[algorithm] Best algorithm for detecting cycles in a directed graph

If you can't add a "visited" property to the nodes, use a set (or map) and just add all visited nodes to the set unless they are already in the set. Use a unique key or the address of the objects as the "key".

This also gives you the information about the "root" node of the cyclic dependency which will come in handy when a user has to fix the problem.

Another solution is to try to find the next dependency to execute. For this, you must have some stack where you can remember where you are now and what you need to do next. Check if a dependency is already on this stack before you execute it. If it is, you've found a cycle.

While this might seem to have a complexity of O(N*M) you must remember that the stack has a very limited depth (so N is small) and that M becomes smaller with each dependency that you can check off as "executed" plus you can stop the search when you found a leaf (so you never have to check every node -> M will be small, too).

In MetaMake, I created the graph as a list of lists and then deleted every node as I executed them which naturally cut down the search volume. I never actually had to run an independent check, it all happened automatically during normal execution.

If you need a "test only" mode, just add a "dry-run" flag which disables the execution of the actual jobs.