of a class it implicitly means that it is an optional dependency. Hope this is clear!!

How to clear textarea on click?

This is your javascript file:

function yourFunction(){
     document.getElementById('yourid').value = "";

This is the html file:

    <textarea id="yourid" >
    Your text inside the textarea
    <button onClick="yourFunction();">
     Your button Name

App can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer

It's because of the Security options.

Go to System Preferences... > Security & Privacy and there should be a button saying Open Anyway, under the General tab.

You can avoid doing this by changing the options under Allow apps downloaded from:, however I would recommend keeping it at the default Mac App Store and identified developers.

Vue-router redirect on page not found (404)

This answer may come a bit late but I have found an acceptable solution. My approach is a bit similar to @Mani one but I think mine is a bit more easy to understand.

Putting it into global hook and into the component itself are not ideal, global hook checks every request so you will need to write a lot of conditions to check if it should be 404 and window.location.href in the component creation is too late as the request has gone into the component already and then you take it out.

What I did is to have a dedicated url for 404 pages and have a path * that for everything that not found.

{ path: '/:locale/404', name: 'notFound', component: () => import('pages/Error404.vue') },
{ path: '/:locale/*', 
  beforeEnter (to) {
    window.location = `/${to.params.locale}/404`

You can ignore the :locale as my site is using i18n so that I can make sure the 404 page is using the right language.

On the side note, I want to make sure my 404 page is returning httpheader 404 status code instead of 200 when page is not found. The solution above would just send you to a 404 page but you are still getting 200 status code. To do this, I have my nginx rule to return 404 status code on location /:locale/404

server {
    listen                      80;
    server_name                 localhost;

    error_page  404 /index.html;
    location ~ ^/.*/404$ {
      root   /usr/share/nginx/html;

    location / {
      root   /usr/share/nginx/html;
      index  index.html index.htm;
      try_files $uri $uri/ @rewrites;

    location @rewrites {
      rewrite ^(.+)$ /index.html last;

    location = /50x.html {
      root   /usr/share/nginx/html;

How to bundle vendor scripts separately and require them as needed with Webpack?

Also not sure if I fully understand your case, but here is config snippet to create separate vendor chunks for each of your bundles:

entry: {
  bundle1: './build/bundles/bundle1.js',
  bundle2: './build/bundles/bundle2.js',
  'vendor-bundle1': [
  'vendor-bundle2': [

plugins: [
  new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
    name: 'vendor-bundle1',
    chunks: ['bundle1'],
    filename: 'vendor-bundle1.js',
    minChunks: Infinity
  new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
    name: 'vendor-bundle2',
    chunks: ['bundle2'],
    filename: 'vendor-bundle2-whatever.js',
    minChunks: Infinity

And link to CommonsChunkPlugin docs:

Best way to get value from Collection by index

I agree that this is generally a bad idea. However, Commons Collections had a nice routine for getting the value by index if you really need to:

CollectionUtils.get(collection, index)

Different ways of loading a file as an InputStream

Use MyClass.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(path) to load resource associated with your code. Use MyClass.class.getResourceAsStream(path) as a shortcut, and for resources packaged within your class' package.

Use Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(path) to get resources that are part of client code, not tightly bounds to the calling code. You should be careful with this as the thread context class loader could be pointing at anything.

How to detect when keyboard is shown and hidden

Swift 5

There answers above are correct. Although I would prefer to create a helper to wrap up the notification's observers.

The benefit:

  1. You don't have to repeat each time you handle the keyboard behaviors.
  2. You can extend other notification by implement other enum value
  3. It's useful when you have to deal with keyboard in several controllers.

Sample code:

extension KeyboardHelper {
    enum Animation {
        case keyboardWillShow
        case keyboardWillHide

    typealias HandleBlock = (_ animation: Animation, _ keyboardFrame: CGRect, _ duration: TimeInterval) -> Void

final class KeyboardHelper {
    private let handleBlock: HandleBlock

    init(handleBlock: @escaping HandleBlock) {
        self.handleBlock = handleBlock

    deinit {

    private func setupNotification() {
        _ = NotificationCenter.default
            .addObserver(forName: UIResponder.keyboardWillShowNotification, object: nil, queue: .main) { [weak self] notification in
                self?.handle(animation: .keyboardWillShow, notification: notification)

        _ = NotificationCenter.default
            .addObserver(forName: UIResponder.keyboardWillHideNotification, object: nil, queue: .main) { [weak self] notification in
                self?.handle(animation: .keyboardWillHide, notification: notification)

    private func handle(animation: Animation, notification: Notification) {
        guard let userInfo = notification.userInfo,
            let keyboardFrame = (userInfo[UIResponder.keyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)?.cgRectValue,
            let duration = userInfo[UIResponder.keyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as? Double
        else { return }

        handleBlock(animation, keyboardFrame, duration)

How to use:

private var keyboardHelper: KeyboardHelper?

override func viewDidLoad() {
   keyboardHelper = KeyboardHelper { [unowned self] animation, keyboardFrame, duration in
        switch animation {
        case .keyboardWillShow:
            print("keyboard will show")
        case .keyboardWillHide:
            print("keyboard will hide")


Laravel Eloquent compare date from datetime field

Have you considered using:

where('date', '<', '2014-08-11')

You should avoid using the DATE() function on indexed columns in MySQL, as this prevents the engine from using the index.


As there seems to be some disagreement about the importance of DATE() and indexes, I have created a fiddle that demonstrates the difference, see POSSIBLE KEYS.

How to open PDF file in a new tab or window instead of downloading it (using

You have to create either another page or generic handler with the code to generate your pdf. Then that event gets triggered and the person is redirected to that page.

