[c#] Select N random elements from a List<T> in C#

When N is very large, the normal method that randomly shuffles the N numbers and selects, say, first k numbers, can be prohibitive because of space complexity. The following algorithm requires only O(k) for both time and space complexities.


def random_selection_indices(num_samples, N):
    modified_entries = {}
    seq = []
    for n in xrange(num_samples):
        i = N - n - 1
        j = random.randrange(i)

        # swap a[j] and a[i] 
        a_j = modified_entries[j] if j in modified_entries else j 
        a_i = modified_entries[i] if i in modified_entries else i

        if a_i != j:
            modified_entries[j] = a_i   
        elif j in modified_entries:   # no need to store the modified value if it is the same as index

        if a_j != i:
            modified_entries[i] = a_j 
        elif i in modified_entries:   # no need to store the modified value if it is the same as index
    return seq

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