[html] change cursor to finger pointer

I have this a and I don't know that I need to insert into the "onmouseover" so that the cursor will change to finger pointer like a regular link:

<a class="menu_links" onclick="displayData(11,1,0,'A')" onmouseover=""> A </a>

I read somewhere that I need to put:

onmouseover="cursor: hand (a pointing hand)"

But it's not working for me.

Plus I'm not sure if this is considered JavaScript, CSS, or just plain HTML.

This question is related to html css mouseevent

The answer is

div{cursor: pointer; color:blue}_x000D_
p{cursor: text; color:red;}
<div> im Pointer  cursor </div> _x000D_
<p> im Txst cursor </p> 

in css write

a.menu_links:hover{ cursor:pointer}

You can do this in CSS:

a.menu_links {
    cursor: pointer;

This is actually the default behavior for links. You must have either somehow overridden it elsewhere in your CSS, or there's no href attribute in there (it's missing from your example).

Here is something cool if you want to go the extra mile with this. in the url, you can use a link or save an image png and use the path. for example:


below is the code:

  cursor:url(http://www.icon100.com/up/3772/128/425-hand-pointer.png), auto;

So this will only work under the size 128 X 128, any bigger and the image wont load. But you can practically use any image you want! This would be consider pure css3, and some html. all you got to do in html is

<div class='cursor'></div>

and only in that div, that cursor will show. So I usually add it to the body tag.

 <! ––  add this code in your class called menu_links -->
cursor: pointer;

In the above code [cursor:pointer] is used to access the hand like cursor that appears when you hover over a link.

And if you use [cursor: default] it will show the usual arrow cursor that appears.

To know more about cursors and their appearance click the below link: https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_class_cursor.asp

Add an href attribute to make it a valid link & return false; in the event handler to prevent it from causing a navigation;

<a href="#" class="menu_links" onclick="displayData(11,1,0,'A'); return false;" onmouseover=""> A </a>

(Or make displayData() return false and ..="return displayData(..)

I think the "best answer" above, albeit programmatically accurate, does not actually answer the question posed. the question asks how to change the pointer in the mouseover event. I see posts about how one may have an error somewhere is not answering the question. In the accepted answer, the mouseover event is blank (onmouseover="") and the style option, instead, is included. Baffling why this was done.

There may be nothing wrong with the inquirer's link. consider the following html:

<a id=test_link onclick="alert('kinda neat);">Click ME!</a>

When a user mouse's over this link, the pointer will not change to a hand...instead, the pointer will behave like it's hovering over normal text. One might not want this...and so, the mouse pointer needs to be told to change.

the answer being sought for is this (which was posted by another):

<a id=test_link onclick="alert('Nice!');"
       onmouseover="this.style.cursor='pointer';">Click ME!</a>

However, this is ... a nightmare if you have lots of these, or use this kind of thing all over the place and decide to make some kind of a change or run into a bug. better to make a CSS class for it:

a.lendhand {
  cursor: pointer;


<a class=lendhand onclick="alert('hand is lent!');">Click ME!</a>

there are many other ways which would be, arguably, better than this method. DIVs, BUTTONs, IMGs, etc might prove more useful. I see no harm in using <a>...</a>, though.


I like using this one if I only have one link on the page:


Solution via pure CSS as mentioned in answer marked as the best is not suitable for this situation.

The example in this topic does not have normal static href attribute, it is calling of JS only, so it will not do anything without JS.

So it is good to switch on pointer with JS only. So, solution


as mentioned above (but I can not comment there) is the best one in this case. (But yes, generaly, for normal links not demanding JS, it is better to work with pure CSS without JS.)

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