I needed to read the results returned from a server in JSON where I couldn't guarantee the fields would be present. I'm using class org.json.simple.JSONObject which is derived from HashMap. Here are some helper functions I employed:
public static String getString( final JSONObject response,
final String key )
{ return getString( response, key, "" ); }
public static String getString( final JSONObject response,
final String key, final String defVal )
{ return response.containsKey( key ) ? (String)response.get( key ) : defVal; }
public static long getLong( final JSONObject response,
final String key )
{ return getLong( response, key, 0 ); }
public static long getLong( final JSONObject response,
final String key, final long defVal )
{ return response.containsKey( key ) ? (long)response.get( key ) : defVal; }
public static float getFloat( final JSONObject response,
final String key )
{ return getFloat( response, key, 0.0f ); }
public static float getFloat( final JSONObject response,
final String key, final float defVal )
{ return response.containsKey( key ) ? (float)response.get( key ) : defVal; }
public static List<JSONObject> getList( final JSONObject response,
final String key )
{ return getList( response, key, new ArrayList<JSONObject>() ); }
public static List<JSONObject> getList( final JSONObject response,
final String key, final List<JSONObject> defVal ) {
try { return response.containsKey( key ) ? (List<JSONObject>) response.get( key ) : defVal; }
catch( ClassCastException e ) { return defVal; }