Programs & Examples On #Right justified

Right justify is text or page formatting that aligns text along the right side of a page. This layout has a ragged right edge and a straight left edge.

jasmine: Async callback was not invoked within timeout specified by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL

As noted by @mastablasta, but also to add that if you call the 'done' argument or rather name it completed you just call the callback completed() in your test when it's done.

// this block signature will trigger async behavior.
it("should work", function(done){
  // do stuff and then call done...

// this block signature will run synchronously
it("should work", function(){

Auto line-wrapping in SVG text

Text wrapping is not part of SVG1.1, the currently implemented spec. You should rather use HTML via the <foreignObject/> element.

<svg ...>

<foreignObject x="20" y="90" width="150" height="200">
<p xmlns="">Text goes here</p>

<text x="20" y="20">Your SVG viewer cannot display html.</text>


Not able to launch IE browser using Selenium2 (Webdriver) with Java

Well as the stack trace says, you would need to set the protected mode settings to same for all zones in IE. Read the why here :

and a quick how to from the same link : "In IE, from the Tools menu (or the gear icon in the toolbar in later versions), select "Internet options." Go to the Security tab. At the bottom of the dialog for each zone, you should see a check box labeled "Enable Protected Mode." Set the value of the check box to the same value, either checked or unchecked, for each zone"

Hash Table/Associative Array in VBA

Here we go... just copy the code to a module, it's ready to use

Private Type hashtable
    key As Variant
    value As Variant
End Type

Private GetErrMsg As String

Private Function CreateHashTable(htable() As hashtable) As Boolean
    GetErrMsg = ""
    On Error GoTo CreateErr
        ReDim htable(0)
        CreateHashTable = True
    Exit Function

    CreateHashTable = False
    GetErrMsg = Err.Description
End Function

Private Function AddValue(htable() As hashtable, key As Variant, value As Variant) As Long
    GetErrMsg = ""
    On Error GoTo AddErr
        Dim idx As Long
        idx = UBound(htable) + 1

        Dim htVal As hashtable
        htVal.key = key
        htVal.value = value

        Dim i As Long
        For i = 1 To UBound(htable)
            If htable(i).key = key Then Err.Raise 9999, , "Key [" & CStr(key) & "] is not unique"
        Next i

        ReDim Preserve htable(idx)

        htable(idx) = htVal
        AddValue = idx
    Exit Function

    AddValue = 0
    GetErrMsg = Err.Description
End Function

Private Function RemoveValue(htable() As hashtable, key As Variant) As Boolean
    GetErrMsg = ""
    On Error GoTo RemoveErr

        Dim i As Long, idx As Long
        Dim htTemp() As hashtable
        idx = 0

        For i = 1 To UBound(htable)
            If htable(i).key <> key And IsEmpty(htable(i).key) = False Then
                ReDim Preserve htTemp(idx)
                AddValue htTemp, htable(i).key, htable(i).value
                idx = idx + 1
            End If
        Next i

        If UBound(htable) = UBound(htTemp) Then Err.Raise 9998, , "Key [" & CStr(key) & "] not found"

        htable = htTemp
        RemoveValue = True
    Exit Function

    RemoveValue = False
    GetErrMsg = Err.Description
End Function

Private Function GetValue(htable() As hashtable, key As Variant) As Variant
    GetErrMsg = ""
    On Error GoTo GetValueErr
        Dim found As Boolean
        found = False

        For i = 1 To UBound(htable)
            If htable(i).key = key And IsEmpty(htable(i).key) = False Then
                GetValue = htable(i).value
                Exit Function
            End If
        Next i
        Err.Raise 9997, , "Key [" & CStr(key) & "] not found"

    Exit Function

    GetValue = ""
    GetErrMsg = Err.Description
End Function

Private Function GetValueCount(htable() As hashtable) As Long
    GetErrMsg = ""
    On Error GoTo GetValueCountErr
        GetValueCount = UBound(htable)
    Exit Function

    GetValueCount = 0
    GetErrMsg = Err.Description
End Function

To use in your VB(A) App:

Public Sub Test()
    Dim hashtbl() As hashtable
    Debug.Print "Create Hashtable: " & CreateHashTable(hashtbl)
    Debug.Print ""
    Debug.Print "ID Test   Add V1: " & AddValue(hashtbl, "Hallo_0", "Testwert 0")
    Debug.Print "ID Test   Add V2: " & AddValue(hashtbl, "Hallo_0", "Testwert 0")
    Debug.Print "ID Test 1 Add V1: " & AddValue(hashtbl, "Hallo.1", "Testwert 1")
    Debug.Print "ID Test 2 Add V1: " & AddValue(hashtbl, "Hallo-2", "Testwert 2")
    Debug.Print "ID Test 3 Add V1: " & AddValue(hashtbl, "Hallo 3", "Testwert 3")
    Debug.Print ""
    Debug.Print "Test 1 Removed V1: " & RemoveValue(hashtbl, "Hallo_1")
    Debug.Print "Test 1 Removed V2: " & RemoveValue(hashtbl, "Hallo_1")
    Debug.Print "Test 2 Removed V1: " & RemoveValue(hashtbl, "Hallo-2")
    Debug.Print ""
    Debug.Print "Value Test 3: " & CStr(GetValue(hashtbl, "Hallo 3"))
    Debug.Print "Value Test 1: " & CStr(GetValue(hashtbl, "Hallo_1"))
    Debug.Print ""
    Debug.Print "Hashtable Content:"

    For i = 1 To UBound(hashtbl)
        Debug.Print CStr(i) & ": " & CStr(hashtbl(i).key) & " - " & CStr(hashtbl(i).value)
    Next i

    Debug.Print ""
    Debug.Print "Count: " & CStr(GetValueCount(hashtbl))
End Sub

Display text from .txt file in batch file

Here's a version that doesn't fail if log.txt is missing:

@echo off
  if not exist log.txt goto firstlogin
  echo Date/Time last login:
  type log.txt
  goto end

  echo No last login found.

  echo %date%, %time%. > log.txt

Setting Authorization Header of HttpClient

request.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = 
    new AuthenticationHeaderValue(
        "Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(

What does "atomic" mean in programming?

In Java reading and writing fields of all types except long and double occurs atomically, and if the field is declared with the volatile modifier, even long and double are atomically read and written. That is, we get 100% either what was there, or what happened there, nor can there be any intermediate result in the variables.

How to get just numeric part of CSS property with jQuery?



which return an array. first index returns margin bottom's value(example 20 for 20px) and second index returns margin bottom's unit(example px for 20px)

New Array from Index Range Swift

One more variant using extension and argument name range

This extension uses Range and ClosedRange

extension Array {

    subscript (range r: Range<Int>) -> Array {
        return Array(self[r])

    subscript (range r: ClosedRange<Int>) -> Array {
        return Array(self[r])


func testArraySubscriptRange() {
    let arr = ["1", "2", "3"]

    let result = arr[range: 1..<arr.count] as Array

    XCTAssertEqual(["2", "3"], result)

func testArraySubscriptClosedRange() {
    let arr = ["1", "2", "3"]

    let result = arr[range: 1...arr.count - 1] as Array

    XCTAssertEqual(["2", "3"], result)

Searching a string in eclipse workspace

For Mac:

Quick Text Search: Shift + Cmd + L

enter image description here

All other search (like File Search, Git Search, Java Search etc): Ctrl + H

enter image description here

How do I set a conditional breakpoint in gdb, when char* x points to a string whose value equals "hello"?

break x if ((int)strcmp(y, "hello")) == 0

On some implementations gdb might not know the return type of strcmp. That means you would have to cast, otherwise it would always evaluate to true!

Bootstrap Accordion button toggle "data-parent" not working

Bootstrap 3

Try this. Simple solution with no dependencies.

$('[data-toggle="collapse"]').click(function() {

How To Run PHP From Windows Command Line in WAMPServer

I remember one time when I stumbled upon this issue a few years ago, it's because windows don't have readline, therefore no interactive shell, to use php interactive mode without readline support, you can do this instead:

C:\>php -a 
Interactive mode enabled 

echo "Hello, world!"; 
Hello, world!

After entering interactive mode, type using opening (<?php) and closing (?>) php tag, and end with control Z (^Z) which denotes the end of file.

I also recall that I found the solution from php's site user comment:

How to set the height and the width of a textfield in Java?

set the height to 200

Set the Font to a large variant (150+ px). As already mentioned, control the width using columns, and use a layout manager (or constraint) that will respect the preferred width & height.

Big Text Fields

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;

public class BigTextField {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Runnable r = new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                // the GUI as seen by the user (without frame)
                JPanel gui = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(5));
                gui.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(2, 3, 2, 3));

                // Create big text fields & add them to the GUI
                String s = "Hello!";
                JTextField tf1 = new JTextField(s, 1);
                Font bigFont = tf1.getFont().deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 150f);

                JTextField tf2 = new JTextField(s, 2);

                JTextField tf3 = new JTextField(s, 3);


                JFrame f = new JFrame("Big Text Fields");
                // Ensures JVM closes after frame(s) closed and
                // all non-daemon threads are finished
                // See for demo.

                // ensures the frame is the minimum size it needs to be
                // in order display the components within it
                // should be done last, to avoid flickering, moving,
                // resizing artifacts.
        // Swing GUIs should be created and updated on the EDT

Eclipse: How do I add the javax.servlet package to a project?

  1. Download the file from

  2. Make a folder ("lib") inside the project folder and move that jar file to there.

  3. In Eclipse, right click on project > BuildPath > Configure BuildPath > Libraries > Add External Jar

Thats all

How to add values in a variable in Unix shell scripting?

I don't have a unix system under my hands, but try this:

count7=$((${count7} + ${count1}))

Or maybe you have a shell that doesn't support this expression. I think bash does support it, but sh doesn't.

EDIT: There is another syntax, try:

count7=`expr $count7 + $count1`

How can I convert an MDB (Access) file to MySQL (or plain SQL file)?

If you have access to a linux box with mdbtools installed, you can use this Bash shell script (save as


TABLES=$(mdb-tables -1 $1)


MYSQL=$(which mysql)

for t in $TABLES

mdb-schema $1 mysql | $MYSQL -u $MUSER -p$MPASS $MDB

for t in $TABLES
    mdb-export -D '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' -I mysql $1 $t | $MYSQL -u $MUSER -p$MPASS $MDB

To invoke it simply call it like this:

./ accessfile.mdb mysqldatabasename

It will import all tables and all data.

Getting "NoSuchMethodError: org.hamcrest.Matcher.describeMismatch" when running test in IntelliJ 10.5

This problem also arises when you have mockito-all on your class path, which is already deprecated.

If possible just include mockito-core.

Maven config for mixing junit, mockito and hamcrest:


Are loops really faster in reverse?

It's not the -- or ++, it is the compare operation. With -- you can use a compare with 0, while with ++ you need to compare it with the length. On the processor, compare with zero is normally available, while compare with a finite integer requires a subtraction.

a++ < length

is actually compiled as

test (a-length)

So it takes longer on the processor when compiled.

Reducing video size with same format and reducing frame size

ffmpeg provides this functionality. All you need to do is run someting like

ffmpeg -i <inputfilename> -s 640x480 -b 512k -vcodec mpeg1video -acodec copy <outputfilename>

For newer versions of ffmpeg you need to change -b to -b:v:

ffmpeg -i <inputfilename> -s 640x480 -b:v 512k -vcodec mpeg1video -acodec copy <outputfilename>

to convert the input video file to a video with a size of 640 x 480 and a bitrate of 512 kilobits/sec using the MPEG 1 video codec and just copying the original audio stream. Of course, you can plug in any values you need and play around with the size and bitrate to achieve the quality/size tradeoff you are looking for. There are also a ton of other options described in the documentation

Run ffmpeg -formats or ffmpeg -codecs for a list of all of the available formats and codecs. If you don't have to target a specific codec for the final output, you can achieve better compression ratios with minimal quality loss using a state of the art codec like H.264.

How do I escape double quotes in attributes in an XML String in T-SQL?

In Jelly.core to test a literal string one would use:

&lt;core:when test="${ name == 'ABC' }"&gt; 

But if I have to check for string "Toy's R Us":

&lt;core:when test="${ name == &amp;quot;Toy&apos;s R Us&amp;quot; }"&gt;

It would be like this, if the double quotes were allowed inside:

&lt;core:when test="${ name == "Toy's R Us" }"&gt; 

Linux : Search for a Particular word in a List of files under a directory

You could club find with exec as follows to get the list of the files as well as the occurrence of the word/string that you are looking for

find . -exec grep "my word" '{}' \; -print

How to compile a Perl script to a Windows executable with Strawberry Perl?

There are three packagers, and two compilers:

free packager: PAR
commercial packagers: perl2exe, perlapp
compilers: B::C, B::CC

(Note: perlfaq3 is still wrong)

For strawberry you need perl-5.16 and B-C from git master (1.43), as B-C-1.42 does not support 5.16.

Boto3 Error: botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate credentials

Create an S3 client object with your credentials

    "aws_access_key_id":"your access key", # os.getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY")
    "aws_secret_access_key":"your aws secret key" # os.getenv("AWS_SECRET_KEY")
s3_client = boto3.client('s3',**AWS_S3_CREDS)

It is always good to get credentials from os environment

To set Environment variables run the following commands in terminal

if linux or mac

$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY="aws_access_key"
$ export AWS_SECRET_KEY="aws_secret_key"

if windows

c:System\> set AWS_ACCESS_KEY="aws_access_key"
c:System\> set AWS_SECRET_KEY="aws_secret_key"

how to programmatically fake a touch event to a UIButton?

In this case, UIButton is derived from UIControl. This works for object derived from UIControl.

I wanted to reuse "UIBarButtonItem" action on specific use case. Here, UIBarButtonItem doesn't offer method sendActionsForControlEvents:

But luckily, UIBarButtonItem has properties for target & action.

         SEL exit = self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem.action;
         id  world =;
         [world performSelector:exit];

Here, rightBarButtonItem is of type UIBarButtonItem.

