[powershell] How to initialize an array of custom objects

First, as this leads to my question, I'll start by noting that I've worked with XML a fair bit in PowerShell, and like how I can read data from XML files, quickly, into arrays of custom objects. For example, if I had the following XML file:

 <item name="Joe" age="32">
  <info>something about him</info>
 <item name="Sue" age="29">
  <info>something about her</info>
 <item name="Cat" age="12">
  <info>something else</info>

And if I read it in simply, like this:

[xml]$myxml = Get-Content .\my.xml

Then I can get to an array of my items like this:

[array]$myitems = $myxml.stuff.Item

name   age  info
----   ---  ----
Joe    32   something about him
Sue    29   something about her
Cat    12   something else

So, now my question:

How can I create a similar structure of an array of custom objects, and initialize them in my script, without reading a file?

I can do lots of looping and/or lots of creating/initializing individual objects, and then add to an array one at a time...

But it seems there should be a way to perform this creation/initialization in a simpler way. Note that the key here, is that my custom objects have more than two elements (otherwise, I'd have used a hash).

I've even looked at creating a big string of XML, and using Select-XML, but I just couldn't get the syntax right (if that was even the right road to be heading down).

This question is related to powershell pscustomobject

The answer is

Maybe you mean like this? I like to make an object and use Format-Table:

> $array = @()
> $object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
> $object | Add-Member -Name 'Name' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value 'Joe'
> $object | Add-Member -Name 'Age' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value 32
> $object | Add-Member -Name 'Info' -MemberType Noteproperty -Value 'something about him'
> $array += $object
> $array | Format-Table

Name                                                                        Age Info
----                                                                        --- ----
Joe                                                                          32  something about him

This will put all objects you have in the array in columns according to their properties.

Tip: Using -auto sizes the table better

> $array | Format-Table -Auto

Name Age Info
---- --- ----
Joe   32 something about him

You can also specify which properties you want in the table. Just separate each property name with a comma:

> $array | Format-Table Name, Age -Auto

Name Age
---- ---
Joe   32

The simplest way to initialize an array

Create array

$array = @()

Create your header

$line = "" | select name,age,phone

Fill the line

$line.name = "Leandro"
$line.age = "39"
$line.phone = "555-555555"

Add line to $array

$array += $line



name                                                     age                                                      phone
----                                                     ---                                                      -----
Leandro                                                  39                                                       555-555555

Here is a concise way to initialize an array of custom objects in PowerShell.

> $body = @( @{ Prop1="1"; Prop2="2"; Prop3="3" }, @{ Prop1="1"; Prop2="2"; Prop3="3" } )
> $body

Name                           Value
----                           -----
Prop2                          2
Prop1                          1
Prop3                          3
Prop2                          2
Prop1                          1
Prop3                          3  

A little variation on classes. Initialize it with hashtables.

class Point { $x; $y }

$a = [Point[]] (@{ x=1; y=2 },@{ x=3; y=4 })


x y        
- -          
1 2
3 4


IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     Point[]                                  System.Array


IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     False    Point                                    System.Object

Use a "Here-String" and cast to XML.

[xml]$myxml = @"
 <item name="Joe" age="32">
  <info>something about him</info>
 <item name="Sue" age="29">
  <info>something about her</info>
 <item name="Cat" age="12">
  <info>something else</info>

[array]$myitems = $myxml.stuff.Item


I had to create an array of a predefined type, and I successfully did as follows:

[System.Data.DataColumn[]]$myitems = ([System.Data.DataColumn]("col1"), 
                [System.Data.DataColumn]("col2"),  [System.Data.DataColumn]("col3"))

Given the data above, this is how I would do it:

# initialize the array
[PsObject[]]$people = @()

# populate the array with each object
$people += [PsObject]@{ Name = "Joe"; Age = 32; Info = "something about him" }
$people += [PsObject]@{ Name = "Sue"; Age = 29; Info = "something about her" }
$people += [PsObject]@{ Name = "Cat"; Age = 12; Info = "something else" }

The below code will work even if you only have 1 item after a Where-Object:

# display all people
Write-Host "People:"
foreach($person in $people) {
    Write-Host "  - Name: '$($person.Name)', Age: $($person.Age), Info: '$($person.Info)'"

# display with just 1 person (length will be empty if using 'PSCustomObject', so you have to wrap any results in a '@()' as described by Andrew Savinykh in his updated answer)
$youngerPeople = $people | Where-Object { $_.Age -lt 20 }
Write-Host "People younger than 20: $($youngerPeople.Length)"
foreach($youngerPerson in $youngerPeople) {
    Write-Host "  - Name: '$($youngerPerson.Name)'"


  - Name: 'Joe', Age: 32, Info: 'something about him'
  - Name: 'Sue', Age: 29, Info: 'something about her'
  - Name: 'Cat', Age: 12, Info: 'something else'
People younger than 20: 1
  - Name: 'Cat'

Here is a more concise version of the accepted answer which avoids repeating the NoteProperty identifiers and the [pscustomobject]-cast:

$myItems =  ("Joe",32,"something about him"), ("Sue",29,"something about her")
            | ForEach-Object {[pscustomobject]@{name = $_[0]; age = $_[1]; info = $_[2]}}


> $myItems

name           age         info
----           ---         ----
Joe            32          something about him
Sue            29          something about her