Programs & Examples On #Query cache

Query Cache is the cache, that stores the database queries and their results.

apache server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients setting

Here's an approach that could resolve your problem, and if not would help with troubleshooting.

  1. Create a second Apache virtual server identical to the current one

  2. Send all "normal" user traffic to the original virtual server

  3. Send special or long-running traffic to the new virtual server

Special or long-running traffic could be report-generation, maintenance ops or anything else you don't expect to complete in <<1 second. This can happen serving APIs, not just web pages.

If your resource utilization is low but you still exceed MaxClients, the most likely answer is you have new connections arriving faster than they can be serviced. Putting any slow operations on a second virtual server will help prove if this is the case. Use the Apache access logs to quantify the effect.

Redirecting to another page in ASP.NET MVC using JavaScript/jQuery

check the code below this will be helpful for you:

<script type="text/javascript">
  window.opener.location.href = '@Url.Action("Action", "EventstController")', window.close();

how to get multiple checkbox value using jquery

Try getPrameterValues() for getting values from multiple checkboxes.

AngularJS check if form is valid in controller

Here is another solution

Set a hidden scope variable in your html then you can use it from your controller:

<span style="display:none" >{{ formValid = myForm.$valid}}</span>

Here is the full working example:

angular.module('App', [])_x000D_
.controller('myController', function($scope) {_x000D_
  $scope.userType = 'guest';_x000D_
  $scope.formValid = false;_x000D_'Ctrl init, no form.');_x000D_
  $scope.$watch('myForm', function() {_x000D_'myForm watch');_x000D_
  $scope.isFormValid = function() {_x000D_
    //test the new scope variable_x000D_
    console.log('form valid?: ', $scope.formValid);_x000D_
<!doctype html>_x000D_
<html ng-app="App">_x000D_
 <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>_x000D_
<form name="myForm" ng-controller="myController">_x000D_
  userType: <input name="input" ng-model="userType" required>_x000D_
  <span class="error" ng-show="myForm.input.$error.required">Required!</span><br>_x000D_
  <tt>userType = {{userType}}</tt><br>_x000D_
  <tt>myForm.input.$valid = {{myForm.input.$valid}}</tt><br>_x000D_
  <tt>myForm.input.$error = {{myForm.input.$error}}</tt><br>_x000D_
  <tt>myForm.$valid = {{myForm.$valid}}</tt><br>_x000D_
  <tt>myForm.$error.required = {{!!myForm.$error.required}}</tt><br>_x000D_
  /*-- Hidden Variable formValid to use in your controller --*/_x000D_
  <span style="display:none" >{{ formValid = myForm.$valid}}</span>_x000D_
  <button ng-click="isFormValid()">Check Valid</button>_x000D_

How to gzip all files in all sub-directories into one compressed file in bash

tar -zcvf compressFileName.tar.gz folderToCompress

everything in folderToCompress will go to compressFileName

Edit: After review and comments I realized that people may get confused with compressFileName without an extension. If you want you can use .tar.gz extension(as suggested) with the compressFileName

The equivalent of wrap_content and match_parent in flutter?

  children: [
    Container(, height:200.0, width:200.0),
      child: Container(color: Colors. yellow),

Launch Image does not show up in my iOS App

My solution was to create all the launch images. enter image description here

Then I set the Launch Images Source to the LaunchImage asset, and leave launch screen file blank.

Finally if the project does not have a Launch Screen.xib, then add that file and leave it as is. enter image description here

Removing padding gutter from grid columns in Bootstrap 4

Need an edge-to-edge design? Drop the parent .container or .container-fluid.

Still if you need to remove padding from .row and immediate child columns you have to add the class .no-gutters with the code from @Brian above to your own CSS file, actually it's Not 'right out of the box', check here for official details on the final Bootstrap 4 release:

How do I find out what is hammering my SQL Server?

You can find some useful query here:

Investigating the Cause of SQL Server High CPU

For me this helped a lot:

SELECT s.session_id,
    r.blocking_session_id 'Blk by',
    r.wait_time / (1000 * 60) 'Wait M',
    r.total_elapsed_time / (1000 * 60) 'Elaps M',
    Substring(st.TEXT,(r.statement_start_offset / 2) + 1,
    ((CASE r.statement_end_offset
THEN Datalength(st.TEXT)
ELSE r.statement_end_offset
END - r.statement_start_offset) / 2) + 1) AS statement_text,
    Coalesce(Quotename(Db_name(st.dbid)) + N'.' + Quotename(Object_schema_name(st.objectid, st.dbid)) + N'.' +
    Quotename(Object_name(st.objectid, st.dbid)), '') AS command_text,
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions AS s
    JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests AS r
ON r.session_id = s.session_id
    CROSS APPLY sys.Dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) AS st
WHERE r.session_id != @@SPID
ORDER BY r.cpu_time desc

In the fields of status, wait_type and cpu_time you can find the most cpu consuming task that is running right now.

Get DataKey values in GridView RowCommand

On the Button:

CommandArgument='<%# Eval("myKey")%>'

On the Server Event


Kotlin's List missing "add", "remove", Map missing "put", etc?

According to above link List<E> is immutable in Kotlin. However this would work:

var list2 = ArrayList<String>()

How to count lines in a document?

I've been using this:

cat myfile.txt | wc -l

I prefer it over the accepted answer because it does not print the filename, and you don't have to use awk to fix that. Accepted answer:

wc -l myfile.txt

But I think the best one is GGB667's answer:

wc -l < myfile.txt

I will probably be using that from now on. It's slightly shorter than my way. I am putting up my old way of doing it in case anyone prefers it. The output is the same with those two methods.

Android ListView selected item stay highlighted

*please be sure there is no Ripple at your root layout of list view container

add this line to your list view


here is the "background_listview.xml" file

<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:drawable="@color/white_background" android:state_pressed="true" />
<item android:drawable="@color/primary_color" android:state_focused="false" /></selector>

the colors that used in the background_listview.xml file :

<color name="primary_color">#cc7e00</color>
<color name="white_background">#ffffffff</color>

after these

(clicked item contain orange color until you click another item)

How do I include the string header?

I don't hear about "apstring".If you want to use string with c++ ,you can do like this:

using namespace std;
int main()
   string str;
   return 0;

I hope this can avail

CSS: how to add white space before element's content?

You can use the unicode of a non breaking space :

p:before { content: "\00a0 "; }

See JSfiddle demo

[style improved by @Jason Sperske]

java.lang.Exception: No runnable methods exception in running JUnits

I had similar issue/error while running JunitCore along side with Junit Jupiter(Junit5) JUnitCore.runClasses(classes); after removing @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) and
ran with @SpringBootTest @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) i am able to resolve the issue for my tests as said in the above comments.

Managing SSH keys within Jenkins for Git

Have you tried logging in as the jenkins user?

Try this:

sudo -i -u jenkins #For RedHat you might have to do 'su' instead.
git clone [email protected]:your/repo.git

Often times you see failure if the host has not been added or authorized (hence I always manually login as hudson/jenkins for the first connection to github/bitbucket) but that link you included supposedly fixes that.

If the above doesn't work try recopying the key. Make sure its the pub key (ie Maybe you missed some characters?

Foreign Key to multiple tables

Yet another option is to have, in Ticket, one column specifying the owning entity type (User or Group), second column with referenced User or Group id and NOT to use Foreign Keys but instead rely on a Trigger to enforce referential integrity.

Two advantages I see here over Nathan's excellent model (above):

  • More immediate clarity and simplicity.
  • Simpler queries to write.

Summarizing multiple columns with dplyr?

For completeness: with dplyr v0.2 ddply with colwise will also do this:

> ddply(df, .(grp), colwise(mean))
  grp        a    b        c        d
1   1 4.333333 4.00 1.000000 2.000000
2   2 2.000000 2.75 2.750000 2.750000
3   3 3.000000 4.00 4.333333 3.666667

but it is slower, at least in this case:

> microbenchmark(ddply(df, .(grp), colwise(mean)), 
                  df %>% group_by(grp) %>% summarise_each(funs(mean)))
Unit: milliseconds
                                            expr      min       lq     mean
                ddply(df, .(grp), colwise(mean))     3.278002 3.331744 3.533835
 df %>% group_by(grp) %>% summarise_each(funs(mean)) 1.001789 1.031528 1.109337

   median       uq      max neval
 3.353633 3.378089 7.592209   100
 1.121954 1.133428 2.292216   100

how to add picasso library in android studio

Add this to your dependencies in build.gradle:

enter image description here

dependencies {
 implementation 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.71828'

The latest version can be found here

Make sure you are connected to the Internet. When you sync Gradle, all related files will be added to your project

Take a look at your libraries folder, the library you just added should be in there.

enter image description here

set pythonpath before import statements

As also noted in the docs here.
Go to Python X.X/Lib and add these lines to the there,

import sys

This changes your sys.path so that on every load, it will have that value in it..

As stated here about,

This module is automatically imported during initialization. Importing this module will append site-specific paths to the module search path and add a few builtins.

For other possible methods of adding some path to sys.path see these docs

How do I set response headers in Flask?

You can do this pretty easily:

def home():
    resp = flask.Response("Foo bar baz")
    resp.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    return resp

Look at flask.Response and flask.make_response()

But something tells me you have another problem, because the after_request should have handled it correctly too.

I just noticed you are already using make_response which is one of the ways to do it. Like I said before, after_request should have worked as well. Try hitting the endpoint via curl and see what the headers are:

curl -i

You should see

> curl -i ''
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 11
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Server: Werkzeug/0.8.3 Python/2.7.5
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 03:47:13 GMT

Noting the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.

As I suspected, you are getting a 500 so you are not setting the header like you thought. Try adding app.debug = True before you start the app and try again. You should get some output showing you the root cause of the problem.

For example:

def home():
    resp = flask.Response("Foo bar baz")
    user.weapon = boomerang
    resp.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
    return resp

Gives a nicely formatted html error page, with this at the bottom (helpful for curl command)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/private/tmp/", line 8, in home
    user.weapon = boomerang
NameError: global name 'boomerang' is not defined

How to start Activity in adapter?

If you want to redirect on url instead of activity from your adapter class then pass context of with startactivity.

btnInstall.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                Intent intent=new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(link));

Windows Batch Files: if else

Another related tip is to use "%~1" instead of "%1". Type "CALL /?" at the command line in Windows to get more details.

Jquery Setting Value of Input Field

change your jquery loading setting to onload in jsfiddle . . .it works . . .

How to remove multiple deleted files in Git repository

Update all changes you made:

git add -u

The deleted files should change from unstaged (usually red color) to staged (green). Then commit to remove the deleted files:

git commit -m "note"

"NOT IN" clause in LINQ to Entities


from p in db.Products
where !theBadCategories.Contains(p.Category)
select p;

What's the SQL query you want to translate into a Linq query?

Difference between "and" and && in Ruby?

The practical difference is binding strength, which can lead to peculiar behavior if you're not prepared for it:

foo = :foo
bar = nil

a = foo and bar
# => nil
# => :foo

a = foo && bar
# => nil
# => nil

a = (foo and bar)
# => nil
# => nil

(a = foo) && bar
# => nil
# => :foo

The same thing works for || and or.

How do I get elapsed time in milliseconds in Ruby?

The answer is something like:

t_start =
# time-consuming operation
t_end =

milliseconds = (t_start - t_end) * 1000.0

However, the approach risks to be inaccurate. I found this post by Luca Guidi:

system clock is constantly floating and it doesn't move only forwards. If your calculation of elapsed time is based on it, you're very likely to run into calculation errors or even outages.

So, it is recommended to use Process.clock_gettime instead. Something like:

def measure_time
  start_time = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
  end_time = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
  elapsed_time = end_time - start_time


elapsed = measure_time do
    # your time-consuming task here:
    sleep 2.2321

=> 2.232

How to solve ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED when trying to connect to localhost running IISExpress - Error 502 (Cannot debug from Visual Studio)?

While probably not related to your problem, I had the same issue today. As it turns out, I had enabled an URL Rewrite module to force my site to use HTTPS instead of HTTP and on my production environment, this worked just fine. But on my development system, where it runs as an application within my default site, it failed...
As it turns out, my default site had no binding for HTTPS so the rewrite module would send me from HTTP to HTTPS, yet nothing was listening to the HTTPS port...
There's a chance that you have this issue for a similar reason. This error seems to occur if there's no proper binding for the site you're trying to access...

How to round a number to n decimal places in Java

Where dp = decimal place you want, and value is a double.

    double p = Math.pow(10d, dp);

    double result = Math.round(value * p)/p;

force client disconnect from server with and nodejs

This didn't work for me:


This did work for me:


Handing over true will close the underlaying connection to the client and not just the namespace the client is connected to Socket IO Documentation.

