Programs & Examples On #Spectral

ImportError: cannot import name NUMPY_MKL

I don't have enough reputation to comment but I want to add, that the cp number of the .whl file stands for your python version.

cp35 -> Python 3.5.x

cp36 -> Python 3.6.x

cp37 -> Python 3.7.x

I think it's pretty obvious but still I wasted almost an hour because of this and maybe other people struggle with that, too.

So for me worked version cp36 that I downloaded here: since I am using Python 3.6.8.

Then I uninstalled numpy:

pip uninstall numpy 

Then I installed numpy+mkl:

pip install <destination of your .whl file>

Plotting a fast Fourier transform in Python

The important thing about fft is that it can only be applied to data in which the timestamp is uniform (i.e. uniform sampling in time, like what you have shown above).

In case of non-uniform sampling, please use a function for fitting the data. There are several tutorials and functions to choose from:

If fitting is not an option, you can directly use some form of interpolation to interpolate data to a uniform sampling:

When you have uniform samples, you will only have to wory about the time delta (t[1] - t[0]) of your samples. In this case, you can directly use the fft functions

Y    = numpy.fft.fft(y)
freq = numpy.fft.fftfreq(len(y), t[1] - t[0])

pylab.plot( freq, numpy.abs(Y) )
pylab.plot(freq, numpy.angle(Y) )

This should solve your problem.

Getting individual colors from a color map in matplotlib

In order to get rgba integer value instead of float value, we can do

rgba = cmap(0.5,bytes=True)

So to simplify the code based on answer from Ffisegydd, the code would be like this:

#import colormap
from matplotlib import cm

#normalize item number values to colormap
norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=1000)

#colormap possible values = viridis, jet, spectral
rgba_color = cm.jet(norm(400),bytes=True) 

#400 is one of value between 0 and 1000

Swap x and y axis without manually swapping values

Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011 v 14.5.9

  • Click on the chart
  • Press the "Switch Plot" button under the "Charts" tab

Gradient of n colors ranging from color 1 and color 2

colorRampPalette could be your friend here:

colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("black", "white"))
# [1] "#000000" "#1C1C1C" "#383838" "#555555" "#717171" "#8D8D8D" "#AAAAAA"
# [8] "#C6C6C6" "#E2E2E2" "#FFFFFF"

And just to show it works:


enter image description here

New to MongoDB Can not run command mongo

Check that path to database data files exists ;) :

Sun Nov 06 18:48:37 [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 10296 dbpath (/data/db) does not exist, terminating

How do you completely remove the button border in wpf?

You may already know that putting your Button inside of a ToolBar gives you this behavior, but if you want something that will work across ALL current themes with any sort of predictability, you'll need to create a new ControlTemplate.

Prashant's solution does not work with a Button not in a toolbar when the Button has focus. It also doesn't work 100% with the default theme in XP -- you can still see faint gray borders when your container Background is white.

Sql Query to list all views in an SQL Server 2005 database

This is old, but I thought I'd put this out anyway since I couldn't find a query that would give me ALL the SQL code from EVERY view I had out there. So here it is:

  SELECT SM.definition
  FROM sys.sql_modules SM
  INNER JOIN sys.Objects SO ON SM.Object_id = SO.Object_id
  WHERE SO.type = 'v'

Using Mockito to mock classes with generic parameters

Here is an interesting case: method receieves generic collection and returns generic collection of same base type. For example:

Collection<? extends Assertion> map(Collection<? extends Assertion> assertions);

This method can be mocked with combination of Mockito anyCollectionOf matcher and the Answer.

     new Answer<Collection<Assertion>>() {
         public Collection<Assertion> answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
             return new ArrayList<Assertion>();

Bootstrap date time picker

Well, here the positioning of the css and script links makes a to of difference. Bootstrap executes in CSS and then Scripts fashion. So if you have even one script written at incorrect place it makes a lot of difference. You can follow the below snippet and change your code accordingly.

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<html lang="en">_x000D_
    <meta charset="utf-8">_x000D_
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">_x000D_
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">_x000D_
    <script src=""></script>_x000D_
    <script src=""></script>_x000D_
    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bootstrap-datetimepicker.css"> -->_x000D_
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>_x000D_
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> _x000D_
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> _x000D_
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>_x000D_
     <div class="container">_x000D_
          <div class="row">_x000D_
            <div class='col-sm-6'>_x000D_
                <div class="form-group">_x000D_
                    <div class='input-group date' id='datetimepicker1'>_x000D_
                        <input type='text' class="form-control" />_x000D_
                        <span class="input-group-addon">_x000D_
                            <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span>_x000D_
            <script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
                $(function () {_x000D_

How to fix Error: laravel.log could not be opened?

You could do:

chcon -R -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t storage

How to diff a commit with its parent?

If you know how far back, you can try something like:

# Current branch vs. parent
git diff HEAD^ HEAD

# Current branch, diff between commits 2 and 3 times back
git diff HEAD~3 HEAD~2

Prior commits work something like this:

# Parent of HEAD
git show HEAD^1

# Grandparent
git show HEAD^2

There are a lot of ways you can specify commits:

# Great grandparent
git show HEAD~3

See this page for details.

Determine if char is a num or letter

C99 standard on c >= '0' && c <= '9'

c >= '0' && c <= '9' (mentioned in another answer) works because C99 N1256 standard draft 5.2.1 "Character sets" says:

In both the source and execution basic character sets, the value of each character after 0 in the above list of decimal digits shall be one greater than the value of the previous.

ASCII is not guaranteed however.

Test credit card numbers for use with PayPal sandbox

A bit late in the game but just in case it helps anyone.

If you are testing using the Sandbox and on the payment page you want to test payments NOT using a PayPal account but using the "Pay with Debit or Credit Card option" (i.e. when a regular Joe/Jane, NOT PayPal users, want to buy your stuff) and want to save yourself some time: just go to a site like and get numbers from there. You can use any Expiry date (in the future) and any numeric CCV (123 works).

The "test credit card numbers" in the PayPal documentation are just another brick in their infuriating wall of convoluted stuff.

I got the url above from PayPal's tech support.

Tested using a simple Hosted button and IPN. Good luck.

Excel Define a range based on a cell value

Based on answer by @Cici I give here a more generic solution:


In Italian version of Excel:


Where B1-C2 cells hold these values:

  • A, 1
  • A, 5

You can change these valuese to change the final range at wish.

Splitting the formula in parts:

  • CONCATENATE(B1,C1) - result is A1
  • INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(B1,C1)) - result is reference to A1



results in


I'll write down here a couple of SEO keywords for Italian users:

  • come creare dinamicamente l'indirizzo di un intervallo in excel
  • formula per definire un intervallo di celle in excel.

Con la formula indicata qui sopra basta scrivere nelle caselle da B1 a C2 gli estremi dell'intervallo per vedelo cambiare dentro la formula stessa.

How to place two forms on the same page?

Hope this will help you. Assumed that login form has: username and password inputs.

if(isset($_POST['username']) && trim($_POST['username']) != "" && isset($_POST['password']) && trim($_POST['password']) != ""){
} else {

ASP.NET MVC Custom Error Handling Application_Error Global.asax?

To answer the initial question "how to properly pass routedata to error controller?":

IController errorController = new ErrorController();
errorController.Execute(new RequestContext(new HttpContextWrapper(Context), routeData));

Then in your ErrorController class, implement a function like this:

public ViewResult Error(Exception exception)
    return View("Error", exception);

This pushes the exception into the View. The view page should be declared as follows:

<%@ Page Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<System.Exception>" %>

And the code to display the error:

<% if(Model != null) { %>  <p><b>Detailed error:</b><br />  <span class="error"><%= Helpers.General.GetErrorMessage((Exception)Model, false) %></span></p> <% } %>

Here is the function that gathers the all exception messages from the exception tree:

    public static string GetErrorMessage(Exception ex, bool includeStackTrace)
        StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
        BuildErrorMessage(ex, ref msg);
        if (includeStackTrace)
        return msg.ToString();

    private static void BuildErrorMessage(Exception ex, ref StringBuilder msg)
        if (ex != null)
            if (ex.InnerException != null)
                BuildErrorMessage(ex.InnerException, ref msg);

How to serialize an Object into a list of URL query parameters?

var str = "";
for (var key in obj) {
    if (str != "") {
        str += "&";
    str += key + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[key]);


How to find and replace all occurrences of a string recursively in a directory tree?

Try this command:

/home/user/ directory - find ./ -type f \
-exec sed -i -e 's/' {} \;

hidden field in php

Yes, you can access it through GET and POST (trying this simple task would have made you aware of that).

Yes, there are other ways, one of the other "preferred" ways is using sessions. When you would want to use hidden over session is kind of touchy, but any GET / POST data is easily manipulated by the end user. A session is a bit more secure given it is saved to a file on the server and it is much harder for the end user to manipulate without access through the program.

VBScript to send email without running Outlook

Yes. Blat or any other self contained SMTP mailer. Blat is a fairly full featured SMTP client that runs from command line

Blat is here

How to Check byte array empty or not?

Now we could also use:

if (Attachment != null  && Attachment.Any())

Any() is often easier to understand in a glance for the developer than checking Length() > 0. Also has very little difference with processing speed.

How to get current memory usage in android?

you can also use DDMS tool which is part of android SDK it self. it helps in getting memory allocations of java code and native c/c++ code as well.

'foo' was not declared in this scope c++

In general, in C++ functions have to be declared before you call them. So sometime before the definition of getSkewNormal(), the compiler needs to see the declaration:

double integrate (double start, double stop, int numSteps, Evaluatable evalObj);

Mostly what people do is put all the declarations (only) in the header file, and put the actual code -- the definitions of the functions and methods -- into a separate source (*.cc or *.cpp) file. This neatly solves the problem of needing all the functions to be declared.

python : list index out of range error while iteratively popping elements

List comprehension will lead you to a solution.

But the right way to copy a object in python is using python module copy - Shallow and deep copy operations.

for i in range(0,len(l)):
   if l[i]==0:

If instead of this,

import copy
duplicate_l = copy.copy(l)
for i in range(0,len(l)):
   if l[i]==0:
l = m

Then, your own code would have worked. But for optimization, list comprehension is a good solution.

PostgreSQL database default location on Linux

I think best method is to query pg_setting view:

 select, s.setting, s.short_desc from pg_settings s where'data_directory';


      name      |        setting         |            short_desc
 data_directory | /var/lib/pgsql/10/data | Sets the server's data directory.
(1 row)

Xampp Access Forbidden php

I am using xxamp using ubuntu 16.04 - and its working fine for me

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "/opt/lampp/htdocs/"
    ServerAdmin localhost
    <Directory "/opt/lampp/htdocs">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted

CSS Input field text color of inputted text

Change your second style to this:

input, select, textarea{
    color: #ff0000;

At the moment, you are telling the form to change the text to black once the focus is off. The above remedies that.

Also, it is a good idea to place the normal state styles ahead of the :focus and :hover styles in your stylesheet. That helps prevent this problem. So

input, select, textarea{
    color: #ff0000;

textarea:focus, input:focus {
    color: #ff0000;

Inserting into Oracle and retrieving the generated sequence ID

Expanding a bit on the answers from @Guru and @Ronnis, you can hide the sequence and make it look more like an auto-increment using a trigger, and have a procedure that does the insert for you and returns the generated ID as an out parameter.

create table batch(batchid number,
    batchname varchar2(30),
    batchtype char(1),
    source char(1),
    intarea number)

create sequence batch_seq start with 1

create trigger batch_bi
before insert on batch
for each row
    select batch_seq.nextval into :new.batchid from dual;

create procedure insert_batch(v_batchname batch.batchname%TYPE,
    v_batchtype batch.batchtype%TYPE,
    v_source batch.source%TYPE,
    v_intarea batch.intarea%TYPE,
    v_batchid out batch.batchid%TYPE)
    insert into batch(batchname, batchtype, source, intarea)
    values(v_batchname, v_batchtype, v_source, v_intarea)
    returning batchid into v_batchid;

You can then call the procedure instead of doing a plain insert, e.g. from an anoymous block:

    l_batchid batch.batchid%TYPE;
    insert_batch(v_batchname => 'Batch 1',
        v_batchtype => 'A',
        v_source => 'Z',
        v_intarea => 1,
        v_batchid => l_batchid);
    dbms_output.put_line('Generated id: ' || l_batchid);

    insert_batch(v_batchname => 'Batch 99',
        v_batchtype => 'B',
        v_source => 'Y',
        v_intarea => 9,
        v_batchid => l_batchid);
    dbms_output.put_line('Generated id: ' || l_batchid);

Generated id: 1
Generated id: 2

You can make the call without an explicit anonymous block, e.g. from SQL*Plus:

variable l_batchid number;
exec insert_batch('Batch 21', 'C', 'X', 7, :l_batchid);

... and use the bind variable :l_batchid to refer to the generated value afterwards:

print l_batchid;
insert into some_table values(:l_batch_id, ...);

Get the time of a datetime using T-SQL?

You can try the following code to get time as HH:MM format:

 SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),getdate(),108)

Passing vector by reference

You can pass vector by reference just like this:

void do_something(int el, std::vector<int> &arr){

However, note that this function would always add a new element at the back of the vector, whereas your array function actually modifies the first element (or initializes it value).

In order to achieve exactly the same result you should write:

void do_something(int el, std::vector<int> &arr){
    if (arr.size() == 0) { // can't modify value of non-existent element
    } else {
        arr[0] = el;

In this way you either add the first element (if the vector is empty) or modify its value (if there first element already exists).

Setting PATH environment variable in OSX permanently

You have to add it to /etc/paths.

Reference (which works for me) : Here

What's the use of ob_start() in php?

Think of ob_start() as saying "Start remembering everything that would normally be outputted, but don't quite do anything with it yet."

For example:

echo("Hello there!"); //would normally get printed to the screen/output to browser
$output = ob_get_contents();

There are two other functions you typically pair it with: ob_get_contents(), which basically gives you whatever has been "saved" to the buffer since it was turned on with ob_start(), and then ob_end_clean() or ob_flush(), which either stops saving things and discards whatever was saved, or stops saving and outputs it all at once, respectively.

How to find day of week in php in a specific timezone

My solution is this:

$tempDate = '2012-07-10';
echo date('l', strtotime( $tempDate));

Output is: Tuesday

$tempDate = '2012-07-10';
echo date('D', strtotime( $tempDate));

Output is: Tue

Select a date from date picker using Selenium webdriver

Here's a tidy solution where you provide the target date as a Calendar object.

