Programs & Examples On #Pageasynctask

Understanding slice notation

Most of the previous answers clears up questions about slice notation.

The extended indexing syntax used for slicing is aList[start:stop:step], and basic examples are:

Enter image description here:

More slicing examples: 15 Extended Slices

How to set ANDROID_HOME path in ubuntu?

sudo su -
gedit ~/.bashrc
export PATH=${PATH}:/your path
export PATH=${PATH}:/your path
export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/workspace/android/android-sdk-linux/tools
export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/workspace/android/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools

java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found

I also encounter with that problem. In my case the problem was that i closed the scanner inside one of the funcs..

public class Main _x000D_
 public static void main(String[] args) _x000D_
  Scanner menu = new Scanner(;_x000D_
        boolean exit = new Boolean(false);_x000D_
  String choose = menu.nextLine();_x000D_
        Part1 t=new Part1()_x000D_
     System.out.println("Noooooo Come back!!!"+choose);_x000D_
public class Part1 extends Thread _x000D_
public void run()_x000D_
  { _x000D_
     Scanner s = new Scanner(;_x000D_
     String st = s.nextLine();_x000D_

The code above made the same exaption, the solution was to close the scanner only once at the main.

Color text in terminal applications in UNIX

This is a little C program that illustrates how you could use color codes:

#include <stdio.h>

#define KNRM  "\x1B[0m"
#define KRED  "\x1B[31m"
#define KGRN  "\x1B[32m"
#define KYEL  "\x1B[33m"
#define KBLU  "\x1B[34m"
#define KMAG  "\x1B[35m"
#define KCYN  "\x1B[36m"
#define KWHT  "\x1B[37m"

int main()
    printf("%sred\n", KRED);
    printf("%sgreen\n", KGRN);
    printf("%syellow\n", KYEL);
    printf("%sblue\n", KBLU);
    printf("%smagenta\n", KMAG);
    printf("%scyan\n", KCYN);
    printf("%swhite\n", KWHT);
    printf("%snormal\n", KNRM);

    return 0;

Dropdown select with images



var shownnn = "yes";_x000D_
var dropd = document.getElementById("image-dropdown");_x000D_
function showww() {_x000D_ = "auto";_x000D_ = "y-scroll";_x000D_
function hideee() {_x000D_ = "30px";_x000D_ = "hidden";_x000D_
  //dropd.addEventListener('mouseover', showOrHide, false);_x000D_
  //dropd.addEventListener('click',showOrHide , false);_x000D_
function myfuunc(imgParent) {_x000D_
  var mainDIVV = document.getElementById("image-dropdown");_x000D_
  mainDIVV.insertBefore(imgParent, mainDIVV.childNodes[0]);_x000D_
#image-dropdown {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid;_x000D_
#image-dropdown {_x000D_
  height: 30px;_x000D_
  overflow: hidden;_x000D_
/*#image-dropdown:hover {} */_x000D_
#image-dropdown .img_holder {_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
#image-dropdown img.flagimgs {_x000D_
  height: 30px;_x000D_
#image-dropdown span.iTEXT {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  top: -8px;_x000D_
<!-- not tested in mobiles -->_x000D_
<div id="image-dropdown" onmouseleave="hideee();">_x000D_
  <div class="img_holder" onclick="myfuunc(this);" onmouseover="showww();">_x000D_
    <img class="flagimgs first" src="" /> <span class="iTEXT">First</span>_x000D_
  <div class="img_holder" onclick="myfuunc(this);" onmouseover="showww();">_x000D_
    <img class="flagimgs second" src="" /> <span class="iTEXT">Second</span>_x000D_
  <div class="img_holder" onclick="myfuunc(this);" onmouseover="showww();">_x000D_
    <img class="flagimgs second" src="" /> <span class="iTEXT">Third</span>_x000D_
  <div class="img_holder" onclick="myfuunc(this);" onmouseover="showww();">_x000D_
    <img class="flagimgs second" src="" /> <span class="iTEXT">Fourth</span>_x000D_

How to detect idle time in JavaScript elegantly?

Debounce actually a great idea! Here version for jQuery free projects:

const derivedLogout = createDerivedLogout(30);
derivedLogout(); // it could happen that user too idle)
window.addEventListener('click', derivedLogout, false);
window.addEventListener('mousemove', derivedLogout, false);
window.addEventListener('keyup', derivedLogout, false); 

function createDerivedLogout (sessionTimeoutInMinutes) {
    return _.debounce( () => {
        window.location = this.logoutUrl;
    }, sessionTimeoutInMinutes * 60 * 1000 ) 

How set background drawable programmatically in Android

Use butterknife to bind the drawable resource to a variable by adding this to the top of your class (before any methods).

RelativeLayout layout;
Drawable background;

then inside one of your methods add


That's all you need

How can I get the baseurl of site?

Based on what Warlock wrote, I found that the virtual path root is needed if you aren't hosted at the root of your web. (This works for MVC Web API controllers)

String baseUrl = Request.RequestUri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) 
+ Configuration.VirtualPathRoot;

Adding an onclick function to go to url in JavaScript?

If you would like to open link in a new tab, you can:

$("a#thing_to_click").on('click',function(){'', '_blank');

Best way to include CSS? Why use @import?

This might help a PHP developer out. The below functions will strip white space, remove comments, and concatenate of all your CSS files. Then insert it into a <style> tag in the head before page load.

The function below will strip comments and minify the passed in css. It is paired in conjunction with the next function.

function minifyCSS($string)
    // Minify CSS and strip comments

    # Strips Comments
    $string = preg_replace('!/\*.*?\*/!s','', $string);
    $string = preg_replace('/\n\s*\n/',"\n", $string);

    # Minifies
    $string = preg_replace('/[\n\r \t]/',' ', $string);
    $string = preg_replace('/ +/',' ', $string);
    $string = preg_replace('/ ?([,:;{}]) ?/','$1',$string);

    # Remove semicolon
    $string = preg_replace('/;}/','}',$string);

    # Return Minified CSS
    return $string;

You will call this function in the head of your document.

function concatenateCSS($cssFiles)
    // Load all relevant css files

    # concatenate all relevant css files
    $css = '';
    foreach ($cssFiles as $cssFile)
        $css = $css . file_get_contents("$cssFile.css");

    # minify all css
    $css = minifyCSS($css);
    echo "<style>$css</style>";

Include the function concatenateCSS() in your document head. Pass in an array with the names of your stylesheets with its path IE: css/styles.css. You are not required to add the extension .css as it is added automatically in the function above.

    $stylesheets = array(
    concatenateCSS( $stylesheets );

Forcing to download a file using PHP

This cannot be done reliably, since it's up to the browser to decide what to do with an URL it's been asked to retrieve.

You can suggest to the browser that it should offer to "save to disk" right away by sending a Content-disposition header:

header("Content-disposition: attachment");

I'm not sure how well this is supported by various browsers. The alternative is to send a Content-type of application/octet-stream, but that is a hack (you're basically telling the browser "I'm not telling you what kind of file this is" and depending on the fact that most browsers will then offer a download dialog) and allegedly causes problems with Internet Explorer.

Read more about this in the Web Authoring FAQ.

Edit You've already switched to a PHP file to deliver the data - which is necessary to set the Content-disposition header (unless there are some arcane Apache settings that can also do this). Now all that's left to do is for that PHP file to read the contents of the CSV file and print them - the filename=example.csv in the header only suggests to the client browser what name to use for the file, it does not actually fetch the data from the file on the server.

How to remove anaconda from windows completely?

To use Uninstall-Anaconda.exe in C:\Users\username\Anaconda3 is a good way.

grunt: command not found when running from terminal

Also on OS X (El Capitan), been having this same issue all morning.

I was running the command "npm install -g grunt-cli" command from within a directory where my project was.

I tried again from my home directory (i.e. 'cd ~') and it installed as before, except now I can run the grunt command and it is recognised.

Naming conventions for Java methods that return boolean

I want to point a different view on this general naming convention, e.g.:

see java.util.Set: boolean add?(E e)

where the rationale is:

do some processing then report whether it succeeded or not.

While the return is indeed a boolean the method's name should point the processing to complete instead of the result type (boolean for this example).

Your createFreshSnapshot example seems for me more related to this point of view because seems to mean this: create a fresh-snapshot then report whether the create-operation succeeded. Considering this reasoning the name createFreshSnapshot seems to be the best one for your situation.

Detecting Back Button/Hash Change in URL

The answers here are all quite old.

In the HTML5 world, you should the use onpopstate event.

window.onpopstate = function(event)
    alert("location: " + document.location + ", state: " + JSON.stringify(event.state));


window.addEventListener('popstate', function(event)
    alert("location: " + document.location + ", state: " + JSON.stringify(event.state));

The latter snippet allows multiple event handlers to exist, whereas the former will replace any existing handler which may cause hard-to-find bugs.

How to get size of mysql database?

Run this query and you'll probably get what you're looking for:

SELECT table_schema "DB Name",
        ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 1) "DB Size in MB" 
FROM information_schema.tables 
GROUP BY table_schema; 

This query comes from the mysql forums, where there are more comprehensive instructions available.

Laravel stylesheets and javascript don't load for non-base routes

In Laravel 5.7, put your CSS or JS file into Public directory.

For CSS:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('bootstrap.min.css') }}">

For JS:

<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('bootstrap.js') }}"></script>

How to install 2 Anacondas (Python 2 and 3) on Mac OS

There is no need to install Anaconda again. Conda, the package manager for Anaconda, fully supports separated environments. The easiest way to create an environment for Python 2.7 is to do

conda create -n python2 python=2.7 anaconda

This will create an environment named python2 that contains the Python 2.7 version of Anaconda. You can activate this environment with

source activate python2

This will put that environment (typically ~/anaconda/envs/python2) in front in your PATH, so that when you type python at the terminal it will load the Python from that environment.

If you don't want all of Anaconda, you can replace anaconda in the command above with whatever packages you want. You can use conda to install packages in that environment later, either by using the -n python2 flag to conda, or by activating the environment.

PHP class: Global variable as property in class

You probably don't really want to be doing this, as it's going to be a nightmare to debug, but it seems to be possible. The key is the part where you assign by reference in the constructor.

$GLOBALS = array(
    'MyNumber' => 1

class Foo {
    protected $glob;

    public function __construct() {
        global $GLOBALS;
        $this->glob =& $GLOBALS;

    public function getGlob() {
        return $this->glob['MyNumber'];

$f = new Foo;

echo $f->getGlob() . "\n";
$GLOBALS['MyNumber'] = 2;
echo $f->getGlob() . "\n";

The output will be


which indicates that it's being assigned by reference, not value.

