Programs & Examples On #Tarantula

Use this tag for questions related to Tarantula Test Management from Testia (tool for managing software testing in agile software projects).

Selecting an element in iFrame jQuery

here is simple JQuery to do this to make div draggable with in only container :

$("#containerdiv div").draggable( {containment: "#containerdiv ", scroll: false} );

Sum rows in data.frame or matrix

The rowSums function (as Greg mentions) will do what you want, but you are mixing subsetting techniques in your answer, do not use "$" when using "[]", your code should look something more like:

data$new <- rowSums( data[,43:167] )

If you want to use a function other than sum, then look at ?apply for applying general functions accross rows or columns.

How to customise the Jackson JSON mapper implicitly used by Spring Boot?

The right way to add further configurations to the Spring Boot peconfigured ObjectMapper is to define a Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer. Else you are overwriting Springs configuration, which you do not want to lose.

public class MyJacksonConfigurer implements Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilderCustomizer {
    public void customize(Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder builder) {
        builder.deserializerByType(LocalDate.class, new MyOwnJsonLocalDateTimeDeserializer());

Should I use the datetime or timestamp data type in MySQL?

A timestamp field is a special case of the datetime field. You can create timestamp columns to have special properties; it can be set to update itself on either create and/or update.

In "bigger" database terms, timestamp has a couple of special-case triggers on it.

What the right one is depends entirely on what you want to do.

Proper usage of .net MVC Html.CheckBoxFor

I had trouble getting this to work and added another solution for anyone wanting/ needing to use FromCollection.

Instead of:

@Html.CheckBoxFor(model => true, item.TemplateId) 

Format html helper like so:

@Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.SomeProperty, new { @class = "form-control", Name = "SomeProperty"})

Then in the viewmodel/model wherever your logic is:

public void Save(FormCollection frm)
    // to do instantiate object.

    instantiatedItem.SomeProperty = (frm["SomeProperty"] ?? "").Equals("true", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

    // to do and save changes in database.

How do I redirect a user when a button is clicked?

RIGHT ANSWER HERE: Answers above are correct (for some of them) but let's make this simple -- with one tag.

I prefer to use input tags, but you can use a button tag

Here's what your solution should look like using HTML:

< input type="button" class="btn btn-info" onclick='window.location.href = "@Url.Action("Index", "ReviewPendingApprovals", routeValues: null)"'/> // can omit or modify routeValues to your liking

Primefaces valueChangeListener or <p:ajax listener not firing for p:selectOneMenu

My problem were that we were using spring securyty, and the previous page doesn't call the page using faces-redirect=true, then the page show a java warning, and the control doesn't fire the change event.

Solution: The previous page must call the page using, faces-redirect=true

Using two values for one switch case statement

You can use:

case text1: case text4: 
     do stuff;

CSS body background image fixed to full screen even when zooming in/out

Use Directly like this

     background: url(../img/beach.jpg) no-repeat fixed 100% 100%;

or call CSS separately like

    background-image: url(../img/beach.jpg);
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;
    background-size: cover;

How to replace list item in best way

Or, building on Rusian L.'s suggestion, if the item you're searching for can be in the list more than once::

public void ReplaceAll<T>(List<T> input, T search, T replace)
    int i = 0;
    do {
        i = input.FindIndex(i, s => EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(s, search));

        if (i > -1) {
            FileSystem.input(i) = replace;

    } while (true);

Using a dictionary to select function to execute

def p1( ):
    print("in p1")

def p2():
    print("in p2")

    "P1": p1,
    "P2": p2


name=input("enter P1 or P2")


Running Windows batch file commands asynchronously

You can use the start command to spawn background processes without launching new windows:

start /b foo.exe

The new process will not be interruptable with CTRL-C; you can kill it only with CTRL-BREAK (or by closing the window, or via Task Manager.)

Setting an int to Infinity in C++

int is inherently finite; there's no value that satisfies your requirements.

If you're willing to change the type of b, though, you can do this with operator overrides:

class infinitytype {};

template<typename T>
bool operator>(const T &, const infinitytype &) {
  return false;

template<typename T>
bool operator<(const T &, const infinitytype &) {
  return true;

bool operator<(const infinitytype &, const infinitytype &) {
  return false;

bool operator>(const infinitytype &, const infinitytype &) {
  return false;

// add operator==, operator!=, operator>=, operator<=...

int main() {
  std::cout << ( INT_MAX < infinitytype() ); // true

How to generate a random string of a fixed length in Go?

how random count in :

count, one := big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(1)
count.SetString("100000000000000000000000", 10)

Code signing is required for product type Unit Test Bundle in SDK iOS 8.0

Also, if you set your build target device, the problem will go away when you testing and debugging. The code signed is only need when you trying to deploy your app to an actually physical device fig

I changed mine from "myIphone" to simulator iPhone 6 Plus, and it solves the problem while I'm developing the app.

Creating a pandas DataFrame from columns of other DataFrames with similar indexes

Well, I'm not sure that merge would be the way to go. Personally I would build a new data frame by creating an index of the dates and then constructing the columns using list comprehensions. Possibly not the most pythonic way, but it seems to work for me!

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,3), index=pd.date_range('01/02/2014',periods=5,freq='D'), columns=['a','b','c'] )
df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8,3), index=pd.date_range('01/01/2014',periods=8,freq='D'), columns=['a','b','c'] )

# Create an index list from the set of dates in both data frames
Index = list(set(list(df1.index) + list(df2.index)))

df3 = pd.DataFrame({'df1': [df1.loc[Date, 'c'] if Date in df1.index else np.nan for Date in Index],\
                'df2': [df2.loc[Date, 'c'] if Date in df2.index else np.nan for Date in Index],},\
                index = Index)


Excel 2013 horizontal secondary axis

You should follow the guidelines on Add a secondary horizontal axis:

Add a secondary horizontal axis

To complete this procedure, you must have a chart that displays a secondary vertical axis. To add a secondary vertical axis, see Add a secondary vertical axis.

  1. Click a chart that displays a secondary vertical axis. This displays the Chart Tools, adding the Design, Layout, and Format tabs.

  2. On the Layout tab, in the Axes group, click Axes.

    enter image description here

  3. Click Secondary Horizontal Axis, and then click the display option that you want.

enter image description here

Add a secondary vertical axis

You can plot data on a secondary vertical axis one data series at a time. To plot more than one data series on the secondary vertical axis, repeat this procedure for each data series that you want to display on the secondary vertical axis.

  1. In a chart, click the data series that you want to plot on a secondary vertical axis, or do the following to select the data series from a list of chart elements:

    • Click the chart.

      This displays the Chart Tools, adding the Design, Layout, and Format tabs.

    • On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click the arrow in the Chart Elements box, and then click the data series that you want to plot along a secondary vertical axis.

      enter image description here

  2. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click Format Selection. The Format Data Series dialog box is displayed.

    Note: If a different dialog box is displayed, repeat step 1 and make sure that you select a data series in the chart.

  3. On the Series Options tab, under Plot Series On, click Secondary Axis and then click Close.

    A secondary vertical axis is displayed in the chart.

  4. To change the display of the secondary vertical axis, do the following:

    • On the Layout tab, in the Axes group, click Axes.

    • Click Secondary Vertical Axis, and then click the display option that you want.

  5. To change the axis options of the secondary vertical axis, do the following:

    • Right-click the secondary vertical axis, and then click Format Axis.

    • Under Axis Options, select the options that you want to use.

How to see if an object is an array without using reflection?

There is no subtyping relationship between arrays of primitive type, or between an array of a primitive type and array of a reference type. See JLS 4.10.3.

Therefore, the following is incorrect as a test to see if obj is an array of any kind:

public boolean isArray(final Object obj) {
    return obj instanceof Object[];

Specifically, it doesn't work if obj is 1-D array of primitives. (It does work for primitive arrays with higher dimensions though, because all array types are subtypes of Object. But it is moot in this case.)

I use Google GWT so I am not allowed to use reflection :(

The best solution (to the isArray array part of the question) depends on what counts as "using reflection".

  • In GWT, calling obj.getClass().isArray() does not count as using reflection1, so that is the best solution.

  • Otherwise, the best way of figuring out whether an object has an array type is to use a sequence of instanceof expressions.

    public boolean isArray(final Object obj) {
        return obj instanceof Object[] || obj instanceof boolean[] ||
           obj instanceof byte[] || obj instanceof short[] ||
           obj instanceof char[] || obj instanceof int[] ||
           obj instanceof long[] || obj instanceof float[] ||
           obj instanceof double[];
  • You could also try messing around with the name of the object's class as follows, but the call to obj.getClass() is bordering on reflection.

    public boolean isArray(final Object obj) {
        return obj.getClass().toString().charAt(0) == '[';

1 - More precisely, the Class.isArray method is listed as supported by GWT in this page.

Replacing a fragment with another fragment inside activity group

You Can Use This code

((AppCompatActivity) getActivity()).getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, new YourFragment()).commit();

or You Can This Use Code

YourFragment fragments=(YourFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;

        if (fragments==null) {
            getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, new Fragment_News()).commit();

ASP.NET MVC Global Variables

You could also use a static class, such as a Config class or something along those lines...

public static class Config
    public static readonly string SomeValue = "blah";

Sort array of objects by string property value

// Sort Array of Objects

// Data
var booksArray = [
    { first_nom: 'Lazslo', last_nom: 'Jamf'     },
    { first_nom: 'Pig',    last_nom: 'Bodine'   },
    { first_nom: 'Pirate', last_nom: 'Prentice' }

// Property to Sort By
var args = "last_nom";

// Function to Sort the Data by given Property
function sortByProperty(property) {
    return function (a, b) {
        var sortStatus = 0,
            aProp = a[property].toLowerCase(),
            bProp = b[property].toLowerCase();
        if (aProp < bProp) {
            sortStatus = -1;
        } else if (aProp > bProp) {
            sortStatus = 1;
        return sortStatus;

// Implementation
var sortedArray = booksArray.sort(sortByProperty(args));

console.log("sortedArray: " + JSON.stringify(sortedArray) );

Console log output:


Adapted based on this source:

MySQL Workbench: How to keep the connection alive

I was getting this error 2013 and none of the above preference changes did anything to fix the problem. I restarted mysql service and the problem went away.

Android JSONObject - How can I loop through a flat JSON object to get each key and value

Short version of Franci's answer:

for(Iterator<String> iter = json.keys();iter.hasNext();) {
    String key =;

Converting a String to a List of Words?

A regular expression for words would give you the most control. You would want to carefully consider how to deal with words with dashes or apostrophes, like "I'm".

How to determine if Javascript array contains an object with an attribute that equals a given value?

You cannot without looking into the object really.

You probably should change your structure a little, like

vendors = {
    Magenic:   'ABC',
    Microsoft: 'DEF'

Then you can just use it like a lookup-hash.

vendors['Microsoft']; // 'DEF'
vendors['Apple']; // undefined

git push to specific branch

If your Local branch and remote branch is the same name then you can just do it:

git push origin branchName

When your local and remote branch name is different then you can just do it:

git push origin localBranchName:remoteBranchName

Ternary operator (?:) in Bash

Here are some options:

1- Use if then else in one line, it is possible.

if [[ "$2" == "raiz" ]] || [[ "$2" == '.' ]]; then pasta=''; else pasta="$2"; fi

2- Write a function like this:

 # Once upon a time, there was an 'iif' function in MS VB ...

function iif(){
  # Echoes $2 if 1,banana,true,etc and $3 if false,null,0,''
  case $1 in ''|false|FALSE|null|NULL|0) echo $3;;*) echo $2;;esac

use inside script like this

result=`iif "$expr" 'yes' 'no'`

# or even interpolating:
result=`iif "$expr" "positive" "negative, because $1 is not true"` 

3- Inspired in the case answer, a more flexible and one line use is:

 case "$expr" in ''|false|FALSE|null|NULL|0) echo "no...$expr";;*) echo "yep $expr";;esac

 # Expression can be something like:     
   expr=`expr "$var1" '>' "$var2"`

WARNING: UNPROTECTED PRIVATE KEY FILE! when trying to SSH into Amazon EC2 Instance

Change the File Permission using chmod command

sudo chmod 700 keyfile.pem

How can I fill out a Python string with spaces?

The new(ish) string format method lets you do some fun stuff with nested keyword arguments. The simplest case:

>>> '{message: <16}'.format(message='Hi')
'Hi             '

If you want to pass in 16 as a variable:

>>> '{message: <{width}}'.format(message='Hi', width=16)
'Hi              '

If you want to pass in variables for the whole kit and kaboodle:

   fill=' ',

Which results in (you guessed it):

'Hi              '

And for all these, you can use python 3.6 f-strings:

message = 'Hi'
fill = ' '
align = '<'
width = 16

And of course the result:

'Hi              '

Error: select command denied to user '<userid>'@'<ip-address>' for table '<table-name>'

Similar to other answers I had miss typed the query.

