Programs & Examples On #Unique values

using lodash .groupBy. how to add your own keys for grouped output?

another way

    .map((users, color) => ({ users, color }))

How should we manage jdk8 stream for null values

Stuart's answer provides a great explanation, but I'd like to provide another example.

I ran into this issue when attempting to perform a reduce on a Stream containing null values (actually it was LongStream.average(), which is a type of reduction). Since average() returns OptionalDouble, I assumed the Stream could contain nulls but instead a NullPointerException was thrown. This is due to Stuart's explanation of null v. empty.

So, as the OP suggests, I added a filter like so:
    .filter(o -> o != null)

Or as tangens pointed out below, use the predicate provided by the Java API:

From the mailing list discussion Stuart linked: Brian Goetz on nulls in Streams

Regex any ASCII character

If you really mean any and ASCII (not e.g. all Unicode characters):


JavaScript example:

var re = /xxx[\x00-\x7F]+xxx/;

// true

// false

Utils to read resource text file to String (Java)

I often had this problem myself. To avoid dependencies on small projects, I often write a small utility function when I don't need commons io or such. Here is the code to load the content of the file in a string buffer :

StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getClass().getResourceAsStream("path/to/textfile.txt"), "UTF-8"));
for (int c =; c != -1; c = sb.append((char)c);


Specifying the encoding is important in that case, because you might have edited your file in UTF-8, and then put it in a jar, and the computer that opens the file may have CP-1251 as its native file encoding (for example); so in this case you never know the target encoding, therefore the explicit encoding information is crucial. Also the loop to read the file char by char seems inefficient, but it is used on a BufferedReader, and so actually quite fast.

Send response to all clients except sender

Emit cheatsheet

io.on('connect', onConnect);

function onConnect(socket){

  // sending to the client
  socket.emit('hello', 'can you hear me?', 1, 2, 'abc');

  // sending to all clients except sender
  socket.broadcast.emit('broadcast', 'hello friends!');

  // sending to all clients in 'game' room except sender'game').emit('nice game', "let's play a game");

  // sending to all clients in 'game1' and/or in 'game2' room, except sender'game1').to('game2').emit('nice game', "let's play a game (too)");

  // sending to all clients in 'game' room, including sender'game').emit('big-announcement', 'the game will start soon');

  // sending to all clients in namespace 'myNamespace', including sender
  io.of('myNamespace').emit('bigger-announcement', 'the tournament will start soon');

  // sending to individual socketid (private message)<socketid>).emit('hey', 'I just met you');

  // sending with acknowledgement
  socket.emit('question', 'do you think so?', function (answer) {});

  // sending without compression
  socket.compress(false).emit('uncompressed', "that's rough");

  // sending a message that might be dropped if the client is not ready to receive messages
  socket.volatile.emit('maybe', 'do you really need it?');

  // sending to all clients on this node (when using multiple nodes)
  io.local.emit('hi', 'my lovely babies');


How to decide when to use Node.js?

It can be used where

  • Applications that are highly event driven & are heavily I/O bound
  • Applications handling a large number of connections to other systems
  • Real-time applications (Node.js was designed from the ground up for real time and to be easy to use.)
  • Applications that juggle scads of information streaming to and from other sources
  • High traffic, Scalable applications
  • Mobile apps that have to talk to platform API & database, without having to do a lot of data analytics
  • Build out networked applications
  • Applications that need to talk to the back end very often

On Mobile front, prime-time companies have relied on Node.js for their mobile solutions. Check out why?

LinkedIn is a prominent user. Their entire mobile stack is built on Node.js. They went from running 15 servers with 15 instances on each physical machine, to just 4 instances – that can handle double the traffic!

eBay launched, a web query language for HTTP APIs, which uses Node.js as the runtime stack. They were able to tune a regular developer-quality Ubuntu workstation to handle more than 120,000 active connections per node.js process, with each connection consuming about 2kB memory!

Walmart re-engineered its mobile app to use Node.js and pushed its JavaScript processing to the server.

Read more at:

How do I stop Notepad++ from showing autocomplete for all words in the file

The answer is to DISABLE "Enable auto-completion on each input". Tested and works perfectly.

JSON Stringify changes time of date because of UTC

I'm a little late but you can always overwrite the toJson function in case of a Date using Prototype like so:

Date.prototype.toJSON = function(){
    return Util.getDateTimeString(this);

In my case, Util.getDateTimeString(this) return a string like this: "2017-01-19T00:00:00Z"

Django model "doesn't declare an explicit app_label"

I had a similar issue, but I was able to solve mine by specifying explicitly the app_label using Meta Class in my models class

class Meta:
    app_label  = 'name_of_my_app'

Converting timestamp to time ago in PHP e.g 1 day ago, 2 days ago...

There is some issue with some language display time ago for example in Arabic there 3 needed formats to display date. I use this functions in my projects hopefully they can help someone (any suggestion or improvement I'll be apperciate :) )

 * @param   string $date1 
 * @param   string $date2 the date that you want to compare with $date1
 * @param   int $level  
 * @param   bool $absolute  

function app_date_diff( $date1, $date2, $level = 3, $absolute = false ) {

    $date1 = date_create($date1);   
    $date2 = date_create($date2);
    $diff = date_diff( $date1, $date2, $absolute );

    $d = [
        'invert' => $diff->invert

    $diffs = [
        'y' => $diff->y, 
        'm' => $diff->m, 
        'd' => $diff->d

    $level_reached = 0;

    foreach($diffs as $k=>$v) {

        if($level_reached >= $level) {

        if($v > 0) {
            $d[$k] = $v;


    return  $d;



function date_timestring( $periods, $format = 'latin', $separator = ',' ) {

    $formats = [
        'latin' => [
            'y' => ['year','years'],
            'm' => ['month','months'],
            'd' => ['day','days']
        'arabic' => [
            'y' => ['???','?????','?????'],
            'm' => ['???','?????','????'],
            'd' => ['???','?????','????']

    $formats = $formats[$format];

    $string = [];

    foreach($periods as $period=>$value) {

        if(!isset($formats[$period])) {

        $string[$period] = $value.' ';
        if($format == 'arabic') {
            if($value == 2) {
                $string[$period] = $formats[$period][1];
            }elseif($value > 2 && $value <= 10) {
                $string[$period] .= $formats[$period][2];
                $string[$period] .= $formats[$period][0];

        }elseif($format == 'latin') {
            $string[$period] .= ($value > 1) ? $formats[$period][1] : $formats[$period][0];


    return implode($separator, $string);


function timeago( $date ) {

    $today = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');

    $diff = app_date_diff($date,$today,2);

    if($diff['invert'] == 1) {
        return '';


    $date_timestring = date_timestring($diff,'latin');

    return 'About '.$date_timestring;


$date1 = date('Y-m-d');
$date2 = '2018-05-14';

$diff = timeago($date2);
echo $diff;

ImportError: No module named PyQt4.QtCore

I had the same issue when uninstalled my Python27 and re-installed it.

I downloaded the sip-4.15.5 and PyQt-win-gpl-4.10.4 and installed/configured both of them. it still gives 'ImportError: No module named PyQt4.QtCore'. I tried to move the files/folders in Lib to make it looked 'have' but not working.

in fact, jut download the Windows 64 bit installer for a suitable Python version (my case) from and installed it, will do the job.

* March 2017 update *

The given link says, Binary installers for Windows are no longer provided.

See cgohlke's answer at, PyQt4 and 64-bit python.

  1. Download the .whl file at
  2. Use pip to install the downloaded .whl file.

Deleting a local branch with Git

Switch to some other branch and delete Test_Branch, as follows:

$ git checkout master
$ git branch -d Test_Branch

If above command gives you error - The branch 'Test_Branch' is not fully merged. If you are sure you want to delete it and still you want to delete it, then you can force delete it using -D instead of -d, as:

$ git branch -D Test_Branch

To delete Test_Branch from remote as well, execute:

git push origin --delete Test_Branch

Twitter Bootstrap: div in container with 100% height

Set the class .fill to height: 100%

.fill { 
    min-height: 100%;
    height: 100%;


(I put a red background for #map so you can see it takes up 100% height)

Random state (Pseudo-random number) in Scikit learn

sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split(*arrays, **options)[source]

Split arrays or matrices into random train and test subsets

Parameters: ... 
    random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default=None)

If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator; If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by np.random. source:

'''Regarding the random state, it is used in many randomized algorithms in sklearn to determine the random seed passed to the pseudo-random number generator. Therefore, it does not govern any aspect of the algorithm's behavior. As a consequence, random state values which performed well in the validation set do not correspond to those which would perform well in a new, unseen test set. Indeed, depending on the algorithm, you might see completely different results by just changing the ordering of training samples.''' source:

Get selected item value from Bootstrap DropDown with specific ID

$('#demolist li').on('click', function(){

How can I make SMTP authenticated in C#

using System.Net;
using System.Net.Mail;

using(SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient())
    var basicCredential = new NetworkCredential("username", "password"); 
    using(MailMessage message = new MailMessage())
        MailAddress fromAddress = new MailAddress("[email protected]"); 

        smtpClient.Host = "";
        smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
        smtpClient.Credentials = basicCredential;

        message.From = fromAddress;
        message.Subject = "your subject";
        // Set IsBodyHtml to true means you can send HTML email.
        message.IsBodyHtml = true;
        message.Body = "<h1>your message body</h1>";
        message.To.Add("[email protected]"); 

        catch(Exception ex)
            //Error, could not send the message

You may use the above code.

<DIV> inside link (<a href="">) tag

This is a classic case of divitis - you don't need a div to be clickable, just give the <a> tag a class. Then edit the CSS of the class to display:block, and define a height and width like a lot of other answers have mentioned.

The <a> tag works perfectly well on its own, so you don't need an extra level of mark-up on the page.

Converting Integer to Long

If the Integer is not null

Integer i;
Long long = Long.valueOf(i);

i will be automatically typecast to a long.

Using valueOf instead of new allows caching of this value (if its small) by the compiler or JVM , resulting in faster code.

Better way to check if a Path is a File or a Directory?

With only this line you can get if a path is a directory or a file:


Form submit with AJAX passing form data to PHP without page refresh

In event handling, pass the object of event to the function and then add statement i.e. event.preventDefault();

This will pass data to webpage without refreshing it.

Is the Javascript date object always one day off?

Notice that Eastern Daylight Time is -4 hours and that the hours on the date you're getting back are 20.

20h + 4h = 24h

which is midnight of 2011-09-24. The date was parsed in UTC (GMT) because you provided a date-only string without any time zone indicator. If you had given a date/time string w/o an indicator instead (new Date("2011-09-24T00:00:00")), it would have been parsed in your local timezone. (Historically there have been inconsistencies there, not least because the spec changed more than once, but modern browsers should be okay; or you can always include a timezone indicator.)

You're getting the right date, you just never specified the correct time zone.

If you need to access the date values, you can use getUTCDate() or any of the other getUTC*() functions:

var d,
d = new Date('2011-09-24');
days = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tues', 'Wed', 'Thurs', 'Fri', 'Sat'];

modal View controllers - how to display and dismiss

I think you misunderstood some core concepts about iOS modal view controllers. When you dismiss VC1, any presented view controllers by VC1 are dismissed as well. Apple intended for modal view controllers to flow in a stacked manner - in your case VC2 is presented by VC1. You are dismissing VC1 as soon as you present VC2 from VC1 so it is a total mess. To achieve what you want, buttonPressedFromVC1 should have the mainVC present VC2 immediately after VC1 dismisses itself. And I think this can be achieved without delegates. Something along the lines:

UIViewController presentingVC = [self presentingViewController];
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:
    [presentingVC presentViewController:vc2 animated:YES completion:nil];

Note that self.presentingViewController is stored in some other variable, because after vc1 dismisses itself, you shouldn't make any references to it.

Adding null values to arraylist

You could create Util class:

public final class CollectionHelpers {
    public static <T> boolean addNullSafe(List<T> list, T element) {
        if (list == null || element == null) {
            return false;

        return list.add(element);

And then use it:

Element element = getElementFromSomeWhere(someParameter);
List<Element> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
CollectionHelpers.addNullSafe(list, element);

How to execute a java .class from the command line

You need to specify the classpath. This should do it:

java -cp . Echo "hello"

This tells java to use . (the current directory) as its classpath, i.e. the place where it looks for classes. Note than when you use packages, the classpath has to contain the root directory, not the package subdirectories. e.g. if your class is my.package.Echo and the .class file is bin/my/package/Echo.class, the correct classpath directory is bin.

How does the "view" method work in PyTorch?

A tensor in pytorch is a view of an underlying contiguous block of numbers in memory (known as a storage). pytorch can achieve fast operations by modifying the shape parameters of a view of a storage without changing the underlying memory allocations themselves. Hence multiple different tensors may reference the same underlying storage object.

enter image description here

view is a way of specifying a change of shape on an existing tensor.

What is the difference between an IntentService and a Service?

In short, a Service is a broader implementation for the developer to set up background operations, while an IntentService is useful for "fire and forget" operations, taking care of background Thread creation and cleanup.

From the docs:

Service A Service is an application component representing either an application's desire to perform a longer-running operation while not interacting with the user or to supply functionality for other applications to use.

