[jquery] Load a Bootstrap popover content with AJAX. Is this possible?

Another solution:

    if($(this).data('popover') == null)
            animation: false,
            placement: 'right',
            trigger: 'manual',
            title: 'My Dynamic PopOver',
            html : true,
            template: $('#popoverTemplate').clone().attr('id','').html()
        type: HTTP_GET,
        url: "/myURL"

        success: function(data)
            //Clean the popover previous content
            $('.popover.in .popover-inner').empty();    

            //Fill in content with new AJAX data
            $('.popover.in .popover-inner').html(data);




The idea here is to trigger manually the display of PopOver with mouseenter & mouseleave events.

On mouseenter, if there is no PopOver created for your item (if($(this).data('popover') == null)), create it. What is interesting is that you can define your own PopOver content by passing it as argument (template) to the popover() function. Do not forget to set the html parameter to true also.

Here I just create a hidden template called popovertemplate and clone it with JQuery. Do not forget to delete the id attribute once you clone it otherwise you'll end up with duplicated ids in the DOM. Also notice that style="display: none" to hide the template in the page.

<div id="popoverTemplateContainer" style="display: none">

    <div id="popoverTemplate">
        <div class="popover" >
            <div class="arrow"></div>
            <div class="popover-inner">
                //Custom data here

After the creation step (or if it has been already created), you just display the popOver with $(this).popover('show');

Then classical Ajax call. On success you need to clean the old popover content before putting new fresh data from server. How can we get the current popover content ? With the .popover.in selector! The .in class indicates that the popover is currently displayed, that's the trick here!

To finish, on mouseleave event, just hide the popover.