An example use case: Client did connect to web socket server with invalid access token (access token handed over to web socket server with connection params). Web socket server notifies the client that it is going to close the connection, because of his invalid access token:

// (1) the server code emits
socket.emit('invalidAccessToken', function(data) {
    console.log(data);       // (4) server receives 'invalidAccessTokenEmitReceived' from client
    socket.disconnect(true); // (5) force disconnect client 

// (2) the client code listens to event
// client.on('invalidAccessToken', (name, fn) => { 
//     // (3) the client ack emits to server
//     fn('invalidAccessTokenEmitReceived');
// });

Lollipop : draw behind statusBar with its color set to transparent

The solution from Cody Toombs almost did the trick for me. I'm not sure if this is Xamarin related or not, but I now have an acceptable solution:


This is my setup:

I have an Android project where I have referenced the Android.Support v4 and v7 packages. I have two styles defined:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <style name="MyStyle" parent="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
        <item name="android:windowTranslucentStatus">true</item>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <style name="MyStyle" parent="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
        <item name="android:statusBarColor">@android:color/transparent</item>

AndroidManifest targets "MyStyle":


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android="" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0" package="com.agn.test.test">
    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="10" />
    <application android:allowBackup="true" android:icon="@mipmap/icon" android:label="@string/app_name" android:theme="@style/MyStyle">

And finally the code in the Main Activity:

[Activity (Label = "Test", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@mipmap/icon")]
public class MainActivity : Activity
    protected override void OnCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)
        base.OnCreate (savedInstanceState);

        SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);
        //Resource.Layout.Main is just a regular layout, no additional flags. Make sure there is something in there like an imageView, so that you can see the overlay.

        var uiOptions = (int)Window.DecorView.SystemUiVisibility;
        uiOptions ^= (int)SystemUiFlags.LayoutStable;
        uiOptions ^= (int)SystemUiFlags.LayoutFullscreen;
        Window.DecorView.SystemUiVisibility = (StatusBarVisibility)uiOptions;

        Window.AddFlags (WindowManagerFlags.DrawsSystemBarBackgrounds);

Notice that I set DrawsSystemBarBackgrounds flag, this makes all the difference

Window.AddFlags (WindowManagerFlags.DrawsSystemBarBackgrounds); 

I spent a lot of time getting it right, too much time in fact. Hopefully this answer helps anyone trying to achieve the same thing.

Sleep for milliseconds

#include <windows.h>


Sleep (  __in DWORD dwMilliseconds   );


Sleep (1000); //Sleeps for 1000 ms or 1 sec

Oracle SQL Query for listing all Schemas in a DB

Below sql lists all the schema in oracle that are created after installation ORACLE_MAINTAINED='N' is the filter. This column is new in 12c.

select distinct username,ORACLE_MAINTAINED from dba_users where ORACLE_MAINTAINED='N';

ShowAllData method of Worksheet class failed

AutoFilterMode will be True if engaged, regardless of whether there is actually a filter applied to a specific column or not. When this happens, ActiveSheet.ShowAllData will still run, throwing an error (because there is no actual filtering).

I had the same issue and got it working with

If (ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode And ActiveSheet.FilterMode) Or ActiveSheet.FilterMode Then
End If

This seems to prevent ShowAllData from running when there is no actual filter applied but with AutoFilterMode turned on.

The second catch Or ActiveSheet.FilterMode should catch advanced filters

6 digits regular expression

You could try


it should work.

Android: How to bind spinner to custom object list?

By far the simplest way that I've found:

public String toString() {
    return this.label;           

Now you can stick any object in your spinner, and it will display the specified label.

How to make sure you don't get WCF Faulted state exception?

Similar to Ryan Rodemoyer's answer, I found that when the UriTemplate on the Contract is not valid you can get this error. In my case, I was using the same parameter twice. For example:


when exactly are we supposed to use "public static final String"?

You do not have to use final, but the final is making clear to everyone else - including the compiler - that this is a constant, and that's the good practice in it.

Why people doe that even if the constant will be used only in one place and only in the same class: Because in many cases it still makes sense. If you for example know it will be final during program run, but you intend to change the value later and recompile (easier to find), and also might use it more often later-on. It is also informing other programmers about the core values in the program flow at a prominent and combined place.

An aspect the other answers are missing out unfortunately, is that using the combination of public final needs to be done very carefully, especially if other classes or packages will use your class (which can be assumed because it is public).

Here's why:

  1. Because it is declared as final, the compiler will inline this field during compile time into any compilation unit reading this field. So far, so good.
  2. What people tend to forget is, because the field is also declared public, the compiler will also inline this value into any other compile unit. That means other classes using this field.

What are the consequences?

Imagine you have this:

class Foo {
  public static final String VERSION = "1.0";

class Bar {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("I am using version " + Foo.VERSION);

After compiling and running Bar, you'll get:

I am using version 1.0

Now, you improve Foo and change the version to "1.1". After recompiling Foo, you run Bar and get this wrong output:

I am using version 1.0

This happens, because VERSION is declared final, so the actual value of it was already in-lined in Bar during the first compile run. As a consequence, to let the example of a public static final ... field propagate properly after actually changing what was declared final (you lied!;), you'd need to recompile every class using it.

I've seen this a couple of times and it is really hard to debug.

If by final you mean a constant that might change in later versions of your program, a better solution would be this:

class Foo {
  private static String version = "1.0";
  public static final String getVersion() {
    return version;

The performance penalty of this is negligible, since JIT code generator will inline it at run-time.

How to source virtualenv activate in a Bash script

You should use multiple commands in one line. for example:

os.system(". Projects/virenv/bin/activate && python Projects/virenv/django-project/ runserver")

when you activate your virtual environment in one line, I think it forgets for other command lines and you can prevent this by using multiple commands in one line. It worked for me :)

Android - Center TextView Horizontally in LinearLayout

If you set <TextView> in center in <Linearlayout> then first put android:layout_width="fill_parent" compulsory
No need of using any other gravity



How do you get a list of the names of all files present in a directory in Node.js?


var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');


// String -> [String]
function fileList(dir) {
  return fs.readdirSync(dir).reduce(function(list, file) {
    var name = path.join(dir, file);
    var isDir = fs.statSync(name).isDirectory();
    return list.concat(isDir ? fileList(name) : [name]);
  }, []);


var DIR = '/usr/local/bin';

// 1. List all files in DIR
// => ['/usr/local/bin/babel', '/usr/local/bin/bower', ...]

// 2. List all file names in DIR
fileList(DIR).map((file) => file.split(path.sep).slice(-1)[0]);
// => ['babel', 'bower', ...]

Please note that fileList is way too optimistic. For anything serious, add some error handling.

Pandas (python): How to add column to dataframe for index?

How about this:

from pandas import *

idx = Int64Index([171, 174, 173])
df = DataFrame(index = idx, data =([1,2,3]))
print df

It gives me:

171  1
174  2
173  3

Is this what you are looking for?

Change image source in code behind - Wpf

You just need one line:

ImageViewer1.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"\myserver\folder1\Customer Data\sample.png"));

How can I scroll up more (increase the scroll buffer) in iTerm2?

Solution: In order to increase your buffer history on iterm bash terminal you've got two options:

Go to iterm -> Preferences -> Profiles -> Terminal Tab -> Scrollback Buffer (section)

Option 1. select the checkbox Unlimited scrollback

Option 2. type the selected Scrollback lines numbers you'd like your terminal buffer to cache (See image below)

enter image description here

awk without printing newline

I guess many people are entering in this question looking for a way to avoid the new line in awk. Thus, I am going to offer a solution to just that, since the answer to the specific context was already solved!

In awk, print automatically inserts a ORS after printing. ORS stands for "output record separator" and defaults to the new line. So whenever you say print "hi" awk prints "hi" + new line.

This can be changed in two different ways: using an empty ORS or using printf.

Using an empty ORS

awk -v ORS= '1' <<< "hello

This returns "helloman", all together.

The problem here is that not all awks accept setting an empty ORS, so you probably have to set another record separator.

awk -v ORS="-" '{print ...}' file

For example:

awk -v ORS="-" '1' <<< "hello

Returns "hello-man-".

Using printf (preferable)

While print attaches ORS after the record, printf does not. Thus, printf "hello" just prints "hello", nothing else.

$ awk 'BEGIN{print "hello"; print "bye"}'
$ awk 'BEGIN{printf "hello"; printf "bye"}'

Finally, note that in general this misses a final new line, so that the shell prompt will be in the same line as the last line of the output. To clean this, use END {print ""} so a new line will be printed after all the processing.

$ seq 5 | awk '{printf "%s", $0}'
#    ^ prompt here

$ seq 5 | awk '{printf "%s", $0} END {print ""}'

Convert Map<String,Object> to Map<String,String>

Use the Java 8 way of converting a Map<String, Object> to Map<String, String>. This solution handles null values.

Map<String, String> keysValuesStrings = keysValues.entrySet().stream()
    .filter(entry -> entry.getValue() != null)
    .collect(Collectors.toMap(Entry::getKey, entry -> entry.getValue().toString()));

What is the difference between decodeURIComponent and decodeURI?

encodeURIComponent/decodeURIComponent() is almost always the pair you want to use, for concatenating together and splitting apart text strings in URI parts.

encodeURI in less common, and misleadingly named: it should really be called fixBrokenURI. It takes something that's nearly a URI, but has invalid characters such as spaces in it, and turns it into a real URI. It has a valid use in fixing up invalid URIs from user input, and it can also be used to turn an IRI (URI with bare Unicode characters in) into a plain URI (using %-escaped UTF-8 to encode the non-ASCII).

decodeURI decodes the same characters as decodeURIComponent except for a few special ones. It is provided to be an inverse of encodeURI, but you still can't count on it to return the same as you originally put in — see eg. decodeURI(encodeURI('%20 '));.

Where encodeURI should really be named fixBrokenURI(), decodeURI() could equally be called potentiallyBreakMyPreviouslyWorkingURI(). I can think of no valid use for it anywhere; avoid.

How to customize the back button on ActionBar

So you can change it programmatically easily by using homeAsUpIndicator() function that added in android API level 18 and upper.


If you use support library


Mock MVC - Add Request Parameter to test

If anyone came to this question looking for ways to add multiple parameters at the same time (my case), you can use .params with a MultivalueMap instead of adding each .param :

LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String> requestParams = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>()
requestParams.add("id", "1");
requestParams.add("name", "john");
requestParams.add("age", "30");


Include jQuery in the JavaScript Console

Run this in your browser's JavaScript console, then jQuery should be available...

var jq = document.createElement('script');
jq.src = "";
// ... give time for script to load, then type (or see below for non wait option)

NOTE: if the site has scripts that conflict with jQuery (other libs, etc.) you could still run into problems.


Making the best better, creating a Bookmark makes it really convenient, let's do it, and a little feedback is great too:

  1. Right click the Bookmarks Bar, and click Add Page
  2. Name it as you like, e.g. Inject jQuery, and use the following line for URL:

javascript:(function(e,s){e.src=s;e.onload=function(){jQuery.noConflict();console.log('jQuery injected')};document.head.appendChild(e);})(document.createElement('script'),'//')

Below is the formatted code:

javascript: (function(e, s) {
    e.src = s;
    e.onload = function() {
        console.log('jQuery injected');
})(document.createElement('script'), '//')

Here the official jQuery CDN URL is used, feel free to use your own CDN/version.

JavaScript for detecting browser language preference

If you are using ASP .NET MVC and you want to get the Accepted-Languages header from JavaScript then here is a workaround example that does not involve any asynchronous requests.

In your .cshtml file, store the header securely in a div's data- attribute:

<div data-languages="@Json.Encode(HttpContext.Current.Request.UserLanguages)"></div>

Then your JavaScript code can access the info, e.g. using JQuery:

<script type="text/javascript">
$('[data-languages]').each(function () {
    var languages = $(this).data("languages");
    for (var i = 0; i < languages.length; i++) {
        var regex = /[-;]/;

Of course you can use a similar approach with other server technologies as others have mentioned.

'IF' in 'SELECT' statement - choose output value based on column values

    when report_type = 'P' 
    then amount 
    when report_type = 'N' 
    then -amount 
    else null 
from table

How to "crop" a rectangular image into a square with CSS?

Either use a div with square dimensions with the image inside with the .testimg class:

.test {
width: 307px;
height: 307px;

.testimg {
    margin-left: -76px


or a square div with a background of the image.

.test2 {
width: 307px;
height: 307px;
    background: url( 50% 50%

Here's some examples:


.test {_x000D_
  width: 307px;_x000D_
  height: 307px;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden_x000D_
.testimg {_x000D_
  margin-left: -76px_x000D_
.test2 {_x000D_
  width: 307px;_x000D_
  height: 307px;_x000D_
  background: url( 50% 50%_x000D_
<div class="test"><img src="" width="460" height="307" class="testimg" /></div>_x000D_
<div class="test2"></div>

how to download image from any web page in java

If you want to save the image and you know its URL you can do this:

try(InputStream in = new URL("").openStream()){
    Files.copy(in, Paths.get("C:/File/To/Save/To/image.jpg"));

You will also need to handle the IOExceptions which may be thrown.

Where do you include the jQuery library from? Google JSAPI? CDN?

I will add this as a reason to locally host these files.