Measuring execution time of a function in C++

simple program to find a function execution time taken.

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime> // time_t
#include <cstdio>

void function()
     for(long int i=0;i<1000000000;i++)
        // do nothing

int main()

time_t begin,end; // time_t is a datatype to store time values.

time (&begin); // note time before execution
time (&end); // note time after execution

double difference = difftime (end,begin);
printf ("time taken for function() %.2lf seconds.\n", difference );

return 0;

How to spawn a process and capture its STDOUT in .NET?

You need to call p.Start() to actually run the process after you set the StartInfo. As it is, your function is probably hanging on the WaitForExit() call because the process was never actually started.

Saving a Numpy array as an image

This uses PIL, but maybe some might find it useful:

import scipy.misc
scipy.misc.imsave('outfile.jpg', image_array)

EDIT: The current scipy version started to normalize all images so that min(data) become black and max(data) become white. This is unwanted if the data should be exact grey levels or exact RGB channels. The solution:

import scipy.misc
scipy.misc.toimage(image_array, cmin=0.0, cmax=...).save('outfile.jpg')

Inserting the iframe into react component

You can use property dangerouslySetInnerHTML, like this

const Component = React.createClass({_x000D_
  iframe: function () {_x000D_
    return {_x000D_
      __html: this.props.iframe_x000D_
  render: function() {_x000D_
    return (_x000D_
        <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={ this.iframe() } />_x000D_
const iframe = '<iframe src="" width="540" height="450"></iframe>'; _x000D_
  <Component iframe={iframe} />,_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="container"></div>

also, you can copy all attributes from the string(based on the question, you get iframe as a string from a server) which contains <iframe> tag and pass it to new <iframe> tag, like that

 * getAttrs_x000D_
 * returns all attributes from TAG string_x000D_
 * @return Object_x000D_
const getAttrs = (iframeTag) => {_x000D_
  var doc = document.createElement('div');_x000D_
  doc.innerHTML = iframeTag;_x000D_
  const iframe = doc.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0];_x000D_
  return [].slice_x000D_
    .reduce((attrs, element) => {_x000D_
      attrs[] = element.value;_x000D_
      return attrs;_x000D_
    }, {});_x000D_
const Component = React.createClass({_x000D_
  render: function() {_x000D_
    return (_x000D_
        <iframe {...getAttrs(this.props.iframe) } />_x000D_
const iframe = '<iframe src="" width="540" height="450"></iframe>'; _x000D_
  <Component iframe={iframe} />,_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div id="container"><div>

Can you nest html forms?

If you're using AngularJS, any <form> tags inside your ng-app are replaced at runtime with ngForm directives that are designed to be nested.

In Angular forms can be nested. This means that the outer form is valid when all of the child forms are valid as well. However, browsers do not allow nesting of <form> elements, so Angular provides the ngForm directive which behaves identically to <form> but can be nested. This allows you to have nested forms, which is very useful when using Angular validation directives in forms that are dynamically generated using the ngRepeat directive. (source)

Send JSON data via POST (ajax) and receive json response from Controller (MVC)

You don't need to call $.toJSON and add traditional = true

data: { sendInfo: array },
traditional: true

would do.

I keep getting "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token o"

Looks like jQuery takes a guess about the datatype. It does the JSON parsing even though you're not calling getJSON()-- then when you try to call JSON.parse() on an object, you're getting the error.

Further explanation can be found in Aditya Mittal's answer.

Load HTML page dynamically into div with jQuery

You can use jQuery's getJSON() or Load(); with the latter, you can reference an existing html file. For more details, see

Executing Shell Scripts from the OS X Dock?

I think this thread may be helpful:

To paraphrase, you can rename it with the .command extension or create an AppleScript to run the shell.

Location of ini/config files in linux/unix?

  1. Typically in a dotfile (like .myprogramrc) in the user's home directory.
  2. It is of course up to the programmer but normally command line arguments override everything else. If environment variables are used it is usually as an alternative to the command line arguments or to specify where the configuration is located.

How to set cookies in laravel 5 independently inside controller

You may try this:

Cookie::queue($name, $value, $minutes);

This will queue the cookie to use it later and later it will be added with the response when response is ready to be sent. You may check the documentation on Laravel website.

Update (Retrieving A Cookie Value):

$value = Cookie::get('name');

Note: If you set a cookie in the current request then you'll be able to retrieve it on the next subsequent request.

CSS - Overflow: Scroll; - Always show vertical scroll bar?

Please note on iPad Safari, NoviceCoding's solution won't work if you have -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; somewhere in your CSS. The solution is either removing all the occurrences of -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; or putting -webkit-overflow-scrolling: auto; with NoviceCoding's solution.

equivalent of vbCrLf in c#

Add a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic to your project.

Then insert the using statement

using Microsoft.VisualBasic;

Use the defined constant vbCrLf:

private const string myString = "abc" + Constants.vbCrLf;

Parsing query strings on Android

Parsing the query string is a bit more complicated than it seems, depending on how forgiving you want to be.

First, the query string is ascii bytes. You read in these bytes one at a time and convert them to characters. If the character is ? or & then it signals the start of a parameter name. If the character is = then it signals the start of a paramter value. If the character is % then it signals the start of an encoded byte. Here is where it gets tricky.

When you read in a % char you have to read the next two bytes and interpret them as hex digits. That means the next two bytes will be 0-9, a-f or A-F. Glue these two hex digits together to get your byte value. But remember, bytes are not characters. You have to know what encoding was used to encode the characters. The character é does not encode the same in UTF-8 as it does in ISO-8859-1. In general it's impossible to know what encoding was used for a given character set. I always use UTF-8 because my web site is configured to always serve everything using UTF-8 but in practice you can't be certain. Some user-agents will tell you the character encoding in the request; you can try to read that if you have a full HTTP request. If you just have a url in isolation, good luck.