As I said, it will be a nightmare to debug, so you really shouldn't do this. Have a read through the wikipedia article on encapsulation; basically, your object should ideally manage its own data and the methods in which that data is modified; even public properties are generally, IMHO, a bad idea.

Select all contents of textbox when it receives focus (Vanilla JS or jQuery)

This is not just a Chrome/Safari issue, I experienced a quite similar behavior with Firefox 18.0.1. The funny part is that this does not happen on MSIE! The problem here is the first mouseup event that forces to unselect the input content, so just ignore the first occurence.

    $(this).one('mouseup', function(event){

The timeOut approach causes a strange behavior, and blocking every mouseup event you can not remove the selection clicking again on the input element.

How can I troubleshoot Python "Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>"

change PYTHONHOME to the parent folder of the bin file of python, like /usr,which is the parent folder of /usr/bin.

ImportError: No module named psycopg2

I faced same problem and waste almost a day to resolve this issue . I have done 2 things 1- use python 3.6 instead of 3.8 2- change django 2.2 version(may be working some higher but i change to 2.2)

Now its working fine

Visual Studio keyboard shortcut to automatically add the needed 'using' statement

I can highly recommend checking out the Visual Studio plugin ReSharper. It has a QuickFix feature that does the same (and a lot more).

But ReSharper doesn't require the cursor to be located on the actual code that requires a new namespace. Say, you copy/paste some code into the source file, and just a few clicks of Alt + Enter, and all the required usings are included.

Oh, and it also makes sure that the required assembly reference is added to your project. Say for example, you create a new project containing NUnit unit tests. The first class you write, you add the [TestFixture] attribute. If you already have one project in your solution that references the NUnit DLL file, then ReSharper is able to see that the TestFixtureAttribute comes from that DLL file, so it will automatically add that assembly reference to your new project.

And it also adds required namespaces for extension methods. At least the ReSharper version 5 beta does. I'm pretty sure that Visual Studio's built-in resolve function doesn't do that.

On the down side, it's a commercial product, so you have to pay for it. But if you work with software commercially, the gained productivity (the plug in does a lot of other cool stuff) outweighs the price tag.

Yes, I'm a fan ;)

How to catch integer(0)?

That is R's way of printing a zero length vector (an integer one), so you could test for a being of length 0:

R> length(a)
[1] 0

It might be worth rethinking the strategy you are using to identify which elements you want, but without further specific details it is difficult to suggest an alternative strategy.

Why does my sorting loop seem to append an element where it shouldn't?

Apart from the alternative solutions that were posted here (which are correct), no one has actually answered your question by addressing what was wrong with your code.

It seems as though you were trying to implement a selection sort algorithm. I will not go into the details of how sorting works here, but I have included a few links for your reference =)

Your code was syntactically correct, but logically wrong. You were partially sorting your strings by only comparing each string with the strings that came after it. Here is a corrected version (I retained as much of your original code to illustrate what was "wrong" with it):

static  String Array[]={" Hello " , " This " , "is ", "Sorting ", "Example"};
String  temp;

//Keeps track of the smallest string's index
int  shortestStringIndex; 

public static void main(String[] args)  

 //I reduced the upper bound from Array.length to (Array.length - 1)
 for(int j=0; j < Array.length - 1;j++)
     shortestStringIndex = j;

     for (int i=j+1 ; i<Array.length; i++)
         //We keep track of the index to the smallest string
             shortestStringIndex = i;  
     //We only swap with the smallest string
     if(shortestStringIndex != j)
         String temp = Array[j];
         Array[j] = Array[shortestStringIndex]; 
         Array[shortestStringIndex] = temp;

Further Reading

The problem with this approach is that its asymptotic complexity is O(n^2). In simplified words, it gets very slow as the size of the array grows (approaches infinity). You may want to read about better ways to sort data, such as quicksort.

Iterating Over Dictionary Key Values Corresponding to List in Python

List comprehension can shorten things...

win_percentages = [m**2.0 / (m**2.0 + n**2.0) * 100 for m, n in [a[i] for i in NL_East]]

LINQ Using Max() to select a single row

Addressing the first question, if you need to take several rows grouped by certain criteria with the other column with max value you can do something like this:

var query =
    from u1 in table
    join u2 in (
        from u in table
        group u by u.GroupId into g
        select new { GroupId = g.Key, MaxStatus = g.Max(x => x.Status) }
    ) on new { u1.GroupId, u1.Status } equals new { u2.GroupId, Status = u2.MaxStatus}
    select u1;

How to change the scrollbar color using css

You can use the following attributes for webkit, which reach into the shadow DOM:

::-webkit-scrollbar              { /* 1 */ }
::-webkit-scrollbar-button       { /* 2 */ }
::-webkit-scrollbar-track        { /* 3 */ }
::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece  { /* 4 */ }
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb        { /* 5 */ }
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner       { /* 6 */ }
::-webkit-resizer                { /* 7 */ }

Here's a working fiddle with a red scrollbar, based on code from this page explaining the issues.

Using this and your solution, you can handle all browsers except Firefox, which at this point I think still requires a javascript solution.

How to change JAVA.HOME for Eclipse/ANT

For me, ant apparently refuses to listen to any configuration for eclipse default, project JDK, and the suggestion of "Ant Home Entries" just didn't have traction - there was nothing there referring to JDK.

However, this works:

Menu "Run" -> "External Tools" -> "External Tools Configuration".
  Goto the node "Ant build", choose the ant buildfile in question.
     Choose tab "JRE".
        Select e.g. "Run in same JRE as workspace", or whatever you want.

Compare dates in MySQL

this is what it worked for me:

select * from table
where column
BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE('29/01/15', '%d/%m/%Y')
 AND STR_TO_DATE('07/10/15', '%d/%m/%Y')

Please, note that I had to change STR_TO_DATE(column, '%d/%m/%Y') from previous solutions, as it was taking ages to load

How to get the nth occurrence in a string?

function getStringReminder(str, substr, occ) {
   let index = str.indexOf(substr);
   let preindex = '';
   let i = 1;
   while (index !== -1) {
      preIndex = index;
      if (occ == i) {
      index = str.indexOf(substr, index + 1)
   return preIndex;
console.log(getStringReminder('bcdefgbcdbcd', 'bcd', 3));

CSS text-transform capitalize on all caps

if you are using jQuery; this is one a way to do it:

$('.link').each(function() {

Here is an easier to read version doing the same thing:

//Iterate all the elements in jQuery object
$('.link').each(function() {

    //get text from element and make it lower-case
    var string = $(this).text().toLowerCase();

    //set element text to the new string that is lower-case

    //set the css to capitalize


How do I install imagemagick with homebrew?

You could do:

brew reinstall php55-imagick

Where php55 is your PHP version.

Issue with virtualenv - cannot activate

According to the documentation

Once a virtual environment has been created, it can be “activated” using a script in the virtual environment’s binary directory. The invocation of the script is platform-specific ( must be replaced by the path of the directory containing the virtual environment).

As it is platform-specific, use env\Scripts\activate for Windows and use env/Scripts/activate for Linux.

Calling an API from SQL Server stored procedure

Screams in to the void - just "no" don't do it. This is a dumb idea.

Integrating with external data sources is what SSIS is for, or write a dot net application/service which queries the box and makes the API calls.

Writing CLR code to enable a SQL process to call web-services is the sort of thing that can bring a SQL box to its knees if done badly - imagine putting the the CLR function in a view somewhere - later someone else comes along not knowing what you've donem and joins on that view with a million row table - suddenly your SQL box is making a million individual webapi calls.

The whole idea is insane.

This doing sort of thing is the reason that enterprise DBAs dont' trust developers.

CLR is the kind of great power, which brings great responsibility, and the above is an abuse of it.

How to secure the ASP.NET_SessionId cookie?

Found that setting the secure property in Session_Start is sufficient, as recommended in MSDN blog "Securing Session ID: ASP/ASP.NET" with some augmentation.

    protected void Session_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        SessionStateSection sessionState = 
        string sidCookieName = sessionState.CookieName;

        if (Request.Cookies[sidCookieName] != null)
            HttpCookie sidCookie = Response.Cookies[sidCookieName];
            sidCookie.Value = Session.SessionID;
            sidCookie.HttpOnly = true;
            sidCookie.Secure = true;
            sidCookie.Path = "/";

Resize image proportionally with CSS?

To scale an image by keeping its aspect ratio

Try this,

img {

Rebuild Docker container on file changes

You can run build for a specific service by running docker-compose up --build <service name> where the service name must match how did you call it in your docker-compose file.

Example Let's assume that your docker-compose file contains many services (.net app - database - let's encrypt... etc) and you want to update only the .net app which named as application in docker-compose file. You can then simply run docker-compose up --build application

Extra parameters In case you want to add extra parameters to your command such as -d for running in the background, the parameter must be before the service name: docker-compose up --build -d application

Visual Studio Code: format is not using indent settings

Most likely you have some formatting extension installed, e.g. JS-CSS-HTML Formatter.

If it is the case, then just open Command Palette, type "Formatter" and select Formatter Config. Then edit the value of "indent_size" as you like.

P.S. Don't forget to restart Visual Studio Code after editing :)

Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly executing maven

$JAVA_HOME should be the directory where java was installed, not one of its parts:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle

Detect Safari browser

Simplest answer:

function isSafari() {
 if (navigator.vendor.match(/[Aa]+pple/g).length > 0 ) 
   return true; 
 return false;

How to custom switch button?

More info on this link:


and the drawable will be something like:

<selector xmlns:android="">
    <item android:state_checked="true"
        android:drawable="@drawable/toggle_me_on" /> <!-- checked -->
    <item android:drawable="@drawable/toggle_me_off" /> <!-- default/unchecked -->

Repeat a task with a time delay?

You can use a Handler to post runnable code. This technique is outlined very nicely here:

Access images inside public folder in laravel

In my case it worked perfectly

<img style="border-radius: 50%;height: 50px;width: 80px;"  src="<?php echo asset("storage/TeacherImages/{$teacher->profilePic}")?>">

this is used to display image from folder i hope this will help someone looking for this type of code

no default constructor exists for class

A default constructor is a constructor that either has no parameters, or if it has parameters, all the parameters have default values.

Convert array of integers to comma-separated string

int[] arr = new int[5] {1,2,3,4,5};

You can use Linq for it

String arrTostr = arr.Select(a => a.ToString()).Aggregate((i, j) => i + "," + j);

How to prevent null values inside a Map and null fields inside a bean from getting serialized through Jackson

my solution, hope help
custom ObjectMapper and config to spring xml(register message conveters)

public class PyResponseConfigObjectMapper extends ObjectMapper {
public PyResponseConfigObjectMapper() {
    disable(SerializationFeature.WRITE_NULL_MAP_VALUES); //map no_null
    setSerializationInclusion(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL); // bean no_null


How to construct a relative path in Java from two absolute paths (or URLs)?