IntentService Service is a base class for IntentService Services that handle asynchronous requests (expressed as Intents) on demand. Clients send requests through startService(Intent) calls; the service is started as needed, handles each Intent in turn using a worker thread, and stops itself when it runs out of work.

Refer this doc -

How to get value from form field in django framework?

Take your pick:

def my_view(request):

    if request.method == 'POST':
        print request.POST.get('my_field')

        form = MyForm(request.POST)

        print form['my_field'].value()

        if form.is_valid():

            print form.cleaned_data['my_field']
            print form.instance.my_field

            print  # now this one can access id/pk

Note: the field is accessed as soon as it's available.

A html space is showing as %2520 instead of %20

Try this?

encodeURIComponent('space word').replace(/%20/g,'+')

Enable Hibernate logging

I answer to myself. As suggested by Vadzim, I must consider the jboss-logging.xml file and insert these lines:

<logger category="org.hibernate">
     <level name="TRACE"/>

Instead of DEBUG level I wrote TRACE. Now don't look only the console but open the server.log file (debug messages aren't sent to the console but you can configure this mode!).

Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture

In my case, the issue caused by the wrong order of class definitions. For example, I had added another class definition before my Form class:

namespace MyBuggyWorld
    public class BackendObject //This hack broke the VS 2017 winform designer and resources linker!
        public TcpClient ActiveClient { get; set; }
        public BackgroundWorker ActiveWorker { get; set; }

    public partial class FormMain : Form

After moving BackendObject to the end of the file (better yet would be to move it to a separate file), doing project clean + rebuild resolved the issue.

What is a correct MIME type for .docx, .pptx, etc.?


 func mimeTypeForPath(path: String) -> String {
        let url = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: path)
        let pathExtension = url.pathExtension

        if let uti = UTTypeCreatePreferredIdentifierForTag(kUTTagClassFilenameExtension, pathExtension! as NSString, nil)?.takeRetainedValue() {
            if let mimetype = UTTypeCopyPreferredTagWithClass(uti, kUTTagClassMIMEType)?.takeRetainedValue() {
                return mimetype as String
        return "application/octet-stream"

Unable to create migrations after upgrading to ASP.NET Core 2.0


When you create a new ASP.NET Core 2.0 application, this hook is included by default. In previous versions of EF Core and ASP.NET Core, the tools try to invoke Startup.ConfigureServices directly in order to obtain the application's service provider, but this pattern no longer works correctly in ASP.NET Core 2.0 applications. If you are upgrading an ASP.NET Core 1.x application to 2.0, you can modify your Program class to follow the new pattern.

Add Factory in .Net Core 2.x

public class BloggingContextFactory : IDesignTimeDbContextFactory<BloggingContext>
        public BloggingContext CreateDbContext(string[] args)
            var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<BloggingContext>();
            optionsBuilder.UseSqlite("Data Source=blog.db");

            return new BloggingContext(optionsBuilder.Options);

AVD Manager - Cannot Create Android Virtual Device

Another thing that tripped me up: the "Name" field must be a single word and must not have spaces!

How to force input to only allow Alpha Letters?

Nice one-liner HTML only:

 <input type="text" id='nameInput' onkeypress='return ((event.charCode >= 65 && event.charCode <= 90) || (event.charCode >= 97 && event.charCode <= 122) || (event.charCode == 32))'>

Concatenation of strings in Lua

If you are asking whether there's shorthand version of operator .. - no there isn't. You cannot write a ..= b. You'll have to type it in full: filename = filename .. ".tmp"

Install a Python package into a different directory using pip?

pip install /path/to/package/

is now possible.

The difference with this and using the -e or --editable flag is that -e links to where the package is saved (i.e. your downloads folder), rather than installing it into your python path.

This means if you delete/move the package to another folder, you won't be able to use it.

Twitter Bootstrap carousel different height images cause bouncing arrows

More recently I am testing this CSS source for the Bootstrap carousel

The height set to 380 should be set equal to the biggest/tallest image being displayed...

Please Vote up/down this answer based on usability testing with the following CSS thanks.

-------------------------------------------------- */

/* Carousel base class */
.carousel {
  max-height: 100%;
  max-height: 380px;
  margin-bottom: 60px;
/* Since positioning the image, we need to help out the caption */
.carousel-caption {
  z-index: 10;
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45);

/* Declare heights because of positioning of img element */
.carousel .item {
  max-height: 100%;
  max-height: 380px;
  background-color: #777;
.carousel-inner > .item > img {
 /*  position: absolute;*/
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  min-width: 40%;
  max-width: 100%;
  max-height: 380px;
  width: auto;


jQuery each loop in table row

In jQuery just use:

$('#tblOne > tbody  > tr').each(function() {...code...});

Using the children selector (>) you will walk over all the children (and not all descendents), example with three rows:

$('table > tbody  > tr').each(function(index, tr) { 



In VanillaJS you can use document.querySelectorAll() and walk over the rows using forEach()

[]'#tblOne > tbody  > tr'), function(index, tr) {
    /* console.log(index); */
    /* console.log(tr); */

Android Device not recognized by adb

For those people to whom none of the answers worked.... try closing the chrome://inspect/#devices tab in chrome if opened... This worked for me.

Unable to ping vmware guest from another vmware guest

I have been able to ping from VMs and the host by setting the VM's network settings to "Bridged" mode. This, in short, places them all on the same physical network. This coupled with your static IP addresses should do the trick.

Performance differences between ArrayList and LinkedList

The ArrayList class is a wrapper class for an array. It contains an inner array.

public ArrayList<T> {
    private Object[] array;
    private int size;

A LinkedList is a wrapper class for a linked list, with an inner node for managing the data.

public LinkedList<T> {
    class Node<T> {
        T data;
        Node next;
        Node prev;
    private Node<T> first;
    private Node<T> last;
    private int size;

Note, the present code is used to show how the class may be, not the actual implementation. Knowing how the implementation may be, we can do the further analysis:

ArrayList is faster than LinkedList if I randomly access its elements. I think random access means "give me the nth element". Why ArrayList is faster?

Access time for ArrayList: O(1). Access time for LinkedList: O(n).

In an array, you can access to any element by using array[index], while in a linked list you must navigate through all the list starting from first until you get the element you need.

LinkedList is faster than ArrayList for deletion. I understand this one. ArrayList's slower since the internal backing-up array needs to be reallocated.

Deletion time for ArrayList: Access time + O(n). Deletion time for LinkedList: Access time + O(1).

The ArrayList must move all the elements from array[index] to array[index-1] starting by the item to delete index. The LinkedList should navigate until that item and then erase that node by decoupling it from the list.

LinkedList is faster than ArrayList for deletion. I understand this one. ArrayList's slower since the internal backing-up array needs to be reallocated.

Insertion time for ArrayList: O(n). Insertion time for LinkedList: O(1).

Why the ArrayList can take O(n)? Because when you insert a new element and the array is full, you need to create a new array with more size (you can calculate the new size with a formula like 2 * size or 3 * size / 2). The LinkedList just add a new node next to the last.

This analysis is not just in Java but in another programming languages like C, C++ and C#.

More info here:

{"<user xmlns=''> was not expected.} Deserializing Twitter XML

Either decorate your root entity with the XmlRoot attribute which will be used at compile time.

[XmlRoot(Namespace = "", ElementName = "MyGroupName", DataType = "string", IsNullable=true)]

Or specify the root attribute when de serializing at runtime.

XmlRootAttribute xRoot = new XmlRootAttribute();
xRoot.ElementName = "user";
// xRoot.Namespace = "";
xRoot.IsNullable = true;

XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(User),xRoot);

php - push array into array - key issue

first convert your array too JSON

   $col[] = json_encode($row,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);

then vonvert back it to array

foreach($col as &$array){
   $array = json_decode($array,true);

good luck

How return error message in spring mvc @Controller

As Sotirios Delimanolis already pointed out in the comments, there are two options:

Return ResponseEntity with error message

Change your method like this:

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity getUser(@RequestHeader(value="Access-key") String accessKey,
                              @RequestHeader(value="Secret-key") String secretKey) {
    try {
        // see note 1
        return ResponseEntity
            .body(this.userService.chkCredentials(accessKey, secretKey, timestamp));
    catch(ChekingCredentialsFailedException e) {
        e.printStackTrace(); // see note 2
        return ResponseEntity
            .body("Error Message");

Note 1: You don't have to use the ResponseEntity builder but I find it helps with keeping the code readable. It also helps remembering, which data a response for a specific HTTP status code should include. For example, a response with the status code 201 should contain a link to the newly created resource in the Location header (see Status Code Definitions). This is why Spring offers the convenient build method ResponseEntity.created(URI).

Note 2: Don't use printStackTrace(), use a logger instead.

Provide an @ExceptionHandler

Remove the try-catch block from your method and let it throw the exception. Then create another method in a class annotated with @ControllerAdvice like this:

public class ExceptionHandlerAdvice {

    public ResponseEntity handleException(ChekingCredentialsFailedException e) {
        // log exception
        return ResponseEntity
                .body("Error Message");

Note that methods which are annotated with @ExceptionHandler are allowed to have very flexible signatures. See the Javadoc for details.

How to compare arrays in JavaScript?

While this only works for scalar arrays (see note below), it is short:

array1.length === array2.length && array1.every(function(value, index) { return value === array2[index]})

Rr, in ECMAScript 6 / CoffeeScript / TypeScript with Arrow Functions:

array1.length === array2.length && array1.every((value, index) => value === array2[index])

(Note: 'scalar' here means values that can be compared directly using === . So: numbers, strings, objects by reference, functions by reference. See the MDN reference for more info about the comparison operators).


From what I read from the comments, sorting the array and comparing may give accurate result:

const array2Sorted = array2.slice().sort();
array1.length === array2.length && array1.slice().sort().every(function(value, index) {
    return value === array2Sorted[index];


array1 = [2,3,1,4];
array2 = [1,2,3,4];

Then the above code would give true

How to get a cookie from an AJAX response?


It won't work for me.

I use this

function getCookie(cname) {
    var name = cname + "=";
    var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
    for(var i=0; i<ca.length; i++) {
        var c = ca[i];
        while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1);
        if (c.indexOf(name) != -1) return c.substring(name.length,c.length);
    return "";

success: function(output, status, xhr) {

switch() statement usage

In short, yes. But there are times when you might favor one vs. the other. Google "case switch vs. if else". There are some discussions already on SO too. Also, here is a good video that talks about it in the context of MATLAB:

Personally, when I have 3 or more cases, I usually just go with case/switch.

JPA - Persisting a One to Many relationship

You have to set the associatedEmployee on the Vehicle before persisting the Employee.

Employee newEmployee = new Employee("matt");


Employee savedEmployee = employeeDao.persistOrMerge(newEmployee);

A TypeScript GUID class?

I found this

here is the Guid version they have in case the link does not work later.

module System {
    export class Guid {
        constructor (public guid: string) {
            this._guid = guid;

        private _guid: string;

        public ToString(): string {
            return this.guid;

        // Static member
        static MakeNew(): Guid {
            var result: string;
            var i: string;
            var j: number;

            result = "";
            for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
                if (j == 8 || j == 12 || j == 16 || j == 20)
                    result = result + '-';
                i = Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16).toUpperCase();
                result = result + i;
            return new Guid(result);

build failed with: ld: duplicate symbol _OBJC_CLASS_$_Algebra5FirstViewController

The only (and unfailing) way to resolve this issue is building test from command line:

xcodebuild -workspace MyProject.xcworkspace/ -scheme MyScheme -sdk iphonesimulator -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 7,OS=10.3.1' test

So, at this point, your compilation will surely fail but you'll see all linking problem. In my case, I had several problem such as:

  • ld: framework 'Foo' not found
    To resolve this, you need to on your target, BuildSettings->Linking->OtherLinkerFlags and remove 'Foo' framework .
  • Use of unresolved identifier 'ClassName' .
    To resolve this, I need to add/check file's target membership to UITest target too.

Other possible problems will be raised by xcodebuild and you can easily fix it.

Select parent element of known element in Selenium

Take a look at the possible XPath axes, you are probably looking for parent. Depending on how you are finding the first element, you could just adjust the xpath for that.

Alternatively you can try the double-dot syntax, .. which selects the parent of the current node.

How to read data from java properties file using Spring Boot

We can read properties file in spring boot using 3 way

1. Read value from Using @Value

map key as

public class EmailService {

 private String username;


2. Read value from Using @ConfigurationProperties

In this we will map prefix of key using ConfigurationProperties and key name is same as field of class

    public class EmailConfig {

        private String   username;

3. Read Using using Environment object

public class EmailController {

private Environment env;

public void sendMail(){     
    System.out.println("reading value from application properties file  using Environment ");
    System.out.println("username ="+ env.getProperty("email.username"));
    System.out.println("pwd ="+ env.getProperty("email.pwd"));

Reference : how to read value from in spring boot

Adding Image to xCode by dragging it from File

Add the image to Your project by clicking File -> "Add Files to ...".

Then choose the image in ImageView properties (Utilities -> Attributes Inspector).

How to play only the audio of a Youtube video using HTML 5?