Recently a node in Southern California on TWC has not been able to resolve the domain (for users with IPv4) only so we are not getting the external files. This has been intermittant up until yesterday (now it is persistant.) Because it was intermittant, I was having tons of problems troubleshooting SaaS user issues. Spent countless hours trying to track why some users were having no issues with the software, and others were tanking. In my usual debugging process I'm not in the habit of asking a user if they have IPv6 turned off.

I stumbled on the issue because I myself was using this particular "route" to the file and also am using only IPV4. I discovered the issue with developers tools telling me jquery wasn't loading, then started doing traceroutes etc... to find the real issue.

After this, I will most likely never go back to externally hosted files because: google doesn't have to go down for this to become a problem, and... any one of these nodes can be compromised with DNS hijacking and deliver malicious js instead of the actual file. Always thought I was safe in that a google domain would never go down, now I know any node in between a user and the host can be a fail point.

Check if xdebug is working


php -m -c

in your terminal, and then look for [Zend Modules]. It should be somewhere there if it is loaded!


If you're using Ubuntu, it may not show up here because you need to add the xdebug settings from /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini into /etc/php5/cli/php.ini. Mine are

zend_extension = /usr/lib/php5/20121212/

Java String array: is there a size of method?


It is actually a final member of the array, not a method.

How to remove numbers from string using Regex.Replace?

var result = Regex.Replace("123- abcd33", @"[0-9\-]", string.Empty);

jackson deserialization json to java-objects

It looks like you are trying to read an object from JSON that actually describes an array. Java objects are mapped to JSON objects with curly braces {} but your JSON actually starts with square brackets [] designating an array.

What you actually have is a List<product> To describe generic types, due to Java's type erasure, you must use a TypeReference. Your deserialization could read: myProduct = objectMapper.readValue(productJson, new TypeReference<List<product>>() {});

A couple of other notes: your classes should always be PascalCased. Your main method can just be public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception which saves you all the useless catch blocks.

PostgreSQL: days/months/years between two dates

Almost the same function as you needed (based on atiruz's answer, shortened version of UDF from here)

    CASE type
        WHEN 'year' THEN
            RETURN date_part('year', date_to) - date_part('year', date_from);
        WHEN 'month' THEN
            age := age(date_to, date_from);
            RETURN date_part('year', age) * 12 + date_part('month', age);
            RETURN (date_to - date_from)::int;


/* Get months count between two dates */
SELECT datediff('month', '2015-02-14'::date, '2016-01-03'::date);
/* Result: 10 */

/* Get years count between two dates */
SELECT datediff('year', '2015-02-14'::date, '2016-01-03'::date);
/* Result: 1 */

/* Get days count between two dates */
SELECT datediff('day', '2015-02-14'::date, '2016-01-03'::date);
/* Result: 323 */

/* Get months count between specified and current date */
SELECT datediff('month', '2015-02-14'::date, NOW()::date);
/* Result: 47 */

What are the ascii values of up down left right?

Really the answer to this question depends on what operating system and programming language you are using. There is no "ASCII code" per se. The operating system detects you hit an arrow key and triggers an event that programs can capture. For example, on modern Windows machines, you would get a WM_KEYUP or WM_KEYDOWN event. It passes a 16-bit value usually to determine which key was pushed.

AngularJS: Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module?

For people who find this old posting on the web by searching for the error message, there is another possible cause of the problem.

You could just have a typo in your call to the script, even if you have already done the things described in the other excellent answer. So check to make sure you can used the right spelling in your script tags.

Big O, how do you calculate/approximate it?

If you want to estimate the order of your code empirically rather than by analyzing the code, you could stick in a series of increasing values of n and time your code. Plot your timings on a log scale. If the code is O(x^n), the values should fall on a line of slope n.

This has several advantages over just studying the code. For one thing, you can see whether you're in the range where the run time approaches its asymptotic order. Also, you may find that some code that you thought was order O(x) is really order O(x^2), for example, because of time spent in library calls.

jquery change div text

Put the title in its own span.

<span id="dialog_title_span">'+dialog_title+'</span>
$('#dialog_title_span').text("new dialog title");

Is it not possible to define multiple constructors in Python?

The easiest way is through keyword arguments:

class City():
  def __init__(self, city=None):

someCity = City(city="Berlin")

This is pretty basic stuff. Maybe look at the Python documentation?

Creating an empty bitmap and drawing though canvas in Android

Do not use Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888

Instead use int w = WIDTH_PX, h = HEIGHT_PX;

Bitmap.Config conf = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444; // see other conf types
Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, conf); // this creates a MUTABLE bitmap
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bmp);

// ready to draw on that bitmap through that canvas

ARGB_8888 can land you in OutOfMemory issues when dealing with more bitmaps or large bitmaps. Or better yet, try avoiding usage of ARGB option itself.

Git credential helper - update password

Working solution for Windows:

Control Panel > User Accounts > Credential Manager > Generic Credentials

enter image description here

One liner to check if element is in the list

You could try using Strings with a separator which does not appear in any element.

if ("|a|b|c|".contains("|a|"))

Should I use SVN or Git?

SVN is one repo and lots of clients. Git is a repo with lots of client repos, each with a user. It's decentralised to a point where people can track their own edits locally without having to push things to an external server.

SVN is designed to be more central where Git is based on each user having their own Git repo and those repos push changes back up into a central one. For that reason, Git gives individuals better local version control.

Meanwhile you have the choice between TortoiseGit, GitExtensions (and if you host your "central" git-repository on github, their own client – GitHub for Windows).

If you're looking on getting out of SVN, you might want to evaluate Bazaar for a bit. It's one of the next generation of version control systems that have this distributed element. It isn't POSIX dependant like git so there are native Windows builds and it has some powerful open source brands backing it.

But you might not even need these sorts of features yet. Have a look at the features, advantages and disadvantages of the distributed VCSes. If you need more than SVN offers, consider one. If you don't, you might want to stick with SVN's (currently) superior desktop integration.

Convert a character digit to the corresponding integer in C

If your digit is, say, '5', in ASCII it is represented as the binary number 0011 0101 (53). Every digit has the highest four bits 0011 and the lowest 4 bits represent the digit in bcd. So you just do

char cdig = '5';
int dig = cdig & 0xf; // dig contains the number 5

to get the lowest 4 bits, or, what its same, the digit. In asm, it uses and operation instead of sub(as in the other answers).

What is the best IDE for C Development / Why use Emacs over an IDE?

If you are looking for a free, nice looking, cross-platform editor, try Komodo Edit. It is not as powerful as Komodo IDE, however that isn't free. See feature chart.

Another free, extensible editor is jEdit. Crossplatform as it is 100% pure Java. Not the fastest IDE on earth, but for Java actually very fast, very flexible, not that nice looking though.

Both have very sophisticated code folding, syntax highlighting (for all languages you can think of!) and are very flexible regarding configuring it for you personal needs. jEdit is BTW very easy to extend to add whatever feature you may need there (it has an ultra simple scripting language, that looks like Java, but is actually "scripted").

How to prevent text in a table cell from wrapping

There are at least two ways to do it:

Use nowrap attribute inside the "td" tag:

<th nowrap="nowrap">Really long column heading</th>

Use non-breakable spaces between your words:


What does this format means T00:00:00.000Z?

It's a part of ISO-8601 date representation. It's incomplete because a complete date representation in this pattern should also contains the date:

2015-03-04T00:00:00.000Z //Complete ISO-8601 date

If you try to parse this date as it is you will receive an Invalid Date error:

new Date('T00:00:00.000Z'); // Invalid Date

So, I guess the way to parse a timestamp in this format is to concat with any date

new Date('2015-03-04T00:00:00.000Z'); // Valid Date

Then you can extract only the part you want (timestamp part)

var d = new Date('2015-03-04T00:00:00.000Z');
console.log(d.getUTCHours()); // Hours

Recover SVN password from local cache

On Windows, Subversion stores the auth data in %APPDATA%\Subversion\auth. The passwords however are stored encrypted, not in plaintext.

You can decrypt those, but only if you log in to Windows as the same user for which the auth data was saved.

Someone even wrote a tool to decrypt those. Never tried the tool myself so I don't know how well it works, but you might want to try it anyway:

Update: In TortoiseSVN 1.9 and later, you can do it without any additional tools:

Settings Dialog -> Saved Data, then click the "Clear..." button right of the text "Authentication Data". A new dialog pops up, showing all stored authentication data where you can chose which one(s) to clear. Instead of clearing, hold down the Shift and Ctrl button, and then double click on the list. A new column is shown in the dialog which shows the password in clear.

Display TIFF image in all web browser

This comes down to browser image support; it looks like the only mainstream browser that supports tiff is Safari:

Where are you getting the tiff images from? Is it possible for them to be generated in a different format?

If you have a static set of images then I'd recommend using something like PaintShop Pro to batch convert them, changing the format.

If this isn't an option then there might be some mileage in looking for a pre-written Java applet (or another browser plugin) that can display the images in the browser.

TSQL: How to convert local time to UTC? (SQL Server 2008)

For SQL Server 2016 and newer, and Azure SQL Database, use the built in AT TIME ZONE statement.

For older editions of SQL Server, you can use my SQL Server Time Zone Support project to convert between IANA standard time zones, as listed here.

UTC to Local is like this:

SELECT Tzdb.UtcToLocal('2015-07-01 00:00:00', 'America/Los_Angeles')

Local to UTC is like this:

SELECT Tzdb.LocalToUtc('2015-07-01 00:00:00', 'America/Los_Angeles', 1, 1)

The numeric options are flag for controlling the behavior when the local time values are affected by daylight saving time. These are described in detail in the project's documentation.

Want to show/hide div based on dropdown box selection

Wrap the code within $(document).ready(function(){...........}); handler , also remove the ; after if

    $('#purpose').on('change', function() {
      if ( this.value == '1')

Fiddle Demo

Class extending more than one class Java?

Multiple inheritance is not possible with class, you can achieve it with the help of interface but not with class. It is by design of java language. Look a comment by James gosling.

by James Gosling in February 1995 gives an idea on why multiple inheritance is not supported in Java.

JAVA omits many rarely used, poorly understood, confusing features of C++ that in our experience bring more grief than bene?t. This primarily consists of operator overloading (although it does have method overloading), multiple inheritance, and extensive automatic coercions.

Abort a git cherry-pick?

You can do the following

git cherry-pick --abort

From the git cherry-pick docs


Cancel the operation and return to the pre-sequence state.

Convert a float64 to an int in Go

Correct rounding is likely desired.

Therefore math.Round() is your quick(!) friend. Approaches with fmt.Sprintf and strconv.Atois() were 2 orders of magnitude slower according to my tests with a matrix of float64 values that were intended to become correctly rounded int values.

package main
import (
func main() {
    var x float64 = 5.51
    var y float64 = 5.50
    var z float64 = 5.49
    fmt.Println(int(math.Round(x)))  // outputs "6"
    fmt.Println(int(math.Round(y)))  // outputs "6"
    fmt.Println(int(math.Round(z)))  // outputs "5"

math.Round() does return a float64 value but with int() applied afterwards, I couldn't find any mismatches so far.

Error loading the SDK when Eclipse starts

Working fine after removing the Android Wear ARM EABI v7a system image and wear intel x86 Atom System image.

How to customise the Jackson JSON mapper implicitly used by Spring Boot?

When I tried to make ObjectMapper primary in spring boot 2.0.6 I got errors So I modified the one that spring boot created for me

Also see

ObjectMapper mapper;

public ObjectMapper configureMapper() {

    mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);
    mapper.configure(SerializationFeature.ORDER_MAP_ENTRIES_BY_KEYS, true);

    mapper.configure(MapperFeature.ALLOW_COERCION_OF_SCALARS, true);
    mapper.configure(MapperFeature.SORT_PROPERTIES_ALPHABETICALLY, true);

    SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
    module.addDeserializer(LocalDate.class, new LocalDateDeserializer());
    module.addSerializer(LocalDate.class, new LocalDateSerializer());

    return mapper;

Shuffle DataFrame rows

(I don't have enough reputation to comment this on the top post, so I hope someone else can do that for me.) There was a concern raised that the first method:


made a deep copy or just changed the dataframe. I ran the following code:


and my results were:


which means the method is not returning the same object, as was suggested in the last comment. So this method does indeed make a shuffled copy.

Python develop vs install

From the documentation. The develop will not install the package but it will create a .egg-link in the deployment directory back to the project source code directory.

So it's like installing but instead of copying to the site-packages it adds a symbolic link (the .egg-link acts as a multiplatform symbolic link).

That way you can edit the source code and see the changes directly without having to reinstall every time that you make a little change. This is useful when you are the developer of that project hence the name develop. If you are just installing someone else's package you should use install

How to check if running as root in a bash script

The problem using: id -u, $EUID and whoami is all of them give false positive when I fake the root, for example:

$ fakeroot


$ id -u


$ echo $EUID


$ whoami

then a reliable and hacking way is verify if the user has access to the /root directory:

 $ ls /root/ &>/dev/null && is_root=true || is_root=false; echo $is_root

CSS :selected pseudo class similar to :checked, but for <select> elements

Actually you can only style few CSS properties on :modified option elements. color does not work, background-color either, but you can set a background-image.

