Programs & Examples On #Mapplets

Cannot hide status bar in iOS7

Many of the answers on this thread work, but it's my understanding if you're trying to do anything dynamic you'll eventually need to call:

[self performSelector:@selector(setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate)];

How do you test a public/private DSA keypair?

Delete the public keys and generate new ones from the private keys. Keep them in separate directories, or use a naming convention to keep them straight.

Why doesn't Dijkstra's algorithm work for negative weight edges?

Consider the graph shown below with the source as Vertex A. First try running Dijkstra’s algorithm yourself on it.

enter image description here

When I refer to Dijkstra’s algorithm in my explanation I will be talking about the Dijkstra's Algorithm as implemented below,

Dijkstra’s algorithm

So starting out the values (the distance from the source to the vertex) initially assigned to each vertex are,


We first extract the vertex in Q = [A,B,C] which has smallest value, i.e. A, after which Q = [B, C]. Note A has a directed edge to B and C, also both of them are in Q, therefore we update both of those values,

first iteration

Now we extract C as (2<5), now Q = [B]. Note that C is connected to nothing, so line16 loop doesn't run.

second iteration

Finally we extract B, after which Q is Phi. Note B has a directed edge to C but C isn't present in Q therefore we again don't enter the for loop in line16,


So we end up with the distances as

no change guys

Note how this is wrong as the shortest distance from A to C is 5 + -10 = -5, when you go a to b to c.

So for this graph Dijkstra's Algorithm wrongly computes the distance from A to C.

This happens because Dijkstra's Algorithm does not try to find a shorter path to vertices which are already extracted from Q.

What the line16 loop is doing is taking the vertex u and saying "hey looks like we can go to v from source via u, is that (alt or alternative) distance any better than the current dist[v] we got? If so lets update dist[v]"

Note that in line16 they check all neighbors v (i.e. a directed edge exists from u to v), of u which are still in Q. In line14 they remove visited notes from Q. So if x is a visited neighbour of u, the path source to u to x is not even considered as a possible shorter way from source to v.

In our example above, C was a visited neighbour of B, thus the path A to B to C was not considered, leaving the current shortest path A to C unchanged.

This is actually useful if the edge weights are all positive numbers, because then we wouldn't waste our time considering paths that can't be shorter.

So I say that when running this algorithm if x is extracted from Q before y, then its not possible to find a path - not possible which is shorter. Let me explain this with an example,

As y has just been extracted and x had been extracted before itself, then dist[y] > dist[x] because otherwise y would have been extracted before x. (line 13 min distance first)

And as we already assumed that the edge weights are positive, i.e. length(x,y)>0. So the alternative distance (alt) via y is always sure to be greater, i.e. dist[y] + length(x,y)> dist[x]. So the value of dist[x] would not have been updated even if y was considered as a path to x, thus we conclude that it makes sense to only consider neighbors of y which are still in Q (note comment in line16)

But this thing hinges on our assumption of positive edge length, if length(u,v)<0 then depending on how negative that edge is we might replace the dist[x] after the comparison in line18.

So any dist[x] calculation we make will be incorrect if x is removed before all vertices v - such that x is a neighbour of v with negative edge connecting them - is removed.

Because each of those v vertices is the second last vertex on a potential "better" path from source to x, which is discarded by Dijkstra’s algorithm.

So in the example I gave above, the mistake was because C was removed before B was removed. While that C was a neighbour of B with a negative edge!

Just to clarify, B and C are A's neighbours. B has a single neighbour C and C has no neighbours. length(a,b) is the edge length between the vertices a and b.

Run two async tasks in parallel and collect results in .NET 4.5

It's weekend now!

    public async void Go()
        Console.WriteLine("Start fosterage...");

        var t1 = Sleep(5000, "Kevin");
        var t2 = Sleep(3000, "Jerry");
        var result = await Task.WhenAll(t1, t2);

        Console.WriteLine($"My precious spare time last for only {result.Max()}ms");
        Console.WriteLine("Press any key and take same beer...");

    private static async Task<int> Sleep(int ms, string name)
            Console.WriteLine($"{name} going to sleep for {ms}ms :)");
            await Task.Delay(ms);
            Console.WriteLine("${name} waked up after {ms}ms :(";
            return ms;

How to debug apk signed for release?

Add the following to your app build.gradle and select the specified release build variant and run

signingConfigs {
        config {
            keyAlias 'keyalias'
            keyPassword 'keypwd'
            storeFile file('<<KEYSTORE-PATH>>.keystore')
            storePassword 'pwd'
    buildTypes {
      release {
          debuggable true
          signingConfig signingConfigs.config
          proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt'

Clear and reset form input fields

/* See newState and use of it in eventSubmit() for resetting all the state. I have tested it is working for me. Please let me know for mistakes */

import React from 'react';
    const newState = {
        fullname: '',
        email: ''
    class Form extends React.Component {
        constructor(props) {
            this.state = {
                fullname: ' ',
                email: ' '
            this.eventChange = this
            this.eventSubmit = this
        eventChange(event) {
            const target =;
            const value = target.type === 'checkbox'
                ? target.type
                : target.value;
            const name =;
            this.setState({[name]: value})
        eventSubmit(event) {
        render() {
            return (
                <div className="container">
                    <form className="row mt-5" onSubmit={this.eventSubmit}>
                        <label className="col-md-12">
                            Full Name
                        <label className="col-md-12">
                        <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
    export default Form;

EF Core add-migration Build Failed

Turns out this could also be caused by BuildEvents. For me I was referencing $(SolutionDir) there. With a regular build this variable has value, but running dotnet * commands is done at project level apparently. $(SolutionDir) comes out like Undefined in verbose mode (-v). This seems like a bug to me.

jQuery Call to WebService returns "No Transport" error

None of the proposed answers completely worked for me. My use case is slightly different (doing an ajax get to an S3 .json file in IE9). Setting = true; got rid of the No Transport error but I was still getting Permission denied errors.

What did work for me was to use the jQuery-ajaxTransport-XDomainRequest to force IE9 to use XDomainRequest. Using this did not require setting = true;

How to get a barplot with several variables side by side grouped by a factor

You can use aggregate to calculate the means:

Group.1      tea     coke     beer    water gender
1       1 87.70171 27.24834 24.27099 37.24007      1
2       2 24.73330 25.27344 25.64657 24.34669      2

Get rid of the Group.1 column


Then you have reformat the data to be in long format:

  gender variable    value
1      1      tea 87.70171
2      2      tea 24.73330
3      1     coke 27.24834
4      2     coke 25.27344
5      1     beer 24.27099
6      2     beer 25.64657
7      1    water 37.24007
8      2    water 24.34669

Finally, you can use ggplot2 to create your plot:

                      breaks=c(1, 2),
                      labels=c("Male", "Female"))+
  xlab("Beverage")+ylab("Mean Percentage")

enter image description here

"Repository does not have a release file" error

I opened up my Software & Updates program and switched from my country to the main servers like so:
Software & Updates screen

After I done this and run the sudo apt update commando again, my problems where gone.

How to restrict user to type 10 digit numbers in input element?

whoever is checking this post in 2020, they can use <input inputmode="tel"> for phone numbers (10 digit), <input inputmode="numeric" maxLength={5}> for numeric type and restrict to only 5 digits.

Making an image act like a button

You could use an image submit button:

<input type="image"  id="saveform" src="logg.png " alt="Submit Form" />

Open URL in Java to get the content

It may be more useful to use a http client library like such as this

There are more things like access denied , document moved etc to handle when dealing with http.

(though, it is unlikely in this case)

What is the difference between UNION and UNION ALL?

UNION merges the contents of two structurally-compatible tables into a single combined table.

  • Difference:

The difference between UNION and UNION ALL is that UNION will omit duplicate records whereas UNION ALL will include duplicate records.

Union Result set is sorted in ascending order whereas UNION ALL Result set is not sorted

UNION performs a DISTINCT on its Result set so it will eliminate any duplicate rows. Whereas UNION ALL won't remove duplicates and therefore it is faster than UNION.*

Note: The performance of UNION ALL will typically be better than UNION, since UNION requires the server to do the additional work of removing any duplicates. So, in cases where it is certain that there will not be any duplicates, or where having duplicates is not a problem, use of UNION ALL would be recommended for performance reasons.

How do I remove a file from the FileList

There might be a more elegant way to do this but here is my solution. With Jquery

fileEle.value = "";
var parEle = $(fileEle).parent();
var newEle = $(fileEle).clone()

Basically you cleat the value of the input. Clone it and put the clone in place of the old one.

How do you use youtube-dl to download live streams (that are live)?

I have Written a small script to download the live youtube video, you may use as single command as well. script it can be invoked simply as,

~/ <URL> <output file name>


~/ myfile.mp4

script is as simple as below,


# Author Prashant

streamlink --hls-live-restart -o ${OUTNAME} ${URL} best

here the best is the stream quality, it also can be 144p (worst), 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p (best)

print memory address of Python variable

id is the method you want to use: to convert it to hex:


For instance:

x = 4
print hex(id(x))

Gave me:


Which is what you want, right?

(Fun fact, binding two variables to the same int may result in the same memory address being used.)

x = 4
y = 4
w = 9999
v = 9999
a = 12345678
b = 12345678
print hex(id(x))
print hex(id(y))
print hex(id(w))
print hex(id(v))
print hex(id(a))
print hex(id(b))

This gave me identical pairs, even for the large integers.

Select distinct rows from datatable in Linq

We can get the distinct similar to the example shown below

           var  distinctValues =  DetailedBreakDown_Table.AsEnumerable().Select(r => new
                InvestmentVehicleID = r.Field<string>("InvestmentVehicleID"),
                Universe = r.Field<string>("Universe"),
                AsOfDate = _imqDate,
                Ticker = "",
                Cusip = "",
                PortfolioDate = r.Field<DateTime>("PortfolioDate")

            } ).Distinct();

Matplotlib: "Unknown projection '3d'" error

Just to add to Joe Kington's answer (not enough reputation for a comment) there is a good example of mixing 2d and 3d plots in the documentation at which shows projection='3d' working in combination with the Axes3D import.

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2, projection='3d')

In fact as long as the Axes3D import is present the line

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

as used by the OP also works. (checked with matplotlib version 1.3.1)

iOS - Calling App Delegate method from ViewController

Even if technically feasible, is NOT a good approach. When You say: "The splash screen would have buttons for each room that would allow you to jump to any point on the walk through." So you want to pass through appdelegate to call these controllers via tohc events on buttons?

This approach does not follow Apple guidelines and has a lot of drawbacks.

How to get the android Path string to a file on Assets folder?

You can use this method.

    public static File getRobotCacheFile(Context context) throws IOException {
        File cacheFile = new File(context.getCacheDir(), "robot.png");
        try {
            InputStream inputStream = context.getAssets().open("robot.png");
            try {
                FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(cacheFile);
                try {
                    byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
                    int len;
                    while ((len = > 0) {
                        outputStream.write(buf, 0, len);
                } finally {
            } finally {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IOException("Could not open robot png", e);
        return cacheFile;

You should never use InputStream.available() in such cases. It returns only bytes that are buffered. Method with .available() will never work with bigger files and will not work on some devices at all.

In Kotlin (;D):

fun getRobotCacheFile(context: Context): File = File(context.cacheDir, "robot.png")
    .also {
        it.outputStream().use { cache ->"robot.png").use { it.copyTo(cache) } }

Practical uses for the "internal" keyword in C#

One use of the internal keyword is to limit access to concrete implementations from the user of your assembly.

If you have a factory or some other central location for constructing objects the user of your assembly need only deal with the public interface or abstract base class.

Also, internal constructors allow you to control where and when an otherwise public class is instantiated.

JList add/remove Item

The best and easiest way to clear a JLIST is:

myJlist.setListData(new String[0]);

In TensorFlow, what is the difference between and Tensor.eval()?

The FAQ session on tensor flow has an answer to exactly the same question. I will just go ahead and leave it here:

If t is a Tensor object, t.eval() is shorthand for (where sess is the current default session. The two following snippets of code are equivalent:

sess = tf.Session()
c = tf.constant(5.0)

c = tf.constant(5.0)
with tf.Session():
  print c.eval()

In the second example, the session acts as a context manager, which has the effect of installing it as the default session for the lifetime of the with block. The context manager approach can lead to more concise code for simple use cases (like unit tests); if your code deals with multiple graphs and sessions, it may be more straightforward to explicit calls to

I'd recommend that you at least skim throughout the whole FAQ, as it might clarify a lot of things.

Relative paths in Python

you need os.path.realpath (sample below adds the parent directory to your path)

import sys,os

How to hide only the Close (x) button?

You can't hide it, but you can disable it by overriding the CreateParams property of the form.

private const int CP_NOCLOSE_BUTTON = 0x200;
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
       CreateParams myCp = base.CreateParams;
       myCp.ClassStyle = myCp.ClassStyle | CP_NOCLOSE_BUTTON ;
       return myCp;


Remove row lines in twitter bootstrap

In Bootstrap 3 I've added a table-no-border class

.table-no-border>tfoot>tr>td {
  border-top: none; 

How to represent the double quotes character (") in regex?