How to implement a Boolean search with multiple columns in pandas

All the considerations made by @EdChum in 2014 are still valid, but the pandas.Dataframe.ix method is deprecated from the version 0.0.20 of pandas. Directly from the docs:

Warning: Starting in 0.20.0, the .ix indexer is deprecated, in favor of the more strict .iloc and .loc indexers.

In subsequent versions of pandas, this method has been replaced by new indexing methods pandas.Dataframe.loc and pandas.Dataframe.iloc.

If you want to learn more, in this post you can find comparisons between the methods mentioned above.

Ultimately, to date (and there does not seem to be any change in the upcoming versions of pandas from this point of view), the answer to this question is as follows:

foo = df.loc[(df['column1']==value) | (df['columns2'] == 'b') | (df['column3'] == 'c')]

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed (Access is denied)

I got this error on my ubuntu box until I ran eclipse as root and installed from there:

$ gksudo eclipse

Eclipse was trying to download the packages to /usr/lib/* where I don't have write permissions

Cell Style Alignment on a range

Modifying styles directly in range or cells did not work for me. But the idea to:

  1. create a separate style
  2. apply all the necessary style property values
  3. set the style's name to the Style property of the range

, given in MSDN How to: Programmatically Apply Styles to Ranges in Workbooks did the job.

For example:

var range = worksheet.Range[string.Format("A{0}:C{0}", rowIndex++)];
range.Value = "some value";

var style = workbook.AddStyle();
style.HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft;

range.Style = style.Name;

How to deselect a selected UITableView cell?

Please check with the delegate method whether it is correct or not. For example;

-(void) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didDeselectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath


-(void) tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

SQL Network Interfaces, error: 50 - Local Database Runtime error occurred. Cannot create an automatic instance

maybe this error came because this version of Sql Server is not installed

connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDB)\v12.0;....

and you don't have to install it

the fastest fix is to change it to any installed version you have

in my case I change it from v12.0 to MSSQLLocalDB

Getting "net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT" error on some AJAX calls

I've discovered that if the filename has 300 in it, AdBlock blocks the page and throws a ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT error.

Is there a W3C valid way to disable autocomplete in a HTML form?

No, but browser auto-complete is often triggered by the field having the same name attribute as fields that were previously filled out. If you could rig up a clever way to have a randomized field name, autocomplete wouldn't be able to pull any previously entered values for the field.

If you were to give an input field a name like "email_<?= randomNumber() ?>", and then have the script that receives this data loop through the POST or GET variables looking for something matching the pattern "email_[some number]", you could pull this off, and this would have (practically) guaranteed success, regardless of browser.

Add items to comboBox in WPF

Its better to build ObservableCollection and take advantage of it

public ObservableCollection<string> list = new ObservableCollection<string>();
this.cbx.ItemsSource = list;

cbx is comobobox name

Also Read : Difference between List, ObservableCollection and INotifyPropertyChanged

How to plot a histogram using Matplotlib in Python with a list of data?

If you want a histogram, you don't need to attach any 'names' to x-values, as on x-axis you would have data bins:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

x = np.random.normal(size=1000)

plt.hist(x, density=True, bins=30)  # density=False would make counts

enter image description here

Note, the number of bins=30 was chosen arbitrarily, and there is Freedman–Diaconis rule to be more scientific in choosing the "right" bin width:

![enter image description here , where IQR is Interquartile range and n is total number of datapoints to plot

So, according to this rule one may calculate number of bins as:

q25, q75 = np.percentile(x,[.25,.75])
bin_width = 2*(q75 - q25)*len(x)**(-1/3)
bins = round((x.max() - x.min())/bin_width)
print("Freedman–Diaconis number of bins:", bins)
plt.hist(x, bins = bins);

Freedman–Diaconis number of bins: 82

enter image description here

And finally you can make your histogram a bit fancier with PDF line, titles, and legend:

import scipy.stats as st

plt.hist(x, density=True, bins=82, label="Data")
mn, mx = plt.xlim()
plt.xlim(mn, mx)
kde_xs = np.linspace(mn, mx, 300)
kde = st.gaussian_kde(x)
plt.plot(kde_xs, kde.pdf(kde_xs), label="PDF")
plt.legend(loc="upper left")

enter image description here

However, if you have limited number of data points, like in OP, a bar plot would make more sense to represent your data. Then you may attach labels to x-axis:

x = np.arange(3), height=[1,2,3])
plt.xticks(x, ['a','b','c'])

enter image description here

Select from one table matching criteria in another?

select, a.object
from table_A a
inner join table_B b on
where b.tag = 'chair';

How to get a json string from url?

AFAIK JSON.Net does not provide functionality for reading from a URL. So you need to do this in two steps:

using (var webClient = new System.Net.WebClient()) {
    var json = webClient.DownloadString(URL);
    // Now parse with JSON.Net

How to initialize an array of custom objects

Maybe you mean like this? I like to make an object and use Format-Table:

> $array = @()
> $object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
> $object | Add-Member -Name 'Name' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value 'Joe'
> $object | Add-Member -Name 'Age' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value 32
> $object | Add-Member -Name 'Info' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value 'something about him'
> $array += $object
> $array | Format-Table

Name                                                                        Age Info
----                                                                        --- ----
Joe                                                                          32  something about him

This will put all objects you have in the array in columns according to their properties.

Tip: Using -auto sizes the table better

> $array | Format-Table -Auto

Name Age Info
---- --- ----
Joe   32 something about him

You can also specify which properties you want in the table. Just separate each property name with a comma:

> $array | Format-Table Name, Age -Auto

Name Age
---- ---
Joe   32

Custom Listview Adapter with filter Android

you can find custom list adapter class with filterable using text change in edit text...

create custom list adapter class with implementation of Filterable:

private class CustomListAdapter extends BaseAdapter implements Filterable{

    private LayoutInflater inflater;
    private ViewHolder holder;
    private ItemFilter mFilter = new ItemFilter();

    public CustomListAdapter(List<YourCustomData> newlist) {
        filteredData = newlist;

    public int getCount() {
        return filteredData.size();

    public Object getItem(int position) {
        return null;

    public long getItemId(int position) {
        return position;

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

        holder = new ViewHolder();

            inflater = (LayoutInflater)getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);

        if(convertView == null){
            convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.row_listview_item, null);

            holder.mTextView = (TextView)convertView.findViewById(;

            holder = (ViewHolder)convertView.getTag();


        return convertView;

    public Filter getFilter() {
        return mFilter;


class ViewHolder{
    TextView mTextView;

private class ItemFilter extends Filter {
    protected FilterResults performFiltering(CharSequence constraint) {

        String filterString = constraint.toString().toLowerCase();

        FilterResults results = new FilterResults();

        final List<YourCustomData> list = YourObject.getYourDataList();

        int count = list.size();
        final ArrayList<YourCustomData> nlist = new ArrayList<YourCustomData>(count);

        String filterableString ;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            filterableString = ""+list.get(i).getYourText();
            if (filterableString.toLowerCase().contains(filterString)) {
                YourCustomData mYourCustomData = list.get(i);

        results.values = nlist;
        results.count = nlist.size();

        return results;

    protected void publishResults(CharSequence constraint, FilterResults results) {
        filteredData = (ArrayList<YourCustomData>) results.values;


mEditTextSearch.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {

        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {
        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {

What is the difference between Cygwin and MinGW?

Cygwin uses a DLL, cygwin.dll, (or maybe a set of DLLs) to provide a POSIX-like runtime on Windows.

MinGW compiles to a native Win32 application.

If you build something with Cygwin, any system you install it to will also need the Cygwin DLL(s). A MinGW application does not need any special runtime.

How to use font-awesome icons from node-modules

You could add it between your <head></head> tag like so:

  <link href="./node_modules/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

Or whatever your path to your node_modules is.

Edit (2017-06-26) - Disclaimer: THERE ARE BETTER ANSWERS. PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS METHOD. At the time of this original answer, good tools weren't as prevalent. With current build tools such as webpack or browserify, it probably doesn't make sense to use this answer. I can delete it, but I think it's important to highlight the various options one has and the possible dos and do nots.

How to extract numbers from a string and get an array of ints?

The accepted answer detects digits but does not detect formated numbers, e.g. 2,000, nor decimals, e.g. 4.8. For such use -?\\d+(,\\d+)*?\\.?\\d+?:

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("-?\\d+(,\\d+)*?\\.?\\d+?");
List<String> numbers = new ArrayList<String>();
Matcher m = p.matcher("Government has distributed 4.8 million textbooks to 2,000 schools");
while (m.find()) {  

Output: [4.8, 2,000]

Why would one omit the close tag?

In addition to everything that's been said already, I'm going to throw in another reason that was a huge pain for us to debug.

Apache 2.4.6 with PHP 5.4 actually segmentation faults on our production machines when there's empty space behind the closing php tag. I just wasted hours until I finally narrowed down the bug with strace.

Here is the error that Apache throws:

[core:notice] [pid 7842] AH00052: child pid 10218 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)

Add number of days to a date

Even though this is an old question, this way of doing it would take of many situations and seems to be robust. You need to have PHP 5.3.0 or above.

$EndDateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('d/m/Y', "16/07/2017");
$EndDateTime->modify('+6 days');
echo $EndDateTime->format('d/m/Y');

You can have any type of format for the date string and this would work.

Best way to deploy Visual Studio application that can run without installing

First you need to publish the file by:

  1. BUILD -> PUBLISH or by right clicking project on Solution Explorer -> properties -> publish or select project in Solution Explorer and press Alt + Enter NOTE: if you are using Visual Studio 2013 then in properties you have to go to BUILD and then you have to disable define DEBUG constant and define TRACE constant and you are ready to go. Representation

  2. Save your file to a particular folder. Find the produced files (the EXE file and the .config, .manifest, and .application files, along with any DLL files, etc.) - they are all in the same folder and typically in the bin\Debug folder below the project file (.csproj). In Visual Studio they are in the Application Files folder and inside that you just need the .exe and dll files. (You have to delete ClickOnce and other files and then make this folder a zip file and distribute it.)

NOTE: The ClickOnce application does install the project to system, but it has one advantage. You DO NOT require administrative privileges here to run (if your application follows the normal guidelines for which folders to use for application data, etc.).

javascript - Create Simple Dynamic Array

This answer is about "how to dynamically create an array without loop".

Literal operator [] doesn't allow us to create dynamically, so let's look into Array, it's constructor and it's methods.

In ES2015 Array has method .from(), which easily allows us to create dynamic Array:

Array.from({length: 10}) // -> [undefined, undefined, undefined, ... ]

When Array's constructor receives number as first parameter, it creates an Array with size of that number, but it is not iterable, so we cannot use .map(), .filter() etc. :

new Array(10) // -> [empty × 10]

But if we'll pass more than one parameter we will receive array from all parameters:

new Array(1,2,3) // -> [1,2,3]

If we would use ES2015 we can use spread operator which will spread empty Array inside another Array, so we will get iterable Array :

[ Array(10)]  // -> [undefined, undefined, undefined, ...]

But if we don't use ES2015 and don't have polyfills, there is also a way to create dynamic Array without loop in ES5. If we'll think about .apply() method: it spreads second argument array to params. So calling apply on Array's constructor will do the thing:

Array.apply(null, new Array(10))  // -> [undefined, undefined, undefined, ...]

After we have dynamic iterable Array, we can use map to assign dynamic values:

Array.apply(null, new Array(10)).map(function(el, i) {return ++i + ""})

// ["1","2","3", ...]

What is the maximum recursion depth in Python, and how to increase it?

resource.setrlimit must also be used to increase the stack size and prevent segfault

The Linux kernel limits the stack of processes.

Python stores local variables on the stack of the interpreter, and so recursion takes up stack space of the interpreter.

If the Python interpreter tries to go over the stack limit, the Linux kernel makes it segmentation fault.

The stack limit size is controlled with the getrlimit and setrlimit system calls.

Python offers access to those system calls through the resource module.

sys.setrecursionlimit mentioned e.g. at only increases the limit that the Python interpreter self imposes on its own stack size, but it does not touch the limit imposed by the Linux kernel on the Python process.

Example program:

import resource
import sys

print resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK)
print sys.getrecursionlimit()

# Will segfault without this line.
resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, [0x10000000, resource.RLIM_INFINITY])

def f(i):
    print i
    f(i + 1)

Of course, if you keep increasing setrlimit, your RAM will eventually run out, which will either slow your computer to a halt due to swap madness, or kill Python via the OOM Killer.

From bash, you can see and set the stack limit (in kb) with:

ulimit -s
ulimit -s 10000

The default value for me is 8Mb.

See also:

Tested on Ubuntu 16.10, Python 2.7.12.

Is it possible to decrypt MD5 hashes?

No, he must have been confused about the MD5 dictionaries.

Cryptographic hashes (MD5, etc...) are one way and you can't get back to the original message with only the digest unless you have some other information about the original message, etc. that you shouldn't.

PostgreSQL: how to convert from Unix epoch to date?

On Postgres 10:

SELECT to_timestamp(CAST(epoch_ms as bigint)/1000)

ScalaTest in sbt: is there a way to run a single test without tags?

Here's the Scalatest page on using the runner and the extended discussion on the -t and -z options.

This post shows what commands work for a test file that uses FunSpec.