You can couple this with gradients to do the trick.

option:checked {_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(#5A2569, #5A2569);_x000D_

Works on gecko/webkit.



Escaping special characters in Java Regular Expressions

The only way the regex matcher knows you are looking for a digit and not the letter d is to escape the letter (\d). To type the regex escape character in java, you need to escape it (so \ becomes \\). So, there's no way around typing double backslashes for special regex chars.

How to prevent a dialog from closing when a button is clicked

I've written a simple class (an AlertDialogBuilder) that you can use to disable the auto-dismiss feature when pressing the dialog's buttons.

It is compatible also with Android 1.6, so it doesn't make use of the OnShowListener (which is available only API >= 8).

So, instead of using AlertDialog.Builder you can use this CustomAlertDialogBuilder. The most important part is that you should not call create(), but only the show() method. I've added methods like setCanceledOnTouchOutside() and setOnDismissListener so that you can still set them directly on the builder.

I tested it on Android 1.6, 2.x, 3.x and 4.x so it should work pretty well. If you find some problems please comment here.

package com.droidahead.lib.utils;

import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;

public class CustomAlertDialogBuilder extends AlertDialog.Builder {
     * Click listeners
    private DialogInterface.OnClickListener mPositiveButtonListener = null;
    private DialogInterface.OnClickListener mNegativeButtonListener = null;
    private DialogInterface.OnClickListener mNeutralButtonListener = null;

     * Buttons text
    private CharSequence mPositiveButtonText = null;
    private CharSequence mNegativeButtonText = null;
    private CharSequence mNeutralButtonText = null;

    private DialogInterface.OnDismissListener mOnDismissListener = null;

    private Boolean mCancelOnTouchOutside = null;

    public CustomAlertDialogBuilder(Context context) {

    public CustomAlertDialogBuilder setOnDismissListener (DialogInterface.OnDismissListener listener) {
        mOnDismissListener = listener;
        return this;

    public CustomAlertDialogBuilder setNegativeButton(CharSequence text, DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
        mNegativeButtonListener = listener;
        mNegativeButtonText = text;
        return this;

    public CustomAlertDialogBuilder setNeutralButton(CharSequence text, DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
        mNeutralButtonListener = listener;
        mNeutralButtonText = text;
        return this;

    public CustomAlertDialogBuilder setPositiveButton(CharSequence text, DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
        mPositiveButtonListener = listener;
        mPositiveButtonText = text;
        return this;

    public CustomAlertDialogBuilder setNegativeButton(int textId, DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
        setNegativeButton(getContext().getString(textId), listener);
        return this;

    public CustomAlertDialogBuilder setNeutralButton(int textId, DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
        setNeutralButton(getContext().getString(textId), listener);
        return this;

    public CustomAlertDialogBuilder setPositiveButton(int textId, DialogInterface.OnClickListener listener) {
        setPositiveButton(getContext().getString(textId), listener);
        return this;

    public CustomAlertDialogBuilder setCanceledOnTouchOutside (boolean cancelOnTouchOutside) {
        mCancelOnTouchOutside = cancelOnTouchOutside;
        return this;

    public AlertDialog create() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("CustomAlertDialogBuilder.create(): use show() instead..");

    public AlertDialog show() {
        final AlertDialog alertDialog = super.create();

        DialogInterface.OnClickListener emptyOnClickListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { }

        // Enable buttons (needed for Android 1.6) - otherwise later getButton() returns null
        if (mPositiveButtonText != null) {
            alertDialog.setButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE, mPositiveButtonText, emptyOnClickListener);

        if (mNegativeButtonText != null) {
            alertDialog.setButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE, mNegativeButtonText, emptyOnClickListener);

        if (mNeutralButtonText != null) {
            alertDialog.setButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEUTRAL, mNeutralButtonText, emptyOnClickListener);

        // Set OnDismissListener if available
        if (mOnDismissListener != null) {

        if (mCancelOnTouchOutside != null) {

        // Set the OnClickListener directly on the Button object, avoiding the auto-dismiss feature
        // IMPORTANT: this must be after, otherwise the button doesn't exist..
        // If the listeners are null don't do anything so that they will still dismiss the dialog when clicked
        if (mPositiveButtonListener != null) {
            alertDialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE).setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

                public void onClick(View v) {
                    mPositiveButtonListener.onClick(alertDialog, AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE);

        if (mNegativeButtonListener != null) {
            alertDialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE).setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

                public void onClick(View v) {
                    mNegativeButtonListener.onClick(alertDialog, AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEGATIVE);

        if (mNeutralButtonListener != null) {
            alertDialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEUTRAL).setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

                public void onClick(View v) {
                    mNeutralButtonListener.onClick(alertDialog, AlertDialog.BUTTON_NEUTRAL);

        return alertDialog;

EDIT Here is a small example on how to use the CustomAlertDialogBuilder:

// Create the CustomAlertDialogBuilder
CustomAlertDialogBuilder dialogBuilder = new CustomAlertDialogBuilder(context);

// Set the usual data, as you would do with AlertDialog.Builder
dialogBuilder.setTitle("Dialog title");
dialogBuilder.setMessage("Some text..");

// Set your buttons OnClickListeners
dialogBuilder.setPositiveButton ("Button 1", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick (DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
        // Do something...

        // Dialog will not dismiss when the button is clicked
        // call dialog.dismiss() to actually dismiss it.

// By passing null as the OnClickListener the dialog will dismiss when the button is clicked.               
dialogBuilder.setNegativeButton ("Close", null);

// Set the OnDismissListener (if you need it)       
dialogBuilder.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() {
    public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) {
        // dialog was just dismissed..

// (optional) set whether to dismiss dialog when touching outside

// Show the dialog;



How to restart a windows service using Task Scheduler

Instead of using a bat file, you can simply create a Scheduled Task. Most of the time you define just one action. In this case, create two actions with the NET command. The first one to stop the service, the second one to start the service. Give them a STOP and START argument, followed by the service name.

In this example we restart the Printer Spooler service.

NET STOP "Print Spooler" 
NET START "Print Spooler"

enter image description here

enter image description here

Note: unfortunately NET RESTART <service name> does not exist.

Using multiple delimiters in awk

The delimiter can be a regular expression.

awk -F'[/=]' '{print $3 "\t" $5 "\t" $8}' file


tc0001   tomcat7.1  
tc0001   tomcat7.2  
tc0001   tomcat7.5

How do I view / replay a chrome network debugger har file saved with content?

Open chrome browser. right click anywhere on a page > inspect elements > go to network tab > drag and drop the .har file You should see the logs.

How do you dynamically allocate a matrix?

Using the double-pointer is by far the best compromise between execution speed/optimisation and legibility. Using a single array to store matrix' contents is actually what a double-pointer does.

I have successfully used the following templated creator function (yes, I know I use old C-style pointer referencing, but it does make code more clear on the calling side with regards to changing parameters - something I like about pointers which is not possible with references. You will see what I mean):

/// Matrix Allocator Utility
/// @param pppArray Pointer to the double-pointer where the matrix should be allocated.
/// @param iRows Number of rows.
/// @param iColumns Number of columns.
/// @return Successful allocation returns true, else false.
template <typename T>
bool NewMatrix(T*** pppArray, 
               size_t iRows, 
               size_t iColumns)
   bool l_bResult = false;
   if (pppArray != 0) // Test if pointer holds a valid address.
   {                  // I prefer using the shorter 0 in stead of NULL.
      if (!((*pppArray) != 0)) // Test if the first element is currently unassigned.
      {                        // The "double-not" evaluates a little quicker in general.
         // Allocate and assign pointer array.
         (*pppArray) = new T* [iRows]; 
         if ((*pppArray) != 0) // Test if pointer-array allocation was successful.
            // Allocate and assign common data storage array.
            (*pppArray)[0] = new T [iRows * iColumns]; 
            if ((*pppArray)[0] != 0) // Test if data array allocation was successful.
               // Using pointer arithmetic requires the least overhead. There is no 
               // expensive repeated multiplication involved and very little additional 
               // memory is used for temporary variables.
               T** l_ppRow = (*pppArray);
               T* l_pRowFirstElement = l_ppRow[0];
               for (size_t l_iRow = 1; l_iRow < iRows; l_iRow++)
                  l_pRowFirstElement += iColumns;
                  l_ppRow[0] = l_pRowFirstElement;
               l_bResult = true;

To de-allocate the memory created using the abovementioned utility, one simply has to de-allocate in reverse.

/// Matrix De-Allocator Utility
/// @param pppArray Pointer to the double-pointer where the matrix should be de-allocated.
/// @return Successful de-allocation returns true, else false.
template <typename T>
bool DeleteMatrix(T*** pppArray)
   bool l_bResult = false;
   if (pppArray != 0) // Test if pointer holds a valid address.
      if ((*pppArray) != 0) // Test if pointer array was assigned.
         if ((*pppArray)[0] != 0) // Test if data array was assigned.
               // De-allocate common storage array.
               delete [] (*pppArray)[0];
         // De-allocate pointer array.
         delete [] (*pppArray);
         (*pppArray) = 0;
         l_bResult = true;

To use these abovementioned template functions is then very easy (e.g.):

   double l_ppMatrix = 0;
   NewMatrix(&l_ppMatrix, 3, 3); // Create a 3 x 3 Matrix and store it in l_ppMatrix.

IllegalArgumentException or NullPointerException for a null parameter?

I wanted to single out Null arguments from other illegal arguments, so I derived an exception from IAE named NullArgumentException. Without even needing to read the exception message, I know that a null argument was passed into a method and by reading the message, I find out which argument was null. I still catch the NullArgumentException with an IAE handler, but in my logs is where I can see the difference quickly.

Git Remote: Error: fatal: protocol error: bad line length character: Unab

TL;DR: Do not omit username@ in your remote URLs when on Windows.

On Linux and on Windows with the default ssh, you can omit the username from remote URLs, like so:

git clone server-name:/srv/git/repo-name

Because ssh's default behavior is to just use whatever username you're currently logged in with. If you're on Windows and have set up git to use plink.exe so that you can use the key loaded in your pageant, then this will not work, because plink does not have this same automatic username behavior, resulting in those cryptic error messages, because it will prompt for the username:

$ plink server-name
login as: _


$ plink username@server-name
...logs you in...

If you already cloned a repository somehow you can fix the remotes in your .git/config by adding the username@ to the remote URL.

Removing elements from an array in C

Interestingly array is randomly accessible by the index. And removing randomly an element may impact the indexes of other elements as well.

    int remove_element(int*from, int total, int index) {
            if((total - index - 1) > 0) {
                      memmove(from+i, from+i+1, sizeof(int)*(total-index-1));
            return total-1; // return the new array size

Note that memcpy will not work in this case because of the overlapping memory.

One of the efficient way (better than memory move) to remove one random element is swapping with the last element.

    int remove_element(int*from, int total, int index) {
            if(index != (total-1))
                    from[index] = from[total-1];
            return total; // **DO NOT DECREASE** the total here

But the order is changed after the removal.

Again if the removal is done in loop operation then the reordering may impact processing. Memory move is one expensive alternative to keep the order while removing an array element. Another of the way to keep the order while in a loop is to defer the removal. It can be done by validity array of the same size.

    int remove_element(int*from, int total, int*is_valid, int index) {
            is_valid[index] = 0;
            return total-1; // return the number of elements

It will create a sparse array. Finally, the sparse array can be made compact(that contains no two valid elements that contain invalid element between them) by doing some reordering.

    int sparse_to_compact(int*arr, int total, int*is_valid) {
            int i = 0;
            int last = total - 1;
            // trim the last invalid elements
            for(; last >= 0 && !is_valid[last]; last--); // trim invalid elements from last

            // now we keep swapping the invalid with last valid element
            for(i=0; i < last; i++) {
                    arr[i] = arr[last]; // swap invalid with the last valid
                    for(; last >= 0 && !is_valid[last]; last--); // trim invalid elements
            return last+1; // return the compact length of the array

jQuery : select all element with custom attribute

Use the "has attribute" selector:


Or to select one where that attribute has a specific value:


There are other selectors for "attribute value starts with", "attribute value contains", etc.

How to remove square brackets in string using regex?

Use this regular expression to match square brackets or single quotes:


Replace with the empty string.

_x000D_ - <customErrors mode="Off"/> error when trying to access working webpage

Sometime in the future Comment out the following code in web.config

      <compiler language="c#;cs;csharp" extension=".cs" type="Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.CSharpCodeProvider, Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" warningLevel="4" compilerOptions="/langversion:6 /nowarn:1659;1699;1701" />
      <compiler language="vb;vbs;visualbasic;vbscript" extension=".vb" type="Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform.VBCodeProvider, Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" warningLevel="4" compilerOptions="/langversion:14 /nowarn:41008 /define:_MYTYPE=\&quot;Web\&quot; /optionInfer+" />

update the to the following code.

