Programs & Examples On #Processing efficiency

What are the benefits to marking a field as `readonly` in C#?

I don't believe there are any performance gains from using a readonly field. It's simply a check to ensure that once the object is fully constructed, that field cannot be pointed to a new value.

However "readonly" is very different from other types of read-only semantics because it's enforced at runtime by the CLR. The readonly keyword compiles down to .initonly which is verifiable by the CLR.

The real advantage of this keyword is to generate immutable data structures. Immutable data structures by definition cannot be changed once constructed. This makes it very easy to reason about the behavior of a structure at runtime. For instance, there is no danger of passing an immutable structure to another random portion of code. They can't changed it ever so you can program reliably against that structure.

Here is a good entry about one of the benefits of immutability: Threading

Should composer.lock be committed to version control?

If you update your libs, you want to commit the lockfile too. It basically states that your project is locked to those specific versions of the libs you are using.

If you commit your changes, and someone pulls your code and updates the dependencies, the lockfile should be unmodified. If it is modified, it means that you have a new version of something.

Having it in the repository assures you that each developer is using the same versions.

ssh-copy-id no identities found error

I had faced this problem today while setting up ssh between name node and data node in fully distributed mode between two VMs in CentOS.

The problem was faced because I ran the below command from data node instead of name node ssh-copy-id -i /home/hduser/.ssh/ hduser@HadoopBox2

Since the public key file did not exist in data node it threw the error.

How to force input to only allow Alpha Letters?

<input type="text" name="field" maxlength="8"
    onkeypress="return onlyAlphabets(event,this);" />

function onlyAlphabets(e, t) {
            try {
                if (window.event) {
                    var charCode = window.event.keyCode;
                else if (e) {
                    var charCode = e.which;
                else { return true; }
                if ((charCode > 64 && charCode < 91) || (charCode > 96 && charCode < 123))
                    return true;
                    return false;
            catch (err) {

when I run mockito test occurs WrongTypeOfReturnValue Exception

For me this meant I was running this:

a = Mockito.mock(SomeClass.class);
b = new RealClass();
// within this method1, it calls param1.method2() -- note, b is not a spy or mock

So what was happening is that mockito was detecting that a.method2() was being called, and telling me I couldn't return c from a.method2() which is wrong.

Fix: use the doReturn(c).when(b).method1(a) style syntax (instead of when(b.method1(a)).thenReturn(c);), which will help you discover the hidden bug more concisely and quickly.

Or in this particular case, after doing that it started showing the more accurate "NotAMockException", and I changed it to not longer try to set a return value from a non-mock object.

What is the difference between ndarray and array in numpy?

numpy.ndarray() is a class, while numpy.array() is a method / function to create ndarray.

In numpy docs if you want to create an array from ndarray class you can do it with 2 ways as quoted:

1- using array(), zeros() or empty() methods: Arrays should be constructed using array, zeros or empty (refer to the See Also section below). The parameters given here refer to a low-level method (ndarray(…)) for instantiating an array.

2- from ndarray class directly: There are two modes of creating an array using __new__: If buffer is None, then only shape, dtype, and order are used. If buffer is an object exposing the buffer interface, then all keywords are interpreted.

The example below gives a random array because we didn't assign buffer value:

np.ndarray(shape=(2,2), dtype=float, order='F', buffer=None)

array([[ -1.13698227e+002,   4.25087011e-303],
       [  2.88528414e-306,   3.27025015e-309]])         #random

another example is to assign array object to the buffer example:

>>> np.ndarray((2,), buffer=np.array([1,2,3]),
...            offset=np.int_().itemsize,
...            dtype=int) # offset = 1*itemsize, i.e. skip first element
array([2, 3])

from above example we notice that we can't assign a list to "buffer" and we had to use numpy.array() to return ndarray object for the buffer

Conclusion: use numpy.array() if you want to make a numpy.ndarray() object"

Junit - run set up method once

You can use the BeforeClass annotation:

public static void setUpClass() {
    //executed only once, before the first test

Why does datetime.datetime.utcnow() not contain timezone information?

The standard Python libraries don't include any tzinfo classes (but see pep 431). I can only guess at the reasons. Personally I think it was a mistake not to include a tzinfo class for UTC, because that one is uncontroversial enough to have a standard implementation.

Edit: Although there's no implementation in the library, there is one given as an example in the tzinfo documentation.

from datetime import timedelta, tzinfo

ZERO = timedelta(0)

# A UTC class.

class UTC(tzinfo):

    def utcoffset(self, dt):
        return ZERO

    def tzname(self, dt):
        return "UTC"

    def dst(self, dt):
        return ZERO

utc = UTC()

To use it, to get the current time as an aware datetime object:

from datetime import datetime 

now =

There is datetime.timezone.utc in Python 3.2+:

from datetime import datetime, timezone 

now =

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64 on Xcode 6.1

It turned out I forgot to write my @implementation part.

Why doesn't java.util.Set have get(int index)?

If you are going to do lots of random accesses by index in a set, you can get an array view of its elements:

Object[] arrayView = mySet.toArray();
//do whatever you need with arrayView[i]

There are two main drawbacks though:

  1. It's not memory efficient, as an array for the whole set needs to be created.
  2. If the set is modified, the view becomes obsolete.

Create random list of integers in Python

It is not entirely clear what you want, but I would use numpy.random.randint:

import numpy.random as nprnd
import timeit

t1 = timeit.Timer('[random.randint(0, 1000) for r in xrange(10000)]', 'import random') # v1

### Change v2 so that it picks numbers in (0, 10000) and thus runs...
t2 = timeit.Timer('random.sample(range(10000), 10000)', 'import random') # v2
t3 = timeit.Timer('nprnd.randint(1000, size=10000)', 'import numpy.random as nprnd') # v3

print t1.timeit(1000)/1000
print t2.timeit(1000)/1000
print t3.timeit(1000)/1000

which gives on my machine:


Note that randint is very different from random.sample (in order for it to work in your case I had to change the 1,000 to 10,000 as one of the commentators pointed out -- if you really want them from 0 to 1,000 you could divide by 10).

And if you really don't care what distribution you are getting then it is possible that you either don't understand your problem very well, or random numbers -- with apologies if that sounds rude...

Fixed position but relative to container

I have created this jQuery plugin to solve a similar issue I was having where I had a centered container (tabular data), and I wanted the header to fix to the top of the page when the list was scrolled, yet I wanted it anchored to the tabular data so it would be wherever I put the container (centered, left, right) and also allow it to move left and right with the page when scrolled horizontally.

Here is the link to this jQuery plugin that may solve this problem:

The description of this plugin is as follows:

This plugin is used to fix elements to the top of the page, if the element would have scrolled out of view, vertically; however, it does allow the element to continue to move left or right with the horizontal scroll.

Given an option marginTop, the element will stop moving vertically upward once the vertical scroll has reached the target position; but, the element will still move horizontally as the page is scrolled left or right. Once the page has been scrolled back down passed the target position, the element will be restored to its original position on the page.

This plugin has been tested in Firefox 3/4, Google Chrome 10/11, Safari 5, and Internet Explorer 8/9.

Usage for your particular case:

<script src="scripts/jquery-1.4.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="scripts/jquery-scrolltofixed-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

$(document).ready(function() {

Execute a command in command prompt using excel VBA

The S parameter does not do anything on its own.

/S      Modifies the treatment of string after /C or /K (see below) 
/C      Carries out the command specified by string and then terminates  
/K      Carries out the command specified by string but remains  

Try something like this instead

Call Shell("cmd.exe /S /K" & "perl c:\temp", vbNormalFocus)

You may not even need to add "cmd.exe" to this command unless you want a command window to open up when this is run. Shell should execute the command on its own.

Shell("perl c:\temp")

To wait for the command to finish you will have to do something like @Nate Hekman shows in his answer here

Dim wsh As Object
Set wsh = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim waitOnReturn As Boolean: waitOnReturn = True
Dim windowStyle As Integer: windowStyle = 1

wsh.Run "cmd.exe /S /C perl c:\temp", windowStyle, waitOnReturn

Why doesn't margin:auto center an image?

i know this is an old post, but wanted to share how i solved the same problem.

My image was inheriting a float:left from a parent class. By setting float:none I was able to make margin:0 auto and display: block work properly. Hope it may help someone in the future.

What HTTP status response code should I use if the request is missing a required parameter?

Status 422 seems most appropiate based on the spec.

The 422 (Unprocessable Entity) status code means the server understands the content type of the request entity (hence a 415(Unsupported Media Type) status code is inappropriate), and the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request) status code is inappropriate) but was unable to process the contained instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.

They state that malformed xml is an example of bad syntax (calling for a 400). A malformed query string seems analogous to this, so 400 doesn't seem appropriate for a well-formed query-string which is missing a param.

UPDATE @DavidV correctly points out that this spec is for WebDAV, not core HTTP. But some popular non-WebDAV APIs are using 422 anyway, for lack of a better status code (see this).

Native query with named parameter fails with "Not all named parameters have been set"

You are calling setProperty instead of setParameter. Change your code to

Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM mytable where username = :username");
em.setParameter("username", "test");
(int) q.getSingleResult();

and it should work.

ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired

Your problem looks like you are mixing DML & DDL operations. See this URL which explains this issue:

How to convert interface{} to string?

You need to add type assertion .(string). It is necessary because the map is of type map[string]interface{}:

host := arguments["<host>"].(string) + ":" + arguments["<port>"].(string)

Latest version of Docopt returns Opts object that has methods for conversion:

host, err := arguments.String("<host>")
port, err := arguments.String("<port>")
host_port := host + ":" + port

How to call stopservice() method of Service class from the calling activity class

I actually used pretty much the same code as you above. My service registration in the manifest is the following

<service android:name=".service.MyService" android:enabled="true">
            <intent-filter android:label="@string/menuItemStartService" >
                <action android:name="it.unibz.bluedroid.bluetooth.service.MY_SERVICE"/>

In the service class I created an according constant string identifying the service name like:

public class MyService extends ForeGroundService {
    public static final String MY_SERVICE = "it.unibz.bluedroid.bluetooth.service.MY_SERVICE";

and from the according Activity I call it with

startService(new Intent(MyService.MY_SERVICE));

and stop it with

stopService(new Intent(MyService.MY_SERVICE));

It works perfectly. Try to check your configuration and if you don't find anything strange try to debug whether your stopService get's called properly.

Count the Number of Tables in a SQL Server Database

USE MyDatabase
SELECT Count(*)

to get table counts

FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'dbName';

this also works

USE databasename;

How to name and retrieve a stash by name in git?

I have these two functions in my .zshrc file:

function gitstash() {
    git stash push -m "zsh_stash_name_$1"

function gitstashapply() {
    git stash apply $(git stash list | grep "zsh_stash_name_$1" | cut -d: -f1)

Using them this way:

gitstash nice

gitstashapply nice

Remove Android App Title Bar

In your res/values/styles.xml of modern Android Studio projects (2019/2020) you should be able to change the default parent theme

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">

I went one step further and had it look like this

<!-- Base application theme. -->
<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
    <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>
    <item name="android:windowFullscreen">true</item>

This is based on the code generated from the Microsoft PWA builder

How to Add Stacktrace or debug Option when Building Android Studio Project

my solution is this:

configurations.all {
    resolutionStrategy {
        force ''

ASP.NET MVC Html.ValidationSummary(true) does not display model errors

In my case it was not working because of the return.

Instead of using:

return RedirectToAction("Rescue", "CarteiraEtapaInvestimento", new { id = investimento.Id, idCarteiraEtapaResgate = etapaDoResgate.Id });

I used:

return View("ViewRescueCarteiraEtapaInvestimento", new CarteiraEtapaInvestimentoRescueViewModel { Investimento = investimento, ValorResgate = investimentoViewModel.ValorResgate });

It´s a Model, so it is obvius that ModelState.AddModelError("keyName","Message"); must work with a model.

This answer show why. Adding validation with DataAnnotations

MySQL Error 1093 - Can't specify target table for update in FROM clause

NexusRex provided a very good solution for deleting with join from the same table.

If you do this:

DELETE FROM story_category
WHERE category_id NOT IN (
        SELECT DISTINCT AS cid FROM category 
        INNER JOIN story_category ON

you are going to get an error.

But if you wrap the condition in one more select:

DELETE FROM story_category
WHERE category_id NOT IN (
    SELECT cid FROM (
        SELECT DISTINCT AS cid FROM category 
        INNER JOIN story_category ON
    ) AS c

it would do the right thing!!

Explanation: The query optimizer does a derived merge optimization for the first query (which causes it to fail with the error), but the second query doesn't qualify for the derived merge optimization. Hence the optimizer is forced to execute the subquery first.

Generating combinations in c++

A simple way using std::next_permutation:

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

int main() {
    int n, r;
    std::cin >> n;
    std::cin >> r;

    std::vector<bool> v(n);
    std::fill(v.end() - r, v.end(), true);

    do {
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            if (v[i]) {
                std::cout << (i + 1) << " ";
        std::cout << "\n";
    } while (std::next_permutation(v.begin(), v.end()));
    return 0;

or a slight variation that outputs the results in an easier to follow order:

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

int main() {
   int n, r;
   std::cin >> n;
   std::cin >> r;

   std::vector<bool> v(n);
   std::fill(v.begin(), v.begin() + r, true);

   do {
       for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
           if (v[i]) {
               std::cout << (i + 1) << " ";
       std::cout << "\n";
   } while (std::prev_permutation(v.begin(), v.end()));
   return 0;

A bit of explanation:

It works by creating a "selection array" (v), where we place r selectors, then we create all permutations of these selectors, and print the corresponding set member if it is selected in in the current permutation of v.

You can implement it if you note that for each level r you select a number from 1 to n.