// YouTube video ID
var videoID = "CMNry4PE93Y";

// Fetch video info (using a proxy to avoid CORS errors)
fetch('' + "" + videoID).then(response => {
  if (response.ok) {
    response.text().then(ytData => {
      // parse response to find audio info
      var ytData = parse_str(ytData);
      var getAdaptiveFormats = JSON.parse(ytData.player_response).streamingData.adaptiveFormats;
      var findAudioInfo = getAdaptiveFormats.findIndex(obj => obj.audioQuality);
      // get the URL for the audio file
      var audioURL = getAdaptiveFormats[findAudioInfo].url;
      // update the <audio> element src
      var youtubeAudio = document.getElementById('youtube');
      youtubeAudio.src = audioURL;

function parse_str(str) {
  return str.split('&').reduce(function(params, param) {
    var paramSplit = param.split('=').map(function(value) {
      return decodeURIComponent(value.replace('+', ' '));
    params[paramSplit[0]] = paramSplit[1];
    return params;
  }, {});
<audio id="youtube" controls></audio>

How do I size a UITextView to its content?

Hope this helps:

- (void)textViewDidChange:(UITextView *)textView {
  CGSize textSize = textview.contentSize;
  if (textSize != textView.frame.size)
      textView.frame.size = textSize;

Set bootstrap modal body height by percentage

This should work for everyone, any screen resolutions:

.modal-body {
    max-height: calc(100vh - 143px);
    overflow-y: auto; }

First, count your modal header and footer height, in my case I have H4 heading so I have them on 141px, already counted default modal margin in 20px(top+bottom).

So that subtract 141px is the max-height for my modal height, for the better result there are both border top and bottom by 1px, for this, 143px will work perfectly.

In some case of styling you may like to use overflow-y: auto; instead of overflow-y: scroll;, try it.

Try it, and you get the best result in both computer or mobile devices. If you have a heading larger than H4, recount it see how much px you would like to subtract.

If you don't know what I am telling, just change the number of 143px, see what is the best result for your case.

Last, I'd suggest have it an inline CSS.

Problem with SMTP authentication in PHP using PHPMailer, with Pear Mail works

This happened to me as well. For me, Postfix was located at the same server as the PHP script, and the error was happening when I would be using SMTP authentication and instead of localhost.

So when I commented out these lines:

$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->SMTPSecure = "tls";

and set the host to

$mail->Host = "localhost";


$mail->Host = ''

and it worked :)

Display Adobe pdf inside a div

I think its not working, because you z-index property not applied on pdf(any outside object). So when you add any control in PDF view boundary,its appear behind of pdf view.

How do I terminate a thread in C++11?

I guess the thread that needs to be killed is either in any kind of waiting mode, or doing some heavy job. I would suggest using a "naive" way.

Define some global boolean:

std::atomic_bool stop_thread_1 = false;

Put the following code (or similar) in several key points, in a way that it will cause all functions in the call stack to return until the thread naturally ends:

if (stop_thread_1)

Then to stop the thread from another (main) thread:

stop_thread_1 = true;
thread1.join ();
stop_thread_1 = false; //(for next time. this can be when starting the thread instead)

What is a good pattern for using a Global Mutex in C#?

This example will exit after 5 seconds if another instance is already running.

// unique id for global mutex - Global prefix means it is global to the machine
const string mutex_id = "Global\\{B1E7934A-F688-417f-8FCB-65C3985E9E27}";

static void Main(string[] args)

    using (var mutex = new Mutex(false, mutex_id))
                if (!mutex.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), false))
                    Console.WriteLine("Another instance of this program is running");
            catch (AbandonedMutexException)
                // Log the fact the mutex was abandoned in another process, it will still get aquired

            // Perform your work here.

How to convert all text to lowercase in Vim

Usually Vu (or VU for uppercase) is enough to turn the whole line into lowercase as V already selects the whole line to apply the action against.

Tilda (~) changes the case of the individual letter, resulting in camel case or the similar.

It is really great how Vim has many many different modes to deal with various occasions and how those modes are neatly organized.

For instance, v - the true visual mode, and the related V - visual line, and Ctrl+Q - visual block modes (what allows you to select blocks, a great feature some other advanced editors also offer usually by holding the Alt key and selecting the text).

Display HTML form values in same page after submit using Ajax

Here is one way to do it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <head lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <script language="JavaScript">
    function showInput() {
        document.getElementById('display').innerHTML = 


    <label><b>Enter a Message</b></label>
    <input type="text" name="message" id="user_input">

  <input type="submit" onclick="showInput();"><br/>
  <label>Your input: </label>
  <p><span id='display'></span></p>

And this is what it looks like when run.Cheers.

enter image description here

Find all packages installed with easy_install/pip?

The below is a little slow, but it gives a nicely formatted list of packages that pip is aware of. That is to say, not all of them were installed "by" pip, but all of them should be able to be upgraded by pip.

$ pip search . | egrep -B1 'INSTALLED|LATEST'

The reason it is slow is that it lists the contents of the entire pypi repo. I filed a ticket suggesting pip list provide similar functionality but more efficiently.

Sample output: (restricted the search to a subset instead of '.' for all.)

$ pip search selenium | egrep -B1 'INSTALLED|LATEST'

selenium                  - Python bindings for Selenium
  INSTALLED: 2.24.0
  LATEST:    2.25.0
robotframework-selenium2library - Web testing library for Robot Framework
  INSTALLED: 1.0.1 (latest)

What's the longest possible worldwide phone number I should consider in SQL varchar(length) for phone

As for "phone numbers" you should really consider the difference between a "subscriber number" and a "dialling number" and the possible formatting options of them.

A subscriber number is generally defined in the national numbering plans. The question itself shows a relation to a national view by mentioning "area code" which a lot of nations don't have. ITU has assembled an overview of the world's numbering plans publishing recommendation E.164 where the national number was found to have a maximum of 12 digits. With international direct distance calling (DDD) defined by a country code of 1 to 3 digits they added that up to 15 digits ... without formatting.

The dialling number is a different thing as there are network elements that can interpret exta values in a phone number. You may think of an answering machine and a number code that sets the call diversion parameters. As it may contain another subscriber number it must be obviously longer than its base value. RFC 4715 has set aside 20 bcd-encoded bytes for "subaddressing".

If you turn to the technical limitation then it gets even more as the subscriber number has a technical limit in the 10 bcd-encoded bytes in the 3GPP standards (like GSM) and ISDN standards (like DSS1). They have a seperate TON/NPI byte for the prefix (type of number / number plan indicator) which E.164 recommends to be written with a "+" but many number plans define it with up to 4 numbers to be dialled.

So if you want to be future proof (and many software systems run unexpectingly for a few decades) you would need to consider 24 digits for a subscriber number and 64 digits for a dialling number as the limit ... without formatting. Adding formatting may add roughly an extra character for every digit. So as a final thought it may not be a good idea to limit the phone number in the database in any way and leave shorter limits to the UX designers.

How to convert milliseconds to "hh:mm:ss" format?

I tried as shown in the first answer. It works, but minus brought me into confusion. My answer by Groovy:

import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.*


private static String formatElapsedTime(long millis) {

    int hrs = MILLISECONDS.toHours(millis) % 24
    int min = MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(millis) % 60
    int sec = MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(millis) % 60
    int mls = millis % 1000

    sprintf( '%02d:%02d:%02d (%03d)', [hrs, min, sec, mls])

How do I update a Linq to SQL dbml file?

You could also check out the PLINQO set of code generation templates, based on CodeSmith, which allow you to do a lot of neat things for and with Linq-to-SQL:

  • generate one file per class (instead of a single, huge file)
  • update your model as needed
  • many more features

Check out the PLINQO site at and have a look at the intro videos.

The second tool I know of are the Huagati DBML/EDMX tools, which allow update of DBML (Linq-to-SQL) and EDMX (Entity Framework) mapping files, and more (like naming conventions etc.).


Remove leading or trailing spaces in an entire column of data

Quite often the issue is a non-breaking space - CHAR(160) - especially from Web text sources -that CLEAN can't remove, so I would go a step further than this and try a formula like this which replaces any non-breaking spaces with a standard one


Ron de Bruin has an excellent post on tips for cleaning data here

You can also remove the CHAR(160) directly without a workaround formula by

  • Edit .... Replace your selected data,
  • in Find What hold ALT and type 0160 using the numeric keypad
  • Leave Replace With as blank and select Replace All

How to get visitor's location (i.e. country) using geolocation?

A very easy to use service is provided by Here's an example URL:

And here's some (jQuery) code which I've added to your code:

if (navigator.geolocation) {
    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
        $.getJSON('', {
            lat: position.coords.latitude,
            lng: position.coords.longitude,
            type: 'JSON'
        }, function(result) {
            alert('Country: ' + result.countryName + '\n' + 'Code: ' + result.countryCode);

Try it on ...

How do I get the localhost name in PowerShell?

All above questions are correct but if you want the hostname and domain name try this:


How to swap two variables in JavaScript

As your question was precious "Only this variables, not any objects. ", the answer will be also precious:

var a = 1, b = 2


it's a trick

And as Rodrigo Assis said, it "can be shorter "



Specify the from user when sending email using the mail command seems to have a solution.


echo "This is the main body of the mail" | mail -s "Subject of the Email" [email protected] -- -f [email protected]

Disable submit button on form submit

Disabled controls do not submit their values which does not help in knowing if the user clicked save or delete.

So I store the button value in a hidden which does get submitted. The name of the hidden is the same as the button name. I call all my buttons by the name of button.

E.g. <button type="submit" name="button" value="save">Save</button>

Based on this I found here. Just store the clicked button in a variable.

    var submitButton$;

    $(document).on('click', ":submit", function (e)
        // you may choose to remove disabled from all buttons first here.
        submitButton$ = $(this);

    $(document).on('submit', "form", function(e)
        var form$ = $(this);
        var hiddenButton$ = $('#button', form$);
        if (IsNull(hiddenButton$))
            // add the hidden to the form as needed
            hiddenButton$ = $('<input>')
                .attr({ type: 'hidden', id: 'button', name: 'button' })
        hiddenButton$.attr('value', submitButton$.attr('value'));
        submitButton$.attr("disabled", "disabled");

Here is my IsNull function. Use or substitue your own version for IsNull or undefined etc.

function IsNull(obj)
    var is;
    if (obj instanceof jQuery)
        is = obj.length <= 0;
        is = obj === null || typeof obj === 'undefined' || obj == "";

    return is;

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str

First, array_length should be an integer and not a string:

array_length = len(array_dates)

Second, your for loop should be constructed using range:

for i in range(array_length):  # Use `xrange` for python 2.

Third, i will increment automatically, so delete the following line:

i += 1

Note, one could also just zip the two lists given that they have the same length:

import csv

dates = ['2020-01-01', '2020-01-02', '2020-01-03']
urls = ['', '', '']

csv_file_patch = '/path/to/filename.csv'

with open(csv_file_patch, 'w') as fout:
    csv_file = csv.writer(fout, delimiter=';', lineterminator='\n')
    result_array = zip(dates, urls)

How to install latest version of openssl Mac OS X El Capitan

To replace the old version with the new one, you need to change the link for it. Type that command to terminal.

brew link --force openssl

Check the version of openssl again. It should be changed.

Hibernate throws MultipleBagFetchException - cannot simultaneously fetch multiple bags

At my end, this happened when I had multiple collections with FetchType.EAGER, like this:

@ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, targetEntity = className.class)
@JoinColumn(name = "myClass_id")
private Collection<Model> ModelObjects;

Additionally, the collections were joining on the same column.

To solve this issue, I changed one of the collections to FetchType.LAZY since it was okay for my use-case.

Goodluck! ~J

How to get option text value using AngularJS?

The best way is to use the ng-options directive on the select element.


function Ctrl($scope) {
  // sort options
  $scope.products = [{
    value: 'prod_1',
    label: 'Product 1'
  }, {
    value: 'prod_2',
    label: 'Product 2'


<select ng-model="selected_product" 
        ng-options="product as product.label for product in products">           

This will bind the selected product object to the ng-model property - selected_product. After that you can use this:

<p>Ordered by: {{selected_product.label}}</p>


How to copy directories in OS X 10.7.3?


cp -R "/src/project 1/App" "/src/project 2"


Using quotes will cater for spaces in the directory names

cp -R "/src/project 1/App" "/src/project 2"

If the App directory is specified in the destination directory:

cp -R "/src/project 1/App" "/src/project 2/App"

and "/src/project 2/App" already exists the result will be "/src/project 2/App/App"

Best not to specify the directory copied in the destination so that the command can be repeated over and over with the expected result.

Inside a bash script:

cp -R "${1}/App" "${2}"

Insert HTML from CSS

No you cannot. The only thing you can do is to insert content. Like so:

p:after {
    content: "yo";

Understanding generators in Python

I believe the first appearance of iterators and generators were in the Icon programming language, about 20 years ago.

You may enjoy the Icon overview, which lets you wrap your head around them without concentrating on the syntax (since Icon is a language you probably don't know, and Griswold was explaining the benefits of his language to people coming from other languages).

After reading just a few paragraphs there, the utility of generators and iterators might become more apparent.

GlobalConfiguration.Configure() not present after Web API 2 and .NET 4.5.1 migration

"Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Core" worked just fine.