    <authentication mode="None" />
    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.6.1" />
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.6.1" />
    <customErrors mode="Off"/>
    <trust level="Full"/>

Notepad++ Setting for Disabling Auto-open Previous Files

Go to: Settings > Preferences > Backup > and Uncheck Remember current session for next launch

In older versions (6.5-), this option is located on Settings > Preferences > MISC.

What does "publicPath" in Webpack do?

The webpack2 documentation explains this in a much cleaner way:

webpack has a highly useful configuration that let you specify the base path for all the assets on your application. It's called publicPath.

QUERY syntax using cell reference

none of the above answers worked for me. This one did:

=QUERY(Copy!A1:AP, "select AP, E, F, AO where AP="&E1&" ",1)

Google Maps Api v3 - find nearest markers

The formula above didn't work for me, but I used this without any issue. Pass your current location to the function, and loop through an array of markers to find the closest:

function find_closest_marker( lat1, lon1 ) {    
    var pi = Math.PI;
    var R = 6371; //equatorial radius
    var distances = [];
    var closest = -1;

    for( i=0;i<markers.length; i++ ) {  
        var lat2 = markers[i];
        var lon2 = markers[i].position.lng();

        var chLat = lat2-lat1;
        var chLon = lon2-lon1;

        var dLat = chLat*(pi/180);
        var dLon = chLon*(pi/180);

        var rLat1 = lat1*(pi/180);
        var rLat2 = lat2*(pi/180);

        var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) + 
                    Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.cos(rLat1) * Math.cos(rLat2); 
        var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)); 
        var d = R * c;

        distances[i] = d;
        if ( closest == -1 || d < distances[closest] ) {
            closest = i;

    // (debug) The closest marker is:

How to sleep for five seconds in a batch file/cmd

It can be done with two simple lines in a batch file: write a temporary .vbs file in the %temp% folder and call it:

echo WScript.Sleep(5000) >"%temp%\sleep.vbs"
cscript "%temp%\sleep.vbs"

How do I remove the height style from a DIV using jQuery?


I like using this, because it's symmetric with how you explicitly used .height(val) to set it in the first place, and works across browsers.

How to set the height and the width of a textfield in Java?

set the height to 200

Set the Font to a large variant (150+ px). As already mentioned, control the width using columns, and use a layout manager (or constraint) that will respect the preferred width & height.

Big Text Fields

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;

public class BigTextField {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Runnable r = new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                // the GUI as seen by the user (without frame)
                JPanel gui = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(5));
                gui.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(2, 3, 2, 3));

                // Create big text fields & add them to the GUI
                String s = "Hello!";
                JTextField tf1 = new JTextField(s, 1);
                Font bigFont = tf1.getFont().deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 150f);

                JTextField tf2 = new JTextField(s, 2);

                JTextField tf3 = new JTextField(s, 3);


                JFrame f = new JFrame("Big Text Fields");
                // Ensures JVM closes after frame(s) closed and
                // all non-daemon threads are finished
                // See for demo.

                // ensures the frame is the minimum size it needs to be
                // in order display the components within it
                // should be done last, to avoid flickering, moving,
                // resizing artifacts.
        // Swing GUIs should be created and updated on the EDT

How do I update a formula with Homebrew?

I prefer to upgrade all homebrew formulae and homebrew cask formulae.

I added a Bourne shell function to my environment for this one (I load a .bashrc)

function updatebrew() {
set -x;
brew update;
brew cleanup;
brew cask upgrade --greedy
  • set -x for transparency: So that the terminal outputs whatever Homebrew is doing in the background.
  • brew update to update homebrew formulas
  • brew cleanup to remove any change left over after installations
  • brew cask upgrade --greedy will install all casks; both those with versioning information and those without

SyntaxError: Unexpected Identifier in Chrome's Javascript console

The comma got eaten by the quotes!

This part:

("username," visitorName);

Should be this:

("username", visitorName);

Aside: For pasting code into the console, you can paste them in one line at a time to help you pinpoint where things went wrong ;-)

C++ performance vs. Java/C#

Actually Sun's HotSpot JVM uses "mixed-mode" execution. It interprets the method's bytecode until it determines (usually through a counter of some sort) that a particular block of code (method, loop, try-catch block, etc.) is going to be executed a lot, then it JIT compiles it. The time required to JIT compile a method often takes longer than if the method were to be interpreted if it is a seldom run method. Performance is usually higher for "mixed-mode" because the JVM does not waste time JITing code that is rarely, if ever, run. C# and .NET do not do this. .NET JITs everything which, often times, wastes time.

PHPMyAdmin Default login password

If it was installed with plesk (not sure if it's just that, or on the phpmyadmin side: It changes the root user to admin.

How do you add an array to another array in Ruby and not end up with a multi-dimensional result?

a = ["some", "thing"]
b = ["another", "thing"]

To append b to a and store the result in a:



a += b

In either case, a becomes:

["some", "thing", "another", "thing"]

but in the former case, the elements of b are appended to the existing a array, and in the latter case the two arrays are concatenated together and the result is stored in a.

Get all table names of a particular database by SQL query?

In mysql, use:


After selecting the DB with:

USE db_name

How can I retrieve Id of inserted entity using Entity framework?

Var id =;

This will work.

Does "git fetch --tags" include "git fetch"?

Note: starting with git 1.9/2.0 (Q1 2014), git fetch --tags fetches tags in addition to what are fetched by the same command line without the option.

See commit c5a84e9 by Michael Haggerty (mhagger):

Previously, fetch's "--tags" option was considered equivalent to specifying the refspec


on the command line; in particular, it caused the remote.<name>.refspec configuration to be ignored.

But it is not very useful to fetch tags without also fetching other references, whereas it is quite useful to be able to fetch tags in addition to other references.
So change the semantics of this option to do the latter.

If a user wants to fetch only tags, then it is still possible to specifying an explicit refspec:

git fetch <remote> 'refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*'

Please note that the documentation prior to was ambiguous about this aspect of "fetch --tags" behavior.
Commit f0cb2f1 (2012-12-14) fetch --tags made the documentation match the old behavior.
This commit changes the documentation to match the new behavior (see Documentation/fetch-options.txt).

Request that all tags be fetched from the remote in addition to whatever else is being fetched.

Since Git 2.5 (Q2 2015) git pull --tags is more robust:

See commit 19d122b by Paul Tan (pyokagan), 13 May 2015.
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit cc77b99, 22 May 2015)

pull: remove --tags error in no merge candidates case

Since 441ed41 ("git pull --tags": error out with a better message., 2007-12-28, Git 1.5.4+), git pull --tags would print a different error message if git-fetch did not return any merge candidates:

It doesn't make sense to pull all tags; you probably meant:
       git fetch --tags

This is because at that time, git-fetch --tags would override any configured refspecs, and thus there would be no merge candidates. The error message was thus introduced to prevent confusion.

However, since c5a84e9 (fetch --tags: fetch tags in addition to other stuff, 2013-10-30, Git 1.9.0+), git fetch --tags would fetch tags in addition to any configured refspecs.
Hence, if any no merge candidates situation occurs, it is not because --tags was set. As such, this special error message is now irrelevant.

To prevent confusion, remove this error message.

With Git 2.11+ (Q4 2016) git fetch is quicker.

See commit 5827a03 (13 Oct 2016) by Jeff King (peff).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 9fcd144, 26 Oct 2016)

fetch: use "quick" has_sha1_file for tag following

When fetching from a remote that has many tags that are irrelevant to branches we are following, we used to waste way too many cycles when checking if the object pointed at by a tag (that we are not going to fetch!) exists in our repository too carefully.

This patch teaches fetch to use HAS_SHA1_QUICK to sacrifice accuracy for speed, in cases where we might be racy with a simultaneous repack.

Here are results from the included perf script, which sets up a situation similar to the one described above:

Test            HEAD^               HEAD
5550.4: fetch   11.21(10.42+0.78)   0.08(0.04+0.02) -99.3%

That applies only for a situation where:

  1. You have a lot of packs on the client side to make reprepare_packed_git() expensive (the most expensive part is finding duplicates in an unsorted list, which is currently quadratic).
  2. You need a large number of tag refs on the server side that are candidates for auto-following (i.e., that the client doesn't have). Each one triggers a re-read of the pack directory.
  3. Under normal circumstances, the client would auto-follow those tags and after one large fetch, (2) would no longer be true.
    But if those tags point to history which is disconnected from what the client otherwise fetches, then it will never auto-follow, and those candidates will impact it on every fetch.

Git 2.21 (Feb. 2019) seems to have introduced a regression when the config remote.origin.fetch is not the default one ('+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*')

fatal: multiple updates for ref 'refs/tags/v1.0.0' not allowed

Git 2.24 (Q4 2019) adds another optimization.

See commit b7e2d8b (15 Sep 2019) by Masaya Suzuki (draftcode).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit 1d8b0df, 07 Oct 2019)

fetch: use oidset to keep the want OIDs for faster lookup

During git fetch, the client checks if the advertised tags' OIDs are already in the fetch request's want OID set.
This check is done in a linear scan.
For a repository that has a lot of refs, repeating this scan takes 15+ minutes.

In order to speed this up, create a oid_set for other refs' OIDs.

Using CSS how to change only the 2nd column of a table

on this web i found that easy way

<col style="background-color: #6374AB; color: #ffffff" />
<col span="2" style="background-color: #07B133; color: #ffffff;" />

How do I force my .NET application to run as administrator?

Right click your executable, go to Properties > Compatibility and check the 'Run this program as admin' box.

If you want to run it as admin for all users, do the same thing in 'change setting for all users'.

Most efficient way to map function over numpy array

As mentioned in this post, just use generator expressions like so:

numpy.fromiter((<some_func>(x) for x in <something>),<dtype>,<size of something>)

how to run a command at terminal from java program?

I know this question is quite old, but here's a library that encapsulates the ProcessBuilder api.

How do I get the "id" after INSERT into MySQL database with Python?



SELECT last_insert_id();

Angularjs - ng-cloak/ng-show elements blink

None of the solutions listed above worked for me. I then decided to look at the actual function and realised that when “$ ” was fired, it was putting a value in the name field which was not meant to be the case. So in the code I set and oldValue and newValue then

$scope.$watch('model.value', function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue !== oldValue) {

Essentially when is fired in this case, AngularJS monitors the changes to the name variable (model.value)

How can I conditionally import an ES6 module?

We do have dynamic imports proposal now with ECMA. This is in stage 3. This is also available as babel-preset.

Following is way to do conditional rendering as per your case.

if (condition) {
    .then((something) => {

This basically returns a promise. Resolution of promise is expected to have the module. The proposal also have other features like multiple dynamic imports, default imports, js file import etc. You can find more information about dynamic imports here.

AngularJS ng-if with multiple conditions

JavaScript Code

function ctrl($scope){
${state:['second','first','nothing','Never', 'Gonna', 'Give', 'You', 'Up']}

$scope.whatClassIsIt= function(someValue){
            return "ClassA"
     else if(someValue=="second")
         return "ClassB";
         return "ClassC";

What is the difference between jQuery: text() and html() ?

I think that the difference is to insert html tag in text() you html tag do not functions

$('#output').html('You are registered'+'<br>'  +'  '
                     + 'Mister'+'  ' + name+'   ' + sourname ); }

output :

You are registered <br> Mister name sourname

replacing text() with html()


You are registered
Mister name sourname 

then the tag <br> works in html()

How to properly overload the << operator for an ostream?

Just telling you about one other possibility: I like using friend definitions for that:

namespace Math
    class Matrix


        friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& stream, const Matrix& matrix) {

The function will be automatically targeted into the surrounding namespace Math (even though its definition appears within the scope of that class) but will not be visible unless you call operator<< with a Matrix object which will make argument dependent lookup find that operator definition. That can sometimes help with ambiguous calls, since it's invisible for argument types other than Matrix. When writing its definition, you can also refer directly to names defined in Matrix and to Matrix itself, without qualifying the name with some possibly long prefix and providing template parameters like Math::Matrix<TypeA, N>.

How to delete multiple files at once in Bash on Linux?

Just use multiline selection in sublime to combine all of the files into a single line and add a space between each file name and then add rm at the beginning of the list. This is mostly useful when there isn't a pattern in the filenames you want to delete.

[$]> rm abc.log.2012-03-14 abc.log.2012-03-27 abc.log.2012-03-28 abc.log.2012-03-29 abc.log.2012-03-30 abc.log.2012-04-02 abc.log.2012-04-04 abc.log.2012-04-05 abc.log.2012-04-09 abc.log.2012-04-10

How to split string using delimiter char using T-SQL?