In C++, we need to 'manually' keep the state between calls that produces results (a combination): so, we build a class that on construction initialize the state, and has a member that on each call returns the combination while there are solutions: for instance

#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

struct combinations
    typedef vector<int> combination_t;

    // initialize status
   combinations(int N, int R) :
       completed(N < 1 || R > N),
       N(N), R(R)
       for (int c = 1; c <= R; ++c)

   // true while there are more solutions
   bool completed;

   // count how many generated
   int generated;

   // get current and compute next combination
   combination_t next()
       combination_t ret = curr;

       // find what to increment
       completed = true;
       for (int i = R - 1; i >= 0; --i)
           if (curr[i] < N - R + i + 1)
               int j = curr[i] + 1;
               while (i <= R-1)
                   curr[i++] = j++;
               completed = false;

       return ret;


   int N, R;
   combination_t curr;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int N = argc >= 2 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 5;
    int R = argc >= 3 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 2;
    combinations cs(N, R);
    while (!cs.completed)
        combinations::combination_t c =;
        copy(c.begin(), c.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, ","));
        cout << endl;
    return cs.generated;

test output:


PHP PDO with foreach and fetch

$users = $dbh->query($sql);
foreach ($users as $row) {
    print $row["name"] . "-" . $row["sex"] ."<br/>";
foreach ($users as $row) {
    print $row["name"] . "-" . $row["sex"] ."<br/>";

Here $users is a PDOStatement object over which you can iterate. The first iteration outputs all results, the second does nothing since you can only iterate over the result once. That's because the data is being streamed from the database and iterating over the result with foreach is essentially shorthand for:

while ($row = $users->fetch()) ...

Once you've completed that loop, you need to reset the cursor on the database side before you can loop over it again.

$users = $dbh->query($sql);
foreach ($users as $row) {
    print $row["name"] . "-" . $row["sex"] ."<br/>";
echo "<br/>";
$result = $users->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
foreach($result as $key => $value) {
    echo $key . "-" . $value . "<br/>";

Here all results are being output by the first loop. The call to fetch will return false, since you have already exhausted the result set (see above), so you get an error trying to loop over false.

In the last example you are simply fetching the first result row and are looping over it.

Why does Eclipse Java Package Explorer show question mark on some classes?

It sounds like you're using Subclipse; is that correct? If so, there's a great list of decorators and their descriptions at this answer by Tim Stone.

Here's the relevant snippet for your case:

Unversioned File - A file not under version control. These are typically new files that you have not committed to the repository yet.
Synchronized File - A file with no local changes.

How do I remove duplicate items from an array in Perl?

Previous answers pretty much summarize the possible ways of accomplishing this task.

However, I suggest a modification for those who don't care about counting the duplicates, but do care about order.

my @record = qw( yeah I mean uh right right uh yeah so well right I maybe );
my %record;
print grep !$record{$_} && ++$record{$_}, @record;

Note that the previously suggested grep !$seen{$_}++ ... increments $seen{$_} before negating, so the increment occurs regardless of whether it has already been %seen or not. The above, however, short-circuits when $record{$_} is true, leaving what's been heard once 'off the %record'.

You could also go for this ridiculousness, which takes advantage of autovivification and existence of hash keys:

grep !(exists $record{$_} || undef $record{$_}), @record;

That, however, might lead to some confusion.

And if you care about neither order or duplicate count, you could for another hack using hash slices and the trick I just mentioned:

undef @record{@record};
keys %record; # your record, now probably scrambled but at least deduped

How to rollback a specific migration?

rake db:migrate:down VERSION=20100905201547

will roll back the specific file.

To find the version of all migrations, you can use this command:

rake db:migrate:status

Or, simply the prefix of the migration's file name is the version you need to rollback.

See the Ruby on Rails guide entry on migrations.

Cannot find vcvarsall.bat when running a Python script

There is a confusing edge case for this on windows. If you follow the advice to install the 2007 windows, and you still get this error when doing python install directly, then it may be that the uses the old version of set up tools.

In particular, the code that points windows towards the right location for the windows installed compiler is in the __init__ method of the setuptools library, which means that you must in your use the setuptools module. Some older call methods directly from distutils.core. If this is the case then the will never find the windows installed compiler. This can be fixed by simply writing import setuptools as the first line of the file.

Reference: Look about half way down for the quote from steve dower:

Setuptools has the code to find the compiler package. We deliberately put it there instead of in distutils to make sure more people would get it. I should probably port the extra check into 2.7.10, but the immediate fix is to import setuptools.

Get contentEditable caret index position

window.getSelection - vs - document.selection

This one works for me:

function getCaretCharOffset(element) {_x000D_
  var caretOffset = 0;_x000D_
  if (window.getSelection) {_x000D_
    var range = window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);_x000D_
    var preCaretRange = range.cloneRange();_x000D_
    preCaretRange.setEnd(range.endContainer, range.endOffset);_x000D_
    caretOffset = preCaretRange.toString().length;_x000D_
  } _x000D_
  else if (document.selection && document.selection.type != "Control") {_x000D_
    var textRange = document.selection.createRange();_x000D_
    var preCaretTextRange = document.body.createTextRange();_x000D_
    preCaretTextRange.setEndPoint("EndToEnd", textRange);_x000D_
    caretOffset = preCaretTextRange.text.length;_x000D_
  return caretOffset;_x000D_
// Demo:_x000D_
var elm = document.querySelector('[contenteditable]');_x000D_
elm.addEventListener('click', printCaretPosition)_x000D_
elm.addEventListener('keydown', printCaretPosition)_x000D_
function printCaretPosition(){_x000D_
  console.log( getCaretCharOffset(elm), 'length:', this.textContent.trim().length )_x000D_
<div contenteditable>some text here <i>italic text here</i> some other text here <b>bold text here</b> end of text</div>

The calling line depends on event type, for key event use this:

getCaretCharOffsetInDiv( + ($(window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).startContainer.parentNode).index());

for mouse event use this:

getCaretCharOffsetInDiv( + ($(

on these two cases I take care for break lines by adding the target index

Boolean vs boolean in Java

You can use the Boolean constants - Boolean.TRUE and Boolean.FALSE instead of 0 and 1. You can create your variable as of type boolean if primitive is what you are after. This way you won't have to create new Boolean objects.

git status (nothing to commit, working directory clean), however with changes commited

Your local branch doensn't know about the remote branch. If you don't tell git that your local branch (master) is supposed to compare itself to the remote counterpart (origin/master in this case); then git status won't tell you the difference between your branch and the remote one. So you should use:

git branch --set-upstream-to origin/master

or with the short option:

git branch -u origin/master

This options --set-upstream-to (or -u in short) was introduced in git 1.8.0.

Once you have set this option; git status will show you something like:

# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.

Eclipse: stop code from running (java)

I have a .bat file on my quick task bar (windows) with:

taskkill /F /IM java.exe

It's very quick, but it may not be good in many situations!

How to get the file extension in PHP?

This will work as well:

$array = explode('.', $_FILES['image']['name']);
$extension = end($array);

Get exception description and stack trace which caused an exception, all as a string

>>> import sys
>>> import traceback
>>> try:
...   5 / 0
... except ZeroDivisionError as e:
...   type_, value_, traceback_ = sys.exc_info()
>>> traceback.format_tb(traceback_)
['  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>\n']
>>> value_
ZeroDivisionError('integer division or modulo by zero',)
>>> type_
<type 'exceptions.ZeroDivisionError'>
>>> 5 / 0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

You use sys.exc_info() to collect the information and the functions in the traceback module to format it. Here are some examples for formatting it.

The whole exception string is at:

>>> ex = traceback.format_exception(type_, value_, traceback_)
>>> ex
['Traceback (most recent call last):\n', '  File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>\n', 'ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero\n']

How do I handle newlines in JSON?



would convert the above string to

"{ \n      a:\"a\"\n    }"

as mentioned here

json stringify

This function adds double quotes at the beginning and end of the input string and escapes special JSON characters. In particular, a newline is replaced by the \n character, a tab is replaced by the \t character, a backslash is replaced by two backslashes \, and a backslash is placed before each quotation mark.

invalid_grant trying to get oAuth token from google

This is a silly answer, but the problem for me was that I failed to realize I already had been issued an active oAuth token for my google user which I failed to store. The solution in this case is to go to the api console and reset the client secret.

There are numerous other answers on SO to this effect for example Reset Client Secret OAuth2 - Do clients need to re-grant access?

Efficient way to remove keys with empty strings from a dict

Some benchmarking:

1. List comprehension recreate dict

In [7]: %%timeit dic = {str(i):i for i in xrange(10)}; dic['10'] = None; dic['5'] = None
   ...: dic = {k: v for k, v in dic.items() if v is not None} 
   1000000 loops, best of 7: 375 ns per loop

2. List comprehension recreate dict using dict()

In [8]: %%timeit dic = {str(i):i for i in xrange(10)}; dic['10'] = None; dic['5'] = None
   ...: dic = dict((k, v) for k, v in dic.items() if v is not None)
1000000 loops, best of 7: 681 ns per loop

3. Loop and delete key if v is None

In [10]: %%timeit dic = {str(i):i for i in xrange(10)}; dic['10'] = None; dic['5'] = None
    ...: for k, v in dic.items():
    ...:   if v is None:
    ...:     del dic[k]
10000000 loops, best of 7: 160 ns per loop

so loop and delete is the fastest at 160ns, list comprehension is half as slow at ~375ns and with a call to dict() is half as slow again ~680ns.

Wrapping 3 into a function brings it back down again to about 275ns. Also for me PyPy was about twice as fast as neet python.

How to append rows to an R data frame

My solution is almost the same as the original answer but it doesn't worked for me.

So, I gave names for the columns and it works:

painel <- rbind(painel, data.frame("col1" = xtweets$created_at,
                                   "col2" = xtweets$text))

Cannot serve WCF services in IIS on Windows 8

you can add this code to web.config in asp mvc

      <remove fileExtension=".srt" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".srt" mimeType="text/srt" />
      <remove fileExtension=".vtt" />
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".vtt" mimeType="text/vtt" />

you can change file extension with your file extension

Why not use tables for layout in HTML?

Looks like you are just used to tables and that's it. Putting layout in a table limits you for just that layout. With CSS you can move bits around, take a look at And no, layout does not usally require a lot of nested divs.

With no tables for layout and proper semantics HTML is much cleaner, hence easier to read. Why should someone who cannot understand CSS try to read it? And if someone considers himself to be webdeveloper then the good grasp of CSS is a must.

SEO benefits come from the ability to have most important content higher up the page and having better content-to-markup ratio.

How to set up Spark on Windows?

Here is a simple minimum script to run from any python console. It assumes that you have extracted the Spark libraries that you have downloaded into C:\Apache\spark-1.6.1.

This works in Windows without building anything and solves problems where Spark would complain about recursive pickling.

import sys
import os
spark_home = 'C:\Apache\spark-1.6.1'

sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(spark_home, 'python'))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(spark_home, 'python\lib\')) 
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(spark_home, 'python\lib\')) 

# Start a spark context:
sc = pyspark.SparkContext()

lines = sc.textFile(os.path.join(spark_home, "")
pythonLines = lines.filter(lambda line: "Python" in line)

How to increment a JavaScript variable using a button press event

<script type="text/javascript">
var i=0;

function increase()
    return false;
}</script><input type="button" onclick="increase();">

install apt-get on linux Red Hat server


rpm -ivh apt-0.5.15lorg3.1-4.el4.rf.i386.rpm


rpm -Uvh rpmforge-release-0.3.4-1.el4.rf.i386.rpm

maybe some URL is broken,please research it. Enjoy~~

How to get text box value in JavaScript

Your element does not have an ID but just a name. So you could either use getElementsByName() method to get a list of all elements with this name:

var jobValue = document.getElementsByName('txtJob')[0].value  // first element in DOM  (index 0) with name="txtJob"

Or you assign an ID to the element:

<input type="text" name="txtJob" id="txtJob" value="software engineer">

How to get response status code from jQuery.ajax?

It is probably more idiomatic jQuery to use the statusCode property of the parameter object passed to the the $.ajax function:

  statusCode: {
    500: function(xhr) {
      if(window.console) console.log(xhr.responseText);

However, as Livingston Samuel said, it is not possible to catch 301 status codes in javascript.

How to set background color of a View

You must pass an int in the argument.

First Example:


Second Example:

int colorId =;


Are there dictionaries in php?

Normal array can serve as a dictionary data structure. In general it has multipurpose usage: array, list (vector), hash table, dictionary, collection, stack, queue etc.

$names = [
    'bob' => 27,
    'billy' => 43,
    'sam' => 76,


And because of wide design it gains no full benefits of specific data structure. You can implement your own dictionary by extending an ArrayObject or you can use SplObjectStorage class which is map (dictionary) implementation allowing objects to be assigned as keys.

How can I enable or disable the GPS programmatically on Android?

Things have changed since this question was posted, now with new Google Services API, you can prompt users to enable GPS:

You will need to request ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission in your manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

Also watch this video:

Add the loading screen in starting of the android application

use ProgressDialog.

ProgressDialog dialog=new ProgressDialog(context);

hide it whenever your UI is ready with data. call :


java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener

One quick solution I prefer which I suited most for this situation is simply delete .metadata folder of your work space and import your projects again. If you try all other option it wont guarantee the success. Sometimes the above solutions work sometime you will spend your precious hours to fix this configuration.

One day i decided to clean my work station.I arranged the projects to their suitable folders according to different clients. As a result all got messed up. After spending a whole day it did not end up in a fixed work space. Next day I simply deleted the .metadata folder of the work space and imported all the projects again. Bingo all set.

How to convert JTextField to String and String to JTextField?

how to convert JTextField to string and string to JTextField in java

If you mean how to get and set String from jTextField then you can use following methods:

String str = jTextField.getText() // get string from jtextfield


jTextField.setText(str)  // set string to jtextfield
new JTextField(str)     // set string to jtextfield

You should check JavaDoc for JTextField

How can I delete an item from an array in VB.NET?