Here's the test file:

package com.github.mrpowers.scalatest.example

import org.scalatest.FunSpec

class CardiBSpec extends FunSpec {

  describe("realName") {

    it("returns her birth name") {
      assert(CardiB.realName() === "Belcalis Almanzar")


  describe("iLike") {

    it("works with a single argument") {
      assert(CardiB.iLike("dollars") === "I like dollars")

    it("works with multiple arguments") {
      assert(CardiB.iLike("dollars", "diamonds") === "I like dollars, diamonds")

    it("throws an error if an integer argument is supplied") {

    it("does not compile with integer arguments") {
      assertDoesNotCompile("""CardiB.iLike(1, 2, 3)""")



This command runs the four tests in the iLike describe block (from the SBT command line):

testOnly *CardiBSpec -- -z iLike

You can also use quotation marks, so this will also work:

testOnly *CardiBSpec -- -z "iLike"

This will run a single test:

testOnly *CardiBSpec -- -z "works with multiple arguments"

This will run the two tests that start with "works with":

testOnly *CardiBSpec -- -z "works with"

I can't get the -t option to run any tests in the CardiBSpec file. This command doesn't run any tests:

testOnly *CardiBSpec -- -t "works with multiple arguments"

Looks like the -t option works when tests aren't nested in describe blocks. Let's take a look at another test file:

class CalculatorSpec extends FunSpec {
  it("adds two numbers") {
    assert(Calculator.addNumbers(3, 4) === 7)

-t can be used to run the single test:

testOnly *CalculatorSpec -- -t "adds two numbers"

-z can also be used to run the single test:

testOnly *CalculatorSpec -- -z "adds two numbers"

See this repo if you'd like to run these examples. You can find more info on running tests here.

Adding iOS UITableView HeaderView (not section header)

- (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section

    UIView *headerView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,tableView.frame.size.width,30)];
    headerView.backgroundColor=[[UIColor redColor]colorWithAlphaComponent:0.5f];
    headerView.layer.borderColor=[UIColor blackColor].CGColor;

    UILabel *headerLabel = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 5,100,20)];

    headerLabel.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentRight;
    headerLabel.text = @"LeadCode ";
    //headerLabel.textColor=[UIColor whiteColor];
    headerLabel.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];

    [headerView addSubview:headerLabel];

    UILabel *headerLabel1 = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(60, 0, headerView.frame.size.width-120.0, headerView.frame.size.height)];

    headerLabel1.textAlignment = NSTextAlignmentRight;
    headerLabel1.text = @"LeadName";
    headerLabel.textColor=[UIColor whiteColor];
    headerLabel1.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];

    [headerView addSubview:headerLabel1];

    return headerView;


Capturing mobile phone traffic on Wireshark

Install Fiddler on your PC and use it as a proxy on your Android device.


fatal error: mpi.h: No such file or directory #include <mpi.h>

The problem is almost certainly that you're not using the MPI compiler wrappers. Whenever you're compiling an MPI program, you should use the MPI wrappers:

  • C - mpicc
  • C++ - mpiCC, mpicxx, mpic++
  • FORTRAN - mpifort, mpif77, mpif90

These wrappers do all of the dirty work for you of making sure that all of the appropriate compiler flags, libraries, include directories, library directories, etc. are included when you compile your program.

How to create a connection string in c#

Add this connection string tag in web.config file:

  <add name="itmall" 
    connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:\19-02\ABCC\App_Data\abcc.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"/>

And use it like you mentioned. :)

How do I center align horizontal <UL> menu?

i use jquery code for this. (Alternative solution)

    $(document).ready(function() { 
       var margin = $(".topmenu-design").width()-$("#topmenu").width();

How do I update Homebrew?

Alternatively you could update brew by installing it again. (Think I did this as El Capitan changed something)

Note: this is a heavy handed approach that will remove all applications installed via brew!

Try to install brew a fresh and it will tell how to uninstall.

At original time of writing to uninstall:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Edit: As of 2020 to uninstall:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Resolve host name to an ip address

Try tracert to resolve the hostname. IE you have Ip address so you would use; tracert

Date only from TextBoxFor()

I use Globalize so work with many date formats so use the following:

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.DateOfBirth, "{0:d}")

This will automatically adjust the date format to the browser's locale settings.

Uncaught ReferenceError: angular is not defined - AngularJS not working

You need to move your angular app code below the inclusion of the angular libraries. At the time your angular code runs, angular does not exist yet. This is an error (see your dev tools console).

In this line:

var app = angular.module(`

you are attempting to access a variable called angular. Consider what causes that variable to exist. That is found in the angular.js script which must then be included first.


  <!-- In production use:
  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="lib/angular/angular.js"></script>
  <script src="lib/angular/angular-route.js"></script>
  <script src="js/app.js"></script>
  <script src="js/services.js"></script>
  <script src="js/controllers.js"></script>
  <script src="js/filters.js"></script>
  <script src="js/directives.js"></script>

        var app = angular.module('myApp',[]);


            return function(scope, element,attrs) {
                element.bind('click',function() {alert('click')});


For completeness, it is true that your directive is similar to the already existing directive ng-click, but I believe the point of this exercise is just to practice writing simple directives, so that makes sense.

Search for a string in Enum and return the Enum

You can cast the int to an enum


There is also the option of Enum.Parse

(MyColour)Enum.Parse(typeof(MyColour), "Red")

T-SQL: Looping through an array of known values


SET @IDs = @OriginalListOfIDs + ','

SET @IDs = REPLACE(',' + @IDs, ',' + @ID + ',', '')


How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP?

Bash util function:

function adb-connect-to-wifi {
    ip="$(adb shell ip route | awk '{print $9}')"
    adb tcpip ${port}
    adb connect ${ip}:${port}

Replace a string in a file with nodejs

You could process the file while being read by using streams. It's just like using buffers but with a more convenient API.

var fs = require('fs');
function searchReplaceFile(regexpFind, replace, cssFileName) {
    var file = fs.createReadStream(cssFileName, 'utf8');
    var newCss = '';

    file.on('data', function (chunk) {
        newCss += chunk.toString().replace(regexpFind, replace);

    file.on('end', function () {
        fs.writeFile(cssFileName, newCss, function(err) {
            if (err) {
                return console.log(err);
            } else {

searchReplaceFile(/foo/g, 'bar', 'file.txt');

Add Insecure Registry to Docker

(Copying answer from question)

To add an insecure docker registry, add the file /etc/docker/daemon.json with the following content:

    "insecure-registries" : [ "" ]

and then restart docker.

PHP - Move a file into a different folder on the server

Use file this code

function move_file($path,$to){
   if(copy($path, $to)){
      return true;
   } else {
     return false;

Get nth character of a string in Swift programming language

Swift 4

let str = "My String"

String at index

let index = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)
String(str[index])    // "S"


let startIndex = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)
let endIndex = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 7)
String(str[startIndex...endIndex])     // "Strin"

First n chars

let startIndex = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)
String(str[..<startIndex])    // "My "

Last n chars

let startIndex = str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)
String(str[startIndex...])    // "String"

Swift 2 and 3

str = "My String"

**String At Index **

Swift 2

let charAtIndex = String(str[str.startIndex.advancedBy(3)])  // charAtIndex = "S"

Swift 3

str[str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)]

SubString fromIndex toIndex

Swift 2

let subStr = str[str.startIndex.advancedBy(3)...str.startIndex.advancedBy(7)] // subStr = "Strin"

Swift 3

str[str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)...str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: 7)]

First n chars

let first2Chars = String(str.characters.prefix(2)) // first2Chars = "My"

Last n chars

let last3Chars = String(str.characters.suffix(3)) // last3Chars = "ing"

How to evaluate a math expression given in string form?

I've written this eval method for arithmetic expressions to answer this question. It does addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation (using the ^ symbol), and a few basic functions like sqrt. It supports grouping using (...), and it gets the operator precedence and associativity rules correct.

public static double eval(final String str) {
    return new Object() {
        int pos = -1, ch;

        void nextChar() {
            ch = (++pos < str.length()) ? str.charAt(pos) : -1;

        boolean eat(int charToEat) {
            while (ch == ' ') nextChar();
            if (ch == charToEat) {
                return true;
            return false;

        double parse() {
            double x = parseExpression();
            if (pos < str.length()) throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected: " + (char)ch);
            return x;

        // Grammar:
        // expression = term | expression `+` term | expression `-` term
        // term = factor | term `*` factor | term `/` factor
        // factor = `+` factor | `-` factor | `(` expression `)`
        //        | number | functionName factor | factor `^` factor

        double parseExpression() {
            double x = parseTerm();
            for (;;) {
                if      (eat('+')) x += parseTerm(); // addition
                else if (eat('-')) x -= parseTerm(); // subtraction
                else return x;

        double parseTerm() {
            double x = parseFactor();
            for (;;) {
                if      (eat('*')) x *= parseFactor(); // multiplication
                else if (eat('/')) x /= parseFactor(); // division
                else return x;

        double parseFactor() {
            if (eat('+')) return parseFactor(); // unary plus
            if (eat('-')) return -parseFactor(); // unary minus

            double x;
            int startPos = this.pos;
            if (eat('(')) { // parentheses
                x = parseExpression();
            } else if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '.') { // numbers
                while ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '.') nextChar();
                x = Double.parseDouble(str.substring(startPos, this.pos));
            } else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') { // functions
                while (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') nextChar();
                String func = str.substring(startPos, this.pos);
                x = parseFactor();
                if (func.equals("sqrt")) x = Math.sqrt(x);
                else if (func.equals("sin")) x = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(x));
                else if (func.equals("cos")) x = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(x));
                else if (func.equals("tan")) x = Math.tan(Math.toRadians(x));
                else throw new RuntimeException("Unknown function: " + func);
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected: " + (char)ch);

            if (eat('^')) x = Math.pow(x, parseFactor()); // exponentiation

            return x;


System.out.println(eval("((4 - 2^3 + 1) * -sqrt(3*3+4*4)) / 2"));

Output: 7.5 (which is correct)

The parser is a recursive descent parser, so internally uses separate parse methods for each level of operator precedence in its grammar. I kept it short so it's easy to modify, but here are some ideas you might want to expand it with:

  • Variables:

    The bit of the parser that reads the names for functions can easily be changed to handle custom variables too, by looking up names in a variable table passed to the eval method, such as a Map<String,Double> variables.

  • Separate compilation and evaluation:

    What if, having added support for variables, you wanted to evaluate the same expression millions of times with changed variables, without parsing it every time? It's possible. First define an interface to use to evaluate the precompiled expression:

    interface Expression {
        double eval();

    Now change all the methods that return doubles, so instead they return an instance of that interface. Java 8's lambda syntax works great for this. Example of one of the changed methods:

    Expression parseExpression() {
        Expression x = parseTerm();
        for (;;) {
            if (eat('+')) { // addition
                Expression a = x, b = parseTerm();
                x = (() -> a.eval() + b.eval());
            } else if (eat('-')) { // subtraction
                Expression a = x, b = parseTerm();
                x = (() -> a.eval() - b.eval());
            } else {
                return x;

    That builds a recursive tree of Expression objects representing the compiled expression (an abstract syntax tree). Then you can compile it once and evaluate it repeatedly with different values:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Map<String,Double> variables = new HashMap<>();
        Expression exp = parse("x^2 - x + 2", variables);
        for (double x = -20; x <= +20; x++) {
            variables.put("x", x);
            System.out.println(x + " => " + exp.eval());
  • Different datatypes:

    Instead of double, you could change the evaluator to use something more powerful like BigDecimal, or a class that implements complex numbers, or rational numbers (fractions). You could even use Object, allowing some mix of datatypes in expressions, just like a real programming language. :)

All code in this answer released to the public domain. Have fun!

How to create JNDI context in Spring Boot with Embedded Tomcat Container

After all i got the answer thanks to wikisona, first the beans:

public TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory tomcatFactory() {
    return new TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory() {

        protected TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer getTomcatEmbeddedServletContainer(
                Tomcat tomcat) {
            return super.getTomcatEmbeddedServletContainer(tomcat);

        protected void postProcessContext(Context context) {
            ContextResource resource = new ContextResource();
            resource.setProperty("driverClassName", "your.db.Driver");
            resource.setProperty("url", "jdbc:yourDb");


public DataSource jndiDataSource() throws IllegalArgumentException, NamingException {
    JndiObjectFactoryBean bean = new JndiObjectFactoryBean();
    return (DataSource)bean.getObject();

the full code it's here:

How to print a stack trace in Node.js?

To print stacktrace of Error in console in more readable way:

console.log(ex, ex.stack.split("\n"));

Example result:

[Error] [ 'Error',
  '    at repl:1:7',
  '    at REPLServer.self.eval (repl.js:110:21)',
  '    at Interface.<anonymous> (repl.js:239:12)',
  '    at Interface.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)',
  '    at Interface._onLine (readline.js:202:10)',
  '    at Interface._line (readline.js:531:8)',
  '    at Interface._ttyWrite (readline.js:760:14)',
  '    at ReadStream.onkeypress (readline.js:99:10)',
  '    at ReadStream.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)',
  '    at emitKey (readline.js:1095:12)' ]

How do I get the unix timestamp in C as an int?

Is just casting the value returned by time()

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

int main(void) {
    printf("Timestamp: %d\n",(int)time(NULL));
    return 0;

what you want?

$ gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c99 tstamp.c && ./a.out
Timestamp: 1343846167

To get microseconds since the epoch, from C11 on, the portable way is to use

int timespec_get(struct timespec *ts, int base)

Unfortunately, C11 is not yet available everywhere, so as of now, the closest to portable is using one of the POSIX functions clock_gettime or gettimeofday (marked obsolete in POSIX.1-2008, which recommends clock_gettime).

The code for both functions is nearly identical:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

int main(void) {

    struct timespec tms;

    /* The C11 way */
    /* if (! timespec_get(&tms, TIME_UTC)) { */

    /* POSIX.1-2008 way */
    if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&tms)) {
        return -1;
    /* seconds, multiplied with 1 million */
    int64_t micros = tms.tv_sec * 1000000;
    /* Add full microseconds */
    micros += tms.tv_nsec/1000;
    /* round up if necessary */
    if (tms.tv_nsec % 1000 >= 500) {
    printf("Microseconds: %"PRId64"\n",micros);
    return 0;

Print string and variable contents on the same line in R

The {glue} package offers string interpolation. In the example, {wd} is substituted with the contents of the variable. Complex expressions are also supported.


wd <- getwd()
glue("Current working dir: {wd}")
#> Current working dir: /tmp/RtmpteMv88/reprex46156826ee8c

Created on 2019-05-13 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

Note how the printed output doesn't contain the [1] artifacts and the " quotes, for which other answers use cat().

filename.whl is not supported wheel on this platform

For my case with dlib installation into my python [Python 3.6.9], I have found that changing WHL file name from dlib-19.8.1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl to dlib-19.8.1-cp36-none-any.whl works for me.