Anyway, assuming you are using UTF-8 or some other multi-byte character encoding, now that you've decoded one encoded byte you have to set it aside until you capture the next byte. You need all the encoded bytes that are together because you can't url-decode properly one byte at a time. Set aside all the bytes that are together then decode them all at once to reconstruct your character.

Plus it gets more fun if you want to be lenient and account for user-agents that mangle urls. For example, some webmail clients double-encode things. Or double up the ?&= chars (for example: If you want to try to gracefully deal with this, you will need to add more logic to your parser.

Formatting a double to two decimal places

I would recomment the Fixed-Point ("F") format specifier (as mentioned by Ehsan). See the Standard Numeric Format Strings.

With this option you can even have a configurable number of decimal places:

public string ValueAsString(double value, int decimalPlaces)
    return value.ToString($"F{decimalPlaces}");

jQuery Data vs Attr?

The main difference between the two is where it is stored and how it is accessed.

$.fn.attr stores the information directly on the element in attributes which are publicly visible upon inspection, and also which are available from the element's native API.

$ stores the information in a ridiculously obscure place. It is located in a closed over local variable called data_user which is an instance of a locally defined function Data. This variable is not accessible from outside of jQuery directly.

Data set with attr()

  • accessible from $(element).attr('data-name')
  • accessible from element.getAttribute('data-name'),
  • if the value was in the form of data-name also accessible from $(element).data(name) and element.dataset['name'] and
  • visible on the element upon inspection
  • cannot be objects

Data set with .data()

  • accessible only from .data(name)
  • not accessible from .attr() or anywhere else
  • not publicly visible on the element upon inspection
  • can be objects

Printing without newline (print 'a',) prints a space, how to remove?

If you want them to show up one at a time, you can do this:

import time
import sys
for i in range(20):

sys.stdout.flush() is necessary to force the character to be written each time the loop is run.

Loaded nib but the 'view' outlet was not set

My problem was in wrong classes. I used custom .xib for my custom view. Correctly it has to be set like here:

  1. View shouldn't have a class
  2. Class which is used with the .xib is set in File's Owner tab
  3. Outlets are connected to File's Owner and not to the View.


Maven: How to rename the war file for the project?

You can follow the below step to modify the .war file name if you are using maven project.

Open pom.xml file of your maven project and go to the tag <build></build>,

  1. In that give your desired name between this tag : <finalName></finalName>.

    ex. : <finalName>krutik</finalName>

    After deploying this .war you will be able to access url with:

  2. If you want to access the url with slash '/' then you will have to specify then name as below:

    e.x. : <finalName>krutik#maheta</finalName>

    After deploying this .war you will be able to access url with:

Floating point exception( core dump

Floating Point Exception happens because of an unexpected infinity or NaN. You can track that using gdb, which allows you to see what is going on inside your C program while it runs. For more details:

In a nutshell, these commands might be useful...

gcc -g myprog.c

gdb a.out

gdb core a.out

ddd a.out

How to have an automatic timestamp in SQLite?

Just declare a default value for a field:

    Name TEXT,
    Other STUFF,

However, if your INSERT command explicitly sets this field to NULL, it will be set to NULL.

How do you copy the contents of an array to a std::vector in C++ without looping?

Since I can only edit my own answer, I'm going to make a composite answer from the other answers to my question. Thanks to all of you who answered.

Using std::copy, this still iterates in the background, but you don't have to type out the code.

int foo(int* data, int size)
   static std::vector<int> my_data; //normally a class variable
   std::copy(data, data + size, std::back_inserter(my_data));
   return 0;

Using regular memcpy. This is probably best used for basic data types (i.e. int) but not for more complex arrays of structs or classes.

vector<int> x(size);
memcpy(&x[0], source, size*sizeof(int));

Is it safe to clean docker/overlay2/

Docker uses /var/lib/docker to store your images, containers, and local named volumes. Deleting this can result in data loss and possibly stop the engine from running. The overlay2 subdirectory specifically contains the various filesystem layers for images and containers.

To cleanup unused containers and images, see docker system prune. There are also options to remove volumes and even tagged images, but they aren't enabled by default due to the possibility of data loss.

Does SVG support embedding of bitmap images?

It is also possible to include bitmaps. I think you also can use transformations on that.

How do you create a read-only user in PostgreSQL?

Grant usage/select to a single table

If you only grant CONNECT to a database, the user can connect but has no other privileges. You have to grant USAGE on namespaces (schemas) and SELECT on tables and views individually like so:

-- This assumes you're actually connected to mydb..
GRANT SELECT ON mytable TO xxx;

Multiple tables/views (PostgreSQL 9.0+)

In the latest versions of PostgreSQL, you can grant permissions on all tables/views/etc in the schema using a single command rather than having to type them one by one:


This only affects tables that have already been created. More powerfully, you can automatically have default roles assigned to new objects in future:


Note that by default this will only affect objects (tables) created by the user that issued this command: although it can also be set on any role that the issuing user is a member of. However, you don't pick up default privileges for all roles you're a member of when creating new objects... so there's still some faffing around. If you adopt the approach that a database has an owning role, and schema changes are performed as that owning role, then you should assign default privileges to that owning role. IMHO this is all a bit confusing and you may need to experiment to come up with a functional workflow.

