Programs & Examples On #Xmlinclude

Use the XmlInclude or SoapInclude attribute to specify types that are not known statically

I agree with bizl

public abstract class WarningsType{ }

also if you need to apply this included class to an object item you can do like that

[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute("Warnings", typeof(WarningsType))]
public object[] Items
        return this.itemsField;
        this.itemsField = value;

Excel VBA App stops spontaneously with message "Code execution has been halted"

One solution is here:

The solution for this problem is to add the line of code “Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled” in the first line of your macro.. This will fix the problem and you will be able to execute the macro successfully without getting the error message “Code execution has been interrupted”.

But, after I inserted this line of code, I was not able to use Ctrl+Break any more. So it works but not greatly.

Using arrays or std::vectors in C++, what's the performance gap?

If you're using vectors to represent multi-dimensional behavior, there is a performance hit.

Do 2d+ vectors cause a performance hit?

The gist is that there's a small amount of overhead with each sub-vector having size information, and there will not necessarily be serialization of data (as there is with multi-dimensional c arrays). This lack of serialization can offer greater than micro optimization opportunities. If you're doing multi-dimensional arrays, it may be best to just extend std::vector and roll your own get/set/resize bits function.

How to enter command with password for git pull?

Below cmd will work if we dont have @ in password: git pull https://username:pass@[email protected]/my/repository If you have @ in password then replace it by %40 as shown below: git pull https://username:pass%[email protected]/my/repository

Python: Writing to and Reading from serial port

a piece of code who work with python to read rs232 just in case somedoby else need it

ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial', 9600, timeout=0.5)

How do I run Python code from Sublime Text 2?

I ran into the same problem today. And here is how I managed to run python code in Sublime Text 3:

  1. Press Ctrl + B (for Mac, ? + B) to start build system. It should execute the file now.
  2. Follow this answer to understand how to customise build system.

What you need to do next is replace the content in Python.sublime-build to

    "cmd": ["/usr/local/bin/python", "-u", "$file"],
    "file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
    "selector": "source.python",

You can of course further customise it to something that works for you.

Check if a string has a certain piece of text

Here you go: ES5

var test = 'Hello World';
if( test.indexOf('World') >= 0){
  // Found world

With ES6 best way would be to use includes function to test if the string contains the looking work.

const test = 'Hello World';
if (test.includes('World')) { 
  // Found world

Stuck while installing Visual Studio 2015 (Update for Microsoft Windows (KB2999226))

I have the same problem today, stuck on the kb2999226 for over an hour. First, i thought it is because i am using a VM on my local machine. But decided to cancel the installation, then install kb2999226 first, then install the vs2015 community again, it works out much better, the installation move forward and progressing. thx.

Changing the color of a clicked table row using jQuery

Here's a possible solution that will color the entire row for your table.


tr.highlighted td {
    background: red;


$('#data tr').click(function(e) {
    $('#data tr').removeClass('highlighted');


Parameterize an SQL IN clause

I heard Jeff/Joel talk about this on the podcast today (episode 34, 2008-12-16 (MP3, 31 MB), 1 h 03 min 38 secs - 1 h 06 min 45 secs), and I thought I recalled Stack Overflow was using LINQ to SQL, but maybe it was ditched. Here's the same thing in LINQ to SQL.

var inValues = new [] { "ruby","rails","scruffy","rubyonrails" };

var results = from tag in Tags
              where inValues.Contains(tag.Name)
              select tag;

That's it. And, yes, LINQ already looks backwards enough, but the Contains clause seems extra backwards to me. When I had to do a similar query for a project at work, I naturally tried to do this the wrong way by doing a join between the local array and the SQL Server table, figuring the LINQ to SQL translator would be smart enough to handle the translation somehow. It didn't, but it did provide an error message that was descriptive and pointed me towards using Contains.

Anyway, if you run this in the highly recommended LINQPad, and run this query, you can view the actual SQL that the SQL LINQ provider generated. It'll show you each of the values getting parameterized into an IN clause.

What does "@" mean in Windows batch scripts

Another useful time to include @ is when you use FOR in the command line. For example:

FOR %F IN (*.*) DO ECHO %F

Previous line show for every file: the command prompt, the ECHO command, and the result of ECHO command. This way:

FOR %F IN (*.*) DO @ECHO %F

Just the result of ECHO command is shown.

Replacing from match to end-of-line

Use this, two<anything any number of times><end of line>


Does C++ support 'finally' blocks? (And what's this 'RAII' I keep hearing about?)

In C++ the finally is NOT required because of RAII.

RAII moves the responsibility of exception safety from the user of the object to the designer (and implementer) of the object. I would argue this is the correct place as you then only need to get exception safety correct once (in the design/implementation). By using finally you need to get exception safety correct every time you use an object.

Also IMO the code looks neater (see below).


A database object. To make sure the DB connection is used it must be opened and closed. By using RAII this can be done in the constructor/destructor.

C++ Like RAII

void someFunc()
    DB    db("DBDesciptionString");
    // Use the db object.

} // db goes out of scope and destructor closes the connection.
  // This happens even in the presence of exceptions.

The use of RAII makes using a DB object correctly very easy. The DB object will correctly close itself by the use of a destructor no matter how we try and abuse it.

Java Like Finally

void someFunc()
    DB      db = new DB("DBDesciptionString");
        // Use the db object.
        // Can not rely on finaliser.
        // So we must explicitly close the connection.
        catch(Throwable e)
           /* Ignore */
           // Make sure not to throw exception if one is already propagating.

When using finally the correct use of the object is delegated to the user of the object. i.e. It is the responsibility of the object user to correctly to explicitly close the DB connection. Now you could argue that this can be done in the finaliser, but resources may have limited availability or other constraints and thus you generally do want to control the release of the object and not rely on the non deterministic behavior of the garbage collector.

Also this is a simple example.
When you have multiple resources that need to be released the code can get complicated.

A more detailed analysis can be found here:

difference between System.out.println() and System.err.println()

In Java System.out.println() will print to the standard out of the system you are using. On the other hand, System.err.println() will print to the standard error.

If you are using a simple Java console application, both outputs will be the same (the command line or console) but you can reconfigure the streams so that for example, System.out still prints to the console but System.err writes to a file.

Also, IDEs like Eclipse show System.err in red text and System.out in black text by default.

Insert new column into table in sqlite?

You don't add columns between other columns in SQL, you just add them. Where they're put is totally up to the DBMS. The right place to ensure that columns come out in the correct order is when you select them.

In other words, if you want them in the order {name,colnew,qty,rate}, you use:

select name, colnew, qty, rate from ...

With SQLite, you need to use alter table, an example being:

alter table mytable add column colnew char(50)

Hide/Show Action Bar Option Menu Item for different fragments

MenuItem Import = menu.findItem(;

Create a HTML table where each TR is a FORM

If you want a "editable grid" i.e. a table like structure that allows you to make any of the rows a form, use CSS that mimics the TABLE tag's layout: display:table, display:table-row, and display:table-cell.

There is no need to wrap your whole table in a form and no need to create a separate form and table for each apparent row of your table.

Try this instead:

<div class="table">
    <form class="tr" method="post" action="blah.html">
        <span class="td"><input type="text"/></span>
        <span class="td"><input type="text"/></span>
    <div class="tr">
        <span class="td">(cell data)</span>
        <span class="td">(cell data)</span>

The problem with wrapping the whole TABLE in a FORM is that any and all form elements will be sent on submit (maybe that is desired but probably not). This method allows you to define a form for each "row" and send only that row of data on submit.

The problem with wrapping a FORM tag around a TR tag (or TR around a FORM) is that it's invalid HTML. The FORM will still allow submit as usual but at this point the DOM is broken. Note: Try getting the child elements of your FORM or TR with JavaScript, it can lead to unexpected results.

Note that IE7 doesn't support these CSS table styles and IE8 will need a doctype declaration to get it into "standards" mode: (try this one or something equivalent)

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

Any other browser that supports display:table, display:table-row and display:table-cell should display your css data table the same as it would if you were using the TABLE, TR and TD tags. Most of them do.

Note that you can also mimic THEAD, TBODY, TFOOT by wrapping your row groups in another DIV with display: table-header-group, table-row-group and table-footer-group respectively.

NOTE: The only thing you cannot do with this method is colspan.

Check out this illustration:

What is a predicate in c#?

The Predicate will always return a boolean, by definition.

Predicate<T> is basically identical to Func<T,bool>.

Predicates are very useful in programming. They are often used to allow you to provide logic at runtime, that can be as simple or as complicated as necessary.

For example, WPF uses a Predicate<T> as input for Filtering of a ListView's ICollectionView. This lets you write logic that can return a boolean determining whether a specific element should be included in the final view. The logic can be very simple (just return a boolean on the object) or very complex, all up to you.

How do I copy items from list to list without foreach?

OK this is working well From the suggestions above GetRange( ) does not work for me with a list as an sweetening things up a bit from posts above: ( thanks everyone :)

/*  Where __strBuf is a string list used as a dumping ground for data  */
public List < string > pullStrLst( )
    List < string > lst;

    lst = __strBuf.GetRange( 0, __strBuf.Count );     

    __strBuf.Clear( );

    return( lst );

<div> cannot appear as a descendant of <p>

I got this from using a custom component inside a <Card.Text> section of a <Card> component in React. None of my components were in p tags

An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in Integrated managed pipeline mode

In my case i was missing dll in bin folder which was referenced in web.config file. So check whether you were using any setting in web.config but actually don't have dll.


SQL Server: Null VS Empty String

if it's not a foreign key field, not using empty strings could save you some trouble. only allow nulls if you'll take null to mean something different than an empty string. for example if you have a password field, a null value could indicate that a new user has not created his password yet while an empty varchar could indicate a blank password. for a field like "address2" allowing nulls can only make life difficult. things to watch out for include null references and unexpected results of = and <> operators mentioned by Vagif Verdi, and watching out for these things is often unnecessary programmer overhead.

edit: if performance is an issue see this related question: Nullable vs. non-null varchar data types - which is faster for queries?

Check string for nil & empty

Use the ternary operator (also known as the conditional operator, C++ forever!):

if stringA != nil ? stringA!.isEmpty == false : false { /* ... */ }

The stringA! force-unwrapping happens only when stringA != nil, so it is safe. The == false verbosity is somewhat more readable than yet another exclamation mark in !(stringA!.isEmpty).

I personally prefer a slightly different form:

if stringA == nil ? false : stringA!.isEmpty == false { /* ... */ }

In the statement above, it is immediately very clear that the entire if block does not execute when a variable is nil.

Java - Best way to print 2D array?

                         .replace("],","\n").replace(",","\t| ")
                         .replaceAll("[\\[\\]]", " "));

You can remove unwanted brackets with .replace(), after .deepToString if you like. That will look like:

 1  |  2  |  3
 4  |  5  |  6
 7  |  8  |  9
 10 |  11 |  12
 13 |  15 |  15

Can you have a <span> within a <span>?

Yes. You can have a span within a span. Your problem stems from something else.

How to hide app title in android?

You can do it programatically: Or without action bar

//It's enough to remove the line

//But if you want to display  full screen (without action bar) write too



How to minify php page html output?

First of all gzip can help you more than a Html Minifier

  1. With nginx:

    gzip on;
    gzip_disable "msie6";
    gzip_vary on;
    gzip_proxied any;
    gzip_comp_level 6;
    gzip_buffers 16 8k;
    gzip_http_version 1.1;
    gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;
  2. With apache you can use mod_gzip

Second: with gzip + Html Minification you can reduce the file size drastically!!!

I've created this HtmlMinifier for PHP.

You can retrieve it through composer: composer require arjanschouten/htmlminifier dev-master.