// Used to translate the Month value of a JQuery calendar to the month value expected by a Calendar.
private static final Map<String,Integer> MONTH_TO_CALENDAR_INDEX = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
static {
    MONTH_TO_CALENDAR_INDEX.put("January",  0);

        // ====================================================================================================
        // setCalendarPicker
        // ====================================================================================================

         * Sets the value of specified web element while assuming the element is a JQuery calendar.
         * @param byOpen The By phrase that locates the control that opens the JQuery calendar when clicked.
         * @param byPicker The By phrase that locates the JQuery calendar.
         * @param targetDate The target date that you want set.
         * @throws AssertionError if the method is unable to set the date.

        public void setCalendarPicker(By byOpen, By byPicker, Calendar targetDate) {

            // Open the JQuery calendar.
            WebElement opener = driver.findElement(byOpen);

            // Locate the JQuery calendar.
            WebElement picker = driver.findElement(byPicker);

            // Calculate the target and current year-and-month as an integer where value = year*12+month.
            // The difference between the two is the number of months we have to move ahead or backward.
            int targetYearMonth = targetDate.get(Calendar.YEAR) * 12 + targetDate.get(Calendar.MONTH);
            int currentYearMonth = Integer.valueOf(picker.findElement(By.className("ui-datepicker-year")).getText()) * 12
                    + Integer.valueOf(MONTH_TO_CALENDAR_INDEX.get(picker.findElement(By.className("ui-datepicker-month")).getText()));
            // Calculate the number of months we need to move the JQuery calendar.
            int delta = targetYearMonth - currentYearMonth;
            // As a sanity check, let's not allow more than 10 years so that we don't inadvertently spin in a loop for zillions of months.
            if (Math.abs(delta) > 120) throw new AssertionError("Target date is more than 10 years away");

            // Push the JQuery calendar forward or backward as appropriate.
            if (delta > 0) {
                while (delta-- > 0) picker.findElement(By.className("ui-icon-circle-triangle-e")).click();
            } else if (delta < 0 ){
                while (delta++ < 0) picker.findElement(By.className("ui-icon-circle-triangle-w")).click();

            // Select the day within the month.
            String dayOfMonth = String.valueOf(targetDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
            WebElement tableOfDays = picker.findElement(By.cssSelector("tbody:nth-child(2)"));
            for (WebElement we : tableOfDays.findElements(By.tagName("td"))) {
                if (dayOfMonth.equals(we.getText())) {

                    // Send a tab to completely leave this control.  If the next control the user will access is another CalendarPicker,
                    // the picker might not get selected properly if we stay on the current control.


            throw new AssertionError(String.format("Unable to select specified day"));

Fatal error: Class 'PHPMailer' not found

I resolved error copying the files class.phpmailer.php , class.smtp.php to the folder where the file is PHPMailerAutoload.php, of course there should be the file that we will use to send the email.

Android - Handle "Enter" in an EditText

Just as an addendum to Chad's response (which worked almost perfectly for me), I found that I needed to add a check on the KeyEvent action type to prevent my code executing twice (once on the key-up and once on the key-down event).

if (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_NULL && event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN)
    // your code here

See for info about repeating action events (holding the enter key) etc.

Python: import module from another directory at the same level in project hierarchy

I faced the same issues. To solve this, I used export PYTHONPATH="$PWD". However, in this case, you will need to modify imports in your Scripts dir depending on the below:

Case 1: If you are in the user_management dir, your scripts should use this style from Modules import LDAPManager to import module.

Case 2: If you are out of the user_management 1 level like main, your scripts should use this style from user_management.Modules import LDAPManager to import modules.

How to specify a port to run a create-react-app based project?

Just update a bit in webpack.config.js:

devServer: {
    historyApiFallback: true,
    contentBase: './',
    port: 3000 // <--- Add this line and choose your own port number

then run npm start again.

Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS with authority '*'

In case it helps anyone else, using the new Microsoft Web Service Reference Provider tool, which is for .NET Standard and .NET Core, I had to add the following lines to the binding definition as below:

binding.Security.Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport;
binding.Security.Transport = new HttpTransportSecurity{ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.Certificate};

This is effectively the same as Micha's answer but in code as there is no config file.

So to incorporate the binding with the instantiation of the web service I did this:

 System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding binding = new System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding();
 binding.Security.Mode = System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport;
 binding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = System.ServiceModel.HttpClientCredentialType.Certificate;
 var client = new WebServiceClient(binding, GetWebServiceEndpointAddress());

Where WebServiceClient is the proper name of your web service as you defined it.

Can .NET load and parse a properties file equivalent to Java Properties class?

You can also use C# automatic property syntax with default values and a restrictive set. The advantage here is that you can then have any kind of data type in your properties "file" (now actually a class). The other advantage is that you can use C# property syntax to invoke the properties. However, you just need a couple of lines for each property (one in the property declaration and one in the constructor) to make this work.

using System;
namespace ReportTester {
   class TestProperties
        internal String ReportServerUrl { get; private set; }
        internal TestProperties()
            ReportServerUrl = "http://myhost/ReportServer/ReportExecution2005.asmx?wsdl";

Javascript to check whether a checkbox is being checked or unchecked

function CHeck(){
    var ChkBox = document.getElementById("CheckBox1");

<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" onclick="CHeck()" />

Full width layout with twitter bootstrap

I think you could just use class "col-md-12" it has required left and right paddings and 100% width. Looks like this is a good replacement for container-fluid from 2nd bootstrap.

How to install and use "make" in Windows?

make is a GNU command so the only way you can get it on Windows is installing a Windows version like the one provided by GNUWin32. Anyway, there are several options for getting that:

  1. Using MinGW, be sure you have C:\MinGW\bin\mingw32-make.exe. Otherwise you're missing the mingw32-make additional utilities. Look for the link at MinGW's HowTo page to get it installed. Once you've got it, you have two choices:
  • 1.1 Copy the MinGW make executable to make.exe:

    copy c:\MinGW\bin\mingw32-make.exe c:\MinGW\bin\make.exe
  • 1.2 Create a link to the actual executable, in your PATH. In this case, if you update MinGW, the link is not deleted:

    mklink c:\bin\make.exe C:\MinGW\bin\mingw32-make.exe
  1. Other option is using Chocolatey. First you need to install this package manager. Once installed you simlpy need to install make:

    choco install make
  2. Last option is installing a Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), so you'll have a Linux distribution of your choice embedded in Windows 10 where you'll be able to install make, gccand all the tools you need to build C programs.

Android: Is it possible to display video thumbnails?

I am answering this question late but hope it will help the other candidate facing same problem.

I have used two methods to load thumbnail for videos list the first was

    Bitmap bmThumbnail;
    bmThumbnail = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(FILE_PATH
                    + videoList.get(position),

    if (bmThumbnail != null) {
        Log.d("VideoAdapter","video thumbnail found");
    } else {
        Log.d("VideoAdapter","video thumbnail not found");

its look good but there was a problem with this solution because when i scroll video list it will freeze some time due to its large processing.

so after this i found another solution which works perfectly by using Glide Library.

            .with( mContext )
            .load( Uri.fromFile( new File( FILE_PATH+videoList.get(position) ) ) )
            .into( holder.imgVideo );

I recommended the later solution for showing thumbnail with video list . thanks

Custom date format with jQuery validation plugin


I got following rule validating correct date for me (DD MM YYYY)

function(value, element) {
    return value.match(/(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) (?:0[1-9]|1[0-2]) (?:19|20\d{2})/);
"Please enter a valid date in the format DD MM YYYY"



function(value, element) {
    return value.match(/(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\/(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(?:19|20\d{2})/);
"Please enter a valid date in the format DD/MM/YYYY"


This will not validate 01 13 2017 and 01/13/2017.

And also does not validate 50 12 2017 and 50/12/2017.

Draw a line in a div

$('.line').click(function() {_x000D_
.line {_x000D_
  border: 0;_x000D_
  background-color: #000;_x000D_
  height: 3px;_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
.red {_x000D_
  background-color: red;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<hr class="line"></hr>_x000D_
<p>click the line</p>

Using SELECT result in another SELECT

What you are looking for is a query with WITH clause, if your dbms supports it. Then

WITH NewScores AS (
    SELECT * 
    FROM Score  
    WHERE InsertedDate >= DATEADD(mm, -3, GETDATE())
<and the rest of your query>

Note that there is no ; in the first half. HTH.

How to var_dump variables in twig templates?

For debugging Twig templates you can use the debug statement.

enter image description here

There you can set the debug setting explicitely.

Is it possible to set a custom font for entire of application?

There is a great library for custom fonts in android:Calligraphy

here is a sample how to use it.

in Gradle you need to put this line into your app's build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    compile ''

and then make a class that extends Application and write this code:

public class App extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {

        CalligraphyConfig.initDefault(new CalligraphyConfig.Builder()
                        .setDefaultFontPath("your font path")

and in the activity class put this method before onCreate:

protected void attachBaseContext(Context newBase) {

and the last thing your manifest file should look like this:


and it will change the whole activity to your font! it's simple and clean!

Java Date - Insert into database

You should be using java.sql.Timestamp instead of java.util.Date. Also using a PreparedStatement will save you worrying about the formatting.

Download file of any type in Asp.Net MVC using FileResult?

If you're using .NET Framework 4.5 then you use use the MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(string FileName) to get the MIME-Type for your file. This is how I've used it in my action.

return File(Path.Combine(@"c:\path", fileFromDB.FileNameOnDisk), MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(fileFromDB.FileName), fileFromDB.FileName);

How to find pg_config path

Once you install the current PostgreSQL app on the MacOS X 10.11, this is where the pg_config file is /Library/PostgreSQL/9.5/bin/pg_config.

Then on the Terminal:

    $ export PG_HOME=/Library/PostgreSQL/9.5
    $ export PATH=$PATH:$PG_HOME/bin

This will put the path in the .profile of whatever terminal you are using.

In your environment (assuming you are using virtualenv) you then install psycopg2:

    $ pip install psycopg2

You should see if you had downloaded it before:

    Collecting psycopg2
      Using cached psycopg2-2.6.1.tar.gz
    Installing collected packages: psycopg2
      Running install for psycopg2 ... done
    Successfully installed psycopg2-2.6.1

How to deal with ModalDialog using selenium webdriver?

Assuming the expectation is just going to be two windows popping up (one of the parent and one for the popup) then just wait for two windows to come up, find the other window handle and switch to it.

WebElement link = // element that will showModalDialog()

// Click on the link, but don't wait for the document to finish
final JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
    "var el=arguments[0]; setTimeout(function() {; }, 100);",

// wait for there to be two windows and choose the one that is 
// not the original window
final String parentWindowHandle = driver.getWindowHandle();
new WebDriverWait(driver, 60, 1000)
    .until(new Function<WebDriver, Boolean>() {
    public Boolean apply(final WebDriver driver) {
        final String[] windowHandles =
            driver.getWindowHandles().toArray(new String[0]);
        if (windowHandles.length != 2) {
            return false;
        if (windowHandles[0].equals(parentWindowHandle)) {
        } else {
        return true;

The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge, but I don't care

You can try command to clear the untracked files from the local

Git 2.11 and newer versions:

git clean  -d  -f .

Older versions of Git:

git clean  -d  -f ""

Where -d can be replaced with the following:

  • -x ignored files are also removed as well as files unknown to Git.

  • -d remove untracked directories in addition to untracked files.

  • -f is required to force it to run.

Here is the link that can be helpful as well.

How to download a folder from github?

You can download the complete folder under Clone or Download options (Git URL or Download Zip)

  1. There is a button of Download Zip

  2. By using command you can download the complete folder on your machine but for that you need git on your machine. You can find the Git url uner

    git clone

Using variables inside strings

In C# 6 you can use string interpolation:

string name = "John";
string result = $"Hello {name}";

The syntax highlighting for this in Visual Studio makes it highly readable and all of the tokens are checked.

How to delete last character from a string using jQuery?

Why use jQuery for this?

str = "123-4"; 
alert(str.substring(0,str.length - 1));

Of course if you must:

Substr w/ jQuery:

//example test element

//using substring with the jQuery function html
alert($('.test').html().substring(0,$('.test').html().length - 1)); + Node.js Cross-Origin Request Blocked

I am using v2.1.0 and none of the above answers worked for me. This did though:

import express from "express";
import http from "http";

const app = express();
const server = http.createServer(app);

const sio = require("")(server, {
    handlePreflightRequest: (req, res) => {
        const headers = {
            "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type, Authorization",
            "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": req.headers.origin, //or the specific origin you want to give access to,
            "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": true
        res.writeHead(200, headers);

sio.on("connection", () => {


What is the purpose of global.asax in

The root directory of a web application has a special significance and certain content can be present on in that folder. It can have a special file called as “Global.asax”. ASP.Net framework uses the content in the global.asax and creates a class at runtime which is inherited from HttpApplication. During the lifetime of an application, ASP.NET maintains a pool of Global.asax derived HttpApplication instances. When an application receives an http request, the ASP.Net page framework assigns one of these instances to process that request. That instance is responsible for managing the entire lifetime of the request it is assigned to and the instance can only be reused after the request has been completed when it is returned to the pool. The instance members in Global.asax cannot be used for sharing data across requests but static member can be. Global.asax can contain the event handlers of HttpApplication object and some other important methods which would execute at various points in a web application

Mongodb: Failed to connect to, reason: errno:10061

When you typed in the mongod command, did you also give it a path? This is usually the issue. You don't have to bother with the conf file. simply type

mongod --dbpath="put your path to where you want it to save the working area for your database here!! without these silly quotations marks I may also add!"

example: mongod --dbpath=C:/Users/kyles2/Desktop/DEV/mongodb/data

That is my path and don't forget if on windows to flip the slashes forward if you copied it from the or it won't work!

jQuery Scroll to Div

You can also use 'name' instead of 'href' for a cleaner url:

    var target = $(this).attr('name');
    if (target == '#')
      $('html, body').animate({scrollTop : 0}, 600);
      $('html, body').animate({
        scrollTop: $(target).offset().top - 100
    }, 600);

How to change Maven local repository in eclipse

In newer versions of Eclipse the global configuration file can be set in

Windows > Preferences > Maven > User Settings > Global Settings

Don't beat me why global settings can be configured in user settings... Probably because of the same reason why you need to press "Start" to shutdown your PC on Windows... :D

Export table data from one SQL Server to another

There is script table option in Tasks/Generate scripts! I also missed it at beginning! But you can generate insert scripts there (very nice feature, but in very un-intuitive place).

When you get to step "Set Scripting Options" go to "Advanced" tab.