Firstly, double quote character is nothing special in regex - it's just another character, so it doesn't need escaping from the perspective of regex.

However, because java uses double quotes to delimit String constants, if you want to create a string in java with a double quote in it, you must escape them.

This code will test if your String matches:

if (str.matches("\".*\"")) {
    // this string starts and end with a double quote

Note that you don't need to add start and end of input markers (^ and $) in the regex, because matches() requires that the whole input be matched to return true - ^ and $ are implied.

Adding new files to a subversion repository

Before you can add files in an unversioned directory, you have to add the directory itself to the versioning:

svn add directory_name

will add the directory directory_name and all sub-directories:

customize Android Facebook Login button

You can modifiy the login button like this

            fb:logout_text="" />

And in code I defined the background resource :

final LoginButton button = (LoginButton) findViewById(;

Return multiple fields as a record in PostgreSQL with PL/pgSQL

If you have a table with this exact record layout, use its name as a type, otherwise you will have to declare the type explicitly:

        name text
RETURNS mytable
        DECLARE f1 INT;
        DECLARE f2 INT;
        DECLARE f8 INT;
        DECLARE retval mytable;
        -- fetch fields f1, f2 and f3 from table t1
        -- fetch fields f4, f5 from table t2
        -- fetch fields f6, f7 and f8 from table t3
                retval := (f1, f2, …, f8);
                RETURN retval;
$$ language plpgsql; 

True/False vs 0/1 in MySQL

Some "front ends", with the "Use Booleans" option enabled, will treat all TINYINT(1) columns as Boolean, and vice versa.

This allows you to, in the application, use TRUE and FALSE rather than 1 and 0.

This doesn't affect the database at all, since it's implemented in the application.

There is not really a BOOLEAN type in MySQL. BOOLEAN is just a synonym for TINYINT(1), and TRUE and FALSE are synonyms for 1 and 0.

If the conversion is done in the compiler, there will be no difference in performance in the application. Otherwise, the difference still won't be noticeable.

You should use whichever method allows you to code more efficiently, though not using the feature may reduce dependency on that particular "front end" vendor.

Jquery-How to grey out the background while showing the loading icon over it

1) "container" is a class and not an ID 2) .container - set z-index and display: none in your CSS and not inline unless there is a really good reason to do so. Demo@fiddle

$("#button").click(function() {
    $(".container").css("opacity", 0.2);
   $("#loading-img").css({"display": "block"});


#loading-img {
    background: url( center center no-repeat;  /* different for testing purposes */
    display: none;
    height: 100px; /* for testing purposes */
    z-index: 12;

And a demo with animated image.

Should I use SVN or Git?

The funny thing is: I host projects in Subversion Repos, but access them via the Git Clone command.

Please read Develop with Git on a Google Code Project

Although Google Code natively speaks Subversion, you can easily use Git during development. Searching for "git svn" suggests this practice is widespread, and we too encourage you to experiment with it.

Using Git on a Svn Repository gives me benefits:

  1. I can work distributed on several machines, commiting and pulling from and to them
  2. I have a central backup/public svn repository for others to check out
  3. And they are free to use Git for their own

ImportError: No module named pip

In terminal try this:

ls -lA /usr/local/bin | grep pip

in my case i get:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root  root      284 ??? 13 16:20 pip
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root  root      204 ??? 27 16:37 pip2
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root  root      204 ??? 27 16:37 pip2.7
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root  root      292 ??? 13 16:20 pip-3.4

So pip2 || pip2.7 in my case works, and pip

Difference between SurfaceView and View?

One of the main differences between surfaceview and view is that to refresh the screen for a normal view we have to call invalidate method from the same thread where the view is defined. But even if we call invalidate, the refreshing does not happen immediately. It occurs only after the next arrival of the VSYNC signal. VSYNC signal is a kernel generated signal which happens every 16.6 ms or this is also known as 60 frame per second. So if we want more control over the refreshing of the screen (for example for very fast moving animation), we should not use normal view class.

On the other hand in case of surfaceview, we can refresh the screen as fast as we want and we can do it from a background thread. So refreshing of the surfaceview really does not depend upon VSYNC, and this is very useful if we want to do high speed animation. I have few training videos and example application which explain all these things nicely. Please have a look at the following training videos.

"fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories)" from git status

Simply, after you clone the repo you need to cd (change your current directory) to the new cloned folder

git clone https://[email protected]/Repo_Name.git

cd Repo_Name

What are alternatives to document.write?

As a recommended alternative to document.write you could use DOM manipulation to directly query and add node elements to the DOM.

How to install Python MySQLdb module using pip?

For Python3 I needed to do this:

python3 -m pip install MySQL

Best way to clear a PHP array's values

Sadly I can't answer the other questions, don't have enough reputation, but I need to point something out that was VERY important for me, and I think it will help other people too.

Unsetting the variable is a nice way, unless you need the reference of the original array!

To make clear what I mean: If you have a function wich uses the reference of the array, for example a sorting function like

function special_sort_my_array(&$array)
    $temporary_list = create_assoziative_special_list_out_of_array($array);


    foreach($temporary_list as $k => $v)
        $array[$k] = $v;

it is not working! Be careful here, unset deletes the reference, so the variable $array is created again and filled correctly, but the values are not accessable from outside the function.

So if you have references, you need to use $array = array() instead of unset, even if it is less clean and understandable.

Hide scroll bar, but while still being able to scroll

This works for me cross-browser. However, this doesn't hide native scrollbars on mobile browsers.


.hide-native-scrollbar {
  scrollbar-width: none; /* Firefox 64 */
  -ms-overflow-style: none; /* Internet Explorer 11 */
  &::-webkit-scrollbar { /** WebKit */
    display: none;


.hide-native-scrollbar {
  scrollbar-width: none; /* Firefox 64 */
  -ms-overflow-style: none; /* Internet Explorer 11 */
.hide-native-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar { /** WebKit */
  display: none;

Python Turtle, draw text with on screen with larger font

Use the optional font argument to turtle.write(), from the docs:

turtle.write(arg, move=False, align="left", font=("Arial", 8, "normal"))

  • arg – object to be written to the TurtleScreen
  • move – True/False
  • align – one of the strings “left”, “center” or right”
  • font – a triple (fontname, fontsize, fonttype)

So you could do something like turtle.write("messi fan", font=("Arial", 16, "normal")) to change the font size to 16 (default is 8).

Bash script - variable content as a command to run

In the case where you have multiple variables containing the arguments for a command you're running, and not just a single string, you should not use eval directly, as it will fail in the following case:

function echo_arguments() {
  echo "Argument 1: $1"
  echo "Argument 2: $2"
  echo "Argument 3: $3"
  echo "Argument 4: $4"

# Note we are passing 3 arguments to `echo_arguments`, not 4
eval echo_arguments arg1 arg2 "Some arg"


Argument 1: arg1
Argument 2: arg2
Argument 3: Some
Argument 4: arg

Note that even though "Some arg" was passed as a single argument, eval read it as two.

Instead, you can just use the string as the command itself:

# The regular bash eval works by jamming all its arguments into a string then
# evaluating the string. This function treats its arguments as individual
# arguments to be passed to the command being run.
function eval_command() {

Note the difference between the output of eval and the new eval_command function:

eval_command echo_arguments arg1 arg2 "Some arg"


Argument 1: arg1
Argument 2: arg2
Argument 3: Some arg
Argument 4:

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE

open up your console and hit the URL inside. it'll take you to the API page and then in the page accept the SSL certificate, go back to your app page and reload. remember that SSL certificates should have been issued for your Dev environment before.

Where can I view Tomcat log files in Eclipse?

Looks like the logs are scattered? I found access logs under <ProjectLocation>\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\logs

Increase number of axis ticks


ggplot(dat, aes(x,y)) +
geom_point() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(min(dat$x), max(dat$x), by = 0.05))

Works for binned or discrete scaled x-axis data (I.e., rounding not necessary).

In javascript, how do you search an array for a substring match

let url = item.product_image_urls.filter(arr=>arr.match("homepage")!==null)

Filter array with string match. It is easy and one line code.

Android: Pass data(extras) to a fragment

I prefer Serializable = no boilerplate code. For passing data to other Fragments or Activities the speed difference to a Parcelable does not matter.

I would also always provide a helper method for a Fragment or Activity, this way you always know, what data has to be passed. Here an example for your ListMusicFragment:

private static final String EXTRA_MUSIC_LIST = "music_list";

public static ListMusicFragment createInstance(List<Music> music) {
    ListMusicFragment fragment = new ListMusicFragment();
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    bundle.putSerializable(EXTRA_MUSIC_LIST, music);
    return fragment;

public View onCreateView(...) { 
    Bundle bundle = intent.getArguments();
    List<Music> musicList = (List<Music>)bundle.getSerializable(EXTRA_MUSIC_LIST);

Best C++ IDE or Editor for Windows

vi or gvim if you don't like terminals.

How can I solve Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException error

This is the problem

double a[] = null;

Since a is null, NullPointerException will arise every time you use it until you initialize it. So this:

a[i] = var;

will fail.

A possible solution would be initialize it when declaring it:

double a[] = new double[PUT_A_LENGTH_HERE]; //seems like this constant should be 7

IMO more important than solving this exception, is the fact that you should learn to read the stacktrace and understand what it says, so you could detect the problems and solve it.


This exception means there's a variable with null value being used. How to solve? Just make sure the variable is not null before being used.

at twoten.TwoTenB.(

This line has two parts:

  • First, shows the class and method where the error was thrown. In this case, it was at <init> method in class TwoTenB declared in package twoten. When you encounter an error message with SomeClassName.<init>, means the error was thrown while creating a new instance of the class e.g. executing the constructor (in this case that seems to be the problem).
  • Secondly, shows the file and line number location where the error is thrown, which is between parenthesis. This way is easier to spot where the error arose. So you have to look into file, line number 29. This seems to be a[i] = var;.

From this line, other lines will be similar to tell you where the error arose. So when reading this:

at javapractice.JavaPractice.main(

It means that you were trying to instantiate a TwoTenB object reference inside the main method of your class JavaPractice declared in javapractice package.

How do you set the width of an HTML Helper TextBox in ASP.NET MVC?

My real sample for MVC 3 is here:

<% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>


Start Date: <%: Html.TextBox("datepicker1", DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), new { style = "width:80px;", maxlength = 10 })%> 

End Date: <%: Html.TextBox("datepicker2", DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), new { style = "width:80px;", maxlength = 10 })%> 

<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" value="Search" /> 


<% } %>

So, we have following

"datepicker1" - ID of the control

DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") - value by default

style = "width:80px;" - width of the textbox

maxlength = 10 - we can input 10 characters only

How do I specify a password to 'psql' non-interactively?

Added content of to my .bashrc:

cat /opt/PostgreSQL/10/

# The script sets environment variables helpful for PostgreSQL

export PATH=/opt/PostgreSQL/10/bin:$PATH
export PGDATA=/opt/PostgreSQL/10/data
export PGDATABASE=postgres
export PGUSER=postgres
export PGPORT=5433
export PGLOCALEDIR=/opt/PostgreSQL/10/share/locale
export MANPATH=$MANPATH:/opt/PostgreSQL/10/share/man

with addition of (as per user4653174 suggestion)

export PGPASSWORD='password'

set dropdown value by text using jquery

Here is an simple example:

    if(this.value.toString() == ""){
    alert("You just changed country to: " + $("#country_id option:selected").text() + " which carried the value for country_id as: " + this.value.toString());

How to calculate an age based on a birthday?

Stackoverflow uses such function to determine the age of a user.

Calculate age in C#

The given answer is

DateTime now = DateTime.Today;
int age = now.Year - bday.Year;
if (now < bday.AddYears(age)) age--;

So your helper method would look like

public static string Age(this HtmlHelper helper, DateTime birthday)
    DateTime now = DateTime.Today;
    int age = now.Year - birthday.Year;
    if (now < birthday.AddYears(age)) age--;

    return age.ToString();

Today, I use a different version of this function to include a date of reference. This allow me to get the age of someone at a future date or in the past. This is used for our reservation system, where the age in the future is needed.

public static int GetAge(DateTime reference, DateTime birthday)
    int age = reference.Year - birthday.Year;
    if (reference < birthday.AddYears(age)) age--;

    return age;

Add a column to a table, if it does not already exist

OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Person]') AND name = 'DateOfBirth')
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Person] ADD DateOfBirth DATETIME

Difference between xcopy and robocopy

I have written lot of scripts to automate daily backups etc. Previously I used XCopy and then moved to Robocopy. Anyways Robocopy and XCopy both are frequently used in terms of file transfers in Windows. Robocopy stands for Robust File Copy. All type of huge file copying both these commands are used but Robocopy has added options which makes copying easier as well as for debugging purposes.

