[javascript] How to get the mouse position without events (without moving the mouse)?

I think i may have a reasonable solution with out counting divs and pixels..lol

Simply use animation frame or a time interval of a function. you will still need a mouse event one time though just to initiate, but technically you position this where ever you like.

Essentially we are tracking a dummy div at all times with out mouse movement.

// create a div(#mydiv) 1px by 1px set opacity to 0 & position:absolute;

Below is the logic..

var x,y;

$('body').mousemove(function( e ) {

    var x = e.clientX - (window.innerWidth / 2);
    var y = e.clientY - (window.innerHeight / 2);

function looping (){

   /* track my div position 60 x 60 seconds!
      with out the mouse after initiation you can still track the dummy div.x & y
      mouse doesn't need to move.*/

   $('#mydiv').x = x;    // css transform x and y to follow 
   $('#mydiv)'.y = y;

   console.log(#mydiv.x etc)

   requestAnimationFrame( looping , frame speed here);

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