There is a Laravel service provider. If you're not using Laravel you can use it from PHP.

// create a minify context which will be used through the minification process
$context = new MinifyContext(new PlaceholderContainer());
// save the html contents in the context
$context->setContents('<html>My html...</html>');
$minify = new Minify();
// start the process and give the context with it as parameter
$context = $minify->run($context);

// $context now contains the minified version
$minifiedContents = $context->getContents();

As you can see you can extend a lot of things in here and you can pass various options. Check the readme to see all the available options.

This HtmlMinifier is complete and safe. It takes 3 steps for the minification process:

  1. Replace critical content temporary with a placeholder.
  2. Run the minification strategies.
  3. Restore the original content.

I would suggest that you cache the output of you're views. The minification process should be a one time process. Or do it for example interval based.

Clear benchmarks are not created at the time. However the minifier can reduce the page size with 5-25% based on the your markup!

If you want to add you're own strategies you can use the addPlaceholder and the addMinifier methods.

How do I set the path to a DLL file in Visual Studio?

Go through project properties -> Reference Paths

Then add folder with DLL's

Export/import jobs in Jenkins

As a web user, you can export by going to Job Config History, then exporting XML.

I'm in the situation of not having access to the machine Jenkins is running on and wanted to export as a backup.

As for importing the xml as a web user, I'd still like to know.

how to get the last character of a string?

str.charAt(str.length - 1)

Some browsers allow (as a non-standard extension) you to shorten this to:

str[str.length - 1];

jQuery ajax success error

I had the same problem;

textStatus = 'error'
errorThrown = (empty)
xhr.status = 0

That fits my problem exactly. It turns out that when I was loading the HTML-page from my own computer this problem existed, but when I loaded the HTML-page from my webserver it went alright. Then I tried to upload it to another domain, and again the same error occoured. Seems to be a cross-domain problem. (in my case at least)

I have tried calling it this way also:

var request = $.ajax({
url: "", dataType: "text",
crossDomain: true,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true

but without success.

This post solved it for me: jQuery AJAX cross domain

Set proxy through windows command line including login parameters

IE can set username and password proxies, so maybe setting it there and import does work

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyEnable /t REG_DWORD /d 1
reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyServer /t REG_SZ /d name:port
reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyUser /t REG_SZ /d username
reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyPass /t REG_SZ /d password
netsh winhttp import proxy source=ie

Coarse-grained vs fine-grained

Coarse-grained and Fine-grained both think about optimizing a number of servicess. But the difference is in the level. I like to explain with an example, you will understand easily.

Fine-grained: For example, I have 100 services like findbyId, findbyCategry, findbyName...... so on. Instead of that many services why we can not provide find(id, category, on). So this way we can reduce the services. This is just an example, but the goal is how to optimize the number of services.

Coarse-grained: For example, I have 100 clients, each client have their own set of 100 services. So I have to provide 100*100 total services. It is very much difficult. Instead of that what I do is, I identify all common services which apply to most of the clients as one service set and remaining separately. For example in 100 services 50 services are common. So I have to manage 100*50 + 50 only.

IF-THEN-ELSE statements in postgresql

case when field1>0 then field2/field1 else 0 end as field3

This Row already belongs to another table error when trying to add rows?

you can give some id to the columns and name it uniquely.

What is object slicing?

Third match in google for "C++ slicing" gives me this Wikipedia article and this (heated, but the first few posts define the problem) :

So it's when you assign an object of a subclass to the super class. The superclass knows nothing of the additional information in the subclass, and hasn't got room to store it, so the additional information gets "sliced off".

If those links don't give enough info for a "good answer" please edit your question to let us know what more you're looking for.

What's the difference between getRequestURI and getPathInfo methods in HttpServletRequest?

getPathInfo() gives the extra path information after the URI, used to access your Servlet, where as getRequestURI() gives the complete URI.

I would have thought they would be different, given a Servlet must be configured with its own URI pattern in the first place; I don't think I've ever served a Servlet from root (/).

For example if Servlet 'Foo' is mapped to URI '/foo' then I would have thought the URI:


Would result in:

RequestURI = /foo/path/to/resource


PathInfo = /path/to/resource

right align an image using CSS HTML

There are a few different ways to do this but following is a quick sample of one way.

<img src="yourimage.jpg" style="float:right" /><div style="clear:both">Your text here.</div>

I used inline styles for this sample but you can easily place these in a stylesheet and reference the class or id.

How do I change the figure size for a seaborn plot?

Note that if you are trying to pass to a "figure level" method in seaborn (for example lmplot, catplot / factorplot, jointplot) you can and should specify this within the arguments using height and aspect.

sns.catplot(data=df, x='xvar', y='yvar', 
    hue='hue_bar', height=8.27, aspect=11.7/8.27)

See and Plotting with seaborn using the matplotlib object-oriented interface for more details on the fact that figure level methods do not obey axes specifications.

How to list all files in a directory and its subdirectories in hadoop hdfs

Code snippet for both recursive and non-recursive approaches:

//helper method to get the list of files from the HDFS path
public static List<String>
    listFilesFromHDFSPath(Configuration hadoopConfiguration,
                          String hdfsPath,
                          boolean recursive) throws IOException,
    //resulting list of files
    List<String> filePaths = new ArrayList<String>();

    //get path from string and then the filesystem
    Path path = new Path(hdfsPath);  //throws IllegalArgumentException
    FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(hadoopConfiguration);

    //if recursive approach is requested
        //(heap issues with recursive approach) => using a queue
        Queue<Path> fileQueue = new LinkedList<Path>();

        //add the obtained path to the queue

        //while the fileQueue is not empty
        while (!fileQueue.isEmpty())
            //get the file path from queue
            Path filePath = fileQueue.remove();

            //filePath refers to a file
            if (fs.isFile(filePath))
            else   //else filePath refers to a directory
                //list paths in the directory and add to the queue
                FileStatus[] fileStatuses = fs.listStatus(filePath);
                for (FileStatus fileStatus : fileStatuses)
                } // for
            } // else

        } // while

    } // if
    else        //non-recursive approach => no heap overhead
        //if the given hdfsPath is actually directory
            FileStatus[] fileStatuses = fs.listStatus(path);

            //loop all file statuses
            for(FileStatus fileStatus : fileStatuses)
                //if the given status is a file, then update the resulting list
            } // for
        } // if
        else        //it is a file then
            //return the one and only file path to the resulting list
        } // else

    } // else

    //close filesystem; no more operations

    //return the resulting list
    return filePaths;
} // listFilesFromHDFSPath

How to switch to another domain and get-aduser

Try specifying a DC in DomainB using the -Server property. Ex:

Get-ADUser -Server "dc01.DomainB.local" -Filter {EmailAddress -like "*Smith_Karla*"} -Properties EmailAddress

"%%" and "%/%" for the remainder and the quotient

Have a look at the examples below for a clearer understanding of the differences between the different operators:

> # Floating Division:
> 5/2
[1] 2.5
> # Integer Division:
> 5%/%2
[1] 2
> # Remainder:
> 5%%2
[1] 1

How to center a label text in WPF?


Label label = new Label();
label.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

ThreeJS: Remove object from scene

If your element is not directly on you scene go back to Parent to remove it

  function removeEntity(object) {
        var selectedObject = scene.getObjectByName(;
        selectedObject.parent.remove( selectedObject );

Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 3 commits

Came across this issue after I merged a pull request on Bitbucket.

Had to do

git fetch

and that was it.

Generating sql insert into for Oracle

Oracle's free SQL Developer will do this:

You just find your table, right-click on it and choose Export Data->Insert

This will give you a file with your insert statements. You can also export the data in SQL Loader format as well.

git: Switch branch and ignore any changes without committing

If you want to discard the changes,

git checkout -- <file>
git checkout branch

If you want to keep the changes,

git stash save
git checkout branch
git stash pop

SQL Server JOIN missing NULL values

You can be explicit about the joins:

SELECT Table1.Col1, Table1.Col2, Table1.Col3, Table2.Col4
      ON (Table1.Col1 = Table2.Col1 or Table1.Col1 is NULL and Table2.Col1 is NULL) AND
         (Table1.Col2 = Table2.Col2 or Table1.Col2 is NULL and Table2.Col2 is NULL)

In practice, I would be more likely to use coalesce() in the join condition:

SELECT Table1.Col1, Table1.Col2, Table1.Col3, Table2.Col4
     ON (coalesce(Table1.Col1, '') = coalesce(Table2.Col1, '')) AND
        (coalesce(Table1.Col2, '') = coalesce(Table2.Col2, ''))

Where '' would be a value not in either of the tables.

Just a word of caution. In most databases, using any of these constructs prevents the use of indexes.

How to change the interval time on bootstrap carousel?

You can use the options when initializing the carousel, like this:

// interval is in milliseconds. 1000 = 1 second -> so 1000 * 10 = 10 seconds
  interval: 1000 * 10

or you can use the interval attribute directly on the HTML tag, like this:

<div class="carousel" data-interval="10000">

The advantage of the latter approach is that you do not have to write any JS for it - while the advantage of the former is that you can compute the interval and initialize it with a variable value at run time.

use jQuery to get values of selected checkboxes

You can also use the below code
return $(this).val();

Skip certain tables with mysqldump

Building on the answer from @Brian-Fisher and answering the comments of some of the people on this post, I have a bunch of huge (and unnecessary) tables in my database so I wanted to skip their contents when copying, but keep the structure:

mysqldump -h <host> -u <username> -p <schema> --no-data > db-structure.sql
mysqldump -h <host> -u <username> -p <schema> --no-create-info --ignore-table=schema.table1 --ignore-table=schema.table2 > db-data.sql

The resulting two files are structurally sound but the dumped data is now ~500MB rather than 9GB, much better for me. I can now import these two files into another database for testing purposes without having to worry about manipulating 9GB of data or running out of disk space.

Merging dictionaries in C#

This doesn't explode if there are multiple keys ("righter" keys replace "lefter" keys), can merge a number of dictionaries (if desired) and preserves the type (with the restriction that it requires a meaningful default public constructor):

public static class DictionaryExtensions
    // Works in C#3/VS2008:
    // Returns a new dictionary of this ... others merged leftward.
    // Keeps the type of 'this', which must be default-instantiable.
    // Example: 
    //   result = map.MergeLeft(other1, other2, ...)
    public static T MergeLeft<T,K,V>(this T me, params IDictionary<K,V>[] others)
        where T : IDictionary<K,V>, new()
        T newMap = new T();
        foreach (IDictionary<K,V> src in
            (new List<IDictionary<K,V>> { me }).Concat(others)) {
            // ^-- echk. Not quite there type-system.
            foreach (KeyValuePair<K,V> p in src) {
                newMap[p.Key] = p.Value;
        return newMap;


How do I create test and train samples from one dataframe with pandas?

I would use scikit-learn's own training_test_split, and generate it from the index

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

y = df.pop('output')
X = df

X_train,X_test,y_train,y_test = train_test_split(X.index,y,test_size=0.2)
X.iloc[X_train] # return dataframe train

Instantly detect client disconnection from server socket

The example code here shows how to determine whether the Socket is still connected without sending any data.

If you called Socket.BeginReceive() on the server program and then the client closed the connection "gracefully", your receive callback will be called and EndReceive() will return 0 bytes. These 0 bytes mean that the client "may" have disconnected. You can then use the technique shown in the MSDN example code to determine for sure whether the connection was closed.

This Activity already has an action bar supplied by the window decor

Use this inside your application tag in manifest or inside your Activity tag.


Calculating difference between two timestamps in Oracle in milliseconds

I've posted here some methods to convert interval to nanoseconds and nanoseconds to interval. These methods have a nanosecond precision.