Steps described here (pictures can understand, but i do write in latvian there).

How to search multiple columns in MySQL?

Here is a query which you can use to search for anything in from your database as a search result ,

SELECT * FROM tbl_customer 
    WHERE CustomerName LIKE '%".$search."%'
    OR Address LIKE '%".$search."%' 
    OR City LIKE '%".$search."%' 
    OR PostalCode LIKE '%".$search."%' 
    OR Country LIKE '%".$search."%'

Using this code will help you search in for multiple columns easily

Twitter Bootstrap add active class to li

Here is complete Twitter bootstrap example and applied active class based on query string.

Few steps to follow to achieve correct solution:

1) Include latest jquery.js and bootstrap.js javascript file.

2) Include latest bootstrap.css file

3) Include querystring-0.9.0.js for getting query string variable value in js.

4) HTML:

<div class="navbar">
  <div class="navbar-inner">
    <div class="container">
      <ul class="nav">
        <li class="active">
          <a href="#?page=0">
          <a href="#?page=1">
          <a href="#?page=2">
          <a href="#?page=3">
          <a href="#?page=4">
          <a href="#?page=5">

JQuery in Script Tag:

$(function() {
    $(".nav li").click(function() {
        $(".nav li").removeClass('active');
        setTimeout(function() {
            var page = $.QueryString("page");
            $(".nav li:eq(" + page + ")").addClass("active");
        }, 300);


I have done complete bin, so please click here

What exactly is RESTful programming?

This is very less mentioned everywhere but the Richardson's Maturity Model is one of the best methods to actually judge how Restful is one's API. More about it here:

Richardson's Maturity Model

Using node.js as a simple web server

You don't need express. You don't need connect. Node.js does http NATIVELY. All you need to do is return a file dependent on the request:

var http = require('http')
var url = require('url')
var fs = require('fs')

http.createServer(function (request, response) {
    var requestUrl = url.parse(request.url)    
    fs.createReadStream(requestUrl.pathname).pipe(response)  // do NOT use fs's sync methods ANYWHERE on production (e.g readFileSync) 

A more full example that ensures requests can't access files underneath a base-directory, and does proper error handling:

var http = require('http')
var url = require('url')
var fs = require('fs')
var path = require('path')
var baseDirectory = __dirname   // or whatever base directory you want

var port = 9615

http.createServer(function (request, response) {
    try {
        var requestUrl = url.parse(request.url)

        // need to use path.normalize so people can't access directories underneath baseDirectory
        var fsPath = baseDirectory+path.normalize(requestUrl.pathname)

        var fileStream = fs.createReadStream(fsPath)
        fileStream.on('open', function() {
        fileStream.on('error',function(e) {
             response.writeHead(404)     // assume the file doesn't exist
   } catch(e) {
        response.end()     // end the response so browsers don't hang

console.log("listening on port "+port)

PuTTY scripting to log onto host

mputty can do that but it does not seem to work always. (if that wait period is too slow)

mputty uses putty and it extends putty. There is an option to run a script. If it does not work, make sure that wait period before typing is a high value or increase that value. See putty sessions , then name of session, right mouse button,properties/script page.

How to remove index.php from URLs?

This may be old, but I may as well write what I've learned down. So anyway I did it this way.


Before you start, make sure the Apache rewrites module is enabled and then follow the steps below.

1) Log-in to your Magento administration area then go to System > Configuration > Web.

2) Navigate to the Unsecure and Secure tabs. Make sure the Unsecured and Secure - Base Url options have your domain name within it, and do not leave the forward slash off at the end of the URL. Example:

3) While still on the Web page, navigate to Search Engine Optimisation tab and select YES underneath the Use Web Server Rewrites option.

4) Navigate to the Secure tab again (if not already on it) and select Yes on the Use Secure URLs in Front-End option.

5) Now go to the root of your Magento website folder and use this code for your .htaccess:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

Save the .htaccess and replace the original file. (PLEASE MAKE SURE TO BACKUP YOUR ORIGINAL .htaccess FILE BEFORE MESSING WITH IT!!!)

6) Now go to System > Cache Management and select all fields and make sure the Actions dropdown is set on Refresh, then submit. (This will of-course refresh the Cache.)


If this did not work please follow these extra steps.

7) Go to System > Configuration > web again. This time look for the Current Configuration Scope and select your website from the dropdown menu. (This is of course, it is set to Default Config)

8) Make sure the Unsecure and Secure fields contain the same domain as the previous Default Config file.

9) Navigate to the Search Engines Optimisation tab and select Yes underneath the Use Web Server Rewrites section.

10) Once the URLs are the same, and the rewrite is enabled save that page, then go back and make sure they are all checked as default, then save again if needed.

11) Repeat step 6.

Now your index.php problem should be fixed and all should be well!!!

I hope this helps, and good luck.

find path of current folder - cmd

for /f "delims=" %%i in ("%0") do set "curpath=%%~dpi"
echo "%curpath%"


echo "%cd%"

The double quotes are needed if the path contains any & characters.

Jackson JSON custom serialization for certain fields

You can create a custom serializer inline in the mixin. Then annotate a field with it. See example below that appends " - something else " to lang field. This is kind of hackish - if your serializer requires something like a repository or anything injected by spring, this is going to be a problem. Probably best to use a custom deserializer/serializer instead of a mixin.

package com.test;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect.Visibility;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonPropertyOrder;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonSerializer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import com.test.Argument;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
//Serialize only fields explicitly mentioned by this mixin.
    fieldVisibility = Visibility.NONE,
    setterVisibility = Visibility.NONE,
    getterVisibility = Visibility.NONE,
    isGetterVisibility = Visibility.NONE,
    creatorVisibility = Visibility.NONE
@JsonPropertyOrder({"lang", "name", "value"})
public abstract class V2ArgumentMixin {

  private String name;

  @JsonSerialize(using = LangCustomSerializer.class, as=String.class)
  private String lang;

  private Object value;

  public static class LangCustomSerializer extends JsonSerializer<String> {

    public void serialize(String value,
                          JsonGenerator jsonGenerator,
                          SerializerProvider serializerProvider)
        throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
      jsonGenerator.writeObject(value.toString() + "  - something else");

Passing null arguments to C# methods

I think the nearest C# equivalent to int* would be ref int?. Because ref int? allows the called method to pass a value back to the calling method.


  • Can be null.
  • Can be non-null and point to an integer value.
  • If not null, value can be changed, and the change propagates to the caller.
  • Setting to null is not passed back to the caller.

ref int?

  • Can be null.
  • Can have an integer value.
  • Value can be always be changed, and the change propagates to the caller.
  • Value can be set to null, and this change will also propagate to the caller.

No newline after div?

div.noWrap {
    display: inline;

Pythonic way to create a long multi-line string

Combining the ideas from:

Levon or Jesse, Faheel and ddrscott

with my formatting suggestion, you could write your query as:

query = ('SELECT'
             ' action.descr as "action"'
             ', as role_id'
             ',role.descr as role'
         ' FROM'
             ' public.role_action_def'
         ' WHERE'
             ' = role_action_def.role_id'
             ' AND'
             ' = role_action_def.def_id'
             ' AND'
             ' = role_action_def.action_id'
             ' AND'
             ' role_action_def.account_id = ?' # account_id
             ' AND'
             ' record_def.account_id = ?'      # account_id
             ' AND'
             ' def_id = ?'                     # def_id

 vars = (account_id, account_id, def_id)     # A tuple of the query variables
 cursor.execute(query, vars)                 # Using Python's sqlite3 module

Or like:

vars = []
query = ('SELECT'
             ' action.descr as "action"'
             ', as role_id'
             ',role.descr as role'
         ' FROM'
             ' public.role_action_def'
         ' WHERE'
             ' = role_action_def.role_id'
             ' AND'
             ' = role_action_def.def_id'
             ' AND'
             ' = role_action_def.action_id'
             ' AND'
             ' role_action_def.account_id = '
                 vars.append(account_id) or '?'
             ' AND'
             ' record_def.account_id = '
                 vars.append(account_id) or '?'
             ' AND'
             ' def_id = '
                 vars.append(def_id) or '?'

 cursor.execute(query, tuple(vars))  # Using Python's sqlite3 module

Which could be interesting together with 'IN' and 'vars.extend(options) or n_options(len(options))', where:

def n_options(count):
    return '(' + ','.join(count*'?') + ')'

Or with the hint from darkfeline, that you might still make mistakes with those leading spaces and separators and also with named placeholders:

COMMA_SEP = ', '
AND_SEP   = ' AND '

query = SPACE_SEP.join((
        'action.descr as "action"',
        ' as role_id',
        'role.descr as role',
        ' = role_action_def.role_id',
        ' = role_action_def.def_id',
        ' = role_action_def.action_id',
        'role_action_def.account_id = :account_id',
        'record_def.account_id = :account_id',
        'def_id = :def_id',

vars = {'account_id':account_id,'def_id':def_id}  # A dictionary of the query variables
cursor.execute(query, vars)                       # Using Python's sqlite3 module

See documentation of Cursor.execute-function.

"This is the [most Pythonic] way!" - ...

Deleting multiple columns based on column names in Pandas

This is probably a good way to do what you want. It will delete all columns that contain 'Unnamed' in their header.

for col in df.columns:
    if 'Unnamed' in col:
        del df[col]

How can I listen for a click-and-hold in jQuery?

Presumably you could kick off a setTimeout call in mousedown, and then cancel it in mouseup (if mouseup happens before your timeout completes).

However, looks like there is a plugin: longclick.

Why is it bad practice to call System.gc()?

This is a very bothersome question, and I feel contributes to many being opposed to Java despite how useful of a language it is.

The fact that you can't trust "System.gc" to do anything is incredibly daunting and can easily invoke "Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt" feel to the language.

In many cases, it is nice to deal with memory spikes that you cause on purpose before an important event occurs, which would cause users to think your program is badly designed/unresponsive.

Having ability to control the garbage collection would be very a great education tool, in turn improving people's understanding how the garbage collection works and how to make programs exploit it's default behavior as well as controlled behavior.

Let me review the arguments of this thread.

  1. It is inefficient:

Often, the program may not be doing anything and you know it's not doing anything because of the way it was designed. For instance, it might be doing some kind of long wait with a large wait message box, and at the end it may as well add a call to collect garbage because the time to run it will take a really small fraction of the time of the long wait but will avoid gc from acting up in the middle of a more important operation.

  1. It is always a bad practice and indicates broken code.

I disagree, it doesn't matter what garbage collector you have. Its' job is to track garbage and clean it.

By calling the gc during times where usage is less critical, you reduce odds of it running when your life relies on the specific code being run but instead it decides to collect garbage.

Sure, it might not behave the way you want or expect, but when you do want to call it, you know nothing is happening, and user is willing to tolerate slowness/downtime. If the System.gc works, great! If it doesn't, at least you tried. There's simply no down side unless the garbage collector has inherent side effects that do something horribly unexpected to how a garbage collector is suppose to behave if invoked manually, and this by itself causes distrust.

  1. It is not a common use case:

It is a use case that cannot be achieved reliably, but could be if the system was designed that way. It's like making a traffic light and making it so that some/all of the traffic lights' buttons don't do anything, it makes you question why the button is there to begin with, javascript doesn't have garbage collection function so we don't scrutinize it as much for it.

  1. The spec says that System.gc() is a hint that GC should run and the VM is free to ignore it.

what is a "hint"? what is "ignore"? a computer cannot simply take hints or ignore something, there are strict behavior paths it takes that may be dynamic that are guided by the intent of the system. A proper answer would include what the garbage collector is actually doing, at implementation level, that causes it to not perform collection when you request it. Is the feature simply a nop? Is there some kind of conditions that must me met? What are these conditions?

As it stands, Java's GC often seems like a monster that you just don't trust. You don't know when it's going to come or go, you don't know what it's going to do, how it's going to do it. I can imagine some experts having better idea of how their Garbage Collection works on per-instruction basis, but vast majority simply hopes it "just works", and having to trust an opaque-seeming algorithm to do work for you is frustrating.

There is a big gap between reading about something or being taught something, and actually seeing the implementation of it, the differences across systems, and being able to play with it without having to look at the source code. This creates confidence and feeling of mastery/understanding/control.

To summarize, there is an inherent problem with the answers "this feature might not do anything, and I won't go into details how to tell when it does do something and when it doesn't and why it won't or will, often implying that it is simply against the philosophy to try to do it, even if the intent behind it is reasonable".

It might be okay for Java GC to behave the way it does, or it might not, but to understand it, it is difficult to truly follow in which direction to go to get a comprehensive overview of what you can trust the GC to do and not to do, so it's too easy simply distrust the language, because the purpose of a language is to have controlled behavior up to philosophical extent(it's easy for a programmer, especially novices to fall into existential crisis from certain system/language behaviors) you are capable of tolerating(and if you can't, you just won't use the language until you have to), and more things you can't control for no known reason why you can't control them is inherently harmful.

Make just one slide different size in Powerpoint

Although you cannot use different sized slides in one PowerPoint file, for the actual presentation you can link several different files together to create a presentation that has different slide sizes.

The process to do so is as follows:

  1. Create the two Powerpoints (with your desired slide dimensions)
    • They need to be properly filled in to have linkable objects and selectable slides
  2. Select an object in the main PowerPoint to act as the hyperlink
  3. Go to "Insert -> Links -> Action"
  4. Select either the "Mouse Click" or the "Mouse Over" tab
  5. Select "Hyperlink to:" and in the drop down menu choose "other PowerPoint Presentation"
  6. Select the slide that you want to link to.
    • Any slide that isn't empty should appear in the "Hyperlink to Slide" dialog box
  7. Repeat the Process in the second Presentation to link back to your main presentation

Reference to Office Support Page where this solution was first posted.

Install a module using pip for specific python version

As with any other python script, you may specify the python installation you'd like to run it with. You may put this in your shell profile to save the alias. The $1 refers to the first argument you pass to the script.

alias pip_install3="python3 -m $(which pip) install $1"

How to reset a form using jQuery with .reset() method

According to this post here, jQuery has no reset() method; but native JavaScript does. So, convert the jQuery element to a JavaScript object by either using :

// or

Java 8 Stream API to find Unique Object matching a property value

Instead of using a collector try using findFirst or findAny.

Optional<Person> matchingObject =
    filter(p ->"testemail")).

This returns an Optional since the list might not contain that object.

If you're sure that the list always contains that person you can call:

Person person = matchingObject.get();

Be careful though! get throws NoSuchElementException if no value is present. Therefore it is strongly advised that you first ensure that the value is present (either with isPresent or better, use ifPresent, map, orElse or any of the other alternatives found in the Optional class).