I had -

SELECT FROM t.table LEFT JOIN table2 AS t2 ON = t2.table_id

Should have been

SELECT FROM table AS t LEFT JOIN table2 AS t2 ON = t2.table_id

Mysql was trying to find a database called t which the user didn't have permission for.

Angular: date filter adds timezone, how to output UTC?

I just used getLocaleString() function for my application. It should adapt the timeformat common to the locale, so no +0200 etc. Ofcourse, there will be less possibility for controlling the width of your string then.

var str = (new Date(1400167800)).toLocaleString();

Load image from resources area of project in C#

Strangely enough, from poking in the designer I find what seems to be a much simpler approach:

The image seems to be available from .Properties.Resources.

I'm simply using an image as all I'm interested in is pasting it into a control with an image on it.

(Net 4.0, VS2010.)

how to refresh Select2 dropdown menu after ajax loading different content?

Use the following script after appending your select.


Don't use destroy.

Color different parts of a RichTextBox string

Here is an extension method that overloads the AppendText method with a color parameter:

public static class RichTextBoxExtensions
    public static void AppendText(this RichTextBox box, string text, Color color)
        box.SelectionStart = box.TextLength;
        box.SelectionLength = 0;

        box.SelectionColor = color;
        box.SelectionColor = box.ForeColor;

And this is how you would use it:

var userid = "USER0001";
var message = "Access denied";
var box = new RichTextBox
                  Dock = DockStyle.Fill,
                  Font = new Font("Courier New", 10)

box.AppendText("[" + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString() + "]", Color.Red);
box.AppendText(" ");
box.AppendText(userid, Color.Green);
box.AppendText(": ");
box.AppendText(message, Color.Blue);

new Form {Controls = {box}}.ShowDialog();

Note that you may notice some flickering if you're outputting a lot of messages. See this C# Corner article for ideas on how to reduce RichTextBox flicker.

How to input matrix (2D list) in Python?

a = []
b = []

m=input("enter no of rows: ")
n=input("enter no of coloumns: ")

for i in range(n):
     a = []
     for j in range(m):

Input : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Output : [ ['1', '2', '3'], ['4', '5', '6'], ['7', '8', '9'] ]

htaccess redirect if URL contains a certain string

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^/foobar/i$ index.php [NE,L]

Python for and if on one line

You are producing a filtered list by using a list comprehension. i is still being bound to each and every element of that list, and the last element is still 'three', even if it was subsequently filtered out from the list being produced.

You should not use a list comprehension to pick out one element. Just use a for loop, and break to end it:

for elem in my_list:
    if elem == 'two':

If you must have a one-liner (which would be counter to Python's philosophy, where readability matters), use the next() function and a generator expression:

i = next((elem for elem in my_list if elem == 'two'), None)

which will set i to None if there is no such matching element.

The above is not that useful a filter; your are essentially testing if the value 'two' is in the list. You can use in for that:

elem = 'two' if 'two' in my_list else None

Android Studio - No JVM Installation found

You must just install jdk1.8.0 and then right click on my computer icon and then select properties,then in left panel, select advanced system settings, then in dialog bog select Environment Variables, then in that's dialog box,in section user variables create new variable that's name must be JAVA_HOME and path is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0(in my pc) then sytem variable section, select PATH variable and append it's end this path C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0\bin and then select ok for all dialog box and after this steps run Android studio. And for test, run cmd in windows and run this command java -version if returned a java version and ... it is installed correctly.

Note: I get answer in windows 8.1 64 bit.

Reading a plain text file in Java

String fileName = 'yourFileFullNameWithPath';
File file = new File(fileName); // Creates a new file object for your file
FileReader fr = new FileReader(file);// Creates a Reader that you can use to read the contents of a file read your file
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); //Reads text from a character-input stream, buffering characters so as to provide for the efficient reading of characters, arrays, and lines.

The above set of line can be written into 1 single line as:

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file.txt")); // Optional

Adding to string builder(If you file is huge, it's advised to use string builder else use normal String object)

try {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        String line = br.readLine();

        while (line != null) {
        line = br.readLine();
        String everything = sb.toString();
        } finally {

How to add elements to an empty array in PHP?

You can use array_push. It adds the elements to the end of the array, like in a stack.

You could have also done it like this:

$cart = array(13, "foo", $obj);

How to specify jackson to only use fields - preferably globally

In Jackson 2.0 and later you can simply use:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.PropertyAccessor;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;   


ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();    
mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.ALL, Visibility.NONE);
mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, Visibility.ANY);

to turn off autodetection.

CSS force new line

How about with a :before pseudoelement:

a:before {
  content: '\a';
  white-space: pre;

How to get duplicate items from a list using LINQ?

All mentioned solutions until now perform a GroupBy. Even if I only need the first Duplicate all elements of the collections are enumerated at least once.

The following extension function stops enumerating as soon as a duplicate has been found. It continues if a next duplicate is requested.

As always in LINQ there are two versions, one with IEqualityComparer and one without it.

public static IEnumerable<TSource> ExtractDuplicates(this IEnumerable<TSource> source)
    return source.ExtractDuplicates(null);
public static IEnumerable<TSource> ExtractDuplicates(this IEnumerable<TSource source,
    IEqualityComparer<TSource> comparer);
    if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source));
    if (comparer == null)
        comparer = EqualityCompare<TSource>.Default;

    HashSet<TSource> foundElements = new HashSet<TSource>(comparer);
    foreach (TSource sourceItem in source)
        if (!foundElements.Contains(sourceItem))
        {   // we've not seen this sourceItem before. Add to the foundElements
        {   // we've seen this item before. It is a duplicate!
            yield return sourceItem;


IEnumerable<MyClass> myObjects = ...

// check if has duplicates:
bool hasDuplicates = myObjects.ExtractDuplicates().Any();

// or find the first three duplicates:
IEnumerable<MyClass> first3Duplicates = myObjects.ExtractDuplicates().Take(3)

// or find the first 5 duplicates that have a Name = "MyName"
IEnumerable<MyClass> myNameDuplicates = myObjects.ExtractDuplicates()
    .Where(duplicate => duplicate.Name == "MyName")

For all these linq statements the collection is only parsed until the requested items are found. The rest of the sequence is not interpreted.

IMHO that is an efficiency boost to consider.

Writing a Python list of lists to a csv file

import csv
with open(file_path, 'a') as outcsv:   
    #configure writer to write standard csv file
    writer = csv.writer(outcsv, delimiter=',', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, lineterminator='\n')
    writer.writerow(['number', 'text', 'number'])
    for item in list:
        #Write item to outcsv
        writer.writerow([item[0], item[1], item[2]])

official docs:

Proper way to empty a C-String

Two other ways are strcpy(str, ""); and string[0] = 0

To really delete the Variable contents (in case you have dirty code which is not working properly with the snippets above :P ) use a loop like in the example below.

#include <string.h>


int i=0;
    string[i] = 0;

In case you want to clear a dynamic allocated array of chars from the beginning, you may either use a combination of malloc() and memset() or - and this is way faster - calloc() which does the same thing as malloc but initializing the whole array with Null.

At last i want you to have your runtime in mind. All the way more, if you're handling huge arrays (6 digits and above) you should try to set the first value to Null instead of running memset() through the whole String.

It may look dirtier at first, but is way faster. You just need to pay more attention on your code ;)

I hope this was useful for anybody ;)

What is the preferred syntax for initializing a dict: curly brace literals {} or the dict() function?

Sometimes dict() is a good choice:

a=dict(zip(['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri'], [x for x in range(1, 6)]))


[random.randint(0,100) for x in range(0,7)]))

When to use React setState callback

Sometimes we need a code block where we need to perform some operation right after setState where we are sure the state is being updated. That is where setState callback comes into play

For example, there was a scenario where I needed to enable a modal for 2 customers out of 20 customers, for the customers where we enabled it, there was a set of time taking API calls, so it looked like this

async componentDidMount() {
  const appConfig = getCustomerConfig();
  this.setState({enableModal: appConfig?.enableFeatures?.paymentModal }, async 
       //make some API call for data needed in poput

enableModal boolean was required in UI blocks in the render function as well, that's why I did setState here, otherwise, could've just checked condition once and either called API set or not.

Missing visible-** and hidden-** in Bootstrap v4

Unfortunately all classes hidden-*-up and hidden-*-down were removed from Bootstrap (as of Bootstrap Version 4 Beta, in Version 4 Alpha and Version 3 these classes still existed).

Instead, new classes d-* should be used, as mentioned here:

I found out that the new approach is less useful under some circumstances. The old approach was to HIDE elements while the new approach is to SHOW elements. Showing elements is not that easy with CSS since you need to know if the element is displayed as block, inline, inline-block, table etc.

You might want to restore the former "hidden-*" styles known from Bootstrap 3 with this CSS:

 * Restore Bootstrap 3 "hidden" utility classes.

/* Breakpoint XS */
@media (max-width: 575px)
    .hidden-xs-down, .hidden-sm-down, .hidden-md-down, .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-lg, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;


/* Breakpoint SM */
@media (min-width: 576px) and (max-width: 767px)
    .hidden-sm-down, .hidden-md-down, .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-lg, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;

/* Breakpoint MD */
@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px)
    .hidden-md-down, .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, .hidden-md-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-lg, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;

/* Breakpoint LG */
@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px)
    .hidden-lg-down, .hidden-xl-down, 
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, .hidden-md-up, .hidden-lg-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-xl
        display: none !important;

/* Breakpoint XL */
@media (min-width: 1200px)
    .hidden-xs-up, .hidden-sm-up, .hidden-md-up, .hidden-lg-up, .hidden-xl-up, 
    .hidden-unless-xs, .hidden-unless-sm, .hidden-unless-md, .hidden-unless-lg
        display: none !important;

The classes hidden-unless-* were not included in Bootstrap 3, but they are useful as well and should be self-explanatory.

Fixed Table Cell Width

You could try using the <col> tag manage table styling for all rows but you will need to set the table-layout:fixed style on the <table> or the tables css class and set the overflow style for the cells

<table class="fixed">
    <col width="20px" />
    <col width="30px" />
    <col width="40px" />

and this be your CSS

table.fixed { table-layout:fixed; }
table.fixed td { overflow: hidden; }

Converting two lists into a matrix

You can use np.c_

np.c_[[1,2,3], [4,5,6]]

It will give you:

np.array([[1,4], [2,5], [3,6]])

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.WebPages.Razor, Version=

In you have this problem with a pure Web API project (and thus don't need razor), try to add it anyway, rebuild, then remove it.

Long story:
I had this problem with a brand-new pure Web API project, except that the stacktrace pointed "System.Web.Mvc" as Calling assembly (see Darin's answer). No reference to MVC, Razor or anything like that in my project though...
I decided to add the MVC packages (AspNet.Mvc, AspNet.WebPages and AspNet.Razor) to check if there was any subsequent problem.
The WebApi app then launched perfectly fine. Then I removed the exact same packages and everything was still OK.

Hope it helps someone.

ImportError: cannot import name

When this is in a python console if you update a module to be able to use it through the console does not help reset, you must use a

import importlib


importlib.reload (*module*)

likely to solve your problem

Angular2 - Http POST request parameters

These answers are all outdated for those utilizing the HttpClient rather than Http. I was starting to go crazy thinking, "I have done the import of URLSearchParams but it still doesn't work without .toString() and the explicit header!"

With HttpClient, use HttpParams instead of URLSearchParams and note the body = body.append() syntax to achieve multiple params in the body since we are working with an immutable object:

login(userName: string, password: string): Promise<boolean> {
    if (!userName || !password) {
      return Promise.resolve(false);

    let body: HttpParams = new HttpParams();
    body = body.append('grant_type', 'password');
    body = body.append('username', userName);
    body = body.append('password', password);

    return, body)
      .map(res => {
        if (res) {          
          return true;
        return false;

XSLT string replace

You can use the following code when your processor runs on .NET or uses MSXML (as opposed to Java-based or other native processors). It uses msxsl:script.

Make sure to add the namespace xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt" to your root xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform element.

In addition, bind outlet to any namespace you like, for instance xmlns:outlet = "http://my.functions".