Yes, you can delete an element from an array. Here is an extension method that moves the elements as needed, then resizes the array one shorter:

' Remove element at index "index". Result is one element shorter.
' Similar to List.RemoveAt, but for arrays.
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Sub RemoveAt(Of T)(ByRef a() As T, ByVal index As Integer)
    ' Move elements after "index" down 1 position.
    Array.Copy(a, index + 1, a, index, UBound(a) - index)
    ' Shorten by 1 element.
    ReDim Preserve a(UBound(a) - 1)
End Sub

Usage examples (assuming array starting with index 0):

Dim a() As String = {"Albert", "Betty", "Carlos", "David"}
a.RemoveAt(0)    ' Remove first element => {"Betty", "Carlos", "David"}
a.RemoveAt(1)    ' Remove second element => {"Betty", "David"}
a.RemoveAt(UBound(a))    ' Remove last element => {"Betty"}

Removing First or Last element is common, so here are convenience routines for doing so (I like code that expresses my intent more readably):

<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Sub DropFirstElement(Of T)(ByRef a() As T)
End Sub

<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Sub DropLastElement(Of T)(ByRef a() As T)
End Sub



And as Heinzi said, if you find yourself doing this, instead use List(Of T), if possible. List already has "RemoveAt" subroutine, and other routines useful for inserting/deleting elements.

Converting HTML to plain text in PHP for e-mail

If you don't want to strip the tags completely and keep the content inside the tags, you can use the DOMDocument and extract the textContent of the root node like this:

function html2text($html) {
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    $dom->loadHTML("<body>" . strip_tags($html, '<b><a><i><div><span><p>') . "</body>");
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
    $node = $xpath->query('body')->item(0);
    return $node->textContent; // text

$p = 'this is <b>test</b>. <p>how are <i>you?</i>. <a href="#">I\'m fine!</a></p>';
print html2text($p);
// this is test. how are you?. I'm fine!

One advantage of this approach is that it does not require any external packages.

React - how to pass state to another component

Move all of your state and your handleClick function from Header to your MainWrapper component.

Then pass values as props to all components that need to share this functionality.

class MainWrapper extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
        this.state = {
            sidbarPushCollapsed: false,
            profileCollapsed: false
        this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
    handleClick() {
            sidbarPushCollapsed: !this.state.sidbarPushCollapsed,
            profileCollapsed: !this.state.profileCollapsed

    render() {
        return (
               profileCollapsed={this.state.profileCollapsed} />

Then in your Header's render() method, you'd use this.props:

<button type="button" id="sidbarPush" onClick={this.props.handleClick} profile={this.props.profileCollapsed}>

How to calculate the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution function in python?

# given random variable X (house price) with population muy = 60, sigma = 40
import scipy as sc
import scipy.stats as sct
sc.version.full_version # 0.15.1

#a. Find P(X<50)
sct.norm.cdf(x=50,loc=60,scale=40) # 0.4012936743170763

#b. Find P(X>=50)
sct.norm.sf(x=50,loc=60,scale=40) # 0.5987063256829237

#c. Find P(60<=X<=80)
sct.norm.cdf(x=80,loc=60,scale=40) - sct.norm.cdf(x=60,loc=60,scale=40)

#d. how much top most 5% expensive house cost at least? or find x where P(X>=x) = 0.05

#e. how much top most 5% cheapest house cost at least? or find x where P(X<=x) = 0.05

To get total number of columns in a table in sql

Correction to top query above, to allow to run from any database

AND TABLE_NAME = 'table'

JUnit Testing private variables?

First of all, you are in a bad position now - having the task of writing tests for the code you did not originally create and without any changes - nightmare! Talk to your boss and explain, it is not possible to test the code without making it "testable". To make code testable you usually do some important changes;

Regarding private variables. You actually never should do that. Aiming to test private variables is the first sign that something wrong with the current design. Private variables are part of the implementation, tests should focus on behavior rather of implementation details.

Sometimes, private field are exposed to public access with some getter. I do that, but try to avoid as much as possible (mark in comments, like 'used for testing').

Since you have no possibility to change the code, I don't see possibility (I mean real possibility, not like Reflection hacks etc.) to check private variable.

Meaning of Choreographer messages in Logcat

This if an Info message that could pop in your LogCat on many situations.

In my case, it happened when I was inflating several views from XML layout files programmatically. The message is harmless by itself, but could be the sign of a later problem that would use all the RAM your App is allowed to use and cause the mega-evil Force Close to happen. I have grown to be the kind of Developer that likes to see his Log WARN/INFO/ERROR Free. ;)

So, this is my own experience:

I got the message:

10-09 01:25:08.373: I/Choreographer(11134): Skipped XXX frames!  The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.

... when I was creating my own custom "super-complex multi-section list" by inflating a view from XML and populating its fields (images, text, etc...) with the data coming from the response of a REST/JSON web service (without paging capabilities) this views would act as rows, sub-section headers and section headers by adding all of them in the correct order to a LinearLayout (with vertical orientation inside a ScrollView). All of that to simulate a listView with clickable elements... but well, that's for another question.

As a responsible Developer you want to make the App really efficient with the system resources, so the best practice for lists (when your lists are not so complex) is to use a ListActivity or ListFragment with a Loader and fill the ListView with an Adapter, this is supposedly more efficient, in fact it is and you should do it all the time, again... if your list is not so complex.

Solution: I implemented paging on my REST/JSON web service to prevent "big response sizes" and I wrapped the code that added the "rows", "section headers" and "sub-section headers" views on an AsyncTask to keep the Main Thread cool.

So... I hope my experience helps someone else that is cracking their heads open with this Info message.

Happy hacking!

How to determine the version of android SDK installed in computer?

While some responses have shown how to get the versions of the installed Android SDKs and various Android SDK related tools using the Android SDK Manager GUI, here's a way to get the same information from the command line:

%ANDROID_HOME%\tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat --list

You can redirect the output to a file to ease review and sharing.

Note: In my corporate environment, I also had to use the --proxy, --proxy_host, and --proxy_port command line options. You may need to use them as well.

Composer install error - requires ext_curl when it's actually enabled

As Danack said in comments, there are 2 php.ini files. I uncommented the line with curl extension in the one in Apache folder, which is php.ini used by the web server.

Composer, on the other hand, uses php for console which is a whole different story. Php.ini file for that program is not the one in Apache folder but it's in the PHP folder and I had to uncomment the line in it too. Then I ran the installation again and it was OK.

Replace HTML Table with Divs

I looked all over for an easy solution and found this code that worked for me. The right div is a third column which I left in for readability sake.

Here is the HTML:

<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="left">
      <p>PHONE & FAX:</p>
    <div class="middle">
      <p>+43 99 554 28 53</p>
    <div class="right"> </div>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="left">
      <p>Cellphone Gert:</p>
    <div class="middle">
      <p>+43 99 302 52 32</p>
    <div class="right"> </div>
  <div class="row">
    <div class="left">
      <p>Cellphone Petra:</p>
    <div class="middle">
      <p>+43 99 739 38 84</p>
    <div class="right"> </div>

And the CSS:

.container {
    display: table;
.row  {
    display: table-row;
.left, .right, .middle {
    display: table-cell;
    padding-right: 25px;
.left p, .right p, .middle p {
    margin: 1px 1px;

How to ensure that there is a delay before a service is started in systemd?

Combining the answers from @Ortomala Lokni and @rogerdpack, another alternative is to have the dependent service monitor when the first one has started / done the thing you're waiting for.

For example, here's how I am making the fail2ban service wait for Docker to open port 443 (so that fail2ban's iptables entries take priority over Docker's):

ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c '(while ! nc -z -v -w1 localhost 443 > /dev/null; do echo "Waiting for port 443 to open..."; sleep 2; done); sleep 2'

Simply replace nc -z -v -w1 localhost 443 with a command that fails (non-zero exit code) while the first service is starting and succeeds once it is up.

For the Cassandra case, the ideal would be a command that only returns 0 when the cluster is available.

AttributeError: can't set attribute in python

namedtuples are immutable, just like standard tuples. You have two choices:

  1. Use a different data structure, e.g. a class (or just a dictionary); or
  2. Instead of updating the structure, replace it.

The former would look like:

class N(object):

    def __init__(self, ind, set, v):
        self.ind = ind
        self.set = set
        self.v = v

And the latter:

item = items[node.ind]
items[node.ind] = N(item.ind, item.set, node.v)

Edit: if you want the latter, Ignacio's answer does the same thing more neatly using baked-in functionality.

Package php5 have no installation candidate (Ubuntu 16.04)

This worked for me.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ -y


how to configure hibernate config file for sql server

Finally this is for Hibernate 5 in Tomcat.

Compiled all the answers from the above and added my tips which works like a charm for Hibernate 5 and SQL Server 2014.

<property name="hibernate.dialect">
<property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">
<property name="hibernate.connection.url">  
<property name="hibernate.default_schema">theSchemaNameUsuallydbo</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.username">
<property name="hibernate.connection.password">

Finding all the subsets of a set

Here is a working code which I wrote some time ago

// Return all subsets of a given set
using namespace std;

typedef vector<int> vi;
typedef vector<long long> vll;
typedef vector< vector<int> > vvi;
typedef vector<string> vs;

vvi get_subsets(vi v, int size)
    if(size==0) return vvi(1);
    vvi subsets = get_subsets(v,size-1);

    vvi more_subsets(subsets);

    for(typeof(more_subsets.begin()) it = more_subsets.begin(); it !=more_subsets.end(); it++)

    subsets.insert(subsets.end(), (more_subsets).begin(), (more_subsets).end());
    return subsets;

int main()
    int ar[] = {1,2,3};
    vi v(ar , ar+int(sizeof(ar)/sizeof(ar[0])));
    vvi subsets = get_subsets(v,int((v).size()));

    for(typeof(subsets.begin()) it = subsets.begin(); it !=subsets.end(); it++)
        printf("{ ");

        for(typeof((*it).begin()) it2 = (*it).begin(); it2 !=(*it).end(); it2++)
            printf("%d,",*it2 );
        printf(" }\n");
    printf("Total subsets = %d\n",int((subsets).size()) );

Function to return only alpha-numeric characters from string?

Warning: Note that English is not restricted to just A-Z.

Try this to remove everything except a-z, A-Z and 0-9:

$result = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/", "", $s);

If your definition of alphanumeric includes letters in foreign languages and obsolete scripts then you will need to use the Unicode character classes.

Try this to leave only A-Z:

$result = preg_replace("/[^A-Z]+/", "", $s);

The reason for the warning is that words like résumé contains the letter é that won't be matched by this. If you want to match a specific list of letters adjust the regular expression to include those letters. If you want to match all letters, use the appropriate character classes as mentioned in the comments.

Difference between "include" and "require" in php

Use include if you don't mind your script continuing without loading the file (in case it doesn't exist etc) and you can (although you shouldn't) live with a Warning error message being displayed.

Using require means your script will halt if it can't load the specified file, and throw a Fatal error.

How can I switch language in google play?

Answer below the dotted line below is the original that's now outdated.

Here is the latest information ( Thank you @deadfish ):

add &hl=<language> like &hl=pl or &hl=en

example: or

All available languages and abbreviations can be looked up here:


To change the actual local market:

Basically the market is determined automatically based on your IP. You can change some local country settings from your Gmail account settings but still IP of the country you're browsing from is more important. To go around it you'd have to Proxy-cheat. Check out some ways/sites:

To do it from an Android phone you'd need to find an app. I don't have my Droid anymore but give this a try:

Iterating through map in template

Check the Variables section in the Go template docs. A range may declare two variables, separated by a comma. The following should work:

{{ range $key, $value := . }}
   <li><strong>{{ $key }}</strong>: {{ $value }}</li>
{{ end }}

Checkout old commit and make it a new commit

The other answers so far create new commits that undo what is in older commits. It is possible to go back and "change history" as it were, but this can be a bit dangerous. You should only do this if the commit you're changing has not been pushed to other repositories.

The command you're looking for is git rebase --interactive

If you want to change HEAD~3, the command you want to issue is git rebase --interactive HEAD~4. This will open a text editor and allow you to specify which commits you want to change.

Practice on a different repository before you try this with something important. The man pages should give you all the rest of the information you need.

Maximum size of a varchar(max) variable

As far as I can tell there is no upper limit in 2008.

In SQL Server 2005 the code in your question fails on the assignment to the @GGMMsg variable with

Attempting to grow LOB beyond maximum allowed size of 2,147,483,647 bytes.

the code below fails with

REPLICATE: The length of the result exceeds the length limit (2GB) of the target large type.

However it appears these limitations have quietly been lifted. On 2008


SET @y = REPLICATE(@y,92681);




I ran this on my 32 bit desktop machine so this 8GB string is way in excess of addressable memory


select internal_objects_alloc_page_count
from sys.dm_db_task_space_usage
WHERE session_id = @@spid



so I presume this all just gets stored in LOB pages in tempdb with no validation on length. The page count growth was all associated with the SET @y = REPLICATE(@y,92681); statement. The initial variable assignment to @y and the LEN calculation did not increase this.

The reason for mentioning this is because the page count is hugely more than I was expecting. Assuming an 8KB page then this works out at 16.36 GB which is obviously more or less double what would seem to be necessary. I speculate that this is likely due to the inefficiency of the string concatenation operation needing to copy the entire huge string and append a chunk on to the end rather than being able to add to the end of the existing string. Unfortunately at the moment the .WRITE method isn't supported for varchar(max) variables.


I've also tested the behaviour with concatenating nvarchar(max) + nvarchar(max) and nvarchar(max) + varchar(max). Both of these allow the 2GB limit to be exceeded. Trying to then store the results of this in a table then fails however with the error message Attempting to grow LOB beyond maximum allowed size of 2147483647 bytes. again. The script for that is below (may take a long time to run).

