Here is the snippet you can use to programmatically get user.config file location:
public static string GetDefaultExeConfigPath(ConfigurationUserLevel userLevel)
var UserConfig = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(userLevel);
return UserConfig.FilePath;
catch (ConfigurationException e)
return e.Filename;
ApplicationSettings (i.e. settings.settings) use PerUserRoamingAndLocal for user settings by default (as I remembered).
Update: Strange but there are too many incorrect answers here. If you are looking for you user scoped settings file (user.config) it will be located in the following folder (for Windows XP):
C:\Documents and Settings\(username)\Local Settings\Application Data\(company-name-if-exists)\(app-name).exe_(Url|StrongName)_(hash)\(app-version)\
Url or StrongName depends on have you application assembly strong name or not.