If you're okay with a null reference if there is no such person, then:

Person person = matchingObject.orElse(null);

If possible, I would try to avoid going with the null reference route though. Other alternatives methods in the Optional class (ifPresent, map etc) can solve many use cases. Where I have found myself using orElse(null) is only when I have existing code that was designed to accept null references in some cases.

Optionals have other useful methods as well. Take a look at Optional javadoc.

Difference between string and char[] types in C++

A char array is just that - an array of characters:

  • If allocated on the stack (like in your example), it will always occupy eg. 256 bytes no matter how long the text it contains is
  • If allocated on the heap (using malloc() or new char[]) you're responsible for releasing the memory afterwards and you will always have the overhead of a heap allocation.
  • If you copy a text of more than 256 chars into the array, it might crash, produce ugly assertion messages or cause unexplainable (mis-)behavior somewhere else in your program.
  • To determine the text's length, the array has to be scanned, character by character, for a \0 character.

A string is a class that contains a char array, but automatically manages it for you. Most string implementations have a built-in array of 16 characters (so short strings don't fragment the heap) and use the heap for longer strings.

You can access a string's char array like this:

std::string myString = "Hello World";
const char *myStringChars = myString.c_str();

C++ strings can contain embedded \0 characters, know their length without counting, are faster than heap-allocated char arrays for short texts and protect you from buffer overruns. Plus they're more readable and easier to use.

However, C++ strings are not (very) suitable for usage across DLL boundaries, because this would require any user of such a DLL function to make sure he's using the exact same compiler and C++ runtime implementation, lest he risk his string class behaving differently.

Normally, a string class would also release its heap memory on the calling heap, so it will only be able to free memory again if you're using a shared (.dll or .so) version of the runtime.

In short: use C++ strings in all your internal functions and methods. If you ever write a .dll or .so, use C strings in your public (dll/so-exposed) functions.

Android Studio rendering problems

Change your android version on your designer preview into your current version depend on your Manifest. rendering problem caused your designer preview used higher API level than your current android API level.

Adjust with your current API Level

Adjust with your current API Level. If the API level isn't in the list, you'll need to install it via the SDK Manager.

AngularJS: How to make angular load script inside ng-include?

This won't work anymore from 1.2.0-rc1. See this issue for more about it, in which I posted a comment describing a quick workaround. I'll share it here as well :

// Quick fix : replace the script tag you want to load by a <div load-script></div>.
// Then write a loadScript directive that creates your script tag and appends it to your div.
// Took me one minute.

// This means that in your view, instead of :
<script src="/path/to/my/file.js"></script>

// You'll have :
<div ng-load-script></div>

// And then write a directive like :
angular.module('myModule', []).directive('loadScript', [function() {
    return function(scope, element, attrs) {
        angular.element('<script src="/path/to/my/file.js"></script>').appendTo(element);

Not the best solution ever, but hey, neither is putting script tags in subsequent views. In my case I have to do this is order to use Facebook/Twitter/etc. widgets.

Jackson how to transform JsonNode to ArrayNode without casting?

I would assume at the end of the day you want to consume the data in the ArrayNode by iterating it. For that:

Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = datasets.withArray("datasets").elements();
while (iterator.hasNext()) 
        System.out.print( + " "); 

or if you're into streams and lambda functions:

    .forEach( item -> System.out.print(item.toString()) )

How to convert OutputStream to InputStream?

From my point of view, is the best option to considere. In some situations you may want to use ByteArrayInputStream/ByteArrayOutputStream. The problem is that you need to duplicate the buffer to convert a ByteArrayOutputStream to a ByteArrayInputStream. Also ByteArrayOutpuStream/ByteArrayInputStream are limited to 2GB. Here is an OutpuStream/InputStream implementation I wrote to bypass ByteArrayOutputStream/ByteArrayInputStream limitations (Scala code, but easily understandable for java developpers):

import{IOException, InputStream, OutputStream}

import scala.annotation.tailrec

/** Acts as a replacement for ByteArrayOutputStream
class HugeMemoryOutputStream(capacity: Long) extends OutputStream {
  private val PAGE_SIZE: Int = 1024000
  private val ALLOC_STEP: Int = 1024

  /** Pages array
  private var streamBuffers: Array[Array[Byte]] = Array.empty[Array[Byte]]

  /** Allocated pages count
  private var pageCount: Int = 0

  /** Allocated bytes count
  private var allocatedBytes: Long = 0

  /** Current position in stream
  private var position: Long = 0

  /** Stream length
  private var length: Long = 0


  /** Gets page count based on given length
    * @param length   Buffer length
    * @return         Page count to hold the specified amount of data
  private def getPageCount(length: Long) = {
    var pageCount = (length / PAGE_SIZE).toInt + 1

    if ((length % PAGE_SIZE) == 0) {
      pageCount -= 1


  /** Extends pages array
  private def extendPages(): Unit = {
    if (streamBuffers.isEmpty) {
      streamBuffers = new Array[Array[Byte]](ALLOC_STEP)
    else {
      val newStreamBuffers = new Array[Array[Byte]](streamBuffers.length + ALLOC_STEP)
      Array.copy(streamBuffers, 0, newStreamBuffers, 0, streamBuffers.length)
      streamBuffers = newStreamBuffers

    pageCount = streamBuffers.length

  /** Ensures buffers are bug enough to hold specified amount of data
    * @param value  Amount of data
  private def allocSpaceIfNeeded(value: Long): Unit = {
    def allocSpaceIfNeededIter(value: Long): Unit = {
      val currentPageCount = getPageCount(allocatedBytes)
      val neededPageCount = getPageCount(value)

      if (currentPageCount < neededPageCount) {
        if (currentPageCount == pageCount) extendPages()

        streamBuffers(currentPageCount) = new Array[Byte](PAGE_SIZE)
        allocatedBytes = (currentPageCount + 1).toLong * PAGE_SIZE


    if (value < 0) throw new Error("AllocSpaceIfNeeded < 0")
    if (value > 0) {

      length = Math.max(value, length)
      if (position > length) position = length

    * Writes the specified byte to this output stream. The general
    * contract for <code>write</code> is that one byte is written
    * to the output stream. The byte to be written is the eight
    * low-order bits of the argument <code>b</code>. The 24
    * high-order bits of <code>b</code> are ignored.
    * <p>
    * Subclasses of <code>OutputStream</code> must provide an
    * implementation for this method.
    * @param      b the <code>byte</code>.
  override def write(b: Int): Unit = {
    val buffer: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](1)

    buffer(0) = b.toByte


    * Writes <code>len</code> bytes from the specified byte array
    * starting at offset <code>off</code> to this output stream.
    * The general contract for <code>write(b, off, len)</code> is that
    * some of the bytes in the array <code>b</code> are written to the
    * output stream in order; element <code>b[off]</code> is the first
    * byte written and <code>b[off+len-1]</code> is the last byte written
    * by this operation.
    * <p>
    * The <code>write</code> method of <code>OutputStream</code> calls
    * the write method of one argument on each of the bytes to be
    * written out. Subclasses are encouraged to override this method and
    * provide a more efficient implementation.
    * <p>
    * If <code>b</code> is <code>null</code>, a
    * <code>NullPointerException</code> is thrown.
    * <p>
    * If <code>off</code> is negative, or <code>len</code> is negative, or
    * <code>off+len</code> is greater than the length of the array
    * <code>b</code>, then an <tt>IndexOutOfBoundsException</tt> is thrown.
    * @param      b   the data.
    * @param      off the start offset in the data.
    * @param      len the number of bytes to write.
  override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = {
    def writeIter(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = {
      val currentPage: Int = (position / PAGE_SIZE).toInt
      val currentOffset: Int = (position % PAGE_SIZE).toInt

      if (len != 0) {
        val currentLength: Int = Math.min(PAGE_SIZE - currentOffset, len)
        Array.copy(b, off, streamBuffers(currentPage), currentOffset, currentLength)

        position += currentLength

        writeIter(b, off + currentLength, len - currentLength)

    allocSpaceIfNeeded(position + len)
    writeIter(b, off, len)

  /** Gets an InputStream that points to HugeMemoryOutputStream buffer
    * @return InputStream
  def asInputStream(): InputStream = {
    new HugeMemoryInputStream(streamBuffers, length)

  private class HugeMemoryInputStream(streamBuffers: Array[Array[Byte]], val length: Long) extends InputStream {
    /** Current position in stream
    private var position: Long = 0

      * Reads the next byte of data from the input stream. The value byte is
      * returned as an <code>int</code> in the range <code>0</code> to
      * <code>255</code>. If no byte is available because the end of the stream
      * has been reached, the value <code>-1</code> is returned. This method
      * blocks until input data is available, the end of the stream is detected,
      * or an exception is thrown.
      * <p> A subclass must provide an implementation of this method.
      * @return the next byte of data, or <code>-1</code> if the end of the
      *         stream is reached.
    def read: Int = {
      val buffer: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](1)

      if (read(buffer) == 0) throw new Error("End of stream")
      else buffer(0)

      * Reads up to <code>len</code> bytes of data from the input stream into
      * an array of bytes.  An attempt is made to read as many as
      * <code>len</code> bytes, but a smaller number may be read.
      * The number of bytes actually read is returned as an integer.
      * <p> This method blocks until input data is available, end of file is
      * detected, or an exception is thrown.
      * <p> If <code>len</code> is zero, then no bytes are read and
      * <code>0</code> is returned; otherwise, there is an attempt to read at
      * least one byte. If no byte is available because the stream is at end of
      * file, the value <code>-1</code> is returned; otherwise, at least one
      * byte is read and stored into <code>b</code>.
      * <p> The first byte read is stored into element <code>b[off]</code>, the
      * next one into <code>b[off+1]</code>, and so on. The number of bytes read
      * is, at most, equal to <code>len</code>. Let <i>k</i> be the number of
      * bytes actually read; these bytes will be stored in elements
      * <code>b[off]</code> through <code>b[off+</code><i>k</i><code>-1]</code>,
      * leaving elements <code>b[off+</code><i>k</i><code>]</code> through
      * <code>b[off+len-1]</code> unaffected.
      * <p> In every case, elements <code>b[0]</code> through
      * <code>b[off]</code> and elements <code>b[off+len]</code> through
      * <code>b[b.length-1]</code> are unaffected.
      * <p> The <code>read(b,</code> <code>off,</code> <code>len)</code> method
      * for class <code>InputStream</code> simply calls the method
      * <code>read()</code> repeatedly. If the first such call results in an
      * <code>IOException</code>, that exception is returned from the call to
      * the <code>read(b,</code> <code>off,</code> <code>len)</code> method.  If
      * any subsequent call to <code>read()</code> results in a
      * <code>IOException</code>, the exception is caught and treated as if it
      * were end of file; the bytes read up to that point are stored into
      * <code>b</code> and the number of bytes read before the exception
      * occurred is returned. The default implementation of this method blocks
      * until the requested amount of input data <code>len</code> has been read,
      * end of file is detected, or an exception is thrown. Subclasses are encouraged
      * to provide a more efficient implementation of this method.
      * @param      b   the buffer into which the data is read.
      * @param      off the start offset in array <code>b</code>
      *                 at which the data is written.
      * @param      len the maximum number of bytes to read.
      * @return the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or
      *         <code>-1</code> if there is no more data because the end of
      *         the stream has been reached.
      * @see
    override def read(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Int = {
      def readIter(acc: Int, b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Int = {
        val currentPage: Int = (position / PAGE_SIZE).toInt
        val currentOffset: Int = (position % PAGE_SIZE).toInt

        val count: Int = Math.min(len, length - position).toInt

        if (count == 0 || position >= length) acc
        else {
          val currentLength = Math.min(PAGE_SIZE - currentOffset, count)
          Array.copy(streamBuffers(currentPage), currentOffset, b, off, currentLength)

          position += currentLength

          readIter(acc + currentLength, b, off + currentLength, len - currentLength)

      readIter(0, b, off, len)

      * Skips over and discards <code>n</code> bytes of data from this input
      * stream. The <code>skip</code> method may, for a variety of reasons, end
      * up skipping over some smaller number of bytes, possibly <code>0</code>.
      * This may result from any of a number of conditions; reaching end of file
      * before <code>n</code> bytes have been skipped is only one possibility.
      * The actual number of bytes skipped is returned. If <code>n</code> is
      * negative, the <code>skip</code> method for class <code>InputStream</code> always
      * returns 0, and no bytes are skipped. Subclasses may handle the negative
      * value differently.
      * The <code>skip</code> method of this class creates a
      * byte array and then repeatedly reads into it until <code>n</code> bytes
      * have been read or the end of the stream has been reached. Subclasses are
      * encouraged to provide a more efficient implementation of this method.
      * For instance, the implementation may depend on the ability to seek.
      * @param      n the number of bytes to be skipped.
      * @return the actual number of bytes skipped.
    override def skip(n: Long): Long = {
      if (n < 0) 0
      else {
        position = Math.min(position + n, length)
        length - position

Easy to use, no buffer duplication, no 2GB memory limit

val out: HugeMemoryOutputStream = new HugeMemoryOutputStream(initialCapacity /*may be 0*/)


val in1: InputStream = out.asInputStream()

val in2: InputStream = out.asInputStream()

How to index into a dictionary?

actually I found a novel solution that really helped me out, If you are especially concerned with the index of a certain value in a list or data set, you can just set the value of dictionary to that Index!:

Just watch:

list = ['a', 'b', 'c']
dictionary = {}
counter = 0
for i in list:
   dictionary[i] = counter
   counter += 1

print(dictionary) # dictionary = {'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2}

Now through the power of hashmaps you can pull the index your entries in constant time (aka a whole lot faster)

What is the suggested way to install brew, node.js, io.js, nvm, npm on OS X?

2019 update: Use NVM to install node, not Homebrew

In most of the answers , recommended way to install nvm is to use Homebrew

Do not do that

At Github Page for nvm it is clearly called out:

Homebrew installation is not supported. If you have issues with homebrew-installed nvm, please brew uninstall it, and install it using the instructions below, before filing an issue.

Use the following method instead

curl -o- | bash

The script clones the nvm repository to ~/.nvm and adds the source line to your profile (~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc, ~/.profile, or ~/.bashrc).

And then use nvm to install node. For example to install latest LTS version do:

nvm install v8.11.1

Clean and hassle free. It would mark this as your default node version as well so you should be all set

Should I learn C before learning C++?