<msxsl:script implements-prefix="outlet" language="javascript">
function replace_str(str_text,str_replace,str_by)
     return str_text.replace(str_replace,str_by);

<xsl:variable name="newtext" select="outlet:replace_str(string(@oldstring),'me','you')" />

Mocking a function to raise an Exception to test an except block

Your mock is raising the exception just fine, but the error.resp.status value is missing. Rather than use return_value, just tell Mock that status is an attribute:

barMock.side_effect = HttpError(mock.Mock(status=404), 'not found')

Additional keyword arguments to Mock() are set as attributes on the resulting object.

I put your foo and bar definitions in a my_tests module, added in the HttpError class so I could use it too, and your test then can be ran to success:

>>> from my_tests import foo, HttpError
>>> import mock
>>> with mock.patch('') as barMock:
...     barMock.side_effect = HttpError(mock.Mock(status=404), 'not found')
...     result =
404 - 
>>> result is None

You can even see the print '404 - %s' % error.message line run, but I think you wanted to use error.content there instead; that's the attribute HttpError() sets from the second argument, at any rate.

Using '<%# Eval("item") %>'; Handling Null Value and showing 0 against

try this code it might be useful -

<%# ((DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"ImageFilename").ToString()=="") ? "" :"<a
 href="+DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "link")+"><img
 "ImageFilename")+"' border='0' /></a>")%>

What does "Changes not staged for commit" mean

when you change a file which is already in the repository, you have to git add it again if you want it to be staged.

This allows you to commit only a subset of the changes you made since the last commit. For example, let's say you have file a, file b and file c. You modify file a and file b but the changes are very different in nature and you don't want all of them to be in one single commit. You issue

git add a
git commit a -m "bugfix, in a"
git add b
git commit b -m "new feature, in b"

As a side note, if you want to commit everything you can just type

git commit -a

Hope it helps.

Body set to overflow-y:hidden but page is still scrollable in Chrome

Setting a height on your body and html of 100% should fix you up. Without a defined height your content is not overflowing, so you will not get the desired behavior.

html, body {

Parsing HTTP Response in Python

When I printed I noticed that b was preprended to the string (e.g. b'{"a":1,..). The "b" stands for bytes and serves as a declaration for the type of the object you're handling. Since, I knew that a string could be converted to a dict by using json.loads('string'), I just had to convert the byte type to a string type. I did this by decoding the response to utf-8 decode('utf-8'). Once it was in a string type my problem was solved and I was easily able to iterate over the dict.

I don't know if this is the fastest or most 'pythonic' way of writing this but it works and theres always time later of optimization and improvement! Full code for my solution:

from urllib.request import urlopen
import json

# Get the dataset
url = ''
response = urlopen(url)

# Convert bytes to string type and string type to dict
string ='utf-8')
json_obj = json.loads(string)

print(json_obj['source_name']) # prints the string with 'source_name' key

"SMTP Error: Could not authenticate" in PHPMailer

  1. first go to
  2. Select Security tab
  3. Scroll down and select 'Less secure app access'
  4. Turn on access

This will solve my “SMTP Error: Could not authenticate” in PHPMailer error.

Internet Explorer 11 detection

I found IE11 is giving more than one user agent strings in different environments.

Instead of relying on MSIE, and other approaches, It's better to rely on Trident version

const isIE11 = userAgent => userAgent.match(/Trident\/([\d.]+)/) ? +userAgent.match(/Trident\/([\d.]+)/)[1] >= 7;

Hope this helps :)

How do I position one image on top of another in HTML?

Here's code that may give you ideas:

.containerdiv { float: left; position: relative; } 
.cornerimage { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; } 

<div class="containerdiv">
    <img border="0" src="" alt=""">
    <img class="cornerimage" border="0" src="" alt="">


I suspect that Espo's solution may be inconvenient because it requires you to position both images absolutely. You may want the first one to position itself in the flow.

Usually, there is a natural way to do that is CSS. You put position: relative on the container element, and then absolutely position children inside it. Unfortunately, you cannot put one image inside another. That's why I needed container div. Notice that I made it a float to make it autofit to its contents. Making it display: inline-block should theoretically work as well, but browser support is poor there.

EDIT: I deleted size attributes from the images to illustrate my point better. If you want the container image to have its default sizes and you don't know the size beforehand, you cannot use the background trick. If you do, it is a better way to go.

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''')' at line 2

Please make sure you have downloaded the sqldump fully, this problem is very common when we try to import half/incomplete downloaded sqldump. Please check size of your sqldump file.

Convert hex string to int in Python

The formatter option '%x' % seems to work in assignment statements as well for me. (Assuming Python 3.0 and later)


a = int('0x100', 16)
print(a)   #256
print('%x' % a) #100
b = a
print(b) #256
c = '%x' % a
print(c) #100

View's SELECT contains a subquery in the FROM clause

As the more recent MySQL documentation on view restrictions says:

Before MySQL 5.7.7, subqueries cannot be used in the FROM clause of a view.

This means, that choosing a MySQL v5.7.7 or newer or upgrading the existing MySQL instance to such a version, would remove this restriction on views completely.

However, if you have a current production MySQL version that is earlier than v5.7.7, then the removal of this restriction on views should only be one of the criteria being assessed while making a decision as to upgrade or not. Using the workaround techniques described in the other answers may be a more viable solution - at least on the shorter run.

SQL Server 2008 - Login failed. The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication

Your error is quite literally saying "you're trying to use Windows Authentication, but your login isn't from a trusted domain". Which is odd, because you're connecting to the local machine.

Perhaps you're logged into Windows using a local account rather than a domain account? Ensure that you're logging in with a domain account that is also a SQL Server principal on your SQL2008 instance.

How do I reset the setInterval timer?

Once you clear the interval using clearInterval you could setInterval once again. And to avoid repeating the callback externalize it as a separate function:

var ticker = function() {


var myTimer = window.setInterval(ticker, 4000);

then when you decide to restart:

myTimer = window.setInterval(ticker, 4000);

Refresh image with a new one at the same url

function reloadImage(imageId)_x000D_
   path = '../showImage.php?cache='; //for example_x000D_
   imageObject = document.getElementById(imageId);_x000D_
   imageObject.src = path + (new Date()).getTime();_x000D_
<img src='../showImage.php' id='myimage' />_x000D_
<input type='button' onclick="reloadImage('myimage')" />

How do I capture response of form.submit

You can do that using javascript and AJAX technology. Have a look at jquery and at this form plug in. You only need to include two js files to register a callback for the form.submit.

Why cannot change checkbox color whatever I do?

Transparency maybe: checkbox inside span

<span style="display:inline-block; background-color:silver;padding:0px;margin:0px;height:13px; width:13px; overflow:hidden"><input type="checkbox" style="opacity:0.50;padding:0px;margin:0px" /></span>

Tomcat 8 throwing - org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource

In your $CATALINA_BASE/conf/context.xml add block below before </Context>

<Resources cachingAllowed="true" cacheMaxSize="100000" />

For more information:

What is an "index out of range" exception, and how do I fix it?

Why does this error occur?

Because you tried to access an element in a collection, using a numeric index that exceeds the collection's boundaries.

The first element in a collection is generally located at index 0. The last element is at index n-1, where n is the Size of the collection (the number of elements it contains). If you attempt to use a negative number as an index, or a number that is larger than Size-1, you're going to get an error.

How indexing arrays works

When you declare an array like this:

var array = new int[6]

The first and last elements in the array are

var firstElement = array[0];
var lastElement = array[5];

So when you write:

var element = array[5];

you are retrieving the sixth element in the array, not the fifth one.

Typically, you would loop over an array like this:

for (int index = 0; index < array.Length; index++)

This works, because the loop starts at zero, and ends at Length-1 because index is no longer less than Length.

This, however, will throw an exception:

for (int index = 0; index <= array.Length; index++)

Notice the <= there? index will now be out of range in the last loop iteration, because the loop thinks that Length is a valid index, but it is not.

How other collections work

Lists work the same way, except that you generally use Count instead of Length. They still start at zero, and end at Count - 1.

for (int index = 0; i < list.Count; index++)

However, you can also iterate through a list using foreach, avoiding the whole problem of indexing entirely:

foreach (var element in list)

You cannot index an element that hasn't been added to a collection yet.

var list = new List<string>();
Console.WriteLine(list[3]);  // Throws exception.

mysql count group by having


SELECT count(*) FROM (
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Movies GROUP BY ID HAVING count(Genre) = 4
) AS the_count_total

although that would not be the sum of all the movies, just how many have 4 genre's.

So maybe you want

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Movies GROUP BY ID having Count(Genre) = 4
) as the_sum_total

How to use git merge --squash?

I know this question isn't about Github specifically, but since Github is so widely used and this is the answer I was looking for, I'll share it here.

Github has the ability to perform squash merges, depending on the merge options enabled for the repository.

If squash merges are enabled, the "Squash and merge" option should appear in the dropdown under the "Merge" button.

Screenshot of "Squash and merge" Github feature

How to control the width and height of the default Alert Dialog in Android?

longButton.setOnClickListener {
    "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n0\n" +
      "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n0\n" +
      "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n0\n" +
      "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n0\n" +
      "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n0\n" +
      "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n0\n" +

shortButton.setOnClickListener {
    "1234567890\n" +

private fun show(msg: String) {
  val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(this).apply {
    setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, null)
    setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, null)

  val dialog = builder.create().apply {

  dialog.window?.decorView?.addOnLayoutChangeListener { v, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ ->
    val displayRectangle = Rect()
    val window = dialog.window
    val maxHeight = displayRectangle.height() * 0.6f // 60%

    if (v.height > maxHeight) {
      window?.setLayout(window.attributes.width, maxHeight.toInt())

short message

long message

What does T&& (double ampersand) mean in C++11?

An rvalue reference is a type that behaves much like the ordinary reference X&, with several exceptions. The most important one is that when it comes to function overload resolution, lvalues prefer old-style lvalue references, whereas rvalues prefer the new rvalue references:

void foo(X& x);  // lvalue reference overload
void foo(X&& x); // rvalue reference overload

X x;
X foobar();

foo(x);        // argument is lvalue: calls foo(X&)
foo(foobar()); // argument is rvalue: calls foo(X&&)

So what is an rvalue? Anything that is not an lvalue. An lvalue being an expression that refers to a memory location and allows us to take the address of that memory location via the & operator.

It is almost easier to understand first what rvalues accomplish with an example:

 #include <cstring>
 class Sample {
  int *ptr; // large block of memory
  int size;
  Sample(int sz=0) : ptr{sz != 0 ? new int[sz] : nullptr}, size{sz} 
     if (ptr != nullptr) memset(ptr, 0, sz);
  // copy constructor that takes lvalue 
  Sample(const Sample& s) : ptr{s.size != 0 ? new int[s.size] :\
      nullptr}, size{s.size}
     if (ptr != nullptr) memcpy(ptr, s.ptr, s.size);
     std::cout << "copy constructor called on lvalue\n";

  // move constructor that take rvalue
  Sample(Sample&& s) 
  {  // steal s's resources
     ptr = s.ptr;
     size = s.size;        
     s.ptr = nullptr; // destructive write
     s.size = 0;
     cout << "Move constructor called on rvalue." << std::endl;
  // normal copy assignment operator taking lvalue
  Sample& operator=(const Sample& s)
   if(this != &s) {
      delete [] ptr; // free current pointer
      size = s.size;

      if (size != 0) {
        ptr = new int[s.size];
        memcpy(ptr, s.ptr, s.size);
      } else 
         ptr = nullptr;
     cout << "Copy Assignment called on lvalue." << std::endl;
     return *this;
 // overloaded move assignment operator taking rvalue
 Sample& operator=(Sample&& lhs)
   if(this != &s) {
      delete [] ptr; //don't let ptr be orphaned 
      ptr = lhs.ptr;   //but now "steal" lhs, don't clone it.
      size = lhs.size; 
      lhs.ptr = nullptr; // lhs's new "stolen" state
      lhs.size = 0;
   cout << "Move Assignment called on rvalue" << std::endl;
   return *this;

The constructor and assignment operators have been overloaded with versions that take rvalue references. Rvalue references allow a function to branch at compile time (via overload resolution) on the condition "Am I being called on an lvalue or an rvalue?". This allowed us to create more efficient constructor and assignment operators above that move resources rather copy them.

The compiler automatically branches at compile time (depending on the whether it is being invoked for an lvalue or an rvalue) choosing whether the move constructor or move assignment operator should be called.

Summing up: rvalue references allow move semantics (and perfect forwarding, discussed in the article link below).

One practical easy-to-understand example is the class template std::unique_ptr. Since a unique_ptr maintains exclusive ownership of its underlying raw pointer, unique_ptr's can't be copied. That would violate their invariant of exclusive ownership. So they do not have copy constructors. But they do have move constructors:

template<class T> class unique_ptr {
 unique_ptr(unique_ptr&& __u) noexcept; // move constructor

 std::unique_ptr<int[] pt1{new int[10]};  
 std::unique_ptr<int[]> ptr2{ptr1};// compile error: no copy ctor.  

