[ipad] ipad safari: disable scrolling, and bounce effect?

I'm working on a browser based app, currently I'm developing and styling for the ipad safari browser.

I'm looking for two things on the ipad: How can I disable vertical scrolling for pages that don't require it? & how can I disable the elastic bounce effect?

This question is related to ipad scroll mobile-safari bounce

The answer is

Disable safari bounce scrolling effect:

body {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  overflow: auto;
  position: fixed;

Solution tested, works on iOS 12.x

This is problem I was encountering :

<body> <!-- the whole body can be scroll vertically -->

    <my_gallery> <!-- some picture gallery, can be scroll horizontally -->


While I scrolling my gallery, the body always scrolling itself (human swipe aren't really horizontal), that makes my gallery useless.

Here's what I did while my gallery start scrolling

var html=jQuery('html');
html.css('overflow-y', 'hidden');
//above code works on mobile Chrome/Edge/Firefox
document.ontouchmove=function(e){e.preventDefault();} //Add this only for mobile Safari

And when my gallery end its scrolling...

var html=jQuery('html');
html.css('overflow-y', 'scroll');
document.ontouchmove=function(e){return true;}

Hope this helps~

For those of you who don't want to get rid of the bouncing but just to know when it stops (for example to start some calculation of screen distances), you can do the following (container is the overflowing container element):

    const isBouncing = this.container.scrollTop < 0 ||
    this.container.scrollTop + this.container.offsetHeight >

Try this JS sollutuion:

var xStart, yStart = 0; 

document.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) {
    xStart = e.touches[0].screenX;
    yStart = e.touches[0].screenY;

document.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) {
    var xMovement = Math.abs(e.touches[0].screenX - xStart);
    var yMovement = Math.abs(e.touches[0].screenY - yStart);
    if((yMovement * 3) > xMovement) {

Prevents default Safari scrolling and bounce gestures without detaching your touch event listeners.

Tested in iphone. Just use this css on target element container and it will change the scrolling behaviour, which stops when finger leaves the screen.

-webkit-overflow-scrolling: auto


You can use js for prevent scroll:

let body = document.body;

let hideScroll = function(e) {

function toggleScroll (bool) {

  if (bool === true) {
    body.addEventListener("touchmove", hideScroll);
  } else {
    body.removeEventListener("touchmove", hideScroll);

And than just run/stop toggleScroll func when you opnen/close modal.

Like this toggleScroll(true) / toggleScroll(false)

(This is only for iOS, on Android not working)

improved answer @Ben Bos and commented by @Tim

This css will help prevent scrolling and performance issue with css re-render because position changed / little lagging without width and height

html {
  position: fixed;
  width: 100%; 
  height: 100%

none of the solutions works for me. This is how I do it.

  html,body {
      position: fixed;
      overflow: hidden;
      -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

You can also change the position of the body/html to fixed:

html {
  position: fixed;

Similar to angry kiwi I got it to work using height rather than position:

html,body {
  height: 100%;
  overflow: hidden;

  -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

overflow: scroll;
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

On container you can set bounce effect inside element

Source: http://www.kylejlarson.com/blog/2011/fixed-elements-and-scrolling-divs-in-ios-5/

For those who are using MyScript the Web App and are struggling with the body scrolling/dragging (on iPad and Tablets) instead of actually writing:

<body touch-action="none" unresolved>

That fixed it for me.

I know this is slightly off-piste but I've been using Swiffy to convert Flash into an interactive HTML5 game and came across the same scrolling issue but found no solutions that worked.

The problem I had was that the Swiffy stage was taking up the whole screen, so as soon as it had loaded, the document touchmove event was never triggered.

If I tried to add the same event to the Swiffy container, it was replaced as soon as the stage had loaded.

In the end I solved it (rather messily) by applying the touchmove event to every DIV within the stage. As these divs were also ever-changing, I needed to keep checking them.

This was my solution, which seems to work well. I hope it's helpful for anyone else trying to find the same solution as me.

var divInterval = setInterval(updateDivs,50);
function updateDivs(){
$("#swiffycontainer > div").bind(
     function(e) {

Try this JS solution that toggles webkitOverflowScrolling style. The trick here is that this style is off, mobile Safari goes to ordinary scrolling and prevents over-bounce — alas, it is not able to cancel ongoing drag. This complex solution also tracks onscroll as bounce over the top makes scrollTop negative that may be tracked. This solution was tested on iOS 12.1.1 and has single drawback: while accelerating the scroll single over-bounce still happens as resetting the style may not cancel it immediately.

function preventScrollVerticalBounceEffect(container) {
  setTouchScroll(true) //!: enable before the first scroll attempt

  container.addEventListener("touchstart", onTouchStart)
  container.addEventListener("touchmove", onTouch, { passive: false })
  container.addEventListener("touchend", onTouchEnd)
  container.addEventListener("scroll", onScroll)

  function isTouchScroll() {
    return !!container.style.webkitOverflowScrolling

  let prevScrollTop = 0, prevTouchY, opid = 0

  function setTouchScroll(on) {
    container.style.webkitOverflowScrolling = on ? "touch" : null

    //Hint: auto-enabling after a small pause makes the start
    // smoothly accelerated as required. After the pause the
    // scroll position is settled, and there is no delta to
    // make over-bounce by dragging the finger. But still,
    // accelerated content makes short single over-bounce
    // as acceleration may not be off instantly.

    const xopid = ++opid
    !on && setTimeout(() => (xopid === opid) && setTouchScroll(true), 250)

    if(!on && container.scrollTop < 16)
      container.scrollTop = 0
    prevScrollTop = container.scrollTop

  function isBounceOverTop() {
    const dY = container.scrollTop - prevScrollTop
    return dY < 0 && container.scrollTop < 16

  function isBounceOverBottom(touchY) {
    const dY = touchY - prevTouchY

    //Hint: trying to bounce over the bottom, the finger moves
    // up the screen, thus Y becomes smaller. We prevent this.

    return dY < 0 && container.scrollHeight - 16 <=
      container.scrollTop + container.offsetHeight

  function onTouchStart(e) {
    prevTouchY = e.touches[0].pageY

  function onTouch(e) {
    const touchY = e.touches[0].pageY

    if(isBounceOverBottom(touchY)) {

    prevTouchY = touchY

  function onTouchEnd() {
    prevTouchY = undefined

  function onScroll() {
    if(isTouchScroll() && isBounceOverTop()) {

You can use this jQuery code snippet to do this:

          function(e) {

This will block the vertical scrolling and also any bounce back effect occurring on your pages.

To prevent scrolling on modern mobile browsers you need to add the passive: false. I had been pulling my hair out getting this to work until I found this solution. I have only found this mentioned in one other place on the internet.

function preventDefault(e){_x000D_
function disableScroll(){_x000D_
    document.body.addEventListener('touchmove', preventDefault, { passive: false });_x000D_
function enableScroll(){_x000D_
    document.body.removeEventListener('touchmove', preventDefault);_x000D_

Code to To remove ipad safari: disable scrolling, and bounce effect

   document.addEventListener("touchmove", function (e) {
    }, { passive: false });

If you have canvas tag inside document, sometime it will affect the usability of object inside Canvas(example: movement of object); so add below code to fix it.

    document.getElementById("canvasId").addEventListener("touchmove", function (e) {
    }, { passive: false });

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