Most of the answers did not generalize enough and pandas reindex_axis method is a little tedious, hence I offer a simple function to move an arbitrary number of columns to any position using a dictionary where key = column name and value = position to move to. If your dataframe is large pass True to 'big_data' then the function will return the ordered columns list. And you could use this list to slice your data.
def order_column(df, columns, big_data = False):
"""Re-Orders dataFrame column(s)
Parameters :
df -- dataframe
columns -- a dictionary:
key = current column position/index or column name
value = position to move it to
big_data -- boolean
True = returns only the ordered columns as a list
the user user can then slice the data using this
ordered column
False = default - return a copy of the dataframe
ordered_col = df.columns.tolist()
for key, value in columns.items():
ordered_col.insert(value, key)
if big_data:
return ordered_col
return df[ordered_col]
# e.g.
df = pd.DataFrame({'chicken wings': np.random.rand(10, 1).flatten(), 'taco': np.random.rand(10,1).flatten(),
'coffee': np.random.rand(10, 1).flatten()})
df['mean'] = df.mean(1)
df = order_column(df, {'mean': 0, 'coffee':1 })
col = order_column(df, {'mean': 0, 'coffee':1 }, True)
['mean', 'coffee', 'chicken wings', 'taco']
# you could grab it by doing this
df = df[col]