Programs & Examples On #Android service

A Service is an application component representing either an application's desire to perform a longer-running operation while not interacting with the user or to supply functionality for other applications to use.

Android - implementing startForeground for a service?

Solution for Oreo 8.1

I've encountered some problems such as RemoteServiceException because of invalid channel id with most recent versions of Android. This is how i solved it:


override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
    val intent = Intent(this,

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
    } else {


override fun onCreate() {

private fun startForeground() {

    val service = getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager
    val channelId =
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
            } else {
                // If earlier version channel ID is not used

    val notificationBuilder = NotificationCompat.Builder(this, channelId )
    val notification = notificationBuilder.setOngoing(true)
    startForeground(101, notification)

private fun createNotificationChannel(): String{
    val channelId = "my_service"
    val channelName = "My Background Service"
    val chan = NotificationChannel(channelId,
            channelName, NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH)
    chan.lightColor = Color.BLUE
    chan.importance = NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_NONE
    chan.lockscreenVisibility = Notification.VISIBILITY_PRIVATE
    val service = getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager
    return channelId


public class YourService extends Service {

    // Constants
    private static final int ID_SERVICE = 101;

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);
        return START_STICKY;

    public void onCreate() {

        // do stuff like register for BroadcastReceiver, etc.

        // Create the Foreground Service
        NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
        String channelId = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O ? createNotificationChannel(notificationManager) : "";
        NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, channelId);
        Notification notification = notificationBuilder.setOngoing(true)

        startForeground(ID_SERVICE, notification);

    private String createNotificationChannel(NotificationManager notificationManager){
        String channelId = "my_service_channelid";
        String channelName = "My Foreground Service";
        NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel(channelId, channelName, NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH);
        // omitted the LED color
        return channelId;

Service vs IntentService in the Android platform

Don't reinvent the wheel

IntentService extends Service class which clearly means that IntentService is intentionally made for same purpose.

So what is the purpose ?

`IntentService's purpose is to make our job easier to run background tasks without even worrying about

  • Creation of worker thread

  • Queuing the processing multiple-request one by one (Threading)

  • Destroying the Service

So NO, Service can do any task which an IntentService would do. If your requirements fall under the above-mentioned criteria, then you don't have to write those logics in the Service class. So don't reinvent the wheel because IntentService is the invented wheel.

The "Main" difference

The Service runs on the UI thread while an IntentService runs on a separate thread

When do you use IntentService?

When you want to perform multiple background tasks one by one which exists beyond the scope of an Activity then the IntentService is perfect.

How IntentService is made from Service

A normal service runs on the UI Thread(Any Android Component type runs on UI thread by default eg Activity, BroadcastReceiver, ContentProvider and Service). If you have to do some work that may take a while to complete then you have to create a thread. In the case of multiple requests, you will have to deal with synchronization. IntentService is given some default implementation which does those tasks for you.
According to developer page

  1. IntentService creates a Worker Thread

  2. IntentService creates a Work Queue which sends request to onHandleIntent() method one by one

  3. When there is no work then IntentService calls stopSelf() method
  4. Provides default implementation for onBind() method which is null
  5. Default implementation for onStartCommand() which sends Intent request to WorkQueue and eventually to onHandleIntent()

Android – Listen For Incoming SMS Messages

If someone referring how to do the same feature (reading OTP using received SMS) on Xamarin Android like me :

  1. Add this code to your AndroidManifest.xml file :

    <receiver android:name=".listener.BroadcastReveiverOTP">
        <action android:name="android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BROADCAST_SMS" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_SMS" />
  2. Then create your BroadcastReveiver class in your Android Project.

    [BroadcastReceiver(Enabled = true)] [IntentFilter(new[] { "android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED" }, Priority = (int)IntentFilterPriority.HighPriority)] 
    public class BroadcastReveiverOTP : BroadcastReceiver {
            public static readonly string INTENT_ACTION = "android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED";
            protected string message, address = string.Empty;
            public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
                if (intent.HasExtra("pdus"))
                    var smsArray = (Java.Lang.Object[])intent.Extras.Get("pdus");
                    foreach (var item in smsArray)
                        var sms = SmsMessage.CreateFromPdu((byte[])item);
                        address = sms.OriginatingAddress;
                        if (address.Equals("NotifyDEMO"))
                            message = sms.MessageBody;
                            string[] pin = message.Split(' ');
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pin[0]))
                                    // NOTE : Here I'm passing received OTP to Portable Project using MessagingCenter. So I can display the OTP in the relevant entry field.
                                    MessagingCenter.Send<object, string>(this,MessengerKeys.OnBroadcastReceived, pin[0]);
  3. Register this BroadcastReceiver class in your MainActivity class on Android Project:

    public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity {
            // Initialize your class
            private BroadcastReveiverOTP _receiver = new BroadcastReveiverOTP ();
            protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { 
                    global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, bundle);
                    LoadApplication(new App());
                    // Register your receiver :  RegisterReceiver(_receiver, new IntentFilter("android.provider.Telephony.SMS_RECEIVED"));

Launch Android application without main Activity and start Service on launching application

You said you didn't want to use a translucent Activity, but that seems to be the best way to do this:

  1. In your Manifest, set the Activity theme to Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.
  2. Don't bother with a layout for your Activity, and don't call setContentView().
  3. In your Activity's onCreate(), start your Service with startService().
  4. Exit the Activity with finish() once you've started the Service.

In other words, your Activity doesn't have to be visible; it can simply make sure your Service is running and then exit, which sounds like what you want.

I would highly recommend showing at least a Toast notification indicating to the user that you are launching the Service, or that it is already running. It is very bad user experience to have a launcher icon that appears to do nothing when you press it.

Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging

Great tutorial, fantastic presentation. Neat, simple, short and very explanatory. Although, notification.setLatestEventInfo(this, getText(R.string.service_label), text, contentIntent); method is no more. As trante stated here, good approach would be:

private static final int NOTIFICATION_ID = 45349;

private void showNotification() {
    NotificationCompat.Builder builder =
            new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
                    .setContentTitle("My Notification Title")
                    .setContentText("Something interesting happened");

    Intent targetIntent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
    PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, targetIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
    _nManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

public void onDestroy() {
    if (_timer != null) {_timer.cancel();}
    _nManager.cancel(NOTIFICATION_ID); // Cancel the persistent notification.
    Log.i("PlaybackService", "Service Stopped.");
    _isRunning = false;

Checked myself, everything works like a charm (activity and service names may differ from original).

Background service with location listener in android

First you need to create a Service. In that Service, create a class extending LocationListener. For this, use the following code snippet of Service:

public class LocationService extends Service {
public static final String BROADCAST_ACTION = "Hello World";
private static final int TWO_MINUTES = 1000 * 60 * 2;
public LocationManager locationManager;
public MyLocationListener listener;
public Location previousBestLocation = null;

Intent intent;
int counter = 0;

public void onCreate() {
    intent = new Intent(BROADCAST_ACTION);

public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
    locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
    listener = new MyLocationListener();
    if (ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED && ActivityCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
    locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 4000, 0, (LocationListener) listener);
    locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 4000, 0, listener);

public IBinder onBind(Intent intent)
    return null;

protected boolean isBetterLocation(Location location, Location currentBestLocation) {
    if (currentBestLocation == null) {
        // A new location is always better than no location
        return true;

    // Check whether the new location fix is newer or older
    long timeDelta = location.getTime() - currentBestLocation.getTime();
    boolean isSignificantlyNewer = timeDelta > TWO_MINUTES;
    boolean isSignificantlyOlder = timeDelta < -TWO_MINUTES;
    boolean isNewer = timeDelta > 0;

    // If it's been more than two minutes since the current location, use the new location
    // because the user has likely moved
    if (isSignificantlyNewer) {
        return true;
        // If the new location is more than two minutes older, it must be worse
    } else if (isSignificantlyOlder) {
        return false;

    // Check whether the new location fix is more or less accurate
    int accuracyDelta = (int) (location.getAccuracy() - currentBestLocation.getAccuracy());
    boolean isLessAccurate = accuracyDelta > 0;
    boolean isMoreAccurate = accuracyDelta < 0;
    boolean isSignificantlyLessAccurate = accuracyDelta > 200;

    // Check if the old and new location are from the same provider
    boolean isFromSameProvider = isSameProvider(location.getProvider(),

    // Determine location quality using a combination of timeliness and accuracy
    if (isMoreAccurate) {
        return true;
    } else if (isNewer && !isLessAccurate) {
        return true;
    } else if (isNewer && !isSignificantlyLessAccurate && isFromSameProvider) {
        return true;
    return false;

/** Checks whether two providers are the same */
private boolean isSameProvider(String provider1, String provider2) {
    if (provider1 == null) {
        return provider2 == null;
    return provider1.equals(provider2);

public void onDestroy() {
    // handler.removeCallbacks(sendUpdatesToUI);     
    Log.v("STOP_SERVICE", "DONE");

public static Thread performOnBackgroundThread(final Runnable runnable) {
    final Thread t = new Thread() {
        public void run() {
            try {
            } finally {

    return t;
public class MyLocationListener implements LocationListener

    public void onLocationChanged(final Location loc)
        Log.i("*****", "Location changed");
        if(isBetterLocation(loc, previousBestLocation)) {
            intent.putExtra("Latitude", loc.getLatitude());
            intent.putExtra("Longitude", loc.getLongitude());
            intent.putExtra("Provider", loc.getProvider());


    public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras) {


    public void onProviderDisabled(String provider)
        Toast.makeText( getApplicationContext(), "Gps Disabled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show();

    public void onProviderEnabled(String provider)
        Toast.makeText( getApplicationContext(), "Gps Enabled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Add this Service any where in your project, the way you want! :)

How to have Android Service communicate with Activity

My method:

Class to manage send and receive message from/to service/activity:

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Message;
import android.os.Messenger;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.util.Log;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class MessageManager {

    public interface IOnHandleMessage{
        // Messages
        int MSG_HANDSHAKE = 0x1;

        void onHandleMessage(Message msg);

    private static final String LOGCAT = MessageManager.class.getSimpleName();

    private Messenger mMsgSender;
    private Messenger mMsgReceiver;
    private List<Message> mMessages;

    public MessageManager(IOnHandleMessage callback, IBinder target){
        mMsgReceiver = new Messenger(new MessageHandler(callback, MessageHandler.TYPE_ACTIVITY));
        mMsgSender = new Messenger(target);
        mMessages = new ArrayList<>();

    public MessageManager(IOnHandleMessage callback){
        mMsgReceiver = new Messenger(new MessageHandler(callback, MessageHandler.TYPE_SERVICE));
        mMsgSender = null;
        mMessages = new ArrayList<>();

    /* START Getter & Setter Methods */
    public Messenger getMsgSender() {
        return mMsgSender;

    public void setMsgSender(Messenger sender) {
        this.mMsgSender = sender;

    public Messenger getMsgReceiver() {
        return mMsgReceiver;

    public void setMsgReceiver(Messenger receiver) {
        this.mMsgReceiver = receiver;

    public List<Message> getLastMessages() {
        return mMessages;

    public void addMessage(Message message) {
    /* END Getter & Setter Methods */

    /* START Public Methods */
    public void sendMessage(int what, int arg1, int arg2, Bundle msgData){
        if(mMsgSender != null && mMsgReceiver != null) {
            try {
                Message msg = Message.obtain(null, what, arg1, arg2);
                msg.replyTo = mMsgReceiver;
                if(msgData != null){
            } catch (RemoteException rE) {

    public void sendHandshake(){
        if(mMsgSender != null && mMsgReceiver != null){
            sendMessage(IOnHandleMessage.MSG_HANDSHAKE, 0, 0, null);
    /* END Public Methods */

    /* START Private Methods */
    private void onException(Exception e){
        Log.e(LOGCAT, e.getMessage());
    /* END Private Methods */

    /** START Private Classes **/
    private class MessageHandler extends Handler {

        // Types
        final static int TYPE_SERVICE = 0x1;
        final static int TYPE_ACTIVITY = 0x2;

        private IOnHandleMessage mCallback;
        private int mType;

        public MessageHandler(IOnHandleMessage callback, int type){
            mCallback = callback;
            mType = type;

        public void handleMessage(Message msg){
                case IOnHandleMessage.MSG_HANDSHAKE:
                        case TYPE_SERVICE:
                        case TYPE_ACTIVITY:
                            Log.v(LOGCAT, "HERE");
                    if(mCallback != null){

    /** END Private Classes **/


In Activity Example:

public class activity extends AppCompatActivity
      implements     ServiceConnection,
                     MessageManager.IOnHandleMessage { 


    private MessageManager mMessenger;

    private void initMyMessenger(IBinder iBinder){
        mMessenger = new MessageManager(this, iBinder);

    private void bindToService(){
        Intent intent = new Intent(this, TagScanService.class);
        bindService(intent, mServiceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

    private void unbindToService(){
    /* UNBIND when you want (onDestroy, after operation...)
        if(mBound) {
            mBound = false;

    /* START Override MessageManager.IOnHandleMessage Methods */
    public void onHandleMessage(Message msg) {
            case Constants.MSG_SYNC_PROGRESS:
                Bundle data = msg.getData();
                String text = data.getString(Constants.KEY_MSG_TEXT);
            case Constants.MSG_START_SYNC:
            case Constants.MSG_END_SYNC:
                onEndSync(msg.arg1 == Constants.ARG1_SUCCESS);
                mBound = false;
    /* END Override MessageManager.IOnHandleMessage Methods */

    /** START Override ServiceConnection Methods **/
    private class BLEScanServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection {

        public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName componentName, IBinder iBinder) {
            mBound = true;

        public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName componentName) {
            mMessenger = null;
            mBound = false;
    /** END Override ServiceConnection Methods **/

In Service Example:

public class Blablabla extends Service
    implements     MessageManager.IOnHandleMessage {


    private MessageManager mMessenger;

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
        return mMessenger.getMsgReceiver().getBinder();

    private void initMessageManager(){
        mMessenger = new MessageManager(this);

    /* START Override IOnHandleMessage Methods */
    public void onHandleMessage(Message msg) {
    /* Do what you want when u get a message looking the "what" attribute */
    /* END Override IOnHandleMessage Methods */

Send a message from Activity / Service:

mMessenger.sendMessage(what, arg1, arg2, dataBundle);

How this works:

on the activity you start or bind the service. The service "OnBind" methods return the Binder to his MessageManager, the in the Activity through the "Service Connection" interface methods implementation "OnServiceConnected" you get this IBinder and init you MessageManager using it. After the Activity has init his MessageManager the MessageHandler send and Handshake to the service so it can set his "MessageHandler" sender ( the "private Messenger mMsgSender;" in MessageManager ). Doing this the service know to who send his messages.

