[android] Hide/Show Action Bar Option Menu Item for different fragments

Late to the party but the answers above didn't seem to work for me.

My first tab fragment (uses getChildFragmentManager() for inner tabs) has the menu to show a search icon and uses android.support.v7.widget.SearchView to search within the inner tab fragment but navigating to other tabs (which also have inner tabs using getChildFragmentManager()) would not remove the search icon (as not required) and therefore still accessible with no function, maybe as I am using the below (ie outer main tabs with each inner tabs)


However I use the below in my fragments containing/using the getChildFragmentManager() for inner tabs.

    //region onCreate
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    //access setHasOptionsMenu()

    //endregion onCreate

and then clear the menu item inside onPrepareOptionsMenu for fragments(search icon & functions)

    public void onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {


    //clear the menu/hide the icon & disable the search access/function ...
    //this will clear the menu entirely, so rewrite/draw the menu items after if needed


Works well and navigating back to the tab/inner tab with the search icon functions re displays the search icon & functions.

Hope this helps...

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