[php] php random x digit number

I need to create a random number with x amount of digits.

So lets say x is 5, I need a number to be eg. 35562 If x is 3, then it would throw back something like; 463

Could someone show me how this is done?

This question is related to php random numbers

The answer is

The following code generates a 4 digits random number:

echo sprintf( "%04d", rand(0,9999));

Here is a simple solution without any loops or any hassle which will allow you to create random string with characters, numbers or even with special symbols.

$randomNum = substr(str_shuffle("0123456789"), 0, $x);

where $x can be number of digits

Eg. substr(str_shuffle("0123456789"), 0, 5);

Results after a couple of executions


You can use the same code to generate random string also, like this

$randomNum=substr(str_shuffle("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTVWXYZ"), 0, $x);

Results with $x = 11


This function works perfectly with no repeats and desired number of digits.

$digits = '';
function randomDigits($length){
    $numbers = range(0,9);
    for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++){
        global $digits;
        $digits .= $numbers[$i];
    return $digits;

You can call the function and pass the number of digits for example:


sample results:

4957 8710 6730 6082 2987 2041 6721

Original script got from this gist

Following is simple method to generate specific length verification code. Length can be specified, by default, it generates 4 digit code.

function get_sms_token($length = 4) {

    return rand(
        ((int) str_pad(1, $length, 0, STR_PAD_RIGHT)),
        ((int) str_pad(9, $length, 9, STR_PAD_RIGHT))

echo get_sms_token(6);

this simple script will do

$x = 4;//want number of digits for the random number
$sum = 0;

    $sum = $sum + rand(0,9)*pow(10,$i);


echo $sum;

I usually just use RAND() http://php.net/manual/en/function.rand.php


rand ( 10000 , 99999 );

for your 5 digit random number

Well you can use as simple php function mt_rand(2000,9000) which can generate a 4 digit random number


function rand_number_available($already_mem_array,$boundary_min,$boundary_max,$digits_num)

    $already_mem_array_dim = count($already_mem_array);         // dimension of array, that contain occupied elements

    // --- creating Boundaries and possible Errors
    if( empty($digits_num) ){   
            $boundary_dim = $boundary_max - $boundary_min;
            if($boundary_dim <= 0){
                $error = -1;                                    // Error that might happen. Difference between $boundary_max and $boundary_min must be positive
                $error = -2;                                    // Error that might happen. All numbers between, $boundary_min and $boundary_max , are occupied, by $already_mem_array
            if($digits_num < 0){                                // Error. If exist, $digits_num must be, 1,2,3 or higher
                $error = -3; 
            }elseif($digits_num == 1){                          // if 'one-figure' number
                $error = -4;                                    // Error that might happen. All 'one-figure' numbers    are occupied, by $already_mem_array
                $boundary_min = 0;
                $boundary_max = 9;
                $boundary_dim = $boundary_max-$boundary_min;
            }elseif($digits_num == 2){                          // if 'two-figure' number
                $error = -5;                                    // Error that might happen. All 'two-figure' numbers    are occupied, by $already_mem_array
                $boundary_min = 10;
                $boundary_max = 99;
                $boundary_dim = $boundary_max-$boundary_min;
            }elseif($digits_num>2){                             // if 'X-figure' number. X>2
                $error = -6;                                    // Error that might happen. All 'X-figure' numbers  are occupied, by $already_mem_array. Unlikely to happen
                $boundary_min = pow(10, $digits_num-1);         // stepenovanje - graduation
                $boundary_max = pow(10, $digits_num)-1;
                $boundary_dim = $boundary_max-$boundary_min;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------

    // --- creating response ---------------------------------------------
    if( ($already_mem_array_dim <= $boundary_dim)   &&  $boundary_dim>0 ){              // go here only if, there are AVAILABLE numbers to extract, and [difference] $boundary_dim , is positive
            $num = rand($boundary_min,$boundary_max);
        }while( in_array($num, $already_mem_array) );
        $result = $num;
        $result = $error;                                       // Limit that happened  

    return $result;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------


the simplest way i can think of is using rand function with str_pad

echo str_pad(rand(0,999), 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);

In above example , it will generate random number in range 0 to 999.

And having 5 digits.

you can generate any x-digit random number with mt_rand() function. mt_rand() much faster with rand() function syntax : mt_rand() or mt_rand($min , $max).

read more

example : <?php echo mt_rand(); ?>

Please not that rand() does not generate a cryptographically secure value according to the docs:


This function does not generate cryptographically secure values, and should not be used for cryptographic purposes. If you need a cryptographically secure value, consider using random_int(), random_bytes(), or openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() instead.

Instead it is better to use random_int(), available on PHP 7 (See: http://php.net/manual/en/function.random-int.php).

So to extend @Marcus's answer, you should use:

function generateSecureRandomNumber($digits): int {
   return random_int(pow(10, $digits - 1), pow(10, $digits) - 1);

function generateSecureRandomNumberWithPadding($digits): string {
   $randomNumber = random_int(0, pow(10, $digits) - 1);
   return str_pad($randomNumber, $digits, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

Note that using rand() is fine if you don't need a secure random number.

function random_number($size = 5)
    while ($count < $size ) 
            $random_digit = mt_rand(0, 9);
            $random_number .= $random_digit;
    return $random_number;  

you people really likes to complicate things :)

the real problem is that the OP wants to, probably, add that to the end of some really big number. if not, there is no need I can think of for that to be required. as left zeros in any number is just, well, left zeroes.

so, just append the larger portion of that number as a math sum, not string.


$x = "102384129" . complex_3_digit_random_string();

simply becomes

$x = 102384129000 + rand(0, 999);


This is another simple solution to generate random number of N digits:

$number_of_digits = 10;
echo substr(number_format(time() * mt_rand(),0,'',''),0,$number_of_digits);

Check it here: http://codepad.org/pyVvNiof

rand or mt_rand will do...


rand(min, max);

mt_rand(min, max);

do it with a loop:

function randomWithLength($length){

    $number = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++){
        $number .= rand(0,9);

    return (int)$number;


Treat your number as a list of digits and just append a random digit each time:

function n_digit_random($digits) {
  $temp = "";

  for ($i = 0; $i < $digits; $i++) {
    $temp .= rand(0, 9);

  return (int)$temp;

Or a purely numerical solution:

function n_digit_random($digits)
  return rand(pow(10, $digits - 1) - 1, pow(10, $digits) - 1);

function random_numbers($digits) {
    $min = pow(10, $digits - 1);
    $max = pow(10, $digits) - 1;
    return mt_rand($min, $max);

Tested here.

You can use rand($min, $max) for that exact purpose.

In order to limit the values to values with x digits you can use the following:

$x = 3; // Amount of digits
$min = pow(10,$x);
$max = pow(10,$x+1)-1);
$value = rand($min, $max);

rand(1000, 9999); works more faster than x4 times rand(0,9);


rand(1000, 9999)      : 0.147 sec.
rand(0,9)x4 times     : 0.547 sec.

both functions was running in 100000 iterations to make results more explicit

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