Having said that lets talk about features between these two.

  • Robocopy becomes handy for mirroring or synchronizing directories. It also checks the files in the destination directory against the files to be copied and doesn't waste time copying unchanged files.

  • Just like myself, if you are into automation to take daily backups etc, "Run Hours - /RH" becomes very useful without any interactions. This is supported by Robocopy. It allows you to set when copies should be done rather than the time of the command as with XCopy. You will see robocopy.exe process in task list since it will run background to monitor clock to execute when time is right to copy.

  • Robocopy supports file and directory monitoring with the "/MON" or "/MOT" commands.

  • Robocopy gives extra support for copying over the "archive" attribute on files, it supports copying over all attributes including timestamps, security, owner, and auditing information.

Hope this helps you.

splitting a number into the integer and decimal parts

>>> a = 147.234
>>> a % 1
>>> a // 1

If you want the integer part as an integer and not a float, use int(a//1) instead. To obtain the tuple in a single passage: (int(a//1), a%1)

EDIT: Remember that the decimal part of a float number is approximate, so if you want to represent it as a human would do, you need to use the decimal library

Is nested function a good approach when required by only one function?

>>> def sum(x, y):
...     def do_it():
...             return x + y
...     return do_it
>>> a = sum(1, 3)
>>> a
<function do_it at 0xb772b304>
>>> a()

Is this what you were looking for? It's called a closure.

Slicing of a NumPy 2d array, or how do I extract an mxm submatrix from an nxn array (n>m)?

I have a similar question here: Writting in sub-ndarray of a ndarray in the most pythonian way. Python 2 .

Following the solution of previous post for your case the solution looks like:

columns_to_keep = [1,3] 
rows_to_keep = [1,3]

An using ix_:

x[np.ix_(rows_to_keep, columns_to_keep)] 

Which is:

array([[ 5,  7],
       [13, 15]])

How can I "disable" zoom on a mobile web page?

This should be everything you need :

<meta name='viewport' 
     content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, 
     user-scalable=0' >

Replace X-axis with own values

Yo could also set labels = FALSE inside axis(...) and print the labels in a separate command with Text. With this option you can rotate the text the text in case you need it

axis(1, at=seq(1, 10, by=1), labels = FALSE)
text(seq(1, 10, by=1), par("usr")[3] - 0.2, labels = lablist, srt = 45, pos = 1, xpd = TRUE)

Detailed explanation here

Image with rotated labels

Selenium WebDriver and DropDown Boxes

I have to struggle to find how to achieve especial those who are new to this tool (like me)

C# code:

IWebElement ddl = ffDriver.FindElement(By.Id("ddlGoTo")); 
OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI.SelectElement clickthis = new OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI.SelectElement(ddl);
clickthis.SelectByText("Your Text");

hope this help others!

What are the differences between struct and class in C++?

Class' members are private by default. Struct's members are public by default. Besides that there are no other differences. Also see this question.

How to avoid "Permission denied" when using pip with virtualenv

In my case, I was using mkvirtualenv, but didn't tell it I was going to be using python3. I got this error:

mkvirtualenv hug
pip3 install hug -U

error: could not create '/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages': Permission denied

It worked after specifying python3:

mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 hug
pip3 install hug -U

Group by multiple field names in java 8

The groupingBy method has the first parameter is Function<T,K> where:

@param <T> the type of the input elements

@param <K> the type of the keys

If we replace lambda with the anonymous class in your code, we can see some kind of that: Function<Person, int>() {
            public int apply(Person person) {
                return person.getAge();

Just now change output parameter<K>. In this case, for example, I used a pair class from org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple for grouping by name and age, but you may create your own class for filtering groups as you need. Function<Person, Pair<Integer, String>>() {
                public YourFilter apply(Person person) {
                    return Pair.of(person.getAge(), person.getName());

Finally, after replacing with lambda back, code looks like that:

Map<Pair<Integer,String>, List<Person>> peopleByAgeAndName = people.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(p -> Pair.of(person.getAge(), person.getName()), Collectors.mapping((Person p) -> p, toList())));

How to reverse apply a stash?

I had a similar issue myself, I think all you need to do is git reset --hard and you will not lose your changes or any untracked changes.

If you read the docs in git stash --help it states that apply is "Like pop, but do not remove the state from the stash list" so the state still resides there, you can get it back.

Alternatively, if you have no conflicts, you can just git stash again after testing your changes.

If you do have conflicts, don't worry, git reset --hard won't lose them, as "Applying the state can fail with conflicts; in this case, it is not removed from the stash list. You need to resolve the conflicts by hand and call git stash drop manually afterwards."

How to see log files in MySQL?

In my (I have LAMP installed) /etc/mysql/my.cnf file I found following, commented lines in [mysqld] section:

general_log_file        = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log
general_log             = 1

I had to open this file as superuser, with terminal:

sudo geany /etc/mysql/my.cnf

(I prefer to use Geany instead of gedit or VI, it doesn't matter)

I just uncommented them & save the file then restart MySQL with

sudo service MySQL restart

Run several queries, open the above file (/var/log/mysql/mysql.log) and the log was there :)

Safely turning a JSON string into an object


There are already good answer for this question, but I was curious about performance and today 2020.09.21 I conduct tests on MacOs HighSierra 10.13.6 on Chrome v85, Safari v13.1.2 and Firefox v80 for chosen solutions.


  • eval/Function (A,B,C) approach is fast on Chrome (but for big-deep object N=1000 they crash: "maximum stack call exceed)
  • eval (A) is fast/medium fast on all browsers
  • JSON.parse (D,E) are fastest on Safari and Firefox

enter image description here


I perform 4 tests cases:

  • for small shallow object HERE
  • for small deep object HERE
  • for big shallow object HERE
  • for big deep object HERE

Object used in above tests came from HERE

let obj_ShallowSmall = {
  field0: false,
  field1: true,
  field2: 1,
  field3: 0,
  field4: null,
  field5: [],
  field6: {},
  field7: "text7",
  field8: "text8",

let obj_DeepSmall = {
  level0: {
   level1: {
    level2: {
     level3: {
      level4: {
       level5: {
        level6: {
         level7: {
          level8: {
           level9: [[[[[[[[[['abc']]]]]]]]]],

let obj_ShallowBig = Array(1000).fill(0).reduce((a,c,i) => (a['field'+i]=getField(i),a) ,{});

let obj_DeepBig = genDeepObject(1000);

// ------------------
// Show objects
// ------------------


// ------------------
// ------------------

function getField(k) {
  let i=k%10;
  if(i==0) return false;
  if(i==1) return true;
  if(i==2) return k;
  if(i==3) return 0;
  if(i==4) return null;
  if(i==5) return [];
  if(i==6) return {};  
  if(i>=7) return "text"+k;

function genDeepObject(N) {
  // generate: {level0:{level1:{...levelN: {end:[[[...N-times...['abc']...]]] }}}...}}}
  let obj={};
  let o=obj;
  let arr = [];
  let a=arr;

  for(let i=0; i<N; i++) {
    let aa=[];

  return obj;

Below snippet presents chosen solutions

// src:
function A(json) {
  return eval("(" + json + ')');

function B(json) {
  return (new Function('return ('+json+')'))()

// improved
function C(json) {
  return Function('return ('+json+')')()

// src:
function D(json) {
  return JSON.parse(json);

// src:
function E(json) {
  return $.parseJSON(json)

// --------------------
// --------------------

let json = '{"a":"abc","b":"123","d":[1,2,3],"e":{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}}';

[A,B,C,D,E].map(f=> {  
  console.log( + ' ' + JSON.stringify(f(json))
<script src=""></script>
This shippet only presents functions used in performance tests - it not perform tests itself!

And here are example results for chrome

enter image description here

How do you rename a Git tag?

You can also rename remote tags without checking them out, by duplicate the old tag/branch to a new name and delete the old one, in a single git push command.

Remote tag rename / Remote branch ? tag conversion: (Notice: :refs/tags/)

git push <remote_name> <old_branch_or_tag>:refs/tags/<new_tag> :<old_branch_or_tag>

Remote branch rename / Remote tag ? branch conversion: (Notice: :refs/heads/)

git push <remote_name> <old_branch_or_tag>:refs/heads/<new_branch> :<old_branch_or_tag>

Output renaming a remote tag:

D:\git.repo>git push gitlab App%2012.1%20v12.1.0.23:refs/tags/App_12.1_v12.1.0.23 :App%2012.1%20v12.1.0.23

Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To https://gitlab.server/project/repository.git
 - [deleted]               App%2012.1%20v12.1.0.23
 * [new tag]               App%2012.1%20v12.1.0.23 -> App_12.1_v12.1.0.23

PHP Redirect with POST data

Generate a form on Page B with all the required data and action set to Page C and submit it with JavaScript on page load. Your data will be sent to Page C without much hassle to the user.

This is the only way to do it. A redirect is a 303 HTTP header that you can read up on, but I'll quote some of it:

The response to the request can be found under a different URI and SHOULD be retrieved using a GET method on that resource. This method exists primarily to allow the output of a POST-activated script to redirect the user agent to a selected resource. The new URI is not a substitute reference for the originally requested resource. The 303 response MUST NOT be cached, but the response to the second (redirected) request might be cacheable.

The only way to achieve what you're doing is with a intermediate page that sends the user to Page C. Here's a small/simple snippet on how you can achieve that:

<form id="myForm" action="Page_C.php" method="post">
    foreach ($_POST as $a => $b) {
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.htmlentities($a).'" value="'.htmlentities($b).'">';
<script type="text/javascript">

You should also have a simple "confirm" form inside a noscript tag to make sure users without Javascript will be able to use your service.

How can I work with command line on synology?

I use GateOne from the synocommunity.

Go into settings in Package Center and add as a package source. Then you should be able to add it easily via Package Center.

Access-Control-Allow-Origin and Angular.js $http

@Swapnil Niwane

I was able to solve this issue by calling an ajax request and formatting the data to 'jsonp'.

          method: 'GET',
          url: url,
          defaultHeaders: {
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
              "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
              'Accept': 'application/json'

          dataType: 'jsonp',

          success: function (response) {
            console.log("success ");
          error: function (xhr) {
            console.log("error ");

Calculate row means on subset of columns

Starting with your data frame DF, you could use the data.table package:


## EDIT: As suggested by @MichaelChirico, setDT converts a
## data.frame to a data.table by reference and is preferred
## if you don't mind losing the data.frame

# EDIT: To get the column name 'Mean':

DF[, .(Mean = rowMeans(.SD)), by = ID]

#      ID     Mean
# [1,]  A 3.666667
# [2,]  B 4.333333
# [3,]  C 3.333333
# [4,]  D 4.666667
# [5,]  E 4.333333

Escape double quotes for JSON in Python

You should be using the json module. json.dumps(string). It can also serialize other python data types.

import json

>>> s = 'my string with "double quotes" blablabla'

>>> json.dumps(s)
<<< '"my string with \\"double quotes\\" blablabla"'

How to check the installed version of React-Native

Find out which react-native is installed globally:

npm ls react-native -g

when I run mockito test occurs WrongTypeOfReturnValue Exception

I got this issue WrongTypeOfReturnValue because I mocked a method returning a java.util.Optional; with a; due to my formatter automatically adding missing imports.

Mockito was just saying me that "method something() should return Optional"...

Algorithm/Data Structure Design Interview Questions

Asking them to write a recursive algorithm for a well known iterative solution (i.e. Fibonacci etc. -- we give them an iterative function, if needed) and then have them compute the run time for it.

Many times the recursive function involves a tree data structure. The number of times the person has failed to recognize that baffles me. It becomes slightly difficult to calculate the run time until you can see that it's a tree structure...

I find that this problem covers many areas. Namely, their code-reading ability (if they are given an iterative function), code-writing ability (since they write a recursive function), algorithm, data-structure (for run-time)...

Change column type in pandas

Here is a function that takes as its arguments a DataFrame and a list of columns and coerces all data in the columns to numbers.

# df is the DataFrame, and column_list is a list of columns as strings (e.g ["col1","col2","col3"])
# dependencies: pandas

def coerce_df_columns_to_numeric(df, column_list):
    df[column_list] = df[column_list].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

So, for your example:

import pandas as pd

def coerce_df_columns_to_numeric(df, column_list):
    df[column_list] = df[column_list].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')

a = [['a', '1.2', '4.2'], ['b', '70', '0.03'], ['x', '5', '0']]
df = pd.DataFrame(a, columns=['col1','col2','col3'])

coerce_df_columns_to_numeric(df, ['col2','col3'])

How to give a delay in loop execution using Qt

As an update of @Live's answer, for Qt = 5.2 there is no more need to subclass QThread, as now the sleep functions are public:

Static Public Members

  • QThread * currentThread()
  • Qt::HANDLE currentThreadId()
  • int idealThreadCount()
  • void msleep(unsigned long msecs)
  • void sleep(unsigned long secs)
  • void usleep(unsigned long usecs)
  • void yieldCurrentThread()


How to echo (or print) to the js console with php

There are much better ways to print variable's value in PHP. One of them is to use buildin var_dump() function. If you want to use var_dump(), I would also suggest to install Xdebug (from since it generates much more readable printouts.