You can also implement this using a List/Queue of Messenger "sender" in the MessageManager so you can send multiple messages to different Activities/Services or you can use a List/Queue of Messenger "receiver" in the MessageManager so you can receive multiple message from different Activities/Services.

In the "MessageManager" instance you have a list of all messages received.

As you can see the connection between "Activity's Messenger" and "Service Messenger" using this "MessageManager" instance is automatic, it is done through the "OnServiceConnected" method and through the use of the "Handshake".

Hope this is helpful for you :) Thank you very much! Bye :D

How to get the current location latitude and longitude in android

Use Location Listener Method

public void onLocationChanged(Location loc) {
Double lat = loc.getLatitude();
Double lng = loc.getLongitude();

android start activity from service


Start an activity from service (foreground or background) is no longer allowed.

There are still some restrictions that can be seen in the documentation


KISS answer



the system will try to re-create your service after it is killed


the system will not try to re-create your service after it is killed

Standard example:

public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
    return START_STICKY;

How to check if a service is running on Android?

An extract from Android docs:

Like sendBroadcast(Intent), but if there are any receivers for the Intent this function will block and immediately dispatch them before returning.

Think of this hack as "pinging" the Service. Since we can broadcast synchronously, we can broadcast and get a result synchronously, on the UI thread.


public void onCreate() {
     .registerReceiver(new ServiceEchoReceiver(), new IntentFilter("ping"));
     //do not forget to deregister the receiver when the service is destroyed to avoid
     //any potential memory leaks 

private class ServiceEchoReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
    public void onReceive (Context context, Intent intent) {
         .sendBroadcastSync(new Intent("pong"));


    bool serviceRunning = false;

    protected void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState){
        LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).registerReceiver(pong, new IntentFilter("pong"));
        LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).sendBroadcastSync(new Intent("ping"));
           //run the service

    private BroadcastReceiver pong = new BroadcastReceiver(){
        public void onReceive (Context context, Intent intent) {
          serviceRunning = true;   

The winner in many applications is, of course, a static boolean field on the service that is set to true in Service.onCreate() and to false in Service.onDestroy() because it's a lot simpler.

getApplication() vs. getApplicationContext()

It seems to have to do with context wrapping. Most classes derived from Context are actually a ContextWrapper, which essentially delegates to another context, possibly with changes by the wrapper.

The context is a general abstraction that supports mocking and proxying. Since many contexts are bound to a limited-lifetime object such as an Activity, there needs to be a way to get a longer-lived context, for purposes such as registering for future notifications. That is achieved by Context.getApplicationContext(). A logical implementation is to return the global Application object, but nothing prevents a context implementation from returning a wrapper or proxy with a suitable lifetime instead.

Activities and services are more specifically associated with an Application object. The usefulness of this, I believe, is that you can create and register in the manifest a custom class derived from Application and be certain that Activity.getApplication() or Service.getApplication() will return that specific object of that specific type, which you can cast to your derived Application class and use for whatever custom purpose.

In other words, getApplication() is guaranteed to return an Application object, while getApplicationContext() is free to return a proxy instead.

What is the difference between an IntentService and a Service?

Service is a base class of service implementation. Service runs on the application's main thread which may reduce the application performance. Thus, IntentService, which is a direct subclass of Service is available to make things easier.

The IntentService is used to perform a certain task in the background. Once done, the instance of IntentService terminates itself automatically. Examples for its usage would be to download a certain resource from the Internet.


  1. Service class uses the application's main thread, while IntentService creates a worker thread and uses that thread to run the service.
  2. IntentService creates a queue that passes one intent at a time to onHandleIntent(). Thus, implementing a multi-thread should be made by extending Service class directly. Service class needs a manual stop using stopSelf(). Meanwhile, IntentService automatically stops itself when it finishes execution.
  3. IntentService implements onBind() that returns null. This means that the IntentService can not be bound by default.
  4. IntentService implements onStartCommand() that sends Intent to queue and to onHandleIntent().

In brief, there are only two things to do to use IntentService. Firstly, to implement the constructor. And secondly, to implement onHandleIntent(). For other callback methods, the super is needed to be called so that it can be tracked properly.

Determining the current foreground application from a background task or service

In lollipop and up:

Add to mainfest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_TASKS" />

And do something like this:

if( mTaskId < 0 )
    List<AppTask> tasks = mActivityManager.getAppTasks(); 
    if( tasks.size() > 0 )
        mTaskId = tasks.get( 0 ).getTaskInfo().id;

Trying to start a service on boot on Android

As @Damian commented, all the answers in this thread are doing it wrong. Doing it manually like this runs the risk of your Service being stopped in the middle from the device going to sleep. You need to obtain a wake lock first. Luckily, the Support library gives us a class to do this:

public class SimpleWakefulReceiver extends WakefulBroadcastReceiver {
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        // This is the Intent to deliver to our service.
        Intent service = new Intent(context, SimpleWakefulService.class);

        // Start the service, keeping the device awake while it is launching.
        Log.i("SimpleWakefulReceiver", "Starting service @ " + SystemClock.elapsedRealtime());
        startWakefulService(context, service);

then, in your Service, make sure to release the wake lock:

    protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
        // At this point SimpleWakefulReceiver is still holding a wake lock
        // for us.  We can do whatever we need to here and then tell it that
        // it can release the wakelock.

        Log.i("SimpleWakefulReceiver", "Completed service @ " + SystemClock.elapsedRealtime());

Don't forget to add the WAKE_LOCK permssion to your mainfest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />

Android Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x636f7d89 (code=1). How can it be tracked down?

I also got this error many times and I solved it. This error will be faced in case of memory management in native side.

Your application is accessing memory outside of its address space. This is most likely an invalid pointer access. SIGSEGV = segmentation fault in native code. Since it is not occurring in Java code you won't see a stack trace with details. However, you may still see some stack trace information in the logcat if you look around a bit after the application process crashes. It will not tell you the line number within the file, but will tell you which object files and addresses were in use in the call chain. From there you can often figure out which area of the code is problematic. You can also setup a gdb native connection to the target process and catch it in the debugger.

Android background music service

Do it without service

If you are so serious about doing it with services using mediaplayer

Intent svc=new Intent(this, BackgroundSoundService.class);

public class BackgroundSoundService extends Service {
    private static final String TAG = null;
    MediaPlayer player;
    public IBinder onBind(Intent arg0) {

        return null;
    public void onCreate() {
        player = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.idil);
        player.setLooping(true); // Set looping

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        return 1;

    public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId) {
        // TO DO
    public IBinder onUnBind(Intent arg0) {
        // TO DO Auto-generated method
        return null;

    public void onStop() {

    public void onPause() {

    public void onDestroy() {

    public void onLowMemory() {


Please call this service in Manifest Make sure there is no space at the end of the .BackgroundSoundService string

<service android:enabled="true" android:name=".BackgroundSoundService" />

Android 8.0: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent

If you are running your code on 8.0 then application will crash. So start the service in the foreground. If below 8.0 use this :

Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(context, RingtonePlayingService.class);

If above or 8.0 then use this :

Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(context, RingtonePlayingService.class);
ContextCompat.startForegroundService(context, serviceIntent );

Broadcast Receiver within a Service

as your service is already setup, simply add a broadcast receiver in your service:

private final BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
   public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
      String action = intent.getAction();
        //action for sms received
      else if(action.equals(android.telephony.TelephonyManager.ACTION_PHONE_STATE_CHANGED)){
           //action for phone state changed

in your service's onCreate do this:

IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
filter.addAction("your_action_strings"); //further more
filter.addAction("your_action_strings"); //further more

registerReceiver(receiver, filter);

and in your service's onDestroy:


and you are good to go to receive broadcast for what ever filters you mention in onCreate. Make sure to add any permission if required. for e.g.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" />

How to run an android app in background?

Starting an Activity is not the right approach for this behavior. Instead have your BroadcastReceiver use an intent to start a Service which can continue to run as long as possible. (See

See also Persistent service

Youtube API Limitations

Apart from other answer There are calculator provided by Youtube to check your usage. It is good to identify your usage.

enter image description here

How many times does each value appear in a column?

You can use CountIf. Put the following code in B1 and drag down the whole column


It will look like this:

enter image description here

Cancel a UIView animation?

Even if you cancel the animation in the ways above animation didStopSelector still runs. So if you have logic states in your application driven by animations you will have problems. For this reason with the ways described above I use the context variable of UIView animations. If you pass the current state of your program by the context param to the animation, when the animation stops your didStopSelector function may decide if it should do something or just return based on the current state and the state value passed as context.

Counting repeated characters in a string in Python

You want to use a dict.

#!/usr/bin/env python

input = "this is a string"

d = {}

for c in input:
        d[c] += 1
        d[c] = 1

for k in d.keys():
    print "%s: %d" % (k, d[k])

node.js + mysql connection pooling

i always use connection.relase(); after pool.getconnetion like

pool.getConnection(function (err, connection) {
        if (!err)
            console.log('*** Mysql Connection established with ', config.database, ' and connected as id ' + connection.threadId);
            email =
            connection.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = ?', [email],
                function (err, rows) {
                    if (!err)
                        if (rows.length == 1)
                            if (bcrypt.compareSync(req.body.password, rows[0].password))
                                var alldata = rows;
                                var userid = rows[0].id;
                                var tokendata = (receivedValues, userid);
                                var token = jwt.sign(receivedValues, config.secret, {
                                    expiresIn: 1440 * 60 * 30 // expires in 1440 minutes
                                console.log("*** Authorised User");
                                    "code": 200,
                                    "status": "Success",
                                    "token": token,
                                    "userData": alldata,
                                    "message": "Authorised User!"
                      'url=', URL.url, 'Responce=', 'User Signin, username',, 'User Id=', rows[0].id);
                                console.log("*** Redirecting: Unauthorised User");
                                res.json({"code": 200, "status": "Fail", "message": "Unauthorised User!"});
                                logger.error('*** Redirecting: Unauthorised User');
                            console.error("*** Redirecting: No User found with provided name");
                                "code": 200,
                                "status": "Error",
                                "message": "No User found with provided name"
                            logger.error('url=', URL.url, 'No User found with provided name');
                        console.log("*** Redirecting: Error for selecting user");
                        res.json({"code": 200, "status": "Error", "message": "Error for selecting user"});
                        logger.error('url=', URL.url, 'Error for selecting user',;
            connection.on('error', function (err) {
                console.log('*** Redirecting: Error Creating User...');
                res.json({"code": 200, "status": "Error", "message": "Error Checking Username Duplicate"});

Using Javascript in CSS

Not in any conventional sense of the phrase "inside CSS."

How to solve the “failed to lazily initialize a collection of role” Hibernate exception

The best way to handle the LazyInitializationException is to fetch it upon query time, like this:

select t
from Topic t
left join fetch t.comments

You should ALWAYS avoid the following anti-patterns:

Therefore, make sure that your FetchType.LAZY associations are initialized at query time or within the original @Transactional scope using Hibernate.initialize for secondary collections.

Android load from URL to Bitmap

  private class AsyncTaskRunner extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> {
    String Imageurl;

    public AsyncTaskRunner(String Imageurl) {
        this.Imageurl = Imageurl;

    protected String doInBackground(String... strings) {

        try {

            URL url = new URL(Imageurl);
            thumbnail_r = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(url.openConnection().getInputStream());

        } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;

    protected void onPostExecute(String s) {


Call asynctask like:

 AsyncTaskRunner asyncTaskRunner = new AsyncTaskRunner(uploadsModel.getImages());

Change Default branch in gitlab

In Gitlab version v11.4.4-ee, you can:

  1. Setting
  2. Repository
  3. Default Branch

Click me

How to correctly use Html.ActionLink with ASP.NET MVC 4 Areas

How I redirect to an area is add it as a parameter

@Html.Action("Action", "Controller", new { area = "AreaName" })

for the href portion of a link I use

@Url.Action("Action", "Controller", new { area = "AreaName" })

Any way to limit border length?

The ::after pseudo-element rocks :)

If you play a bit you can even set your resized border element to appear centered or to appear only if there is another element next to it (like in menus). Here is an example with a menu:

#menu > ul > li {
    position: relative;
    float: left;
    padding: 0 10px;

#menu > ul > li + li::after {
    background: #ccc;
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 25%;
    left: 0;
    height: 50%;
    width: 1px;

#menu > ul > li {
  position: relative;
  float: left;
  padding: 0 10px;
  list-style: none;
#menu > ul > li + li::after {
  content: "";
  background: #ccc;
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 25%;
  left: 0;
  height: 50%;
  width: 1px;
<div id="menu">

How to run a shell script at startup

In the file you put in /etc/init.d/ you have to set it executable with:

chmod +x /etc/init.d/start_my_app

Thanks to @meetamit, if this does not run you have to create a symlink to /etc/rc.d/

ln -s /etc/init.d/start_my_app /etc/rc.d/

Please note that on latest Debian, this will not work as your script have to be LSB compliant (provide, at least, the following actions: start, stop, restart, force-reload, and status):

As a note, you should put the absolute path of your script instead of a relative one, it may solves unexpected issues:


And don't forget to add on top of that file:


Change default text in input type="file"?

My solution...


<input type="file" id="uploadImages" style="display:none;" multiple>

<input type="button" id="callUploadImages" value="Select">
<input type="button" id="uploadImagesInfo" value="0 file(s)." disabled>
<input type="button" id="uploadProductImages" value="Upload">





    var uploadImages = $(this);
    $('#uploadImagesInfo').val(uploadImages[0].files.length+" file(s).");

This is just evil :D

How do I check if a string is valid JSON in Python?