Since Java 7 you can use the relativize method:

import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

public class Test {

     public static void main(String[] args) {
        Path pathAbsolute = Paths.get("/var/data/stuff/xyz.dat");
        Path pathBase = Paths.get("/var/data");
        Path pathRelative = pathBase.relativize(pathAbsolute);




Html- how to disable <a href>?

You can use CSS to accomplish this:

.disabled {
  pointer-events: none;
  cursor: default;
<a href="somelink.html" class="disabled">Some link</a>

Or you can use JavaScript to prevent the default action like this:


Reliable way for a Bash script to get the full path to itself

Just for the hell of it I've done a bit of hacking on a script that does things purely textually, purely in Bash. I hope I caught all the edge cases.

Note that the ${var//pat/repl} that I mentioned in the other answer doesn't work since you can't make it replace only the shortest possible match, which is a problem for replacing /foo/../ as e.g. /*/../ will take everything before it, not just a single entry. And since these patterns aren't really regexes I don't see how that can be made to work. So here's the nicely convoluted solution I came up with, enjoy. ;)

By the way, let me know if you find any unhandled edge cases.


canonicalize_path() {
  local path="$1"
  read -a parts < <(echo "$path")

  local i=${#parts[@]}
  local j=0
  local back=0
  local -a rev_canon
  while (($i > 0)); do
    case "${parts[$i]}" in
      ""|.) ;;
      ..) ((back++));;
      *) if (($back > 0)); then
  while (($j > 0)); do
    echo -n "/${rev_canon[$j]}"

canonicalize_path "/.././..////../foo/./bar//foo/bar/.././bar/../foo/bar/./../..//../foo///bar/"

C non-blocking keyboard input

You probably want kbhit();

//Example will loop until a key is pressed
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()

this may not work on all environments. A portable way would be to create a monitoring thread and set some flag on getch();

How do I handle ImeOptions' done button click?

More details on how to set the OnKeyListener, and have it listen for the Done button.

First add OnKeyListener to the implements section of your class. Then add the function defined in the OnKeyListener interface:

 * Respond to soft keyboard events, look for the DONE press on the password field.
public boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent event)
    if ((event.getAction() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) &&
        (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER))
        // Done pressed!  Do something here.
    // Returning false allows other listeners to react to the press.
    return false;

Given an EditText object:

EditText textField = (EditText)findViewById(;

Unix ls command: show full path when using options

I use this command:

ls -1 | xargs readlink -f

How to overlay density plots in R?

Whenever there are issues of mismatched axis limits, the right tool in base graphics is to use matplot. The key is to leverage the from and to arguments to density.default. It's a bit hackish, but fairly straightforward to roll yourself:

x1 = rnorm(1000, mean = 5, sd = 3)
x2 = rnorm(5000, mean = 2, sd = 8)

xrng = range(x1, x2)

#force the x values at which density is
#  evaluated to be the same between 'density'
#  calls by specifying 'from' and 'to'
#  (and possibly 'n', if you'd like)
kde1 = density(x1, from = xrng[1L], to = xrng[2L])
kde2 = density(x2, from = xrng[1L], to = xrng[2L])

matplot(kde1$x, cbind(kde1$y, kde2$y))

A plot depicting the output of the call to matplot. Two curves are observed, one red, the other black; the black curve extends higher than the red, while the red curve is the "fatter".

Add bells and whistles as desired (matplot accepts all the standard plot/par arguments, e.g. lty, type, col, lwd, ...).

Google Chrome Printing Page Breaks

It was working for me when I used padding like:

<div style="padding-top :200px;page-break-inside:avoid;">
   <div>My content</div>

Calculating a 2D Vector's Cross Product

Implementation 1 returns the magnitude of the vector that would result from a regular 3D cross product of the input vectors, taking their Z values implicitly as 0 (i.e. treating the 2D space as a plane in the 3D space). The 3D cross product will be perpendicular to that plane, and thus have 0 X & Y components (thus the scalar returned is the Z value of the 3D cross product vector).

Note that the magnitude of the vector resulting from 3D cross product is also equal to the area of the parallelogram between the two vectors, which gives Implementation 1 another purpose. In addition, this area is signed and can be used to determine whether rotating from V1 to V2 moves in an counter clockwise or clockwise direction. It should also be noted that implementation 1 is the determinant of the 2x2 matrix built from these two vectors.

Implementation 2 returns a vector perpendicular to the input vector still in the same 2D plane. Not a cross product in the classical sense but consistent in the "give me a perpendicular vector" sense.

Note that 3D euclidean space is closed under the cross product operation--that is, a cross product of two 3D vectors returns another 3D vector. Both of the above 2D implementations are inconsistent with that in one way or another.

Hope this helps...

Allowed memory size of 262144 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 24576 bytes)

I was trying to up the limit Wordpress sets on media uploads. I followed advice from some blog I’m not going to mention to raise the limit from 64MB to 2GB.

I did the following:

Created a (php.ini) file in WP ADMIN with the following integers:

upload_max_filesize = 2000MB
post_max_size = 2100MV
memory_limit = 2300MB

I immediately received this error when trying to log into my Wordpress dashboard to check if it worked:

“Allowed memory size of 262144 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 24576 bytes)"

The above information in this chain helped me tremendously. (Stack usually does BTW)

I modified the PHP.ini file to the following:

upload_max_filesize = 2000M
post_max_size = 2100M
memory_limit = 536870912M

The major difference was only use M, not MB, and set that memory limit high.

As soon as I saved the changed the PHP.ini file, I saved it, went to login again and the login screen reappeared.

I went in and checked media uploads, ands bang:

Image showing twordpress media folder “Add New” box, with limits stated as “MAXIMUM UPLOAD FILE SIZE: 2 GB”

I haven't restarted Apache yet… but all looks good.

Thanks everyone.

Is this the right way to clean-up Fragment back stack when leaving a deeply nested stack?

    // pop back stack all the way
    final FragmentManager fm = getSherlockActivity().getSupportFragmentManager();
    int entryCount = fm.getBackStackEntryCount(); 
    while (entryCount-- > 0) {

'Found the synthetic property @panelState. Please include either "BrowserAnimationsModule" or "NoopAnimationsModule" in your application.'

This error message is often misleading.

You may have forgotten to import the BrowserAnimationsModule. But that was not my problem. I was importing BrowserAnimationsModule in the root AppModule, as everyone should do.

The problem was something completely unrelated to the module. I was animating an*ngIf in the component template but I had forgotten to mention it in the @Component.animations for the component class.

  selector: '...',
  templateUrl: './...',
  animations: [myNgIfAnimation] // <-- Don't forget!

If you use an animation in a template, you also must list that animation in the component's animations metadata ... every time.

How to center a Window in Java?

There's something really simple that you might be overlooking after trying to center the window using either setLocationRelativeTo(null) or setLocation(x,y) and it ends up being a little off center.

Make sure that you use either one of these methods after calling pack() because the you'll end up using the dimensions of the window itself to calculate where to place it on screen. Until pack() is called, the dimensions aren't what you'd think thus throwing off the calculations to center the window. Hope this helps.

Importing Pandas gives error AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'core' in iPython Notebook

I have just solved this problem. Recently, I changed my language setting of my MacBook from English-UK to Chinese. And I suppose that setting will also change the setting in the "locale." Becuase when I switched back, I found that the setting of locale had been changed again, and I am fine to import the pandas again,.

So if you have changed the language setting recently, you may worth to have a try change it back.

Bootstrap with jQuery Validation Plugin

Adding onto Miguel Borges answer above you can give the user that green success feedback by adding the following line to in the highlight/unhighlight code block.

    highlight: function(element) {
    unhighlight: function(element) {

Calling Python in Java?

GraalVM is a good choice. I've done Java+Javascript combination with GraalVM for microservice design (Java with Javascript reflection). They recently added support for python, I'd give it a try especially with how big its community has grown over the years.

Append text using StreamWriter

using(StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("debug.txt", true))
  writer.WriteLine("whatever you text is");

The second "true" parameter tells it to append.

Generic XSLT Search and Replace template

Here's one way in XSLT 2

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="">   <xsl:template match="@*|node()">     <xsl:copy>       <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>     </xsl:copy>   </xsl:template>   <xsl:template match="text()">     <xsl:value-of select="translate(.,'&quot;','''')"/>   </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> 

Doing it in XSLT1 is a little more problematic as it's hard to get a literal containing a single apostrophe, so you have to resort to a variable:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">   <xsl:template match="@*|node()">     <xsl:copy>       <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>     </xsl:copy>   </xsl:template>   <xsl:variable name="apos">'</xsl:variable>   <xsl:template match="text()">     <xsl:value-of select="translate(.,'&quot;',$apos)"/>   </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> 

Can I pass variable to select statement as column name in SQL Server

You can't use variable names to bind columns or other system objects, you need dynamic sql

DECLARE @value varchar(10)  
SET @value = 'intStep'  
DECLARE @sqlText nvarchar(1000); 

SET @sqlText = N'SELECT ' + @value + ' FROM dbo.tblBatchDetail'
Exec (@sqlText)

File path issues in R using Windows ("Hex digits in character string" error)

Replacing backslash with forward slash worked for me on Windows.

How to check if an array value exists?

Assuming you are using a simple array

. i.e.

$MyArray = array("red","blue","green");

You can use this function

function val_in_arr($val,$arr){
  foreach($arr as $arr_val){
    if($arr_val == $val){
      return true;
  return false;


val_in_arr("red",$MyArray); //returns true
val_in_arr("brown",$MyArray); //returns false

git is not installed or not in the PATH

Installing git and running npm install from git-bash worked for me. Make sure you are in the correct directory.

Create a new line in Java's FileWriter



See this question for more details.

How do I find out if first character of a string is a number?

I just came across this question and thought on contributing with a solution that does not use regex.

In my case I use a helper method:

public boolean notNumber(String input){
    boolean notNumber = false;
    try {
        // must not start with a number
        double checker = Double.valueOf(input.substring(0,1));
    catch (Exception e) {
        notNumber = true;           
    return notNumber;

Probably an overkill, but I try to avoid regex whenever I can.

Can I write native iPhone apps using Python?

Not currently, currently the only languages available to access the iPhone SDK are C/C++, Objective C and Swift.

There is no technical reason why this could not change in the future but I wouldn't hold your breath for this happening in the short term.

That said, Objective-C and Swift really are not too scary...

2016 edit

Javascript with NativeScript framework is available to use now.

How do I get the size of a java.sql.ResultSet?