You just need to adjust it to get milliseconds instead of nanoseconds.

A shorter method to convert interval to nanoseconds.

    INTERVAL '+18500 09:33:47.263027' DAY(5) TO SECOND --Replace line with desired interval --Maximum value: INTERVAL '+694444 10:39:59.999999999' DAY(6) TO SECOND(9) or up to 3871 year
) * 24 * 60) * 60 + EXTRACT(SECOND FROM (
    INTERVAL '+18500 09:33:47.263027' DAY(5) TO SECOND --Replace line with desired interval


Pull all images from a specified directory and then display them

You can also use glob for this:

$dirname = "media/images/iconized/";
$images = glob($dirname."*.png");

foreach($images as $image) {
    echo '<img src="'.$image.'" /><br />';

Convert bytes to bits in python

Operations are much faster when you work at the integer level. In particular, converting to a string as suggested here is really slow.

If you want bit 7 and 8 only, use e.g.

val = (byte >> 6) & 3

(this is: shift the byte 6 bits to the right - dropping them. Then keep only the last two bits 3 is the number with the first two bits set...)

These can easily be translated into simple CPU operations that are super fast.

How to run DOS/CMD/Command Prompt commands from VB.NET?

You Can try This To Run Command Then cmd Exits

Process.Start("cmd", "/c YourCode")

You Can try This To Run The Command And Let cmd Wait For More Commands

Process.Start("cmd", "/k YourCode")

Which variable size to use (db, dw, dd) with x86 assembly?

Quick review,

  • DB - Define Byte. 8 bits
  • DW - Define Word. Generally 2 bytes on a typical x86 32-bit system
  • DD - Define double word. Generally 4 bytes on a typical x86 32-bit system

From x86 assembly tutorial,

The pop instruction removes the 4-byte data element from the top of the hardware-supported stack into the specified operand (i.e. register or memory location). It first moves the 4 bytes located at memory location [SP] into the specified register or memory location, and then increments SP by 4.

Your num is 1 byte. Try declaring it with DD so that it becomes 4 bytes and matches with pop semantics.

Read and write a String from text file

New simpler and recommended method: Apple recommends using URLs for filehandling and the other solutions here seem deprecated (see comments below). The following is the new simple way of reading and writing with URL's (don't forget to handle the possible URL errors):

Swift 5+, 4 and 3.1

import Foundation  // Needed for those pasting into Playground

let fileName = "Test"
let dir = try? FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, 
      in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: true)

// If the directory was found, we write a file to it and read it back
if let fileURL = dir?.appendingPathComponent(fileName).appendingPathExtension("txt") {

    // Write to the file named Test
    let outString = "Write this text to the file"
    do {
        try outString.write(to: fileURL, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)
    } catch {
        print("Failed writing to URL: \(fileURL), Error: " + error.localizedDescription)

    // Then reading it back from the file
    var inString = ""
    do {
        inString = try String(contentsOf: fileURL)
    } catch {
        print("Failed reading from URL: \(fileURL), Error: " + error.localizedDescription)
    print("Read from the file: \(inString)")

What is the advantage of using heredoc in PHP?

The heredoc syntax is much cleaner to me and it is really useful for multi-line strings and avoiding quoting issues. Back in the day I used to use them to construct SQL queries:

$sql = <<<SQL
select *
  from $tablename
 where id in [$order_ids_list]
   and product_name = "widgets"

To me this has a lower probability of introducing a syntax error than using quotes:

$sql = "
select *
  from $tablename
 where id in [$order_ids_list]
   and product_name = \"widgets\"

Another point is to avoid escaping double quotes in your string:

$x = "The point of the \"argument" was to illustrate the use of here documents";

The problem with the above is the syntax error (the missing escaped quote) I just introduced as opposed to here document syntax:

$x = <<<EOF
The point of the "argument" was to illustrate the use of here documents

It is a bit of style, but I use the following as rules for single, double and here documents for defining strings:

  • Single quotes are used when the string is a constant like 'no variables here'
  • Double quotes when I can put the string on a single line and require variable interpolation or an embedded single quote "Today is ${user}'s birthday"
  • Here documents for multi-line strings that require formatting and variable interpolation.

Losing Session State

You could add some logging to the Global.asax in Session_Start and Application_Start to track what's going on with the user's Session and the Application as a whole.

Also, watch out of you're running in Web Farm mode (multiple IIS threads defined in the application pool) or load balancing because the user can end up hitting a different server that does not have the same memory. If this is the case, you can switch the Session mode to SQL Server.

AngularJS ng-class if-else expression

Clearly! We can make a function to return a CSS class name with following fully example. enter image description here


    .Red {
        color: Red;
    .Yellow {
        color: Yellow;
      .Blue {
        color: Blue;
      .Green {
        color: Green;
    .Gray {
        color: Gray;
         font-weight: bold;


    angular.module('myapp', [])
            .controller('ExampleController', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
                $scope.MyColors = ['It is Red', 'It is Yellow', 'It is Blue', 'It is Green', 'It is Gray'];
                $scope.getClass = function (strValue) {
                    if (strValue == ("It is Red"))
                        return "Red";
                    else if (strValue == ("It is Yellow"))
                        return "Yellow";
                    else if (strValue == ("It is Blue"))
                        return "Blue";
                    else if (strValue == ("It is Green"))
                        return "Green";
                    else if (strValue == ("It is Gray"))
                        return "Gray";

And then

<body ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="ExampleController">

<h2>AngularJS ng-class if example</h2>
<ul >
    <li ng-repeat="icolor in MyColors" >
        <p ng-class="[getClass(icolor), 'b']">{{icolor}}</p>
<p>Other way using : ng-class="{'class1' : expression1, 'class2' : expression2,'class3':expression2,...}"</p>
    <li ng-repeat="icolor in MyColors">
        <p ng-class="{'Red':icolor=='It is Red','Yellow':icolor=='It is Yellow','Blue':icolor=='It is Blue','Green':icolor=='It is Green','Gray':icolor=='It is Gray'}" class="b">{{icolor}}</p>

You can refer to full code page at ng-class if example

CSS3 equivalent to jQuery slideUp and slideDown?

I would recommend using the jQuery Transit Plugin which uses the CSS3 transform property, which works great on mobile devices due to the fact that most support hardware acceleration to give that native look and feel.

JS Fiddle Example


<div class="moveMe">
    <button class="moveUp">Move Me Up</button>
    <button class="moveDown">Move Me Down</button>
    <button class="setUp">Set Me Up</button>
    <button class="setDown">Set Me Down</button>


$(".moveUp").on("click", function() {
    $(".moveMe").transition({ y: '-=5' });

$(".moveDown").on("click", function() {
    $(".moveMe").transition({ y: '+=5' });

$(".setUp").on("click", function() {
    $(".moveMe").transition({ y: '0px' });

$(".setDown").on("click", function() {
    $(".moveMe").transition({ y: '200px' });

Postgres: clear entire database before re-creating / re-populating from bash script

If you don't actually need a backup of the database dumped onto disk in a plain-text .sql script file format, you could connect pg_dump and pg_restore directly together over a pipe.

To drop and recreate tables, you could use the --clean command-line option for pg_dump to emit SQL commands to clean (drop) database objects prior to (the commands for) creating them. (This will not drop the whole database, just each table/sequence/index/etc. before recreating them.)

The above two would look something like this:

pg_dump -U username --clean | pg_restore -U username

Prevent the keyboard from displaying on activity start

You can try this set unique attribute for each element

TextView mtextView = findViewById(;

Keyboard will not show while element is focus

Create a function with optional call variables

Not sure I understand the question correctly.

From what I gather, you want to be able to assign a value to Domain if it is null and also what to check if $args2 is supplied and according to the value, execute a certain code?

I changed the code to reassemble the assumptions made above.

Function DoStuff($computername, $arg2, $domain)
    if($domain -ne $null)
        $domain = "Domain1"

    if($arg2 -eq $null)

DoStuff -computername "Test" -arg2 "" -domain "Domain2"
DoStuff -computername "Test" -arg2 "Test"  -domain ""
DoStuff -computername "Test" -domain "Domain2"
DoStuff -computername "Test" -arg2 "Domain2"

Did that help?

class method generates "TypeError: ... got multiple values for keyword argument ..."

This might be obvious, but it might help someone who has never seen it before. This also happens for regular functions if you mistakenly assign a parameter by position and explicitly by name.

>>> def foodo(thing=None, thong='not underwear'):
...     print thing if thing else "nothing"
...     print 'a thong is',thong
>>> foodo('something', thing='everything')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: foodo() got multiple values for keyword argument 'thing'

Can we have multiple <tbody> in same <table>?

Yes. I use them for dynamically hiding/revealing the relevant part of a table, e.g. a course. Viz.

  <tbody id="day1" style="display:none">
  <tbody id="day2">
  <tbody id="day3" style="display:none">

A button can be provided to toggle between everything or just the current day by manipulating tbodies without processing many rows individually.

What are the different usecases of PNG vs. GIF vs. JPEG vs. SVG?

The main difference is GIF is patented and a bit more widely supported. PNG is an open specification and alpha transparency is not supported in IE6. Support was improved in IE7, but not completely fixed.

As far as file sizes go, GIF has a smaller default color pallet, so they tend to be smaller file sizes at first glance. PNG files have a larger default pallet, however you can shrink their color pallet so that, when you do, they result in a smaller file size than GIF. The issue again is that this feature isn't as supported in Internet Explorer.

Also, because PNGs can support alpha transparency, they're the only option if you want a variation of transparency other than binary transparency.

SQL grammar for SELECT MIN(DATE)

To get the titles for dates greater than a week ago today, use this:

SELECT title, MIN(date_key_no) AS intro_date FROM table HAVING MIN(date_key_no)>= TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SysDate, 'YYYYMMDD')) - 7

Close Bootstrap modal on form submit

give id to submit button

<button id="btnSave" type="submit" class="btn btn-success"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> Save</button>

$('#btnSave').click(function() {

Also you forgot to close last div.


Hope this helps.

How do I change the background color of the ActionBar of an ActionBarActivity using XML?

If you are using androidx AppCompact. Use below code. actionBar = getSupportActionBar();
actionBar.setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable("Color"));

How to deal with bad_alloc in C++?

You can catch it like any other exception:

try {
catch (const std::bad_alloc&) {
  return -1;

Quite what you can usefully do from this point is up to you, but it's definitely feasible technically.

In general you cannot, and should not try, to respond to this error. bad_alloc indicates that a resource cannot be allocated because not enough memory is available. In most scenarios your program cannot hope to cope with that, and terminating soon is the only meaningful behaviour.

Worse, modern operating systems often over-allocate: on such systems, malloc and new can return a valid pointer even if there is not enough free memory left – std::bad_alloc will never be thrown, or is at least not a reliable sign of memory exhaustion. Instead, attempts to access the allocated memory will then result in a segmentation fault, which is not catchable (you can handle the segmentation fault signal, but you cannot resume the program afterwards).

The only thing you could do when catching std::bad_alloc is to perhaps log the error, and try to ensure a safe program termination by freeing outstanding resources (but this is done automatically in the normal course of stack unwinding after the error gets thrown if the program uses RAII appropriately).

In certain cases, the program may attempt to free some memory and try again, or use secondary memory (= disk) instead of RAM but these opportunities only exist in very specific scenarios with strict conditions:

  1. The application must ensure that it runs on a system that does not overcommit memory, i.e. it signals failure upon allocation rather than later.
  2. The application must be able to free memory immediately, without any further accidental allocations in the meantime.

