[algorithm] Why doesn't Dijkstra's algorithm work for negative weight edges?

The other answers so far demonstrate pretty well why Dijkstra's algorithm cannot handle negative weights on paths.

But the question itself is maybe based on a wrong understanding of the weight of paths. If negative weights on paths would be allowed in pathfinding algorithms in general, then you would get permanent loops that would not stop.

Consider this:

A  <- 5 ->  B  <- (-1) ->  C <- 5 -> D

What is the optimal path between A and D?

Any pathfinding algorithm would have to continuously loop between B and C because doing so would reduce the weight of the total path. So allowing negative weights for a connection would render any pathfindig algorithm moot, maybe except if you limit each connection to be used only once.

So, to explain this in more detail, consider the following paths and weights:

Path               | Total weight
ABCD               | 9
ABCBCD             | 7
ABCBCBCD           | 5
ABCBCBCBCD         | 3

So, what's the perfect path? Any time the algorithm adds a BC step, it reduces the total weight by 2.

So the optimal path is A (BC) D with the BC part being looped forever.

Since Dijkstra's goal is to find the optimal path (not just any path), it, by definition, cannot work with negative weights, since it cannot find the optimal path.

Dijkstra will actually not loop, since it keeps a list of nodes that it has visited. But it will not find a perfect path, but instead just any path.