Do a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ... query instead.


int size =0;
if (rs != null) 
  rs.last();    // moves cursor to the last row
  size = rs.getRow(); // get row id 

In either of the case, you won't have to loop over the entire data.

How to set up a PostgreSQL database in Django

If you are using Fedora 20, Django 1.6.5, postgresql 9.3.* and you need the psycopg2 module, do this:

yum install postgresql-devel
easy_install psycopg2

If you are like me, you may have trouble finding the well documented libpq-dev rpm... The above worked for me just now.

How to send a JSON object over Request with Android?

HttpPost is deprecated by Android Api Level 22. So, Use HttpUrlConnection for further.

public static String makeRequest(String uri, String json) {
    HttpURLConnection urlConnection;
    String url;
    String data = json;
    String result = null;
    try {
        urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) ((new URL(uri).openConnection()));
        urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
        urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");

        OutputStream outputStream = urlConnection.getOutputStream();
        BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, "UTF-8"));

        BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConnection.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"));

        String line = null;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {

        result = sb.toString();

    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return result;

PHP simple foreach loop with HTML

This will work although when embedding PHP in HTML it is better practice to use the following form:

    <?php foreach($array as $key=>$value): ?>
        <td><?= $key; ?></td>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

You can find the doc for the alternative syntax on

How do you simulate Mouse Click in C#?

they are some needs i can't see to dome thing like Keith or Marcos Placona did instead of just doing

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace WFsimulateMouseClick
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            button1_Click(button1, new MouseEventArgs(System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left, 1, 1, 1, 1));

            //by the way
            // and
            //button1_Click(button1, new EventArgs());
            // are the same

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Reload content in modal (twitter bootstrap)

Based on other answers (thanks everyone).

I needed to adjust the code to work, as simply calling .html wiped the whole content out and the modal would not load with any content after i did it. So i simply looked for the content area of the modal and applied the resetting of the HTML there.

    $(document).on('', function (e) {
        var target = $(;

Still may go with the accepted answer as i am getting some ugly jump just before the modal loads as the control is with Bootstrap.

Circular gradient in android

I always find images helpful when learning a new concept, so this is a supplemental answer.

enter image description here

The %p means a percentage of the parent, that is, a percentage of the narrowest dimension of whatever view we set our drawable on. The images above were generated by changing the gradientRadius in this code


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="">
        android:endColor="#115ede" />

Which can be set on a view's background attribute like this



You can change the center of the radius with


where the decimals are fractions of the width and height for x and y respectively.

enter image description here


Here are some notes from the documentation explaining things a little more.


Radius of the gradient, used only with radial gradient. May be an explicit dimension or a fractional value relative to the shape's minimum dimension.

May be a floating point value, such as "1.2".

May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a unit such as "14.5sp". Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels), sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and mm (millimeters).

May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with either % or %p, such as "14.5%". The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size; the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to some parent container.

How to get the position of a character in Python?

>>> s="mystring"
>>> s.index("r")
>>> s.find("r")

"Long winded" way

>>> for i,c in enumerate(s):
...   if "r"==c: print i

to get substring,

>>> s="mystring"
>>> s[4:10]

Javascript negative number

If you really want to dive into it and even need to distinguish between -0 and 0, here's a way to do it.

function negative(number) {
  return !, +number);

console.log(negative(-1));  // true
console.log(negative(1));   // false
console.log(negative(0));   // false
console.log(negative(-0));  // true

phpMyAdmin - Error > Incorrect format parameter?

None of the above answers solved it for me.

I cant even find the 'libraries' folder in my xampp - ubuntu also.

So, I simply restarted using the following commands:

sudo service apache2 restart


sudo service mysql restart

Just restarted apache and mysql. Logged in phpmyadmin again and it worked as usual.

Thanks me..!!

How to change the Title of the window in Qt?

I know this is years later but I ran into the same problem. The solution I found was to change the window title in main.cpp. I guess once the; is called the window title can no longer be changed. In my case I just wanted the title to reflect the current directory and it works.

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
QApplication a(argc, argv);
MainWindow w;

return a.exec();

In Java, can you modify a List while iterating through it?

Use CopyOnWriteArrayList
and if you want to remove it, do the following:

for (Iterator<String> it = userList.iterator(); it.hasNext() ;)
    if (wordsToRemove.contains(word))

Why do we have to normalize the input for an artificial neural network?

When you use unnormalized input features, the loss function is likely to have very elongated valleys. When optimizing with gradient descent, this becomes an issue because the gradient will be steep with respect some of the parameters. That leads to large oscillations in the search space, as you are bouncing between steep slopes. To compensate, you have to stabilize optimization with small learning rates.

Consider features x1 and x2, where range from 0 to 1 and 0 to 1 million, respectively. It turns out the ratios for the corresponding parameters (say, w1 and w2) will also be large.

Normalizing tends to make the loss function more symmetrical/spherical. These are easier to optimize because the gradients tend to point towards the global minimum and you can take larger steps.

How to use google maps without api key

this simple code work 100% all you need is changing 'lat','long' for address to show

<iframe src=",51.4803216&z=16&output=embed" height="450" width="600"></iframe>

How to write a std::string to a UTF-8 text file

libiconv is a great library for all our encoding and decoding needs.

If you are using Windows you can use WideCharToMultiByte and specify that you want UTF8.

How can I see the size of files and directories in linux?

du -sh [file_name]

works perfectly to get size of a particular file.

How to display loading image while actual image is downloading

You can do something like this:

// show loading image

// main image loaded ?
$('#main_img').on('load', function(){
  // hide/remove the loading image

You assign load event to the image which fires when image has finished loading. Before that, you can show your loader image.

Find largest and smallest number in an array

Unless you really must implement your own solution, you can use std::minmax_element. This returns a pair of iterators, one to the smallest element and one to the largest.

#include <algorithm>

auto minmax = std::minmax_element(std::begin(values), std::end(values));

std::cout << "min element " << *(minmax.first) << "\n";
std::cout << "max element " << *(minmax.second) << "\n";

How can I check if a string is a number?

Many datatypes have a TryParse-method that will return true if it managed to successfully convert to that specific type, with the parsed value as an out-parameter.

In your case these might be of interest:

Django - what is the difference between render(), render_to_response() and direct_to_template()?

Render is

def render(request, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Simple wrapper for render_to_response. """
    kwargs['context_instance'] = RequestContext(request)
    return render_to_response(*args, **kwargs)

So there is really no difference between render_to_response except it wraps your context making the template pre-processors work.

Direct to template is a generic view.

There is really no sense in using it here because there is overhead over render_to_response in the form of view function.

Trying to merge 2 dataframes but get ValueError

Additional: when you save df to .csv format, the datetime (year in this specific case) is saved as object, so you need to convert it into integer (year in this specific case) when you do the merge. That is why when you upload both df from csv files, you can do the merge easily, while above error will show up if one df is uploaded from csv files and the other is from an existing df. This is somewhat annoying, but have an easy solution if kept in mind.

Convert a string to an enum in C#

If you want to use a default value when null or empty (e.g. when retrieving from config file and the value does not exist) and throw an exception when the string or number does not match any of the enum values. Beware of caveat in Timo's answer though (

    public static T ParseEnum<T>(this string s, T defaultValue, bool ignoreCase = false) 
        where T : struct, IComparable, IConvertible, IFormattable//If C# >=7.3: struct, System.Enum 
        if ((s?.Length ?? 0) == 0)
            return defaultValue;

        var valid = Enum.TryParse<T>(s, ignoreCase, out T res);

        if (!valid || !Enum.IsDefined(typeof(T), res))
            throw new InvalidOperationException(
                $"'{s}' is not a valid value of enum '{typeof(T).FullName}'!");
        return res;

What happens when a duplicate key is put into a HashMap?

To your question whether the map was like a bucket: no.

It's like a list with name=value pairs whereas name doesn't need to be a String (it can, though).

To get an element, you pass your key to the get()-method which gives you the assigned object in return.

And a Hashmap means that if you're trying to retrieve your object using the get-method, it won't compare the real object to the one you provided, because it would need to iterate through its list and compare() the key you provided with the current element.

This would be inefficient. Instead, no matter what your object consists of, it calculates a so called hashcode from both objects and compares those. It's easier to compare two ints instead of two entire (possibly deeply complex) objects. You can imagine the hashcode like a summary having a predefined length (int), therefore it's not unique and has collisions. You find the rules for the hashcode in the documentation to which I've inserted the link.

If you want to know more about this, you might wanna take a look at articles on and


ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; Want to configure a password as root being the user

Try this:

UPDATE mysql.user SET password=password("elephant7") where user="root"

SSL Proxy/Charles and Android trouble

Thanks for @bkurzius's answer and this update is for Charles 3.10+. (The reason is here)

  1. Open Charles
  2. Go to Proxy > SSL Proxy Settings...
  3. Check “Enable SSL Proxying”
  4. Select “Add location” and enter the host name and port (if needed)
  5. Click ok and make sure the option is checked
  6. Go to Help > SSL Proxying > Install Charles Root Certificate on a Mobile Device or Remote Browser..., and just follow the instruction. (use the Android's browser to download and install the certificate.)
  7. In “Name the certificate” enter whatever you want
  8. Click OK and you should get a message that the certificate was installed

I can not find my.cnf on my windows computer

you can search this file : resetroot.bat

just double click it so that your root accout will be reset and all the privileges are turned into YES

web-api POST body object always null

In my case, using postman I was sending a DateTime with invalid separators (%) so the parse failed silently. Be sure you are passing valid params to your class constructor.

T-SQL datetime rounded to nearest minute and nearest hours with using functions

Select convert(char(8), DATEADD(MINUTE, DATEDIFF(MINUTE, 0, getdate), 0), 108) as Time

will round down seconds to 00

Selecting a Record With MAX Value

Note: An incorrect revision of this answer was edited out. Please review all answers.

A subselect in the WHERE clause to retrieve the greatest BALANCE aggregated over all rows. If multiple ID values share that balance value, all would be returned.


input checkbox true or checked or yes

Accordingly to W3C checked input's attribute can be absent/ommited or have "checked" as its value. This does not invalidate other values because there's no restriction to the browser implementation to allow values like "true", "on", "yes" and so on. To guarantee that you'll write a cross-browser checkbox/radio use checked="checked", as recommended by W3C.

disabled, readonly and ismap input's attributes go on the same way.


empty is not a valid value for checked, disabled, readonly and ismap input's attributes, as warned by @Quentin

Getting "Skipping JaCoCo execution due to missing execution data file" upon executing JaCoCo

I struggled for days. I tried all the different configurations suggested in this thread. None of them works. Finally, I find only the important configuration is the prepare-agent goal. But you have to put it in the right phase. I saw so many examples put it in the "pre-integration-test", that's a misleading, as it will only be executed after unit test. So the unit test won't be instrumented.