It’s exceedingly rare that applications have control over point 1 — userspace applications never do, it’s a system-wide setting that requires root permissions to change.1

OK, so let’s assume you’ve fixed point 1. What you can now do is for instance use a LRU cache for some of your data (probably some particularly large business objects that can be regenerated or reloaded on demand). Next, you need to put the actual logic that may fail into a function that supports retry — in other words, if it gets aborted, you can just relaunch it:

lru_cache<widget> widget_cache;

double perform_operation(int widget_id) {
    std::optional<widget> maybe_widget = widget_cache.find_by_id(widget_id);
    if (not maybe_widget) {
        maybe_widget =, load_widget_from_disk(widget_id));
    return maybe_widget->frobnicate();


for (int num_attempts = 0; num_attempts < MAX_NUM_ATTEMPTS; ++num_attempts) {
    try {
        return perform_operation(widget_id);
    } catch (std::bad_alloc const&) {
        if (widget_cache.empty()) throw; // memory error elsewhere.

// Handle too many failed attempts here.

But even here, using std::set_new_handler instead of handling std::bad_alloc provides the same benefit and would be much simpler.

1 If you’re creating an application that does control point 1, and you’re reading this answer, please shoot me an email, I’m genuinely curious about your circumstances.

What is the C++ Standard specified behavior of new in c++?

The usual notion is that if new operator cannot allocate dynamic memory of the requested size, then it should throw an exception of type std::bad_alloc.
However, something more happens even before a bad_alloc exception is thrown:

C++03 Section says

An allocation function that fails to allocate storage can invoke the currently installed new_handler(, if any. [Note: A program-supplied allocation function can obtain the address of the currently installed new_handler using the set_new_handler function (] If an allocation function declared with an empty exception-specification (15.4), throw(), fails to allocate storage, it shall return a null pointer. Any other allocation function that fails to allocate storage shall only indicate failure by throw-ing an exception of class std::bad_alloc ( or a class derived from std::bad_alloc.

Consider the following code sample:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

// function to call if operator new can't allocate enough memory or error arises
void outOfMemHandler()
    std::cerr << "Unable to satisfy request for memory\n";


int main()
    //set the new_handler

    //Request huge memory size, that will cause ::operator new to fail
    int *pBigDataArray = new int[100000000L];

    return 0;

In the above example, operator new (most likely) will be unable to allocate space for 100,000,000 integers, and the function outOfMemHandler() will be called, and the program will abort after issuing an error message.

As seen here the default behavior of new operator when unable to fulfill a memory request, is to call the new-handler function repeatedly until it can find enough memory or there is no more new handlers. In the above example, unless we call std::abort(), outOfMemHandler() would be called repeatedly. Therefore, the handler should either ensure that the next allocation succeeds, or register another handler, or register no handler, or not return (i.e. terminate the program). If there is no new handler and the allocation fails, the operator will throw an exception.

What is the new_handler and set_new_handler?

new_handler is a typedef for a pointer to a function that takes and returns nothing, and set_new_handler is a function that takes and returns a new_handler.

Something like:

typedef void (*new_handler)();
new_handler set_new_handler(new_handler p) throw();

set_new_handler's parameter is a pointer to the function operator new should call if it can't allocate the requested memory. Its return value is a pointer to the previously registered handler function, or null if there was no previous handler.

How to handle out of memory conditions in C++?

Given the behavior of newa well designed user program should handle out of memory conditions by providing a proper new_handlerwhich does one of the following:

Make more memory available: This may allow the next memory allocation attempt inside operator new's loop to succeed. One way to implement this is to allocate a large block of memory at program start-up, then release it for use in the program the first time the new-handler is invoked.

Install a different new-handler: If the current new-handler can't make any more memory available, and of there is another new-handler that can, then the current new-handler can install the other new-handler in its place (by calling set_new_handler). The next time operator new calls the new-handler function, it will get the one most recently installed.

(A variation on this theme is for a new-handler to modify its own behavior, so the next time it's invoked, it does something different. One way to achieve this is to have the new-handler modify static, namespace-specific, or global data that affects the new-handler's behavior.)

Uninstall the new-handler: This is done by passing a null pointer to set_new_handler. With no new-handler installed, operator new will throw an exception ((convertible to) std::bad_alloc) when memory allocation is unsuccessful.

Throw an exception convertible to std::bad_alloc. Such exceptions are not be caught by operator new, but will propagate to the site originating the request for memory.

Not return: By calling abort or exit.

recyclerview No adapter attached; skipping layout

Check if you have missed to call this method in your adapter

public int getItemCount() {
    return list.size();

Detect whether there is an Internet connection available on Android

The getActiveNetworkInfo() method of ConnectivityManager returns a NetworkInfo instance representing the first connected network interface it can find or null if none of the interfaces are connected. Checking if this method returns null should be enough to tell if an internet connection is available or not.

private boolean isNetworkAvailable() {
    ConnectivityManager connectivityManager 
          = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
    NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
    return activeNetworkInfo != null && activeNetworkInfo.isConnected();

You will also need:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

in your android manifest.


Note that having an active network interface doesn't guarantee that a particular networked service is available. Network issues, server downtime, low signal, captive portals, content filters and the like can all prevent your app from reaching a server. For instance you can't tell for sure if your app can reach Twitter until you receive a valid response from the Twitter service.

Div 100% height works on Firefox but not in IE

I've been successful in getting this to work when I set the margins of the container to 0:

   margin: 0 px;

in addition to all your other styles

How do you clear a stringstream variable?

This should be the most reliable way regardless of the compiler:


Best implementation for hashCode method for a collection

If you're happy with the Effective Java implementation recommended by dmeister, you can use a library call instead of rolling your own:

public int hashCode() {
    return Objects.hashCode(this.firstName, this.lastName);

This requires either Guava ( or the standard library in Java 7 (java.util.Objects.hash) but works the same way.

Center align "span" text inside a div

If you know the width of the span you could just stuff in a left margin.

Try this:

.center { text-align: center} span { display: table; }

Add the "center: class to your .

If you want some spans centered, but not others, replace the " span" in your style sheet to a class (e.g "center-span") and add that class to the span.

Plotting images side by side using matplotlib

The problem you face is that you try to assign the return of imshow (which is an matplotlib.image.AxesImage to an existing axes object.

The correct way of plotting image data to the different axes in axarr would be

f, axarr = plt.subplots(2,2)

The concept is the same for all subplots, and in most cases the axes instance provide the same methods than the pyplot (plt) interface. E.g. if ax is one of your subplot axes, for plotting a normal line plot you'd use ax.plot(..) instead of plt.plot(). This can actually be found exactly in the source from the page you link to.

Android: Is it possible to display video thumbnails?

I am answering this question late but hope it will help the other candidate facing same problem.

I have used two methods to load thumbnail for videos list the first was

    Bitmap bmThumbnail;
    bmThumbnail = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(FILE_PATH
                    + videoList.get(position),

    if (bmThumbnail != null) {
        Log.d("VideoAdapter","video thumbnail found");
    } else {
        Log.d("VideoAdapter","video thumbnail not found");

its look good but there was a problem with this solution because when i scroll video list it will freeze some time due to its large processing.

so after this i found another solution which works perfectly by using Glide Library.

            .with( mContext )
            .load( Uri.fromFile( new File( FILE_PATH+videoList.get(position) ) ) )
            .into( holder.imgVideo );

I recommended the later solution for showing thumbnail with video list . thanks

How to remove not null constraint in sql server using query

 ALTER TABLE YourTable ALTER COLUMN YourColumn columnType NULL

How to catch curl errors in PHP

    $responseInfo = curl_getinfo($ch);
    $httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
    $header_size = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE);
    $body = substr($response, $header_size);
     print_r($result['body']); exit;
    if($httpCode == 403)
        print_r("Access denied");
         //catch more errors 

Export html table data to Excel using JavaScript / JQuery is not working properly in chrome browser

Instead of using you can use a link with the onclick event.
And you can put the html table into the uri and set the file name to be downloaded.

Live demo :

function exportF(elem) {_x000D_
  var table = document.getElementById("table");_x000D_
  var html = table.outerHTML;_x000D_
  var url = 'data:application/,' + escape(html); // Set your html table into url _x000D_
  elem.setAttribute("href", url);_x000D_
  elem.setAttribute("download", "export.xls"); // Choose the file name_x000D_
  return false;_x000D_
<table id="table" border="1">_x000D_
<a id="downloadLink" onclick="exportF(this)">Export to excel</a>

The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'Users', database 'XXX', schema 'dbo'

I resolve my problem doing this. [IMPORTANT NOTE: It allows escalated (expanded) privileges to the particular account, possibly more than are needed for individual scenario].

  1. Go to 'Object Explorer' of SQL Management Studio.
  2. Expand Security, then Login.
  3. Select the user you are working with, then right click and select Properties Windows.
  4. In Select a Page, Go to Server Roles
  5. Click on sysadmin and save.

How to select specific form element in jQuery?

It isn't valid to have the same ID twice, that's why #name only finds the first one.

You can try:

$("#form2 input").val('Hello World!');


$("#form2 input[name=name]").val('Hello World!');

If you're stuck with an invalid page and want to select all #names, you can use the attribute selector on the id:

$("input[id=name]").val('Hello World!');

Python: Converting from ISO-8859-1/latin1 to UTF-8

Decode to Unicode, encode the results to UTF8.


How to set image in circle in swift

For Swift3/Swift4 Developers:

let radius = yourImageView.frame.width / 2
yourImageView.layer.cornerRadius = radius
yourImageView.layer.masksToBounds = true

How to find where gem files are installed

To complete other answers, the gem-path gem can find the installation path of a particular gem.


gem install gem-path


gem path rails
=> /home/cbliard/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.5/gems/rails-4.0.13
gem path rails '< 4'
=> /home/cbliard/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.5/gems/rails-3.2.21

This is really handy as you can use it to grep or edit files:

grep -R 'Internal server error' "$(gem path thin)"
subl "$(gem path thin)"

Generate MD5 hash string with T-SQL

declare @hash nvarchar(50)
--declare @hash varchar(50)

set @hash = '1111111-2;20190110143334;001'  -- result a5cd84bfc56e245bbf81210f05b7f65f
declare @value varbinary(max);
set @value = convert(varbinary(max),@hash);

 SUBSTRING(sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HASHBYTES('MD5', '1111111-2;20190110143334;001')),3,32) as 'OK'
,SUBSTRING(sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HASHBYTES('MD5', @hash)),3,32) as 'ERROR_01'
,SUBSTRING(sys.fn_sqlvarbasetostr(HASHBYTES('MD5',convert(varbinary(max),@hash))),3,32) as 'ERROR_02'

AFNetworking Post Request

Here is a simple AFNetworking POST I'm using. To get up and running after reading the AFNetworking doc, wkiki, ref, etc, I learned a lot by following and understanding the associated code sample on github.

 // Add this to the class you're working with - (id)init {}
    _netInst = [MyApiClient sharedAFNetworkInstance];

  // build the dictionary that AFNetworkng converts to a json object on the next line
  //  params = {"user":{"email":emailAddress,"password":password}};
  NSDictionary *parameters =[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                             userName, @"email", password, @"password", nil];
  NSDictionary *params =[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                         parameters, @"user", nil];

   [_netInst postPath: @"users/login.json" parameters:params
      success:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id jsonResponse) {
        NSLog (@"SUCCESS");

        // jsonResponse = {"user":{"accessId":1234,"securityKey":"abc123"}};
        _accessId = [jsonResponse valueForKeyPath:@"user.accessid"];
        _securityKey = [jsonResponse valueForKeyPath:@"user.securitykey"];

        return SUCCESS;
      failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {

        // handle failure

        return error;

MySQL: How to set the Primary Key on phpMyAdmin?