Example Python script returns a boolean if a string is valid json:

import json

def is_json(myjson):
    json_object = json.loads(myjson)
  except ValueError as e:
    return False
  return True

Which prints:

print is_json("{}")                          #prints True
print is_json("{asdf}")                      #prints False
print is_json('{ "age":100}')                #prints True
print is_json("{'age':100 }")                #prints False
print is_json("{\"age\":100 }")              #prints True
print is_json('{"age":100 }')                #prints True
print is_json('{"foo":[5,6.8],"foo":"bar"}') #prints True

Convert a JSON string to a Python dictionary:

import json
mydict = json.loads('{"foo":"bar"}')
print(mydict['foo'])    #prints bar

mylist = json.loads("[5,6,7]")
[5, 6, 7]

Convert a python object to JSON string:

foo = {}
foo['gummy'] = 'bear'
print(json.dumps(foo))           #prints {"gummy": "bear"}

If you want access to low-level parsing, don't roll your own, use an existing library:

Great tutorial on python JSON module:

Is String JSON and show syntax errors and error messages:

sudo cpan JSON::XS
echo '{"foo":[5,6.8],"foo":"bar" bar}' > myjson.json
json_xs -t none < myjson.json


, or } expected while parsing object/hash, at character offset 28 (before "bar}
at /usr/local/bin/json_xs line 183, <STDIN> line 1.

json_xs is capable of syntax checking, parsing, prittifying, encoding, decoding and more:

Store boolean value in SQLite

In SQLite the best you can do is use the integers 0 and 1 to represent false and true. You could declare the column type like this:

CREATE TABLE foo(mycolumn BOOLEAN NOT NULL CHECK (mycolumn IN (0,1)));

Omit the NOT NULL if you want to allow NULL in addition to 0 and 1.

The use of the type name BOOLEAN here is for readability, to SQLite it's just a type with NUMERIC affinity.

Note that CHECK constraints have been supported since SQLite 3.3.0 (2006).

Here are some example INSERTs that will work: (note how strings and floating point numbers are parsed as integers)

sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES(0);
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1);
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES(0.0);
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES(1.0);
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES("0.0");
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES("1.0");
sqlite> select mycolumn, typeof(mycolumn) from foo;

and some that will fail:

sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES("-1");
Error: constraint failed
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES(0.24);
Error: constraint failed
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES(100);
Error: constraint failed
Error: foo.mycolumn may not be NULL
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES("true");
Error: constraint failed
sqlite> INSERT INTO foo VALUES("false");
Error: constraint failed

Can I have an onclick effect in CSS?

The closest you'll get is :active:

#btnLeft:active {
    width: 70px;
    height: 74px;

However this will only apply the style when the mouse button is held down. The only way to apply a style and keep it applied onclick is to use a bit of JavaScript.

json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type

Here's a fixed version of it:

The biggest fix that was needed is when Unmarshalling an array, that property needs to be an array/slice in the struct as well.

For example:

{ "things": ["a", "b", "c"] }

Would Unmarshal into a:

type Item struct {
    Things []string

And not into:

type Item struct {
    Things string

The other thing to watch out for when Unmarshaling is that the types line up exactly. It will fail when Unmarshalling a JSON string representation of a number into an int or float field -- "1" needs to Unmarshal into a string, not into an int like we saw with ShippingAdditionalCost int

Include jQuery in the JavaScript Console

Use the jQueryify booklet:

Instead of copy pasting the code in the other answers, this'll make it a clickable bookmark.

how to read value from string.xml in android?

Only for future references.

In the String resources documentation it says:

You can use either getString(int) or getText(int) to retrieve a string. getText(int) will >retain any rich text styling applied to the string.

How to install latest version of Node using Brew

Just go old skool - From there you can get the current or LTS versions

How do I concatenate two arrays in C#?

Try this:

List<int> list = new List<int>();
int[] z = list.ToArray();

How can I listen for keypress event on the whole page?

Just to add to this in 2019 w Angular 8,

instead of keypress I had to use keydown

@HostListener('document:keypress', ['$event'])


@HostListener('document:keydown', ['$event'])

Working Stacklitz

How can I format a list to print each element on a separate line in python?

You can just use a simple loop: -

>>> mylist = ['10', '12', '14']
>>> for elem in mylist:
        print elem 


Add a tooltip to a div

For the basic tooltip, you want:

<div title="This is my tooltip">

For a fancier javascript version, you can look into:

The above link gives you 25 options for tooltips.

How do I load an url in iframe with Jquery

here is Iframe in view:

<iframe class="img-responsive" id="ifmReport" width="1090" height="1200" >


Load it in script:

 $('#ifmReport').attr('src', '/ReportViewer/ReportViewer.aspx');

@Autowired - No qualifying bean of type found for dependency

I was facing the same issue while auto-wiring the class from one of my jar file. I fixed the issue by using @Lazy annotation:

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Lazy;

    private IGalaxyCommand iGalaxyCommand;

Powershell equivalent of bash ampersand (&) for forking/running background processes

ps2> start-job {start-sleep 20}

i have not yet figured out how to get stdout in realtime, start-job requires you to poll stdout with get-job

update: i couldn't start-job to easily do what i want which is basically the bash & operator. here's my best hack so far

PS> notepad $profile #edit init script -- added these lines
function beep { write-host `a }
function ajp { start powershell {ant java-platform|out-null;beep} } #new window, stderr only, beep when done
function acjp { start powershell {ant clean java-platform|out-null;beep} }
PS> . $profile #re-load profile script
PS> ajp

SQL: Combine Select count(*) from multiple tables

For oracle:

select count(*) from foo1 where ID = '00123244552000258'
select count(*) from foo2 where ID = '00123244552000258'
select count(*) from foo3 where ID = '00123244552000258'
) total from dual;

How to search a string in a single column (A) in excel using VBA

Below are two methods that are superior to looping. Both handle a "no-find" case.

  1. The VBA equivalent of a normal function VLOOKUP with error-handling if the variable doesn't exist (INDEX/MATCH may be a better route than VLOOKUP, ie if your two columns A and B were in reverse order, or were far apart)
  2. VBAs FIND method (matching a whole string in column A given I use the xlWhole argument)

    Sub Method1()
    Dim strSearch As String
    Dim strOut As String
    Dim bFailed As Boolean
    strSearch = "trees"
    On Error Resume Next
    strOut = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(strSearch, Range("A:B"), 2, False)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then bFailed = True
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not bFailed Then
    MsgBox "corresponding value is " & vbNewLine & strOut
    MsgBox strSearch & " not found"
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub Method2()
        Dim rng1 As Range
        Dim strSearch As String
        strSearch = "trees"
        Set rng1 = Range("A:A").Find(strSearch, , xlValues, xlWhole)
        If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
            MsgBox "Find has matched " & strSearch & vbNewLine & "corresponding cell is " & rng1.Offset(0, 1)
            MsgBox strSearch & " not found"
        End If
    End Sub

How to plot a subset of a data frame in R?

This is how I would do it, in order to get in the var4 restriction:

dfr<-data.frame(var1=rnorm(100), var2=rnorm(100), var3=rnorm(100, 160, 10), var4=rnorm(100, 27, 6))
plot( subset( dfr, var3 < 155 & var4 > 27, select = c( var1, var2 ) ) )

Rgds, Rainer

Detect if HTML5 Video element is playing

I just added that to the media object manually

let media = document.querySelector('.my-video');
media.isplaying = false;


if(media.isplaying) //do something

Then just toggle it when i hit play or pause.

MySQL Server has gone away when importing large sql file

I updated "max_allowed_packet" to 1024M, but it still wasn't working. It turns out my deployment script was running:

mysql --max_allowed_packet=512M --database=mydb -u root < .\db\db.sql

Be sure to explicitly specify a bigger number from the command line if you are donig it this way.

Finding height in Binary Search Tree

The height of a binary search tree is equal to number of layers - 1.

See the diagram at

Your recursion is good, so just subtract one at the root level.

Also note, you can clean up the function a bit by handling null nodes:

int findHeight(node) {
  if (node == null) return 0;
  return 1 + max(findHeight(node.left), findHeight(node.right));

Create list of single item repeated N times

Itertools has a function just for that:

import itertools
it = itertools.repeat(e,n)

Of course itertools gives you a iterator instead of a list. [e] * n gives you a list, but, depending on what you will do with those sequences, the itertools variant can be much more efficient.

Remove Primary Key in MySQL

ALTER TABLE `user_customer_permission` MODIFY `id` INT;
ALTER TABLE `user_customer_permission` DROP PRIMARY KEY;

How can I download a specific Maven artifact in one command line?

To copy artifact in specified location use copy instead of get.

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.1.2:copy \
  -DrepoUrl=someRepositoryUrl \
  -Dartifact="com.acme:foo:RELEASE:jar" -Dmdep.stripVersion -DoutputDirectory=/tmp/

problem with php mail 'From' header

Edit: I just noted that you are trying to use a gmail address as the from value. This is not going to work, and the ISP is right in overwriting it. If you want to redirect the replies to your outgoing messages, use reply-to.

A workaround for valid addresses that works with many ISPs:

try adding a fifth parameter to your mail() command:

mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers,"-f [email protected]");

A server is already running. Check …/tmp/pids/ Exiting - rails

First Find PID # - where the Rails Server got stuck on

Run this to find the stuck PID

cat ./tmp/pids/

It will return something like 65829

Then KILL that PID => kill 65829

How to pass arguments to a Button command in Tkinter?

I am extremely late, but here is a very simple way of accomplishing it.

import tkinter as tk
def function1(param1, param2):
    print(str(param1) + str(param2))

var1 = "Hello "
var2 = "World!"
def function2():
    function1(var1, var2)

root = tk.Tk()

myButton = tk.Button(root, text="Button", command=function2)

You simply wrap the function you want to use in another function and call the second function on the button press.

Mapping a JDBC ResultSet to an object

using DbUtils...

The only problem I had with that lib was that sometimes you have relationships in your bean classes, DBUtils does not map that. It only maps the properties in the class of the bean, if you have other complex properties (refering other beans due to DB relationship) you'd have to create "indirect setters" as I call, which are setters that put values into those complex properties's properties.

How to check if string contains Latin characters only?

All these answers are correct, but I had to also check if the string contains other characters and Hebrew letters so I simply used:

if (!str.match(/^[\d]+$/)) {
    //contains other characters as well

Image height and width not working?

You have a class on your CSS that is overwriting your width and height, the class reads as such:

.postItem img {
    height: auto;
    width: 450px;

Remove that and your width/height properties on the img tag should work.

How to understand nil vs. empty vs. blank in Ruby

One difference is that .nil? and .empty? are methods that are provided by the programming language Ruby, whereas .blank? is something added by the web development framework Rails.

Usage of MySQL's "IF EXISTS"

if exists(select * from db1.table1 where sno=1 )
select * from db1.table1 where sno=1 
else if (select * from db2.table1 where sno=1 )
select * from db2.table1 where sno=1 
print 'the record does not exits'

Using the slash character in Git branch name

Are you sure branch labs does not already exist (as in this thread)?

You can't have both a file, and a directory with the same name.

You're trying to get git to do basically this:

% cd .git/refs/heads
% ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jhe jhe 41 2009-11-14 23:51 labs
-rw-rw-r-- 1 jhe jhe 41 2009-11-14 23:51 master
% mkdir labs
mkdir: cannot create directory 'labs': File exists

You're getting the equivalent of the "cannot create directory" error.
When you have a branch with slashes in it, it gets stored as a directory hierarchy under .git/refs/heads.

What's the difference between "end" and "exit sub" in VBA?

This is a bit outside the scope of your question, but to avoid any potential confusion for readers who are new to VBA: End and End Sub are not the same. They don't perform the same task.

End puts a stop to ALL code execution and you should almost always use Exit Sub (or Exit Function, respectively).

End halts ALL exectution. While this sounds tempting to do it also clears all global and static variables. (source)

See also the MSDN dox for the End Statement

When executed, the End statement resets allmodule-level variables and all static local variables in allmodules. To preserve the value of these variables, use the Stop statement instead. You can then resume execution while preserving the value of those variables.

Note The End statement stops code execution abruptly, without invoking the Unload, QueryUnload, or Terminate event, or any other Visual Basic code. Code you have placed in the Unload, QueryUnload, and Terminate events offorms andclass modules is not executed. Objects created from class modules are destroyed, files opened using the Open statement are closed, and memory used by your program is freed. Object references held by other programs are invalidated.

Nor is End Sub and Exit Sub the same. End Sub can't be called in the same way Exit Sub can be, because the compiler doesn't allow it.

enter image description here

This again means you have to Exit Sub, which is a perfectly legal operation:

Exit Sub
Immediately exits the Sub procedure in which it appears. Execution continues with the statement following the statement that called the Sub procedure. Exit Sub can be used only inside a Sub procedure.

Additionally, and once you get the feel for how procedures work, obviously, End Sub does not clear any global variables. But it does clear local (Dim'd) variables:

End Sub
Terminates the definition of this procedure.

ruby 1.9: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8

Try this:

def to_utf8(str)
  str = str.force_encoding('UTF-8')
  return str if str.valid_encoding?
  str.encode("UTF-8", 'binary', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '')

How to specify test directory for mocha?

If you are using nodejs, in your package.json under scripts

  1. For global (-g) installations: "test": "mocha server-test" or "test": "mocha server-test/**/*.js" for subdocuments
  2. For project installations: "test": "node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha server-test" or "test": "node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha server-test/**/*.js" for subdocuments

Then just run your tests normally as npm test

How to download HTTP directory with all files and sub-directories as they appear on the online files/folders list?

wget -r -np -nH --cut-dirs=3 -R index.html http://hostname/aaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/

From man wget

‘-r’ ‘--recursive’ Turn on recursive retrieving. See Recursive Download, for more details. The default maximum depth is 5.

‘-np’ ‘--no-parent’ Do not ever ascend to the parent directory when retrieving recursively. This is a useful option, since it guarantees that only the files below a certain hierarchy will be downloaded. See Directory-Based Limits, for more details.

‘-nH’ ‘--no-host-directories’ Disable generation of host-prefixed directories. By default, invoking Wget with ‘-r’ will create a structure of directories beginning with This option disables such behavior.