 // So we must first cast ptr1 to an rvalue 
 std::unique_ptr<int[]> ptr2{std::move(ptr1)};  

std::unique_ptr<int[]> TakeOwnershipAndAlter(std::unique_ptr<int[]> param,\
 int size)      
  for (auto i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
     param[i] += 10;
  return param; // implicitly calls unique_ptr(unique_ptr&&)

// Now use function     
unique_ptr<int[]> ptr{new int[10]};

// first cast ptr from lvalue to rvalue
unique_ptr<int[]> new_owner = TakeOwnershipAndAlter(\
           static_cast<unique_ptr<int[]>&&>(ptr), 10);

cout << "output:\n";

for(auto i = 0; i< 10; ++i) {
   cout << new_owner[i] << ", ";

10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 

static_cast<unique_ptr<int[]>&&>(ptr) is usually done using std::move

// first cast ptr from lvalue to rvalue
unique_ptr<int[]> new_owner = TakeOwnershipAndAlter(std::move(ptr),0);

An excellent article explaining all this and more (like how rvalues allow perfect forwarding and what that means) with lots of good examples is Thomas Becker's C++ Rvalue References Explained. This post relied heavily on his article.

A shorter introduction is A Brief Introduction to Rvalue References by Stroutrup, et. al

Is there a way to get the source code from an APK file?

May be the easy one to see the source:

In Android studio 2.3, Build -> Analyze APK -> Select the apk that you want to decompile.
You will see it's source code.

Link for reference:

How make background image on newsletter in outlook?

You can use the code below :

<!--[if gte mso 9]>
<v:rect xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" fill="true" stroke="false" 
style="width: 700px; height: 460px;">
<v:fill type="tile" src="images/feature-background-01.png" color="#333333" />   
<v:textbox inset="0,0,0,0">                                 

Note: Include this code above the table for which the background image is needed. Also, add the closing tag mentioned below, after the closing tag of the table.

<!--[if gte mso 9]>

Can't ping a local VM from the host

I had a similar issue. You won't be able to ping the VM's from external devices if using NAT setting from within VMware's networking options. I switched to bridged connection so that the guest virtual machine will get it's own IP address and and then I added a second adapter set to NAT for the guest to get to the Internet.

How to get Javascript Select box's selected text

Please try this code:


lvalue required as left operand of assignment

You need to compare, not assign:

if (strcmp("hello", "hello") == 0)

Because you want to check if the result of strcmp("hello", "hello") equals to 0.

About the error:

lvalue required as left operand of assignment

lvalue means an assignable value (variable), and in assignment the left value to the = has to be lvalue (pretty clear).

Both function results and constants are not assignable (rvalues), so they are rvalues. so the order doesn't matter and if you forget to use == you will get this error. (edit:)I consider it a good practice in comparison to put the constant in the left side, so if you write = instead of ==, you will get a compilation error. for example:

int a = 5;
if (a = 0) // Always evaluated as false, no error.


int a = 5;
if (0 = a) // Generates compilation error, you cannot assign a to 0 (rvalue)

(see first answer to this question:

How to get jQuery to wait until an effect is finished?

if its something you wish to switch, fading one out and fading another in the same place, you can place a {position:absolute} attribute on the divs, so both the animations play on top of one another, and you don't have to wait for one animation to be over before starting up the next.

How do you list the primary key of a SQL Server table?

I like the INFORMATION_SCHEMA technique, but another I've used is: exec sp_pkeys 'table'

Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)? - AdMob 6.8.0

I'm having the same issue here and I was a bit afraid of checking the last box, since I have no idea what the 3rd party SDK will do with the data collected and if they will respect the Limit Ad Settings.

But I found a post by a Google Admob programmer, Eric Leichtenschlag, on their forums:

The Google Mobile Ads SDK and the Google Conversion Tracking SDK utilize Apple's advertising identifier introduced in iOS 6 (IDFA). While each developer is responsible for how they access device data, the SDKs use IDFA under the guidelines laid out in the iOS developer program license agreement, including Limit Ad Tracking.

Including Limit Ad Tracking. This is what the last box is all about. So you must check the that box if you use AdMob. If you use other SDK I strongly recommend checking if they respect the guidelines as well.

Since I run only ads (Google AdMob), I checked the first (Serve ads...) and last box (I, ___, confirm...). App was approved and released, no issues.


SELECT * FROM multiple tables. MySQL

What you do here is called a JOIN (although you do it implicitly because you select from multiple tables). This means, if you didn't put any conditions in your WHERE clause, you had all combinations of those tables. Only with your condition you restrict your join to those rows where the drink id matches.

But there are still X multiple rows in the result for every drink, if there are X photos with this particular drinks_id. Your statement doesn't restrict which photo(s) you want to have!

If you only want one row per drink, you have to tell SQL what you want to do if there are multiple rows with a particular drinks_id. For this you need grouping and an aggregate function. You tell SQL which entries you want to group together (for example all equal drinks_ids) and in the SELECT, you have to tell which of the distinct entries for each grouped result row should be taken. For numbers, this can be average, minimum, maximum (to name some).

In your case, I can't see the sense to query the photos for drinks if you only want one row. You probably thought you could have an array of photos in your result for each drink, but SQL can't do this. If you only want any photo and you don't care which you'll get, just group by the drinks_id (in order to get only one row per drink):

SELECT name, price, photo
FROM drinks, drinks_photos
WHERE = drinks_id 
GROUP BY drinks_id

name     price   photo
fanta    5       ./images/fanta-1.jpg
dew      4       ./images/dew-1.jpg

In MySQL, we also have GROUP_CONCAT, if you want the file names to be concatenated to one single string:

SELECT name, price, GROUP_CONCAT(photo, ',')
FROM drinks, drinks_photos
WHERE = drinks_id 
GROUP BY drinks_id

name     price   photo
fanta    5       ./images/fanta-1.jpg,./images/fanta-2.jpg,./images/fanta-3.jpg
dew      4       ./images/dew-1.jpg,./images/dew-2.jpg

However, this can get dangerous if you have , within the field values, since most likely you want to split this again on the client side. It is also not a standard SQL aggregate function.

Iframe transparent background

I've used this creating an IFrame through Javascript and it worked for me:

// IFrame points to the IFrame element, obviously
IFrame.src = 'about: blank'; = "transparent";
IFrame.frameBorder = "0";

Not sure if it makes any difference, but I set those properties before adding the IFrame to the DOM. After adding it to the DOM, I set its src to the real URL.

Android SDK location

For Mac OS Catalina with zsh:

echo '\nexport PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/Library/Android/sdk"' >> $HOME/.zshrc

restart the terminal and woala :)

C# Example of AES256 encryption using System.Security.Cryptography.Aes

Once I'd discovered all the information of how my client was handling the encryption/decryption at their end it was straight forward using the AesManaged example suggested by dtb.

The finally implemented code started like this:

        // Create a new instance of the AesManaged class.  This generates a new key and initialization vector (IV).
        AesManaged myAes = new AesManaged();

        // Override the cipher mode, key and IV
        myAes.Mode = CipherMode.ECB;
        myAes.IV = new byte[16] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; // CRB mode uses an empty IV
        myAes.Key = CipherKey;  // Byte array representing the key
        myAes.Padding = PaddingMode.None;

        // Create a encryption object to perform the stream transform.
        ICryptoTransform encryptor = myAes.CreateEncryptor();

        // TODO: perform the encryption / decryption as required...

    catch (Exception ex)
        // TODO: Log the error 
        throw ex;

How to print current date on python3?

I always use this code, which print the year to second in a tuple

import datetime

now =

time_now = (now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)


How do I write good/correct package files

My own files are empty more often than not. In particular, I never have a from blah import * as part of -- if "importing the package" means getting all sort of classes, functions etc defined directly as part of the package, then I would lexically copy the contents of into the package's instead and remove (the multiplication of source files does no good here).

If you do insist on supporting the import * idioms (eek), then using __all__ (with as miniscule a list of names as you can bring yourself to have in it) may help for damage control. In general, namespaces and explicit imports are good things, and I strong suggest reconsidering any approach based on systematically bypassing either or both concepts!-)

Syntax error "syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting keyword_end (SyntaxError)"

Do you perhaps have one too many here?

 describe "when name is too long" do
     before { = "a" * 51 }
     it { should_not be_valid }

Python 3 Online Interpreter / Shell

Ideone supports Python 2.6 and Python 3

Are HTTPS URLs encrypted?

Additionally, if you're building a ReSTful API, browser leakage and http referer issues are mostly mitigated as the client may not be a browser and you may not have people clicking links.

If this is the case I'd recommend oAuth2 login to obtain a bearer token. In which case the only sensitive data would be the initial credentials...which should probably be in a post request anyway

What is the python keyword "with" used for?

Explanation from the Preshing on Programming blog:

It’s handy when you have two related operations which you’d like to execute as a pair, with a block of code in between. The classic example is opening a file, manipulating the file, then closing it:

 with open('output.txt', 'w') as f:
     f.write('Hi there!')

The above with statement will automatically close the file after the nested block of code. (Continue reading to see exactly how the close occurs.) The advantage of using a with statement is that it is guaranteed to close the file no matter how the nested block exits. If an exception occurs before the end of the block, it will close the file before the exception is caught by an outer exception handler. If the nested block were to contain a return statement, or a continue or break statement, the with statement would automatically close the file in those cases, too.

Best way to check function arguments?

There are different ways to check what a variable is in Python. So, to list a few:

  • isinstance(obj, type) function takes your variable, obj and gives you True is it is the same type of the type you listed.

  • issubclass(obj, class) function that takes in a variable obj, and gives you True if obj is a subclass of class. So for example issubclass(Rabbit, Animal) would give you a True value

  • hasattr is another example, demonstrated by this function, super_len:

def super_len(o):
    if hasattr(o, '__len__'):
        return len(o)

    if hasattr(o, 'len'):
        return o.len

    if hasattr(o, 'fileno'):
            fileno = o.fileno()
        except io.UnsupportedOperation:
            return os.fstat(fileno).st_size

    if hasattr(o, 'getvalue'):
        # e.g. BytesIO, cStringIO.StringI
        return len(o.getvalue())

hasattr leans more towards duck-typing, and something that is usually more pythonic but that term is up opinionated.

Just as a note, assert statements are usually used in testing, otherwise, just use if/else statements.

Delete all rows in a table based on another table

PostgreSQL implementation would be:


What is base 64 encoding used for?

When you have some binary data that you want to ship across a network, you generally don't do it by just streaming the bits and bytes over the wire in a raw format. Why? because some media are made for streaming text. You never know -- some protocols may interpret your binary data as control characters (like a modem), or your binary data could be screwed up because the underlying protocol might think that you've entered a special character combination (like how FTP translates line endings).

So to get around this, people encode the binary data into characters. Base64 is one of these types of encodings.

Why 64?
Because you can generally rely on the same 64 characters being present in many character sets, and you can be reasonably confident that your data's going to end up on the other side of the wire uncorrupted.

Why is Ant giving me a Unsupported major.minor version error

Simply just check your run time by go to ant build configuration and change the jre against to jdk (if jdk 1.7 then jre should be 1.7) .

enter image description here

Cannot access wamp server on local network

I had to uninstall my anti virus! Before uninstalling I clicked on the option where it said to disable auto-protect for 15 min. I also clicked on another option that supposibly disabled the anti-virus. That still was blocking my server! I don't understand why Norton makes it so hard to literally stop doing everything it's doing. I know I could had solve it by adding an exception to the firewall but Norton was taking care of windows firewall as well.

Task<> does not contain a definition for 'GetAwaiter'

If you are writing a Visual Studio Extension (VSIX) then ensure that you have a using statement for Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading, as such:

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading;

Pandas read in table without headers

Make sure you specify pass header=None and add usecols=[3,6] for the 4th and 7th columns.

HTML Table cell background image alignment

use like this your inline css

<td width="178" rowspan="3" valign="top" 
align="right" background="images/left.jpg" 
style="background-repeat:background-position: right top;">

C# Switch-case string starting with

If the problem domain has some kind of string header concept, this could be modelled as an enum.

    case StringHeader.ABC: ...
    case StringHeader.QWERTY: ...