SET @y1 = @y1 + @y1;
SELECT LEN(@y1), DATALENGTH(@y1)  /*4294967294, 4294967292*/

SET @y2 = @y2 + @y2;
SELECT LEN(@y2), DATALENGTH(@y2)  /*2147483646, 4294967292*/

DECLARE @y3 NVARCHAR(MAX) = @y2 + @y1
SELECT LEN(@y3), DATALENGTH(@y3)   /*6442450940, 12884901880*/

/*This attempt fails*/
SELECT @y1 y1, @y2 y2, @y3 y3

fatal: early EOF fatal: index-pack failed

I was getting the same error, on my side i resolved by running this command, In windows it has some memory issue.

git config --global pack.windowsMemory 256m

Apply function to each element of a list

I think you mean to use map instead of filter:

>>> from string import upper
>>> mylis=['this is test', 'another test']
>>> map(upper, mylis)

Even simpler, you could use str.upper instead of importing from string (thanks to @alecxe):

>>> map(str.upper, mylis)

In Python 2.x, map constructs a new list by applying a given function to every element in a list. filter constructs a new list by restricting to elements that evaluate to True with a given function.

In Python 3.x, map and filter construct iterators instead of lists, so if you are using Python 3.x and require a list the list comprehension approach would be better suited.

Difference in Months between two dates in JavaScript

anyVar = (((DisplayTo.getFullYear() * 12) + DisplayTo.getMonth()) - ((DisplayFrom.getFullYear() * 12) + DisplayFrom.getMonth()));

ImportError: No module named Crypto.Cipher

if you are using redhat,fedora, centos :

sudo yum install pycrypto

for my case I coouldnot install it using pip

Convert time in HH:MM:SS format to seconds only?

I think the easiest method would be to use strtotime() function:

$time = '21:30:10';
$seconds = strtotime("1970-01-01 $time UTC");
echo $seconds;

// same with objects (for php5.3+)
$time = '21:30:10';
$dt = new DateTime("1970-01-01 $time", new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$seconds = (int)$dt->getTimestamp();
echo $seconds;


Function date_parse() can also be used for parsing date and time:

$time = '21:30:10';
$parsed = date_parse($time);
$seconds = $parsed['hour'] * 3600 + $parsed['minute'] * 60 + $parsed['second'];


If you will parse format MM:SS with strtotime() or date_parse() it will fail (date_parse() is used in strtotime() and DateTime), because when you input format like xx:yy parser assumes it is HH:MM and not MM:SS. I would suggest checking format, and prepend 00: if you only have MM:SS.

demo strtotime() demo date_parse()

If you have hours more than 24, then you can use next function (it will work for MM:SS and HH:MM:SS format):

function TimeToSec($time) {
    $sec = 0;
    foreach (array_reverse(explode(':', $time)) as $k => $v) $sec += pow(60, $k) * $v;
    return $sec;


Escaping regex string

Use the re.escape() function for this:

4.2.3 re Module Contents


Return string with all non-alphanumerics backslashed; this is useful if you want to match an arbitrary literal string that may have regular expression metacharacters in it.

A simplistic example, search any occurence of the provided string optionally followed by 's', and return the match object.

def simplistic_plural(word, text):
    word_or_plural = re.escape(word) + 's?'
    return re.match(word_or_plural, text)

Saving excel worksheet to CSV files with filename+worksheet name using VB

Is this what you are trying?

Option Explicit

Public Sub SaveWorksheetsAsCsv()
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Dim SaveToDirectory As String, newName As String

    SaveToDirectory = "H:\test\"

    For Each WS In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        newName = GetBookName(ThisWorkbook.Name) & "_" & WS.Name
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs SaveToDirectory & newName, xlCSV
        ActiveWorkbook.Close Savechanges:=False
End Sub

Function GetBookName(strwb As String) As String
    GetBookName = Left(strwb, (InStrRev(strwb, ".", -1, vbTextCompare) - 1))
End Function

Getting the PublicKeyToken of .Net assemblies

You can get this easily via c#

private static string GetPublicKeyTokenFromAssembly(Assembly assembly)
    var bytes = assembly.GetName().GetPublicKeyToken();
    if (bytes == null || bytes.Length == 0)
        return "None";

    var publicKeyToken = string.Empty;
    for (int i = 0; i < bytes.GetLength(0); i++)
        publicKeyToken += string.Format("{0:x2}", bytes[i]);

    return publicKeyToken;

Java: How to Indent XML Generated by Transformer

Neither of the suggested solutions worked for me. So I kept on searching for an alternative solution, which ended up being a mixture of the two before mentioned and a third step.

  1. set the indent-number into the transformerfactory
  2. enable the indent in the transformer
  3. wrap the otuputstream with a writer (or bufferedwriter)
TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
tf.setAttribute("indent-number", new Integer(2));

Transformer t = tf.newTransformer();
t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");

t.transform(new DOMSource(doc),
new StreamResult(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "utf-8"));

You must do (3) to workaround a "buggy" behavior of the xml handling code.

Source: johnnymac75 @

(If I have cited my source incorrectly please let me know)

IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('r') or filename: 'c:\\Python27\test.txt'

always use 'r' to get a raw string when you want to avoid escape.


Circle-Rectangle collision detection (intersection)

Improving a little bit the answer of e.James:

double dx = abs(circle.x - rect.x) - rect.w / 2,
       dy = abs(circle.y - rect.y) - rect.h / 2;

if (dx > circle.r || dy > circle.r) { return false; }
if (dx <= 0 || dy <= 0) { return true; }

return (dx * dx + dy * dy <= circle.r * circle.r);

This subtracts rect.w / 2 and rect.h / 2 once instead of up to three times.

jQuery if Element has an ID?

Number of .parent a elements that have an id attribute:

$('.parent a[id]').length

How to change the docker image installation directory?

Since I haven't found the correct instructions for doing this in Fedora (EDIT: people pointed in comments that this should also work on CentOS and Suse) (/etc/default/docker isn't used there), I'm adding my answer here:

You have to edit /etc/sysconfig/docker, and add the -g option in the OPTIONS variable. If there's more than one option, make sure you enclose them in "". In my case, that file contained:


so it would become

OPTIONS="--selinux-enabled -g /mnt"

After a restart (systemctl restart docker) , Docker should use the new directory

Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null

You have to place the hello div before the script, so that it exists when the script is loaded.

Setting up connection string in ASP.NET to SQL SERVER

it should be within the <configuration> node:

  <connectionStrings >
    <add name="myconnectionstring" connectionString="Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

this site has more info on it:

IndexError: tuple index out of range ----- Python

Probably one of the indexes is wrong, either the inner one or the outer one.

I suspect you mean to say [0] where you say [1] and [1] where you say [2]. Indexes are 0-based in Python.

Delete all but the most recent X files in bash

All these answers fail when there are directories in the current directory. Here's something that works:

find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs -x ls -t | awk 'NR>5' | xargs -L1 rm


  1. works when there are directories in the current directory

  2. tries to remove each file even if the previous one couldn't be removed (due to permissions, etc.)

  3. fails safe when the number of files in the current directory is excessive and xargs would normally screw you over (the -x)

  4. doesn't cater for spaces in filenames (perhaps you're using the wrong OS?)

How to watch and compile all TypeScript sources?

Look into using grunt to automate this, there are numerous tutorials around, but here's a quick start.

For a folder structure like:


You can watch and work with typescript easily from the example folder with:

npm install

With package.json:

  "name": "PROJECT",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "author": "",
  "description": "",
  "homepage": "",
  "private": true,
  "devDependencies": {
    "typescript": "~0.9.5",
    "connect": "~2.12.0",
    "grunt-ts": "~1.6.4",
    "grunt-contrib-watch": "~0.5.3",
    "grunt-contrib-connect": "~0.6.0",
    "grunt-open": "~0.2.3"

And a grunt file:

module.exports = function (grunt) {

  // Import dependencies

    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
    connect: {
      server: {  // <--- Run a local server on :8089
        options: {
          port: 8089,
          base: './'
    ts: {
      lib: { // <-- compile all the files in ../ to PROJECT.js
        src: ['../*.ts'],
        out: 'PROJECT.js',
        options: {
          target: 'es3',
          sourceMaps: false,
          declaration: true,
          removeComments: false
      example: {  // <--- compile all the files in . to example.js
        src: ['*.ts'],
        out: 'example.js',
        options: {
          target: 'es3',
          sourceMaps: false,
          declaration: false,
          removeComments: false
    watch: { 
      lib: { // <-- Watch for changes on the library and rebuild both
        files: '../*.ts',
        tasks: ['ts:lib', 'ts:example']
      example: { // <--- Watch for change on example and rebuild
        files: ['*.ts', '!*.d.ts'],
        tasks: ['ts:example']
    open: { // <--- Launch index.html in browser when you run grunt
      dev: {
        path: 'http://localhost:8089/index.html'

  // Register the default tasks to run when you run grunt
  grunt.registerTask('default', ['ts', 'connect', 'open', 'watch']);

MySQL JDBC Driver 5.1.33 - Time Zone Issue

This worked for me.

on DBeaver 6.0 : Go to Connection Settings > Driver Properties > Server Time Zone > Set UTC.

Also, in spring boot config, had to set below property.


How to create an installer for a .net Windows Service using Visual Studio

Nor Kelsey, nor Brendan solutions does not works for me in Visual Studio 2015 Community.

Here is my brief steps how to create service with installer:

  1. Run Visual Studio, Go to File->New->Project
  2. Select .NET Framework 4, in 'Search Installed Templates' type 'Service'
  3. Select 'Windows Service'. Type Name and Location. Press OK.
  4. Double click Service1.cs, right click in designer and select 'Add Installer'
  5. Double click ProjectInstaller.cs. For serviceProcessInstaller1 open Properties tab and change 'Account' property value to 'LocalService'. For serviceInstaller1 change 'ServiceName' and set 'StartType' to 'Automatic'.
  6. Double click serviceInstaller1. Visual Studio creates serviceInstaller1_AfterInstall event. Write code:

    private void serviceInstaller1_AfterInstall(object sender, InstallEventArgs e)
        using (System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController sc = new 
  7. Build solution. Right click on project and select 'Open Folder in File Explorer'. Go to bin\Debug.

  8. Create install.bat with below script:

    :: Automatically check & get admin rights
    @echo off
    ECHO =============================
    ECHO Running Admin shell
    ECHO =============================
    if '%errorlevel%' == '0' ( goto gotPrivileges ) else ( goto getPrivileges ) 
    if '%1'=='ELEV' (shift & goto gotPrivileges)  
    ECHO **************************************
    ECHO Invoking UAC for Privilege Escalation 
    ECHO **************************************
    setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
    set "batchPath=%~0"
    setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
    ECHO Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) > "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges.vbs" 
    ECHO UAC.ShellExecute "!batchPath!", "ELEV", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\OEgetPrivileges.vbs" 
    exit /B 
    setlocal & pushd .
    cd /d %~dp0
    %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil /i "WindowsService1.exe"
  9. Create uninstall.bat file (change in pen-ult line /i to /u)
  10. To install and start service run install.bat, to stop and uninstall run uninstall.bat

How to catch SQLServer timeout exceptions

Whats the value for the SqlException.ErrorCode property? Can you work with that?

When having timeouts, it may be worth checking the code for -2146232060.

I would set this up as a static const in your data code.

Difference between object and class in Scala

Object is a class but it already has(is) an instance, so you can not call new ObjectName. On the other hand, Class is just type and it can be an instance by calling new ClassName().

Retrieve the position (X,Y) of an HTML element relative to the browser window

I've taken @meouw's answer, added in the clientLeft that allows for the border, and then created three versions:

getAbsoluteOffsetFromBody - similar to @meouw's, this gets the absolute position relative to the body or html element of the document (depending on quirks mode)

getAbsoluteOffsetFromGivenElement - returns the absolute position relative to the given element (relativeEl). Note that the given element must contain the element el, or this will behave the same as getAbsoluteOffsetFromBody. This is useful if you have two elements contained within another (known) element (optionally several nodes up the node tree) and want to make them the same position.

getAbsoluteOffsetFromRelative - returns the absolute position relative to the first parent element with position: relative. This is similar to getAbsoluteOffsetFromGivenElement, for the same reason but will only go as far as the first matching element.

getAbsoluteOffsetFromBody = function( el )
{   // finds the offset of el from the body or html element
    var _x = 0;
    var _y = 0;
    while( el && !isNaN( el.offsetLeft ) && !isNaN( el.offsetTop ) )
        _x += el.offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft + el.clientLeft;
        _y += el.offsetTop - el.scrollTop + el.clientTop;
        el = el.offsetParent;
    return { top: _y, left: _x };

getAbsoluteOffsetFromGivenElement = function( el, relativeEl )
{   // finds the offset of el from relativeEl
    var _x = 0;
    var _y = 0;
    while( el && el != relativeEl && !isNaN( el.offsetLeft ) && !isNaN( el.offsetTop ) )
        _x += el.offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft + el.clientLeft;
        _y += el.offsetTop - el.scrollTop + el.clientTop;
        el = el.offsetParent;
    return { top: _y, left: _x };

getAbsoluteOffsetFromRelative = function( el )
{   // finds the offset of el from the first parent with position: relative
    var _x = 0;
    var _y = 0;
    while( el && !isNaN( el.offsetLeft ) && !isNaN( el.offsetTop ) )
        _x += el.offsetLeft - el.scrollLeft + el.clientLeft;
        _y += el.offsetTop - el.scrollTop + el.clientTop;
        el = el.offsetParent;
        if (el != null)
            if (getComputedStyle !== 'undefined')
                valString = getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('position');
                valString = el.currentStyle['position'];
            if (valString === "relative")
                el = null;
    return { top: _y, left: _x };

If you are still having problems, particularly relating to scrolling, you could try looking at - I noticed at least one piece of questionable code in getStyle which should be fine assuming browsers behave, but haven't tested the rest at all.

What exactly does the .join() method do?

To expand a bit more on what others are saying, if you wanted to use join to simply concatenate your two strings, you would do this:

strid = repr(595)
print ''.join([array.array('c', random.sample(string.ascii_letters, 20 - len(strid)))
    .tostring(), strid])

What's the advantage of a Java enum versus a class with public static final fields?

enum Benefits:

  1. Enums are type-safe, static fields are not
  2. There is a finite number of values (it is not possible to pass non-existing enum value. If you have static class fields, you can make that mistake)
  3. Each enum can have multiple properties (fields/getters) assigned - encapsulation. Also some simple methods: YEAR.toSeconds() or similar. Compare: Colors.RED.getHex() with Colors.toHex(Colors.RED)

"such as the ability to easily assign an enum element a certain value"

enum EnumX{
  public final int certainValue;
  private X(int certainValue){this.certainValue = certainValue;}

"and consequently the ability to convert an integer to an enum without a decent amount of effort" Add a method converting int to enum which does that. Just add static HashMap<Integer, EnumX> containing the mapping java enum.