You can view the INDEXES column below where you find a default PRIMARY KEY is set. If it is not set or you want to set any other variable as a PRIMARY KEY then , there is a dialog box below to create an index which asks for a column number ,either way you can create a new one or edit an existing one.The existing one shows up a edit button whee you can go and edit it and you're done save it and you are ready to go

Given final block not properly padded

If you try to decrypt PKCS5-padded data with the wrong key, and then unpad it (which is done by the Cipher class automatically), you most likely will get the BadPaddingException (with probably of slightly less than 255/256, around 99.61%), because the padding has a special structure which is validated during unpad and very few keys would produce a valid padding.

So, if you get this exception, catch it and treat it as "wrong key".

This also can happen when you provide a wrong password, which then is used to get the key from a keystore, or which is converted into a key using a key generation function.

Of course, bad padding can also happen if your data is corrupted in transport.

That said, there are some security remarks about your scheme:

  • For password-based encryption, you should use a SecretKeyFactory and PBEKeySpec instead of using a SecureRandom with KeyGenerator. The reason is that the SecureRandom could be a different algorithm on each Java implementation, giving you a different key. The SecretKeyFactory does the key derivation in a defined manner (and a manner which is deemed secure, if you select the right algorithm).

  • Don't use ECB-mode. It encrypts each block independently, which means that identical plain text blocks also give always identical ciphertext blocks.

    Preferably use a secure mode of operation, like CBC (Cipher block chaining) or CTR (Counter). Alternatively, use a mode which also includes authentication, like GCM (Galois-Counter mode) or CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC), see next point.

  • You normally don't want only confidentiality, but also authentication, which makes sure the message is not tampered with. (This also prevents chosen-ciphertext attacks on your cipher, i.e. helps for confidentiality.) So, add a MAC (message authentication code) to your message, or use a cipher mode which includes authentication (see previous point).

  • DES has an effective key size of only 56 bits. This key space is quite small, it can be brute-forced in some hours by a dedicated attacker. If you generate your key by a password, this will get even faster. Also, DES has a block size of only 64 bits, which adds some more weaknesses in chaining modes. Use a modern algorithm like AES instead, which has a block size of 128 bits, and a key size of 128 bits (for the standard variant).

XPath to select multiple tags

Not sure if this helps, but with XSL, I'd do something like:

<xsl:for-each select="a/b">
    <xsl:value-of select="c"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="d"/>
    <xsl:value-of select="e"/>

and won't this XPath select all children of B nodes:


How to allocate aligned memory only using the standard library?

Perhaps they would have been satisfied with a knowledge of memalign? And as Jonathan Leffler points out, there are two newer preferable functions to know about.

Oops, florin beat me to it. However, if you read the man page I linked to, you'll most likely understand the example supplied by an earlier poster.

How to convert Set<String> to String[]?

I was facing the same situation.

I begin by declaring the structures I need:

Set<String> myKeysInSet = null; String[] myArrayOfString = null;

In my case, I have a JSON object and I need all the keys in this JSON to be stored in an array of strings. Using the GSON library, I use JSON.keySet() to get the keys and move to my Set :

myKeysInSet = json_any.keySet();

With this, I have a Set structure with all the keys, as I needed it. So I just need to the values to my Array of Strings. See the code below:

myArrayOfString = myKeysInSet.toArray(new String[myKeysInSet.size()]);

This was my first answer in StackOverflow. Sorry for any error :D

Append lines to a file using a StreamWriter

I assume you are executing all of the above code each time you write something to the file. Each time the stream for the file is opened, its seek pointer is positioned at the beginning so all writes end up overwriting what was there before.

You can solve the problem in two ways: either with the convenient

file2 = new StreamWriter("c:/file.txt", true);

or by explicitly repositioning the stream pointer yourself:

file2 = new StreamWriter("c:/file.txt");
file2.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);

Reduce git repository size

Thanks for your replies. Here's what I did:

git gc
git gc --aggressive
git prune

That seemed to have done the trick. I started with around 10.5MB and now it's little more than 980KBs.

LOAD DATA INFILE Error Code : 13

If you are using XAMPP on Mac, this worked for me:

Moving the CSV/TXT file to /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/ as following

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/file.csv' INTO TABLE `tablename` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY ';'

AngularJS: factory $http.get JSON file

this answer helped me out a lot and pointed me in the right direction but what worked for me, and hopefully others, is:

menuApp.controller("dynamicMenuController", function($scope, $http) {
$scope.appetizers= [];
$http.get('config/menu.json').success(function(data) { 
    $scope.appetizers = data.appetizers;

jQuery How to Get Element's Margin and Padding?


use jquery plugin: jquery.sizes.js

$('img').margin() or $('img').padding()


{bottom: 10 ,left: 4 ,top: 0 ,right: 5}

get value:


Check if selected dropdown value is empty using jQuery

You need to use .change() event as well as using # to target element by id:

$('#EventStartTimeMin').change(function() {

Fiddle Demo

What is memoization and how can I use it in Python?

New to Python 3.2 is functools.lru_cache. By default, it only caches the 128 most recently used calls, but you can set the maxsize to None to indicate that the cache should never expire:

import functools

def fib(num):
    if num < 2:
        return num
        return fib(num-1) + fib(num-2)

This function by itself is very slow, try fib(36) and you will have to wait about ten seconds.

Adding lru_cache annotation ensures that if the function has been called recently for a particular value, it will not recompute that value, but use a cached previous result. In this case, it leads to a tremendous speed improvement, while the code is not cluttered with the details of caching.

How to run Conda?

First, check the location of anaconda, for me I installed anaconda3 at / directory which I access with /anaconda3

Then in your terminal, input export PATH="<base location>/anaconda3/bin:$PATH" for me it's export PATH="/anaconda3/bin:$PATH".

Finally, input source $/anaconda3/bin/activate. For you, just change to your location.

Now, you could try conda list to test.

Also, visit intallation guide

matplotlib has no attribute 'pyplot'

Did you import it? Importing matplotlib is not enough.

>>> import matplotlib
>>> matplotlib.pyplot
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'pyplot'


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot
>>> matplotlib.pyplot


pyplot is a submodule of matplotlib and not immediately imported when you import matplotlib.

The most common form of importing pyplot is

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Thus, your statements won't be too long, e.g.


instead of


And: pyplot is not a function, it's a module! So don't call it, use the functions defined inside this module instead. See my example above

jQuery select all except first

<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<button class="btn1">Hide All except First</button>_x000D_
<button class="btn2">Hide All except First & Last</button>_x000D_
<button class="btn3">Hide First & Last</button>_x000D_
<div class='test'>First</div>_x000D_
<div class='test'>Second</div>_x000D_
<div class='test'>Third</div>_x000D_
<div class='test'>Last</div>

Get String in YYYYMMDD format from JS date object?

Here is a more generic approach which allows both date and time components and is identically sortable as either number or string.

Based on the number order of Date ISO format, convert to a local timezone and remove non-digits. i.e.:

// monkey patch version
Date.prototype.IsoNum = function (n) {
    var tzoffset = this.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; //offset in milliseconds
    var localISOTime = (new Date(this - tzoffset)).toISOString().slice(0,-1);
    return localISOTime.replace(/[-T:\.Z]/g, '').substring(0,n || 20); // YYYYMMDD


var d = new Date();
// Tue Jul 28 2015 15:02:53 GMT+0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time)
console.log(d.IsoNum(8));  // "20150728"
console.log(d.IsoNum(12)); // "201507281502"
console.log(d.IsoNum());   // "20150728150253272"

UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode characters

if you are using windows try to pass encoding='latin1', encoding='iso-8859-1' or encoding='cp1252' example:

csv_data = pd.read_csv(csvpath,encoding='iso-8859-1')

Converting Java objects to JSON with Jackson

Note: To make the most voted solution work, attributes in the POJO have to be public or have a public getter/setter:

By default, Jackson 2 will only work with fields that are either public, or have a public getter method – serializing an entity that has all fields private or package private will fail.

Not tested yet, but I believe that this rule also applies for other JSON libs like google Gson.

C++ undefined reference to defined function

This could also happen if you are using CMake. If you have created a new class and you want to instantiate it, at the constructor call you will receive this error -even when the header and the cpp files are correct- if you have not modified CMakeLists.txt accordingly.

With CMake, every time you create a new class, before using it the header, the cpp files and any other compilable files (like Qt ui files) must be added to CMakeLists.txt and then re-run cmake . where CMakeLists.txt is stored.

For example, in this CMakeLists.txt file:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.11)


file(GLOB ImageFeatureDetector_SRC *.h *.cpp)

### Add your new files here ###
add_executable(yourProject YourNewClass.h YourNewClass.cpp otherNewFile.ui})

target_link_libraries(imagefeaturedetector ${SomeLibs})

If you are using the command file(GLOB yourProject_SRC *.h *.cpp) then you just need to re-run cmake . without modifying CMakeLists.txt.

Delete the first three rows of a dataframe in pandas

inp0= pd.read_csv("bank_marketing_updated_v1.csv",skiprows=2)

or if you want to do in existing dataframe

simply do following command

Mocking a function to raise an Exception to test an except block

Your mock is raising the exception just fine, but the error.resp.status value is missing. Rather than use return_value, just tell Mock that status is an attribute:

barMock.side_effect = HttpError(mock.Mock(status=404), 'not found')

Additional keyword arguments to Mock() are set as attributes on the resulting object.

I put your foo and bar definitions in a my_tests module, added in the HttpError class so I could use it too, and your test then can be ran to success:

>>> from my_tests import foo, HttpError
>>> import mock
>>> with mock.patch('') as barMock:
...     barMock.side_effect = HttpError(mock.Mock(status=404), 'not found')
...     result =
404 - 
>>> result is None

You can even see the print '404 - %s' % error.message line run, but I think you wanted to use error.content there instead; that's the attribute HttpError() sets from the second argument, at any rate.

How to import/include a CSS file using PHP code and not HTML code?

If you want to import a CSS file like that, just give the file itself a .php extension and import it anyway. It will work just fine :)

Catching an exception while using a Python 'with' statement

from __future__ import with_statement

    with open( "a.txt" ) as f :
        print f.readlines()
except EnvironmentError: # parent of IOError, OSError *and* WindowsError where available
    print 'oops'

If you want different handling for errors from the open call vs the working code you could do:

    f = open('foo.txt')
except IOError:
    with f:
        print f.readlines()

error: could not create '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/virtualenv_support': Permission denied

In the case of permission denied error, you just need to go with this command.

sudo pip install virtualenv

sudo before the command will throw away the current user permissions error.

Note: For security risks, You should read piotr comment.

Using HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError parameter for heap dump for JBoss

If you are not using "-XX:HeapDumpPath" option then in case of JBoss EAP/As by default the heap dump file will be generated in "JBOSS_HOME/bin" directory.

jQuery scrollTop not working in Chrome but working in Firefox

I don't think the scrollTop is a valid property. If you want to animate scrolling, try the scrollTo plugin for jquery

Writing outputs to log file and console

I have found a way to get the desired output. Though it may be somewhat unorthodox way. Anyways here it goes. In the redir.env file I have following code:

export LOG_FILE=log.txt

      exec 2>>${LOG_FILE}

    function log {
     echo "$1">>${LOG_FILE}

    function message {
     echo "$1"
     echo "$1">>${LOG_FILE}

Then in the actual script I have the following codes:

. redir.env
echo "Echoed to console only"
log "Written to log file only"
message "To console and log"
echo "This is stderr. Written to log file only" 1>&2

Here echo outputs only to console, log outputs to only log file and message outputs to both the log file and console.