Here is the way I run pip install to install dlib:

pip3 install dlib-19.8.1-cp36-none-any.whl

However, I still wonder whether there are any alternatives to install of WHL file by pip command without changing the name.

AngularJS - $ send data as json

Use JSON.stringify() to wrap your json

var parameter = JSON.stringify({type:"user", username:user_email, password:user_password});
    $, parameter).
    success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
        // this callback will be called asynchronously
        // when the response is available
      error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
        // called asynchronously if an error occurs
        // or server returns response with an error status.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 service fails to start

I had similar problem while installing SQL Server 2005 on Windows 7 Professional and got error SQL server failed to start. I logged in as a Administrator (my user id is administrator) in windows.


  1. Go to services, from control panel -> Administrative Tools

  2. Click on properties of "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)"

  3. Go to Log On Tab, Select "This Account"

  4. Enter your windows login detail (administrator and password)

  5. Start the service manually, it should work fine..

Hope this too helps..

Create a hexadecimal colour based on a string with JavaScript

Here is another try:

function stringToColor(str){
  var hash = 0;
  for(var i=0; i < str.length; i++) {
    hash = str.charCodeAt(i) + ((hash << 3) - hash);
  var color = Math.abs(hash).toString(16).substring(0, 6);

  return "#" + '000000'.substring(0, 6 - color.length) + color;

How to force table cell <td> content to wrap?

This is another way of tackling the problem if you have long strings (like file path names) and you only want to break the strings on certain characters (like slashes). You can insert Unicode Zero Width Space characters just before (or after) the slashes in the HTML.

Sort an Array by keys based on another Array?

function sortArrayByArray(array $toSort, array $sortByValuesAsKeys)
    $commonKeysInOrder = array_intersect_key(array_flip($sortByValuesAsKeys), $toSort);
    $commonKeysWithValue = array_intersect_key($toSort, $commonKeysInOrder);
    $sorted = array_merge($commonKeysInOrder, $commonKeysWithValue);
    return $sorted;

How to dockerize maven project? and how many ways to accomplish it?

As a rule of thumb, you should build a fat JAR using Maven (a JAR that contains both your code and all dependencies).

Then you can write a Dockerfile that matches your requirements (if you can build a fat JAR you would only need a base os, like CentOS, and the JVM).

This is what I use for a Scala app (which is Java-based).

FROM centos:centos7

# Prerequisites.

RUN yum -y update
RUN yum -y install wget tar

# Oracle Java 7


RUN wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie"
RUN tar xzf server-jre-7u71-linux-x64.tar.gz
RUN rm -rf server-jre-7u71-linux-x64.tar.gz
RUN alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk1.7.0_71/bin/java 1

# App

USER daemon

# This copies to local fat jar inside the image
ADD /local/path/to/packaged/app/appname.jar /app/appname.jar

# What to run when the container starts
ENTRYPOINT [ "java", "-jar", "/app/appname.jar" ]

# Ports used by the app

This creates a CentOS-based image with Java7. When started, it will execute your app jar.

The best way to deploy it is via the Docker Registry, it's like a Github for Docker images.

You can build an image like this:

# current dir must contain the Dockerfile
docker build -t username/projectname:tagname .

You can then push an image in this way:

docker push username/projectname # this pushes all tags

Once the image is on the Docker Registry, you can pull it from anywhere in the world and run it.

See Docker User Guide for more informations.

Something to keep in mind:

You could also pull your repository inside an image and build the jar as part of the container execution, but it's not a good approach, as the code could change and you might end up using a different version of the app without notice.

Building a fat jar removes this issue.

Proper way to catch exception from JSON.parse

i post something into an iframe then read back the contents of the iframe with json sometimes it's not a json string

Try this:

if(response) {
    try {
        a = JSON.parse(response);
    } catch(e) {
        alert(e); // error in the above string (in this case, yes)!

How to get a list of column names on Sqlite3 database?

If you want the output of your queries to include columns names and be correctly aligned as columns, use these commands in sqlite3:

.headers on
.mode column

You will get output like:

sqlite> .headers on
sqlite> .mode column
sqlite> select * from mytable;
id          foo         bar
----------  ----------  ----------
1           val1        val2
2           val3        val4

Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute

Actually the problem seems to me that you are removing elements from the list and expecting to continue to read the list as if nothing had happened.

What you really need to do is to start from the end and back to the begining. Even if you remove elements from the list you will be able to continue reading it.

glm rotate usage in Opengl

You need to multiply your Model matrix. Because that is where model position, scaling and rotation should be (that's why it's called the model matrix).

All you need to do is (see here)

Model = glm::rotate(Model, angle_in_radians, glm::vec3(x, y, z)); // where x, y, z is axis of rotation (e.g. 0 1 0)

Note that to convert from degrees to radians, use glm::radians(degrees)

That takes the Model matrix and applies rotation on top of all the operations that are already in there. The other functions translate and scale do the same. That way it's possible to combine many transformations in a single matrix.

note: earlier versions accepted angles in degrees. This is deprecated since 0.9.6

Model = glm::rotate(Model, angle_in_degrees, glm::vec3(x, y, z)); // where x, y, z is axis of rotation (e.g. 0 1 0)

How to tackle daylight savings using TimeZone in Java

Other answers are correct, especially the one by Jon Skeet, but outdated.


These old date-time classes have been supplanted by the java.time framework built into Java 8 and later.

If you simply want the current time in UTC, use the Instant class.

Instant now =;

EST is not a time zone, as explained in the correct Answer by Jon Skeet. Such 3-4 letter codes are neither standardized nor unique, and further the confusion over Daylight Saving Time (DST). Use a proper time zone name in the "continent/region" format.

Perhaps you meant Eastern Standard Time in east coast of north America? Or Egypt Standard Time? Or European Standard Time?

ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "America/New_York" );
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "Africa/Cairo" );
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "Europe/Lisbon" );

Use any such ZoneId object to get the current moment adjusted to a particular time zone to produce a ZonedDateTime object.

ZonedDateTime zdt = zoneId ) ;

Adjust that ZonedDateTime into a different time zone by producing another ZonedDateTime object from the first. The java.time framework uses immutable objects rather than changing (mutating) existing objects.

ZonedDateTime zdtGuam = zdt.withZoneSameInstant( ZoneId.of( "Pacific/Guam" ) ) ;

Table of date-time types in Java, both modern and legacy.

How can one tell the version of React running at runtime in the browser?

To know the react version, Open package.json file in root folder, search the keywork react. You will see like "react": "^16.4.0",

How to get keyboard input in pygame?

You should use clock.tick(10) as stated in the docs.

How to check if element has any children in Javascript?

Late but document fragment could be a node:

function hasChild(el){
    var child = el && el.firstChild;
    while (child) {
        if (child.nodeType === 1 || child.nodeType === 11) {
            return true;
        child = child.nextSibling;
    return false;
// or
function hasChild(el){
    for (var i = 0; el && el.childNodes[i]; i++) {
        if (el.childNodes[i].nodeType === 1 || el.childNodes[i].nodeType === 11) {
            return true;
    return false;


Python function to convert seconds into minutes, hours, and days

Patching as well Ralph Bolton's answer. Moving to a class and moving tulp of tulp (intervals) to dictionary. Adding an optional rounded function depending of granularity (enable by default). Ready to translation using gettext (default is disable). This is intend to be load from an module. This is for python3 (tested 3.6 - 3.8)

import gettext
import locale
from itertools import chain

mylocale = locale.getdefaultlocale()
# see --> thx 
#localedir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'locales')
# or python > 3.4:
    localedir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent/'locales'
    lang_translations = gettext.translation('utils', localedir, 
    _ = lang_translations.gettext
except Exception as exc:
    print('Error: unexcept error while initializing translation:', file=sys.stderr)
    print(f'Error: {exc}', file=sys.stderr)
    print(f'Error: localedir={localedir}, languages={mylocale[0]}', file=sys.stderr)
    print('Error: translation has been disabled.', file=sys.stderr)
    _ = gettext.gettext

Here is the class:

class FormatTimestamp:
    """Convert seconds to, optional rounded, time depending of granularity's degrees.
        inspired by"""
    def __init__(self):
        # For now i haven't found a way to do it better
        # TODO: optimize ?!? ;)
        self.intervals = {
            # 'years'     :   31556952,  #
            # -> 2629746 seconds
            # But it's outputing some strange result :
            # So 3 seconds less (2629743) : 4 weeks, 2 days, 10 hours, 29 minutes and 3 seconds
            # than after 3 more seconds : 1 month ?!?
            # Google give me 2628000 seconds
            # So 3 seconds less (2627997): 4 weeks, 2 days, 9 hours, 59 minutes and 57 seconds
            # Strange as well 
            # So for the moment latest is week ...
            #'months'    :   2419200, # 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 4 
            'weeks'     :   604800,  # 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
            'days'      :   86400,    # 60 * 60 * 24
            'hours'     :   3600,    # 60 * 60
            'minutes'   :   60,
            'seconds'  :   1
        self.nextkey = {
            'seconds'   :   'minutes',
            'minutes'   :   'hours',
            'hours'     :   'days',
            'days'      :   'weeks',
            'weeks'     :   'weeks',
            #'months'    :   'months',
            #'years'     :   'years' # stop here
        self.translate = {
            'weeks'     :   _('weeks'),
            'days'      :   _('days'),
            'hours'     :   _('hours'),
            'minutes'   :   _('minutes'),
            'seconds'   :   _('seconds'),
            ## Single
            'week'      :   _('week'),
            'day'       :   _('day'),
            'hour'      :   _('hour'),
            'minute'    :   _('minute'),
            'second'    :   _('second'),
            ' and'      :   _('and'),
            ','         :   _(','),     # This is for compatibility
            ''          :   '\0'        # same here BUT we CANNOT pass empty string to gettext 
                                        # or we get : warning: Empty msgid.  It is reserved by GNU gettext:
                                        # gettext("") returns the header entry with
                                        # meta information, not the empty string.
                                        # Thx to --> - saved my day

    def convert(self, seconds, granularity=2, rounded=True, translate=False):
        """Proceed the conversion"""

        def _format(result):
            """Return the formatted result
            TODO : numpy / google docstrings"""
            start = 1 
            length = len(result)
            none = 0
            next_item = False
            for item in reversed(result[:]):
                if item['value']:
                    # if we have more than one item
                    if length - none > 1:
                        # This is the first 'real' item 
                        if start == 1:
                            item['punctuation'] = ''
                            next_item = True
                        elif next_item:
                            # This is the second 'real' item
                            # Happened 'and' to key name
                            item['punctuation'] = ' and'
                            next_item = False
                        # If there is more than two 'real' item
                        # than happened ','
                        elif 2 < start:
                            item['punctuation'] = ','
                            item['punctuation'] = ''
                        item['punctuation'] = ''
                    start += 1
                    none += 1
            return [ { 'value'        :   mydict['value'], 
                       'name'         :   mydict['name_strip'],
                       'punctuation'  :   mydict['punctuation'] } for mydict in result \
                                                                  if mydict['value'] is not None ]

        def _rstrip(value, name):
            """Rstrip 's' name depending of value"""
            if value == 1:
                name = name.rstrip('s')
            return name

        # Make sure granularity is an integer
        if not isinstance(granularity, int):
            raise ValueError(f'Granularity should be an integer: {granularity}')

        # For seconds only don't need to compute
        if seconds < 0:
            return 'any time now.'
        elif seconds < 60:
            return 'less than a minute.'

        result = []
        for name, count in self.intervals.items():
            value = seconds // count
            if value:
                seconds -= value * count
                name_strip = _rstrip(value, name)
                # save as dict: value, name_strip (eventually strip), name (for reference), value in seconds
                # and count (for reference)
                        'value'        :   value,
                        'name_strip'   :   name_strip,
                        'name'         :   name, 
                        'seconds'      :   value * count,
                        'count'        :   count
                if len(result) > 0:
                    # We strip the name as second == 0
                    name_strip = name.rstrip('s')
                    # adding None to key 'value' but keep other value
                    # in case when need to add seconds when we will 
                    # recompute every thing
                        'value'        :   None,
                        'name_strip'   :   name_strip,
                        'name'         :   name, 
                        'seconds'      :   0,
                        'count'        :   count