If you really want to convert ord=VAL_200.ordinal() back to val_200 just use: EnumX.values()[ord]

Multiline editing in Visual Studio Code

On Mac it is:

Option + Command while pressing the up ? or down ? arrow keys.

How to trust a apt repository : Debian apt-get update error public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY <id>

I had the same problem of "gpg: keyserver timed out" with a couple of different servers. Finally, it turned out that I didn't need to do that manually at all. On a Debian system, the simple solution which fixed it was just (as root or precede with sudo):

aptitude install debian-archive-keyring

In case it is some other keyring you need, check out

apt-cache search keyring | grep debian

My squeeze system shows all these:

debian-archive-keyring       - GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive
debian-edu-archive-keyring   - GnuPG archive keys of the Debian Edu archive
debian-keyring               - GnuPG keys of Debian Developers
debian-ports-archive-keyring - GnuPG archive keys of the debian-ports archive
emdebian-archive-keyring     - GnuPG archive keys for the emdebian repository

How to "EXPIRE" the "HSET" child key in redis?

You could store key/values in Redis differently to achieve this, by just adding a prefix or namespace to your keys when you store them e.g. "hset_"

  • Get a key/value GET hset_key equals to HGET hset key

  • Add a key/value SET hset_key value equals to HSET hset key

  • Get all keys KEYS hset_* equals to HGETALL hset

  • Get all vals should be done in 2 ops, first get all keys KEYS hset_* then get the value for each key

  • Add a key/value with TTL or expire which is the topic of question:

 SET hset_key value
 EXPIRE hset_key

Note: KEYS will lookup up for matching the key in the whole database which may affect on performance especially if you have big database.


  • KEYS will lookup up for matching the key in the whole database which may affect on performance especially if you have big database. while SCAN 0 MATCH hset_* might be better as long as it doesn't block the server but still performance is an issue in case of big database.

  • You may create a new database for storing separately these keys that you want to expire especially if they are small set of keys.

Thanks to @DanFarrell who highlighted the performance issue related to KEYS

What is the difference between compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion?

I see a lot of differences about compiledSdkVersion in previous answers, so I'll try to clarify a bit here, following android's web page.

A - What Android says


Selecting a platform version and API Level When you are developing your application, you will need to choose the platform version against which you will compile the application. In general, you should compile your application against the lowest possible version of the platform that your application can support.

So, this would be the right order according to Android:

compiledSdkVersion = minSdkVersion <= targetSdkVersion

B - What others also say

Some people prefer to always use the highest compiledSkdVersion available. It is because they will rely on code hints to check if they are using newer API features than minSdkVersion, thus either changing the code to not use them or checking the user API version at runtime to conditionally use them with fallbacks for older API versions.

Hints about deprecated uses would also appear in code, letting you know that something is deprecated in newer API levels, so you can react accordingly if you wish.

So, this would be the right order according to others:

minSdkVersion <= targetSdkVersion <= compiledSdkVersion (highest possible)

What to do?

It depends on you and your app.

If you plan to offer different API features according to the API level of the user at runtime, use option B. You'll get hints about the features you use while coding. Just make sure you never use newer API features than minSdkVersion without checking user API level at runtime, otherwise your app will crash. This approach also has the benefit of learning what's new and what's old while coding.

If you already know what's new or old and you are developing a one time app that for sure will never be updated, or you are sure you are not going to offer new API features conditionally, then use option A. You won't get bothered with deprecated hints and you will never be able to use newer API features even if you're tempted to do it.

How can I do division with variables in a Linux shell?

To get the numbers after decimal point, you can do this:-

read num1 num2
div=`echo $num1 / $num2 | bc -l`
echo $div

What bitrate is used for each of the youtube video qualities (360p - 1080p), in regards to flowplayer?

Looking at this official google link: Youtube Live encoder settings, bitrates and resolutions they have this table:

                   240p       360p        480p        720p        1080p
Resolution      426 x 240   640 x 360   854x480     1280x720    1920x1080
Video Bitrates                   
Maximum         700 Kbps    1000 Kbps   2000 Kbps   4000 Kbps   6000 Kbps
Recommended     400 Kbps    750 Kbps    1000 Kbps   2500 Kbps   4500 Kbps
Minimum         300 Kbps    400 Kbps    500 Kbps    1500 Kbps   3000 Kbps

It would appear as though this is the case, although the numbers dont sync up to the google table above:

// the bitrates, video width and file names for this clip
      bitrates: [
        { url: "bbb-800.mp4", width: 480, bitrate: 800 }, //360p video
        { url: "bbb-1200.mp4", width: 720, bitrate: 1200 }, //480p video
        { url: "bbb-1600.mp4", width: 1080, bitrate: 1600 } //720p video

How to display the current time and date in C#


. You can supply parameters to To string function in a lot of ways like given in this link

This will be a lot useful. If you reside somewhere else than the regular format (MM/dd/yyyy)

use always MM not mm, mm gives minutes and MM gives month.

Reading file contents on the client-side in javascript in various browsers

Happy coding!
If you get an error on Internet Explorer, Change the security settings to allow ActiveX

var CallBackFunction = function(content) {
ReadFileAllBrowsers(document.getElementById("file_upload"), CallBackFunction);
//Tested in Mozilla Firefox browser, Chrome
function ReadFileAllBrowsers(FileElement, CallBackFunction) {
  try {
    var file = FileElement.files[0];
    var contents_ = "";

    if (file) {
      var reader = new FileReader();
      reader.readAsText(file, "UTF-8");
      reader.onload = function(evt) {
      reader.onerror = function(evt) {
        alert("Error reading file");
  } catch (Exception) {
    var fall_back = ieReadFile(FileElement.value);
    if (fall_back != false) {
///Reading files with Internet Explorer
function ieReadFile(filename) {
  try {
    var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
    var fh = fso.OpenTextFile(filename, 1);
    var contents = fh.ReadAll();
    return contents;
  } catch (Exception) {
    return false;

How to make nginx to listen to server_name:port

The server_namedocs directive is used to identify virtual hosts, they're not used to set the binding.

netstat tells you that nginx listens on which means that it will accept connections from any IP.

If you want to change the IP nginx binds on, you have to change the listendocs rule.
So, if you want to set nginx to bind to localhost, you'd change that to:


In this way, requests that are not coming from localhost are discarded (they don't even hit nginx).

curl : (1) Protocol https not supported or disabled in libcurl

I also faced this issue and after debugging the culprit was found. In my case it was the "space" character right before the https

printf with std::string?

printf accepts a variable number of arguments. Those can only have Plain Old Data (POD) types. Code that passes anything other than POD to printf only compiles because the compiler assumes you got your format right. %s means that the respective argument is supposed to be a pointer to a char. In your case it is an std::string not const char*. printf does not know it because the argument type goes lost and is supposed to be restored from the format parameter. When turning that std::string argument into const char* the resulting pointer will point to some irrelevant region of memory instead of your desired C string. For that reason your code prints out gibberish.

While printf is an excellent choice for printing out formatted text, (especially if you intend to have padding), it can be dangerous if you haven't enabled compiler warnings. Always enable warnings because then mistakes like this are easily avoidable. There is no reason to use the clumsy std::cout mechanism if the printf family can do the same task in a much faster and prettier way. Just make sure you have enabled all warnings (-Wall -Wextra) and you will be good. In case you use your own custom printf implementation you should declare it with the __attribute__ mechanism that enables the compiler to check the format string against the parameters provided.

Init array of structs in Go

It looks like you are trying to use (almost) straight up C code here. Go has a few differences.

  • First off, you can't initialize arrays and slices as const. The term const has a different meaning in Go, as it does in C. The list should be defined as var instead.
  • Secondly, as a style rule, Go prefers basenameOpts as opposed to basename_opts.
  • There is no char type in Go. You probably want byte (or rune if you intend to allow unicode codepoints).
  • The declaration of the list must have the assignment operator in this case. E.g.: var x = foo.
  • Go's parser requires that each element in a list declaration ends with a comma. This includes the last element. The reason for this is because Go automatically inserts semi-colons where needed. And this requires somewhat stricter syntax in order to work.

For example:

type opt struct {
    shortnm      byte
    longnm, help string
    needArg      bool

var basenameOpts = []opt { 
    opt {
        shortnm: 'a', 
        longnm: "multiple", 
        needArg: false, 
        help: "Usage for a",
    opt {
        shortnm: 'b', 
        longnm: "b-option", 
        needArg: false, 
        help: "Usage for b",

An alternative is to declare the list with its type and then use an init function to fill it up. This is mostly useful if you intend to use values returned by functions in the data structure. init functions are run when the program is being initialized and are guaranteed to finish before main is executed. You can have multiple init functions in a package, or even in the same source file.

    type opt struct {
        shortnm      byte
        longnm, help string
        needArg      bool

    var basenameOpts []opt

    func init() { 
        basenameOpts = []opt{
            opt {
                shortnm: 'a', 
                longnm: "multiple", 
                needArg: false, 
                help: "Usage for a",
            opt {
                shortnm: 'b', 
                longnm: "b-option", 
                needArg: false, 
               help: "Usage for b",

Since you are new to Go, I strongly recommend reading through the language specification. It is pretty short and very clearly written. It will clear a lot of these little idiosyncrasies up for you.

Using a dictionary to count the items in a list

in 2.7 and 3.1 there is special Counter dict for this purpose.

>>> from collections import Counter
>>> Counter(['apple','red','apple','red','red','pear'])
Counter({'red': 3, 'apple': 2, 'pear': 1})

How do I load an HTML page in a <div> using JavaScript?

I saw this and thought it looked quite nice so I ran some tests on it.

It may seem like a clean approach, but in terms of performance it is lagging by 50% compared by the time it took to load a page with jQuery load function or using the vanilla javascript approach of XMLHttpRequest which were roughly similar to each other.

I imagine this is because under the hood it gets the page in the exact same fashion but it also has to deal with constructing a whole new HTMLElement object as well.

In summary I suggest using jQuery. The syntax is about as easy to use as it can be and it has a nicely structured call back for you to use. It is also relatively fast. The vanilla approach may be faster by an unnoticeable few milliseconds, but the syntax is confusing. I would only use this in an environment where I didn't have access to jQuery.

Here is the code I used to test - it is fairly rudimentary but the times came back very consistent across multiple tries so I would say precise to around +- 5ms in each case. Tests were run in Chrome from my own home server:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="content"></div>
        * Test harness to find out the best method for dynamically loading a
        * html page into your app.
        var test_times  = {};
        var test_page   = 'testpage.htm';
        var content_div = document.getElementById('content');

        // TEST 1 = use jQuery to load in testpage.htm and time it.
        function test_()
            var start = new Date().getTime();
            $(content_div).load(test_page, function() {
                alert(new Date().getTime() - start);

        // 1044

        // TEST 2 = use <object> to load in testpage.htm and time it.
        function test_()
            start = new Date().getTime();
            content_div.innerHTML = '<object type="text/html" data="' + test_page +
            '" onload="alert(new Date().getTime() - start)"></object>'


        // TEST 3 = use httpObject to load in testpage.htm and time it.
       function test_()
           var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();

           xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
                if (xmlHttp.readyState == 4 && xmlHttp.status == 200)
                   content_div.innerHTML = xmlHttp.responseText;
                   alert(new Date().getTime() - start);

            start = new Date().getTime();

  "GET", test_page, true); // true for asynchronous

            // 1039

        // Main - run tests

SQL "between" not inclusive

Just use the time stamp as date:

SELECT * FROM Cases WHERE date(created_at)='2013-05-01' 

"Press Any Key to Continue" function in C

You don't say what system you're using, but as you already have some answers that may or may not work for Windows, I'll answer for POSIX systems.

In POSIX, keyboard input comes through something called a terminal interface, which by default buffers lines of input until Return/Enter is hit, so as to deal properly with backspace. You can change that with the tcsetattr call:

#include <termios.h>

struct termios info;
tcgetattr(0, &info);          /* get current terminal attirbutes; 0 is the file descriptor for stdin */
info.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;      /* disable canonical mode */
info.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;          /* wait until at least one keystroke available */
info.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;         /* no timeout */
tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &info); /* set immediately */

Now when you read from stdin (with getchar(), or any other way), it will return characters immediately, without waiting for a Return/Enter. In addition, backspace will no longer 'work' -- instead of erasing the last character, you'll read an actual backspace character in the input.

Also, you'll want to make sure to restore canonical mode before your program exits, or the non-canonical handling may cause odd effects with your shell or whoever invoked your program.

Duplicate AssemblyVersion Attribute

Starting from Visual Studio 2017 another solution to keep using the AssemblyInfo.cs file is to turn off automatic assembly info generation like this:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

I personally find it very useful for projects which need to support both .NET Framework and .NET Standard.

TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting python

django raw sql query in view

"SELECT * FROM VendorReport_vehicledamage WHERE requestdate BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}'".format(date_from, date_to)

class VehicleDamage(models.Model):
    requestdate = models.DateTimeField("requestdate")
    vendor_name = models.CharField("vendor_name", max_length=50)
    class Meta:

def location_damageReports(request):
    #static date for testing
    date_from = '2019-11-01'
    date_to = '2019-21-01'
    vehicle_damage_reports = VehicleDamage.objects.raw("SELECT * FROM VendorReport_vehicledamage WHERE requestdate BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}'".format(date_from, date_to))
    damage_report = DashboardDamageReportSerializer(vehicle_damage_reports, many=True)
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), content_type="application/json")

Note: using python 3.5 and django 1.11

Invalid default value for 'create_date' timestamp field

I was able to resolve this issue on OS X by installing MySQL from Homebrew

brew install mysql

by adding the following to /usr/local/etc/my.cnf


and restarting MySQL

brew tap homebrew/services
brew services restart mysql

How can I capitalize the first letter of each word in a string using JavaScript?