After executing the above script file I have following outputs:

In console

In console
Echoed to console only
To console and log

For the Log file

In Log File Written to log file only
This is stderr. Written to log file only
To console and log

Hope this help.

How to know installed Oracle Client is 32 bit or 64 bit?

The following, taken from here, was not mentioned here:

If the Oracle Client is 32 bit, it will contain a "lib" folder; but if it is a 64 bit Oracle Client it will have both "lib" and "lib32" folders.

Also, starting in Oracle, the client version for 64-bit and the Oracle client for 32-bit are shipped separately, and there is an $ORACLE_HOME/lib64 directory.

$ORACLE_HOME/lib/ ==> 32 bit $ORACLE_HOME/lib64 ==> 64 bit


$ORACLE_HOME/lib/ ==> 64 bit $ORACLE_HOME/lib32 ==> 32 bit

C# Java HashMap equivalent

Let me help you understand it with an example of "codaddict's algorithm"

'Dictionary in C#' is 'Hashmap in Java' in parallel universe.

Some implementations are different. See the example below to understand better.

Declaring Java HashMap:

Map<Integer, Integer> pairs = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

Declaring C# Dictionary:

Dictionary<int, int> Pairs = new Dictionary<int, int>();

Getting a value from a location:

pairs.get(input[i]); // in Java
Pairs[input[i]];     // in C#

Setting a value at location:

pairs.put(k - input[i], input[i]); // in Java
Pairs[k - input[i]] = input[i];    // in C#

An Overall Example can be observed from below Codaddict's algorithm.

codaddict's algorithm in Java:

import java.util.HashMap;

public class ArrayPairSum {

    public static void printSumPairs(int[] input, int k)
        Map<Integer, Integer> pairs = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

        for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++)
            if (pairs.containsKey(input[i]))
                System.out.println(input[i] + ", " + pairs.get(input[i]));
                pairs.put(k - input[i], input[i]);


    public static void main(String[] args)
        int[] a = { 2, 45, 7, 3, 5, 1, 8, 9 };
        printSumPairs(a, 10);


Codaddict's algorithm in C#

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void checkPairs(int[] input, int k)
        Dictionary<int, int> Pairs = new Dictionary<int, int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
            if (Pairs.ContainsKey(input[i]))
                Console.WriteLine(input[i] + ", " + Pairs[input[i]]);
                Pairs[k - input[i]] = input[i];
    static void Main(string[] args)
        int[] a = { 2, 45, 7, 3, 5, 1, 8, 9 };
        //method : codaddict's algorithm : O(n)
        checkPairs(a, 10);

How to empty a char array?

I'd go with

members_in_use = 0;

How can I get the username of the logged-in user in Django?

For template, you can use

{% firstof request.user.get_full_name request.user.username %}

firstof will return the first one if not null else the second one

How to split a string between letters and digits (or between digits and letters)?

If you are looking for solution without using Java String functionality (i.e. split, match, etc.) then the following should help:

List<String> splitString(String string) {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        String token = "";
        char curr;
        for (int e = 0; e < string.length() + 1; e++) {
            if (e == 0)
                curr = string.charAt(0);
            else {
                curr = string.charAt(--e);

            if (isNumber(curr)) {
                while (e < string.length() && isNumber(string.charAt(e))) {
                    token += string.charAt(e++);
                token = "";
            } else {
                while (e < string.length() && !isNumber(string.charAt(e))) {
                    token += string.charAt(e++);
                token = "";


        return list;

boolean isNumber(char c) {
        return c >= '0' && c <= '9';

This solution will split numbers and 'words', where 'words' are strings that don't contain numbers. However, if you like to have only 'words' containing English letters then you can easily modify it by adding more conditions (like isNumber method call) depending on your requirements (for example you may wish to skip words that contain non English letters). Also note that the splitString method returns ArrayList which later can be converted to String array.

Extracting specific columns from a data frame

For some reason only

df[, (names(df) %in% c("A","B","E"))]

worked for me. All of the above syntaxes yielded "undefined columns selected".

"A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time" using WebClient

In my case I got this error because my domain was not listed in Hosts file on Server. If in future anyone else is facing the same issue, try making entry in Host file and check.

Path : C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
FileName: hosts

How can I get a resource "Folder" from inside my jar File?

I know this is many years ago . But just for other people come across this topic. What you could do is to use getResourceAsStream() method with the directory path, and the input Stream will have all the files name from that dir. After that you can concat the dir path with each file name and call getResourceAsStream for each file in a loop.

Upload file to FTP using C#

In the first example must change those to:


First flush and after that close.

How to run a shell script on a Unix console or Mac terminal?

Little addition, to run an interpreter from the same folder, still using #!hashbang in scripts.

As example a php7.2 executable copied from /usr/bin is in a folder along a hello script.


echo "Hello!"; 

To run it:


Which behave just as equal as:

./php7.2 hello

The proper solutions with good documentation can be the tools linuxdeploy and/or appimage, this is using this method under the hood.

Functional programming vs Object Oriented programming

  1. If you're in a heavily concurrent environment, then pure functional programming is useful. The lack of mutable state makes concurrency almost trivial. See Erlang.

  2. In a multiparadigm language, you may want to model some things functionally if the existence of mutable state is must an implementation detail, and thus FP is a good model for the problem domain. For example, see list comprehensions in Python or std.range in the D programming language. These are inspired by functional programming.

How do you redirect HTTPS to HTTP?

As far as I'm aware of a simple meta refresh also works without causing errors:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=''">

Connecting to TCP Socket from browser using javascript

In order to achieve what you want, you would have to write two applications (in either Java or Python, for example):

  1. Bridge app that sits on the client's machine and can deal with both TCP/IP sockets and WebSockets. It will interact with the TCP/IP socket in question.

  2. Server-side app (such as a JSP/Servlet WAR) that can talk WebSockets. It includes at least one HTML page (including server-side processing code if need be) to be accessed by a browser.

It should work like this

  1. The Bridge will open a WS connection to the web app (because a server can't connect to a client).
  2. The Web app will ask the client to identify itself
  3. The bridge client sends some ID information to the server, which stores it in order to identify the bridge.
    1. The browser-viewable page connects to the WS server using JS.
    2. Repeat step 3, but for the JS-based page
    3. The JS-based page sends a command to the server, including to which bridge it must go.
    4. The server forwards the command to the bridge.
    5. The bridge opens a TCP/IP socket and interacts with it (sends a message, gets a response).
    6. The Bridge sends a response to the server through the WS
    7. The WS forwards the response to the browser-viewable page
    8. The JS processes the response and reacts accordingly
    9. Repeat until either client disconnects/unloads

Note 1: The above steps are a vast simplification and do not include information about error handling and keepAlive requests, in the event that either client disconnects prematurely or the server needs to inform clients that it is shutting down/restarting.

Note 2: Depending on your needs, it might be possible to merge these components into one if the TCP/IP socket server in question (to which the bridge talks) is on the same machine as the server app.

Disable pasting text into HTML form

Just got this, we can achieve it using onpaste:"return false", thanks to:

We have various other options available as listed below.

<input type="text" onselectstart="return false" onpaste="return false;" onCopy="return false" onCut="return false" onDrag="return false" onDrop="return false" autocomplete=off/><br>

Why is ZoneOffset.UTC != ZoneId.of("UTC")?

The answer comes from the javadoc of ZoneId (emphasis mine) ...

A ZoneId is used to identify the rules used to convert between an Instant and a LocalDateTime. There are two distinct types of ID:

  • Fixed offsets - a fully resolved offset from UTC/Greenwich, that uses the same offset for all local date-times
  • Geographical regions - an area where a specific set of rules for finding the offset from UTC/Greenwich apply

Most fixed offsets are represented by ZoneOffset. Calling normalized() on any ZoneId will ensure that a fixed offset ID will be represented as a ZoneOffset.

... and from the javadoc of ZoneId#of (emphasis mine):

This method parses the ID producing a ZoneId or ZoneOffset. A ZoneOffset is returned if the ID is 'Z', or starts with '+' or '-'.

The argument id is specified as "UTC", therefore it will return a ZoneId with an offset, which also presented in the string form:




As you use the equals method for comparison, you check for object equivalence. Because of the described difference, the result of the evaluation is false.

When the normalized() method is used as proposed in the documentation, the comparison using equals will return true, as normalized() will return the corresponding ZoneOffset:

Normalizes the time-zone ID, returning a ZoneOffset where possible.

    .equals(now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("UTC").normalized())); // true

As the documentation states, if you use "Z" or "+0" as input id, of will return the ZoneOffset directly and there is no need to call normalized():

now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).equals(now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("Z"))); //true
now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).equals(now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("+0"))); //true

To check if they store the same date time, you can use the isEqual method instead:

    .isEqual(now.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("UTC"))); // true


System.out.println("equals - ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"): " + nowZoneOffset
System.out.println("equals - ZoneId.of(\"UTC\").normalized(): " + nowZoneOffset
System.out.println("equals - ZoneId.of(\"Z\"): " + nowZoneOffset
System.out.println("equals - ZoneId.of(\"+0\"): " + nowZoneOffset
System.out.println("isEqual - ZoneId.of(\"UTC\"): "+ nowZoneOffset


equals - ZoneId.of("UTC"): false
equals - ZoneId.of("UTC").normalized(): true
equals - ZoneId.of("Z"): true
equals - ZoneId.of("+0"): true
isEqual - ZoneId.of("UTC"): true

What is the difference between ArrayList.clear() and ArrayList.removeAll()?

The source code for clear():

public void clear() {

    // Let gc do its work
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        elementData[i] = null;

    size = 0;

The source code for removeAll()(As defined in AbstractCollection):

public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
    boolean modified = false;
    Iterator<?> e = iterator();
    while (e.hasNext()) {
        if (c.contains( {
            modified = true;
    return modified;

clear() is much faster since it doesn't have to deal with all those extra method calls.

And as Atrey points out, c.contains(..) increases the time complexity of removeAll to O(n2) as opposed to clear's O(n).

How to attach source or JavaDoc in eclipse for any jar file e.g. JavaFX?

You can configure the Javadocs with downloading jar, basically javadocs will be referred directly from internet.

Complete steps:

  1. Open the Build Path page of the project (right click, properties, Java build path).
  2. Open the Libraries tab.
  3. Expand the node of the library in question (JavaFX).
  4. Select JavaDoc location and click edit.
  5. Enter the location to the file which contains the Javadoc. Specifically for the javaFX javadoc enter

for offline javadocs, you can download from :

After clicking Accept License Agreement you can download

Display rows with one or more NaN values in pandas dataframe

Suppose gamma1 and gamma2 are two such columns for which df.isnull().any() gives True value , the following code can be used to print the rows.

bool1 = pd.isnull(df['gamma1'])
bool2 = pd.isnull(df['gamma2'])

How to use a wildcard in the classpath to add multiple jars?

If you mean that you have an environment variable named CLASSPATH, I'd say that's your mistake. I don't have such a thing on any machine with which I develop Java. CLASSPATH is so tied to a particular project that it's impossible to have a single, correct CLASSPATH that works for all.

I set CLASSPATH for each project using either an IDE or Ant. I do a lot of web development, so each WAR and EAR uses their own CLASSPATH.

It's ignored by IDEs and app servers. Why do you have it? I'd recommend deleting it.

CSS How to set div height 100% minus nPx

Use an outer wrapper div set to 100% and then your inner wrapper div 100% should be now relative to that.