Multiple tables/views (PostgreSQL versions before 9.0)

To avoid errors in lengthy, multi-table changes, it is recommended to use the following 'automatic' process to generate the required GRANT SELECT to each table/view:

SELECT 'GRANT SELECT ON ' || relname || ' TO xxx;'
FROM pg_class JOIN pg_namespace ON pg_namespace.oid = pg_class.relnamespace
WHERE nspname = 'public' AND relkind IN ('r', 'v', 'S');

This should output the relevant GRANT commands to GRANT SELECT on all tables, views, and sequences in public, for copy-n-paste love. Naturally, this will only be applied to tables that have already been created.

Bootstrap 3 Carousel Not Working

Recently I was helping a friend to find why their carousel was not working. Controls would not work and images were not transitioning. I had a working sample on a page I had used and we went through all the code including checking the items above in this post. We pasted the "good" carousel into the same page and it still worked. Now, all css and bootstrap files were the same for both. The code was now identical, so all we could try was the images.

So, we replaced the images with two that were working in my sample. It worked. We replaced the two images with the first two that were originally not working, and it worked. We added back each image (all jpegs) one-by-one, and when we got to the seventh image (of 18) and the carousel failed. Weird. We removed this one image and continued to add the remaining images until they were all added and the carousel worked.

for reference, we were using jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js and bootstrap/4.3.1/js/bootstrap.min.js on this site.

I do not know why an image would or could cause a carousel to malfunction, but it did. I couldn't find a reference to this cause elsewhere either, so I'm posting here for posterity in the hope that it might help someone else when other solutions fail.

Test carousel with limited set of "known-to-be-good" images.

How can I sanitize user input with PHP?

To address the XSS issue, take a look at HTML Purifier. It is fairly configurable and has a decent track record.

As for the SQL injection attacks, make sure you check the user input, and then run it though mysql_real_escape_string(). The function won't defeat all injection attacks, though, so it is important that you check the data before dumping it into your query string.

A better solution is to use prepared statements. The PDO library and mysqli extension support these.

docker build with --build-arg with multiple arguments

The above answer by pl_rock is correct, the only thing I would add is to expect the ARG inside the Dockerfile if not you won't have access to it. So if you are doing

docker build -t essearch/ess-elasticsearch:1.7.6 --build-arg number_of_shards=5 --build-arg number_of_replicas=2 --no-cache .

Then inside the Dockerfile you should add

ARG number_of_replicas
ARG number_of_shards

I was running into this problem, so I hope I help someone (myself) in the future.

How to use Apple's new San Francisco font on a webpage

-apple-system allows you to pick San Francisco in Safari. BlinkMacSystemFont is the corresponding alternative for Chrome.

font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, sans-serif;

Roboto or Helvetica Neue could be inserted as fallbacks even before sans-serif. (how or previously do a great job explaining the details.

How can I use JQuery to post JSON data?

Using Promise and checking if the body object is a valid JSON. If not a Promise reject will be returned.

var DoPost = function(url, body) {
    try {
        body = JSON.stringify(body);
    } catch (error) {
        return reject(error);
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                type: 'POST',
                url: url,
                data: body,
                contentType: "application/json",
                dataType: 'json'
            .done(function(data) {
                return resolve(data);
            .fail(function(error) {
                return reject(error);
            .always(function() {
                // called after done or fail

When and where to use GetType() or typeof()?

typeof is an operator to obtain a type known at compile-time (or at least a generic type parameter). The operand of typeof is always the name of a type or type parameter - never an expression with a value (e.g. a variable). See the C# language specification for more details.

GetType() is a method you call on individual objects, to get the execution-time type of the object.

Note that unless you only want exactly instances of TextBox (rather than instances of subclasses) you'd usually use:

if (myControl is TextBox)
    // Whatever


TextBox tb = myControl as TextBox;
if (tb != null)
    // Use tb

How do you change Background for a Button MouseOver in WPF?

A slight more difficult answer that uses ControlTemplate and has an animation effect (adapted from

In your resource dictionary define a control template for your button like this one:

<ControlTemplate TargetType="Button" x:Key="testButtonTemplate2">
    <Border Name="RootElement">
            <SolidColorBrush x:Name="BorderBrush" Color="Black"/>

        <Grid Margin="4" >
                <SolidColorBrush x:Name="ButtonBackground" Color="Aquamarine"/>
            <ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment="{TemplateBinding HorizontalContentAlignment}" VerticalAlignment="{TemplateBinding VerticalContentAlignment}" Margin="4,5,4,4"/>
            <VisualStateGroup x:Name="CommonStates">
                <VisualState x:Name="Normal"/>
                <VisualState x:Name="MouseOver">
                        <ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="ButtonBackground" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Color" To="Red"/>
                <VisualState x:Name="Pressed">
                        <ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="ButtonBackground" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Color" To="Red"/>

in your XAML you can use the template above for your button as below:

Define your button

<Button Template="{StaticResource testButtonTemplate2}" 
HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" 
Foreground="White">My button</Button>

Hope it helps

Is returning out of a switch statement considered a better practice than using break?

A break will allow you continue processing in the function. Just returning out of the switch is fine if that's all you want to do in the function.

Java Error: illegal start of expression

Methods can only declare local variables. That is why the compiler reports an error when you try to declare it as public.

In the case of local variables you can not use any kind of accessor (public, protected or private).

You should also know what the static keyword means. In method checkYourself, you use the Integer array locations.