        # Get the length of the list
        length = len(result)
        # Don't need to compute everything / every time
        if length < granularity or not rounded:
            if translate:
                return ' '.join('{0} {1}{2}'.format(item['value'], _(self.translate[item['name']]), 
                                                _(self.translate[item['punctuation']])) \
                                                for item in _format(result))
                return ' '.join('{0} {1}{2}'.format(item['value'], item['name'], item['punctuation']) \
                                                for item in _format(result))

        start = length - 1
        # Reverse list so the firsts elements 
        # could be not selected depending on granularity.
        # And we can delete item after we had his seconds to next
        # item in the current list (result)
        for item in reversed(result[:]):
            if granularity <= start <= length - 1:
                # So we have to round
                current_index = result.index(item)
                next_index = current_index - 1
                # skip item value == None
                # if the seconds of current item is superior
                # to the half seconds of the next item: round
                if item['value'] and item['seconds'] > result[next_index]['count'] // 2:
                    # +1 to the next item (in seconds: depending on item count)
                    result[next_index]['seconds'] += result[next_index]['count']
                # Remove item which is not selected
                del result[current_index]
            start -= 1
        # Ok now recalculate everything
        # Reverse as well 
        for item in reversed(result[:]):
            # Check if seconds is superior or equal to the next item 
            # but not from 'result' list but from 'self.intervals' dict
            # Make sure it's not None
            if item['value']:
                next_item_name = self.nextkey[item['name']]
                # This mean we are at weeks
                if item['name'] == next_item_name:
                    # Just recalcul
                    item['value'] = item['seconds'] // item['count']
                    item['name_strip'] = _rstrip(item['value'], item['name'])
                # Stop to weeks to stay 'right' 
                elif item['seconds'] >= self.intervals[next_item_name]:
                    # First make sure we have the 'next item'
                    # found via -->
                    # maybe there is a faster way to do it ? - TODO
                    if any(search_item['name'] == next_item_name for search_item in result):
                        next_item_index = result.index(item) - 1
                        # Append to
                        result[next_item_index]['seconds'] += item['seconds']
                        # recalculate value
                        result[next_item_index]['value'] = result[next_item_index]['seconds'] // \
                        # strip or not
                        result[next_item_index]['name_strip'] = _rstrip(result[next_item_index]['value'],
                        # Creating 
                        next_item_index = result.index(item) - 1
                        # get count
                        next_item_count = self.intervals[next_item_name]
                        # convert seconds
                        next_item_value = item['seconds'] // next_item_count
                        # strip 's' or not
                        next_item_name_strip = _rstrip(next_item_value, next_item_name)
                        # added to dict
                        next_item = {
                                       'value'      :   next_item_value,
                                       'name_strip' :   next_item_name_strip,
                                       'name'       :   next_item_name,
                                       'seconds'    :   item['seconds'],
                                       'count'      :   next_item_count
                        # insert to the list
                        result.insert(next_item_index, next_item)
                    # Remove current item
                    del result[result.index(item)]
                    # for current item recalculate
                    # keys 'value' and 'name_strip'
                    item['value'] = item['seconds'] // item['count']
                    item['name_strip'] = _rstrip(item['value'], item['name'])
        if translate:
            return ' '.join('{0} {1}{2}'.format(item['value'], 
                                                _(self.translate[item['punctuation']])) \
                                                for item in _format(result))
            return ' '.join('{0} {1}{2}'.format(item['value'], item['name'], item['punctuation']) \
                                                for item in _format(result))

To use it:

myformater = FormatTimestamp()
myconverter = myformater.convert(seconds) 

granularity = 1 - 5, rounded = True / False, translate = True / False

Some test to show difference:

myformater = FormatTimestamp()
for firstrange in [131440, 563440, 604780, 2419180, 113478160]:
    print(f'#### Seconds : {firstrange} ####')
    print('\tFull - function: {0}'.format(display_time(firstrange, granularity=5)))
    print('\tFull -    class: {0}'.format(myformater.convert(firstrange, granularity=5))) 
    for secondrange in range(1, 6, 1):
        print('\tGranularity   this   answer ({0}): {1}'.format(secondrange, 
                                                                                granularity=secondrange, translate=False)))
        print('\tGranularity Bolton\'s answer ({0}): {1}'.format(secondrange, display_time(firstrange,
Seconds : 131440
    Full - function: 1 day, 12 hours, 30 minutes, 40 seconds
    Full -    class: 1 day, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 40 seconds
    Granularity   this   answer (1): 2 days
    Granularity Bolton's answer (1): 1 day
    Granularity   this   answer (2): 1 day and 13 hours
    Granularity Bolton's answer (2): 1 day, 12 hours
    Granularity   this   answer (3): 1 day, 12 hours and 31 minutes
    Granularity Bolton's answer (3): 1 day, 12 hours, 30 minutes
    Granularity   this   answer (4): 1 day, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 40 seconds
    Granularity Bolton's answer (4): 1 day, 12 hours, 30 minutes, 40 seconds
    Granularity   this   answer (5): 1 day, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 40 seconds
    Granularity Bolton's answer (5): 1 day, 12 hours, 30 minutes, 40 seconds
Seconds : 563440
    Full - function: 6 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes, 40 seconds
    Full -    class: 6 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 40 seconds
    Granularity   this   answer (1): 1 week
    Granularity Bolton's answer (1): 6 days
    Granularity   this   answer (2): 6 days and 13 hours
    Granularity Bolton's answer (2): 6 days, 12 hours
    Granularity   this   answer (3): 6 days, 12 hours and 31 minutes
    Granularity Bolton's answer (3): 6 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes
    Granularity   this   answer (4): 6 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 40 seconds
    Granularity Bolton's answer (4): 6 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes, 40 seconds
    Granularity   this   answer (5): 6 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes and 40 seconds
    Granularity Bolton's answer (5): 6 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes, 40 seconds
Seconds : 604780
    Full - function: 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 40 seconds
    Full -    class: 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 40 seconds
    Granularity   this   answer (1): 1 week
    Granularity Bolton's answer (1): 6 days
    Granularity   this   answer (2): 1 week
    Granularity Bolton's answer (2): 6 days, 23 hours
    Granularity   this   answer (3): 1 week
    Granularity Bolton's answer (3): 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes
    Granularity   this   answer (4): 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 40 seconds
    Granularity Bolton's answer (4): 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 40 seconds
    Granularity   this   answer (5): 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 40 seconds
    Granularity Bolton's answer (5): 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 40 seconds
Seconds : 2419180
    Full - function: 3 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 40 seconds
    Full -    class: 3 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 40 seconds
    Granularity   this   answer (1): 4 weeks
    Granularity Bolton's answer (1): 3 weeks
    Granularity   this   answer (2): 4 weeks
    Granularity Bolton's answer (2): 3 weeks, 6 days
    Granularity   this   answer (3): 4 weeks
    Granularity Bolton's answer (3): 3 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours
    Granularity   this   answer (4): 4 weeks
    Granularity Bolton's answer (4): 3 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes
    Granularity   this   answer (5): 3 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 40 seconds
    Granularity Bolton's answer (5): 3 weeks, 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 40 seconds
Seconds : 113478160
    Full - function: 187 weeks, 4 days, 9 hours, 42 minutes, 40 seconds
    Full -    class: 187 weeks, 4 days, 9 hours, 42 minutes and 40 seconds
    Granularity   this   answer (1): 188 weeks
    Granularity Bolton's answer (1): 187 weeks
    Granularity   this   answer (2): 187 weeks and 4 days
    Granularity Bolton's answer (2): 187 weeks, 4 days
    Granularity   this   answer (3): 187 weeks, 4 days and 10 hours
    Granularity Bolton's answer (3): 187 weeks, 4 days, 9 hours
    Granularity   this   answer (4): 187 weeks, 4 days, 9 hours and 43 minutes
    Granularity Bolton's answer (4): 187 weeks, 4 days, 9 hours, 42 minutes
    Granularity   this   answer (5): 187 weeks, 4 days, 9 hours, 42 minutes and 40 seconds
    Granularity Bolton's answer (5): 187 weeks, 4 days, 9 hours, 42 minutes, 40 seconds

I have a french translation ready. But it's fast to do the translation ... just few words. Hope this could help as the other answer help me a lot.

The project description file (.project) for my project is missing

If you move the files for whatever reason manually, then Elipse lost the reference and output a missing project file error, but the reason is thaty you move manually the files and Eclipse lost the reference

How to generate an entity-relationship (ER) diagram using Oracle SQL Developer

Its easy go to File - Data Modeler - Import - Data Dictionary - DB connection - OK

Class has no initializers Swift

In my case I have declared a Bool like this:

var isActivityOpen: Bool 

i.e. I declared it without unwrapping so, This is how I solved the (no initializer) error :

var isActivityOpen: Bool!

How to iterate over each string in a list of strings and operate on it's elements

The reason is that in your second example i is the word itself, not the index of the word. So

for w1 in words:
     if w1[0] == w1[len(w1) - 1]:
       c += 1
     print c

would the equivalent of your code.

What is the meaning of git reset --hard origin/master?

In newer version of git (2.23+) you can use:

git switch -C master origin/master

-C is same as --force-create. Related Reference Docs

How to return data from PHP to a jQuery ajax call

It's an argument passed to your success function:

  type: "POST",
  url: "somescript.php",
  datatype: "html",
  data: dataString,
  success: function(data) {

The full signature is success(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest), but you can use just he first argument if it's a simple string coming back. As always, see the docs for a full explanation :)

Where is the Docker daemon log?

If your OS is using systemd then you can view docker daemon log with:

sudo journalctl -fu docker.service

NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.String.equalsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference

This is the error line:

if (called_from.equalsIgnoreCase("add")) {  --->38th error line

This means that called_from is null. Simple check if it is null above:

String called_from = getIntent().getStringExtra("called");

if(called_from == null) {
    called_from = "empty string";
if (called_from.equalsIgnoreCase("add")) {
    // do whatever
} else {
    // do whatever

That way, if called_from is null, it'll execute the else part of your if statement.

Android: show/hide a view using an animation

I have used this two function to hide and show view with transition animation smoothly.

    public void expand(final View v, int duration, int targetHeight, final int position) {

        int prevHeight = v.getHeight();

        ValueAnimator valueAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(0, targetHeight);
        valueAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
            public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
                v.getLayoutParams().height = (int) animation.getAnimatedValue();
        valueAnimator.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());
        valueAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {

            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {


    public void collapse(final View v, int duration, int targetHeight, final int position) {
        if (position == (data.size() - 1)) {
        int prevHeight = v.getHeight();
        ValueAnimator valueAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(prevHeight, targetHeight);
        valueAnimator.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());
        valueAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
            public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
                v.getLayoutParams().height = (int) animation.getAnimatedValue();
        valueAnimator.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());
        valueAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {
            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                animBoolArray.put(position, false);


How to find NSDocumentDirectory in Swift?

Xcode 8.2.1 • Swift 3.0.2

let documentDirectoryURL =  try! FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: true)

Xcode 7.1.1 • Swift 2.1

let documentDirectoryURL =  try! NSFileManager.defaultManager().URLForDirectory(.DocumentDirectory, inDomain: .UserDomainMask, appropriateForURL: nil, create: true)

How to list all available Kafka brokers in a cluster?

This command will give you the list of the active brokers between brackets:

./bin/ localhost:2181 ls /brokers/ids

What does -1 mean in numpy reshape?

import numpy as np
x = np.array([[2,3,4], [5,6,7]]) 

# Convert any shape to 1D shape
x = np.reshape(x, (-1)) # Making it 1 row -> (6,)

# When you don't care about rows and just want to fix number of columns
x = np.reshape(x, (-1, 1)) # Making it 1 column -> (6, 1)
x = np.reshape(x, (-1, 2)) # Making it 2 column -> (3, 2)
x = np.reshape(x, (-1, 3)) # Making it 3 column -> (2, 3)

# When you don't care about columns and just want to fix number of rows
x = np.reshape(x, (1, -1)) # Making it 1 row -> (1, 6)
x = np.reshape(x, (2, -1)) # Making it 2 row -> (2, 3)
x = np.reshape(x, (3, -1)) # Making it 3 row -> (3, 2)

Getting strings recognized as variable names in R

You found one answer, i.e. eval(parse()) . You can also investigate which is often simpler to implement. Keep in mind the useful tool as well, for converting strings to variable names.

Jenkins vs Travis-CI. Which one would you use for a Open Source project?

I would suggest Travis for Open source project. It's just simple to configure and use.

Simple steps to setup:

  1. Should have GITHUB account and register in Travis CI website using your GITHUB account.
  2. Add .travis.yml file in root of your project. Add Travis as service in your repository settings page.

Now every time you commit into your repository Travis will build your project. You can follow simple steps to get started with Travis CI.

Counting number of characters in a file through shell script

Credits to et al.

echo "ää" > /tmp/your_file.txt
cat /tmp/your_file.txt | wc -m

results in 3.

In my example the result is expected to be 2 (twice the letter ä). However, echo (or vi) adds a line break \n to the end of the output (or file). So two ä and one Linux line break \n are counted. That's three together.

Working with pipes | is not the shortest variant, but so I have to know less wc parameters by heart. In addition, cat is bullet-proof in my experience.

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver).

Use of Custom Data Types in VBA

Sure you can:

Option Explicit

'***** User defined type
Public Type MyType
     MyInt As Integer
     MyString As String
     MyDoubleArr(2) As Double
End Type

'***** Testing MyType as single variable
Public Sub MyFirstSub()
    Dim MyVar As MyType

    MyVar.MyInt = 2
    MyVar.MyString = "cool"
    MyVar.MyDoubleArr(0) = 1
    MyVar.MyDoubleArr(1) = 2
    MyVar.MyDoubleArr(2) = 3

    Debug.Print "MyVar: " & MyVar.MyInt & " " & MyVar.MyString & " " & MyVar.MyDoubleArr(0) & " " & MyVar.MyDoubleArr(1) & " " & MyVar.MyDoubleArr(2)
End Sub

'***** Testing MyType as an array
Public Sub MySecondSub()
    Dim MyArr(2) As MyType
    Dim i As Integer

    MyArr(0).MyInt = 31
    MyArr(0).MyString = "VBA"
    MyArr(0).MyDoubleArr(0) = 1
    MyArr(0).MyDoubleArr(1) = 2
    MyArr(0).MyDoubleArr(2) = 3
    MyArr(1).MyInt = 32
    MyArr(1).MyString = "is"
    MyArr(1).MyDoubleArr(0) = 11
    MyArr(1).MyDoubleArr(1) = 22
    MyArr(1).MyDoubleArr(2) = 33
    MyArr(2).MyInt = 33
    MyArr(2).MyString = "cool"
    MyArr(2).MyDoubleArr(0) = 111
    MyArr(2).MyDoubleArr(1) = 222
    MyArr(2).MyDoubleArr(2) = 333

    For i = LBound(MyArr) To UBound(MyArr)
        Debug.Print "MyArr: " & MyArr(i).MyString & " " & MyArr(i).MyInt & " " & MyArr(i).MyDoubleArr(0) & " " & MyArr(i).MyDoubleArr(1) & " " & MyArr(i).MyDoubleArr(2)
End Sub

Capturing count from an SQL query

Use SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar() and cast it to an int:

cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name";
Int32 count = (Int32) cmd.ExecuteScalar();

How to update ruby on linux (ubuntu)?