Below is another way to capitalize the first alphabet of each word in a string.

Create a custom method for a String object by using prototype.

String.prototype.capitalize = function() {
    var c = '';
    var s = this.split(' ');
    for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
        c+= s[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s[i].slice(1) + ' ';
    return c;
var name = "john doe";

A 'for' loop to iterate over an enum in Java


You can call the values() method on your enum.

for (Direction dir : Direction.values()) {
  // do what you want

This values() method is implicitly declared by the compiler. So it is not listed on Enum doc.

How to check if a char is equal to an empty space?

In this case, you are thinking of the String comparing function "String".equals("some_text"). Chars do not need to use this function. Instead a standard == comparison operator will suffice.

private static int countNumChars(String s) {
    for(char c : s.toCharArray()){
        if (c == ' ') // your resulting outcome

FB OpenGraph og:image not pulling images (possibly https?)

Had a similar problem today, which the Sharing Debugger helped me solve. It seems that Facebook can’t (currently) understand images with XMP metadata embedded. When I replaced the images on our articles with versions without XMP metadata, and re-scraped the page (using the Sharing Debugger), the problem went away. A hex editor will help you see whether or not your image contains XMP metadata.

How to lowercase a pandas dataframe string column if it has missing values?

Apply lambda function

df['original_category'] = df['original_category'].apply(lambda x:x.lower())

Joining 2 SQL SELECT result sets into one

Use JOIN to join the subqueries and use ON to say where the rows from each subquery must match:

SELECT T1.col_a, T1.col_b, T2.col_c
FROM (SELECT col_a, col_b, ...etc...) AS T1
JOIN (SELECT col_a, col_c, ...etc...) AS T2
ON T1.col_a = T2.col_a

If there are some values of col_a that are in T1 but not in T2, you can use a LEFT OUTER JOIN instead.

What is a regex to match ONLY an empty string?

The answer may be language dependent, but since you don't mention one, here is what I just came up with in js:

 var a = ['1','','2','','3'].join('\n');

 console.log(a.match(/^.{0}$/gm)); // ["", ""]

 // the "." is for readability. it doesn't really matter
 a.match(/^[you can put whatever the hell you want and this will also work just the same]{0}$/gm)

You could also do a.match(/^(.{10,}|.{0})$/gm) to match empty lines OR lines that meet a criteria. (This is what I was looking for to end up here.)

I know that ^ will match the beginning of any line and $ will match the end of any line

This is only true if you have the multiline flag turned on, otherwise it will only match the beginning/end of the string. I'm assuming you know this and are implying that, but wanted to note it here for learners.

Angularjs - display current date

You can also do this with a filter if you don't want to have to attach a date object to the current scope every time you want to print the date:

.filter('currentdate',['$filter',  function($filter) {
    return function() {
        return $filter('date')(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd');

and then in your view:

<div ng-app="myApp">
    <div>{{'' | currentdate}}</div>

What causes signal 'SIGILL'?

Make sure that all functions with non-void return type have a return statement.

While some compilers automatically provide a default return value, others will send a SIGILL or SIGTRAP at runtime when trying to leave a function without a return value.

Can you append strings to variables in PHP?

PHP syntax is little different in case of concatenation from JavaScript. Instead of (+) plus a (.) period is used for string concatenation.


$selectBox = '<select name="number">';
for ($i=1;$i<=100;$i++)
    $selectBox += '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>'; // <-- (Wrong) Replace + with .
    $selectBox .= '<option value="' . $i . '">' . $i . '</option>'; // <-- (Correct) Here + is replaced .
$selectBox += '</select>'; // <-- (Wrong) Replace + with .
$selectBox .= '</select>'; // <-- (Correct) Here + is replaced .
echo $selectBox;


TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars while trying to exponentially fit data

Here is another way to reproduce this error in Python2.7 with numpy:

import numpy as np
a = np.array([1,2,3])
b = np.array([4,5,6])
c = np.concatenate(a,b)   #note the lack of tuple format for a and b

The np.concatenate method produces an error:

TypeError: only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars

If you read the documentation around numpy.concatenate, then you see it expects a tuple of numpy array objects. So surrounding the variables with parens fixed it:

import numpy as np
a = np.array([1,2,3])
b = np.array([4,5,6])
c = np.concatenate((a,b))  #surround a and b with parens, packaging them as a tuple

Then it prints:

[1 2 3 4 5 6]

What's going on here?

That error is a case of bubble-up implementation - it is caused by duck-typing philosophy of python. This is a cryptic low-level error python guts puke up when it receives some unexpected variable types, tries to run off and do something, gets part way through, the pukes, attempts remedial action, fails, then tells you that "you can't reformulate the subspace responders when the wind blows from the east on Tuesday".

In more sensible languages like C++ or Java, it would have told you: "you can't use a TypeA where TypeB was expected". But Python does it's best to soldier on, does something undefined, fails, and then hands you back an unhelpful error. The fact we have to be discussing this is one of the reasons I don't like Python, or its duck-typing philosophy.

Change Twitter Bootstrap Tooltip content on click

You can set content on tooltip call with a function

            "title": function() {
                return "<h2>"+$("#tooltipcontainer").html()+"</h2>";

You don't have to use only the title of the called element.

fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository

I faced the same problem when I renamed my repository on GitHub. I tried to push at which point I got the error

fatal: 'origin' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

I had to change the URL using

git remote set-url origin ssh://[email protected]/username/newRepoName.git

After this all commands started working fine. You can check the change by using

git remote -v

In my case after successfull change it showed correct renamed repo in URL

[aniket@alok Android]$ git remote -v
origin  ssh://[email protected]/aniket91/TicTacToe.git (fetch)
origin  ssh://[email protected]/aniket91/TicTacToe.git (push)

How to get the selected index of a RadioGroup in Android

try this

        RadioGroup  group= (RadioGroup) getView().findViewById(;
        group.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new RadioGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener() {
            public void onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup radioGroup, int i) {
                View radioButton = radioGroup.findViewById(i);
                int index = radioGroup.indexOfChild(radioButton);

Regex to match only uppercase "words" with some exceptions

Don't do things like [A-Z] or [0-9]. Do \p{Lu} and \d instead. Of course, this is valid for perl based regex flavours. This includes java.

I would suggest that you don't make some huge regex. First split the text in sentences. then tokenize it (split into words). Use a regex to check each token/word. Skip the first token from sentence. Check if all tokens are uppercase beforehand and skip the whole sentence if so, or alter the regex in this case.

gson throws MalformedJsonException

From my recent experience, JsonReader#setLenient basically makes the parser very tolerant, even to allow malformed JSON data.

But for certain data retrieved from your trusted RESTful API(s), this error might be caused by trailing white spaces. In such cases, simply trim the data would avoid the error:

String trimmed = result1.trim();

Then gson.fromJson(trimmed, T) might work. Surely this only covers a special case, so YMMV.

Ajax success event not working

I tried removing the dataType row and it didn't work for me. I got around the issue by using "complete" instead of "success" as the callback. The success callback still fails in IE, but since my script runs and completes anyway that's all I care about.

    type: 'POST',
    url: 'somescript.php',
    data: someData,
    complete: function(jqXHR) {
       if(jqXHR.readyState === 4) {
          ... run some code ... 

in jQuery 1.5 you can also do it like this.

var ajax = $.ajax({
    type: 'POST',
    url: 'somescript.php',
    data: 'someData'
    if(jqXHR.readyState === 4) {
        ... run some code ... 

Communication between multiple docker-compose projects

The previous posts information is correct, but it does not have details on how to link containers, which should be connected as "external_links".

Hope this example make more clear to you:

  • Suppose you have app1/docker-compose.yml, with two services (svc11 and svc12), and app2/docker-compose.yml with two more services (svc21 and svc22) and suppose you need to connect in a crossed fashion:

  • svc11 needs to connect to svc22's container

  • svc21 needs to connect to svc11's container.

So the configuration should be like this:

this is app1/docker-compose.yml:

version: '2'
        container_name: container11
            - default # this network
            - app2_default # external network
            - container22:container22
       container_name: container12

    default: # this network (app1)
        driver: bridge
    app2_default: # external network (app2)
        external: true

this is app2/docker-compose.yml:

version: '2'
        container_name: container21
            - default # this network (app2)
            - app1_default # external network (app1)
            - container11:container11
       container_name: container22

    default: # this network (app2)
        driver: bridge
    app1_default: # external network (app1)
        external: true

Display curl output in readable JSON format in Unix shell script

Check out curljson

$ pip install curljson
$ curljson -i <the-json-api-url>

How to debug a bash script?

set +x = @ECHO OFF, set -x = @ECHO ON.

You can add -xv option to the standard Shebang as follows:

#!/bin/bash -xv  

-x : Display commands and their arguments as they are executed.
-v : Display shell input lines as they are read.

ltrace is another Linux Utility similar to strace. However, ltrace lists all the library calls being called in an executable or a running process. Its name itself comes from library-call tracing. For example:

ltrace ./executable <parameters>  
ltrace -p <PID>  


Drop shadow for PNG image in CSS

This won't be possible with css - an image is a square, and so the shadow would be the shadow of a square. The easiest way would be to use photoshop/gimp or any other image editor to apply the shadow like core draw.

How do you declare string constants in C?

The main disadvantage of the #define method is that the string is duplicated each time it is used, so you can end up with lots of copies of it in the executable, making it bigger.

Where can I find System.Web.Helpers, System.Web.WebPages, and System.Web.Razor?

In VS 2010 just right click on project or on reference and click add reference. On the popup window Select Assemblies - > Extensions -> System.Web.Helpers

How do I get the serial key for Visual Studio Express?

Getting a product key is free. Here is how I did it:

I just downloaded the 2012 Express install ISO image. After install I got the message "This product will expire in 30 day(s). Registration is required for the continued use of Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web."

On that same screen is a register online link. Clicking that I signed in with my live account, updated my profile, and got a registration key.

Register online link

Get current rowIndex of table in jQuery

Since "$(this).parent().index();" and "$(this).parent('table').index();" don't work for me, I use this code instead:

   var row_index = $(this).closest("tr").index();
   var col_index = $(this).index();

What is the strict aliasing rule?

Type punning via pointer casts (as opposed to using a union) is a major example of breaking strict aliasing.

How to check if the docker engine and a docker container are running?

How I check in SSH.Run:


If response: Failed to get D-Bus connection: Operation not permitted

Its a docker or WSL container.

Install Windows Service created in Visual Studio

Two typical problems:

  1. Missing the ProjectInstaller class (as @MiguelAngelo has pointed)
  2. The command prompt must “Run as Administrator

How do I start an activity from within a Fragment?

The difference between starting an Activity from a Fragment and an Activity is how you get the context, because in both cases it has to be an activity.

From an activity: The context is the current activity (this)

Intent intent = new Intent(this, NewActivity.class);

From a fragment: The context is the parent activity (getActivity()). Notice, that the fragment itself can start the activity via startActivity(), this is not necessary to be done from the activity.

Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), NewActivity.class);

Background position, margin-top?



  background-image: url('../images/background-art-main.jpg');
  background-position: top right 50px;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;

Counter in foreach loop in C#

The sequence being iterated in a foreach loop might not support indexing or know such a concept it just needs to implement a method called GetEnumerator that returns an object that as a minimum has the interface of IEnumerator though implmenting it is not required. If you know that what you iterate does support indexing and you need the index then I suggest to use a for loop instead.

An example class that can be used in foreach:

    class Foo {

        public iterator GetEnumerator() {
            return new iterator();

        public class iterator {
            public Bar Current {

            public bool MoveNext() {

Timeout for python requests.get entire response

To create a timeout you can use signals.

The best way to solve this case is probably to

  1. Set an exception as the handler for the alarm signal
  2. Call the alarm signal with a ten second delay
  3. Call the function inside a try-except-finally block.
  4. The except block is reached if the function timed out.
  5. In the finally block you abort the alarm, so it's not singnaled later.

Here is some example code:

import signal
from time import sleep

class TimeoutException(Exception):
    """ Simple Exception to be called on timeouts. """

def _timeout(signum, frame):
    """ Raise an TimeoutException.

    This is intended for use as a signal handler.
    The signum and frame arguments passed to this are ignored.

    # Raise TimeoutException with system default timeout message
    raise TimeoutException()

# Set the handler for the SIGALRM signal:
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _timeout)
# Send the SIGALRM signal in 10 seconds:

    # Do our code:
    print('This will take 11 seconds...')
except TimeoutException:
    print('It timed out!')
    # Abort the sending of the SIGALRM signal:

There are some caveats to this:

  1. It is not threadsafe, signals are always delivered to the main thread, so you can't put this in any other thread.
  2. There is a slight delay after the scheduling of the signal and the execution of the actual code. This means that the example would time out even if it only slept for ten seconds.

But, it's all in the standard python library! Except for the sleep function import it's only one import. If you are going to use timeouts many places You can easily put the TimeoutException, _timeout and the singaling in a function and just call that. Or you can make a decorator and put it on functions, see the answer linked below.

You can also set this up as a "context manager" so you can use it with the with statement:

import signal
class Timeout():
    """ Timeout for use with the `with` statement. """

    class TimeoutException(Exception):
        """ Simple Exception to be called on timeouts. """

    def _timeout(signum, frame):
        """ Raise an TimeoutException.

        This is intended for use as a signal handler.
        The signum and frame arguments passed to this are ignored.

        raise Timeout.TimeoutException()

    def __init__(self, timeout=10):
        self.timeout = timeout
        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, Timeout._timeout)

    def __enter__(self):

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
        return exc_type is Timeout.TimeoutException

# Demonstration:
from time import sleep

print('This is going to take maximum 10 seconds...')
with Timeout(10):
    print('No timeout?')

One possible down side with this context manager approach is that you can't know if the code actually timed out or not.