I love this question - it's like asking "what should I learn first, snowboarding or skiing"? I think it depends if you want to snowboard or to ski. If you want to do both, you have to learn both.

In both sports, you slide down a hill on snow using devices that are sufficiently similar to provoke this question. However, they are also sufficiently different so that learning one does not help you much with the other. Same thing with C and C++. While they appear to be languages sufficiently similar in syntax, the mind set that you need for writing OO code vs procedural code is sufficiently different so that you pretty much have to start from the beginning, whatever language you learn second.

How to install a specific version of a ruby gem?

for Ruby 1.9+ use colon.

gem install sinatra:1.4.4 prawn:0.13.0

How to overwrite styling in Twitter Bootstrap

All these tips will work, but a simpler way might be to include your stylesheet after the Bootstrap styles.

If you include your css (site-specific.css) after Bootstrap's (bootstrap.css), you can override rules by redefining them.

For example, if this is how you include CSS in your <head>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/site-specific.css" />

You can simply move the sidebar to the right by writing (in your site-specific.css file):

.sidebar {
    float: right;

Forgive the lack of HAML and SASS, I do not know them well enough to write tutorials in them.

jQuery: Scroll down page a set increment (in pixels) on click?

Updated version of HCD's solution which avoids conflict:

var y = $j(window).scrollTop(); 
$j("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: y + $j(window).height() }, 600);

"Could not find Developer Disk Image"

To run the project to latest devices from the older versions of Xcode, follow the following steps :

Go To Finder -> Applications -> Right Click on latest Xcode version -> select show package content -> Developer -> Platforms -> iPhoneOS.platform -> DeviceSupport -> Copy the latest version folder and paste at the same location of your old Xcode i.e in the DeviceSupport folder of your old Xcode.

Then Restart Xcode.enter image description here

Entity Framework Timeouts

For Entity framework 6 I use this annotation and works fine.

  public partial class MyDbContext : DbContext
      private const int TimeoutDuration = 300;

      public MyDbContext ()
          : base("name=Model1")
          this.Database.CommandTimeout = TimeoutDuration;
       // Some other codes

The CommandTimeout parameter is a nullable integer that set timeout values as seconds, if you set null or don't set it will use default value of provider you use.

How do I retrieve query parameters in Spring Boot?

In Spring boot: 2.1.6, you can use like below:

    @ApiOperation(value = "retrieve orders", response = OrderResponse.class, responseContainer = "List")
    public List<OrderResponse> getOrders(
            @RequestParam(value = "creationDateTimeFrom", required = true) String creationDateTimeFrom,
            @RequestParam(value = "creationDateTimeTo", required = true) String creationDateTimeTo,
            @RequestParam(value = "location_id", required = true) String location_id) {

        // TODO...

        return response;

@ApiOperation is an annotation that comes from Swagger api, It is used for documenting the apis.

Open file in a relative location in Python


import os
script_path = os.path.abspath(__file__) 
path_list = script_path.split(os.sep)
script_directory = path_list[0:len(path_list)-1]
rel_path = "main/2091/data.txt"
path = "/".join(script_directory) + "/" + rel_path


Import library:

import os

Use __file__ to attain the current script's path:

script_path = os.path.abspath(__file__)

Separates the script path into multiple items:

path_list = script_path.split(os.sep)

Remove the last item in the list (the actual script file):

script_directory = path_list[0:len(path_list)-1]

Add the relative file's path:

rel_path = "main/2091/data.txt

Join the list items, and addition the relative path's file:

path = "/".join(script_directory) + "/" + rel_path

Now you are set to do whatever you want with the file, such as, for example:

file = open(path)

How to round a numpy array?

Numpy provides two identical methods to do this. Either use

np.round(data, 2)


np.around(data, 2)

as they are equivalent.

See the documentation for more information.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.array([0.015, 0.235, 0.112])
>>> np.round(a, 2)
array([0.02, 0.24, 0.11])
>>> np.around(a, 2)
array([0.02, 0.24, 0.11])
>>> np.round(a, 1)
array([0. , 0.2, 0.1])

Best way to check if MySQL results returned in PHP?

Of all the options above I would use

if (mysql_num_rows($result)==0) { PERFORM ACTION }

checking against the result like below

if (!$result) { PERFORM ACTION }

This will be true if a mysql_error occurs so effectively if an error occurred you could then enter a duplicate user-name...

What is a callback in java

Maybe an example would help.

Your app wants to download a file from some remote computer and then write to to a local disk. The remote computer is the other side of a dial-up modem and a satellite link. The latency and transfer time will be huge and you have other things to do. So, you have a function/method that will write a buffer to disk. You pass a pointer to this method to your network API, together with the remote URI and other stuff. This network call returns 'immediately' and you can do your other stuff. 30 seconds later, the first buffer from the remote computer arrives at the network layer. The network layer then calls the function that you passed during the setup and so the buffer gets written to disk - the network layer has 'called back'. Note that, in this example, the callback would happen on a network layer thread than the originating thread, but that does not matter - the buffer still gets written to the disk.

Display only 10 characters of a long string?

Show this "long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text long text "


long text long text long ...

        function cutString(text){    
            var wordsToCut = 5;
            var wordsArray = text.split(" ");
                var strShort = "";
                for(i = 0; i < wordsToCut; i++){
                    strShort += wordsArray[i] + " ";
                return strShort+"...";
                return text;

Select Last Row in the Table

For laravel 8:

Model::orderBy('id', 'desc')->withTrashed()->take(1)->first()->id

The resulting sql query:

Model::orderBy('id', 'desc')->withTrashed()->take(1)->toSql()

select * from "timetables" order by "id" desc limit 1

How to make sure that a certain Port is not occupied by any other process

It's (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort "port no.").OwningProcess

Check substring exists in a string in C

The same will be achived with this simpler code: Why use these:

int main(void)

    char mainstring[]="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
    char substring[20];
    int i=0;
    puts("enter the sub stirng to find");
    fgets(substring, sizeof(substring), stdin);
    if (strstr(mainstring,substring))
            printf("substring is present\t");
    printf("and the sub string is:::");
   return 0;

But the tricky part would be to report at which position in original string the substring starts...

Quick Sort Vs Merge Sort

See Quicksort on wikipedia:

Typically, quicksort is significantly faster in practice than other T(nlogn) algorithms, because its inner loop can be efficiently implemented on most architectures, and in most real-world data, it is possible to make design choices which minimize the probability of requiring quadratic time.

Note that the very low memory requirement is a big plus as well.

What is the difference between an IntentService and a Service?

Intent service is child of Service

IntentService: If you want to download a bunch of images at the start of opening your app. It's a one-time process and can clean itself up once everything is downloaded.

Service: A Service which will constantly be used to communicate between your app and back-end with web API calls. Even if it is finished with its current task, you still want it to be around a few minutes later, for more communication

Conversion from 12 hours time to 24 hours time in java

12 to 24 hour time conversion and can be reversed if change time formate in output and input SimpleDateFormat class parameter

Test Data Input:

String input = "07:05:45PM"; timeCoversion12to24(input);



 public static String timeCoversion12to24(String twelveHoursTime) throws ParseException {

        //Date/time pattern of input date (12 Hours format - hh used for 12 hours)
        DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ssaa");

        //Date/time pattern of desired output date (24 Hours format HH - Used for 24 hours)
        DateFormat outputformat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
        Date date = null;
        String output = null;

        //Returns Date object
        date = df.parse(twelveHoursTime);

        //old date format to new date format
        output = outputformat.format(date);

        return output;

Abstraction VS Information Hiding VS Encapsulation

Encapsulation- enforcing access to the internal data in a controlled manner or preventing members from being accessed directly.

Abstraction- Hiding the implementation details of certain methods is known as abstraction

Let's understand with the help of an example:-

class Rectangle
private int length;
private int breadth;// see the word private that means they cant be accesed from 
outside world.
 //now to make them accessed indirectly define getters and setters methods
void setLength(int length)
// we are adding this condition to prevent users to make any irrelevent changes 
  that is why we have made length private so that they should be set according to 
   certain restrictions
void getLength()
 return length;
 // same do for breadth

now for abstraction define a method that can only be accessed and user doesnt know what is the body of the method and how it is working Let's consider the above example, we can define a method area which calculates the area of the rectangle.

 public int area()
  return length*breadth;

Now, whenever a user uses the above method he will just get the area not the way how it is calculated. We can consider an example of println() method we just know that it is used for printing and we don't know how it prints the data. I have written a blog in detail you can see the below link for more info abstraction vs encapsulation

SQLAlchemy: print the actual query

In the vast majority of cases, the "stringification" of a SQLAlchemy statement or query is as simple as:


This applies both to an ORM Query as well as any select() or other statement.

Note: the following detailed answer is being maintained on the sqlalchemy documentation.

To get the statement as compiled to a specific dialect or engine, if the statement itself is not already bound to one you can pass this in to compile():


or without an engine:

from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql

When given an ORM Query object, in order to get at the compile() method we only need access the .statement accessor first:

statement = query.statement

with regards to the original stipulation that bound parameters are to be "inlined" into the final string, the challenge here is that SQLAlchemy normally is not tasked with this, as this is handled appropriately by the Python DBAPI, not to mention bypassing bound parameters is probably the most widely exploited security holes in modern web applications. SQLAlchemy has limited ability to do this stringification in certain circumstances such as that of emitting DDL. In order to access this functionality one can use the 'literal_binds' flag, passed to compile_kwargs:

from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column, select

t = table('t', column('x'))

s = select([t]).where(t.c.x == 5)

print(s.compile(compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True}))

the above approach has the caveats that it is only supported for basic types, such as ints and strings, and furthermore if a bindparam without a pre-set value is used directly, it won't be able to stringify that either.

To support inline literal rendering for types not supported, implement a TypeDecorator for the target type which includes a TypeDecorator.process_literal_param method:

from sqlalchemy import TypeDecorator, Integer

class MyFancyType(TypeDecorator):
    impl = Integer

    def process_literal_param(self, value, dialect):
        return "my_fancy_formatting(%s)" % value

from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, MetaData

tab = Table('mytable', MetaData(), Column('x', MyFancyType()))

print( > 5).compile(
        compile_kwargs={"literal_binds": True})

producing output like:

SELECT mytable.x
FROM mytable
WHERE mytable.x > my_fancy_formatting(5)

Adding :default => true to boolean in existing Rails column

If you don't want to create another migration-file for a small, recent change - from Rails Console:

ActiveRecord::Migration.change_column :profiles, :show_attribute, :boolean, :default => true

Then exit and re-enter rails console, so DB-Changes will be in-effect. Then, if you do this ...

You should see the "show_attribute" default-value as true.

For existing records, if you want to preserve existing "false" settings and only update "nil" values to your new default:

Profile.all.each{|profile| profile.update_attributes(:show_attribute => (profile.show_attribute == nil ? true : false))  }

Update the migration that created this table, so any future builds of the DB will get it right from the onset. Also run the same process on any deployed-instances of the DB.

If using the "new db migration" method, you can do the update of existing nil-values in that migration.

Listen to port via a Java socket

What do you actually want to achieve? What your code does is it tries to connect to a server located at Is this the address of a server that sends the messages (because this looks like a client-side code)? If I run fake server locally:

$ nc -l 4000

...and change socket address to localhost:4000, it will work and try to read something from nc-created server.

What you probably want is to create a ServerSocket and listen on it:

ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(4000);
Socket socket = serverSocket.accept();

The second line will block until some other piece of software connects to your machine on port 4000. Then you can read from the returned socket. Look at this tutorial, this is actually a very broad topic (threading, protocols...)

How to calculate combination and permutation in R?

The Combinations package is not part of the standard CRAN set of packages, but is rather part of a different repository, omegahat. To install it you need to use

install.packages("Combinations", repos = "")

See the documentation at

Android saving file to external storage

Update 2018, SDK >= 23.

Now you should also check if the user has granted permission to external storage by using:

public boolean isStoragePermissionGranted() {
    String TAG = "Storage Permission";
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) {
        if (this.checkSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE)
                == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            Log.v(TAG, "Permission is granted");
            return true;
        } else {
            Log.v(TAG, "Permission is revoked");
            ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE}, 1);
            return false;
    else { //permission is automatically granted on sdk<23 upon installation
        Log.v(TAG,"Permission is granted");
        return true;

public void saveImageBitmap(Bitmap image_bitmap, String image_name) {
    String root = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString();
    if (isStoragePermissionGranted()) { // check or ask permission
        File myDir = new File(root, "/saved_images");
        if (!myDir.exists()) {
        String fname = "Image-" + image_name + ".jpg";
        File file = new File(myDir, fname);
        if (file.exists()) {
        try {
            file.createNewFile(); // if file already exists will do nothing
            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
            image_bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 90, out);

        } catch (Exception e) {

        MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(this, new String[]{file.toString()}, new String[]{file.getName()}, null);

and of course, add in the AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> 

How to disable submit button once it has been clicked?

You should first submit your form and then change the value of your submit:

onClick="this.form.submit(); this.disabled=true; this.value='Sending…'; "

dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib

brew switch openssl 1.0.2r

it work for me,macOS Mojave, Version 10.14.6

How to float a div over Google Maps?

absolute positioning is evil... this solution doesn't take into account window size. If you resize the browser window, your div will be out of place!

The meaning of NoInitialContextException error

Is a JNDI problem. You will see that exception if the InitialContext class has neither default properties for the JNDI service provider nor explicitly configured server properties.

Set the Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY environment property to the class name of the initial context implementation that you are using. This class must be available to your program in the classpath.


Has anyone ever got a remote JMX JConsole to work?

I'm trying to JMC to run the Flight Recorder (JFR) to profile NiFi on a remote server that doesn't offer a graphical environment on which to run JMC.

Based on the other answers given here, and upon much trial and error, here is what I'm supplying to the JVM (conf/bootstrap.conf)when I launch NiFi:
java.arg.96=-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=  (the IP address of my server running NiFi)

I did put this in /etc/hosts, though I doubt it's needed:   localhost

Then, upon launching JMC, I create a remote connection with these properties:

Port: 9098
User: (nothing)
Password: (ibid)

Incidentally, if I click the Custom JMX service URL, I see:


This finally did it for me.

Install a .NET windows service without InstallUtil.exe

You can always fall back to the good old WinAPI calls, although the amount of work involved is non-trivial. There is no requirement that .NET services be installed via a .NET-aware mechanism.

To install:

  • Open the service manager via OpenSCManager.
  • Call CreateService to register the service.
  • Optionally call ChangeServiceConfig2 to set a description.
  • Close the service and service manager handles with CloseServiceHandle.

