[android] How do I change the android actionbar title and icon

I'm trying to do some things on the ActionBar in Android.

I've already added new items in the right side of the action bar.

How can I change the left side of the action bar? I want to change the icon and the text, and I want to add a "Back Button" in the action bar for the other screens

Android Action Bar

This question is related to android android-layout android-actionbar

The answer is

You can also do as follow :

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        setTitle("Activity 2")

If you want to change the Action bar title just give the following 1 line code in the onCreate() of your Activity


To make a single icon be usable by all your action bars you can do this in your Android Manifest.




I got non-static method setTitle(CharSequence) cannot be referenced from a static context error because I used setTitle() in static PlaceholderFragment class. I solved it by using getActivity().getActionBar().setTitle("new title");

The action bar title will, by default, use the label of the current activity, but you can also set it programmatically via ActionBar.setTitle().

To implement the "Back" (more precisely, "Up") button functionality you're talking about, read the "Using the App Icon for Navigation" section of the Action Bar developer guide.

Finally, to change the icon, the guide covers that as well. In short, the action bar will display the image supplied in android:icon in your manifest's application or activity element, if there is one. The typical practice is to create an application icon (in all of the various densities you'll need) named ic_launcher.png, and place it in your drawable-* directories.

This work for me:


For set Title :


For set Icon :


Add the below code inside an onCreate function in your activity.


For that, you can do it in 2 ways: XML or Java. See here: How to change the text on the action bar



<activity android:name=".Hello_World"
              android:label="This is the Hello World Application">


public class TitleBar extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

       final boolean customTitleSupported = requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE);


       if ( customTitleSupported ) {
           getWindow().setFeatureInt(Window.FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE, R.layout.titlebar);

       final TextView myTitleText = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.myTitle);
       if ( myTitleText != null ) {
           myTitleText.setText("NEW TITLE");

           // user can also set color using "Color" and then "Color value constant"
          // myTitleText.setBackgroundColor(Color.GREEN);

You can change the icon in your by adding whatever icon you want to your respective drawable folders, then changing this line in your AndroidManifest.xml file:


to match whatever the name of your icon is in there. Or put your icon as ic_launcher, if they're the same icon. As for what it says, add or change whatever strings match up to that in your res/values/strings.xml file. Then, once again in your AndroidManifest.xml file, change this line:


to whatever the string you have in their. You'll have to do this for the application as a whole, and whichever activities you want, but the lines are the same.

Hope this helps.

I used the following call inside onNavigationItemSelected:


You just need to add these 3 lines of code. Replace the icon with your own icon. If you want to generate icons use this


Go to manifest in which specific activity you want to change Action bar Title name and write android:label="Title name"

Go to AndroidManifest.xml file. Find the <application> tag There you can see a attribute


Now go to res > values > strings.xml

Change the

<string name="app_name">MainActivity</string> 


<string name="app_name">Your Desired Name</string>



                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
        <activity android:name=".SubmitForm">



    <string name="app_name">Your Desired Name</string>
    <string name="action_settings">Settings</string>

ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar();

In Android 5.0 material design guidelines discourage the use of icon in actionBar

to enable it add the following code


credit goes to author of this article

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