I thought for sure this used to work for me, but apparently not:

<div id="outerwrapper" style="border : 1px solid red ; height : 100%">
<div id="header" style="border : 1px solid blue ; height : 60px"></div>
<div id="wrapper"  style="border : 1px solid green ; height : 100% ; overflow : scroll ;">
  <div id="left" style="height : 100% ; width : 50% ; overflow : scroll; float : left ; clear : left ;">Some text 

on the left</div>
  <div id="right" style="height : 100% ; width 50% ; overflow : scroll; float : left ;">Some Text on the 


How to escape a JSON string to have it in a URL?

You could use the encodeURIComponent to safely URL encode parts of a query string:

var array = JSON.stringify([ 'foo', 'bar' ]);
var url = '' + encodeURIComponent(array);

or if you are sending this as an AJAX request:

var array = JSON.stringify([ 'foo', 'bar' ]);
    url: '',
    type: 'GET',
    data: { data: array },
    success: function(result) {
        // process the results

Firebase Permission Denied

Go to the "Database" option you mentioned.

  1. There on the Blue Header you'll find a dropdown which says Cloud Firestore Beta
  2. Change it to "Realtime database"
  3. Go to Rules and set .write .read both to true

Copied from here.

How do I "commit" changes in a git submodule?

You can treat a submodule exactly like an ordinary repository. To propagate your changes upstream just commit and push as you would normally within that directory.

illegal use of break statement; javascript

You need to make sure requestAnimFrame stops being called once game == 1. A break statement only exits a traditional loop (e.g. while()).

function loop() {
    if (isPlaying) {
        if (game != 1) {

Or alternatively you could simply skip the second if condition and change the first condition to if (isPlaying && game !== 1). You would have to make a variable called game and give it a value of 0. Add 1 to it every game.

PHP header redirect 301 - what are the implications?

Just a tip: using http_response_code is much easier to remember than writing the full header:

header('Location: /option-a'); 

Static vs class functions/variables in Swift classes?

There's one more difference. class can be used to define type properties of computed type only. If you need a stored type property use static instead.

Class :- reference type

struct :- value type

Check if a string is a palindrome

The various provided answers are wrong for numerous reasons, primarily from misunderstanding what a palindrome is. The majority only properly identify a subset of palindromes.

From Merriam-Webster

A word, verse, or sentence (such as "Able was I ere I saw Elba")

And from Wordnik

A word, phrase, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward. For example: A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!

Consider non-trivial palindromes such as "Malayalam" (it's a proper language, so naming rules apply, and it should be capitalized), or palindromic sentences such as "Was it a car or a cat I saw?" or "No 'X' in Nixon".

These are recognized palindromes in any literature.

I'm lifting the thorough solution from a library providing this kind of stuff that I'm the primary author of, so the solution works for both String and ReadOnlySpan<Char> because that's a requirement I've imposed on the library. The solution for purely String will be easy to determine from this, however.

public static Boolean IsPalindrome(this String @string) =>
    !(@string is null) && @string.AsSpan().IsPalindrome();

public static Boolean IsPalindrome(this ReadOnlySpan<Char> span) {
    // First we need to build the string without any punctuation or whitespace or any other
    // unrelated-to-reading characters.
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(span.Length);
    foreach (Char s in span) {
        if (!(s.IsControl()
            || s.IsPunctuation()
            || s.IsSeparator()
            || s.IsWhiteSpace()) {
            _ = builder.Append(s);
    String prepped = builder.ToString();
    String reversed = prepped.Reverse().Join();
    // Now actually check it's a palindrome
    return String.Equals(prepped, reversed, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

You're going to want variants of this that accept a CultureInfo parameter as well, when you're testing a specific language rather than your own language, by instead calling .ToUpper(cultureInfo) on prepped.

And here's proof from the projects unit tests that it works.

unit test results

Bash syntax error: unexpected end of file

i also just got this error message by using the wrong syntax in an if clause

  • else if (syntax error: unexpected end of file)
  • elif (correct syntax)

i debugged it by commenting bits out until it worked

How do I break out of a loop in Scala?

Since there is no break in Scala yet, you could try to solve this problem with using a return-statement. Therefore you need to put your inner loop into a function, otherwise the return would skip the whole loop.

Scala 2.8 however includes a way to break

Python memory usage of numpy arrays

You can use array.nbytes for numpy arrays, for example:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sys import getsizeof
>>> a = [0] * 1024
>>> b = np.array(a)
>>> getsizeof(a)
>>> b.nbytes

Should methods in a Java interface be declared with or without a public access modifier?

I always write what I would use if there was no interface and I was writing a direct implementation, i.e., I would use public.

Javascript Click on Element by Class

class of my button is "input-addon btn btn-default fileinput-exists"

below code helped me


but I want to click second button, I have two buttons in my screen so I used querySelectorAll

var elem = document.querySelectorAll('.input-addon.btn.btn-default.fileinput-exists');

here elem[1] is the second button object that I want to click.

Python datetime to string without microsecond component

In Python 3.6:

from datetime import datetime' ', 'seconds')
'2017-01-11 14:41:33'

Reading file from Workspace in Jenkins with Groovy script

If you already have the Groovy (Postbuild) plugin installed, I think it's a valid desire to get this done with (generic) Groovy instead of installing a (specialized) plugin.

That said, you can get the workspace using Don't forget to add File.separator between path and file name.

Go to beginning of line without opening new line in VI

Move the cursor to the begining or end with insert mode

  • I - Moves the cursor to the first non blank character in the current line and enables insert mode.
  • A - Moves the cursor to the last character in the current line and enables insert mode.

Here I is equivalent to ^ + i. Similarly A is equivalent to $ + a.

Just moving the cursor to the begining or end

  • ^ - Moves the cursor to the first non blank character in the current line
  • 0 - Moves the cursor to the first character in the current line
  • $ - Moves the cursor to the last character in the current line

Replace last occurrence of a string in a string

This is an ancient question, but why is everyone overlooking the simplest regexp-based solution? Normal regexp quantifiers are greedy, people! If you want to find the last instance of a pattern, just stick .* in front of it. Here's how:

$text = "The quick brown fox, fox, fox, fox, jumps over etc.";
$fixed = preg_replace("((.*)fox)", "$1DUCK", $text);

This will replace the last instance of "fox" to "DUCK", like it's supposed to, and print:

The quick brown fox, fox, fox, DUCK, jumps over etc.

How can I protect my .NET assemblies from decompilation?

I've heard about some projects that directly compile IL into native code. You can get some additional info from this post: Is it possible to compile .NET IL code to machine code?

jquery remove "selected" attribute of option?

Well, I spent a lot of time on this issue. To get an answer working with Chrome AND IE, I had to change my approach. The idea is to avoid removing the selected option (because cannot remove it properly with IE). => this implies to select option not by adding or setting the selected attribute on the option, but to choose an option at the "select" level using the selectedIndex prop.

Before :

$('#myselect option:contains("value")').attr('selected','selected');
$('#myselect option:contains("value")').removeAttr('selected'); => KO with IE

After :

$('#myselect').prop('selectedIndex', $('#myselect option:contains("value")').index());
$('#myselect').prop('selectedIndex','-1'); => OK with all browsers

Hope it will help

How to execute an SSIS package from .NET?

So there is another way you can actually fire it from any language. The best way I think, you can just create a batch file which will call your .dtsx package.

Next you call the batch file from any language. As in windows platform, you can run batch file from anywhere, I think this will be the most generic approach for your purpose. No code dependencies.

Below is a blog for more details..

Happy coding.. :)

Thanks, Ayan

Android TextView Text not getting wrapped

In my case, with a TableRow > ScrollView > TextView nesting, I solved the problem by setting android:layout_width to fill_parent on TableRow, and to wrap_content on ScrollView and TextView.

Resource u'tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle' not found

If you're looking to only download the punkt model:

import nltk'punkt')

If you're unsure which data/model you need, you can install the popular datasets, models and taggers from NLTK:

import nltk'popular')

With the above command, there is no need to use the GUI to download the datasets.

Change Placeholder Text using jQuery

try this

$('#Selector_ID').attr("placeholder", "your Placeholder");

Http Post With Body

 ArrayList<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();

then add elements for each pair

 nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("yourReqVar", Value);
 nameValuePairs.add( ..... );

Then use the HttpPost:

HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(URL);
httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs));

and use the HttpClient and Response to get the response from the server

In Windows cmd, how do I prompt for user input and use the result in another command?

Just to keep a default value of the variable. Press Enter to use default from the recent run of your .bat:

@echo off
set /p Var1=<Var1.txt
set /p Var1="Enter new value ("%Var1%") "
echo %Var1%> Var1.txt

rem YourApp %Var1%

In the first run just ignore the message about lack of file with the initial value of the variable (or do create the Var1.txt manually).

How to read multiple text files into a single RDD?

TRY THIS Interface used to write a DataFrame to external storage systems (e.g. file systems, key-value stores, etc). Use DataFrame.write() to access this.

New in version 1.4.

csv(path, mode=None, compression=None, sep=None, quote=None, escape=None, header=None, nullValue=None, escapeQuotes=None, quoteAll=None, dateFormat=None, timestampFormat=None) Saves the content of the DataFrame in CSV format at the specified path.

Parameters: path – the path in any Hadoop supported file system mode – specifies the behavior of the save operation when data already exists.

append: Append contents of this DataFrame to existing data. overwrite: Overwrite existing data. ignore: Silently ignore this operation if data already exists. error (default case): Throw an exception if data already exists. compression – compression codec to use when saving to file. This can be one of the known case-insensitive shorten names (none, bzip2, gzip, lz4, snappy and deflate). sep – sets the single character as a separator for each field and value. If None is set, it uses the default value, ,. quote – sets the single character used for escaping quoted values where the separator can be part of the value. If None is set, it uses the default value, ". If you would like to turn off quotations, you need to set an empty string. escape – sets the single character used for escaping quotes inside an already quoted value. If None is set, it uses the default value, \ escapeQuotes – A flag indicating whether values containing quotes should always be enclosed in quotes. If None is set, it uses the default value true, escaping all values containing a quote character. quoteAll – A flag indicating whether all values should always be enclosed in quotes. If None is set, it uses the default value false, only escaping values containing a quote character. header – writes the names of columns as the first line. If None is set, it uses the default value, false. nullValue – sets the string representation of a null value. If None is set, it uses the default value, empty string. dateFormat – sets the string that indicates a date format. Custom date formats follow the formats at java.text.SimpleDateFormat. This applies to date type. If None is set, it uses the default value value, yyyy-MM-dd. timestampFormat – sets the string that indicates a timestamp format. Custom date formats follow the formats at java.text.SimpleDateFormat. This applies to timestamp type. If None is set, it uses the default value value, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ.

What is Python buffer type for?

I think buffers are e.g. useful when interfacing python to native libraries. (Guido van Rossum explains buffer in this mailinglist post).

For example, numpy seems to use buffer for efficient data storage:

import numpy
a = numpy.ndarray(1000000)

the is a:

<read-write buffer for 0x1d7b410, size 8000000, offset 0 at 0x1e353b0>

How can I detect if a selector returns null?

You may want to do this all the time by default. I've been struggling to wrap the jquery function or jquery.fn.init method to do this without error, but you can make a simple change to the jquery source to do this. Included are some surrounding lines you can search for. I recommend searching jquery source for The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'

  version = "3.3.1",

  // Define a local copy of jQuery
  jQuery = function( selector, context ) {

    // The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'
    // Need init if jQuery is called (just allow error to be thrown if not included)
    var result = new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );
    if ( result.length === 0 ) {
      if (window.console && console.warn && context !== 'failsafe') {
        if (selector != null) {
            new Error('$(\''+selector+'\') selected nothing. Do $(sel, "failsafe") to silence warning. Context:'+context)
    return result;

  // Support: Android <=4.0 only
  // Make sure we trim BOM and NBSP
  rtrim = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g;

jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {

Last but not least, you can get the uncompressed jquery source code here:

Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">_x000D_
<div id="hello"></div>_x000D_
<script type ="text/javascript">_x000D_
    function what(){_x000D_
        document.getElementById('hello').innerHTML = '<p>hi</p>';_x000D_
</script>  _x000D_

Namespace for [DataContract]

[DataContract] and [DataMember] attribute are found in System.ServiceModel namespace which is in System.ServiceModel.dll .