The right config should just use the default phase, (don't specify the phase explicitly). And usually, you don't need to mass around maven-surefire-plugin.


Notification Icon with the new Firebase Cloud Messaging system

I'm triggering my notifications from FCM console and through HTTP/JSON ... with the same result.

I can handle the title, full message, but the icon is always a default white circle:

Notification screenshot

Instead of my custom icon in the code (setSmallIcon or setSmallIcon) or default icon from the app:

 Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
    // use System.currentTimeMillis() to have a unique ID for the pending intent
    PendingIntent pIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, (int) System.currentTimeMillis(), intent, 0);

    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 16) {
        Notification n  = new Notification.Builder(this)
        NotificationManager notificationManager =
                (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
        //notificationManager.notify(0, n);
        notificationManager.notify(id, n);
    } else {
        Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.mipmap.ic_launcher);

        Notification n  = new Notification.Builder(this)

        NotificationManager notificationManager =
                (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
        //notificationManager.notify(0, n);
        notificationManager.notify(id, n);

Validate select box

For starters, you can "disable" the option from being selected accidentally by users:

<option value="" disabled="disabled">Choose an option</option>

Then, inside your JavaScript event (doesn't matter whether it is jQuery or JavaScript), for your form to validate whether it is set, do:

select = document.getElementById('select'); // or in jQuery use: select = this;
if (select.value) {
  // value is set to a valid option, so submit form
  return true;
return false;

Or something to that effect.

CSS set li indent


or replace 50px with whatever you want.

"column not allowed here" error in INSERT statement

While inserting the data, we have to used character string delimiter (' '). And, you missed it (' ') while inserting values which is the reason of your error message. The correction of code is given below:


Finding all positions of substring in a larger string in C#

Based on the code I've used for finding multiple instances of a string within a larger string, your code would look like:

List<int> inst = new List<int>();
int index = 0;
while (index >=0)
    index = source.IndexOf("extract\"(me,i-have lots. of]punctuation", index);

What's an Aggregate Root?

If you follow a database-first approach, you aggregate root is usually the table on the 1 side of a 1-many relationship.

The most common example being a Person. Each person has many addresses, one or more pay slips, invoices, CRM entries, etc. It's not always the case, but 9/10 times it is.

We're currently working on an e-commerce platform, and we basically have two aggregate roots:

  1. Customers
  2. Sellers

Customers supply contact info, we assign transactions to them, transactions get line items, etc.

Sellers sell products, have contact people, about us pages, special offers, etc.

These are taken care of by the Customer and Seller repository respectively.

Optional args in MATLAB functions

There are a few different options on how to do this. The most basic is to use varargin, and then use nargin, size etc. to determine whether the optional arguments have been passed to the function.

% Function that takes two arguments, X & Y, followed by a variable 
% number of additional arguments
function varlist(X,Y,varargin)
   fprintf('Total number of inputs = %d\n',nargin);

   nVarargs = length(varargin);
   fprintf('Inputs in varargin(%d):\n',nVarargs)
   for k = 1:nVarargs
      fprintf('   %d\n', varargin{k})

A little more elegant looking solution is to use the inputParser class to define all the arguments expected by your function, both required and optional. inputParser also lets you perform type checking on all arguments.

How to select the rows with maximum values in each group with dplyr?

df %>% group_by(A,B) %>% slice(which.max(value))

How to get full file path from file name?

private const string BulkSetPriceFile = "test.txt";
var fullname = Path.GetFullPath(BulkSetPriceFile);

How to overwrite existing files in batch?

you need to simply add /Y

xcopy /s c:\mmyinbox\test.doc C:\myoutbox /Y

and if you're using path with spaces, try this

xcopy /s "c:\mmyinbox\test.doc" "C:\myoutbox" /Y

Can't push to the heroku

You could also select webpack build manually from the UI enter image description here

JavaScript push to array

That is an object, not an array. So you would do:

var json = { cool: 34.33, alsocool: 45454 };
json.supercool = 3.14159;

Using AES encryption in C#

If you just want to use the built-in crypto provider RijndaelManaged, check out the following help article (it also has a simple code sample):

And just in case you need the sample in a hurry, here it is in all its plagiarized glory:

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

namespace RijndaelManaged_Example
    class RijndaelExample
        public static void Main()

                string original = "Here is some data to encrypt!";

                // Create a new instance of the RijndaelManaged 
                // class.  This generates a new key and initialization  
                // vector (IV). 
                using (RijndaelManaged myRijndael = new RijndaelManaged())

                    // Encrypt the string to an array of bytes. 
                    byte[] encrypted = EncryptStringToBytes(original, myRijndael.Key, myRijndael.IV);

                    // Decrypt the bytes to a string. 
                    string roundtrip = DecryptStringFromBytes(encrypted, myRijndael.Key, myRijndael.IV);

                    //Display the original data and the decrypted data.
                    Console.WriteLine("Original:   {0}", original);
                    Console.WriteLine("Round Trip: {0}", roundtrip);

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", e.Message);
        static byte[] EncryptStringToBytes(string plainText, byte[] Key, byte[] IV)
            // Check arguments. 
            if (plainText == null || plainText.Length <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("plainText");
            if (Key == null || Key.Length <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Key");
            if (IV == null || IV.Length <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("IV");
            byte[] encrypted;
            // Create an RijndaelManaged object 
            // with the specified key and IV. 
            using (RijndaelManaged rijAlg = new RijndaelManaged())
                rijAlg.Key = Key;
                rijAlg.IV = IV;

                // Create a decryptor to perform the stream transform.
                ICryptoTransform encryptor = rijAlg.CreateEncryptor(rijAlg.Key, rijAlg.IV);

                // Create the streams used for encryption. 
                using (MemoryStream msEncrypt = new MemoryStream())
                    using (CryptoStream csEncrypt = new CryptoStream(msEncrypt, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                        using (StreamWriter swEncrypt = new StreamWriter(csEncrypt))

                            //Write all data to the stream.
                        encrypted = msEncrypt.ToArray();

            // Return the encrypted bytes from the memory stream. 
            return encrypted;


        static string DecryptStringFromBytes(byte[] cipherText, byte[] Key, byte[] IV)
            // Check arguments. 
            if (cipherText == null || cipherText.Length <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("cipherText");
            if (Key == null || Key.Length <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Key");
            if (IV == null || IV.Length <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("IV");

            // Declare the string used to hold 
            // the decrypted text. 
            string plaintext = null;

            // Create an RijndaelManaged object 
            // with the specified key and IV. 
            using (RijndaelManaged rijAlg = new RijndaelManaged())
                rijAlg.Key = Key;
                rijAlg.IV = IV;

                // Create a decrytor to perform the stream transform.
                ICryptoTransform decryptor = rijAlg.CreateDecryptor(rijAlg.Key, rijAlg.IV);

                // Create the streams used for decryption. 
                using (MemoryStream msDecrypt = new MemoryStream(cipherText))
                    using (CryptoStream csDecrypt = new CryptoStream(msDecrypt, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
                        using (StreamReader srDecrypt = new StreamReader(csDecrypt))

                            // Read the decrypted bytes from the decrypting stream 
                            // and place them in a string.
                            plaintext = srDecrypt.ReadToEnd();


            return plaintext;


How to force two figures to stay on the same page in LaTeX?

Try using the float package and then the [H] option for your figure.



\caption{Write some caption here}\label{fig1}

as already suggested by this insightful answer!

What is the advantage of using REST instead of non-REST HTTP?

I don't think you will get a good answer to this, partly because nobody really agrees on what REST is. The wikipedia page is heavy on buzzwords and light on explanation. The discussion page is worth a skim just to see how much people disagree on this. As far as I can tell however, REST means this:

Instead of having randomly named setter and getter URLs and using GET for all the getters and POST for all the setters, we try to have the URLs identify resources, and then use the HTTP actions GET, POST, PUT and DELETE to do stuff to them. So instead of

GET /get_article?id=1
POST /delete_article   id=1

You would do

GET /articles/1/
DELETE /articles/1/

And then POST and PUT correspond to "create" and "update" operations (but nobody agrees which way round).

I think the caching arguments are wrong, because query strings are generally cached, and besides you don't really need to use them. For example django makes something like this very easy, and I wouldn't say it was REST:

GET /get_article/1/
POST /delete_article/     id=1

Or even just include the verb in the URL:

GET /read/article/1/
POST /delete/article/1/
POST /update/article/1/
POST /create/article/

In that case GET means something without side-effects, and POST means something that changes data on the server. I think this is perhaps a bit clearer and easier, especially as you can avoid the whole PUT-vs-POST thing. Plus you can add more verbs if you want to, so you aren't artificially bound to what HTTP offers. For example:

POST /hide/article/1/
POST /show/article/1/

(Or whatever, it's hard to think of examples until they happen!)

So in conclusion, there are only two advantages I can see:

  1. Your web API may be cleaner and easier to understand / discover.
  2. When synchronising data with a website, it is probably easier to use REST because you can just say synchronize("/articles/1/") or whatever. This depends heavily on your code.

However I think there are some pretty big disadvantages:

  1. Not all actions easily map to CRUD (create, read/retrieve, update, delete). You may not even be dealing with object type resources.
  2. It's extra effort for dubious benefits.
  3. Confusion as to which way round PUT and POST are. In English they mean similar things ("I'm going to put/post a notice on the wall.").

So in conclusion I would say: unless you really want to go to the extra effort, or if your service maps really well to CRUD operations, save REST for the second version of your API.

I just came across another problem with REST: It's not easy to do more than one thing in one request or specify which parts of a compound object you want to get. This is especially important on mobile where round-trip-time can be significant and connections are unreliable. For example, suppose you are getting posts on a facebook timeline. The "pure" REST way would be something like

GET /timeline_posts     // Returns a list of post IDs.
GET /timeline_posts/1/  // Returns a list of message IDs in the post.
GET /timeline_posts/2/
GET /timeline_posts/3/
GET /message/10/
GET /message/11/

Which is kind of ridiculous. Facebook's API is pretty great IMO, so let's see what they do:

By default, most object properties are returned when you make a query. You can choose the fields (or connections) you want returned with the "fields" query parameter. For example, this URL will only return the id, name, and picture of Ben:,name,picture

I have no idea how you'd do something like that with REST, and if you did whether it would still count as REST. I would certainly ignore anyone who tries to tell you that you shouldn't do that though (especially if the reason is "because it isn't REST")!

How can I set NODE_ENV=production on Windows?

if you are using vs code terminal you have to use this command


How to install pip3 on Windows?

