[jquery] How to add display:inline-block in a jQuery show() function?

I have some code like this:

function switch_tabs(obj) {
    $('.tabs a').removeClass("selected");

    var id = obj.attr("rel");
    $('#' + id).show();

The show function adds display:block. But I would like to add display:inline-block instead of block.

This question is related to jquery show-hide

The answer is

try this:


Razz's solution would work for the .hide() and .show() methods but would not work for the .toggle() method.

Depending upon the scenario, having a css class .inline_block { display: inline-block; } and calling $(element).toggleClass('inline_block') solves the problem for me.

I did that

function showPanels()  {

works like a charm.


<div class="demo-ele" style="display:none">...</div>

$(".demo-ele").show(1000);//hide first, show with inline-block

The best .let it's parent display :inline-block or add a parent div what CSS only have display :inline-block.

Use css() just after show() or fadeIn() like this:

$('div.className').fadeIn().css('display', 'inline-block');

I think you want both the animation and to set the display property at the end. In that case you better use show() callback as shown below

$("#my_obj").show(400,function() {
}) ;

This way you will achieve both the results.

Best way is to add !important suffix to the selector .


     display: inline-block !important;                   

actually jQuery simply clears the value of the 'display' property, and doesn't set it to 'block' (see internal implementation of jQuery.showHide()) -

   function showHide(elements, show) {
    var display, elem, hidden,


         if (show) {
            // Reset the inline display of this element to learn if it is
            // being hidden by cascaded rules or not
            if (!values[index] && display === "none") {
                elem.style.display = "";


        if (!show || elem.style.display === "none" || elem.style.display === "") {
            elem.style.display = show ? values[index] || "" : "none";

Please note that you can override $.fn.show()/$.fn.hide(); storing original display in element itself when hiding (e.g. as an attribute or in the $.data()); and then applying it back again when showing.

Also, using css important! will probably not work here - since setting a style inline is usually stronger than any other rule

Setting the CSS property after you have used .show() should work. Maybe you are targeting the wrong element on your HTML page.

 $('#foo').css('display', 'inline-block');

But if you are not using any effects of .show(), .hide() why don't you set those CSS properties manually like:


You can use animate insted of show/hide

Something like this:

function switch_tabs(obj)
    $('.tabs a').removeClass("selected");
    var id = obj.attr("rel");