StringHeader GetStringHeader(string s)
    if (s.StartsWith("ABC")) return StringHeader.ABC;

enum StringHeader { ABC, QWERTY, ... }

Laravel - Model Class not found

Laravel 5 promotes the use of namespaces for things like Models and Controllers. Your Model is under the App namespace, so your code needs to call it like this:

Route::get('/posts', function(){

        $results = \App\Post::all();
        return $results;

As mentioned in the comments you can also use or import a namespace in to a file so you don't need to quote the full path, like this:

use App\Post;

Route::get('/posts', function(){

        $results = Post::all();
        return $results;

While I'm doing a short primer on namespaces I might as well mention the ability to alias a class as well. Doing this means you can essentially rename your class just in the scope of one file, like this:

use App\Post as PostModel;

Route::get('/posts', function(){

        $results = PostModel::all();
        return $results;

More info on importing and aliasing namespaces here:

Python+OpenCV: cv2.imwrite

This following code should extract face in images and save faces on disk

def detect(image):
    image_faces = []
    bitmap = cv.fromarray(image)
    faces = cv.HaarDetectObjects(bitmap, cascade, cv.CreateMemStorage(0))
    if faces:
        for (x,y,w,h),n in faces:
            image_faces.append(image[y:(y+h), x:(x+w)])
    return image_faces

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    while 1:
        image_faces = []
        image_faces = detect(frame)
        for i, face in enumerate(image_faces):
            cv2.imwrite("face-" + str(i) + ".jpg", face)

        #cv2.imshow("features", frame)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) == 0x1b: # ESC
            print 'ESC pressed. Exiting ...'

Is there a C++ decompiler?

You can use IDA Pro by Hex-Rays. You will usually not get good C++ out of a binary unless you compiled in debugging information. Prepare to spend a lot of manual labor reversing the code.

If you didn't strip the binaries there is some hope as IDA Pro can produce C-alike code for you to work with. Usually it is very rough though, at least when I used it a couple of years ago.

How can I find my php.ini on wordpress?

This Worked For Me. I have installed wordpress in godaddy shared server. Open .htaccess file using editor and add the following from the first line,

#  BEGIN Increases Max Upload Size
php_value upload_max_filesize 20M
php_value post_max_size 20M
php_value max_execution_time 300
php_value max_input_time 300
#  END Increases Max Upload Size

This solved the php.ini issues for me in the server.

How to change the order of DataFrame columns?

If your column names are too-long-to-type then you could specify the new order through a list of integers with the positions:


          0         1         2         3         4      mean
0  0.397312  0.361846  0.719802  0.575223  0.449205  0.500678
1  0.287256  0.522337  0.992154  0.584221  0.042739  0.485741
2  0.884812  0.464172  0.149296  0.167698  0.793634  0.491923
3  0.656891  0.500179  0.046006  0.862769  0.651065  0.543382
4  0.673702  0.223489  0.438760  0.468954  0.308509  0.422683
5  0.764020  0.093050  0.100932  0.572475  0.416471  0.389390
6  0.259181  0.248186  0.626101  0.556980  0.559413  0.449972
7  0.400591  0.075461  0.096072  0.308755  0.157078  0.207592
8  0.639745  0.368987  0.340573  0.997547  0.011892  0.471749
9  0.050582  0.714160  0.168839  0.899230  0.359690  0.438500

Generic example:

new_order = [3,2,1,4,5,0]

          3         2         1         4      mean         0
0  0.575223  0.719802  0.361846  0.449205  0.500678  0.397312
1  0.584221  0.992154  0.522337  0.042739  0.485741  0.287256
2  0.167698  0.149296  0.464172  0.793634  0.491923  0.884812
3  0.862769  0.046006  0.500179  0.651065  0.543382  0.656891
4  0.468954  0.438760  0.223489  0.308509  0.422683  0.673702
5  0.572475  0.100932  0.093050  0.416471  0.389390  0.764020
6  0.556980  0.626101  0.248186  0.559413  0.449972  0.259181
7  0.308755  0.096072  0.075461  0.157078  0.207592  0.400591
8  0.997547  0.340573  0.368987  0.011892  0.471749  0.639745
9  0.899230  0.168839  0.714160  0.359690  0.438500  0.050582

Although it might seem like I'm just explicitly typing the column names in a different order, the fact that there's a column 'mean' should make it clear that new_order relates to actual positions and not column names.

For the specific case of OP's question:

new_order = [-1,0,1,2,3,4]
df = df[df.columns[new_order]]

       mean         0         1         2         3         4
0  0.500678  0.397312  0.361846  0.719802  0.575223  0.449205
1  0.485741  0.287256  0.522337  0.992154  0.584221  0.042739
2  0.491923  0.884812  0.464172  0.149296  0.167698  0.793634
3  0.543382  0.656891  0.500179  0.046006  0.862769  0.651065
4  0.422683  0.673702  0.223489  0.438760  0.468954  0.308509
5  0.389390  0.764020  0.093050  0.100932  0.572475  0.416471
6  0.449972  0.259181  0.248186  0.626101  0.556980  0.559413
7  0.207592  0.400591  0.075461  0.096072  0.308755  0.157078
8  0.471749  0.639745  0.368987  0.340573  0.997547  0.011892
9  0.438500  0.050582  0.714160  0.168839  0.899230  0.359690

The main problem with this approach is that calling the same code multiple times will create different results each time, so one needs to be careful :)

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No converter found for return value of type

Add the below dependency to your pom.xml:


What do the crossed style properties in Google Chrome devtools mean?

If you want to apply the style even after getting struck-trough indication, you can use "!important" to enforce the style. It may not be a right solution but solve the problem.

Handling errors in Promise.all

I wrote a npm library to deal with this problem more beautiful.


npm i --save promiseallend

2017-02-25 new api, it's not break promise principles

const promiseAllEnd = require('promiseallend');

const promises = [Promise.resolve(1), Promise.reject('error'), Promise.resolve(2)];
const promisesObj = {k1: Promise.resolve(1), k2: Promise.reject('error'), k3: Promise.resolve(2)};

// input promises with array
promiseAllEnd(promises, {
    unhandledRejection(error, index) {
        // error is the original error which is 'error'.
        // index is the index of array, it's a number.
        console.log(error, index);
    // will call, data is `[1, undefined, 2]`
    .then(data => console.log(data))
    // won't call
    .catch(error => console.log(error.detail))

// input promises with object
promiseAllEnd(promisesObj, {
    unhandledRejection(error, prop) {
        // error is the original error.
        // key is the property of object.
        console.log(error, prop);
    // will call, data is `{k1: 1, k3: 2}`
    .then(data => console.log(data))
    // won't call
    .catch(error => console.log(error.detail))

// the same to `Promise.all`
promiseAllEnd(promises, {requireConfig: true})
    // will call, `error.detail` is 'error', `error.key` is number 1.
    .catch(error => console.log(error.detail))

// requireConfig is Array
promiseAllEnd(promises, {requireConfig: [false, true, false]})
    // won't call
    .then(data => console.log(data))
    // will call, `error.detail` is 'error', `error.key` is number 1.
    .catch(error => console.log(error.detail))

// requireConfig is Array
promiseAllEnd(promises, {requireConfig: [true, false, false]})
    // will call, data is `[1, undefined, 2]`.
    .then(data => console.log(data))
    // won't call
    .catch(error => console.log(error.detail))


Old bad api, do not use it!

let promiseAllEnd = require('promiseallend');

// input promises with array
promiseAllEnd([Promise.resolve(1), Promise.reject('error'), Promise.resolve(2)])
    .then(data => console.log(data)) // [1, undefined, 2]
    .catch(error => console.log(error.errorsByKey)) // {1: 'error'}

// input promises with object
promiseAllEnd({k1: Promise.resolve(1), k2: Promise.reject('error'), k3: Promise.resolve(2)})
    .then(data => console.log(data)) // {k1: 1, k3: 2}
    .catch(error => console.log(error.errorsByKey)) // {k2: 'error'}

C++ program converts fahrenheit to celsius

(5/9) will by default be computed as an integer division and will be zero. Try (5.0/9)

What does 'git remote add upstream' help achieve?

Let's take an example: You want to contribute to django, so you fork its repository. In the while you work on your feature, there is much work done on the original repo by other people. So the code you forked is not the most up to date. setting a remote upstream and fetching it time to time makes sure your forked repo is in sync with the original repo.

How to know if docker is already logged in to a docker registry server

As pointed out by @Christian, best to try operation first then login only if necessary. Problem is that "if necessary" is not that obvious to do robustly. One approach is to compare the stderr of the docker operation with some strings that are known (by trial and error). For example,

try "docker OPERATION"
if it failed: 
    capture the stderr of "docker OPERATION"
    if it ends with "no basic auth credentials": 
        try docker login
    else if it ends with "not found":
        fatal error: image name/tag probably incorrect
    else if it ends with <other stuff you care to trap>:
        fatal error: unknown cause

try docker OPERATION again
if this fails: you're SOL!

Java enum with multiple value types

First, the enum methods shouldn't be in all caps. They are methods just like other methods, with the same naming convention.

Second, what you are doing is not the best possible way to set up your enum. Instead of using an array of values for the values, you should use separate variables for each value. You can then implement the constructor like you would any other class.

Here's how you should do it with all the suggestions above:

public enum States {
    MASSACHUSETTS("Massachusetts",  "MA",   true),
    MICHIGAN     ("Michigan",       "MI",   false),
    ...; // all 50 of those

    private final String full;
    private final String abbr;
    private final boolean originalColony;

    private States(String full, String abbr, boolean originalColony) {
        this.full = full;
        this.abbr = abbr;
        this.originalColony = originalColony;

    public String getFullName() {
        return full;

    public String getAbbreviatedName() {
        return abbr;

    public boolean isOriginalColony(){
        return originalColony;

What does -1 mean in numpy reshape?

The criterion to satisfy for providing the new shape is that 'The new shape should be compatible with the original shape'

numpy allow us to give one of new shape parameter as -1 (eg: (2,-1) or (-1,3) but not (-1, -1)). It simply means that it is an unknown dimension and we want numpy to figure it out. And numpy will figure this by looking at the 'length of the array and remaining dimensions' and making sure it satisfies the above mentioned criteria

Now see the example.

z = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4],
         [5, 6, 7, 8],
         [9, 10, 11, 12]])
(3, 4)

Now trying to reshape with (-1) . Result new shape is (12,) and is compatible with original shape (3,4)

array([ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12])

Now trying to reshape with (-1, 1) . We have provided column as 1 but rows as unknown . So we get result new shape as (12, 1).again compatible with original shape(3,4)

array([[ 1],
   [ 2],
   [ 3],
   [ 4],
   [ 5],
   [ 6],
   [ 7],
   [ 8],
   [ 9],

The above is consistent with numpy advice/error message, to use reshape(-1,1) for a single feature; i.e. single column

Reshape your data using array.reshape(-1, 1) if your data has a single feature

New shape as (-1, 2). row unknown, column 2. we get result new shape as (6, 2)

z.reshape(-1, 2)
array([[ 1,  2],
   [ 3,  4],
   [ 5,  6],
   [ 7,  8],
   [ 9, 10],
   [11, 12]])

Now trying to keep column as unknown. New shape as (1,-1). i.e, row is 1, column unknown. we get result new shape as (1, 12)

array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12]])

The above is consistent with numpy advice/error message, to use reshape(1,-1) for a single sample; i.e. single row

Reshape your data using array.reshape(1, -1) if it contains a single sample

New shape (2, -1). Row 2, column unknown. we get result new shape as (2,6)

z.reshape(2, -1)
array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6],
   [ 7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12]])

New shape as (3, -1). Row 3, column unknown. we get result new shape as (3,4)

z.reshape(3, -1)
array([[ 1,  2,  3,  4],
   [ 5,  6,  7,  8],
   [ 9, 10, 11, 12]])

And finally, if we try to provide both dimension as unknown i.e new shape as (-1,-1). It will throw an error

z.reshape(-1, -1)
ValueError: can only specify one unknown dimension

multiprocessing: How do I share a dict among multiple processes?

Maybe you can try pyshmht, sharing memory based hash table extension for Python.


  1. It's not fully tested, just for your reference.

  2. It currently lacks lock/sem mechanisms for multiprocessing.

Alter Table Add Column Syntax

Just remove COLUMN from ADD COLUMN

  ADD EmployeeID numeric NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1)


Best C++ IDE or Editor for Windows

The question says specifically IDE so I am guessing thats what you want. In that case, the main options are Visual Studio and Eclipse CDT as stated above. Of those, I personally prefer Eclipse. However, don't necessarily limit yourself to an IDE. I prefer to use vim as my editor and WinDbg as my debugger. For compilation, your project will probably dictate this. I currently use NMAke on the command line.

Converting Integer to String with comma for thousands

Use the %d format specifier with a comma: %,d

This is by far the easiest way.