Printing long int value in C

To take input " long int " and output " long int " in C is :

long int n;
scanf("%ld", &n);
printf("%ld", n);

To take input " long long int " and output " long long int " in C is :

long long int n;
scanf("%lld", &n);
printf("%lld", n);

Hope you've cleared..

Border for an Image view in Android?

You can use 9 patch in Android Studio to make borders!

I was looking for a solution but I did not find any so I skipped that part.

Then I went to the Google images of Firebase assets and I accidentally discovered that they use 9patch.

9patch in action

Here's the link:

You just need to drag where the edges are.

It's just like border edge in Unity.

Postgres and Indexes on Foreign Keys and Primary Keys

I love how this is explained in the article Cool performance features of EclipseLink 2.5

Indexing Foreign Keys

The first feature is auto indexing of foreign keys. Most people incorrectly assume that databases index foreign keys by default. Well, they don't. Primary keys are auto indexed, but foreign keys are not. This means any query based on the foreign key will be doing full table scans. This is any OneToMany, ManyToMany or ElementCollection relationship, as well as many OneToOne relationships, and most queries on any relationship involving joins or object comparisons. This can be a major perform issue, and you should always index your foreign keys fields.

Pass props to parent component in React.js

Here is a simple 3 step ES6 implementation using function binding in the parent constructor. This is the first way the official react tutorial recommends (there is also public class fields syntax not covered here). You can find all of this information here

Binding Parent Functions so Children Can Call Them (And pass data up to the parent! :D )

  1. Make sure in the parent constructor you bind the function you created in the parent
  2. Pass the bound function down to the child as a prop (No lambda because we are passing a ref to function)
  3. Call the bound function from a child event (Lambda! We're calling the function when the event is fired. If we don't do this the function will automatically run on load and not be triggered on the event.)

Parent Function


Parent Constructor

this.handleFilterApply = this.handleFilterApply.bind(this);

Prop Passed to Child

onApplyClick = {this.handleFilterApply}

Child Event Call

onClick = {() => {props.onApplyClick(filterVals)}

Getting the encoding of a Postgres database

Because there's more than one way to skin a cat:

psql -l

Shows all the database names, encoding, and more.

sscanf in Python

You can split on a range of characters using the re module.

>>> import re
>>> r = re.compile('[ \t\n\r:]+')
>>> r.split("abc:def  ghi")
['abc', 'def', 'ghi']

Python 3 TypeError: must be str, not bytes with sys.stdout.write()

Python 3 handles strings a bit different. Originally there was just one type for strings: str. When unicode gained traction in the '90s the new unicode type was added to handle Unicode without breaking pre-existing code1. This is effectively the same as str but with multibyte support.

In Python 3 there are two different types:

  • The bytes type. This is just a sequence of bytes, Python doesn't know anything about how to interpret this as characters.
  • The str type. This is also a sequence of bytes, but Python knows how to interpret those bytes as characters.
  • The separate unicode type was dropped. str now supports unicode.

In Python 2 implicitly assuming an encoding could cause a lot of problems; you could end up using the wrong encoding, or the data may not have an encoding at all (e.g. it’s a PNG image).
Explicitly telling Python which encoding to use (or explicitly telling it to guess) is often a lot better and much more in line with the "Python philosophy" of "explicit is better than implicit".

This change is incompatible with Python 2 as many return values have changed, leading to subtle problems like this one; it's probably the main reason why Python 3 adoption has been so slow. Since Python doesn't have static typing2 it's impossible to change this automatically with a script (such as the bundled 2to3).

  • You can convert str to bytes with bytes('h€llo', 'utf-8'); this should produce b'H\xe2\x82\xacllo'. Note how one character was converted to three bytes.
  • You can convert bytes to str with b'H\xe2\x82\xacllo'.decode('utf-8').

Of course, UTF-8 may not be the correct character set in your case, so be sure to use the correct one.

In your specific piece of code, nextline is of type bytes, not str, reading stdout and stdin from subprocess changed in Python 3 from str to bytes. This is because Python can't be sure which encoding this uses. It probably uses the same as sys.stdin.encoding (the encoding of your system), but it can't be sure.

You need to replace:




or maybe:


You will also need to modify if nextline == '' to if nextline == b'' since:

>>> '' == b''

Also see the Python 3 ChangeLog, PEP 358, and PEP 3112.

1 There are some neat tricks you can do with ASCII that you can't do with multibyte character sets; the most famous example is the "xor with space to switch case" (e.g. chr(ord('a') ^ ord(' ')) == 'A') and "set 6th bit to make a control character" (e.g. ord('\t') + ord('@') == ord('I')). ASCII was designed in a time when manipulating individual bits was an operation with a non-negligible performance impact.

2 Yes, you can use function annotations, but it's a comparatively new feature and little used.

Should methods in a Java interface be declared with or without a public access modifier?

I disagree with the popular answer, that having public implies that there are other options and so it shouldn't be there. The fact is that now with Java 9 and beyond there ARE other options.

I think instead Java should enforce/require 'public' to be specified. Why? Because the absence of a modifier means 'package' access everywhere else, and having this as a special case is what leads to the confusion. If you simply made it a compile error with a clear message (e.g. "Package access is not allowed in an interface.") we would get rid of the apparent ambiguity that having the option to leave out 'public' introduces.

Note the current wording at:

"A method in the body of an interface may be declared public or private (§6.6). If no access modifier is given, the method is implicitly public. It is permitted, but discouraged as a matter of style, to redundantly specify the public modifier for a method declaration in an interface."

See that 'private' IS allowed now. I think that last sentence should have been removed from the JLS. It is unfortunate that the "implicitly public" behaviour was ever allowed as it will now likely remain for backward compatibilty and lead to the confusion that the absence of the access modifier means 'public' in interfaces and 'package' elsewhere.

How to center the text in a JLabel?

String text = "In early March, the city of Topeka, Kansas," + "<br>" +
              "temporarily changed its name to Google..." + "<br>" + "<br>" +
              " an attempt to capture a spot" + "<br>" +
              "in Google's new broadband/fiber-optics project." + "<br>" + "<br>" +"<br>" +
JLabel label = new JLabel("<html><div style='text-align: center;'>" + text + "</div></html>");

jQuery + client-side template = "Syntax error, unrecognized expression"

EugeneXa mentioned it in a comment, but it deserves to be an answer:

var template = $("#modal_template").html().trim();

This trims the offending whitespace from the beginning of the string. I used it with Mustache, like so:

var markup = Mustache.render(template, data);

Split string with multiple delimiters in Python

Do a str.replace('; ', ', ') and then a str.split(', ')

Twitter Bootstrap dropdown menu

It actually requires inclusion of Twitter Bootstrap's dropdown.js

Select all columns except one in MySQL?

While trying the solutions by @Mahomedalid and @Junaid I found a problem. So thought of sharing it. If the column name is having spaces or hyphens like check-in then the query will fail. The simple workaround is to use backtick around column names. The modified query is below

EXECUTE stmt1;

Java stack overflow error - how to increase the stack size in Eclipse?

When using JBOSS Server, double click on the server:

enter image description here

Go to "Open Launch Configuration"

enter image description here

Then change min and max memory sizes (like 1G, 1m):

enter image description here

How to copy java.util.list Collection

Use the ArrayList copy constructor, then sort that.

List oldList;
List newList = new ArrayList(oldList);

After making the copy, any changes to newList do not affect oldList.

Note however that only the references are copied, so the two lists share the same objects, so changes made to elements of one list affect the elements of the other.

Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView?

Now the <b> element is deprecated. <strong> renders as <b>, and <em> renders as <i>.

tv.setText(Html.fromHtml("<strong>bold</strong> and <em>italic</em> "));

this works fine for me

Why do Python's math.ceil() and math.floor() operations return floats instead of integers?

The source of your confusion is evident in your comment:

The whole point of ceil/floor operations is to convert floats to integers!

The point of the ceil and floor operations is to round floating-point data to integral values. Not to do a type conversion. Users who need to get integer values can do an explicit conversion following the operation.

Note that it would not be possible to implement a round to integral value as trivially if all you had available were a ceil or float operation that returned an integer. You would need to first check that the input is within the representable integer range, then call the function; you would need to handle NaN and infinities in a separate code path.

Additionally, you must have versions of ceil and floor which return floating-point numbers if you want to conform to IEEE 754.

How to extract a single value from JSON response?

Extract single value from JSON response Python

Try this

import json
import sys

#load the data into an element
data={"test1" : "1", "test2" : "2", "test3" : "3"}

#dumps the json object into an element
json_str = json.dumps(data)

#load the json to a string
resp = json.loads(json_str)

#print the resp
print (resp)

#extract an element in the response
print (resp['test1'])

SQL to Query text in access with an apostrophe in it

When you include a string literal in a query, you can enclose the string in either single or double quotes; Access' database engine will accept either. So double quotes will avoid the problem with a string which contains a single quote.

SELECT * FROM tblStudents WHERE [name] Like "Daniel O'Neal";

If you want to keep the single quotes around your string, you can double up the single quote within it, as mentioned in other answers.

SELECT * FROM tblStudents WHERE [name] Like 'Daniel O''Neal';

Notice the square brackets surrounding name. I used the brackets to lessen the chance of confusing the database engine because name is a reserved word.

It's not clear why you're using the Like comparison in your query. Based on what you've shown, this should work instead.

SELECT * FROM tblStudents WHERE [name] = "Daniel O'Neal";

What are all the user accounts for IIS/ASP.NET and how do they differ?

This is a very good question and sadly many developers don't ask enough questions about IIS/ASP.NET security in the context of being a web developer and setting up IIS. So here goes....

To cover the identities listed:


This is analogous to the old IIS6 IIS_WPG group. It's a built-in group with it's security configured such that any member of this group can act as an application pool identity.


This account is analogous to the old IUSR_<MACHINE_NAME> local account that was the default anonymous user for IIS5 and IIS6 websites (i.e. the one configured via the Directory Security tab of a site's properties).

For more information about IIS_IUSRS and IUSR see:

Understanding Built-In User and Group Accounts in IIS 7


If an application pool is configured to run using the Application Pool Identity feature then a "synthesised" account called IIS AppPool\<pool name> will be created on the fly to used as the pool identity. In this case there will be a synthesised account called IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool created for the life time of the pool. If you delete the pool then this account will no longer exist. When applying permissions to files and folders these must be added using IIS AppPool\<pool name>. You also won't see these pool accounts in your computers User Manager. See the following for more information:

Application Pool Identities

ASP.NET v4.0: -

This will be the Application Pool Identity for the ASP.NET v4.0 Application Pool. See DefaultAppPool above.


The NETWORK SERVICE account is a built-in identity introduced on Windows 2003. NETWORK SERVICE is a low privileged account under which you can run your application pools and websites. A website running in a Windows 2003 pool can still impersonate the site's anonymous account (IUSR_ or whatever you configured as the anonymous identity).

In ASP.NET prior to Windows 2008 you could have ASP.NET execute requests under the Application Pool account (usually NETWORK SERVICE). Alternatively you could configure ASP.NET to impersonate the site's anonymous account via the <identity impersonate="true" /> setting in web.config file locally (if that setting is locked then it would need to be done by an admin in the machine.config file).

Setting <identity impersonate="true"> is common in shared hosting environments where shared application pools are used (in conjunction with partial trust settings to prevent unwinding of the impersonated account).

In IIS7.x/ASP.NET impersonation control is now configured via the Authentication configuration feature of a site. So you can configure to run as the pool identity, IUSR or a specific custom anonymous account.


The LOCAL SERVICE account is a built-in account used by the service control manager. It has a minimum set of privileges on the local computer. It has a fairly limited scope of use:

LocalService Account


You didn't ask about this one but I'm adding for completeness. This is a local built-in account. It has fairly extensive privileges and trust. You should never configure a website or application pool to run under this identity.

LocalSystem Account

In Practice:

In practice the preferred approach to securing a website (if the site gets its own application pool - which is the default for a new site in IIS7's MMC) is to run under Application Pool Identity. This means setting the site's Identity in its Application Pool's Advanced Settings to Application Pool Identity:

enter image description here

In the website you should then configure the Authentication feature:

enter image description here

Right click and edit the Anonymous Authentication entry:

enter image description here

Ensure that "Application pool identity" is selected:

enter image description here

When you come to apply file and folder permissions you grant the Application Pool identity whatever rights are required. For example if you are granting the application pool identity for the ASP.NET v4.0 pool permissions then you can either do this via Explorer:

enter image description here

Click the "Check Names" button:

enter image description here

Or you can do this using the ICACLS.EXE utility:

icacls c:\wwwroot\mysite /grant "IIS AppPool\ASP.NET v4.0":(CI)(OI)(M)

...or...if you site's application pool is called BobsCatPicBlogthen:

icacls c:\wwwroot\mysite /grant "IIS AppPool\BobsCatPicBlog":(CI)(OI)(M)

I hope this helps clear things up.


I just bumped into this excellent answer from 2009 which contains a bunch of useful information, well worth a read:

The difference between the 'Local System' account and the 'Network Service' account?

How to run a jar file in a linux commandline

Under linux there's a package called binfmt-support that allows you to run directly your jar without typing java -jar:

sudo apt-get install binfmt-support
chmod u+x my-jar.jar
./my-jar.jar # there you go!