You need a split function:

Create Function [dbo].[udf_Split]
    @DelimitedList nvarchar(max)
    , @Delimiter nvarchar(2) = ','
    With CorrectedList As
        Select Case When Left(@DelimitedList, Len(@Delimiter)) <> @Delimiter Then @Delimiter Else '' End
            + @DelimitedList
            + Case When Right(@DelimitedList, Len(@Delimiter)) <> @Delimiter Then @Delimiter Else '' End
            As List
            , Len(@Delimiter) As DelimiterLen
        , Numbers As 
        Select TOP( Coalesce(DataLength(@DelimitedList)/2,0) ) Row_Number() Over ( Order By c1.object_id ) As Value
        From sys.columns As c1
            Cross Join sys.columns As c2
    Select CharIndex(@Delimiter, CL.list, N.Value) + CL.DelimiterLen As Position
        , Substring (
                    , CharIndex(@Delimiter, CL.list, N.Value) + CL.DelimiterLen     
                    , CharIndex(@Delimiter, CL.list, N.Value + 1)                           
                        - ( CharIndex(@Delimiter, CL.list, N.Value) + CL.DelimiterLen ) 
                    ) As Value
    From CorrectedList As CL
        Cross Join Numbers As N
    Where N.Value <= DataLength(CL.List) / 2
        And Substring(CL.List, N.Value, CL.DelimiterLen) = @Delimiter

With your split function, you would then use Cross Apply to get the data:

Select T.Col1, T.Col2
    , Substring( Z.Value, 1, Charindex(' = ', Z.Value) - 1 ) As AttributeName
    , Substring( Z.Value, Charindex(' = ', Z.Value) + 1, Len(Z.Value) ) As Value
From Table01 As T
    Cross Apply dbo.udf_Split( T.Col3, '|' ) As Z

Cannot find libcrypto in Ubuntu

ld is trying to find libcrypto.sowhich is not present as seen in your locate output. You can make a copy of the and name it as Put this is your ld path. ( If you do not have root access then you can put it in a local path and specify the path manually )

How to find a hash key containing a matching value

You could use Enumerable#select:{|key, hash| hash["client_id"] == "2180" }
#=> [["orange", {"client_id"=>"2180"}]]

Note that the result will be an array of all the matching values, where each is an array of the key and value.

How to use ArrayList.addAll()?

Assuming you have an ArrayList that contains characters, you could do this:

List<Character> list = new ArrayList<Character>();
list.addAll(Arrays.asList('+', '-', '*', '^'));

Trim a string based on the string length

There is a Apache Commons StringUtils function which does this.

s = StringUtils.left(s, 10)

If len characters are not available, or the String is null, the String will be returned without an exception. An empty String is returned if len is negative.

StringUtils.left(null, ) = null
, -ve) = ""
StringUtils.left("", *) = ""
StringUtils.left("abc", 0) = ""
StringUtils.left("abc", 2) = "ab"
StringUtils.left("abc", 4) = "abc"

StringUtils.Left JavaDocs

Courtesy:Steeve McCauley

How to wrap text of HTML button with fixed width?

I have found that a button works, but that you'll want to add style="height: 100%;" to the button so that it will show more than the first line on Safari for iPhone iOS 5.1.1

String to date in Oracle with milliseconds

Oracle stores only the fractions up to second in a DATE field.

Use TIMESTAMP instead:

SELECT  TO_TIMESTAMP('2004-09-30 23:53:48,140000000', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS,FF9')
FROM    dual

, possibly casting it to a DATE then:

SELECT  CAST(TO_TIMESTAMP('2004-09-30 23:53:48,140000000', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS,FF9') AS DATE)
FROM    dual

MYSQL order by both Ascending and Descending sorting

You can do that in this way:

ORDER BY `products`.`product_category_id` DESC ,`naam` ASC

Have a look at ORDER BY Optimization

JavaScript set object key by variable

You need to make the object first, then use [] to set it.

var key = "happyCount";
var obj = {};
obj[key] = someValueArray;

UPDATE 2018:

If you're able to use ES6 and Babel, you can use this new feature:

    [yourKeyVariable]: someValueArray,

How to make html table vertically scrollable

The best way to do this is strictly separate your table into two different tables - header and body:

<div class="header">
  <table><tr><!-- th here --></tr></table>

<div class="body">
  <table><tr><!-- td here --></tr></table>

.body {
  height: 100px;
  overflow: auto

If your table has a big width (more than screen width), then you have to add scroll events for horizontal scrolling header and body synchroniously.

You should never touch table tags (table, tbody, thead, tfoot, tr) with CSS properties display and overflow. Dealing with DIV wrappers is much more preferable.

How to resolve git's "not something we can merge" error

I had this issue as well. The branch looked like 'username/master' which seemed to confuse git as it looked like a remote address I defined. For me using this

git merge origin/username/master

worked perfectly fine.

Get the contents of a table row with a button click

Try this:

$(".use-address").click(function() {
   $(this).closest('tr').find('td').each(function() {
        var textval = $(this).text(); // this will be the text of each <td>

This will find the closest tr (going up through the DOM) of the currently clicked button and then loop each td - you might want to create a string / array with the values.

Example here

Getting the full address using an array example here

Mockito - difference between doReturn() and when()

The latter alternative is used for methods on mocks that return void.

Please have a look, for example, here: How to make mock to void methods with mockito

cpp / c++ get pointer value or depointerize pointer

To get the value of a pointer, just de-reference the pointer.

int *ptr;
int value;
*ptr = 9;

value = *ptr;

value is now 9.

I suggest you read more about pointers, this is their base functionality.

Set initial value in datepicker with jquery?

Use setDate

.datepicker( "setDate" , date )

Sets the current date for the datepicker. The new date may be a Date object or a string in the current date format (e.g. '01/26/2009'), a number of days from today (e.g. +7) or a string of values and periods ('y' for years, 'm' for months, 'w' for weeks, 'd' for days, e.g. '+1m +7d'), or null to clear the selected date.

Where can I find the Tomcat 7 installation folder on Linux AMI in Elastic Beanstalk?

  • If you want to find the webapp folder, it may be over here:


  • But you also can type this to find it:

find / -name 'tomcat_version' -type d

Trim specific character from a string

The best way to resolve this task is (similar with PHP trim function):

function trim( str, charlist ) {_x000D_
  if ( typeof charlist == 'undefined' ) {_x000D_
    charlist = '\\s';_x000D_
  var pattern = '^[' + charlist + ']*(.*?)[' + charlist + ']*$';_x000D_
  return str.replace( new RegExp( pattern ) , '$1' )_x000D_
document.getElementById( 'run' ).onclick = function() {_x000D_
  document.getElementById( 'result' ).value = _x000D_
  trim( document.getElementById( 'input' ).value,_x000D_
  document.getElementById( 'charlist' ).value);_x000D_
  <label for="input">Text to trim:</label><br>_x000D_
  <input id="input" type="text" placeholder="Text to trim" value="dfstextfsd"><br>_x000D_
  <label for="charlist">Charlist:</label><br>_x000D_
  <input id="charlist" type="text" placeholder="Charlist" value="dfs"><br>_x000D_
  <label for="result">Result:</label><br>_x000D_
  <input id="result" type="text" placeholder="Result" disabled><br>_x000D_
  <button type="button" id="run">Trim it!</button>_x000D_

P.S.: why i posted my answer, when most people already done it before? Because i found "the best" mistake in all of there answers: all used the '+' meta instead of '*', 'cause trim must remove chars IF THEY ARE IN START AND/OR END, but it return original string in else case.

plot a circle with pyplot

You need to add it to an axes. A Circle is a subclass of an Patch, and an axes has an add_patch method. (You can also use add_artist but it's not recommended.)

Here's an example of doing this:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

circle1 = plt.Circle((0, 0), 0.2, color='r')
circle2 = plt.Circle((0.5, 0.5), 0.2, color='blue')
circle3 = plt.Circle((1, 1), 0.2, color='g', clip_on=False)

fig, ax = plt.subplots() # note we must use plt.subplots, not plt.subplot
# (or if you have an existing figure)
# fig = plt.gcf()
# ax = fig.gca()



This results in the following figure:

The first circle is at the origin, but by default clip_on is True, so the circle is clipped when ever it extends beyond the axes. The third (green) circle shows what happens when you don't clip the Artist. It extends beyond the axes (but not beyond the figure, ie the figure size is not automatically adjusted to plot all of your artists).

The units for x, y and radius correspond to data units by default. In this case, I didn't plot anything on my axes (fig.gca() returns the current axes), and since the limits have never been set, they defaults to an x and y range from 0 to 1.

Here's a continuation of the example, showing how units matter:

circle1 = plt.Circle((0, 0), 2, color='r')
# now make a circle with no fill, which is good for hi-lighting key results
circle2 = plt.Circle((5, 5), 0.5, color='b', fill=False)
circle3 = plt.Circle((10, 10), 2, color='g', clip_on=False)
ax = plt.gca()
ax.cla() # clear things for fresh plot

# change default range so that new circles will work
ax.set_xlim((0, 10))
ax.set_ylim((0, 10))
# some data
ax.plot(range(11), 'o', color='black')
# key data point that we are encircling
ax.plot((5), (5), 'o', color='y')

which results in:

You can see how I set the fill of the 2nd circle to False, which is useful for encircling key results (like my yellow data point).

Show constraints on tables command

Try doing:

SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM credentialing1;

The foreign key constraints are listed in the Comment column of the output.

PHP - Redirect and send data via POST

Another solution if you would like to avoid a curl call and have the browser redirect like normal and mimic a POST call:

save the post and do a temporary redirect:

function post_redirect($url) {
    $_SESSION['post_data'] = $_POST;
    header('Location: ' . $url);

Then always check for the session variable post_data:

if (isset($_SESSION['post_data'])) {
    $_POST = $_SESSION['post_data'];

There will be some missing components such as the apache_request_headers() will not show a POST Content header, etc..

MySQL dump by query

You could use --where option on mysqldump to produce an output that you are waiting for:

mysqldump -u root -p test t1 --where="1=1 limit 100" > arquivo.sql

At most 100 rows from test.t1 will be dumped from database table.

Cheers, WB

How can I change the font size using seaborn FacetGrid?

The FacetGrid plot does produce pretty small labels. While @paul-h has described the use of sns.set as a way to the change the font scaling, it may not be the optimal solution since it will change the font_scale setting for all plots.

You could use the seaborn.plotting_context to change the settings for just the current plot:

with sns.plotting_context(font_scale=1.5):
    sns.factorplot(x, y ...)

IE and Edge fix for object-fit: cover;

I achieved satisfying results with:

min-height: 100%;
min-width: 100%;

this way you always maintain the aspect ratio.

The complete css for an image that will replace "object-fit: cover;":

width: auto;
height: auto;
min-width: 100%;
min-height: 100%;
position: absolute;
right: 50%;
transform: translate(50%, 0);

No mapping found for HTTP request with URI.... in DispatcherServlet with name

You could try and add an @Controller annotation on top of your myController Class and try the following url /<webappname>/my/hello.html. This is because prepends /my to each RequestMapping in the myController class.

Regarding 'main(int argc, char *argv[])'

argc means the number of argument that are passed to the program. char* argv[] are the passed arguments. argv[0] is always the program name itself. I'm not a 100% sure, but I think int main() is valid in C/C++.

SSIS Connection not found in package

This solution worked for me:

Go to SQL Server Management Studio, Right click on the failing step and select Properties -> Logging -> Remove the Log Provider, and then re-add it

How do you view ALL text from an ntext or nvarchar(max) in SSMS?

PowerShell Alternative

This is an old post and I read through the answers. Still, I found it a bit too painful to output multi-line large text fields unaltered from SSMS. I ended up writing a small C# program for my needs, but got to thinking it could probably be done using the command line. Turns out, it is fairly easy to do so with PowerShell.

Start by installing the SqlServer module from an administrative PowerShell.

Install-Module -Name SqlServer

Use Invoke-Sqlcmd to run your query:

$Rows = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "select BigColumn from SomeTable where Id = 123" `
    -As DataRows -MaxCharLength 1000000 -ConnectionString $ConnectionString

This will return an array of rows that you can output to the console as follows:


Or output to a file as follows:

$Rows[0].BigColumn | Out-File -FilePath .\output.txt -Encoding UTF8

The result is a beautiful un-truncated text written to a file for viewing/editing. I am sure there is a similar command to save back the text to SQL Server, although that seems like a different question.

EDIT: It turns out that there was an answer by @dvlsc that described this approach as a secondary solution. I think because it was listed as a secondary answer, is the reason I missed it in the first place. I am going to leave my answer which focuses on the PowerShell approach, but wanted to at least give credit where it was due.

How can I recover the return value of a function passed to multiprocessing.Process?

I think the approach suggested by @sega_sai is the better one. But it really needs a code example, so here goes:

import multiprocessing
from os import getpid

def worker(procnum):
    print('I am number %d in process %d' % (procnum, getpid()))
    return getpid()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes = 3)
    print(, range(5)))

Which will print the return values:

I am number 0 in process 19139
I am number 1 in process 19138
I am number 2 in process 19140
I am number 3 in process 19139
I am number 4 in process 19140
[19139, 19138, 19140, 19139, 19140]

If you are familiar with map (the Python 2 built-in) this should not be too challenging. Otherwise have a look at sega_Sai's link.

Note how little code is needed. (Also note how processes are re-used).