On Windows pip3 should be in the Scripts path of your Python installation:



where python

to find out where your Python executable(s) is/are located. The result should look like this:




You can check if pip3 works with this absolute path:


if yes, add C:\path\to\python\Scripts to your environmental variable PATH .

How to convert a byte array to Stream

I am using as what John Rasch said:

Stream streamContent = taxformUpload.FileContent;

Create an Android GPS tracking application

Basically you need following things to make location detector android app

Now if you write each of these module yourself then it needs much time and efforts. So it would be better to use ready resources that are being maintained already.

Using all these resources, you will be able to create an flawless android location detection app.

1. Location Listening

You will first need to listen for current location of user. You can use any of below libraries to quick start.

Google Play Location Samples

This library provide last known location, location updates

Location Manager

With this library you just need to provide a Configuration object with your requirements, and you will receive a location or a fail reason with all the stuff are described above handled.

Live Location Sharing

Use this open source repo of the Hypertrack Live app to build live location sharing experience within your app within a few hours. HyperTrack Live app helps you share your Live Location with friends and family through your favorite messaging app when you are on the way to meet up. HyperTrack Live uses HyperTrack APIs and SDKs.

2. Markers Library

Google Maps Android API utility library

  • Marker clustering — handles the display of a large number of points
  • Heat maps — display a large number of points as a heat map
  • IconGenerator — display text on your Markers
  • Poly decoding and encoding — compact encoding for paths, interoperability with Maps API web services
  • Spherical geometry — for example: computeDistance, computeHeading, computeArea
  • KML — displays KML data
  • GeoJSON — displays and styles GeoJSON data

3. Polyline Libraries


If you want to add route maps feature in your apps you can use DrawRouteMaps to make you work more easier. This is lib will help you to draw route maps between two point LatLng.


Simple, smooth animation for route / polylines on google maps using projections. (WIP)


This project allows you to calculate the direction between two locations and display the route on a Google Map using the Google Directions API.

A map demo app for quick start with maps

Deleting all files in a directory with Python

Use os.chdir to change directory . Use glob.glob to generate a list of file names which end it '.bak'. The elements of the list are just strings.

Then you could use os.unlink to remove the files. (PS. os.unlink and os.remove are synonyms for the same function.)

#!/usr/bin/env python
import glob
import os
for filename in files:

Git Pull vs Git Rebase

git-pull - Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch GIT PULL

Basically you are pulling remote branch to your local, example:

git pull origin master

Will pull master branch into your local repository

git-rebase - Forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head GIT REBASE

This one is putting your local changes on top of changes done remotely by other users. For example:

  • You have committed some changes on your local branch for example called SOME-FEATURE
  • Your friend in the meantime was working on other features and he merged his branch into master

Now you want to see his and your changes on your local branch. So then you checkout master branch:

git checkout master

then you can pull:

git pull origin master

and then you go to your branch:

git checkout SOME-FEATURE

and you can do rebase master to get lastest changes from it and put your branch commits on top:

git rebase master

I hope now it's a bit more clear for you.

Scroll Position of div with "overflow: auto"

You need to use the scrollTop property.


Is Java's assertEquals method reliable?

public class StringEqualityTest extends TestCase {
    public void testEquality() throws Exception {
        String a = "abcde";
        String b = new String(a);
        assertFalse(a == b);
        assertEquals(a, b);

PHP string "contains"

You can use these string functions,

strstr — Find the first occurrence of a string

stristr — Case-insensitive strstr()

strrchr — Find the last occurrence of a character in a string

strpos — Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string

strpbrk — Search a string for any of a set of characters

If that doesn't help then you should use preg regular expression

preg_match — Perform a regular expression match

How to analyse the heap dump using jmap in java

You should use jmap -heap:format=b <process-id> without any paths. So it creates a *.bin file which you can open with jvisualvm.exe (same path as jmap). It's a great tool to open such dump files.

Plot multiple boxplot in one graph

Since you don't mention a plot package , I propose here using Lattice version( I think there is more ggplot2 answers than lattice ones, at least since I am here in SO).

 ## reshaping the data( similar to the other answer)
 dat.m <- melt(TestData,id.vars='Label')
 bwplot(value~Label |variable,    ## see the powerful conditional formula 
        main="Bad or Good")

enter image description here

How to add action listener that listens to multiple buttons

There is no this pointer in a static method. (I don't believe this code will even compile.)

You shouldn't be doing these things in a static method like main(); set things up in a constructor. I didn't compile or run this to see if it actually works, but give it a try.

public class Calc extends JFrame implements ActionListener {

    private Button button1;

    public Calc()
        this.setSize(100, 100);

        this.button1 = new JButton("1");

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Calc calc = new Calc();

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        if(e.getSource() == button1)


How to do fade-in and fade-out with JavaScript and CSS

I think i get the problem :

Once you make the div fade out you aren't exiting the function : fadeout calls itself again over even after opacity has become 0

if( < 0.0) {

And do the same for fadein too

Strip out HTML and Special Characters

You can do it in one single line :) specially useful for GET or POST requests

$clear = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', urldecode($_GET['id']));

How to redirect to a different domain using NGINX?

You can simply write a if condition inside server {} block:

server { 

    if ($host = {
        return 301;

How to set a binding in Code?

In addition to the answer of Dyppl, I think it would be nice to place this inside the OnDataContextChanged event:

private void OnDataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    // Unforunately we cannot bind from the viewmodel to the code behind so easily, the dependency property is not available in XAML. (for some reason).
    // To work around this, we create the binding once we get the viewmodel through the datacontext.
    var newViewModel = e.NewValue as MyViewModel;

    var executablePathBinding = new Binding
        Source = newViewModel,
        Path = new PropertyPath(nameof(newViewModel.ExecutablePath))

    BindingOperations.SetBinding(LayoutRoot, ExecutablePathProperty, executablePathBinding);

We have also had cases were we just saved the DataContext to a local property and used that to access viewmodel properties. The choice is of course yours, I like this approach because it is more consistent with the rest. You can also add some validation, like null checks. If you actually change your DataContext around, I think it would be nice to also call:

BindingOperations.ClearBinding(myText, TextBlock.TextProperty);

to clear the binding of the old viewmodel (e.oldValue in the event handler).

Get number of digits with JavaScript

it would be simple to get the length as


where NUM is the number to get the length for

How to align a <div> to the middle (horizontally/width) of the page

Add this class to the div you want centered (which should have a set width):


Or, add the margin stuff to your div class, like this:


Javascript: Easier way to format numbers?

Just finished up a js library for formatting numbers Numeral.js. It handles decimals, dollars, percentages and even time formatting.

Jenkins Pipeline Wipe Out Workspace

If you have used custom workspace in Jenkins then deleteDir() will not delete @tmp folder.

So to delete @tmp along with workspace use following

pipeline {
    agent {
        node {
            customWorkspace "/home/jenkins/jenkins_workspace/${JOB_NAME}_${BUILD_NUMBER}"
    post {
        cleanup {
            /* clean up our workspace */
            /* clean up tmp directory */
            dir("${workspace}@tmp") {
            /* clean up script directory */
            dir("${workspace}@script") {

This snippet will work for default workspace also.

How to send email via Django?

You could use "Test Mail Server Tool" to test email sending on your machine or localhost. Google and Download "Test Mail Server Tool" and set it up.

Then in your

EMAIL_BACKEND= 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
EMAIL_HOST = 'localhost'

From shell:

from django.core.mail import send_mail
send_mail('subject','message','sender email',['receipient email'],    fail_silently=False)

What is the use of the %n format specifier in C?

From here we see that it stores the number of characters printed so far.

n The argument shall be a pointer to an integer into which is written the number of bytes written to the output so far by this call to one of the fprintf() functions. No argument is converted.

An example usage would be:

int n_chars = 0;
printf("Hello, World%n", &n_chars);

n_chars would then have a value of 12.

How is attr_accessible used in Rails 4?

An update for Rails 5:

gem 'protected_attributes' 

doesn't seem to work anymore. But give:

gem 'protected_attributes_continued'

a try.

Combine multiple JavaScript files into one JS file

Script grouping is counterproductive, you should load them in parallel using something like or

What is the difference between declarative and imperative paradigm in programming?

I liked an explanation from a Cambridge course + their examples:

  • Declarative - specify what to do, not how to do it
    • E.g.: HTML describes what should appear on a web page, not how it should be drawn on the screen
  • Imperative - specify both what and how
    • int x; - what (declarative)
    • x=x+1; - how

In Python, how do I iterate over a dictionary in sorted key order?

Haven't tested this very extensively, but works in Python 2.5.2.

>>> d = {"x":2, "h":15, "a":2222}
>>> it = iter(sorted(d.iteritems()))
('a', 2222)
('h', 15)
('x', 2)

If you are used to doing for key, value in d.iteritems(): ... instead of iterators, this will still work with the solution above

>>> d = {"x":2, "h":15, "a":2222}
>>> for key, value in sorted(d.iteritems()):
>>>     print(key, value)
('a', 2222)
('h', 15)
('x', 2)

With Python 3.x, use d.items() instead of d.iteritems() to return an iterator.

how to pass this element to javascript onclick function and add a class to that clicked element

You have two issues in your code.. First you need reference to capture the element on click. Try adding another parameter to your function to reference this. Also active class is for li element initially while you are tryin to add it to "a" element in the function. try this..

<div class="row" style="padding-left:21px;">
 <ul class="nav nav-tabs" style="padding-left:40px;">
      <li class="active filter"><a href="#month" onclick="Data('month',this)">This Month</a></li>
      <li class="filter"><a href="#year" onclick="Data('year',this)">Year</a></li>
      <li class="filter"><a href="#last60"  onclick="Data('last60',this)">60 Days</a></li>
      <li class="filter"><a href="#last90"  onclick="Data('last90',this)">90 Days</a></li>


  function Data(string,element)
      //1. get some data from server according to month year etc.,
      //2. unactive all the remaining li's and make the current clicked element active by adding "active" class to the element

      $(element).parent().addClass('active') ;


Insert value into a string at a certain position?

var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Insert(2, insertText);
afterText = sb.ToString();

How can I get the CheckBoxList selected values, what I have doesn't seem to work C#.NET/VisualWebPart

Try something like this:

foreach (ListItem listItem in YrChkBox.Items)
    if (listItem.Selected)
       //do some work 
      //do something else 

What are the uses of "using" in C#?

For me the name "using" is a little bit confusing, because is can be a directive to import a Namespace or a statement (like the one discussed here) for error handling.

A different name for error handling would've been nice, and maybe a somehow more obvious one.

Java how to replace 2 or more spaces with single space in string and delete leading and trailing spaces

A lot of correct answers been provided so far and I see lot of upvotes. However, the mentioned ways will work but not really optimized or not really readable. I recently came across the solution which every developer will like.