Counting the number of elements with the values of x in a vector

You can change the number to whatever you wish in following line

length(which(numbers == 4))

Getting current directory in VBScript


scriptdir = replace(WScript.ScriptFullName,WScript.ScriptName,"")

Git: "Not currently on any branch." Is there an easy way to get back on a branch, while keeping the changes?

I recently ran into this problem again. It's been a while since I last worked with submodules and having learned more about git I realized that simply checking out the branch you want to commit on is sufficient. Git will keep the working tree even if you don't stash it.

git checkout existing_branch_name

If you want to work on a new branch this should work for you:

git checkout -b new_branch_name

The checkout will fail if you have conflicts in the working tree, but that should be quite unusual and if it happens you can just stash it, pop it and resolve the conflict.

Compared to the accepted answer, this answer will save you the execution of two commands, that don't really take that long to execute anyway. Therefore I will not accept this answer, unless it miraculously gets more upvotes (or at least close) than the currently accepted answer.

While, Do While, For loops in Assembly Language (emu8086)


For-loop in C:

for(int x = 0; x<=3; x++)
    //Do something!

The same loop in 8086 assembler:

        xor cx,cx   ; cx-register is the counter, set to 0
loop1   nop         ; Whatever you wanna do goes here, should not change cx
        inc cx      ; Increment
        cmp cx,3    ; Compare cx to the limit
        jle loop1   ; Loop while less or equal

That is the loop if you need to access your index (cx). If you just wanna to something 0-3=4 times but you do not need the index, this would be easier:

        mov cx,4    ; 4 iterations
loop1   nop         ; Whatever you wanna do goes here, should not change cx
        loop loop1  ; loop instruction decrements cx and jumps to label if not 0

If you just want to perform a very simple instruction a constant amount of times, you could also use an assembler-directive which will just hardcore that instruction

times 4 nop


Do-while-loop in C:

int x=1;
    //Do something!

The same loop in assembler:

        mov ax,1
loop1   nop         ; Whatever you wanna do goes here
        cmp ax,1    ; Check wether cx is 1
        je loop1    ; And loop if equal


While-loop in C:

    //Do something

The same loop in assembler:

        jmp loop1   ; Jump to condition first
cloop1  nop         ; Execute the content of the loop
loop1   cmp ax,1    ; Check the condition
        je cloop1   ; Jump to content of the loop if met

For the for-loops you should take the cx-register because it is pretty much standard. For the other loop conditions you can take a register of your liking. Of course replace the no-operation instruction with all the instructions you wanna perform in the loop.

Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.widget.Button.setOnClickListener(android.view.View$OnClickListener)' on a null object reference

It seems the button you are invoking is not in the layout you are using in setContentView(R.layout.your_layout) Check it.

Why are hexadecimal numbers prefixed with 0x?

Short story: The 0 tells the parser it's dealing with a constant (and not an identifier/reserved word). Something is still needed to specify the number base: the x is an arbitrary choice.

Long story: In the 60's, the prevalent programming number systems were decimal and octal — mainframes had 12, 24 or 36 bits per byte, which is nicely divisible by 3 = log2(8).

The BCPL language used the syntax 8 1234 for octal numbers. When Ken Thompson created B from BCPL, he used the 0 prefix instead. This is great because

  1. an integer constant now always consists of a single token,
  2. the parser can still tell right away it's got a constant,
  3. the parser can immediately tell the base (0 is the same in both bases),
  4. it's mathematically sane (00005 == 05), and
  5. no precious special characters are needed (as in #123).

When C was created from B, the need for hexadecimal numbers arose (the PDP-11 had 16-bit words) and all of the points above were still valid. Since octals were still needed for other machines, 0x was arbitrarily chosen (00 was probably ruled out as awkward).

C# is a descendant of C, so it inherits the syntax.

HTML embed autoplay="false", but still plays automatically

<embed ... autostart="0">

Replace false with 0

Detect if a page has a vertical scrollbar?

Oddly none of these solutions tell you if a page has a vertical scrollbar.

window.innerWidth - document.body.clientWidth will give you the width of the scrollbar. This should work in anything IE9+ (not tested in the lesser browsers). (Or to strictly answer the question, !!(window.innerWidth - document.body.clientWidth)

Why? Let's say you have a page where the content is taller than the window height and the user can scroll up/down. If you're using Chrome on a Mac with no mouse plugged in, the user will not see a scrollbar. Plug a mouse in and a scrollbar will appear. (Note this behaviour can be overridden, but that's the default AFAIK).

Why is the <center> tag deprecated in HTML?

The <center> element was deprecated because it defines the presentation of its contents — it does not describe its contents.

One method of centering is to set the margin-left and margin-right properties of the element to auto, and then set the parent element’s text-align property to center. This guarantees that the element will be centered in all modern browsers.

Comparing two columns, and returning a specific adjacent cell in Excel

In cell D2 and copied down:


C# version of java's synchronized keyword?

Does c# have its own version of the java "synchronized" keyword?

No. In C#, you explicitly lock resources that you want to work on synchronously across asynchronous threads. lock opens a block; it doesn't work on method level.

However, the underlying mechanism is similar since lock works by invoking Monitor.Enter (and subsequently Monitor.Exit) on the runtime. Java works the same way, according to the Sun documentation.

Declaring variable workbook / Worksheet vba

Try changing the name of the variable as sometimes it clashes with other modules/subs

 Dim Workbk As Workbook
 Dim Worksh As Worksheet

But also, try

 Set ws = wb.Sheets("name")

I can't remember if it works with Sheet

How to convert array values to lowercase in PHP?

AIO Solution / Recursive / Unicode|UTF-8|Multibyte supported!

 * Change array values case recursively (supports utf8/multibyte)
 * @param array $array The array
 * @param int $case Case to transform (\CASE_LOWER | \CASE_UPPER)
 * @return array Final array
function changeValuesCase ( array $array, $case = \CASE_LOWER ) : array {
    if ( !\is_array ($array) ) {
        return [];

    /** @var integer $theCase */
    $theCase = ($case === \CASE_LOWER)
        ? \MB_CASE_LOWER
        : \MB_CASE_UPPER;

    foreach ( $array as $key => $value ) {
        $array[$key] = \is_array ($value)
            ? changeValuesCase ($value, $case)
            : \mb_convert_case($array[$key], $theCase, 'UTF-8');

    return $array;


$food = [
    'meat' => ['chicken', 'fish'],
    'vegetables' => [
        'leafy' => ['collard greens', 'kale', 'chard', 'spinach', 'lettuce'],
        'root'  => ['radish', 'turnip', 'potato', 'beet'],
        'other' => ['brocolli', 'green beans', 'corn', 'tomatoes'],
    'grains' => ['wheat', 'rice', 'oats'],

$newArray = changeValuesCase ($food, \CASE_UPPER);


    'meat' => [
        0 => 'CHICKEN'
        1 => 'FISH'
    'vegetables' => [
        'leafy' => [
            0 => 'COLLARD GREENS'
            1 => 'KALE'
            2 => 'CHARD'
            3 => 'SPINACH'
            4 => 'LETTUCE'
        'root' => [
            0 => 'RADISH'
            1 => 'TURNIP'
            2 => 'POTATO'
            3 => 'BEET'
        'other' => [
            0 => 'BROCOLLI'
            1 => 'GREEN BEANS'
            2 => 'CORN'
            3 => 'TOMATOES'
    'grains' => [
        0 => 'WHEAT'
        1 => 'RICE'
        2 => 'OATS'

_csv.Error: field larger than field limit (131072)

Below is to check the current limit


Out[20]: 131072

Below is to increase the limit. Add it to the code


Try checking the limit again


Out[22]: 100000000

Now you won't get the error "_csv.Error: field larger than field limit (131072)"

Read file from resources folder in Spring Boot

if you have for example config folder under Resources folder I tried this Class working perfectly hope be useful

File file = ResourceUtils.getFile("classpath:config/sample.txt")

//Read File Content
String content = new String(Files.readAllBytes(file.toPath()));

Validation error: "No validator could be found for type: java.lang.Integer"

As stated in problem, to solve this error you MUST use correct annotations. In above problem, @NotBlank or @NotEmpty annotation must be applied on any String field only.

To validate long type field, use annotation @NotNull.

How can I update a row in a DataTable in VB.NET?

Dim myRow() As Data.DataRow
myRow = dt.Select("MyColumnName = 'SomeColumnTitle'")
myRow(0)("SomeOtherColumnTitle") = strValue

Code above instantiates a DataRow. Where "dt" is a DataTable, you get a row by selecting any column (I know, sounds backwards). Then you can then set the value of whatever row you want (I chose the first row, or "myRow(0)"), for whatever column you want.

Should I use window.navigate or document.location in JavaScript?

window.navigate not supported in some browser

In java script many ways are there for redirection, see the below code and explanation

window.location.href = "";
window.location = "";

window.location.href loads page from browser's cache and does not always send the request to the server. So, if you have an old version of the page available in the cache then it will redirect to there instead of loading a fresh page from the server.

window.location.assign() method for redirection if you want to allow the user to use the back button to go back to the original document.

window.location.replace() method if you want to want to redirect to a new page and don't allow the user to navigate to the original page using the back button.

How to select records from last 24 hours using SQL?

FROM tableName 
WHERE datecolumn >= dateadd(hour,-24,getdate())

How do I get the color from a hexadecimal color code using .NET?

There is also this neat little extension method:

static class ExtensionMethods
    public static Color ToColor(this uint argb)
        return Color.FromArgb((byte)((argb & -16777216)>> 0x18),      
                              (byte)((argb & 0xff0000)>> 0x10),   
                              (byte)((argb & 0xff00) >> 8),
                              (byte)(argb & 0xff));

In use:

Color color = 0xFFDFD991.ToColor();

Mysql Compare two datetime fields

The query you want to show as an example is:

SELECT * FROM temp WHERE mydate > '2009-06-29 16:00:44';

04:00:00 is 4AM, so all the results you're displaying come after that, which is correct.

If you want to show everything after 4PM, you need to use the correct (24hr) notation in your query.

To make things a bit clearer, try this:

SELECT mydate, DATE_FORMAT(mydate, '%r') FROM temp;

That will show you the date, and its 12hr time.

How to create a DOM node as an object?

There are three reasons why your example fails.

  1. The original 'template' variable is not a jQuery/DOM object and cannot be parsed, it is a string. Make it a jQuery object by wrapping it in $(), such as: template = $(template)

  2. Once the 'template' variable is a jQuery object you need to realize that <li> is the root object. Therefore you cannot search for the LI root node and get any results. Simply apply the ID to the jQuery object.

  3. When you assign an ID to an HTML element it cannot begin with a number character with any HTML version before HTML5. It must begin with an alphabetic character. With HTML5 this can be any non-whitespace character. For details refer to: What are valid values for the id attribute in HTML?

PS: A final issue with the sample code is an LI cannot be applied to the BODY. According to HTML requirements it must always be contained within a list, i.e. UL or OL.

How to add display:inline-block in a jQuery show() function?

actually jQuery simply clears the value of the 'display' property, and doesn't set it to 'block' (see internal implementation of jQuery.showHide()) -

   function showHide(elements, show) {
    var display, elem, hidden,


         if (show) {
            // Reset the inline display of this element to learn if it is
            // being hidden by cascaded rules or not
            if (!values[index] && display === "none") {
       = "";


        if (!show || === "none" || === "") {
   = show ? values[index] || "" : "none";

Please note that you can override $$.fn.hide(); storing original display in element itself when hiding (e.g. as an attribute or in the $.data()); and then applying it back again when showing.

Also, using css important! will probably not work here - since setting a style inline is usually stronger than any other rule

select and echo a single field from mysql db using PHP

And escape your values with mysql_real_escape_string since PHP6 won't do that for you anymore! :)

What is a reasonable code coverage % for unit tests (and why)?

We were targeting >80% till few days back, But after we used a lot of Generated code, We do not care for %age, but rather make reviewer take a call on the coverage required.

How to add google-services.json in Android?


  1. Open Terminal window in Android Studio (Alt+F12 or View->Tool Windows->Terminal). Then type

"move file_path/google-services.json app/"

without double quotes.


move C:\Users\siva\Downloads\google-services.json app/


  1. Open Android Studio Terminal and type this

scp file_path/google-services.json app/


scp '/home/developer/Desktop/google-services.json' 'app/'

How to make vim paste from (and copy to) system's clipboard?

When I use my Debian vim that is not integrated with Gnome (vim --version | grep clip # shows no clipboard support), I can copy to the clipboard after holding the Shift key and selecting the text with the mouse, just like with any other curses program. As I figured from a comment by @Conner, it's the terminal (gnome-terminal in my case) that turns off its mouse event reporting when it senses my Shift press. I guess curses-based programs can receive mouse events after sending a certain Escape sequence to the terminal.

