[oracle] Count number of tables in Oracle

Like MySQL has "SHOW TABLES" , how do you count tables in Oracle DB. Little bit of research gave me this query:

select owner, count(*) from dba_tables

So like MySQL has a standard command, does Oracle have one?

This question is related to oracle select count

The answer is

Use this query which will give you the actual no of counts in respect to the table owners

SELECT COUNT(*),tablespace_name  FROM USER_TABLES group by tablespace_name;

If you'd like a list of owners, and the count of the number of tables per owner, try:

    SELECT distinct owner, count(table_name) FROM dba_tables GROUP BY owner;

Select count(*) FROM all_tables where owner='schema_name'


select owner, object_type, count(*) from dba_objects where owner='owner_name' group by owner, object_type order by 3 desc;

REM setting current_schema is required as the 2nd query depends on the current user referred in the session


SELECT table_name,
         TO_NUMBER (
            EXTRACTVALUE (
               xmltype (
                  DBMS_XMLGEN.getxml ('select count(*) c from ' || table_name)),
    FROM dba_tables
   WHERE owner = 'TABLE_OWNER'

These documents describe data dictionary views:

all_tables: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14237/statviews_4473.htm#REFRN26286

user_tables: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14237/statviews_2105.htm#i1592091

dba_tables: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14237/statviews_4155.htm#i1627762

You can run queries on these views to count what you need.

To add something more to @Anurag Thakre's answer:

Use this query which will give you the actual no of counts respect to the owners

SELECT COUNT(*),tablespace_name  FROM USER_TABLES group by tablespace_name;

Or by table owners:

SELECT COUNT(*), owner  FROM ALL_TABLES group by owner;

Tablespace itself does not identify an unique object owner. Multiple users can create objects in the same tablespace and a single user can create objects in various tablespaces. It is a common practice to separate tables and indexes into different tablespaces.

Please find below - its the simplest one I use :

select owner, count(*) from dba_tables group by owner;

If you want to know the number of tables that belong to a certain schema/user, you can also use SQL similar to this one:


select COUNT(*) from ALL_ALL_TABLES where OWNER='<Database-name>';




Well i dont have oracle on my machine, i run mysql (OP comment)

at the time of writing, this site was great for testing on a variety of database types.

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