‘--cut-dirs=number’ Ignore number directory components. This is useful for getting a fine-grained control over the directory where recursive retrieval will be saved.

Take, for example, the directory at ‘’. If you retrieve it with ‘-r’, it will be saved locally under While the ‘-nH’ option can remove the part, you are still stuck with pub/xemacs. This is where ‘--cut-dirs’ comes in handy; it makes Wget not “see” number remote directory components. Here are several examples of how ‘--cut-dirs’ option works.

No options -> -nH -> pub/xemacs/ -nH --cut-dirs=1 -> xemacs/ -nH --cut-dirs=2 -> .

--cut-dirs=1 -> ... If you just want to get rid of the directory structure, this option is similar to a combination of ‘-nd’ and ‘-P’. However, unlike ‘-nd’, ‘--cut-dirs’ does not lose with subdirectories—for instance, with ‘-nH --cut-dirs=1’, a beta/ subdirectory will be placed to xemacs/beta, as one would expect.

When should I use semicolons in SQL Server?

Semicolons do not always work in compound SELECT statements.

Compare these two different versions of a trivial compound SELECT statement.

The code

DECLARE @Test varchar(35); 
            (SELECT 'Semicolons do not always work fine.';););); 
SELECT @Test Test;


Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
Incorrect syntax near ';'.

However, the code

DECLARE @Test varchar(35)
            (SELECT 'Semicolons do not always work fine.'))) 
SELECT @Test Test


Semicolons do not always work fine.

(1 row(s) affected)

How to check if a file exists in a shell script

You're missing a required space between the bracket and -e:

if [ -e x.txt ]
    echo "ok"
    echo "nok"

Easiest way to convert a List to a Set in Java

If you use Eclipse Collections:

MutableSet<Integer> mSet = Lists.mutable.with(1, 2, 3).toSet();
MutableIntSet mIntSet = IntLists.mutable.with(1, 2, 3).toSet();

The MutableSet interface extends java.util.Set whereas the MutableIntSet interface does not. You can also convert any Iterable to a Set using the Sets factory class.

Set<Integer> set = Sets.mutable.withAll(List.of(1, 2, 3));

There is more explanation of the mutable factories available in Eclipse Collections here.

If you want an ImmutableSet from a List, you can use the Sets factory as follows:

ImmutableSet<Integer> immutableSet = Sets.immutable.withAll(List.of(1, 2, 3))

Note: I am a committer for Eclipse Collections

How do I remove time part from JavaScript date?

Parse that string into a Date object:

var myDate = new Date('10/11/1955 10:40:50 AM');

Then use the usual methods to get the date's day of month (getDate) / month (getMonth) / year (getFullYear).

var noTime = new Date(myDate.getFullYear(), myDate.getMonth(), myDate.getDate());

java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date

LATE EDIT: Starting with Java 8 you should use neither java.util.Date nor java.sql.Date if you can at all avoid it, and instead prefer using the java.time package (based on Joda) rather than anything else. If you're not on Java 8, here's the original response:

java.sql.Date - when you call methods/constructors of libraries that use it (like JDBC). Not otherwise. You don't want to introduce dependencies to the database libraries for applications/modules that don't explicitly deal with JDBC.

java.util.Date - when using libraries that use it. Otherwise, as little as possible, for several reasons:

  • It's mutable, which means you have to make a defensive copy of it every time you pass it to or return it from a method.

  • It doesn't handle dates very well, which backwards people like yours truly, think date handling classes should.

  • Now, because j.u.D doesn't do it's job very well, the ghastly Calendar classes were introduced. They are also mutable, and awful to work with, and should be avoided if you don't have any choice.

  • There are better alternatives, like the Joda Time API (which might even make it into Java 7 and become the new official date handling API - a quick search says it won't).

If you feel it's overkill to introduce a new dependency like Joda, longs aren't all that bad to use for timestamp fields in objects, although I myself usually wrap them in j.u.D when passing them around, for type safety and as documentation.

CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER set to true doesnt work on hosting server

If it works fine on your local environment, probably your remote server's IP is being blocked by the server at the target URL you've set for cURL to use. You need to verify that your remote server is allowed to access the URL you've set for CURLOPT_URL.

iOS 8 UITableView separator inset 0 not working

I made it work by doing this:

tableView.separatorInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
tableView.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsZero;
cell.layoutMargins = UIEdgeInsetsZero;

Tab separated values in awk


awk -v FS='\t' -v OFS='\t' ...

Example from one of my scripts.

I use the FS and OFS variables to manipulate BIND zone files, which are tab delimited:

awk -v FS='\t' -v OFS='\t' \
    -v record_type=$record_type \
    -v hostname=$hostname \
    -v ip_address=$ip_address '
$1==hostname && $3==record_type {$4=ip_address}
' $zone_file > $temp

This is a clean and easy to read way to do this.

TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment when swapping values

Evaluating "1,2,3" results in (1, 2, 3), a tuple. As you've discovered, tuples are immutable. Convert to a list before processing.

How can I fill a column with random numbers in SQL? I get the same value in every row

If you are on SQL Server 2008 you can also use

 CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM(2) % 10000

Which seems somewhat simpler (it is also evaluated once per row as newid is - shown below)



SET col1 =  CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM(2) % 10000


Returns (2 random probably different numbers)


Mulling the unexplained downvote the only legitimate reason I can think of is that because the random number generated is between 0-65535 which is not evenly divisible by 10,000 some numbers will be slightly over represented. A way around this would be to wrap it in a scalar UDF that throws away any number over 60,000 and calls itself recursively to get a replacement number.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.RandomNumber()
      DECLARE @Result INT

      SET @Result = CRYPT_GEN_RANDOM(2)

               WHEN @Result < 60000
                     OR @@NESTLEVEL = 32 THEN @Result % 10000
               ELSE dbo.RandomNumber()

Change windows hostname from command line

Use below command to change computer hostname remotely , Require system reboot after change..

psexec.exe -h -e \\\IPADDRESS -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD netdom renamecomputer CurrentComputerName /newname:NewComputerName /force

Update TextView Every Second

It would be better if you just used an AsyncTask running using a Timer something like this

 Timer LAIATT = new Timer();
    TimerTask LAIATTT = new TimerTask()
        public void run()
            LoadAccountInformationAsyncTask LAIAT = new LoadAccountInformationAsyncTask();
    LAIATT.schedule(LAIATTT, 0, 1000);

Cannot open include file: 'stdio.h' - Visual Studio Community 2017 - C++ Error

If you run into this problem with Visual Studio 2019 (VS2019), you can download the build tools from And, under Tools for Visual Studio 2019 and download Build Tools for Visual Studios 2019.

Postgresql SELECT if string contains

In addition to the solution with 'aaaaaaaa' LIKE '%' || tag_name || '%' there are position (reversed order of args) and strpos.

SELECT id FROM TAG_TABLE WHERE strpos('aaaaaaaa', tag_name) > 0

Besides what is more efficient (LIKE looks less efficient, but an index might change things), there is a very minor issue with LIKE: tag_name of course should not contain % and especially _ (single char wildcard), to give no false positives.

How to query values from xml nodes?

if you have only one xml in your table, you can convert it in 2 steps:

   BatchID int,
   RawXml xml 

declare @xml xml=(select top 1 RawXml from @Batches)

SELECT  --b.BatchID,
        x.XmlCol.value('(ReportHeader/OrganizationReportReferenceIdentifier)[1]','VARCHAR(100)') AS OrganizationReportReferenceIdentifier,
        x.XmlCol.value('(ReportHeader/OrganizationNumber)[1]','VARCHAR(100)') AS OrganizationNumber
FROM    @xml.nodes('/CasinoDisbursementReportXmlFile/CasinoDisbursementReport') x(XmlCol)

Add/Delete table rows dynamically using JavaScript

If you put a delete button on each row, then:

  <td><input type="button" value="Delete row" onclick="deleteRow(this);">
  <td><input type="text">
  <td><input type="text">

And the deleteRow function can be:

function deleteRow(el) {
    // while there are parents, keep going until reach TR 
    while (el.parentNode && el.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'tr') {
        el = el.parentNode;

    // If el has a parentNode it must be a TR, so delete it
    // Don't delte if only 3 rows left in table
    if (el.parentNode && el.parentNode.rows.length > 3) {

If all your rows have the same content, it will be much faster to add a row by cloning an existing row:

function addRow(tableID) {
    var table = document.getElementById(tableID);

    if (!table) return;

    var newRow = table.rows[1].cloneNode(true);

    // Now get the inputs and modify their names 
    var inputs = newRow.getElementsByTagName('input');

    for (var i=0, iLen=inputs.length; i<iLen; i++) {
        // Update inputs[i]

    // Add the new row to the tBody (required for IE)
    var tBody = table.tBodies[0];
    tBody.insertBefore(newRow, tBody.lastChild);

Sleep function in C++

On Unix, include #include <unistd.h>.

The call you're interested in is usleep(). Which takes microseconds, so you should multiply your millisecond value by 1000 and pass the result to usleep().

Enter triggers button click

Where ever you use a <button> element by default it considers that button type="submit" so if you define the button type="button" then it won't consider that <button> as submit button.

Deleting all pending tasks in celery / rabbitmq

1. To properly purge the queue of waiting tasks you have to stop all the workers (

$ sudo rabbitmqctl stop

or (in case RabbitMQ/message broker is managed by Supervisor):

$ sudo supervisorctl stop all

2. ...and then purge the tasks from a specific queue:

$ cd <source_dir>
$ celery amqp queue.purge <queue name>

3. Start RabbitMQ:

$ sudo rabbitmqctl start

or (in case RabbitMQ is managed by Supervisor):

$ sudo supervisorctl start all

How to upgrade R in ubuntu?

Since R is already installed, you should be able to upgrade it with this method. First of all, you may want to have the packages you installed in the previous version in the new one,so it is convenient to check this post. Then, follow the instructions from here

  1. Open the sources.list file:

     sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list    
  2. Add a line with the source from where the packages will be retrieved. For example:

     deb version/

    Replace with whatever mirror you would like to use, and replace version/ with whatever version of Ubuntu you are using (eg, trusty/, xenial/, and so on). If you're getting a "Malformed line error", check to see if you have a space between /ubuntu/ and version/.

  3. Fetch the secure APT key:

     gpg --keyserver --recv-key E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9


    gpg --hkp://keyserver --recv-key E298A3A825C0D65DFD57CBB651716619E084DAB9
  1. Add it to keyring:

     gpg -a --export E084DAB9 | sudo apt-key add -
  2. Update your sources and upgrade your installation:

     sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
  3. Install the new version

     sudo apt-get install r-base-dev
  4. Recover your old packages following the solution that best suits to you (see this). For instance, to recover all the packages (not only those from CRAN) the idea is:

-- copy the packages from R-oldversion/library to R-newversion/library, (do not overwrite a package if it already exists in the new version!).

-- Run the R command update.packages(checkBuilt=TRUE, ask=FALSE).

jQuery - Appending a div to body, the body is the object?

var $div = $('<div />').appendTo('body');
$div.attr('id', 'holdy');

How to read input with multiple lines in Java

 public class Sol {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

   Scanner sc = new Scanner(; 




Optional Parameters in Go?

No -- neither. Per the Go for C++ programmers docs,

Go does not support function overloading and does not support user defined operators.

I can't find an equally clear statement that optional parameters are unsupported, but they are not supported either.

Parsing JSON giving "unexpected token o" error

I was seeing this unexpected token o error because my (incomplete) code had run previously (live reload!) and set the particular keyed local storage value to [object Object] instead of {}. It wasn't until I changed keys, that things started working as expected. Alternatively, you can follow these instructions to delete the incorrectly set localStorage value.

sort csv by column

The reader acts like a generator. On a file with some fake data:

>>> import sys, csv
>>> data = csv.reader(open('data.csv'),delimiter=';')
>>> data
<_csv.reader object at 0x1004a11a0>
['a', ' b', ' c']
['x', ' y', ' z']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

Using operator.itemgetter as Ignacio suggests:

>>> data = csv.reader(open('data.csv'),delimiter=';')
>>> import operator
>>> sortedlist = sorted(data, key=operator.itemgetter(2), reverse=True)
>>> sortedlist
[['x', ' y', ' z'], ['a', ' b', ' c']]

push object into array

I'm not really sure, but you can try some like this:

var pack = function( arr ) {
    var length = arr.length,
        result = {},

    for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
        result[ ( i < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + ( i + 1 ) ] = arr[ i ];

    return result;

pack( [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ] ); //{01: "one", 02: "two", 03: "three"}

What is the best way to get the minimum or maximum value from an Array of numbers?

If you want to find both the min and max at the same time, the loop can be modified as follows:

int min = int.maxValue;
int max = int.minValue;

foreach num in someArray {
  if(num < min)
    min = num;
  if(num > max)
    max = num;

This should get achieve O(n) timing.

How to read the last row with SQL Server

select whatever,columns,you,want from mytable
 where mykey=(select max(mykey) from mytable);

Git Checkout warning: unable to unlink files, permission denied

This can also occur when:

  1. You ran a process inside a Docker container, and:

  2. Some files were generated by that process, and:

  3. The destination of the files is mounted as a volume on the Docker host, and:

  4. You are running git on the Docker host.

If this is the case, stage the files you wish to commit and run:

git diff --name-only --cached | xargs ls -l 

Files which meet the above criteria will be prefixed with:

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root ...

They are owned by root and not writable, which is not good. To fix that run:

 git diff --name-only --cached | xargs -i sh -c 'sudo chown $USER:$USER {}; chmod +w {}'

A cleaner solution would probably be to use the --user option, see this for Docker and this for Docker compose.

clear cache of browser by command line

You can run Rundll32.exe for IE Options control panel applet and achieve following tasks.

Deletes ALL History - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 255

Deletes History Only - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 1

Deletes Cookies Only - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 2

Deletes Temporary Internet Files Only - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 8

Deletes Form Data Only - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 16

Deletes Password History Only - RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 32

ggplot2 plot without axes, legends, etc

Does this do what you want?

 p <- ggplot(myData, aes(foo, bar)) + geom_whateverGeomYouWant(more = options) +
 p + scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) + 
 scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
 opts(legend.position = "none")

Access images inside public folder in laravel

Just put your Images in Public Directory (public/...folder or direct images).
Public directory is by default rendered by laravel application.
Let's suppose I stored images in public/images/myimage.jpg.
Then in your HTML view, page like: (image.blade.php)

<img src="{{url('/images/myimage.jpg')}}" alt="Image"/>

Override devise registrations controller

In your form are you passing in any other attributes, via mass assignment that don't belong to your user model, or any of the nested models?