The idea of printing values to browser console is somewhat bizarre, but if you really want to use it, there is very useful Google Chrome extension, PHP Console, which should satisfy all your needs. You can find it at It works well also in Vivaldi and in Opera (though you will need "Download Chrome Extension" extension to install it). The extension is accompanied by PHP library you use in your code.

How can I remove all my changes in my SVN working directory?

You can use the following command to revert all local changes:

svn st -q | awk '{print $2;}' | xargs svn revert

Trim leading and trailing spaces from a string in awk

If it is safe to assume only one set of spaces in column two (which is the original example):

awk '{print $1$2}' /tmp/input.txt

Adding another field, e.g. awk '{print $1$2$3}' /tmp/input.txt will catch two sets of spaces (up to three words in column two), and won't break if there are fewer.

If you have an indeterminate (large) number of space delimited words, I'd use one of the previous suggestions, otherwise this solution is the easiest you'll find using awk.

Could not load dynamic library 'cudart64_101.dll' on tensorflow CPU-only installation

Was able to fix the issue by updating NVIDIA device drivers to the latest (v446.14). NVIDIA drivers download link here.

Redirect to new Page in AngularJS using $location

this worked for me inside a directive and works without refreshing the baseurl (just adds the endpoint).Good for Single Page Apps with routing mechanism.

  $(location).attr('href', 'http://localhost:10005/#/endpoint') 

Printing the last column of a line in a file

awk -F " " '($1=="A1") {print $NF}' FILE | tail -n 1

Use awk with field separator -F set to a space " ".

Use the pattern $1=="A1" and action {print $NF}, this will print the last field in every record where the first field is "A1". Pipe the result into tail and use the -n 1 option to only show the last line.

How to convert string to long

import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils;

This will handle null


Call Javascript onchange event by programmatically changing textbox value

You're misinterpreting what the onchange event does when applied to a textarea. It won't fire until it loses focus or you hit enter. Why not fire the function from an onchange on the select that fills in the text area?

Check out here for more on the onchange event: w3schools

Finding elements not in a list

Using list comprehension:

print [x for x in item if x not in Z]

or using filter function :

filter(lambda x: x not in Z, item)

Using set in any form may create a bug if the list being checked contains non-unique elements, e.g.:

print item

Out[39]: [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

print Z

Out[40]: [3, 4, 5, 6]

set(item) - set(Z)

Out[41]: {0, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9}

vs list comprehension as above

print [x for x in item if x not in Z]

Out[38]: [0, 1, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9]

or filter function:

filter(lambda x: x not in Z, item)

Out[38]: [0, 1, 1, 2, 7, 8, 9]

Find an item in List by LINQ?

You can use FirstOfDefault with the Where Linq extension to get a MessageAction class from the IEnumerable. Reme

var action = Message.Actions.Where(e => e.targetByName == className).FirstOrDefault();


List Actions { get; set; }

How can I protect my .NET assemblies from decompilation?

One thing to keep in mind is that you want to do this in a way that makes business sense. To do that, you need to define your goals. So, exactly what are your goals?

Preventing piracy? That goal is not achievable. Even native code can be decompiled or cracked; the multitude of warez available online (even for products like Windows and Photoshop) is proof a determined hacker can always gain access.

If you can't prevent piracy, then how about merely reducing it? This, too, is misguided. It only takes one person cracking your code for it to be available to everyone. You have to be lucky every time. The pirates only have to be lucky once.

I put it to you the goal should be to maximize profits. You appear to believe that stopping piracy is necessary to this endeavor. It is not. Profit is simply revenue minus costs. Stopping piracy increases costs. It takes effort, which means adding cost somewhere in the process, and so reduces that side of the equation. Protecting your product also fails to increase your revenue. I know you look at all those pirates and see all the money you could make if only they would pay your license fees instead, but the reality is this will never happen. There is some hyperbole here, but it generally holds that pirates who are unable to crack your security will either find a similar product they can crack or do without. They will never buy it instead, and therefore they do not represent lost sales.

Additionally, securing your product actually reduces revenue. There are two reasons for this. One is the small percentage of customers who have trouble with your activation or security, and therefore decide not to buy again or ask for their money back. The other is the small percentage of people who actually try a pirated version of software to make sure it works before buying. Limiting the pirated distribution of your product (if you are somehow able to succeed at this) prevents these people from ever trying your product, and so they will never buy it. Moreover, piracy can also help your product spread to a wider audience, thus reaching more people who will be willing to pay for it.

A better strategy is to assume that your product will be pirated, and think about ways to take advantage of the situation. A couple more links on the topic:
How do i prevent my code from being stolen?
Securing a .NET Application

List<Map<String, String>> vs List<? extends Map<String, String>>

As you mentioned, there could be two below versions of defining a List:

  1. List<? extends Map<String, String>>
  2. List<?>

2 is very open. It can hold any object type. This may not be useful in case you want to have a map of a given type. In case someone accidentally puts a different type of map, for example, Map<String, int>. Your consumer method might break.

In order to ensure that List can hold objects of a given type, Java generics introduced ? extends. So in #1, the List can hold any object which is derived from Map<String, String> type. Adding any other type of data would throw an exception.

Safely limiting Ansible playbooks to a single machine?

A slightly different solution is to use the special variable ansible_limit which is the contents of the --limit CLI option for the current execution of Ansible.

- hosts: "{{ ansible_limit | default(omit) }}"

No need to define an extra variable here, just run the playbook with the --limit flag.

ansible-playbook --limit imac-2.local user.yml

Mysql: Select all data between two dates

You can use as an alternate solution:

SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE `date` >= '1-jan-2013' 
OR `date` <= '12-jan-2013'

Getting NetworkCredential for current user (C#)

You can get the user name using System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() but there is not way to get current user password!

Is it possible to sort a ES6 map object?

Unfortunately, not really implemented in ES6. You have this feature with OrderedMap.sort() from ImmutableJS or _.sortBy() from Lodash.

Disable and enable buttons in C#

It is this line button2.Enabled == true, it should be button2.Enabled = true. You are doing comparison when you should be doing assignment.

C# Change A Button's Background Color

// WPF

// Defined Color
button1.Background = Brushes.Green;

// Color from RGB
button2.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0));

jQuery select by attribute using AND and OR operators

How about writing a filter like below,

$('[myc="blue"]').filter(function () {
   return ( == '1' || == '3');

Edit: @Jack Thanks.. totally missed it..

$('[myc="blue"]').filter(function() {
   var myId = $(this).attr('myid');   
   return (myId == '1' || myId == '3');


MAX() and MAX() OVER PARTITION BY produces error 3504 in Teradata Query

I know this is a very old question, but I've been asked by someone else something similar.

I don't have TeraData, but can't you do the following?

SELECT employee_number,
       MAX(course_completion_date)                                     AS max_course_date,
       MAX(course_completion_date) OVER (PARTITION BY employee_number) AS max_date
FROM employee_course_completion
WHERE course_code IN ('M910303', 'M91301R', 'M91301P')
GROUP BY employee_number, course_code

The GROUP BY now ensures one row per course per employee. This means that you just need a straight MAX() to get the max_course_date.

Before your GROUP BY was just giving one row per employee, and the MAX() OVER() was trying to give multiple results for that one row (one per course).

Instead, you now need the OVER() clause to get the MAX() for the employee as a whole. This is now legitimate because each individual row gets just one answer (as it is derived from a super-set, not a sub-set). Also, for the same reason, the OVER() clause now refers to a valid scalar value, as defined by the GROUP BY clause; employee_number.

Perhaps a short way of saying this would be that an aggregate with an OVER() clause must be a super-set of the GROUP BY, not a sub-set.

Create your query with a GROUP BY at the level that represents the rows you want, then specify OVER() clauses if you want to aggregate at a higher level.

Is there any sed like utility for cmd.exe?

> (Get-content file.txt) | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace "^SourceRegexp$", "DestinationString"} | Set-Content file.txt

This is behaviour of

sed -i 's/^SourceRegexp$/DestinationString/g' file.txt

How do I compile a .c file on my Mac?

Use the gcc compiler. This assumes that you have the developer tools installed.

What is a "callable"?

Quite simply, a "callable" is something that can be called like a method. The built in function "callable()" will tell you whether something appears to be callable, as will checking for a call property. Functions are callable as are classes, class instances can be callable. See more about this here and here.

Reading an Excel file in python using pandas

Loading an excel file without explicitly naming a sheet but instead giving the number of the sheet order (often one will simply load the first sheet) goes like:

import pandas as pd
myexcel = pd.ExcelFile("C:/filename.xlsx")
myexcel = myexcel.parse(myexcel.sheet_names[0])

Since .sheet_names returns a list of sheet names, it is easy to load one or more sheets by simply calling the list element(s).

Disabling Chrome cache for website development

I use (in windows), ctrl + shift + delete and when the chrome dialog comes up, press enter key. This can be configured with what needs to be cleared each time you execute this sequence. No need to have dev. tools open in this case.

Why does an SSH remote command get fewer environment variables then when run manually?

How about sourcing the profile before running the command?

ssh user@host "source /etc/profile; /path/"

You might find it best to change that to ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bashrc, or whatever.

(As here (

PHP function to make slug (URL string)

An updated version of @Imran Omar Bukhsh code (from the latest Wordpress (4.0) branch):


// Add methods to slugify taken from Wordpress:
// - 
// -

 * Set the mbstring internal encoding to a binary safe encoding when func_overload
 * is enabled.
 * When mbstring.func_overload is in use for multi-byte encodings, the results from
 * strlen() and similar functions respect the utf8 characters, causing binary data
 * to return incorrect lengths.
 * This function overrides the mbstring encoding to a binary-safe encoding, and
 * resets it to the users expected encoding afterwards through the
 * `reset_mbstring_encoding` function.
 * It is safe to recursively call this function, however each
 * `mbstring_binary_safe_encoding()` call must be followed up with an equal number
 * of `reset_mbstring_encoding()` calls.
 * @since 3.7.0
 * @see reset_mbstring_encoding()
 * @param bool $reset Optional. Whether to reset the encoding back to a previously-set encoding.
 *                    Default false.
function mbstring_binary_safe_encoding( $reset = false ) {
  static $encodings = array();
  static $overloaded = null;

  if ( is_null( $overloaded ) )
    $overloaded = function_exists( 'mb_internal_encoding' ) && ( ini_get( 'mbstring.func_overload' ) & 2 );

  if ( false === $overloaded )

  if ( ! $reset ) {
    $encoding = mb_internal_encoding();
    array_push( $encodings, $encoding );
    mb_internal_encoding( 'ISO-8859-1' );

  if ( $reset && $encodings ) {
    $encoding = array_pop( $encodings );
    mb_internal_encoding( $encoding );

 * Reset the mbstring internal encoding to a users previously set encoding.
 * @see mbstring_binary_safe_encoding()
 * @since 3.7.0
function reset_mbstring_encoding() {
  mbstring_binary_safe_encoding( true );

 * Checks to see if a string is utf8 encoded.
 * NOTE: This function checks for 5-Byte sequences, UTF8
 *       has Bytes Sequences with a maximum length of 4.
 * @author bmorel at ssi dot fr (modified)
 * @since 1.2.1
 * @param string $str The string to be checked
 * @return bool True if $str fits a UTF-8 model, false otherwise.
function seems_utf8($str) {
  $length = strlen($str);
  for ($i=0; $i < $length; $i++) {
    $c = ord($str[$i]);
    if ($c < 0x80) $n = 0; # 0bbbbbbb
    elseif (($c & 0xE0) == 0xC0) $n=1; # 110bbbbb
    elseif (($c & 0xF0) == 0xE0) $n=2; # 1110bbbb
    elseif (($c & 0xF8) == 0xF0) $n=3; # 11110bbb
    elseif (($c & 0xFC) == 0xF8) $n=4; # 111110bb
    elseif (($c & 0xFE) == 0xFC) $n=5; # 1111110b
    else return false; # Does not match any model
    for ($j=0; $j<$n; $j++) { # n bytes matching 10bbbbbb follow ?
      if ((++$i == $length) || ((ord($str[$i]) & 0xC0) != 0x80))
        return false;
  return true;

 * Encode the Unicode values to be used in the URI.
 * @since 1.5.0
 * @param string $utf8_string
 * @param int $length Max length of the string
 * @return string String with Unicode encoded for URI.
function utf8_uri_encode( $utf8_string, $length = 0 ) {
  $unicode = '';
  $values = array();
  $num_octets = 1;
  $unicode_length = 0;