If you are like me using ubuntu 10.10 & cant find the lastest version which is now

  • ruby1.9.3

this is where you can get it

or download the *.deb file :)

& remember that it wont alter you old version of ruby

'console' is undefined error for Internet Explorer

Sometimes console will work in IE8/9 but fail at other times. This erratic behaviour depends on whether you have developer tools open and is described in stackoverflow question Does IE9 support console.log, and is it a real function?

How to print the values of slices

fmt.Printf() is fine, but sometimes I like to use pretty print package.

import ""

How do I do logging in C# without using 3rd party libraries?

public void Logger(string lines)
  //Write the string to a file.append mode is enabled so that the log
  //lines get appended to  test.txt than wiping content and writing the log

  using(System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\\test.txt", true))

For more information MSDN

How to use an existing database with an Android application

NOTE: Before trying this code, please find this line in the below code:

private static String DB_NAME ="YourDbName"; // Database name

DB_NAME here is the name of your database. It is assumed that you have a copy of the database in the assets folder, so for example, if your database name is ordersDB, then the value of DB_NAME will be ordersDB,

private static String DB_NAME ="ordersDB";

Keep the database in assets folder and then follow the below:

DataHelper class:


import android.content.Context;
import android.database.SQLException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;
import android.util.Log;

public class DataBaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    private static String TAG = "DataBaseHelper"; // Tag just for the LogCat window
    private static String DB_NAME ="YourDbName"; // Database name
    private static int DB_VERSION = 1; // Database version
    private final File DB_FILE;
    private SQLiteDatabase mDataBase;
    private final Context mContext;

    public DataBaseHelper(Context context) {
        super(context, DB_NAME, null, DB_VERSION);
        DB_FILE = context.getDatabasePath(DB_NAME);
        this.mContext = context;

    public void createDataBase() throws IOException {
        // If the database does not exist, copy it from the assets.
        boolean mDataBaseExist = checkDataBase();
        if(!mDataBaseExist) {
            try {
                // Copy the database from assests
                Log.e(TAG, "createDatabase database created");
            } catch (IOException mIOException) {
                throw new Error("ErrorCopyingDataBase");

    // Check that the database file exists in databases folder
    private boolean checkDataBase() {
        return DB_FILE.exists();

    // Copy the database from assets
    private void copyDataBase() throws IOException {
        InputStream mInput = mContext.getAssets().open(DB_NAME);
        OutputStream mOutput = new FileOutputStream(DB_FILE);
        byte[] mBuffer = new byte[1024];
        int mLength;
        while ((mLength = > 0) {
            mOutput.write(mBuffer, 0, mLength);

    // Open the database, so we can query it
    public boolean openDataBase() throws SQLException {
        // Log.v("DB_PATH", DB_FILE.getAbsolutePath());
        mDataBase = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(DB_FILE, null, SQLiteDatabase.CREATE_IF_NECESSARY);
        // mDataBase = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(DB_FILE, null, SQLiteDatabase.NO_LOCALIZED_COLLATORS);
        return mDataBase != null;

    public synchronized void close() {
        if(mDataBase != null) {


Write a DataAdapter class like:

import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.SQLException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.util.Log;

public class TestAdapter {

    protected static final String TAG = "DataAdapter";

    private final Context mContext;
    private SQLiteDatabase mDb;
    private DataBaseHelper mDbHelper;

    public TestAdapter(Context context) {
        this.mContext = context;
        mDbHelper = new DataBaseHelper(mContext);

    public TestAdapter createDatabase() throws SQLException {
        try {
        } catch (IOException mIOException) {
            Log.e(TAG, mIOException.toString() + "  UnableToCreateDatabase");
            throw new Error("UnableToCreateDatabase");
        return this;

    public TestAdapter open() throws SQLException {
        try {
            mDb = mDbHelper.getReadableDatabase();
        } catch (SQLException mSQLException) {
            Log.e(TAG, "open >>"+ mSQLException.toString());
            throw mSQLException;
        return this;

    public void close() {

     public Cursor getTestData() {
         try {
             String sql ="SELECT * FROM myTable";
             Cursor mCur = mDb.rawQuery(sql, null);
             if (mCur != null) {
             return mCur;
         } catch (SQLException mSQLException) {
             Log.e(TAG, "getTestData >>"+ mSQLException.toString());
             throw mSQLException;

Now you can use it like:

TestAdapter mDbHelper = new TestAdapter(urContext);

Cursor testdata = mDbHelper.getTestData();


EDIT: Thanks to JDx

For Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean), change:

DB_PATH = "/data/data/" + context.getPackageName() + "/databases/";


DB_PATH = context.getApplicationInfo().dataDir + "/databases/";

in the DataHelper class, this code will work on Jelly Bean 4.2 multi-users.

EDIT: Instead of using hardcoded path, we can use

DB_PATH = context.getDatabasePath(DB_NAME).getAbsolutePath();

which will give us the full path to the database file and works on all Android versions

Cannot simply use PostgreSQL table name ("relation does not exist")

If a table name contains underscores or upper case, you need to surround it in double-quotes.

SELECT * from "Table_Name";

How to solve maven 2.6 resource plugin dependency?

This fixed the same issue for me: My eclipse is installed in /usr/local/bin/eclipse

1) Changed permission for eclipse from root to owner: sudo chown -R $USER eclipse

2) Right click on project/Maven right click on Update Maven select Force update maven project

Sorting a Data Table

This was the shortest way I could find to sort a DataTable without having to create any new variables.

DataTable.DefaultView.Sort = "ColumnName ASC"
DataTable = DataTable.DefaultView.ToTable


ASC - Ascending

DESC - Descending

ColumnName - The column you want to sort by

DataTable - The table you want to sort

List comprehension vs map

I tried the code by @alex-martelli but found some discrepancies

python -mtimeit -s "xs=range(123456)" "map(hex, xs)"
1000000 loops, best of 5: 218 nsec per loop
python -mtimeit -s "xs=range(123456)" "[hex(x) for x in xs]"
10 loops, best of 5: 19.4 msec per loop

map takes the same amount of time even for very large ranges while using list comprehension takes a lot of time as is evident from my code. So apart from being considered "unpythonic", I have not faced any performance issues relating to usage of map.

Is it possible to start a shell session in a running container (without ssh)

No. This is not possible. Use something like supervisord to get an ssh server if that's needed. Although, I definitely question the need.

'Source code does not match the bytecode' when debugging on a device

So I created an account just so I could help fix this problem that is plaguing a lot of people and where the fixes above aren't working.

If you get this error and nothing here helps. Try clicking the "Resume program play button" until the program finishes past the error. Then click in the console tab next to debug and read the red text.

I was getting that source code error even though my issue was trying to insert a value into a null Array. Step 1 Click the resume button

Step 2 Click the console tab and read the red text

Difference between numeric, float and decimal in SQL Server

Guidelines from MSDN: Using decimal, float, and real Data

The default maximum precision of numeric and decimal data types is 38. In Transact-SQL, numeric is functionally equivalent to the decimal data type. Use the decimal data type to store numbers with decimals when the data values must be stored exactly as specified.

The behavior of float and real follows the IEEE 754 specification on approximate numeric data types. Because of the approximate nature of the float and real data types, do not use these data types when exact numeric behavior is required, such as in financial applications, in operations involving rounding, or in equality checks. Instead, use the integer, decimal, money, or smallmoney data types. Avoid using float or real columns in WHERE clause search conditions, especially the = and <> operators. It is best to limit float and real columns to > or < comparisons.

Vertical dividers on horizontal UL menu

I think your best shot is a border-left property that is assigned to each one of the lis except the first one (You would have to give the first one a class named first and explicitly remove the border for that).

Even if you are generating the <li> programmatically, assigning a first class should be easy.

IPC performance: Named Pipe vs Socket

I would suggest you take the easy path first, carefully isolating the IPC mechanism so that you can change from socket to pipe, but I would definitely go with socket first. You should be sure IPC performance is a problem before preemptively optimizing.

And if you get in trouble because of IPC speed, I think you should consider switching to shared memory rather than going to pipe.

If you want to do some transfer speed testing, you should try socat, which is a very versatile program that allows you to create almost any kind of tunnel.

Possible to change where Android Virtual Devices are saved?

Variable name: ANDROID_SDK_HOME
Variable value: C:\Users>User Name

worked for me.

How can I pass a file argument to my bash script using a Terminal command in Linux?

It'll be easier (and more "proper", see below) if you just run your script as

myprogram /path/to/file

Then you can access the path within the script as $1 (for argument #1, similarly $2 is argument #2, etc.)

externalprogram "$file" [other parameters]

Or just

externalprogram "$1" [otherparameters]

If you want to extract the path from something like --file=/path/to/file, that's usually done with the getopts shell function. But that's more complicated than just referencing $1, and besides, switches like --file= are intended to be optional. I'm guessing your script requires a file name to be provided, so it doesn't make sense to pass it in an option.

Establish a VPN connection in cmd

Have you looked into rasdial?

Just incase anyone wanted to do this and finds this in the future, you can use rasdial.exe from command prompt to connect to a VPN network

ie rasdial "VPN NETWORK NAME" "Username" *

it will then prompt for a password, else you can use "username" "password", this is however less secure

Best practice to validate null and empty collection in Java

If you use Spring frameworks, then you can use CollectionUtils to check against both Collections (List, Array) and Map etc.

if(CollectionUtils.isEmpty(...)) {...}

ORA-00979 not a group by expression

In addition to the other answers, this error can result if there's an inconsistency in an order by clause. For instance:

    substr(year_month, 1, 4)
    ,count(*) as tot
group by
    substr(year_month, 1, 4)
order by

Can not connect to local PostgreSQL

This happened to me today after my Macbook's battery died. I think this can be caused by improper shutdown. All you have to do in cases such as mine is delete

Navigate to the folder

cd /usr/local/var/postgres

Check to see if is present




How to pass variables from one php page to another without form?

You can use Ajax calls or $_GET["String"]; Method

What is a faster alternative to Python's http.server (or SimpleHTTPServer)?

I recommend: Twisted (

an event-driven networking engine written in Python and licensed under the open source MIT license.

It's cross-platform and was preinstalled on OS X 10.5 to 10.12. Amongst other things you can start up a simple web server in the current directory with:

twistd -no web --path=.


Explanation of Options (see twistd --help for more):

-n, --nodaemon       don't daemonize, don't use default umask of 0077
-o, --no_save        do not save state on shutdown

"web" is a Command that runs a simple web server on top of the Twisted async engine. It also accepts command line options (after the "web" command - see twistd web --help for more):

  --path=             <path> is either a specific file or a directory to be
                      set as the root of the web server. Use this if you
                      have a directory full of HTML, cgi, php3, epy, or rpy
                      files or any other files that you want to be served up

There are also a bunch of other commands such as:

conch            A Conch SSH service.
dns              A domain name server.
ftp              An FTP server.
inetd            An inetd(8) replacement.
mail             An email service
... etc



sudo apt-get install python-twisted-web (or python-twisted for the full engine)

Mac OS-X (comes preinstalled on 10.5 - 10.12, or is available in MacPorts and through Pip)

sudo port install py-twisted


installer available for download at


Twisted can also utilise security certificates to encrypt the connection. Use this with your existing --path and --port (for plain HTTP) options.

twistd -no web -c cert.pem -k privkey.pem --https=4433

Setting up an MS-Access DB for multi-user access

Access is a great multi-user database. It has lots of built in features to handle the multi-user situation. In fact, it is so very popular because it is such a great multi-user database. There is an upper limit on how many users can all use the database at the same time doing updates and edits - depending on how knowledgeable the developer is about access and how the database has been designed - anywhere from 20 users to approx 50 users. Some access databases can be built to handle up to 50 concurrent users, while many others can handle 20 or 25 concurrent users updating the database. These figures have been observed for databases that have been in use for several or more years and have been discussed many times on the access newsgroups.

Best approach to remove time part of datetime in SQL Server

I think that if you stick strictly with TSQL that this is the fastest way to truncate the time:

 select convert(datetime,convert(int,convert(float,[Modified])))

I found this truncation method to be about 5% faster than the DateAdd method. And this can be easily modified to round to the nearest day like this:

select convert(datetime,ROUND(convert(float,[Modified]),0))

How to check file MIME type with javascript before upload?

If you just want to check if the file uploaded is an image you can just try to load it into <img> tag an check for any error callback.


var input = document.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
var reader = new FileReader();

reader.onload = function (e) {
    imageExists(, function(exists){
        if (exists) {

            // Do something with the image file.. 

        } else {

            // different file format



function imageExists(url, callback) {
    var img = new Image();
    img.onload = function() { callback(true); };
    img.onerror = function() { callback(false); };
    img.src = url;

htaccess <Directory> deny from all

You cannot use the Directory directive in .htaccess. However if you create a .htaccess file in the /system directory and place the following in it, you will get the same result

#place this in /system/.htaccess as you had before
deny from all

How to select the comparison of two columns as one column in Oracle

select column1, coulumn2, case when colum1=column2 then 'true' else 'false' end from table;


Validating with an XML schema in Python

I am assuming you mean using XSD files. Surprisingly there aren't many python XML libraries that support this. lxml does however. Check Validation with lxml. The page also lists how to use lxml to validate with other schema types.

C# ASP.NET Send Email via TLS

TLS (Transport Level Security) is the slightly broader term that has replaced SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) in securing HTTP communications. So what you are being asked to do is enable SSL.

Run batch file from Java code

Your code is fine, but the problem is inside the batch file.

You have to show the content of the bat file, your problem is in the paths inside the bat file.

MySQL trigger if condition exists

Try to do...

        CREATE TRIGGER aumentarsalario 
        ON empregados
        FOR EACH ROW
          if (NEW.SALARIO < 900) THEN 
             set NEW.SALARIO = NEW.SALARIO + (NEW.SALARIO * 0.1);
          END IF;
        END $$

2 "style" inline css img tags?