Flutter: Trying to bottom-center an item in a Column, but it keeps left-aligning

1) You can use an Align widget, with FractionalOffset.bottomCenter.

2) You can also set left: 0.0 and right: 0.0 in the Positioned.

Test if a vector contains a given element

Also to find the position of the element "which" can be used as

pop <- c(3,4,5,7,13)


and to find the elements which are not contained in the target vector, one may do this:

pop <- c(1,2,4,6,10)

Tset <- c(2,10,7)   # Target set


How to completely hide the navigation bar in iPhone / HTML5

Remy Sharp has a good description of the process in his article "Doing it right: skipping the iPhone url bar":

Making the iPhone hide the url bar is fairly simple, you need run the following JavaScript:

window.scrollTo(0, 1); 

However there's the question of when? You have to do this once the height is correct so that the iPhone can scroll to the first pixel of the document, otherwise it will try, then the height will load forcing the url bar back in to view.

You could wait until the images have loaded and the window.onload event fires, but this doesn't always work, if everything is cached, the event fires too early and the scrollTo never has a chance to jump. Here's an example using window.onload:

I personally use a timer for 1 second - which is enough time on a mobile device while you wait to render, but long enough that it doesn't fire too early:

setTimeout(function () {   window.scrollTo(0, 1); }, 1000);

However, you only want this to setup if it's an iPhone (or just mobile) browser, so a sneaky sniff (I don't generally encourage this, but I'm comfortable with this to prevent "normal" desktop browsers from jumping one pixel):

/mobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && setTimeout(function
() {   window.scrollTo(0, 1); }, 1000); 

The very last part of this, and this is the part that seems to be missing from some examples I've seen around the web is this: if the user specifically linked to a url fragment, i.e. the url has a hash on it, you don't want to jump. So if I navigate to - I want the browser to scroll naturally to the element whose id is dayconf, and not jump to the top using scrollTo(0, 1):

/mobile/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && !location.hash &&
setTimeout(function () {   window.scrollTo(0, 1); }, 1000);?

Try this out on an iPhone (or simulator) and you'll see it will only scroll when you've landed on the page without a url fragment.

How can I concatenate a string and a number in Python?

Python is strongly typed. There are no implicit type conversions.

You have to do one of these:

"asd%d" % 9
"asd" + str(9)

Detect all Firefox versions in JS

here it it

var ffversion = '18';
var is_firefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox/'+ffversion) > -1;

How to create a Multidimensional ArrayList in Java?

If you're allowed to use predefined Java classes, you could do something like:

private static ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> biDemArrList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();

Then you can add new elements, something like:

ArrayList<String> temp = new ArrayList<String>(); // added () 
temp.add("Hello world.");

Hope you can understand what I mean and what's going on. Also, you'll need to import java.util.ArrayList; for this, if you're making use of the Java class.

jQuery - select all text from a textarea

Better way, with solution to tab and chrome problem and new jquery way

$("#element").on("focus keyup", function(e){

        var keycode = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which ? e.which : e.charCode;
        if(keycode === 9 || !keycode){
            // Hacemos select
            var $this = $(this);

            // Para Chrome's que da problema
            $this.on("mouseup", function() {
                // Unbindeamos el mouseup
                return false;

First letter capitalization for EditText

testEditText.setInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | InputType.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_WORDS);   

or android:inputType="textCapSentences" will only work If your device keyboard Auto Capitalize Setting enabled.

How to upload & Save Files with Desired name

You can grab the demo source code from here:

It is ready to use, or you can modify to suit your application needs. Hope it helps :)

Moment.js get day name from date

var mydate = "2017-06-28T00:00:00";
var weekDayName =  moment(mydate).format('ddd');

Result: Wed

var mydate = "2017-06-28T00:00:00";
var weekDayName =  moment(mydate).format('dddd');

Result: Wednesday

diff to output only the file names

The approach of running diff -qr old/ new/ has one major drawback: it may miss files in newly created directories. E.g. in the example below the file data/pages/playground/playground.txt is not in the output of diff -qr old/ new/ whereas the directory data/pages/playground/ is (search for playground.txt in your browser to quickly compare). I also posted the following solution on Unix & Linux Stack Exchange, but I'll copy it here as well:

To create a list of new or modified files programmatically the best solution I could come up with is using rsync, sort, and uniq:

(rsync -rcn --out-format="%n" old/ new/ && rsync -rcn --out-format="%n" new/ old/) | sort | uniq

Let me explain with this example: we want to compare two dokuwiki releases to see which files were changed and which ones were newly created.

We fetch the tars with wget and extract them into the directories old/ and new/:

mkdir old && tar xzf dokuwiki-2014-09-29.tgz -C old --strip-components=1
mkdir new && tar xzf dokuwiki-2014-09-29d.tgz -C new --strip-components=1

Running rsync one way might miss newly created files as the comparison of rsync and diff shows here:

rsync -rcn --out-format="%n" old/ new/

yields the following output:


Running rsync only in one direction misses the newly created files and the other way round would miss deleted files, compare the output of diff:

diff -qr old/ new/

yields the following output:

Files old/VERSION and new/VERSION differ
Files old/conf/mime.conf and new/conf/mime.conf differ
Only in new/data/pages: playground
Files old/doku.php and new/doku.php differ
Files old/inc/auth.php and new/inc/auth.php differ
Files old/inc/lang/no/lang.php and new/inc/lang/no/lang.php differ
Files old/lib/plugins/acl/remote.php and new/lib/plugins/acl/remote.php differ
Files old/lib/plugins/authplain/auth.php and new/lib/plugins/authplain/auth.php differ
Files old/lib/plugins/usermanager/admin.php and new/lib/plugins/usermanager/admin.php differ

Running rsync both ways and sorting the output to remove duplicates reveals that the directory data/pages/playground/ and the file data/pages/playground/playground.txt were missed initially:

(rsync -rcn --out-format="%n" old/ new/ && rsync -rcn --out-format="%n" new/ old/) | sort | uniq

yields the following output:


rsync is run with theses arguments:

  • -r to "recurse into directories",
  • -c to also compare files of identical size and only "skip based on checksum, not mod-time & size",
  • -n to "perform a trial run with no changes made", and
  • --out-format="%n" to "output updates using the specified FORMAT", which is "%n" here for the file name only

The output (list of files) of rsync in both directions is combined and sorted using sort, and this sorted list is then condensed by removing all duplicates with uniq

Angular2 If ngModel is used within a form tag, either the name attribute must be set or the form

In order to be able to display the information in the form you would like, you need to give those specific inputs of interest names. I'd recommend you do have:

<form #f="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(f)"> ...
<input **name="firstName" ngModel** placeholder="Enter your first name"> ...

What's the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json?

npm allows installing newer version of a package than the one specified. Using tilde (~) gives you bug fix releases and caret (^) gives you backwards-compatible new functionality as well.

The problem is old versions usually don't receive bug fixes that much, so npm uses caret (^) as the default for --save.

semver table

According to: "Semver explained - why there's a caret (^) in my package.json?".

Note that the rules apply to versions above 1.0.0 and not every project follows semantic versioning. For versions 0.x.x the caret allows only patch updates, i.e., it behaves the same as the tilde. See "Caret Ranges"

Here's a visual explanation of the concepts:

semver diagram

Source: "Semantic Versioning Cheatsheet".

Using Linq select list inside list

If you want to filter the models by applicationname and the remaining models by surname:

List<Model> newList = list.Where(m => m.application == "applicationname")
    .Select(m => new Model { 
        application = m.application, 
        users = m.users.Where(u => u.surname == "surname").ToList() 

As you can see, it needs to create new models and user-lists, hence it is not the most efficient way.

If you instead don't want to filter the list of users but filter the models by users with at least one user with a given username, use Any:

List<Model> newList = list
    .Where(m => m.application == "applicationname"
            &&  m.users.Any(u => u.surname == "surname"))

How do I find which rpm package supplies a file I'm looking for?

You can do this alike here but with your package. In my case, it was lsb_release

Run: yum whatprovides lsb_release


redhat-lsb-core-4.1-24.el7.i686 : LSB Core module support
Repo        : rhel-7-server-rpms
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/lsb_release

redhat-lsb-core-4.1-24.el7.x86_64 : LSB Core module support
Repo        : rhel-7-server-rpms
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/lsb_release

redhat-lsb-core-4.1-27.el7.i686 : LSB Core module support
Repo        : rhel-7-server-rpms
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/lsb_release

redhat-lsb-core-4.1-27.el7.x86_64 : LSB Core module support
Repo        : rhel-7-server-rpms
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/lsb_release`

Run to install: yum install redhat-lsb-core

The package name SHOULD be without number and system type so yum packager can choose what is best for him.

How to set focus on a view when a layout is created and displayed?

Set these lines to OnResume as well and make sure if focusableInTouch is set to true while you initialize your controls



What's the difference between Invoke() and BeginInvoke()

Delegate.BeginInvoke() asynchronously queues the call of a delegate and returns control immediately. When using Delegate.BeginInvoke(), you should call Delegate.EndInvoke() in the callback method to get the results.

Delegate.Invoke() synchronously calls the delegate in the same thread.

MSDN Article

Regex to get the words after matching string

You're almost there. Use the following regex (with multi-line option enabled)

\bObject Name:\s+(.*)$

The complete match would be

Object Name:   D:\ApacheTomcat\apache-tomcat-6.0.36\logs\localhost.2013-07-01.log

while the captured group one would contain


If you want to capture the file path directly use

(?m)(?<=\bObject Name:).*$


You don't say what platform you're targeting. Referring to tables as files, though, leads me to believe that you're NOT running DB2 on Linux, UNIX or Windows (LUW).

However, if you are on DB2 LUW, see the MERGE statement:

For your example statement, this would be written as:

merge into file1 a
   using (select anotherfield, something from file2) b
   on substr(a.firstfield,10,20) = substr(b.anotherfield,1,10)
when matched and a.firstfield like 'BLAH%'
   then update set a.firstfield = 'BIT OF TEXT' || b.something;

Please note: For DB2, the third argument of the SUBSTR function is the number of bytes to return, not the ending position. Therefore, SUBSTR(a.firstfield,10,20) returns CHAR(20). However, SUBSTR(b.anotherfield,1,10) returns CHAR(10). I'm not sure if this was done on purpose, but it may affect your comparison.

The localhost page isn’t working localhost is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500

First of all check error log in the path that your webserver indicates. Then maybe the browser is showing friendly error messages, so disable it.

MATLAB - multiple return values from a function?

Change the function that you get one single Result=[array, listp, freep]. So there is only one result to be displayed

Getting the IP Address of a Remote Socket Endpoint

RemoteEndPoint is a property, its type is System.Net.EndPoint which inherits from System.Net.IPEndPoint.

If you take a look at IPEndPoint's members, you'll see that there's an Address property.

Set Colorbar Range in matplotlib

Using figure environment and .set_clim()

Could be easier and safer this alternative if you have multiple plots:

import matplotlib as m
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

cdict = {
  'red'  :  ( (0.0, 0.25, .25), (0.02, .59, .59), (1., 1., 1.)),
  'green':  ( (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.02, .45, .45), (1., .97, .97)),
  'blue' :  ( (0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (0.02, .75, .75), (1., 0.45, 0.45))

cm = m.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap('my_colormap', cdict, 1024)

x = np.arange(0, 10, .1)
y = np.arange(0, 10, .1)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)

data = 2*( np.sin(X) + np.sin(3*Y) )
data1 = np.clip(data,0,6)
data2 = np.clip(data,-6,0)
vmin = np.min(np.array([data,data1,data2]))
vmax = np.max(np.array([data,data1,data2]))

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(131)
mesh = ax.pcolormesh(data, cmap = cm)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(132)
mesh1 = ax1.pcolormesh(data1, cmap = cm)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(133)
mesh2 = ax2.pcolormesh(data2, cmap = cm)
# Visualizing colorbar part -start
# Visualizing colorbar part -end

enter image description here

A single colorbar

The best alternative is then to use a single color bar for the entire plot. There are different ways to do that, this tutorial is very useful for understanding the best option. I prefer this solution that you can simply copy and paste instead of the previous visualizing colorbar part of the code.

fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, top=0.9, left=0.1, right=0.8,
                    wspace=0.4, hspace=0.1)
cb_ax = fig.add_axes([0.83, 0.1, 0.02, 0.8])
cbar = fig.colorbar(mesh, cax=cb_ax)

enter image description here


I would suggest using pcolormesh instead of pcolor because it is faster (more infos here ).

Changing the default icon in a Windows Forms application

Select your project properties from Project Tab Then Application->Resource->Icon And Manifest->change the default icon

This works in Visual studio 2019 finely Note:Only files with .ico format can be added as icon

Android Transparent TextView?

Try setting android:background="#00000000" in TextView. Setting alpha of colour 00 will make the background transparent.

I haven't tried this, but it should work.

String strip() for JavaScript?

If, rather than writing new code to trim a string, you're looking at existing code that calls "strip()" and wondering why it isn't working, you might want to check whether it attempts to include something like the prototypejs framework, and make sure it's actually getting loaded.
That framework adds a strip function to all String objects, but if e.g. you upgraded it and your web pages are still referring to the old .js file it'll of course not work.