  $string_length = strlen( $utf8_string );

  for ($i = 0; $i < $string_length; $i++ ) {

    $value = ord( $utf8_string[ $i ] );

    if ( $value < 128 ) {
      if ( $length && ( $unicode_length >= $length ) )
      $unicode .= chr($value);
    } else {
      if ( count( $values ) == 0 ) $num_octets = ( $value < 224 ) ? 2 : 3;

      $values[] = $value;

      if ( $length && ( $unicode_length + ($num_octets * 3) ) > $length )
      if ( count( $values ) == $num_octets ) {
        if ($num_octets == 3) {
          $unicode .= '%' . dechex($values[0]) . '%' . dechex($values[1]) . '%' . dechex($values[2]);
          $unicode_length += 9;
        } else {
          $unicode .= '%' . dechex($values[0]) . '%' . dechex($values[1]);
          $unicode_length += 6;

        $values = array();
        $num_octets = 1;

  return $unicode;

 * Sanitizes a title, replacing whitespace and a few other characters with dashes.
 * Limits the output to alphanumeric characters, underscore (_) and dash (-).
 * Whitespace becomes a dash.
 * @since 1.2.0
 * @param string $title The title to be sanitized.
 * @param string $raw_title Optional. Not used.
 * @param string $context Optional. The operation for which the string is sanitized.
 * @return string The sanitized title.
function sanitize_title_with_dashes( $title, $raw_title = '', $context = 'display' ) {
  $title = strip_tags($title);
  // Preserve escaped octets.
  $title = preg_replace('|%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])|', '---$1---', $title);
  // Remove percent signs that are not part of an octet.
  $title = str_replace('%', '', $title);
  // Restore octets.
  $title = preg_replace('|---([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])---|', '%$1', $title);

  if (seems_utf8($title)) {
    if (function_exists('mb_strtolower')) {
      $title = mb_strtolower($title, 'UTF-8');
    $title = utf8_uri_encode($title, 200);

  $title = strtolower($title);
  $title = preg_replace('/&.+?;/', '', $title); // kill entities
  $title = str_replace('.', '-', $title);

  if ( 'save' == $context ) {
    // Convert nbsp, ndash and mdash to hyphens
    $title = str_replace( array( '%c2%a0', '%e2%80%93', '%e2%80%94' ), '-', $title );

    // Strip these characters entirely
    $title = str_replace( array(
      // iexcl and iquest
      '%c2%a1', '%c2%bf',
      // angle quotes
      '%c2%ab', '%c2%bb', '%e2%80%b9', '%e2%80%ba',
      // curly quotes
      '%e2%80%98', '%e2%80%99', '%e2%80%9c', '%e2%80%9d',
      '%e2%80%9a', '%e2%80%9b', '%e2%80%9e', '%e2%80%9f',
      // copy, reg, deg, hellip and trade
      '%c2%a9', '%c2%ae', '%c2%b0', '%e2%80%a6', '%e2%84%a2',
      // acute accents
      '%c2%b4', '%cb%8a', '%cc%81', '%cd%81',
      // grave accent, macron, caron
      '%cc%80', '%cc%84', '%cc%8c',
    ), '', $title );

    // Convert times to x
    $title = str_replace( '%c3%97', 'x', $title );

  $title = preg_replace('/[^%a-z0-9 _-]/', '', $title);
  $title = preg_replace('/\s+/', '-', $title);
  $title = preg_replace('|-+|', '-', $title);
  $title = trim($title, '-');

  return $title;

$title = '#PFW Alexander McQueen Spring/Summer 2015';
echo "title -> slug: \n". $title ." -> ". sanitize_title_with_dashes($title);
echo "\n\n";
$title = '«GQ»: Elyas M\'Barek gehört zu Männern des Jahres';
echo "title -> slug: \n". $title ." -> ". sanitize_title_with_dashes($title);

View online example.

How to change heatmap.2 color range in R?

Here's another option for those not using heatmap.2 (aheatmap is good!)

Make a sequential vector of 100 values from min to max of your input matrix, find value closest to 0 in that, make two vector of colours to and from desired midpoint, combine and use them:

breaks <- seq(from=min(range(inputMatrix)), to=max(range(inputMatrix)), length.out=100)
midpoint <- which.min(abs(breaks - 0))
rampCol1 <- colorRampPalette(c("forestgreen", "darkgreen", "black"))(midpoint)
rampCol2 <- colorRampPalette(c("black", "darkred", "red"))(100-(midpoint+1))
rampCols <- c(rampCol1,rampCol2)

Get position/offset of element relative to a parent container?

Sure is easy with pure JS, just do this, work for fixed and animated HTML 5 panels too, i made and try this code and it works for any brower (include IE 8):

<script type="text/javascript">
    function fGetCSSProperty(s, e) {
        try { return s.currentStyle ? s.currentStyle[e] : window.getComputedStyle(s)[e]; }
        catch (x) { return null; } 
    function fGetOffSetParent(s) {
        var a = s.offsetParent || document.body;

        while (a && a.tagName && a != document.body && fGetCSSProperty(a, 'position') == 'static')
            a = a.offsetParent;
        return a;
    function GetPosition(s) {
        var b = fGetOffSetParent(s);

        return { Left: (b.offsetLeft + s.offsetLeft), Top: (b.offsetTop + s.offsetTop) };

change array size

In case you cannot use Array.Reset (the variable is not local) then Concat & ToArray helps:

anObject.anArray.Concat(new string[] { newArrayItem }).ToArray();

Setting up a websocket on Apache?

I can't answer all questions, but I will do my best.

As you already know, WS is only a persistent full-duplex TCP connection with framed messages where the initial handshaking is HTTP-like. You need some server that's listening for incoming WS requests and that binds a handler to them.

Now it might be possible with Apache HTTP Server, and I've seen some examples, but there's no official support and it gets complicated. What would Apache do? Where would be your handler? There's a module that forwards incoming WS requests to an external shared library, but this is not necessary with the other great tools to work with WS.

WS server trends now include: Autobahn (Python) and Socket.IO (Node.js = JavaScript on the server). The latter also supports other hackish "persistent" connections like long polling and all the COMET stuff. There are other little known WS server frameworks like Ratchet (PHP, if you're only familiar with that).

In any case, you will need to listen on a port, and of course that port cannot be the same as the Apache HTTP Server already running on your machine (default = 80). You could use something like 8080, but even if this particular one is a popular choice, some firewalls might still block it since it's not supposed to be Web traffic. This is why many people choose 443, which is the HTTP Secure port that, for obvious reasons, firewalls do not block. If you're not using SSL, you can use 80 for HTTP and 443 for WS. The WS server doesn't need to be secure; we're just using the port.

Edit: According to Iharob Al Asimi, the previous paragraph is wrong. I have no time to investigate this, so please see his work for more details.

About the protocol, as Wikipedia shows, it looks like this:

Client sends:

GET /mychat HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: x3JJHMbDL1EzLkh9GBhXDw==
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

Server replies:

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: HSmrc0sMlYUkAGmm5OPpG2HaGWk=
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat

and keeps the connection alive. If you can implement this handshaking and the basic message framing (encapsulating each message with a small header describing it), then you can use any client-side language you want. JavaScript is only used in Web browsers because it's built-in.

As you can see, the default "request method" is an initial HTTP GET, although this is not really HTTP and looses everything in common with HTTP after this handshaking. I guess servers that do not support

Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade

will reply with an error or with a page content.

How can I make visible an invisible control with jquery? (hide and show not work)

You can't do this with jQuery, visible="false" in means the control isn't rendered into the page. If you want the control to go to the client, you need to do style="display: none;" so it's actually in the HTML, otherwise there's literally nothing for the client to show, since the element wasn't in the HTML your server sent.

If you remove the visible attribute and add the style attribute you can then use jQuery to show it, like this:


Old Answer (before patrick's catch)

To change visibility, you need to use .css(), like this:

$("#elem").css('visibility', 'visible');

Unless you need to have the element occupy page space though, use display: none; instead of visibility: hidden; in your CSS, then just do:


The .show() and .hide() functions deal with display instead of visibility, like most of the jQuery functions :)

What are the differences between normal and slim package of jquery?

At this time, the most authoritative answer appears to be in this issue, which states "it is a custom build of jQuery that excludes effects, ajax, and deprecated code." Details will be announced with jQuery 3.0.

I suspect that the rationale for excluding these components of the jQuery library is in recognition of the increasingly common scenario of jQuery being used in conjunction with another JS framework like Angular or React. In these cases, the usage of jQuery is primarily for DOM traversal and manipulation, so leaving out those components that are either obsolete or are provided by the framework gains about a 20% reduction in file size.

SSIS Excel Connection Manager failed to Connect to the Source

Simple workaround is to open the file and simply press save button in Excel (no need to change the format). once saved in excel it will start to work and you should be able to see its sheets in the DFT.

How to find list intersection?

You can also use a counter! It doesn't preserve the order, but it'll consider the duplicates:

>>> from collections import Counter
>>> a = [1,2,3,4,5]
>>> b = [1,3,5,6]
>>> d1, d2 = Counter(a), Counter(b)
>>> c = [n for n in d1.keys() & d2.keys() for _ in range(min(d1[n], d2[n]))]
>>> print(c)

NSRange to Range<String.Index>

This answer by Martin R seems to be correct because it accounts for Unicode.

However at the time of the post (Swift 1) his code doesn't compile in Swift 2.0 (Xcode 7), because they removed advance() function. Updated version is below:

Swift 2

extension String {
    func rangeFromNSRange(nsRange : NSRange) -> Range<String.Index>? {
        let from16 = utf16.startIndex.advancedBy(nsRange.location, limit: utf16.endIndex)
        let to16 = from16.advancedBy(nsRange.length, limit: utf16.endIndex)
        if let from = String.Index(from16, within: self),
            let to = String.Index(to16, within: self) {
                return from ..< to
        return nil

Swift 3

extension String {
    func rangeFromNSRange(nsRange : NSRange) -> Range<String.Index>? {
        if let from16 = utf16.index(utf16.startIndex, offsetBy: nsRange.location, limitedBy: utf16.endIndex),
            let to16 = utf16.index(from16, offsetBy: nsRange.length, limitedBy: utf16.endIndex),
            let from = String.Index(from16, within: self),
            let to = String.Index(to16, within: self) {
                return from ..< to
        return nil

Swift 4

extension String {
    func rangeFromNSRange(nsRange : NSRange) -> Range<String.Index>? {
        return Range(nsRange, in: self)

Razor/CSHTML - Any Benefit over what we have?

  1. Everything is encoded by default!!! This is pretty huge.

  2. Declarative helpers can be compiled so you don't need to do anything special to share them. I think they will replace .ascx controls to some extent. You have to jump through some hoops to use an .ascx control in another project.

  3. You can make a section required which is nice.

What is the meaning of # in URL and how can I use that?

Apart from specifying an anchor in a page where you want to jump to, # is also used in jQuery hash or fragment navigation.

Generate Json schema from XML schema (XSD)

Disclaimer: I'm the author of jgeXml.

jgexml has Node.js based utility xsd2json which does a transformation between an XML schema (XSD) and a JSON schema file.

As with other options, it's not a 1:1 conversion, and you may need to hand-edit the output to improve the JSON schema validation, but it has been used to represent a complex XML schema inside an OpenAPI (swagger) definition.

A sample of the purchaseorder.xsd given in another answer is rendered as:

"PurchaseOrderType": {
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "shipTo": {
      "$ref": "#/definitions/USAddress"
    "billTo": {
      "$ref": "#/definitions/USAddress"
    "comment": {
      "$ref": "#/definitions/comment"
    "items": {
      "$ref": "#/definitions/Items"
    "orderDate": {
      "type": "string",
      "pattern": "^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}.*$"

Angular 5 Service to read local .json file

Let’s create a JSON file, we name it navbar.json you can name it whatever you want!


    "href": "#",
    "text": "Home",
    "icon": ""
    "href": "#",
    "text": "Bundles",
    "icon": "",
    "children": [
        "href": "#national",
        "text": "National",
        "icon": "assets/images/national.svg"

Now we’ve created a JSON file with some menu data. We’ll go to app component file and paste the below code.


import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import menudata from './navbar.json';

  selector: 'lm-navbar',
  templateUrl: './navbar.component.html'
export class NavbarComponent {
    mainmenu:any = menudata;


Now your Angular 7 app is ready to serve the data from the local JSON file.

Go to app.component.html and paste the following code in it.


<ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto">
                  <li class="nav-item" *ngFor="let menu of mainmenu">
                  <a class="nav-link" href="{{menu.href}}">{{menu.icon}} {{menu.text}}</a>
                  <ul class="sub_menu" *ngIf="menu.children && menu.children.length > 0"> 
                            <li *ngFor="let sub_menu of menu.children"><a class="nav-link" href="{{sub_menu.href}}"><img src="{{sub_menu.icon}}" class="nav-img" /> {{sub_menu.text}}</a></li> 

How do I get the current absolute URL in Ruby on Rails?