System.ServiceModel uses the System and System.Runtime.Serialization namespaces to serialize the datamembers.

mysql delete under safe mode

Turning off safe mode in Mysql workbench

Edit menu => Preferences => SQL Editor : Other section: click on "Safe updates" ... to uncheck option

Workbench Preferences

Android: adbd cannot run as root in production builds

You have to grant the Superuser right to the shell app ( In my case, I use Magisk to root my phone Nexsus 6P (Oreo 8.1). So I can grant Superuser right in the Magisk Manager app, whih is in the left upper option menu.

How to convert InputStream to FileInputStream

Use ClassLoader#getResource() instead if its URI represents a valid local disk file system path.

URL resource = classLoader.getResource("resource.ext");
File file = new File(resource.toURI());
FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(file);
// ...

If it doesn't (e.g. JAR), then your best bet is to copy it into a temporary file.

Path temp = Files.createTempFile("resource-", ".ext");
Files.copy(classLoader.getResourceAsStream("resource.ext"), temp, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
FileInputStream input = new FileInputStream(temp.toFile());
// ...

That said, I really don't see any benefit of doing so, or it must be required by a poor helper class/method which requires FileInputStream instead of InputStream. If you can, just fix the API to ask for an InputStream instead. If it's a 3rd party one, by all means report it as a bug. I'd in this specific case also put question marks around the remainder of that API.

How to cast a double to an int in Java by rounding it down?


where n is a double. This'll actually return a double, it seems, so make sure that you typecast it after.

Error loading the SDK when Eclipse starts

execute with in under api level 19 right click on project go to preporty and then select android this pic look

    android:targetSdkVersion="19" />

How do I get my Python program to sleep for 50 milliseconds?

Note that if you rely on sleep taking exactly 50 ms, you won't get that. It will just be about it.

Windows batch script launch program and exit console

The simplest way ist just to start it with start

start notepad.exe

Here you can find more information about start

How to install the current version of Go in Ubuntu Precise

Here is the most straight forward and simple method I found to install go on Ubuntu 14.04 without any ppa or any other tool.

As of now, The version of GO is 1.7

Get the Go 1.7.tar.gz using wget


Extract it and copy it to /usr/local/

sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzvf go1.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz

You have now successfully installed GO. Now You have to set Environment Variables so you can use the go command from anywhere.

To achieve this we need to add a line to .bashrc So,

sudo nano ~/.bashrc

and add the following line to the end of file.

export PATH="/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH"

Now, All the commands in go/bin will work.

Check if the install was successful by doing

go version

For offline Documentation you can do

godoc -http=:6060

Offline documentation will be available at http://localhost:6060


Some people here are suggesting to change the PATH variable.

It is not a good choice.

  1. Changing that to /usr/local/go/bin is temporary and it'll reset once you close terminal.

  2. go command will only work in terminal in which you changed the value of PATH.

  3. You'll not be able to use any other command like ls, nano or just about everything because everything else is in /usr/bin or in other locations. All those things will stop working and it'll start giving you error.

However, this is permanent and does not disturbs anything else.

Missing maven .m2 folder

When you first install maven, .m2 folder will not be present in C:\Users\ {user} path. To generate the folder you have to run any maven command e.g. mvn clean, mvn install etc. so that it searches for settings.xml in .m2 folder and when not found creates one.

So long story cur short, open cmd -> mvn install

It will show could not find any projects(Don't worry maven is working fine :P) now check your user folder.

P.S. If still not able to view .m2 folder try unhiding hidden items.

Find all paths between two graph nodes

The following functions (modified BFS with a recursive path-finding function between two nodes) will do the job for an acyclic graph:

from collections import defaultdict

# modified BFS
def find_all_parents(G, s):
    Q = [s]
    parents = defaultdict(set)
    while len(Q) != 0:
        v = Q[0]
        for w in G.get(v, []):
    return parents

# recursive path-finding function (assumes that there exists a path in G from a to b)   
def find_all_paths(parents, a, b): 
    return [a] if a == b else [y + b for x in list(parents[b]) for y in find_all_paths(parents, a, x)]

For example, with the following graph (DAG) G given by

G = {'A':['B','C'], 'B':['D'], 'C':['D', 'F'], 'D':['E', 'F'], 'E':['F']}

if we want to find all paths between the nodes 'A' and 'F' (using the above-defined functions as find_all_paths(find_all_parents(G, 'A'), 'A', 'F')), it will return the following paths:

enter image description here

Mark error in form using Bootstrap

Bootstrap V3:

Once i was searching for laravel features then i got to know this amazing form validation. Later on, i amended glyphicon icon features. Now, it looks great.

<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="form-group has-error has-feedback">
    <input id="enter email" name="email" type="text" placeholder="Enter email" class="form-control ">
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback"></span>       
    <span class="help-block"><p>The Email field is required.</p></span>                                        
<div class="clearfix"></div>

<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="form-group has-error has-feedback">
    <input id="account_holder_name" name="name" type="text" placeholder="Name" class="form-control ">
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback"></span>                                            
    <span class="help-block"><p>The Name field is required.</p></span>                                        
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="form-group has-error has-feedback">
 <input id="check_np" name="check_no" type="text" placeholder="Check no" class="form-control ">
 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback"></span>
<span class="help-block"><p>The Check No. field is required.</p></span>                                       

This is what it looks like: enter image description here

Once i completed it i thought i should implement it in Codeigniter as well. So here is the Codeigniter-3 validation with Bootstrap:


function addData()
if($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
//validation fails. Load your view.
$this->loadViews('Load your view','pass your data to view if any');
 //validation pass. Your code here.


<div class="col-md-12">
 $email_error = (form_error('email') ? 'has-error has-feedback' : '');
 $emailData = '<span class="help-block">'.form_error('email').'</span>';
 $emailClass = $email_error;
 $emailIcon = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback"></span>';
    $emailClass = $emailIcon = $emailData = '';
<div class="form-group <?= $emailClass ?>">
<input id="enter email" name="email" type="text" placeholder="Enter email" class="form-control ">
<?= $emailIcon ?>
<?= $emailData ?>

Output: enter image description here

Using variables inside strings

Up to C#5 (-VS2013) you have to call a function/method for it. Either a "normal" function such as String.Format or an overload of the + operator.

string str = "Hello " + name; // This calls an overload of operator +.

In C#6 (VS2015) string interpolation has been introduced (as described by other answers).

How do I change the android actionbar title and icon

ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();

Beautiful Soup and extracting a div and its contents by ID

soup.find("tagName",attrs={ "id" : "articlebody" })

How should you diagnose the error SEHException - External component has thrown an exception

I got this error while running unit tests on inmemory caching I was setting up. It flooded the cache. After invalidating the cache and restarting the VM, it worked fine.

How to git reset --hard a subdirectory?

I'm going to offer a terrible option here, since I have no idea how to do anything with git except add commit and push, here's how I "reverted" a subdirectory:

I started a new repository on my local pc, reverted the whole thing to the commit I wanted to copy code from and then copied those files over to my working directory, add commit push et voila. Don't hate the player, hate Mr Torvalds for being smarter than us all.

how to display toolbox on the left side of window of Visual Studio Express for windows phone 7 development?

Sometimes you can just do 'Window -> Reset Window Layout', and that'll work :)

How to join components of a path when you are constructing a URL in Python

The basejoin function in the urllib package might be what you're looking for.

basejoin = urljoin(base, url, allow_fragments=True)
    Join a base URL and a possibly relative URL to form an absolute
    interpretation of the latter.

Edit: I didn't notice before, but urllib.basejoin seems to map directly to urlparse.urljoin, making the latter preferred.

How do I determine if a checkbox is checked?

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <input type="checkbox" id="isSelected"/>
    <div id="myDiv" style="display:none">Is Checked</div>

    <script src=""></script>
        $('#isSelected').click(function() {

iframe to Only Show a Certain Part of the Page

Somehow I fiddled around and some how I got it to work:

<iframe src="" width="100%" height="100%" align="center" ></iframe>

I think this is the first time this code has been posted so share it

Get visible items in RecyclerView

For StaggeredGridLayoutManager do this:

RecyclerView rv = findViewById(...);
StaggeredGridLayoutManager lm = new StaggeredGridLayoutManager(...);

And to get visible item views:

int[] viewsIds = lm.findFirstCompletelyVisibleItemPositions(null);
ViewHolder firstViewHolder = rvPlantios.findViewHolderForLayoutPosition(viewsIds[0]);
View itemView = viewHolder.itemView;

Remember to check if it is empty.

Git: How to return from 'detached HEAD' state

You may have made some new commits in the detached HEAD state. I believe if you do as other answers advise:

git checkout master
# or
git checkout -

then you may lose your commits!! Instead, you may want to do this:

# you are currently in detached HEAD state
git checkout -b commits-from-detached-head

and then merge commits-from-detached-head into whatever branch you want, so you don't lose the commits.

How to print SQL statement in codeigniter model

There is a new public method get_compiled_select that can print the query before running it. _compile_select is now protected therefore can not be used.

echo $this->db->get_compiled_select(); // before $this->db->get();

How to print bytes in hexadecimal using System.out.println?

byte test[] = new byte[3];
test[0] = 0x0A;
test[1] = 0xFF;
test[2] = 0x01;

for (byte theByte : test)

NOTE: test[1] = 0xFF; this wont compile, you cant put 255 (FF) into a byte, java will want to use an int.

you might be able to do...

test[1] = (byte) 0xFF;

I'd test if I was near my IDE (if I was near my IDE I wouln't be on Stackoverflow)

Find where python is installed (if it isn't default dir)

On windows running where python should work.

Can you have multiline HTML5 placeholder text in a <textarea>?

If your textarea have a static width you can use combination of non-breaking space and automatic textarea wrapping. Just replace spaces to nbsp for every line and make sure that two neighbour lines can't fit into one. In practice line length > cols/2.

This isn't the best way, but could be the only cross-browser solution.

<textarea class="textAreaMultiligne" _x000D_
          placeholder="Hello,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This&nbsp;is&nbsp;multiligne&nbsp;example Have&nbsp;Fun&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"_x000D_
          rows="5" cols="35"></textarea>

How to comment a block in Eclipse?

Using Eclipe Oxygen command + Shift + c on macOSx Sierra will add/remove comments out multiple lines of code

how to remove pagination in datatable

It's working

Try below code

    "bProcessing": true,
    "sAutoWidth": false,
    "sPaginationType": "bootstrap", // full_numbers
    "iDisplayStart ": 10,
    "iDisplayLength": 10,
    "bPaginate": false, //hide pagination
    "bFilter": false, //hide Search bar
    "bInfo": false, // hide showing entries

How to use sbt from behind proxy?

I used (this is a unix environment) :

export SBT_OPTS="$SBT_OPTS -Dhttp.proxyHost=myproxy-Dhttp.proxyPort=myport"

This did not work for my setup :

export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dhttp.proxyHost=myproxy-Dhttp.proxyPort=myport"

In file :

JAVA_OPTS          environment variable, if unset uses "$java_opts"
SBT_OPTS           environment variable, if unset uses "$default_sbt_opts"

But apparently SBT_OPTS is used instead of JAVA_OPTS