Sources and recommended reading:

RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with 'rvm use ...' will not work

FWIW- I just ran across this as well, it was in the context of a cancelled selenium run. Perhaps there was a sub-shell being instantiated and left in place. Closing that terminal window and opening a new one was all I needed to do. (macOS Sierra)

An error has occured. Please see log file - eclipse juno

Sounds simple but just delete/uninstall eclipse and install it again.

how to write procedure to insert data in to the table in phpmyadmin?

This method work for me:


Drop all tables whose names begin with a certain string

I would like to post my proposal of the solution which DROP (not just generate and select a drop commands) all tables based on the wildcard (e.g. "table_20210114") older than particular amount of days.

    @drop_command NVARCHAR(MAX) = '',
    @system_time date,
    @table_date nvarchar(8),
    @older_than int = 7
Set @system_time = (select getdate() - @older_than)
Set @table_date = (SELECT CONVERT(char(8), @system_time, 112))

SELECT @drop_command += N'DROP TABLE ' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id)) + '.' + QUOTENAME([Name]) + ';'
FROM <your_database_name>.sys.tables
WHERE [Name] LIKE 'table_%' AND RIGHT([Name],8) < @table_date

SELECT @drop_command
EXEC sp_executesql @drop_command

Visual Studio replace tab with 4 spaces?

For Visual Studio 2019 users:

By the comment under accepted answer, link:

Well... This is "almost" still the same in VS 2019... if you already done that and seems not to work, go to: Tools > Options, and then Text Editor > Advanced > Uncheck "Use adaptive formatting" as seen here

Manually Set Value for FormBuilder Control

@Filoche's Angular 2 updated solution. Using FormControl


import { FormControl } from '@angular/forms';


Alternatively you can use @AngularUniversity's solution which uses patchValue

Can I use if (pointer) instead of if (pointer != NULL)?

You can; the null pointer is implicitly converted into boolean false while non-null pointers are converted into true. From the C++11 standard, section on Boolean Conversions:

A prvalue of arithmetic, unscoped enumeration, pointer, or pointer to member type can be converted to a prvalue of type bool. A zero value, null pointer value, or null member pointer value is converted to false; any other value is converted to true . A prvalue of type std::nullptr_t can be converted to a prvalue of type bool ; the resulting value is false .

How to add ID property to Html.BeginForm() in mvc?

This should get the id added.

ASP.NET MVC 5 and lower:

<% using (Html.BeginForm(null, null, FormMethod.Post, new { id = "signupform" }))
   { } %>

ASP.NET Core: You can use tag helpers in forms to avoid the odd syntax for setting the id.

<form asp-controller="Account" asp-action="Register" method="post" id="signupform" role="form"></form>

Can we write our own iterator in Java?

Here is the complete answer to the question.

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

class ListIterator implements Iterator<String>{
    List<String> list;
    int pos = 0;

    public ListIterator(List<String> list) {
        this.list = list;

    public boolean hasNext() {
        while(pos < list.size()){
            if (list.get(pos).startsWith("a"))
                return true;
        return false;


    public String next() {
        if (hasNext())
            return list.get(pos++);
        throw new NoSuchElementException();

public class IteratorTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<String> list = Arrays.asList("alice", "bob", "abigail", "charlie");
        ListIterator itr = new ListIterator(list);

            System.out.println(; // prints alice, abigail
  • ListIterator is the iterator for the array which returns the elements that start with 'a'.
  • There is no need for implementing an Iterable interface. But that is a possibility.
  • There is no need to implement this generically.
  • It fully satisfies the contract for hasNext() and next(). ie if hasNext() says there are still elements, next() will return those elements. And if hasNext() says no more elements, it returns a valid NoSuchElementException exception.

Shortcut to open file in Vim

Use tabs, they work when inputting file paths in vim escape mode!

Failed to load c++ bson extension

i was having same trouble tried so many options but in the last npm intall in my mean app folder worked.

Python - Get Yesterday's date as a string in YYYY-MM-DD format

>>> import datetime

Alternative to the HTML Bold tag

The answer by @Darryl Hein is correct despite one point - <b> is not recommended at all since XHTML, because it's not semantic.

<strong> means semantically highlighted text

font-weight: bold means visually highlighted text

<strong> can be css-tuned to not be bold, though it's a conventional default. It can be made red, or italic, or underlined (though all these possibilities are not really user-friendly). Use it for phrases / words in text, not because of visual design, but related to their meaning

font-weight: bold should be used for design-related bold parts, like headers, sub-headers, table header cells etc.

Java: How to convert String[] to List or Set

java.util.Arrays.asList(new String[]{"a", "b"})

Protractor : How to wait for page complete after click a button?

In this case, you can used:

Page Object:

    waitForURLContain(urlExpected: string, timeout: number) {
        try {
            const condition = browser.ExpectedConditions;
            browser.wait(condition.urlContains(urlExpected), timeout);
        } catch (e) {
            console.error('URL not contain text.', e);

Page Test:

page.waitForURLContain('abc#/efg', 30000);

Run a command over SSH with JSch

The example provided by Mykhaylo Adamovych is very thorough and exposes most of the major features of JSch. I packaged this code (with attribution, of course) into an open-source library called Remote Session. I added JavaDoc and custom exceptions, and I also provided a facility to specify custom session parameters (RemoteConfig).

One feature that Mykhaylo's code doesn't demonstrate is how to provide an "identity" for remote system interactions. This is critical if you're going to execute commands that require super-user access (i.e. - sudo). Remote Session adds this capability in its SessionHolder.newSession() implementation:

RemoteConfig remoteConfig = RemoteConfig.getConfig();
Path keyPath = remoteConfig.getKeyPath();

if (keyPath == null) {
    throw new RemoteCredentialsUnspecifiedException();

String keyPass = remoteConfig.getString(RemoteSettings.SSH_KEY_PASS.key());
if (keyPass != null) {
    Path pubPath = keyPath.resolveSibling(keyPath.getFileName() + ".pub");
    jsch.addIdentity(keyPath.toString(), pubPath.toString(), keyPass.getBytes());
} else {

Note that this behavior is bypassed if the remote system URL includes credentials.

Another feature that Remote Session demonstrates is how to provide a known-hosts file:

if ( ! remoteConfig.getBoolean(RemoteSettings.IGNORE_KNOWN_HOSTS.key())) {
    Path knownHosts = keyPath.resolveSibling("known_hosts");
    if (knownHosts.toFile().exists()) {

Remote Session also adds a ChannelStream class that encapsulates input/output operation for the channel attached to this session. This provides the ability to accumulate the output from the remote session until a specified prompt is received:

private boolean appendAndCheckFor(String prompt, StringBuilder input, Logger logger) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
    String recv = readChannel(false);
    if ( ! ((recv == null) || recv.isEmpty())) {
        if (logger != null) {
        if (input.toString().contains(prompt)) {
            return false;
    return !channel.isClosed();

Nothing too complicated, but this can greatly simplify the implementation of interactive remote operations.

Get the length of a String

In Swift 2.0 count doesn't work anymore. You can use this instead:

var testString = "Scott"
var length = testString.characters.count

What do I do when my program crashes with exception 0xc0000005 at address 0?

Exception code 0xc0000005 is an Access Violation. An AV at fault offset 0x00000000 means that something in your service's code is accessing a nil pointer. You will just have to debug the service while it is running to find out what it is accessing. If you cannot run it inside a debugger, then at least install a third-party exception logger framework, such as EurekaLog or MadExcept, to find out what your service was doing at the time of the AV.

Android get current Locale, not default

From getDefault's documentation:

Returns the user's preferred locale. This may have been overridden for this process with setDefault(Locale).

Also from the Locale docs:

The default locale is appropriate for tasks that involve presenting data to the user.

Seems like you should just use it.

Internet Explorer 11 disable "display intranet sites in compatibility view" via meta tag not working

This is an old problem with some good information. But what I just found is that using a FQDN turns off the Compat mode in IE 9 - 11. Example. I have the compat problem with
but the problems go away with
NB: The .int is part of our internal domain

SELECT where row value contains string MySQL

Use the % wildcard, which matches any number of characters.

SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Username LIKE '%query%'

Increment counter with loop

Try the following:

<c:set var="count" value="0" scope="page" />

//in your loops
<c:set var="count" value="${count + 1}" scope="page"/>

Create a temporary table in MySQL with an index from a select

Did find the answer on my own. My problem was, that i use two temporary tables for a join and create the second one out of the first one. But the Index was not copied during creation...

KEY(tmpid), INDEX(tmpid))
SELECT * FROM tblLivecheck_copy WHERE tblLivecheck_copy.devId = did;

SELECT * FROM tmpLivecheck;

... solved my problem.


PostgreSQL query to list all table names?

Try this:

SELECT table_name 
FROM information_schema.tables 
WHERE table_schema='public' AND table_type='BASE TABLE'

this one works!

How do I mock an autowired @Value field in Spring with Mockito?

I'd like to suggest a related solution, which is to pass the @Value-annotated fields as parameters to the constructor, instead of using the ReflectionTestUtils class.

Instead of this:

public class Foo {

    private String foo;


public class FooTest {

    private Foo foo;

    public void setUp() {
        ReflectionTestUtils.setField(Foo.class, "foo", "foo");

    public void testFoo() {
        // stuff

Do this:

public class Foo {

    private String foo;

    public Foo(@Value("${foo}") String foo) { = foo;


public class FooTest {

    private Foo foo;

    public void setUp() {
        foo = new Foo("foo");

    public void testFoo() {
        // stuff

Benefits of this approach: 1) we can instantiate the Foo class without a dependency container (it's just a constructor), and 2) we're not coupling our test to our implementation details (reflection ties us to the field name using a string, which could cause a problem if we change the field name).

How to count the number of observations in R like Stata command count

You can also use the filter function from the dplyr package which returns rows with matching conditions.

> library(dplyr)

> nrow(filter(aaa, sex == 1 & group1 == 2))
[1] 3
> nrow(filter(aaa, sex == 1 & group2 == "A"))
[1] 2

TypeScript for ... of with index / key?

.forEach already has this ability:

const someArray = [9, 2, 5];
someArray.forEach((value, index) => {
    console.log(index); // 0, 1, 2
    console.log(value); // 9, 2, 5

But if you want the abilities of for...of, then you can map the array to the index and value:

for (const { index, value } of, index) => ({ index, value }))) {
    console.log(index); // 0, 1, 2
    console.log(value); // 9, 2, 5

That's a little long, so it may help to put it in a reusable function:

function toEntries<T>(a: T[]) {
    return, index) => [index, value] as const);

for (const [index, value] of toEntries(someArray)) {
    // ..etc..

Iterable Version

This will work when targeting ES3 or ES5 if you compile with the --downlevelIteration compiler option.

function* toEntries<T>(values: T[] | IterableIterator<T>) {
    let index = 0;
    for (const value of values) {
        yield [index, value] as const;

Array.prototype.entries() - ES6+

If you are able to target ES6+ environments then you can use the .entries() method as outlined in Arnavion's answer.

React Router v4 - How to get current route?

If you are using react's templates, where the end of your react file looks like this: export default SomeComponent you need to use the higher-order component (often referred to as an "HOC"), withRouter.

First, you'll need to import withRouter like so:

import {withRouter} from 'react-router-dom';

Next, you'll want to use withRouter. You can do this by change your component's export. It's likely you want to change from export default ComponentName to export default withRouter(ComponentName).

Then you can get the route (and other information) from props. Specifically, location, match, and history. The code to spit out the pathname would be:


A good writeup with additional information is available here:

What column type/length should I use for storing a Bcrypt hashed password in a Database?

A Bcrypt hash can be stored in a BINARY(40) column.

BINARY(60), as the other answers suggest, is the easiest and most natural choice, but if you want to maximize storage efficiency, you can save 20 bytes by losslessly deconstructing the hash. I've documented this more thoroughly on GitHub:

Bcrypt hashes follow a structure referred to as modular crypt format (MCF). Binary MCF (BMCF) decodes these textual hash representations to a more compact binary structure. In the case of Bcrypt, the resulting binary hash is 40 bytes.

Gumbo did a nice job of explaining the four components of a Bcrypt MCF hash:


Decoding to BMCF goes like this:

  1. $<id>$ can be represented in 3 bits.
  2. <cost>$, 04-31, can be represented in 5 bits. Put these together for 1 byte.
  3. The 22-character salt is a (non-standard) base-64 representation of 128 bits. Base-64 decoding yields 16 bytes.
  4. The 31-character hash digest can be base-64 decoded to 23 bytes.
  5. Put it all together for 40 bytes: 1 + 16 + 23

You can read more at the link above, or examine my PHP implementation, also on GitHub.

GSON - Date format

This won't really work at all. There is no date type in JSON. I would recommend to serialize to ISO8601 back and forth (for format agnostics and JS compat). Consider that you have to know which fields contain dates.

How do I pass data between Activities in Android application?

Try this:

Intent intent = new Intent(currentActivity.this, TargetActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("booktype", "favourate");

Bundle b = getIntent().getExtras();
String typesofbook = b.getString("booktype");

Use jQuery to navigate away from page

window.location.href = "/somewhere/else";

How to disassemble a memory range with GDB?

fopen() is a C library function and so you won't see any syscall instructions in your code, just a regular function call. At some point, it does call open(2), but it does that via a trampoline. There is simply a jump to the VDSO page, which is provided by the kernel to every process. The VDSO then provides code to make the system call. On modern processors, the SYSCALL or SYSENTER instructions will be used, but you can also use INT 80h on x86 processors.

find all subsets that sum to a particular value

While it is straightforward to find if their is a subset or not that sums to the target, implementation gets tricky when you need to keep track of the partial subsets under consideration.

If you use a linked list, a hash set or any another generic collection, you would be tempted to add an item to this collection before the call that includes the item, and then remove it before the call that excludes the item. This does not work as expected, as the stack frames in which the add will occur is not the same as the one in which remove will occur.