The static keyword distinct the elements that are accessible with object creation. Therefore they are not part of the object itself.

public class Test { //Capitalized name for classes are used in Java
   private final init[] locations; //key final mean that, is must be assigned before object is constructed and can not be changed later. 

   public Test(int[] locations) {
      this.locations = locations;//To access to class member, when method argument has the same name use `this` key word. 

   public boolean checkYourSelf(int value) { //This method is accessed only from a object.
      for(int location : locations) {
         if(location == value) {
            return true; //When you use key word return insied of loop you exit from it. In this case you exit also from whole method.
      return false; //Method should be simple and perform one task. So you can get more flexibility. 
   public static int[] locations = {1,2,3};//This is static array that is not part of object, but can be used in it. 

   public static void main(String[] args) { //This is declaration of public method that is not part of create object. It can be accessed from every place.
      Test test = new Test(Test.locations); //We declare variable test, and create new instance (object) of class Test.  
      String result;
      if(test.checkYourSelf(2)) {//We moved outside the string
        result = "Hurray";        
      } else {
        result = "Try again"
      System.out.println(result); //We have only one place where write is done. Easy to change in future.

How can I convert integer into float in Java?

// The integer I want to convert

int myInt = 100;

// Casting of integer to float

float newFloat = (float) myInt

Dialog with transparent background in Android

if you want destroy dark background of dialog , use this


Connect Android Studio with SVN

Android Studio is based on IntelliJ, and it comes with support for SVN (along with git and mercurial) bundled in. Check for more info.

CSS :: child set to change color on parent hover, but changes also when hovered itself


The below made sense for 2013. However, now, I would use the :not() selector as described below.

CSS can be overwritten.


Use this:

.parent {
  padding: 50px;
  border: 1px solid black;

.parent span {
  position: absolute;
  top: 200px;
  padding: 30px;
  border: 10px solid green;

.parent:hover span {
  border: 10px solid red;

.parent span:hover {
  border: 10px solid green;
<a class="parent">
    Parent text
    <span>Child text</span>    

How to get a barplot with several variables side by side grouped by a factor

You can plot the means without resorting to external calculations and additional tables using stat_summary(...). In fact, stat_summary(...) was designed for exactly what you are doing.

library(reshape2)            # for melt(...)
gg <- melt(df,id="gender")   # df is your original table
ggplot(gg, aes(x=variable, y=value, fill=factor(gender))) + 
  stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="bar",position=position_dodge(1)) + 
               color="grey80",position=position_dodge(1), width=.2)

To add "error bars" you cna also use stat_summary(...) (here, I'm using the min and max value rather than sd because you have so little data).

ggplot(gg, aes(x=variable, y=value, fill=factor(gender))) + 
  stat_summary(fun.y=mean, geom="bar",position=position_dodge(1)) + 
               color="grey40",position=position_dodge(1), width=.2) +

Gson: Directly convert String to JsonObject (no POJO)

The simplest way is to use the JsonPrimitive class, which derives from JsonElement, as shown below:

JsonElement element = new JsonPrimitive(yourString);
JsonObject result = element.getAsJsonObject();

How to change default text color using custom theme?

You can't use @android:style/TextAppearance as the parent for the whole app's theme; that's why koopaking3's solution seems quite broken.

To change default text colour everywhere in your app using a custom theme, try something like this. Works at least on Android 4.0+ (API level 14+).


    <style name="MyAppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light">
        <!-- Change default text colour from dark grey to black -->
        <item name="android:textColor">@android:color/black</item>




A shortcoming with the above is that also disabled Action Bar overflow menu items use the default colour, instead of being greyed out. (Of course, if you don't use disabled menu items anywhere in your app, this may not matter.)

As I learned by asking this question, a better way is to define the colour using a drawable:

<item name="android:textColor">@drawable/default_text_color</item>

...with res/drawable/default_text_color.xml specifying separate state_enabled="false" colour:

<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:state_enabled="false" android:color="@android:color/darker_gray"/>
    <item android:color="@android:color/black"/>

When should we use mutex and when should we use semaphore

A mutex is a special case of a semaphore. A semaphore allows several threads to go into the critical section. When creating a semaphore you define how may threads are allowed in the critical section. Of course your code must be able to handle several accesses to this critical section.

How to get detailed list of connections to database in sql server 2005?

sp_who2 will actually provide a list of connections for the database server, not a database. To view connections for a single database (YourDatabaseName in this example), you can use

DECLARE @AllConnections TABLE(
    Status VARCHAR(MAX),
    HostName VARCHAR(MAX),
    Command VARCHAR(MAX),
    CPUTime INT,
    DiskIO INT,
    LastBatch VARCHAR(MAX),
    ProgramName VARCHAR(MAX),
    SPID_1 INT,

INSERT INTO @AllConnections EXEC sp_who2

SELECT * FROM @AllConnections WHERE DBName = 'YourDatabaseName'

(Adapted from SQL Server: Filter output of sp_who2.)

Error: Cannot find module 'webpack'

While working on windows, I've installed webpack locally and it fixed my problem

So, on your command prompt, go to the directory of which you want to run webpack, install webpack locally (without the -g) and enjoy...

How can I get an HTTP response body as a string?

Here are two examples from my working project.

  1. Using EntityUtils and HttpEntity

    HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(new HttpGet(URL));
    HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
    String responseString = EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8");
  2. Using BasicResponseHandler

    HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(new HttpGet(URL));
    String responseString = new BasicResponseHandler().handleResponse(response);

Get current cursor position

You get the cursor position by calling GetCursorPos.

if (GetCursorPos(&p))
    //cursor position now in p.x and p.y

This returns the cursor position relative to screen coordinates. Call ScreenToClient to map to window coordinates.

if (ScreenToClient(hwnd, &p))
    //p.x and p.y are now relative to hwnd's client area

You hide and show the cursor with ShowCursor.

