[ruby-on-rails] How do I get the current absolute URL in Ruby on Rails?

How can I get the current absolute URL in my Ruby on Rails view?

The request.request_uri only returns the relative URL.

This question is related to ruby-on-rails ruby url

The answer is

For Ruby on Rails 3:


I fired up a debugger session and queried the request object:


I needed the application URL but with the subdirectory. I used:

root_url(:only_path => false)

You can use the ruby method:


which will get the full path with base url:


You could use url_for(only_path: false)

I think that the Ruby on Rails 3.0 method is now request.fullpath.

You can either use




to get the current URL.

To get the absolute URL which means that the from the root it can be displayed like this

<%= link_to 'Edit', edit_user_url(user) %>

The users_url helper generates a URL that includes the protocol and host name. The users_path helper generates only the path portion.

users_url: http://localhost/users
users_path: /users

This works for Ruby on Rails 3.0 and should be supported by most versions of Ruby on Rails:



works in rails 2.3.4 tested and do not know about other versions.

For Rails 3.2 or Rails 4 Simply get in this way "request.original_url" Reference: Original URL Method

For Rails 3 As request.url is deprecated.We can get absolute path by concatenating


For Rails 2


Using Ruby 1.9.3-p194 and Ruby on Rails 3.2.6:

If request.fullpath doesn't work for you, try request.env["HTTP_REFERER"]

Here's my story below.

I got similar problem with detecting current URL (which is shown in address bar for user in her browser) for cumulative pages which combines information from different controllers, for example, http://localhost:3002/users/1/history/issues.

The user can switch to different lists of types of issues. All those lists are loaded via Ajax from different controllers/partials (without reloading).

The problem was to set the correct path for the back button in each item of the list so the back button could work correctly both in its own page and in the cumulative page history.

In case I use request.fullpath, it returns the path of last JavaScript request which is definitely not the URL I'm looking for.

So I used request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] which stores the URL of the last reloaded request.

Here's an excerpt from the partial to make a decision

- if request.env["HTTP_REFERER"].to_s.scan("history").length > 0
  - back_url = user_history_issue_path(@user, list: "needed_type")
- else
  - back_url = user_needed_type_issue_path(@user)
- remote ||= false
=link_to t("static.back"), back_url, :remote => remote

In Rails 3 you can use




And you can easily add some new parameter:

url_for(params.merge(:tag => "lol"))

you can use any one for rails 3.2:


I think it will work every where


If by relative, you mean just without the domain, then look into request.domain.

(url_for(:only_path => false) == "/" )? root_url : url_for(:only_path => false)

In Ruby on Rails 3.1.0.rc4:


None of the suggestions here in the thread helped me sadly, except the one where someone said he used the debugger to find what he looked for.

I've created some custom error pages instead of the standard 404 and 500, but request.url ended in /404 instead of the expected /non-existing-mumbo-jumbo.

What I needed to use was


For Rails 3.x and up:


For Rails 3.2 and up:


Because in rails 3.2 and up:

request.original_url = request.base_url + request.original_fullpath

For more info, plese visit http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionDispatch/Request.html#method-i-original_url

It looks like request_uri is deprecated in Ruby on Rails 3.

Using #request_uri is deprecated. Use fullpath instead.

I think request.domain would work, but what if you're in a sub directory like blah.blah.com? Something like this could work:

<%= request.env["HTTP_HOST"] + page = "/" + request.path_parameters['controller'] + "/" + request.path_parameters['action'] %>

Change the parameters based on your path structure.

Hope that helps!

Rails 4.0

you can use request.original_url, output will be as given below example

get "/articles?page=2"

request.original_url # => "http://www.example.com/articles?page=2"

if you want to be specific, meaning, you know the path you need:

link_to current_path(@resource, :only_path => false), current_path(@resource)

You can use:




Hopefully it will resolve your problem.


If you're using Rails 3.2 or Rails 4 you should use request.original_url to get the current URL.

Documentation for the method is at http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionDispatch/Request.html#method-i-original_url but if you're curious the implementation is:

def original_url
  base_url + original_fullpath

DEPRECATION WARNING: Using #request_uri is deprecated. Use fullpath instead.

To get the request URL without any query parameters.

def current_url_without_parameters
  request.base_url + request.path

For rails 3 :


You can add this current_url method in the ApplicationController to return the current URL and allow merging in other parameters

# https://x.com/y/1?page=1 
# + current_url( :page => 3 )
# = https://x.com/y/1?page=3
def current_url(overwrite={})
    url_for :only_path => false, :params => params.merge(overwrite)

Example Usage:

current_url --> http://...
current_url(:page=>4) --> http://...&page=4

You can set a variable to URI.parse(current_url), I don't see this proposal here yet and it works for me.

you can get absolute url by calling:




Rails 4


def absolute_url
  request.base_url + request.original_fullpath

Action Mailer Notable changes in 4.2 release:

link_to and url_for generate absolute URLs by default in templates, it is no longer needed to pass only_path: false. (Commit)


If you use the _url suffix, the generated URL is absolute. Use _path to get a relative URL.

<%= link_to "Home", root_url %>

For More Details, go to:


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