To uninstall:

  • Open the service manager via OpenSCManager.
  • Open the service using OpenService.
  • Delete the service by calling DeleteService on the handle returned by OpenService.
  • Close the service and service manager handles with CloseServiceHandle.

The main reason I prefer this over using the ServiceInstaller/ServiceProcessInstaller is that you can register the service with your own custom command line arguments. For example, you might register it as "MyApp.exe -service", then if the user runs your app without any arguments you could offer them a UI to install/remove the service.

Running Reflector on ServiceInstaller can fill in the details missing from this brief explanation.

P.S. Clearly this won't have "the same effect as calling: InstallUtil MyService.exe" - in particular, you won't be able to uninstall using InstallUtil. But it seems that perhaps this wasn't an actual stringent requirement for you.

what is Array.any? for javascript

Just use Array.length:

var arr = [];

if (arr.length)
   console.log('not empty');


<xsl:variable> Print out value of XSL variable using <xsl:value-of>

In this case no conditionals are needed to set the variable.

This one-liner XPath expression:


is true() only when the child of the current node, named joined-subclass exists and it is false() otherwise.

The complete stylesheet is:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
 <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>

 <xsl:template match="class">
   <xsl:variable name="subexists"

   subexists:  <xsl:text/>
   <xsl:value-of select="$subexists" />

Do note, that the use of the XPath function boolean() in this expression is to convert a node (or its absense) to one of the boolean values true() or false().

editing PATH variable on mac





(see Runtime Configuration Guidelines)

CSS Div Background Image Fixed Height 100% Width

But the thing is that the .chapter class is not dynamic you're declaring a height:1200px

so it's better to use background:cover and set with media queries specific height's for popular resolutions.

document.getElementById("remember").visibility = "hidden"; not working on a checkbox

There are two problems in your code:

  • The property is called visibility and not visiblity.
  • It is not a property of the element itself but of its .style property.

It's easy to fix. Simple replace this:


with this:


jquery - return value using ajax result on success

Although all the approaches regarding the use of async: false are not good because of its deprecation and stuck the page untill the request comes back. Thus here are 2 ways to do it:

1st: Return whole ajax response in a function and then make use of done function to capture the response when the request is completed.(RECOMMENDED, THE BEST WAY)

function getAjax(url, data){
    return $.ajax({
        type: 'POST',
        url : url,              
        data: data,
        dataType: 'JSON',
        //async: true,  //NOT NEEDED
        success: function(response) {
            //Data = response;


getAjax(youUrl, yourData).done(function(response){


$.when( getAjax(youUrl, yourData), getAjax2(yourUrl2, yourData2) ).done(function(response){

2nd: Store the response in a cookie and then outside of the ajax call get that cookie value.(NOT RECOMMENDED)

            type: 'POST',
            url : url,              
            data: data,
            //async: false,    // No need to use this
            success: function(response) {
                Cookies.set(name, response);

        // Outside of the ajax call
        var response = Cookies.get(name);

NOTE: In the exmple above jquery cookies library is used.It is quite lightweight and works as snappy. Here is the link

Convert dataframe column to 1 or 0 for "true"/"false" values and assign to dataframe

can you try if.else

> col2=ifelse(df1$col=="true",1,0)
> df1
[1] "true"  "false"

> cbind(df1$col)
[1,] "true" 
[2,] "false"
> cbind(df1$col,col2)
[1,] "true"  "1" 
[2,] "false" "0" 

Add text to textarea - Jquery

Just append() the text nodes:


pull access denied repository does not exist or may require docker login

I had this because I inadvertantly remove the AS tag from my first image:


.. etc ...
COPY --from=installer ["/dotnet", "/Program Files/dotnet"]
... etc ...

should have been:

FROM AS installer
.. etc ...
COPY --from=installer ["/dotnet", "/Program Files/dotnet"]
... etc ...

How can I check for "undefined" in JavaScript?

Update 2018-07-25

It's been nearly five years since this post was first made, and JavaScript has come a long way. In repeating the tests in the original post, I found no consistent difference between the following test methods:

  • abc === undefined
  • abc === void 0
  • typeof abc == 'undefined'
  • typeof abc === 'undefined'

Even when I modified the tests to prevent Chrome from optimizing them away, the differences were insignificant. As such, I'd now recommend abc === undefined for clarity.

Relevant content from chrome://version:

  • Google Chrome: 67.0.3396.99 (Official Build) (64-bit) (cohort: Stable)
  • Revision: a337fbf3c2ab8ebc6b64b0bfdce73a20e2e2252b-refs/branch-heads/3396@{#790}
  • OS: Windows
  • JavaScript: V8
  • User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/67.0.3396.99 Safari/537.36

Original post 2013-11-01

In Google Chrome, the following was ever so slightly faster than a typeof test:

if (abc === void 0) {
    // Undefined

The difference was negligible. However, this code is more concise, and clearer at a glance to someone who knows what void 0 means. Note, however, that abc must still be declared.

Both typeof and void were significantly faster than comparing directly against undefined. I used the following test format in the Chrome developer console:

var abc;
start = +new Date();
for (var i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
    if (TEST) {
        void 1;
end = +new Date();
end - start;

The results were as follows:

Test: | abc === undefined      abc === void 0      typeof abc == 'undefined'
x10M  |     13678 ms               9854 ms                 9888 ms
  x1  |    1367.8 ns              985.4 ns                988.8 ns

Note that the first row is in milliseconds, while the second row is in nanoseconds. A difference of 3.4 nanoseconds is nothing. The times were pretty consistent in subsequent tests.

PHP executable not found. Install PHP 7 and add it to your PATH or set the php.executablePath setting

You installed PHP IntelliSense extension, and this error because of it.
So if you want to fix this problem go to this menu:
File -> Preferences -> Settings
Now you can see 2 window. In the right window add below codes:

    "php.validate.executablePath": "C:\\wamp64\\bin\\php\\php7.0.4\\php.exe",
    "php.executablePath": "C:\\wamp64\\bin\\php\\php7.0.4\\php.exe"

Just like below image.

enter image description here

NOTICE: This address C:\\wamp64\\bin\\php\\php7.0.4\\php.exe is my php7.exe file address. Replace this address with own php7.exe.

AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager <Excel Connection Manager> failed with error code 0xC0202009

I was also getting the same error and it simply got resolved after installing the MS offices driver and Execute the job in 32 Bit DTEXEC. Now it works fine.

You can get the setup from below.

Searching word in vim?

like this:


\< means beginning of a word, and \> means the end of a word,

Adding @Roe's comment:
VIM provides a shortcut for this. If you already have word on screen and you want to find other instances of it, you can put the cursor on the word and press '*' to search forward in the file or '#' to search backwards.

How can I parse a time string containing milliseconds in it with python?

from python mailing lists: parsing millisecond thread. There is a function posted there that seems to get the job done, although as mentioned in the author's comments it is kind of a hack. It uses regular expressions to handle the exception that gets raised, and then does some calculations.

You could also try do the regular expressions and calculations up front, before passing it to strptime.

Saving images in Python at a very high quality

Okay, I found spencerlyon2's answer working. However, in case anybody would find himself/herself not knowing what to do with that one line, I had to do it this way:

beingsaved = plt.figure()

# Some scatter plots
plt.scatter(X_1_x, X_1_y)
plt.scatter(X_2_x, X_2_y)

beingsaved.savefig('destination_path.eps', format='eps', dpi=1000)

How do I test if a variable is a number in Bash?

Can't comment yet so I'll add my own answer, which is an extension to glenn jackman's answer using bash pattern matching.

My original need was to identify numbers and distinguish integers and floats. The function definitions deducted to:

function isInteger() {
    [[ ${1} == ?(-)+([0-9]) ]]

function isFloat() {
    [[ ${1} == ?(-)@(+([0-9]).*([0-9])|*([0-9]).+([0-9]))?(E?(-|+)+([0-9])) ]]

I used unit testing (with shUnit2) to validate my patterns worked as intended:

oneTimeSetUp() {
    int_values="0 123 -0 -123"
    float_values="0.0 0. .0 -0.0 -0. -.0 \
        123.456 123. .456 -123.456 -123. -.456
        123.456E08 123.E08 .456E08 -123.456E08 -123.E08 -.456E08 \
        123.456E+08 123.E+08 .456E+08 -123.456E+08 -123.E+08 -.456E+08 \
        123.456E-08 123.E-08 .456E-08 -123.456E-08 -123.E-08 -.456E-08"

testIsIntegerIsFloat() {
    local value
    for value in ${int_values}
        assertTrue "${value} should be tested as integer" "isInteger ${value}"
        assertFalse "${value} should not be tested as float" "isFloat ${value}"

    for value in ${float_values}
        assertTrue "${value} should be tested as float" "isFloat ${value}"
        assertFalse "${value} should not be tested as integer" "isInteger ${value}"


Notes: The isFloat pattern can be modified to be more tolerant about decimal point (@(.,)) and the E symbol (@(Ee)). My unit tests test only values that are either integer or float, but not any invalid input.

How do I remove whitespace from the end of a string in Python?

>>> "    xyz     ".rstrip()
'    xyz'

There is more about rstrip in the documentation.

plot data from CSV file with matplotlib

According to the docs numpy.loadtxt is

a fast reader for simply formatted files. The genfromtxt function provides more sophisticated handling of, e.g., lines with missing values.

so there are only a few options to handle more complicated files. As mentioned numpy.genfromtxt has more options. So as an example you could use

import numpy as np
data = np.genfromtxt('e:\dir1\datafile.csv', delimiter=',', skip_header=10,
                     skip_footer=10, names=['x', 'y', 'z'])

to read the data and assign names to the columns (or read a header line from the file with names=True) and than plot it with

ax1.plot(data['x'], data['y'], color='r', label='the data')

I think numpy is quite well documented now. You can easily inspect the docstrings from within ipython or by using an IDE like spider if you prefer to read them rendered as HTML.

How to print struct variables in console?

I want to recommend go-spew, which according to their github "Implements a deep pretty printer for Go data structures to aid in debugging"

go get -u

usage example:

package main

import (

type Project struct {
    Id      int64  `json:"project_id"`
    Title   string `json:"title"`
    Name    string `json:"name"`
    Data    string `json:"data"`
    Commits string `json:"commits"`

func main() {

    o := Project{Name: "hello", Title: "world"}


(main.Project) {
 Id: (int64) 0,
 Title: (string) (len=5) "world",
 Name: (string) (len=5) "hello",
 Data: (string) "",
 Commits: (string) ""

How to get a specific column value from a DataTable in c#

The table normally contains multiple rows. Use a loop and use row.Field<string>(0) to access the value of each row.

foreach(DataRow row in dt.Rows)
    string file = row.Field<string>("File");

You can also access it via index:

foreach(DataRow row in dt.Rows)
    string file = row.Field<string>(0);

If you expect only one row, you can also use the indexer of DataRowCollection:

string file = dt.Rows[0].Field<string>(0); 

Since this fails if the table is empty, use dt.Rows.Count to check if there is a row:

if(dt.Rows.Count > 0)
    file = dt.Rows[0].Field<string>(0);

How to compare two dates?

Other answers using datetime and comparisons also work for time only, without a date.

For example, to check if right now it is more or less than 8:00 a.m., we can use:

import datetime

eight_am = datetime.time( 8,0,0 ) # Time, without a date

And later compare with: > eight_am  

which will return True

List of IP addresses/hostnames from local network in Python

If by "local" you mean on the same network segment, then you have to perform the following steps:

  1. Determine your own IP address
  2. Determine your own netmask
  3. Determine the network range
  4. Scan all the addresses (except the lowest, which is your network address and the highest, which is your broadcast address).
  5. Use your DNS's reverse lookup to determine the hostname for IP addresses which respond to your scan.

Or you can just let Python execute nmap externally and pipe the results back into your program.

Convert string to Date in java

it went OK when i used Locale.US parametre in SimpleDateFormat

String dateString = "15 May 2013 17:38:34 +0300";

SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z", Locale.US);
DateFormat targetFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yyyy HH:mm", Locale.getDefault());
String formattedDate = null;
Date convertedDate = new Date();
try {
     convertedDate = dateFormat.parse(dateString);
formattedDate = targetFormat.format(convertedDate);
} catch (ParseException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

php error: Class 'Imagick' not found

On an EC2 at AWS, I did this:

 yum list | grep imagick

Then found a list of ones I could install...

 php -v

told me which version of php I had and thus which version of imagick

yum install php56-pecl-imagick.x86_64

Did the trick. Enjoy!

Conditional replacement of values in a data.frame

The R-inferno, or the basic R-documentation will explain why using df$* is not the best approach here. From the help page for "[" :

"Indexing by [ is similar to atomic vectors and selects a list of the specified element(s). Both [[ and $ select a single element of the list. The main difference is that $ does not allow computed indices, whereas [[ does. x$name is equivalent to x[["name", exact = FALSE]]. Also, the partial matching behavior of [[ can be controlled using the exact argument. "

I recommend using the [row,col] notation instead. Example:

Rgames: foo   
         x    y z  
   [1,] 1e+00 1 0  
   [2,] 2e+00 2 0  
   [3,] 3e+00 1 0  
   [4,] 4e+00 2 0  
   [5,] 5e+00 1 0  
   [6,] 6e+00 2 0  
   [7,] 7e+00 1 0  
   [8,] 8e+00 2 0  
   [9,] 9e+00 1 0  
   [10,] 1e+01 2 0  
Rgames: foo<

Rgames: foo[foo$y==2,3]<-foo[foo$y==2,1]
Rgames: foo
       x y     z
1  1e+00 1 0e+00
2  2e+00 2 2e+00
3  3e+00 1 0e+00
4  4e+00 2 4e+00
5  5e+00 1 0e+00
6  6e+00 2 6e+00
7  7e+00 1 0e+00
8  8e+00 2 8e+00
9  9e+00 1 0e+00
10 1e+01 2 1e+01

What is the difference between C and embedded C?

C is a only programming language its used in system programming. but embedded C is used to implement the projects like real time applications

Set a button background image iPhone programmatically

You can set an background image without any code!

Just press the button you want an image to in Main.storyboard, then, in the utilities bar to the right, press the attributes inspector and set the background to the image you want! Make sure you have the picture you want in the supporting files to the left.