Python vs. Java performance (runtime speed)

There is no good answer as Python and Java are both specifications for which there are many different implementations. For example, CPython, IronPython, Jython, and PyPy are just a handful of Python implementations out there. For Java, there is the HotSpot VM, the Mac OS X Java VM, OpenJRE, etc. Jython generates Java bytecode, and so it would be using more-or-less the same underlying Java. CPython implements quite a handful of things directly in C, so it is very fast, but then again Java VMs also implement many functions in C. You would probably have to measure on a function-by-function basis and across a variety of interpreters and VMs in order to make any reasonable statement.

How do I POST an array of objects with $.ajax (jQuery or Zepto)

I was having same issue when I was receiving array of objects in django sent by ajax. JSONStringyfy worked for me. You can have a look for this.

First I stringify the data as

var myData = [];
   allData.forEach((x, index) => {
         // console.log(index);
         "product_id" : x.product_id,
         "product" : x.product,
         "url" : x.url,
         "image_url" : x.image_url,
         "price" : x.price,
         "source": x.source

Then I sent it like

        url: '{% url "url_name" %}',
        method: "POST",
        data: {
           'csrfmiddlewaretoken': '{{ csrf_token }}',
           'queryset[]': myData
        success: (res) => {
        // success post work here.

And received as :

list_of_json = request.POST.getlist("queryset[]", [])
list_of_json = [ json.loads(item) for item in list_of_json ]

Difference between signature versions - V1 (Jar Signature) and V2 (Full APK Signature) while generating a signed APK in Android Studio?

It is a new signing mechanism introduced in Android 7.0, with additional features designed to make the APK signature more secure.

It is not mandatory. You should check BOTH of those checkboxes if possible, but if the new V2 signing mechanism gives you problems, you can omit it.

So you can just leave V2 unchecked if you encounter problems, but should have it checked if possible.

UPDATED: This is now mandatory when targeting Android 11.

Using "-Filter" with a variable

You don't need quotes around the variable, so simply change this:

Get-ADComputer -Filter {name -like '$nameregex' -and Enabled -eq "true"}

into this:

Get-ADComputer -Filter {name -like $nameregex -and Enabled -eq "true"}

Note, however, that the scriptblock notation for filter statements is misleading, because the statement is actually a string, so it's better to write it as such:

Get-ADComputer -Filter "name -like '$nameregex' -and Enabled -eq 'true'"

Related. Also related.

And FTR: you're using wildcard matching here (operator -like), not regular expressions (operator -match).

Run command on the Ansible host

From the Ansible documentation:

Delegation This isn’t actually rolling update specific but comes up frequently in those cases.

If you want to perform a task on one host with reference to other hosts, use the ‘delegate_to’ keyword on a task. This is ideal for placing nodes in a load balanced pool, or removing them. It is also very useful for controlling outage windows. Be aware that it does not make sense to delegate all tasks, debug, add_host, include, etc always get executed on the controller. Using this with the ‘serial’ keyword to control the number of hosts executing at one time is also a good idea:


- hosts: webservers
  serial: 5


  - name: take out of load balancer pool
    command: /usr/bin/take_out_of_pool {{ inventory_hostname }}

  - name: actual steps would go here
      name: acme-web-stack
      state: latest

  - name: add back to load balancer pool
    command: /usr/bin/add_back_to_pool {{ inventory_hostname }}

These commands will run on, which is the machine running Ansible. There is also a shorthand syntax that you can use on a per-task basis: ‘local_action’. Here is the same playbook as above, but using the shorthand syntax for delegating to


# ...


  - name: take out of load balancer pool
    local_action: command /usr/bin/take_out_of_pool {{ inventory_hostname }}

# ...

  - name: add back to load balancer pool
    local_action: command /usr/bin/add_back_to_pool {{ inventory_hostname }}

A common pattern is to use a local action to call ‘rsync’ to recursively copy files to the managed servers. Here is an example:

# ...

  - name: recursively copy files from management server to target
    local_action: command rsync -a /path/to/files {{ inventory_hostname }}:/path/to/target/

Note that you must have passphrase-less SSH keys or an ssh-agent configured for this to work, otherwise rsync will need to ask for a passphrase.

What is the best way to redirect a page using React Router?

Actually it depends on your use case.

1) You want to protect your route from unauthorized users

If that is the case you can use the component called <Redirect /> and can implement the following logic:

import React from 'react'
import  { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'

const ProtectedComponent = () => {
  if (authFails)
    return <Redirect to='/login'  />
  return <div> My Protected Component </div>

Keep in mind that if you want <Redirect /> to work the way you expect, you should place it inside of your component's render method so that it should eventually be considered as a DOM element, otherwise it won't work.

2) You want to redirect after a certain action (let's say after creating an item)

In that case you can use history:

myFunction() {
  addSomeStuff(data).then(() => {
    }).catch((error) => {


myFunction() {

In order to have access to history, you can wrap your component with an HOC called withRouter. When you wrap your component with it, it passes match location and history props. For more detail please have a look at the official documentation for withRouter.

If your component is a child of a <Route /> component, i.e. if it is something like <Route path='/path' component={myComponent} />, you don't have to wrap your component with withRouter, because <Route /> passes match, location, and history to its child.

3) Redirect after clicking some element

There are two options here. You can use history.push() by passing it to an onClick event:

<div onClick={this.props.history.push('/path')}> some stuff </div>

or you can use a <Link /> component:

 <Link to='/path' > some stuff </Link>

I think the rule of thumb with this case is to try to use <Link /> first, I suppose especially because of performance.

Parameter in like clause JPQL

I don't know if I am late or out of scope but in my opinion I could do it like:

String orgName = "anyParamValue";

Query q = em.createQuery("Select O from Organization O where O.orgName LIKE '%:orgName%'");

q.setParameter("orgName", orgName);

Validating parameters to a Bash script

You can validate point a and b compactly by doing something like the following:

MYVAL=$(echo ${1} | awk '/^[0-9]+$/')
MYVAL=${MYVAL:?"Usage - testparms <number>"}
echo ${MYVAL}

Which gives us ...

$ ./ 
Usage - testparms <number>

$ ./ 1234

$ ./ abcd
Usage - testparms <number>

This method should work fine in sh.

Jquery - How to make $.post() use contentType=application/json?

The documentation currently shows that as of 3.0, $.post will accept the settings object, meaning that you can use the $.ajax options. 3.0 is not released yet and on the commit they're talking about hiding the reference to it in the docs, but look for it in the future!

C# Creating and using Functions

You should either make your Add function static like so:

static public int Add(int x, int y)
    int result = x + y;
    return result;
 } //END   Add

static means that the function is not class instance dependent. So you can call it without needing to create a class instance of Program class.

or you should create in instance of your Program class, and then call Add on this instance. Like so:

Program prog = new Program();

AWS - Disconnected : No supported authentication methods available (server sent :publickey)

In my case the problem was with hostname/public DNS.I associated Elastice IP with my instance and then my DNS got changed. I was trying to connect with old DNS. Changing it to new solved the problem. You can check the detail by going to your instance and then clicking view details.

Storing sex (gender) in database

I use char 'f', 'm' and 'u' because I surmise the gender from name, voice and conversation, and sometimes don't know the gender. The final determination is their opinion.

It really depends how well you know the person and whether your criteria is physical form or personal identity. A psychologist might need additional options - cross to female, cross to male, trans to female, trans to male, hermaphrodite and undecided. With 9 options, not clearly defined by a single character, I might go with Hugo's advice of tiny integer.

Displaying one div on top of another

There are many ways to do it, but this is pretty simple and avoids issues with disrupting inline content positioning. You might need to adjust for margins/padding, too.

#backdrop, #curtain {
  height: 100px;
  width: 200px;

#curtain {
  position: relative;
  top: -100px;

Detect encoding and make everything UTF-8

Ÿ is Mojibake for ß. In your database, you may have hex

DF if the column is "latin1",
C39F if the column is utf8 -- OR -- it is latin1, but "double-encoded"
C383C5B8 if double-encoded into a utf8 column

You should not use any encoding/decoding functions in PHP; instead, you should set up the database and the connection to it correctly.

If MySQL is involved, see: Trouble with utf8 characters; what I see is not what I stored

How do you switch pages in Xamarin.Forms?

In Xamarin we have page called NavigationPage. It holds stack of ContentPages. NavigationPage has method like PushAsync()and PopAsync(). PushAsync add a page at the top of the stack, at that time that page page will become the currently active page. PopAsync() method remove the page from the top of the stack.

In App.Xaml.Cs we can set like.

MainPage = new NavigationPage( new YourPage());

await Navigation.PushAsync(new newPage()); this method will add newPage at the top of the stack. At this time nePage will be currently active page.

java calling a method from another class

You're very close. What you need to remember is when you're calling a method from another class you need to tell the compiler where to find that method.

So, instead of simply calling addWord("someWord"), you will need to initialise an instance of the WordList class (e.g. WordList list = new WordList();), and then call the method using that (i.e. list.addWord("someWord");.

However, your code at the moment will still throw an error there, because that would be trying to call a non-static method from a static one. So, you could either make addWord() static, or change the methods in the Words class so that they're not static.

My bad with the above paragraph - however you might want to reconsider ProcessInput() being a static method - does it really need to be?

Error in contrasts when defining a linear model in R

If the error happens to be because your data has NAs, then you need to set the glm() function options of how you would like to treat the NA cases. More information on this is found in a relevant post here:

How does C#'s random number generator work?

You can use Random.Next(int maxValue):

Return: A 32-bit signed integer greater than or equal to zero, and less than maxValue; that is, the range of return values ordinarily includes zero but not maxValue. However, if maxValue equals zero, maxValue is returned.

var r = new Random();
// print random integer >= 0 and  < 100

For this case however you could use Random.Next(int minValue, int maxValue), like this:

// print random integer >= 1 and < 101
Console.WriteLine(r.Next(1, 101);)
// or perhaps (if you have this specific case)
Console.WriteLine(r.Next(100) + 1);

Get textarea text with javascript or Jquery

Try This:

var info = document.getElementById("area1").value; // Javascript
var info = $("#area1").val(); // jQuery

Can HTTP POST be limitless?

EDIT (2019) This answer is now pretty redundant but there is another answer with more relevant information.

It rather depends on the web server and web browser:

Internet explorer All versions 2GB-1
Mozilla Firefox All versions 2GB-1
IIS 1-5 2GB-1
IIS 6 4GB-1

Although IIS only support 200KB by default, the metabase needs amending to increase this.

The POST method itself does not have any limit on the size of data.

Python requests - print entire http request (raw)?

I use the following function to format requests. It's like @AntonioHerraizS except it will pretty-print JSON objects in the body as well, and it labels all parts of the request.

format_json = functools.partial(json.dumps, indent=2, sort_keys=True)
indent = functools.partial(textwrap.indent, prefix='  ')

def format_prepared_request(req):
    """Pretty-format 'requests.PreparedRequest'

        res =

        req = requests.Request(...)
        req = req.prepare()
    headers = '\n'.join(f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in req.headers.items())
    content_type = req.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
    if 'application/json' in content_type:
            body = format_json(json.loads(req.body))
        except json.JSONDecodeError:
            body = req.body
        body = req.body
    s = textwrap.dedent("""
    endpoint: {method} {url}
    s = s.format(
    return s

And I have a similar function to format the response:

def format_response(resp):
    """Pretty-format 'requests.Response'"""
    headers = '\n'.join(f'{k}: {v}' for k, v in resp.headers.items())
    content_type = resp.headers.get('Content-Type', '')
    if 'application/json' in content_type:
            body = format_json(resp.json())
        except json.JSONDecodeError:
            body = resp.text
        body = resp.text
    s = textwrap.dedent("""
    status_code: {status_code}

    s = s.format(
    return s

How to call javascript function from button click event

If you don't need to initiate a post back when you press this button, then making the overhead of a server control isn't necesary.

<input id="addButton" type="button" value="Add" />

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

If you still need to be able to do a post back, you can conditionally stop the rest of the button actions with a little different code:

<asp:Button ID="buttonAdd" runat="server" Text="Add" />

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
         $('#<%= buttonAdd.ClientID %>').click(function(e) 

             if(/*Some Condition Is Not Met*/) 
                return false;

MVC controller : get JSON object from HTTP body?

It seems that if

  • Content-Type: application/json and
  • if POST body isn't tightly bound to controller's input object class

Then MVC doesn't really bind the POST body to any particular class. Nor can you just fetch the POST body as a param of the ActionResult (suggested in another answer). Fair enough. You need to fetch it from the request stream yourself and process it.

public ActionResult Index(int? id)
    Stream req = Request.InputStream;
    req.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
    string json = new StreamReader(req).ReadToEnd();

    InputClass input = null;
        // assuming library from
        input = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<InputClass>(json)

    catch (Exception ex)
        // Try and handle malformed POST body
        return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);

    //do stuff



for Asp.Net Core, you have to add [FromBody] attrib beside your param name in your controller action for complex JSON data types:

public ActionResult JsonAction([FromBody]Customer c)

Also, if you want to access the request body as string to parse it yourself, you shall use Request.Body instead of Request.InputStream:

Stream req = Request.Body;
req.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
string json = new StreamReader(req).ReadToEnd();

DISTINCT for only one column

When you use DISTINCT think of it as a distinct row, not column. It will return only rows where the columns do not match exactly the same.