ShowCursor(FALSE);//hides the cursor
ShowCursor(TRUE);//shows it again

You must ensure that every call to hide the cursor is matched by one that shows it again.

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '...' is therefore not allowed access

For .NET server can configure this in web.config as shown below

       <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="your_clientside_websiteurl" />

For instance lets say, if the server domain is and client is then configure in server's web.config as below

       <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="" />

Why does Boolean.ToString output "True" and not "true"

How is it not compatible with C#? Boolean.Parse and Boolean.TryParse is case insensitive and the parsing is done by comparing the value to Boolean.TrueString or Boolean.FalseString which are "True" and "False".

EDIT: When looking at the Boolean.ToString method in reflector it turns out that the strings are hard coded so the ToString method is as follows:

public override string ToString()
    if (!this)
        return "False";
    return "True";

How can I change image source on click with jQuery?

You need to use preventDefault() to make it so the link does not go through when u click on it:


$(function() {

FAIL - Application at context path /Hello could not be started

check web.xml file maybe servletContextlistener not doing well . in my case i added servletContextlistener and let him an empty and gave me the same error, i tried to delete it from project files but it still in web.xml file .finally i delete it from the web.xml and save the file . run the project and it stated successfully

How to execute function in SQL Server 2008

I have come to this question and the one below several times.

how to call scalar function in sql server 2008

Each time, I try entering the Function using the syntax shown here in SQL Server Management Studio, or SSMS, to see the results, and each time I get the errors.

For me, that is because my result set is in tabular data format. Therefore, to see the results in SSMS, I have to call it like this:

SELECT * FROM dbo.Afisho_rankimin_TABLE(5);

I understand that the author's question involved a scalar function, so this answer is only to help others who come to StackOverflow often when they have a problem with a query (like me).

I hope this helps others.

Batch file to delete folders older than 10 days in Windows 7

FORFILES /S /D -10 /C "cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE rd /S /Q @path"

I could not get Blorgbeard's suggestion to work, but I was able to get it to work with RMDIR instead of RD:

FORFILES /p N:\test /S /D -10 /C "cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE RMDIR /S /Q @path"

Since RMDIR won't delete folders that aren't empty so I also ended up using this code to delete the files that were over 10 days and then the folders that were over 10 days old.

FOR /d %%K in ("n:\test*") DO (

FOR /d %%J in ("%%K*") DO (

FORFILES /P %%J /S /M . /D -10 /C "cmd /c del @file"



FORFILES /p N:\test /S /D -10 /C "cmd /c IF @isdir == TRUE RMDIR /S /Q @path"

I used this code to purge out the sub folders in the folders within test (example n:\test\abc\123 would get purged when empty, but n:\test\abc would not get purged

How do I resize an image using PIL and maintain its aspect ratio?

I will also add a version of the resize that keeps the aspect ratio fixed. In this case, it will adjust the height to match the width of the new image, based on the initial aspect ratio, asp_rat, which is float (!). But, to adjust the width to the height, instead, you just need to comment one line and uncomment the other in the else loop. You will see, where.

You do not need the semicolons (;), I keep them just to remind myself of syntax of languages I use more often.

from PIL import Image

img_path = "filename.png";
img =;     # puts our image to the buffer of the PIL.Image object

width, height = img.size;
asp_rat = width/height;

# Enter new width (in pixels)
new_width = 50;

# Enter new height (in pixels)
new_height = 54;

new_rat = new_width/new_height;

if (new_rat == asp_rat):
    img = img.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.ANTIALIAS); 

# adjusts the height to match the width
# NOTE: if you want to adjust the width to the height, instead -> 
# uncomment the second line (new_width) and comment the first one (new_height)
    new_height = round(new_width / asp_rat);
    #new_width = round(new_height * asp_rat);
    img = img.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.ANTIALIAS);

# usage: resize((x,y), resample)
# resample filter -> PIL.Image.BILINEAR, PIL.Image.NEAREST (default), PIL.Image.BICUBIC, etc..

# Enter the name under which you would like to save the new image"outputname.png");

And, it is done. I tried to document it as much as I can, so it is clear.

I hope it might be helpful to someone out there!

Programmatically find the number of cores on a machine

One more Windows recipe: use system-wide environment variable NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS:

printf("%d\n", atoi(getenv("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS")));

jQuery get value of selected radio button

Get all radios:

var radios = $("input[type='radio']");

Filter to get the one that's checked



Another way you can find radio button value

var RadeoButtonStatusCheck = $('form input[type=radio]:checked').val();

How to hide 'Back' button on navigation bar on iPhone?

hide back button with bellow code...

[self.navigationItem setHidesBackButton:YES animated:YES];


[self.navigationItem setHidesBackButton:YES];

Also if you have custom UINavigationBar then try bellow code

self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = nil;

Bash command to sum a column of numbers

[root@pentest3r ~]# (find / -xdev -size +1024M) | (while read a ; do aa=$(du -sh $a | cut -d "." -f1 ); o=$(( $o+$aa )); done; echo "$o";)

Serialize JavaScript object into JSON string

It's just JSON? You can stringify() JSON:

var obj = {
    cons: [[String, 'some', 'somemore']],
    func: function(param, param2){
        param2.some = 'bla';

var text = JSON.stringify(obj);

And parse back to JSON again with parse():

var myVar = JSON.parse(text);

If you have functions in the object, use this to serialize:

function objToString(obj, ndeep) {
  switch(typeof obj){
    case "string": return '"'+obj+'"';
    case "function": return || obj.toString();
    case "object":
      var indent = Array(ndeep||1).join('\t'), isArray = Array.isArray(obj);
      return ('{['[+isArray] + Object.keys(obj).map(function(key){
           return '\n\t' + indent +(isArray?'': key + ': ' )+ objToString(obj[key], (ndeep||1)+1);
         }).join(',') + '\n' + indent + '}]'[+isArray]).replace(/[\s\t\n]+(?=(?:[^\'"]*[\'"][^\'"]*[\'"])*[^\'"]*$)/g,'');
    default: return obj.toString();



var text = objToString(obj); //To Serialize Object




Var myObj = eval('('+text+')');//To UnSerialize 


Object {cons: Array[1], func: function, spoof: function}

PHP get domain name

To answer your question, these should work as long as:

  • Your HTTP server passes these values along to PHP (I don't know any that don't)
  • You're not accessing the script via command line (CLI)

But, if I remember correctly, these values can be faked to an extent, so it's best not to rely on them.