For Rails 3.x and up:


For Rails 3.2 and up:


Because in rails 3.2 and up:

request.original_url = request.base_url + request.original_fullpath

For more info, plese visit

How to adjust gutter in Bootstrap 3 grid system?

To define a 3 column grid you could use the customizer or download the source set your less variables and recompile.

To learn more about the grid and the columns / gutter widths, please also read:

In you case with a container of 960px consider the medium grid (see also: This grid will have a max container width of 970px. When setting @grid-columns:3; and setting @grid-gutter-width:15px; in variables.less you will get:

15px | 1st column (298.33) | 15px | 2nd column (298.33) |15px | 3th column (298.33) | 15px

How to create a Java / Maven project that works in Visual Studio Code?

This is not a particularly good answer as it explains how to run your java code n VS Code and not necessarily a Maven project, but it worked for me because I could not get around to doing the manual configuration myself. I decided to use this method instead since it is easier and faster.

Install VSCode (and for windows, set your environment variables), then install vscode:extension/vscjava.vscode-java-pack as detailed above, and then install the code runner extension pack, which basically sets up the whole process (in the background) as explained in the accepted answer above and then provides a play button to run your java code when you're ready.

This was all explained in this video.

Again, this is not the best solution, but if you want to cut to the chase, you may find this answer useful.

Mapping over values in a python dictionary

These toolz are great for this kind of simple yet repetitive logic.

Gets you right where you want to be.

import toolz
def f(x):
  return x+1

toolz.valmap(f, my_list)

g++ undefined reference to typeinfo

The previous answers are correct, but this error can also be caused by attempting to use typeid on an object of a class that has no virtual functions. C++ RTTI requires a vtable, so classes that you wish to perform type identification on require at least one virtual function.

If you want type information to work on a class for which you don't really want any virtual functions, make the destructor virtual.

OR condition in Regex


\d \w |\d

or add a positive lookahead if you don't want to include the trailing space in the match

\d \w(?= )|\d

When you have two alternatives where one is an extension of the other, put the longer one first, otherwise it will have no opportunity to be matched.

What's the difference between ng-model and ng-bind

tosh's answer gets to the heart of the question nicely. Here's some additional information....

Filters & Formatters

ng-bind and ng-model both have the concept of transforming data before outputting it for the user. To that end, ng-bind uses filters, while ng-model uses formatters.

filter (ng-bind)

With ng-bind, you can use a filter to transform your data. For example,

<div ng-bind="mystring | uppercase"></div>,

or more simply:

<div>{{mystring | uppercase}}</div>

Note that uppercase is a built-in angular filter, although you can also build your own filter.

formatter (ng-model)

To create an ng-model formatter, you create a directive that does require: 'ngModel', which allows that directive to gain access to ngModel's controller. For example:

app.directive('myModelFormatter', function() {
  return {
    require: 'ngModel',
    link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
     controller.$formatters.push(function(value) {
        return value.toUpperCase();

Then in your partial:

<input ngModel="mystring" my-model-formatter />

This is essentially the ng-model equivalent of what the uppercase filter is doing in the ng-bind example above.


Now, what if you plan to allow the user to change the value of mystring? ng-bind only has one way binding, from model-->view. However, ng-model can bind from view-->model which means that you may allow the user to change the model's data, and using a parser you can format the user's data in a streamlined manner. Here's what that looks like:

app.directive('myModelFormatter', function() {
  return {
    require: 'ngModel',
    link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
     controller.$parsers.push(function(value) {
        return value.toLowerCase();

Play with a live plunker of the ng-model formatter/parser examples

What Else?

ng-model also has built-in validation. Simply modify your $parsers or $formatters function to call ngModel's controller.$setValidity(validationErrorKey, isValid) function.

Angular 1.3 has a new $validators array which you can use for validation instead of $parsers or $formatters.

Angular 1.3 also has getter/setter support for ngModel

How to install python-dateutil on Windows?

You could also change your PYTHONPATH:

$ python -c 'import dateutil'
   Traceback (most recent call last):
     File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
   ImportError: No module named dateutil
$ PYTHONPATH="/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-1.5-py2.6.egg":"${PYTHONPATH}"
$ python -c 'import dateutil'

Where /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/python_dateutil-1.5-py2.6.egg is the place dateutil was installed in my box (centos using sudo yum install python-dateutil15)

Is it possible to delete an object's property in PHP?


This works for array elements, variables, and object attributes.


$a = new stdClass();

$a->new_property = 'foo';
var_export($a);  // -> stdClass::__set_state(array('new_property' => 'foo'))

var_export($a);  // -> stdClass::__set_state(array())


See (search the page for "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY") (archive link for posterity, just in case).

BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY is PKCS#1 and is just an RSA key. It is essentially just the key object from PKCS#8, but without the version or algorithm identifier in front. BEGIN PRIVATE KEY is PKCS#8 and indicates that the key type is included in the key data itself. From the link:

The unencrypted PKCS#8 encoded data starts and ends with the tags:


Within the base64 encoded data the following DER structure is present:

PrivateKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
  version         Version,
  algorithm       AlgorithmIdentifier,
  PrivateKey      BIT STRING

AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
  algorithm       OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
  parameters      ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL

So for an RSA private key, the OID is 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 and there is a RSAPrivateKey as the PrivateKey key data bitstring.

As opposed to BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY, which always specifies an RSA key and therefore doesn't include a key type OID. BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY is PKCS#1:

RSA Private Key file (PKCS#1)

The RSA private key PEM file is specific for RSA keys.

It starts and ends with the tags:


Within the base64 encoded data the following DER structure is present:

RSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
  version           Version,
  modulus           INTEGER,  -- n
  publicExponent    INTEGER,  -- e
  privateExponent   INTEGER,  -- d
  prime1            INTEGER,  -- p
  prime2            INTEGER,  -- q
  exponent1         INTEGER,  -- d mod (p-1)
  exponent2         INTEGER,  -- d mod (q-1)
  coefficient       INTEGER,  -- (inverse of q) mod p
  otherPrimeInfos   OtherPrimeInfos OPTIONAL

How to log Apache CXF Soap Request and Soap Response using Log4j?

Another easy way is to set the logger like this- ensure that you do it before you load the cxf web service related classes. You can use it in some static blocks.

YourClientConstructor() {


  URL wsdlURL = YOurURL;//

  //create the service
  YourService = new YourService(wsdlURL, SERVICE_NAME);
  port = yourService.getServicePort(); 

  Client client = ClientProxy.getClient(port);
  client.getInInterceptors().add(new LoggingInInterceptor());
  client.getOutInterceptors().add(new LoggingOutInterceptor());

Then the inbound and outbound messages will be printed to Log4j file instead of the console. Make sure your log4j is configured properly

mysql after insert trigger which updates another table's column

Maybe remove the semi-colon after set because now the where statement doesn't belong to the update statement. Also the idRequest could be a problem, better write BookingRequest.idRequest

How to convert a table to a data frame

If you are using the tidyverse, you can use


to get a tibble (i.e. a data frame with some minor variations from the base class)

How to get height of entire document with JavaScript?

The "jQuery method" of determining the document size - query everything, take the highest value, and hope for the best - works in most cases, but not in all of them .

If you really need bullet-proof results for the document size, I'd suggest you use my jQuery.documentSize plugin. Unlike the other methods, it actually tests and evaluates browser behaviour when it is loaded and, based on the result, queries the right property from there on out.

The impact of this one-time test on performance is minimal, and the plugin returns the right results in even the weirdest scenarios - not because I say so, but because a massive, auto-generated test suite actually verifies that it does.

Because the plugin is written in vanilla Javascript, you can use it without jQuery, too.

IIS7 URL Redirection from root to sub directory

Here it is. Add this code to your web.config file:

            <rule name="Root Hit Redirect" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="^$" />
                <action type="Redirect" url="/menu_1/MainScreen.aspx" />

It will do 301 Permanent Redirect (URL will be changed in browser). If you want to have such "redirect" to be invisible (rewrite, internal redirect), then use this rule (the only difference is that "Redirect" has been replaced by "Rewrite"):

            <rule name="Root Hit Redirect" stopProcessing="true">
                <match url="^$" />
                <action type="Rewrite" url="/menu_1/MainScreen.aspx" />

Using ChildActionOnly in MVC

    public class HomeController : Controller  
        public ActionResult Index()  
            ViewBag.TempValue = "Index Action called at HomeController";  
            return View();  

        public ActionResult ChildAction(string param)  
            ViewBag.Message = "Child Action called. " + param;  
            return View();  

The code is initially invoking an Index action that in turn returns two Index views and at the View level it calls the ChildAction named “ChildAction”.

        ViewBag.Title = "Index";    

    <!DOCTYPE html>    
            @*<li>@{Html.RenderAction("ChildAction", new { param = "first" });}</li>@**@    
            @Html.Action("ChildAction", "Home", new { param = "first" })    

      Copy and paste the code to see the result .thanks 

How to deploy correctly when using Composer's develop / production switch?

Actually, I would highly recommend AGAINST installing dependencies on the production server.

My recommendation is to checkout the code on a deployment machine, install dependencies as needed (this includes NOT installing dev dependencies if the code goes to production), and then move all the files to the target machine.


  • on shared hosting, you might not be able to get to a command line
  • even if you did, PHP might be restricted there in terms of commands, memory or network access
  • repository CLI tools (Git, Svn) are likely to not be installed, which would fail if your lock file has recorded a dependency to checkout a certain commit instead of downloading that commit as ZIP (you used --prefer-source, or Composer had no other way to get that version)
  • if your production machine is more like a small test server (think Amazon EC2 micro instance) there is probably not even enough memory installed to execute composer install
  • while composer tries to no break things, how do you feel about ending with a partially broken production website because some random dependency could not be loaded during Composers install phase

Long story short: Use Composer in an environment you can control. Your development machine does qualify because you already have all the things that are needed to operate Composer.

What's the correct way to deploy this without installing the -dev dependencies?

The command to use is

composer install --no-dev

This will work in any environment, be it the production server itself, or a deployment machine, or the development machine that is supposed to do a last check to find whether any dev requirement is incorrectly used for the real software.

The command will not install, or actively uninstall, the dev requirements declared in the composer.lock file.

If you don't mind deploying development software components on a production server, running composer install would do the same job, but simply increase the amount of bytes moved around, and also create a bigger autoloader declaration.

Jackson JSON: get node name from json-tree

Clarification Here:

While this will work:

 JsonNode rootNode = objectMapper.readTree(file);
 Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = rootNode.fields();
 while (fields.hasNext()) {
    Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry =; + ":" + entry.getValue())

This will not:

JsonNode rootNode = objectMapper.readTree(file);

while (rootNode.fields().hasNext()) {
    Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry = rootNode.fields().next(); + ":" + entry.getValue())

So be careful to declare the Iterator as a variable and use that.

Be sure to use the fasterxml library rather than codehaus.

How to get the GL library/headers?

Some of the answers above, in regards to linux, are either incomplete, or flat out wrong.

For example, /usr/include/GL/gl.h is not part of mesa-common-dev or has not been for many years.

At any rate, for a more current answer, these two packages are important:

The glu.h is part of glu itself:


Mesa is evidently significantly larger. Its headers are a bit variable, I suppose, depending on the flags given to meson, but should include these typically:


Hope that helps anyone finding an answer this question in the future; compiling dosbox needs this, for instance, due to SDL opengl.

How to check if a service is running via batch file and start it, if it is not running?

Language independent version.

@Echo Off
Set ServiceName=Jenkins

SC queryex "%ServiceName%"|Find "STATE"|Find /v "RUNNING">Nul&&(
    echo %ServiceName% not running 
    echo Start %ServiceName%

    Net start "%ServiceName%">nul||(
        Echo "%ServiceName%" wont start 
        exit /b 1
    echo "%ServiceName%" started
    exit /b 0
    echo "%ServiceName%" working
    exit /b 0

How can I escape white space in a bash loop list?

find . -type d | while read file; do echo $file; done

However, doesn't work if the file-name contains newlines. The above is the only solution i know of when you actually want to have the directory name in a variable. If you just want to execute some command, use xargs.

find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 echo 'The directory is: '

convert UIImage to NSData

- (void) imageConvert
     UIImage *snapshot = self.myImageView.image;
     [self encodeImageToBase64String:snapshot];

call this method for image convert in base 64 
    -(NSString *)encodeImageToBase64String:(UIImage *)image
        return [UIImagePNGRepresentation(image) base64EncodedStringWithOptions:NSDataBase64Encoding64CharacterLineLength];

Select and trigger click event of a radio button in jquery

In my case i had to load images on radio button click, I just uses the regular onclick event and it worked for me.

