Math.max() is actually as3 code compiled to AVM2 opcodes, and as such is not more "native" than any other as3 code. As a consequence, it is not necessarily the fastest implementation.
Actually, given that it works on Array type, it is slower than carefully written code usign Vector:
I did a quick benchmark comparison of several naive Vector and Array implementations of Math.max, using gskinner's PerformanceTest (Vector and Array being filled with identical random Numbers). The fastest Vector implementation appeared to be more than 3x faster than Math.max with recent AIR SDK/release player (flash player WIN 14,0,0,122 RELEASE, compiled with AIR SDK 14):
average 3.5 ms for 1,000,000 values, compared to Math.max() average of 11ms :
function max(values:Vector.<Number>):Number
var max:Number = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var length:uint = values.length;
for (var i:uint = 0; i < length ; ++i)
if (values[i] > max)
max = values[i];
return max;
Conclusion is that if you are concerned by performance, you should use Vector over Array anywhere you can in the first place, and not always rely on default implementations, especially when they force the use of Array
PS:same implementation with a for each() loop is 12x slower ...!