Running shell command and capturing the output

Vartec's answer doesn't read all lines, so I made a version that did:

def run_command(command):
    p = subprocess.Popen(command,
    return iter(p.stdout.readline, b'')

Usage is the same as the accepted answer:

command = 'mysqladmin create test -uroot -pmysqladmin12'.split()
for line in run_command(command):

Unable to start debugging on the web server. Could not start ASP.NET debugging VS 2010, II7, Win 7 x64

I had the same problem when I created application in Visual Studio, and then in properties created virtual directory for use with local IIS. If someone has this error it is because VS creates application under wrong AppPool, i.e. under AppPool which doesn't suit your needs.
If this is the case, go to IIS Manager, select App, Go to Basic settings and change AppPool for App and you are good to go.

What is the Maximum Size that an Array can hold?

Here is an answer to your question that goes into detail:

You may want to mention which version of .NET you are using and your memory size.

You will be stuck to a 2G, for your application, limit though, so it depends on what is in your array.

Testing for empty or nil-value string

If you're in Rails, .blank? should be the method you are looking for:

a = nil
b = []
c = ""

a.blank? #=> true
b.blank? #=> true
c.blank? #=> true

d = "1"
e = ["1"]

d.blank? #=> false
e.blank? #=> false

So the answer would be:

variable = id if variable.blank?

Django: Calling .update() on a single model instance retrieved by .get()?

As @Nils mentionned, you can use the update_fields keyword argument of the save() method to manually specify the fields to update.

obj_instance = Model.objects.get(field=value)
obj_instance.field = new_value
obj_instance.field2 = new_value2['field', 'field2'])

The update_fields value should be a list of the fields to update as strings.


slashes in url variables

You need to escape those but don't just replace it by %2F manually. You can use URLEncoder for this.

Eg URLEncoder.encode(url, "UTF-8")

Then you can say

yourUrl = "www.musicExplained/index.cfm/artist/" + URLEncoder.encode(VariableName, "UTF-8")

Fastest way to compute entropy in Python

from collections import Counter
from scipy import stats

labels = [0.9, 0.09, 0.1]
stats.entropy(list(Counter(labels).keys()), base=2)

Regular Expression Match to test for a valid year

You can also use this one.


MySQL: Invalid use of group function

You need to use HAVING, not WHERE.

The difference is: the WHERE clause filters which rows MySQL selects. Then MySQL groups the rows together and aggregates the numbers for your COUNT function.

HAVING is like WHERE, only it happens after the COUNT value has been computed, so it'll work as you expect. Rewrite your subquery as:

(                  -- where that pid is in the set:
SELECT                  -- of pids
FROM Catalog AS c2             -- from catalog
HAVING COUNT(c2.sid) >= 2)

add image to uitableview cell

All good answers from others. Here are two ways you can solve this:

  1. Directly from the code where you will have to programmatically control the dimensions of the imageview

    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "xyz", for: indexPath)
        cell.imageView!.image = UIImage(named: "xyz") // if retrieving the image from the assets folder 
        return cell
  2. From the story board, where you can use the attribute inspector & size inspector in the utility pane to adjust positioning, add constraints and specify dimensions

    • In the storyboard, add an imageView object in to the cell's content view with your desired dimensions and add a tag to the view(imageView) in the attribute inspector. Then do the following in your viewController

      override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
          let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "xyz", for: indexPath)
          let pictureView = cell.viewWithTag(119) as! UIImageView //let's assume the tag is set to 119
          pictureView.image = UIImage(named: "xyz") // if retrieving the image from the assets folder 
          return cell

Target elements with multiple classes, within one rule

Just in case someone stumbles upon this like I did and doesn't realise, the two variations above are for different use cases.

The following:

.blue-border, .background {
    border: 1px solid #00f;
    background: #fff;

is for when you want to add styles to elements that have either the blue-border or background class, for example:

<div class="blue-border">Hello</div>
<div class="background">World</div>
<div class="blue-border background">!</div>

would all get a blue border and white background applied to them.

However, the accepted answer is different.

.blue-border.background {
    border: 1px solid #00f;
    background: #fff;

This applies the styles to elements that have both classes so in this example only the <div> with both classes should get the styles applied (in browsers that interpret the CSS properly):

<div class="blue-border">Hello</div>
<div class="background">World</div>
<div class="blue-border background">!</div>

So basically think of it like this, comma separating applies to elements with one class OR another class and dot separating applies to elements with one class AND another class.

Ant if else condition?

The quirky syntax using conditions on the target (described by Mads) is the only supported way to perform conditional execution in core ANT.

ANT is not a programming language and when things get complicated I choose to embed a script within my build as follows:

<target name="prepare-copy" description="copy file based on condition">
        if (properties["some.condition"] == "true") {
            ant.copy(file:"${properties["some.dir"]}/true", todir:".")

ANT supports several languages (See script task), my preference is Groovy because of it's terse syntax and because it plays so well with the build.

Apologies, David I am not a fan of ant-contrib.

Using success/error/finally/catch with Promises in AngularJS

Forget about using success and error method.

Both methods have been deprecated in angular 1.4. Basically, the reason behind the deprecation is that they are not chainable-friendly, so to speak.

With the following example, I'll try to demonstrate what I mean about success and error being not chainable-friendly. Suppose we call an API that returns a user object with an address:

User object:

{name: 'Igor', address: 'San Francisco'}

Call to the API:

    .success(function (user) {
        return user.address;   <---  
    })                            |  // you might expect that 'obj' is equal to the
    .then(function (obj) {   ------  // address of the user, but it is NOT

        console.log(obj); // -> {name: 'Igor', address: 'San Francisco'}

What happened?

Because success and error return the original promise, i.e. the one returned by $http.get, the object passed to the callback of the then is the whole user object, that is to say the same input to the preceding success callback.

If we had chained two then, this would have been less confusing:

    .then(function (user) {
        return user.address;  
    .then(function (obj) {  
        console.log(obj); // -> 'San Francisco'

Linux shell sort file according to the second column?

To sort by second field only (thus where second fields match, those lines with matches remain in the order they are in the original without sorting on other fields) :

sort -k 2,2 -s orig_file > sorted_file

How to set a JVM TimeZone Properly

You can also set the default time zone in your code by using following code.


To Yours


How I can delete in VIM all text from current line to end of file?

dG will delete from the current line to the end of file

dCtrl+End will delete from the cursor to the end of the file

But if this file is as large as you say, you may be better off reading the first few lines with head rather than editing and saving the file.

head hugefile > firstlines

(If you are on Windows you can use the Win32 port of head)

MySql Error: 1364 Field 'display_name' doesn't have default value

I also faced that problem and there are two ways to solve this in laravel.

  1. first one is you can set the default value as null. I will show you an example:

    public function up()
        Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

as the above example, you can set nullable() for that feature. then when you are inserting data MySQL set the default value as null.

  1. second one is in your model set your input field in protected $fillable field. as example:

    protected $fillable = [
        'name', 'email', 'password', 'slug', 'gender','pic'

I think the second one is fine than the first one and also you can set nullable feature as well as fillable in the same time without a problem.

How do I add options to a DropDownList using jQuery?

Without using any extra plugins,

var myOptions = {
    val1 : 'text1',
    val2 : 'text2'
var mySelect = $('#mySelect');
$.each(myOptions, function(val, text) {

If you had lots of options, or this code needed to be run very frequently, then you should look into using a DocumentFragment instead of modifying the DOM many times unnecessarily. For only a handful of options, I'd say it's not worth it though.

------------------------------- Added --------------------------------

DocumentFragment is good option for speed enhancement, but we cannot create option element using document.createElement('option') since IE6 and IE7 are not supporting it.

What we can do is, create a new select element and then append all options. Once loop is finished, append it to actual DOM object.

var myOptions = {
    val1 : 'text1',
    val2 : 'text2'
var _select = $('<select>');
$.each(myOptions, function(val, text) {

This way we'll modify DOM for only one time!

Get all directories within directory nodejs

Another recursive approach

Thanks to Mayur for knowing me about withFileTypes. I written following code for getting files of particular folder recursively. It can be easily modified to get only directories.

const getFiles = (dir, base = '') => readdirSync(dir, {withFileTypes: true}).reduce((files, file) => {
    const filePath = path.join(dir,
    const relativePath = path.join(base,
    if(file.isDirectory()) {
        return files.concat(getFiles(filePath, relativePath))
    } else if(file.isFile()) {
        file.__fullPath = filePath
        file.__relateivePath = relativePath
        return files.concat(file)
}, [])

How to access session variables from any class in ASP.NET?

The answers presented before mine provide apt solutions to the problem, however, I feel that it is important to understand why this error results:

The Session property of the Page returns an instance of type HttpSessionState relative to that particular request. Page.Session is actually equivalent to calling Page.Context.Session.

MSDN explains how this is possible:

Because ASP.NET pages contain a default reference to the System.Web namespace (which contains the HttpContext class), you can reference the members of HttpContext on an .aspx page without the fully qualified class reference to HttpContext.

However, When you try to access this property within a class in App_Code, the property will not be available to you unless your class derives from the Page Class.

My solution to this oft-encountered scenario is that I never pass page objects to classes. I would rather extract the required objects from the page Session and pass them to the Class in the form of a name-value collection / Array / List, depending on the case.

PHP - include a php file and also send query parameters

I know this has been a while, however, Iam wondering whether the best way to handle this would be to utilize the be session variable(s)

In your myFile.php you'd have


$MySomeVAR = $_SESSION['SomeVar'];


And in the calling file


$_SESSION['SomeVar'] = $SomeVAR;
echo $MySomeVAR;


Would this circumvent the "suggested" need to Functionize the whole process?

How do I calculate a trendline for a graph?

Thank You so much for the solution, I was scratching my head.
Here's how I applied the solution in Excel.
I successfully used the two functions given by MUHD in Excel:
a = (sum(x*y) - sum(x)sum(y)/n) / (sum(x^2) - sum(x)^2/n)
b = sum(y)/n - b(sum(x)/n)
(careful my a and b are the b and a in MUHD's solution).

- Made 4 columns, for example:
NB: my values y values are in B3:B17, so I have n=15;
my x values are 1,2,3,4...15.
1. Column B: Known x's
2. Column C: Known y's
3. Column D: The computed trend line
4. Column E: B values * C values (E3=B3*C3, E4=B4*C4, ..., E17=B17*C17)
5. Column F: x squared values
I then sum the columns B,C and E, the sums go in line 18 for me, so I have B18 as sum of Xs, C18 as sum of Ys, E18 as sum of X*Y, and F18 as sum of squares.
To compute a, enter the followin formula in any cell (F35 for me):
To compute b (in F36 for me):
Column D values, computing the trend line according to the y = ax + b:
D3=$F$35*B3+$F$36, D4=$F$35*B4+$F$36 and so on (until D17 for me).

Select the column datas (C2:D17) to make the graph.

iFrame Height Auto (CSS)

This is my PURE CSS solution :)

Add, scrolling yes to your iframe.

<iframe src="your iframe link" width="100%" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0"></iframe>

The trick :)

    html, body, iframe { height: 100%; }
    html { overflow: hidden; }

You don't need to worry about responsiveness :)


In my case, using Android Studio 4.0, the below solved the issue;

Add to '' file;


How do I clear the std::queue efficiently?

A common idiom for clearing standard containers is swapping with an empty version of the container:

void clear( std::queue<int> &q )
   std::queue<int> empty;
   std::swap( q, empty );

It is also the only way of actually clearing the memory held inside some containers (std::vector)

Using getline() in C++

If you're using getline() after cin >> something, you need to flush the newline character out of the buffer in between. You can do it by using cin.ignore().

It would be something like this:

string messageVar;
cout << "Type your message: ";
getline(cin, messageVar);

This happens because the >> operator leaves a newline \n character in the input buffer. This may become a problem when you do unformatted input, like getline(), which reads input until a newline character is found. This happening, it will stop reading immediately, because of that \n that was left hanging there in your previous operation.

Python - How to sort a list of lists by the fourth element in each list?

Use sorted() with a key as follows -

>>> unsorted_list = [['a','b','c','5','d'],['e','f','g','3','h'],['i','j','k','4','m']]
>>> sorted(unsorted_list, key = lambda x: int(x[3]))
[['e', 'f', 'g', '3', 'h'], ['i', 'j', 'k', '4', 'm'], ['a', 'b', 'c', '5', 'd']]

The lambda returns the fourth element of each of the inner lists and the sorted function uses that to sort those list. This assumes that int(elem) will not fail for the list.

Or use itemgetter (As Ashwini's comment pointed out, this method would not work if you have string representations of the numbers, since they are bound to fail somewhere for 2+ digit numbers)

>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> sorted(unsorted_list, key = itemgetter(3))
[['e', 'f', 'g', '3', 'h'], ['i', 'j', 'k', '4', 'm'], ['a', 'b', 'c', '5', 'd']]

How to make borders collapse (on a div)?

Use simple negative margin rather than using display table.

Updated in fiddle JS Fiddle

.container { 
    border-style: solid;
    border-color: red;
    border-width: 1px 0 0 1px;
    display: inline-block;
.column { 
    float: left; overflow: hidden; 
.cell { 
    border: 1px solid red; width: 120px; height: 20px; 
    margin:-1px 0 0 -1px;
.clearfix {

Python: How to get values of an array at certain index positions?

You can use index arrays, simply pass your ind_pos as an index argument as below:

a = np.array([0,88,26,3,48,85,65,16,97,83,91])
ind_pos = np.array([1,5,7])

# [88,85,16]

Index arrays do not necessarily have to be numpy arrays, they can be also be lists or any sequence-like object (though not tuples).

Create a file if one doesn't exist - C

If fptr is NULL, then you don't have an open file. Therefore, you can't freopen it, you should just fopen it.

FILE *fptr;
fptr = fopen("scores.dat", "rb+");
if(fptr == NULL) //if file does not exist, create it
    fptr = fopen("scores.dat", "wb");

note: Since the behavior of your program varies depending on whether the file is opened in read or write modes, you most probably also need to keep a variable indicating which is the case.

A complete example

int main()
    FILE *fptr;
    char there_was_error = 0;
    char opened_in_read  = 1;
    fptr = fopen("scores.dat", "rb+");
    if(fptr == NULL) //if file does not exist, create it
        opened_in_read = 0;
        fptr = fopen("scores.dat", "wb");
        if (fptr == NULL)
            there_was_error = 1;
    if (there_was_error)
        printf("Disc full or no permission\n");
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    if (opened_in_read)
        printf("The file is opened in read mode."
               " Let's read some cached data\n");
        printf("The file is opened in write mode."
               " Let's do some processing and cache the results\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Meaning of .Cells(.Rows.Count,"A").End(xlUp).row

The first part:


Sends you to the bottom row of column A, which you knew already.