WPF MVVM: How to close a window

Very clean and MVVM way is to use InteractionTrigger and CallMethodAction defined in Microsoft.Interactivity.Core

You will need to add a new namespace as below


You will need the Microsoft.Xmal.Behaviours.Wpf assembly and then the below xaml code will work.

<Button Content="Save" Command="{Binding SaveCommand}">
    <i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
      <i:CallMethodAction MethodName="Close"
                           TargetObject="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource
                                                  AncestorType=Window}}" />

You don't need any code behind or anything else and can also call any other method of Window.

Example JavaScript code to parse CSV data


It's a jQuery plugin designed to work as an end-to-end solution for parsing CSV into JavaScript data. It handles every single edge case presented in RFC 4180, as well as some that pop up for Excel/Google spreadsheet exports (i.e., mostly involving null values) that the specification is missing.



Dangerous,'Busta Rhymes','When Disaster Strikes',1997

// Calling this
music = $.csv.toArrays(csv)

// Outputs...
  ["track", "artist", "album", "year"],
  ["Dangerous", "Busta Rhymes", "When Disaster Strikes", "1997"]

console.log(music[1][2]) // Outputs: 'When Disaster Strikes'


Oh yeah, I should also probably mention that it's completely configurable.

music = $.csv.toArrays(csv, {
  delimiter: "'", // Sets a custom value delimiter character
  separator: ';', // Sets a custom field separator character

Update 2:

It now works with jQuery on Node.js too. So you have the option of doing either client-side or server-side parsing with the same library.

Update 3:

Since the Google Code shutdown, jquery-csv has been migrated to GitHub.

Disclaimer: I am also the author of jQuery-CSV.

How to generate .NET 4.0 classes from xsd?

Marc Gravells answer was right for me but my xsd was with extension of .xml. When I used xsd program it gave :
- The table (Amt) cannot be the child table to itself in nested relations.

As per this KB325695 I renamed extension from .xml to .xsd and it worked fine.

Rails: How do I create a default value for attributes in Rails activerecord's model?

You can do it without writing any code at all :) You just need to set the default value for the column in the database. You can do this in your migrations. For example:

create_table :projects do |t|
  t.string :status, :null => false, :default => 'P'

Hope that helps.

sql searching multiple words in a string

Oracle SQL:

There is the "IN" Operator in Oracle SQL which can be used for that:

    namet.customerfirstname,, addrt.postalcode
from schemax.nametable namet
join schemax.addresstable addrt on addrt.adtid = namet.natadtid
where namet.customerfirstname in ('David', 'Moses', 'Robi'); 

Javascript find json value

Making more general the @showdev answer.

var getObjectByValue = function (array, key, value) {
    return array.filter(function (object) {
        return object[key] === value;


getObjectByValue(data, "code", "DZ" );

C# : Out of Memory exception

You should not try to bring all the list at once, te size of the elements in the database is not the same that the one it takes into memory. If you want to process the elements you should use a for each loop and take advantage of entity framework lazy loading so you dont bring all the elements into memory at once. In case you want to show the list use pagination (.Skip() and .take() )

Httpd returning 503 Service Unavailable with mod_proxy for Tomcat 8

Resolve issue Immediate, It's related to internal security

We, working for enterprise linux RedHat, found httpd server don't allow proxy to run, neither localhost or, nor any other external domain.

As investigate in server log found

[error] (13)Permission denied: proxy: AJP: attempt to connect to
   10.x.x.x:8069 ( failed

Audit log found similar port issue

type=AVC msg=audit(1265039669.305:14): avc:  denied  { name_connect } for  pid=4343 comm="httpd" dest=8069 
scontext=system_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:port_t:s0 tclass=tcp_socket

Due to internal default security of linux, this cause, now to fix (temporary)

 /usr/sbin/setsebool httpd_can_network_connect 1

Resolve Permanent Issue

/usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1

Regex for numbers only

While non of the above solutions was fitting my purpose, this worked for me.

var pattern = @"^(-?[1-9]+\d*([.]\d+)?)$|^(-?0[.]\d*[1-9]+)$|^0$|^0.0$";
return Regex.Match(value, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Success;

Example of valid values: "3", "-3", "0", "0.0", "1.0", "0.7", "690.7", "0.0001", "-555", "945465464654"

Example of not valid values: "a", "", " ", ".", "-", "001", "00.2", "000.5", ".3", "3.", " -1", "--1", "-.1", "-0", "00099", "099"

Does hosts file exist on the iPhone? How to change it?

Don't change the DNS on the phone. Instead, connect with wifi to the local network and you are all set.

At my office, we have internal servers with internal DNS that are not exposed to the Internet. I just connect with iPhone to the office wifi and can then access them fine.

YMMV, but instead of configuring the phone DNS, it feels to me that just setting up local internal DNS and wifi is a cleaner and easier solution.

Algorithm to find all Latitude Longitude locations within a certain distance from a given Lat Lng location

As biziclop mentioned, some sort of metric space tree would probably be your best option. I have experience using kd-trees and quad trees to do these sorts of range queries and they're amazingly fast; they're also not that hard to write. I'd suggest looking into one of these structures, as they also let you answer other interesting questions like "what's the closest point in my data set to this other point?"

How to request Administrator access inside a batch file

Ben Gripka's solution causes infinite loops. His batch works like this (pseudo code):

IF "no admin privileges?"
    "write a VBS that calls this batch with admin privileges"
    "execute actual commands that require admin privileges"

As you can see, this causes an infinite loop, if the VBS fails requesting admin privileges.

However, the infinite loop can occur, although admin priviliges have been requested successfully.

The check in Ben Gripka's batch file is just error-prone. I played around with the batch and observed that admin privileges are available although the check failed. Interestingly, the check worked as expected, if I started the batch file from windows explorer, but it didn't when I started it from my IDE.

So I suggest to use two separate batch files. The first generates the VBS that calls the second batch file:

@echo off

echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"
set params = %*:"=""
echo UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/c ""%~dp0\my_commands.bat"" %params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"

del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"

The second, named "my_commands.bat" and located in the same directory as the first contains your actual commands:

pushd "%CD%"
CD /D "%~dp0"
REM Your commands which require admin privileges here

This causes no infinite loops and also removes the error-prone admin privilege check.

Display last git commit comment

git log -1 will display the latest commit message or git log -1 --oneline if you only want the sha1 and associated commit message to be displayed.

Delete column from SQLite table


(11) How do I add or delete columns from an existing table in SQLite.

SQLite has limited ALTER TABLE support that you can use to add a column to the end of a table or to change the name of a table. If you want to make more complex changes in the structure of a table, you will have to recreate the table. You can save existing data to a temporary table, drop the old table, create the new table, then copy the data back in from the temporary table.

For example, suppose you have a table named "t1" with columns names "a", "b", and "c" and that you want to delete column "c" from this table. The following steps illustrate how this could be done:

INSERT INTO t1_backup SELECT a,b FROM t1;
INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a,b FROM t1_backup;
DROP TABLE t1_backup;

How to putAll on Java hashMap contents of one to another, but not replace existing keys and values?

Just iterate and add:

for(Map.Entry e : a.entrySet())
    b.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());

Edit to add:

If you can make changes to a, you can also do:


and a will have exactly what you need. (all the entries in b and all the entries in a that aren't in b)

Is it possible to specify a different ssh port when using rsync?

when you need to send files through a specific SSH port:

rsync -azP -e "ssh -p PORT_NUMBER" source destination


rsync -azP -e "ssh -p 2121" /path/to/files/source user@remoteip:/path/to/files/destination

VBA Copy Sheet to End of Workbook (with Hidden Worksheets)

Make the source sheet visible before copying. Then copy the sheet so that the copy also stays visible. The copy will then be the active sheet. If you want, hide the source sheet again.

Drop shadow for PNG image in CSS

When i posted this originally it wasnt possible so this is the workaround. Now I simply suggest using other answers.

There is no way to get the outline of the image exactly but you can fake it with a div behind the image in the center.

If my trick doesn't work then you have to cut up the image and do it for every single of the little images. (the more images the more accurate the shadow will look) but for most images it looks alright with just one img.

what you need to do is to put a wrap div around your img like so

<div id="imgWrap">
    <img id="img" scr="imgLocation">

then you put an empty divider inside the wrap (this will serve as the shadow)

<div id="imgWrap">
    <div id="shadow"> </div>
    <img id="img" scr="imgLocation">

and then you have to make the shadow appear behind the img with CSS:

#img {
    z-index: 1;

#shadow {
    z-index: 0; /*make this value negative if doesnt work*/
    box-shadow: 0 -130px 180px 150px rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.6);
    width: 0;
    height: 0;

now position the imgWrap to position the original img... to center the shadow of the img you can mess with the first two values of the box-shadow making them negative.... or you can position the img and the shadow divs absolutely making img top and left values = 0 and the shadow div values = half of img width and height respectively.

If this looks horrid cut your img up and try again.

(If you don't want the shadow behind the img just on the outline then you need to make your img opaque and make it act as if it was transparent which is not that hard and you can comment and I'll explain later)

Difference between VARCHAR and TEXT in MySQL



  • fixed max size of 65535 characters (you cannot limit the max size)
  • takes 2 + c bytes of disk space, where c is the length of the stored string.
  • cannot be (fully) part of an index. One would need to specify a prefix length.


  • variable max size of M characters
  • M needs to be between 1 and 65535
  • takes 1 + c bytes (for M ≤ 255) or 2 + c (for 256 ≤ M ≤ 65535) bytes of disk space where c is the length of the stored string
  • can be part of an index

More Details

TEXT has a fixed max size of 2¹6-1 = 65535 characters.
VARCHAR has a variable max size M up to M = 2¹6-1.
So you cannot choose the size of TEXT but you can for a VARCHAR.

The other difference is, that you cannot put an index (except for a fulltext index) on a TEXT column.
So if you want to have an index on the column, you have to use VARCHAR. But notice that the length of an index is also limited, so if your VARCHAR column is too long you have to use only the first few characters of the VARCHAR column in your index (See the documentation for CREATE INDEX).

But you also want to use VARCHAR, if you know that the maximum length of the possible input string is only M, e.g. a phone number or a name or something like this. Then you can use VARCHAR(30) instead of TINYTEXT or TEXT and if someone tries to save the text of all three "Lord of the Ring" books in your phone number column you only store the first 30 characters :)

Edit: If the text you want to store in the database is longer than 65535 characters, you have to choose MEDIUMTEXT or LONGTEXT, but be careful: MEDIUMTEXT stores strings up to 16 MB, LONGTEXT up to 4 GB. If you use LONGTEXT and get the data via PHP (at least if you use mysqli without store_result), you maybe get a memory allocation error, because PHP tries to allocate 4 GB of memory to be sure the whole string can be buffered. This maybe also happens in other languages than PHP.

However, you should always check the input (Is it too long? Does it contain strange code?) before storing it in the database.

Notice: For both types, the required disk space depends only on the length of the stored string and not on the maximum length.
E.g. if you use the charset latin1 and store the text "Test" in VARCHAR(30), VARCHAR(100) and TINYTEXT, it always requires 5 bytes (1 byte to store the length of the string and 1 byte for each character). If you store the same text in a VARCHAR(2000) or a TEXT column, it would also require the same space, but, in this case, it would be 6 bytes (2 bytes to store the string length and 1 byte for each character).

For more information have a look at the documentation.

Finally, I want to add a notice, that both, TEXT and VARCHAR are variable length data types, and so they most likely minimize the space you need to store the data. But this comes with a trade-off for performance. If you need better performance, you have to use a fixed length type like CHAR. You can read more about this here.

Remove duplicated rows

Remove duplicate rows of a dataframe

mydata <- mtcars

# Remove duplicate rows of the dataframe

In this dataset, there is not a single duplicate row so it returned same number of rows as in mydata.

Remove Duplicate Rows based on a one variable

mydata <- mtcars

# Remove duplicate rows of the dataframe using carb variable
distinct(mydata,carb, .keep_all= TRUE)

The .keep_all function is used to retain all other variables in the output data frame.

Remove Duplicate Rows based on multiple variables

mydata <- mtcars

# Remove duplicate rows of the dataframe using cyl and vs variables
distinct(mydata, cyl,vs, .keep_all= TRUE)

The .keep_all function is used to retain all other variables in the output data frame.

(from: )

How to check if IEnumerable is null or empty?

if (collection?.Any() == true){
    // if collection contains more than one item
if (collection?.Any() != true){
    // if collection is null
    // if collection does not contain any item

Positive Number to Negative Number in JavaScript?