 <input type="radio" name="colors" value="{{}}" id="{{}}-option" class="color_radion"  onclick="return get_images(this, {{}})">

  function get_images(obj, color){


Remove scroll bar track from ScrollView in Android

try this is your activity onCreate:

ScrollView sView = (ScrollView)findViewById(;
// Hide the Scollbar

Round integers to the nearest 10

if you want the algebric form and still use round for it it's hard to get simpler than:

interval = 5
n = 4

List of IP Space used by Facebook

The list from 2020-05-23 is:

The method to fetch this list is already documented on Facebook's Developer site, you can make a whois call to see all IPs assigned to Facebook:

whois -h -- '-i origin AS32934' | grep ^route

Redirect to external URL with return in laravel

Also, adding class

      use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;

and after, like this:

 public function show($id){

    $link = Link::findOrFail($id);  // get data from db table Links

    return new RedirectResponse($link->url);  // and this my external link, 

or -

 return  new RedirectResponse(""); 

For external links have to be used full URL string with 'http' in begin.

Android – Listen For Incoming SMS Messages

This is what i used!

public class SMSListener extends BroadcastReceiver {

    // Get the object of SmsManager
    final SmsManager sms = SmsManager.getDefault();
String mobile,body;

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {

        // Retrieves a map of extended data from the intent.
        final Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();

        try {

            if (bundle != null) {

                final Object[] pdusObj = (Object[]) bundle.get("pdus");

                for (int i = 0; i < pdusObj.length; i++) {

                    SmsMessage currentMessage = SmsMessage.createFromPdu((byte[]) pdusObj[i]);
                    String phoneNumber = currentMessage.getDisplayOriginatingAddress();

                    String senderNum = phoneNumber;
                    String message = currentMessage.getDisplayMessageBody();

                    Log.i("SmsReceiver", "senderNum: "+ senderNum + "; message: " + body);

                    // Show Alert
                    int duration = Toast.LENGTH_LONG;
                    Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context,
                            "senderNum: "+ mobile+ ", message: " + message, duration);

                } // end for loop
            } // bundle is null

        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.e("SmsReceiver", "Exception smsReceiver" +e);


Monitoring the Full Disclosure mailinglist

Two generic ways to do the same thing... I'm not aware of any specific open solutions to do this, but it'd be rather trivial to do.

You could write a daily or weekly cron/jenkins job to scrape the previous time period's email from the archive looking for your keyworkds/combinations. Sending a batch digest with what it finds, if anything.

But personally, I'd Setup a specific email account to subscribe to the various security lists you're interested in. Add a simple automated script to parse the new emails for various keywords or combinations of keywords, when it finds a match forward that email on to you/your team. Just be sure to keep the keywords list updated with new products you're using.

You could even do this with a gmail account and custom rules, which is what I currently do, but I have setup an internal inbox in the past with a simple python script to forward emails that were of interest.

How do I get the month and day with leading 0's in SQL? (e.g. 9 => 09)

For SQL Server 2012 and up , with leading zeroes:




How to get the Touch position in android?

Supplemental answer

Given an OnTouchListener

private View.OnTouchListener handleTouch = new View.OnTouchListener() {

    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {

        int x = (int) event.getX();
        int y = (int) event.getY();

        switch (event.getAction()) {
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                Log.i("TAG", "touched down");
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
                Log.i("TAG", "moving: (" + x + ", " + y + ")");
            case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
                Log.i("TAG", "touched up");

        return true;

set on some view:


This gives you the touch event coordinates relative to the view that has the touch listener assigned to it. The top left corner of the view is (0, 0). If you move your finger above the view, then y will be negative. If you move your finger left of the view, then x will be negative.

int x = (int)event.getX();
int y = (int)event.getY();

If you want the coordinates relative to the top left corner of the device screen, then use the raw values.

int x = (int)event.getRawX();
int y = (int)event.getRawY();


Printing out all the objects in array list

Whenever you print any instance of your class, the default toString implementation of Object class is called, which returns the representation that you are getting. It contains two parts: - Type and Hashcode

So, in student.Student@82701e that you get as output ->

  • student.Student is the Type, and
  • 82701e is the HashCode

So, you need to override a toString method in your Student class to get required String representation: -

public String toString() {
    return "Student No: " + this.getStudentNo() + 
           ", Student Name: " + this.getStudentName();

So, when from your main class, you print your ArrayList, it will invoke the toString method for each instance, that you overrided rather than the one in Object class: -

List<Student> students = new ArrayList();

// You can directly print your ArrayList

// Or, iterate through it to print each instance
for(Student student: students) {
    System.out.println(student);  // Will invoke overrided `toString()` method

In both the above cases, the toString method overrided in Student class will be invoked and appropriate representation of each instance will be printed.

Printing an int list in a single line python3

Maybe this code will help you.

>>> def sort(lists):
...     lists.sort()
...     return lists
>>> datalist = [6,3,4,1,3,2,9]
>>> print(*sort(datalist), end=" ")
1 2 3 3 4 6 9

you can use an empty list variable to collect the user input, with method append(). and if you want to print list in one line you can use print(*list)

Objects inside objects in javascript

var pause_menu = {
    pause_button : { someProperty : "prop1", someOther : "prop2" },
    resume_button : { resumeProp : "prop", resumeProp2 : false },
    quit_button : false


pause_menu.pause_button.someProperty //evaluates to "prop1"

etc etc.

How can I check whether a option already exist in select by JQuery

This evaluates to true if it already exists:

$("#yourSelect option[value='yourValue']").length > 0;

SQL Transaction Error: The current transaction cannot be committed and cannot support operations that write to the log file

I have encountered this error while updating records from table which has trigger enabled. For example - I have trigger 'Trigger1' on table 'Table1'. When I tried to update the 'Table1' using the update query - it throws the same error. THis is because if you are updating more than 1 record in your query, then 'Trigger1' will throw this error as it doesn't support updating multiple entries if it is enabled on same table. I tried disabling trigger before update and then performed update operation and it was completed without any error.

Update query --------
Enable TRIGGER Trigger1 ON Table1;

Relative instead of Absolute paths in Excel VBA

You can provide more flexibility to your users by provide Browser Button to them

Private Sub btn_browser_file_Click()
Dim xRow As Long
Dim sh1 As Worksheet
Dim xl_app As Excel.Application
Dim xl_wk As Excel.Workbook
Dim WS As Workbook
Dim xDirect$, xFname$, InitialFoldr$
InitialFoldr$ = "C:\"
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    .InitialFileName = Application.DefaultFilePath & "\"
    .Title = "Please select a folder to list Files from"
    .InitialFileName = InitialFoldr$
    If .SelectedItems.Count <> 0 Then
        xDirect$ = .SelectedItems(1) & "\"
         Range("h12").Value = xDirect$
        xFname$ = Dir(xDirect$, 7)
        Do While xFname$ <> ""
         If (Format(FileDateTime(xDirect$ & "\" & xFname$), "MM/DD/YYYY") > Format(Range("H10").Value, "MM/DD/YYYY")) Then
            ActiveCell.Offset(xRow) = xFname$
            xRow = xRow + 1
            xFname$ = Dir
            xFname$ = Dir
            xRow = xRow
        End If
    End If
End With

with this piece of code you can achieve this, easily. Tested code

Failed Apache2 start, no error log

Thanks, Tim! Big stumper for me. A few other details others may find helpful:

(Apache2 on Ubuntu 12.04)

I have two sites running on the same server and had just updated the SSL cert for one of them. Upon restarting the server, I got that cryptic message and neither site worked (obviously). I too found the redirect for the log files in the config files. I tracked that down and found the issue (in the log file for the site I had just updated).

My config files are located in /etc/apache2/sites-available

vim or cat the file (cat {filename}) and look for the ErrorLog line. That tells you where to look on your server. cat that file and the error message I found was:

[error] Unable to configure RSA server private key
[error] SSL Library Error: 185073780 error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch
[warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `<snip>.com' does NOT match server name!?

I had copied one of my cert files to the wrong directory. I simply moved it to the correct directory and everything was fine on the next start. (tip: where those file should be is also in the config file ;)

How to place two forms on the same page?

Here are two form with two submit button:

<form method="post" action="page.php">
  <input type="submit" name="btnPostMe1" value="Confirm"/>

<form method="post" action="page.php">
  <input type="submit" name="btnPostMe2" value="Confirm"/>

And here is your PHP code:

if (isset($_POST['btnPostMe1'])) { //your code 1 }
if (isset($_POST['btnPostMe2'])) { //your code 2 }

How to get first and last day of week in Oracle?

SELECT NEXT_DAY (TO_DATE ('01/01/'||SUBSTR('201118',1,4),'MM/DD/YYYY')+(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR('201118',5,2))*7)-3,'SUNDAY')-7 first_day_wk,
    NEXT_DAY (TO_DATE ('01/01/'||SUBSTR('201118',1,4),'MM/DD/YYYY')+(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR('201118',5,2))*7)-3,'SATURDAY') last_day_wk FROM dual

Use of True, False, and None as return values in Python functions

You can directly check that a variable contains a value or not, like if var or not var.

how to call a method in another Activity from Activity

If you need to call the same method from both Activities why not then use a third object?

public class FirstActivity extends Activity 

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    // Utility.method() used somewhere in FirstActivity

public class Utility {

    public static void method()



public class SecondActivity extends Activity 

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



Of course making it static depends on the use case.

Insert a background image in CSS (Twitter Bootstrap)

Adding background image on html, body or a wrapper element to achieve background image will cause problems with padding. Check this ticket on github. ShaunR's comment and also one of the creators response to this. The given solution in created ticket doesn't solve the problem, but it at least gets things going if you aren't using responsive features.

Assuming that you are using container without responsive features, and have a width of 960px, and want to achieve 10px padding, you set:

.container {
   min-width: 940px;
   padding: 10px;

I do not understand how execlp() works in Linux

this prototype:

  int execlp(const char *file, const char *arg, ...);

Says that execlp ìs a variable argument function. It takes 2 const char *. The rest of the arguments, if any, are the additional arguments to hand over to program we want to run - also char * - all these are C strings (and the last argument must be a NULL pointer)

So, the file argument is the path name of an executable file to be executed. arg is the string we want to appear as argv[0] in the executable. By convention, argv[0] is just the file name of the executable, normally it's set to the same as file.

The ... are now the additional arguments to give to the executable.

Say you run this from a commandline/shell:

$ ls

That'd be execlp("ls", "ls", (char *)NULL); Or if you run

$ ls -l /

That'd be execlp("ls", "ls", "-l", "/", (char *)NULL);

So on to execlp("/bin/sh", ..., "ls -l /bin/??", ...);

Here you are going to the shell, /bin/sh , and you're giving the shell a command to execute. That command is "ls -l /bin/??". You can run that manually from a commandline/shell:

 $ ls -l /bin/??

Now, how do you run a shell and tell it to execute a command ? You open up the documentation/man page for your shell and read it.

What you want to run is:

$ /bin/sh -c "ls -l /bin/??"

This becomes

  execlp("/bin/sh","/bin/sh", "-c", "ls -l /bin/??", (char *)NULL);

Side note: The /bin/?? is doing pattern matching, this pattern matching is done by the shell, and it expands to all files under /bin/ with 2 characters. If you simply did

  execlp("ls","ls", "-l", "/bin/??", (char *)NULL);

Probably nothing would happen (unless there's a file actually named /bin/??) as there's no shell that interprets and expands /bin/??

How to List All Redis Databases?

you can use redis-cli INFO keyspace

localhost:8000> INFO keyspace
# Keyspace

What does the return keyword do in a void method in Java?

You can have return in a void method, you just can't return any value (as in return 5;), that's why they call it a void method. Some people always explicitly end void methods with a return statement, but it's not mandatory. It can be used to leave a function early, though:

void someFunct(int arg)
    if (arg == 0)
        //Leave because this is a bad value
    //Otherwise, do something

How to close a web page on a button click, a hyperlink or a link button click?

Assuming you're using WinForms, as it was the first thing I did when I was starting C# you need to create an event to close this form.

Lets say you've got a button called myNewButton. If you double click it on WinForms designer you will create an event. After that you just have to use this.Close

    private void myNewButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

And that should be it.

The only reason for this not working is that your Event is detached from button. But it should create new event if old one is no longer attached when you double click on the button in WinForms designer.

Updating GUI (WPF) using a different thread

As akjoshi and Julio say this is about dispatching an Action to update the GUI on the same thread as the GUI item but from the method that is handling the background data. You can see this code in specific form in akjoshi's answer above. This is a general version.

                                   new Action(delegate() 
                                      myTextBlock.Text = Convert.ToString(myDataObject.getMeData());

The critical part is to call the dispatcher of your UI object - that ensures you have the correct thread.

From personal experience it seems much easier to create and use the Action inline like this. Declaring it at class level gave me lots of problems with static/non-static contexts.

C++ Erase vector element by value rather than by position?

How about std::remove() instead:

#include <algorithm>
vec.erase(std::remove(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 8), vec.end());

This combination is also known as the erase-remove idiom.

Sum function in VBA

Place the function value into the cell

Application.Sum often does not work well in my experience (or at least the VBA developer environment does not like it for whatever reason).