If so, I believe the ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError is triggered in this instance.

Otherwise, I think you can just create your own controller, by generating something like this:

# app/controllers/registrations_controller.rb
class RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
  def new

  def create
    # add custom create logic here

  def update

And then tell devise to use that controller instead of the default with:

# app/config/routes.rb
devise_for :users, :controllers => {:registrations => "registrations"}

jQuery click not working for dynamically created items

I faced this problem a few days ago - the solution for me was to use .bind() to bind the required function to the dynamically created link.

var catLink = $('<a href="#" id="' + i + '" class="lnkCat">' + category.category + '</a>');
catLink.bind("click", function(){

getSubCategories : function(obj) {
 //do something

I hope this helps.

@Cacheable key on multiple method arguments

This will work

@Cacheable(value="bookCache", key="#checkwarehouse.toString().append(#isbn.toString())")

How do I abort/cancel TPL Tasks?

Task are being executed on the ThreadPool (at least, if you are using the default factory), so aborting the thread cannot affect the tasks. For aborting tasks, see Task Cancellation on msdn.

How do I clone a single branch in Git?

This should work

git clone --single-branch <branchname> <remote-repo-url>
git clone --branch <branchname> <remote-repo-url>

How to sort 2 dimensional array by column value?

try this

arr = arr.sort(function(a,b) {
    return a[0] - b[0];

arr = arr.sort(function(a,b) {
    return a[1] - b[1];

Note: Original answer used a greater than (>) instead of minus (-) which is what the comments are referring to as incorrect.

CSS: Truncate table cells, but fit as much as possible

Use some css hack, it seems the display: table-column; can come to rescue:

<div class="myTable">
    <div class="flexibleCell">A very long piece of content in first cell, long enough that it would normally wrap into multiple lines.</div>
    <div class="staticCell">Less content</div>

.myTable {
    display: table;
    width: 100%;

.myTable:before {
    display: table-column;
    width: 100%;
    content: '';

.flexibleCell {
    display: table-cell;
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;

.staticCell {
    white-space: nowrap;


How to place two forms on the same page?

Here are two form with two submit button:

<form method="post" action="page.php">
  <input type="submit" name="btnPostMe1" value="Confirm"/>

<form method="post" action="page.php">
  <input type="submit" name="btnPostMe2" value="Confirm"/>

And here is your PHP code:

if (isset($_POST['btnPostMe1'])) { //your code 1 }
if (isset($_POST['btnPostMe2'])) { //your code 2 }

Animation fade in and out

You can do this also in kotlin like this:

    contentView.apply {
        // Set the content view to 0% opacity but visible, so that it is visible
        // (but fully transparent) during the animation.
        alpha = 0f
        visibility = View.VISIBLE

        // Animate the content view to 100% opacity, and clear any animation
        // listener set on the view.

read more about this in android docs

ImportError: No module named Image

On a system with both Python 2 and 3 installed and with pip2-installed Pillow failing to provide Image, it is possible to install PIL for Python 2 in a way that will solve ImportError: No module named Image:

easy_install-2.7 --user PIL


sudo easy_install-2.7 PIL

How to check if an array value exists?

You could use the PHP in_array function

if( in_array( "bla" ,$yourarray ) )
    echo "has bla";

How to override maven property in command line?

See Introduction to the POM

finalName is created as:


One of the solutions is to add own property:


And now try:

mvn -DfinalName=build clean package

Efficiently updating database using SQLAlchemy ORM

Here's an example of how to solve the same problem without having to map the fields manually:

from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String, Date, DateTime, text, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import InstrumentedAttribute

engine = create_engine('postgres://postgres@localhost:5432/database')
session = sessionmaker()

Base = declarative_base()

class Media(Base):
  __tablename__ = 'media'
  id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
  title = Column(String, nullable=False)
  slug = Column(String, nullable=False)
  type = Column(String, nullable=False)

  def update(self):
    s = session()
    mapped_values = {}
    for item in Media.__dict__.iteritems():
      field_name = item[0]
      field_type = item[1]
      is_column = isinstance(field_type, InstrumentedAttribute)
      if is_column:
        mapped_values[field_name] = getattr(self, field_name)

    s.query(Media).filter( ==

So to update a Media instance, you can do something like this:

media = Media(id=123, title="Titular Line", slug="titular-line", type="movie")

A generic list of anonymous class

I'm very surprised nobody has suggested collection initializers. This way can only add objects when the list is created hence the name however it seems like the nicest way of doing it. No need to create an array then convert it to a list.

var list = new List<dynamic>() 
    new { Id = 1, Name = "Foo" }, 
    new { Id = 2, Name = "Bar" } 

You can always use object instead of dynamic but trying to keep it in a true generic way then dynamic makes more sense.

rails + MySQL on OSX: Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib

While the title of this question describes precisely the problem I encountered, the circumstances are different from those described in the previous answers, and so was the solution.

In my case (El Capitan, mysql installed via homebrew), a brew update && brew upgrade caused the mysql package to be upgraded to 5.7.10 (from 5.6.x).

The upgrade caused libmysqlclient.18.dylib to be replaced with libmysqlclient.20.dylib, but the mysql2 gem was still relying on the former.

To fix the problem I did: gem uninstall mysql2 && gem install mysql2

Please note that similar problems can occur with different homebrew-managed libraries (see my own answer to this, for example)

Java Constructor Inheritance

David's answer is correct. I'd like to add that you might be getting a sign from God that your design is messed up, and that "Son" ought not to be a subclass of "Super", but that, instead, Super has some implementation detail best expressed by having the functionality that Son provides, as a strategy of sorts.

EDIT: Jon Skeet's answer is awesomest.

How to do join on multiple criteria, returning all combinations of both criteria

create table a1
(weddingTable INT(3),
 tableSeat INT(3),
 tableSeatID INT(6),
 Name varchar(10));

insert into a1
 (weddingTable, tableSeat, tableSeatID, Name)
 values (001,001,001001,'Bob'),

create table a2
 (weddingTable int(3),
 tableSeat int(3),
 Meal varchar(10));

insert into a2
(weddingTable, tableSeat, Meal)

select x.*, y.Meal

from a1 as x
JOIN a2 as y ON (x.weddingTable = y.weddingTable) AND (x.tableSeat = y. tableSeat);

How to do a FULL OUTER JOIN in MySQL?

You can just convert a full outer join, e.g.

SELECT fields
FROM firsttable
FULL OUTER JOIN secondtable ON joincondition


SELECT fields
FROM firsttable
LEFT JOIN secondtable ON joincondition
SELECT fields (replacing any fields from firsttable with NULL)
FROM secondtable
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM firsttable WHERE joincondition)

Or if you have at least one column, say foo, in firsttable that is NOT NULL, you can do:

SELECT fields
FROM firsttable
LEFT JOIN secondtable ON joincondition
SELECT fields
FROM firsttable
RIGHT JOIN secondtable ON joincondition

How do I use regex in a SQLite query?

My solution in Python with sqlite3:

import sqlite3
import re

def match(expr, item):
    return re.match(expr, item) is not None

conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
conn.create_function("MATCHES", 2, match)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT MATCHES('^b', 'busy');")
print cursor.fetchone()[0]


If regex matches, the output would be 1, otherwise 0.

Java's L number (long) specification

There are specific suffixes for long (e.g. 39832L), float (e.g. 2.4f) and double (e.g. -7.832d).

If there is no suffix, and it is an integral type (e.g. 5623), it is assumed to be an int. If it is not an integral type (e.g. 3.14159), it is assumed to be a double.

In all other cases (byte, short, char), you need the cast as there is no specific suffix.

The Java spec allows both upper and lower case suffixes, but the upper case version for longs is preferred, as the upper case L is less easy to confuse with a numeral 1 than the lower case l.

See the JLS section 3.10 for the gory details (see the definition of IntegerTypeSuffix).

error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)

You will not have access to your real sd card in emulator. You will have to follow the steps in this tutorial to direct your emulator to a directory on your development environment acting as your SD card.

How to convert XML to JSON in Python?

Soviut's advice for lxml objectify is good. With a specially subclassed simplejson, you can turn an lxml objectify result into json.

import simplejson as json
import lxml

class objectJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
  """A specialized JSON encoder that can handle simple lxml objectify types
      >>> from lxml import objectify
      >>> obj = objectify.fromstring("<Book><price>1.50</price><author>W. Shakespeare</author></Book>")       
      >>> objectJSONEncoder().encode(obj)
      '{"price": 1.5, "author": "W. Shakespeare"}'       

    def default(self,o):
        if isinstance(o, lxml.objectify.IntElement):
            return int(o)
        if isinstance(o, lxml.objectify.NumberElement) or isinstance(o, lxml.objectify.FloatElement):
            return float(o)
        if isinstance(o, lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedDataElement):
            return str(o)
        if hasattr(o, '__dict__'):
            #For objects with a __dict__, return the encoding of the __dict__
            return o.__dict__
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)

See the docstring for example of usage, essentially you pass the result of lxml objectify to the encode method of an instance of objectJSONEncoder

Note that Koen's point is very valid here, the solution above only works for simply nested xml and doesn't include the name of root elements. This could be fixed.

I've included this class in a gist here:

Capturing standard out and error with Start-Process

In the code given in the question, I think that reading the ExitCode property of the initiation variable should work.

$process = Start-Process -FilePath ping -ArgumentList localhost -NoNewWindow -PassThru -Wait

Note that (as in your example) you need to add the -PassThru and -Wait parameters (this caught me out for a while).

SQL variable to hold list of integers

You can't do it like this, but you can execute the entire query storing it in a variable.

For example:


    'Select *
     From TabA
     Where TabA.ID in (' + @listOfIDs + ')'

Exec (@query)

Save and load MemoryStream to/from a file

I use a Panel Control to add a image or even stream video, but you can save the image on SQL Server as Image or MySQL as largeblob. This code works for me a lot. Check it out.

Here you save the image

MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(panel1.Width, panel1.Height);
panel1.DrawToBitmap(bmp, panel1.Bounds);
bmp.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); // here you can change the Image format
byte[] Pic_arr = new byte[ms.Length];
ms.Position = 0;
ms.Read(Pic_arr, 0, Pic_arr.Length);

And here you can load, but I used a PictureBox Control.

MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(picarr);
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
fotos.pictureBox1.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms);

Hope helps.

How to convert CSV file to multiline JSON?

import csv
import json
csvfile = csv.DictReader('filename.csv', 'r'))
output =[]
for each in csvfile:
    row ={}
    row['FirstName'] = each['FirstName']
    row['LastName']  = each['LastName']
    row['IDNumber']  = each ['IDNumber']
    row['Message']   = each['Message']

Cannot use object of type stdClass as array?

Here is the function signature:

mixed json_decode ( string $json [, bool $assoc = false [, int $depth = 512 [, int $options = 0 ]]] )

When param is false, which is default, it will return an appropriate php type. You fetch the value of that type using object.method paradigm.

When param is true, it will return associative arrays.

It will return NULL on error.

If you want to fetch value through array, set assoc to true.

Executing Shell Scripts from the OS X Dock?

You could create a Automator workflow with a single step - "Run Shell Script"

Then File > Save As, and change the File Format to "Application". When you open the application, it will run the Shell Script step, executing the command, exiting after it completes.

The benefit to this is it's really simple to do, and you can very easily get user input (say, selecting a bunch of files), then pass it to the input of the shell script (either to stdin, or as arguments).

(Automator is in your /Applications folder!)

Example workflow

CSS rule to apply only if element has BOTH classes {
    /* rules go here */

... or simply: {
    /* rules go here */

How can I calculate the number of years between two dates?

I use the following for age calculation.

I named it gregorianAge() because this calculation gives exactly how we denote age using Gregorian calendar. i.e. Not counting the end year if month and day is before the month and day of the birth year.

 * Calculates human age in years given a birth day. Optionally ageAtDate_x000D_
 * can be provided to calculate age at a specific date_x000D_
 * @param string|Date Object birthDate_x000D_
 * @param string|Date Object ageAtDate optional_x000D_
 * @returns integer Age between birthday and a given date or today_x000D_
gregorianAge = function(birthDate, ageAtDate) {_x000D_
  // convert birthDate to date object if already not_x000D_
  if ( !== '[object Date]')_x000D_
    birthDate = new Date(birthDate);_x000D_
  // use today's date if ageAtDate is not provided_x000D_
  if (typeof ageAtDate == "undefined")_x000D_
    ageAtDate = new Date();_x000D_
  // convert ageAtDate to date object if already not_x000D_
  else if ( !== '[object Date]')_x000D_
    ageAtDate = new Date(ageAtDate);_x000D_
  // if conversion to date object fails return null_x000D_
  if (ageAtDate == null || birthDate == null)_x000D_
    return null;_x000D_
  var _m = ageAtDate.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();_x000D_
  // answer: ageAt year minus birth year less one (1) if month and day of_x000D_
  // ageAt year is before month and day of birth year_x000D_
  return (ageAtDate.getFullYear()) - birthDate.getFullYear()_x000D_
    - ((_m < 0 || (_m === 0 && ageAtDate.getDate() < birthDate.getDate()))?1:0)_x000D_
<input type="text" id="birthDate" value="12 February 1982">_x000D_
<div style="font-size: small; color: grey">Enter a date in an acceptable format e.g. 10 Dec 2001</div><br>_x000D_
<button onClick='js:alert(gregorianAge(document.getElementById("birthDate").value))'>What's my age?</button>

Javascript : Send JSON Object with Ajax?

I struggled for a couple of days to find anything that would work for me as was passing multiple arrays of ids and returning a blob. Turns out if using .NET CORE I'm using 2.1, you need to use [FromBody] and as can only use once you need to create a viewmodel to hold the data.