String nameWithProperSpacing = StringUtils.normalizeSpace( stringWithLotOfSpaces );

You are done. This is readable solution.

jQuery - keydown / keypress /keyup ENTERKEY detection?

update: nowadays we have mobile and custom keyboards and we cannot continue trusting these arbitrary key codes such as 13 and 186. in other words, stop using event.which/event.keyCode and start using event.key:

if (event.key === "Enter" || event.key === "ArrowUp" || event.key === "ArrowDown")

Change EditText hint color when using TextInputLayout

According to this:

Try this:


        android:hint="Confirm password"
        android:layout_height="match_parent" />

It works in 23.1.1

Upload files with HTTPWebrequest (multipart/form-data)

There is another working example with some my comments :

        List<MimePart> mimeParts = new List<MimePart>();

            foreach (string key in form.AllKeys)
                StringMimePart part = new StringMimePart();

                part.Headers["Content-Disposition"] = "form-data; name=\"" + key + "\"";
                part.StringData = form[key];


            int nameIndex = 0;

            foreach (UploadFile file in files)
                StreamMimePart part = new StreamMimePart();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.FieldName))
                    file.FieldName = "file" + nameIndex++;

                part.Headers["Content-Disposition"] = "form-data; name=\"" + file.FieldName + "\"; filename=\"" + file.FileName + "\"";
                part.Headers["Content-Type"] = file.ContentType;



            string boundary = "----------" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x");

            req.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary;
            req.Method = "POST";

            long contentLength = 0;

            byte[] _footer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("--" + boundary + "--\r\n");

            foreach (MimePart part in mimeParts)
                contentLength += part.GenerateHeaderFooterData(boundary);

            req.ContentLength = contentLength + _footer.Length;

            byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
            byte[] afterFile = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\r\n");
            int read;

            using (Stream s = req.GetRequestStream())
                foreach (MimePart part in mimeParts)
                    s.Write(part.Header, 0, part.Header.Length);

                    while ((read = part.Data.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                        s.Write(buffer, 0, read);


                    s.Write(afterFile, 0, afterFile.Length);

                s.Write(_footer, 0, _footer.Length);

            return (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
            foreach (MimePart part in mimeParts)
                if (part.Data != null)


And there is example of using :

            UploadFile[] files = new UploadFile[] 
                new UploadFile(@"C:\2.jpg","new_file","image/jpeg") //new_file is id of upload field

            NameValueCollection form = new NameValueCollection();

            form["id_hidden_input"] = "value_hidden_inpu"; //there is additional param (hidden fields on page)

            HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(full URL of action);

            // set credentials/cookies etc. 
            req.CookieContainer = hrm.CookieContainer; //hrm is my class. i copied all cookies from last request to current (for auth)
            HttpWebResponse resp = HttpUploadHelper.Upload(req, files, form);

            using (Stream s = resp.GetResponseStream())
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s))
                string response = sr.ReadToEnd();

ValueError: object too deep for desired array while using convolution

np.convolve() takes one dimension array. You need to check the input and convert it into 1D.

You can use the np.ravel(), to convert the array to one dimension.

GUI-based or Web-based JSON editor that works like property explorer

Generally when I want to create a JSON or YAML string, I start out by building the Perl data structure, and then running a simple conversion on it. You could put a UI in front of the Perl data structure generation, e.g. a web form.

Converting a structure to JSON is very straightforward:

use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON::Any;

my $data = { arbitrary structure in here };
my $json_handler = JSON::Any->new(utf8=>1);
my $json_string = $json_handler->objToJson($data);

How to hash a password

I think using KeyDerivation.Pbkdf2 is better than Rfc2898DeriveBytes.

Example and explanation: Hash passwords in ASP.NET Core

using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.KeyDerivation;
public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.Write("Enter a password: ");
        string password = Console.ReadLine();
        // generate a 128-bit salt using a secure PRNG
        byte[] salt = new byte[128 / 8];
        using (var rng = RandomNumberGenerator.Create())
        Console.WriteLine($"Salt: {Convert.ToBase64String(salt)}");
        // derive a 256-bit subkey (use HMACSHA1 with 10,000 iterations)
        string hashed = Convert.ToBase64String(KeyDerivation.Pbkdf2(
            password: password,
            salt: salt,
            prf: KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA1,
            iterationCount: 10000,
            numBytesRequested: 256 / 8));
        Console.WriteLine($"Hashed: {hashed}");
 * Enter a password: Xtw9NMgx
 * Salt: NZsP6NnmfBuYeJrrAKNuVQ==
 * Hashed: /OOoOer10+tGwTRDTrQSoeCxVTFr6dtYly7d0cPxIak=

This is a sample code from the article. And it's a minimum security level. To increase it I would use instead of KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA1 parameter

KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA256 or KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA512.

Don't compromise on password hashing. There are many mathematically sound methods to optimize password hash hacking. Consequences could be disastrous. Once a malefactor can get his hands on password hash table of your users it would be relatively easy for him to crack passwords given algorithm is weak or implementation is incorrect. He has a lot of time (time x computer power) to crack passwords. Password hashing should be cryptographically strong to turn "a lot of time" to "unreasonable amount of time".

One more point to add

Hash verification takes time (and it's good). When user enters wrong user name it's takes no time to check that user name is incorrect. When user name is correct we start password verification - it's relatively long process.

For a hacker it would be very easy to understand if user exists or doesn't.

Make sure not to return immediate answer when user name is wrong.

Needless to say : never give an answer what is wrong. Just general "Credentials are wrong".

how to get multiple checkbox value using jquery

Since u have the same class name against all check box, thus


will give u all the checkboxes, and then you can iterate them using each loop like


What happened to Lodash _.pluck?

Use instead of _.pluck. In the latest version the _.pluck has been removed.

How can I load Partial view inside the view?

Small tweek to the above

    "Click Here to Load the Partial View", 
    new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "toUpdate" }

<div id="toUpdate"></div>

ng is not recognized as an internal or external command

With a command

npm install -g @angular/cli@latest

It works fine, I am able to run ng command now.

The target ... overrides the `OTHER_LDFLAGS` build setting defined in `Pods/Pods.xcconfig

This happens to me every time I add a pod to the podfile.

I constantly try and find the problem but I just go round in circles again and again!

The error messages range, however the way to fix it is the same every time!

Comment out(#) ALL of the pods in the podfile and run pod install in terminal.


Uncomment out all of the pods in the podfile and run pod install again.

This has worked for me every single time!

How to get RegistrationID using GCM in android

Use this code to get Registration ID using GCM

String regId = "", msg = "";

public void getRegisterationID() {

    new AsyncTask() {
        protected Object doInBackground(Object...params) {

            String msg = "";
            try {
                if (gcm == null) {
                    gcm = GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance(Login.this);
                regId = gcm.register(YOUR_SENDER_ID);
                Log.d("in async task", regId);

                // try
                msg = "Device registered, registration ID=" + regId;

            } catch (IOException ex) {
                msg = "Error :" + ex.getMessage();
            return msg;
    }.execute(null, null, null);

and don't forget to write permissions in manifest...
I hope it helps!

Amazon S3 - HTTPS/SSL - Is it possible?

As previously stated, it's not directly possible, but you can set up Apache or nginx + SSL on a EC2 instance, CNAME your desired domain to that, and reverse-proxy to the (non-custom domain) S3 URLs.

Windows shell command to get the full path to the current directory?

You can set a batch/environment variable as follows:

SET var=%cd%
ECHO %var%

sample screenshot from a Windows 7 x64 cmd.exe.

enter image description here

Update: if you do a SET var = %cd% instead of SET var=%cd% , below is what happens. Thanks to jeb.

enter image description here

Capturing the current directory from a batch file

postgresql - sql - count of `true` values

select count(myCol)
from mytable
group by myCol

will group the 3 possible states of bool (false, true, 0) in three rows especially handy when grouping together with another column like day

parsing JSONP $http.jsonp() response in angular.js

UPDATE: since Angular 1.6

You can no longer use the JSON_CALLBACK string as a placeholder for specifying where the callback parameter value should go

You must now define the callback like so:

$http.jsonp('some/trusted/url', {jsonpCallbackParam: 'callback'})

Change/access/declare param via $http.defaults.jsonpCallbackParam, defaults to callback

Note: You must also make sure your URL is added to the trusted/whitelist:


or explicitly trusted via:


success/error were deprecated.

The $http legacy promise methods success and error have been deprecated and will be removed in v1.6.0. Use the standard then method instead. If $httpProvider.useLegacyPromiseExtensions is set to false then these methods will throw $http/legacy error.


var url = ""
var trustedUrl = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl(url);

$http.jsonp(trustedUrl, {jsonpCallbackParam: 'callback'})

Previous Answer: Angular 1.5.x and before

All you should have to do is change callback=jsonp_callback to callback=JSON_CALLBACK like so:

var url = "";

And then your .success function should fire like you have it if the return was successful.

Doing it this way keeps you from having to dirty up the global space. This is documented in the AngularJS documentation here.

Updated Matt Ball's fiddle to use this method:

Full example:

var url = "";


Best Free Text Editor Supporting *More Than* 4GB Files?

Textpad also works well at opening files that size. I have done it many times when having to deal with extremely large log files in the 3-5gb range. Also, using grep to pull out the worthwhile lines and then look at those works great.

Making a WinForms TextBox behave like your browser's address bar

Interestingly, a ComboBox with DropDownStyle=Simple has pretty much exactly the behaviour you are looking for, I think.

(If you reduce the height of the control to not show the list - and then by a couple of pixels more - there's no effective difference between the ComboBox and the TextBox.)

How can I use a carriage return in a HTML tooltip?

I don't believe it is. Firefox 2 trims long link titles anyway and they should really only be used to convey a small amount of help text. If you need more explanation text I would suggest that it belongs in a paragraph associated with the link. You could then add the tooltip javascript code to hide those paragraphs and show them as tooltips on hover. That's your best bet for getting it to work cross-browser IMO.

"make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443" when restarting apache (installing trac and mod_wsgi)

I seconded Matthieu answer

I commented #Listen 443 in httpd-ssl file and apache can be started

Because the file already has VirtualHost default:443

<button> background image

For some odd reason, the width and height of the button have been reset. You need to specify them in the ID selector as well:

#rock {
    width: 150px;
    height: 150px;
    background-image: url(;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

Live test case.

Windows XP or later Windows: How can I run a batch file in the background with no window displayed?

In the other question I suggested autoexnt. That is also possible in this situation. Just set the service to run manually (ie not automatic at startup). When you want to run your batch, modify the autoexnt.bat file to call the batch file you want, and start the autoexnt service.