Swift Error: Editor placeholder in source file

Sometimes, XCode does not forget the line which had an "Editor Placeholder" even if you have replaced it with a value. Cut the portion of the code where XCode is complaining and paste the code back to the same place to make the error message go away. This worked for me.

How to know Laravel version and where is it defined?

CASE - 1

Run this command in your project..

php artisan --version  

You will get version of laravel installed in your system like this..

enter image description here

CASE - 2

Also you can check laravel version in the composer.json file in root directory.

enter image description here

Set a form's action attribute when submitting?

Attach to the submit button click event and change the action attribute in the event handler.

Get unique values from arraylist in java

You can use Java 8 Stream API.

Method distinct is an intermediate operation that filters the stream and allows only distinct values (by default using the Object::equals method) to pass to the next operation.
I wrote an example below for your case,

// Create the list with duplicates.
List<String> listAll = Arrays.asList("CO2", "CH4", "SO2", "CO2", "CH4", "SO2", "CO2", "CH4", "SO2");

// Create a list with the distinct elements using stream.
List<String> listDistinct =;

// Display them to terminal using stream::collect with a build in Collector.
String collectAll =", "));
System.out.println(collectAll); //=> CO2, CH4, SO2, CO2, CH4 etc..
String collectDistinct =", "));
System.out.println(collectDistinct); //=> CO2, CH4, SO2

JavaFX Location is not set error message

In my case the reason for the error was an runtime error in my corresponding java class. I fixed it and all was ok. My tip: don't search for an "location not set"

HAProxy redirecting http to https (ssl)

To redirect all traffic:

redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }

To redirect a single url (In case of multiple frontend/backend)

redirect scheme https if { hdr(Host) -i } !{ ssl_fc }

Count number of occurrences by month

For anyone finding this post through Google (as I did) here's the correct formula for cell F5 in the above example:

=SUMPRODUCT((MONTH(Sheet1!$A$1:$A$50)=MONTH(DATEVALUE(E5&" 1")))*(Sheet1!$A$1:$A$50<>""))

Formula assumes a list of dates in Sheet1!A1:A50 and a month name or abbr ("April" or "Apr") in cell E5.

What is the difference between docker-compose ports vs expose

I totally agree with the answers before. I just like to mention that the difference between expose and ports is part of the security concept in docker. It goes hand in hand with the networking of docker. For example:

Imagine an application with a web front-end and a database back-end. The outside world needs access to the web front-end (perhaps on port 80), but only the back-end itself needs access to the database host and port. Using a user-defined bridge, only the web port needs to be opened, and the database application doesn’t need any ports open, since the web front-end can reach it over the user-defined bridge.

This is a common use case when setting up a network architecture in docker. So for example in a default bridge network, not ports are accessible from the outer world. Therefor you can open an ingresspoint with "ports". With using "expose" you define communication within the network. If you want to expose the default ports you don't need to define "expose" in your docker-compose file.

Is there a way to get element by XPath using JavaScript in Selenium WebDriver?

To identify a WebElement using and you have to use the evaluate() method which evaluates an xpath expression and returns a result.


document.evaluate() returns an XPathResult based on an XPath expression and other given parameters.

The syntax is:

var xpathResult = document.evaluate(


  • xpathExpression: The string representing the XPath to be evaluated.
  • contextNode: Specifies the context node for the query. Common practice is to pass document as the context node.
  • namespaceResolver: The function that will be passed any namespace prefixes and should return a string representing the namespace URI associated with that prefix. It will be used to resolve prefixes within the XPath itself, so that they can be matched with the document. null is common for HTML documents or when no namespace prefixes are used.
  • resultType: An integer that corresponds to the type of result XPathResult to return using named constant properties, such as XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, of the XPathResult constructor, which correspond to integers from 0 to 9.
  • result: An existing XPathResult to use for the results. null is the most common and will create a new XPathResult


As an example the Search Box within the Google Home Page which can be identified uniquely using the xpath as //*[@name='q'] can also be identified using the Console by the following command:




The same element can can also be identified using document.evaluate() and the xpath expression as follows:

document.evaluate("//*[@name='q']", document, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;



How can I ignore a property when serializing using the DataContractSerializer?

In XML Serializing, you can use the [XmlIgnore] attribute (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute) to ignore a property when serializing a class.

This may be of use to you (Or it just may be of use to anyone who found this question when attempting to find out how to ignore a property when Serializing in XML, as I was).

how to get file path from sd card in android

Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() will NOT return path to micro SD card Storage.

how to get file path from sd card in android

By sd card, I am assuming that, you meant removable micro SD card.

In API level 19 i.e. in Android version 4.4 Kitkat, they have added File[] getExternalFilesDirs (String type) in Context Class that allows apps to store data/files in micro SD cards.

Android 4.4 is the first release of the platform that has actually allowed apps to use SD cards for storage. Any access to SD cards before API level 19 was through private, unsupported APIs.

Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() was there from API level 1

getExternalFilesDirs(String type) returns absolute paths to application-specific directories on all shared/external storage devices. It means, it will return paths to both internal and external memory. Generally, second returned path would be the storage path for microSD card (if any).

But note that,

Shared storage may not always be available, since removable media can be ejected by the user. Media state can be checked using getExternalStorageState(File).

There is no security enforced with these files. For example, any application holding WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE can write to these files.

The Internal and External Storage terminology according to Google/official Android docs is quite different from what we think.

What is the difference between Amazon SNS and Amazon SQS?

Here's a comparison of the two:

Entity Type

  • SQS: Queue (Similar to JMS)
  • SNS: Topic (Pub/Sub system)

Message consumption

  • SQS: Pull Mechanism - Consumers poll and pull messages from SQS
  • SNS: Push Mechanism - SNS Pushes messages to consumers

Use Case

  • SQS: Decoupling two applications and allowing parallel asynchronous processing
  • SNS: Fanout - Processing the same message in multiple ways


  • SQS: Messages are persisted for some (configurable) duration if no consumer is available (maximum two weeks), so the consumer does not have to be up when messages are added to queue.
  • SNS: No persistence. Whichever consumer is present at the time of message arrival gets the message and the message is deleted. If no consumers are available then the message is lost after a few retries.

Consumer Type

  • SQS: All the consumers are typically identical and hence process the messages in the exact same way (each message is processed once by one consumer, though in rare cases messages may be resent)
  • SNS: The consumers might process the messages in different ways

Sample applications

  • SQS: Jobs framework: The Jobs are submitted to SQS and the consumers at the other end can process the jobs asynchronously. If the job frequency increases, the number of consumers can simply be increased to achieve better throughput.
  • SNS: Image processing. If someone uploads an image to S3 then watermark that image, create a thumbnail and also send a Thank You email. In that case S3 can publish notifications to an SNS topic with three consumers listening to it. The first one watermarks the image, the second one creates a thumbnail and the third one sends a Thank You email. All of them receive the same message (image URL) and do their processing in parallel.

Build error: You must add a reference to System.Runtime

To implement the fix, first expand out the existing web.config compilation section that looks like this by default:

<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5"/>

Once expanded, I then added the following new configuration XML as I was instructed:

    <add assembly="System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />   

The final web.config tags should look like this:

<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5">
    <add assembly="System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />   

Calling a Sub in VBA

For anyone still coming to this post, the other option is to simply omit the parentheses:

Sub SomeOtherSub(Stattyp As String)
    'Daty and the other variables are defined here

    CatSubProduktAreakum Stattyp, Daty + UBound(SubCategories) + 2

End Sub

The Call keywords is only really in VBA for backwards compatibilty and isn't actually required.

If however, you decide to use the Call keyword, then you have to change your syntax to suit.

'// With Call
Call Foo(Bar)

'// Without Call
Foo Bar

Both will do exactly the same thing.

That being said, there may be instances to watch out for where using parentheses unnecessarily will cause things to be evaluated where you didn't intend them to be (as parentheses do this in VBA) so with that in mind the better option is probably to omit the Call keyword and the parentheses

How to asynchronously call a method in Java

It's probably not a real solution, but now - in Java 8 - You can make this code look at least a little better using lambda expression.

final String x = "somethingelse";
new Thread(() -> {

And You could even do this in one line, still having it pretty readable.

new Thread(() -> x.matches("something")).start();

Is it possible to install Xcode 10.2 on High Sierra (10.13.6)?

None of the above helped for me.

I was able to install Mojave using this link here: This patch worked beautifully and without a hitch

Proof: here's Mojave running on my (unsupported) 2011 Mac-mini

How do I find duplicate values in a table in Oracle?

Aggregate the column by COUNT, then use a HAVING clause to find values that appear greater than one time.

SELECT column_name, COUNT(column_name)
FROM table_name
GROUP BY column_name
HAVING COUNT(column_name) > 1;

'python3' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

Yes, I think for Windows users you need to change all the python3 calls to python to solve your original error. This change will run the Python version set in your current environment. If you need to keep this call as it is (aka python3) because you are working in cross-platform or for any other reason, then a work around is to create a soft link. To create it, go to the folder that contains the Python executable and create the link. For example, this worked in my case in Windows 10 using mklink:

cd C:\Python3
mklink python3.exe python.exe

Use a (soft) symbolic link in Linux:

cd /usr/bin/python3
ln -s python.exe python3.exe

Python 3 Building an array of bytes

I think Scapy is what are you looking for.

you can build and send frames (packets) with it

jQuery toggle CSS?

The initiale code must have borderBottomLeftRadius: 0px


addEventListener for keydown on Canvas

Sometimes just setting canvas's tabindex to '1' (or '0') works. But sometimes - it doesn't, for some strange reason.

In my case (ReactJS app, dynamic canvas el creation and mount) I need to call canvasEl.focus() to fix it. Maybe this is somehow related to React (my old app based on KnockoutJS works without '..focus()' )

Is floating point math broken?

Floating point numbers are represented, at the hardware level, as fractions of binary numbers (base 2). For example, the decimal fraction:


has the value 1/10 + 2/100 + 5/1000 and, in the same way, the binary fraction:


has the value 0/2 + 0/4 + 1/8. These two fractions have the same value, the only difference is that the first is a decimal fraction, the second is a binary fraction.

Unfortunately, most decimal fractions cannot have exact representation in binary fractions. Therefore, in general, the floating point numbers you give are only approximated to binary fractions to be stored in the machine.

The problem is easier to approach in base 10. Take for example, the fraction 1/3. You can approximate it to a decimal fraction:


or better,


or better,


etc. No matter how many decimal places you write, the result is never exactly 1/3, but it is an estimate that always comes closer.

Likewise, no matter how many base 2 decimal places you use, the decimal value 0.1 cannot be represented exactly as a binary fraction. In base 2, 1/10 is the following periodic number:

0.0001100110011001100110011001100110011001100110011 ...

Stop at any finite amount of bits, and you'll get an approximation.

For Python, on a typical machine, 53 bits are used for the precision of a float, so the value stored when you enter the decimal 0.1 is the binary fraction.


which is close, but not exactly equal, to 1/10.

It's easy to forget that the stored value is an approximation of the original decimal fraction, due to the way floats are displayed in the interpreter. Python only displays a decimal approximation of the value stored in binary. If Python were to output the true decimal value of the binary approximation stored for 0.1, it would output:

>>> 0.1

This is a lot more decimal places than most people would expect, so Python displays a rounded value to improve readability:

>>> 0.1

It is important to understand that in reality this is an illusion: the stored value is not exactly 1/10, it is simply on the display that the stored value is rounded. This becomes evident as soon as you perform arithmetic operations with these values:

>>> 0.1 + 0.2

This behavior is inherent to the very nature of the machine's floating-point representation: it is not a bug in Python, nor is it a bug in your code. You can observe the same type of behavior in all other languages ??that use hardware support for calculating floating point numbers (although some languages ??do not make the difference visible by default, or not in all display modes).

Another surprise is inherent in this one. For example, if you try to round the value 2.675 to two decimal places, you will get

>>> round (2.675, 2)

The documentation for the round() primitive indicates that it rounds to the nearest value away from zero. Since the decimal fraction is exactly halfway between 2.67 and 2.68, you should expect to get (a binary approximation of) 2.68. This is not the case, however, because when the decimal fraction 2.675 is converted to a float, it is stored by an approximation whose exact value is :


Since the approximation is slightly closer to 2.67 than 2.68, the rounding is down.

If you are in a situation where rounding decimal numbers halfway down matters, you should use the decimal module. By the way, the decimal module also provides a convenient way to "see" the exact value stored for any float.

>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> Decimal (2.675)
>>> Decimal ('2.67499999999999982236431605997495353221893310546875')

Another consequence of the fact that 0.1 is not exactly stored in 1/10 is that the sum of ten values ??of 0.1 does not give 1.0 either:

>>> sum = 0.0
>>> for i in range (10):
... sum + = 0.1
...>>> sum

The arithmetic of binary floating point numbers holds many such surprises. The problem with "0.1" is explained in detail below, in the section "Representation errors". See The Perils of Floating Point for a more complete list of such surprises.

It is true that there is no simple answer, however do not be overly suspicious of floating virtula numbers! Errors, in Python, in floating-point number operations are due to the underlying hardware, and on most machines are no more than 1 in 2 ** 53 per operation. This is more than necessary for most tasks, but you should keep in mind that these are not decimal operations, and every operation on floating point numbers may suffer from a new error.

