I put together a batch file for automatic enabling and connecting ADB via TCP, to a device connected via USB. With it you don't have to put in the IP manually.
@echo off
REM Use a default env variable to find adb if possible
if NOT "%AndroidSDK%" == "" set PATH=%PATH%;%AndroidSDK%\platform-tools
REM If off is first parameter then we turn off the tcp connection.
if "%1%" == "off" goto off
REM Set vars
set port=%1
set int=%2
if "%port%" == "" set port=5557
if "%int%" == "" set int=wlan0
REM Enable TCP
adb -d wait-for-device tcpip %port%
REM Get IP Address from device
set shellCmd="ip addr show %int% | grep 'inet [0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}' -oE | grep '[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,3}){3}' -oE"
for /f %%i in ('adb wait-for-device shell %shellCmd%') do set IP=%%i
REM Connect ADB to device
adb connect %IP%:%port%
goto end
echo adbWifi [port] [interface]
echo adbWifi off
goto end
adb wait-for-device usb