[android] Difference between SurfaceView and View?

Why use SurfaceView and not the classic View class...

One main reason is that SurfaceView can rapidly render the screen.

In simple words a SV is more capable of managing the timing and render animations.

To have a better understanding what is a SurfaceView we must compare it with the View class.

What is the difference... check this simple explanation in the video


Well with the View we have one major problem....the timing of rendering animations.

Normally the onDraw() is called from the Android run-time system.

So, when Android run-time system calls onDraw() then the application cant control

the timing of display, and this is important for animation. We have a gap of timing

between the application (our game) and the Android run-time system.

The SV it can call the onDraw() by a dedicated Thread.

Thus: the application controls the timing. So we can display the next bitmap image of the animation.

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