SELECT DISTINCT ID, Email, ProductName, ProductModel
FROM Products

1 | [email protected] | ProductName1 | ProductModel1
2 | [email protected] | ProductName1 | ProductModel1

The query would return both rows because the ID column is different. I'm assuming that the ID column is an IDENTITY column that is incrementing, if you want to return the last then I recommend something like this:

SELECT DISTINCT TOP 1 ID, Email, ProductName, ProductModel
FROM Products

The TOP 1 will return only the first record, by ordering it by the ID descending it will return the results with the last row first. This will give you the last record.

Change SVN repository URL

Grepping the URL before and after might give you some peace of mind:

svn info | grep URL

  URL: svn://
  Relative URL: (...doesn't matter...)

And checking on your version (to be >1.7) to ensure, svn relocate is the right thing to use:

svn --version

Lastly, adding to the above, if your repository url change also involves a change of protocol you might need to state the before and after url (also see here)

svn relocate svn://

All in one single line of course.Thereafter, get the good feeling, that all went smoothly:

svn info | grep URL:

If you feel like it, a bit more of self-assurance, the new svn repo URL is connected and working:

svn status --show-updates
svn diff

MySQL: When is Flush Privileges in MySQL really needed?

Privileges assigned through GRANT option do not need FLUSH PRIVILEGES to take effect - MySQL server will notice these changes and reload the grant tables immediately.

From MySQL documentation:

If you modify the grant tables directly using statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, your changes have no effect on privilege checking until you either restart the server or tell it to reload the tables. If you change the grant tables directly but forget to reload them, your changes have no effect until you restart the server. This may leave you wondering why your changes seem to make no difference!

To tell the server to reload the grant tables, perform a flush-privileges operation. This can be done by issuing a FLUSH PRIVILEGES statement or by executing a mysqladmin flush-privileges or mysqladmin reload command.

If you modify the grant tables indirectly using account-management statements such as GRANT, REVOKE, SET PASSWORD, or RENAME USER, the server notices these changes and loads the grant tables into memory again immediately.

WampServer orange icon

Wamp server default disk is "C:\" if you install it to another disk for ex G:\: go to

  1. g:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin\

2 .call cmd

3 .execute httpd.exe -t

you will see errors

enter image description here

  1. go to g:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\conf\extra\httpd-autoindex.conf

  2. change in line 23 to :

Alias /icons/ "g:/Apache24/icons/"

<Directory "g:/Apache24/icons">
    Options Indexes MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Require all granted
  1. Restart All services. Done. Resolved

How to use Switch in SQL Server

       @selectoneCount = case @Temp
       when 1 then (@selectoneCount+1)
       when 2 then (@selectoneCount+1)

   select  @selectoneCount 

How can I center <ul> <li> into div

To center a block object (e.g. the ul) you need to set a width on it and then you can set that objects left and right margins to auto.

To center the inline content of block object (e.g. the inline content of li) you can set the css property text-align: center;.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property

I tried changing year to a different term, and it worked.

public_methods : {
    get: function() {
        return this._year;

    set: function(newValue) {
        if(newValue > this.originYear) {
            this._year = newValue;
            this.edition += newValue - this.originYear;

Remove part of string after "."

You just need to escape the period:

a <- c("NM_020506.1","NM_020519.1","NM_001030297.2","NM_010281.2","NM_011419.3", "NM_053155.2")

[1] "NM_020506"    "NM_020519"    "NM_001030297" "NM_010281"    "NM_011419"    "NM_053155" 

jQuery - replace all instances of a character in a string

RegEx is the way to go in most cases.

In some cases, it may be faster to specify more elements or the specific element to perform the replace on:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.myclass').each(function () {
        $('img').each(function () {
            $(this).attr('src', $(this).attr('src').replace('_s.jpg', '_n.jpg'));

This does the replace once on each string, but it does it using a more specific selector.

How to add key,value pair to dictionary?

May be some time this also will be helpful

import collections
#Write you select statement here and other things to fetch the data.
 if rows:
            JArray = []
            for row in rows:

                JArray2 = collections.OrderedDict()
                JArray2["id"]= str(row['id'])
                JArray2["Name"]= row['catagoryname']

            return json.dumps(JArray)

Example Output:

        "id": 14
        "Name": "someName1"
        "id": 15
        "Name": "someName2"

Annotation-specified bean name conflicts with existing, non-compatible bean def


I am working on a multi-module Gradle project.

Modules are:

- core, 
- service,
- geo,
- report,
- util and
- some other modules.

So primarily we have prepared a Component[locationRecommendHttpClientBuilder] in geo module.

Java Code:

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component

class LocationRecommendHttpClientBuilder extends PanaromaHttpClientBuilder {
    PanaromaHttpClient buildFromConfiguration() {
        this.setProxyPort(PanaromaConf.getInstance().getInt("locationrecommend.proxy.port", 0))


<bean id="locationRecommendHttpClient"
      scope="singleton" factory-bean="locationRecommendHttpClientBuilder"
      factory-method="buildFromConfiguration" />

Then it is decided to add this component in core module.

One engineer has previous code for geo module and then he has taken the latest module of core but he forgot to take the latest geo module.

So the component[locationRecommendHttpClientBuilder] is double times in his project and he was getting the following error.

Caused by: org.springframework.context.annotation.ConflictingBeanDefinitionException: Annotation-specified bean name 'LocationRecommendHttpClientBuilder' for bean class [] conflicts with existing, non-compatible bean definition of same name and class []

Solution Procedure:

After removal the component from geo module, component[locationRecommendHttpClientBuilder] is only available in core module. So there is no conflicting situation. Issue is solved by this way.

How to capture the android device screen content?

You can try the following library: Android Screenshot Library (ASL) enables to programmatically capture screenshots from Android devices without requirement of having root access privileges. Instead, ASL utilizes a native service running in the background, started via the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) once per device boot.

bootstrap button shows blue outline when clicked

I found this quite useful in my case after the button click.


Laravel view not found exception

This command works for me

php artisan config:cache

As Laravel doc says that by default, Laravel is configured to use the file cache driver, which stores the serialized, cached objects in the filesystem. So it needs to recache the file system so that newly added views and route are available to show. I also not sure why laravel needs to recache actually

Perl read line by line

use utf8                       ;
use 5.10.1                     ;
use strict                     ;
use autodie                    ;
use warnings FATAL => q  ?all?;
binmode STDOUT     => q ?:utf8?;                  END {
close   STDOUT                 ;                     }
our    $FOLIO      =  q + SnPmaster.txt +            ;
open    FOLIO                  ;                 END {
close   FOLIO                  ;                     }
binmode FOLIO      => q{       :crlf
                               :encoding(CP-1252)    };
while (<FOLIO>)  { print       ;                     }
       continue  { ${.} ^015^  __LINE__  ||   exit   }
unlink  $FOLIO                 ;
unlink ~$HOME ||
  clri ~$HOME                  ;
reboot                         ;

Could not load file or assembly ... The parameter is incorrect

Looks like a corrupted assembly being referenced.

Clear both:

  1. the \bin folder of your project

  2. the temp folder (should be C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files in windows 7)

and see if the error still happens

Data truncation: Data too long for column 'logo' at row 1

Following solution worked for me. When connecting to the db, specify that data should be truncated if they are too long (jdbcCompliantTruncation). My link looks like this:


If you increase the size of the strings, you may face the same problem in future if the string you are attempting to store into the DB is longer than the new size.

EDIT: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES has to be removed from sql_mode as well.

What are the most-used vim commands/keypresses?

Here's a tip sheet I wrote up once, with the commands I actually use regularly:



  • Nearly all commands can be preceded by a number for a repeat count. eg. 5dd delete 5 lines
  • <Esc> gets you out of any mode and back to command mode
  • Commands preceded by : are executed on the command line at the bottom of the screen
  • :help help with any command


  • Cursor movement: ?h ?j ?k l?
  • By words:
    • w next word (by punctuation); W next word (by spaces)
    • b back word (by punctuation); B back word (by spaces)
    • e end word (by punctuation); E end word (by spaces)
  • By line:
    • 0 start of line; ^ first non-whitespace
    • $ end of line
  • By paragraph:
    • { previous blank line; } next blank line
  • By file:
    • gg start of file; G end of file
    • 123G go to specific line number
  • By marker:
    • mx set mark x; 'x go to mark x
    • '. go to position of last edit
    • ' ' go back to last point before jump
  • Scrolling:
    • ^F forward full screen; ^B backward full screen
    • ^D down half screen; ^U up half screen
    • ^E scroll one line up; ^Y scroll one line down
    • zz centre cursor line


  • u undo; ^R redo
  • . repeat last editing command


All insertion commands are terminated with <Esc> to return to command mode.

  • i insert text at cursor; I insert text at start of line
  • a append text after cursor; A append text after end of line
  • o open new line below; O open new line above


  • r replace single character; R replace multiple characters
  • s change single character
  • cw change word; C change to end of line; cc change whole line
  • c<motion> changes text in the direction of the motion
  • ci( change inside parentheses (see text object selection for more examples)


  • x delete char
  • dw delete word; D delete to end of line; dd delete whole line
  • d<motion> deletes in the direction of the motion

Cut and paste

  • yy copy line into paste buffer; dd cut line into paste buffer
  • p paste buffer below cursor line; P paste buffer above cursor line
  • xp swap two characters (x to delete one character, then p to put it back after the cursor position)


  • v visual block stream; V visual block line; ^V visual block column
    • most motion commands extend the block to the new cursor position
    • o moves the cursor to the other end of the block
  • d or x cut block into paste buffer
  • y copy block into paste buffer
  • > indent block; < unindent block
  • gv reselect last visual block


  • :%s/foo/bar/g substitute all occurrences of "foo" to "bar"
    • % is a range that indicates every line in the file
    • /g is a flag that changes all occurrences on a line instead of just the first one


  • / search forward; ? search backward
  • * search forward for word under cursor; # search backward for word under cursor
  • n next match in same direction; N next match in opposite direction
  • fx forward to next character x; Fx backward to previous character x
  • ; move again to same character in same direction; , move again to same character in opposite direction


  • :w write file to disk
  • :w name write file to disk as name
  • ZZ write file to disk and quit
  • :n edit a new file; :n! edit a new file without saving current changes
  • :q quit editing a file; :q! quit editing without saving changes
  • :e edit same file again (if changed outside vim)
  • :e . directory explorer


  • ^Wn new window
  • ^Wj down to next window; ^Wk up to previous window
  • ^W_ maximise current window; ^W= make all windows equal size
  • ^W+ increase window size; ^W- decrease window size

Source Navigation

  • % jump to matching parenthesis/bracket/brace, or language block if language module loaded
  • gd go to definition of local symbol under cursor; ^O return to previous position
  • ^] jump to definition of global symbol (requires tags file); ^T return to previous position (arbitrary stack of positions maintained)
  • ^N (in insert mode) automatic word completion

Show local changes

Vim has some features that make it easy to highlight lines that have been changed from a base version in source control. I have created a small vim script that makes this easy:

Blur the edges of an image or background image with CSS

I'm not entirely sure what visual end result you're after, but here's an easy way to blur an image's edge: place a div with the image inside another div with the blurred image.

Working example here:



<div class="placeholder">
     <!-- blurred background image for blurred edge -->
     <div class="bg-image-blur"></div>
     <!-- same image, no blur -->
     <div class="bg-image"></div>
     <!-- content -->
     <div class="content">Blurred Image Edges</div>


.placeholder {
    margin-right: auto;
    margin-top: 20px;
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    position: relative;
    /* this is the only relevant part for the example */
/* both DIVs have the same image */
 .bg-image-blur, .bg-image {
    background-image: url('');
    width: 100%;
/* blur the background, to make blurred edges that overflow the unblurred image that is on top */
 .bg-image-blur {
    -webkit-filter: blur(20px);
    -moz-filter: blur(20px);
    -o-filter: blur(20px);
    -ms-filter: blur(20px);
    filter: blur(20px);
/* I added this DIV in case you need to place content inside */
 .content {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    color: #fff;
    text-shadow: 0 0 3px #000;
    text-align: center;
    font-size: 30px;

Notice the blurred effect is using the image, so it changes with the image color.

I hope this helps.

Getting value from appsettings.json in .net core

    public static void GetSection()
        Configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()

        string BConfig = Configuration.GetSection("ConnectionStrings")["BConnection"];


trim left characters in sql server?

To remove the left-most word, you'll need to use either RIGHT or SUBSTRING. Assuming you know how many characters are involved, that would look either of the following:

SELECT RIGHT('Hello World', 5)
SELECT SUBSTRING('Hello World', 6, 100)

If you don't know how many characters that first word has, you'll need to find out using CHARINDEX, then substitute that value back into SUBSTRING:

SELECT SUBSTRING('Hello World', CHARINDEX(' ', 'Hello World') + 1, 100)

This finds the position of the first space, then takes the remaining characters to the right.