[c] Is Fortran easier to optimize than C for heavy calculations?

Generally FORTRAN is slower than C. C can use hardware level pointers allowing the programmer to hand-optimize. FORTRAN (in most cases) doesn't have access to hardware memory addressing hacks. (VAX FORTRAN is another story.) I've used FORTRAN on and off since the '70's. (Really.)

However, starting in the 90's FORTRAN has evolved to include specific language constructs that can be optimized into inherently parallel algorithms that can really scream on a multi-core processor. For example, automatic Vectorizing allows multiple processors to handle each element in a vector of data concurrently. 16 processors -- 16 element vector -- processing takes 1/16th the time.

In C, you have to manage your own threads and design your algorithm carefully for multi-processing, and then use a bunch of API calls to make sure that the parallelism happens properly.

In FORTRAN, you only have to design your algorithm carefully for multi-processing. The compiler and run-time can handle the rest for you.

You can read a little about High Performance Fortran, but you find a lot of dead links. You're better off reading about Parallel Programming (like OpenMP.org) and how FORTRAN supports that.

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