Use 0 - x

x being the number you want to invert

How to set border's thickness in percentages?

You can make a custom border using a span. Make a span with a class (Specifying the direction in which the border is going) and an id:

        <div class="mdiv">
            <span class="VerticalBorder" id="Span1"></span>
            <header class="mheader">
                <span class="HorizontalBorder" id="Span2"></span>

Then, go to you CSS and set the class to position:absolute, height:100% (For Vertical Borders), width:100% (For Horizontal Borders), margin:0% and background-color:#000000;. Add everthing else that is necessary:



    height:20%; /* You can set this to whatever. I will use 20 for easier calculations. You don't need a header. I'm using it to show you the difference. */



Then set the id that corresponds to class="VerticalBorder" to top:0%;, left:0%;, width:1%; (Since the width of the mdiv is equal to the width of the mheader at 100%, the width will be 100% of what you set it. If you set the width to 1% the border will be 1% of the window's width). Set the id that corresponds to the class="HorizontalBorder" to top:99% (Since it's in a header container the top refers to the position it is in according to the header. This + the height should add up to 100% if you want it to reach the bottom), left:0%; and height:1%(Since the height of the mdiv is 5 times greater than the mheader height [100% = 100, 20% = 20, 100/20 = 5], the height will be 20% of what you set it. If you set the height to 1% the border will be .2% of the window's height). Here is how it will look:


DISCLAIMER: If you resize the window to a small enough size, the borders will disappear. A solution would be to cap of the size of the border if the window is resized to a certain point. Here is what I did:

window.addEventListener("load", Loaded);

function Loaded() {
  window.addEventListener("resize", Resized);

  function Resized() {
    var WindowWidth = window.innerWidth;
    var WindowHeight = window.innerHeight;
    var Span1 = document.getElementById("Span1");
    var Span2 = document.getElementById("Span2");
    if (WindowWidth <= 800) { = .4;
    if (WindowHeight <= 600) { = 1;

If you did everything right, it should look like how it is in this link: For some odd reason, the the border will disappear in jsfiddle but not if you launch it to a browser.

How to add/subtract dates with JavaScript?

You can use the native javascript Date object to keep track of dates. It will give you the current date, let you keep track of calendar specific stuff and even help you manage different timezones. You can add and substract days/hours/seconds to change the date you are working with or to calculate new dates.

take a look at this object reference to learn more:


Hope that helps!

How to import a .cer certificate into a java keystore?

The certificate that you already have is probably the server's certificate, or the certificate used to sign the server's certificate. You will need it so that your web service client can authenticate the server.

But if additionally you need to perform client authentication with SSL, then you need to get your own certificate, to authenticate your web service client. For this you need to create a certificate request; the process involves creating your own private key, and the corresponding public key, and attaching that public key along with some of your info (email, name, domain name, etc) to a file that's called the certificate request. Then you send that certificate request to the company that's already asked you for it, and they will create your certificate, by signing your public key with their private key, and they'll send you back an X509 file with your certificate, which you can now add to your keystore, and you'll be ready to connect to a web service using SSL requiring client authentication.

To generate your certificate request, use "keytool -certreq -alias -file -keypass -keystore ". Send the resulting file to the company that's going to sign it.

When you get back your certificate, run "keytool -importcert -alias -keypass -keystore ".

You may need to used -storepass in both cases if the keystore is protected (which is a good idea).

CSS hide scroll bar if not needed

Set overflow-y property to auto, or remove the property altogether if it is not inherited.

Is it possible to disable floating headers in UITableView with UITableViewStylePlain?

I have another even simpler solution, to be used without autolayout and with everything done through the XIB :

1/ Put your header in the tableview by drag and dropping it directly on the tableview.

2/ In the Size Inspector of the newly made header, just change its autosizing : you should only leave the top, left and right anchors, plus the fill horizontally.

That's how it should be set for the header

That should do the trick !

getting exception "IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState"

I got this issue.But I think this problem is not related to commit and commitAllowStateLoss.

The following stack trace and exception message is about commit().

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState

But this exception was caused by onBackPressed()

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)

They were all caused by checkStateLoss()

private void checkStateLoss() {
    if (mStateSaved) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState");
    if (mNoTransactionsBecause != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Can not perform this action inside of " + mNoTransactionsBecause);

mStateSaved will be true after onSaveInstanceState.

This problem rarely happens.I have never encountered this problem.I can not reoccurrence the problem.

I found issue 25517

It might have occurred in the following circumstances

  1. Back key is called after onSaveInstanceState, but before the new activity is started.

  2. use onStop() in code

I'm not sure what the root of the problem is. So I used an ugly way.

public void onBackPressed() {

    }catch (IllegalStateException e){
        // can output some information here

How to round each item in a list of floats to 2 decimal places?

"%.2f" does not return a clean float. It returns a string representing this float with two decimals.

my_list = [0.30000000000000004, 0.5, 0.20000000000000001]
my_formatted_list = [ '%.2f' % elem for elem in my_list ]


['0.30', '0.50', '0.20']

Also, don't call your variable list. This is a reserved word for list creation. Use some other name, for example my_list.

If you want to obtain [0.30, 0.5, 0.20] (or at least the floats that are the closest possible), you can try this:

my_rounded_list = [ round(elem, 2) for elem in my_list ]


[0.29999999999999999, 0.5, 0.20000000000000001]

C++ error 'Undefined reference to Class::Function()'

This part has problems:

Card* cardArray;
void Deck() {
    cardArray = new Card[NUM_TOTAL_CARDS];
    int cardCount = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i > NUM_SUITS; i++) {  //Error
        for (int j = 0; j > NUM_RANKS; j++) { //Error
            cardArray[cardCount] = Card(Card::Rank(i), Card::Suit(j) );
  1. cardArray is a dynamic array, but not a member of Card class. It is strange if you would like to initialize a dynamic array which is not member of the class
  2. void Deck() is not constructor of class Deck since you missed the scope resolution operator. You may be confused with defining the constructor and the function with name Deck and return type void.
  3. in your loops, you should use < not > otherwise, loop will never be executed.

Error in Process.Start() -- The system cannot find the file specified

Try to replace your initialization code with:

ProcessStartInfo info 
    = new ProcessStartInfo(@"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe");

Using non full filepath on Process.Start only works if the file is found in System32 folder.

How to get an element's top position relative to the browser's viewport?

You can try:

node.offsetTop - window.scrollY

It works on Opera with viewport meta tag defined.

SQL changing a value to upper or lower case

SELECT UPPER(firstname) FROM Person

SELECT LOWER(firstname) FROM Person

replace anchor text with jquery

Try this, in case of id

$("#YourId").text('Your text');

OR this, in case of class

$(".YourClassName").text('Your text');

conversion from infix to prefix

(a–b)/c*(d + e – f / g)

step 1: (a-b)/c*(d+e- /fg))

step 2: (a-b)/c*(+de - /fg)

step 3: (a-b)/c * -+de/fg

Step 4: -ab/c * -+de/fg

step 5: /-abc * -+de/fg

step 6: */-abc-+de/fg

This is prefix notation.

VBScript How can I Format Date?

This snippet also solve this question with datePart function. I've also used the right() trick to perform a rpad(x,2,"0").

option explicit

Wscript.Echo "Today is " & myDate(now)

' date formatted as your request
Function myDate(dt)
    dim d,m,y, sep
    sep = "-"
    ' right(..) here works as rpad(x,2,"0")
    d = right("0" & datePart("d",dt),2)
    m = right("0" & datePart("m",dt),2)
    y = datePart("yyyy",dt)
    myDate= m & sep & d & sep & y
End Function

Change the default base url for axios

Putting my two cents here. I wanted to do the same without hardcoding the URL for my specific request. So i came up with this solution.

To append 'api' to my baseURL, I have my default baseURL set as,

axios.defaults.baseURL = '/api/';

Then in my specific request, after explicitly setting the method and url, i set the baseURL to '/'

    baseURL: '/',
   .then(response => {
   .catch(error => {

Running Bash commands in Python

According to the error you are missing a package named swap on the server. This /usr/bin/cwm requires it. If you're on Ubuntu/Debian, install python-swap using aptitude.

when I run mockito test occurs WrongTypeOfReturnValue Exception

TL;DR If some arguments in your test are null, be sure to mock the parameter call with isNull() instead of anyXXX().

I got this error when upgrading from Spring boot 1.5.x to 2.1.x. Spring boot ships with its own Mockito, which is now also upgraded to 2.x (see e.g. Dependencies of Spring boot 2.1.2)

Mockito has changed the behavior for the anyXXX() method, where XXX is String, Long, etc. Here is the javadoc of anyLong():

Since Mockito 2.1.0, only allow valued Long, thus null is not anymore a valid value As primitive wrappers are nullable, the suggested API to match null wrapper would be #isNull(). We felt this change would make tests harness much safer that it was with Mockito 1.x.

I'd suggest you debug to the point where your mock is about to be called and inspect, whether at least one argument is null. In that case make sure, that you prepare your mock with isNull() instead of e.g. anyLong().

So this:




Read a text file using Node.js?

You'll want to use the process.argv array to access the command-line arguments to get the filename and the FileSystem module (fs) to read the file. For example:

// Make sure we got a filename on the command line.
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
  console.log('Usage: node ' + process.argv[1] + ' FILENAME');
// Read the file and print its contents.
var fs = require('fs')
  , filename = process.argv[2];
fs.readFile(filename, 'utf8', function(err, data) {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log('OK: ' + filename);

To break that down a little for you process.argv will usually have length two, the zeroth item being the "node" interpreter and the first being the script that node is currently running, items after that were passed on the command line. Once you've pulled a filename from argv then you can use the filesystem functions to read the file and do whatever you want with its contents. Sample usage would look like this:

$ node ./cat.js file.txt
OK: file.txt
This is file.txt!

[Edit] As @wtfcoder mentions, using the "fs.readFile()" method might not be the best idea because it will buffer the entire contents of the file before yielding it to the callback function. This buffering could potentially use lots of memory but, more importantly, it does not take advantage of one of the core features of node.js - asynchronous, evented I/O.

The "node" way to process a large file (or any file, really) would be to use and process each available chunk as it is available from the operating system. However, reading the file as such requires you to do your own (possibly) incremental parsing/processing of the file and some amount of buffering might be inevitable.

error code 1292 incorrect date value mysql

I was having the same issue in Workbench plus insert query from C# application. In my case using ISO format solve the issue

string value = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

Adding blank spaces to layout

Use Space or View to add a specific amount of space. For 30 vertical density pixels:


If you need a flexible space-filler, use View between items in a LinearLayout:




This works for most layouts for API 14 & later, except widgets (use FrameLayout instead).

[Updated 9/2014 to use Space. Hat tip to @Sean]

How to change checkbox's border style in CSS?

put it in a div and add border to the div

How to make a Java thread wait for another thread's output?

The Future interface from the java.lang.concurrent package is designed to provide access to results calculated in another thread.

Take a look at FutureTask and ExecutorService for a ready-made way of doing this kind of thing.

I'd strongly recommend reading Java Concurrency In Practice to anyone interested in concurrency and multithreading. It obviously concentrates on Java, but there is plenty of meat for anybody working in other languages too.

FailedPreconditionError: Attempting to use uninitialized in Tensorflow

Possibly something has changed in recent TensorFlow builds, because for me, running

sess = tf.Session()

before fitting any models seems to do the trick. Most older examples and comments seem to suggest tf.global_variables_initializer().

What is the difference between new/delete and malloc/free?

new and delete are C++ primitives which declare a new instance of a class or delete it (thus invoking the destructor of the class for the instance).

malloc and free are C functions and they allocate and free memory blocks (in size).

Both use the heap to make the allocation. malloc and free are nonetheless more "low level" as they just reserve a chunk of memory space which will probably be associated with a pointer. No structures are created around that memory (unless you consider a C array to be a structure).

JPQL IN clause: Java-Arrays (or Lists, Sets...)?

I had a problem with this kind of sql, I was giving empty list in IN clause(always check the list if it is not empty). Maybe my practice will help somebody.

Get RETURN value from stored procedure in SQL

The accepted answer is invalid with the double EXEC (only need the first EXEC):

DECLARE @returnvalue int;
EXEC @returnvalue = SP_SomeProc
PRINT @returnvalue

And you still need to call PRINT (at least in Visual Studio).

jQuery dialog popup

You can check this link:

This code should work fine


How should I edit an Entity Framework connection string?

If you remove the connection string from the app.config file, re-running the entity Data Model wizard will guide you to build a new connection.