You don't need 2 style attributes - just use one:

<img src="" 
                                     style="height:100px;width:100px;" alt="25"/>

Consider, however, using a CSS class instead:


  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;


<img src="" 
                                          class="100pxSquare" alt="25"/>

python pip - install from local dir

You were looking for help on installations with pip. You can find it with the following command:

pip install --help

Running pip install -e /path/to/package installs the package in a way, that you can edit the package, and when a new import call looks for it, it will import the edited package code. This can be very useful for package development.

How to list files in a directory in a C program?

An example, available for POSIX compliant systems :

 * This program displays the names of all files in the current directory.

#include <dirent.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 

int main(void) {
  DIR *d;
  struct dirent *dir;
  d = opendir(".");
  if (d) {
    while ((dir = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
      printf("%s\n", dir->d_name);

Beware that such an operation is platform dependant in C.

Source :

How to differ sessions in browser-tabs?

I'll be honest here. . .everything above may or may not be true, but it all seems WAY too complicated, or doesn't address knowing what tab is being used server side.

Sometimes we need to apply Occam's razor.

Here's the Occam's approach: (no, I'm not Occam, he died in 1347)

1) assign a browser unique id to your page on load. . . if and only if the window doesn't have an id yet (so use a prefix and a detection)

2) on every page you have (use a global file or something) simply put code in place to detect the focus event and/or mouseover event. (I'll use jquery for this part, for ease of code writing)

3) in your focus (and/or mouseover) function, set a cookie with the in it

4) read that cookie value from your server side when you need to read/write tab specific data.

Client side:

$(window).ready(function() {generateWindowID()});
$(window).focus(function() {setAppId()});
$(window).mouseover(function() {setAppId()});

function generateWindowID()
    //first see if the name is already set, if not, set it.
    if (se_appframe().name.indexOf("SEAppId") == -1){
            " = 'SEAppId' + (new Date()).getTime()

function setAppId()
    //generate the cookie
    strCookie = 'seAppId=' + se_appframe().name + ';';
    strCookie += ' path=/';

    if (window.location.protocol.toLowerCase() == 'https:'){
        strCookie += ' secure;';

    document.cookie = strCookie;

server side (C# - for example purposes)

//variable name 
string varname = "";
HttpCookie aCookie = Request.Cookies["seAppId"];
if(aCookie != null) {
     varname  = Request.Cookies["seAppId"].Value + "_";
varname += "_mySessionVariable";

//write session data 
Session[varname] = "ABC123";

//readsession data 
String myVariable = Session[varname];


How can I clear the input text after clicking

Using jQuery ...


Using pure Javascript ...

var btn = document.getElementById('submitButton');
btn.onclick = function(){ document.getElementById('myTextInput').value="" };

JDBC connection failed, error: TCP/IP connection to host failed

Go to Start->All Programs-> Microsoft SQL Server 2012-> Configuration Tool -> Click SQL Server Configuration Manager. enter image description here

If you see that SQL Server/ SQL Server Browser State is 'stopped'.Right click on SQL Server/SQL Server Browser and click start. In some cases above state can stop though TCP connection to port 1433 is assigned.

The ScriptManager must appear before any controls that need it

It simply wants the ASP control on your ASPX page. I usually place mine right under the tag, or inside first Content area in the master's body (if your using a master page)

    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:ScriptManager ID="scriptManager" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>

Breaking a list into multiple columns in Latex

Another option to avoid nesting two different environments (like multicols and enumerate).

The environment called tasks from the package with the same name seems to me very easy to customize thanks to a variety of options (pdf guide here).

This code:



Text text text text text text text text text text text text 
text text text text text text text text text text text text 
text text text text text text text text text text text text.

\task[*] a
\task[*] b
\task[*] c
\task[*] d
\task[*] e
\task[*] f

Text text text text text text text text text text text text 
text text text text text text text text text text text text 
text text text text text text text text text text text text.

produces this output


The package tasks was updated in August 2020 and it was originally created specifically for horizontally columned lists (see the screenshot just above here), the motivations behind this are resumed in the guide. If such arrangement of the items/tasks is acceptable, then this may be a good choice since it keeps - IMHO - the code tidy and flexible.

@ViewChild in *ngIf

for Angular 8 - a mixture of null checking and @ViewChild static: false hackery

for a paging control waiting for async data

@ViewChild(MatPaginator, { static: false }) set paginator(paginator: MatPaginator) {
  if(!paginator) return; => {
    const updated: TSearchRequest = {
      pageRef: pageEvent.pageIndex,
      pageSize: pageEvent.pageSize
    } as any;

How to delete from select in MySQL?

If you want to delete all duplicates, but one out of each set of duplicates, this is one solution:

DELETE posts
FROM posts
    SELECT id
    FROM posts
    GROUP BY id
    HAVING COUNT(id) = 1


    SELECT id
    FROM posts
    GROUP BY id
    HAVING COUNT(id) != 1
) AS duplicate USING (id)

What is the difference between "SMS Push" and "WAP Push"?

An SMS Push is a message to tell the terminal to initiate the session. This happens because you can't initiate an IP session simply because you don't know the IP Adress of the mobile terminal. Mostly used to send a few lines of data to end recipient, to the effect of sending information, or reminding of events.

WAP Push is an SMS within the header of which is included a link to a WAP address. On receiving a WAP Push, the compatible mobile handset automatically gives the user the option to access the WAP content on his handset. The WAP Push directs the end-user to a WAP address where content is stored ready for viewing or downloading onto the handset. This wap address may be a page or a WAP site.

The user may “take action” by using a developer-defined soft-key to immediately activate an application to accomplish a specific task, such as downloading a picture, making a purchase, or responding to a marketing offer.

CSS3 Transparency + Gradient

New syntax has been supported for a while by all modern browsers (starting from Chrome 26, Opera 12.1, IE 10 and Firefox 16):

background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 1), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));

This renders a gradient, starting from solid black at the top, to fully transparent at the bottom.

Documentation on MDN.

How to delete parent element using jQuery

Use parents() instead of parent():

$("a").click(function(event) {

Powershell: A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument "xxx"

In my case it was the distinction between (En dash) and -(Hyphen) as in:

Add-Type –Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"


Add-Type -Path "C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI\Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll"

Dashes, Hyphens, and Minus signs oh my!

Spring Boot @autowired does not work, classes in different package

When I add @ComponentScan("") or scanBasePackages{""} jsp is not loaded. So when I add the parent package of project in @SpringBootApplication class it's working fine in my case

Code Example:-

package com.firstday.spring.boot.firstday;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

@SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = {"com.firstday.spring.boot"})
public class FirstDayApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


Displaying Image in Java

import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.

public class DisplayImage {

    public static void main(String avg[]) throws IOException
        DisplayImage abc=new DisplayImage();

    public DisplayImage() throws IOException
        BufferedImage File("f://images.jpg"));
        ImageIcon icon=new ImageIcon(img);
        JFrame frame=new JFrame();
        frame.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
        JLabel lbl=new JLabel();

Jquery selector input[type=text]')

Using a normal css selector:

$('.sys input[type=text], .sys select').each(function() {...})

If you don't like the repetition:

$('.sys').find('input[type=text],select').each(function() {...})

Or more concisely, pass in the context argument:

$('input[type=text],select', '.sys').each(function() {...})

Note: Internally jQuery will convert the above to find() equivalent

Internally, selector context is implemented with the .find() method, so $('span', this) is equivalent to $(this).find('span').

I personally find the first alternative to be the most readable :), your take though

Use of def, val, and var in scala

There are three ways of defining things in Scala:

  • def defines a method
  • val defines a fixed value (which cannot be modified)
  • var defines a variable (which can be modified)

Looking at your code:

def person = new Person("Kumar",12)

This defines a new method called person. You can call this method only without () because it is defined as parameterless method. For empty-paren method, you can call it with or without '()'. If you simply write:


then you are calling this method (and if you don't assign the return value, it will just be discarded). In this line of code:

person.age = 20

what happens is that you first call the person method, and on the return value (an instance of class Person) you are changing the age member variable.

And the last line:


Here you are again calling the person method, which returns a new instance of class Person (with age set to 12). It's the same as this:


How to get Bitmap from an Uri?

It seems that MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap was deprecated in API 29. The recommended way is to use ImageDecoder.createSource which was added in API 28.

Here's how getting the bitmap would be done:

val bitmap = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) {
    ImageDecoder.decodeBitmap(ImageDecoder.createSource(requireContext().contentResolver, imageUri))
} else {
    MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(requireContext().contentResolver, imageUri)

Checking character length in ruby

I think you could just use the String#length method...


text = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'
puts text.length > 25 ? 'Too many characters' : 'Accepted'

How do I declare and initialize an array in Java?

In Java 8 you can use something like this.

String[] strs = IntStream.range(0, 15)  // 15 is the size
    .mapToObj(i -> Integer.toString(i))

Faking an RS232 Serial Port

If you are developing for Windows, the com0com project might be, what you are looking for.

It provides pairs of virtual COM ports that are linked via a nullmodem connetion. You can then use your favorite terminal application or whatever you like to send data to one COM port and recieve from the other one.


As Thomas pointed out the project lacks of a signed driver, which is especially problematic on certain Windows version (e.g. Windows 7 x64).

There are a couple of unofficial com0com versions around that do contain a signed driver. One recent verion ( can be downloaded e.g. from here.

Image vs Bitmap class

The Bitmap class is an implementation of the Image class. The Image class is an abstract class;

The Bitmap class contains 12 constructors that construct the Bitmap object from different parameters. It can construct the Bitmap from another bitmap, and the string address of the image.

See more in this comprehensive sample.

How to get htaccess to work on MAMP

The problem I was having with the rewrite is that some .htaccess files for Codeigniter, etc come with

RewriteBase /

Which doesn't seem to work in least for me.

How to Initialize char array from a string

Another option is to use sprintf.

For example,

char buffer[50];
sprintf( buffer, "My String" );

Good luck.

Why can't variables be declared in a switch statement?

Try this:

switch (val)
    case VAL:
        int newVal = 42;

What is the Record type in typescript?

A Record lets you create a new type from a Union. The values in the Union are used as attributes of the new type.

For example, say I have a Union like this:

type CatNames = "miffy" | "boris" | "mordred";

Now I want to create an object that contains information about all the cats, I can create a new type using the values in the CatName Union as keys.

type CatList = Record<CatNames, {age: number}>

If I want to satisfy this CatList, I must create an object like this:

const cats:CatList = {
  miffy: { age:99 },
  boris: { age:16 },
  mordred: { age:600 }

You get very strong type safety:

  • If I forget a cat, I get an error.
  • If I add a cat that's not allowed, I get an error.
  • If I later change CatNames, I get an error. This is especially useful because CatNames is likely imported from another file, and likely used in many places.

Real-world React example.

I used this recently to create a Status component. The component would receive a status prop, and then render an icon. I've simplified the code quite a lot here for illustrative purposes

I had a union like this:

type Statuses = "failed" | "complete";

I used this to create an object like this:

const icons: Record<
  { iconType: IconTypes; iconColor: IconColors }
> = {
  failed: {
    iconType: "warning",
    iconColor: "red"
  complete: {
    iconType: "check",
    iconColor: "green"

I could then render by destructuring an element from the object into props, like so:

const Status = ({status}) => <Icon {...icons[status]} />

If the Statuses union is later extended or changed, I know my Status component will fail to compile and I'll get an error that I can fix immediately. This allows me to add additional error states to the app.

Note that the actual app had dozens of error states that were referenced in multiple places, so this type safety was extremely useful.

Numpy array dimensions

a.shape is just a limited version of Check this out:

import numpy as np
a = np.array([[1,2],[1,2]])


class:  ndarray
shape:  (2, 2)
strides:  (8, 4)
itemsize:  4
aligned:  True
contiguous:  True
fortran:  False
data pointer: 0x27509cf0560
byteorder:  little
byteswap:  False
type: int32

How to connect SQLite with Java?

I'm using Eclipse and I copied your code and got the same error. I then opened up the project properties->Java Build Path -> Libraries->Add External JARs... c:\jrun4\lib\sqlitejdbc-v056.jar Worked like a charm. You may need to restart your web server if you've just copied the .jar file.

Intellij idea cannot resolve anything in maven

In my case,i expanded the maven projects panel on the right side, clicked + and added the project. Then it worked.

What is the difference between HTTP_HOST and SERVER_NAME in PHP?

$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] is based on your web servers configuration. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] is based on the request from the client.

std::enable_if to conditionally compile a member function

For those late-comers that are looking for a solution that "just works":

#include <utility>
#include <iostream>

template< typename T >
class Y {

    template< bool cond, typename U >
    using resolvedType  = typename std::enable_if< cond, U >::type; 

        template< typename U = T > 
        resolvedType< true, U > foo() {
            return 11;
        template< typename U = T >
        resolvedType< false, U > foo() {
            return 12;


int main() {
    Y< double > y;

    std::cout << << std::endl;

Compile with:

g++ -std=gnu++14 test.cpp 

Running gives:


What file uses .md extension and how should I edit them?

There is an ongoing effort to standardize Markdown and as of now, this is probably the best place to learn about markdown:

Android: Pass data(extras) to a fragment

great answer by @Rarw. Try using a bundle to pass information from one fragment to another

HMAC-SHA256 Algorithm for signature calculation

If you're using Guava, its latest release now lets you use


Further documentation here:

merge one local branch into another local branch

  1. git checkout [branchYouWantToReceiveBranch] - checkout branch you want to receive branch
  2. git merge [branchYouWantToMergeIntoBranch]

Convert a space delimited string to list

states.split() will return


If you need one random from them, then you have to use the random module:

import random

states = "... ..."

random_state = random.choice(states.split())

shift a std_logic_vector of n bit to right or left

This is typically done manually by choosing the appropriate bits from the vector and then appending 0s.

For example, to shift a vector 8 bits

variable tmp : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)
tmp := x"00" & tmp(15 downto 8);

Hopefully this simple answer is useful to someone

How do I extract value from Json

    JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(json);
    JSONObject ob = ja.getJSONObject(0);
    String nh = ob.getString("status");

[ { "status" : "true" } ]

where 'json' is a String and status is the key from which i will get value

Simplest way to merge ES6 Maps/Sets?