Although pathological cases exist, for most common use cases you will get the expected result at the end by simply rounding up to the number of decimal places you want on the display. For fine control over how floats are displayed, see String Formatting Syntax for the formatting specifications of the str.format () method.

This part of the answer explains in detail the example of "0.1" and shows how you can perform an exact analysis of this type of case on your own. We assume that you are familiar with the binary representation of floating point numbers.The term Representation error means that most decimal fractions cannot be represented exactly in binary. This is the main reason why Python (or Perl, C, C ++, Java, Fortran, and many others) usually doesn't display the exact result in decimal:

>>> 0.1 + 0.2

Why ? 1/10 and 2/10 are not representable exactly in binary fractions. However, all machines today (July 2010) follow the IEEE-754 standard for the arithmetic of floating point numbers. and most platforms use an "IEEE-754 double precision" to represent Python floats. Double precision IEEE-754 uses 53 bits of precision, so on reading the computer tries to convert 0.1 to the nearest fraction of the form J / 2 ** N with J an integer of exactly 53 bits. Rewrite :

1/10 ~ = J / (2 ** N)

in :

J ~ = 2 ** N / 10

remembering that J is exactly 53 bits (so> = 2 ** 52 but <2 ** 53), the best possible value for N is 56:

>>> 2 ** 52
>>> 2 ** 53
>>> 2 ** 56/10

So 56 is the only possible value for N which leaves exactly 53 bits for J. The best possible value for J is therefore this quotient, rounded:

>>> q, r = divmod (2 ** 56, 10)
>>> r

Since the carry is greater than half of 10, the best approximation is obtained by rounding up:

>>> q + 1

Therefore the best possible approximation for 1/10 in "IEEE-754 double precision" is this above 2 ** 56, that is:


Note that since the rounding was done upward, the result is actually slightly greater than 1/10; if we hadn't rounded up, the quotient would have been slightly less than 1/10. But in no case is it exactly 1/10!

So the computer never "sees" 1/10: what it sees is the exact fraction given above, the best approximation using the double precision floating point numbers from the "" IEEE-754 ":

>>>. 1 * 2 ** 56

If we multiply this fraction by 10 ** 30, we can observe the values ??of its 30 decimal places of strong weight.

>>> 7205759403792794 * 10 ** 30 // 2 ** 56

meaning that the exact value stored in the computer is approximately equal to the decimal value 0.100000000000000005551115123125. In versions prior to Python 2.7 and Python 3.1, Python rounded these values ??to 17 significant decimal places, displaying “0.10000000000000001”. In current versions of Python, the displayed value is the value whose fraction is as short as possible while giving exactly the same representation when converted back to binary, simply displaying “0.1”.

How to select only the records with the highest date in LINQ

If you just want the last date for each account, you'd use this:

var q = from n in table
        group n by n.AccountId into g
        select new {AccountId = g.Key, Date = g.Max(t=>t.Date)};

If you want the whole record:

var q = from n in table
        group n by n.AccountId into g
        select g.OrderByDescending(t=>t.Date).FirstOrDefault();

Reading a plain text file in Java

Using BufferedReader:


BufferedReader br;
try {
    br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/fileToRead.txt"));
    try {
        String x;
        while ( (x = br.readLine()) != null ) {
            // Printing out each line in the file
    catch (IOException e) {
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

How do you render primitives as wireframes in OpenGL?

glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE );

to switch on,

glPolygonMode( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL );

to go back to normal.

Note that things like texture-mapping and lighting will still be applied to the wireframe lines if they're enabled, which can look weird.

Django upgrading to 1.9 error "AppRegistryNotReady: Apps aren't loaded yet."

First import and run django.setup() before importing any models

All the above answers are good but there is a simple mistake a person could do is that (In fact in my case it was).

I imported Django model from my app before calling django.setup(). so proper way is to do...

import os
os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'first_project.settings')

import django

then any other import like

from faker import Faker
import random
# import models only after calling django.setup()
from first_app.models import Webpage, Topic, AccessRecord

Use component from another module

Whatever you want to use from another module, just put it in the export array. Like this-

  declarations: [TaskCardComponent],
  exports: [TaskCardComponent],
  imports: [MdCardModule]

Deleting row from datatable in C#

This question will give you good insights on how to delete a record from a DataTable:

DataTable, How to conditionally delete rows

It would look like this:

DataRow[] drr = dt.Select("Student=' " + id + " ' "); 
foreach (var row in drr)

Don't forget that if you want to update your database, you are going to need to call the Update command. For more information on that, see this link:

Customize list item bullets using CSS

You have to use an image to change the actual size or form of the bullet itself:

You can use a background image with appropriate padding to nudge content so it doesn't overlap:



background-image: url(images/bullet.gif);

How to override the path of PHP to use the MAMP path?

If you have to type


in your command line then add


to your PATH to be able to call php from anywhere.

How to echo (or print) to the js console with php

<?php  echo "<script>console.log({$yourVariable})</script>"; ?>

TCPDF output without saving file

This is what I found out in the documentation.

  • I : send the file inline to the browser (default). The plug-in is used if available. The name given by name is used when one selects the "Save as" option on the link generating the PDF.
  • D : send to the browser and force a file download with the name given by name.
  • F : save to a local server file with the name given by name.
  • S : return the document as a string (name is ignored).
  • FI : equivalent to F + I option
  • FD : equivalent to F + D option
  • E : return the document as base64 mime multi-part email attachment (RFC 2045)

Array initialization in Perl

What do you mean by "initialize an array to zero"? Arrays don't contain "zero" -- they can contain "zero elements", which is the same as "an empty list". Or, you could have an array with one element, where that element is a zero: my @array = (0);

my @array = (); should work just fine -- it allocates a new array called @array, and then assigns it the empty list, (). Note that this is identical to simply saying my @array;, since the initial value of a new array is the empty list anyway.

Are you sure you are getting an error from this line, and not somewhere else in your code? Ensure you have use strict; use warnings; in your module or script, and check the line number of the error you get. (Posting some contextual code here might help, too.)

How to decode Unicode escape sequences like "\u00ed" to proper UTF-8 encoded characters?

fix json values, it's add \ before u{xxx} to all +" "

  $item = preg_replace_callback('/"(.+?)":"(u.+?)",/', function ($matches) {
        $matches[2] = preg_replace('/(u)/', '\u', $matches[2]);
            $matches[2] = preg_replace('/(")/', '&quot;', $matches[2]); 
            $matches[2] = json_decode('"' . $matches[2] . '"'); 
            return '"' . $matches[1] . '":"' . $matches[2] . '",';
        }, $item);

How to remove from a map while iterating it?

The C++20 draft contains the convenience function std::erase_if.

So you can use that function to do it as a one-liner.

std::map<K, V> map_obj;
//calls needs_removing for each element and erases it, if true was reuturned
//if you need to pass only part of the key/value pair
std::erase_if(map_obj,[](auto& kv){return needs_removing(kv.first);});

SASS :not selector

I tried re-creating this, and .someclass.notip was being generated for me but .someclass:not(.notip) was not, for as long as I did not have the @mixin tip() defined. Once I had that, it all worked.

$dropdown-width: 100px;
$comp-tip: true;

@mixin tip($pos:right) {


@mixin dropdown-pos($pos:right) {
  &:not(.notip) {
    @if $comp-tip == true{
      @if $pos == right {
        top:$dropdown-width * -0.6;
        background-color: #f00;
        @include tip($pos:$pos);
  &.notip {
    @if $pos == right {
      top: 0;
      left:$dropdown-width * 0.8;
      background-color: #00f;

.someclass { @include dropdown-pos(); }

EDIT: is a good place to debug your SASS because it gives you error messages. Undefined mixin 'tip'. it what I get when I remove @mixin tip($pos:right) { }

Checking if my Windows application is running

The recommended way is to use a Mutex. You can check out a sample here :

In specific the code:

        /// check if given exe alread running or not
        /// returns true if already running
        private static bool IsAlreadyRunning()
            string strLoc = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
            FileSystemInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(strLoc);
            string sExeName = fileInfo.Name;
            bool bCreatedNew;

            Mutex mutex = new Mutex(true, "Global\\"+sExeName, out bCreatedNew);
            if (bCreatedNew)

            return !bCreatedNew;

org.hibernate.NonUniqueResultException: query did not return a unique result: 2?

Basically your query returns more than one result set. In API Docs uniqueResult() method says that Convenience method to return a single instance that matches the query, or null if the query returns no results

uniqueResult() method yield only single resultset

What is difference between Errors and Exceptions?

An Error "indicates serious problems that a reasonable application should not try to catch."


An Exception "indicates conditions that a reasonable application might want to catch."

Error along with RuntimeException & their subclasses are unchecked exceptions. All other Exception classes are checked exceptions.

Checked exceptions are generally those from which a program can recover & it might be a good idea to recover from such exceptions programmatically. Examples include FileNotFoundException, ParseException, etc. A programmer is expected to check for these exceptions by using the try-catch block or throw it back to the caller

On the other hand we have unchecked exceptions. These are those exceptions that might not happen if everything is in order, but they do occur. Examples include ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException, ClassCastException, etc. Many applications will use try-catch or throws clause for RuntimeExceptions & their subclasses but from the language perspective it is not required to do so. Do note that recovery from a RuntimeException is generally possible but the guys who designed the class/exception deemed it unnecessary for the end programmer to check for such exceptions.

Errors are also unchecked exception & the programmer is not required to do anything with these. In fact it is a bad idea to use a try-catch clause for Errors. Most often, recovery from an Error is not possible & the program should be allowed to terminate. Examples include OutOfMemoryError, StackOverflowError, etc.

Do note that although Errors are unchecked exceptions, we shouldn't try to deal with them, but it is ok to deal with RuntimeExceptions(also unchecked exceptions) in code. Checked exceptions should be handled by the code.

How to update one file in a zip archive

yes its possible.

on linux based systems just install zip and you can call it in the command line. have a look at the manpage:

but in my personal experience, if possible and compression is not so important, this works better with plain tar files and tar.

How to Deserialize XML document

Try this Generic Class For Xml Serialization & Deserialization.

public class SerializeConfig<T> where T : class
    public static void Serialize(string path, T type)
        var serializer = new XmlSerializer(type.GetType());
        using (var writer = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))
            serializer.Serialize(writer, type);

    public static T DeSerialize(string path)
        T type;
        var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T));
        using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(path))
            type = serializer.Deserialize(reader) as T;
        return type;

How do I use reflection to call a generic method?

Adding on to Adrian Gallero's answer:

Calling a generic method from type info involves three steps.

TLDR: Calling a known generic method with a type object can be accomplished by:

    .Invoke(this, null);

where GenericMethod<object> is the method name to call and any type that satisfies the generic constraints.

(Action) matches the signature of the method to be called i.e. (Func<string,string,int> or Action<bool>)

Step 1 is getting the MethodInfo for the generic method definition

Method 1: Use GetMethod() or GetMethods() with appropriate types or binding flags.

MethodInfo method = typeof(Sample).GetMethod("GenericMethod");

Method 2: Create a delegate, get the MethodInfo object and then call GetGenericMethodDefinition

From inside the class that contains the methods:

MethodInfo method = ((Action)GenericMethod<object>)

MethodInfo method = ((Action)StaticMethod<object>)

From outside of the class that contains the methods:

MethodInfo method = ((Action)(new Sample())

MethodInfo method = ((Action)Sample.StaticMethod<object>)

In C#, the name of a method, i.e. "ToString" or "GenericMethod" actually refers to a group of methods that may contain one or more methods. Until you provide the types of the method parameters, it is not known which method you are referring to.

((Action)GenericMethod<object>) refers to the delegate for a specific method. ((Func<string, int>)GenericMethod<object>) refers to a different overload of GenericMethod

Method 3: Create a lambda expression containing a method call expression, get the MethodInfo object and then GetGenericMethodDefinition

MethodInfo method = ((MethodCallExpression)((Expression<Action<Sample>>)(
    (Sample v) => v.GenericMethod<object>()

This breaks down to

Create a lambda expression where the body is a call to your desired method.

Expression<Action<Sample>> expr = (Sample v) => v.GenericMethod<object>();

Extract the body and cast to MethodCallExpression

MethodCallExpression methodCallExpr = (MethodCallExpression)expr.Body;

Get the generic method definition from the method

MethodInfo methodA = methodCallExpr.Method.GetGenericMethodDefinition();

Step 2 is calling MakeGenericMethod to create a generic method with the appropriate type(s).

MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(myType);

Step 3 is invoking the method with the appropriate arguments.

generic.Invoke(this, null);

Use of REPLACE in SQL Query for newline/ carriage return characters

There are probably embedded tabs (CHAR(9)) etc. as well. You can find out what other characters you need to replace (we have no idea what your goal is) with something like this:


SET @i = 1;

SELECT @var = AccountType FROM dbo.Account
  WHERE AccountNumber = 200
  AND AccountType LIKE '%Daily%';


WHILE @i <= LEN(@var)
  INSERT #x 
    SELECT SUBSTRING(@var, @i, 1), ASCII(SUBSTRING(@var, @i, 1));

  SET @i = @i + 1;


You might also consider doing better cleansing of this data before it gets into your database. Cleaning it every time you need to search or display is not the best approach.