The End function starts at a cell and then, depending on the direction you tell it, goes that direction until it reaches the edge of a group of cells that have text. Meaning, if you have text in cells C4:E4 and you type:


The program will select E4, the rightmost cell with text in it.

In your case, the code is spitting out the row of the very last cell with text in it in column A. Does that help?

How to count items in JSON data

import json

json_data = json.dumps({
      "find": "true"

item_dict = json.loads(json_data)
print len(item_dict['result'][0]['run'])

Convert it in dict.

Rounding a number to the nearest 5 or 10 or X

I cannot add comment so I will use this

in a vbs run that and have fun figuring out why the 2 give a result of 2

you can't trust round

 msgbox round(1.5) 'result to 2
 msgbox round(2.5) 'yes, result to 2 too

Best way to compare dates in Android

You could try this

Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance (); 
today.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 0); 
today.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hrs); 
today.set(Calendar.MINUTE, mins ); 
today.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); 

and you could use today.getTime() to retrieve value and compare.

Format numbers in JavaScript similar to C#

May I suggest numbro for locale based formatting and number-format.js for the general case. A combination of the two depending on use-case may help.

Python - A keyboard command to stop infinite loop?

Ctrl+C is what you need. If it didn't work, hit it harder. :-) Of course, you can also just close the shell window.

Edit: You didn't mention the circumstances. As a last resort, you could write a batch file that contains taskkill /im python.exe, and put it on your desktop, Start menu, etc. and run it when you need to kill a runaway script. Of course, it will kill all Python processes, so be careful.

javascript - pass selected value from popup window to parent window input box

From your code

<input type=button value="Select" onClick="sendValue(this.form.details);"

Im not sure that your this.form.details valid or not.

IF it's valid, have a look in window.opener.document.getElementById('details').value = selvalue;

I can't found an input's id contain details I'm just found only id=sku1 (recommend you to add " like id="sku1").

And from your id it's hardcode. Let's see how to do with dynamic when a child has callback to update some textbox on the parent Take a look at here.

First page.

    function callFromDialog(id,data){ //for callback from the dialog
        document.getElementById(id).value = data;
        // do some thing other if you want

    function choose(id){
        var URL = "secondPage.html?id=" + id + "&dummy=avoid#";,"mywindow","menubar=1,resizable=1,width=350,height=250")
<input id="tbFirst" type="text" /> <button onclick="choose('tbFirst')">choose</button>
<input id="tbSecond" type="text" /> <button onclick="choose('tbSecond')">choose</button>

Look in function choose I'm sent an id of textbox to the popup window (don't forget to add dummy data at last of URL param like &dummy=avoid#)

Popup Page

    function goSelect(data){
        var idFromCallPage = getUrlVars()["id"];
        window.opener.callFromDialog(idFromCallPage,data); //or use //window.opener.document.getElementById(idFromCallPage).value = data;

    function getUrlVars(){
        var vars = [], hash;
        var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf('?') + 1).split('&');
        for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++)
            hash = hashes[i].split('=');
            vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];
        return vars;
<a href="#" onclick="goSelect('Car')">Car</a> <br />
<a href="#" onclick="goSelect('Food')">Food</a> <br />

I have add function getUrlVars for get URL param that the parent has pass to child.

Okay, when select data in the popup, for this case it's will call function goSelect

In that function will get URL param to sent back.

And when you need to sent back to the parent just use window.opener and the name of function like window.opener.callFromDialog

By fully is window.opener.callFromDialog(idFromCallPage,data);

Or if you want to use window.opener.document.getElementById(idFromCallPage).value = data; It's ok too.

Is there a way to get a list of column names in sqlite?

Assuming that you know the table name, and want the names of the data columns you can use the listed code will do it in a simple and elegant way to my taste:

import sqlite3

def get_col_names():
#this works beautifully given that you know the table name
    conn = sqlite3.connect("t.db")
    c = conn.cursor()
    c.execute("select * from tablename")
    return [member[0] for member in c.description]

What does the colon (:) operator do?

In your specific case,

String cardString = "";
for (PlayingCard c : this.list)  // <--
    cardString = cardString + c + "\n";

this.list is a collection (list, set, or array), and that code assigns c to each element of the collection.

So, if this.list were a collection {"2S", "3H", "4S"} then the cardString on the end would be this string:


New og:image size for Facebook share? og:image is 325x325 (1:1 aspect ratio, square)

SQLAlchemy equivalent to SQL "LIKE" statement

Using PostgreSQL like (see accepted answer above) somehow didn't work for me although cases matched, but ilike (case insensisitive like) does.

When do I need to use a semicolon vs a slash in Oracle SQL?

I know this is an old thread, but I just stumbled upon it and I feel this has not been explained completely.

There is a huge difference in SQL*Plus between the meaning of a / and a ; because they work differently.

The ; ends a SQL statement, whereas the / executes whatever is in the current "buffer". So when you use a ; and a / the statement is actually executed twice.

You can easily see that using a / after running a statement:

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Apr 18 12:37:20 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning and OLAP options

SQL> drop table foo;

Table dropped.

SQL> /
drop table foo
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

In this case one actually notices the error.

But assuming there is a SQL script like this:

drop table foo;

And this is run from within SQL*Plus then this will be very confusing:

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Apr 18 12:38:05 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning and OLAP options

SQL> @drop

Table dropped.

drop table foo
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

The / is mainly required in order to run statements that have embedded ; like a CREATE PROCEDURE statement.

How do I change the value of a global variable inside of a function

Just use the name of that variable.

In JavaScript, variables are only local to a function, if they are the function's parameter(s) or if you declare them as local explicitely by typing the var keyword before the name of the variable.

If the name of the local value has the same name as the global value, use the window object

See this jsfiddle

x = 1;_x000D_
y = 2;_x000D_
z = 3;_x000D_
function a(y) {_x000D_
  // y is local to the function, because it is a function parameter_x000D_
  console.log('local y: should be 10:', y); // local y through function parameter_x000D_
  y = 3; // will only overwrite local y, not 'global' y_x000D_
  console.log('local y: should be 3:', y); // local y_x000D_
  // global value could be accessed by referencing through window object_x000D_
  console.log('global y: should be 2:', window.y) // global y, different from local y ()_x000D_
  var x; // makes x a local variable_x000D_
  x = 4; // only overwrites local x_x000D_
  console.log('local x: should be 4:', x); // local x_x000D_
  z = 5; // overwrites global z, because there is no local z_x000D_
  console.log('local z: should be 5:', z); // local z, same as global_x000D_
  console.log('global z: should be 5 5:', window.z, z) // global z, same as z, because z is not local_x000D_
console.log('global x: should be 1:', x); // global x_x000D_
console.log('global y: should be 2:', y); // global y_x000D_
console.log('global z: should be 5:', z); // global z, overwritten in function a


With ES2015 there came two more keywords const and let, which also affect the scope of a variable (Language Specification)

When should I use Lazy<T>?

You should try to avoid using Singletons, but if you ever do need to, Lazy<T> makes implementing lazy, thread-safe singletons easy:

public sealed class Singleton
    // Because Singleton's constructor is private, we must explicitly
    // give the Lazy<Singleton> a delegate for creating the Singleton.
    static readonly Lazy<Singleton> instanceHolder =
        new Lazy<Singleton>(() => new Singleton());

        // Explicit private constructor to prevent default public constructor.

    public static Singleton Instance => instanceHolder.Value;

What and When to use Tuple?

This is the most important thing to know about the Tuple type. Tuple is a class, not a struct. It thus will be allocated upon the managed heap. Each class instance that is allocated adds to the burden of garbage collection.

Note: The properties Item1, Item2, and further do not have setters. You cannot assign them. The Tuple is immutable once created in memory.

.NET Out Of Memory Exception - Used 1.3GB but have 16GB installed

As already mentioned, compiling the app in x64 gives you far more available memory.

But in the case one must build an app in x86, there is a way to raise the memory limit from 1,2GB to 4GB (which is the actual limit for 32 bit processes):

In the VC/bin folder of the Visual Studio installation directory, there must be an editbin.exe file. So in my default installation I find it under

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\editbin.exe

In order to make the program work, maybe you must execute vcvars32.bat in the same directory first. Then a

editbin /LARGEADDRESSAWARE <your compiled exe file>

is enough to let your program use 4GB RAM. <your compiled exe file> is the exe, which VS generated while compiling your project.

If you want to automate this behavior every time you compile your project, use the following Post-Build event for the executed project:

if exist "$(DevEnvDir)..\tools\vsvars32.bat" (
   call "$(DevEnvDir)..\tools\vsvars32.bat"
   editbin /largeaddressaware "$(TargetPath)"

Sidenote: The same can be done with the devenv.exe to let Visual Studio also use 4GB RAM instead of 1.2GB (but first backup the old devenv.exe).

Vector of Vectors to create matrix

try this. m = row, n = col

vector<vector<int>> matrix(m, vector<int>(n));

for(i = 0;i < m; i++)
   for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
      cin >> matrix[i][j];
   cout << endl;
cout << "::matrix::" << endl;
for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
        cout << matrix[i][j] << " ";
    cout << endl;

What does this square bracket and parenthesis bracket notation mean [first1,last1)?

It can be a mathematical convention in the definition of an interval where square brackets mean "extremal inclusive" and round brackets "extremal exclusive".

Clearing <input type='file' /> using jQuery

You can replace it with its clone like so

var clone = $('#control').clone();


But this clones with its value too so you had better like so

var emtyValue = $('#control').val('');
var clone = emptyValue.clone();


The type List is not generic; it cannot be parameterized with arguments [HTTPClient]

Try to import


instead of


Why is volatile needed in C?

In the language designed by Dennis Ritchie, every access to any object, other than automatic objects whose address had not been taken, would behave as though it computed the address of the object and then read or wrote the storage at that address. This made the language very powerful, but severely limited optimization opportunities.

While it might have been possible to add a qualifier that would invite a compiler to assume that a particular object wouldn't be changed in weird ways, such an assumption would be appropriate for the vast majority of objects in C programs, and it would have been impractical to add a qualifier to all the objects for which such assumption would be appropriate. On the other hand, some programs need to use some objects for which such an assumption would not hold. To resolve this issue, the Standard says that compilers may assume that objects which are not declared volatile will not have their value observed or changed in ways that are outside the compiler's control, or would be outside a reasonable compiler's understanding.

Because various platforms may have different ways in which objects could be observed or modified outside a compiler's control, it is appropriate that quality compilers for those platforms should differ in their exact handling of volatile semantics. Unfortunately, because the Standard failed to suggest that quality compilers intended for low-level programming on a platform should handle volatile in a way that will recognize any and all relevant effects of a particular read/write operation on that platform, many compilers fall short of doing so in ways that make it harder to process things like background I/O in a way which is efficient but can't be broken by compiler "optimizations".

Splitting strings using a delimiter in python

So, your input is 'dan|warrior|54' and you want "warrior". You do this like so:

>>> dan = 'dan|warrior|54'
>>> dan.split('|')[1]

How to write a cursor inside a stored procedure in SQL Server 2008

Try the following snippet. You can call the the below stored procedure from your application, so that NoOfUses in the coupon table will be updated.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_UpdateCouponCount]

Declare     @couponCount int,
            @CouponName nvarchar(50),
            @couponIdFromQuery int

Declare curP cursor For

  select COUNT(*) as totalcount , Name as name,couponuse.couponid  as couponid from Coupon as coupon 
  join CouponUse as couponuse on = couponuse.couponid
  group by couponuse.couponid , coupon.Name

OPEN curP 
Fetch Next From curP Into @couponCount, @CouponName,@couponIdFromQuery

While @@Fetch_Status = 0 Begin

    print @couponCount
    print @CouponName

    update Coupon SET NoofUses=@couponCount

Fetch Next From curP Into @couponCount, @CouponName,@couponIdFromQuery

End -- End of Fetch

Close curP
Deallocate curP

Hope this helps!

Python: avoid new line with print command

In Python 3.x, you can use the end argument to the print() function to prevent a newline character from being printed:

print("Nope, that is not a two. That is a", end="")

In Python 2.x, you can use a trailing comma:

print "this should be",
print "on the same line"

You don't need this to simply print a variable, though:

print "Nope, that is not a two. That is a", x

Note that the trailing comma still results in a space being printed at the end of the line, i.e. it's equivalent to using end=" " in Python 3. To suppress the space character as well, you can either use

from __future__ import print_function

to get access to the Python 3 print function or use sys.stdout.write().

How do I get the current mouse screen coordinates in WPF?

Do you want coordinates relative to the screen or the application?

If it's within the application just use:


If not, I believe you can add a reference to System.Windows.Forms and use:


Change input value onclick button - pure javascript or jQuery

Try This(Simple javascript):-

 <!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
          function change(value){_x000D_
          document.getElementById("count").value= 500*value;_x000D_
          document.getElementById("totalValue").innerHTML= "Total price: $" + 500*value;_x000D_
          Product price: $500_x000D_
          <div id= "totalValue">Total price: $500 </div>_x000D_
          <input type="button" onclick="change(2)" value="2&#x00A;Qty">_x000D_
          <input type="button" onclick="change(4)" value="4&#x00A;Qty">_x000D_
          Total <input type="text" id="count" value="1">_x000D_

Hope this will help you..

Pass variables to AngularJS controller, best practice?

You could create a basket service. And generally in JS you use objects instead of lots of parameters.

Here's an example:

var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

app.factory('basket', function() {
    var items = [];
    var myBasketService = {};

    myBasketService.addItem = function(item) {
    myBasketService.removeItem = function(item) {
        var index = items.indexOf(item);
        items.splice(index, 1);
    myBasketService.items = function() {
        return items;

    return myBasketService;

function MyCtrl($scope, basket) {
    $scope.newItem = {};
    $scope.basket = basket;    

When using a Settings.settings file in .NET, where is the config actually stored?

Here is the snippet you can use to programmatically get user.config file location:

public static string GetDefaultExeConfigPath(ConfigurationUserLevel userLevel)
    var UserConfig = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(userLevel);
    return UserConfig.FilePath;
  catch (ConfigurationException e)
    return e.Filename;

ApplicationSettings (i.e. settings.settings) use PerUserRoamingAndLocal for user settings by default (as I remembered).

Update: Strange but there are too many incorrect answers here. If you are looking for you user scoped settings file (user.config) it will be located in the following folder (for Windows XP):

C:\Documents and Settings\(username)\Local Settings\Application Data\(company-name-if-exists)\(app-name).exe_(Url|StrongName)_(hash)\(app-version)\

Url or StrongName depends on have you application assembly strong name or not.