My personal preference is to set the domain name as an environment variable in the apache2 virtual host:

# Virtual host

And read it in PHP:

// PHP
echo getenv(DOMAIN_NAME);

This, however, isn't applicable in all circumstances.

How to get document height and width without using jquery

If you want to get the full width of the page, including overflow, use document.body.scrollWidth.

What causes this error? "Runtime error 380: Invalid property value"

I think, basically the problem lies in the fact, as to under what version of the O/S has the programme been compiled and under what version of the O/S are you running the programme. I have seen a lot of updated dll and ocx files causing similar errors, especially when the programme has been compiled under older version of the dll and ocx files and during set up the latest dll and ocx files are retained.

How to simulate a click with JavaScript?

document.getElementById('elementId').dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("click",{bubbles: true, cancellable: true}));

Follow this link to know about the mouse events using Javascript and browser compatibility for the same

Remove element of a regular array

LINQ one-line solution:

myArray = myArray.Where((source, index) => index != 1).ToArray();

The 1 in that example is the index of the element to remove -- in this example, per the original question, the 2nd element (with 1 being the second element in C# zero-based array indexing).

A more complete example:

string[] myArray = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" };
int indexToRemove = 1;
myArray = myArray.Where((source, index) => index != indexToRemove).ToArray();

After running that snippet, the value of myArray will be { "a", "c", "d", "e" }.

How can I force Python's file.write() to use the same newline format in Windows as in Linux ("\r\n" vs. "\n")?

You can still use the textmode and force the linefeed-newline with the keyword argument newline

f = open("./foo",'w',newline='\n')

Tested with Python 3.4.2.

Edit: This does not work in Python 2.7.

Sometimes adding a WCF Service Reference generates an empty reference.cs

Thanks to John Saunders post above which gave me an idea to look into Error window. I was bagging all day my head and I was looking at Output window for any error.

In my case the culprit was ISerializable. I have a DataContract class with DataMember property of type Exception. You cannot have any DataMember of type which has ISerializable keyword. In this Exception has ISerializable as soon as I removed it everything worked like a charm.

What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

A few from the Linux kernel:

/* Sun, you just can't beat me, you just can't.  Stop trying,
* give up.  I'm serious, I am going to kick the living shit
* out of you, game over, lights out.


/* 2,191 lines of complete and utter shit coming up... */


#if 0 /* XXX No fucking way dude... */

Easiest way to pass an AngularJS scope variable from directive to controller?

Edited on 2014/8/25: Here was where I forked it.

Thanks @anvarik.

Here is the JSFiddle. I forgot where I forked this. But this is a good example showing you the difference between = and @

<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
    <h2>Parent Scope</h2>
    <input ng-model="foo"> <i>// Update to see how parent scope interacts with component scope</i>    
    <!-- attribute-foo binds to a DOM attribute which is always
    a string. That is why we are wrapping it in curly braces so
    that it can be interpolated. -->
    <my-component attribute-foo="{{foo}}" binding-foo="foo"
        isolated-expression-foo="updateFoo(newFoo)" >
            <strong>get:</strong> {{isolatedAttributeFoo}}
            <strong>set:</strong> <input ng-model="isolatedAttributeFoo">
            <i>// This does not update the parent scope.</i>
            <strong>get:</strong> {{isolatedBindingFoo}}
            <strong>set:</strong> <input ng-model="isolatedBindingFoo">
            <i>// This does update the parent scope.</i>
            <input ng-model="isolatedFoo">
            <button class="btn" ng-click="isolatedExpressionFoo({newFoo:isolatedFoo})">Submit</button>
            <i>// And this calls a function on the parent scope.</i>
var myModule = angular.module('myModule', [])
    .directive('myComponent', function () {
        return {
                /* NOTE: Normally I would set my attributes and bindings
                to be the same name but I wanted to delineate between
                parent and isolated scope. */                
    .controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
        $ = 'Hello!';
        $scope.updateFoo = function (newFoo) {
            $ = newFoo;

How to open .dll files to see what is written inside?

*.dll files are archive files open with winzip/7zip etc. That isnt to say that all .dll files are archives you can save anything with the .dll extension however most windows .dll files are generated to be archives examples of this are windows>twain_32.dll which is an archive file however twain.dll is not if you look at twain.dll you will see an MZŽ as the first three notepad characters which denotes a Compiled C file/program or part of a program. Whereas MZ seems to be an archive.

Also most .exe files are archives mostly containing an icon image etc for the file and the windows installer packages as well they contain all the information the program needs to run images,movies etc and also directories including installation information and plain text file.