The batchfile to start this, can look like this (untested):

echo call c:\path\to\batch.cmd %* > c:\windows\system32\autoexnt.bat
net start autoexnt

Note that batch files started this way run as the system user, which means you do not have access to network shares automatically. But you can use net use to connect to a remote server.

You have to download the Windows 2003 Resource Kit to get it. The Resource Kit can also be installed on other versions of windows, like Windows XP.

What exactly does the "u" do? "git push -u origin master" vs "git push origin master"

git push -u origin master

… is the same as:

git push origin master ; git branch --set-upstream master origin/master

Do the last statement, if you forget the -u!

Or you could force it:

git config branch.master.remote origin
git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master

If you let the command do it for you, it will pick your mistakes like if you typed a non-existent branch or you didn't git remote add; though that might be what you want. :)

Block Comments in a Shell Script

A variation on the here-doc trick in the accepted answer by sunny256 is to use the Perl keywords for comments. If your comments are actually some sort of documentation, you can then start using the Perl syntax inside the commented block, which allows you to print it out nicely formatted, convert it to a man-page, etc.

As far as the shell is concerned, you only need to replace 'END' with '=cut'.

echo "before comment"
: <<'=cut'

=head1 NAME - Example shell script with embedded POD documentation


echo "after comment"

(Found on "Embedding documentation in shell script")

Prevent the keyboard from displaying on activity start

To expand upon the accepted answer by @Lucas:

Call this from your activity in one of the early life cycle events:


Kotlin Example:

override fun onResume() {


Import .bak file to a database in SQL server

.bak files are database backups. You can restore the backup with the method below:

How to: Restore a Database Backup (SQL Server Management Studio)

Reverting single file in SVN to a particular revision

If you want to roll back an individual file from a specific revision and be able to commit, then do:

svn merge -c -[OldRev#] [Filename]

ie. svn merge -c -150

Note the negative on the revision number

Is there an effective tool to convert C# code to Java code?

Although this is an old-ish question, take a look at xmlVM, I'm not sure if it's mature enough yet, although it has been around for several years now. XMLvm was made, I believe, primarily for translating Android Java apps to the iPhone, however, its XML-code-translation-based framework is flexible enough to do other combinations (see the diagrams on the site).

As for a reason to do this conversion, maybe there is a need to 'hijack' some of the highly abundant oss code out there and use it within his/their own [Java] project.



Netbeans - Error: Could not find or load main class

I faced the similar issue with Netbeans 10 and JDK 1.8. I was not able to choose the right class to launch the project When I compile or run the project, it shows me the Class name as "initializing view, please wait ...", I could not select the class name. The issue was resolved with the NetBeans11.3, I am able to choose the correct Class file without any other changes, and the project is launched without any issues.

Setting a width and height on an A tag

Below working for me

display: block;
width: 100%;

Exiting from python Command Line

Because the interpreter is not a shell where you provide commands, it's - well - an interpreter. The things that you give to it are Python code.

The syntax of Python is such that exit, by itself, cannot possibly be anything other than a name for an object. Simply referring to an object can't actually do anything (except what the read-eval-print loop normally does; i.e. display a string representation of the object).

how to delete the content of text file without deleting itself

One of the best companion for java is Apache Projects and please do refer to it. For file related operation you can refer to the Commons IO project.

The Below one line code will help us to make the file empty.

FileUtils.write(new File("/your/file/path"), "")

How do I see which version of Swift I'm using?

This reddit post helped me:

Xcode 8 uses Swift 3.0 as default. But you can turn on Swift 2.3. Go to project's Build Settings and set 'Use Legacy Swift Language Version' to YES.

Good old reddit :)

How should the ViewModel close the form?

From my perspective the question is pretty good as the same approach would be used not only for the "Login" window, but for any kind of window. I've reviewed a lot of suggestions and none are OK for me. Please review my suggestion that was taken from the MVVM design pattern article.

Each ViewModel class should inherit from WorkspaceViewModel that has the RequestClose event and CloseCommand property of the ICommand type. The default implementation of the CloseCommand property will raise the RequestClose event.

In order to get the window closed, the OnLoaded method of your window should be overridden:

void CustomerWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    CustomerViewModel customer = CustomerViewModel.GetYourCustomer();
    DataContext = customer;
    customer.RequestClose += () => { Close(); };

or OnStartup method of you app:

    protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)

        MainWindow window = new MainWindow();
        var viewModel = new MainWindowViewModel();
        viewModel.RequestClose += window.Close;
        window.DataContext = viewModel;


I guess that RequestClose event and CloseCommand property implementation in the WorkspaceViewModel are pretty clear, but I will show them to be consistent:

public abstract class WorkspaceViewModel : ViewModelBase
// There's nothing interesting in ViewModelBase as it only implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface
    RelayCommand _closeCommand;
    public ICommand CloseCommand
            if (_closeCommand == null)
                _closeCommand = new RelayCommand(
                   param => Close(),
                   param => CanClose()
            return _closeCommand;

    public event Action RequestClose;

    public virtual void Close()
        if ( RequestClose != null )

    public virtual bool CanClose()
        return true;

And the source code of the RelayCommand:

public class RelayCommand : ICommand
    #region Constructors

    public RelayCommand(Action<object> execute, Predicate<object> canExecute)
        if (execute == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("execute");

        _execute = execute;
        _canExecute = canExecute;
    #endregion // Constructors

    #region ICommand Members

    public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
        return _canExecute == null ? true : _canExecute(parameter);

    public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged
        add { CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value; }
        remove { CommandManager.RequerySuggested -= value; }

    public void Execute(object parameter)

    #endregion // ICommand Members

    #region Fields

    readonly Action<object> _execute;
    readonly Predicate<object> _canExecute;

    #endregion // Fields

P.S. Don't treat me badly for those sources! If I had them yesterday that would have saved me a few hours...

P.P.S. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

Opening Android Settings programmatically

This did it for me

Intent callGPSSettingIntent = new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS);

When they press back it goes back to my app.

How to format date with hours, minutes and seconds when using jQuery UI Datepicker?

Try this fiddle

$(function() {
        dateFormat: 'yy-dd-mm',
        onSelect: function(datetext) {
            var d = new Date(); // for now

            var h = d.getHours();
            h = (h < 10) ? ("0" + h) : h ;

            var m = d.getMinutes();
            m = (m < 10) ? ("0" + m) : m ;

            var s = d.getSeconds();
            s = (s < 10) ? ("0" + s) : s ;

            datetext = datetext + " " + h + ":" + m + ":" + s;


What does the "$" sign mean in jQuery or JavaScript?

The $ is just a function. It is actually an alias for the function called jQuery, so your code can be written like this with the exact same results:

jQuery('#Text').click(function () {
  jQuery('#Text').css('color', 'red');

Removing Conda environment

In my windows 10 Enterprise edition os this code works fine: (suppose for environment namely testenv)

conda env remove --name testenv

How to pass an object into a state using UI-router?

In version 0.2.13, You should be able to pass objects into $state.go,

$state.go('myState', {myParam: {some: 'thing'}})

$stateProvider.state('myState', {
                url: '/myState/{myParam:json}',
                params: {myParam: null}, ...

and then access the parameter in your controller.

$stateParams.myParam //should be {some: 'thing'}

myParam will not show up in the URL.


See the comment by christopherthielen, reproduced here for convenience:

christopherthielen: Yes, this should be working now in 0.2.13.

.state('foo', { url: '/foo/:param1?param2', params: { param3: null } // null is the default value });

$state.go('foo', { param1: 'bar', param2: 'baz', param3: { id: 35, name: 'what' } });

$stateParams in 'foo' is now { param1: 'bar', param2: 'baz', param3: { id: 35, name: 'what' } }

url is /foo/bar?param2=baz.

When is layoutSubviews called?

I tracked the solution down to Interface Builder's insistence that springs cannot be changed on a view that has the simulated screen elements turned on (status bar, etc.). Since the springs were off for the main view, that view could not change size and hence was scrolled down in its entirety when the in-call bar appeared.

Turning the simulated features off, then resizing the view and setting the springs correctly caused the animation to occur and my method to be called.

An extra problem in debugging this is that the simulator quits the app when the in-call status is toggled via the menu. Quit app = no debugger.

How to store image in SQL Server database tables column

Insert Into FEMALE(ID, Image)
Select '1', BulkColumn 
from Openrowset (Bulk 'D:\thepathofimage.jpg', Single_Blob) as Image

You will also need admin rights to run the query.

Multiple Buttons' OnClickListener() android

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements OnClickListener  {
    Button  b1,b2;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        b1= (Button) findViewById(;
        b2= (Button) findViewById(;

    public void onClick(View v)
            Intent intent=new Intent(getApplicationContext(),SignIn.class);
        else if (v.getId()
            Intent in=new Intent(getApplicationContext(),SignUpactivity.class);

Django: Model Form "object has no attribute 'cleaned_data'"

For some reason, you're re-instantiating the form after you check is_valid(). Forms only get a cleaned_data attribute when is_valid() has been called, and you haven't called it on this new, second instance.

Just get rid of the second form = SearchForm(request.POST) and all should be well.

How to create user for a db in postgresql?

Create the user with a password :

CREATE USER name [ [ WITH ] option [ ... ] ]

where option can be:

    | CONNECTION LIMIT connlimit
    | VALID UNTIL 'timestamp'
    | IN ROLE role_name [, ...]
    | IN GROUP role_name [, ...]
    | ROLE role_name [, ...]
    | ADMIN role_name [, ...]
    | USER role_name [, ...]
    | SYSID uid

Then grant the user rights on a specific database :

Example :

grant all privileges on database db_name to someuser;

How can I pass a reference to a function, with parameters?

You can also overload the Function prototype:

// partially applies the specified arguments to a function, returning a new function
Function.prototype.curry = function( ) {
    var func = this;
    var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
    var appliedArgs = arguments, 0 );

    return function( ) {
        var leftoverArgs = arguments, 0 );
        return func.apply( this, appliedArgs.concat( leftoverArgs ) );

// can do other fancy things:

// flips the first two arguments of a function
Function.prototype.flip = function( ) {
    var func = this;
    return function( ) {
        var first = arguments[0];
        var second = arguments[1];
        var rest = arguments, 2 );
        var newArgs = [second, first].concat( rest );

        return func.apply( this, newArgs );


var foo = function( a, b, c, d ) { console.log( a, b, c, d ); }
var iAmA = foo.curry( "I", "am", "a" );
iAmA( "Donkey" );
-> I am a Donkey

var bah = foo.flip( );
bah( 1, 2, 3, 4 );
-> 2 1 3 4