I benchmarked my original solution against other solutions suggests here and found that it is very inefficient.

The benchmark itself is very interesting (link) It compares 3 solutions (higher is better):

  • @fregante (formerly called solution, which adds values one by one (14,955 op/sec)
  • @jameslk's solution, which uses a self invoking generator (5,089 op/sec)
  • my own, which uses reduce & spread (3,434 op/sec)

As you can see, @fregante's solution is definitely the winner.

Performance + Immutability

With that in mind, here's a slightly modified version which doesn't mutates the original set and excepts a variable number of iterables to combine as arguments:

function union(...iterables) {
  const set = new Set();

  for (const iterable of iterables) {
    for (const item of iterable) {

  return set;


const a = new Set([1, 2, 3]);
const b = new Set([1, 3, 5]);
const c = new Set([4, 5, 6]);

union(a,b,c) // {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

Original Answer

I would like to suggest another approach, using reduce and the spread operator:


function union (sets) {
  return sets.reduce((combined, list) => {
    return new Set([...combined, ...list]);
  }, new Set());


const a = new Set([1, 2, 3]);
const b = new Set([1, 3, 5]);
const c = new Set([4, 5, 6]);

union([a, b, c]) // {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}


We can also make use of the rest operator to make the interface a bit nicer:

function union (...sets) {
  return sets.reduce((combined, list) => {
    return new Set([...combined, ...list]);
  }, new Set());

Now, instead of passing an array of sets, we can pass an arbitrary number of arguments of sets:

union(a, b, c) // {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

.NET Global exception handler in console application

I just inherited an old VB.NET console application and needed to set up a Global Exception Handler. Since this question mentions VB.NET a few times and is tagged with VB.NET, but all the other answers here are in C#, I thought I would add the exact syntax for a VB.NET application as well.

Public Sub Main()
    REM Set up Global Unhandled Exception Handler.
    AddHandler System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException, AddressOf MyUnhandledExceptionEvent

    REM Do other stuff
End Sub

Public Sub MyUnhandledExceptionEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As UnhandledExceptionEventArgs)
    REM Log Exception here and do whatever else is needed
End Sub

I used the REM comment marker instead of the single quote here because Stack Overflow seemed to handle the syntax highlighting a bit better with REM.

What do $? $0 $1 $2 mean in shell script?

These are positional arguments of the script.


./ Hello World

Will make

$0 = ./
$1 = Hello
$2 = World


If you execute ./, $0 will give output ./ but if you execute it with bash it will give output

Is it possible to implement a Python for range loop without an iterator variable?

I generally agree with solutions given above. Namely with:

  1. Using underscore in for-loop (2 and more lines)
  2. Defining a normal while counter (3 and more lines)
  3. Declaring a custom class with __nonzero__ implementation (many more lines)

If one is to define an object as in #3 I would recommend implementing protocol for with keyword or apply contextlib.

Further I propose yet another solution. It is a 3 liner and is not of supreme elegance, but it uses itertools package and thus might be of an interest.

from itertools import (chain, repeat)

times = chain(repeat(True, 2), repeat(False))
while next(times):
    print 'do stuff!'

In these example 2 is the number of times to iterate the loop. chain is wrapping two repeat iterators, the first being limited but the second is infinite. Remember that these are true iterator objects, hence they do not require infinite memory. Obviously this is much slower then solution #1. Unless written as a part of a function it might require a clean up for times variable.

How to fix a collation conflict in a SQL Server query?

You can resolve the issue by forcing the collation used in a query to be a particular collation, e.g. SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS or DATABASE_DEFAULT. For example:

FROM FirstTable a
INNER JOIN SecondTable b
ON a.MyID COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = 
b.YourID COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

In the above query, a.MyID and b.YourID would be columns with a text-based data type. Using COLLATE will force the query to ignore the default collation on the database and instead use the provided collation, in this case SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

Basically what's going on here is that each database has its own collation which "provides sorting rules, case, and accent sensitivity properties for your data" (from and applies to columns with textual data types, e.g. VARCHAR, CHAR, NVARCHAR, etc. When two databases have differing collations, you cannot compare text columns with an operator like equals (=) without addressing the conflict between the two disparate collations.

Insert current date in datetime format mySQL

If you Pass date from PHP you can use any format using STR_TO_DATE() mysql function . Let conseder you are inserting date via html form

$Tdate = "'".$_POST["Tdate"]."'" ;    //   10/04/2016
$Tdate = "STR_TO_DATE(".$Tdate.", '%d/%m/%Y')"  ;  
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `table` (`dateposted`) VALUES ('$Tdate')");

The dateposted should be mysql date type . or mysql will adds 00:00:00
in some case You better insert date and time together into DB so you can do calculation with hours and seconds . () .

$Tdate=date('Y/m/d H:i:s') ; // this to get current date as text .
$Tdate = "STR_TO_DATE(".$Tdate.", '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s')"  ;  

How do I reload a page without a POSTDATA warning in Javascript?

The other solutions with window.location didn't work for me since they didn't make it refresh at all, so what I did was that I used an empty form to pass new and empty postdata to the same page. This is a way to do that based on this answer:

function refreshAndClearPost() {
    var form = document.createElement("form");
    form.method = "POST";
    form.action = location.href; = "none";

    form.submit();    //since the form is empty, it will pass empty postdata

Playing a video in VideoView in Android

Well ! if you are using a android Compatibility Video then the only cause of this alert is you must be using a video sized more then the 300MB. Android doesn't support large Video (>300MB). We can get it by using NDK optimization.

VBA test if cell is in a range

Determine if a cell is within a range using VBA in Microsoft Excel:

From the linked site (maintaining credit to original submitter):

VBA macro tip contributed by Erlandsen Data Consulting offering Microsoft Excel Application development, template customization, support and training solutions

Function InRange(Range1 As Range, Range2 As Range) As Boolean
    ' returns True if Range1 is within Range2
    InRange = Not (Application.Intersect(Range1, Range2) Is Nothing)
End Function

Sub TestInRange()
    If InRange(ActiveCell, Range("A1:D100")) Then
        ' code to handle that the active cell is within the right range
        MsgBox "Active Cell In Range!"
        ' code to handle that the active cell is not within the right range
        MsgBox "Active Cell NOT In Range!"
    End If
End Sub

how to convert a string date to date format in oracle10g

You can convert a string to a DATE using the TO_DATE function, then reformat the date as another string using TO_CHAR, i.e.:

         TO_DATE('15/August/2009,4:30 PM'
                ,'DD/Month/YYYY,HH:MI AM')


For example, if your table name is MYTABLE and the varchar2 column is MYDATESTRING:

                ,'DD/Month/YYYY,HH:MI AM')

Http Get using Android HttpURLConnection

If you just need a very simple call, you can use URL directly:


    new URL("").openStream();

Return index of highest value in an array

Other answers may have shorter code but this one should be the most efficient and is easy to understand.

 * Get key of the max value
 * @var array $array
 * @return mixed
function array_key_max_value($array)
    $max = null;
    $result = null;
    foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
        if ($max === null || $value > $max) {
            $result = $key;
            $max = $value;

    return $result;

How to specify function types for void (not Void) methods in Java8?

I feel you should be using the Consumer interface instead of Function<T, R>.

A Consumer is basically a functional interface designed to accept a value and return nothing (i.e void)

In your case, you can create a consumer elsewhere in your code like this:

Consumer<Integer> myFunction = x -> {
    System.out.println("processing value: " + x);    
    .... do some more things with "x" which returns nothing...

Then you can replace your myForEach code with below snippet:

public static void myForEach(List<Integer> list, Consumer<Integer> myFunction) 

You treat myFunction as a first-class object.

File path for project files?

Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"JukeboxV2.0\JukeboxV2.0\Datos\ich will.mp3")

base directory + your filename

String replacement in Objective-C

If you want multiple string replacement:

NSString *s = @"foo/";
NSCharacterSet *doNotWant = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"/:."];
s = [[s componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: doNotWant] componentsJoinedByString: @""];
NSLog(@"%@", s); // => foobarbazfoo

How to replace four spaces with a tab in Sublime Text 2?

You could add easy key binding:

Preference > Key binding - user :

    { "keys": ["super+l"], "command": "reindent"},

Now select the line or file and hit: command + l

Using variables inside strings

This functionality is not built-in to C# 5 or below.
Update: C# 6 now supports string interpolation, see newer answers.

The recommended way to do this would be with String.Format:

string name = "Scott";
string output = String.Format("Hello {0}", name);

However, I wrote a small open-source library called SmartFormat that extends String.Format so that it can use named placeholders (via reflection). So, you could do:

string name = "Scott";
string output = Smart.Format("Hello {name}", new{name}); // Results in "Hello Scott".

Hope you like it!

How do I uninstall a package installed using npm link?

"npm install" replaces all dependencies in your node_modules installed with "npm link" with versions from npmjs (specified in your package.json)

How can I find the last element in a List<>?

Use the Count property. The last index will be Count - 1.

for (int cnt3 = 0 ; cnt3 < integerList.Count; cnt3++)

How to format a URL to get a file from Amazon S3?

As @stevebot said, do this:


The one important thing I would like to add is that you either have to make your bucket objects all publicly accessible OR you can add a custom policy to your bucket policy. That custom policy could allow traffic from your network IP range or a different credential.

'dict' object has no attribute 'has_key'

The whole code in the document will be:

graph = {'A': ['B', 'C'],
             'B': ['C', 'D'],
             'C': ['D'],
             'D': ['C'],
             'E': ['F'],
             'F': ['C']}
def find_path(graph, start, end, path=[]):
        path = path + [start]
        if start == end:
            return path
        if start not in graph:
            return None
        for node in graph[start]:
            if node not in path:
                newpath = find_path(graph, node, end, path)
                if newpath: return newpath
        return None

After writing it, save the document and press F 5

After that, the code you will run in the Python IDLE shell will be:

find_path(graph, 'A','D')

The answer you should receive in IDLE is

['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] 

how to run a winform from console application?

Its totally depends upon your choice, that how you are implementing.
a. Attached process , ex: input on form and print on console
b. Independent process, ex: start a timer, don't close even if console exit.

for a,

Application.Run(new Form1());
//or -------------
Form1 f = new Form1();

for b, Use thread, or task anything, How to open win form independently?

How/When does Execute Shell mark a build as failure in Jenkins?

In Jenkins ver. 1.635, it is impossible to show a native environment variable like this:


In this case, you have to set it in an other variable.


How does the compilation/linking process work?

The skinny is that a CPU loads data from memory addresses, stores data to memory addresses, and execute instructions sequentially out of memory addresses, with some conditional jumps in the sequence of instructions processed. Each of these three categories of instructions involves computing an address to a memory cell to be used in the machine instruction. Because machine instructions are of a variable length depending on the particular instruction involved, and because we string a variable length of them together as we build our machine code, there is a two step process involved in calculating and building any addresses.

First we laying out the allocation of memory as best we can before we can know what exactly goes in each cell. We figure out the bytes, or words, or whatever that form the instructions and literals and any data. We just start allocating memory and building the values that will create the program as we go, and note down anyplace we need to go back and fix an address. In that place we put a dummy to just pad the location so we can continue to calculate memory size. For example our first machine code might take one cell. The next machine code might take 3 cells, involving one machine code cell and two address cells. Now our address pointer is 4. We know what goes in the machine cell, which is the op code, but we have to wait to calculate what goes in the address cells till we know where that data will be located, i.e. what will be the machine address of that data.

If there were just one source file a compiler could theoretically produce fully executable machine code without a linker. In a two pass process it could calculate all of the actual addresses to all of the data cells referenced by any machine load or store instructions. And it could calculate all of the absolute addresses referenced by any absolute jump instructions. This is how simpler compilers, like the one in Forth work, with no linker.

A linker is something that allows blocks of code to be compiled separately. This can speed up the overall process of building code, and allows some flexibility with how the blocks are later used, in other words they can be relocated in memory, for example adding 1000 to every address to scoot the block up by 1000 address cells.

So what the compiler outputs is rough machine code that is not yet fully built, but is laid out so we know the size of everything, in other words so we can start to calculate where all of the absolute addresses will be located. the compiler also outputs a list of symbols which are name/address pairs. The symbols relate a memory offset in the machine code in the module with a name. The offset being the absolute distance to the memory location of the symbol in the module.

That's where we get to the linker. The linker first slaps all of these blocks of machine code together end to end and notes down where each one starts. Then it calculates the addresses to be fixed by adding together the relative offset within a module and the absolute position of the module in the bigger layout.

Obviously I've oversimplified this so you can try to grasp it, and I have deliberately not used the jargon of object files, symbol tables, etc. which to me is part of the confusion.

What is the difference between __str__ and __repr__?

Unless you specifically act to ensure otherwise, most classes don't have helpful results for either:

>>> class Sic(object): pass
>>> print str(Sic())
<__main__.Sic object at 0x8b7d0>
>>> print repr(Sic())
<__main__.Sic object at 0x8b7d0>

As you see -- no difference, and no info beyond the class and object's id. If you only override one of the two...:

>>> class Sic(object): 
...   def __repr__(object): return 'foo'
>>> print str(Sic())
>>> print repr(Sic())
>>> class Sic(object):
...   def __str__(object): return 'foo'
>>> print str(Sic())
>>> print repr(Sic())
<__main__.Sic object at 0x2617f0>

as you see, if you override __repr__, that's ALSO used for __str__, but not vice versa.

Other crucial tidbits to know: __str__ on a built-on container uses the __repr__, NOT the __str__, for the items it contains. And, despite the words on the subject found in typical docs, hardly anybody bothers making the __repr__ of objects be a string that eval may use to build an equal object (it's just too hard, AND not knowing how the relevant module was actually imported makes it actually flat out impossible).

So, my advice: focus on making __str__ reasonably human-readable, and __repr__ as unambiguous as you possibly can, even if that interferes with the fuzzy unattainable goal of making __repr__'s returned value acceptable as input to __eval__!