The function that works best for me is Excel.WorksheetFunction.Sum()


Dim Report As Worksheet 'Set up your new worksheet variable.
Set Report = Excel.ActiveSheet 'Assign the active sheet to the variable.

Report.Cells(11, 1).Value = Excel.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Report.Range("A1:A10")) 'Add the function result.

Place the function directly into the cell

The other method which you were looking for I think is to place the function directly into the cell. This can be done by inputting the function string into the cell value. Here is an example that provides the same result as above, except the cell value is given the function and not the result of the function:

    Dim Report As Worksheet 'Set up your new worksheet variable.
    Set Report = Excel.ActiveSheet 'Assign the active sheet to the variable.

    Report.Cells(11, 1).Value = "=Sum(A1:A10)" 'Add the function.

Spring Data and Native Query with pagination

Both the following approaches work fine with MySQL for paginating native query. They doesn't work with H2 though. It will complain the sql syntax error.

  • ORDER BY ?#{#pageable}
  • ORDER BY \n#pageable\n

Why do I need to override the equals and hashCode methods in Java?

Consider collection of balls in a bucket all in black color. Your Job is to color those balls as follows and use it for appropriate game,

For Tennis - Yellow, Red. For Cricket - White

Now bucket has balls in three colors Yellow, Red and White. And that now you did the coloring Only you know which color is for which game.

Coloring the balls - Hashing. Choosing the ball for game - Equals.

If you did the coloring and some one chooses the ball for either cricket or tennis they wont mind the color!!!

How can I wait for a thread to finish with .NET?

Try this:

List<Thread> myThreads = new List<Thread>();

foreach (Thread curThread in myThreads)

foreach (Thread curThread in myThreads)

How do you test that a Python function throws an exception?

I use doctest[1] almost everywhere because I like the fact that I document and test my functions at the same time.

Have a look at this code:

def throw_up(something, gowrong=False):
    >>> throw_up('Fish n Chips')
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    Exception: Fish n Chips

    >>> throw_up('Fish n Chips', gowrong=True)
    'I feel fine!'
    if gowrong:
        return "I feel fine!"
    raise Exception(something)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import doctest

If you put this example in a module and run it from the command line both test cases are evaluated and checked.

[1] Python documentation: 23.2 doctest -- Test interactive Python examples

Where does PostgreSQL store the database?

Under my Linux installation, it's here: /var/lib/postgresql/8.x/

You can change it with initdb -D "c:/mydb/"

Redirect echo output in shell script to logfile

exec >> $LOG_LOCATION/mylogfile.log 2>&1

Difference between break and continue in PHP?

break exits the loop you are in, continue starts with the next cycle of the loop immediatly.


$i = 10;
while (--$i)
    if ($i == 8)
    if ($i == 5)
    echo $i . "\n";

will output:


Credentials for the SQL Server Agent service are invalid

  1. Under the "Account Name" Drop Box choose Browse. Type the user name that you used to log in to windows on the "Enter the object name to select" and then click "Check Names". Click "Ok".

  2. Under "Password" just type the password that you used for windows login.

How can you tell when a layout has been drawn?

To avoid deprecated code and warnings you can use:

        new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
            public void onGlobalLayout() {
                if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {
                } else {

RestClientException: Could not extract response. no suitable HttpMessageConverter found

While the accepted answer solved the OP's original problem, most people finding this question through a Google search are likely having an entirely different problem which just happens to throw the same no suitable HttpMessageConverter found exception.

What happens under the covers is that MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter swallows any exceptions that occur in its canRead() method, which is supposed to auto-detect whether the payload is suitable for json decoding. The exception is replaced by a simple boolean return that basically communicates sorry, I don't know how to decode this message to the higher level APIs (RestClient). Only after all other converters' canRead() methods return false, the no suitable HttpMessageConverter found exception is thrown by the higher-level API, totally obscuring the true problem.

For people who have not found the root cause (like you and me, but not the OP), the way to troubleshoot this problem is to place a debugger breakpoint on onMappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter.canRead(), then enable a general breakpoint on any exception, and hit Continue. The next exception is the true root cause.

My specific error happened to be that one of the beans referenced an interface that was missing the proper deserialization annotations.


This has proven to be such a recurring issue across so many of my projects, that I've developed a more proactive solution. Whenever I have a need to process JSON exclusively (no XML or other formats), I now replace my RestTemplate bean with an instance of the following:

public class JsonRestTemplate extends RestTemplate {

    public JsonRestTemplate(
            ClientHttpRequestFactory clientHttpRequestFactory) {

        // Force a sensible JSON mapper.
        // Customize as needed for your project's definition of "sensible":
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper()
                .registerModule(new Jdk8Module())
                .registerModule(new JavaTimeModule())
                        SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false);

        List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters = new ArrayList<>();
        MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter jsonMessageConverter = new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter() {

            public boolean canRead(java.lang.Class<?> clazz,
                    org.springframework.http.MediaType mediaType) {
                return true;
            public boolean canRead(java.lang.reflect.Type type,
                    java.lang.Class<?> contextClass,
                    org.springframework.http.MediaType mediaType) {
                return true;
            protected boolean canRead(
                    org.springframework.http.MediaType mediaType) {
                return true;



This customization makes the RestClient incapable of understanding anything other than JSON. The upside is that any error messages that may occur will be much more explicit about what's wrong.

How to check if a user is logged in (how to properly use user.is_authenticated)?

Django 1.10+

Use an attribute, not a method:

if request.user.is_authenticated: # <-  no parentheses any more!
    # do something if the user is authenticated

The use of the method of the same name is deprecated in Django 2.0, and is no longer mentioned in the Django documentation.

Note that for Django 1.10 and 1.11, the value of the property is a CallableBool and not a boolean, which can cause some strange bugs. For example, I had a view that returned JSON

return HttpResponse(json.dumps({
    "is_authenticated": request.user.is_authenticated()
}), content_type='application/json') 

that after updated to the property request.user.is_authenticated was throwing the exception TypeError: Object of type 'CallableBool' is not JSON serializable. The solution was to use JsonResponse, which could handle the CallableBool object properly when serializing:

return JsonResponse({
    "is_authenticated": request.user.is_authenticated

Return value in SQL Server stored procedure

Try to call your proc in this way:

DECLARE @UserIDout int

EXEC YOURPROC @EmailAddress = 'sdfds', @NickName = 'sdfdsfs', ..., @UserId = @UserIDout OUTPUT

SELECT @UserIDout 

Is there a Sleep/Pause/Wait function in JavaScript?

You need to re-factor the code into pieces. This doesn't stop execution, it just puts a delay in between the parts.

function partA() {

function partB() {

jquery live hover

This code works:

        function (ev) {
            if (ev.type == 'mouseover') {

            if (ev.type == 'mouseout') {

Access to Image from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy

I was having the exact same problem. In my case none of the above solutions worked, what did it for me was to add the following:

app.UseCors(builder => builder

So basically, allow everything.

Bear in mind that this is safe only if running locally.

What is "git remote add ..." and "git push origin master"?

git is like UNIX. User friendly but picky about its friends. It's about as powerful and as user friendly as a shell pipeline.

That being said, once you understand its paradigms and concepts, it has the same zenlike clarity that I've come to expect from UNIX command line tools. You should consider taking some time off to read one of the many good git tutorials available online. The Pro Git book is a good place to start.

To answer your first question.

  1. What is git remote add ...

    As you probably know, git is a distributed version control system. Most operations are done locally. To communicate with the outside world, git uses what are called remotes. These are repositories other than the one on your local disk which you can push your changes into (so that other people can see them) or pull from (so that you can get others changes). The command git remote add origin [email protected]:peter/first_app.gitcreates a new remote called origin located at [email protected]:peter/first_app.git. Once you do this, in your push commands, you can push to origin instead of typing out the whole URL.

  2. What is git push origin master

    This is a command that says "push the commits in the local branch named master to the remote named origin". Once this is executed, all the stuff that you last synchronised with origin will be sent to the remote repository and other people will be able to see them there.

Now about transports (i.e. what git://) means. Remote repository URLs can be of many types (file://, https:// etc.). Git simply relies on the authentication mechanism provided by the transport to take care of permissions and stuff. This means that for file:// URLs, it will be UNIX file permissions, etc. The git:// scheme is asking git to use its own internal transport protocol, which is optimised for sending git changesets around. As for the exact URL, it's the way it is because of the way github has set up its git server.

Now the verbosity. The command you've typed is the general one. It's possible to tell git something like "the branch called master over here is local mirror of the branch called foo on the remote called bar". In git speak, this means that master tracks bar/foo. When you clone for the first time, you will get a branch called master and a remote called origin (where you cloned from) with the local master set to track the master on origin. Once this is set up, you can simply say git push and it'll do it. The longer command is available in case you need it (e.g. git push might push to the official public repo and git push review master can be used to push to a separate remote which your team uses to review code). You can set your branch to be a tracking branch using the --set-upstream option of the git branch command.

I've felt that git (unlike most other apps I've used) is better understood from the inside out. Once you understand how data is stored and maintained inside the repository, the commands and what they do become crystal clear. I do agree with you that there's some elitism amongst many git users but I also found that with UNIX users once upon a time, and it was worth ploughing past them to learn the system. Good luck!

Call removeView() on the child's parent first



Use the child element to get a reference to the parent. Cast the parent to a ViewGroup so that you get access to the removeView method and use that.

Thanks to @Dongshengcn for the solution

Count number of tables in Oracle



Well i dont have oracle on my machine, i run mysql (OP comment)

at the time of writing, this site was great for testing on a variety of database types.

How to make a TextBox accept only alphabetic characters?

You could use the following snippet:

private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (!System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(textBox1.Text, "^[a-zA-Z ]"))
        MessageBox.Show("This textbox accepts only alphabetical characters");
        textBox1.Text.Remove(textBox1.Text.Length - 1);

ERROR: permission denied for relation tablename on Postgres while trying a SELECT as a readonly user

You should execute the next query:

GRANT ALL ON TABLE mytable TO myuser;

Or if your error is in a view then maybe the table does not have permission, so you should execute the next query:

GRANT ALL ON TABLE tbm_grupo TO myuser;

How can I get current date in Android?

You can use the SimpleDateFormat class for formatting date in your desired format.

Just check this link where you get an idea for your example.

For example:

String dateStr = "04/05/2010"; 
SimpleDateFormat curFormater = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); 
Date dateObj = curFormater.parse(dateStr); 
SimpleDateFormat postFormater = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM dd, yyyy"); 
String newDateStr = postFormater.format(dateObj); 


The detailed example is here, I would suggest you go through this example and understand the concept of SimpleDateFormat class.

Final Solution:

Date c = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
System.out.println("Current time => " + c);

SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy", Locale.getDefault());
String formattedDate = df.format(c);

Which is the correct C# infinite loop, for (;;) or while (true)?

If you want to go old school, goto is still supported in C#:

    //Do something
    goto STARTOVER;

For a truly infinite loop, this is the go-to command. =)

Percentage Height HTML 5/CSS

bobince's answer will let you know in which cases "height: XX%;" will or won't work.

If you want to create an element with a set ratio (height: % of it's own width), the best way to do that is by effectively setting the height using padding-bottom. Example for square:

<div class="square-container">
  <div class="square-content">
    <!-- put your content in here -->

.square-container {  /* any display: block; element */
  position: relative;
  height: 0;
  padding-bottom: 100%; /* of parent width */
.square-content {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;

The square container will just be made of padding, and the content will expand to fill the container. Long article from 2009 on this subject:

How to select rows for a specific date, ignoring time in SQL Server

Try this:

select cast(salesDate as date) [date] from sales where salesDate = '2010/11/11'
select cast(salesDate as date) [date] from sales where salesDate = '11/11/2010'

Get model's fields in Django

_meta is private, but it's relatively stable. There are efforts to formalise it, document it and remove the underscore, which might happen before 1.3 or 1.4. I imagine effort will be made to ensure things are backwards compatible, because lots of people have been using it anyway.

If you're particularly concerned about compatibility, write a function that takes a model and returns the fields. This means if something does change in the future, you only have to change one function.

def get_model_fields(model):
    return model._meta.fields

I believe this will return a list of Field objects. To get the value of each field from the instance, use getattr(instance,

Update: Django contributors are working on an API to replace the _Meta object as part of a Google Summer of Code. See:

Formatting Decimal places in R

Looks to me like to would be something like

format(1.128347132904321674821, 2)

Per a little online help.

How to process POST data in Node.js?

And if you don't want to use the entire framework like Express, but you also need different kinds of forms, including uploads, then formaline may be a good choice.

It is listed in Node.js modules

SQL Server : SUM() of multiple rows including where clauses

This will bring back totals per property and type

SELECT  PropertyID,
FROM    yourTable
GROUP BY    PropertyID,

This will bring back only active values

SELECT  PropertyID,
FROM    yourTable
GROUP BY    PropertyID,

and this will bring back totals for properties

SELECT  PropertyID,
FROM    yourTable
GROUP BY    PropertyID