Wrap up content like below,

var params = {
            "IDs": IDs,
            "ID2s": IDs2,
            "id": 1

In my case I had already json'd the arrays and passed the result to the function

var IDs = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Model.Select(s => s.ID).ToArray());

Then call the XMLHttpRequest POST and stringify the object

var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", '@Url.Action("MyAction", "MyController")', true);
ajax.responseType = "blob";
ajax.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8");           
ajax.onreadystatechange = function () {
    if (this.readyState == 4) {
       var blob = new Blob([this.response], { type: "application/octet-stream" });
       saveAs(blob, "");


Then have a model like this

public class MyModel
    public int[] IDs { get; set; }
    public int[] ID2s { get; set; }
    public int id { get; set; }

Then pass in Action like

public async Task<IActionResult> MyAction([FromBody] MyModel model)

Use this add-on if your returning a file

<script src=""></script>

HTML img onclick Javascript

use this simple cod:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
body {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}

#myImg {
  border-radius: 5px;
  cursor: pointer;
  transition: 0.3s;

#myImg:hover {opacity: 0.7;}

/* The Modal (background) */
.modal {
  display: none; /* Hidden by default */
  position: fixed; /* Stay in place */
  z-index: 1; /* Sit on top */
  padding-top: 100px; /* Location of the box */
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  width: 100%; /* Full width */
  height: 100%; /* Full height */
  overflow: auto; /* Enable scroll if needed */
  background-color: rgb(0,0,0); /* Fallback color */
  background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.9); /* Black w/ opacity */

/* Modal Content (image) */
.modal-content {
  margin: auto;
  display: block;
  width: 80%;
  max-width: 700px;

/* Caption of Modal Image */
#caption {
  margin: auto;
  display: block;
  width: 80%;
  max-width: 700px;
  text-align: center;
  color: #ccc;
  padding: 10px 0;
  height: 150px;

/* Add Animation */
.modal-content, #caption {  
  -webkit-animation-name: zoom;
  -webkit-animation-duration: 0.6s;
  animation-name: zoom;
  animation-duration: 0.6s;

@-webkit-keyframes zoom {
  from {-webkit-transform:scale(0)} 
  to {-webkit-transform:scale(1)}

@keyframes zoom {
  from {transform:scale(0)} 
  to {transform:scale(1)}

/* The Close Button */
.close {
  position: absolute;
  top: 15px;
  right: 35px;
  color: #f1f1f1;
  font-size: 40px;
  font-weight: bold;
  transition: 0.3s;

.close:focus {
  color: #bbb;
  text-decoration: none;
  cursor: pointer;

/* 100% Image Width on Smaller Screens */
@media only screen and (max-width: 700px){
  .modal-content {
    width: 100%;

<h2>Image Modal</h2>
<p>In this example, we use CSS to create a modal (dialog box) that is hidden by default.</p>
<p>We use JavaScript to trigger the modal and to display the current image inside the modal when it is clicked on. Also note that we use the value from the image's "alt" attribute as an image caption text inside the modal.</p>

<img id="myImg" src="img_snow.jpg" alt="Snow" style="width:100%;max-width:300px">

<!-- The Modal -->
<div id="myModal" class="modal">
  <span class="close">&times;</span>
  <img class="modal-content" id="img01">
  <div id="caption"></div>

// Get the modal
var modal = document.getElementById("myModal");

// Get the image and insert it inside the modal - use its "alt" text as a caption
var img = document.getElementById("myImg");
var modalImg = document.getElementById("img01");
var captionText = document.getElementById("caption");
img.onclick = function(){ = "block";
  modalImg.src = this.src;
  captionText.innerHTML = this.alt;

// Get the <span> element that closes the modal
var span = document.getElementsByClassName("modal")[0];

// When the user clicks on <span> (x), close the modal
span.onclick = function() { = "none";


this code open and close your photo.

Best way to deploy Visual Studio application that can run without installing

First you need to publish the file by:

  1. BUILD -> PUBLISH or by right clicking project on Solution Explorer -> properties -> publish or select project in Solution Explorer and press Alt + Enter NOTE: if you are using Visual Studio 2013 then in properties you have to go to BUILD and then you have to disable define DEBUG constant and define TRACE constant and you are ready to go. Representation

  2. Save your file to a particular folder. Find the produced files (the EXE file and the .config, .manifest, and .application files, along with any DLL files, etc.) - they are all in the same folder and typically in the bin\Debug folder below the project file (.csproj). In Visual Studio they are in the Application Files folder and inside that you just need the .exe and dll files. (You have to delete ClickOnce and other files and then make this folder a zip file and distribute it.)

NOTE: The ClickOnce application does install the project to system, but it has one advantage. You DO NOT require administrative privileges here to run (if your application follows the normal guidelines for which folders to use for application data, etc.).

MySQL Select all columns from one table and some from another table

select a.* , b.Aa , b.Ab, b.Ac from table1 a left join table2 b on

this should select all columns from table 1 and only the listed columns from table 2 joined by id.

The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion launcher jar windows

open eclipse.ini and replace with this ~


this work for me, good luck ~

Creating an array of objects in Java

The genaral form to declare a new array in java is as follows:

type arrayName[] = new type[numberOfElements];

Where type is a primitive type or Object. numberOfElements is the number of elements you will store into the array and this value can’t change because Java does not support dynamic arrays (if you need a flexible and dynamic structure for holding objects you may want to use some of the Java collections).

Lets initialize an array to store the salaries of all employees in a small company of 5 people:

int salaries[] = new int[5];

The type of the array (in this case int) applies to all values in the array. You can not mix types in one array.

Now that we have our salaries array initialized we want to put some values into it. We can do this either during the initialization like this:

int salaries[] = {50000, 75340, 110500, 98270, 39400};

Or to do it at a later point like this:

salaries[0] = 50000;
salaries[1] = 75340;
salaries[2] = 110500;
salaries[3] = 98270;
salaries[4] = 39400;

More visual example of array creation: enter image description here

To learn more about Arrays, check out the guide.

Warning: Failed propType: Invalid prop `component` supplied to `Route`

In some cases, such as routing with a component that's wrapped with redux-form, replacing the Route component argument on this JSX element:

<Route path="speaker" component={Speaker}/>

With the Route render argument like the following, will fix issue:

<Route path="speaker" render={props => <Speaker {...props} />} />

Unexpected token ILLEGAL in webkit

Double backslash also works ! Then you declare there really should be a / instead of some function or something.

<script>document.write('<script src="…"><//script>');</script>

The smallest difference between 2 Angles

I rise to the challenge of providing the signed answer:

def f(x,y):
  import math
  return min(y-x, y-x+2*math.pi, y-x-2*math.pi, key=abs)

Converting of Uri to String


Uri uri=Uri.parse("YourString");


Uri uri;
String andro=uri.toString();

happy coding :)

Display A Popup Only Once Per User

This example uses jquery-cookie

Check if the cookie exists and has not expired - if either of those fails, then show the popup and set the cookie (Semi pseudo code):

if($.cookie('popup') != 'seen'){
    $.cookie('popup', 'seen', { expires: 365, path: '/' }); // Set it to last a year, for example.
    $j('#popup-close').click(function(e) // You are clicking the close button
        $j('#popup').fadeOut(); // Now the pop up is hiden.

Crop image to specified size and picture location

You would need to do something like this. I am typing this off the top of my head, so this may not be 100% correct.

CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, 640, 360, 8, 4 * width, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst); CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace);  CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0,-160,640,360), cgImgFromAVCaptureSession);  CGImageRef image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context); UIImage* myCroppedImg = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:image]; CGContextRelease(context);       

Find CRLF in Notepad++

I was totally unable to do this in NP v6.9. I found it easy enough on Msoft Word (2K).

Open the doc, go to edit->replace.

Then in the bottom of the search box, click "more" then find the "Special" button and they have several things for you. For Dos style, I used the "paragraph" one. This is a cr lf pair in windows land.

mappedBy reference an unknown target entity property

I know the answer by @Pascal Thivent has solved the issue. I would like to add a bit more to his answer to others who might be surfing this thread.

If you are like me in the initial days of learning and wrapping your head around the concept of using the @OneToMany annotation with the 'mappedBy' property, it also means that the other side holding the @ManyToOne annotation with the @JoinColumn is the 'owner' of this bi-directional relationship.

Also, mappedBy takes in the instance name (mCustomer in this example) of the Class variable as an input and not the Class-Type (ex:Customer) or the entity name(Ex:customer).

BONUS : Also, look into the orphanRemoval property of @OneToMany annotation. If it is set to true, then if a parent is deleted in a bi-directional relationship, Hibernate automatically deletes it's children.

Find all table names with column name?

Try Like This: For SQL SERVER 2008+

SELECT AS ColName, AS TableName
FROM sys.columns c
    JOIN sys.tables t ON c.object_id = t.object_id
WHERE LIKE '%MyColumnaName%'



Or Something Like This:

SELECT name  
FROM sys.tables 
              FROM syscolumns 
              WHERE name like '%COlName%' )

How to use jQuery Plugin with Angular 4?

You are not required to declare any jQuery variable as you installed @types/jquery.

declare var jquery:any;   // not required
declare var $ :any;   // not required

You should have access to jQuery everywhere.

The following should work:


opening html from google drive

Not available any more,

Host web pages with Google Drive

Note: This feature will not be available after August 31, 2016.

I highly recommend and

Add content to a new open window

in parent.html:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var output = "data";
        var OpenWindow ="child.html", "mywin", '');
        OpenWindow.dataFromParent = output; // dataFromParent is a variable in child.html

in child.html:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var dataFromParent;    
    function init() {

Semi-transparent color layer over background-image?

You can also use a linear gradient and an image:

  background: linear-gradient(rgba(0,0,0,.5), rgba(0,0,0,.5)),

This is because the linear gradient function creates an Image which is added to the background stack.

How to save username and password in Git?

Attention: This method saves the credentials in plaintext on your PC's disk. Everyone on your computer can access it, e.g. malicious NPM modules.


git config --global credential.helper store


git pull

provide a username and password and those details will then be remembered later. The credentials are stored in a file on the disk, with the disk permissions of "just user readable/writable" but still in plaintext.

If you want to change the password later

git pull

Will fail, because the password is incorrect, git then removes the offending user+password from the ~/.git-credentials file, so now re-run

git pull

to provide a new password so it works as earlier.

Run bash script from Windows PowerShell

It also can be run by exporting the bash and sh of the gitbash C:\Program Files\git\bin\ in the Advance section of the environment variable of the Windows Server.

In Advance section in the path var kindly add the C:\Program Files\git\bin\ which will make the bash and the sh of the git-bash to be executable from the window cmd.


Run the shell file as

bash or sh

Regular Expression for matching parentheses

  • You can escape any meta-character by using a backslash, so you can match ( with the pattern \(.
  • Many languages come with a build-in escaping function, for example, .Net's Regex.Escape or Java's Pattern.quote
  • Some flavors support \Q and \E, with literal text between them.
  • Some flavors (VIM, for example) match ( literally, and require \( for capturing groups.

See also: Regular Expression Basic Syntax Reference

How can I get a file's size in C++?

How to use lseek/fseek/stat/fstat to get filesize ?

#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

fseek_filesize(const char *filename)
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    long off;

    fp = fopen(filename, "r");
    if (fp == NULL)
        printf("failed to fopen %s\n", filename);

    if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END) == -1)
        printf("failed to fseek %s\n", filename);

    off = ftell(fp);
    if (off == (long)-1)
        printf("failed to ftell %s\n", filename);

    printf("[*] fseek_filesize - file: %s, size: %ld\n", filename, off);

    if (fclose(fp) != 0)
        printf("failed to fclose %s\n", filename);

fstat_filesize(const char *filename)
    int fd;
    struct stat statbuf;

    fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP);
    if (fd == -1)
        printf("failed to open %s\n", filename);

    if (fstat(fd, &statbuf) == -1)
        printf("failed to fstat %s\n", filename);

    printf("[*] fstat_filesize - file: %s, size: %lld\n", filename, statbuf.st_size);

    if (close(fd) == -1)
        printf("failed to fclose %s\n", filename);

stat_filesize(const char *filename)
    struct stat statbuf;

    if (stat(filename, &statbuf) == -1)
        printf("failed to stat %s\n", filename);

    printf("[*] stat_filesize - file: %s, size: %lld\n", filename, statbuf.st_size);


seek_filesize(const char *filename)
    int fd;
    off_t off;

    if (filename == NULL)
        printf("invalid filename\n");

    fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP);
    if (fd == -1)
        printf("failed to open %s\n", filename);

    off = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
    if (off == (off_t)-1)
        printf("failed to lseek %s\n", filename);

    printf("[*] seek_filesize - file: %s, size: %lld\n", filename, off);

    if (close(fd) == -1)
        printf("failed to close %s\n", filename);

main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    int i;

    if (argc < 2)
        printf("%s <file1> <file2>...\n", argv[0]);

    for(i = 1; i < argc; i++)

    return 0;

What is setBounds and how do I use it?

There is an answer by @hexafraction , He had specified the x and y to be top right corner which is wrong, those are top left corner .

I have also provided the source please check it.

public void setBounds(int x,
             int y,
             int width,
             int height)

Moves and resizes this component. The new location of the top-left corner is specified by x and y, and the new size is specified by width and height. This method changes layout-related information, and therefore, invalidates the component hierarchy.


x - the new x-coordinate of this component

y - the new y-coordinate of this component

width - the new width of this component

height - the new height of this component

source:- setBounds

How to declare and display a variable in Oracle

If you are using pl/sql then the following code should work :

set server output on -- to retrieve and display a buffer


    v_text VARCHAR2(10); -- declare

    v_text := 'Hello';  --assign
    dbms_output.Put_line(v_text); --display


-- this must be use to execute pl/sql script

Instagram API - How can I retrieve the list of people a user is following on Instagram

You can use the following Instagram API Endpoint to get a list of people a user is following.{user-id}/follows?access_token=ACCESS-TOKEN

Here's the complete documentation for that endpoint. GET /users/user-id/follows

And here's a sample response from executing that endpoint. enter image description here

Since this endpoint required a user-id (and not user-name), depending on how you've written your API client, you might have to make a call to the /users/search endpoint with a username, and then get the user-id from the response and pass it on to the above /users/user-id/follows endpoint to get the list of followers.