I have a game here game.exe and it contains java class files an image a pointer directing the .exe to run a .bat file. Obviously your .bat file will run a javac call from the archive and run the game there is also a few .dll archives containing java class files also.


standard icon redirect here .ico is an image file within a .dll file within a .exe file. So the image seen on the .exe file is the minecraft logo. This is in a file called autorun.inf. Second example

    windowcaption=Solid Edge
    licensee=Siemens PLM Software

This is the solid edge autorun.inf file contained in solidedge.exe Autostart\ is the Autostart.dll directory. open=autostart.exe specifies the autostart.exe file to run from within the original solidedge.exe archive. Here is a sample program using the .dll (dynamic link library) files

It also shows how they are created. As you can see the contents of the dll file is called by an exe file as I previously explained also there is a tutorial here and as i said before 7zip or winzip will open a dynamic link library as an archive as long as you have the .dll file. If the contents of the dynamic link library have been compiled obviously you need a program which can read the file.

However since .dll files are by definition just archive library files the dll itself should be readable and not a compiled C,C# file etc etc Basically .dll files are archives well should be when a .dll file is created in visual studio the dll is created and any information you store in the dll file is encrypted. Mostly this encryption is handled by visual studio itself and generally isn't edited by hand. When you read a .dll file contents as a .exe the contents are automatically decrypted. Now when we talk about compiling a program we are changing the contents into bytecode the machine easily interprets.

This filesize would be smaller than the original file of the same contents. However the filesize is larger suggesting that the file has actually been encrypted. Probably to stop people reading their code. As a result the reading of .dll contents is termed decryption and not decompilation. Decompilation would convert the already compiled txt files to unreadable byte code. The use of standard .dll files is by definition not opensource because it involves the deliberate obfuscation of byte code.

Assign variable value inside if-statement

Variables can be assigned but not declared inside the conditional statement:

int v;
if((v = someMethod()) != 0) return true;

How do you create a Marker with a custom icon for google maps API v3?


    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: map.getCenter(),
      icon: '',
      map: map

from here

C#: what is the easiest way to subtract time?

These can all be done with DateTime.Add(TimeSpan) since it supports positive and negative timespans.

DateTime original = new DateTime(year, month, day, 8, 0, 0);
DateTime updated = original.Add(new TimeSpan(5,0,0));

DateTime original = new DateTime(year, month, day, 17, 0, 0);
DateTime updated = original.Add(new TimeSpan(-2,0,0));

DateTime original = new DateTime(year, month, day, 17, 30, 0);
DateTime updated = original.Add(new TimeSpan(0,45,0));

Or you can also use the DateTime.Subtract(TimeSpan) method analogously.

In Angular, What is 'pathmatch: full' and what effect does it have?

      { path: 'welcome', component: WelcomeComponent },
      { path: '', redirectTo: 'welcome', pathMatch: 'full' },
      { path: '**', component: 'pageNotFoundComponent' }

Case 1 pathMatch:'full': In this case, when app is launched on localhost:4200 (or some server) the default page will be welcome screen, since the url will be https://localhost:4200/

If https://localhost:4200/gibberish this will redirect to pageNotFound screen because of path:'**' wildcard

Case 2 pathMatch:'prefix':

If the routes have { path: '', redirectTo: 'welcome', pathMatch: 'prefix' }, now this will never reach the wildcard route since every url would match path:'' defined.

How to export html table to excel or pdf in php

Easiest way to export Excel to Html table

$file_name ="file_name.xls";
$excel_file="Your Html Table Code";
header("Content-type: application/");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$file_name");
echo $excel_file;

How to do SVN Update on my project using the command line

svn update /path/to/working/copy

If subversion is not in your PATH, then of course

/path/to/subversion/svn update /path/to/working/copy

or if you are in the current root directory of your svn repo (it contains a .svn subfolder), it's as simple as

svn update

Pass parameters in setInterval function

I know this topic is so old but here is my solution about passing parameters in setInterval function.


var fiveMinutes = 60 * 2;
var display = document.querySelector('#timer');
startTimer(fiveMinutes, display);


function startTimer(duration, display) {
    var timer = duration,
        minutes, seconds;

    setInterval(function () {
        minutes = parseInt(timer / 60, 10);
        seconds = parseInt(timer % 60, 10);

        minutes = minutes < 10 ? "0" + minutes : minutes;
        seconds = seconds < 10 ? "0" + seconds : seconds;

        display.textContent = minutes + ":" + seconds;
        --timer; // put boolean value for minus values.

    }, 1000);

How do I do an initial push to a remote repository with Git?

You have to add at least one file to the repository before committing, e.g. .gitignore.

Set a persistent environment variable from cmd.exe

:: Sets environment variables for both the current `cmd` window 
::   and/or other applications going forward.
:: I call this file keyz.cmd to be able to just type `keyz` at the prompt 
::   after changes because the word `keys` is already taken in Windows.

@echo off

:: set for the current window
set APCA_API_KEY_ID=key_id
set APCA_API_SECRET_KEY=secret_key

:: setx also for other windows and processes going forward

:: Displaying what was just set.
set apca

:: Or for copy/paste manually ...
:: setx APCA_API_KEY_ID     'key_id'
:: setx APCA_API_SECRET_KEY 'secret_key'
:: setx APCA_API_BASE_URL   ''

What is the <leader> in a .vimrc file?

In my system its the \ key. it's used for commands so that you can combine it with other chars.

How do I break out of nested loops in Java?

Like @1800 INFORMATION suggestion, use the condition that breaks the inner loop as a condition on the outer loop:

boolean hasAccess = false;
for (int i = 0; i < x && hasAccess == false; i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < y; j++){
        if (condition == true){
            hasAccess = true;

How to scroll to top of a div using jQuery?

This is my solution to scroll to the top on a button click.

$(".btn").click(function () {
if ($(this).text() == "Show options") {
    scrollTop: $(window).scrollTop(0)