How to include JavaScript file or library in Chrome console?

If anyone, fails to load because hes script violates the script-src "Content Security Policy" or "because unsafe-eval' is not an allowed", I will advice using my pretty-small module-injector as a dev-tools snippet, then you'll be able to load like this:

  .then(()=>alert(`today is ${moment().format('dddd')}`));
<script src=""></script>

this solution works because:

  1. It loades the library in xhr - which allows CORS from console, and avoids the script-src policy.
  2. It uses the synchronous option of xhr which allows you to stay at the console/snippet's context, so you'll have the permission to eval the script, and not to get-treated as an unsafe-eval.

Javascript / Chrome - How to copy an object from the webkit inspector as code

This should help stringify deep objects by leaving out recursive Window and Node objects.

function stringifyObject(e) {
  const obj = {};
  for (let k in e) {
    obj[k] = e[k];

  return JSON.stringify(obj, (k, v) => {
    if (v instanceof Node) return 'Node';
    if (v instanceof Window) return 'Window';
    return v;
  }, ' ');

AngularJS: Basic example to use authentication in Single Page Application

I think that every JSON response should contain a property (e.g. {authenticated: false}) and the client has to test it everytime: if false, then the Angular controller/service will "redirect" to the login page.

And what happen if the user catch de JSON and change the bool to True?

I think you should never rely on client side to do these kind of stuff. If the user is not authenticated, the server should just redirect to a login/error page.

Google maps Marker Label with multiple characters

A much simpler solution to this problem that allows letters, numbers and words as the label is the following code. More specifically, the line of code starting with "icon:". Any string or variable could be substituted for 'k'.

for (i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) 
      k = i + 1;
      marker = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: new google.maps.LatLng(locations[i][1], locations[i][2]),     
      map: map,
      icon: '' + k + '|FF0000|000000'

--- the locations array holds the lat and long and k is the row number for the address I was mapping. In other words if I had a 100 addresses to map my marker labels would be 1 to 100.

How do I find an element that contains specific text in Selenium WebDriver (Python)?

Try this. It's very easy:

driver.getPageSource().contains("text to search");

This really worked for me in Selenium WebDriver.

receiving error: 'Error: SSL Error: SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN' while using npm

For those who on a mac with the same issue and installed npm via homebrew:

brew uninstall npm


brew install npm

Works for me on osx (10.9.1)

EDIT: You may need to brew update before installing npm. You can also do a brew upgrade after updating homebrew. Also it might be helpful to run brew doctor if you run into any other issues.

How to insert values in two dimensional array programmatically?

Think about it as array of array.

If you do this str[x][y], then there is array of length x where each element in turn contains array of length y. In java its not necessary for second dimension to have same length. So for x=i you can have y=m and x=j you can have y=n

For this your declaration looks like

String[][] test = new String[4][]; test[0] = new String[3]; test[1] = new String[2];


"Application tried to present modally an active controller"?

In my case, I was presenting the rootViewController of an UINavigationController when I was supposed to present the UINavigationController itself.

Android Bluetooth Example

I have also used following link as others have suggested you for bluetooth communication.

The thing is all you need is a class

this class has following threads:

  1. Accept
  2. Connecting
  3. Connected

Now when you call start function of the BluetoothChatService like:


It starts accept thread which means it will start looking for connection.

Now when you call


Here first argument is device object that you can get from paired devices list or when you scan for devices you will get all the devices in range you can pass that object to this function and 2nd argument is a boolean to make secure or insecure connection.

connect function will start connecting thread which will look for any device which is running accept thread.

When such a device is found both accept thread and connecting thread will call connected function in BluetoothChatService:

connected(mmSocket, mmDevice, mSocketType);

this method starts connected thread in both the devices: Using this socket object connected thread obtains the input and output stream to the other device. And calls read function on inputstream in a while loop so that it's always trying read from other device so that whenever other device send a message this read function returns that message.

BluetoothChatService also has a write method which takes byte[] as input and calls write method on connected thread.

mChatService.write("your message".getByte());

write method in connected thread just write this byte data to outputsream of the other device.

public void write(byte[] buffer) {
   try {
    // Share the sent message back to the UI Activity
    // mHandler.obtainMessage(
    // BluetoothGameSetupActivity.MESSAGE_WRITE, -1, -1,
    // buffer).sendToTarget();
    } catch (IOException e) {
    Log.e(TAG, "Exception during write", e);

Now to communicate between two devices just call write function on mChatService and handle the message that you will receive on the other device.

Bootstrap 3 Carousel Not Working

Well, Bootstrap Carousel has various parameters to control.


Interval: Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) between each slide.

pause: Pauses the carousel from going through the next slide when the mouse pointer enters the carousel, and resumes the sliding when the mouse pointer leaves the carousel.

wrap: Specifies whether the carousel should go through all slides continuously, or stop at the last slide

For your reference:

enter image description here

Fore more details please click here...

Hope this will help you :)

Note: This is for the further help.. I mean how can you customise or change default behaviour once carousel is loaded.

How to upgrade all Python packages with pip

See all outdated packages

 pip list --outdated --format=columns


 sudo pip install pipdate

then type

 sudo -H pipdate

How to do select from where x is equal to multiple values?

You can try using parentheses around the OR expressions to make sure your query is interpreted correctly, or more concisely, use IN:

SELECT ads.*, location.county 
FROM ads
LEFT JOIN location ON location.county = ads.county_id
WHERE ads.published = 1 
AND ads.type = 13
AND ads.county_id IN (2,5,7,9)

Convert json data to a html table

You can use simple jQuery jPut plugin


var json = [{"name": "name1","email":"[email protected]"},{"name": "name2","link":"[email protected]"}];
//while running this code the template will be appended in your div with json data
    //ajax_url:"youfile.json",  if you want to call from a json file


<table jput="t_template">
 <tbody jput="tbody_template">

 <tbody id="tbody">

How to download excel (.xls) file from API in postman?

If the endpoint really is a direct link to the .xls file, you can try the following code to handle downloading:

public static boolean download(final File output, final String source) {
    try {
        if (!output.createNewFile()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Could not create new file!");
        URL url = new URL(source);
        HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
        // Comment in the code in the following line in case the endpoint redirects instead of it being a direct link
        // connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(true);
        connection.setRequestProperty("AUTH-KEY-PROPERTY-NAME", "yourAuthKey");
        final ReadableByteChannel rbc = Channels.newChannel(connection.getInputStream());
        final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(output);
        fos.getChannel().transferFrom(rbc, 0, 1 << 24);
        return true;
    } catch (final Exception e) {
    return false;

All you should need to do is set the proper name for the auth token and fill it in.

Example usage:

download(new File("C:\\output.xls"), "");

How to compare two List<String> to each other?

You can check in all the below ways for a List

List<string> FilteredList = new List<string>();
//Comparing the two lists and gettings common elements.
FilteredList = a1.Intersect(a2, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

Choice between vector::resize() and vector::reserve()

The two functions do vastly different things!

The resize() method (and passing argument to constructor is equivalent to that) will insert or delete appropriate number of elements to the vector to make it given size (it has optional second argument to specify their value). It will affect the size(), iteration will go over all those elements, push_back will insert after them and you can directly access them using the operator[].

The reserve() method only allocates memory, but leaves it uninitialized. It only affects capacity(), but size() will be unchanged. There is no value for the objects, because nothing is added to the vector. If you then insert the elements, no reallocation will happen, because it was done in advance, but that's the only effect.

So it depends on what you want. If you want an array of 1000 default items, use resize(). If you want an array to which you expect to insert 1000 items and want to avoid a couple of allocations, use reserve().

EDIT: Blastfurnace's comment made me read the question again and realize, that in your case the correct answer is don't preallocate manually. Just keep inserting the elements at the end as you need. The vector will automatically reallocate as needed and will do it more efficiently than the manual way mentioned. The only case where reserve() makes sense is when you have reasonably precise estimate of the total size you'll need easily available in advance.

EDIT2: Ad question edit: If you have initial estimate, then reserve() that estimate. If it turns out to be not enough, just let the vector do it's thing.

How to get HttpClient to pass credentials along with the request?

Ok so I took Joshoun code and made it generic. I am not sure if I should implement singleton pattern on SynchronousPost class. Maybe someone more knowledgeble can help.


//I assume you have your own concrete type. In my case I have am using code first with a class called FileCategory

FileCategory x = new FileCategory { CategoryName = "Some Bs"};
SynchronousPost<FileCategory>test= new SynchronousPost<FileCategory>();
test.PostEntity(x, "/api/ApiFileCategories"); 

Generic Class here. You can pass any type

 public class SynchronousPost<T>where T :class
        public SynchronousPost()
            Client = new WebClient { UseDefaultCredentials = true };

        public void PostEntity(T PostThis,string ApiControllerName)//The ApiController name should be "/api/MyName/"
            //this just determines the root url. 
            Client.BaseAddress = string.Format(
            System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Port != 80) ? "{0}://{1}:{2}" : "{0}://{1}",
            Client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.ContentType, "application/json;charset=utf-8");
                                 ApiControllerName, "Post", 
        private WebClient Client  { get; set; }

My Api classs looks like this, if you are curious

public class ApiFileCategoriesController : ApiBaseController
    public ApiFileCategoriesController(IMshIntranetUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
        UnitOfWork = unitOfWork;

    public IEnumerable<FileCategory> GetFiles()
        return UnitOfWork.FileCategories.GetAll().OrderBy(x=>x.CategoryName);
    public FileCategory GetFile(int id)
        return UnitOfWork.FileCategories.GetById(id);
    //Post api/ApileFileCategories

    public HttpResponseMessage Post(FileCategory fileCategory)
        return new HttpResponseMessage();

I am using ninject, and repo pattern with unit of work. Anyways, the generic class above really helps.

why is plotting with Matplotlib so slow?

This may not apply to many of you, but I'm usually operating my computers under Linux, so by default I save my matplotlib plots as PNG and SVG. This works fine under Linux but is unbearably slow on my Windows 7 installations [MiKTeX under Python(x,y) or Anaconda], so I've taken to adding this code, and things work fine over there again:

import platform     # Don't save as SVG if running under Windows.
# Plot code goes here.
fig.savefig('figure_name.png', dpi = 200)
if platform.system() != 'Windows':
    # In my installations of Windows 7, it takes an inordinate amount of time to save
    # graphs as .svg files, so on that platform I've disabled the call that does so.
    # The first run of a script is still a little slow while everything is loaded in,
    # but execution times of subsequent runs are improved immensely.

Get average color of image via Javascript

All-In-One Solution

I would personally combine Color Thief along with this modified version of Name that Color to obtain a more-than-sufficient array of dominant color results for images.


Consider the following image:

enter image description here

You can use the following code to extract image data relating to the dominant color:

let color_thief = new ColorThief();
let sample_image = new Image();

sample_image.onload = () => {
  let result ='#' + color_thief.getColor(sample_image).map(x => {
    const hex = x.toString(16);
    return hex.length === 1 ? '0' + hex : hex;
  console.log(result[0]); // #f0c420     : Dominant HEX/RGB value of closest match
  console.log(result[1]); // Moon Yellow : Dominant specific color name of closest match
  console.log(result[2]); // #ffff00     : Dominant HEX/RGB value of shade of closest match
  console.log(result[3]); // Yellow      : Dominant color name of shade of closest match
  console.log(result[4]); // false       : True if exact color match

sample_image.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
sample_image.src = document.getElementById('sample-image').src;

How do I find the date a video (.AVI .MP4) was actually recorded?

Have a try to exiftools or mediainfo, which provides you an export function as text. Just pay attention to daylight saving.

How do I convert a float number to a whole number in JavaScript?

A double bitwise not operator can be used to truncate floats. The other operations you mentioned are available through Math.floor, Math.ceil, and Math.round.

> ~~2.5
> ~~(-1.4)

More details courtesy of James Padolsey.

Press TAB and then ENTER key in Selenium WebDriver

Using Java:

WebElement webElement = driver.findElement(By.xpath(""));//You can use xpath, ID or name whatever you like

How to tell whether a point is to the right or left side of a line

@AVB's answer in ruby

det = Matrix[
  [(x2 - x1), (x3 - x1)],
  [(y2 - y1), (y3 - y1)]

If det is positive its above, if negative its below. If 0, its on the line.

python pandas: apply a function with arguments to a series

Newer versions of pandas do allow you to pass extra arguments (see the new documentation). So now you can do:

my_series.apply(your_function, args=(2,3,4), extra_kw=1)

The positional arguments are added after the element of the series.

For older version of pandas:

The documentation explains this clearly. The apply method accepts a python function which should have a single parameter. If you want to pass more parameters you should use functools.partial as suggested by Joel Cornett in his comment.

An example:

>>> import functools
>>> import operator
>>> add_3 = functools.partial(operator.add,3)
>>> add_3(2)
>>> add_3(7)

You can also pass keyword arguments using partial.

Another way would be to create a lambda:

my_series.apply((lambda x: your_func(a,b,c,d,...,x)))

But I think using partial is better.

Enable ASP.NET ASMX web service for HTTP POST / GET requests

Try to declare UseHttpGet over your method.

[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true)]
public string HelloWorld()
    return "Hello World";