IANAL, but considering it's documented in their API, and looking at the terms of use, I don't see how this wouldn't be legal to do.

vbscript output to console

Create a .vbs with the following code, which will open your main .vbs:

Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("") 
objShell.Run "cscript.exe ""C:\QuickTestb.vbs"""

Here is my main .vbs

Option Explicit
Dim i
for i = 1 To 5
     Wscript.Echo i
     Wscript.Sleep 5000

How do I get the current Date/time in DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM format?

The formatting can be done like this (I assumed you meant HH:MM instead of HH:SS, but it's easy to change):"%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
#=> "14/09/2011 14:09"

Updated for the shifting:

d =
d.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
#=> "11/06/2017 18:11"
d.next_month.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
#=> "11/07/2017 18:11"

You need to require 'date' for this btw.

Convert dictionary values into array

// dict is Dictionary<string, Foo>

Foo[] foos = new Foo[dict.Count];
dict.Values.CopyTo(foos, 0);

// or in C# 3.0:
var foos = dict.Values.ToArray();

How to test if list element exists?

One solution that hasn't come up yet is using length, which successfully handles NULL. As far as I can tell, all values except NULL have a length greater than 0.

x <- list(4, -1, NULL, NA, Inf, -Inf, NaN, T, x = 0, y = "", z = c(1,2,3))
lapply(x, function(el) print(length(el)))
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 0
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 1
[1] 3

Thus we could make a simple function that works with both named and numbered indices:

element.exists <- function(var, element)
    if(length(var[[element]]) > -1)
  }, error = function(e) {

If the element doesn't exist, it causes an out-of-bounds condition caught by the tryCatch block.

How to get the first element of an array?

If your array is not guaranteed to be populated from index zero, you can use Array.prototype.find():

var elements = []
elements[1] = 'foo'
elements[2] = 'bar'

var first = function(element) { return !!element }    
var gotcha = elements.find(first)

console.log(a[0]) // undefined
console.log(gotcha) // 'foo'

Error QApplication: no such file or directory

For QT 5

Step1: .pro (in pro file, add these 2 lines)

QT       += core gui
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets

Step2: In main.cpp replace code:

#include <QtGui/QApplication> 


#include <QApplication>

How can I check for Python version in a program that uses new language features?

I think the best way is to test for functionality rather than versions. In some cases, this is trivial, not so in others.


try :
    # Do stuff
except : # Features weren't found.
    # Do stuff for older versions.

As long as you're specific in enough in using the try/except blocks, you can cover most of your bases.

Undefined reference to `pow' and `floor'

All answers above are incomplete, the problem here lies in linker ld rather than compiler collect2: ld returned 1 exit status. When you are compiling your fib.c to object:

$ gcc -c fib.c
$ nm fib.o
0000000000000028 T fibo
                 U floor
                 U _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
0000000000000000 T main
                 U pow
                 U printf

Where nm lists symbols from object file. You can see that this was compiled without an error, but pow, floor, and printf functions have undefined references, now if I will try to link this to executable:

$ gcc fib.o
fib.o: In function `fibo':
fib.c:(.text+0x57): undefined reference to `pow'
fib.c:(.text+0x84): undefined reference to `floor'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Im getting similar output you get. To solve that, I need to tell linker where to look for references to pow, and floor, for this purpose I will use linker -l flag with m which comes from library.

$ gcc fib.o -lm
$ nm a.out
0000000000201010 B __bss_start
0000000000201010 b completed.7697
                 w __cxa_finalize@@GLIBC_2.2.5
0000000000201000 D __data_start
0000000000201000 W data_start
0000000000000620 t deregister_tm_clones
00000000000006b0 t __do_global_dtors_aux
0000000000200da0 t 
0000000000201008 D __dso_handle
0000000000200da8 d _DYNAMIC
0000000000201010 D _edata
0000000000201018 B _end
0000000000000722 T fibo
0000000000000804 T _fini
                 U floor@@GLIBC_2.2.5
00000000000006f0 t frame_dummy
0000000000200d98 t __frame_dummy_init_array_entry
00000000000009a4 r __FRAME_END__
0000000000200fa8 d _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
                 w __gmon_start__
000000000000083c r __GNU_EH_FRAME_HDR
0000000000000588 T _init
0000000000200da0 t __init_array_end
0000000000200d98 t __init_array_start
0000000000000810 R _IO_stdin_used
                 w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
                 w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
0000000000000800 T __libc_csu_fini
0000000000000790 T __libc_csu_init
                 U __libc_start_main@@GLIBC_2.2.5
00000000000006fa T main
                 U pow@@GLIBC_2.2.5
                 U printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5
0000000000000660 t register_tm_clones
00000000000005f0 T _start
0000000000201010 D __TMC_END__

You can now see, functions pow, floor are linked to GLIBC_2.2.5.

Parameters order is important too, unless your system is configured to use shared librares by default, my system is not, so when I issue:

$ gcc -lm fib.o
fib.o: In function `fibo':
fib.c:(.text+0x57): undefined reference to `pow'
fib.c:(.text+0x84): undefined reference to `floor'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Note -lm flag before object file. So in conclusion, add -lm flag after all other flags, and parameters, to be sure.

What is the difference between application server and web server?

On a first hand, a web server serves web content (HTML and static content) over the HTTP protocol. On the other hand, an application server is a container upon which you can build and expose business logic and processes to client applications through various protocols including HTTP in a n-tier architecture.

An application server thus offers much more services than an web server which typically include:

  • A (proprietary or not) API
  • Object life cycle management,
  • State management (session),
  • Resource management (e.g. connection pools to database),
  • Load balancing, fail over...

AFAIK, ATG Dynamo was one of the very first application server in late 90's (according to the definition above). In early 2000, it was the reign of some proprietary application servers like ColdFusion (CFML AS), BroadVision (Server-side JavaScript AS), etc. But none really survived the Java application server era.

(Mac) -bash: __git_ps1: command not found

Solution for MacOS Sierra and git version 2.10.1 <2017-2-06>

Step 1: Install the Git

You can skip this step if you already installed the latest git.

Download git package from browser

Note: if you install with curl [option] https://... option to download, you would have to make sure your system support SSL. So for new comer, to download from browser and install directly from git installer is much easier.

Installation Verification:
  • Show where is your git directory at: which git
  • Show which version your git currently is: git --version current version should be 2.10.1.

Step 2: Add your git profile to your shell

  1. Open your shell profile:
    • nano ~/.bash_profile or nano ~/.bashrc Depends on where your modification is.
  2. Add the following code to the file:
    • source /usr/local/git/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
    • source /usr/local/git/contrib/completion/

Note: git installation location changed from opt/ directory to usr/local/ after OSX upgrade to El Capitain, and this is why some of the old answer above doesn't work anymore in MacOS Sierra.

  1. Add the following code to your PS1 configuration:

    • Option 1: add directly to your PS1: export PS1='\w$(__git_ps1 "(%s)") > '

      I prefer this simple approach since I already know the .git-completion.bash is there in my home directory, and I can add other prompt format in the front of it. here is my personal prompt for your reference: export PS1='\t H#\! \u:\w$(__git_ps1 "{%s}") -->> '
    • Option 2: Add a selection script

    if [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]; then
          export PS1='\w$(__git_ps1 "(%s)") > '
  2. Save and use the profile: source ~/.bash_profile or source ~/.bashrc

Now you should see the git prompt working properly and shows which branch you are in right now.

SQL to generate a list of numbers from 1 to 100

Do it the hard way. Use the awesome MODEL clause:

      MEASURES (0 V)
      RULES ITERATE (100) (


How to print variables without spaces between values

Don't use print ..., if you don't want spaces. Use string concatenation or formatting.


print 'Value is "' + str(value) + '"'


print 'Value is "{}"'.format(value)

The latter is far more flexible, see the str.format() method documentation and the Formatting String Syntax section.

You'll also come across the older % formatting style:

print 'Value is "%d"' % value
print 'Value is "%d", but math.pi is %.2f' % (value, math.pi)

but this isn't as flexible as the newer str.format() method.

Translating touch events from Javascript to jQuery

$(window).on("touchstart", function(ev) {
    var e = ev.originalEvent;

I know it been asked a long time ago, but I thought a concrete example might help.

How to select all elements with a particular ID in jQuery?

Though there are other correct answers here (such as using classes), from an academic point of view it is of course possible to have multiple divs with the same ID, and it is possible to select them with jQuery.

When you use


it selects only the first element with the given ID.

However, when you select by attribute (e.g. id in your case), it returns all matching elements, like so:


This of course works for selection on any attribute, and you could further refine your selection by specifying the tag in question (e.g. div in your case)


Format Date/Time in XAML in Silverlight

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Date, StringFormat='{}{0:MM/dd/yyyy a\\t h:mm tt}'}" />

will return you

04/07/2011 at 1:28 PM (-04)

How to output MySQL query results in CSV format?

This saved me a couple of times. Fast and it works!

--batch Print results using tab as the column separator, with each row on a new line.

--raw disables character escaping (\n, \t, \0, and \)


mysql -udemo_user -p -h127.0.0.1 --port=3306 \
   --default-character-set=utf8mb4 --database=demo_database \
   --batch --raw < /tmp/demo_sql_query.sql > /tmp/demo_csv_export.tsv

For completeness you could convert to csv (but be careful because tabs could be inside field values - e.g. text fields)

tr '\t' ',' < file.tsv > file.csv

CMake: How to build external projects and include their targets

cmake's ExternalProject_Add indeed can used, but what I did not like about it - is that it performs something during build, continuous poll, etc... I would prefer to build project during build phase, nothing else. I have tried to override ExternalProject_Add in several attempts, unfortunately without success.

Then I have tried also to add git submodule, but that drags whole git repository, while in certain cases I need only subset of whole git repository. What I have checked - it's indeed possible to perform sparse git checkout, but that require separate function, which I wrote below.

# Performs sparse (partial) git checkout
#   into ${checkoutDir} from ${url} of ${branch}
# List of folders and files to pull can be specified after that.
function (SparseGitCheckout checkoutDir url branch)
    if(EXISTS ${checkoutDir})

    message("sparse git checkout to ${checkoutDir}...")

    file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${checkoutDir})

    set(cmds "git init")
    set(cmds ${cmds} "git remote add -f origin --no-tags -t master ${url}")
    set(cmds ${cmds} "git config core.sparseCheckout true")

    # This command is executed via file WRITE
    # echo <file or folder> >> .git/info/sparse-checkout")

    set(cmds ${cmds} "git pull --depth=1 origin ${branch}")

    # message("In directory: ${checkoutDir}")

    foreach( cmd ${cmds})
        message("- ${cmd}")
        string(REPLACE " " ";" cmdList ${cmd})

        #message("Outfile: ${outFile}")
        #message("Final command: ${cmdList}")

        if(pull IN_LIST cmdList)
            string (REPLACE ";" "\n" FILES "${ARGN}")
            file(WRITE ${checkoutDir}/.git/info/sparse-checkout ${FILES} )

            COMMAND ${cmdList}
            WORKING_DIRECTORY ${checkoutDir}
            RESULT_VARIABLE ret

        if(NOT ret EQUAL "0")
            message("error: previous command failed, see explanation above")
            file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${checkoutDir})


SparseGitCheckout(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/catch_197 v1.9.7 single_include)
SparseGitCheckout(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/catch_master master single_include)

I have added two function calls below just to illustrate how to use the function.

Someone might not like to checkout master / trunk, as that one might be broken - then it's always possible to specify specific tag.

Checkout will be performed only once, until you clear the cache folder.

How to overwrite existing files in batch?

Add /y to the command line of xcopy:


xcopy /y c:\mmyinbox\test.doc C:\myoutbox

How can I fix the 'Missing Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Response Header' webfont issue?

If you are just interested in the use of Access-Control-Allow-Origin:*

You can do that with this .htaccess file at the site root.

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

Some useful information here:

How do I rename both a Git local and remote branch name?

If you have already pushed the wrong name to remote, do the following:

  1. Switch to the local branch you want to rename

    git checkout <old_name>

  2. Rename the local branch

    git branch -m <new_name>

  3. Push the <new_name> local branch and reset the upstream branch

    git push origin -u <new_name>

  4. Delete the <old_name> remote branch

    git push origin --delete <old_name>

This was based on this article.

powershell is missing the terminator: "

In your script, why are you using single quotes around the variables? These will not be expanded. Use double quotes for variable expansion or just the variable names themselves.

unzipRelease –Src '$ReleaseFile' -Dst '$Destination'


unzipRelease –Src "$ReleaseFile" -Dst "$Destination"

How to change the default GCC compiler in Ubuntu?

This is the great description and step-by-step instruction how to create and manage master and slave (gcc and g++) alternatives.

Shortly it's:

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.6 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.6
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.7 40 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.7
sudo update-alternatives --config gcc

How to validate inputs dynamically created using ng-repeat, ng-show (angular)

Since the question was asked the Angular team has solved this issue by making it possible to dynamically create input names.

With Angular version 1.3 and later you can now do this:

<form name="vm.myForm" novalidate>
  <div ng-repeat="p in vm.persons">
    <input type="text" name="person_{{$index}}" ng-model="p" required>
    <span ng-show="vm.myForm['person_' + $index].$invalid">Enter a name</span>


Angular 1.3 also introduced ngMessages, a more powerful tool for form validation. You can use the same technique with ngMessages:

<form name="vm.myFormNgMsg" novalidate>
    <div ng-repeat="p in vm.persons">
      <input type="text" name="person_{{$index}}" ng-model="p" required>
      <span ng-messages="vm.myFormNgMsg['person_' + $index].$error">
        <span ng-message="required">Enter a name</span>

Should I use "camel case" or underscores in python?

for everything related to Python's style guide: i'd recommend you read PEP8.

To answer your question:

Function names should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores as necessary to improve readability.

How to convert data.frame column from Factor to numeric

As an alternative to $dollarsign notation, use a within block:

breast <- within(breast, {
  class <- as.numeric(as.character(class))

Note that you want to convert your vector to a character before converting it to a numeric. Simply calling as.numeric(class) will not the ids corresponding to each factor level (1, 2) rather than the levels themselves.

