[php] Pull all images from a specified directory and then display them

How to display the image from a specified directory? like i want to display all the png images from a directory, in my case my directory is media/images/iconized.

I tried to look around but seems none of them fits what i really needed.

But here's my try.

$dirname = "media/images/iconized/";
$images = scandir($dirname);
$ignore = Array(".", "..");
foreach($images as $curimg){
    if(!in_array($curimg, $ignore)) {
        echo "<img src='media/images/iconized/$curimg' /><br>\n";

hope someone here could help. Im open in any ideas, recommendation and suggestion, thank you.

This question is related to php

The answer is

You can also use glob for this:

$dirname = "media/images/iconized/";
$images = glob($dirname."*.png");

foreach($images as $image) {
    echo '<img src="'.$image.'" /><br />';

You need to change the loop from for ($i=1; $i<count($files); $i++) to for ($i=0; $i<count($files); $i++):

So the correct code is

$files = glob("images/*.*");

for ($i=0; $i<count($files); $i++) {
    $image = $files[$i];
    print $image ."<br />";
    echo '<img src="'.$image .'" alt="Random image" />'."<br /><br />";


In case anyone is looking for recursive.


echo scanDirectoryImages("images");

 * Recursively search through directory for images and display them
 * @param  array  $exts
 * @param  string $directory
 * @return string
function scanDirectoryImages($directory, array $exts = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png'))
    if (substr($directory, -1) == '/') {
        $directory = substr($directory, 0, -1);
    $html = '';
    if (
        && (file_exists($directory) || is_dir($directory))
    ) {
        $directoryList = opendir($directory);
        while($file = readdir($directoryList)) {
            if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
                $path = $directory . '/' . $file;
                if (is_readable($path)) {
                    if (is_dir($path)) {
                        return scanDirectoryImages($path, $exts);
                    if (
                        && in_array(end(explode('.', end(explode('/', $path)))), $exts)
                    ) {
                        $html .= '<a href="' . $path . '"><img src="' . $path
                            . '" style="max-height:100px;max-width:100px" /></a>';
    return $html;

Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in /home/aadarshi/public_html/----------/upload/view.php on line 32

and the code is:


echo scanDirectoryImages("uploads");

* Recursively search through directory for images and display them
* @param  array  $exts
* @param  string $directory
* @return string
function scanDirectoryImages($directory, array $exts = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png'))
if (substr($directory, -1) == '/') {
    $directory = substr($directory, 0, -1);
$html = '';
if (
    && (file_exists($directory) || is_dir($directory))
) {
    $directoryList = opendir($directory);
    while($file = readdir($directoryList)) {
        if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
            $path = $directory . '/' . $file;
            if (is_readable($path)) {
                if (is_dir($path)) {
                    return scanDirectoryImages($path, $exts);
                if (
                    && in_array(end(explode('.', end(explode('/', $path)))),   $exts)
                ) {
                    $html .= '<a href="' . $path . '"><img src="' . $path
                        . '" style="max-height:100px;max-width:100px" />  </a>';
return $html;

You can display all image from a folder using simple php script. Suppose folder name “images” and put some image in this folder and then use any text editor and paste this code and run this script. This is php code

     $files = glob("images/*.*");
     for ($i=0; $i<count($files); $i++)
        $image = $files[$i];
        $supported_file = array(

         $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($image, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
         if (in_array($ext, $supported_file)) {
            echo basename($image)."<br />"; // show only image name if you want to show full path then use this code // echo $image."<br />";
             echo '<img src="'.$image .'" alt="Random image" />'."<br /><br />";
            } else {

if you do not check image type then use this code

$files = glob("images/*.*");
for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) {
    $image = $files[$i];
    echo basename($image) . "<br />"; // show only image name if you want to show full path then use this code // echo $image."<br />";
    echo '<img src="' . $image . '" alt="Random image" />' . "<br /><br />";
