[apache-flex] How to pass "Null" (a real surname!) to a SOAP web service in ActionScript 3

We have an employee whose surname is Null. Our employee lookup application is killed when that last name is used as the search term (which happens to be quite often now). The error received (thanks Fiddler!) is:

   <faultstring>coldfusion.xml.rpc.CFCInvocationException: [coldfusion.runtime.MissingArgumentException : The SEARCHSTRING parameter to the getFacultyNames function is required but was not passed in.]</faultstring>

Cute, huh?

The parameter type is string.

I am using:

  • Flex 3.5
  • ActionScript 3
  • ColdFusion 8

Note that the error does not occur when calling the webservice as an object from a ColdFusion page.

This question is related to apache-flex actionscript soap coldfusion wsdl

The answer is

@doc_180 had the right concept, except he is focused on numbers, whereas the original poster had issues with strings.

The solution is to change the mx.rpc.xml.XMLEncoder file. This is line 121:

    if (content != null)
        result += content;

(I looked at Flex 4.5.1 SDK; line numbers may differ in other versions.)

Basically, the validation fails because 'content is null' and therefore your argument is not added to the outgoing SOAP Packet; thus causing the missing parameter error.

You have to extend this class to remove the validation. Then there is a big snowball up the chain, modifying SOAPEncoder to use your modified XMLEncoder, and then modifying Operation to use your modified SOAPEncoder, and then moidfying WebService to use your alternate Operation class.

I spent a few hours on it, but I need to move on. It'll probably take a day or two.

You may be able to just fix the XMLEncoder line and do some monkey patching to use your own class.

I'll also add that if you switch to using RemoteObject/AMF with ColdFusion, the null is passed without problems.

11/16/2013 update:

I have one more recent addition to my last comment about RemoteObject/AMF. If you are using ColdFusion 10; then properties with a null value on an object are removed from the server-side object. So, you have to check for the properties existence before accessing it or you will get a runtime error.

Check like this:

<cfif (structKeyExists(arguments.myObject,'propertyName')>
 <!--- no property code --->
 <!--- handle property  normally --->

This is a change in behavior from ColdFusion 9; where the null properties would turn into empty strings.

Edit 12/6/2013

Since there was a question about how nulls are treated, here is a quick sample application to demonstrate how a string "null" will relate to the reserved word null.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
               xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600" initialize="application1_initializeHandler(event)">
            import mx.events.FlexEvent;

            protected function application1_initializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                var s :String = "null";
                if(s != null){
                    trace('null string is not equal to null reserved word using the != condition');
                } else {
                    trace('null string is equal to null reserved word using the != condition');

                if(s == null){
                    trace('null string is equal to null reserved word using the == condition');
                } else {
                    trace('null string is not equal to null reserved word using the == condition');

                if(s === null){
                    trace('null string is equal to null reserved word using the === condition');
                } else {
                    trace('null string is not equal to null reserved word using the === condition');
        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

The trace output is:

null string is not equal to null reserved word using the != condition

null string is not equal to null reserved word using the == condition

null string is not equal to null reserved word using the === condition

Stringifying a null value in ActionScript will give the string "NULL". My suspicion is that someone has decided that it is, therefore, a good idea to decode the string "NULL" as null, causing the breakage you see here -- probably because they were passing in null objects and getting strings in the database, when they didn't want that (so be sure to check for that kind of bug, too).

The problem could be in Flex's SOAP encoder. Try extending the SOAP encoder in your Flex application and debug the program to see how the null value is handled.

My guess is, it's passed as NaN (Not a Number). This will mess up the SOAP message unmarshalling process sometime (most notably in the JBoss 5 server...). I remember extending the SOAP encoder and performing an explicit check on how NaN is handled.

Well, I guess that Flex' implementation of the SOAP Encoder seems to serialize null values incorrectly. Serializing them as a String Null doesn't seem to be a good solution. The formally correct version seems to be to pass a null value as:

<childtag2 xsi:nil="true" />

So the value of "Null" would be nothing else than a valid string, which is exactly what you are looking for.

I guess getting this fixed in Apache Flex shouldn't be that hard to get done. I would recommend opening a Jira issue or to contact the guys of the apache-flex mailinglist. However this would only fix the client side. I can't say if ColdFusion will be able to work with null values encoded this way.

See also Radu Cotescu's blog post How to send null values in soapUI requests.

Translate all characters into their hex-entity equivalents. In this case, Null would be converted into &#4E;&#75;&#6C;&#6C;

It's a kludge, but assuming there's a minimum length for SEARCHSTRING, for example 2 characters, substring the SEARCHSTRING parameter at the second character and pass it as two parameters instead: SEARCHSTRING1 ("Nu") and SEARCHSTRING2 ("ll"). Concatenate them back together when executing the query to the database.

As a hack, you could consider having a special handling on the client side, converting 'Null' string to something that will never occur, for example, XXNULLXX and converting back on the server.

It is not pretty, but it may solve the issue for such a boundary case.

On the xkcd note, the Bobby Tables website has good advice for avoiding the improper interpretation of user data (in this case, the string "Null") in SQL queries in various languages, including ColdFusion.

It is not clear from the question that this is the source of the problem, and given the solution noted in a comment to the first answer (embedding the parameters in a structure) it seems likely that it was something else.

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