How do you find out the caller function in JavaScript?

If you really need the functionality for some reason and want it to be cross-browser compatible and not worry for strict stuff and be forward compatible then pass a this reference:

function main()

function Hello(caller)
    // caller will be the object that called Hello. boom like that... 
    // you can add an undefined check code if the function Hello 
    // will be called without parameters from somewhere else

How to find all the tables in MySQL with specific column names in them?

For those searching for the inverse of this, i.e. looking for tables that do not contain a certain column name, here is the query...

SELECT DISTINCT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.columns WHERE 
TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.columns WHERE column_name = 
'column_name' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = 'your_db_name');

This came in really handy when we began to slowly implement use of InnoDB's special ai_col column and needed to figure out which of our 200 tables had yet to be upgraded.

PostgreSQL: How to make "case-insensitive" query

You could also use POSIX regular expressions, like

SELECT id FROM groups where name ~* 'administrator'

SELECT 'asd' ~* 'AsD' returns t

How to kill a child process after a given timeout in Bash?

One way is to run the program in a subshell, and communicate with the subshell through a named pipe with the read command. This way you can check the exit status of the process being run and communicate this back through the pipe.

Here's an example of timing out the yes command after 3 seconds. It gets the PID of the process using pgrep (possibly only works on Linux). There is also some problem with using a pipe in that a process opening a pipe for read will hang until it is also opened for write, and vice versa. So to prevent the read command hanging, I've "wedged" open the pipe for read with a background subshell. (Another way to prevent a freeze to open the pipe read-write, i.e. read -t 5 <>finished.pipe - however, that also may not work except with Linux.)

rm -f finished.pipe
mkfifo finished.pipe

{ yes >/dev/null; echo finished >finished.pipe ; } &

# Get command PID
while : ; do
    PID=$( pgrep -P $SUBSHELL yes )
    test "$PID" = "" || break
    sleep 1

# Open pipe for writing
{ exec 4>finished.pipe ; while : ; do sleep 1000; done } &  

read -t 3 FINISHED <finished.pipe

if [ "$FINISHED" = finished ] ; then
  echo 'Subprocess finished'
  echo 'Subprocess timed out'
  kill $PID

rm finished.pipe

Can an Android App connect directly to an online mysql database

What you want to do is a bad idea. It would require you to embed your username and password in the app. This is a very bad idea as it might be possible to reverse engineer your APK and get the username and password to this publicly facing mysql server which may contain sensitive user data.

I would suggest making a web service to act as a proxy to the mysql server. I assume users need to be logged in, so you could use their username/password to authenticate to the web service.

Concatenating Files And Insert New Line In Between Files

If you have few enough files that you can list each one, then you can use process substitution in Bash, inserting a newline between each pair of files:

cat File1.txt <(echo) File2.txt <(echo) File3.txt > finalfile.txt

Modifying list while iterating

Never alter the container you're looping on, because iterators on that container are not going to be informed of your alterations and, as you've noticed, that's quite likely to produce a very different loop and/or an incorrect one. In normal cases, looping on a copy of the container helps, but in your case it's clear that you don't want that, as the container will be empty after 50 legs of the loop and if you then try popping again you'll get an exception.

What's anything BUT clear is, what behavior are you trying to achieve, if any?! Maybe you can express your desires with a while...?

i = 0
while i < len(some_list):
    print i,                         
    print some_list.pop(0),                  
    print some_list.pop(0)

What does a just-in-time (JIT) compiler do?

A JIT compiler runs after the program has started and compiles the code (usually bytecode or some kind of VM instructions) on the fly (or just-in-time, as it's called) into a form that's usually faster, typically the host CPU's native instruction set. A JIT has access to dynamic runtime information whereas a standard compiler doesn't and can make better optimizations like inlining functions that are used frequently.

This is in contrast to a traditional compiler that compiles all the code to machine language before the program is first run.

To paraphrase, conventional compilers build the whole program as an EXE file BEFORE the first time you run it. For newer style programs, an assembly is generated with pseudocode (p-code). Only AFTER you execute the program on the OS (e.g., by double-clicking on its icon) will the (JIT) compiler kick in and generate machine code (m-code) that the Intel-based processor or whatever will understand.

Checking if a key exists in a JS object

the simplest way is

const obj = {_x000D_
  a: 'value of a',_x000D_
  b: 'value of b',_x000D_
  c: 'value of c'_x000D_
  console.log('obj.a does not exist');_x000D_

Get value from input (AngularJS)

If you want to get values in Javascript on frontend, you can use the native way to do it by using :


Where "movie" is the name of your input <input type="text" name="movie">

If you want to get it on angular.js controller, you can use;


What does it mean when Statement.executeUpdate() returns -1?

This doesn't explain why it should be like that, but it explains why it could happen. The following byte-code sets -1 to the internal updateCount flag in the SQLServerStatement constructor:

// Method descriptor #401 (Lcom/microsoft/sqlserver/jdbc/SQLServerConnection;II)V
// Stack: 5, Locals: 8
SQLServerStatement( arg0, int arg1, int arg2) 

// [...]

34 aload_0 [this]
35 iconst_m1
36 putfield [27]

Now, I will not analyse all possible control-flows, but I'd just say that this is the internal default initialisation value that somehow leaks out to client code. Note, this is also done in other methods:

// Method descriptor #383 ()V
// Stack: 2, Locals: 1
final void resetForReexecute() 

// [...]

10 aload_0 [this]
11 iconst_m1
12 putfield [27]

// Method descriptor #383 ()V
// Stack: 3, Locals: 3
final void clearLastResult();
0 aload_0 [this]
1 iconst_m1
2 putfield [27]

In other words, you're probably safe interpreting -1 as being the same as 0. If you rely on this result value, maybe stay on the safe side and do your checks as follows:

// No rows affected
if (stmt.executeUpdate() <= 0) {
// Rows affected
else {

UPDATE: While reading Mark Rotteveel's answer, I tend to agree with him, assuming that -1 is the JDBC-compliant value for "unknown update counts". Even if this isn't documented on the relevant method's Javadoc, it's documented in the JDBC specs, chapter Returning Unknown or Multiple Results. In this very case, it could be said that an IF .. INSERT .. statement will have an "unknown update count", as this statement isn't SQL-standard compliant anyway.

Apache server keeps crashing, "caught SIGTERM, shutting down"

try to disable the rewrite module in ubuntu using sudo a2dismod rewrite. This will perhaps stop your apache server to crash.

How to limit the number of selected checkboxes?

I did this today, the difference being I wanted to uncheck the oldest checkbox instead of stopping the user from checking a new one:

    let maxCheckedArray = [];
    let assessmentOptions = jQuery('.checkbox-fields').find('input[type="checkbox"]');
    assessmentOptions.on('change', function() {
        let checked = jQuery(this).prop('checked');
        if(checked) {
        if(maxCheckedArray.length >= 3) {
            let old_item = maxCheckedArray.shift();
            old_item.prop('checked', false);

How to check if a variable is a dictionary in Python?

The OP did not exclude the starting variable, so for completeness here is how to handle the generic case of processing a supposed dictionary that may include items as dictionaries.

Also following the pure Python(3.8) recommended way to test for dictionary in the above comments.

from import Mapping

dict = {'abc': 'abc', 'def': {'ghi': 'ghi', 'jkl': 'jkl'}}

def parse_dict(in_dict): 
    if isinstance(in_dict, Mapping):
        for k_outer, v_outer in in_dict.items():
            if isinstance(v_outer, Mapping):
                for k_inner, v_inner in v_outer.items():
                    print(k_inner, v_inner)
                print(k_outer, v_outer)


How to iterate over a JavaScript object?

For object iteration we usually use a loop. This structure will loop through all enumerable properties, including ones who are inherited via prototypal inheritance. For example:

let obj = {_x000D_
  prop1: '1',_x000D_
  prop2: '2'_x000D_
for(let el in obj) {_x000D_

However, will loop over all enumerable elements and this will not able us to split the iteration in chunks. To achieve this we can use the built in Object.keys() function to retrieve all the keys of an object in an array. We then can split up the iteration into multiple for loops and access the properties using the keys array. For example:

let obj = {_x000D_
  prop1: '1',_x000D_
  prop2: '2',_x000D_
  prop3: '3',_x000D_
  prop4: '4',_x000D_
const keys = Object.keys(obj);_x000D_
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {_x000D_
for (let i = 2; i < 4; i++) {_x000D_

Convert from MySQL datetime to another format with PHP

$date = "'".date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(str_replace('-', '/', $_POST['date'])))."'";

How do I print out the contents of an object in Rails for easy debugging?

.inspect is what you're looking for, it's way easier IMO than .to_yaml!

user = = "will" = "[email protected]"

#<name: "will", email: "[email protected]">

How to align texts inside of an input?

The accepted answer here is correct but I'd like to add a little info. If you are using a library / framework like bootstrap there may be built in classes for this. For example bootstrap uses the text-right class. Use it like this:

<input type="text" class="text-right"/> 
<input type="number" class="text-right"/>

As a note this works on other input types as well, like numeric as shown above.

If you aren't using a nice framework like bootstrap then you can make your own version of this helper class. Similar to other answers but we are not going to add it directly to the input class so it won't apply to every single input on your site or page, this might not be desired behavior. So this would create a nice easy css class to align things right without needing inline styling or affecting every single input box.

    text-align: right;

Now you can use this class exactly the same as the inputs above with class="text-right". I know it isn't saving that many key strokes but it makes your code cleaner.

Session 'app': Error Installing APK

I fix this by delete the build folder then run project again

enter image description here

MySQL Delete all rows from table and reset ID to zero

if you want to use truncate use this:

TRUNCATE table $table_name; 

How to print GETDATE() in SQL Server with milliseconds in time?

these 2 are the same:

Print CAST(GETDATE() as Datetime2 (3) )

enter image description here

Form content type for a json HTTP POST?

I have wondered the same thing. Basically it appears that the html spec has different content types for html and form data. Json only has a single content type.

According to the spec, a POST of json data should have the content-type:

Relevant portion of the HTML spec

6.7 Content types (MIME types)
Examples of content types include "text/html", "image/png", "image/gif", "video/mpeg", "text/css", and "audio/basic".

17.13.4 Form content types
This is the default content type. Forms submitted with this content type must be encoded as follows

Relevant portion of the JSON spec

  1. IANA Considerations
    The MIME media type for JSON text is application/json.

C++ terminate called without an active exception

As long as your program die, then without detach or join of the thread, this error will occur. Without detaching and joining the thread, you should give endless loop after creating thread.

int main(){

std::thread t(thread,1);


return 0;}

It is also interesting that, after sleeping or looping, thread can be detach or join. Also with this way you do not get this error.

Below example also shows that, third thread can not done his job before main die. But this error can not happen also, as long as you detach somewhere in the code. Third thread sleep for 8 seconds but main will die in 5 seconds.

void thread(int n) {std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::seconds(n));}

int main() {
std::cout << "Start main\n";
std::thread t(thread,1);
std::thread t2(thread,3);
std::thread t3(thread,8);

return 0;}

Most efficient way to convert an HTMLCollection to an Array

I saw a more concise method of getting Array.prototype methods in general that works just as well. Converting an HTMLCollection object into an Array object is demonstrated below:

[] yourHTMLCollectionObject );

And, as mentioned in the comments, for old browsers such as IE7 and earlier, you simply have to use a compatibility function, like:

function toArray(x) {
    for(var i = 0, a = []; i < x.length; i++)

    return a

I know this is an old question, but I felt the accepted answer was a little incomplete; so I thought I'd throw this out there FWIW.

Get ID of element that called a function

I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned the use of this in the event handler. It works automatically in modern browsers and can be made to work in other browsers. If you use addEventListener or attachEvent to install your event handler, then you can make the value of this automatically be assigned to the object the created the event.

Further, the user of programmatically installed event handlers allows you to separate javascript code from HTML which is often considered a good thing.

Here's how you would do that in your code in plain javascript:

Remove the onmouseover="zoom()" from your HTML and install the event handler in your javascript like this:

// simplified utility function to register an event handler cross-browser
function setEventHandler(obj, name, fn) {
    if (typeof obj == "string") {
        obj = document.getElementById(obj);
    if (obj.addEventListener) {
        return(obj.addEventListener(name, fn));
    } else if (obj.attachEvent) {
        return(obj.attachEvent("on" + name, function() {return(;}));

function zoom() {
    // you can use "this" here to refer to the object that caused the event
    // this here will refer to the calling object (which in this case is the <map>)

// register your event handler
setEventHandler("nose", "mouseover", zoom);

Best way to load module/class from lib folder in Rails 3?

Very similar, but I think this is a little more elegant:

config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/lib", "#{config.root}/lib/**/"]

li:before{ content: "¦"; } How to Encode this Special Character as a Bullit in an Email Stationery?

You shouldn't use LIs in email. They are unpredictable across email clients. Instead you have to code each bullet point like this:

<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">
        <td align="left" valign="top" width="10" style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; font-size:12px;">&bull;</td>
        <td align="left" valign="top" style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; font-size:12px;">This is the first bullet point</td>
        <td align="left" valign="top" width="10" style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; font-size:12px;">&bull;</td>
        <td align="left" valign="top" style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif; font-size:12px;">This is the second bullet point</td>

This will ensure that your bullets work in every email client.

Recording video feed from an IP camera over a network

I haven't used it yet but I would take a look at The documentation explains you can install it on a modest machine with linux and use IP cameras for remote recording.


Select count(*) from multiple tables

        SELECT COUNT(*)
        FROM   tab1
        ) AS count1,
        SELECT COUNT(*)
        FROM   tab2
        ) AS count2
FROM    dual

How to check if any value is NaN in a Pandas DataFrame

To find out which rows have NaNs in a specific column:

nan_rows = df[df['name column'].isnull()]

How To Inject AuthenticationManager using Java Configuration in a Custom Filter

Override method authenticationManagerBean in WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to expose the AuthenticationManager built using configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder) as a Spring bean:

For example:

   public AuthenticationManager authenticationManagerBean() throws Exception {
       return super.authenticationManagerBean();

Console.WriteLine and generic List

Also you can do join:

var qwe = new List<int> {5, 2, 3, 8};
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\t", qwe));