Solution is to use a string to keep track of the sequence. Appends to the string can be done inline in the function call; thereby maintaining the same stack frame and your answer would then conform beautifully to the original hasSubSetSum recursive structure.

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Solution {

public static boolean hasSubSet(int [] A, int target) {
    ArrayList<String> subsets = new ArrayList<>();
    helper(A, target, 0, 0, subsets, "");
    // Printing the contents of subsets is straightforward
    return !subsets.isEmpty();

private static void helper(int[] A, int target, int sumSoFar, int i, ArrayList<String> subsets, String curr) {
    if(i == A.length) {
        if(sumSoFar == target) {
    helper(A, target, sumSoFar, i+1, subsets, curr);
    helper(A, target, sumSoFar + A[i], i+1, subsets, curr + A[i]);

public static void main(String [] args) {
    System.out.println(hasSubSet(new int[] {1,2,4,5,6}, 8));


How to install and run phpize

In Ubuntu 16.04, you can install phpize with the command

aptitude install php7.1-dev // for php 7.1

which is equivalent to

apt-get install php7.1-dev // for php 7.1

How to import other Python files?

There are many ways to import a python file, all with their pros and cons.

Don't just hastily pick the first import strategy that works for you or else you'll have to rewrite the codebase later on when you find it doesn't meet your needs.

I'll start out explaining the easiest example #1, then I'll move toward the most professional and robust example #7

Example 1, Import a python module with python interpreter:

  1. Put this in /home/el/foo/

    def what_does_the_fox_say():
      print("vixens cry")
  2. Get into the python interpreter:

    el@apollo:/home/el/foo$ python
    Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 26 2013, 20:03:06) 
    >>> import fox
    >>> fox.what_does_the_fox_say()
    vixens cry

    You imported fox through the python interpreter, invoked the python function what_does_the_fox_say() from within

Example 2, Use execfile or (exec in Python 3) in a script to execute the other python file in place:

  1. Put this in /home/el/foo2/

    def moobar():
  2. Put this in /home/el/foo2/

  3. run the file:

    el@apollo:/home/el/foo$ python

    The function moobar was imported from and made available in

Example 3, Use from ... import ... functionality:

  1. Put this in /home/el/foo3/

    def question():
      print "where are the nuclear wessels?"
  2. Put this in /home/el/foo3/

    from chekov import question
  3. Run it like this:

    el@apollo:/home/el/foo3$ python 
    where are the nuclear wessels?

    If you defined other functions in, they would not be available unless you import *

Example 4, Import if it's in a different file location from where it is imported

  1. Put this in /home/el/foo4/stuff/

    def watchout():
      print "computers are transforming into a noose and a yoke for humans"
  2. Put this in /home/el/foo4/

    import sys 
    import os
    from riaa import *
  3. Run it:

    el@apollo:/home/el/foo4$ python 
    computers are transforming into a noose and a yoke for humans

    That imports everything in the foreign file from a different directory.

Example 5, use os.system("python")

import os

Example 6, import your file via piggybacking the python startuphook:

Update: This example used to work for both python2 and 3, but now only works for python2. python3 got rid of this user startuphook feature set because it was abused by low-skill python library writers, using it to impolitely inject their code into the global namespace, before all user-defined programs. If you want this to work for python3, you'll have to get more creative. If I tell you how to do it, python developers will disable that feature set as well, so you're on your own.


Put this code into your home directory in ~/

class secretclass:
    def secretmessage(cls, myarg):
        return myarg + " is if.. up in the sky, the sky"
    secretmessage = classmethod( secretmessage )

    def skycake(cls):
        return "cookie and sky pie people can't go up and "
    skycake = classmethod( skycake )

Put this code into your (can be anywhere):

import user
msg = "The only way skycake tates good" 
msg = user.secretclass.secretmessage(msg)
msg += user.secretclass.skycake()
print(msg + " have the sky pie! SKYCAKE!")

Run it, you should get this:

$ python
The only way skycake tates good is if.. up in the sky, 
the skycookie and sky pie people can't go up and  have the sky pie! 

If you get an error here: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'user' then it means you're using python3, startuphooks are disabled there by default.

Credit for this jist goes to: Send along your up-boats.

Example 7, Most Robust: Import files in python with the bare import command:

  1. Make a new directory /home/el/foo5/
  2. Make a new directory /home/el/foo5/herp
  3. Make an empty file named under herp:

    el@apollo:/home/el/foo5/herp$ touch
    el@apollo:/home/el/foo5/herp$ ls
  4. Make a new directory /home/el/foo5/herp/derp

  5. Under derp, make another file:

    el@apollo:/home/el/foo5/herp/derp$ touch
    el@apollo:/home/el/foo5/herp/derp$ ls
  6. Under /home/el/foo5/herp/derp make a new file called Put this in there:

    def skycake():
      print "SkyCake evolves to stay just beyond the cognitive reach of " +
      "the bulk of men. SKYCAKE!!"
  7. The moment of truth, Make the new file /home/el/foo5/, put this in there;

    from herp.derp.yolo import skycake
  8. Run it:

    el@apollo:/home/el/foo5$ python
    SkyCake evolves to stay just beyond the cognitive reach of the bulk 
    of men. SKYCAKE!!

    The empty file communicates to the python interpreter that the developer intends this directory to be an importable package.

If you want to see my post on how to include ALL .py files under a directory see here:

Changing cursor to waiting in javascript/jquery

In your jQuery use:

$("body").css("cursor", "progress");

and then back to normal again

$("body").css("cursor", "default");

How to find top three highest salary in emp table in oracle?

solution for to find top 5 salary in sq l server

select top(1) name, salary from salary where salary in(select distinct top(3) salary from salary order by salary disc)

Removing u in list

u'AB' is just a text representation of the corresponding Unicode string. Here're several methods that create exactly the same Unicode string:

L = [u'AB', u'\x41\x42', u'\u0041\u0042', unichr(65) + unichr(66)]
print u", ".join(L)



There is no u'' in memory. It is just the way to represent the unicode object in Python 2 (how you would write the Unicode string literal in a Python source code). By default print L is equivalent to print "[%s]" % ", ".join(map(repr, L)) i.e., repr() function is called for each list item:

print L
print "[%s]" % ", ".join(map(repr, L))


[u'AB', u'AB', u'AB', u'AB']
[u'AB', u'AB', u'AB', u'AB']

If you are working in a REPL then a customizable sys.displayhook is used that calls repr() on each object by default:

>>> L = [u'AB', u'\x41\x42', u'\u0041\u0042', unichr(65) + unichr(66)]
>>> L
[u'AB', u'AB', u'AB', u'AB']
>>> ", ".join(L)
u'AB, AB, AB, AB'
>>> print ", ".join(L)

Don't encode to bytes. Print unicode directly.

In your specific case, I would create a Python list and use json.dumps() to serialize it instead of using string formatting to create JSON text:

#!/usr/bin/env python2
import json
# ...
test = [dict(, gem=player.gem)
        for player in players]
print test
print json.dumps(test)


[{'email': u'[email protected]', 'gem': 0}, {'email': u'test', 'gem': 0}, {'email': u'test', 'gem': 0}, {'email': u'test', 'gem': 0}, {'email': u'test', 'gem': 0}, {'email': u'test1', 'gem': 0}]
[{"email": "[email protected]", "gem": 0}, {"email": "test", "gem": 0}, {"email": "test", "gem": 0}, {"email": "test", "gem": 0}, {"email": "test", "gem": 0}, {"email": "test1", "gem": 0}]

How to use comparison operators like >, =, < on BigDecimal

You can use method named compareTo, x.compareTo(y). It will return 0 if x and y are equal, 1 if x is greater than y and -1 if x is smaller than y

Force re-download of release dependency using Maven

mvn clean install -U

-U means force update of dependencies.

If you want to update a single dependency without clean or -U you could just remove it from your local repo and then build.

Latest jQuery version on Google's CDN

I don't know if/where it's published, but you can get the latest release by omitting the minor and build numbers.

Latest 1.8.x:

<script src="//"></script>

Latest 1.x:

<script src="//"></script>

However, do keep in mind that these links have a much shorter cache timeout than with the full version number, so your users may be downloading them more than you'd like. See The crucial .0 in Google CDN references to jQuery 1.x.0 for more information.

Change the URL in the browser without loading the new page using JavaScript

Facebook's photo gallery does this using a #hash in the URL. Here are some example URLs:

Before clicking 'next':


After clicking 'next':


Note the hash-bang (#!) immediately followed by the new URL.

Two divs side by side - Fluid display

<h1 id="left">Left Side</h1>_x000D_
<h1 id="right">Right Side</h1>_x000D_
<!-- It Works!-->

Handling the null value from a resultset in JAVA

The String being null is a very good chance, but when you see values in your table, yet a null is printed by the ResultSet, it might mean that the connection was closed before the value of ResultSet was used.

con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:My_db.db");
String sql = ("select * from cust where cust_id='" + cus + "'");
pst = con.prepareStatement(sql);
rs = pst.executeQuery();

Would print null even if there are values.

con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:My_db.db");
String sql = ("select * from cust where cust_id='" + cus + "'");
pst = con.prepareStatement(sql);
rs = pst.executeQuery();

Wouldn't print null if there are values in the table.

Difference between Parameters.Add(string, object) and Parameters.AddWithValue

There is no difference in terms of functionality. In fact, both do this:

return this.Add(new SqlParameter(parameterName, value));

The reason they deprecated the old one in favor of AddWithValue is to add additional clarity, as well as because the second parameter is object, which makes it not immediately obvious to some people which overload of Add was being called, and they resulted in wildly different behavior.

Take a look at this example:

 SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
 command.Parameters.Add("@name", 0);

At first glance, it looks like it is calling the Add(string name, object value) overload, but it isn't. It's calling the Add(string name, SqlDbType type) overload! This is because 0 is implicitly convertible to enum types. So these two lines:

 command.Parameters.Add("@name", 0);


 command.Parameters.Add("@name", 1);

Actually result in two different methods being called. 1 is not convertible to an enum implicitly, so it chooses the object overload. With 0, it chooses the enum overload.

How to delete duplicate lines in a file without sorting it in Unix?

awk '!seen[$0]++' file.txt

seen is an associative-array that Awk will pass every line of the file to. If a line isn't in the array then seen[$0] will evaluate to false. The ! is the logical NOT operator and will invert the false to true. Awk will print the lines where the expression evaluates to true. The ++ increments seen so that seen[$0] == 1 after the first time a line is found and then seen[$0] == 2, and so on.
Awk evaluates everything but 0 and "" (empty string) to true. If a duplicate line is placed in seen then !seen[$0] will evaluate to false and the line will not be written to the output.

How to find out the number of CPUs using python

len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) is what you usually want

os.sched_getaffinity(0) (added in Python 3) returns the set of CPUs available considering the sched_setaffinity Linux system call, which limits which CPUs a process and its children can run on.

0 means to get the value for the current process. The function returns a set() of allowed CPUs, thus the need for len().

multiprocessing.cpu_count() and os.cpu_count() on the other hand just returns the total number of physical CPUs.

The difference is especially important because certain cluster management systems such as Platform LSF limit job CPU usage with sched_getaffinity.

Therefore, if you use multiprocessing.cpu_count(), your script might try to use way more cores than it has available, which may lead to overload and timeouts.

We can see the difference concretely by restricting the affinity with the taskset utility, which allows us to control the affinity of a process.

Minimal taskset example

For example, if I restrict Python to just 1 core (core 0) in my 16 core system:

taskset -c 0 ./

with the test script:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import multiprocessing
import os


then the output is:


Vs nproc

nproc does respect the affinity by default and:

taskset -c 0 nproc



and man nproc makes that quite explicit:

print the number of processing units available

Therefore, len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) behaves like nproc by default.

nproc has the --all flag for the less common case that you want to get the physical CPU count without considering taskset:

taskset -c 0 nproc --all

os.cpu_count documentation

The documentation of os.cpu_count also briefly mentions this

This number is not equivalent to the number of CPUs the current process can use. The number of usable CPUs can be obtained with len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))

The same comment is also copied on the documentation of multiprocessing.cpu_count:

From the 3.8 source under Lib/multiprocessing/ we also see that multiprocessing.cpu_count just forwards to os.cpu_count, except that the multiprocessing one throws an exception instead of returning None if os.cpu_count fails:

    def cpu_count(self):
        '''Returns the number of CPUs in the system'''
        num = os.cpu_count()
        if num is None:
            raise NotImplementedError('cannot determine number of cpus')
            return num

3.8 availability: systems with a native sched_getaffinity function

The only downside of this os.sched_getaffinity is that this appears to be UNIX only as of Python 3.8.

cpython 3.8 seems to just try to compile a small C hello world with a sched_setaffinity function call during configuration time, and if not present HAVE_SCHED_SETAFFINITY is not set and the function will likely be missing:

psutil.Process().cpu_affinity(): third-party version with a Windows port

The third-party psutil package (pip install psutil) had been mentioned at: but not the cpu_affinity function:


import psutil

This function does the same as the standard library os.sched_getaffinity on Linux, but they have also implemented it for Windows by making a call to the GetProcessAffinityMask Windows API function:

So in other words: those Windows users have to stop being lazy and send a patch to the upstream stdlib :-)

Tested in Ubuntu 16.04, Python 3.5.2.

How to manually trigger validation with jQuery validate?

Eva M from above, almost had the answer as posted above (Thanks Eva M!):

var validator = $( "#myform" ).validate();

This is almost the answer, but it causes problems, in even the most up to date jquery validation plugin as of 13 DEC 2018. The problem is that if one directly copies that sample, and EVER calls ".validate()" more than once, the focus/key processing of the validation can get broken, and the validation may not show errors properly.

Here is how to use Eva M's answer, and ensure those focus/key/error-hiding issues do not occur:

1) Save your validator to a variable/global.

var oValidator = $("#myform").validate();

2) DO NOT call $("#myform").validate() EVER again.

If you call $("#myform").validate() more than once, it may cause focus/key/error-hiding issues.

3) Use the variable/global and call form.

var bIsValid = oValidator.form();